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Well Cum Edition.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

> All Saints' Wake Begins October 18!

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>498033473
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC >>497934138

Previously: >>498078214
catboy supremacy
First for impregnating hags.
Anon called me a sex alt, but I'm just a hot bunny >_<
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Like you, Asahi…always pretending not to see. You were the first…the first I swore to kill.
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its only 8pm and I'm fading fast
>design your character the gayest way possible
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will I finally get 2 lines bros? :)
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Tranny cat tranny cat tell the tranny cat it's hideous lmfao
Proxy Noir is going to plap Wookie Feet
I suppose this pairing was inevitable
i am righteousness
And well met

My brave little spark
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Quite a difficult task hun...
it's only 8pm and I'm getting faded fast haha
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Sexual intercourse with Ryne with the intention of procreation.
by allah you will get 3 lines
Ok dude we get it, you can stop hating on yourself and posting your cat now
I'm still mad about Living Memory's zone design. Like...what were they thinking bros?
What's wrong with this cat? It's not that ugly.
dumping WF stocks
My femra wants a 30+ hag yuri eb to play the game with...
The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it.
tranny cat is already old news, got any new material?
licking the pits.
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i keep trying to get my melf eb to do that to me
no way, can anyone confirm this?
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anyone wanna have a meet where we watch sweeney todd and edward scissorhands with the lights low so it's all spooky
In high heels
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what the hell why god whyyyyyyyyyyyy
thank you brother inshallah
when is the sopranos meetup
fuck off transbian
I'd rather watch From with my friend
I gotta go
Sure. Where at?
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re-watching a bunch of the greatest ffxiv cutscene hits and we're never getting kino again are we?
Are the horns gonna be the new tranny aesthetic?
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hags itt...
orange horns gray duskwight elezen
Only if you let me plap those fat knockers
Yes. Upon your return, I will gift you a beautiful flower.
yeah trans people love homestuck
fucking ugly, I hate it already
>This kills WoW
Shadowbringers will never be topped
This is futa btw
why are you not wearing panties that's gross
I would just say hag but I didn't want old male character posting at me
Where's RC
It's homestuck
I know this artist...
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and righteousness will prevail
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roman cancel? bro said you need 25 meter to hang sorry bro
My late husband
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posting my femra
Fuck off, tranny.
You're not a hag, you're a grown man who LARPs as one on 4chan and twitter.
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Wait, but we got topped in that cinematic...
>open ff14
>do one roulette
>take bunch of pictures in a river
>afk for 3 hours
yep. dats me.
eat less
yeah but i'll sexually harass you the entire time
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Explain the Ebonheart Pact to me, because every time I think about it I don't understand why three of the races who hate each other the most would band together. It's like if someone got the Jews Nazis and Ghetto Blacks to fight together.
nice work today sis
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Crystal CC 1:45
Finally gooning to my sunnies feet again. She seems very happy about it.
i love his artstyle but i wish he wasn't a pedo
Your proportions get more retarded every time you post.
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Knowing this artist the one on the right is going to fuck her the daughter and their birthed daughter(after nine months).
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>watch party plugin gets finished
>we're forced to watch 3 different anons' bad youtube playlists in lb14 all day
Something to do with the Interregnum period. (See ESO).
it's 2024 everyone is because of that lgbtq+ acceptance shit
may i post my catboy in this thread
That is just extra cool points, though. Horny futas that just impregnate everything
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i have like 20 of these things now and am struggling to find any more spots to hide them in my house and apartment
wow is that a grown ass adult man pornbeast who has a thigh bigger than the entire torso? we like this!
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does anyone else like anime or is it just my moonies that likes anime
post more
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will I get in trouble?
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Goddamn I'm glad I'm too old to bother with that shit.
Only if you let me hold on to those boobs at the scary parts
Yeah, and make it double!
no lol
Nah my lala alt is called school shooter and nothings happened
how does this work
Imagine playing this game and choosing to play a brown character
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ummm femra pls
>he LACKS the CRITICAL info
That artist is a futapedo.
And an EXTEME one
I'm horny
Short for the horned reaper
love it!
>just cringe tranime shit on repeat forever
it feels good knowing i will never download that shit, let alone ever go to a "watchparty".
When I first heard Flow play in the solo duty vs Venat I missheard "Spark" as "Sun"
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Link the rest
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too late now
>freckled ass
Yea im thinking sex
ugly tranny cat
malera zalera
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I will NOT have sex with your femra.
nta, different ESOhead here, but the Ebonheart Pact already existed in lore, just not by name. it's the exact same group that teamed up briefly in mainland Morrowind to drive off the Kamal invasion, except ESO clarifies a lot of it by giving it a title and purpose because the Three Banners War kicks off within a year afterwards
>hop to mateus to say hi to a friend
>can't get back on balmung
Unironically would go, at least for Sweeney Todd
Please make it later in the month, I still don't have power
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And stay out
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I think I'm going to clear M2S tonight
If the game didn't want you to name your chocobo this, it wouldn't let you. Don't sweat it. Also great name, anon.
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>No wrinkle on your face
You are a pedo larping as a hag for attention fuck off.
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Jesus Christ. It's a whole different game at this point
>people plapping in lb14 again
You love to see it.
Yes, do it NOW
what the fuck is with her eyes?
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Ancient image of my Fishra and a friend who is no longer with us ;-;
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whoever keeps reposting is retardedly autistic. the cat probably fucked off two threads ago and is sobbing their eyes out over the harassment
rape for both
Damn you must be old
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im only 31
why are you like this
You know where to go, chief
RIP Maya.
I just want to chat with anons....
From spark to sun is truly your character journey.
>male viera
>in lb14
>not plapping (or getting plapped)
chat are we cooked
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artist is "momomo gasshuukoku" or just momomo some places. https://exhentai.org/g/2462606/8ef5f63f66/
Anyone want to come unsync run puppet bunker on crystal, need those striking pants
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What the heck... that's not cool anon.
wanna visit my house while you're stuck here
You're right but it's close enough to the truth to be slightly believable, no idea how close you are to all of this but the catgirl ntr stuff is not far off the mark
aw both cuties
Does anyone know where this plugin is? I can't find it on the browser, Google or github.
sort of wholesome
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might wanna take a closer look at the game you’re playing sis
my fat wife
>Face sculpt
>Hair mod
Honestly not as egregious as the shit you see in ul'dah the mod sites or even some of (you) faggots tbqhwy
sending an adder hit squad to your location, you're fucked kiddo
just because i'm a bunboy doesn't mean I'm a slut ok
Post address.
good, they can work on making a better looking character.
ugly but they have you obsessed
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Do more content
Heheh! That's right, sing my praises!
wait nvm I forgot that I emptied everything out and haven't redecorated yet
please ignore me I'm sorry
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Crystal CC 5:45
the stats were shit so next one is limsa shooter
sure post address
what happened?
Shit wait no I mean copied factory
may i see him without facial hair pls
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>Damn you must be old
I love this artist
Bring me the fiera and I'll show you what it means to be a bunboy...
maybe. idgaf people letting tranny cat live in their heads 3 threads in a row now and we have no idea who the fuck they even are?
take off your face sculpt and you will see an improvement.
Rip to friend. They have a cute femra.
HEY! Thats my (fc) house?!
sweeney todd is based
Thats probably the one thing thats actually completely made up.
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What if we had a Foam Adventure watch party
why do you niggers give grapefag so much attention for a hideous character
Went to Japan to start a new life then never bothered logging on Discord or in the game again. Likely found friends and/or a lover and is making a better use of his time.
She showed me her armpit once so I like her
Impregnating all 3
some of you have much worse
biohole buff is too potent
is that who tranny cat is?
He's being ground to death in the corporate meat grinder and we all know it.
Maybe not from you, but definitely the other catgirl grown ass man couple.
oh, good for them if that is the case. i'm sorry for your loss though
is that the guy who afks in CC
Don't open this, you will regret it.
We're skinning you alive
Because we need to comply with the usual shit. We like this and we will give all the standard-issue 'bins a free (You) because we support the rules of this establishment.
I'm gonna grow big and strong and those fiera won't be able to steal my bunboy virginity
i been trying to look for a name but nobody seems to know
Let us in your naked house NOW!
Nakey house meetup!
lowlander sex
stop tricking me...
Maya/Akito disappeared one day and was never heard from again.
From what what I was told, they had just gotten a job as a English teacher over in Japan, so I just assume he was killed by the Yakuza for being white.
Hopefully not.
I miss him but I'd rather him be happy over there.
Oh god, I forgot I had this mod enabled! Pfftahahahahaha! Oh wow!
they are nice to me in game and call me hun which tickles my brain the right way
weak bait
Nice armpit!
Could be the JET program. Hope he's not fucking being weird.
Aren't you a pedophile?
you know i'm actually kind of rooting for tranny cat at this point. just by attempting to delete their pic they've become the face of xivg and i respect it.
whats their name?
If you mean the vazi part, yeah thats true.
Vazi has... issues. (Which is why he got bullied back to NA).
>open webm
>tranny flailing autistically
>close webm
So the was some controversy a few years back about how G-Shade is evil and was malware and how certain shaders were "Transphobic".

