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Well Cum Edition.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

> All Saints' Wake Begins October 18!

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>498033473
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC >>497934138

Previous: >>498095291
What would you do if you were grabbed by a bigger stronger character and they held you down in a mating press position, but wouldn't fuck your ass unless you told them you wanted it?
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Alright, I realized an issue on a further zoom in. I had to adjust the tips of her eyes to better fit the iris, because moving her head down to match my EB kinda makes all of the bones that were untouched before just plain wrong.

So I'm adjusting the sides of her eyes to better fit, and hold out to scrutiny when someone decides to zoom in creepshot me again.

Hope this is better. I've been going off of vibes before this, but no one's really looked at me up-close until now.
i could wriggle out with my lalaboy dexterity and my ass would remain unfucked
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I would maybe take bottom lip corners outward in cardinal directions? Maybe by 1 point
thanks dead thread anon
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lol, lmao even
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How do I lure a femra to plap?
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Nobody fucking cares. Kill yourself.
New content just dropped
>inb4 streamer
Nigga he is showing what they showed at KR fanfest upcoming shit you can't get this anywhere else
Free Wi-Fi
please fall in love with me...
thank you wryx
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>Sechen Torgud: the cockwatch has been a bit much lately
>Lalaish Mayar: I'll go cause problems on the thread and redirect the hte
>Lalaish Mayar: hate even*
>Sechen Torgud: It was funny in small doses but god damn you can't do shit
>Komani Ura: yeah, it's pretty bad

Guys, it's been too much for ebins!
His Whiskers
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am the bayside bunny anon from the other day

this modbeast can stay because it makes me laugh
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we out here goin ta space
Can I post my malera?
Post a screenshot from 2021
If you're too new then post your oldest screenshot
hi magness.
>Val seething over Lumy
>Molly seething over Uchiki
>Elyssa also seething over Uchiki
any other cockwatchers have a scoop? Who else is heartbroken?
People who talk about the thread in game are so cringe. Holy shit.
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queue cc @ 4:45 et on crystal
Once. Quickly.
E/RP straight in search info
Lumy seething over Val too, it's been both ways tonight
>more dragons
>copy pasted magitek machina
>brown town
>$18 glam set
We are too familiar with this.
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>go to bed at 10pm
>wake up at 1:30 am
Yeah fuck yeah woohoo I love it!!!!
Question is should I lose, learn to use textools for converting to .pmp, or just grind engineering materials in elite so I can get heph
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>killed the SMN after the crystal locked in so it didn't count
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You could get it from the direct source which is still ongoing.
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so much this
there are a few of you here who mention the thread almost every time you talk to me ingame and you're a cunt-hair away from being blacklisted
don't care, I wouldn't drink the elixir of life if I had to go through Mr. Brappy to get it.
People who copy in game chat into the thread are worse
nigga I don't speak gook
If you are referring to PvP yes both of the DT jobs are pretty horrendous, PCT is great in FL but sucks in CC, VPR is pretty bad in both modes its basically trolling.
my femra would overpower them surely
I think it's one of the ebins themselves doing this for drama, it'd be too obvious if it was magness
I disagree.
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Oh right, the Crystal Conflict finals are today
time for some REAL esports
meant for >>498112252
Can a moonies?
look ma' I'm on the tv!

I've yet to see such a thing happen surprisingly enough
my bet is on lumy
be a femezen
is there a youtube link or something?
Do you guys think the new deep dungeon will be better than orthos was
That's how you get fiddies
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What do you mean by this? I don't play with /xivg/ Not anymore.
still probably the best screenshot i have from back then
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Can we please just delete PLD from the fucking game.
wow I love that mooni
how do I get people to obsess over me too
god I'm so fucking lonely
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This one makes people mad for some reason.
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This shit is why I dont even bother going to meet ups, you faggots act like high school girls
Notice how they instantly blame magness whenever it happens
grown ass malera
thank you!
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An example of Himcess' Law in action. They will then attempt to pursue a "soft, faggy bunboi" or "crossdress lalaboy" in the hopes that one of their victims turn out to be a fujo. A woman. Something they can never be despite their constant attempts at crypsis.

