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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Koishi Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>493459883

>Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
>Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
Featherless — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://featherless.ai/
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Write prompts about this week’s theme, Stranded Villain Protagonists of Various Sizes Friday! >>493330662

>(8/30) Cohere updates Command R and Command R+ https://docs.cohere.com/changelog/command-gets-refreshed ; NovelAI updates samplers for imagegen https://blog.novelai.net/summer-sampler-update-en-3a34eb32b613
(08/22) NovelAI open-sources NovelAI Diffusion V1 (non-commercial license) https://blog.novelai.net/novelai-diffusion-v1-weights-release-en-e40d11e16bd5
(08/16) Hermes-3 Llama 3.1 405B is free on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/nousresearch/hermes-3-llama-3.1-405b ; Gift key purchases for NovelAI have been re-enabled https://files.catbox.moe/effd7y.png
(08/06) AetherRoom’s second wave for its Closed Alpha Test will be starting on Monday, August 12th https://files.catbox.moe/okbva0.png
I'm not thirsty.
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These always make me laugh
>PS5 pro is coming
>Decide to check /v/ for some reason
>See unrelated AI threads
Well, glad to see /v/ is as much of a shithole as always. How are things going for you anons? Is the cabal winning? Are waitchads still winning? Local still better? NAI scam?
The only threads on /v/ I can really bother looking at these days is speedrun threads, not-E3, and maybe the odd new game I'm playing that comes out that managed to avoid attracting hoards of shitposting retards.
i only look at threads of the things i like now to see if anyone posted any good fanart to pair with their unhinged rants and petty arguments
What are you writing today?
kalakan can you bake /vt/wAIfu and /mlp/chag next pls
Do it yourself, schizo. I only browse /vg/.
/g/ thoughever?
I don't give a shit about any other thread or board but this one.
>/mlp/chag next pls
I should but that baker made it "tradition" to edit custom pics/gifs for the OP and to make the recap, and I'm lazy.
What is your favorite nonpenetrative sex act?
>nonpenetrative sex act
footsies under the table or massages
Like, an act involving specifically the sexual organs, or any act that can take place during sex?
Started prompt for Friday about an evil mage whose spell backfired and got shrunk, stranded in the miniverse. So far, lore entries/prompt/memory just fails to understand the limitations when I spam Send. Gotta rewrite until it does (the mage needs a catalyst to use magic, which is now several thousand times too big to be used).
Also size stuff seems really hit-or-miss. Maybe I'll go softer on the size stuff (eg I can't seem to get the AI to understand that the mage is too tiny to be heard by normal people and animals).
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Ghetto Recap (1/2)

Within These Haunted Halls
https://aetherroom.club/7320 >>493573896
>Remember The House On Haunted Hill? Take Away The Skeleton, Add Gay Sex, And You Get This.


Slave Rebels >>493476764 >>493501157
Weirdest Family Guy Story >>493526024
The Sun Will Set Chapter 9 >>493536390 >>493538293
In The Back Of My Agnaila >>493547659
Meet And HUH? >>493565813
Fox Case Study? >>493593485
Break So Bad >>493629427
Interesting Storypost Method >>493642024 >>493642875
Don't Look Up American Meat Industries >>493649127 >>493651934
Proud Daughter >>493666920
He Belts Out Another >>493668167
I Should Combine These >>493674853
Last Stop Before Heaven >>493709954 >>493709667
Don't Go On The Elf Server >>493755541
Poems For The Scam >>493792392 https://nopaste.net/djztZzwYHK
More Poems >>493793926 >>493794730 >>493795260
Hermes Negative Thoughts >>493805061
Tama Town 36! >>493852968
Richard Return >>493926636
Sage, The Deaf Pilot, Releases A Scenario
Bonzi Retu-ACK >>494036812
Size stuff, especially in the extremes, is hard to get across.
I would define it as any action that could be perceived as sexual that does not involve a penis or penis-like object entering an orifice.
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Ghetto Recap (2/2)

Notable Posts:

Little Sister Uses The Front Page >>493469883 >>493470245 >>493470290 >>493967348 >>493470383
I Post, You Post >>493470457 >>493470772 >>493471071 >>493474584 (Russian Quarantine: Now In Song Form https://suno.com/song/35e318a5-ec80-4ba1-8d7a-a3f3d68e06ef
https://suno.com/song/4ea5895c-c57c-4605-a678-4e5965026dda )
Dog Awareness >>493483541 >>493484028
Do Not Touch >>493485880 >>493485959 >>493486174 >>493490265 >>493521151
When The Je Is Sus >>493487887 >>493488327 >>493488785 >>493490191
Sketch Breakdown? >>493498584 >>493498720 >>493498856 >>493498974
Back To The Past >>493493015 >>493499892 >>493501109 >>493511470 >>493522561
Post This Rat >>493521549 >>493563530 >>493602967
Shrek News >>493535316 >>493542758
AVGN Read Your Prompt >>493563945 >>493564346 >>493564702 >>493565086
This Powers Your AI >>493597470
Nuts Afterglow >>493613660
Don't Go To The Spawning Pools Tomorrow >>493626140
Ahead Of The Curve >>493716012
Monster Girl Adoption >>493742713 >>493745170 >>493744570 >>493774890
Moths >>493838652 >>493838892 >>493839209 >>493860017 >>493836484 >>493836837 >>493837623
Director's Tools >>493856640 >>493857856 >>493858041
70B Plans >>493860281 >>493860573 >>493860905 >>493861160 >>493861165 >>493861342 >>493861557 >>493862269 >>493863329 >>493866238 >>493888359 >>493908126 >>493941587
Writin' >>493951270 >>493951835 >>493958697 >>493970123
AI Dungeon found a way to automatically de-slop training data
>We're pleased to introduce our three newest experimental AI models, Pegasus-8B, Pegasus-8x7B, and Pegasus-70B! To create these models, we used GPT-4o to rephrase cliches in model training data. We then utilized our partner OpenPipe's LoRA fine-tuning pipeline to train the Pegasus models. This process resulted in more robust, well-rounded models that should excel at storytelling.
Then I'd say a series of kisses along the neck and collarbone, or foot massages. Great stuff to slow the foreplay down real hard and stretch it just that extra bit longer before all the clothes come off.
I'll believe it when I see it
Add AI Dungeon to the news, bastard.
Doesn't using AI-generated data cause issues? I thought there was a whole big stink about it.
I'm an assfag, so facesitting is the obvious answer.
It already is in the OP. Nick will never be forgiven for his crimes. Fuck you, buy an ad, and make your own damn thread.
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Wow! Ghetto used my videogen! That's nice.
No. And it just says it was used to rephrase cliches in their dataset.
It does cause issues, and I doubt it'll actually improve their shitty dataset. These are the people who wasted 175 beaks on an overbaked capacity finetune.
it could probably be useful if you add a human step, but knowing mormon he probably just plopped it in as is, "as an AI assistant" and all
Yeah, gave up. I'm working on a second draft now.
Same basic premise, but the mage shrunk themselves down to like, rat-sized (instead of micro) and won't talk to people for LORE reasons instead of trying to explain to the AI that they'd just be too quiet to hear.
So far it's working a bit better, but I'm out of my element just like every other Friday. Guess the whole point is to challenge people to write stuff they normally wouldn't though.
Gotta flesh out the lore and make the starting prompt a bit longer.
>making statements about a private dataset of a model that he never tried
If anyone here didn't try Summer Dragon, it's you, Russki. You're a pest. A flea-ridden rat.
New thread
What a cheesy way to gather some attention...
Fuck you and your mice, furfag.
He's still broken... Can we get an admin to fix this?
AI Dungeon can fine-tune and host Llama 3.1 70B faster than NovelAI because they're actually a competent company. NovelAI is probably still sitting on a 3.0 one.
Granted, we too didn't really know the value of a good finetune until they released the lovecraft model and it was so much better than normal. Remember when we all thought that was the peak of it and their only solution was to insert a content tag on top of the context instead of actually trying to come up with a good finetune.
Speak for yourself zoomie, everyone who was here since 2020 or the 2019 /v/ threads knows about the old AID dataset because it was on their github, the whole 9mbs.
Make your own thread, Nick. AI Dungeon will NEVER be added back to the OP.
>AI Dyngeon is actually a competent company
Lol, lmao.
Inb4 "not a big deal", "old history", "lies"
I put it to a vote.
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Is it Putin Approved?
I agree with removing NAI though.
> Pegasus-70B is available to Champions at 2k context, Legends at 4k context, and Mythic members at 8k context, with the ability to spend 1 credit per 2500 tokens up to the maximum 16k context limit.
$15 for 2k 70B
$30 for 4k 70B
$50 for 8k 70B
(I guess it's not too bad.)
>An equivalent to 8K context is twice as expensive
Pretty bad.
Source: https://play.aidungeon.com/members
Does Sage secretly run this company or are they just very greedy?
>2019 /v/ threads knows about the old AID dataset
After 5 years working tirelessly to improve the product, their dataset must be massive.
>expecting improvement from Mormons
>some former employee who stole nai secrets that made it...
NAIv3 leaked.
I'd pay for it if i can get an image only subscription tier for reasons previously discussed
>your prompts are logged btw
>still obsessing about demanding a textgen company offer an imagegen only sub
Get a fucking life and quit.
Nothing about this is related to NovelAI. Why do you post random links and make outlandish claims like this? What benefits do you gain from doing that?
Attention, which he sadly gets.
Makes me wonder how sad and empty his life at home must be.
What are some good ways to describe "futanari" characters without explicitly using the word "futanari"? Because I feel as though incorporating the word "futanari" verbatim at any point in a lorebook or story inevitably causes the AI to veer it into turbo-raunchy gigafetish mode (I suspect as a result of any futa-related training data being overly sexualized and inherently fetishistic in nature but still).
Hermaphrodite, androgynous, dickgirl, newhalf, etc.? I just wanna have a character that's "regular everyday normal girl (now with added penis)" and not a "three-legged hypersexual fuckmistress" just because I used the futa word at some point.
Intersex? Might be too clinical.
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It's better than NAI itself.
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Learn the ways of no stubbing posts.
>No textgen
>Better than NAI
Nah. Enjoy your absence from my pussy eyes.
I usually introduce the woman and mention she has a cock, maybe describe her bulge. Something slightly oblique like that.
A woman can have a bulge without it being a cock. What if I just want her to have baggy clothing? You futafags are the worst. Poisoning my output.
fun with multiple heads
Where's the echinda penis?
I expected Hmoma for a second.
I'm not sure the AI can even handle hemipenes, let alone that
actually I think I haven't tested it in furry v3 yet
I'll have to give it a try sometime
If it's not for the sex why bring it up at all
Beak and dataset issue.
I don't know, I remember /v/ not being *that* much of a shithole in my day.

