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An Image For The OP Edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
• Sept 18, 9:00 PM EDT | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi | >>494711968
• Sept 21, 8pm EDT | Ultros, Primal The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks meet up Season 2 episode 1 and 2 >>494662829
• Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 5, 5pm PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846

Previous: >>494874681
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Femezen that aren't sex pests or dragonfuckers respond to this anchor
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lol, lmao even
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do you even play the game, anon?
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Best way to farm purple scrips as fisher?
I'm a malera.
Good morning /xivg/
catgirls having sex with fiddies
just because we did some small talk, it doesn't mean i wanna fuck you or be your soul mate.
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More Battle Companions when? Battle Companions in dungeons when? It's been over a decade since you said this was going to be a thing, Yoshida.
The sleever himself in the flesh
Just because we fucked doesn't mean that I want to do small talk.
I actually ran in to one of the most iconc dragon smashers in a roulette the other day, and I took a picture of their plate. They used to post here too, but that was quite a while ago.
Moonie for my Midlander.
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I am a male elezen
that is logging in
Good morning
How did it feel getting your e-dick wet in grape c@
I think middies and fiddies should
Midlander for my Moonie
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Dragon as in dragon or dragon as in dragon?
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>aren't sex pests
rape victim
wish i was getting pested by this fiddie
which body mod do I go if I want some decent tits/ass, but also like fashion
my literal twin peaks highlander wife in the background
There's plenty non sexpest femezen, unlike malera
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Croc enthusiast anon asked, so here it is again.
post moonie
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>Well? You daft bastard get it over with.
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I just think wuk lamat is ugly especially when they had a custom model for her and she was the best result they could come up with. femhroths were a mistake.
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the omnissiah blesses you.
I'll answer on punchc@'s armored elezen's behalf, since she's not here to respond
I have a critical weakness to chocolate thighlanders
i love that thighlander
my moonies has 0 critical weaknesses
It seems my reputation preceeds me
Was some fun times. Got some good poses out of it
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Nagxia expansion when? Dawntrail already confirmed that the WoL / Scions are pretty much the CIA.

same but all thighlanders
He cute!
Did you use a mod to do the male DRK idle position?
I love Kong she's so sexy
Weirdly enough I think regular femhroths are fine but Wuk Lamat specifically is kinda ugly. Then again maybe I just associate her appearance with negative thoughts due to everything else about her character.
Where are those boots from? I don't think i've seen them before
wuk has a unique face that looks really uncanny compared to player froths
I know what you mean, sis. I would love to gag on Kong's moonie cock all night long.
If you make an avatarfag OP again I will be making every single new thread starting at 300 posts.
Yeah? Whats up bro
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>no femlala eb who will casually affectionately lewdly flirt with my femlala
its over
Humbly requesting another shirtless pic of your male middie
thirsty fiddies
I'm standing right next to this guy. He gave me a pet :3
Who are you quoting?
moonie behavior
Please do I enjoy it when retards get 3 days for self righteous bullshit

moonie's fallens sollerets
I bought them from a vendor in tuliyollal
Spending my cum this thread
One of the female DRK poses, either bstance or vpose, goes into a stance that's very similar to the male weapon-out idle pose as part of the routine. Could be that.
same, post Kong catboxes please
>3 days for making a thread early

They deleted 8 threads of mine when I was stopping the (pedo)file.png menace and I didn't get a single warning.
>click his mod profile
>x with dick
this dude just made his whole shtick putting cocks on stuff
I'd post but I promised I wouldn't. Sorry Usagi-chan.
>be tank
>do absolutely dog shit in trial
>get 3 commends anyway
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>load into m3s
>party is a 0 raidbuff comp
>have the most fun ive ever had playing ffxiv in years
Just delete raid buffs
Pity comms.
i said i'd stop so i shant post mine
Avatar? It's a semi-random Japanese Twitter screenshot.
bro is bragging about making threads that got deleted
Grand list of posters:

>posts something negative about another ebin
Before noon, it’s Kong. After, it’s Kanchelle.

>posts opinions regarding the game, story and gameplay
Yep, it’s Macchi.

>posts about trannies
Yep, it’s Ndja.

>posts about being posted about
Lorilee, obviously.

>posts anything mentioning a father or fatherly figure
Oh they're the DRK feet. I couldn't really tell as the top normally covers most of it, looks good double dyed like that.
Downloaded a naked apron mod for my femlala
My static is a no raid buff static. It's a fun time
Excellent shitpost Macchi Ato @ Balmung
>play RDM
>raise both healers repeatedly
>no comm
>posts deflecting onto other schizos or directed at someone in the sightline of a new fiddie or femezen
I do all of those things and I'm none of those people
Stop raping kids, Macchi Ato @ Balmung
They paved paradise
And cut off Wuk Lamats cock
>be tank
>do 2nd most damage in trial
>0 comms
I do none of these things and I'm all of those people
I was going to do that later today.
sorry chud only half naked whores get comms
I kinda miss every jobs doing their own things and have CDs all over the place like during HW.

