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Previous Thread: >>488278578

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Delicious student thighs
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/bag/ i did the thing...
Something something jobshino.
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I got Mina from the fes banner, what is she good for?
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my dick hurts so much but I can't stop cumming to professorsex
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Nobody likes Sakurako she is a shit student
how come she's not playable yet?
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>rabbit shitters keep ruining my rolls
Boy I fucking love getting Saki and her alt back to back (AGAIN)
No body likes Makoto she's a shit student
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me enjoying vacation with my wife, Mika
Which student has the puffiest vulva?
UE48 optimal bwo you wouldnt understand...
i'm newcutie that out of mats
Nexon hates her
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dont care
This but Mine.
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive
I do
Shiroko obviously
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bros some madlad was translating the 3rd anni gehenna event story when it came out in jp but i cant find it anymore. anyone remembers the youtube channel?
Makoto's momotalks are very good
Guys my Hina looks weird. She has fox ears and a swimsuit?

Captcha: GGHHVY
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Is that a challenge bro?
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this question still wasn't answered: in which age does a halo manifest in a student? from birth?
if yes does the halo show up though the mother pregnant belly?
nom nom
Kys prinigger
She's good for greg and for my dick
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Did she end up being useful for anything in JP? Her numbers look pretty sizeable so I imagine she's a solid DPS for something or another
Why are Michiru's panties visible all the time? Is she a slut?
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>he signed
It's over
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We don't know.
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Fight to the last floof.
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Civil War Isekai Event where your girls are Civil War generals
Confederacy would mainly be Genehha students, with Makoto as Davis and Hina as Robert Lee for example
Union would be Millenium themed, with Rio as Abe Lincoln, Koyuki as VP and Sensei as Grant
Good for the soul. Her momos are great.
it reminds me of better times...
It really be do that.
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my wife saori
iroha would easily win. hina is fluffy but pales in comparison with iroha fluffyness
Both of you are grounded
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I'd say they are evenly matched.
No, you don't
This might be the worst image ever posted on this general
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I don't know this feel Rabbit 2 just won't come home.
hiroha mogs hina with sheer hair volume. hina can't win
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But I don't even play it...
Conceptualize the aroma of double fluff
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I do
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i found mina
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I'm also curious since I didn't know she got released until I open shcalegg yesterday.
if you get to mention someone, would you rather mention mina or mine?
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Mina thread
when is this event coming out
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Why did Nexon make her so fucking perfect for impregnation? Jesus christ
When money comes marching home again
Hurrah, hurrah!
We'll give it a hearty welcome then!
Hurrah, hurrah!
The men shall be my property
If they don't work I'll shoot through the knee
And we'll all feel great when money comes marching home!

Anarchy and the N.A.P
Hurrah, hurrah!
Will guarantee my liberty
Hurrah, hurrah!
Kivitons, I will underpay
With roses they shall strew the way
And we'll all feel great when money comes marching home!

Get the hell off my property
Hurrah, hurrah!
Get a taste of my M60!
Hurrah, hurrah!
My legal wrath is ready now
To place a bullet through your brow!
And we'll all feel great when money comes marching home!

No governments and no Archdukes
Hurrah, hurrah!
Just recreational AngelNukes™
Hurrah, hurrah!
Let each one never pay a tax
That makes a statist's heart relax
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Plana HAET yoghurt
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Next year
Mina should have spooked me. Who is going to walk me home gently now?
I have a confession bag..

When I get horny I come to bag to fap and relieve myself to all the cute pics posted here. I'm sorry but I can't help myself.
That's not yogurt...
What the fuck is wrong with his hands?
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I've almost reached affection 50 makoto. Just one more level.
Kayoko in 2 weeks
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It was on purpose since I don't want to spoonfeed newcuties.
Shut up nerd.
He's been taken over by The Thing
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How many eliggers does it take to get a babe from 3* to UE40?
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What was it? Will we even know?
How DARE you fap to my lust provoking images
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Ok /bag/gots do you know who these girls are?
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She went back to hiding in the trashcans
Miyu taking revenge on Hina for diggging through trashcans
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>got hard from Ibuki's momos
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>bad timeliness
>Makoto was able to fulfill her dream of making into an Art school
Oh cheaper than I expected. Thank you
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I had to check their game sprites, and I'd say that Hina with her undone hair might actually be the winner due to the sheer length of her hair.
While Iroha's hair reaches to her ass, Hina's hair is reaching to her knees and could smother your entire body in her fluff (Compared to Iroha who can only smother your chest and face.)