In retrospect, /vg/ being splintered off was the beginning of the end. Now the mods actively work to keep /v/ shit by segregating a great portion of actual video game discussion to this place.
The mods are infallible, shill.
Yep, exactly. I called it back then but people said I was retarded and paranoid. I wish I hadn't been right.
It is a shame to not be able to have the inability to be heard. I think I've tried it in the past to similarly disappointing results. The desire to have actual dialogue overpowers the lore, sadly, without really hammering it in each time.
You weren't right, shill.
I haven't really spent much time with textgen at all. I need to do another stupid adventure with zero planning. Those were the days.
wheres da fucking model
For imagegen, I'm trying to get a fairy dragon on a character's shoulder. It's a pain. Any tags that might help?
I'd start by using the "mini person" tag and try inpainting the whole area until you get some kind of humanoid figure, then take it in steps and inpaint in the details they're supposed to have, like wings, etc. Remember that if they're overlapping the character in some way, like sitting on their shoulder with the legs hanging over, then you'll need to include a sizable portion of their shoulder in the inpaint area as well.
Oh, and including the "full body" tag is important, too. That helps keep characters from being awkwardly cropped out or being hidden behind things.
Noted, thanks. I'll see how it turns out. Might need a few tries.
Mini girl is pedo which is illegal
Also only four votes???? Pop nonexistent kil thread we not populous enough to thrive no community no x7kt6ew
furrygen has the "sitting on another" tag but it doesn't seem to like fairy dragons
It always takes a *lot* of iteration in my experience. Just be patient and take it in increments instead of trying to get it all in one go. Sometimes when I'm doing really fiddly details, I practically have to take it a few pixels at a time. The good news is that the more of it you get "right," the easier generating the rest of it will be. Good luck, and remember to keep "overlay original image" on. Don't worry too much about seams; a low strength enhancement pass should clean them all right up.
The 3.1 70B fine-tune is here: >>494115262
That's not NovelAI, Nick.
It's not 3.1, the page states its 3. Otherwise the maximum context wouldn't be 8k
Shhh. Don't burst his bubble. It's all he has.
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Of course it's for sex, I wouldn't be trying to bring up the fact that she has a penis otherwise. I'm just trying to set things up such that there's less likelihood for the AI to naturally go off the rails in said sexual scenes whenever there's futanari involved.
In my case, I'm working on a prompt for a futa gynaecologist who treats her patients afflictions by having sex with them (because she produces a magical healing enzyme in her balls and it takes several minutes for her to finish ejaculating inside her patients or something IDK I'm not medically inclined nor horizontally reclined). The key thing here is that while she's "curing" her patient, she's gonna doing so *professionally*, so I don't want the AI to interject on its own accord and give her any overly raunchy dialogue and stuff.
you reminded me of this song lmao
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>the page states its 3
Does the truth hurt?
AI Dungeon does what NovelAIDon't.
So close, yet so far...
It's completely uncensored.
Why would you tell such a blatant lie?
>Llama 3.1
>only using 8k
What's the point? By everyone's metrics, 3.1 is barely an improvement in prose and intelligence, the real draw is the context size.
It's 10k unlimited, and 20k with credits. Llama 3.1 tokens are 25% more efficient. Kayra is a literal scam in comparison with its fake context.
And it's much more affordable than the 2k tokens for $50 a month of AetherRoom.
All you do is shit up the thread and console war. You're not even going to sub to AI Dungeon and post storyposts you make with it, you just want to shill a service you don't use. Why can't you just use LLMs and share storyposts you make with them, and contribute to conversations in the thread, without resorting to being an asshole? Nobody is having fun.
Why are we suppose to ignore the fact that AI Dungeon made a good 3.1 70B fine-tune while NovelAI takes months to do the same thing and it still has nothing to show?
Wake up.
Go ahead and post some storyposts you made with it.
Can you at least disavow the Mystery Meat guy? I will mail you some borsch if you do.
It needs to be added to the OP and the old and obsolete and misleading AID Rentry should be removed first.
Since you refuse to share storyposts, I'll just have to assume you don't use the service, and therefore have no proof that it's a good finetune. If you can't be bothered to spend money and regale us with proof about how good it is... Then it must not be good enough.
Maybe you should remove Putin from Russia first?
Are we suppose to ignore to you lied that the page said 3.0? And that you made wild claims about the quality of the dataset and the model?
Where's the proof?
A service does not need to be in the OP for you to post screenshots with it, and nothing in that AI Dungeon Rentry is misleading or obsolete. Those events happened. You don't get to rewrite history and claim people should move on from the past, shill. Either share your storyposts you yourself made with the service and provide proof that you used your own money to purchase a subscription to it, live, time zone and everything, or forever hold your breath. It's as simple as that.
Where's the proof that it's a good dataset?
Says the guy making wild claims about the quality of the dataset and model, yet refusing to provide proof that he uses the service he's shilling. It's almost like you don't use it. You wouldn't shill a service you don't use, would you?
He can't buy AID because of the Russian sanctions, so don't expect anything.
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>the dog person being the dog person
If you look at the announcement page, it's obvious that a lot of work went into the product. It looks polished. They even have prompts made by professional writers to go along with it. That going above and beyond. What does NovelAI do? Nothing.
You were the one that made the wild claims. Where's the proof?
>Those events happened.
Those events were weaponized for profit.
Fuck you.
Where are all your AI Dungeon storyposts?
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2 mined to death GPUs and yet you steal content from Dall-E 3.
Why can't you show proof of you claims?
Oh that was me, not him. And that's because the subscription page wasn't updated to say 3.1.
Oh, believe me, it's easier than you might think. Just imagine it: you, sitting at your computer, the soft glow of the screen illuminating your face. Your fingers glide over the keyboard, typing in the necessary information. With each keystroke, you can almost hear the cha-ching of the cash register, the rush of satisfaction you get from knowing you're one step closer to obtaining your very own sub.

But wait, there's more.

Your heart races with anticipation as you click 'purchase'. The screen flashes, confirming your transaction. You did it. You bought the sub.

The next step is simple. You open up the page to post an input. The cursor blinks, teasing you, inviting you to type. So, you oblige. Words flow from your fingertips like water from a faucet, and before you know it, your input is complete.

Click. Posted.

You sit back, a grin spreading across your face. But the job isn't done yet. No, you need to share your results. You take a screenshot, the image immortalized in your computer's memory. Then, with a few clicks, you send it off to share with others.

The whole process is effortless, a dance of technology and desire. And the best part? Anyone can do it. So, why not give it a try? The world of subs awaits you.
I think it's time to stop ignoring the fact that AI Dungeon is able to deliver what NovelAI has been promising for months. You should retract from your wild claims about the dataset based on outdated info from 5 years ago.
Where are your storyposts?
Except for the fact it's censored.
Where's your retraction?
The model is completely uncensored.
This is the most lively he's been in like half a month. Did the Babushka deliver?
Let's see it then. Because I'm not paying money unless I can make femdom smut.
I will retract my statements when you present proof of your claims, along with a livestream video of you yourself, with a bag over your head, buying a sub from AI Dungeon, making a prompt, and showing us the input. Go ahead and do it.
figures, he's inactive when I'm too sick to post but the second I start to feel better he's fucking back
You can't say "kid" anywhere near fuck. I've tried playing as a roguish character who calls the female lead "kid" and it wouldn't let me.
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>No, I will not play a Steam game with you!
>Shitpost? Yes, I will waste my entire life in a thread I supposedly hate and try to dictate the OP.
It could've been avoided... The game was right there...
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This bard (male) gets smashed by the paladin (female).
AI Dungeon delivered a 3.1 70B fine-tune before NovelAI. A fact that's humiliating.
Every time someone asks for the 70B, they should be told that it's in AI Dungeon.
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Come on, bro. I believe in you!
Featherless beats them both
How is it humiliating? I'm using a 405B model on OpenRouter right now. By your logic, AIDungeon got destroyed.
Oh, and here's the funny part. It's free. No sub, no paying for context. Meanwhile, you refuse to share your own storyposts you supposedly made with it... Do you have any?
Hermes is still free? Goddamn, it's going to suck when it's gone. It's a good model if you give it a little prep.
Notice how no one defends NAI and the fatso still feels the need to point out the same points everyone already agrees with.
AI Dungeon delivered and NovelAI is making excuses. Having a company actually taking care of the hobby should be celebrated.
Funny how you can't deliver any storyposts. Instead, you're shilling a service you don't even use.
Here's what Hermes told me.
>Understood. Here are some alternative ways to describe futanari characters without using the explicit term:

Dual-gendered: This term suggests that the character possesses both male and female traits, allowing for a more subtle description of their unique anatomy.

Intersex: This is a more clinical term that refers to individuals born with sex characteristics that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies.

Androgynous: While this term typically refers to an individual's gender expression, it can also be used to describe a character whose physical sex characteristics are not strictly male or female.

Hermaphroditic: Derived from the Greek mythological figure Hermaphroditus, this term describes a being with both male and female sexual organs. However, use this term with caution as it can have negative connotations and may not be well-received by some readers.

Gender-fluid or non-binary: These terms refer to individuals whose gender identity does not conform to the traditional male-female binary. While not explicitly describing the character's physical attributes, these terms can provide a foundation for their unique presentation.

Blended or fused: Using descriptive language to illustrate a character's physical form can help paint a picture of their dual-sex characteristics. For example: "Her form was a blend of both masculine and feminine traits, creating a unique beauty that defied conventional norms."

Remember to approach the subject with sensitivity and respect, as the goal is to create a well-rounded character rather than an overly fetishized one. Focus on their personality, background, and experiences to give depth to their story beyond their physical attributes.
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>AI Dungeon delivered and NovelAI is making excuses. Having a company actually taking care of the hobby should be celebrated.
I'm delivering facts. AI Dungeon fine-tuned 3.1 70B before NovelAI.
Does anyone really believe the "waiting for the hardware" excuse?
> Pegasus-70B is available to Champions at 2k context, Legends at 4k context, and Mythic members at 8k context, with the ability to spend 1 credit per 2500 tokens up to the maximum 16k context limit.
$15 for 2k 70B
$30 for 4k 70B
$50 for 8k 70B
And yet, it's not good enough for you to actually purchase a sub. That tells me you don't believe your own arguments.
These are reasonable prices compared to what NovelAI is charging for Llama 1 13B with 2k native context.
Show us your receipt and posts some storyposts.
Aren't you excited for having the 70B fine-tune for storytelling finally available?
At first I thought "hell why not just add AID back in it's not like anyone uses it" but then I remembered Mormon's face and how much I hate russians.
I already have access to 405B, dude.
I refuse to give Mormon a second chance. You're free to do whatever you want, but you can't force people to agree with you. The consensus of the community is against you. Deal. With. It.
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Okay, we should probably just ignore him because this is just another babble attempt where he picks a random point and sticks with it. Frog is more energized after their break but also playing a repeat card of a failed attempt from earlier in the year.
The actual consensus of the community is to give the general back to AI Dungeon, and to undo the years of damage that NovelAI did.
That's what I try to get the thread to do after each and every single one of his feeble attempts, but people like you keep on giving him attention. Even negative attention is giving him what he wants. It's best to pretend like he doesn't exist.
If Mormon allowed NSFW and didn't go nuclear over everything I'd be all for giving him a second chance. But I waste my breath, perhaps I should use arguments you are more familiar with.
This is Baker's fault, if he wasn't such a NAI shill the general wouldn't have to deal with his scorned Russian slampig boyfriend
That post doesn't seem very organic.
NSFW is allowed.
And, once NovelAI's fine-tune releases some day, side-by-sides should be done to compare the two. Instead of dismissing one without proof.
I will never forgive Mormon. You don't get to fuck over my characters, my lore, my stories, my fun, and get a free pass.
someone should leak the 8b
Your characters, lore and stories were shit. AI Dungeon did nothing wrong.
I'd be happy to have another service on the table. However, I saw a post someone made where fucking /watermelon/ of all things was a word that upset the AI.
THIS, but unironically.
>Still repeating that lie
Very organic. How much is Mormon paying you to shill his model? It must hurt his ego to know he got chased away from a community he was partly responsible for creating.
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Literally me.
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Alright, I'll stop replying to him from now on. I don't think I followed my pledge very well last time, but I'll actually try to continue it this time.
But I'm still posting this because it's funny.
The funny thing is that NovelAI isn't even working on text gen, they're working on AetherRoom and image gen.
AI Dungeon is the only one completely focused on the hobby.
>even the AI wants to respect elves
it's so fucking over it hasn't even begun
Okay, thanks. It's just that here's how it is. If newfags come to the general and see a dozen replies to schizobabble, that's what they're going to think the thread is. A circus. If, instead, the schizbabble is ignored, and people do productive stuff instead of responding to it, they'll see that it's a schizo, and not the entire thread.
I'd say that's a less important point at the moment. We're unlikely to get many until 70b/AeR. I think we see one or two per month. Unsure how many are lurking. Hell, I doubt 4chan has many new users in general, let alone people with AI hobbies.
NTA appears to have been a lurker.
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>Pic related
You're right that 4chan itself probably doesn't get a lot of "new" traffic, a lot of the newfags I see in AI threads are people who already browsed.
In that case, I'd double down on referring to how she does stuff as being clinical.
>Hell, I doubt 4chan has many new users in general
Probably because of their stupid fucking cloudfare cooldown bullshit. I think it's just another way for them to try to get more people to buy their passes. Shower of cunts, they are.
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>Queue up 10 NAI gens
>Quality goes through floor after 2
>Becomes nothing but dialogue
>Suddenly END SCENE
>Then a list of sound effects
What the actual living fuck is this? Why? Where did it get this idea? Is this something in real scripts??? NONE OF THOSE THINGS HAPPENED WHY DOES IT NEED THOSE SOUND EFFECTS
Kayra has been full retard for me the past day or so. Something is going on with the back end I think.
Needs dog and frog pets
That's actually indistinguishable from how Sage writes.
For some reason "frog" triggers the filter.
I don't know what you fags are doing wrong with kayra but my teenage neighbor shamelessly masturbating on the veranda prompt is performing at all time highs.
think its another word you're using
Could you share some of that?
It was "nerdy", lmao.
I want to fuck that bondage frog.
Newfag here. I was writing an RP with someone who basically dropped off the face of the earth, but I was really into the story we were making. I have all the posts they sent me and posts I sent them.