Know them and beware.
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I am posting my femra then going to sleep… it’s been a long day and I need rest
Very cute and bittersweet. I like it a lot.
that's me
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I am posting my character in this thread so you know who I am. It is me, I am posting this.
why are femlalas like this?
The more I see you say "mu eb" the less I believe you have one
Can someone report the profanity in the alliance chat at the broken choker? I think it would be funny to get people banned.
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im a chud
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wheres my moonie niggas at
magness should wait for a known log leaker like tycho to be at hangouts so it's easier to shift the blame
ah yes, back when I still used to feel something
10:58 PM on a Friday night and all done with Arcadion reclears. Now a full weekend to actually play the game.
i gotta stop posting my bun so much i don't wanna annoy people

but am drunk

are you drinking tonight xivg
Sorry my moonie is white
i am a hrothgal
whos afk ingame while drawing
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It's cold asf out here
kill yourself you fucking pedophile
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Okay, now what?
Thanks bro
Attractive. Vanilla. A modern, ideal miera.
If your Moonie has a human skin tone you may as well be a sunnie
I wish, remember to drink water and eat you pitslut
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I am a femra eagerly awaiting your cool art to be finished
Done and done
Unfortunately I cleared out a bunch of what I thought were duplicate screenshots since my gshade/reshade key was the same as the in-game screen key so I don't have my few 14 day free trial screenshots from 2017 anymore
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I was trying to get noffs Sapphic Strap to work, Managed to do it but had to delete a bunch of files to get TT to convert it, and have no idea how to re-merge the upgraded TT mods into one.
would plap even if you have a +
My moonie is into clan mixing, maybe that has something to do with it
Thanks, Rori. *plaps your bussy and impregnates you, making you my boywife*
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please don't call me that i don't even have them out...
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queue cc @ 7:45 et on crystal
Jarvis. I'm curious about "AIN" or "Giving up" if it's not too much work.
My femlala is pining over Rob Chidori...
I click on the first one "tell em when mentors hurt you"
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Happy to help.
>go to bed at 10pm
>wake up at 1:30 am
Welcome to the life of someone with a horrid sleep schedule. To make matters worse, I'll be traipsing around an amusement park for most of tomorrow and probably won't sleep much more before then.

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>The fish sense something amiss. Perhaps it is time to try another location.
No, I don't think so.
I thought there was something more recent than this
Please fantasia to bunny asap
I miss him so much bros....
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my fiddie? drinking more wine!
can i have but 1 (you)? no more no less.
would anyone be interested in a lord of verminion tournament
finally got my fc slop house but I'm getting pretty peeved about the submarine creation process
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Kill yourself, Jaden Mode.
Hello wife
sir may I eat?
I am a femra that will one day have a femezen eb for sure!
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Then you are no moonie.
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Update: ebins got horny
I have a bad news
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Instructions unclear, Dwarf Rabbit mode initiated.
Cockwatch status?
Good luck sis!
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*pinches your cheeks*
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Same as last: https://files.catbox.moe/pk3uu7.png
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it's crazy how much time has passed when it feels like it could've been last week
>barely managed to healer LB3 after sunrise
>the 3 death BLM wins both the coffer and random weapon
I wish I cleared week 1 I just want my fucking 735 wep
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>grinding scratching noises as I print out the data
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i hate this little race appropriating smaller
I think Val should kill himself.
It's this
what's this top, everyone has it now
I think a lot of people here should quit
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please tell me I don't need to omnicraft on my alt to get subs going
The titles always get me excited and it's always something mundane... Sorry for wasting your energy, my love..
What about me bro?
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It's not xiv related tho, so idk if I'll post it ITT
no one even knows how verminion works
>mfw remember when preach was grifting xiv and was fawning over how xiv had a MINI MOBA WOW
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Endwalker was 3 years ago...
Post couples!
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la noscea is so comfy it makes me envy sunnies
do you do content
Lots of ghosts in my old folders...dam..
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I'd post my femlala with another, but... it would just be wishful thinking. Nothing more.
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>want to fanta to male
>like my sunslut too much
my wife, good night
Val has completely abandoned whatever standards he had left
>Okay, now what?
eb my fiddie
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I gwiber
Yeah, some. At my own pace
Remake your sunslut on balmung
>eventually Balmung is going to close to visitors again, probably in November
Anyone else excited
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anyone who says verminion is good is insane jesus lmao
but I do find it a bit fun
you can stay then
I'd let you go if you got quads but since you missed you have to be a bunnie thems the rules
I just talked to val in game and realize that despite being one of the most popular ebins in xivg he's really boring
2021 middies.
maybe your friends would appreciate some privacy instead of whatever it is you're doing right now? i guess they're not really your friends though or you wouldn't be cockwatching them
Can you stop being such a coomer and actually talk about the game?
You are so pretty, god bless you.
tnf was peak. It's been downhill from there.
ummmm that pic says its from 2020?
Thanks bro, I will continue on my journey
>shadowbringers was longer
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Saving this for decorating
I have an alt on balmung already, and my sunslut is on Mateus which is close enough. I ain't doing the fucking lottery on balmung, it was a miracle I first tried it on Mateus.
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Switch to bunny boy!¡!!
You'll be so hot as a boy bunny
The gwiber is a mount in ff14 though?
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mahjongers??? who queuing to practice for the meetup?
Ears not wet enough
grabbing them
Go ahead and steal the apartment layout. I switched apartments and it doesn't exist anymore.
The matches are starting
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Who even needs mods
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*bites ur leg*
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queue cc @12 et
gonna do one or two more since this headache is turning into a migrane
Bbwvr was better miles better. Not a single mod after has had a good plump ass that didn't look like a bbl or man ass
But I wanna see it senpai
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A dubious little CREATURE getting up to MISCHIEF. This is No Good. The Beast is demonic in nature. Very Icky, no good
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do smelezen really
I can queue
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from a long time ago...
a malezen was sitting on this chair
>alliance is stalling on queuing the unsync Nier raid because of "splits" even though there's 17 fucking people over level 90
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plat looking matches
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I dunno where the fack my catto pictures from back then went so have a headpat on a smelly creature
How long is a 10 day ban
Hello my estranged spouse
{None left.}
Average malezen chair in public transit
who taught the Elezens how to use public transit
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You're both heathens.
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oldest screenshot (2022)
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Back when /xivg/ was fun and soulful
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Only makes it better
At least its not looking like the steamroll CN was
>losing to a SMN
>0 damage DRG LB
>using recup for 5k damage
these guys are retarded, genuinely gold tier NA
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i am a femlala who
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there I am gary
I remember back then when I saw this I went "oh yeah, that's my thread husband from now on"
hasn't changed since then, glad you're still around
Does she only racially profile suncats, or are moonies ever on her radar? I'm curious
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Dang that emote one is kinda crazy actually