The 2 min meta where you only have fun in 2 mins and just press 123 for the rest is so fucking shit, it only help speedkillers and other fflogs fishing for high parses
I stand with my brothers and shant be posting mine
healer is the hardest role we should get all the commendations desu
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Reminder that the 2nd min buff slop was made because players asked for it
Specifically raiders in ShB asked for it
Reminder you were made despite nobody asking for it.
Correct this error posthaste.
reminder that i touched my woober to my afk friend again u.u
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Were jobs "clunkier" back then or were you just unable to surpass their skill floor and butthurt about it?
I came in during the 2min buff meta, when and where did it happen? Just curious
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can a range/caster dps weigh on on what it is about you all being great at the first attempt and then consistently regress after the first wipe?
I just got done palmraping my goonstick too
raiders specifically were lining up their raidbuffs a lot so SE decided to adjust to this
this is the same type of player that says that all jobs should be the same
What addon for parsing on the go?
you get one try before i stop caring
Never played the game before 5.1 but going back and watching different fights and how the jobs performed I can safely say I do not want dogshit ARR/HW/SB job design back
I've noticed a lot of "ebins" get really fucking mad when someone else gets more attention than them and start seething, especially if it's an ebin of a gender or race they can't comprehend getting more attention and popularity than themselves
what did you goon to
Hi Lorilee
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super cute posters. Man that sword looks so cool.
I want to pinch my femra's cheeks and smooch her she's so cute
having post-nut regret so I don't wanna talk about it, brother
>I came in during the 2min buff meta, when and where did it happen? Just curious
During SHB a lot of raider(ie hardcore) asked Yoshi to make it easier to align buffs so they started balancing around the 2 min meta.
Heres the issue, AFTER it happened the same hardcore players complained that classes all played the same
I am going to bed. Good night. Maybe the thread will be better when I wake. It won't. Time is a flat circle. Nothing ever changes.
>i never experienced it but it was bad!
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Injection day sisters
I roleplay getting fucked by multiple massive futa cocks online. I am more of an MMORPG player than any raider is.
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Imagine getting a handy from her fr
So you are all gay here right? If you spend your free time ERPing with men you are a fag. Dont try to cope by saying its a female character, you and another man are sexting
I don’t need to experience it when there’s a plethora of videos showcasing the job design in fights
nobody wants janky boring shit. stop whining about "muh job design".
Unironically this. I don't give 100% if I see people are shitting themselves. I can get in a party immediately after this one disbands so it doesn't matter.
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>The jobs are too easy to play Yoshi!
>Make them clunkier and add fail states to make them harder to stroke my ego!
It was probably to a guy
Ask on Monday
>jobs are too easy
>average casual still fails to play them effectively at all
bit grim innit
I have a + so my female warrior of light has a +
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Having every job burst at 2 minutes isn't an issue, the issue is that they completely leveled the skill floors making them braindead during the minute and a half you aren't bursting
Trying to convince other men that they are actually gay is peak gay male behavior, anon.
Most jobs already have a failstate and that's dying. If you die as SAM or MNK say goodbye to your stickers or nadis
So does mine. No, you can't see it
the clunk wasn't too bad overall, but there were some bad eggs
>seriously just delete TP you couldn't do an aoe combo if you had to sprint
>bards being meta for mana song
>tanks having to meld for accuracy or they'd miss the front facing boss and lose aggro
>threat management was pretty bad but doable
Try wrapping your hand around a tic tac and get any kind of friction. She'd have to only use the very tips of her fingers
my criterion static also has 0 buffers and it's very fun
where did it all go so wrong with this 2 minute meta crap
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I wish the raid buffs were stronger/more significant other than 2% extra damage or more crit.
Or just making the buffs passives you bring to the party. But they technically already have that with the 1% bonus you get per unique job
So I don't know
Not really when you realize the vast majority of this games playerbase do not care about being “good” at an MMO. The only people wanting jobs to be more “difficult” are dudes who jack off to being seen as gods at babies first MMO or MMOs in general
I've seen it
Let me trib your character and I'll show it there
nah your just gay
i rape irl
so my rava+ rapes too
name 3 sexpest xivg malera
Oh yeah? *smooches your +*
You're obviously not interested. Why keep pretending to be?
it's a learning party, but an aim to clear party if that means anything. also the reason we wiped was because of the range dps
just trying to get an understanding of wtf is happening for this to be consistent every attempt
braidcats are not weak to rape
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>m1s reclear
>retard viper doesn't move away during spread and kills us
>then stands in my spot during the cleaves because he thinks its boss reli
>i get 2 coffers at the end and they get nothing
that's right boy
casualoids really think their opinions matter when they got smn lobotomized and still can’t press their buttons, tank but have no idea how to mit, and so on. they genuinely need blinders like a horse
do you like sunwhores
To string you along and make you more desperate so that when I finally leave you high and dry you’ll feel really bad
good girl
its not even about being good though its about doing the bare minimum which still seems to be beyond like half the playerbase of this game
Where are these ffxiv edating discords? Do you have to know somebody to get into one?
Oh well I wouldn't do that in a prog party.
In reclears I will sandbag.
there's no reason to not have a few more difficult jobs within each role, and they really should have some depth to them at 100 levels.
What's a -
Once you realize and come to terms with that most players in this game are bad and don’t care to get better you’ll stop caring. If you want people who press their buttons play with friends.
That’s where the drugs come in.
Thanks for letting me know. Blocked and blacklisted.
I think lovebringers is in there but I feel like I would be easily noticed since there are some here who are in the discord.
what is it this time
We're level fucking 100.
Jobs can and should have high skill floors.
JP players are happy with the changes, they're the only people who matter to SE.
The person who suffers the most with homogenization is actually the casual that people say those changes are for.
People paint casual players on an unflattering light while also dismissing what they actually want or play the game like.
>Oh they do roulettes and normal mode while on their phones
>Oh they're not going to do the savage fight so they don't get to complain
>Oh they're all bad and don't really bother ever trying to learn the game
Being disinterested on the gearing treadmill and doing current savage is different from not caring about the game.
There are different types of casuals, but most of them do at least want to engage with the game on a technical level, but pushing 2 minute meta directly affects their enjoyment the second they get thrown into something with the same job as their own.
do not sexualize braidcats
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>”playing” FFXIV
>not just using FFXIV to find people to play other games with
The Bean....
We have “difficult” jobs in each role though what more do you want? Jobs that are only good in a handful of fights? That’s bad balancing and design. You want to juggle 18/24s second DoTs that do nothing but deal damage?
Way better than gay faggot shit fuck off.
>We're level fucking 100.
What does that have to do with anything? Level has no meaning in this game.
If you want to point at other FF titles, most just have you spamming your one best attack at max lvl
the journalists couldnt play the games and give reviews if anything was hard
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to prevent my more vulnerable friends from getting involved with you
weak to anal
>replied to the wrong post
boss relative players are simply dumber (hint: they only use the strat so they can scramble to a random spot and use boss relative as an excuse instead of being forced to admit they wiped the pull)
Vampire coded.
I don't want to play with high ping though. If I play other games with my friends they'll make me play on euro servers.
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>shroud hare
>is a slug
what did they mean by this
i made really cool friends who i love talking to but they all play escape from tarkov and gacha games
Okay, you win this one
>What does that have to do with anything? Level has no meaning in this game.
>You want to juggle 18/24s second DoTs that do nothing but deal damage?
Unironically yes, 18/24s dots provided more nuance and interesting movement than the 30s dots. The 6.1 changes to WHM were awful because of this.
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Sex? I hate the word, as I hate Balmung, All Gooners and (You)
>decade old MMO
>core gameplay is taken from a two decade old mmo but with a slower global cooldown
>no matter what changes nobody is happy with how the game plays
>if its too easy its 'bland'
>if its too hard its 'clunky'
>Yoshi-P at a live event even says game puts him to sleep when doing content
Can we all just admit already that nobody actually wants to play XIV for content and that SE should just make a new Final Fantasy themed MMO with similar races like they did with FF11? Or are we just gonna keep pretending that it should keep being updated for another decade?
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don't let them get away with this shit
I'm a casual and I think there should be more buttons and job complexity and less boss complexity
thats me
after what happened to summoner and seeing how many people still cant play it im convinced they could make a job that has a single button and most xiv players just wouldnt press it
>monkey paw curls
“Yoshi these fights are too easy! Make them harder we want hard fights!”
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>difficult in big 2024
lmfao someone rip this faggots nuts off
People unironically use that cope btw.
based, show those shitters who's boss
Hard to be a sexpest when you're dead..
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>The entirety of P9-P12
>That was check body check after body check because these retards wanted "hard fights"
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Soft times create weak men is being a friend collector really a bad thing at the end of the day
or you know... let him make a new MMO like he has said he wants to
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Everyone is "casual" compared to autistic raidloggers who do literally nothing but spam the fights and parse 24/7. They are literally the only group of people who enjoy and benefit from the raidbuff meta because they are willing to form groups and coordinate raid buffs and minmax the fuck out of a static encounter for no reason other than to stroke their ego on a third party website that most people really just dont give two shits about.

When they first announced DT and how they are going to focus on making fights more engaging rather than jobs, it came off even more tone deaf to me than usual. You can make Valigarmanda EX as fun and engaging as you want, but people who don't want to do EX aren't going to do it. If you make the jobs as fun and engaging as you want, then everyone benefits because you are going to be playing the jobs in literally ANY content in the game. SE as per usual took the easy way out and told us to "prease rook forward to it" in the off chance that 2 years into the future they will actually give people what they want.
Does that tactic really work if I know?
Now imagine that with harder to play jobs in PF
All'of Them
AlI'of Them
All'of Them'
Yeah but mildly, it's a waste of everyone's time including your own.
I don't play songs, don't pop battle shout, radiant final unless politely asked.
this but the opposite
this but also small talk
Hmm, okay, let's make everything play the same and have harder mechanics!
How’d that work out for Wildstar and Tera?