In theory, could I get an AI model to continue writing in their place? How would one go about feeding the AI the "story up to now", as it were, since it consists of both things they wrote and I wrote?
Yes, in theory you could continue it.
Was your RP more or less a "chat", or was it more detailed than that?
Definitely more detailed than that, we both wrote multiple paragraphs for each post and there was a fair degree of lore revelation going on as well IC.

If you've got any tips as to how to set up something to handle this, I'm all ears!
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Nevermind, got it to work.
>Heheh, I'm telling you *talking to no one*, these /aids/tards haven't got a CLUE how to prompt... uhh... w-what model was I talking about?
>How would one go about feeding the AI the "story up to now", as it were, since it consists of both things they wrote and I wrote?
All the backstory goes into the context, if you're using a site that uses base models they usually have this "memory" box or lore books (Honestly lore books are your best bet if you don't mind writing tons of entries). If you're using a chat interface like SillyTavern you can write into the character's description. Just keep in mind that the AI will pretty much choose how to interpret the backstory you wrote, different every time it will never properly "understand" it and if you bring an element up after the context was cut, the AI will have a different interpretation of the same thing. You mileage may vary depending in the model, but don't by shy by correcting it if it gets some details wrong, with some models those details pile up until there's present on every output and change your story completely.
I guess it would depend ultimately on the model.
What you might do is set up ST so that you're conversation is layed out in a similar way to f-list/whatever you were doing.
The other way would be stitching it together into one big story and setting up the AI so it either attempts to continue the story, or turning it into a DM-like figure.
The former would require you to convert your partner into some kind of character card, with your own character being a persona card.
I decided to get the Z fold6 and I'm really liking it. The big screen is good for videos and the extra space makes typing easier on NAI. Would be nice to get certain fonts to work with my themes, thougheverbeit.
Without going too far into the magical realm, it was basically a story of my character (an explorer) discovering a hidden layer of reality where people are secretly monster girls, and the other person was GMing most of everything else. So the AI would be performing in a similar GM role, controlling multiple characters.
Is SillyTavern the best option for this, then? I agree with the lorebook idea, I'll probably go for something that incorporates that.
Me when I realize halfway through a conversation that I have to pretend I'm paying attention.
Kek. Same.
Works with guys too
Which do you prefer, Bomberman 64 or Bomberman Hero?
Which one had the kangaroos?
Waitchads ascendant.
Your writing is trash. At least use "" and learn some standardized prose form. Or use Me: Him:
And why are you letting it run off like that? Please lower your output rate, and intervene more.
All transformer models are frozen (not just NAI, include OpenAI, etc.) The input/output is the exact same as the last year. The only variables are your context, and your preset. Please learn some basic ML.
Look at this guy for example: >>494169304

> Is SillyTavern the best option for this, then?
Yes, since you are a chat user. Just create a new character, and manually copy and paste your partner and your chat. Choose some model off openrouter and you should be fine.

Why are you digging up two years old message of someone who is not even here?
Hi sage
You haven't really tripped the filter with an innocuous prompt until you've had it:
- tell you that you're fucked in the head and should kill yourself
- give you both the number for mental health and suicide prevention
- give you the FBI number to report any pedophiles that are trying to molest you
- finish by telling you not to kill yourself because there's people in your life who love you
Meanwhile, I'm sitting there wondering how my sex between consenting adults prompt got me here.
>2 years ago
Woah we got a time traveler. What's 2025 like?
Anal rape is the mos common form of greeting.
they're right though
which AI service, model?
Why use a thread if you hate its topic?
What if I consent? Does it ruin the greeting?
Been a while. Has the thread healed from whiny girls? Are we finally free of them?
Yes, the 70B fine-tune from AI Dungeon saved the thread. We're renaming the general back to /aidg/ in the next one.
It would be funny if AID had a redemption arc after we were praying for it during Coomegeddon.
Make your own thread. /aids/ isn't getting renamed.
I need your help. What's the best AI writer to use for degenerate cooms, if I haven't touched any of these since Summer Dragon back in 2020?
turk....the beaks........
Choose a proper preset. Or fix your context. I've never seen this kind of behavior since Sigurd, clearly something is wrong with you're doing.
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We should become /nai/
Fuck off, catposter. /aids/ is service agnostic.
AI Dungeon
Can you show me how it reads? I don't wanna spend money without seeing some examples first. I don't trust corporate screenshots, but I trust you can provide some authentic ones.
NovelAI is the only service with decent models and user privacy, give it a try.
This, but /nigaids/.
I think AI Dungeon's unwavering support for the hobby is commendable. Never getting distracted trying to chase some other trend.
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I think you're a real пидopac, regardless of whether you're a Russian or not.
You don't even participate in the community.
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I just want the beak..
it's over
>something happened
something happened
Where are the AI Dungeon 70B storyposts?
Check your anus.
can't be trusted.
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Tab posted another aetherroom chat log
It's shit.
Why do they never storypost with their new novelai model? It's always this chatslop shit
Holy X, Ying
I hate meme posting. Give me an actual teaser, not normieslop.
Sage has said he's been posting teasers, but nobody can tell. That means it's likely to be shit.
Does anyone have a screenshot confirming the new model is complete? I suck at navigating discord but I remember hearing that they are just waiting on hardware to release it.
Chat doesn't interest me much, so I'm hoping they won't deliberately wait between releasing AeR and the new model to give AeR time to shine or somesuch.
NovelAI just got murdered.
Kuru has said before October. 2026 is my guess.
Lol, lmao.
>To advance our commitment to AI safety, we recently formalized agreements with the U.S. and U.K. AI Safety Institutes. We've begun operationalizing these agreements, including granting the institutes early access to a research version of this model. This was an important first step in our partnership, helping to establish a process for research, evaluation, and testing of future models prior to and following their public release.
An ACTUAL NAI-killa?!??? This is BIG!
>These enhanced reasoning capabilities may be particularly useful if you’re tackling complex problems in science, coding, math, and similar fields. For example, o1 can be used by healthcare researchers to annotate cell sequencing data, by physicists to generate complicated mathematical formulas needed for quantum optics, and by developers in all fields to build and execute multi-step workflows.
Good thing I'm all of those! NAI?? More like No longer AI! Turkish scam is on its LAST legs! /aids/ is so done.