40% of all emotes are pay for only currently
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Look Gary there I am!
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I'm going to bed, it was nice cc-ing with you all
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2021 was a bad year for me, personally.
It's quite alright.
They aren't even in there anymore.
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I'll show you how it's looking, enjoying the process but it doesn't look quite right yet
You'll die before you have the chance to fondle 'em
the only right answer. thank you ser.
why what did i do
lao meo's chiqueo latte
Oh thats weird. That folder got ordered wrong somehow and just clicked through it. Heres one from 21.

I agree with bbwvr and miss it. I hate that every mod is just bigger and bigger asses. Ive basically had to go to base WM yab butt cause barley anybody does bibo large anymore and thats about as much as i want to have.
I miss my EX EB...
honestly dude the seethe in many of your posts makes it seem like you are always having a bad year
hope it starts looking up for you
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is of my husbando
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I actually did have one way back when I was still a catboy in 2021. Oldest one I could find
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made in 2021 and never tried to make anything like it again
will be impregnated by me
my femlala does this
But you could just use older mods? Your charcter looked much better back then. I honestly really dislike how your character is now... and it's because of the bigger and bigger thing.
i'd like femlalas way more if they were this fun and silly instead of threatening to kill themselves if you don't e-date them
Then I'll die trying
cute moonie, server and eb status?
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>>498110519 (You)
>why I love immersive sims so much
Can you recommend me any? I've sort of been lacking in that department on my steamlist.

>Red Dragon
Same though mines in my usb heh. I haven't inished it yet and would probably need to restart reading it before anything. I love compelling serial murderers and their battle of wits. I remember really liking Hannibal the show series after watching Silence of the Lambs. Anthony Hopkins and Mads Mikkelsen were a joy to see on screen. But then again, I love all true crime, murder mysteries, etc.
>detective stories are one of the few things I can devour endlessly
Honestly same. Something about watching the small modules in someone's mind tick or how they adapt to new enemies or hazards within the context of a mystery or drama is really fun. Across all mediums.
>Boondock Saints
I heard good things about the movie. Never got a chance to see it.

