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Previous Thread: >>488234570

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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I tried.
You tried
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I should use all my eligma to max DHina, no?
no, don't do that
invest in a better student
How much do you have?
Every girl would be improved if made into a nekomimi.
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Bro, your Haruka???
...Miyako will understand
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Owari da...
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my wife saori
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One spark, i got this and another 7 dupes, two of them being sHanako, who i already have at ue50.
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7.1k, it would take like 1.5k, no?
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I guess I am done rerolling?
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I have no discs left for D.Hina
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3 weeks
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There goes the English dub.
stop multithreading you faggots what are you ryzen?
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I hope the translation isn't too botched. It's a fun event.
What the fuck. Max everybody, why hold on to so many?
But yeah looks good
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Well that's some red seed account for sure...
So everyone got dAko, dHina and sHoshino this past month
What’s it gonna take to reach plat in global?
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You've got Mine. It's all that matters.
This has been one of the worst pulls I've done in my time in BA. It's worse than having no double rate up.
I only actually got 3 pulls in 200.
>S.Hanako (already have her at UE50)
>Misaki (dupe)
>Miyu (new)
That's it. Had to spark and UE50 D.Hina from scratch.

If I didn't have 200k+ pyros I would have been livid right now. The only one that was worse than this for me was having to spark Muelyse in AK.
Fantastic news
>I hope the translation isn't too botched
Good luck with that
I dunno I'm staying in gold.
I would stop at ue40
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It's fine, we can still hire British VA's
Bro your Mika? S. Hanako?
Mika should die
>"Replace us with AI, will you? Well what if we do less work? What then, huh?!"
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You should be able to do torment by now.
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she's so pretty I can't wait
I’m just asking because I’m curious, I’m only account level 50, best I can hope to get is silver lmao
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One simple little thing;
Getting lucky
Damn. That's worse than my pulls. I still have 89k left, but this is the third straight blue fes where I needed to spark.
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
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I don't have any expectations, the JP event was fun so I just hope this one is also good.
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sex with wolf sex wives
Jesus christ imagine that
>Ako: alright guvna bob's your uncle
Why is Mine so underrated?...
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Don't worry /bag/. The princess is here!
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>Went from 300M credits to 30M
It depends on the server, on Asia you just show up and are already plat. On Global you're probably gonna bust your ass off for that plat.
It was so bad I thought there was no double rate up and was checking around if that was the case. I actually had more pull in the free 100 shit last week. Around 5 I think in 200 pulls.

I was fine sparking for D.Hina really. What I wanted was more units. Even that was taken away from me.
>First Hiyori
>Now Atsuko
Why do only Arius get cool lightsabers
That's a man
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>open game
>do 20 rolls
>get dHina
>close game
>masturbate to Kayoko’s ASMR
Bye bye
Gehennoids should uave german accent.
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we don't mention her enough
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Gorilla personality which many would find unattractive
>on Asia you just show up and are already plat
That's not the case anymore. Especially Binah.
I want Atsuko to get a UI. Something that either doubles her heal pulse or increases the range of her smoke grenade.
>Atsuko when she sees Saori with Mika
Your what?
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I haven't spent most of my 200m credits yet outside of what's needed for Hiero, but the planner says I'm 100m behind still
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Damage report
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Is this the most compliments Sensei ever gave to a student in secretary dialogue? Nice.
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Hey sensei, nice dick
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Posting Rio every day until she gets added Day 192
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Yeah thats fucked up, i'm lvl 38 and shes 1/1/1/1 with t1 gear
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Suzumi alt when
Yeah but with the SAGgy strike they'll all be Bri'ish
if you're rerolling on bluefes you really should at least go until you get 4 fes students or 3 and then some other core like Ako/Himari
Shun and two fes students isn't bad but you can do better.
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So-called "free thinkers" when the hiero raid opens
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>This post has 1 child (learn more) « hide
One tenner.
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sensei only likes students with large breasts
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Beyond over
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>moe and saki
>hiroy and saury
how do these hobos manage to become so fucking fat
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Hopefully never.
48k left, we good.
With inverted nipples and thick bush.
I got dHina in 40, continued rolling to 100 but stopped because my other rolls were so shit. Only new student was Meru and only dupe was sHanako who I already have maxed as well. At least I didn't have to spark but I'm mad about not stopping at 40.
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Even the smaller students themselves like the students with large breasts
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very hard for every girl in this image
My kind of sensei.
I walked away for 5 minutes and Kazusa ate all of my lasagna. Damn cat!
Holy shit
so-called global server (mostly moon runes)
Raise your Kokona
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just beat the final level of the XP commission
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Better watch out when you're crossing the road later today
I got no purple with 200 roll in B.Toki banner, that alone scar me greatly
>60 rolls in
>not a single pink so far
>not even a dupe pink
I hate Hina. Fuck Hina's banner.
205k left.
I can't any further right now I'm only Lv. 88
Post your address. I want to come give you something to congratulate you.
oh my god you are so cuuuuute
Good job
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Sensei is always surrounded by little girls
32k remaining
Not sure if I want to Eligma DHina to UE or run another spark later once they enable fes rates on my account.
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Reminds me of this old video.


>read the first comment
>mfw I wasn't born a chosenite
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I'm overfeeding them
still have 19k
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Congrats. I will have to admit that it is a bitch to do that shit as a newbie.
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I am alright, I just need to roll for NYFuuka and then just wait for the next bluefes, maybe roll for Nagisa if she is still good.
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>find team on the leaderboard
>click magnifying glass
>click "copy"
guh, phew... now that was some serious strategizing.
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>200 pulls
>dHina at 10 + 3 dupes + spark
>Wakamo, Mika, sHanako dupes
>Hoshino, Hifumi, Marina, nySerika, cHanae, sAyane dupes + some others I'm forgeting
>all of these new students
>still have 76 Momos
feels breddy gud
BA's swimsuits were kind of fucked this year. Kanna's is just sukumizu shit, and if you're a loli lover you have to deal with Fubuki's outdated two-piece sukumizu from the 80's that nobody who plays this game actually grew up seeing in school so it's literally nostalgia over a concept rather than an experience. I don't care for the wet shirt meme so Kirino's is meh. And Saori's is just a poorly disguised casual outfit. The only good ones are Atsuko's and Hiyori's.
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Newfag here. Is this good or should I reroll?
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>18 years ago
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why does hiyori have so many alts
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>Kanna's is