Oh that’s right they’re dead games now
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Spoken like a true BBWarrior sense, go off!
Try again.
Can u stream it for me?
My disgusted gyaruzen wife...
You can solve that really easily by going to Ukraine right now. Either side is always enlisting foreign legion.
>If you make the jobs as fun and engaging as you want, then everyone benefits because you are going to be playing the jobs in literally ANY content in the game.
This is the main point when it comes to focusing on fun fights or fun jobs and I agree whole heartedly. You play the entire game through the lens of the job you're playing and if that's fun, it's easier for everything else to follow.
Are people usually polite about it?
i am
basically everyone's friend red femra
good morning! how is everyone?!
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Why do people hate raiders?
I'm actually curious as a lot of mmo players hate raidloggers/parsefags.
Fuck no
my friend redra
They named it that way jokingly. It's a popular dish in the Shroud, but having a slug for dinner doesn't sound appetizing, does it? So "we're having hare again tonight" became a common joke and eventually caught on as the official name. yeah, I just made that up.
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i know you're a faggot and retarded but i unironically agree with you here for the most part.
the should've done the job redesign FIRST and did the fight design rework next expansion. In all honesty, this tier didn't feel THAT different from endwalker
I fucking hate that guy like you wouldn't believe dude.
That was my... 4th to last fish or some shit. I had maybe 3 bites in nearly 100 attempts.
May you have better luck.
>don't cast benefic 1 ever
what if i'm really really bored???
There is nothing they could ever do to make the actual gameplay for any job "fun" in an MMO engine. There is no reason to try, just make nice set pieces.
Once a week, maybe.
would you be friends with a catboy
I didn't catch it...
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Sorting through my poverty glams, you?
Okay so by that logic trying something new is always bad and we should just forever stay with whats old, got it.

Also you are bringing yet again stuff that was made a literal decade ago, fuck i hate old cunts like you who live in the past and cant even comprehend the idea of looking forward, die already old man we dont need you around.
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every time i think i can't love reaper more

i find cool fucking weapons like this tomestone scythe
"More engaging" to me seems weird because they just cranked up the difficulty dial on everything which leads to more spergouts when the group wipes.

Players cannot handle when someone dares to be new and doesn't immediately clear
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You know what to do.
The only best RPR weapon out there
r u a moonie
As a hc raider I can say that half of them are insufferable condescending niggers, sometimes me included
from my experience a lot of them also want all jobs to be the same, some would legit love seeing every tank be turned into WAR and they dislike older fights because they are "different" instead of just trying to have fun
half raiders being insufferable and half insecurity from raiders swinging around LED glams. just look at how many people wear the normal abyssos glam for example
Show me a new modern MMO that has good, hard to play “unique” jobs then anon that’s populated and thriving then
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I have completed the Doman Enclave Restoration. It was a very cute storyline.
Untrue, there's a bunch of fun abilities and interactions they could add, they just don't want to due to balancing.
>ebin posts generic female character
>ebin samefags to promote character
>ebin sees male character become popular
>male character isn't even a popular race
>ebin seethes
It is done and I have brought the cave down on itself so that nobody may suffer this pain any longer.
If you play a female character, I'm going to automatically assume that you are a woman IRL
Shut up, woman. Men are talking here.
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>ex2 party
>clear in 2 pulls
>everyone leaves
why does no one want to spend more then 15 minutes on a fight after they get a good party
nta but maybe
>tfw the upgraded aloalo version has a red glow but no sigil
It was so close to perfection
>taking 2 pulls to clear ex2
trap party
Nobody has tried making new MMO's except shitty western game companies and koreans, the only one close to that was blue protocol and that was shit to begin with your arguement makes no fucking sense as they were doomed to fail because they are are inexperienced at best and cash grabs at worst.

Fuck off and die you old cunt
>pre-combat longcast (even beats out RDM)
>raid buff
>personal barrier
>team barrier
>up to 20 seconds of free mobility without loss of potency or resources
>gapcloser on the shortest cooldown yet + 5 seconds of free sprint
even without the ridiculous 1000+ potency spells and abilities this job already mogs everything out there... how is it so overtuned?
>good party
>GL is in it
uh pick uno??
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the average DF bard does this already so i’m already numb to this
i would leave too
No thanks, sexpest
i am one/half moon.
my friend, faceless anon that always (you)'s me! hello!
bro i'm already friends with catboys. i'm ex friends with catboys. it's the person behind the character, not the pixels that matter!
considering actually running tender valley/deadwalk to get my exr unlocked because dt has left me super unmotivated but i need exr lmaooo
>ebin sees male character become popular
>male character isn't even a popular race
>ebin seethes
if you think male characters don't samefag you're retarded
>there's a bunch of fun abilities and interactions they could add
Like what? List them
So no modern MMO exists that has unique and fun to play jobs, gotcha. Have a good rest of your day
I do nothing and I'm none
that was fixed
You are OLD go to your grave.
they're really obnoxious and are the biggest gooners you'll ever see, usually NEETs and complete failures at life
t. someone who "raids" because it's fun
Tsk tsk anon, you're moving the goalposts.
It was made on bring your child to work day by a staffer's autistic kid.
There's a reason for that, mmos are shitty grind simulators that the well is dry on good ideas for. The people interested are aging, and the idea of a game where you exclusively interact with other people is no longer novel or interesting.

