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>Recent News
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>July Schedule
07/23 - 07/30 Dread Barrage (Light Favored)
07/29 - 08/06 Conquest of the Dark Singularity

>Future Schedule
09/07 - 09/14 Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning

>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>487898765
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what a day that was. (try to) stay strong, everyone
i love my wife
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>12 hours later, they are still mad about the zodiac CD
Colorblind company ignoring organic characters, they deserve to be taken over by Nexon
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i love my wife as well
De La... SUCCESS!!!
Cantante... FLOP
Goddess of Galge would never
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Do you guys think Primals who stayed away from civilization know how to read
This but unironically
>try to check the replies to the cd announcement for people complaining
>get indian bots instead
Elon Musk is a cancer on this world
Ready for more cuckshit fates? Really best case scenario they're just nothingburger fates.
>try to scroll grub stuff
>get posts from years ago for no reason
Its impressive how much that shit site has fallen
Threadly reminder that rat and tikoh are beyond ORGANIC SUCCESS, they are ORGANIC SEX
They don't even know what toilet paper is
GBF is kill... this time for sure
Sexeta is for gran cock though unlike any other characters that have had cuck shit
with EoS looming in the horizon, this summer event will tease Santira and Indara who will debut as a duo unit in december because this game won't last long enough for Indara to get a whole year to herself
Just because grub is dying doesn't mean you have to be a cuckbrain.
Don't underestimate cyshart's retarded writing
The CD post has no human comments, in fact 95% of the tweets they made about the event don't
I think there's a couple of tweets with a 100 replies, and most of them are worried about the state of the game, the directors, the collab, etc
The character complaints are random tweets using the character names.
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well at least this bot has a point...
thank you sir, I will do the needful
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Here's the ones that I saw that should be new
Glorybringer Jita
Dragon and Fediel
Grimnir (WIP)
now kiss
That's because Musk doesn't let gold check companies feel like their tweets are flopping. He hides the truth for them.
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AIwhistleblower's art is really cute, she deserves better than shartgames
The four oppressed queens of /gbfg/
That's a meaty sheep
Holy sexo
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>why was I locked out of the stream venue, I thought I was doing well
>arslan trash from pakistan was saying the grub tweets were fire
Add dragon there too
what's happened now? i quit the game years ago since everyone else in my crew did
>7 Zodiacs for one CD
>the other 6 for the remaining CD if the game survives long enough.
Just because she's with the Citizens of the Kotatsu squad doesn't make her oppressed.
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Ok I will stop playing GBF for the day and go jack off to the tigers
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>try to scroll grub stuff
>get things unrelated to my search terms (and grub in general)
Only Yaia can save us now
Oppressed for a zodiac is better than 95% of grubs, also
>pig and cock
Just Cyshart things
All four have been officially kicked out of the zoidacs, how is that not being oppressed?
It's just inconsistent because they could do teams of 4x4x4, and Pig was the perfect fit for the mature CD
Alternatively, they could give Horie her individual song because of her skills, but
>pig getting isolated content ever
FKHR is out of the picture, microbikini yaia next year.
Freaking nuts I tell you
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
Why does this 6 year old have such massive hips
>when she gets to be the center of the album cover
A game by the staff, for the staff!
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Grubbas... I thought we were buds...
Too much fried rice
Mahira is just in a different circle now.
>shill chickenflop and ratflop every single year
>game crashes and burns
hocchan will get the teena ex pose and she will be happy with that
at least she has that, poor tigers and pig are homeless...
New director will give us Carmelina and Forte content
It wouldn't be as bad if the rest didn't only show up for mandatory group stuff, and some even not that like pig and tigers now. Notice how the only two with their individual CDs are those two, while the rest (these two included ofc) """may""" be part of a group CD.
So this is the cygames janitor now huh.............................lmao
>feature Icarus' VA more and more in events
>shoehorn him into an event for no reason
>now even give his favorite character who already has TWO summer alts one of the only THREE (3) summer ex poses we're getting this year
DJ and Cain's VA were completely in the right for bullying that nerd
Cock was in a group CD
Tigers stay in my room
Whyo wyon?
Why’s Trooneraph ratraging now?
>people went to evo just to shill their picks to fkhrt when he isn't even involved anymore
>Posts that call out a certain character for being shilled
>Uhhh, you are shay, you are ackraph, you are numpers or shittey!!!
Fuck off and your falseflagging male ringer troonstrats.
It's not his fault they're desperately trying to poach him from the better Granblue.
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Puzzle dragons
Monster strike
Heaven burn red
Dbz dokkan
Uma musume
Blue archive
Hoyo games

These are the most popular gachas in japan right now. Which game are you migrating to /gbfg/?
State of general = state of game
You didn't listen
I think I'll pick up a different hobby
>gbf poisoned the well
>uma too grindy even for japs and gakumas is better in almost every aspect
>Cinderella Girls dead
>GBFVS failed to become popular
>priconne barely alive
>world flopper
once grubble falls what's going to stop cygames from going bankrupt?
rat infestation problem at mcd's has him on edge
I'm gonna play DS castlevania randomizers
He is still just as involved with Rising/Relink
Hopefully they get dissolved and any remaining talent moves to nitroplus
GBF (Galge edition with only girls and better graphics) would save the franchise.
nitro+ has been dead for years, they also got recently acquired by CyberAgent
I wish I could play gakumas but my moon is too weak. At least I can enjoy deresute for the cute girls and basic rhythm gameplay
It's gonna be her and cupitan
Danchou will be a pussy again
And what parent company owns cygames?
Ain't happening, we're in the wrong timeline.
I will just stick to grub until it dies and then move on from video games. Already have my retirement plan in my tomato, cucumber, potato farm. Maybe I can finally focus on arts too and game deving
Enjoy being broke in a few years
>gakumas is better in almost every aspect
but the only characters are boring ass id*ls instead of cute horses? they're the worst subject matter
not gonna improve your moon without using it
You should open a seed & feed shop instead if you have the land
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Alright, windfags, I will offer you Haase, but you have to give us Nio.
I do believe this is a fair trade that we can both benefit from.
>move on from video games
>focus on game deving
You're not gonna make a good game if you don't play games
>being broke because you dropped video games as a hobby
Can't believe ShayGOD was right all along
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How can flatties possibly compete?
I think it's over bros
Pricon is living in BA's shadow
Grub's fate is dubious
Uma is the only pillar left but it doesnt print money like it did year 1
Are they even working on another mobage?
I'm already playing FGO NA, wouldn't recommend anyone play it unless they're a giant Fate nerd
Tried Uma Musume at launched but found it too grindy so I handed the circle over to other people
I'm kinda interested in Blue Archive because loli but I don't trust Nexon and gooks
Hoyo games are shit, I tried playing ZZZ and it has more loading screens than gameplay
Flatties will always be inferior
>gakumas is better in almost every aspect
This is true except for the grind. It's grinder than uma despite having shorter campaigns.
World Flipper sequel apparently
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>You're not gonna make a good game if you don't play games
I already played my games, everything new is bad and I dont need to play those
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I'm going to play a REAL grind kusoge FILLED with galge
Can't wait for the shadow producer and the new director to reveal themselves so we can make new edits
Granblue Archive has 2 lolis that get gigashilled (Hoshino and Hina), if you don't like either of them you will be oppressed. I feel my favorite loli (Iroha) is pretty popular but still doesn't have an alt...
sorry retard but most people hated Kubira and Sidara twin. Twitter troons are not people
According to cyberagent report there is one mobage on works. And also some non-cygames ones
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I'm a Monster Strike chad already
>Twitter troons are not people
funny you say that because twitter troons ARE the ones who hated tiger cunnies the most
What’s this and can I play it on my phone?