>And Saori's is

This is the best set of summer banners BA has ever done.
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-48k down to 25k now but I picked up dHina, sHoshino, Wakamo and sHanako in the process so it was worth it for that alone
>midori (dupe)
>swimsuit miyako
>kaho (dupe)
>dress hina
>hibiki (dupe)
>dress hina again
>mashiro (dupe)
>that's it
I did the math and getting no more than 7 during fes is like an 8 percent chance, it's like getting 17. Is it time to rope?
lol that’s a 2,4 chance of happening, nice bricked luck
Some of us have to lay the bricks so others can reach high, thank God it’s not me
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What does she teach?
I said this.
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How's it make you feel Kanna's alt got the most art this year out of all the alts
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Yes, yes, very good. Anyway time to hunt rabbits.
How to breed your lolis 101
>7 people already borrowed my maxed dHina
>for ~Very Hard
so called "6 month foresight abusers"
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>bottom right
maybe for 4th anni, we need more abydoswank
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Whenever I see people getting Kanna in their rolls I die a little inside. Why won't she come home... am I not good enough?
>no rats
Did /bag/ lost it’s soul?
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I would be lying if I said my cock wasn't hard right now
Nothing, the popular opinion rarely aligns with mine anyway, and a swimsuit being popular or not going to change my opinion on its quality.
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I use my foresight to make bad decisions. My clubmates will pay me back when Set arrives.
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What about them
Cuz Sensei (Me) loves Hina.
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Hold the fuck up
I better see you buy the 3.5 anni selector.
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I got one
I got like 3 other dupes so it didn't even faze me
I think my precious students are very hot and sex
But I can't do anything to them, I'm their teacher
Rat is ok, we hate miyucko now.
If I don't get her by that point then of course I will.
>your warmth
It's so fucking over, she's addicted to Senseinium and she doesn't know it
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Rin's outfit is kind a lewd.
You wouldn't impregnate a terrorist
Dude my country is currently having a civil war over an election. I can't afford shit
Saori is literally built for impregnation
lmao just move to a better country
what the fuck is a senseinium
25k and two 10-tickets left in the bank.
I considered throwing everything at it to try for Wakamo, since I'm not that interested in bHoshino or Kuroko, but I'm also not very interested in dHina and my sHoshino is UE40. If I hold out 6 months at least there are more spooks available and I can pop the spark on Mika.
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kinda new sensei here. Do I keep pulling? I don't have Wakamo or Mika if it makes any difference
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Round 2 Rimukoro sensei...
Today was back to back Christmas Hanae spooks for me
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can someone send me Ogogee pic
This kid saved BA.
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the ABSOLUTE state of Hierophant rn my goodness
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Newfriend here
>Had 42k saved, spent all of it
>D.Hina in 40 pulls
>S.Hoshino in another 140
>Also got S.Hanako and Mika
>Got assorted other students as well like Kanna, NY.Kayoko, Maid Aris among others.
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>you will get all the pakeji you want
>you will get raped by the entirety of Abydos nonstop
Will you do it?
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Have you listened to her ASMR?
No, chances are too slim and you probably want every pyro you have for things like nyfuuka.
Fuck no, save up for NY.Fuuka.
Mika will be sparkable in 6 months, you will have more than enough time to save up by then.
>going that long without one Hinata
Holy shit
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this kid will give birth to my kid
since you got both of the banner students you can stop. Go to 200 if you really want to get some elephs for one of them but it's not necessary.

as a new player I was mostly concerned with rolling on new banners, so if you're interested in PS68's dress alts save for them
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I'm rereading the ASS Band event for fun. When Airi screams in surprise at recognizing Tsumugi, Tsumugi asks her if she's suddenly doing vocal practice
I'd missed that, but of course she'd ask that given she screams in her music
You posted AI Ogogee
Ogogee hates you and so do I
No Ogogee pictures
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Hand Sensei over to me otherwise I will nuke Kivotos
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please put up azoos borrows for hiero I apparently forgot to max her normal all this time
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I actually got my first Rad Rat™ from this banner
But it's the first day.
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how do I know if you're on my friend list
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AIIIEEEEEE NOT THE パンッパンッパンッパンッパンッ
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21,600 spent.
Part of me thinks I should go for the spark but I'm fine with just spending more eligma for x100 fragments.
Shut up Kaya
What the fuck are you talking about?
There's no raid yet
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This hag saved 2024
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putting kids in kids
>get NYKayoko
>get DAko
>get DHina
>will get NYFuuka
I don't have enough mats for everyone...
I must ask now so I can open borrows and be ready tomorrow without asking
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>shitload ouf dupes
>most of them Hanako, Hoshino S. and Wakamo
>all three maxed long ago
when do we get the ue increase?
43k, not great not terrible. 200 pulls, two DHinas, very few new students but that's my punishment for last bluefes where I got all previous fes units and then some
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I like Saori
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>some random whale with UE50 everything on his borrows added me
>he's not a /bag/got
Forgive me /bag/ but I can't say no to these borrows.
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Giving Hina the dress.
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4th anniversary
Bro the first 3 difficulty levels of Hiero are available now.
Do it now or you will miss Insane tomorrow.
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The pupil of her left eye is fucked.
The sky halo is broken and bends around her halo and the top of the screen.
Her halo itself is wrongly shaped, the four edges are supposed to be spaced evenly and 90 degrees away from each other, not with three clustered on one side.
One of the trailing parts of the ribbon merges into the dress.

Do you even look at your computer-generated slop before you post it?
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you hate me specifically, I understand
here we go, the prophecy was correct. The localizers ruined the Dress hina story.
I hope nexon adds some sexy stuff like straight up sex or weddings just so these retards can fucking kill themselves
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>all 4 of the new toons half a year from now are limited
Shit, that's brutal. I guess I'll have to pick one non-limited I really want before then and abandon all the other ones.
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What would Rio say if I told her I've masturbated two decades in a row now?
what's the fucking dela with ako running to 10 milimeters of the boss before she starts shooting and taking 10 million damage? i really don't want to waste abilities repositioning her or the tank, does this fat cow even know how guns work?
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is she really that good? Her ex looks like it'd only really be good on those with really expensive ex's like Hina. And how am I gonna get 11k pyro in just one month?
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Maybe you shouldn't have joined the wrong server.
No but seriously look at this. He's got a UE50 Atsuko too. Nobody does that except Atsukochads and whales.
>localizers ruined x
imagine that
I went through nexon page for staff, entire team is asian except for this one bitch who is also the only one with a post about how gamers are hecking toxic and it should be stopped
Job is localization copy editor.

Basically rewrite shit thats given for cultural context
The bitch in question
What do you think, is she the reason we have to deal with this?
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Stop flying solo and use her four your first duet
You do get 100 rolls for Arius.
Who is the better lantern healer for indoor red? Red Koharu at terrain affinity B, or blue sMari at terrain affinity S?
love how several months after the translation survey it's just been getting worse and worse
Yeah, this pisses me off too.
No matter where i put her, she just runs to the boss.
>And how am I gonna get 11k pyro in just one month?
Reading the story/momotalks and clearing normal/hard stages for the first time.
I've had something similar happen to me several times. It feels surreal, but maxed raid relevant borrows are maxed raid relevant borrows.
Which Momotalk number is this for DHina?
You'll be fine, BA has a lot of gibs.
There's only 2 units that reduce EX cost and most meta dps have high cost so you need EX reduction. She's very universal and used everywhere but pvp.
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I, for one, welcome our AI overlords.
Pistol user? Her range must be low
You'll get 100 free rolls on the S.Hiyori + Saori banner.