Gachas now fill the niche for grindy games you log into when you're bored
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>static member gets BiS
>suddenly starts coming up with excuses to why he can't come to reclears
t. femezen dog fucker
The ideas you want in MMOs are OLD. The concepts you want in MMOs are OLD. There are no new fucking ideas you can do with MMOs it’s all the same shit with a different coat of paint
wow of wowcraft, unironically
>last person in the static who needs the mount
>roll a 99
male characters don't even get replies half the time, how could they samefag
u can doit.
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I am a raider(I do savage and ultimate) half of them are egotistical dick heads that would glady shit on you because your number on a third party website is "low" and the other they're some if NOT the most LOUDEST minority I have ever seen in this game.
Another stems from people who come from other mmos who know what happens when you start listening to raid faggots/parse niggers ie look at what happened to classic when you give them an inch.
Why did you die to the first boss of Thaleia?
>he thinks I'm a femezen
Bro needs to be docked DKP if he can't show up.
>go to IcyVeins and click what they tell you do use
Wow such creative and innovative gameplay where everyone on your class and spec is using the same shit
running content without people to be an idiot with in pchat is no fun, though!
may i see ur half moon
I'm not going to list all of them but take a peek at some removed actions and PVP interactions, like SMN's old Radiant Shield (which reflected damage) or Eye for an Eye.
Abilities prior to EW/DT were a lot more than "x damage on 30/60/120s cooldown".
this pic is killing me bro
I miss MMOs from the mid 2000s, those were the good old days
>not just freestyling
I think you're a failed male actually.
i am
a blonde ponytailed catgirl
raid in pf and you will find out
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>Leveling RDM
>Run take forever
>Think that maybe I'm the problem and start doubting myself
>Remember that I have logs running the background with IINACT
>Check fflogs
Dude never used Riddle of Fire or Wind, Perfect Balance or Forbidden Chakra
I'm not sure I should be impressed or saddened honestly...
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Wow but that game has "illusion of choice" and that is WAY Worse than no choice.
flightless bird my ass this nigga fly as hell
Stop dumbing down FSH
Bring back gig heads
It's obvious that the most popular race and gender combo in xivg is male midlander
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it's over
it's even more over
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I smell projection and a melty
The illusion of choice isn’t actually choice
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Preach brother
They need to add a mount like the gorilla except it’s a bigger (with clothes) if they aren’t going to make Tural lala-accessible.
Imagine playing a game where someone actively hates it but is doing it for clout or high scores. That's like 90% of dedicated raiders.
they are jelly of my BiS gear and sick glamz
youre barely 20, fuck off
Moving goalposts how?
>show me a new MMO
i cant show you a new one made by SE because the hasnt been one in the past ten years let alone one made by a competent developer in that time that can compete with XIV, have you noticed the only two big MMORPG's in the past 25 years have been by companies that were competent developers before they made an MMO? Pointing at shit game devs and going "this failed because new" is retarded and you faggots who live in the past will never understand that so no i dont care if you see it as moving the goalposts because your opinion is worth dogshit you old fuck
Might as well call him a chud and a nazi too
man fuck femra
her woober is to big for you anon
>Riddle of Fire or Wind, Perfect Balance or Forbidden Chakra
i do that in dungeons but I usually save them for the boss after using them on the first trash mob
Sorry guys, if you didn't play Family Guy Online, you missed true kino. I pray for your hellsent soul. You were left behind.
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it's femra or catgirl
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Goon. Plap. Sex. Cock. Rape. Cum. These are the reasons why we play the game.

I like this. You like this. We like this. This is Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.

Wuk Lamat? The rite of succession? Sphene? Don't care about them unless I can plap them, and now that mods are back, we can. We can finally Play The Game™. Time to get comfy and eepy, now that mods are back back you can coom ‘n goon with all the classics in the ‘cord like AS (x3), GL, OL, HH, LL, SS, VM, MV, IM, and many others. All we need now is a movie meetup and it’ll feel like we never left Endwalker. One could say it's like going to the "grammy's".

>t. femra
I wonder what their version of raids is like
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Fuck hypno middies
I'm sure the term "sexpest" isn't a buzzword either
I have a feeling he just never did his job quests and never unlocked them
this is a ridiculous argument though
there's not a single game in the history of video games where there isn't a single build that beats out all the others
there's literally no way to give you diverse choices without some of them being worse than others, or at least intended for specific things (single target vs aoe builds, support builds, etc)
but if you have say, 3 choices for a single target build and they play somewhat different and perform within a range of 95% of each other then it doesn't really matter unless you're doing sweatlord content like high m+ keys or mythic raids
unironically stop minmaxxing and just have fun

t. full sks sam player who still parses blue-purple and clears all content in pf
A lot of male ebins seethe even harder if they see another male character get attention. /xivg/ is an extremely jealous and mentally unstable place
>”your opinions are worthless because you’re OLD”
>”my opinions matter more even though I’ve given none of them”
The era of MMOs being sovlfvl kino cultural phenomenons are dead and over. You are never getting that era back no matter how hard you try and chasing for it is futile. Either move the fuck on or silently seethe about how your favorite game slowly went downhill
Its always interesting to see how long certain people plague a thread with their bullshit, I wonder how long you'll keep this one up. You should do it for like 2 years, that'd be pretty funny. DB couldn't even last like what, 6 months?
>barely 20
I wish I was...
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I wish they would. It's been over two weeks.
WoW isnt new its been around for longer than most people here have been alive, just because it gets a new coat of paint every 5 years doesnt change that
Giant Chicken 20-man fight
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>ssj2 teen gohan
What Lalaboys think they look like

no it's just right, i've seen it
It's not when it's correct
Don't reply to Unloved Negro
that poster has been here for years anon
Fuck off and reply to me directly next time you bitchmade coward
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List of Things we like:
1. This.
2. Gooning.
3. AFKing and playing other games.
4. Plapping.
5. Sex, Rape even.
6. Jerking off in Ul'Dah.
7. Being comfy and eepy.
8. Cooming in the 'cord with our heckin' eepy ebins.
9. Val Moorabella.
10. Moonies.
11. Modding.
12. Mare.
13. Cumming to videogames.
14. Replying to Anchorposts
A reminder that you WILL like all of these, or you're a convicted sex offender.
that's just Heiko, Gabe, Shoro, and Elk
the four horsemen of shitposting other male characters
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stale ass lizard
Yeah but this new schtick of theirs wasn't
It's actually funny compared to you faggot gooners desu, I hope one day these posts hit home and you realize how much of a loser you are
Don’t have to when you come running for the attention you so crave
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Someone on here linked me HW world first videos and I'm glad I did not play any of this snoozfest. The game now is better in every way.
Project your hate elsewhere, dumbass, im not a gooner
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I like hanging out with my friends.
Do you like other Femra...
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name the boss
no, I will hit the thread with my hate for you prison gay virgins
aren't you married to Doma?
Emilia Steele?
but... but i thought we liked Final Fantasy 14 as well..
I don't know Gabe and Elk but
You mean, the same dude that do 2 words for a sentence 90 of the time when he talk with anyone?
Why would he shitpost anyone?
The same dude who barely post anymore because people somehow shitpost about him constantly?