Whats the verdict now the dust is all settled?
Whos watching??
I don't know if you've noticed yet, but this place is largely posted in by a cult. They have certain rituals they need to follow.
get to work
You're a transphobe if you use any shaders
No, faggot.
dorky and smoochable
The first part was true, the second part is stupid, transphobia is a joke term
what did they do to my man stephanivien...
G-shade *did* in fact have code that would turn off your computer if you didn't update it because the creator was a fag, but that's removed now.

Idk about the trans retardation tho
I mush shake the CHICKEN BONES or the box will be ANGRY!
Off-sync by like a quarter of a second
Well.. you got me.
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The faggot enjoys ruining the competitive integrity of matches by worsening the experience for the other 9 people that happen to get matched with him
i dont play this game for the dogshit tranime story i play for the content
Sure, why not.
He was eb'd to some femra from here too right? And he just dropped everything without a word to her? That sucks.
I must post the goon plap sex copypasta and dancing ebins gif or the box will get angry.
I'm pretty sure it only happened one time anon
You're gonna have to rescue her from the floor of the bar
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These are my thread husbands and wives. If you see them give them a /pet for me
>>498087721 this one too
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idk ruining pvp andy matches seems based to me senpai
>shaders were "Transphobic"
first time im hearing about that
anyways gshade is fine now but trannies aren't going to trust someone who wanted to protect his things by adding anti-tampering shit
if you didnt tamper with it, then it was not any problem
but of course trannies have to go against the rules, right? that's why you mod the game with disgusting things after all
A femra would do the same for less.
just install reshade manually or use something like gposingway which is just an open source .bat script, theres really no reason at all to use gshade
>Job quests discontinued because they took a lot of work to implement.
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Need a minheight sunnie like this.
I'm pretty sure you're fucking retarded.
She was already cheating on him before he left.
not one likable soul on this picture
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Praise the Omnissiah.
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>If you see them give them a /pet for me
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why did meidis fanta to female
>Roulette with only 2 duties
that's actually MY wife on the bottom right.
What the fuck are you even talking about, there was never any 'transphobic' stuff, it was the gshade dev going on a fucking weird power trip before learning immediately how irrelevant they are.
can i make one is these too?? i have a lot of husbands (most don’t know i exist)
This guy likes them stinky
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eb like this
Permission granted, please include me, thank you.
>Making shit up
Do you even play cc?
Bit ironic to add anti-tampering because people changed the program for the better when GShade was literally just ReShade's code with minor fixes for XIV (now defunct)
I find that insanely hard to believe given what I remember of her.
picked my worst meme pic for this aiiee...
/pets u back*
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am I late? I spent 4hrs afk near a river.
You know what, I bet everyone here has a pic saved of a particular thread interest.
Post em..
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First off, it's not even his shit to "protect". It's just a fork of ReShade that he made private. He made the functionality worse in almost all cases. The only reason to ever download g-shade was for the shader presets. Presets that OTHER PEOPLE made by the way and work completely fine in Reshade. People are just lazy and went with his shit because it was easy to install.
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It was specifically "Neneko Colors" one of the more popular shaders that were deemed transphobic

