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NA Male midlanders run these threads.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
• Sept 18, 9:00 PM EDT | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi | >>494711968
• Sept 21, 8pm EDT | Ultros, Primal The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks meet up Season 2 episode 1 and 2 >>494662829
• Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 5, 5pm PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846

Previous: >>494737593
I love Claire
I love moonies
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What gear for this glam? Thanks in advance.
first for my moonie
Level 90 NIN AF gear.
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>say something slightly cringe in Uldah about chat.
>People respond they might take a jab at you but in general you are okay.

>Say something slightly cringe in LB 14/enclave/fountain.
>Taken out of context, cataloged, and ready to be used as evidence at anytime.
Can I see your moonie?
just mix and match the ninja artifacts
is bleached porn acceptable here
Just don't be cringe
Post away, friend
imagine a goopster
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there is a reason why there are so many sena/wuk defenders in this thread
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*steals your nuggies*
do u guys think blu will be allowed to do criterions once its moved up to 90 level cap in like 5 years?
I'd rather see the goopster so I can smooch
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I was told to repost this, so I am. Use it ad a femra anchor, I guess? Post femra.
>almost every person here doesn't post anymore
you tried
What’s it with troons and their babbytalk and minion obsessions
My EB has seen my hideous irl form and didn't ghost me.
Neither is QoH

This is a Spades community, white boy. If you want mayo monkey content the Concord general is 2 pages down
its just another type of race fetishism, goon away
it’s a shame voice changer tech is still shit, would be fun to push the fantasy a bit further. Would probably lead to worse schizoing though
of course not
they didn't even let BLU into UcoB/UwU, didn't even try with something like no rewards if there's a BLU in your party and different reward if you have 8
wait for ai
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Middie bots where? Please pause your RMT shouts and council "meetings" and post
The male viera are cute, albeit.
I still don't understand how I ended up on this.
The agency sends its regards
my eb was in the same room as me and didn't ghost me
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Get out of our thread, doodletones.
You said you're leaving the Internet forever.
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>get brayflox as ninja
>no aoe and only shuriken ninjutsu
yeah and?
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my menhera needs to get raped
I have a small penis (5 inches)
dont you need lb3's for both of those tho? that might be why if so
bros....I miss the scaleless femra
You guys literally only hate Wuk Lamat because Sena is trans
thats massive
I stuck my dick in crazy and it gave me ptsd and an alcohol addiction.
My menheraposting isn't a LARP, and I'm always dead serious if I attach a menhera to it
But people will take it as "le LARP" which gives me enough leeway to be as raw and as blunt as I want to
So the healerstrike is still a thing on the forums and apparently it comes down to them wanting more buttons for dps. Okay, but where are we supposed to shove them? The bars are alwaredy filled with healing tools. Do they want to play WHM with 2 keyboards?
Correct. Fuck the LQBLT queermunity.
its fucked up that one of the rewards is quite literally a blu weapon lol so it would only make sense that they would let us
i still dont know why we can’t take it into legacy ults but whatever
>Dissing fuma shuriken
In the past it was a valid substitute for raiton
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My male middie with a cute femra
nobody cares you're a troon
i actually have no issue with trans people and still don’t think she gives a very good performance. no one from the LA agency does. sena is just prominent since she’s the most constant actress.
You only like Wuk Lamat because Sena is trans
you have seen my goopster
>people think my tranny avatarfag spam is a larp
which one is which?
come along for expert on crystal if you wanna
PF under R.S. pw 1918
hrothgal hands
>it's OK when moonies do it
UcoB doesn't need LB3 for sure, you can diamondback or just mit/heal through P3 transition
UwU as far as I remember is scripted to require Healer and Tank LB3? it's strange how they didn't add an action that mimics these though so they assume you cannot do Seat of Sacrifice EX which was the one ShB EX worth doing
i even got the aloalo blu weapon and i still think that was stupid it shouldve been the reward for doing eden savage or something at least since they skipped out on giving it another mount
Pedo coded dialogue
Gonna date this menhera
based trannychaser
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i miss desibun
>*clenches fist*
post it bro....
M/F but females calling males good girl and the like is based. No sissy shit, no feminization, no trooning just a pet name.
*covers you*
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My moonie is like this
>UwU as far as I remember is scripted to require Healer and Tank LB3?
it needs caster and melee lb as well
>it's strange how they didn't add an action that mimics these
they really should have just added a limit break that changes based on what mimicry you have but se is just too lazy i guess
im also looking forward to blu pandemonium since it was like 90% based role based mechs
insane levels of cope
No I don't want to be identified...
is there anyone this cat hasn't slept with
it's only one slice in the shit sandwich that is Wuk being trash.
>females calling males good girl and the like is based. No sissy shit, no feminization
nigga are you retarded
I wonder if criterionbro will make a PF asking people to join later... I just cleared AMR and could practice it more
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femra after they meet my catgirl (it's consensual and loving)
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I jerked off last night thinking about my femra stuffing her tail down the throat of my friend's femra. I absolutely demolished a heavy duty kitchen towel when I finished.
A cute tranny said I smelled good and I've been riding that high since Friday even though I pretended to not hear her. If you meant in-game, I'm really pissed at my raid lead for being a slacker and giving the two bigger shitters of the group free passes for constant fuckups so I'm going to recruit the other two or three competent players for our own 7.2 static once our reclears and guaranteed loot is all said and done. I've already talked to them about it and they're onboard because they also have the same gripes I do.
nobody here is really offensively ugly. its actually a bit better than what i expected
*runs away from you*
You don't get it. When your third eye opens you'll all see.
make one right now and i will join it probably wont fill at this hour tho
can i see ur moonie
if a tranny says you smell good, she's basically signaling she wants to fuck, bro.
>d2 taken
>only a summoner is in the party as dps
what did they mean by this
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My malera's foot sinks into the soft snow with a muted thud as he takes another step and pauses. He looks to the pale sky above and sniffs aloud. His enhanced malera senses alerted him to your presence long ago, but now he wants you to know that he knows you're there. "Heh... you all on the hunt for me?" he says, his back turned towards you.

You turn to your right, and then your left, the dozen men at your sides nodding. "Sure are. Figured you'd be a harder man to track, what with the bounty on your head and all. Yet... here you are like a boon straight from Nald'thal."

My malera pulls down his hood and turns his head. "A dozen men at your back because you thought I was hiding? Heh..." He reaches over his shoulder to grasp the holster of his sword. He twists his wrist with a sudden jerk to shed the snow that had compacted atop his weapon and then slowly unsheathes the hulking blade from his back, letting it rest at his flank. "You've been tailing me since Trine. I was leading you here."