Ramp up the keishitke edits
All we know is that they are working on one. Which mostly likely is the new world flipper
>I'm kinda interested in Blue Archive because loli but I don't trust Nexon and gooks
if you like loli you're really not gonna find better
idk what they could even do that's untrustworthy, not like they'll suddenly add males. i guess they could cut english support? but there doesn't seem to be any sign of that happening any time soon
Ai is PEAK cuckshit AND shipshit
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AdventureQuest Worlds
Not yet
Just wish they would emulate hoyo and show the work in progress so hype can build up. Last time they released world flipper it only had a few days of build up before it's release. I think it was just a countdown?
shit grindy gameplay, cut global support, cancerous gacha rates, p2w power creep, etc
I tried both Azur Lane and GFL before and whilst those are chink instead of gooks they were incredibly shit despite all the shilling on 4channel
There was few week countdown with a minigame that slowly revealed parts of the game. I remember it was actually pretty fun and people posted about it here too
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I already play Nikke
The only acceptable gachas for Grubbas to move to after EoS:
Blue Archive

If anyone tries to shill something not on this list make sure to report them.
What's wrong with Azur Lane and GFL? I thought both of those was where you can easily rolls for every single banners? no saving like Grub or any Homoverse games
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>stop pl-ACKing other g-ACK!!!!!
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for me it's wuwa
zzz for now.
it's a bonsaige so progress is slow but i wouldn't consider it 'grindy', gacha rates you can just check right now, doubt they ever get worse. there's power creep but the competitive aspects of the game have minimal rewards for doing better so you can settle for the equivalent of 140k and you'll be fine
not saying it'll be for you but you could probably just ask bag for specific details and find out if it's worth trying
Finna placking
Staying with GBF until EOS. It was the first gacha I played and it will be the last.
also free pulls are going on right now (and you can get all the pulls still, it's not like grub where if you miss a day of ten pulls they're gone) so if you wanna start now is the time. 2x ssr rate in a few days too
my condolences
I've tried almost all of those and I always find myself coming back to grub
I don't know what grub does differently but it always pulls me back in
slurpers will keep slurping
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Literally what did he mean by this?
Box did 9/11
I’m already playing Nikke, dokkan battle, BA, and fgo. I might pick up priconne again but the Cygames name is now a scourge in my eyes so I’m hesitant.
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it may be hoyoslop but i'm a sucker for blue oni
I might try it then, Genshin is in that dead period so there's not much to do there
Shame you can't have the same account on multiple devices easily though
He's being sent to another cygames office
Guess he's not gonna work with the rest of grubble team
no winning sides in that trashfire of a company
>cygames, inc.
Nope. Fuck that.
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I found 1(one) good thing about the announcement
If the collab units go in the gacha they don't have to suck as much, so my challenge to clear all endgame raids with them on the team will be easier
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Snowbreak allows me to be a ryonaCHAD
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"W" btw
sexy exorcising
>being able to downvote
uhhh got something to tell us grübab?
More like
>check reddit's reaction to the stream
>they're also doomposting
yes now you will be forced to spark the hypercore Bakugo very positive
She couldn't see where she was flying...
Snowbreak is actually healing me from all the grubba homo shit it's insane
You know if you guys want a grind you could just play monhun
mizaGOD said it was a good stream and I only believe him
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Trust me, a collab gacha is not something you want
>have to spark the characters from whatever yaoi series our new producer will eventually decide to collab with because they are meta
What even
the only time bakugo and positive should be used in the same phrase is if there's the word HIV stuck in between
Now post wind Lily and see how quick it gets removed
which game can i whale for SS tier god gundam in
shay hates blue archive so that's enough reason to start playing it
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>unicorn gundam in SS
Pazudora, but the collab is over so good luck ever rolling it
do we know who the guy taking over KMRs position is?
I'm too bad at the game every hunt takes half an hour and MR whoops my ass...
Not yet no
>We never got S Sabrina
no, any other game would announce a new producer/director but gbf wants to keep it secret
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Calm down Riddhe, you fucking menhera
I guess I can always just comm more Shion art if grub’s going to be done for soon. So long as skeb doesn’t die nobody take that away from me.
faggots there would get fucking spasms after seeing cunny
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reddit is so fucking cringe, they even remove big booba characters like the grace from zzz
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oh ew
He's been in charge for the past 3 years. We won't ever know who he is just like with uma musume's shadow producer. I can only deduce he is rather young because he like shit like hololive.
>grub practically announced eos
so how long is this doomposting gotta last?
people are gonna leave eventually right?
not complaining, just wondering how fast the general is gonna die now that the writing is on the wall
>If the collab units go in the gacha they don't have to suck as much
they might suck anyway, they already said they don't want them to be gw core. and people would be pissed if they're endgame core too
i'd expect them to be like, ami level.
*cums pants*
It’s over, confirmed IRL doomposting at the Extra Fes venue.
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/gbfg/ is a kaede general
>they already said they don't want them to be gw core
Just like how they said the 150gm weapons won't be game changing?
Wait and see the numbers for GW. I can see very low participation if they don't reverse the changes.
Oh yeah it's funny they announced this on day 1 instead of day 2
Blazing Mistral and Murc haven’t changed anyone’s game.
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it's actually a Makoto general (like every other general btw) but you are still allowed
Of course that website is the only place slurping their bullshit
Based, how this shit blows up in their faces with the nips being this upset.
I can see how they might regain some good faith from nips by reversing the hp increase and collab gacha.
Problem is that doesn't really solve anything else wrong with the game and its direction.
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For me? It's Tsurugi, my beloved.
I like how after watching the stream you can say "thanks for nothing" and it's not an insult.
This is an Aru household albeit
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BA girls really aren't that interesting.
Dokkan saved blazing mistral
More interesting than the homos grub keeps shilling and that’s enough.
Izuna is pretty interesting.
Me on the left
>Producer Kimura has been promoted up the ladder and has IIRC, been in the C Suite or close to it for like the last few years which is why he was training up a successor. So this isn't him fleeing so much as getting "Sakaguchi'd", i.e. his own success promoting him out of the capacity to run the project.
>Director Fukahara as noted is the creative director because CyGames seems to be intent on promoting the IP beyond just the gacha and likely internationally with things like Re:Link and the Versus fighting game series. It's becoming more of a multimedia franchise.
>This isn't 'running away'
The bit about promoting the IP internationally caught my attention.
Explains them effectively killing off draphs, erunes and harvins while pushing homoshit.
this whole kmr/fkhr "retiring" really felt like running away from sinking ship, not calm "next producer is ok the game will be better" shit, we didn't even see him either
it literally was rushed af and kmr just wanted to gtfo from there LMAO
>redditors compare naked bubz to y.ilsa because she's "naked"
Me on the right
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It's funny to think that Ibuki is older than Monki.
They're right. Homos and hagfloppers both got their naked chars. When does naked Yuni get her own unit?
Didnt they have a whole skit when HRT left and KMR took over?
Why couldnt they do one again for the new producer?
another 100 followers lost kek, how did grub manage to lose their 1 million followers milestone TWICE? this is genuinely unprecedented
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The stakes have risen, bare ass with cheeks or gtfo.
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look those dildos
>"It's not acceptable for the producer and director to stop appearing on live broadcasts and for the voice actors to apologize in their place."
dang nippon is brutal
Yuri won....
Not brutal enough or kmr wouldn't have made it out of the venue
Because they saw how successful uma shadow producer was and decide to follow them.
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>mfw I'm a zetafag so I'm obligated to get this skin
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At this rate, this game will EoS when they announce they are ending the service.
They know he would be lynched, its protection
>fkhr is already flying away from grubfes
Holy shit no love for this game confirmed
>MSQ speedrun
>unfinished art shown on anni stream
>very delayed VD cards
and people were still in denial
he wasn't at grubfes
He's dying from 'rona
My condolences
They couldn't get the prompts right in time for the VD cards
>nips fucking pissed about collab gacha
>its not until november
There's still time for them to change their mind no?
Slime IP holders weren't the ones who brought up the idea, and Cygames is only getting negative backlash for it.
They'd probably have to delay it to redraw the paperwork if they do decide on changing it.
I'm a hanakanafag so there was no avoiding it. At least I can enjoy the fact she gets lots of content and good units.
>but boss some of these characters dont have enough art for it to work
And that's why they were delayed
>Pig neglected again
I feel sorry for him
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>be Ruriafag
>never gets cucked, best wife, always there for you
Take the blue goblin pill Danchou
>Trusting cygames after the livestream
that's not what's happening though, it'll be devs.