Might be passing out soon, so justincase gnite and /hug
Apologies if my comments are taking a bit longer to write. Have a sproutcat I found earlier after browsing the archive.
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finally a good post from this self promoter
You can't actually. They haven't been updated you literally cannot use them anymore as they were so long ago it can't even be updated with textools. Someone would have to make a bbwvr 3
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Why this nigga look familiar? Same
good news i found almost all of the old pics i was asking you for so i don't have to keep asking, but if you take more like that please post them sometime
my femlala is like that...
where is the anon claiming cn/kr gamers were the best
>the hand clipping at 0:17
She has her eye on moonies too, gotta profile both clans of Miqo'te
I'm actually loving it so far! Cute expression! Is it a character from something or oc?
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no she isn't. we've been over this
my femlala is just funny and silly and likes to play the game
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Meant for >>498111717
Sorty, tired!
i need me a woman who can do both
play dishonored
at least i think that counts as an immersive sim?
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fantaing to a different gender is the fucking worst because it ruins all your glams
shion makes such good poses
NTA but My Summer Car and The Long Drive are probably my favorite.
mahjong....... cough....... bleh...........
What's this lala's prices?
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how do people have such an endless appetite for erp? why not just go out and fuck? also
I was almost on board with the mission statement but now I'm concerned
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queue cc @ 4 et on crystal
last one for me cyacya
>22 members
Alright, how many of you are in that unsync queue for the Nier raid on Crystal?
my fiddie? drank too much wine
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>turn on a battle song
>lock in
>2 mil total damage
>leading 90% of the game
>lose because of retards getting themselves killed to fucking drk pulls
I... am going to bed.
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No one at that club wants to do content. They want to masturbate.
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Rip. Even if it's something unisex like Drachen armor?
same but whiskey
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It's Lina Inverse from Slayers, an old light novel/manga/anime series from the 80s/90s
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honestly? fuck that guy for making me look at old pics
Eb status
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I had to dig for something from 2021
all of my screenshots of my ex eb were in 2023 so I was safe eheheh
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who is this? sexo nonetheless
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Oh wow! I think I've seen that around before is it a good series to watch or would the manga be better?
Sunnies are usually the bigger offenders though, they need extra watching
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{ Same. }
Final fantasy dawntrail review: players would rather watch cocks than 10 seconds of cutscene
And where is she now?
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I delete all my screenshots once the folder gets too big so i don't have anything
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Post the last time you were actually happy in life.
Good, good, that's much better. Now my concern level is reduced but alas, I also have a suncat that I play often
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Please do not ruin my anchor with your shitty ebin drama from a year ago
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I don't have screenshots that old
Still here!
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I started with the old 90s anime, then went to the manga, then came back for the rest of the anime. Either or is fine!
You could start with Slayers Revolution if you want the new-ish stuff. You don't 100% need to watch them in order, although it would be best!
Surely your suncat wouldn't do anything to catch the eye of the femra police right? Wouldn't want her to get arrested would you
Cats are so pure
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probably back in the 1990’s when i was a child
Even if you're top 20% attractiveness, real life hookups can have a lot of hassle to them, the stalking and drama you get is even worse, and I like the fantasy and kinks of ERP.
2014~2015 probably
val what sweater, I'll kill u if you don't answer
i was shooting the shit in vc with some friends while we were raiding
I'd have to post a photo of my 3 year old self or something so no
I would need to post screenshots of my old friends or the nice things they said to me in my message book...
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Do you guys like my Sunnie?
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haven't been posting here in 2021 yet
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Yeah that's enough CC for now.
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Quite inoffensive for a sculpt, kinda cute.
Henlo kitty /pet /pet
Hmm. She's a troublemaker in her own way & she absolutely HATES authority. It's very likely she'd be having a bad bump in
I haven't been happy in about 14 years
I think it was... middle school? Maybe there was a moment in freshman year?

But I think I've got too strict criteria for happiness. I'm defining it as "contentment without underlying anxiety"
>that last match
idk why i was getting focused so hard but it worked out in the end so im not complaining
My male midlander is like this. One day I'll have friends probably.
I had a good cum in a fiddie

Val, I need more pantyhose mods
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CC 7:30 EST
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*theme song plays*
explode :)
you fags left queue after someone rejected it right?
She deserves to get her cheeks pinched!
>He's been happy before
Must be nice....
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plappin this fatty
What kind of friends would you like Anon?
let me talk to other alliances in frontlines so i can call warriors/mnks/ninjas rats
pinching both pairs of hihimi sama's cheeks
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Please oh please stop being all of those bad races like smelezens or lalas, also I suggest giving lalas food whenever you see them I'm pretty certain they're the type to just want good eats yknow like yummmmm
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i know what you are
Catbox me there fryman
It's because you were out of position and kept exposing yourself to tatami mats just about to be flipped.
Right now, but there's a lot of sadposting so I shan't be taking the aggro from that.
Hang in there, folks. You'll be alright.
timmy turner on hrt lookin ass
I've been afking and queuing while making shitty ms paint drawings
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my femlala loves food...
>it's been full for a while
>still fucking waiting because the leader's dumbass friend wants to watch all the cutscenes
I need to breed Seishun even if she steals my money while I'm doing it
it's patreon walled, catbox it for me PLEASE sis...
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What's with the vitiligo?
That's a tough question. I'd like someone I can talk to frequently about the random things that happen. Preferably someone willing to talk about the things they like and their interests.
gay? femroe?
golbez did nothing wrong
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my femlala likes hamburgers
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Fiddies! Yuri!
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>fuckin' dies (forma de sleep)
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>eat some THC edible
>join random PFs to help out randoms in my bis gear
>Everkeep EX
>2 are fresh progging, others are enrage prog
>don't care just bringing big dick DPS to fill time
>after like an hour we nearly get a kill
>boss is at 1%
>everything freezes
>oh shit did my PC lock up?
>...timer ran out
may I take your femlala out for sushi, call you pretty and gently stroke your hair while I look down at you lovingly?
Why are people suddenly talking about the Choker again? Didn't that place close back before Dawntrail?
that salute reminds me of someone
Aieeeeee don't...
mine does too
About 2 hours ago when I pet my dog.
you aren't real you aren't real...
Typical sunnie, always causing trouble... Would she really have the gall to mess with a femra officer?
Does she plap Viera
Thats good! Cause i dont remember the request anyway. *nods*