Easy, just skip all the banners until then. D.Kayoko and D.Aru are permanent, and there's nothing good till Ny.Fuuka to pull anyway.
Wouldn't be surprised, it only takes one retard to fuck everything up.
I can't see that page without a login.
I don't have Kokona...
probably wears a hijab while calling herself a feminist
go back, tourist cancer
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I'm going to go buy and eat an entire tub of ice cream I can't believe you hate me.

that does remind me I should get back on track with maxing her skills out, I was distracted by my Set prep
>3 purples
>two are hina dupes
neat, I guess.
yea it's her
how do we get her fired? send mails to KR nexon?
He's childless...
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Rio good
Rio forgiven
Rio love
Rio sex
Rio impregnate
Rio marriage
Rio motherhood
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Even Cherino
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terrain must be a meme then, my other daughter has a much worse affinity than Koharu
Tale as old as time.
you know the drill, post the KR script and the JP script for comparison, so we can send tickets too
He's sexless...
Kokona is not 11
Ibuki is not 11
they're unforgettable
How do you get Mari to position herself near the lantern?
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>And how am I gonna get 11k pyro in just one month?
Do you really need to ask?
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you know everyone HATES AI PICTURE, so go DELETE your AI STUFF NOW! and get yourself new handmade artistic picture here, could be more better than fucking AI PICTURES
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Isn't there a credit sequence in volume F? Stop trying to get random niggers fired.
what the fuck is a toon in gacha context
>bring foreign product into your sphere
>"oh no, it has different culture from [my] culture, better change it to fit my country's views, let's call this [localization]"
westerners are fucking stupid in the first place
Reminder that double sparking on bluefes is a meme. Don't do it unless you absolutely have to to obtain two rate-ups or if you get your last rate-up at 350+ rolls. Lots of people WILL get a lot of bad dupes, or sometimes even less 3* drops than the average banner. It's not worth the gamble and you will regret not saving those precious gems for future banners.
Heals don't scale off of environment mood bro
Mari is strictly better, but have fun getting her close to the lantern
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Is it too late to reroll 2.5 years in?
I listened to the miyako ones its not that good
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Good morning, /bag/
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>did another 200 rolls
>6 dupes, 2 dress hina in Hosh's banner
I got better outcomes this time around (13 vs 10 3 stars) but what the fuck John Nexon
it's not "random" if it always happen to be them the issue
No. Brick is a meme.
Fucking flood them with translation error tickets, I guess?
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Why does everyone talk about Yuuka's thighs when Rin's are fucking huge?
you know the drill, somebody post the jp, kr script and the explanation so that we can get them tickets rolling
We love AI here though.
you will regret that, I think
this game is casual enough that I would hate losing my progress and starting again
we can try, lets do it anon.
Send email to contact_us@nexongames.co.kr
Tell them that This bitch is a localization copy editor who actively tones down content based on her politics and adds unnecessary zoomer jokes. I'll do my part aswell with all my gmail accounts.
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I would love nothing more...
Hina (dress) or Hoshino (swimsuit)
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You were gonna eat that tub regardless.
Good morning
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Rate the rolls, not pictured but I got Wakamo too.
>Rolled 340 times
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Can I get some (you)s?
I had to spark to get dress Hina, and now I am sad
Only if it's a game that makes it unnecessarily painful to reroll (for example, every Hoyo game).
Blue Archive is not like that fortunately.
sexy momoi
I'm pretty sure that Mutsuki tweet from above is referencing KR script.
Post them and also add cryingemojiman's tweet about makoto in the same ticket,
Explain how the implications and everything is different, how its completely different characters.

No but unless you're hard soulbricked because you didn't get D. Hina you're not gonna end up in a better situation rerolling after 2.5 years
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It's been years since I had some haagen dazs so I might go get a small container.

I took Misaki to 5777 just now, I'll get her to MMM by the end of Heiro maybe
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>Short hair
Hoshino is more useful
I don't reply to momoi posters.
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You too anon
I'm goslinging so hard rn bros...
+Infinity for Yukari
-Infinity for Miy*ko
Conclusion: Neutral
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the thread lurking content stealer himself using his followers for good for once
>JP Sensei sniffs the clothes
>EN Sensei sniffs the clothes in a different way
Even with my severe autism I can put 2+2 together as to what's going on, this is reaching too far to invent a problem where no real one exists.

nice "nigger" in that Discord screenshot as well, hope they enjoy their server getting nuked
get out of my fucking hobby you commie apologist
I kind of wish I didn't raise her EX because it makes her too strong for PVP meme teams and she just kills backliners outright instead of confusing them.
You don't know that she's the one responsible for the bad translations. She could be but she could also not be and it could be some other nobody who is fucking up the TL. Pointing fingers and lambasting suspects on social media won't help our cause, it will harm it by making other people tune out and ignore our pleas because they'll just judge us by how bigoted we are, rather than taking our argument seriously. Address the problem with the localization itself, not any of the staff in particular.
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kys retard
He doesn't sniff the clothes or even try do it in EN though, in EN it's played off as a "there's something over here I must examine it by looking closer" joke which is immediately shut down. It's completely different in JP

kill yourself hoyotroon, YWNBAW
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Konoka and who?
I almost never use healers so I always forget who does what
This only makes me wonder if its worth all the ennui and time rerolling this much. Is it?
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It's the discordniggers raiding /bag/ plain as day. It's a tweet with less than 200 views. Of course it's those retarded wannabe faggots who think /bag/ is their personal content farm.
>those plus Ibuki's shop line
yeah someone there really hates the audience
1(one) new student and had to spark Hina in 270 rolls
why does this happen to me every bluefest
>First roll on Hina's banner
>Get Hoshino Swimsuit
>Second roll
>Get swinsuit Miyako
>Hosh swimsuit dupe
Well that's as good as a birthday gift as any, I guess I should plap the bunny now
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students for this feel?
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I haven't tried her out against Iori but she might not kill yellow armour ones at least.