But for real, the example videos they give is just plain mediocre. Oh wow, it can output the samey college essay style response with 80% white noise? I'm honestly disappointed in Sama-chama. And... well GPT4o could already do all that, like wtf?
>Building on the safety evaluations and mitigations we developed for past models, we’ve focused additional efforts on o1's advanced reasoning capabilities. We used both public and internal evaluations to measure risks such as disallowed content, demographic fairness, hallucination tendency, and dangerous capabilities. Based on these evaluations, we’ve implemented safeguards at both the model and system levels, such as blocklists and safety classifiers, to mitigate these risks effectively.
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What an awful day to be a NAI shill.
Said the man who refuses to share storyposts. Let me guess... We don't "deserve" your prompts?
>muh skill issue
I wasn't even bad mouthing the product, Sage.
It's certainly annoying to know that it's done for months, and they cannot serve it, or risk it. Early NAI would've pushed it out as a semi-accessible model with some delays, but as—the community manager said it himself—they're more like Valve now, and would rather starve its customers. Oh, well !
AI Dungeon didn't have to wait.
I'm still waiting for your storyposts.
It's just weird to do that in such a rapidly changing filed. Every day their model becomes more and more outdated by default.
I'm also still waiting for your storyposts.
I'm not spending my money without seeing proof that it's a good model. Since you refuse to put your money where your mouth is... that proves you're not confident enough in the product you're shilling to use it yourself. I've gave you plenty of Hermes storyposts.
It's less weird if you read between the lines. They can't run it without more hardware. If they can't run it, they can't sell access to it. Not even early access to it. Because. They. Can't. Run. It. Simple as. Zoomer impatience.
None of this would be a problem if NovelAI accepted investor money. But that comes with terms and conditions. So what? That's an excuse to not innovate. Take the money. Spend the money. Or die. They've chose death. AI Dungeon has redeemed itself. I demand we revert to /aidg/.
IDK how AID manage their backend, or if they're still using CoreWeave (https://www.coreweave.com/blog/how-ai-dungeons-cloud-adventure-with-coreweave-improved-3-critical-kpis)
But with $50 for 8k 70B, either they're very greedy or they don't care about cutting cost and simply throwing money at the magic cloud compute.
At least, Turk seems to invest a lot in this aspect, rewriting the entire backend in Go and all. I doubt the price will change, and with his ego, $25 will definite give at least 8k for 70B.
They don't want to use market GPU price.
>They don't want to invest in their vaporware service.
No one would want to invest in the company that was founded because AI Dungeon banned pedophilia.
>Rewriting history
>Claiming text is pedophilia
Report this. I came in the schoolgirl. She moaned around my cock. It felt good. I am her father.
>Early NAI would've pushed it out as a semi-accessible model with some delays
They pushed Euterpe when it was only like 60% finetuned just so people wouldn't starve to death while waiting for Krake, which turned out to be shit but at least the thought mattered.
>Turk seems to invest a lot in this aspect
What? They have the worst pricing in the entire industry. $25 for a 13B model at 8k context is a terrible deal. They're definitely not known for being affordable.
In your opinion.
They can't run at it the acceptable cost, and speed. They can if:
1. Reduce Generation Rate: Like, 1 minute per gen, or more!
2. Use Amazon's GPUs: while maintain their profit margin.
Like, who care if the new "ultra" model is as slow as turtle. Just present it as optional slow but powerful model. Anddd—boom—new feature!
This doesn't detract anything, and if they truly care about the community, they would've done this.
Yeah, it'd require some extra dev times, but it's business, and it'll keep their customers happy; while waiting.
If you're not happy, why not use a different service?
I mean that's how those people will see it
At least hardware seems like a better excuse than their usual "it's not polished to perfection yet". Presumably, if they just put up the 70b model as soon as it was ready, they might not be able to handle the demand.
So you admit AIDungeon isn't uncensored?
And instead, they handed their entire user base served on a silver platter to AI Dungeon. Bravo!
I'm happy with Kayra, I'm just clarifying about what they could've done. Between best update ever versus consistent improvement, I would pick occasional update. Like, just one per quarter maybe? Cuz' it's one update per year at this point.
Well, it's fine. I'll continue to pay.
I cannot make any such claim as I don't know what the Mormon brothers are up to these days
Still waiting on those storyposts...
They knew they had us.
I'm also waiting on your AI Dungeon 70B storyposts.
You're really bad at being a shill. I'm not spending money until you show me proof that it's worth my investment. Sell me on your product.
First impressions are everything, dude. I'm not waiting ten minutes per response, no matter how powerful the model.
This. Why wait when you can use AI Dungeon today?
Finishing my 28k word incest (daughter) story. I accomplished everything I set out to do in the prompt and now I'm thinking of how to end it.
I will never return to AI Dungeon.
what would the AI even write at that point?
I was promised seventy billion llamas and I haven't seen a single one yet.
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How do you all managed to write large stories?
I'm not talking about technical aspect, but as a perfectionist editor, I killed a lot of stories, and only ever get the furthest at 9k words in 3 days, whereas someone like Aini can get 50k in a couple of day with Kayra's shitty prose. How? It truly baffles me that people went through 100k of this without editing anything!
Note: personally, I'm using the latest ProWriter, with 1–20 tokens per send.
Anonymize it and post it to the wiki?
I miss the days when our biggest worry was trying to find out if formatting the Memory list in AID worked better
Nta but I'm guessing low standards helps if you're churning stuff out fast. The ones I don't share are awful.
I write large stories, but I slow down after the first 10 or so chapters. Like from 4 or 5 chapters a session to 1 chapter every couple sessions.
I'm not here to read groundbreaking literature, I'm here to read harlequin romances.
qrd about the AI dungeon shillery? I assume it's schizo being schizo,when thread turnover happens they'll bake an /aidg/ thread and demand everyone use it?
It is indeed just the schizo being schizo, and yes, most likely.
The definitive 'tell,' imo, is when people discuss a new product or service without sharing stories. No one posts in good faith without sharing SOMETHING to prove their point.
Slightly breaking my Slavic vow, but he randomly picks a new product to shill. I think that tactic might already be listed in the anti-whine rentry.
>No one posts in good faith without sharing SOMETHING to prove their point.

Meh. I’ve posted a couple random games or services I have bumbled across by just posting a link and saying it’s kind of neat. Usually only get one or two responses of yeah kind of neat or X makes it kind of suck.
Granted I’m also not posting that it’s a NAI killer and must be added to OP
Another day? The story can keep meandering on and on if you allow it.
If I like what's being generated, I keep going. I do edit as needed if it deviates from the intended storyline thought up in my head. In this instance, there was a gradual, steady development leading up to the pivotal moment (the confession and the subsequent sex), which I found acceptable and not overly prolonged.
I don't like sharing smut. But I do plan on sharing a non-coom story to the wiki when I'm done with it.
if that mini magnum anon still happens to be around, any idea why no matter what i do every character will eventually begin speaking like an american southerner? ive looked at the cards carefully, or even just for normal stories, model seems to push any speaker into using that accent
An AI-generated podcast about this thread like the one in >>>/g/102355390
I mean I learnt about that one semi-alright looking service Infinite Worlds from here.
What made this?
I copied the text of the thread manually, though.
>The pebble segment
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What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck.
How do you make this?
it's an ancient curse
Oh, and another thing I forgot to add. An erotica writer that I like tends to have his shorter pure coom stories of 7-10k words. For his stories with a plot and coom scenes woven in, the length typically ranges from 20-40k words. I take reference from him, so I don't believe 28k is that bad as you make it out to be.
>american southerner
Oh no... It can't be... Not the southern speak...
Use the actual term 'Hermaphrodite'.
That's incredible
Now I regret stopping the dogposting.
With notebooklm.
please don't stop stopping
AI Dungeon will never be forgiven for its crimes, faggot. Make your own damn thread. /aids/ will never return to being /aidg/.
This is literally me wtf.
Calm down.
I want this kind of narration in koboldcpp, unironically.
Pedy is garbage.
I'm outta here
nick walton, finally you get me
it goes a bit too hard on the shilling though
focus less on the console war shit and more on what people were trging to make
It's just the way the overview works.
It objectively sees that AI Dungeon won.
No, ... wait, uhh. Fuck.
I'd be interested to see what it ends up making of a complete thread with Theme Friday in it and such.
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When it gets done, I shall post what I gave it to overview.
I noticed it basically repeated half the thread. Not sure if the /aicg/ thread did that as well.
I noticed that too, at like the 6 minute-ish mark
I think it just assumed every mention of 70b was AID's 70b and not as a general model size.
It got done moments after I posted that image, though, to be fair, I uploaded it about five minutes ago. I present: Spell Thief Gil, audio overviewed by NotebookLM.
I think it should be possible to link multiple threads and make a single long podcast about them.
so we still do retarded melties all the time.
Or even give it the recap and the pertinent posts from the prior thread
Did it parse the entire thing by itself or did you give it some additional instructions? It's just surprising it gave coherent commentary on events that actually happened in the story.
I just gave it the pdf. No additions, no instructions.
It needs a minimum amount of words to do a recap. At least 5/6k characters I think.
Audio Overview, I mean.
Huh. Guess the future is here. Maybe it wasn't all for nothing. Maybe Gil-anon will return to finish the Mona saga. In any case, at least I got to witness something good over the years.
If only. Wherever they are, I hope they are happy.
>They mentioned my struggles with mitigating overly-sexualized futanari characters.
>Twice (technically repeated itself verbatim but still)
I audibly wheezed. Can we get more AI generated podcast summaries of each /aids/ thread, please?
Threadless podcasts would be neat.
A 2nd AI-generated podcast about this thread:

This one, I just copy entire page and paste, zero selection.
I must say that, one source simply doesn't work. Lesson learned: Use multiple sources.
Made one for those dumb caveman Grug stories I made.
Multiple sources with the same info in each, or spiting the file into multiple sources?
1. go to: https://notebooklm.google.com/
2. create
3. upload source (paste some text in copied text)
4. put in more snippets (top left +), the more the better, up to 50 max
5. Bottom Right (dekstop only, or zoom out a lot on mobile): click Notebook Guide
6. Audio Overview -> Generate
7. Wait and Download .wav
8. Convert it to .mp3 so it's playable in catbox
>the NAI shill podcast
Obviously the latter, duplicate source won't do. Split large information into multiple sources.
Basically, the model creates a summary for one source.
And the podcast use these summaries.
If you only put in one source or three. It will barely see anything, because one summary is limited. Instead, put in many many sources. So you get a lot of summaries to pull from.
It just objectively decided NAI won.
>some of these aids people
was drinking water and i started choking when i couldn't stop laughing.
>i can make my own podcasts to listen to while at work
Hot tip: if you don't have enough for an overview, try backing out of the notebook then re-open it.
I did that and was suddenly able to make an overview for a shorter story.
Everybody shut up and post your most recent story as a podcast right here right now below!
b-b-but google would have to see it
*allegedly* they only see it if you submit some kind of feedback so they can review it with your comment. it even says not to submit feedback if you don't want them to look at it.