You and your men look around, weary and wondering if you've stumbled into a trap. Meanwhile, my malera kicks and sweeps up some snow from in front of him. "The snow pours endlessly here, piling up and obscuring the past by the ilm and hour... Look around you..."

You and your men do as my malera did, sweeping the snow aside. Beneath it all you uncover swords, broken shields, arrows... blood..... bones...... dead bodies...... It's a battlefield. "The fate of every other man who made an attempt at my life," my malera says, as he finally turns around to face you. Gripping his sword with his other arm and crouching, my malera enters his fighting stance. "Get ready, because here I come."
Cringe or based, depending on whether your femra has the croc tail...
not a healer but
>merge cure 2 and 1, give Cure 2 the same cast-time as cure 1
>merge Medica 3 and 1
those are all buttons you don't really want to use or don't use as often, may as well merge them
could even argue for Aquaveil being an upgrade for Benison and it has both effects, current Aquaveil is kinda underwhelming
Bottom left was so bad it instantly became a repressed memory for you.
you lol
Which one would it be if she did...?
No, I feel sorry for Wuk Lamat, she could have been good, but she was fucked by bad writing, bad storytelling, bad voice acting. The concept is fine, what they did with her was dogwater
extremely based
false, and that's part of why i asked
bottom left is la creatura and two to the right is an absolute hon
elezen bro is a chad though
Nil is this you
*hits u with my book*
Thanks anon, I could do it a little later today yeah
Then consider it extremely based
*steals your helmet again*
warned you dork
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>Take hotbar 4
>Move it by hotbar 3
>Add skills
Where's my money Yoshi?
Amber can't be classified as human any more after how much she talked about dried cat barf on her floor or shitting in boxes and pringles cans.
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I'm too dense for these social queues, man :(
Yes, but colonized porn is strictly prohibited. Tread very carefully lest you post both at the same time.
when you start taking HRT*
I knew you wouldn't disappoint. You should pose it.
I want more femras like this
I was already going to, but it'll be for our private collection.
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>no femlala eb who will casually sex pest my femlala
its over
Why can't white and black people just fuck outside of their race without it being a race thing? I just want some sweet Ala Mhigan pussy.

>t. yanxian irl
Fuck lads I farded so hard I sharded.
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*enters RP from behind one of the malera bodies, raising paw* um I was actually trying to find out where the nearest inn is. I think I'm lost and it's really cold...
just ask her on a date
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Remove redundant healing tools and give that healing power to the more fun/unique tools they already have. There is legitimately 0 reason for Assize, Horoscope, Physis, Lustrate, CI, CO, etc to exist in this game. Also, the DoT doesn't need to exist (if replaced with something else, obv)
Replace the retarded boring healing tools with DPS buttons.
Healer oGCDs should be interesting and unique ways to handle healing. Earthly Star, SCH/SGE's aetherflow system, WHM's lily system, Macrocosmos/Bell/Seraphism/AoE Kardia, etc are all interesting healing tools that should be played into more. The rest can just be cut for buttons that are fun in all content (buttons that do damage).
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my menhera moonie acts like this
i wish lalas petting other lalas actually looked like a pet and not whatever the fuck they're doing with that side hand
No such thing as sweet Ala Mhigan pussy. Only SPICY Ala Mhigan pussy. You may spread Raita and or coconut on it if you find your spice tolerance to be lacking.
I go the lb and look at everyone directly before going about my day
>tfw no femlala eb who will sexpeset my moonie
it's so over..
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my femra otr
can i see ur moonie
that’s not healthy my moonie friend
Every time I see this there are new additions for people who haven't even posted in ages. Granted, probably most of the pics are just random shit from the internet, I have only witnessed jeudy and plapc@'s doxxing.
>merge cure and afflatus solace
>merge medica and afflatus rapture
>(optional) merge divine benison and aquaveil
>total: 2-3 new hotbar spaces.
>merge physick and esuna
>merge ruin II with art of war(II)
>remove fey blessing
>optional: remove summon seraph
>total: 3-4 new hotbar spaces
>revert draw and play
>total: 1-2 new hotbar spaces
>no removals required (more eukrasian actions - e.g. eukrasian phlegma, dyskrasia, toxicon, pneuma).
my moonie logged in because she had inspiration about a new glam but then forgot why she logged in and did nothing for an hour before logging out again
Holy shit it's fischl genshin impact! *punches her in the gut*
I don't know who she is. It was over before it began.
moonie armpits...
*runs away*
*marks you target to ignore*
>Good match!
>Nice job!
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My moonie thirst posts and lewd posts in the thread but will never erp in game as she finds it weird
Oh man “button that does 500 potency on a 30 second CD with 2 charges!” And my favorite “button that does 800 potency with a 2 minute CD” very interesting buttons
can i see ur moonie
what if we swap roles periodically
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i love 2 min meta!
i hate drifting!
Nice try but moonies don't like femlalas
if i see it i will try to join
I'm a pentalegend who has no idea what potency is or how much potency my main job's moves are.
pls no ddos :(
i still havent reclear m4s
Morning femra here
I had a nightmare that my ex's ex found my posts and she showed it to his whole family. I think I'm done posting my problems here. I already want to kill myself but I didn't want it to be out of shame. Then again, I did just read a book where a dying woman did the same thing for her fiance, journaling it all online and getting caught, and it was actually very sweet but I'm not dead yet so people will think in some psychopath
mine does
omg it's so much better than the (200 potency heal with 100 potency regen) healing tool you won't use in 90% of content in this game!!!
imagine if tanks just pressed 1-2-3 and pressed their mits and that was it. sooooo much funnn they really should just remove double down and gnashing fang and lion heart combo because they are just boring old potency with cooldowns attached!!!! that would make gnb so fun to play!!!
i would but i'm a socially stunted lala that can't communicate with new people
instead i will silently look up skirts
I do this but don't erp because I'm not good at it
whats for breakfast today
She is very shy, you'll just have to imagine a really cute moonie
>muh damage!
play a dps then retard
i don't remember making this post
that's fine but my femra only usually likes to do service top stuff if she's not bottoming
it doesnt even matter bro ive cleared everything in the game as gnb and cant name every skill in continuation
Prove it by posting your moonie petting a lala
I really like you
>uhhhhh just play dps then retard
>we do
>waaaaaaaaaaaaah my parties dont ever fill no one wants to play healer
if healers are already spending >90% of their time dealing damage, they should be doing more than spamming one button.
Good morning femra! Hope you have a lovely day! Try giving someone a hug today, it does wonders!
me n who? (im on top)
but every moonie is a cute moonie and special in their own way... i know to keep my distance from shy moonies and take my time
My moonie is ambivalent towards lalas
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Mine does
I never knew this anime girl was a synodoche for “menhara”. I thought it was some sort of tranny gang symbol since their the only ones who compulsively post her.
god moththena is so fucking hot
i don't have any lalas to pet..
sounds good, i'll be there soon with a ring
That's a wise decision but it took you too long to come to that realization. I already have enough dirt on you.
Dealing damage is cringe. My job is keeping people alive.
can i see ur moonie
sex pest (affectionate?)
Wao hold on there fren. Can’t we at least share?
*ghosts you*
i don't have any moonies to be pet by...
no youre a shitter afraid of a real rotation. SMN was reworked for scared faggots like you