I don't hate her just killing them though, I got my laughs out of her last season anyways.
How do you retards have so much extra pyroxene? Do you only roll on fes banners? Post roster.
yea sure the only ""white"" woman of the team who bitches about toxic gamer is in reality an innocent girl who dindu nuffin
go fuck yourself
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Is it really that hard to just translate the damn thing without changing it to fit your retarded ass country's views?
It's from another country, of course it's going to have a different way on how they do/write/think of shit, and this is targetting a certain demographic at that
Feels bad
It's called Global Foresight
wtf rare based Fuukaface
I fucking hate nexon gooks
yes he does, this is an actual nothingburger
s.saori's l2d is so fucking good bros.
Doesn't answer the question, retard. I see students I like and pull for them, but it's like you idiots never pull for students.
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Not your personal army. Go back to trying to pour hot oil on your balls for your discord buddies.
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FOTM status?
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Students for this feel?
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She's so precious
he doesnt, additionally as others have already told you, You should kill yourself
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I'm so happy I can finally use a Saori l2d for my lobby.
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I've been slacking on sending tickets but fuck it at this point I'm just gonna send in a ticket every time I see literally anything wrong.
Every fucking typo and every weirdly translated line (cafe idle lines are shockingly bad) I'm just keep chucking tickets at them until something changes.
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niyaniyad all over sumire
We live in an egocentric world where every fuck thinks their opinion is the fact because some fucks clearly weren't bullied hard enough. For fuck sake cretins really proved that bullying held the society together.
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I care about accurate translations. Baseless witch hunting gets in the way of my agenda because everyone stops caring about what you say once you bring your politics into the mix and whatever legitimate criticisms you have for bad translations gets dismissed. You fuck yourself, you are the kind of person who fuels this stupid-ass internet war that is making bad translations double down on their fanfiction garbage because the stupid shit you say just emboldens them to keep doing the awful shit they do to otaku media.
Who drew the Sumire?
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Yes, very organic sub 200 view eceleb twitter post created less than 30 minutes ago asking for your help. Totally not discord butt buddies huffing their gonad phermones.
Hang yourself you waste of oxigen
You'll never be welcome here
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post Momoi sitting on my face
You need to be 18+ to post here, dipshit.
yeah it's a /gig/ger
All girls should have floor length hair, yes, I agree. Beautiful, straight, floor length hair...
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Why is no one posting they spark?
This is so badly filtered/edited that Iroha barely even looks like she has a nose.
satsuki lacks her satsukis
What the FUCK
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Maybe your should post your epic own in your discord so they can burn some calories laughing. Hopefully they can be sub 400 pounds in a few years.
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it was for the protein collab
How do 5 out of 5 have resting bitch face?
This escalated quickly.
>I don't like trannylation
>pointing out errors/localization on social media either does nothing or makes it worse
>reporting errors/localization to Nexon either does nothing or makes it worse
>better get back on the warpath, surely it will be different this time
I'd call you retards but at the same time I envy the amount of energy you can devote to pointless shit
Maybe stop being retarded
>Curtain Call
>every letter feels the same because the laughs are all generic 'heeheehee'
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eternal relevance
Oh no Hina i think there's a moth on your cervix, here, let me help you with that (using my willard)
>dupe (UE 50'd)
the actual dupe here is me
We all rolled during the hot period
>same artist as Izou from FGO and Flare from Hololive
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>chooses to play "global"
>complains about localization
Yuo were given the choice yet here you are
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I didn't roll. Come back when Bing Say is running.
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A senior moment perhaps.
Here come the cope posts about
>muh dead language
>muh no time to learn
>muh I'm 25 and incapable of learning new languages
iirc that fag had more followers but his account got nuked after a bunch of shikanokonoko troons mass reported him for posting something about the deer girl not being a troon
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Say what?
it actually does something, the trannylators of Blue archive seem to be testing grounds on how much shit they can get away with before the "chuds" complain and file tickets.
The more pushback they receive the better, if you give up now they will realize they are free to "appropriate" this game and tone down how "problematic" it is.
How do I send tickets again?
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was a moth mentioned in the jp or kr??
literally what the fuck is that shit
a fucking moth?!
the Shiroko is also good, I wish there was a proper print instead of just the acrylic stands
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Maybe stop being a stingy jew
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It worked a few times. The problem is you have to rile up enough people to make Nexon think it will actually harm them financially (either directly, or indirectly because of bad publicity) to get anything fixed otherwise there's no reason for them to bother.
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Go back to wherever the fuck you came from.
I was getting salty and stopped taking screenshots around 130th roll
>it actually does something
post multiple instances of shit getting fixed back to baggots' liking
you can buy a pack of 12 dogs in the store
You first, it's clear you don't belong here
hina not dropping even tho i got hoshino in HER banner, is she worth or skip?
You're not a gook who spends money on BA, your opinion nor complain doesn't matter to Nexon
You're not a jap who spends money on BA, your opinion nor complain doesn't matter to Nexon
>mika princess dialogue
>kikyou's dialogue
>mutsuki's lobby dailogues

kys commie apologists, it's niggers like you who unironically go "It's no use we have to live with it" that things got this bad everywhere in general
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>sending tickets is le bad
nice falseflag tourist
Your shit looks washed out nigger
Fuck you Arona I already buy the monthlies, stop trying to make me buy more shit
Holy ESL. How hot is it in Jakarta right now?
I know mitcher acts retarded at times but you don't have to be one too just because you're using a mitcher image.
Surprisingly people outside of /bag/ also complain about this shit. As for specific instances, there's the Princess line, Mutsuki's lobby line, and a few other students' lobby lines, to name a few. If enough people complain then they do change shit. Doesn't work 100% of the time, but it does sometimes.
Can't believe michurufag would have such a shit take
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I buy the packs.
Can I not complain that the product I'm receiving is bad?
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>Get Princess
>Max all of Princess
>Almost 0 credit, ligmas, materials
>Princess is happy
>Go to sleep after good job
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I have carnal desire for my student... I have failed as a teacher...
Imagine being a Globalcuck and play the game with shitty translations, couldn't be me.
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Seems like the discordniggers are mad now for being called out.
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Where Ogogee banner
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Here you go, I recorded it just for you.
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>your opinion nor complain
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>Don't hold them so close to your face!
I... is this already not implied sniffing? Is this guy so autistic that he can't understand that?
Are you this desperate for twitter engagement?
Why is there a handle on her gun
>assblasted tourist spamming momoi because HE read somewhere that she's racist just like 4chan
Who are you? Wakatard? Mikaturd? Hoshinigger?
Nah, I'd report
I didn't spark. Stopped at 80 rolls. More gems is good.
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Anyone who jacked off to a student within 24 hours before pulling will have to spark
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Welcome to bizarro /bag/, where you're shamed for complaining about shoddy localization.
nigger all you do is bitch about dumb first-world problems on social media, stop casting yourself as a fucking revolutionary
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Have a cup, sensei
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I'll come back when the shitposting ends.
>Is not h-her fault chud
This bitch is 100% the one behind the shitty translations, send your tickets anons
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Don't know what you expect from down syndrome incarnate SEAniggers.
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>5 rows of unobtained students
>6 purples
>2 hina, 4 dupes
i hate arona so much its unreal
also which one do i pick?
That momoi commie is avatarfagging which is against the rules btw just throwing this info out there
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Anyone excited for tonight's Hieronymus!!!
We haven't seen him for almost a year!!!!!
Hian, since I assume your sHosh is somewhat invested in already
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what does it smell like
I've seen this post a couple times now, is it going to be a ritualpost? I hope so, I love ogogeeposting unironically
The fuck you mean tonight he's live right now
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All these got fixed because it actually fucking mattered. This is the same outrage baiting tier shit as the schizo who seethed for countless days over "mid".
had to spark dhina boo hoo so many dupes and 9 blue 1 yellows
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GSC Prez had to reset the timeline since the lack of a messianic figure and intense sensex across kivotos made everything go to shit, she was too busy keeping ypu in her rape dungeon instead of sharing you around. You don't want Kivotos and, by extension, your precious students to suffer, do you?
Can I use the UUOH emoji around normies (Western + Japs) if I want to express something being cute? I am referring to a person being cute, but she most definitely is not a cunny and it isn't meant in the cunny sense.
Do normies already know about UUOOOH? Will I "out" myself?
D.Hina. The more uncap you get out of a DPS, the better.
S.Hoshino works at 3*, just remember to max out her EX for lower cost.
called it
it's always them
I'm just sick of the dumb conspiracy theories that people throw around in relation to bad translations