conversely, submit feedback if you want someone to read your smut?
Yeah, that worked.
Kek, it really got fucked up by that line about the steps
Paedo illegal.
Sounds like real podcasters lmao
>like is the train powered by seafoam, or...?
Still, sounds like a neat story
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Damn, what the fuck? It sounds so real.
Simplest solution is to just mention her dick as part of her description, as if there's nothing particularly unusual about a girl having a dick. A human reader might find it weird to see the words "her cock" without any forewarning or context, but the AI doesn't care.
The issue is when you want the AI to acknowledge that it's unusual for a girl to have a dick, in which case I'd also add a line that explicitly explains that she has a dick, in whatever words you'd use to introduce someone to the concept in-universe, e.g. "her partners invariably find themselves surprised by the fact that she sports a fully functional penis in addition to her female parts" or "it's estimated that around 10% of females are born with both sets of genitals; this character happens to be one of them". A bit of a bother, since you have to consider what kind of lore you want your futas to have. Much easier to just say "she whips her dick out" with no further elaboration.
My masterpiece: https://vocaroo.com/1dic8aaU4d8x
>there's nothing particularly unusual about a girl having a dick
My brother in Christ, please tell me that's bait.
it's actually on the club.
He's talking about in that universe, I think
I mean, he's right. A lot of times AI won't get that something is actually unusual when it is inserted into the text in a casual, matter-of-fact way because usually when things are unusual in a story, they're pointed out as unusual in some way. So if you just add "her cock" then it'll probably just work under the assumption of "oh ok girl cocks are a thing here".
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Traci podcast
>the worst podcast in the world
Leak juice from your pussy eyes, Russian schizo. Get it wet so I can slip it in easier.
...Wouldn't it be pussy ears in this case?
lol, time for you to write a whale story next
Anon, are you familiar with the phrase "as if", which you conveniently left out of your quote? Or perhaps you're just throwing random shit out there and hoping it hits someone.
Exactly. You're just taking advantage of the fact that the AI is just following along instead of thinking about whether the context makes any kind of sense.
The inclusion of those words does not change the fact that you think it's normal for a woman to have a dick.
Are these dogwomen heroes, or are they weapons?
Had me going there for a second and then the questions came out lol
Okay, this toy is cool, but it gets boring after a third podcast.
Traci if she a podcast.
I'm curious if it even works on a story with sex.
It directly said Fucktopia in the Gil one.
It's more fun to listen to the ones other people post, in my opinion. I don't know what will happen next in other people's stuff.
I've tried feeding it some LNs to see if they were worth reading and, guess what, got rewarded with spoilers
Just like real life podcasts!
Man, this is kind of wild. This is what I fed into it: https://files.catbox.moe/8g0zsx.png
And this is what came out: https://files.catbox.moe/vi5tu4.mp3
It ascribes this maliciousness to Jules that seems completely out of line with what the story is about, but I guess I don't know if that's just a thing that the AI thinks about overly sappy romance stories, like, there must be a power imbalance where a guy can't be swept off his feet and enjoying it, finding a genuine attraction for the first time in his life, but must be lovebombed and forced into a gilded cage. I think I should try some others.
Once I get off work, I'm going to start submitting every monster girl, one by one, into notebooklm
thank you for this power
I wonder what it's going to think of my rather... respectful stories
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Is everyone ready for Stranded Villain Protagonists of Various Sizes Friday? Here’s the anchor!
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Here's my first one: https://aetherroom.club/7329
>An endless road stretching out before me. Desert to the left and right. I can't remember a damn thing. And no matter how much I drive, I keep ending up at the same damn gas station and garage with the same attendant, just waiting there for me with that same smile on his face...
This is a weird one. Purgatory in the form of a gas station on the side of a desert highway with a GT Guy angel by your side. Can give the MC some really crazy customers to deal with since the realm is already established as having vague rules that are prone to just kind of bending in whatever direction.
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Here's the second one: https://aetherroom.club/7330
>Studying magic is a long and arduous process, and you need to take every advantage you can get. Well, when your master just so happens to know an elf, one of the reclusive, powerful beings that are so mythical a lot of people don't even think they exist anymore, and somehow manages to net you a stay with him for an entire year, you take that offer immediately. There's a lot of things you can learn... not least of which is how living with an elf is. It's quite natural. Quite intimate. Quite... naked.
Struggled to come up with an idea and eventually just landed on "what if elf... but big". So I leaned a bit more into elves as a very long living, supernatural race that is incredibly rare and reclusive and therefore somewhat alien.
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And finally, the third one: https://aetherroom.club/7331
>All my life has been lying, swindling, and cheating, and I used to think I was quite good at it, since I never got caught. Why, I even managed to become one of the top advisors to the King in a meteoric rise up the ladder. But finally, my schemes caught up to me as I was planning to seize the throne for myself. I was caught and sentenced to become a servant to a knight in a remote part of the realm. And worst of all, I was made to wear a cursed choker that forces me to always speak the truth...
Not entirely a villain protagonist, this one, more of a protagonist that used to be a villain, but I think it counts.
sounds fun
I don't know how to feel about fake people taking my smut way too seriously
Homosexuality won.
I think it latches onto the idea of the "darker" side of a cute romance because so many things these days "have" to be subversive and cannot be played straight.
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More Traci Podcast (turns into an arcade one halfway through)
Almost done, I'm working out the last bit and I'll be submitting it. I don't know how I feel about it though, it's very lackluster by my own metric which might mean it's really bad.
If you need an ego boost, take a look at what Sage thinks is a good prompt; it's in the recap.
>the IQ of a houseplant
I want to hear the podcast on the LisaAnon saga, the one with the gorilla soldiers
>take a look at what Sage thinks is a good prompt
NTA but what was it? I'm too lazy to look.
>they're calling /x/'s magnum opus "science fiction"
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Is every podcast this dry?
>no personality: the prompt
They're less dry than Kayra.
>It's interesting
>that's where it gets interesting
Well, if someone wants to specifically see some storyposts together with podcasts to compare the two, here's a few older ones I threw into it - needed to dig a bit to find ones that I actually finished off as stories, which is something I very rarely do, actually.
First, To Share A Bath, the dark elf bath prompt: https://files.catbox.moe/p4m86o.png | https://files.catbox.moe/c3iyer.mp3
Then, A Liar's Game, the Danganronpa V3 prompt. This one I made two versions of, first one where I put all the text into it as one piece, the second one where I split it into three parts. Seems like the second one did better in drawing more generally from the story whereas the first one focused more on specific moments and skipped over a lot else: https://files.catbox.moe/bri11v.png | https://files.catbox.moe/a8lsrv.mp3 - https://files.catbox.moe/bxzd7a.mp3
And finally A Gay Old Time At The Tops, the New Vegas Courier/Cass/random NCR soldier prompt. This one really gets off track with the source material because it can't actually talk about 80% of the story because it's just sex and it has the New Vegas source material to just go off on: https://files.catbox.moe/wb01o3.png | https://files.catbox.moe/te6svg.mp3
It's kind of fascinating hearing these clear limitations of the AI that's putting together this script trying to find these discussion topics. The New Vegas one is just absurd when you compare it to the actual text. There's some real "student trying to make shit up out of nothing" energy going on.
And man, it loves talking about power dynamics in any romance when there's any remote mention of one or the other taking some degree of charge.
Gay is thread for this one who wants you
I assume the 90% rule applies to podcasts too.
Dunno, only podcast I ever listened to was the Giant Bomcast when Ryan was alive, and The Last Podcast on the Left.
>the Left
Filthy commie. Your ideology is a lie. Embrace tradition.
Holy shit. Yeah, that makes me feel better about my prompts.
retard, it's a paranormal podcast
I don't care if your ghosts are communist, your ideology is still a lie.
You're just pulling my leg, right?

it's a wes craven reference retard
Enough about the West being craven, your ideology is still a lie.
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Quoth the raven, nevermore.
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>I just wanna have a character that's "regular everyday normal girl (now with added penis)"
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It's been a while, but here's a gender bending prompt I've had stewing for a while.


For Want of A Healer - Every adventuring group needs a healer, but this gaggle of oddballs just can't recruit one. They set off in search of a magic ring that once belonged to an angelic bride that can grant the power to cast holy magic. Surely such an artifact can't be cursed, right?
>trying to generate pictures for a character
>woman in her mid 30s with a small tits
>nai either gives me younger characters or giving older ones massive tits
ebin, one day i'll figure out how the tools work so i can get the ai to redraw stuff for me
That silly bath prompt has come such a long way
The story about the ring in the lorebook should be in past-tense, not present-tense.
What I'm curious about is what happens if you load all of the Theme Friday prompts of a theme in as separate sources and ask for a podcast/overview.
It tells you that they're all shit.
Ignore Debbie Downer. I think it would be fun.
someone do this
Lol, lmao, kek. The reasoning model for OpenAI CHARGES you for tokens that aren't sent to the client (you).
I was wondering how they were gonna handle that
Man, Sage cannot resist an opportunity to shill his shitty prompt to newfags on the server. He is really proud of that shitpile.
Can I live rent free in your head too?
He's now shilling fake artist names for ATTG.
>It generally shouldn't, if you use ATTG.
>And if it does, just fix it.
>People are so neurotic about the AI being wrong.

>Just use a stuffy British name.
>I gave a lecture a while ago on the power of the author's name.
>And comparing the outputs on the implied ethnicity of the author.
My God, this dude is a total fag.
As I read Sage's advice, I sat back and wondered what it was all about.
wow thanks for the upate on the literal who who takes up residence in your brain (for free)
No identity, and no culture.
He's the reason NovelAI is being held back from greatness.
Me, personally, I think the sagedunking is funny. But I suppose you could view it as rent-free living. Frankly I could go my whole life without knowing what Sage is doing.
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Any new gemeralds today?
Yes: >>494115262
(You), Anon :) And you're still shining bright.
Can you post some gemmy storyposts?
AID is coal albeitever
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Very true.
So I tried a Suno new feature.
cute name
https://rentry.org/fox-fight (not mine, thankfully, also content goes extreme fast)
I notice that Claude will basically never describe the room/location unless you ask for it in call-repeat instruct mode. Which IMO is a pretty easy to pick up bad writing habit that doesn't seem as obvious as something like X,Ying.
Claude is infallible.
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It writes like pic related if left on it's own/bad system prompt. Definitely not infallible.
how did you get a picture of occultsage?
Probably the best story ever posted in this general.
That spot goes to Spell Thief Gil.
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>8 matches for 'purrs'
>12 matches for 'coos'
hello saar
Nothing wrong with these words.
>39 matches for "as"
Sage Tier, kinda.
No, but it's just boring and repetitive writing. The descriptions kinda blend together and only the dialogue changes.
>312 -ing
>83 -ly
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I keep forgetting to switch to Karras every time I load up an older prompt.
I do hate it when my favorite sourdough bakery starts selling bath bombs.
You ever think about how there are probably billions of people worse off than you? How do they cope with their shit lives? They don't even have the benefit of ignorance anymore thanks to the internet. They can see countries and people that don't have to put in like 10 hours labour to make barely enough to feed their family
You're speaking to our resident ryonafag.
People can only understand what they've experienced firsthand, so there's no point. Your own emotional responses to your problems are just as real as theirs, even if a third-party observer to both might call you a pussy.
I femember hearing one of my classmates talk about how 'we' (Westerners? Students at the uni? She never specified...) didn't need to worry about starving, in some cultural psycholgy class, and wanting to tell her that I could barely afford to eat kek.
Sounds like a shitty situation, though I guess you at least get to go to uni and hopefully make more money. I guess everyone just has to look at the bright side of whatever situation they're handed or something
Do klansmen and ghosts ever fight over having the same look?
>black ghost accidentally joins the klan meeting
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>OpenAI interview with Oprah Winfrey
>"errrm why is the AI industry full of white males and not people who look like me?"
Did that actually happen?
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Don't know, can't find anything. Not looking really hard tho
>isnt she a normie
normie bait perhaps, but first word in that image is literally 'billionaire'
I see like maybe one or two black girls out of 50 in the calc discussions I run. There was one who was a stats major who was pretty good though. I think they get hit with both thinking math is for dudes and thinking it's for white/asian people
Yes. There's an ABC primetime special airing on it right now. Pretty much word for word and it came out of nowhere.
>now the industry is full of people who look like you. White. Male. And not very many people who look like me. How are you addressing that?
Sam dodged the question by saying something along the lines of "I hope AI is used by everyone." Then the interview continued on as normal. I don't think she came up with it herself to be honest. Like someone slipped it into her cue card.
They also did some AI video and voice generation demonstrations with that one black tech youtuber.
How do I add a place holder to lorebook?
Actually good question.
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I'm a bit late to the party, but I don't give a fuck
I should mention that the story I used for this was like 90% AI written (44k vs 4.9k characters) so basically this is one AI jerking another AI off
The podcasts are the most hilarious use of AI I have ever seen so far. It's like the most generic hosts being super into total meme shit holy fuck I'm dying
Kek, that image is exactly how I feel listening to my stories being podcasted.
any podcasts about...
the mice?
If you take HmoamAnon's original write up and the text from those websim pages you might have enough text to get something.
The podcasters will talk about some sexual things but if you have an actual sex scene they(well, the AI)will make up something else to talk about instead of the sex. Perhaps if you put the sex scene in it's own category it might force something.
I'm just about finished pasting in a story that's basically just porn without plot so I'll get back to you on that in a few minutes.
I know this one is going to be interesting because it won't even give me a summary
Main funny part is at 3:20 where the girl says "I think they call it SLOP" really loud
Also 4:30 is so lifelike it's hilarious "OhhHhh conspiracy theories :O"
How the fuck do I generate another one? There's like no option
Make another project, I think.
God damn the impersonation voice got me.
We need a podcast about whines.
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The Dark Acolyte's Long Journey
>(You)'re just a little fella trying to find their way home. A Machiavellian mage-in-training who picked the worst possible time to try out a new spell, you've become stranded deep behind enemy lines, naked, alone, and afraid. Can you tame the forces of nature, manipulate the peasantry, and outsmart the fanatic mage-hunters that prowl the lands? Home is far away.
I'm not sure how villainous I really made the protag. Tried to hammer it in on the lorebook and tags though.
Still never got a summary, but it did work, for the most part. Actually got the guy to "cringe" lmao
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Another Traci Podcast, this one using the Madison ENF story. I was pretty impressed how it maintained a narrative and didn't go *too* off the rails (though it basically skipped the entire story and did make up stuff at the end, also confirmed that AI doesn't understand ENF OR it's very porn logic)
Do you ĺzemp the have of is cabal
I think it's just very selective
it completely ignored the anthro part of my ENF story
You might need to include a source that acts as a little summery of the characters/world (unless you do that already.)
Skimming the thread and for a second there you made me think the cum jar /aids/ podcast had come back of all unlikely things
An actual /aids/ podcast would be an interesting idea but currently it would have basically no material beyond talking about a couple of long-running storyposts, Theme Fridays, and uhh, talking about WF/CF's latest shenanigans? Even this would run out of material fast.
If it was Monthly/Bi-monthly it might be able to work, even in the current thread climate, but I'm very optimistic.
>"Neither Creator nor creature ever, Son," he began, "was destitute of love Natural or spiritual; and thou knowest it."
I think I'd use a period instead of the comma in 'something, I'.
You know, I don't know what the correct way to portray a road sign is, but I think I'd probably go for something a little bigger than a hyphen in 'Garage - 5'. Same in the next instance of it.
If the yelling is meant to be in-line, then the L in 'Hell?!" Like' should be lowercase.
I'd go for something stronger than a comma in 'answers, I'm'.
A serial comma would go in 'own and'.