sounds like a fight problem. healers bitch and moan when they have to actually heal. see anything about abyssos
You guys ever piss and feel really good after?
based and cleric stance pilled
I had a dream a femra let me rest my head in her lap. Its just a dream, it will never happen so don't let it scare you.
I have a pretty big cock (8 inches and a bit more when fully hard) but I'm a kiss less virgin cursed with autism so I will probably never get to use it haha
I'm nice to you anonymously but mean to you in game
a fate worse than death..
post moonie melons
Make it so all healers get an additional 10 dps buttons but the buttons ONLY unlock if you can clear a 4th fight current savage with no echo as that healer.
really stupid story but if it gets you to stop blogposting then i am all in favor
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Speaking of piss.
but why
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twitter femra be like
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damn.. that's quite a pickle we're in
Then come up with buttons for healers to press that doesn’t give them a rotation and isn’t just “deals x potency on [seconds] cooldown”. You won’t though because you have no actual ideas dreamt up besides “go back to how it used to be!”
im autistic to you in game and in the thread
>healers bitch and moan when they have to actually heal
This is entirely SE's fault for not preparing newer healers for any amount of actual healing, which happened after SB when they neutered healer DPS options, added more healing tools, and reduced healing requirements in all content.
My moonie will flee immediately do not frighten her
healers press glare >90% of the time in all content, even ultimates. you'd run out of mana otherwise
What's the difference, really.
im nice to you in game but schizo post you in the thread
i will not frighten your moonie, you have my word
Femlala lesbianism already looks ridiculous outside of chaste, cute “Boston marriage” situations with another femlala. Tribbing with a bigger would look too silly to be saved by a good scenario.
>deals x potency on [seconds] cooldown
this is QUITE LITERALLY every single damage button IN THE GAME that isn't the basic 1-2-3 that every DPS/Tank does
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Claire disappears
Lorilee appears
They act the same
They post the same
Do the math
impossible, everything does she is reclusive because of this
One of my friends has feelings for me and acts jealous whenever I give someone else attention and it’s been making things awkward
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>before and after i get cucked out of the buff by someone else and fall to my death
Yeah, I always wait dangerously long to piss so it's always a huge relief.
about fucking time. you should stop posting too.
*reverse-births your femlala with my fiera+*
>lahabrea probably had freaky monster form sex in addition to freaky soul sex with his wife
I hate him even more I'm so glad I killed him and his wife
what is colonized porn
this is the play
>anyone can freely go back and watch how dogshit old job design was
>nostalgia blinded idiots want it back still
How about:
>spells with longer cast times (2.5s) as a higher potency alternative to regular 1.5s spells when you don't need to weave
>normal aoe spells which get buffed for single target after meeting certain conditions (e.g. healing party members, removing debilitating effects)
>spells and abilities that reflect damage (like SMN's old radiant shield/Eye for an Eye)
>DoTs (like Miasma or Shadow Flare).
Just because you can't think of anything fun doesn't mean it's impossible, a bunch of removed actions had more nuance than "deals x potency on [seconds] cooldown".
isn't he cold out in the snow without a shirt?
i wont give up on your moonie, i cannot give up on your moonie. small steps...
imagine how much better off you'd be if you cut this guy off months ago
I miss playing a male character sometimes.
QRD Menhera Chan?
That's DT in a nutshell. It feels like the story overall is full of ideas that COULD have been good, but they were just not handled with the quality needed to actually pull them off.
my moonie is nice to you in game and also nice to you in the thread. she is doing her best. have a good day!
>people will think in some psychopath
You quite literally are.
I'm gonna be honest Akemi, you seem to have issues you really should talk about with someone close and not the thread because god damn
it's never too late to repent
It's when you combine British colonialism with rule34.
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>tfw history is repeating itself
>play PCT
>boss is casting something on tank(2 seconds remaining)
>i try and use Addle
>i cant because im locked in a 3 second animation

>raidwide is coming up
>cant use my shield thingy because im locked in a 3 second animation

>mfw less mobility than fucking blackmage

fuck you fucking drawfaggots
no one wants old job design we want new job design instead of the same shit we've had since fucking shadowbringers
You blog on 4chan’s vg board about some boy who couldn’t care less about you because (You) caught feelings for a dude in a relationship like every whore does. You couldn’t get what you wanted and spent months posting about it endlessly
>see a nice looking character
>type out "AAAAAAAAaaaa she's so adorable, I love your character and taste in glamour!"
>remember I'm a 30 year old man now
>delete it
>type out "nice glam" instead and send it
Think ive done everything I want to in this game for now, raids were a pain in the ass this tier
What else is there to do? ERP?
>Sense that someone wants to talk to me
>They target me
>I log out
What did I mean by this?
Try actual Roleplaying first, sis.
r u a moonie
>want to cum
>cant because im locked in a 3 second animation
i wish i would get a tell like the first.
i always tell people if they have a good character just the way i originally feel like i should tell them, and i even did it twice in lb14. no erp, just compliments to the chefs
Nothing wrong with being enthusiastic, just don't be so over enthusiastic that they think you're being sarcastic and resent you for it.
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it's middie monday
my moonie is extremely quiet in game but likes to do a little shitposting in the thread
I audibly said “based” when he fried hegemoine at the end of pande.
>doesn't let your inner woman free when playing ffxiv
never gonna make it sis
What filters do I need to use to make my femra look like this?
can i see ur moonie
I'd swap with in in an instant. Honestly, sex is not even that good so you're not missing out on much. But you get to wake up in the morning, swing your cock and go "yep, I got a huge dick!" - that's way better.
I like to keep my duty finder primed for an unsync extreme or whatever so if someone looks like theyre about to hit on me I can just zoom off without having to log off or use the busy icon.
oh shit