At this point it feels more like any male who play a male character get shitposted by trannies honestly.
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Why did this game have to be the fucking virtual meet spot for 4chan trannies and porn addicts. I'd give anything to go back to before this was the most active thread on here it's so shit now and nobody actually cares about final fantasy.
That's the one. They had a nice samurai glamour, too.
>this game
Stop hanging out with 4channers and gooners only moron
If only you knew
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I’m hoping to take a nap after work today before my static reclears tonight.
You're right about Shoro, but you need a history lesson on Gayko.
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didn't ask
I alway find it funny how a chunk of ebins that create twitters eventually leave xivg once they get famous enough to not need attention from the threads.
Ok share the history of Heiko
that guy has a long history lol
Why would you stick around this shithole longer than you need to? There’s no actual benefit to posting and hanging out with people here
Faggot retard I am talking about the state of the general not the game. People should use this place to talk about the GAME.
i asked
If you like FFXIV then you're a malera
my male hrothgar would
I tried MNK in FL. I did not do great. I did really bad, in fact. I am too embarrassed to play it again.
What's a comfy job for FL leveling roulette as a surrogate for other job leveling?
>this cat in front
>me in the middle
>cat in the sunglasses in the back
this is my train
twitter and its consequences have been a disaster for these threads
He used to anonymously shitpost other male characters on cooldown, that's about it. He seems to have mellowed out but you can never be too sure if people like that just got better at hiding it. Like a certain Viera.
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Then why aren’t you talking about the game? Oh I know why because you won’t get attention like avatarfags do so you seethe and bitch in the thread like it’ll magically fix everything and the general will be on topic permanently
anyone know a good autumny spot to take some screenshots? the only place I can think of is like old sharlayan near the library
We are deep in schizo hours
the fringes forest has reddish foliage
Does anyone have the full picture of the garuda anchor
my employed sisters we have to get home and cap tomes before raid starts
Look how desperate he is for one more crumb of (You). Poor guy really needs to be medicated.
pretty believable when the job has this silly childish theme all around
there are many ways to depict a painter but they had to go with "teehee i draw a moogle that shoots a beam at you and then i draw a big silly clown hammer teehee :3"
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>lose 1-3 people per alarm pheromones 1 every pull
>people eating hearts during beat 1
they say this is the fgc retirement home but I see no mechanical skill here
Visual novels are more engaging than this "game" and there are better, cheaper ways to play Simon says.
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A shitposters history lesson
depends on your idea of comfy
if you want to stay back but still contribute somewhat then sch/brd/smn/blm
if you don't mind diving in every now and then but still be largely invincible, then drg/gnb
The Fringes have lots of autumn colors if you keep the camera aimed towards the eastern forest and away from the desert.
BRD, AST, NIN, PLD if you just want to do stuff without worrying about dying
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I am
a femra tank
who will PF savage soon!
I will protect my party!
He used to type up 3 paragraph posts about his Highlander's RP backstory until he got caught shitposting other males back in 2020 now he's always safe and positive in posts he attaches his character to but if you go on jilkcord and search up certain male character names you'll realize he's a huge hater.
What fishing folklore do i get first for orange scrip farming?
Wait until you find out most fighting game players go 0-2 at tournaments
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Here to interrupt your raid lashing to ask for your credentials before you talk about raiding.
>Have you cleared an Ultimate
>Have you done a raid tier on content.
>Have you parsed well.
You will ignore all of this because I set the rules as to what is good.
I am a raider.
I AM the life blood of this game.
>and there are better, cheaper ways to play Simon says.
I love Bop-It! personally.
Have a preference for Au Ra in general. The clan's bloodline must remain pure.
My heart, soul and body all belong to Doma, but a woman has needs dedication to service alone can't satisfy.
I am sorry you bear such a terrible curse.
I like MCH
takes some getting used to but in 1v1s against squishies you can just wildfire>scattergun>limit break to delete them

the limit break also has a 50y range and people forget to take advantage of that, you can easily kill a BLM with half health who is retreating and about to use an elixir
kills are points and points are wins
I'm going to steal your shoes.
This media was not used to reply to a fat tarbeast post. Please delete and reconsider your post.
Okay but, do you like catboys though
>pop nebula
>gapclose in and lb
>double down
>top damage
feels veryyyy good
no ultimates because i'm afraid i'm too bad
yes raid tier on content, done it on healer and melee in some pretty hard tiers
i have not parsed well i am aware my role is personality hire that ends up becoming static lead when the lead fucks off for irl reasons. i am the upperclassman girl manager in the sports based shounen....
why are they reply bombing me as an anchor now
tanks don't protect anyone though..
>you HAVE to raid ultimates
>you HAVE to raid 24/7
>you HAVE to parse
You are the reason the raid scene is dying and I couldn't be happier
my catboy would
>>Have you cleared an Ultimate
no, haven't attempted one yet
>>Have you done a raid tier on content.
yes, but only the current easy one that babies can do
>>Have you parsed well.
Share some of the male character names. I wanna know if my name is there.
You know how schizos are always trying to tell you people are mentally ill and not to interact with them?
This guy is actually mentally ill and this is what happens when you interact with him.
>Have you cleared an Ultimate
of course, without plugins too because I insisted
>Have you done a raid tier on content.
I've done several tiers on content and a few week 1s
>Have you parsed well.
yes, I have 99s but just as important decent medians in dps and hps, showing that I am a consistent player

I'm still going to talk shit about raiders because there are a lot of problems in that community that will never ever go away
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shaaloani zorgor condor is pretty easy to farm
don't remember what the tome was called... xak tural, most likely?
Hmm, never really played much MCH in general because I didn't really care for its burst based on early gameplay, but I hadn't considered trying it in FL.. I'm still in ARR content though for now.
Ya know, I have been needing to finally choose a healer anyways. Maybe I'll do SCH for now.
Still haven't cleared....
Non GC captain hands typed this
>Have you cleared an Ultimate?
UWU and UCoB.
>Have you done a raid tier on content
I did Anabaiseos but I procastinated on P12S to the point I wasn't able to clear due to lack of good players on clear parties. I gave up when the last relic step came out and became BiS.
>Have you parsed well
Blues and purples. Nothing impressive.
>join a static
>find out that multiple people use cactpot after clearing
>feel cheated
they should put in static recruitment posts whether their members are cheaters
we got another one, lads. good job, sister.
It just cements they're only in it for attention.
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Listen, folks. This “we like this” posting has got to stop. It’s a condescending, backhanded insult to who we are and what we love. Yes, we mod. Yes, we plap. And you know what? If you don’t like it, just don’t look. We don’t need your snarky “humor” making our community toxic.
You could explorer mode the dead ends and go to the ra-la section
>covers you
>uses aoe mitigation
>puts intervention on you
what now?
thou shalt not do such a thing!
MSQandys are the lifeblood, cope.
It's /xivg/ it's both, if you ever see an ebin never defend themselves whenever shitposting occurs that is an ebin that doesn't samefag and isn't jealous (aka none of them)
>who do literally nothing but spam the fights and parse 24/7
Man I wish. It is actually pretty time consuming to gather up a log party in pf.
i have several gold barses in criterion
despite my rampant use of plugins I have no clue what cactpot actually does, could I get tl;dr
Remember to kill the catgirl after you're done fucking her
Thank you!
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>See this image
>Not a replied to a inkstained rava Caloriebeast
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Scary tribal barbarian Amazonian-coded women. That's the post.
what are you "in" it for, then?

>what now?
i stare at you with a look of mild confusion as my 100k+ sch barrier goes to waste
>triple legend (no DSR or TOP)
>yes, multiple
>yes, 80+ because that's all you need to clear quickly
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fiiinnnnnnnnnnne, but i dont like posting her.
Also forgot to mention I'm not a + , but I am busty cowra.
Lots of big guys this time around, huh?