I also used Hina in her pajamas sprite, because that's the only image of her where she's kind of tilted so you can see how long her hair is.
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>No cKotama spook
>No sWakamo spook
>No sChise spook on the sIzuna banners
Hod has historically always kicked my ass and the game keeps refusing to give me CC units.
I hate this raid so much. I kept doing Chroma Hod on Vol.F just so I could redeem a Chihiro when the event where she's buyable from the shop reran.
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My precious desert rose.
You forgot your image. Please remedy this at once or all your rolls will be cursed until next year.
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>weak femboy fag not worthy of being a dad
many such cases
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Clearly there's only one way to find out.
I'm gonna have to impregnate both. And Ibuki too just to be safe.
Fucked up, she was my first rabbit and I was pretty much waiting for Miyu until today
really, nobody? useless ojisan-tachi
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Nyanko was speculated to be Shizuko, but do you still believe that to be true?
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She has only been out for a few weeks and not too much content has been run where she could potentially shine.
Her damage is decent, but that's about all she has. The AoE portion of her EX isn't good enough that you'd want to bring it to a fight with lots of enemies. There are also better options for single targets (like the gamer maids).
From a meta perspective, I don't think there's much hope for Moe, but she'll do fine if you bring her to Insane Kurokage or whatever.
Anal sex with Mari so she remains pure
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I thought akusi-girl was Hoshino because I read it as atsui-girl.
>water that creates life
>ghosts that distort one senses
>volcano hellscape
>now thunder emperor
it keeps pilling up
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The ghost of the thunder emperor, she didn't actually graduate, Hina and Makoto killed her to stop her tyranny. This is why Makoto hates Hina, she blames Hina for it happening.

t. came to me in a dream
Mika should die
hmm alright i agree, they compete. while hina is much longer iroha still has more volume
who wins? at this point i'd rather just have both of my beloved students winning
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These are huge-ass footprints to be Miyu's.
And take her fans with her
That's not aris
I will not out of principle. Next you'll probably say that you save the images too without my permission like a dirty thief.
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Hmm...I think I will draw Wakamo now after that last thread
it was kirbylittle. but that faggot never completed it. im not reading the globalcuck version.
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Clearly, the winner is actually me (I floof both of them every night)
For me it's Ako since I like Bond movies
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Mika love
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will she? competing with s.hanako is AOE is really hard, i don't think she can beat her at all
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Yes, I save all images that are hot to me.
Nyanko& is Kayoko. It's a gehenna student that loves cats.
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Imagine tying Hina with her hair haha
>didn't get spooked by mina
>her banner rerun won't even have reijo
total chink death
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You fucking madman.
Don't you realize this is too much floof for one person to handle at once?!

This is madness!
Why is there no male students?
Fluffness is a dangerous thing, it can corrupt the most wholesome of souls.
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Idk I'd fuck them both
Shut up
This general is fucking bullshit.
I post fubuki and get banned, yet this scatspammer lives.
Fuck this bullshit
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you have any idea of how hard i would sniff that fluffyness?
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Madness? I've never been more sane. I'm GOING IN!!!!!
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you could dive deeper into iroha's fluff (imagine stuffing your whole face and neck in there)
you can choose hina and let her fluff cover more of your body (imagine you sleeping together and you being the big spoon while her fluff covers most of your upper body)

a matter of preference, can't say i can pick 100% one over the other
That's what I meant with 'from a meta perspective, there's not much hope'. She won't beat any of the top DPS characters, but if you do decide to bring her because you like her, she'll do okay.
Post Fubuki again
oh sorry I thought you said UE50 and I automatically defaulted to 2,400 since it's a number I memorized
other guy is right, it's 3* to UE40 is 1,500
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I always wanted to know what the full thing was.
Thank you anon
just spend all your money and time finding ways to shit up the thread (literally)
Straightening Iroha's hair...
You can't post something even remotely lewd when the spammers are here because we have extremely active moderation
Wait until at least 2 of the 3 take their meds
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Fubuki cunnilingus
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hina hair is really long, how does she groom it? taking care of hair is quite costy money and time wise
maybe ako gets to do it? i'm juelous
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Students who can do this?
Look into her eyes
I stroked to this for 10 seconds out of spite. Post Seia cunny, slutsensei.
i wonder ,how many times did he already dodge ban to this day?
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The BA killer...
Stop posting Niyaniya I'm about to become a dried fish
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First two are clearly KIrara and Erika,
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The thing is it's literally just me like there's a faggot janny that has a vendetta against me. I thought this place was supposed to be free-er than shit like xhitter or deezcord. No, I'm not from there; fuck off, retards.
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>400 rolls for dAko/makoto
>2 Kasumi dupes
>400 sparks for dHina
>2 more Kasumi dupes
I have now pulled 6 copies of Kasumi in random banners...Guys I think this little gremlin is coming on to me or something.
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too big
I regret skipping makoto. when will she rerun..?
good post
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Who is the new student on the right I want to fuck her hips into leaving imprints on the bed sheets.
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>3rd Wakamo
Wakamo please, i love you, but let other girls come too
holy sex
Aru because she thought it would make her look cooler.
Do they have vidya butt girl?
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>Try to pull Hina's hair during sex
>The hair wraps around you like chains and doesn't let you go despite cuming 3 times inside Hina who's seemingly oblivious to that
What do?
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She won't rerun, retard. You reap what you sow (or didn't lol).
that you (female) you narcissist
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nyanko is makoto
akusi is ibuki
eatordie is goumets
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apparently akusi-girl is a famous artist but i can't think of anyone
what hina did to kasumi that made her so scared? looks like even hina isn't quite aware
not a student, its hallucinations of an artist who has gone through lobotomy
i've fapped to this exact pic for 4 days in a row now
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sexy reset
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Whenever the event reruns so next year most likely.
That's just Nonomi.
Maybe in a year
>Le generic chinese gacha shill has arrived.
Is it concernposting hours next? Hold my Seias.
Presumably, ~6 months for JP, ~1 year for global.
i thought zz top was the BA kira
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It will get better eventually. Both spammers are just mad he's back so they are trying to send him away, one of them is already broken and the other one went from 6 hours of spam to 2 or 3.
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Ponytail Iroha is so fucking sex
Mina is so fucking cool. Her recorder strikes fear into the hearts of her enemies.
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Whats the correleation?