new athena
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Support Sena and LGBTQ activism. Lets Go Bully the Queers needs your support to beat back these vile trannies
If I'm out of delivery quests and I've done the Mining/Botany story from 90-100, are leves the best bet for leveling the other that didn't do it?
I've sent the first message before, and even included a specific thing I liked about their glam, and I got a
>ty :3
It's not, but if I do change, I'm going to have to change my name to fit him in terms of lore and also change most of the glams again. Doesn't help that the race I play currently is such a complete stark difference to the male one I played.
sure if you run into her ingame..
remember to do gc turn ins as well if you havent
You're 30 years old man, anon. By now you should know better than to keep your emotions stifled!
Friendly reminder that SHB came out over 5 years ago and every job plays the exact same as it did in SHB except SMN which got all of it's buttons removed
>don't erp or goon or pose
>ignored by 90% of /xivg/
...right now?
I play a male character
Moonies are too dumb to have social anxiety
Why? The only people who want that garbage are casuals / dps mains bored in roulettes
was it me
I'm not a woman and I will NEVER beca woman, but that's okay because I'm a MAN and I like being a MAN who kisses women on the MOUTH.
I saw your post I just didn't want to reply to it
That's a good thing
That’s a good thing though
the good thing is that 90% of xivg is not worth interacting with
That's me. I just shitpost.
See, this shit right here is what the Amaurotines were so autistic about everyone wearing the same clothes and masks and shit, and calling transformation vulgar. Because they are a civilization full of shapeshifters, and if they didn't socially enforce conformity they would be up their asses in weird monster people.
Affectionately sex pesting your eb should be mandatory
Yup, just did them a bit ago.
I'm not a woman and I will NEVER beca woman, but that's okay because I'm a MAN and I like being a MAN who kisses himcesses on the MOUTH.
yeah she's online
notice how all the good ebins dont erp/goon/pose?
it's a pattern
Can you do a yippie when I log in
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My ninja dont have poisons no more nigger
and my mudras arent weaved now
>SMN which got all of it's buttons removed
But my Physick is still there, on the same slot it was on day 1!
They look like they're having so much fun together though...
you could be a WOMAN kissing other women on the MOUTH
But normal roleplay doesnt involve breastfeeding?
Whats the point?
thats me, trying to queue cc in eu
Gpose is fine as long as its cool or dramatic gpose, not lewd gpose. Lewd gpose is where it crosses the line into cringe.
Not really, some jobs like DRG/BRD feel a lot slower since the 90s -> 120s changes.
Healers having 1.5s glares and increased dot durations also made them way more boring.
Yeah I'm never complimenting you again
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Grape-Flavored c@ checking in! Nya~
name one
Get rid of the makai shit, if you need them get them from the salvager npc.
if you find modbeast gooning and 24/7 highschool drama fun i suppose
I legitimately don't know how we played BLM without paradox desu. Biggest QoL since triplecast.
made for graping
can I drink her grape-flavored piss?
finding and petting this moonie
I like to think my femezen and my penis are symbolically related. My penis is 7 inches long when erect.

Like my femezen, my penis is not too small (like a femra) and not too large (like a roe)

Like my femezen, people will look at my penis and say "hey that's pretty long" but they will not be repulsed for it is not unnatural looking.

Like my femezen, my penis has a turtleneck sometimes and it makes it look cuter.

Like my femezen, my penis is uncommon as the average size is 5 inches.

Like my femezen, my penis has racial preferences.