i would but who are you!
I named mine Sphene Destroyer.
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These are my thread enemies. Be sure to tell them to kick rocks if you see them!
But I don't drink
Of course they don't. Because what should've been a short sharp shock to knock off disruptive behaviour was immediately run into the ground by drama thirsting retards.
The feral moonie population is getting out of control
She can drink enough for both of you
I name mine after my little pony princesses.
And giggle if the color matches.
Twisting both those horns off then shoving one on each hole
Good point anon
drg is the only melee job on c9 that doesn't feel like cbt to play
i still use gshade because reshade doesnt do the preset flairs
but there is a fork of reshade that does which i use on my other installation (aurorashade)
but since i still use gshade and have a ton of preset flair stuff my stuff wont be compatible with 90% of what people use
thats why people used gshade
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>wanted to work on photoshopping together an idea i had as it involves layering together several screenshots
>photoshop won't open because there's only 3 gigs of storage left on my computer (FF7R and XIV take up half of it)
Okay retard.
So what exactly makes the shader transphobic
NTA but afking in the middle of a match to respond to (You)s in the thread is faggot attentionwhore behavior and he should be excessively ridiculed for it
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I don't get it. Everything says that the empire was corrupt but they weren't corrupt, they were being manipulated by Myanners Myarco. Everything Varen did, he did with the sole purpose of trying to bring peace and unify the empire by virtue of becoming Dragonborn so that his claim to the throne would be considered legitimate. Even after the Soulburst it's agreed upon that Clivia is just another Myanners marionette (teachers pet).

The Three Banners War doesn't make any fucking sense.
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It's a secret but I will cry if you miss me. I'm just joking around, hope to see more of these positive posts Anon!
Don't worry my sunnie will tame them
I had a whole album of one malera's pics at one point. Now I just have a few pics of certain two middies, won't say which ones tho.
Why is she so popular
>rightoids in charge of reading
That tranny isnt calling the shader transphobic, he's calling the maker transphobic
>broken job doesn't feel like ass on a shitty map
rocket science, next you will have some fag saying WHM feels pretty good on it too
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I don't remember making this post
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What if we taught the lalafell how to cook more than hotdogs and cake...
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Crystal CC 10:25
Last call for a bit from me, I am going to go do my MD4H run.
they're talking about the creator behind it if you can read
not that i care about this shader drama i will not be replying i simply care about reading comprehension
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Jaja Mawaru
Dokkan Battle
Furi Youko
Zira Zira
Nanky Meek
Maho Rin
Merlin Prototype
Lissome Jokulhaups
Nero Furvus
Montgomery Fistpunch
Jean Charlemonte
Draepr Il
Jin Yoake
Yuyuna Sharpscale
Lemure Shroud
Joy Sazu
Lazward Solis
Otis Jenkins
Clauchent Raiveois
Saku Rozen
H'ana Ebhu
Tycho Belle
Everill Fairblood
Euro Cat
Alice Astora
Macha Neamhan
T'owa T'
Lava Sete
Niboshi Dashi
Dax Simula
Pepper Pimientino
Algren Takao
Maro Mashiro
Howdoi Smite
Zoe Loona
Ndja Bosco
Magness Lascinda
Queen Pin
Sylvanae R'thir
Kamilia Hawthorn
Jay Tatarya
Layla West
Chance Jakkya
Cameron Ingerland
Rika Tsune
Lilias Slaine
Ellentir Sergearis
Miloslav Blazena
Trevum Faroe
Endless Legend
Remus Anima
Sunn Dereh
Grug Urukmon
Zezero Zero
Zannah Belova
Talienne Arliss
Glue Licker
Rhenna Rhotfyst
Aurus Furore
Evangelia Heretika
Kamen Breaker
H'tomi Jhamei
Mimizi Mizi
Pocky Styx
Angel Xol
Casey Jones
Raikya Sakurai
Sarah Yatsurugi
Rob Chidori
Kat Kazetsuki
Seishun Complex
Lutu Baylios
Loritt Tholl
King Pin
Eiki Shiki
Why is it always a lala seething like this?
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I see c9
I shrimply down q
the BAD person made it, so i CAN'T support him.
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Yeah, that's the only thing I'm upset about. But people eventually move on.
>not on the list
it's so fucking over
>not on the list
It's over
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>look again
i have even less now
I can't tell if you guys are deliberately being retarded. It's clear they mean the creator of the shaders is transphobic.

They do say transphobes have a lower IQ so I guess critical thinking shouldn't be expected.
I was ERPing with someone once and they were taking forever to write emotes. So on a hunch I popped my head in and sure enough they were avatarfagging. Lost a great deal of respect for them that day.
>The reason shes on the floor is she tripped and fell because of those heels
Keep wearing them though
how do i sex this lowlander
>List isn't alphabetical
Man what the fuck how am I gonna know at a glance if I made the list or not?
Nigga you had a PLD and a WHM on your team vs no tanks
I could have handled it.

Oh, you know... just be glad it wasn't white face paint!
terrible bait
>Still not on the list
>Montgomery Fistpunch is still on the list
What the fuck...
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>>Montgomery Fistpunch
literally who
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Miku makes everything better.

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melee jobs on c9 play like
Thank you for the callouts!
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>see this

what do
oh..?! Is that the elezen i sexpested too hard after being egged on by a bun day one of meeting them
vazi isnt even na so you likely dont know anything either
Who gives a fuck? It's a fucking shader. Take your meds.
Is that RR? She's married
41% getting uppity
beg her to stomp on my balls
shit on it
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CC players are the biggest pussies
>noooooooooo the map doesnt play into MY gimmick! I'm talking my ball and going HOME
I love Krile so I would have sex with this onafell
If I had an eb who up and left I'd want to be told too. It does suck, but I can't fault the guy for moving on either. I just hope that femra is okay.
>dodged the list yet again
It's another great day and another great victory for Saelonu Kellonu!
>0 tits
You fags really just out here liking men
Post the source please.
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Field goal kick that shit back to the dead reflection it came from.
I lost ebin status...
I'm gonna make it!

Ohhh my poor little feelings are so hurt being told the same thing over and over again.