Do you sometimes call her Boobi Galore?
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Mina, probably
Saori and Suou could do it but choose not to
>5 hour post
>1.5k likes on the main girl of the game
Holy DOA
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>god tier
pony tail, twin tail
>nice for change of pace
side tail, braid
you know the ones
How do you from this
Cummed and saved
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You can take Saori's clothes off in the lobby...
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straight reminds me of kohaku with the ribbons
Just have sex with her and she will relent
D · V · D
Unironically the new game isakusan is cooking is going to be the ba killer.
We only have thee revolver students, himari isn't cool enough for that and Kirino wouldnt do something unsafe like that. Just wait until the highlander SAA student.
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Oh no
Chise's 1 brain cell
Too big
I mean, she is your wife after all.
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Do what?
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>who is you
Isn't this the game where you either get cucked by the girls, or mind control them so they can't cuck you?
Post yosh stomping about the cafe.
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It's fine to shit at work but if you have sex at work suddenly it's a problem. I don't see how it's "unsafe" when you're wearing a condom. Really makes you think.
yoshi lick lick lick
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Ponytail makes everything better.
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soo.. how does buff stacking work? does pairing cHare and Himari make one of them useless? just got spooked by this cute nerd and it made me wonder
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How do you pronounce Joumae?
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/bag/... home...
...to THIS
now that D. Hina is in Global, what's the optimal stat for Hiero?
Jou shot mae
I pronounce it Joumae
sHosh, dHina, Kokunny, Zoos
Ako, Himari
Yeah don't use both. More details here:
Fuck you I wanted that spook.
I don't have Cockona. Is Koharu okay?
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Joe My-Den
Possibly, but if she's the only you are missing why don't you borrow her?
Why is the bounty shop so fucking worthless
Goodbye Phaistos my beloved.
I'm also missing Himari, and I feel she's a more important Assitant
understandable, BA has one of the greatest designs and the lolis are among the best, around the same level as im@s
>himari isn't cool enough for that
Wrong, Himari is the coolest!
There's also Cherino, but the farthest she'll get with that routine is a propaganda campaign claiming that she can do it.
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To this!
I fap to the aggies sometimes
bro your nagisa?
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Oh yeah I think it was Nagisa instead of Himari?
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BA peaked here
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>Buffs from same sources don't stack
>Buffs from different sources stack
Simple as
cHare and Himari don't stack because they both come from EX. One overrides the other. That's why you never use, for example, Ui right after Himari.

ATK buffs from sub skills, for example, would stack with ones that come from EX, since it's from other source.
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Hoshino is just asking for it at this point.
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Which student's clothes would you wear?
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How old is this girl?
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Neru's jacket
haha funny repeating number
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based, you owe her sex anyways
how come some 1T Torment clear videos opt to use NYFuuka + Nagisa instead of Ako + Himari with the same strikers?
she's a robot
>>Buffs from same sources don't stack
it's a bit more involved than that. EX that buff single student will stack with EX AOE buff.
>That's why you never use, for example, Ui right after Himari.
Wait I thought Ui's Ex was just cost halving. DOes it also buff attack?
What the fuck
Cute fox
It was 6 months ago maybe I don't remember it right, I do remember the strikers at least...
>BA almost died here
I am forever thankful for the miracle that allowed BA to survive year 1 on both JP and GL.
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Older than you
Fuck bros i'm still missing Ako and the Zoos what are some optimal replacements for them?
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I tried Zenless zero yesterday, but then for the first roll I got an unit that they already gave you for free and that just killed my motivation to play other gachas
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Criminal mastermind has been finally caught by sensei
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Drink your vodka, /bag/.
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She's a robot built with ancient technology and was meant to be used as a harbinger of the apocalypse.
Fortunately, the dumb gamers found her so now she's just a dumb gamerbot
Her chronological age is multi-centennial
Here is said miracle
>the girl that won against the government
based, those gook heroes will never be forgotten, the right for cunny shall not be infringed
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I love to use that example because there's always someone who is not in the know.
But buffs that are AOE targetable dont stack with ST targetable ones right? (for example Kotama and Himari)
Never knew this about buffing thanks for posting.
If i’m reading correctly it should be okay to use sHosh, cHare, and Ako all on one dps student with no problems?
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old enough
what the fuck
Why didn't she just ask Ako to search for the book? She wanted to help too. What a bitch.
sexy momoi
Akusi is a future gehenna student
Nyanko is Kayoko, you can tell by the way she speaks and is exasperated and also cats
the other two are the gyarus
sexy momoi
This is AIslop, right?
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I just went to 200 pulls on DHina banner with no luck. Should I spark her or keep pulling so UE50 is cheaper? I have 70k pyros and 3500 eligma.