Like my femezen, my penis is destined for cute middies.
What, just because they have the same last name? Thats a really weak case, my dude. Where is your evidence?
It came to me in a dream.
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What I like about this place is that one post can be a paragraph about their borderline depression, while simultaneously two have a discussion about bible verses and then a third guy comes along asking if the can fuck someone's catgirl.
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proof? source?
lorilee can actually clear content so it isn't claire
I came to you in a dream, too
I swear the schizos in this general are getting worse with their nonsense
DT's MSQ disappointed me so much I'm waiting until the next patch before I both playing again despite the fact that I have a lot of content still undone.
there are literally no ebins that don't erp, goon, or pose
May I get a hint
i want to touch your ears
If I wanted to feel up some estrogen titties I'd go to my LGS and impress the ladies with my HG Shining Gundam.
good morning husbandposter i hope you have a great day
my moonie is the moo deng of xivg
You post this every thread and you are asked for proof. What's your excuse this time? Redolent Rose is going to figure out who you are and shitpost you? Paper thin reason, anon
I have to lewd gpose on my femlala so guys with poor spatial skills can actually learn what positions she can get into
my holey wife
And you just find this out? he constantly has said he is just a dude that likes other dudes.
I like Wuk though.
All of you Crystal niggas are, stop the cap. STOP THE CAP!
Best Fiddies face?
does this grape c@ like men?
what the fuck, my maliddlie is breaking up with him immediately
Her voice acting was subpar and actively hurt an already flawed, low tier character
The sound director, or voice director, should've told her to re-do her lines until it was decent
This has nothing to do with her being trans, she's just not a good VA, and didn't have a good director backing her up, ON TOP of Wuk Lamat being written in a very poor, mary sue-ey way
t. troon who played with JP voices
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Hello and same to you, anon! I think it's a good one so far.
Why do you always make up shit to make your lame ass image seem real? Jeudy's and plapcat's were both fake. You probably stole them from /soc/ like every single other pic on there.
I wanna do lewd pics with your cat
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I kneel gunpla-rizz anon
shes at the 'eds
>plays female character
>obsesses over female characters
yep in this general that's the litmus test for a gay man
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https://files.catbox.moe/gfadrw.jpg do we like this
I am
a fiera
that has forgotten to take her meds for a month
none of these are my wife
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>being played by:
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Wait, hold on a second. We support Wuk because anyone who dislikes her is a child rapist. However, we are NOT transphobic. Many of the time-tested classics like Effy, Appal, Glue Licker, etc. are trans. In fact, if you’re a transphobe, you’re actually Filipino. Yeah, take that, Njda/Kanchelle/Kong.
5 >> 4 > 1 > 3 > 2
i gooned to that dudes twitter yesterday
those are ugly westoids try again
the one he posted is from the jp tournament though and the people there mostly looked like normal nipponese
>plays as a female character and likes other female characters
Why are so many of you like this?
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not sure if my post or tikaasis
I still don’t get why Filipinos get the hate here
the twitter femras that post in JP circles never post on xivg.
but the xivg femras that crosspost on twitter are goonmeat with no class. Curious!
too many words
those are your people
I like 1's hair because I like RA
>FRC 2018 Champion
Unc still got it fr
Have you spoken to them about this yet? Don't let it fester
good morning to the goopnoses my beloved goopies
ok caveman
Part of it is the meme. The other part is because the pinoys that post here are cringy, socially stunted, or both.
We hate Wuk Lamat
We love Kongnamul Bulgogi
SEAmonkeys in general are very annoying.
Wtf they aren’t catgirls?
hating f*l*p*nos is the natural state of man
The black guy on the top row actually looked the most attractive out of everyone in that original picture
I didn't say anything about it having to be bottled...
not my picture, just sourced one from Google because I'm at work, just take a complement
Just follow the standard opinion set man, it’s not that hard. Just fucking get in line and follow orders. Otherwise you’ll never be popular.
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these boots are unreasonably sexy, i found my go-to glam to pair with 2b bottoms
I honestly think Wuk's VA would be better off voicing characters in a saturday morning cartoon like adventure time.
would this cat rape my moonie?
Plapping your cat
what boots
>What kind do you have in mind
One where you're giving me cbt
I don't get why you're surprised at any racial minority getting hate on 4chan.
yo xivg how is the transition going haha i mean m4s transition phase prog/clear of course he he
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Yeah and a super cute and stinky girl.
>fellow armor fetishist or not and I'm just jumping to conclusions
YES FINALLY someone says it. I think that set is probably the best and hottest one ingame. Incredible helmet, as well
high steel sollerets of maiming
My hair is growing out nicely but I have a receding hair line so I might end it
ermm I mean I'm still playing through the MSQ hehe haha
based, gatekeeper fags BTFO
cognitive behavioral therapy?
im trying to reclear dog
Okay wait, so we hate “flips”, right? And we hate child rapists? But we like people who rape and abuse lalafells, correct? Pardon, but isn’t that kinda, y’know, the same thing that they do? You love raping lalas. AND some of you are even transphobic, just like Filipinos. Uh oh! Prepare to get thread canceled!
i want you to belittle and demean my tranny ass while you pound it into putty
I do want to make my femra look like this, do you know where to start?
I’m a pinoy that regularly post here. I don’t my posts are annoying.
I go against the grain.
Yeah you are right. I shouldn’t be surprised about it.
bros i looked outside and saw it was overcast and i almost started crying
final fantasy xiv
race for closet mtf?
it's also 62(?) valerian gear. I need more people to wear it NOW for NO REASON.
I just know you have the tranny hair. Use conditiomer
mm mmm very interesting
reposting your 2022 avatar image? again?
Your Macchi impression is still very bad Jizzda. Make your gm post already.
How can they make competitive pvp out of a mode with horrible coding? I press guard and attacks still go through.
*posts a 2020 image*
Just start blocking those people.
checks out...
99 times out of 100 a clothed or fetish-themed gpose will get more interest from me than a nude pin-up or generic sex pose.
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holy shit guys its him
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If you want you can post your initials and we can meet up and I can preach to you autistically about how much I absolutely ADORE Sylveon that I installed a mod to have her over the Yangxian Cat.
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Please... please queue crystal novice ranked quick match....
lil bro really browses xivg but claims to hate shenis
Can I get an example of the tranny hair?
okay gimme a sec to log in
i made a highlander but i shan't be posting her.
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is exponential a lame surname
Lizzy is very cute
holy shit guys it's good LL
>dpsissies want me to gcd heal the last set of aoes so we can not tank lb3 cross tail switch
stay in your lane fags
your first name better be entropy
okay I logged in and popped it
make it your first name. last name? entropy.
this was neat
I dunno, it's fun.
My catgirl is addicted to tributes now
arent all the LLs good?
good morning sisters
make your first name logarithmic
forward and back and then forward and back
>entropy exponential
it popped... now we fight...
Exponential is an adjective, a descriptor. So it being a surname is inherently weird, because it doesn't have anything to describe
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Mine is evil .9
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blud never took artistic license with predicate adjectives shaking my head
post catgirl