Jk I don't care what some fat sad retards think, I'm happy with myself. Can you say the same?
interesting glam you have there
Reminder this is the sex rankings
Heterosexual > Gay >>> Yuri >>>>>> futa (tranny)
ugliest fucking cat i seen on this board ever but they seem to live rent free in your head anon.
Dominating the futa until it's just another sissygirl seed receptical with a useless caged cock squirting an impotent load all over the floor
this same list keeps getting copy pasted over and over and i know i'm an ebin now should i be like ? salt? that i am not here?
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>drinking on a Friday night
>desire to flirt with everything in a 20 meter radius intensifies
Yeah I'm thinkin it's Grown Ass Man time.
Last chance for Copied Factory unsync farm on crystal (pf under Isodore Phantome)
based and true
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Tranime is one of the worst baits on this site and I cannot believe it still works.
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>namedropping yourself
There isnt much to know. Retard is unironic gay sexual predator that manipulates people to get what he wants. I don't care where he is now but I am glad he isn't around anymore. Chances are if he ever interacted with you and told about stuff from his POV its all made up.
What face mod
I wanted to see how it dyed green
>people are unironically sexually attracted to featureless potato blobs
Why didn't the warrior of light just rape zoraal ja and sphene
stop being ugly
Death to lala npc body morphers.
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ask her why she brought a chair to the dead baby cave
any hero here that can import neneko colors to kemono? neneko colors doesn't have any imports, and i'm interested in using the shaders, but not interested in downloading zips from here.
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I won the mount finally
holy mating press sex with hag buns
people rearrange names often and there's a character limit it's just a shitpost
the Three Banners War is an attempted desperate power grab because for the past few decades, the empire was run by the Longhouse Emperors, which were all reachmen under the influence of Mehrunes Dagon. Varen and his crew fuck them up and he is Emperor for all of five minutes until Manni takes it all for himself. it's a king of the hill situation really, and was already previously established in lore, just not to the amount of detail eso has done with it. if youre questioning if any of the three leaders of the groups know what Varen did, they don't until later on, and recent game content has simmered the war down in general with peace talks for years. not even Varen's family in Cyrodil knows what happened
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Nobody wants to be friends with a Sunnie who makes fun of you when you mess up...
I looked around and all I found was an ESL calling a troon "it" possibly by mistake. Is that all it takes to be a heccin phobe these days? I must be an SS Officer of Transphobia if that's the barrier to entry.
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I regret to inform you that
More proof that futa fags are lying to themselves

Listen, kid. This ain't some free fucking ride here. If you wanna get with the big guns, you gotta follow the fucking rules. We like this. We like lalafells and we like raping them. Comply or get the fuck out, buddy.
Why come here and surround yourself with fat retards then you fat retard.
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>Cameron Ingerland
Wow, that's me!
most things are made up so that doesnt mean anything either, you guys all have stupid drama where one side spins one story and the other side spins another and then it becomes chinese whispers, a whole lot of nothing
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grats anon
maybe, post your character
that would be kinda fucked up
It's not bait, cope.
Not a single likeable person in this screenshot.
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Just buy bigger HDDs, that's what I did yet I somehow have no space
It would be really fucking funny if someone posted a list of non-avatarfagging and/or attention whoring ebins just so I could see all the "who?" replies
is that nyu as a fiera
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I don't know what Kemono is
>On the list

I'm just trying to craft and talk about the game. Did you just put every name you saw on this?
>tripped and fell
>decide to just roll with it and look cute
lol funny
just ask
Are you still there?
I'm a who and I'm on that list
Because it doesn't bother me being around such creatures.

PS: I am not fat, don't project your fatness onto me.
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i love ginger daughterfus and their goth gfs
tis just my wife
>was REMOVED from the list
its fucking over.
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 1:30am ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 1:30am ET
Thatone One
They had a really cool Malera too.
I'm sorry anon but she'll be my wife soon too.
Why does this character get progressively worse?
your so sexy aha
what's the fit sis
How we feeling tonight xivg? Need moral support?
need a husbun with an obese penis
>just ask
May I?
>not on the list
>yet i have thread schizos
idk how i feel about this
Wait are you actually EB'd to scarfiddie?
I'm horny
I'm also horny.
i'm going to drink.
it is what it is
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I feel so seen by this post.
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Ultima's Bane synced run on Dynamis is anyone is bored

this is our last ARR extreme that we need. need 1 tank 1 healer 2 dps!

pass is 4
rearrange your drive letters it's triggering meeeeeeeee
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Whats Gposingway? Does its just install reshade for you ?
or does it do anything special like giving you premade shaders or fix the 99 - 100 3D resolution scaling thing?

image 4 attention
you can import patreon posts you have to there
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>Not on the list
Its over
when are peak potd hours? quarrymill is so empty, i dunno how to find a party...
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They are cute
Hey wait a minute I can't understand either of these languages!
It’s mostly situational - their torsos when lore accurate are pretty featureless. Cute asses and thighs though. I can’t imagine ERPing on lala without an actual story.
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I'm talking about the Ebonheart Pact and why it existed.
I'm entertaining a bunch of horny people
Damn that is a pretty cool Malera. They lost a real bro.
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nobody likes male characters
no one does it outside of full pf runs
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I tried to connect to the syncshell and now I can't move my pc is too weak
>Does its just install reshade for you ?
basically yea. also packages some presets. people are literally too retarded to do it otherwise.
Little worried that the Padres wont come back and win this game. Not that im a Padres fan and i dont actually mind the Dodgers much either. I just think SD advancing is more fun.
can you add this guy to the list next time

>potd during ddos days
Sis..... I don't know if you wanna do that...
Oh, I don't have access to the patreon
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How is it triggering you? Please explain.
>didn't make the list AGAIN
So I usually like big tits and asses, hags, etc..
But for some reason it's really fucking hard to resist Ryne, she's so cute, I want to breed her
told the raid lead i accidentally pushed my lion heart combo out of no mercy and he kicked me from the static
how can you even fumble reshade install? It literally has an installer...
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I think I just came a lil
Cute cat although I'm not a fan of face sculpts
fat fat fatty ugly ugly fatty
I do.
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>i made the retarded ebin list
how do you have access to the shaders then?
Is there way to know when a DC isn't congested and available for transfer?
>Not in <alter>
lol, what a loser
damn i was hoping for some new drama, this is stale
I am a femlala who's going to cook a pound of pasta and eat most of it while crying alone in a dark room
Wait there is a plugin that installs reshade for you? What is the name? I tried install reshade but it didn't work on my machine it would always load slow and the colors were all funky.
Same brother
i like her.
lao meo's chiquoe latte for the shirt and CERES pants idk the name.
>Once the Chinese version patch is finished being assimilated with the global version, the Korean version will also begin related work. However, since China's service is a bit faster, we will make sure that Korea follows China and aligns with the global market.
I wonder how that's going to happen
China isn't even on 7.01 yet despite 7.0 releasing 2 weeks ago... Are the chinese patches just going to be faster? At this rate, the Korean version might synchronize in 11.0.
I was responsible for the wipe on our last pull of the night, I have profound sadness in myself
my femlala wants to get plapped, but doesn’t want to have to do the whole making-a-friend part first. Maybe she’ll just grope one her regular friends….
What's in that F drive
ive no fucking clue but the retards here never fail to impress me >>498091247
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can't complain desu
yup, that's a rapin
I am borderline malnourished.
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If it helps, you can play off the name as a really fast runner from Gridania. "Shooter" can imply that at least. Unless the GMs are so zoomerbrained they forgot that.
Granted. There better be a plugin that makes /sit an automatic action after whipping my rod out. I also debated making this glamour use the moonfire trunks with a modification that makes it into a thong, but that would be uncomfortable for him to sit with.
disappointing. we all knew this. come back when you find out who tranny cat is.
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They were included in g-shade before the big fallout. I snatched them from that time.
Will you be my husband now?
>The colors were all funky