I know I absolutely have to roll for NY Fuuka coming up. I also want to roll on Dress68 banner, Ui/Nuns rerun, Toki/Nagisa, SShiroko Rerun, and of course the next Fes... thoughts?

Lust provoking image
Ibuki is not 11 I don't care what you faggots say. She's at most 7.
looks rather off-model
>didnt cum inside
not based
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smol chick is smol
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>no zoos
>no New York Fuuka.
that's a lot of whaling
hina died(as she should)
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Been playing since sHoshino banner but never got spooked by Hoshino or Hina.
Atl east now I have Hina, thanks for the newcutie bonus, Nexon
(I will not redeem)
i can't believe that Cherino deployed spetsnaz supercommandos to steal Ibuki's pudding
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Why are you like this, /bag/?
How do you not have Zoos?
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pathetique, just like my favorite sonata
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Spark dhina
Stop there
Save for the reruns you need
Also save for your future double spark on choshi & kuroko
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You are probably right, but the game probably did it to not get censored or something like that.
>caring about fictional character's age
luckily, this isn't subhuman normalkek Archive
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I'll just lift you Hiniature
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I got Azusa as my third 3 star student and I never got a dupe
Fake, Iroha would help me groom Ibuki.
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I have her summer variant, but she refuses to spook me in her normal outfit.
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Die pedos
Hello Sink.
Let that sink in amirite lol
bro your raid coins?
Even though tentacles are the quintessential Jap fetish I just can't get into it.
Any other /bag/mos feel me on this?
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This is my princesswife
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i have this plus the limited 10 ticket, didnt get dako or makoto with free rolls, Who am i rolling for right now?
would sex ibuki, but wouldnt uoh
I think Ako is really into Sensei.
joe my
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it's over...
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I want to fuck her brains out
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Suzumi alt when
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Enough to u30, but fuck it. If she doesn't love me, I'll use summer Saki instead.
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your penis goes in the vagina not the skull
>Only Korean character in the game
Why is that?
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you shouldnt say that Seia, you shouldnt stress yourself, think of our babies
dress hina/summer hoshino
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I dont feel safe around a succubus like ibuki
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Yup. For ATK up you have
S.Hosh: EX+aura
C.Hare: EX+targetable, normal+aura/targetable (not sure which one).
Ako doesn't have ATK buffs so she overlaps with neither.
decided to roleplay my run. Miyako has assault rifle and mechanic, Miyu has sniper rifle and sneaky shit, Moe has explosives and nerd stuff. any rec on what to give Saki?

Blue Archive
Saori is a femcel, Kivotos is a man's dream, it makes sense
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I did this
I have Nagisa. I'm missing Cockona, NY Fuuka, S Shiroko and Himari
idk who's the better borrow
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fat seia
I don't whale, I just buy the monthly pakeji
That's probably what I'll end up having to do. RIP my ligma though
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>Try to spend less time masturbating and more time doing productive things
>Open /bag/ and these are the first images I see

I'm not gonna make it bros
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Where Ogogee banner
NoFap is a spook, anyway
how do I turn myself into a hagfag
Why did you skip images?
>>Try to spend less time masturbating and more time doing productive things
>>Open /bag/
pick one
go lift or cook, fill your time with stuff that will keep your hands busy
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ligma exists to be spent anyway and its not like theres other chars you need to UE50 after her
>any rec on what to give Saki?
Your baby
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>Miyako has assault rifle
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What did they mean by this
>조마에 사오리
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>Try to spend more time doing productive things
>Open /bag/
what the fuck are you even talking about
No >:(
My ligma exists to sit in an ever growing pile for me to admire every time I open the shop
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very fat
play another game
I was surprised when it said 11. I thought she was between 6-8.
not convinced
Give Miyako machine gun and give Saki Assault rifle + tank/def or whatever
Not sure what you're even role-playing as or with
People use permits on equip tickets?
>just post the 10mb file bro just do it
samplefaggots need to shut up
>Have to UE Kokona for Hiero and for Set later
Using ligmas to enhance supports feels so ass bros.
I postponed getting UE40 on Himari for like a year hoping for spooks and it just didn't happen.
How is that not evidence enough?
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i cant afford all the elephs from the shop so no
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oh right heiro is a pain in the ass when you don't have kokona/nyfuuka