>never gets cucked
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If they cared about how the people felt we wouldn't be here, they're crashing this ship with no survivors.
you forgot
>never gets updated art
Is ruined because she got into a gay marriage with Djeeta.
I’m going to murder Shadow KMR and Shadow FKHR if they force my wife Emiri to apologize on their behalf.
>There's still time for them to change their mind no?
no because they'd have to make new characters to fill the fes slot, and the whole point of the collab gacha was they don't have the resources to make four new characters on top of the usual gacha chars.
summer hanakana free in granblue jp :)
Would you clap or doompostimg even more if the new babu summln give entire team 2 or 3 fluffy while dealing 2000% damage?
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I still have hope...
I'm not quitting
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Nah I sent him a voodoo curse
Why the hell would I clap for that
>nips fucking pissed about collab gacha

>This is partly a reaction to previous collabs, where players kept asking "why isn't XXX a playable character?", and this was proposed as a way to get more playable characters in each collab.

They asked for this
Have you seen how nips are talking about KMR and FKHR leaving the sinking ship?
It's not just GBF that's gonna get hurt, all of Cygames will take a massive hit to its reputation.
Localchads don't have this problem
So the shadow director gave us galgeropa, ox kino, raziel tits, magus ntr, sabrina ntr, chichiri and so on... heh, the retard is not that bad
More easy to burst thing down aka more powercreep
>need a spark for bubs culo
>the new dirt grand
>the 2 new ultrahyperlimited collab gacha units (they're going to be as rare as defense order skin)
>whatever broken christmas shit we get
>the providence summon in january
>and the new zodiac
how the FUCK am I supposed to get the crystals for all this shit?
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>cyberagent got nitro+
>which means they ALSO got nitro+chiral
haha that yaoi collab might be closer than you realize
Priconne isn't the game taking Ls LMFAO
>that’s not what’s happening though, it’ll be exactly what you just said.
??? Is this some kind of “don’t believe your lying eyes” type of thing?
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Based richi make it a strong one
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>1 years after
There will be new director for priconne
The old director gof promoted to Uma because of how talented they are
The new director is KMR AND FKHR
Don't forget Raphael.
He wasn't even there. I'm almost convinced at this point that his Covid case is a lie just so he wouldn't have to show up.
>he believes kmrat's lies
If they wanted to make more collab characters they could just do it.
Its the same bullshit response they gave like the reason why they canned end of summerfes
>uhhh we wanna be able to put more focus on collabs and stuff (???)
jump cut to jujutsu kaisen world of duo unitslop.
voice actors aren't devs are you okay?
He didn’t even show up because he knew his ass was gonna get ripped to shreds by the playerbase. That’s why he made up the excuse of “getting covid” right before the stream.
Surrendering to the familiar extinguishes the fire of thought.
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priconnefags are worried they're next on the chopping block
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>the game is dyin-
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Now post the gw numbers...
fuck I've been a doomfag.
>Even fbkek are doomposting
It really over, isnt?

Don't forget he gave us these too. We will get them in them in the gacha as well in the future. I'm sure you are very thrilled.
They did say that some grub team members would appear in stream. Possibly means writers that we have interviews of already and artists. But yeah its not the same. You cant blame them for same things and in same way so the actual problem will be hidden. While Lyria and Siero will totally be the ones to actually kneel on streams when they do stuff like "sorry delay uguu"
Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: "Shay was right again."
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Funny seeing some anons are upset they no longer get (You)s since EVERYONE is doomposting now.
How can satyr compete?
a fag can never be right
Lraph sisters...
Shaygod is always right, that’s why we’re moving to GAWDbreak instead of Platonic Archive.
>caring about GW numbers when only like 1% of the playerbase playing that compared to all the GBVS and Relink cuties
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There is one thing and one thing only that can truly, permanently and assuredly save grub, even after this death knell.
You know it, I know it, nips know it.
It is something you may have forgotten, but it was always with you, from the very start.
Yes, I am talking about ---------------Haruta Koichi---------------
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How could KMRat do this to me
Doomposting was supposed to be fun
>character's entire personality is that she's a succubus whore trying to slurp all the cocks but gets denied because every male in gbf is gay
Wow, how could she have cuckshit fates? I am betrayed.
1. 37 million is not that impressive. Dokkan Battle has like 300+ million.
2. Even if it was true, only about 500,000 bother to do GW which is the one piece of “content” that GBF’s gameplay loop is centered around. That’s 1.3514%. 1% of the advertised playerbase even interacts with the main event of the game.
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>and when everyone is a doomposter, no one will be
Weren't we only at like 32 million a couple months ago?
She will rape danchou in seasonals soon. Look at Babu.
Now that the game is on the verge of EoS they should just go crazy with, don’t have implied implications of child rape, have it fully stated, go full ryona in a fate, give me some harapan content. Make Gran fuck a child and murder a child.
I hope Hekate has her dogs in the fates and they dont just forget them completely
No. That was years ago.
>shay namedropping himself again
Nigga really thinks he's slick by being a Yuelschizo copycat, when he himself was slurping right up until late 2022.
i invited my cousins
>This year we got more primals and OTHER than any of the 3 original gbf races
>More OTHER than Draphs and Harvins combined
>primals are one short from matching all three combined
As if humans 2 were not already bad enough we also have to deal with human 3 taking even more slots from the rest.
Fuck humanblue fantasy
Consider how other gachas have paid collab banners (pazudora always did this but the game has a trade system) and think about how the new directors want to do that shit too, i can't really blame them for trying BUT gbf does require some tweaks to the gacha system like reducing the amount of spark required to 200 or never losing the sparks after a banner ends and things alike; we have to admit that this game doesn't make the cut anymore and the best that they can do is experiment a bit
>only 1% of the "playerbase" is willing to do literally a single battle in gw
but yeah no it doesn't matter at all...
This but unironically
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>game will literally die before kumuyu gets her SSR
I wasn’t being ironic. I want Yaia to get raped and take 6 cocks up her ass. I want Aster to get a forced miscarriage via lots of punches to the belly. We need Kumuyu to whore out her sisters while Song gets raped as she watches Silva succumb to the pleasure.
I dont think we need that.
no other game will give me the autism grind that gbf does
>it's a yaiacuck
of course
Yes, all me, I created 5m new accounts last week
>game will die before unar gets any unit
>game will die before lecia gets a 4*
>game will die before a 2nd style change
just start shiny hunting in pokemon
FKHR could sell a literal turd so long as it was connected to a meta weapon. That's been the real problem with Grub for a long, long time...treating characters as just some junk that just comes along with the new meta grid.
with how population is bleeding and the smell of EoS in the air what whale is going to drop dosh to p2w in to a game clearly in its deathbed? the invisible revenue has been dropping in spite of there being weekly scamchas all year.
based but cringe
probably just the foxcuck shitposting again
just get an irl gf and it will be just as much of a tedious, frustrating, time consuming, money sink that treats you like shit
but you also get sex
What's the QRD on all this drama shit? I saw the Bubz image but apparently there's also AI shit and the day 1 stream being dogshit.
I just started recently. Is game truly already doomed? Woke up today and jp twitter and thread in flames ):
>cummies fucking snaps over her sisters getting all the attention
But you know this is the route we have already slowly started rolling on over the years. We got edge, then more, we will evolve past lesbian kiss and child prostitution eventually
u rike???????
this is as fake as mihomo games getting 50m pre registers
wrong, runescape exists
>KMR leaving grub to focus on pricunny and other projects
>FKHR """promoted"""
>new super secret shadow producer that has actually been working behind the scenes for the last three years now be taking full control
>first order of business?
>collab characters are no longer free and will be gacha
>We need Kumuyu to whore out her sisters while Song gets raped as she watches Silva succumb to the pleasure.
these are based
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You want a soul crushing grind that takes months?
Just wait a week for them to reverse the decision on the collab gacha, if they dont I truly advise you to jump ship
Well that can’t be right, because Mihoyo games are actually popular.
Based edgelord
Kamihime is grindier and the relic hunt timegate is even worse than shartbox
Another AQW player? Here?
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summer sochie...........