Please fill in tickets for things that are translated wrongly, inform people, try and get enough people talking about it to force nexon to do something about it, but just posting about it here and sending in your own tickets is unlikely to be enough noise to make them move. And on the instances that they don't fix it, it isn't some weird conspiracy of shitty translators being too proud or annoyed to fix it, it's a money making big corporation deciding that your voice isn't loud enough or worth enough money to make them spend anything to fix it. Nexons business isn't providing you a good product, it's providing you enough of a product that they can make money off of it.
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Pulled 400 times and got some good characters. Keep in mind this is only my third banner I've pulled on. The previous being Himari's and the Makoto Iroha one with free pulls getting all three of the listed characters.
D.Hina, S.Hoshino, Shun (big), Aru, S.Hanako, and S.Shiroko.
I still have 200 pulls worth of pyroxene left do you think it's better to pull on this banner again or wait for someone like NY.Fuuka since she's also limited?
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thanks for the tip
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It's fucking hilarious when obvious tourists start trying to fit in.
Room for one more?
But...it never ends...
very interesting and organic sequence of posts
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Buy more pakeji
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xitterfag's running a script kek
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Only baby difficulties, doesn't count
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No more pakejis, Arona.
Just go "aww" to hide your powerlevel
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Dirty casual here. Is it useful to pull 400 pts when you already got S.Hoshino and D.Hina during your 200 pts pull? I mean i still have 50k pyro left should i save for guaranteed units in future banners or this one is the one to spend the most possible?
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is it too late to do hina's daily tasks? i havent even start the story yet
The crying emoji for cunny has been a normie thing for at least a year now.
It's my first time fighting Hieronymus outside of the story.
Musty piss and cum
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I ran out of crafting tickets! D.Hina's stuck on bond 40 for now....
Also 6% rate up my ass, I only got one D.Hina and no "New" permanents like Camp alts. only got regular permanents and the newest unit I got is Renge.
i did a double take after posting mine and scrolling down and seeing my post but with a different wording. i thought my words got mangled in the process but there really is just another poster like me.
anyways, point still stands. share the original kr scripts here and jp too for comparison so we can use those to send tickets.
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>Suddenly feel like listening to the full BA soundtrack
>Memories of Kindness
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oh yeah this is the bitch who is responsible for everything, file the reports anon
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I, JOBshino, PINKtard of Kivotos, humbly kneel to
Nonomi-dono, my best friend who tolerated all my schizo shit. I am sorry for ignoring your advice. You can employ me as a maid with no pay.
Ayane-SAMA, my El presidente, I should have given you the reins of leadership as soon as you enrolled in Abydos. I would humbly work as your secretary for the rest of my life.
Shiroko-cha-, no Shiroko-SAMA please forgive me for mocking your prowess in combat. Your potential is greater than mine. Please don't hurt me again I would gladly lick your wolf pussy so it will be ready for Sensei's cock...
Yume-dono, my idol, my bedrock and my deceased best friend. Please rest in peace I promise I would be your servant in the afterlife. Forgive me for staining your name and reputation
Kuroko-sama, the true Apex Predator of Abydos, my other queen, please forgive me for belittling you younger alternate version. I also thank you for cleaning my mess in the story. I would have also fucked up BlueFES if you didn't show up in the last minute to save it. I will happily serve as a training dummy for you or Shiroko and lick your wolfpussy as well...
Sensei, my one and true love and other master, please forgive me for disregarding your advice and ignoring your affections. You can manhandle me anytime you want, sex, blowjobs, handjobs, footjobs, hairjobs, anal sex, cuckquean in 3 somes and ANYTHING I would do it Sensei...
And finally, Hina-SAMA, my master, please forgive me ever saying I was the strongest. Please forgive me for acting cheeky and smug. I can only win by cheating an asspull with the help of Clockman. I would gladly breastfeed your children with Sensei while you are busy getting fucked by Sensei COCK
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I would cum so hard from this I would ejaculate semen from my ears and eye sockets and just straight up fucking die
>Senior Localization Copy Editor
>Primary Responsibilities—Copy edit post-translation content in games

Holy shit and we have retards here trying to downplay this
Hina would not have moths on her clothes. It's very unlike Sensei to imply that Hina is a moth infested skank. I for one, will rise up against these BONKERS FREAKS who think it's okay to deface works of art with their own stupid jokes and headcanons.
If you won't submit a ticket now, don't be with us when we triumph over this linguistic tyranny disguised as translation.
ESLs getting uppity and going into a rage about localization into a language they barely speak will always be funny
>Is it useful to pull 400 pts when you already got S.Hoshino and D.Hina
not really, unless you really need the eligma to max out some units

if you have them both, save for other banners
You'll miss out on maxing out piano, but you can still get all the lost items and tasks done the second time they show up if you do the story in the next day or so.
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Stop say-binging.
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It's normalfag
Skill order for new Hina?
No. Save.
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
All of them
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ignore them and send your tickets to nexon anon
>copy edit post-translation content in Blue Archive
99% sure its her
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>totally organic translation posting here nothing to be suspicious about folks
me too bro, me too
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who the fuck is this nigger stirring shit about not reporting translation errors?
it appears this young OS has forgotten to cover a part of her nethers
the uncompressed file is 2big for 4chan
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Ok good to know. I was thinking since it's the only 6% banner it's now or never (i saved for so long guys i had 72k pyro skipping so many banners) but i guess i got the two units of the banner so it's not worth to random pulls for the others 3* that i don't have. I wish i got more of them during my 6% 200 pulls though... I'm lacking so much cute and sexy units
Damn, I hope """""she"""""" sees this bro
i would send tickets but the process is so fucking painfully long and tedious...
Bing bing bing
Shut the fuck up you subhuman nigger filth
Nobody is saying that. Send tickets complaining about the translation, but sending tickets complaining about a specific staff member is not going to be effective and will likely make your case worse. Nexon will know who is responsible for the text that makes it into the game, so just complain about the errors.
That's what I was thinking since I can just get a guaranteed Mika pull in ~6 months anyways and I don't really care about getting Wakamo. Just had to make sure my thinking was sound since I am a known retard, at least to myself I am.
Spite them by doing it anyway.
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>JP: Hina says "You were bringing your face closer"
>EN:Hina says "Don't bring them so close to your face!"
How the fuck are these two lines supposed to be different?
How is this not implied sniffing?
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Too bad they also took they UwU from you
>kelly zubair
>gamers are le toxic and they should stop
>her job is to edit post translation content basically her job is to rewrite the script once its translated if she wants
>every game she's involved in for copy editing has had localization errors

Contact Nexon, use a new email if possible and tell them this bitch is politically rewriting the game and consistently toning down intimate dialogues, adding reddit jokes, and rewriting character personalities
show me the moth in JP or KR scripts
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SEAniggers don't know English.
I don't see anything
I just replaced Hina Dress with regular Hina while inviting students to the Café.
I wanna kms
Can someone explain the current drama but using wolf rapist terms?
if JP can show buttholes in literal kids' anime no one should have an issue with this tbdesu
Why do i find this kind of titties shape erotic? there is something wrong with me
there's an avatarfag using momoi and even maki to meme arrow people talking about reporting translations, scroll up
i agree with you though that we should just send tickets about the translation itself, and not bother with complaining about a staff member just yet.
>anon I don't want you to fuck me
>anon don't bring yourself anywhere near me
there is a difference in these two dialogues
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cutie here
>9 3* in 200 rolls
>still have to spark for hina
>only decent spook is mika
You should be embarrassed if Nexon actually looks into this and finds out it's someone else who was fucking the translation and you were doing a smear campaign for the wrong person.
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>sparked d.ako
>sparked d.hina
>can't read their own language properly
look just above the ass crack squishing on the ground there, sensei
>the "migga" poster isn't here while being almost 24/7 around for the last few days
hmmm... i'm starting to notice...
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I'm noticing
They are all whales. Without exception. One guy a few threads ago tried to convince everynyan he was F2P until some astute senseis did the math and discovered he paid for a lot.
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>I'm just like you guys
From left to right
24 kids
0 kids
6 kids
as many kids as possible until menopause
12 kids
pocket onahole because she held back an antire school from getting a decent writing
>not sexy momoi getting raped
>posting momoi blacked porn with catbox
Oh no no no no, xir singatroon monkey is afraid now to post his scat folder? Did janny ban you 100 times to much? Did trannylators pay you to spam bag with your shit? Kill yourself seanigger and let your parents know about everything you've done, I'm sure they'll bury you with your real(male) name and forget about your existence in 1 day, lmao
Mika best trinity girl btw
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>smear campaign against a real person to get her fired
New low /bag/, learn japanese
Your fault for being a gookAko.
>momoi posts
>but doesn't use sexy momoi images
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>had to spark makoto and dako
>managed to get d hina with my last roll before needing pakeji
not today arona...
Usually Im around 50 (europe) in pvp.
But in this setup I can't manage to go above 150.