thanks guys, but do you not see THE Dark-knight Quest-guy
i thought that was astarion in the thumbnail
suprised there's no astarion x emet smellch art out there already
I don't want to block them, but I think all the nice cutsey lovey-dovey things that happened to them should've happened to me instead. Straight trannies just do not exist here on XIV playerbase.
That's cute, actually, but I'm shitposting at work
no, but I won't taint a good LL reply chain by discussing them
oh no i missed it
post screenshot please!!
have an ETA my dude? I want to be here for it
I take a bunch of screenshots and post maybe 1/30 of them because I'm self conscious about coming across as an attention whore
album please
theres a reason its been dead forever
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Post her... pretty please?
are you still walking funny after your gaping sis
You’d have to post the same 20 screenshots 100x to even get noticed son
i'm thinkin based though?
also based
>my response wasn’t answered
post your thighlander right NOW
cute thighlander
no longer giving this cat (You)s
woah tozer
There can be only one Sid I'm afraid.
openly lewd avatarfags are boring but avatarfags that only hornypost without an avatar are cute
i'd take hrt if i didnt have to go to the doctor
How do I get him to do this to my catgirl...
i can't i'm using okaa-san and the neck seam is terrible
Can you give me 7m gil
I have actually had some random posts get a lot of replies, although that was years back and on /v/ so
my femra does that
ass made to be plapped
thighs to rub
boobs to grope
lips to kiss
hands to hold
just find a neck piece you like the look of. it'll cover the seam
based tozer
Catgirls are builded for the BHC(Big Hroth Cock)
Both deserve to be worm food.
>grapec@ was sitting at lb14 targeting tozer all night last night
>then this image surfaces
yeah i'm never listening to you "it's just targeting bro" liars again
it really is secondlife
>The sound director, or voice director, should've told her to re-do her lines until it was decent
The lines we heard were the best takes
we know
another week another m4s reclear with nothing to show for it but a silly little book
who told you that?
I'm straight, unc.
post the silly little books you have collected
I make lewds but it doesn’t feel right to share them with anyone but the person I posed with
i don't care if it is, i need to see thighlanders. i need a thighlander first wife for my second life
why does potd have to be so fucking long man i just wanna get my last 2 accessories
What about people that never horny post but slip up every now and then
no you dont know me im anonymous??
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shut up dude
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Stop being a melodramatic retard
Go masturbate and get some post orgasm clarity on your life and move forward.
>I'm going to an hero
I'd slap you irl if I could
Bro Ru Paul would call your ass zesty.
pure jeremy behavior on display
everyone on here goes "they're just sharing a house bro" or "it's just targeting bro" when cockwatchers call out anons who are clearly fucking
I need the money sorry
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vgh dark knight is just so terrible this patch it has nothing going for it why ever play it FUCKKKKK bros
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nigga tf is a shenis?
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i love collecting books!!!!!!!
look at the time time, sis. it's 1728
I outright REFUSE to believe this
The rest of the game also severely lacked QA and whatnot
damn Hrothgar stealing our cat women
it's like a gock
i don't care who's fucking who man i just don't want to see it itt keep that shit to yourselves you weirdos
cute books
this is why you ignore roulette heroes lmao
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fuaaaaark dooooood why isn't WAR the highest? I thought it had big dick damage fuaaaark
ALWAYS since endwalker AND FOREVER
People like you are the reason why this game is going to shit they could give you job where all you do is press 1 and you'd be happy so long as it topped the DPS charts.
is drk fun or is it still war lite
never, i will drag it all out into the thread and let the sunlight disinfect it
>is that.. 60 more dps?
Search Jasmine Ambrose on the archive for an example of dried up tranny hair that so many troons have for some reason
die, parsetranny.
>target someone to /tell by targeting them and, because I'm a retard, then forget to stop targeting them after.
>tfw realize that i've been staring at someone in the middle of lb14 for a good minute or so and people may think we're fucking because they target me back
EEEYIKE. Sorry gamers this fiddie is not fucking
no it's not?
>they could give you job where all you do is press 1 and you'd be happy so long as it topped the DPS charts
you were saying?
>warcucks are upset drkcahds are on top once again in cotent that matters
you love to see it
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My femra has a very sensitive tail
My moonie is going to be bis tomorrow she’s so excited
so your position is "i tripped and fell onto their penis by accident"?
>they could give you job where all you do is press 1 and you'd be happy so long as it topped the DPS charts.
say sorry to LL right now
the 2.5 gnb rotation is so retarded
yeah except people are saying DRK because gnb 'does more damage' despite DRK doing nearly 1k more with just a couple of buffs on the team, let alone buff heavy comps
lol no one cares about this general anymore
No way bro I'm only into slightly chubby brown chicks
May I plap?
everybody is ignoring that somehow DRK got reskinned even harder to be a WAR
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when I'm /telling in lb14 it's about pvp or general small talk conversation. My clothes stay on and if I leave lb14 I leave with nobody. No penis trippage
pretty sure you ACTUALLY need 100% uptime on 2.5 or else you push the lionheart combo out of no mercy
I laugh every time at this image
I'm so fucking retarded
it was a joke ma'am but your protestations have been recorded, thank you
>if I leave lb14 I leave with nobody
you think so? :3
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It makes me feel like a bad little lala
My blonde, white skinned Malezen listens to ghetto black girl ASMR with lots of kissing the camera lens, saliva and tongue action.
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that's me with this one
when i leave lb14, i tell my erp partner to leave 5 minutes after me so all the gockwatchers dont catch on...
Gock watch this
*unzips my catgirls pants*
Still going to play WAR because it's fun. DRK is not.
To be fair I did see it as a joke but also some people here unironically do say "I didn't mean to, I swear!"
I mean I log out or return to my homeworld, so yes. Why?
it will be buffed next patch for sure
I dislike how this is sometimes used as justification for DRK not getting anything like sustain and still getting fucked over by physical raidwide
damage will always be buffed but most of the time the rest of their toolkit stays the same for the entire expansion
This gets posted a lot but has anyone actually checked if you parse good using xivslothcombo?
Oh come on, we got a blend of sunnie and moonie in there.
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he was yours first
no takesies backsies
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I want a maleroe hubby to love and cherish
but it does .06% more dps than 2.4 in exchange for 1 gcd of downtime completely destroying your damage bro it's better you're stupid for wanting to play fast gunbreaker
sorry bud, you're stuck with him in wow
we really don't fucking want him
and he came from wow anyway, that's his home
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I somehow still won this hand
>weaving is too hard
Grim, I would just keep it in a pony tail 24/7 if I were them
I use argan oil after my shower, it's just my hairline that's holding me back. Not a tranny though long hair just suits my personality better
yea it feels very strict to the point of being unfun. ive been running 2.45 but wanted to try 2.5 since its theoretically the highest dps or whatever but mistiming something even slightly feels really punishing. im not a pussy though im gonna try it anyway and ruin my median parse
I refuse to believe people can list to her voice in English and think that level of quality is acceptable. Voice acting, but didn't do any of the acting part other than doing some weird fucking accent over his weird ass white guy voice while the other regions actually made it sound like the character was literally doing what they were actually doing in the cutscenes. Listen the JP voice talking while blocking the giant arm during the final fight. It sounds like she was actually blocking it. In English? Nope, just fucking reading a script.