>gacha collab charas in a game where u still need 300 rolls for a spark, and multiple dupes of same chara (wep)
great idea
Bro your collab themed scamcha???
i'm just glad they used this flop collab to test it, if it was Naruto like it should've been i would've been pissed
I've discovered that I need busy work to function.
Almost done with the Ravenous farm.
Imagine the money they could have made if they forced people to roll for Gojo or Sukuna.
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>still slurping
I always wanted to play the NA version of this game, looks like gruba but with h-scenes. It's just that I don't trust Nutaku, they can randomly shut down games but to my surprise it's still alive.
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Here is the AI stuff. Artist quit cygames not too long ago. Posted a few hours after the stream
>nude bubs (summon?) and gay thong belial for versus
>only 3 SEX poses, all human
>jew/evoker hyper limited alts
>35m EX+ cause fuck you
>PREMIUM GACHA COLLAB (2 free, 2 premium)
>zodiac song without yui horie (Pig)
>no word on MSQ at all
>no sunstone/brick/lapis paper, just 13k crystals or so
>KMR resigning from GBF entirely
>FKHR now creative director for the entire IP but has underlings for each game
>last 3 years of the gacha run by a shadow producer (KMR's) successor, explaining a lot of the decline
>insider artists snitch on AI usage within the company creating drama
There's a lot of different things to be upset about.
Everyone is dooming right now, even nips.
I know the tweet is deleted but does waybackmachine work?
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grubs for this feel?
It will live for a minimum of 2 years to complete the zodiacs.
After that will probably depend if they can slow the decline somehow (they'll never reverse it at this point). They are trying more aggressive monetization, which is where some of the extra doomposting comes from today, but started last year with the introduction of various decisions that didn't really benefit the average player, but would benefit slurpers/potential profits.
>and multiple dupes of same chara
Bitch I am all for doom posting right now but you are even more retarded than KMR if you think the gacha weapons for the collab characters will be anything meaningful
>spend years begging for fkhr to leave every day all day
>it happens
>have a melty because now it means the game is doomed
Please put Faa in the game before EoS
it's apparently also hosted on johren and erolabs but idk shit about those hosts
I think the global version is 7 years in? JP came out in 2016 afaik
Anyone know what happened to the drag and world flipper producers? What are they working on now?
gw changes still haven't sunk in, fucking nm250 too
what the FUCK were they thinking?
AI is good though. You wouldn't be manually calculate everything instead of using Excel right?
Except they put someone even more jewish than KMR in charge.
>Be on a vessel infested by rats
>Complain about the rats
>One day the captain is just fucking gone and nobody knows who the replacement is or what their plan is to get rid of the rats
Why do you think Gojo wasn't playable in the JJK collab?
Saving him for part 2 after collab gacha was implemented.
>more drama
Time to pack it up
kakuma ai isn't in the zodiac CD either
>beg for fkr to leave every day all day
>he leaves but not before he ensures EOS on his way out
>also reveal the guy replacing KMR is the one who's been in charge for the last 3 years which have all been shit
good morning Attiyah
Unless the new person is going to get rid of all males and make the game Galgeblue Fantasy it's the same as FKHR still being in charge
AI would also explain why these events have lost their soul. It's all sloppa.
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learn to code
>Leave the intern have full control
>there will be more cuckshit and homo shit
Hm.... i wonder why
>gojo's collab was split in half
it's like pottery
isnt yui horie the one everyone is complaining about being absent because she can actually sing?
all zodiac VAs can at least "sing" better than Dragon's shit voice LMAO
things looking grim inside Cygames
not even rival companies stoop this low
>it's the same as FKHR still being in charge
Assuming FKHR actually did get promoted and not fired nippon style, then everything still has to go through him since the gacha is the primary component of the IP.
I got back into this a few months ago after some ten years off it and I was reminded why I took that break. Thank god it can be botted somewhat.
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Good one
is Rie Takahashi not a good singer? not a seiyuufag, but seen a few comments about how cygames is wasting her talent
release da emergency summer mugen
Getting rid of all the blatant homoshit like S.Belial in speedos or naked Bubs (might as well just say Angels in general) I can understand, but males have been in this game from day 1.
Males existing in the IP clearly didn't stop artists etc from liking the game back in the early years.
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>Eternals and Evokers taking up limited seasonal slots despite various other characters having nothing
>Collab gacha shit
>GW getting harder
>New shadow producers
>Fucking AI slop unironically being used
Grub be like lets release that delayed tutorial system for new players the same year we announce that we're basically fucking dead.
>yui horie
>can actually sing
Now that you mention it, I don't think Aliza would've gotten nearly as much art as she did without Stan existing to make her NTRbait.
>cygames falls for the “learn to code” meme
>it kills the game
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Leave saving Grub to me
she's an industry plant
>stop being a schizo, Summer 1 Meg was ALWAYS meant to be a lesbian in Summer 2, there is no secret yuri man that has taken over development
>Cygames outright confirms shadow man took over that very year, the year where yuri content skyrocketed
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>game not looking good
>put a canon yuri kiss in event
>came nosedives and crashes exactly a year after
Deserved to be honest.
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most companies are already using AI before them though
Your Nikke Goddess of Galge for example
I'm pretty sure Gakumas, Uma and BA with no guest artists just like Grub are already using AI from the start
Holy shit I forgot about Siero academy. lol they can’t do anything right.
Holy F, thanks for the qrd. I only recently quit a few months ago, definitely not regretting it now.
Don't point this out...
this is what AI should be used for, not my minaba blessed content...
Meg is not a lesbian
Yeah she would back in day nobody cares about stan and the NTRbait is mostly headcannon, if fact most of the the ntr is probably done out of spite as Aliza was moderatly popular back in the day and quite a few people came to the game/this thread due to her fanart being spread.
It means he doesn't like her.
Meg's first event literally ends with Mari lusting for her.
I'm not denying there's an obvious agenda, but this one was actually planned.
Their relationship is literally a copy of Kat/Vira's one sided yuribait bullshit, with Meg being oblivious and Mari being the horny dyke yandere.
dykeshit was a mistake. more at 11
BA had guest artists. I still remember Dorontabi’s name in the final chapter credits.
She voices a girl he doesn't like
wait. there is real cuckshit? i thought it was just a meme and fediel was the only one
I was talking about resos and exaltos + pns u fucking retard
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she killed millions...
I want Tikoh to rape me
Didn't Dorontabi get deaththreats from gook feminists after working on BA?
Cygames wastes everyone’s talent.
>see: hayamin, maaya uchida, etc.
Siete cuck song from silva in the sumo 2 event
Primal beasts are the biggest victims, they almost completely lost the beast part of their identity and are just primal humans now.
I miss real monsters like Sharon and Veselago
Remember to do your part and send feedback

He was too based
Anyway are you working already on the new EX+ requirement? I have seen a couple low-button teams already, if meat raise is enough then it will definitely beat current EX+/the new EX
It's Monika's birthday in Priconne
Yes. He had to go off the grid for multiple months since drawing explicit porn is illegal in SK and the feminists were threatening to report him
i'm gonna be part of the 99% not doing gw.
based cakey
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>Anyway are you working already on the new EX+ requirement? I have seen a couple low-button teams already, if meat raise is enough then it will definitely beat current EX+/the new EX
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>the last chain broke
Are we gonna shatter the sky now?
Waiting for some youtuber to release their video
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Time to get to work.
I have Hrunt and can do the 1 button orange setup but I have literally no motivation to touch GW now
Our new GBF producer....
when i got spoilered that you sumo with him i skipped all the event. i won't play that retarded shit.
can you explain me quickly what happened?
Sorry Danchou, I'm boycotting GW for the good of the game
i'm missing chars for it so i'm gonna be stuck doing bubs orange
If would be funny if Snowbreak absorbed players from yet another game after the GFL2 shitshow.
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It has never been more over.
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>western Branch
>censoring shits from Shadoba
>homo and cuckshits
>non animu games in their works
they're the Sony of mobage
the only thing I worked on was making sure I can FA 4 Primarchs because I never tried it since that fight is a glorified coop quest
Song keep thinking about siete
Blush everytime she talk to him
And etc
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Most of Aliza's art is solo if anything Stan was holding her back popularity wise.
>Doomgaku era
its been fun friends...