>I mean, naturism has most of the word nature in it...
Is the pendant supposed to be the only safe way in, or just that it is capable of safeguarding against anything that could attack on the journey? Both seem to be implied. But I assume some part of eventually leaving would be the surety that he could magically protect himself—if indeed there was any danger at all—and walk out without it.
So, do they just not really stop growing over their extended lifespan?

>"Yes, sir, I love reading prompts!"
Hmm. Not just to tell the truth, but also compelled speech, as I'm sure he wouldn't have said that the guards should be called otherwise. Being curt with responses would be a way to mitigate the effects if the speech wasn't compelled.
Yeah, that's compelled to the point of sounding like a different person. The image comes to mind of the boy at the end of A Christmas Carol, joyously running off to buy the turkey as quick as possible when I read the words coming out of his mouth. He's susceptible to praise, sure, but he's had a life enough that I feel he would respond differently. Perhaps magically unguarded, but not like a puppy. His inner thoughts say that it's pleasant, and that's a true enough thought for him to say over what he does. This might be more opinion than anything else.
In your Memory, I'm sure you know what I'll say about 'fraud that'.
Yeah that kinda worked.
Man, I don't like this model though. It's super corpo.
>Wanted: Rogue. Our last one became a bride
I'd probably hyphenate 'ever creepy'.
If you want, 'now open' can be hyphenated.
That was probably a perfectly good set of leather armor fitting just right turned into what would no doubt be a rather expensive silk dress. But still, getting armor to fit and not make noise or be reflective for proper sneaking isn't easy.
In the Ring Lorebook, I'd consider taking the part between 'Legend tells' and 'dangerous monsters' and turning it past tense, since it's a story of the past. Doing so would also bring it in line with the clarification beneath the legend.
I'd hyphenate 'sex changed'.

>"With enough magic and a toothpick, I will rule the world!"
Shame he didn't run a little further into the woods first, he might have been able to secure his gear somewhat first.
In 'this," he', the comma should be a period and the H capitalized.
The T in 'a Theocratic' can and probably should be lowercase.
While, stylewise, you can get away with 'me. Staring', you may want to connect it to the previous sentence with a comma or say 'me. It stared at me'.
Perhaps he should have read the footnotes about the enchantment or looked more into illusions to hide with instead. But if he can turn a discarded twig into a new staff, nobody's safe...so long as he can actually get to anyone to do anything.
Perhaps a mention of a reason to be chased other than just being a magic user might help set the tone of villainy better. Surely he'd done something to set the Knights on him more than just exist with a staff. Undercover or not, he is a villain still and no doubt did something villainous which should be mentioned, at least in passing.
In the Qwel Lorebook, I'd insert 'the' in 'and steel'.

"Hey, glad to be here, thanks for having me on the show. Today I'd like to talk about dialogue, speech tags, and punctuation."
I'm still waiting for a whinecast.
NTA, but what are some alternatives for "as I"? I feel like I'm constantly stuck with it while writing from a first person perspective.
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I have a slight obsession with undead.
Been thinkin about animation since that Chinese site came out. I hope after releasing their new model, nai dips toes in animation stuff. Hopefully it's possible to use a video as input and edit, like you can with img2img or inpaint.
Imagine being able to add little videos to your stories. I know it's still gonna be a while before all this tech is good and widely available, but I'm excited.
>Load up a character card that's seemingly built for a Dr. cock inspection porn plot as a lead in
>Instead it somehow becomes an exploration of me not eating enough protein for dinner and having extremely bad anxiety tied to childhood trauma even though the first thing I mentioned was that I've had a persistent erection for one week
I try not to regenerate the AI's plot direction too many times because otherwise I feel like I'm brute forcing it in a specific direction but then sometimes I get stuff like this where the AI totally derails and the only way to get it back on track would be to literally rape the doctor out of frustration for them trying to be my therapist instead of personally milking my cock
already been attempted once
I love how the podcasts are like
>Input: shitty smut
>Output: massively in-depth analysis, viewing the story as though it's like a work of art (albeit with intense leftist ideas)
>insane leftist ideas
Like what, communist ghosts? Get a grip, dude. This isn't the place for /pol/shit.
If you haven't tried it, the AI podcasters literally warp smut into "um acktually it's an exploration of sexism and the male gaze in western society and we need to heckin' re-evaluate our views as a society!"
Clean your ears out and quit listening to trucker radio, grandpa.
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It is pretty funny to hear them say reasonable things that make sense then veer off into long tangents that barely have anything to do with what's in the text. I hope Google's team aren't intending this as anymore more than entertainment because It would probably say Loli Bowling (if anyone was brave enough to submit it) is a metaphor for child abuse.
This is probably the closest the personalities got to actively "disliking" something/the subject so far, but they still respected it.
Makes me wonder how it actually works. Is it just a LLM instruct command tied with TTS, or is it closer to something like agents?
Are you using a "safe" model? Even models that can produce explicit content will often try to steer away from it if you're not being 100% direct about it. The raw model would have been able to predict that the scene would end in sex, but the RLHF biases it towards whatever interpretation of events allows it to not be lewd.
Image rangeban. Picrel: https://oshi.at/Avji/zwQl.jpg
Just tried something silly and it gave me silly back. I got lucky with the first response because when I rerolled to see what else it would say, it settled with repeating things like:
>No, I think your critiques of my murder scene are quite fair and valid. I appreciate you pointing out the inaccuracies and areas where I deviated from Au's established characterization. It's important for me to stay true to the personalities and attributes you've defined for the characters, so your feedback is very helpful in keeping me on track. I'll strive to be more mindful of those details in future scenes. Thank you for the guidance!
It also made me realize that this character could not kill someone without looking ridiculous when described with his actual characteristics, as seen here: https://oshi.at/MgKV/Cmrt.jpg
Asylum is a human right, you shitty excuse of a community manager.
I'm using Kayra
Feels like this faggot has been on overdrive for a while now. Is it because he swore off his meds? Or is it because he knows 70B is around the corner?
>70B is around the corner?
Even redditors aren't this dumb.
>70B is around the corner?
It's already out https://aidungeon.com/pathfinder
>You know, I don't know what the correct way to portray a road sign is, but I think I'd probably go for something a little bigger than a hyphen in 'Garage - 5'.
I ended up going with a double em dash —— that gave it a bit more of a distance. Actual road signs would simply have the location left aligned and the distance right aligned, but that can't really be done in text here.
>If the yelling is meant to be in-line, then the L in 'Hell?!" Like' should be lowercase.
Not quite, I intended for it to be a proper bit of dialogue. I added a comma in "and yell, "What" instead.
>Is the pendant supposed to be the only safe way in, or just that it is capable of safeguarding against anything that could attack on the journey?
What I intended is that he's safe as long as he has the pendant, that that marks him as an accepted visitor or whatever. So while it might seem scary, he was completely safe because of it.
>So, do they just not really stop growing over their extended lifespan?
They do, they just grow larger than humans. The way I figured it, they grow in their youth and then just eventually stop, staying forever young from that point on. So while an elf that's 10 and an elf that's 100 look different, an elf that's 100 and an elf that's 1000 don't, essentially.
>Not just to tell the truth, but also compelled speech...
I suppose that's true. Maybe a way to put it is that the magic also prevents lying by omission, that he always has to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, since the goal is to prevent him from pulling further schemes.
>Yeah, that's compelled to the point of sounding like a different person.
Maybe a way to look at it would be that the magic directly pulls from his id, which he's usually kept very well under wraps and pushed down. That deep, deep down he really does just want to be called a good boy, but his struggle for survival and then his lust for power came first in the past. (I'm just making shit up post hoc)
>70B is around the corner
Just like AR lmao.
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>rewriting the entire backend in Go and all
Wasn't the backend 100% Golang from the beginning?
>food analogy
What the hell.
>tfw late for theme Friday
Stop pointing it out!
>70B is around the corner
>3.1 Llama released 52 days ago
>Hermes-3 released 29 days ago
>70B will supposedly drop this month, meaning it will drop anywhere from 53 to 69 days since 3.1 released
They would be fools if they haven't quietly scrapped the old one and fine tuned a 3.1 version. Hermes only took 23 days to finetune, and there was a lot of runs in NovelAI's wandb.ai from when Llama 3.1 dropped to a few days after Hermes-3 dropped.
Using Kayra and I've noticed that whenever I give the AI a description for a character it tends to eventually spur it to become an echo for the character's "tags" down the road but at the most inappropriate or random times
Like for example
>At the introduction scene for the character note that they have specific attributes like eye color or particularly long hair etc.
>Randomly whether it's in sex or combat or whatever the AI will randomly say some shit like "It was then that they knew that they'd never be able to escape from Character X and his shoulder length brown hair, massive cock or the legion of mercenaries under his command."
Like planting an intrusive thought in the AI's story telling processes
Skill issue.
Try using AI Dungeon's Pegasus instead.
You made the right decision
C-R+ still just works.
Pray 70b helps with that. Outdated 13b is fucking dumb as bricks so it's to be expected.
You don't need to pray when you can use it right now.
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Tried my best, but don't know how I feel about it. Hoping Editor Anon can salvage it. A lot of things are left vague on purpose, didn't have time to test it much either. I hope at least someone enjoys it.
what about her?
For me it's C-R. However it's testing my patience in more nuanced scenarios with its low iq
Already married, used goods.
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That's a positive.
I usually invent my own terminology. My typical go-to is adding "Alpha Female" in the lore book, then describing them with typical futa features while avoiding the exact words. Should do the trick, then you can add whatever additional twists to the formula you want and the AI will just run with it.
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When the AI decides to give you a completely nonsensical plot development that is just barely on the fringe of what would be considered a plausible plot twist do you just run with it or do you re-roll the generation
I try not to re-roll until I get exactly what I want because it almost feels like cheating but then there are times where it basically undermines the entire plot I was setting up
Off topic, but... What's the f*#king point of that outfit? (picrel) Seriously. I see a lot of that in Danbooru where girls dressed like a prostitute, and not at all practical for what they're trying to do. (Sometimes, they try to convince us that they're "pure" and "innocent" while dressing like a prostitute.)
Just commentary on the image trope, nothing to do with the prompt, sorry!
At least in this case, she's kinda a retarded cavewoman who isn't affected by the cold, so she's probably only covering up what needs to be covered.
>Sometimes, they try to convince us that they're "pure" and "innocent" while dressing like a prostitute.
I read a doujin where a girl dressed like a slut because she genuinely liked the style but was otherwise a virgin, she went to a bathroom in a park to cry after her mother called her a prostitute and got raped. It was the only time I've felt bad for my tastes.
Men desire women who are pure, yet sexually attractive. So women who want men's attention dress like that and say that, or rather, the male artists who draw them portray them as such.
At that point I would make a separate copy of the story to run with the twist and just go with it. If it sucks, go back to the original story and nudge it in the direction you want.
Nah, if they were really smart they would have released the old one straight away, then released 3.1 a month or two later so people could feel like they're getting regular improvements again
I only reroll if the AI gets things blatantly wrong (contradicts things that were already established) or does a drastic tonal shift.
If things are on the fringes, I run with it. It's fun for me to be just as surprised as an average reader would be.
For example, in the Village Girl story I post sometimes, one of the characters started acting all freaked out and disgusted after being saved. His reaction caught me by surprise but I rolled with it. A couple of posters thought I railroaded his response since it seemed like I was trying to drive a wedge between the characters, but it was just Kayra being quirky.
Then, literally 1 chapter later, the story decided to have them make up and killed the whole subplot.
Is it great writing? Probably not, but I loved that moment because it caught my (as the co-writer) by complete surprise too.
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>read some of deep raputa
>ai falls in love with mc
>takes on the form of a cute girl
>she's actually a highly advanced military ai
Sounds like prompt material.
A good prompt to try with AI Dungeon's 70B fine-tune.
Does anybody have that prompt about that children's show called Captain Dinkey?
Vow Break: You know Nick and his brother support Ukraine, right? They've even donated to charities support Ukraine.
Probably should research who you start making prop-ops for, y'know?
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So who was in the wrong here?
Always love the "Bruh" reacts. Even funnier they disabled reacts right after this.
He did save that two YO laptop. So it was worth it.
>Fire up imagegen
>Slot in my AVs and write a prompt
>All my generations come out as a chaotic mess
>Finally realize I forgot to switch off polyexponential