...anon, it doesn't do anything by default. You have to enable individual effects that can be tweaked in the menu to actually do anything.
>Scoreboards being posted
I shan't be queuing
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>didnt make the list despite hanging in xivg circles for the past expac and a half and posting my Gooner Tooner in the thread every day
Dunno if elated or depressed
Did you miss Lumy exposing himself still cockwatching Val 2years later?
Do you want company..
No one cares
Not who you're replying to but Vazi is exactly like this, there's no real spin, there's already a lot of proof he's an absolute fucking nutjob and saves every single chat he's ever a part of and it's been posted on the thread a bunch too even
Less sad and more...
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why aren't they pregnant yet
check after a patch thats when they usually change them but it didnt happen this time
in lore previous to ESO, a few months before ESO begins Kamal begin invading Skyrim and Morrowind. The Nords and Dunmer team up together because Wulfharth shows up (either revived by Almalexia (or Jorunn as ESO adds) and tells the Nords to get along. A bunch of argonians show up due to the Hist telling them to go participate, as well as Vivec and the Kamal invasion ends in Morrowind because of the combined forces. They are still riding the high of this victory, and once the three banners war starts, they give themselves a name and proper leadership to extend the pact for however necessary.
>creating racist edits
>creating scat edits
a rollercoaster of emotions going from based to disgusting in just a moment
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it triggers my ocd.
ryne is anal only
>the elezen i sexpested after being egged on by a bun day one of meeting them
Mutual sex pesting and I blame the vile bun...
don't care about nu ebins
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Could I learn to make a shitty meet n fuck parody game with wuk lamat in a week? I wanna do it for the lulz.
what does this lowlander like
This was mildly funny the first time but in all seriousness this cat is less ugly than most of the beasts posted here.
Only if you let me watch you with other men. . .
I'm pretty sure they just copypasted the list of attendees from the auction meetup that happened in August. That's the only possible way I could've ended up there since the only way anyone could know my full name is the meetups I've gone to, like three times I've posted it in an image, and the couple of days I've AFK'd at LB14 (which I've stopped doing pretty much).
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Bad, but I think I can trust a little fella like this to have my back
Flash is dead bro
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 5:20am ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 5:20am ET
so you are ugly then, good to know tranoid
Nice I still got a chance! Or is that who you're going for...
Anime and music. In my E drive is my project/temp storage drive, and my G drive is where my games are stored. J drive is my PS Vita SD card.
renpy, bro
Race? Just of curiosity, every time I tried to meet a xivgger I got stood up.
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aiiie noooooo
i swapped to my fiera as a treat (I still have three fantasia left)
I don't go to LB14
Theres many other game engines. I wanna make wuk lamat memes.
I will now pursue scarmiddie as well
what's to regret
just because it's in public doesn't make the impregnation any less possible
Anyone want to meet up and yap?
Gaia is built for messy throatjobs and vaginal neglect
I like your fiera.
how about meet up and plap
I don't want to boost their ego
commending the tank with a hj
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wanna yap to me while i do EW msq
I'm about average I think. I'll never be 10/10 but most people won't be.

It hasn't hindered me romantically in the slightest, so I don't really care.
Orisic go back to your catboy so I can sexpest you and make you think I'm really creepy and autistic
this debunks itself in the same image
why do so many people here have disgusting personalities
You can have her, I'm going for this Sunnie/Elezen.
shouldn't have wiped the raid, you know the deal
I can't yap if you are in instances
It's easy to be an asshole if you're anonymous.
Lalabro no! Why do you make me hurt you?
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it fixes the 3D resolution scaling issues?
a lot of people here save stuff as well, so that shouldnt be a metric for being a nutjob unless you just want to play favorites, besides plenty of stuff has been posted about people relating to lightcord yet there hasnt ever been real proof of anything people say about any of them unless you include the thing about soima being exposed with the "i am cum"
Oh yeah I forgot to ask did you still want a nsfw pic made of your middie? Wasn't satisfied with the one I made earlier this year to send to you but I can make a new one
i was gonna say like damn my numbers aren't like s/ebin 500 but they're definitely not THAT low...
failed normalfags
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When you spend all day every day doing and discussing disgusting things you become a disgusting person.
I was stressed, but my EB milked it all out of me, so now I feel good. I love my EB.
maybe one day, i still really like him but i won't swap to him until i finally level ninja again
didnt joker die because this fag went to throne and liberty
Dude this dog
He is no longer a lalafell, he got voted out of the race.
some people aren't anonymous though
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im a skip chad don't worry, come on bro this shits boring
sorry im too autistic for a relationship
Most of these people are timid and faggy in game, dont mind the thread.
I thought everyone knew. . .
My malezen is listening to Skrillex and farming copied factory
Why do you look like a lizard Kanchelle?
Cute! /pet
I don't really feel strongly about any but Tozer's pretty agreeable. Shame about the whole Hroth thing.
My femlala is having a heart attack…. she needs CPR! Mouth to mouth….
you can sexpest my catboy instead
>skip chad
You mean an alt
The reason why they're like that is because my SD card adapter has several other slots for camera cards and shit, so it takes up what ever slots are available first. I have my DVD on H because I play a lot of old Japanese WIndows XP games, which requires me to mount the ISOs to the D drive, otherwise it will not register.
Not a lot of people wanna hang with someone who drops the n word in 2024. It was cool when we were teenagers but you're 30+ now.
I'd be down for this. Anywhere you want to meet up?
*Shoves my hand into ur chest and steadies ur heartbeat with my hand*
Joker died after getting raped
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I was joking. I will pursue you instead. COME HERE WIFESBAND
nah just a free login baby
which one is the real one
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oh no no no msq andy bros look away!
I unironically think less of you and can't get along with you if you skip through a story game, but I'm at least happy for you if you're satisfied playing this way though
thanks but not into that.
Anon what the fuck... I laughed though
t. nyu
Nobody wants to hang out with niggers.
I'm very socially inept and really creepy. If I wasn't so shy I would be known as an annoying sexpest for male characters. And yes I do play a femlala
Same senpai... Same...
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Wish I had a single friend who cared
Wish I had a single friend who would reach out first
Wish I had a single friend who was genuine
Wish I had a single friend that actually responds
Wish I had a single friend that would play the game with me
Wish I had a single friend to do stuff with
Wish I had a single friend that didn't mind me
About to give this femlala the longest french kiss of her life.
What if I sat through it all and thought it was mid at certain parts and shit the rest of the time?
wife material
where are you?
How romantic—-~
I unironically think less of you and will never respect you if you care this much about a generic shonen anime story stretched across 1000 hours of gameplay.
Oh fuck off you self righteous faggot, go suck cocks on reddit where you belong.