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>implying they'll listen to gaijins
I'm not gonna warn them not to stick their dick in a beehive, they can fuck around and find out on their own.
I'm done with Cygames unless they decide to reboot the IP and save draphs and erunes from extinction.
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Our new GBF producer....
Isn't this the guy who quit his job for grub?
Mizako status?
Big F if true
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wrong this is your new Grub producer
it's over
but for real
still ready to spark the next zeph weapon, anything to own the tiakeks.
Who is the first grubbler Cygames will sue for harassment?
seems like most people here are either going to BA or outright quitting gacha, much to the fury of the local snowbreak shill
Our new GBF producer....
he will grub until eos
he is f2p (true) so no sunk cost
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Imagine fucking up so hard to get the biggest slurper around to start doomposting.
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I play both BA and Snowbreak
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he will save the grub
>runs platinum into the fucking ground
that's just a bald and thinskinned version KMR
>fapped to Futa Saori x Fem Sensei
It's so over sisters...
What emergency glass characters are they going to announce tonight
gachabrain moment
The funniest part about the collab gacha is that it won't include grands.
Even if you assume that they have a lower spark requirement that would still be at least 100 rolls without any chance of getting something usable or at the worst case a few cages.
Grand Cantate
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>Bleach collab in the future will be a gacha collab
I'm sure many do, the shills are just mad they're sharing adspace.
Grand VK
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Grand WK
not rolling collabs out of principle, kmr can go fuck himself
Water Nio soon...
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He already has his own gacha game bwo
Grand GK
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>not a gachabrain core
Actually slurping
He could probably save us.m but he certainly wouldn’t be any worse than the fourth-rate hacks we already have.
Gala Cleo
S. Mym
Grand Gran D
Is this gaku something?
Anniversary event has the villain's lose his bride due to reincarnation bullshit.
Some people my try some mental gymnastics about how it doesn't count,they didn't love each other or both guys died but at the end he still got cucked.
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No it's Heaven Burns Red, you know the mobage where characters do die but he hasn't killed anyone off for 2 years.
>roll on Bleach gacha
>rainbow crystal
>screen breaks
>Since when were you under the impression you got an SSR?
Im glad this game is dying, id rather it die than get artists constantly drawing dog shit like this and ruining all the porn for the charachters.
Would hotglue both
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>grind tranny jews in 2024 like a retard
>hyper limited jews announced
EoS can't come soon enough.
My double dragons...
Summer beelzebub mogged
that's hot tho? Stop being so sensitive
how the fuck do they nail everything but the face?
chat is this real?
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>What's wrong, anon? You look like you just had a bad dream.
>Lotto? Sette di Spade? Hexa? Revans raids? What are you talking about? That sounds like it was one crazy dream.
>Come on anon, we have to farm Proto Bahamut with the crew, that lizard won't know what's coming
>__________________Shatter, Kyouka Suigetsu__________
Their transcendence extra EMPs carry over...that's my cope
First garage figures?
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Oh, the grinds have gotten even worse. They've tried to alleviate it somewhat with ultra boss Insignias acting as shortcuts, but that requires you relying on other retards to not fuck up. Sometimes it feels like Malgor is harder than endgame GBF raids...
>is that a different colored dick ahhhhh shut the game dooooown
On the other hand
>Water Nio to pair with Haase and WAM (2.0) for supreme harvin sexo
>Water Esser (good) for fun skill spam gun memes
It could be fun.
Please be real
I generally don't look at garage kits no, so I'm just confused as to how you can fuck up one single thing this badly.
There's already enough of that with grub girls too. It's too late to cry now.
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We WILL regain our power with Kubo at the helm.
Did the anime skip the fullbringer arc completely?
This shit is disgusting and always on my recomended timeline, fuck elon the jewish cock sucker, how does shit like this have 56k likes, jews are the problem
this is what you get when your game goes global
funnily enough BA avoids this but only because the characters are students
It's water song
supposed to synergize with silva
Hrunt Glory can solo by using the class skill 1
Eresh can still Eresh
Quick summon triple O, ds opus mc and three characters with guaranteed triple attacks can kill anything else.
Which didnt change much
>but that requires you relying on other retards to not fuck up
Yeah I found that definitely doesn’t go over well when I tried going after that anni doomknight class. Good god
the true purpose of Stan's existence is to make it feel even better when you fuck Aliza. it would've been different if he had become Chad Stan (True) who actually proposed marriage to Aliza, but instead he became this pathetic wimpy loser scared of her mom and then he even degenerated to freaking out over holding hands. That loser is DONE his gf needs a real Danchou.
The TYBW did. The original anime did not.
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Kubo would've given us the good Cosmos...
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So does anyone wanna talk about this?
Stan respects danchou going with Aliza on the beach
Why is some anon raging about jews for shitted, arnt jews white?
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>more revans slop
Im curious as to what they could drop because grids are kinda hard to slot shit into nowadays
they're falling for KMRat's lies...
>row 5 class champ weapons from nu revans
It's going to be a mindnumbing and awful grind
All according to KMR and FKHR master plan
lmao check your likes and follows nigga I never see that shit
I will get the skin and not touch GW after so idc about teams or grids
Sensei is so lucky
i wonder how they will make the class weps worth, cause like the only one anyone uses is kaneshigdig
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>more weapons to waste my time on for zero recompense
No. No I really don’t feel like talking about it.
On a scale of 1-100 of fucked and jover are we?
I expect a lot of it to blow over
>Hard to grind
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100 jover when we got our first playable male zodiac for the new year stream
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>Man who hates harvins
>Taking pictures of harvins
Schizos explain this to me
its time to pack our bags.
It didnt link, my point is gbf should die, so we dont get this
It's joever
>KMR we really need you to drop out
ShadowMR was the actual harvinhater but KMR and FKHR don't like them either so they okayed it.
Unless they do something about the doom and inprove the game
EoS is 100% happening soon (after msq end and 12 zodiac)
hates harvins as a race
loves charlotta as a shitty mascot
It's completely over, even the biggest slurpers are choosing to doom
At least it was for a shitsekai collab.
I think you just wanna post this stuff
Any tldr?
Can't read moon runes
>S.Belial ballsack
>S.Bub's brown ass
>AI bullshit
>KMR stepping down
All in the same fucking day, doomies won so fucking hard
nothing ever happens
that's my sheep wife right there
me on the bottom
Me on the top
It’s amazing how Dengaku went from being the biggest slurper known to a man to a doomposter in just one event.
the world flipper guy is the person taking kmr's spot?
Doomfags got like every talking point from the last couple of years realized today, its almost insane.
0. Everyone is going to stop caring and continue giving cygames money come next week
>guy that fucked up and killed Flopper in the first few months with gacha weapon nerfs
Would be funny
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Male zodiac soon
this is koon
Would you clap if new director nerf all pns, resonator effect?
>wind sette nerfs were last year
>shadowducer took over 3 years ago
>world flipper nerfed a wind weapon
My earth characters are actual dogshit, so I'm fucked no matter what. My earth team does like a quarter of the damage that my other elements do and they're all on M3. Saw some speculation that EX may be the new way to go if EX+ is going to be a pain in the ass and I'm really starting to think about that.
I still miss him.....
>shittey is totally not here bro
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Just an accurate portrayal of my cock going in to my wife, what's the problem here?
Who's bright idea was it at cygames to include M1 drops in M3? it's so insulting.
Why are anila posters like this?
>I’m worried about the future of Granblue Fantasy due to the recent controversies, the change in the Producer & Director, and the collaboration gacha.
>mentions Sette nerf
>mentions useless second series of Revans weapons and insane mat cost of MKII on release
>mentions vtumor fiasco on GBFes
>mentions 000 """hotfix"""
>mentions World Flopper
>worries that the game's life span may be coming to an end
It's ok quwatoro is still playing.
This only really means one of two things. Either A) it'll be actual revans difficulty without the character checks, which will be lower than revans difficulty, or B) it will also have character checks or be harder without the character checks which will push your grid way too hard to be worth doing.
The invisible game director's.
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KMR will tell you it was his intern.
cygames' strongest soldier...
meant for >>487941358
Our guy commed this
Did lemon kill himself after pig got left off the CD?