Someone can do me a quick setup for nice current season pvp teams?
>gamers are le toxic and they should stop
Please screenshot that
if i could transfer my account to the jp server even after the anniversary is over i would
I don't see it
pick one
your analogy falls off because anon in question hasn't had any girl talk to him let alone say those things
The good news is that you don't have to spark Mika for the 3.5 anniversary now.
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what I do it after?
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Even with free rolls you had to spark
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always a balancing act, just remember fishing for 3*s on double rate banners is relying on pure random chance. Since you've got a bank now you can roll a bit more freely, just look at the upcoming banners to see who you want to aim for next.
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EN is based off the KR which is canon. Please understand
What are the steps to sending tickets again?
sensei, your glasses should be on before trying to look at something
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i would lick her pussy so much i won't taste anything but her pussy and vaginal fluids for 23 business days
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Nagisa can replace Minori.
Iori or NYHaruna can replace NYMutsuki.
Atsuko can replace Yuuka or Marina.
There is no moth, Sensei is being sarcastic you fucking retard. Did you idiots just come here from the anime or what? He's only a spineless worm in the anime, in the game he's a pervert with little shame.
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>JP: Sensei, I'm going to rape you.
>EN: I'm going to rape you, Sensei.
You will only get yellow gifts on the final node until the end of the year
Check her page retard it's one of her "highlights" or whatever
>New low
It already low in the depth of abyss the moment Global launched, it only get worse from there.
Seia foresaw you doing it after, so it counted
I never understood why this kind of people want to work on games like Blue Archive? It's like i hate baseball but i'm going to make a career in a baseball related field. It's so fucking dumb no? If you hate games so much why are you even working there in the first place?
looks normal
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Shun, Sumire, Yuuka, NYHaruna. S.Shiroko, M.Yuzu
swap Shun out with another tank if you want to try to roach it out.
swap Sumire with a better tank like Marina or Atsuko if you have them at UE40.
Relatively new player here. I was told during the last banner to only spend the free pulls and nothing else because there's another banner coming up that's much better because it also has a bunch of other characters with higher rate up. Is it this banner? Who should I aim for, Hina (Dress)?
I sometimes rename my pics to add _master1200 to see if someone calls them out.
Still can't see it
Does anybody actually have the JP script?
Not a fan translation of it, but the actual script?
This is very poetic and inspirational. Gonna set it as my background so I'm reminded every day to give everything I've got.
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My precious desert rose.
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Anyone with half a brain and wasn't lazy would've started learning years ago when trannylations/"localizations" were first taking off. It was all written in the sand as soon as normalfags started getting into Nip pop culture and enabling all the poor practices.
It's so fucking ironic how globalfags act like they're hot shit and must """gatekeep""" the fandom when they're part of the reason why it's getting worse
cant tell if you are a falseflag or retarded
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source? i'm going to perform cunnlingus on niyaniya until all she can do is niyaniya from sheer pleasure
just be yourself
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thoughts on if its worth using ap to sweep at for xp if im only level 39?
Is there a way to find which banner is coming next? I mean is BA global following JP banners or is it not trustworthy? I want to see if it's worth to save for girls i really like. Like for example i had to spark swimsuit Hoshino but i still don't have the normal Hoshino unit and it's bothering me because i love her...
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Yuuka/Marina are mostly required, you can use Tsubaki or Atsuko as replacements as well but I don't know how reliable they are

Shun, Iori, nyHaruna, and sHanako are all common people for the last two striker slots (position 1 and position 4). I use Sumire and Saori instead because I like them

Nagisa, Minori, and mYuzu are the typical special choices. sShiroko does not leave the pvp team.
my god, i love small flat girls in micro bikini
i want to lick those ribs
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>here's your politically neutral localizer bro
Script is publicly available if you look
Why 23 days?
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I thought you guys said these hours were better than NA. All I see are twitter ecelebs and discordniggers.
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I played gbf for 5 years (until 2021) and I never had such a shitty result in their fes as I did in my first fes in BA today.
It's like it wasn't even a fes for me.
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I looked her up and I'm not even convinced she's a real person, she's creepy as fuck and actually glows. Not reporting shit because I don't want to catch the attention of this ginger alien californoid. Demons are real.
My reading skills in English are top notch, not that you'd know considering you make mistakes and then seethe when being called out for what you are.
So, investing in Shun seems unavoidable.
Ill have to finally use some of those shanggailiang mats I never touched since I started the game
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Did I really get her if I had to spark yet again?
This account is just cursed
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Try and get S.Hoshino if you don't have her yet. she's on the other banner. otherwise you just hope for meta permanents. there's also a chance you can fish out the non rate up bluefes units but you really have to be lucky.
What can I say, I love a good spoonfeeding
>Is it this banner
>Who should I aim for
Dress Hina first if you're newfag, then swimsuit Hoshino, also save some pyrox if you get both before 200 pull(spark), next banner has very good limited special(new year fuuka) who buffs and cuts cost for skills, very good student
they don't want straight males to be happy
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>is BA global following JP banners
for the most part, yeah. Some random rerun banners come a bit early or out of place for global but the global events (and rerun events) will run 100% the same in order following the JP server's schedule.
we're entering NA hours around now so it's beginning sorry
come back earlier next time
Here *unzip*
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Again, the English translation is based off the Korean script, not the Japanese. You can blame Scotty and Nexon for that. There is literally no way around this and no point comparing the English script to the Japanese one. You want to experience the (superior) latter "fanfic" one, you're simply just going to have to play JP or watch/read fan-TLs online.

If you're just looking to practice reading Nip, you could just youtube any of the story/momotalk content in Nip. It's all there
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coom in doom
Calm down Ako
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I lost...
Top notch at being dogshit lol
How sad can your life be if it revolve around making people unhappy? I pity them
So true sis we should get rid of the creepy male sensei and make her canon trans-female, also we should get playable males UWU
yep, nobody else works a job they hate because they have bills to pay
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She's a staple just like SShiroko
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Yes, Hina (Dress) is an anniversary student, you want to roll now. Ideally, you want ALL the anni students because every single one of them is pretty stong and widely used.
If you're looking for max value, get sHoshino. If you can at all, get both dHina and sHoshi. If you manage to get spooked by sHanako/Mika/Wakamo while rolling its happy days.
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you missed pvp time, the sun is up so it's bad posting time for the next 16 hours
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Silence, rapebait
What a bunch of gobbledygook that means nothing, you sure showed me.
korean script is same as japanse script absolute retarded braindead conversations here