thank god bronze looks better
They've been excepting you.
Oh man Hiero Insane is easy as hell, over a minute left on a casual zero thought run. Too bad I'm on EU so that won't be anywhere near enough for Plat!
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Give adult pussy a try
Gabriel dropout collab. All the students have halos and the show is mega comfy so it's a perfect candidate.
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how does it feel to stick your dick in this
yeah the value is pretty good when you consider that you're avoiding spending infinite energy for rng drops, though even then it's pretty rare I have to buy any
at a certain point you're generally not in dire need of all the expert permits you can get in a month anyways, aside from months like these where no one is gaining any permits due to the level increase
>didn't know I could spend points to farm ibuki elephs
>battles can be done once a day
>sitting on 12k points
It's over
>Insane Plat
pick one
i mostly do that
you can sweep after doing them once you retard
I don't think satania and vignette have halos
not buying it
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so after the current Hina, what's the next "must have" limited coming I should save for?
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Play some hoyoshit game where its all hags and fags then have massive meltdowns whenever any character that is flat or small shows up so nobody suspects a thing

The meltdown part is really important, you can't be a real hagfag if you aren't insanely bitter over lolis and lolicons while screaming about how everything is improved if you give it giant tits.
they'll be given one just like Miku and To Aru girls
It's like fucking a dog.
Read the OP
Someone literally posted this a few threads ago
Now you don't even need to modify it with a native program anymore. What's your excuse?
It's me.
I stole the pudding.
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>oh right kurokage is a pain in the ass when you don't have maxed achuko/maxed shanako
>oh right greg is a pain in the ass when you don't have maxed mine/maxed summer rabbits
Easiest raids my butt.
sorry but unless it spawns seias on my screen it's simply not worth kt
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Greg is easy because I love Mine and I love Nagisa

but yes I agree
So, what's next for JP? RW Comiket rerun? Can we expect Takane?
Then I guess Trinity Summer rerun?
I'm really interested in what comes next, could be Deca, could be pajamas, could be the Trinity festival...
Wakamo covered me in her pheromones
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This reminds me of a student I won't name out of respect of her privacy
It's Yuuka.
you love your greg? what did he mean by this
It's pee, sensei
Delete Ibuki
>"must have"
lmao >>488290502
datamine says no new students but as cope it 'could' change. would be sad if true
>oh no a bazillion healers in the game I NEED cock 621

Acquire skill
150 for dhina, now i can dump into hoshinoo pog
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mine is secretly my favourite student
she looks really autistic and comfy
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For me, it's Mine + UZAWAREISA for Greg
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So I started playing about two weeks ago and in 380 pulls I've yet to get a single character on banner. I've never played a gacha with more garbage ass odds. Fuck Nexon.
WTF. why does my hoshino run up to die in gehenna campus gym while the video I'm watching his stays in the back
All I did was hug her
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That's right.

I'm so sorry for your many cognitive disabilities and wish you the best in life
stop using hoshino or any front student for that matter in the gym challenge
You just got unlucky...
>doing my INS Hiero run
>"damn this is pretty slow, I wonder if I'm fucking up my rotation or something?"
>finish 2:30 (so 1:30 left on the clock)
>notice my dHina is still 3*
...oh. Wait this is still crazy damage then what the fuck
who's the venom of BA?
Solidus Saiba when?
They are the same thing?
I like her design a lot.
Feels like she should have more fans, but just like Makoto that sperg personality gets in the way.
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My studentwife is always a must-have
how many uncaps does kokona need to max heal torm lantern? mine is only 3* max ex and enhanced skill with t8 necklace but only heals it to like 99%
>top NA player

He's gone...
4 children minimum
Be ready to do torment tomorrow or enjoy gold
I like her but dislike Makoto. At least she helps others.
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Can anyone on eu with a maxed out dress hina post their friend code? I can push a raid higher but I already used the only one I had from support.
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>mine is only 3*
I figured it out. he got a crit on the bottom student that took her out really early which if it didn't happen would result in hoshino running to the very front. finished and won with all my girls alive
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its really INSANE how many retards are still doing ins only when torment has been the new meta for ages now
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I've rolled 800 times in the past week.
Still doing better in life than you who can't work with any alternatives
in this house you give away your friend code when asking for help not the other way around
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Kisaki cunnilingus
Another free 10 with no 3*
until there is a family member coming onto his account and announcing his death this is simply just attention seeking and should be dismissed
>he didn't set up catalysts made up of stuff his students may like in order to improve his chances of getting them
What does Hina's VA smell like?
Mine will never ever live down that Xmas event.
Career-ending performance right there.
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alright, time to do comms now.
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get out
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is that a problem?
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Fubuki cunnilingus
Maybe not really I've still got over 100k pyro left.
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These niggas cute as hell mayne.
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is UE30 Kokonuts good enough for the lanterns?
I swear someone posted a threshold chart showing off all the healers a month or two ago
I don't get it, why not release her on the rerun? It's Reijo all over again. Do they actually hate money?
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Ah, Sensei...!
koko yo
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never mind you need to spend more FUCK you
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My bad, sensei.