If no one else has got grub then Quwatoro's got grub
Poor guy
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wait until they reveal the full event cast with FKHR's final greatest hits featuring tyre, yngwie, vikala, mugen and mirin
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What makes the sky blue, /gbfg/?
He shines are ray of light into the shithole that is gbf
He said he had a hard time sleeping due to all of it. Pig being left out again was definitely a factor
God weeping for grubbers.
Since I'm a retard, can someone explain what KMR stepping down means for me? I log in and play occasionally when there's free stuff or characters available that I like. I also buy the occasional Star Premium Draw Set. I usually check /gbfg/ before spending money and it looks like I have an actual reason not to buy the Draw Set this time?
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There's no reason the sky has to be blue.
>add collab gacha characters
>10.0 super ultra giga one-time only turbolimiteds
>Rimuru is a free collab unit so he's 9.1
cygames continues to make the most retarded decisions at every opportunity
It means he's no longer one of the lightning rods for game criticism and we don't actually know who is running the game now, aside from FKHR
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>To be honest, I never thought I'd retire from Granblue Fantasy, and the reason for that was Kubira being left out due to a character song, an unexpected event outside of the game.
nothing really
i dont play this game but the brown lady on the picture is very hot
The game doing bad in term of financial
So they add more stuff to get money
Expect the game become more p2w
I think worst about this was that this event just cemented that grub will never have a graceful dead. There was still a chance of having a dead with mourning and memes. But that is gone. This game will just die in a whimper. There wont even be a celebration by doomposters. Just announcement and bunch of people letting out a sight of relief as the room empties
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He won.
The writing has been on the wall for a long time, it's amazing that it took one shit event for these slurpers to finally see it.
Pigsex was simply too galge
>grub will never be popular to get shitted slop
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Pigods, we're leaving.
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Look at this dude
dunno geeters, sky’s lookin pretty grey right now
>official cast
Oh yeah damn, didnt even connect the dots
Fuck the people in charge of this pointless shit
>700 bucks for this
fr tho why does vikki get 2 character songs?
Why does Cock get 1 before the other zodiacs?
shilled flop
ShadowMR likes her the most
I dont feel so bad anymore after night of doomposting
Ever since the new producer took over, the game has gotten more "extreme" in both directions. Both more galge and more gayge
just shittey things
After a day, I can see the appeal, doom+offtopic posting is pretty fun.
At least DJ will live on.
Real KMR does too, literally admitted it in interview
that's GODey to you
>fkhrt and maleringer spamming died over night
>but grub died
it's for the best
>shadowducer hiding
>certain events are hiding their writers
I'm nyoticing
Something about those events too...certain characters keep getting shilled
kys shittey
he learned from the best i guess
Now that KMR is gone they can release the far Cassius skin.
Or was it the new producer who made the decision to reject that idea and preventing FKHR from releasing it...
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literally only Bampi feet can save us
>grub gets new director
>Suddenly Collab gachas
>Ai slop
>More monetization schemes
Grub is unironically dying
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Have you thanked them yet, /gbfg/?
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This doomposting is pointless, just leave and stop crying.
Nyo I'd be homeless otherwise
>Shadow Producer
Sounds like some Persona or Jojo stand shit.
Just imagine it's kmr but with a bandit mask.
The spade queens of /gbfg/
What is that elf in OP? Are she a new character or something?
I don't think I will
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need more masks
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>no fkhr groucho edit
Our fkhr schizos are slacking.
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Good riddance, fuck cowards
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Fediel is a draph(actually dragon) from the soon to be iOS'd Granblue Fantasy
*fucking cowards
What are the free daily gibs this year?
Latequeer here, what the fuck happened? Why all the doomposting? Can I get a quick rundown?
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>Pig's comic gets removed in less than a day
>Mugen is gonna run for 3 days
Did they not learn from the shitfest earlier today?
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Who was the writer for his anni event? hmmmm
The garbage extra prizes after daily free rolls like chance to win a million yen (jap only)
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>every single steam notification from my crew mates is them playing snowbreak
Who the fuck cares about this shit? Get over it already
why are there almost no grub figs being announced at wonfes?
it's all Azur Lane with a little bit of the other Granblue and Nikke sprinkled in
Bruh we dont get comics on weekends unless there is legfest/flashfest banner or event release
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>5ch consensus is that eos is coming
Yea I think this is actually it guys. All those memes about eos and now it's actually coming
We’re EoS soon, why would they make more shit?
this general paid for a shitted slopper's rent for like a whole year
producer leaving, turns out he's been training a successor for 3 years and leaving an indeterminate amount of his producer duties to this "shadow producer"
director is now the general creative director of granblue fantasy as a whole, the individual games will have their own directors
both will appear on streams less
Collabs will now have gacha characters
the eternals will start getting gacha hyperlimiteds
a guy who worked on the 10th anni PV apparenly said Cygames has been telling its artists to integrate AI into their work, and quit because of it. there's been a bit of back and forth on the validity of this claim so i dont wanna say anything for certain. do your own digging on this
and last but not least, big bubs ass in (You)r face
said the stream was actually good lmao, fucking slurper
>Have a stranglehold monopoly on grindge gacha, the only one in the industry
>Run it into the ground because you quite literally can't do anything right besides give players infinite stamina and things to fight
5 dead games and counting for a good reason
>Rising started adding a second costume in the shop alongside the battlepass
>the Six battlepass gave Kat an alt
>the Bea battlepass gave Lance an alt
>the Belial battlepass is adding Valentines Ladiva
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I'm going to miss dorafs.
But the granblue IP is still going strong?
Yep that's me the MC
oh also i forgot to mention that GW is getting NM250 and EX+ is getting more health (hope you didnt stone 000)
no fucking way
That all sounds bad but
>Collabs will now have gacha characters
Holy fuck that is grim
It was announced that we're going to start getting hyperlimited jewtens/evokers, that all collabs going forward will include characters you have to roll from the gacha, that GW is getting even worse with ex+ hp going from 24 to 35 mill and NM 250 added and to top it all off KMR abandoned ship and the game was actually mostly being ran by a shadow producer for the last 3 years and also FKHR has been "promoted" to no longer have much involvement with grub either.
This all happened in a single stream
also new revans in october to slurp up for tieir V CCWs
also end of the year introduces new limited event series with domains for the jews
also manaturas and shield from endgame raids INCLUDING FUCKING ZERO OF ALL RAIDS
>both will appear on streams less
They said they will appear for very important things and nothing else. So they are gone until EOS where they come say how its very sad and then run and laugh
>we're going to start getting hyperlimited jewtens/evokers, that all collabs going forward will include characters you have to roll from the gacha, that GW is getting even worse with ex+ hp going from 24 to 35 mill and NM 250 added and to top it all off KMR abandoned ship and the game was actually mostly being ran by a shadow producer for the last 3 years and also FKHR has been "promoted" to no longer have much involvement with grub either.
god you people are so retarded
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The only thing that truly hurts me. I'll miss those walking onaholes.
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The FAA mana can drop from the normal hard Faa raid too not just Zero version
acked out too hard....
The console stuff were successful so that will continue and is most likely the main focus now.
It's so over.
all they had to do was make Relink GBF2
Funny how the only thing most people will miss from Grub are the sexy girls..........really..........makes one ponder..................
You still have three years more of content. Just enjoy it
I had to agree with Nips. Instead of apologizing on stream for the mistakes he's made in recent years, he shifted the blame to this invisible producer. Then, both he and FKHR ran away like cowards, knowing the game is in a very bad state and is pretty much unsalvageable.
I miss the flying islands more
Not enough games have those
Console sales make pennies compared to gacha unless you have a truly exceptional game that advertises itself. There's no way they could sustain themselves with 1 mediocre release every 2-3 years.
Keep that talk up and there'll be a naked faa coming in hot just for you.
Things aren't so funnyroo anymore......
>concern trolls blowing things out of proprtion
Many such cases, game is not ending anytime soon and who the fuck cares for the gay slime collab.
grub had a 10/10 setting and it was completely wasted
At least the main game is getting some swimsuit tits to balance out Bubs ass. Rising had a two month gap between battlepasses and is getting nothing but Belials ballsack
Grifter post
Kro..katoa i guess.