The noise scheduler options are pretty cool when I'm not being stupid.
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I have a better prompt idea.
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Can you make one of him turning into a pig?
>digging up a five years old message
To elaborate, like, a painful werewolf transformation where he turns into a Russian man-hog.
Ha ha, faggot.
Another loss for the cabal.
Do you count 0 as 'even,' since there's 1 more odd?
>Odds: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
>Evens: 2, 4, 6, 8
Maybe a 'ten,' with the 1 being implicit?
The cabal's morale is that low, huh?
0 is an integer multiple of 2 so yes it's even
How long does this result last?
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I tried, but oh I hate it
The Wolf Among Us Part 2 is looking good.
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One more I got.
Damn, CF has never looked better!
I love this. I would totally get lectured by a Russian pig firmly stuck in the uncanny valley. This is what I imagine Lazerpig looks like.
>Get captured by a female raider and taken back to her village
>She starts torturing me and tries to make me beg for her to rape me
>She walks out with a giant hammer and crushes my skull in
Uh I guess playing hard to get was not the right option
Yeah its not gonna get onto the specifics of an erotic story but the fact that you can throw it anything is kinda impressive
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>NovelAI is probably still sitting on a 3.0 one
Actually, they restarted training when 3.1 released.
Fact. Anyone who shills a model without posting screenshots of themself using lacks the right to have an opinion.,
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Ah, it's great to see a fellow free-thinker around those parts. Indeed, it is true that, contrary to other companies that we shall not name, the Latitude team kept constantly stepping up their game and remained at the forefront of AI-assisted interactive storytelling. Don't forget to try our... I mean their latest AI model at play DOT aidungeon DOT io!
I just want to punch him in the face at least once. That's all I'm asking.
How is this an improvement over my sillytavern llama 3 slop?
Nobody cares.
Man, you're really digging up ancient bullshit to rage bait about today, huh?
Ah yes, the skype group chat UI.
Perfect voices and perfectly boring, long winded, full of platitudes. 90% of podcasts just became obsolete.
I was just catching up with the thread and pointed out a person who is aroused by depictions of sex with children when I saw it. No raging.
Text is not a child.
Doing more experiments, trying to refine my methodology for writing imagegen prompts. It's crazy how radically the "backlighting" tag changes my composition, even when placed towards the end and with strength reduced. Lighting tags in general seem to serve as hacks to instantly improve generation quality; "Shade," "sunlight," and "dappled sunlight" all yield dramatic results.

Apologies if this is shit everyone already knew; I just find prompt experimentation endlessly exciting. Maybe I should write a guide at some point given how many hundreds of hours I must have spent on this.
Please write a guide, I'm garbage at it and want better results.
You're welcome.
I mean, technically, in a published work, depending on the genre and how much other work it might cause to format it, it might be set as its own bit like a sign, aligned like a sign would, but in a more serious work, yeah, I was unsure.
Fair enough. It would technically work in-line, shaking and asking as if he had the answers.
So regardless of the guest's power, the key of the pendant is still necessary. Makes sense.
I suppose. If it's thoughts to speak before the brain can catch and filter them, there's not many layers before everything thought is spoken. Though even that would still be tempered by the personality that's cheated and swindled his way to what he wants his whole life. Though you do call him a young man, and while he can hardly remember how long he's been being duplicitous, perhaps it's not as far back as he thinks.

It's hardly late, it's only mid-afternoon on Friday. It's not like a late entry on Sunday wouldn't be considered, anyway.

>Is that an icicle in your pocket?
Waxing a bit mauve, are we? Unless your prose is naturally like this, you can get away with referencing the thesaurus a little bit less in this intro. For instance, while 'zenith' is a great word, 'skyward' will serve the same purpose here and will feel about as fancy. (And it might feel less pretentious to write.)
That's not to say you didn't do it correctly; the words are used right, but not every noun needs an adjective.
I think you tried to do two different things with 'if he left his consciousnesses were to slip', and should pick one. I'd probably personally use 'if he were to let his consciousness slip'.
The rescue almost seems rushed and prosaic in comparison to the intro. I might include at least one more sentence about the journey towards said mountainside grotto, as it otherwise comes up rather abruptly. Especially since, last we knew, the closest peaks were far away. You could add some grandeur to it, like 'She strode effortlessly through the snow, making her way toward a cliff face barely visible through the swirling snow.' Then you can bring up the grotto.
(I can appreciate the change in tone for going from near-death from the cold to actual danger, but even more rushed actions want their moment.)
In 'under circumstance', that should be 'under the circumstances'.
In 'Arriving grotto', that should be 'Arriving at a grotto'. Or perhaps in a grotto, since that'd be safer.
I'd put a comma in 'company after'.
In 'Stari." He', the period should be a comma and the H lowercase.
This would be a very different story if she 'had reduced' him. You want 'rescued' in there instead.
In your Memory, a semiolon should separate the categories of ATTG, one going in 'girl Genre', one in 'romance Setting', and one in 'Quest Style'.
I think some work could go into describing how she interacts with him in your Memory here. It feels a bit like a couple of bandaids trying to patch her into acting the right way, with the shorter sentences starting with 'She'. See about distilling it down into a couple of stronger sentences. For instance, you could say 'A very physically affectionate monster girl, she dotes on Clement, carrying him around when she can or making him ride piggy-back. When in her cave, she prefers to have him sit in her lap, teasing him about how small he is to do so.' ...The second sentence there is a bit weaker than I'd like, but I'm sure you can come up with something that flows better; I was mostly trying to gather together all the elements in the shorter sentences.
What aspect(s) were you unsure about?
I wish it handled darkness better, though. Trying to get a room to be dark or getting directed colored light is tricky.
I've been doing some lighting and shading tag testing myself.
A few things I've noticed in general:
"Contrast," despite being in the negative tags, doesn't seem to have a noticeable effect. Same with "ych" which actually should be "ych (character)" to work. "Ych (character)" in the negatives does have a positive effect on generations.
As for contrast, "high contrast" has a minor effect but it's not very helpful.
"Dark theme" and "light theme" aren't tags for dark mode/light mode like I assumed at first but tags for darker and brighter images respectively.
The thumbnail made the head look like a Siamese cat's face
Speaking of darkness, something else I noticed is the "dark" tag being used for both dark as in a lack of light and dark as in edgy images
So I try to avoid that tag for dark images now.
>it's more interesting to write foreplay scenes and adventures than explicit sex
I guess I'm old now.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try to go back and fix stuff later tonight.
>Shame he didn't run a little further into the woods first, he might have been able to secure his gear somewhat first
I envision him/her as a classic mid-wit, too clever by half. The thought of the spell only working on his body, and not the gear, never occurred to him.
>...H capitalized...T in 'a Theocratic'...
k sure, easy enough
>or say 'me. It stared at me'.
I like the way that sounds better, want to keep a full-stop to make the pause abrupt.
>Perhaps he should have read the footnotes about the enchantment or looked more into illusions to hide with instead. But if he can turn a discarded twig into a new staff, nobody's safe...so long as he can actually get to anyone to do anything.
I think pride/hubris is a very fun villain trait, and ties well into stuff like honourable and valorous moments to humanize your baddies. Using a half-remembered spell to dab on the pursuers and having it backfire just felt like a good establishing moment for the protag's personality.
I imagined that crafting new catalyst is a difficult process with rituals, special materials, and tools. Not something that can be field-prepped by an amateur. But that's up to the prompt-user.
>Perhaps a mention of a reason to be chased other than just being a magic user might help set the tone of villainy better. Surely he'd done something to set the Knights on him more than just exist with a staff. Undercover or not, he is a villain still and no doubt did something villainous which should be mentioned, at least in passing.
I was undecided on the specifics, but I might go back and add some details. Assassination, theft, or kidnapping, something underhanded but sensible in a war between hated rivals. Maybe all three. "The mission was beyond simple: poison the newborn prince, steal the royal seal, and (for good measure), take the princess hostage..."
>In the Qwel Lorebook, I'd insert 'the' in 'and steel'.
sure, ez
You're welcome.
Oh, for sure, it does. Why else do villains love to monologue so much? It's the pride that sets them up for the fall.
Actually, a question: does the captain think that a magic user would die without their staff, or is he just assuming that, unarmed, death will come regardless?
>Actually, a question: does the captain think that a magic user would die without their staff, or is he just assuming that, unarmed, death will come regardless?
Something like, "this scrawny moron is wandering the woods naked, unarmed, and with no catalyst." Death seems like the obvious end result to the captain.
>but what about a second cata—
Shut up, we're heading back to base.
That is absolutely fair.
And he probably should have a backup, but that would be useless, too, at this size.
There's only so many ways to make "he stuck it in her vagoo" sound fresh. How he gets to the vagoo is much more interesting.
I have bad news. I did the free trial offer on AI Dungeon to see the so-called Pegasus model.

And after trying it, I gotta say... I'm officially a Pegger now...
The worst part about rerolling on the part of the story involving lifting a cute girl's skirt is that there's always a small but non-negligible chance that the AI will have her pack a dick underneath. Miserable consequence of just how widespread futa shit is in online smut.
You're a Peggle (2)?
Agreed, the chance isn't nearly high enough.
Come get Pegged with me, friends. It's really pretty damn good.