The stench of the fields hangs over you like a pall.
wtf howd you do that
What race?
what do you want to do in game anon
So uhhh
where's the producer of this version? Why's it only yoshi-p and the translator?
I guess i'm just used to China's server with a very active producer and company spokesman
My rava+ is horny.
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Wouldn't hurt, I'm fishing at Zalera, Upper Ligma Logma on 11.1, 9.3
I genuinely forgot about this lmao, though if you want to talk about this further you now know where I am.
You're gonna have to come get her from the broken choker is why
shut the fuck up and get your BPD treated
you are a bad person
Why is every femlala post just
>I'm so lonely and horny
It's like they're incel posting as a female character. Is that the point? Just being /r9k/?
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maybe in a week or two? i need help getting the movies on cytube tho...
my moonie acts like this
*smooch with extra saliva*
Lyrium tattoos
Probably not understanding enough of the trappings of WoW mmorpg design, but don't care
I don’t mind if you don’t want to hang out with me.
If you play and complete labyrinth of galleria I'll be ur friend till the end.
i am still
a male moonie
My parents never loved me or supported me, which taught me extremely negative and toxic traits. Ive been doing my best to unlearn all of it but its been engrained in me for decades, I do my best to be kind to anons here in game or thread but somedays its harder than other especially with how retarded and cuntish some anons here act if youre not part of a "clique"
My middie needs to plap a femlala
Post your moonie
let me rim you
when is the next liveletter
you harlot, now I'm ruined..
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a maloonster, some would say
AB coded post
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 9:10am ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 9:10am ET
I do. I like radicalizing them against jews. I've done it for 10 so far.
I AM lonely and horny althougheverbeit
>find my crushes twitter
>she's a lewd poster
>all the males are brown