Numperscord is in disarray after their leader acked out
We will likely get a new grub or some kind of spiritual successor somewhere down the line.
doomed from the start
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So this is the power of the grub console whoaa
Rage of Bahamut 2. No draphs or harvins. Naru is imported but is 155cm tall and flatter, instantly flops becoming the reverse Forte
The game is too fucked to make fun of anymore.
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>fresh evo and alternate outfit reveals
>recurring player count keeps dropping
GAMM will save us...in 2032...
Before stream day 1
>Full of hope
After Stream day 1
>full doomposting
How did cygames managed to turn summer stream into a depressing stream
Summer stream supposed to be fun
Can we have milf Forte and the zombie child of Rita and Kaisar?
>No draphs or harvins.
They will have to bait and switch the otaku before going full homo again or else they would end up like Aster.
That's every fighting game
Its just going to be sexy humans and animal girls with demons and angels. Like RoB was. Thats enough for most. And since its RoB 2 and not grub nobody can actually complain about the harvin and draph erasure. Anyone who does will be outed as a coomer and shunned by faggot normies
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I'm prepared for shit fates
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If you told /gbfg/ of yesterday all the shit that was going to come from that stream even the biggest doomposters would have thought you were a deranged lunatic. It's fucking hilarious
>its RoB 2
Shadowverse is RoB 2
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What happened this time, grubtards? I haven't played this homoge in ages.
>Granblue 2
>Starts off being gay homo angel slop from day 1 instead of having a few years of being actually good
why would I want that?
cysharts really are the best doom enablers
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>nijisanji collab with cagliostro
>hololive collab with hololive
>KMR resign
yep, i can see it, more vtuber collab in the future
No thats Shadowverse you dumbass
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Its that cygames magic
I didn't watch the stream and no I won't read 8 threads.
How was it?
Lraph still obsessing over numperscord boogeyman because the creature can't damage control anymore lmfao
Bad enough that jp bros are predicting EoS
Just read this thread. Like just the last hour or two is all you need.
Don't you usually, like, actually introduce the new people in charge? Or... not immediately shift all the blame for the last few years onto them
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I wanted a Galleon plush. It's not fucking fair.
>numperscordy seething on delay
Honey it's time for the 6th isekai cheat skill series collab this year. You better pay up because the new one has skill steal and you need him to steal the 27 labors from super saiyan Rose Faa
Whoever's in charge now does not want this shitshow to be on their resume kek
I see. Ok
Lraph can't slurp anymore.....
>Anyone who does will be outed as a coomer and shunned by faggot normies
Then the game will die, abandoning the otaku for women and normalfags is one of the reasons we are in this mess.
I can't fucking escape the shillcord
rimuru boss fight is a new perma content faa reskin
All I'm saying is I don't see anyone posting actual for (You) stuff from the game. And sensei always no way fags the girls anyways
Hina technically won btw
It has some implied lewd, just them getting intimate and the screen going dark.
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>Let's see. Game Director, Granblue Fantasy.
>I'm sorry, we can't offer you the creative chief jr. position, but we've got an opening for Janitor
*steals Belial's underwear*
KEKYPOW back on the menu
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BA kind of feels just as soulless as grub with the cheap VN sprites and lack of voices. It feels like a very cheap game. What other gacha should I play?
whens the song yukata banner? I'm going to spend my sierotix on it. no reason to waste rolls when I just want my girl.
t. fgo
for people who didn't get it, the joke is about the fact that jannies are trannies and FKTRN
HSR or Snowbreak
Please refer to >>487929341
quit gacha
or don't, i don't care
Save Granblue Society, Ryukishi
To be fair, anyone who thought KMR truly ever cared about gbf was retarded if you knew anything about how he operates elsewhere
Is snowbreak the ultimate gacha leech?
I'm only playing gbf and zzz. both minimal effort dailies and satisfying progression. all other gachas are not worth my time
mixed toilet x2
isnt snowbreak dead with just 5k players on steam
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i knew he didn't care but I didn't think it was "Let the shadow patriots run rampant for three years" level...
>meaningful progression
You only say that because the game is brand new. Once you're at the disk mining stage of the game the game will devolve into every other mihoyo slog
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ummmm no
dyo nyot pyoint thyat out
All that money that has been funneled through Rising to promote it at EVO, only for it to be treated like a third-class citizen of the fighting genre and have the lowest viewership of all the games at EVO.
And the fact that the game is now 40% off and still no one is buying it is really grim.
If someone unironically shills Hoyoshit, it's either trooneraph or shart, most likely both.
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Friendly reminder that Snowbreak was in this exact position or even worse, but they turned it around because their director is competent.
snowbreak is not voiced either so it is pointless to shill games with worse story presentation than Granblue kino. This also applies to gook archive by the way even if the paid shill goes into a seething rage about it.
Pure facts
>slurper or hoyohater
yeah i doubt it
Snowbreak died in a fraction of the time grub did, and is still less popular than the rotting carcass of grub right now lol
>gacha characters for an isekai series

Fuck this shit
I hate them so much that I’ll skip the entire week
>disk mining slog
okay? and I've spent hundreds of hours grinding charms in every monster hunter I've ever played. Bold of you to pretend that hoyo's grind is any worse than any other gacha game that devolves into minmax grinding for 1% gains
This is it, this is the shadow producer's chance to go balls to the wall with shameless pandering..............sure he won't disappoint...................
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It's unironically in the top 10 and only climbing eveyr month. But it's just like a grubhomo to be behind the times
Shart doesn't like hoyo
>and is still less popular than the rotting carcass of grub right now lol
the balls are belial's and they are on the wall of every versus player.
Those games don't have naked men tho so they are better by default
I'm just stating facts bro don't shoot the messenger.
lmao that nigger was shilling shart rail here, retard
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Top 10 where?
Oh he will. But I hope you like butt ass naked men.
He already did, hence why we're getting yuri kisses, Europa kisses, Ox marriage, and Bubs ass now
well he hates it now, can see him shitting on zzz/hsr shillers earlier
bricked account without the gacha SSR Gobta
why do grubbers like you still pretend to know anything outside your raids and shartbox?
Only Kou and Veight, they should make canon MC galge marriage with them too
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This will decide the fate of this game. If they have anyone reading the complaints after the stream they are gonna triple, maybe quadruple the amount of crystals they had initially planned.
I dont roll, use or ring males(other than Gran), the fact they exist means nothing.
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>*unintelligible bug noises*
I'm sorry?
>If they have anyone reading the complaints after the stream they are gonna triple, maybe quadruple the amount of crystals they had initially planned.
>Steam numbers
It has a pc client and all these games are mostly played on phone. Nice try though homo
if you want production values hoyo is your best bet, but also hoyo games burn you out like nothing else i have ever experienced
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Steams not the only client and it isn't on chinese steam(the main playberbase)
Snowbreak made it into top 10 on mobile, top 20 GLOBAL top sellers on steam and top 2 on jap steam. If that's dead then Granblue....nywell...
>can show us Bubs' ass and Belial's balls
>but refuses to make sexual Sandalphon content
I hate it so much
>Snowbreak Containment Zone
>literally cant stop breaking containment
but bro i heard that the majority of rev came from pc
based ShayGAWD humiliating Lraph with ease
> top 20 GLOBAL top sellers on steam
And now it's in the 60s. Very popular game you got there lil bro!
>GBF dying(for real)
>HSR dead period into chinkslop
What is there for turn-based bros?
Kill yourself, concern troll.
real games...from 20 years ago...
go replay your favorite pre-14 FF
Less fanart than nikke kekaroo
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Notice how blud hates on Galgebreak but shills zzz at the same time? That's kind of weird isn't it?
Bubs is the ricardo of granblue, he's sexualized because it's funny. Same with Belial, they are both whored out because it makes for a funny meme.