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Hoshino cunnilingus
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Hey Hina, how's it going?
Nice, thank you
I'm not actually on EU so I can't help sory
Her being worried about sensei after they got bombed in v1c3 was pretty adorable
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>over 100k after spending 800 rolls
The fuck?
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Pissu pissu
How are people using tMari? Her range is so sad
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I-I'm speechless
What the hell, is S.Atsuko really that good?
some "people" hate her
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Proof that I'm a real man
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I always do torment bro
I was there when it was released.
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Man what the fuck I expect cutesy shit from Ibuki's momotalks and the first ep already got me down... bunch of game backlogs, gunpla backlogs, unworn sneakers, watches, empty pens...
COOL team
Are you rich or just don't care? Whaling in this game is so brutal.
>nagisa ASSIST

doesn't count
hmm if I buy all the tickets available right now there’s a decent chance of getting both Himari and Kokona
Some people save for ages then splurge it all in one go.
Can you imagine? Blowing your load all over Dhina and Dako? Gallons and Galons of pyros.
It's all good I still appreciate it anon
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Japanese gacha are the most predatory and garbage games. If you play this casually you can enjoy it long as you save for a spark each time.
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Based Kot enjoyer. Is this the year of Serika hypercarry?
>def down bot almost out damages Kot
she completely replaces serina in all applications that don't require repositioning
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Where the fuck are her crayons?!
Fuck the police.

I do spend money but only on the more reasonable stuff like monthlies, the tickets that become available each blufes and because there was a voucher this time the 8k pakeji.

I also saved a lot. I was initially planning on only putting 1 spark on dHina after double sparking dAko/Makoto(yes 400 of those rolls were in dAko and Makoto) but I realized I'd still be able to guarantee the band alts and all next blufes limited characters and they're pretty much the only ones I care about anyway.
there was a time when she was top dps for this raid you know
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evens I do nothing
odds I selector for kokona
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is serikot actually worth the investment?
it's around 50% chance of getting the banner character before the 200 (where you spark it and get it guaranteed). that's not THAT unlucky.
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up her pooper
Could be worse.
hoyoshit is hebe central thoughbeit
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Post teams for torment so I can see if I can 1t it.
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Try again.
nice joke
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but /bag/ always gets every banner character in 10 pulls
>scam tickets
>voucher on $65 for 8k instead of 6.6k
mmmm grayons
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open your eyes and see
No, it's a scam
Try reading the thread.
Argh, I don't quite have an INS clear in me yet. I'm so close I might make it by the end of the week though, just gotta do some investments.
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The real value of Blue Archive is /bag/.
no sex...
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Shut THE FUCK UP Miyako
>Assumes T9 necklace
So the actual calcs are worthless for current GL.
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Thanks bro, is there any harsh requirements for UE levels here?

Why read when I can post silly images and get (you)s at the same time? What are you new or something?
Reminder that today is the last day to buy stuff before the shop refreshes, including the bounty shop.
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Post your roster (and the team you're using)
>3x commissions
>not strong enough to clear the last stage
bros... my exp...
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evens I wait until banner rerun
odds I buy selector and get her NOW
I like how most artists seem to agree that Hiroy does in fact have inverted nipples
Yeah if it wasn't for /bag/ I would have uninstalled awhile ago.
your iori or shanako?
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Thanks, nig
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>need to get mika in 200 rolls or wait 6 months
>clearite without weird shit
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Strongly considering the selector for her. I know she's one of the best healers, but I need more convincing.
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ue40 i think
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Just managed to do my very first insane clear
I managed it with just a single team too
D.Hina is fucking nuts
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(any yellow)
(any good support)
He's good when he's being vanilla
Just not a fan.
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Buy the start dash and then the selector if you don’t get her
i keep reading chare as chair
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post the soundwebm of her performance please
I used her and I use her fucking everywhere. I'd 100% recommend it bro. She's probably one of the best uses of it if you already have the major players like Ako and Himari and Iroha and such.
I'm too lazy to post my entire roster but I think my biggest issue is that I'm a Himarlet and an Akolet (both versions). My team was S Hoshino, Azusa, Kokona and borrowed D. Hina, with Serina for extra heal and Kotama as a cope buffer. I think more investment in Kokona so she can heal the lantern in one go will help the most (not even 5* yet).
is that when he's not promoting the beastshit anthology and trying to gather more artists to join in or...?
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Your Makoto?
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please stop ai slopposting...
nta but it's more than just him that promote or are featured in that anthology
She is not really meta and I just use her because I love her.