it's fucking over
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>The Nords and Dunmer team up together because Wulfharth shows up (either revived by Almalexia (or Jorunn as ESO adds) and tells the Nords to get along.
They don't team up because Wulfharth tells them to get along though, they team up because Kamal saw what Riften had become after Jorunn was taught the thu'um that would summon a champion from Sovngarde, only for that champion to end up being Wulfharth out of what is essentially luck of the draw and said "Fuck that let's go shit on Mournhold instead" resulting in Jorunn following them into Morrowind to kick his teeth in for being a bitch. Even The Second Akaviri Invasion flat out states that they have no fucking clue what was going on, only that Kamal got slaughtered.
I want miera
The translator for the chinese version was also the localizer director and chinese guys were kindd of mad at how shoddy the live translation was
Even they didn't really like the localization but the Chinese server listens to the playerbase and made last minute changes
5 years
it's over
I want attention but I don’t want to figure out a new glam/pose for my character. Also I don’t want notoriety
why is there hairs coming out from inbtween your breasts?
Who is that pink sex goddess cat?
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We know Wuks feet smells like tacos but what about other fem hroths feet?
My wife on the very left
You don't understand
For example there are people that always turn off game music and play their own shit through Spotify even on a first playthrough and it's fucking awful and they should die
im a lonely but hungry femlala,
i guess you could say im horny for food right now
please be a little more specific..
*cackles in lalafellian and winks, then scampers off*
Right now
They might show new screenshots like they did in China
Shit. Literally.
Rroneek shit specifically.
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Her name is Isra, she's just a choker employee lmao
Same but also I don't blame anyone for skipping DT it's dogshit
I’m interested in watching edward scissorhands. Also, I want to ask for your nude mcdf.
Ayo, busy?
I dream of an XIV gf that's basically mirubuns.
Hmph. The Council's decisions cannot affect someone who never abided by them. I am lalafell. I shall be the only true, free lalafell. Lament in your Ivory Towers. I'm here in the trenches, where it matters.
Want me to make you some bimbimbap?
I need to visit the choker...
wait actually?
I was about to make some food, why?
That has to be the silliest use of your time imaginable. Just get drunk and play dominos with them if you like hanging out with ‘groids, no need to confuse them with conspiracy theories (they come up with plenty of ridiculous ones on their own).
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This dude is Mola Ram
literally asking for it
wish she would ride me like that
can you post the one of you telling me to not eat the garlic
cracks me up everytime
Come by right now
joker was destined to die because it was lead by someone who keeps getting banned from being extremely dishonest and the fc was filled with ebins who cant stand not being part of any social circle, and just occupied space there without doing a thing
Can I have sex with your femlala
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>not on the list
>a few friends on the list
I wonder if eso will ever delve into that whole "two headed talos god" thing. I wondered if there was anything in universe that mentions it or if it was a fanfic based on kirkbrides later work when he wasn't with Bethesda but it's actually mentioned in the lessons of vivec, an in universe irl larp article from a long time ago, and another book I think from morrowind as well.
Eso has been doing a little bit with the other "expanded" eso lore including adding in that one asianish guy who already knows about Tiber
If you couldn't tell my favorite elder scrolls lore figure is Tiber septim
Brosnan here, what do you need?
DN send hid regards.
When is ESO going to introduce Tiber Septim?
Feeling sad tonight
Who's the nun?
Why do you keep doing it anon
tfw i transferred to Balmung to join it and soon as im able to get to Balmung Joker is dead and Core isn't letting me join
it's fun
ESO can't fucking finish any of its stories except for the dated main quest, it all sucks ass.
niggas are lonely
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The ones I talk to are the smarter ones, the nerdy black girl ones who are already a little self hating and racist. One is my neighbor and she made me cookies
Oh yeah? What'chu gonna do, big boy. Put a baby in me? Or are you the type to only bruise a lady's outside?
i transferred to balmung only to immediately remember i don't actually care about lb14 and now getting to aether to raid is almost impossible
awful decision desu
We're just chilling, it's only staff and xivg tonight
I almost made a femlala post earlier about being sad over my age and was gonna spice it up by also mentioning food, but I resisted the urge and my femlala friday has improved
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>not on the list again
Louisoix sends his.
Are we conveniently ignoring the .zip of every single message Vazi has ever shared with Soima which was part of this "i am cum" exposé? Not even to mention he has this for at least 4 other people.
Yeah you have other retards that do the same which is unfortunate but he's a particularly bad example and I don't particularly understand the apologist attitude unless you're just unaware of his antics in general.
So the expansions after the main story are just side stories?
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take me off the list
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Late October stupid
find an actual fc to join anon, theres plenty out there that will care for you and wont spite you for not being an ebin
any particularly plappable individuals there tonight?
Any fieras or catgirls to fart on my femras face?
Yeah I doubt Tiber will ever be introduced. It'll just be references if anything. I would like a side game that focuses on his era again. Hell they could bring back Cyrus if needed
Why yes, I play Scholar at Red Sands, how could you tell?
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How do I invite people to my new FC on Balmung?
>Put a baby in me?
Yes, that is exactly what came to mind, but it's suspicious that you'd bring up bruising. Is your tummy that soft and vulnerable??
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I'm glad I didn't transfer. I don't fit in
People keep running up to me, targeting me and then running away I wish they'd say something..
rightclick their name and send an invite bro
I'm otherwise engaged already...
Sorry I was just taking your data to rape
oh, I was just messing about, I'm not going to anything involving kanchelle lol.
How do I find a black woman to make me cookies wtf
he's about 80 years away
Please be my wife
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god I love this so much
An eso fan would get defensive but they generally do this soft end thing where big baddie is now dead and recovery efforts are in place (literally forever they will not change the state of the world in a future patch they are fucking STUCK here)
I transferred to balmung to sit in the 'eds all day while I work or paint it's been a pretty worthwhile decision.
>even more pieces of shit show up
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I'm tired of my current look but fantas are too expensive should I just change my hair color?
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>he has 0 friends
I am a femlala with a gamer womb wondering if people are doing FL today...
Why yes, if it wasn't I wouldn't flaunt it so confidently~
Why don't you grab a handful or two, and find out for yourself? *snicker*
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I'm doing okay, looking forward to modern slop for a change.
i'd plap seishun but i don't feel like getting cockwatched tonight...
Do you want me to buy you a fanta?
How do I get them to accept and stay
A gamer WHAT now?
which one of you niggas came up to me and started waving like crazy?
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*raises paw*
May I see a painting you've completed
no I like your current cat
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 1:20am ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 1:20am ET

Having issues with my internet connection. Will probably queue down if it doesn't get better.
Gee Lamat your feet must be so sore from walking so much. Let me help relieve some of the soreness. Hmm? No I don't mind the smell, not at all. In fact your feet smell like tacos. Oh sorry I didn't mean to get you all red! There's nothing to be ashames of here. Just let me rub my fingers into your firm but well taken care of soles and toes... Your toe rings look very nice on them. It matches your well manicured nails.
who is the character on the far left
send a message if they'd like to join
So storywise after Molag Bal’s plans was stopped, the next major event in the elder scrolls storyline is the arrival of Talos right?
Where is this?
what's wrong anon
this is the one from the auction on materia
fuzzy scarf
the zip that exposed soima using others and ryun cheating on vazi? that one? still dont see your point here though cause theres a few people in lightcord that collect dirt on others, it means absolutely nothing, and there hasnt been much shown apart from that zip about anyone mentioned, so how much is actually the truth and not just people schizoposting just like how you are trying to push a narrative right now
no sorry
I'll make one later this week
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Are we sharing transfer stories? I transfered because I lost my house and the xivg presence on my dc has all but disappeared
No I'll feel bad.

How did you know I was a cat...
it's 3am in the UK
odds I down some cough syrup and go to bed
even i run the rest of the roulettes
A what?
Yeah I just came out of a game that had 300 ping. Be warned.
LT <3
Be nice to them? They’re usually treated quite poorly. Hanging out with blacks can be fun, but they will do a lot of shit that annoys you if you are white, like they are always fucking late. Just don’t be a libtard and think D’Licious can’t add fractions because his great-greater grandfather was slave; instead appreciate them for what they are; spontaneous, funny, active, extroverted.
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cosmic exploration will save dawntrail
Keep it up I need more nuns to jerk off to in this thread. Unironically.
why is sechen always at these if he doesn't erp
A pedophile.
i'll do frontlines with you, but you can't say that again
mateus goblet ward 15 plot 30
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You mean the Oversoul? They talk about it in Oblivion when you're doing KotN.
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Watching a video essay on star trek. Not sure what I want to do.
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Please /pet in order, very important.