Sandalphon is treated like the holy mary because fujos wouldn't want him to be treated like a joke
gbf isn't turn-based, it's refresh-based
turn based just sucks ass and wastes your time intentionally, last I played was fucking wakfu
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ah HELL nah
I've been tolerating all these knight events and summer naked men because I thought that Cyagames pandering to fujos and homos was keeping the game alive but I was wrong, gruba still marching towards EoS...
shart genuinely do you even get paid to shill all the games you've ever shilled
it's kind of pathetic to do so much free advertising, stealing people's pictures, and shill games you don't even play.
you did this same thing before with another game using literal PR shill talk
anon, we're way past that
it takes two points to draw a line but we have the entire fucking line drawn with points already
That's true for Bubs which is why Tower Bubs was the meme it was but Belial is 100% their attempt to try to bait women and fags
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The banners not new anymore, crazy because if Granblue got into the top 10 on mobile you'd consider it a victory. But when SnowPEAK does it it'd a dead game
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good morning grubbas, how are we feeling today?

I woke up with a smile on my face
Told you LGBToons have no money
the slurpers woke up I see
Grifter post
At least Nikke isn't afraid of having male NPCs and letting the characters interact with each other unlike Shitbreak.
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Reminder that even /snowg/ hates sh*y. He also cuckposts in that general. Snoggers even made this image for him.
>All those memes about eos
they weren't memes bro we were serious about the state of the game
Why is there so much off-topic here? It's against the rules.
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Holy. Fucking. Shit.
It's just Lraph who bought the pass just to slurp in turbo mode.
Nikke's MC gets to smash so it's ok.
>But when SnowPEAK does it
Still waiting for that to happen lil bro. Keep me posted!
grub thread is the last place anyone would agree to that
Since gruba is dead we are using this thread to talk about better games
It's no longer a joke bro. They didn't draw Bubs' big brown ass for anything but sexual purposes
Shay is shilling his chinkshit and the BA seatranny just woke up
Like vultures feasting on a corpse..................
At least Nikke isn't afraid of having the MC be relevant and have actual bond episodes with the characters unlike GBF
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>VA love this kind of shit
It's...over for galgechad
Show me your motivation
>nikke vs ba vs snowbreak all contained within /gbfg/
if they properly announce a relink 2 and put relink on a super deep sale they can probably get a lot of people to try it for cheap and those people will enjoy it and try relink 2
this will require them to actually have a marketing budget this time around, but since the first game sold decently enough surely they'll invest in it this time
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any hope for the future grubbas?
Based Kamina
My only gripe with Nikke is unvoiced bond episodes and the occasional censorship, but other than that it's pretty good.
at least they get paid to shill lmao
the original bingo had 'eos' on it and i shit on the anon who made it and i feel bad because he was right
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Snowbreak has some too, mainly villains but there's a cool guy with a mech arm in a recent event. But the guys are always older married dudes with families, Snowbreak makes sure to make that a point. I don't really see why you'd consider that a bad thing though, unless you want shit like Nikke does where you get your girls being advised by other dudes
Which is funny because I said this for years but people were always like
>Heh....normalfags love this bro! You're just dumb women be buying up this homo merch in DROVES!!
>The playerbase know those game player base is low so they have keep promoting it
>While mihoyochad player knew their game is fine even without their player advertise it
Woke up in time for Lraph to finally get the courage to "fight" the galgegawds (and job as usual)
Yeah, but he's based, and it's his character
Much better than having Lunalu/Astolfo's VA trooning out on stream
Saga also strips himself naked sometimes and doesn't give a fuck
Saint seiya collab when?
>is hated by every general
>still thinks he's not the problem
>his last safehouse is fucking /gbfg/
Genuinely LMAO
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Lil blud...it ALREADY happened
>inb4 lil raph has to find a way to spin this so it doesn't count
it is a cheap game. it's not a soulless one, the chibi models are full of soul, far beyond anything grub has ever had.
Don't forget the occasional gay April Fools joke thing. Andersen legit almost killed himself pranking (You) by taking a shower in your room.
Emiri, the one seiyuu who actually plays the game is doomposting albeit
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Damn I forgot there’s still today. What the fuck is going to happen after the disaster that was last night?
>while mihoyochad player
ESL ass nigga
is there even any news today?
This year’s shower bit was absolutely hilarious.
>chink bootleg appstore
y'all really thought you cooked with huh. YEEESH
Not anymore, didn't even get sex in Rosanna or Sakuras bonds when before we got S.Mary and S.Helm(Helm also spends the whole summer with Dave the Diver btw)
we might get another swimsuit reveal but that'd be it and we also might not
I don’t think so, but surely they’re going to be facing a lot of concerned people.
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This is snowblue goddess of archived gakuma victory general.
how is this dooming
>shart still trying to pretend the collab was cuckshit
Come on man.
this was right
It's over
you lost
she can't explicitly say it's bad so she has to say 'she's curious' about it but she's curious about it because it's bad
showing concern is basically on the same level of BAshills' doomfagging for someone on the payroll.
I'm happy for the turnaround that the Snowbreak staff pulled off, but I'm still betting on everyone remembering why they already wanted to quit the game the first time around after the pandering effect wears off. And it really won't last all that much longer if that's all they have going for them now.
No sex in Sakuras or Rosannas bonds when before we got S.Mary. How do you defend that?
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faayume status?
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Saint Galge is too galge for this zombiege
You just know one day he's gonna go against Snowbreak like every fucking time he picks up a new gacha, he does be mentally ill like that.
>This cuckposter even spamming outside nikg
Will we got end month-summer premium gacha like last year?
Or i just can roll next premium gacha?
>people were gonna quit because the game wasn't pandering....so they'll quit now that it is
The hell is wrong with lil raphs mind to come to this reasoning? Mfer is just TRYING to come up with situations where he doesn't LOSE
and doesn't he not even play it? he really must be getting paid.
We already did this dance a week or so ago. Sakura fucked and you can’t read for shit.
>/bag/ /nikg/ /snowg/ all told sh*rt to fuck off
Ironic that the only general that accepts him is this homogeneral
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(Our) girl is losing faith...
Save us, Bikinischizo
I want entertainment. And Shay is best in class.
granblue fantasy
Only because the numperscord fellates him everythread and keeps him feeling welcome
That's not even remotely what I said, you stupid retard.
we just don't have a resident janny like the cool kids do, honestly i suspect they ignore this place.
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even he's really on the edge kek
Jannyraga jobbed to me.
No sex in Sakura or Rosannas bonds, it's a fact
A kiss isn't fucking, but if you count that its....3 girls this year that have gotten pandering? Nice waifu game lol
but she is just showing concern about eternals/evokers "taking" seasonal slots from other characters
which isn't any more of a concern than it was when seasonal zodiacs came out
>more popular and active generals have actual content and people posting enough that stale bait doesn't actually work
wow shocking
GODpers warped you
Da super popular homoflops
>telling someone to fuck off on a anonymous board
Kek, bro really things telling people to leave does anything
We do, it only deletes porn and SEA slander though
Man, it really is bad, huh?
You still lost.
Sure cuckposter
As long as you happy
On stream there was a big UOOOOOOOOH when they revealed the CD art, followed by silence and then "oh"
why the fuck would you want a tranny janny here, faggot?
wyell..we had content today...
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her pixivbux went from 161-174 overnight btw
I’m not saying a kiss is fucking, I’m saying you can’t read between the lines because hen it comes to before and after the cut to black. I shouldn’t have to spell this out to you but it makes sense since you don’t play these games.
btw shart exposed himself as a virgin since he thinks you can get swollen lips from just kissing
funniest shit I've seen
>emiri doomposting
>lemon very depressed
>doomgaku the biggest slurper is losing faith
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damn, all the big slurpers on youtube are dooming
>Managed to kill multiple sluper
How did cygames do it
Because niggas be hurtin my feefees…
>took until Hocchan being excluded from the CD for people to FINALLY notice the Pig oppression
we still have Lraph...
that happens to me when they bite the tips of my lips off after i forced them to kiss me
yet certain "people" will tell you everything's fine and it'll blow over...
Lraph really is FKTRN's battered wife
Wait wait do you have a link?
S.Mary didn't need to fade to black or beat around the bush or any of that gay shit. It's a downgrade flat out
based GODraph triggering the noobs
>Quwatoro is the last slurper standing
And I feel even he might break soon
Quwatoro's cracks were already showing during the Sette nerf.
Cry about it. Sakura won.
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