That being said, I really think she is a bit underrated. Very easy to max, 2 cost makes her good for cycle, good mood for the red raids. Her AA is actually really strong, bond gear improved her a lot.
You'd be surprised at how many legitimately good artists are in that anthology, it's a shame. I almost wish I was into that shit because the lineup is that good.
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>borrow sex
>do the Saori+zoos+nagisa combo
I will take my braindead silver
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>no one im my club has ue40 kokona to borrow

save me /bag/
kisaki tne og aislop kween
I had a dream about a week back where Serika was very insistent about pissing in my mouth. She just acted like she absolutely had to do it, that it was normal, and that I was being stupid for complaining. Then after pissing in my mouth she just casually left, she didn't seem interested in doing anything else, and remarked something about not having to pay her for it this time.
I'm not into piss so I don't understand why I dreamt about something like that.
Thanks for reading my blog.
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Ok now I see why everyone loves Shigure
I now have a new favorite student
Long live Stoat Sex
Is she actually good in any content?
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I love my cute little wife!
cute butt
haha this guy now likes cat pee in his mouth
>Super Sentai team
>there's no Blue Ranger
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Leisa alt soon
aoe heals for comfy
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she's used in Set
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>doesn't heal herself
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More like 75%. 1 - 0.993^200
Mari's holy water... panacea
Any good cleanup teams for this?
mari's holy water doesn't do anything to the source
>no Kaitenger spinoff where you fight kaijin versions of students
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Sex has been core for everything that requires a healer since her release

Yours should already be at UE30 or 40 min
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30y old Hinah
read the other skills
What students should I set for borrow?
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eu senseis feel free to join
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Ok anons i dont know if someone else already posted it but here is the translation from Korean to English, you can report it here https://cs-page.nexon.com/cc/report/guest/write?client_id=MjcwOA , and remember be respectful, dont go full /pol/ mode.
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Dunno if I wanna make a gamble like that. I have everyone else on that banner.

I know she's amazing, I'm just fighting the temptation to spend. Dunno if it's worth the ~20 bucks right now.

worse than the scatposter
thank god for filters
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You're probably not max level, but what about this team?
I can't read, what does this post say >>488309527
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a maxed out Kokona will make sure you always have credits for everything

two years in and I still have no Kokona and I seethe about it a little bit
>checks banners on
>Hina (Dress)
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Bullying this piece of shit after last times duck duck goose restart-a-thon feels very satisfying.
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You definitely will not regret

Sex is good for everything that requires a healer
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Guess I'm not sharing my students
anything niche that is relevant to the current raid/drill, there are probably 49 mikas and shoshinos set by your clubmates
So what am I going to do with these 340 Tsubaki elephs???
tYuuka Atsuko + Azusa/sNonomi/Mutsuki + Koharu/tMari + whatever big meta supports you didn't include
+ an additional sHoshino if you have the leeway
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Rizz Hina
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Done, I dont give shit about Hina but I know this could happen to my student-wife
erotic momoi
Nagisa, Kokona
if you have dHina at UE50+high affection her too, otherwise a zoos in case someone is missing her.
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Wait for UE60
This is my favorite one from that artist.
let me eat them
No Koharu or NY Fuuka on my end sadly. Koharu is coming after the raid shop resets though.

I don't quite have the team that goes around her, you can't just throw D. Hina at the raid with nothing else and win. If it wasn't for D. Hina I wouldn't even be considering it doable at all.
How are these niggers incapable of doing their job properly?
When are we getting a unit dressed like a native american chieftain
Oh yeah you're right. Perhaps it was my brain's way of coping for having to spark a bunch of times.
Fucking gold
I've seen so many people go "WELL I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT CHARACTER SO WHATEVER" then throw a fit when like five characters have been gutted that way and complain when it's their turn and nothing can be done because there's already a long precedent of them doing so already
is this a gacha game? Can i just pirate it so i don't do gacha shit?
fuckin love this creator
can't you just body throw some extra teams? I know it's not easy on hiero but surely you can do 2-3 million extra this way
Sleepy hound
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Yeah these fuckers have no excuse this time.
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It's 1500 technically.
2400 for UE50.
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Technically Patrangers didn't have a blue.
>b-but Lupinrangers
Shut the FUCK up.
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*epic fight music starts to play*
Would you watch this dub?
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I've made sure to include some slurs and threats so they know to take us seriously
facebook tier meme
Just be a F2P. The story is free and 90% of the time it gives you rental units and the parts that can't be beat with rentals can be done with the most basic bitch units you own.
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>the entire ASS club not under cockney
you lost me
but i don't care about gameplay, i wanna see and touch the girls
no one cares about fox squad or seia stop posting them. at least post hina or other important students.
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what the FUCK man
Amau Ako could've been a mother to me
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Torment is too hard. I give up.
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I can try, but I did a mock and only got 1m before my second team melted, and I'm not sure my 3rd or 4th teams will even manage that because I'd be out of red DPS.
Okay, couldn't beat the temptation after not having her for so long. You win this time, Arona.
This but they're all Moldavian.
is Akemi actually one of the seven prisoners?
>aussie and british accents
kill self, none of my students are retarded aussies or bongs
What do I write into device name if I'm on emulator?
ak*mi and terrorshino should never be released
Then be a F2P. All it takes is a minor amount of dedication to spend like 20m a day spending AP and a modicum of self control to not swipe every time you want a unit.
upvoted XD
Yeah, When it happen Kanna thank god was fixed quickly, since then I been reporting bad translations even if I dont care about the stuident in question.
Where do you get this kind of pictures?
so is she gonna slim down when we pull for her? I ain't rolling for a MA'AM
This game has irreversibly damaged my mental state. At no point in my life will I ever even come into contact with the beautiful and feminine grace found in BA.