What happens when you Konami Code the choker..?
getting drunk bros
>I fat fingered Rough Divide just as the fucking Antlion goes off in Overtime and die
Incidentally, it killed me far outside the center where it pulls you in.
Probably could have won that game if our Bard wasn't AFK for the first +30 seconds
I'm going to say it again...
I like saying words like that.. I'm sorry. It's the femlala way
because you're my wife
Did you use the free DT fanta already?
Oh I plan to find out..
It will have to wait, unfortunately, but I have to find a little snickering femlala now and show her the consequences of her actions
i have one friend here, but i think everyone would be weirded out if i showed up because my character is not associated with this stuff
whatever... put the pf up...
which sickly eu poster is this
nobody really cares
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I'm not saying anyone else involved is a saint, I personally think Soima is a piece of shit, but if you don't see the issue of someone saving all the chatlogs of basically everyone he was talking to at that time as a concern then you're heavily biased yourself.
I take others burdens too much and end up hurting myself and others. It's easier to just wall myself off.
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We're not even really open and like 70% of our customers don't do any bdsm stuff, they just come for the bar.
If you do it successfully, you get a free hot chocolate from the viera milf at the bar
>at least 4 S-Class Subhumans
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I don't understand strip clubs
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i'm not revealing my identity - I play on the NA servers and have infiltrated the americans. They would disown me if they knew.
tranny freak
i wanna do the last 3 extremes of previous expac because i never done them but im i feel so much anxiety joining or even hosting a pf
Im a proud cuck and im tired of people acting like its a bad thing!
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Oh they're even showing FFXI alliance raid stuff
God I love nuns so much it's unreal thank you for your service to my dick
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applying for jobs I'll never have a shot at in a million years while so take a guess at how I feel
what the fuck is this
Well, some sluts get on the table and dance while people line up on the couches and we all talk about dragons dogma for an hour
Nice armpit!
you pay money to look a bobs irl
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I wish there was an english translation..
how teh fuck do they tell the fucking chinks before the rest of the world
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End of thread. I hope you're enjoying your reads anon. I still have much to catchup on. I meant to catch up with you but the stars didn't align and my femra's corporeal form was called elsewhere.
Fucking poggers, I wonder if he is gonna do a cone AoE...Cauterize...and maybe appear with a touchdown
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Goodnight, hope to see you all tomorrow for Mahjong.
Thanks I grew it myself
many people do it, I see the purpose of it because people here are snakes, and people lie, a lot
it doesnt make a person good or bad, only with how they use them
Yo is that fucking Rosario Vampire?! (It is) Based.
>ult screen reveal
>90% female cheering
>my lalaboy will never be dolled up in embarrassing clothing and forced to work at the choker to pay off his bar debt
kill me...
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 4:20am ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 4:20am ET
Referring to the trinity based concept of three guys making up talos the god.
Hjalti, Zurin, and Wulfharth. The main connection I remember from eso is the theory that Zurin, the underking from tes2 and the third in the trinity, is renald, the imperial snake guy from eso but that's mostly just from him referencing Tiber, being an imperial, and wanting to closely serve him.
get well soon then
inquisitor was coming down with something the other day, and i would've wished them well too
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Meant to link back to there. Wups.
Journey well into your slumber anonra.
It doesn’t look anything like a nun tho? Doesn’t even have a wimple, the bare minimum for a nun outfit. Can I just post a picture of mymoonies butt and tell you she’s a naked nun?
Fuck off SK you pathetic sack of shit.
some more Cosmic exploration stuff yoshi-P showed at the Korean fanfest happening now
No new ultimate screenshots unfortunately
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the horse fucker Elezen
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>no new Eden Ultimate footage
I want to talk to a femra about books (you're talking about books right?)
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cheeseanon is becoming my fav poster
You first, KK.
>shitty mech reskin mount
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Aren't you kind for remembering, I'm feeling mostly better and stocked up on teas.
Get well soon m8 there's more of us hiding around NA servers than you'd think
QRD on Joker, Core and Yum?
3 unironic clique FCs
QRD on leaf?
Who was in the wrong here?
It was me, I think
more like Coker, Jore and Cum lmao
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Me neither bro, just seemed kinda gay going somewhere to get hard with your bros and have an erection you can't use
What >>498093953 said but some are very introverted
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Sadly I'm a tad bit of a booklet at the moment but I can provide my small lexicon of yuri manga and sandman archives.
but I don't have a eb...
we like this
>Scoreboards being posted
I shan't be queuing for CC
MCH. You did similar to their GNB but you could have done better maybe.
I heard Joker disbanded or something
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>yuri manga
Let's goooooooo!
Be warned, if you post your femlala in the next thread I may or may not reply to you in a chainpost with "my wife"
Wait why are they playing the launch trailer??? Don't tell me it's going to be in Ten Days.
you're still my wife no matter how many times you run away from me
i will always be waiting for you to come back to me...
There's a fine line of what's acceptable and what's not, if you really wanted to keep those logs you should've kept them to yourself not dump the entire collection of them for some petty reason in an unrelated argument or spread them around to random friends.
That being said I don't think you were entirely wrong but you went about it like a massive fucking sperg.
I shan't, on my solo loser arc (have been for many years now)
should i make a new secret key for my alt on mare or does it matter
What's the best /xivg/ FC and how do I join them?
i'm glad you're doing better
get some sleep, inquisitor
someone in my solo FC is having a melty..
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In me are two wolves.
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I will spam Pons and Chis and be an irredeemable NYAGGER at the mahjong meet please look forward to it.
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very cute fc on odin! you have to be a lalafell and apply up!
>What's the best /xivg/ FC
>how do I join them?
You can't because Sargatanas is SUPER overpopulated.
I hope Yoshi-P kicks all the <anime> people off of our server
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You will be my wife.
do you want to do the most to keep the alt secret? then make a new key for them
do you not care? then don't
are you mistaking me for someone else? the zip wasnt posted by me
If you want either to be anonymous then yes. People here are skitzo as hell and will figure you out.
he doesn't want pets, he demands it
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oh fuck, oh yes, that's the STUFF
nosleep creepypasta title
>Dec 3
That's just about what I expected
I don't know who you guys are...
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as the gnb on the other team
idk why you and everyone else on ur team had such a massive hardon for me looping the oasis. ur not gonna kill me in tank stance with that hot and two healers lmao
but Seriously, how are they going to close the 5 month gap to line up with global
I will probably forget the meetup exists, but if not, I'll be there, to be horribly bad and go out in the first round!
You just repeated the 1:1 lines that Vazi used to justify his actions way back when this started months ago, I'm implying that you're him, not that you posted the .zip which was probably Eiki.
If that isn't the case then I apologize however nothing productive will come of replying further so I'll call it here.
then sorry to disappoint but you are not correct
Don't worry I will remind you tomorrow.
Sadly I need to add to my collection. That reminds me I haven't finished reading a bit past ch 6. How about you anon? How has your reading been? Caught any new reading material?
Let's find out

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