Talentless shitheads getting a pass is beyond me.
I think I'll continue to hate women, thank you very much.
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keep him!
You...and every ebin that crushed me under their feet, built this wall between me and Lamitt...I'll shove you all in this inventory... drag it to the deepest corners of the Thirteenth...and pummel it, until my strength fails...!
ack it popped and you're not in it sorry...
I too want a maleroe husband to comfort and bottom for my lalaboy.
it's over...
Shoot I guess I won't be getting it. A dying animal in your backyard has better rizz than me
roulettefags keep calling drk the "war lite" when
>they whine about drk having no sustain aside from one abyssal drain per trash pack
>they get filtered by the opportunity cost of tbn
>they get filtered because they need to use oblation on the caster during every phys dmg raidwide
>they get filtered by placing salted earth wrong
yes, but I think every tank unironically should be more like WAR
on my soul im about to kill myself during reclears tomorrow if i miss a single gcd
People think you can just grow long hair and that's it. You have to actually condition it and shampoo it LESS than when you had shorter hair.
>argan oil
Nice, I use an argan oil conditioner in the shower.
I'm not going to waste a single drop...
what he said?
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If you can hold a conversation dork
I just simply leave a bunch throughout the evening to do content
It’s alright darling, the first step to fixing it is admitting it! Just gotta try and not get disheartened.
Damn they're lighting him up tho. The WoW space is still built different compared to XIV even to this day.
all the tanks are easy tee bee haych
t. got 1 dsr clear (it was a green)
I shit my pants again guys FUCK
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Are there any shirts similar to pic rel?
I really hate when NPCs get exclusive gear that's not available to PCs.
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I know who made this post.
Nice cope. I play NIN without plugins.
stop ducking me for sf6
they are easy, currently they are just blue dps with some defensives and most tanks mechanics are "just stand there for the big hit"
I can queue up again after this game if you'd like but I'll need to go make some coffee first
Ser that's literally a glam piece you can buy for MGP
why did you open the chest just to leave auerrrrrgh!!!!!!!
Nothing wrong with moonies talking with hroths….
My malera? He's
Post a summary of your last ERP!
Recommend me a job to learn in CC
I love everything about WAR so ideally something similar to it
Its not full of a bunch of tranny weebs yes.
Yes, weaving is hard because you are at the mercy of your ping.
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DRK rework is inevitable
Hers has some additional embellishments so I didn't recognize it. Thanks bros
Get loot bombed bitch.
because fuck you <3
Who was the big creator saying shit? Also, who the fuck is even left in the wow space?
My husband.
He's...? He's what?!
Oh god the malera mafia got him before he could finish his post
Try Dragoon! Its super fun and easy to learn but has lots of skill expression!
He is
my femra just ate some chicken or COCK as I like to call it hahahhahaha lol
the XIV community is this really weird group that shits on people for being "toxic" even if they're right
speaking the truth is seen as bad by some of them because it hurts feelings
Then message me about it tonight so I can kick your ass, nerd
They left in a cold tone after I said a no-no word and unpaired and blocked me right after.
unironically I think all of the tanks should be 1 minute rotations, none should have 2 min cds for their burst
no you dont wtf
yeah, its pretty fun though admittedly. i havent done any tanking this tier but weaving in your defensives during 2m tankbusters was kinda fun in retrospect
I don't get it
god damn i miss rough divide
does anyone know if there's a mod to replace trajectory with it
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Off topic. You will never be a real woman, so just cut the crap and stop pretending already.
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gm sirs
good morning SLUT
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Post yfw the boss does 2 autos and a raidwide/tank buster at the beginning
If you see a lvl 30 something dragoon in CC eating shit feel free to give me tips hehe
hello very good midlander /pet
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Why do you fanta so often bruh
gm slut
no rush, I'm waging and I have a few meetings coming up...
later today for sure
>lets give tanks unique identity by making them all like WAR
how much of this is an exaggeration is he really this retarded
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It might be just my bitter healerbrain speaking but I think DRK is the most fun tank in dungeons because things can actually kill you sometimes. PLD is my favorite in raids but DRK is both cool and not stupidly durable. Wish it had a partywide mit a bit earlier, though, but balance beyond max level is a joke anyways.
yeah why dont they just stun everyone after they even dare to press a raid buff and then shit fart in your face irl
Fingerbanged a sunnie as she melted into my arms
Where do I do collectible turn ins for DT for gathering/crafting?
nice cliqueposting
I expected a post about the shepsters with this image. You have disappointed me for the last time.
My moonie does this she does not tolerate bigotry of any kind
Where can I find you for some conversation which leads to some lewd pics?
i won't say "go listen to him talk about tank balance" because i don't want you to have to bear listening to him say stupid shit, but yes
>thread celeb posts his avatar with off-topic bullshit
>20+ (You)s
>game discussion
>0 (You)s
I thought FFXIV was the best MMO with the most amount of evergreen content including Eureka, Diadem, POTD, relics, etc.? Why don’t we talk about the game?
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What the fuck, RUINED
Didn't they take away the aura darkside had when you activate it?
You now remember ring of thorns
My moonie thirstposts and lewdposts in thread even when she's too busy to follow up
he really is this retarded and I've had the misfortune of listening to people who parrot his opinions
this is the type of guy who says "remove the dying from Living Dead"
That's so awkward.
There was a gay e-couple in my leve objective...
you can turn them in at any place with the appraiser the 3 main cities have one and the endgame hubs
how is it going?
Any free use rapemeats in the thread right now?
can i see ur moonie
yes i got a euphoria boner when i fantad to femra so what?
I actually don’t have a moonie or a femra. I’m sorry for lying.
Asmongold, Bellular, Max and sodapoppin are all doing shit on wow again so more than you'd think
d a g g e r s
I can't seem to find one in Tural, but there's still the one in Radz that has the updated items.
Worshipped femra's feet until I was allowed to eat her out
going a little slower than I thought it would, in east 3 rn
theres not one in tuliyollal its in solution 9
I didn't say anything -phobic, I called our act filthy but they thought I called them filthy.
I play DRK 99% of the time in raids because I enjoy it a lot, same with dungeons
only sometimes I'll go PLD/GNB to be proficient at them and get good damage because it's good to be able to show that I can do any, if a static wants to pick me up
What do they mean by this
just used glamourer to make my character's hair slightly off-white. am i a modbeast now
Oh yeah, that place. I keep forgetting about it, thanks dude.
Every expac has the raid/collectable city and the marketboard city. Solution 9 is the former and Tuliyollal is the latter
are ya winning son?
Cute. I was ex farming a bit ago and there was a malera couple that were dressed like oldschool leather gays, it was kino.
nyo :3
Yeah me
Ok hear me out.
Flat chested Fiera.
You were one the moment you installed xivlauncher
this but murder
We know who you mean
I thought Fox was pro Trump
Ahh, gotcha. Thanks again.
flat-chested fiera under 30...
Okay hear me out
Catgirls and Hrothgar in a sealed room. Catnip spilled on the floor.
Uhhhh I guess so? There's still an "aura" while darkside is on but it's barely noticeable, just a bit of red swirling around you. Why is it red if it's supposed to be darkness?