Ok thanks! Love you Aru anon
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>Got both SHoshino and DHina in 100 pulls
So, do I just go for a spark for the ligmas? Or should I save for someone like NYFuuka? Got about 19k gems left.
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Kivotos is a fujo city
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Sensei is neither male or female
Otogi is a boy.
Where's the korean script anyway?
Korean script is the "original script", right?
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Even the mid schizo had more grounds to complain than these guys. These literally present the same fucking actions. Holding her gym clothes close to his goddamn face that it's implied sniffing. Is that xitterfag just sending his discord cockslurpers here? What the fuck is this shit? It's like being angry over the same two pizzas having two slightly different boxes.
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Epic discord raid.
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My linkedin is bombarded with job postings on "data analyst", "prompt optimizer", "translation modeling"
Stop trying to fight a losing battle
my favorite pink, chinatsu
Oh yeah because localizing jap and gook mobile game is really the kind of job you take when you have nothing more left to pay your bills, nice logic you dumb cunt. She is not working retail or anything here it's not fucking mcdonalds it's a very specific and niche job
Is it fine if you dont get any the other fes students
I hope all amerimutt femoids and niggers get genocide and repression in upcoming us civil war, they're clearly lacking any oppressors who pose them any real threat, I mean, they need to censor even some chink mobile gacha which no one plays in the west to validate their pointless existance
Your saury is dying.
>Unironically using a PR statement that they haven't backed since
>every iteration of sensei has been a male since then
>story is written with male sensei with mind
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What's an effective pvp defense team? They all suck in my bracket. Give me fresh ideas, retards.
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if you change just one letter, Pink becomes PINA
>You can blame Scotty
yeah I'm fucking sure some low pay employee/contractor was in charge of the decision to translate the game from its source language
You are vocal but where are the petitions?
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I'm not gonna tell you because you called me a retard.
Save up. You're not going to aim for plat anytime soon & having extra Jims for students that you need is never a bad idea.
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I dunno what's going on, but if you want to send ticket maybe go to reddit, there are less than 20 posters here.
I ain't doing shit, I have better things to care about.
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I want Rio I need Rio
Rio Rio Rio
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Shut up retard
Already left the company
>age or gender
Sensei is young male who watches Rabbits bath and gets punished for it
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put marina first to bait them and have makoto as a special, then hit them with the atsuko+yuuka+t.yuuka to fuck with their nyharuna comp
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Open at your own risk
I'm convinced most of people here currently are same fagging retards pretending to keep the conversation that died 30 replies ago alive
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>Defending shit translation
>Doing damge control for localizators
>Sensei is not male or female
I just enter in the bizzaro world or something?
That's rude.
No matter how /pol/ they get, SEAniggers will never be honorary white.
Well, I spent all my pyroxene and in 170 pulls, got Hare (Camp) and a bunch of elephs. Hopefully I can scrounge up 30 more pull before the banner ends to at least guarantee one of them.
childs sex
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if you're in the top 10 range and people attack with Haruna semi-frequently, Kirino in slot 4 works relatively well and is gimmicky. It's the counter-pick to the marina counter.
Real funny how they still keep beating around the bush unlike Nikke
cool post that doesn't expose you as a tourist at all
> Doesn't recognize the translation schizo from the camp event
No you are just retarded.
oh yeah? proof?
I wouldn't want to be white either
Correction Sensei is a 30+ male who licks brown girls feet, constantly hangs around little girls, and keeps his porn stash locked near his workplace.
>pajeetanon calling seagods seaniggers
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>I just enter in the
Maybe lay off the hookah.
Let's be real. Most people who actually like BA are shit at English, and there are even less who are good enough at Japanese to be professionally involved in translation. If you made a Venn with three circles being fluent in English, fluent in Japanese, and liking niche male-targeted otaku culture, you'd have very few people who'd fit all three criteria.
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Who are those niggas then?
>anime Serika
Back to futaba toshiyaki.
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>D.Hina has two lobby animation
What else did I miss?
>but muh nikke
Has other males, end of discussion
seethe cope dilate and kill yourself, singatroon
Sensei is whatever you are
My guy they confirmed it again during the third anniversary stream, saying game sensei is whatever you are, so they were unsure what to make anime sensei.
And also why does that bother you
Women play Blue Archive. Big deal
Hina should transfer
They are all really good, but you shouldn't feel like you HAVE to have them. Everyone but sHoshi is a damage dealer, which means outside of top end competitive content you can just get by well enough renting a maxed copy from your friends/clubmates for the raids.
Having a copy of your own opens up some doors (like, most TOR runs are going to be at least 2 teams for a while, so having your own meta dd + a second rental option is going to make a lot difference), but for INS raids you'll be fine without, and they aren't crucial for PVP or anything rent-less like that.
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Eugh I'm not rich enough to prime her up for pvp after investing in dhinacoin...
I guess I'll look at investing in my kerino finally

Good ideas. Thanks.
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>no P-Sensei
Meanwhile specials have zero lobby animations, they just keep adding more good shit to strikers while leaving nothing for specials.
Half-assed reassurances by the team so the playerbase won't complain
Hina should fry
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You seem to know a lot about /pol/ and SEA niggers, maybe you can stay there and dont come back, I just want to play my Korean haremge in peace thank you.
>don't hit on me silly Senseis teehee
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Who should I pick (from the selector tickets) between Sakurako, Christmas Serina and Kazusa for gameplay reasons?

Puzzle time /bag/
Join now!!!
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>literally have to resort to attacking people online because you wasted 10 years not learning Japanese to circumvent this problem that anyone with a brain saw coming
This situation is never going to 改善 itself my dudes. It was over the moment Japanese media went more mainstream in the West. Now go do your reps before dekinai-chan gets you
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I'm all for getting the shitty translations fixed but please make sure it's a mistranslation of the KR script, don't compare it to just JP or nothing is going to be changed.
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i started playing last bluefest and i still lack many students, should i spark a second time? i already got d.hina and s.hoshino
also which other strong students are getting released in the next 6 months?
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Oh no, he's hot
That's what I meant, 30+ is still young.
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>this cope
Wappi and take her to UE50 for Set because I said so.
Tensai bishoujo hacker
>niggas really out here named Knigge/Knigga
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Sakurako, not even a contest.
> But Terror Shiroko
6 months. And you use Sakurako WITH Terror Shiroko.
Sakurako also has 5 momos, so the pyrox payout is also better.
No I'm not a slut.
>this kill the trannylator sloppers
she's my rock

She's 100% a gimmick but it's a cute one. Try running her on an attack ticket or two before putting her on defense just so you can see how she plays out. I've had her finish off Marina a few times but it's mostly the normal skill you bring her for.
The people shitposting at this hour didn't have internet access 10 years ago.
refer to
Sensei will always be a man cope lmao
i only don't have mika of the ones you mentioned
Student for this feel?
can i anni tix summer hosh?
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Maki cute!
I really fucking hope they redesign twinkass faggot into more overworked and more sharp man, although vol2 sensei is pretty much non existent through out the chapters. Fuck Yostar.
Has a shared furniture animation with Ako dress and an alternative victory animation, again with ako dress
>Captcha AKOVRO
Only in your headcanon, not the devs
*off topic media*
students for this feel?
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>Shunny could not surpass her
>Ibuki could not surpass her
We will never get a child more sex than sex. We peaked long ago, and it's only downhill now.
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Don't care, post SEX.
Does headpat simulator have marriage yet?
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I'm convinced it's just one xitter schizo trying to advertise his accounts
>twitter filename
>One rank below Rate
It's either mihoyotroon or a scatschizo, ignore them
Requesting reinforcements pls
Trinity is our greatest ally
>no iori
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bros? help a fellow sensei out
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> Bald Fox
There's no coping you brainrotted dipshit. It's the official stance. If anyone is coping it's you with official statements and with dismissing stuff like Akane's momotalk that confirms Sensei is whatever you decide
that means he can be a man
You win regardless of this baby shit you're pulling
Yes, if you want him to be
Actually only English uses he/him/sir. Every other languages uses exclusively gender neutral language lol
again, game is written with male sensei in mind. Cope, female players aren't as important as male players and the devs know this.
what's the second one?
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save, fishing for spooks is always a mixed bag
nyFuuka is running soonish