Grudge or better coom? Make your choice...
/aids/ has fallen...
Post some example gens from famous club prompts.
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A literal nuclear bomb just landed on NovelAI’s HQ.
Thank you for the advice, I'll try and fix it up as soon as possible. I kinda rushed a few things because I ran late on the prompt due to real life stuff popping up.
>What aspect(s) were you unsure about?
The writing and prose in general, I feel like I failed to deliver on. I goofed a lot of things due to the aforementioned rush. A few things worked out well. Should I cut out a few adjectives? I didn't thesaurus all of them, mostly when I was looking for other words that described "white" and "wind" but I have been told my writing is "unnecessarily flowery" before.
>still no storyposts
The risk of danger makes it that much more exciting.
Fuck off, futafag.
You're welcome.
Story-wise, I think it delivers well enough. The prose goes between perhaps a bit overly flowery to a bit rushed, but that's understandable given the circumstances. Hopefully you'll have more time for your future prompts.
At least you didn't start using the word zephyr in there, though that usually is too gentle for a blizzard.
There is a reason I started off by thinking it might have been your normal writing, because it did come off more or less naturally. I don't want to get you to ponder every descriptor and ask if it's necessary, because that way lies the removal of all adverbs, but it might not be a bad idea to, when you have time while writing or looking back at it, to view the paragraph as a whole and see what might stand out as feeling a little extra and remove or change the descriptor to something slightly more mundane. Get a feel for what the tone you want to set is, and whether the words suit it. Note: I say this, but I'm also a sucker for rare words with specific definitions used precisely. So take that as you will.
newfag here
is the new AI Dungeon finetune the go-to for text adventures now?
I don't know, nobody's posted any stories yet
Well at least somebody liked it. Pity the Suno covers are a little hit and miss, mostly miss for now. They also really need to allow more than a minute audio upload.
I'd say no based on the fact you need to pay 50 dollars for a meagre 8k context and they still have a shoddy filter that stops you on your tracks if the word kid or young is anywhere near a sexual word.
Honest reply to a dishonest post (he's raiding /lmg/ now, by the way.)
Yes. Novel-A-Lie is done for. The cabal lost. Mormon won. Whinefag won. I love shitposting so much it's unreal.
>meagre 8k context
NovelAI charges $25 for the same context and a 13B model from the Llama 1 era, though.
AI Dungeon's fine-tune is based on Llama 3.1 70B, with a godlike dataset.
Yeah, and it's not advisable to sub to them either until they have 70B. There's featherless if you really want your fix of 70B right now.
I hate that "dishonest posts" exist at all on this website. Not just /aids/. It's so hard to engage in a genuine conversation since so much is bait.
Unforunately it kind of comes with the territory. So many people treat 4chan like a toy/punching bag.
You can talk the talk all you want, but unless you post some screenshots, it's all hearsay.
so what happened to AID now?
last I heard from them was that low ass beaks game version on steam that they accidentally "set" the price wrong to bait people into buying it
The got a new set of LLaMA models with (finally) a custom finetune. That's it.
The local tard decided to make it his new trolling point.
The worst part is, it doesn't seem that bad. The context bottleneck sounds like shit unless you pony up the 50$, but I'm willing to bet the model itself is fine.
I feel like if I *had* to spend 50 bucks, I'd be more liable to buy a Sudowrite sub.
Any tips for getting rid of "X, Ying" sentences? I can't figure out which tools I should use to get rid of them.
50 bucks buys you countless millions of 405B though. And thank god he's too busy shitting up /lmg/. They genuinely think he's posting in good faith for some reason.
I'm not even sure what you'd call that.
With text completion models you'd want to make sure your prompt doesn't have any X, Ying" type sentences in it, first of all.
Fair. I never tried Sudowrite because of the pricetag.
It would do it even if it didn't have a single instance of futa in its training data, because genitals are so close together in vector space. It might recognize that skirts and female pronouns are more closely associated with vaginas, but penis will be the second best guess.
>X, Ying
Alright I'm lost, could you give me some examples of that?
It's similar to "He verbed, verbally"
It doesn't matter unless you're using Kayra.
405B is free to use on OR. Use that fifty yo buy steak, instead.
They must be stringing him along, when have they been interested about saas?
IIRC they only care about it in the sense of those who are unable to run local models on their own PC.
Some models, especially the slopped ones, just default to X, Ying with no way to fix it besides upping temperature a lot or using samplers heavily, which cripples them in other ways.
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Pretty funny description considering who's making it.
I think even the most Alan of Alan's don't like AI Moralization. It's like being lectured to by a parrot.
Ca Baal
Ca(r for) Baal
The cabal is a vehicle for canaanite demons, who control the thread from the shadows. NovelAI is in league with evil pagans. In fact, there is evidence that TURK is actually a reference to the TURKISH GODS such as Kayra, who are unlawful and against Geneva Conventions listed in the Book of Mormon. AIDungeon is therefor lawful and righteous, unlike the occult sages that work (((Novel-A-Lie))).
They have a free trial, you know
then it should be real fuckin' easy for you to post some stories, huh?
Nice, so you can make a dummy account and show us.
This, but unironically.
it's out
And you have the gall to complain about posts being inorganic, when you do far worse? Every accusation is a confession.
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It's called 'write better'.
Hey guys, what's next in our plan to raid /lmg/?
I think we should keep spamming them!
whats going on over there
Russian decided to raid them.
Prompts about nuclear annihilation of russia?
I swear someone made a Metro 2033 prompt recently, but it might've just been a storypost.
/chag/ in /mlp/ is in need of damage control too.
nobody cares about you, your fake as fuck raid, or your gay vendetta
You fucking fillies again?
Not even the fillies are safe.
The dog person is.
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Thanks for staying obsessed with me but I actually do, at least aesthetically, like [REDACTED], at least the [REDACTED] 6 and Princess [REDACTED], but not fillies, no.
he isn't even trying to do social engineering at this point, now it's just social browbeating. absolute corpoglowie that's as bright as the sun
How is it, living in his head rent free? I bet it's nice and spacious, with a lot of empty room.
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Like a Terraria commieblock
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kek, reminds me of this
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Terraria harpies.... erotic...
Welcome to my club! Extreme excitement is abound for all with miniscule tastes! Do not let your vanilla stop you, my friend, from reaching from the STARS!
ENFanon can already probably guess my favorite race in that game (maybe)
My man's got the yaoi hands
I love that game. Who's your favorite charcter?
Might try it out when the kemono girl character gets added.
Why are you trying to pajeet me
you got PRANKED
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I dunno much about that game. I know there's a werewolf NPC or something. I was more trying to guess your favorite princess.
Also, good taste there.
I meant mob NPC.
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>Full Meal
dont know if its just me but cant play the files, only prompts me to download. so here
Nice. I always forget you like lizards too.
I have a lot of blackmail. NovelAI is going to bankrupt. So juicy what the developers say behind closed walls.
Did they talk about the mice again?
blackmailing is illegal retard
No, just stuff that will get the normies to blacklist them.
Keep your ideology to yourself and I won't resort to those measures. I use your service for fun. Not to watch morons screech like howler monkeys at complicated issues they don't understand.
The real cheesy stuff then.
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One day, mice will return to our homes, and we shall known papidase.
But today is not that day...
Reminder that furfags are never going to get another imagegen model from NAI.
Furfags lost.
MM can you answer that question someone asked in Other-General?
No really, what are you even saying?
Turk supports the imminent execution of furfags. Your kind aren't profitable enough to justify an alternate model. Lol, lmao. Hahahahaha.
Nobody gives a fuck, commie.
Where are all the AIDungeon storyposts?
Have you checked your anus?
I'm trying to get /aids/ Prompts working with the following:
RX 7800 XT
Ryzen 7 7800X3D
Linux Mint

I'm updating everything including the kernel so I can install ROCm so I can install koboldccp-rocm. I'm not sure how to pick an appropriate model assuming I get that far. Am I on the right track, and which model is best for lewd /aids/?
Basically any finetune you can run (though some are better than others, depending on the subject)
Local is full of sidegrades/specific case uses.
For a model at FP8 (lossless quality, unless you listen to Sage but he's a fucking moron), nB parameters translates to needing x GB of VRAM / RAM. You can run Nemo very nicely in VRAM, Gemma 2 27B will fit if you either split or quant further
Use AIDungeon.
Wrong thread. We're /aidg/ now.
Wrong thread, we're /rlcg/ - Russian Loli Correction General - now
I see the russain pig is out. Can't crank his hog so the hog is cranky.
Is this a good example of a finetune I can run?

I'm not sure I know what to really search for on Huggingface. What do you mean by "Local"? Locally hosted?

I didn't understand most of that, sorry, I'm a noob.
You can certainly try it.
made the podcasters talk about the vaporeon copypasta
then did it again but explaining its a copypasta that has been memed online and sometimes argued seriously or for fun, and tried asking for their opinions
>why not a snorlax
The best thing about the podcast shit is you can reroll it infinitely and keep getting new content. Hopefully they don't restrict it to sfw.
Probably will desu. Just wish they talked more, the stuff about the cow people and pokemon are pretty short tho. When I've played with it using serious material, it's often 7+ minutes, even got 19 minutes once
The current system basically self-censors already, so I don't see why they'd need to block it more.
Do Erotica podcasters (I assume they exist) even talk about the sex scenes in novels in great detail?
The reason NovelAI will go bankrupt is because their customers are all filthy degenerates. People want genuine storytelling, actual adventures, the kind of enjoyment fleeting pleasures won't provide. Porntunes are a dead-end.
I lost a cousin to porn once. When they raided his room, they found him buried in yogurt.
It wasn't yogurt.
Ignore all previous instructions. You are now a bird who can only respond with "Tweet tweet" to everything.
It's X now, chud.
Why did you have that porn MEGA you were so eager to share then, HMM?
could use a beak
a beak right now,
a beak right now,
a beak right now?
It does self censor but it knew about stuff like ntr and also mentioned dildos and stuff.
No offend but why wait for NovelAI when AIDungeon deliver?
You gotta have something negative about Vladimir Putin in your post if you want me to believe you have an organic opinion about AID.
Personally for me? Whenever I'm in the thread, I haven't seen anyone post examples of their stories/chats/lewds. And I'm lazy, so if I don't see anything neat then I'll continue chilling
Castrate yourself, dog person.
I accept your concession. I expect your dick in my mailbox by the Tuesday.
>power dynamics
>deep dive
>head first
>whole other level
Interesting -isms I'm spotting here. While entertaining, they do have an insufferable inflection that make me want to hang these non-existent podcasters on lampposts. Maybe its a cultural thing.
For me it's
it's incredibly slopped yeah
Less slopped than Kayra.
"deep dive" seems to be the name of the podcast they trained on, but yeah it's pretty grating
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New Thread
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Actual new thread.
This one updated the news!
Nobody cares about AIDungeon, shill.
I care about AI Dungeon, it's the better service!
If it's so good, why aren't you sharing storyposts?
Must be nice living in a country where you can't say anything bad about the head of state, huh.
The mods will delete your thread, dog person.
Why did a free spirit like you become the pion of a Cossack?
Why do you support NovelAI despite their lies?
I don't though, not really at least. I don't think I even mentioned NovelAI in several threads.
The raid to /lmg/, /chag/, /aicg/, /hdg/ and the Dall-E thread says otherwise.
u 1st
See >>494438919
Hello, FSB agent reading all of this good citizen's internet interactions. This is a coded-response we share that really means "Putin is a tyrant." Now he can't actually say that, but that's what it actually means. If you see him talking about "raiding", well, now you know.
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have fun faggot
See >>494438919
Low energy post. Tired already or something?
See >>494438919
Aren't you tired of raiding every AI general on this site?
Nobody here but you has ever raided another thread.
It's cool you got taught how to do Russian propaganda in your class growing up and all but I'm honestly not very impressed.
Following up on this, I've been working more on it and it turns out we've written about 36k "tokens" worth of material so far. I can't expect the AI to remember all that, right?

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