You will be killed off for non-contribution, goodbye.
that's kind of sad :(
3 new meet ups and none for eu ._.
casuals are the lifeblood of this game
this is raid accomplishment flexing bait and i will not partake
I don't really care what you think
mnk is difficult to play in fl, it shines when trying to mald your local premaders and other mentally ill frontliners to get them to send you hilariously unhinged dms, if you are someone who isn't spamming frontline regularly and doesn't know your datacenters creatures i'd recommend playing literally any other job
>it’s Tuesday
God dammit, we’re gonna be trapped in our mandatory forced reclears, aren’t we? I wish we weren’t forced to do these against our will. This game has become a form of modern-day slavery. Why do we like this so much?
Finding this moonie ingame to pet her constantly until her mind melts away and she turns into a lapcat
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my viera stares at people like this
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Good morning.
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ive seen ur viera's tits
quit bitching then and make an eu meetup, can't be mad that the people being proactive about it are in the if you're not making any effort yourself lol
everyone is a big guy, for you, when you play a tiny female character
Nobody cares, I'm a malera. Go ahead.
yes to all but i cant get above a 97 despite being bis so im a pathetic virgin incel chud
Dude what if they fix the garbage netcode
Bros I fucked up
I've seen people complain about 2 minute meta and this is supposed to be the better gameplay according to them.
Good morning, man-elf
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her honest reaction after I run a hot wheel across her boobs
ok I sleep now gn
*shows you a picture of my woober*
you like this.
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>big guys
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Garlean bwc...
we defeated the wrong enemy.
Need to see nudes of this fiera
You know how wow raiding plugins tell you the exact position to stand in? Its that but in xiv, and unlike wow people act like they have morals here.
thanks tozer
good morning, brother in law!!!
(come run exr dungeons with me so i can unlock them)
killing my middie would be doing both me and the thread a favor.
Do it, end me you coward!
i'm a shy and dumb cat who craves attention...
sorry.. Im a bit new
I care but you did not contribute
Very true, sage words of advice indeed.
Good argument.
Main job and eb status?
At least Yoshi P admitted they spent way too much time on her in that one interview even if he worded it awkwardly.
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I am less interested in what you may or may not have between your thighs or hanging from your chest and more interested in your personality.
Look at that engaging healer gameplay of *squints* standing around casting cure and stoneskin hard targeting the tank
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i forgot how much sovl the arr leveling gear experience had
r u a moonie
And why did they start off with her wearing headgear just to trick everyone into thinking Hrothgar hats were imminent, only to have her take it off once we moved past 6.55 content?
As someone who is part Garlean, I find your fetishization disgusting. Get some help you disgusting moonie.
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I haaaaaate shared fates. I'm going to work on old requests.
>>Have you cleared an Ultimate
>>Have you done a raid tier on content.
>>Have you parsed well.
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Shut the fuck up GT, we get it, a cute fiddie triggers you, nobody likes your gay fanart OPs. Hurry up and die of monkeypox.
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remember when they reused it for babylon's fall (rip in pieces)
But those are my BIG personalities, but hey...wanna?
Well if you have a humiliation fetish to put something so ugly at the OP I will allow it and laugh at it with everyone else.
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Fine. You've envoked my rage... *I flip my hood up, obscuring my face. My eyes gleam red, and that's the last think you see before I reap what you have sowed...* Tch. Kuso.. (That means shit) you've dirtied my robes. What a waste. *fades into the darkness, leaving your middie body behind*
You will also get the same fate, goodbye.
hot chili peppers! this cat!
what did you did
god forbid an mmorpg play like an mmorpg
so how long until m5s-m8s?
*dies of extreme cringe* also it's 糞... you fake weeb...
How is standing around doing nothing in a boss fight “playing like an mmorpg” the healer is literally doing nothing
One of the hosts of something wants to host it on the 21st, which I'm okay with, but I'd hate to run congruent to the twin peaks meetup... I should have posted earlier
I don't know I think I have party finder flashbacks and it puts a bad taste in my mouth especially since plugins are so common now
need grey bunny or cat
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please do not do this..
hottest catgirl
it's over...
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Yeah my femlala acts exactly like this
I don't write moonrunes. Gomenesorry for the RP fail.
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How many of you gamers have already recleared for the week?
Not me
honks ur boobs
>Make a post against avatarfagging
>Get called GT
You guys aren't the brightest peas in the pod are you?
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m-mommy? s-sorry. mommy? shit sorry

If you snipe the Twin Peaks meetup I'm blacklisting you and whoever else is hosting.
I would, sister in law, if I wasn't at work and had them unlocked!
I messed up bros...
>Have you cleared an Ultimate
Four but none of them on patch
>Have you done a raid tier on content.
This tier, last tier, and almost abysoss (i got filtered by p8s)
>Have you parsed well.
This tier? not really, i have mostly blues and a few purples but i haven't really cared as much. Last tier it was mostly purples. For added context i main tank, which imo makes it a little less impressive than say a drg with purples or a mnk.
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no way... impossible...
raping this sissy in their sleep
how badly...
I don’t do savage
I think it's fine, it's gamepaly from 10 years ago, but I don't see this as the solution to '2 minute cds are boring'.
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Good morning
I have to wait until tomorrow to reclear up to m3s with my static (they're still progging m4s), so I'll probably reclear on thursday
7.1 mid-late November
4 months from that plus 2 weeks of Christmas vacation cements 7.2 as late March-early April
Meet up and chat? Sure. Chaos, Phantom, Doman Enclave. Call it 2 hours from now?
...sun cat?
you are welcome to do that, encouraged even
Would you call me the p-word while bullying me too?
>those screams of pure joy and adulation
>compared to this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cant even pull up the m4s world first vod because no one gives a shit
JFC when did the magic die?
Medians unironically aren't important
Oh. This is a nice cat.
>how are healers actually paying attention to healing and not larping as green dps "playing like an mmorpg"
You're too stupid to breathe.
My moonie has accepted that he is not into her like that and is working on developing a more casual platonic friendship.
Very badly
I'll see if the 22nd works better, since I don't wanna overlap
>paying attention
My man he was hard targeting the tank and casting cure when he got hit once. That’s not paying attention that’s babysitting
How long has this fiera been back?
My face 4 femraen looks so good in the Praetorium cutscenes...
cute highlander cute highlander
have a nice day my orange wife
>Have you cleared an Ultimate
No, but I've also barely tried to. I was asked to join an UWU static once, and we were held back by a few mistake-prone members and it took months and we prog into Ultima phase finally before disbanding because some of them had to leave. I'm not that big a fan of statics, personally.
>Have you done a raid tier on content.
Every single tier since Eden's Verse.
>Have you parsed well.
On rare occasion, after I'm done collecting BiS and make an actual attempt, but usually topping out at blues. Most of the time my priority is to get a smooth and safe clear, not reaching through risky buzzsaws in an attempt to squeeze out another GCD to compete with hundreds of "barse" parties.
Good morning, fren, what's for breakfast
may i see ur sun cat
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last one for u den. since its headpats. off to raid for dis moon.
Are we finally getting another mixer?
>m1-4s reclear party on pf
>spend half an hour wiping on m1s
>2-4 is in one pull
that looks like ivalice gear doe
A-ah, no, sorry...
Good luck with rolls in your raid moonie
Bacon and eggs
Thinking about installing mods but this whole thing puts a bad taste in my mouth from cod 4 modding days
Zackrawrr just said that FFXIV would be infinitely times better if it didn't have mods or addons.
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Built for my femlala
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yes to all 3
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That's fair enough

Ah so you've cleared M4S by yourself but you're waiting for your static to catch up?
>he wasn't paying attention, he was... paying extra attention
Yea. That's how the game was. If your concentration lapsed the tank would just fall over to autos.
then i'm going to steal your aggro
My static isn't reclearing until monday due to several members being busy with RL stuff
Come sit over here, we are going to do 078 and 079 on nightlife cutie.
>spellcaster spawns a sword and does a big magic slash
we need moves like this
Recleared 1-3 on OCE and EU, saving NA for tonight and JP is populated enough to get to later.
And that’s better than what we have currently in your opinion
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this song goes out to all of you.
you sick transvestites.
I don't care what someone past their twenties has to say about video games. You're a fossil with a half-senile brain.
okay we'll wait till you're off work and try to drag eb into it too
i'd rather get them fully unlocked with friends...
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Later today hopefully.
Well, I guess they got cold feet. Many such cases.
I don't want to be a PFchud anymore bros... I want to be a staticchad for the new ultimate...
i'm a
Then come up with new ideas that haven’t been done before.
if they gave WHM a big magic holy hammer i'd be satisfied
how old are you
Do I meld crit or dh on my moonie's feet?
this game needs more cool shit and less 2min 10-20% buffs. never forget that this is all because of fucking parsetrannie niggers who NEED their job to be viable at every and all content.
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This one... this one kinda fucking hurts ngl.
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im a kitty kitty kitty
im a cat
Skip sunrise or disband
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dis moon is unlucky and will die horribly tanking m2s.
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i'm just now getting interested in clearing the tier so i volunteer as being the baseline everyone compares themselves to to feel better abt it
>translation: “the game needs to be unbalanced dogshit because that’s what makes MMOs fun to me”
>that DPS spread during UAV2
what the actual fuck
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very well
she never left
I am into you like that, though... it's just that I lean towards stoicism out of fear of seeming too needy...
you're a tranny tranny tranny
you're a fag
if you mess with pence
you're gonna get zapped
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Fish Eyes coming in clutch
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!!! Special Moonie Announcement !!!