look at the jp banners
I'd probably advise against doing a double spark if you already have sHosh and dHina. The rates are doubled, sure, but for all we know you could end up with 2-3 3*'s of which one is Misaki. Just pocket the pyros for now and roll on the next banner that you need, the students will come to you eventually
sensei. is. a man. You can seethe and cope all you want. YWNBAW btw I can see your receding hairline
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Man fuck Hiyori
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Oh hey, I didn't know wiktionary had a page for 2channel slang. Time to learn more swears. I'll share my favourite slang with /bag/. Day2 is a gyaru term that means a second day without showering.
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Explode NOW
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She sticks her little butt towards you while reading a piano sheet
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imagine how loud the plapping would get
That's the neat part, you don't.
>Every other languages uses exclusively gender neutral language lol
Uhhh... no they don't. Plenty of languages have gendered words.
Fucking retard, lol
I'm taking him that "yeah, he is a man if you want him to be" and his answer is "omg you tranny!"
Kill yourself mihoyotroon
Oh, scatmonkey is here.
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Niya2 cunnilingus
Check the support menu, retard.
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>Sensei is not a mal-ACK!
Fucking idiot I meant in the game
English is the only language in this game that ever has referred to Sensei with gendered language ie Sir. The
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>got yukari
>put her in lobby
>one of her voice line say dagashiya
>localize it to junk food
It's over. We need to ressurect Scott.
Go to main menu, write down your UID.
Go in game, cog at the top right -> Account -> Customer Center (copy down the code it gives you) -> Customer Center -> Customer Center -> Report an Issue.
Put in your code and UID and other relevant information. Copy that whole shitty script filled with your information and put it in a notepad somewhere for later.
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Just read the KR and JP versions. Admittedly my Gookspeak isn't great, but there's not really much difference between the 3. Just the introduction of the moth Sensei tries to use as an exclusive.
The very same implication that he's trying to get a whiff of Hina's clothes is still there
We should actually submit a ticket to complain that Sensei didn't suck the crotch area of her ballet outfit the moment she pulled it out.
Candies are junk food anyway.
was scott even good
all i know about him was that he OD'ed on water or some shit
>Failed at getting Mika (so I will have to spark her in 6 months)
>But managed to get SHanako

Is SHanako good enough to cope?
So how do I get rights?
>We need to ressurect Scott.
You don't actually want that
Why did they not give us a point stage just to farm Ibuki?
No, he wasn't.
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>was scott even good
scott was the goat
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Your nipple ice cream doesn't deserve a translation.
Retard, all the BlueFes characters are some of the strongest characters in the game.
sensei is canonically a male
>sensei humans without halos don't look much different from us
SEaniggers really have negative reading comprehension.
also, in the world of blue archive, women have halos, men don't. Sensei doesn't have halo
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bad hours
>is a retarded ESL who can't explain himself
>fucking idiot how do you not know what I'm talking about ang gang malang banga
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I don't have a global account so I can't send tickets. Good luck with your translation and don't forget to do your JP reps.
Even Wakamo?
You won't be able to do double Mika teams, but having sHanako allows you to borrow the more situational supports you need for purple teams, so I'd call it an okay win
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you'd want to save and have at least 2 sparks ready around 6 months later
But Wakamo is dog shit.
You can just make one for free.
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Sensei being human is enough to warrant that line, considering every other adult figure is either a part of Gematria or a cat/dog/animal/robot
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Sensei is... trans?
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A cow bell. A bell cow.
>was scott even good
Forgot you hinapic, singatroon
Especially Wakamo
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She is THE purple unit so you got that covered. It’s a victory nonetheless.
> /bag/gots get their panties in a twist about how Wakamo will be overcrept now
> Whoops, never mind, she's still one of the best, T.Hoshino and Kuroko couldn't fill her role.
Nah, I'm IP blocked by global and companies never take feedback from brand new accounts seriously since they can be easily exploited by trolls.
>roleplay dialogue is le roleplay
Yes I'm a man who identifies as a woman who identifies as a man. I get all the privileges of being a diversity quota but I don't actually need to do anything different.
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今は日本語勉強した時ですか? 私の日の語ちょっとやばいかも頑張ります よろしくお願いいたします。
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Funniest shit desu. The schizo was so sure of his "victory" on stream day
You're going to have to cope with the ability to call yourself a woman in this game as well as the official statements saying game sensei is whatever you are
I don't know why this upsets you, it's very gay
But yeah cope and seethe about the fact that women play BA and so the official stance is canon
I mean are you really so fucking pathetic that you cry about official statements and game text?
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>got both s. Waka and default Waka in the same 200 roll
what do
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I've been slacking on my reps too much, normally I'd be able to read this but I've become retarded.
I should pick it up again, I've got more free time now.
As an English person, it's extremely hilarious seeing ESLs call out other ESLs for being ESL

/bag/ never fails to entertain me
Wait, you mean japs use Wakamo for Perorodzilla(field)? What the fuck?
Sign the marriage certificate.
>official statements
Sensei is canonically male, if you don't play the English version.
I will never forgive Nexon for denying us Reijo
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I got more 3 stars in the 100 free rolls including all rateup characters compared to the 200 I dumped into this FES.
Yeah, I think I'm swearing fealty to the Pandemonium Society.
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I think you mean 母語(?)
>"Is this the time you studied Japanese?"
I have no idea what you're trying to say here desu.

B+ for effort
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But I don't want to marry a fox..
refer to
and stop coping
Sensei is canonically a male, only English uses gender neutral shit. Story is written with male sensei is mind, everything is designed with male sensei is mind.
>companies never take feedback from brand new accounts seriously
Do you know the average number of complaints it takes for a million dollar brand to drop their sponsorship of somebody in cancel culture? Hundreds? Thousands?
No, it's 11 (eleven). All it takes is an average of 11 anonymous complaints from people they don't even verify are their actual customers for a brand to cancel something.
This is why such a small vocal minority are so powerful, they're the only ones motivated enough to actually complain loudly about things and brands are so fucking weak they bend the knee with virtually no pressure at all. 10-20 people in /bag/ could (and in the past did) effect change in shitty localisations.
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Forgot your mika bbc scat pic, troon seanigger
This. It's fucking ridiculous how 6% rate can end up being a trap. I regret falling for double spark previous fest.
He was a member of Geofront, which has to be the stinkiest fucking turd to ever touch localisation ever, if he was alive today he'd be associating with the likes of Andrew Dice and the former XSeed employees that have dedicated their entire lives to ensuring that the Trails series continues to be vandalised at every single opportunity.
If you're going to compare him to an animal you should compare him to a reed warbler because that nigga got cucked.
>written in mind
>only implications, still the same neutral shit over and over
>every interview it's always "whatever you want them to be"
Keep going, maybe you'll get there
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I just mistyped nihongo
>I have no idea what you're trying to say here
How do you say "Is now the time to study/practise Japanese?"

I figured he meant nihongo
based on this, I've concluded that by "今は日本語勉強した時ですか" he wonders if now is the time to do start studying
I'm retarded so i can tell what he's saying thanks to brainwaves or whatever
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New player, got her in six tries. I got lots more spoils in between... And I started with Hoshino. Bizarre, yes, but I just have to keep my rolls instead of rerolling.
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I just pulled dHina on sHoshino's banner too, wtf
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Have to go so I can't wait here just to do the bit of Suzumi stealing the last image. You can have it. See ya folks.
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seia hate
that's not seia
seia hate
seia love

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