Thanks John Nexon.
sooo. does that mean shes head over heels for (you)?
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sex won
The phone that you're emulating
Terror hoshino will be the purple hoshino to complete the list of hoshinos
Suou is a joke

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If the real world were for us we wouldn't be here in the first place
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u suck at video games
Stick to candy crush.
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You get used to it
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Suou might be the most important student (for sex)
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coom in doom
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Sex ticket
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Wake up amoeba, you're in the retirement home.
rrat cunnilingus
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Anyone else notice how easy it is to spend hours posting on this thread and not even notice the time go by?
I hate this general. I was almost on the verge of dropping 4chan entirely before I picked BA and now I am back to 00's-early 10s browsing times. I was almost free.
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that's why I always carry a repellent around
i rarely post but often scroll thru several threads and just download pictures
Its because it goes so fast with all the neets in one place it basically turns into a chat.
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Y̸O̵U̶ ̶W̵I̷L̷L̷ ̵N̶E̵V̴E̸R̴ ̸L̴E̴A̸V̵E̷
NYIorah when. She's one of the few units without an alt. What are the devs doing?
No, nigger. All dubfags deserve to be rounded up and shot to death. Not to mention, the anime was dogshit. Don't ever mention it again in these halls.
honestly a good choice. She's just goated
I am a newfag here and already made 300 posts in 3 days, is this normal?
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grats on the rrat
Post porn and get banned for 3 days, you dumb addict.
No, counting the amount of posts you make isn't normal bro
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Why does she have red pupils?
The amount of zoomers in here is astounding. Give Miyako smg leader build and have Saki just do whatever is left. You better be doing a 4-man run or else you're a nigger.
Any idea who wrote the purple paper airplane note?
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Sena I think
Red eyes is usually a sign of evil characters
Can we switch places? I've pulled seven fucking Wakamos. I can't handle it anymore.
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Wakamo loves you very much Anata-sama~
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What is the retard proof team for heiro? I remember everyone using it six months ago

I remember d.hina, s.hoshino, but I can't remember the other two. Koharu? Azusa?
kokona + azusa also scroll up
This is so sad.
Alexa, play Hotel California by The Eagles.
I would tell you to kill yourself, lurk 2 years before posting, go back to Twitter/Reddit/Whatever but honestly it's pointless now. Genuine old fags are long gone and we've already had two massive waves of new users that someone who came here to talk about gacha games is the least of this place's worries.
I'm not worthy.....
Mobage are the only games you'll ever find where they make 3 billion dollars a year and somehow they can only afford to spend $10 on translators.
Assuming I'm borrowing a Kokona, who can replace Azoos?
>Scroll up
A picture of hina
Assuming pink is Chinatsu, you might be right.
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>Genuine old fags are long gone
>soon to be two decades of me being on this shithole
Kill me
dAko probably
azusa is there for def down
She is cute, isn't she
How do you do that gym challenge?
Even with D.Hina you just don't do enough damage.
>>Genuine old fags are long gone
I'm here
t. 2011 antientfag
Let me rephrase; they are so unbelievably outnumbered that they can't possibly do anything to try and steer this site's culture anymore.
The 100% retard proof no brain required?
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>Genuine old fags are long gone
Still here.
Bad bait
i doubt theres much overlap between BA audience and EYE
very cool though
i have been on 4chan since 2010
Oh that shit was over already past 08 to me.
You could feel the changing tone around 07 imo.
shut the fuck up newfag
Do you miss moot yet?
check older threads, somebody posted a video there.
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I've been here since the start of the summer
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too late
*slurp* *suck* *sluuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrp* *suck* *suck* *SLUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRP*
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We know
We all know you newfags coming from school always come during summer.
been here since 2006
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Hey guys what's going on on this th-
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Natsu, Natsu! Call 999!
Natsu... Natsu, how could you have done this... NATSU!
I can't believe you got slurped, I cannot believe you got slurped. How could you have gotten slurped...
I can't help you out of this one Natsu, with all we've been through, I can't pull you out of this one...
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ass we can
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how could natsu have been slurped..
i cant believe it.. i cant believe.. it its just not like her. how could she have gotten slurped?
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yugami nee na
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seia hate
he cant keep getting away with it
seia love
he can keep getting away with it
detest and neglect seia
not canon sensei

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