Attention all race investors, Moonies are rebranding to Moonie AI moving forward. Pump our stonks onegaishimasu
I want more management mechanics
Owned faggot
it's more that I don't want to screw them out of loot on the rest of the reclears lmao
Examples of a mechanic like this?
time to tank your stonks
I think I may be gay
>be malera
>look at storylines
>magnai's entire personality is "where is my soulmate"
>every one of gaius' orphan children dies but they make it very clear the one who became diamond weapon, a malera, suffered before losing his sense of self
>figurehead satrap of radz dies on-screen
>final boss of vanaspati is another dead malera
>optional epilogue quest for four lords has a malera impersonate seiryu and the game calls him a "devourer of young maidens"
>vrtra's homunculus gets an aged up form and the game makes fun of people who like the aged-up malera version by another malera have a little brother complex about him
I never recleared because I'm still stuck in Heavensward.
*messes with you*
Just a thought but did you consider putting the sticker in the correct spot?
Thank you. Would plap.
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Ah the dreaded cursed reclear week where nobody is available apart from the very last day

Dang how many reclears do you do a week?

I don't think clearing savage should be anything to boast about, it comes off as obnoxious to others, nobody cares at the end of the day, and you're doing it to just challenge yourself and enjoy yourself. Like for instance if I was to show you my golds, pinks and oranges would you care or would you just think "Dear god what a twat?"

Oh right yeah that makes sense.

You planning on doing any of the old raids without unsyncing them?
The simple joys of reclearing the Dusk Vigil.
Why do you like bad games
Look up how every job gauge worked in Stormblood.
Oh really? Then I'm going to collar you & treat you like a dog! No more talking and using people words, no more walking upright, and no more clothes. Get with the program quick and you can sleep at the end of my bed tonight, otherwise you'll be going in a cage overnight.
troonra tails
troonra scales
troonra horns
troonra hair
troonra eyes
troonra lips
troonra hips
troonra thighs
troonra tummy
troonra tits
troonra gock
do you have an example
was thinking of a different fiera, shooting ropes to this tho thx.
>Dang how many reclears do you do a week?
Twelve. I wouldn't recommend it for others, but I'm finishing what I started.
>elk back on a dom arc
I shall travel to Balmung
no, no, you're entirely correct. but for people feeling dumpy about their reclears it's always nice to say 'at least i'm doing reclears unlike her'

i feel kinda silly for coming in so late so i don't mind the light roasting about it, honestly
dont listen to them, I like your fiera
υ´• ﻌ •`υ Woof!
Why don't we just homogenize xiv further and make every job play the sa- oh wait we're already there.
which fiera bro? I need new material
could you imagine if elk transitioned she would be much cuter as a menhera bottom
I miss maemi
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This puppy dog shit is just a psyops to manipulate the perception of trans girls and its working perfectly.
How many trannies ingame are "puppy girls." now.
I know 3 of them and 2 of them are lalas and femra
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i woke up
It does help that this tier feels more fun to get through than other recent tiers.
Is summoner a good job?
good post
>tail 4
>modded in any way
>type 3
>type 2
there, there's the recipe.
good morning sis
May I see your butt...?
Puppy girls are also widely into incest for some reason which is really disgusting
name them?
I like your ff14 fiera do you accept cum tributes?
true though
it's fine, it's braindead to play and brings utility
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Anyone who roasts you for something as stupid as that has their priorities wrong. Besides you're on hard mode now given you're going to have to be progging with stragglers. I wouldn't envy your position, but sometimes it's just fun taking your time without any pressure to clear the tier, well as long as others are making the effort each time.

Yeah despite the lax DPS check, I've had more fun this tier, and reclears have been far less of a headache despite some cursed scheduling problems.
This game easily allows you to play every role and job and yet you're not allowed any semblance of customization because they decided to focus on only one endgame treadmill instead of having multiple options. Deep Dungeons and Forrays aren't replacements to the endgame they're side activities to supplement it. This encounter/raid tier focused design has severely hurt what made a lot of MMOs on the early days stand out. Niche builds and skills, an uber powerful gigachad helping a group of clueless newbies and dragging them kicking and screaming through stuff and them coming out the other end thinking they wanna be that guy someday, the need to actually have to engage with people on a less superficial level to coordinate even basic parts of their own character's playstyle to be in tune with everyone's, and way more.
She wouldn't be as angry all the time if she accepted herself that's for sure.
If your definition of good is "minimal effort required to do its job" then yeah sure
>Want to reclear
>Our Melee who left for vacation for a week want to have some time with his GF
>We will probably have to reclear during the weekend with all the shitters in PF
I hate it in here
Says who?
are you pussy lips pink or brown...?
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its over for you now

SAM LB is the most frustrating shit in FL I swear to god. It doesn't do anything against the DRK+DRG+AST stacks because the DRK is invuln, the DRG gets a fuck huge shield for LBing and the AST immediately dips. It doesn't do anything to range LBs or attacks, so its just there to fuck with other melees. Real annoying, both to use and when you're unfortunate enough to be clipped by it while assist farming.
Kill yourself Hydra you nigger
t. Zir
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It got away...
anon... don't do this to me race?
they're still around, anon
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Zoraal was right you niggas need to know an unbalance class balance mess to realize how good you have it.
T.wow faggot
Anon, I don't have a pussy...
such a long post just to say malera are the laughingstock of this game
she is gone I think, I just like pale skin and purple eyes.
fish eyes is very good on some stuff
i used it to catch a fish out of the normally open window, which was about 27 days
We love Hydrangea here
Post the album elkie
I respect puppy girl trannies far less desu. Annoying aesthetic that's basically in the same zone as diaper/age play/littles.
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I know who you are, and im coming for you.
Listen... its kinda hard to see through this mask ok?
Look at healers right now
I played Ragnarok Online for 15 years.
I know what it is and I miss it.
>no picture of mongnamul gookbrap
not a real zir post
i am one again insisting this normally very pretty femra uninstall mods
My fiddie woke up late and is now sipping coffee while relisting items on the market board.
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congrats on coming out
glad you like it boss
all fiera are beautiful and are my wives
yeah sure
So you literally just want to relive your 2006 glory days in 2024
Elk will never put out because he is a bitch ass pussy. No use in asking him for albums.
im playing ragnarok online right now hi
Curious. I don't remember making this post.
are you girlballs pink or brown...?
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We've had to play with a sub the last three weeks, we're still planning on going more than 8 weeks so that our caster who's been on holiday can get their BiS and mount.