You're thinking of NIN, DRK uses a greatsword.

Yeah, in the end of the day just play the most fun job for you. I'm a WHM main even though it's pretty much the worst of the healers, but it's the one I enjoy the most.
Yeah if koro ever updates their face mods
Ok hear me out... face 3 femras...?
my solarkitty wants to smoke heroin on aluminum foil again
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I logged in
I don't wanna out myself, sorry moonieposter...
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Hell yeah
Okay, hear me out.

Cum, sex, rape. Having cybersex in Final Fantasy XIV. Standing around and gossiping about Filipinos. Discussing how to rape child-coded characters. “Gooning” with grown men.
You're a boy
In a man's world.
My sworn enemy...
I'll make you bend the knee and become one of my Helions...
Yeah, how else do you think i'm going to cut off your horns to make daggers with?
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I'm posting it again because I will never be the femra and I am coping
Nice job on plapping grapecat
Seductive dance from a femra that preceded a thigh-fuck against her stockings.
Nope, because this one's mine! I like that one except it probably wouldn't be bare feet for me.
a little birdie told me you like getting those handlebars snapped off. need a pair of strong hands to help with that?
Very nice, thank you.
I thought this guy was le heckin' wholesome. Yay, rats! What happened to that?
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is that two males? being friendly to each other?!
anyone wanna hang out and listen to the talk tuah podcast together
my moonie wants to shoot up.....
There are onky like 3 male characters that don't do weird shit
this man is angry
angry about fujos
Sure. Who and where?
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I'll never be the Highlander and I have to learn to be at peace with that.
I got pipelined
My based hrothfren
He's even more heckin awesome for that. We love this, remember?
any good players in queue?
Join my moonie in the D1 crashouts
good mornyan
I look like the left irl btw, who want me?
your cat is suffocating
Yeah, I love BWC x my brown girl
>I'll never be the Highlander and I have to learn to be at peace with that.
What's stopping you?
Does everyone want a femra EB nowadays? Is that the hip new thing?!
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Lack of effort?
i was doing all of those things with a femra but i'm not a highlander
its as sweet and fun as it looks
Nice armpit! Do you accept cum tributes?
this is nyot about him
Coffee and a banana
Thanks, I like you too
I'll try that
Keeping a diary online definitely helped me though... and delete your dirt!
I hope our dreams don't come true
Maybe. But I'd have lost my happiness too
I don't think I'm THAT bad. I've seen worse
I use to talk to a therapist at the start of this earlier this year and then I would talk to my sister about it but after a month she would just keep calling me dumb so I don't come to her for girl talk anymore
One, he does care about me, this is just a difficult situation
Two, it's not so simple as crushing on someone who was taken. I'm not an idiot and wouldn't have purposely tried ruining a relationship
Slap me then.

Anyway, I'm going to do another impromptu movie meetup sometime this week. Maybe later today
Sorry friend, but everyone in this general is build like
>a twink
>a bear
>a blob
>a gorilla
there are no exceptions
Sorry my femra friend, I look like that irl but I play a femlala in game. I like cute little things. I would have probably EB'd.
Not a fan of feet? And I thought you were a man of culture
This is why I fucking hate women. SHUT UP CUNT!!!!!!!!!

what a treat
futa teased by another futa about how small she is
DRK has no sauce dude
No, I don't think I will. I don't kiss and tell.
DRK is GOATed you're just a kekold
You just ask him
If you do a movie meetup, can my male character try to woo you?
Why do a lot of femlala players look like built dudes? My last static had 2 femlala players that looked really buff. Such a complete difference. Ingame, they would act all cutesy and whenever we all got on VC for raids, they would have the most deepest voice.
i dont either moonie, but its a risk i have to take to see moonies...
the bigger a man gets, the more they like cute things
the shoulder loli has a real life basis, you know
This time for real
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I like that build do not get me wrong. Grats on the irl body, but the "..." was more of a "and what could he be ingame."
Very based, godspeed. Not pic related at all
Femra can't keep getting away with this...
Because most people can separate fantasy from reality and don't self insert as their character
Have fun having nothing to do for 2 mins
I miss DRK being an ogcd spammer
Tail pegged a fiera before making her eat me out as a reward.
I wish this general could do that...
>Anyway, I'm going to do another impromptu movie meetup sometime this week. Maybe later today

Can we watch kingdom of heaven directors cut?
i wanna kiss that pussy
this isnt some double entendre, tongue in cheek, innuendo
i want to kiss MM on their pussy (female moonie vagina)
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I look like this irl, sans glasses
I promise I'll post moonie next thread, just for you
I will delete my dirt for one (1) picture of your armpit
Have fun in your Superman costume, Covercuck.
I don't get to be cute irl and this game is an opportunity for me to play as a cute character.
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>shoulder loli
Dare I ask?

>captcha is "nappys"
It's trying to tell me something, I just know it.
woo movie time woooo
A bunny was horny and needed to get off so they got aggressive and came inside my moonie’s ass.
okay moonie... but i think i know which moonie this is now that i think about it...
>have 5 wind parsley
>need 6
I'm going to kill myself.
There's a lot of nasty rumors going around... you shouldn't trust everything some little bird says.
>I don't think I'm THAT bad. I've seen worse
You're the gore glub into being crushed and all of your everything being splattered, right?
My Catgirl has the soul of a malera..
need to fanum tax a moonie gyatt
That’s disturbing
Kong is getting schizo someone needs to let him plap again
>What's stopping you?
Being a Highlander with no rizz nor interest in the femra xivg has to offer.
My malera actually has the soul of a catgirl and is now going through hrt
I don't care about some gook aussie getting uppity
Can he break his record of being cucked the same day? Like someone slides in right after he's done?
for a second I thought the l and i in tail was swapped and I got deeply concerned
You seem pressed
did you have any ideas for what to show or do you want one
>yet another ebin mass reply
WE LIKE THIS! Akimbo Sanchez all-star celeb! YOU’RE SO FAMOUS!!
Nigga you're about to be mating pressed.
That's not being cucked though, and that also usually happens at the futa bench
this but femraen
it's a tranny
not a woman
it is what it is
based femra with a gold soul
I pegged Tali
>That's not being cucked though
Hello Kong.
i can ping you in here after the thread count goes above 800 so it's unrelated to your avatarpost if you like. keep an eye out
Body massage with oils that lead into some eating out and ended with a mating press.
BLU have a special "cheese" by being able to redirect damage without the target having the vuln stack applied, It'll be very noticeable when they're able to do p1 to 12 later on 7.45
Even if I was into such things I wouldn't do them with a person who types in pure lowercase.
>stand in opposite coloured laser
>die anyway
i dont get iconoclasm at all
im doing everything right, guessing the void portals and moving colours and then i just fucking die regardless
If you're a man with a nice, nephew or child, you'll understand
Unfortunately i cant tell whether your menheraposter is you or someone else, and considering how many menheraposters are, i'll have to default to larp. One day i may find you and then things will happen.
as in stand in white laser as black then vice versa
I can type as fancy as you like, if that's the only deal-breaker. Speaking of breaking.. on finish or during action?
>cockwatching this much
Post your character if this is a sincere offer (which I really doubt it is).
It's cute that you think you're in charge here.Ravana, Gold Saucer Mahjong Tables, 15 minutes. Don't make me wait.
I'll humour you since I'm just curious of who you are, but don't get any weird ideas.
Lol, you're not dodging the allegations
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hi hehe
I mitigate and heal them.

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