They've been a valuable member of the static after all.
I'm sorry anon it's not you... gl though
why does WHM have no mitigations
Good doggy! Now then, you and I are going to take a long walk home together. I want to show you off and make sure that everybody knows you aren't to be looked at as an equal anymore!
Huh? I just like petplay. It's just a kink, not a psyop.
I literally play runescape where anything that isn’t max melee/ranged/mage is considered dogshit gear
Hi anon, custom server?
Wanna have a baby?
what album
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i am not a futer guy!!!!!!
Its a kinky psyop
[/spoiler]Can you post a similar one with exposed pits? I'll come back in a week to deliver[/spoiler]
Why don't you check yourself?
The album of your +
I have a theory that all fiddies are actually a hivemind or share the same brain cell which is why my friend's posts and mine get mixed up so often.
What mental illness makes someone like malera?
End of thread nobody has to know that I made a pvp rival-to-lover
>meleechad has too many girlfriends to clear
story old as time
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>but pushing 2 minute meta directly affects their enjoyment the second they get thrown into something with the same job as their own.

Casuals do not interact with the “two minute meta” in any way shape or form.
in a WEEK?
i havent made one of those
It was honestly so cool catching that bitch, several windows done and not a bite but I just got bored since the next window on another big fish was like 10 mins away so I figured I'd just shoot the shit with this.
Oh I'm NA, fate is cruel.
I finally made it! I'm having so much fun in Solution Nine!
I caught this fucker and sea butterfly on the last day before DT maintenance, was the last 2 I need for Grandmaster Caster too.
I don't know but please let me know what it's called for liking their slutty waist holy MOLY
Malera are builded for breeding, not as breeders but as the sow.
enjoy it while it lasts, there's no more solutions after that one
can i spank it
You shut up, sea butterfly is a MYTH and I refuse to hear otherwise.
nobody has fun in dt stop lying or else
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I'm so retarded

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Yeah I'm reclearing in just over an hour from now myself.

Honestly my second favourite place in FFXIV right now. Really like hanging out in the empty apartment in 9-11, or in the area just outside the Arcadion.
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just fish better
This rabbit just looks like Uchiki after 5 years of HRT
every single person who plays this game does because it affects the flow of the gameplay whether or not youre overlapping all your cooldowns perfectly
even to the casual who doesnt press his raid buff, all the abilities have cooldowns that line up as such that youre busy once every two minutes and you spend the rest of the time pressing filler waiting for cds
No, YOU shut up *kisses you*
weird how most anons in this general are girls
Post a singular catbox then
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killing you ig
*overwrites your buffs*
you have to go back
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you'll never find me :3c
leave a hand print...
Here ya go job design geniuses, how would you in your infinite wisdom make HW DRK/SB WHM work in 2024 in Dawntrail
Just you wait...
If they undid “homogenization” casuals would be crying the most. Take healers, if they nerfed shield healers direct heals by 50% but buffed their shields 25%, guess who would start eating shit in their daily roulettes?
>I want this though…

If you liked dying you’d be doing hard content. Casuals cried about normal DT dungeons - making the classes more whacky would exacerbate this.
my wife right there
>red sands for one whole hour
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>I haven't gotten around to clearing m1s yet
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How do we make malera play a better race?
man wowcucks are on a roll this morning
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SB WHM with the new lily system would work fine.
I'd like to see you try
last time I went to the apartment people were doing something private... >.>
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I haven't done DT yet. Why does it look like a futuristic shopping mall?
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what the FUCK
Leaving two hand prints and tasting your pink lips...
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There's still time for that. The cat is fun.
I still have a life outside 14 and I'm at work so not yet.
Thanks wife, do you like femlala?
oh no..I farted...
>y'all got any good posts
>we got reused reddit memes
tell them viera get all the hotter himcesses. Shit, that already happened, now miera is the creep race.
Shard time shenanigans
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based fish keeper
why is flare star there
>now miera is the creep race.
name 3 creepy miera
Qrd on this? Is it on wowg?
Kong is my favourite moonie
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god it hurts so much but I can't give up...
why aren't you in my arms
>what if your two minute ability... turned into ANOTHER two minute ability?!
SE needs to hire more job designers.
>tfw feel the urge to call my co-tank a nigger again


So take it off retard
That's Fire's Reply which is actually a 1 min cooldown
>shield healer
>just throw your shit up before anything happens, keeps everyone alive while you jerk off
>frantically trying to recoup peoples health as it dwindles closer and closer to 0
half of these aren’t even 2m buttons
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The Dawntrail FSH quest bird wants to be me so bad.
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Glue Nigger
your wings, sis? your aquaveil?
>big damage goes out and i'm still spamming dps button
>i see how much damage went out and assess what ogcd or beefed gcd regen i need to cast to top off
>back to spamming dps button
I-is it twitching because it's cold? Do you need somewhere warm to put it, perhaps?
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i dont see a ring

very observant of you

do nyot boing the woober

i will NEVER trust a femlala again
Indeed so. Materia is acceptbale, but now I promised my friend to MSQ with them. So it'll have to be another time. If you're around same time tomorrow, just @ me when you see the croc tail post.
>i dont see a ring
there's gonna be several if you keep it up
I can't wait that long...
Your helmet won't save you.
because nobody unironically likes femroes
you wouldn't be able to lift one, anyways
i also spotted the WAR skill there
I did one a couple days ago. I need to save up!
The second you try hitting on Ai he goes silent so there's no point in even trying. Just upload an mcdf and let us rape it
Just give my femlala a try...
My moonie needs to get Kong'd
What hair is that senpai
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>Kanchelle Loreux
>late 20s pedophile, friends with spooky who self admitted to raping a little girl he babysat as an adult
>tried having sex with an underage catboy player in real life after pegging them in erp and growing attached
>joined in the last patch of shadowbringers because of asmongold and is a gremlo/rich spamming twitchfag
>obsessed with aethercord, malds about them years later
>shitposts/stalks random posters like sophie ss klaris sechen & jill behind their backs, bragged about it on all the discords before being banned for /pol/-related mental illness
>made a fake dox and msgs of a biofem ebin that rejected him, spammed it until she quit
>makes fun of ultimate parses and people without clears, can’t clear savage even w/ splatoon
>would rather melt publicly than ever clear a tier
>doxed a random non-xivger because they won loot in p9s & replaced him for melting down over it
>has a reddit under deagledad420 where he crossdresses and pretends to be a 156cm biofem but he’s a 178cm man from new hampshire named lucas
>skinwalks and spams in trash about trannies, has been caught in mass bans
>makes trans porn with shotas crusty and macchi and spams it in the vanilla threads
>shitposts lewders on aco with fart and dickgirl spam because he can’t post his sodomy pics
>spends hours every drunken night digging up shit on his thread enemies (approx. 90% of xivg posters) in archives until he passes out
>got caught banned on flist falseflagging the thread enemies he melts about and threatening to kill people with his guns like he does on xivg
>too obsessed with blue miqo to use his own filters
>spams updated dox pic with a fake image of himself
>brags about spending years of his life spamming /xiverp/ to death >>475150523
>stalks the thread for mentions, his online presence is his life >>490766537
>desperately samefags with Leviah about 'faked discord logs' when most are publicly available at

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