Not only that but even if you could its not like anybody makes anything for it anymore. So you would never have anything new to try on, even a simple upscale is out of the question.

If you ask tomorrow again, I'll come and hit you up but I'm falling into a coma right now. I'm afraid I'm not the most interesting person in the world but I'm always willing to try.
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I do this when we are about to run out of time and fake dying saying I sneezed that's why I died then once we all leave to requeue I leave
weird to hold onto these but also kinda based
My femra will summon meteor and destroy the world...
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>tfw no fiddie wife for my fiddie
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Boy that takes me back
Must have been in the pre-teenage years, if I'm being honest.
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but I am real... why wouldn't I be real?? answer the question, princess
Last week's tuesday is when I was happy last. Then my boyfriend had his 3 days of work per week. This week, he won't play with me. He is mexican, sparking zero released.
my femlala likes cinnamon rolls
me and the wife before the furry potion

female ones yes, male ones mayyyyyyyyybe if you can get a real girly twink look goin.
Probably. She's a raen, she can't be THAT hard to mess with, it might even be cute to see her try & do anything back
Screamer don't click
Your femlala is a cinnamon roll
I wish shout yell and say worked in pvp
Are you man enough to spend one night with The Hrothgator?
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prone my femra
you would never really do that for my femlala. stop lying. please...
Honest, genuine thoughts on XIV events?
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I don't remember posting this but I really wanted to post this. I might go insane.
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I need my EB to get online more again when I'm wanting to pose.
Of course of course, have a nice night anon
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more raen knottings for the white woman god
Please I must know if she's in my league
I'm starting to think some of you guys watch too much porn and never have sex so you live out your sex life through a video game
I hope till tomorrow then, have a good night too when you sleep.
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I got into m2 (the honey bee lovely show) with some fanatics....
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They went to shit ever since you stopped being able to sell the items on the marketboard.
I really would. Nothing would make me happier than putting a smile on your face. Well, except for you sitting in my lap so I can more easily pet you and leaning against me. that would make me happier
some of us are hanging out here
umm i'm going to lie down for the night i hope you all have a good night...
you have made the perfect introvert lala visually i think good job

You just know they're using the mod that makes her nude
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i think they should make way more yeah
all the old ones were never updated for anything like YAB or lavabod
sorry it took forever to upload https://litter.catbox.moe/w6haam.pmp
>new atlus game is basically shadowbringers 2
How is Square Enix getting mogged so hard
She's a strong officer of the law, she'll have to stop and frisk that sunnie. Surely your sunnie wouldn't grab her arms would she
Do you want to be proned by a male midlander?
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Here's a question how would you try and fix Wuk Lamat. You can't change the stuff that happened in DT, you only get to adjust thinks that happen from the patches forward
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I don't have my stuff from 2021....
Have the oldest I got from my new computer.
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CC 10:15 ET
Kill her off
sis... why is that catboy covered in sweat...
How long you going?
Thanks. It's just too bad the hairstyle is racelocked in game and the hat has a dwarf beard in game or I'd be able to just rock this look vanilla style. feelsbadman.
the what
i need to smooch, bathe, and give this lala some self esteem
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>BRD and NIN spent the entire match chasing me down like I owed them money
>kill the NIN after he wastes all his resources getting to me
The mod that makes Honey B. Lovely wear nothing at all and makes her tits jiggle with every auto
matoya hat might do the job
Fuck, i'm retarded. 11:15 ET

When the capchas stop killing me
wonder if they offer talk
my lalaboy just wants his close his eyes and not have to wake up to this again
My shotafell
Bullies indecent hags
My.... my femlala...
my femlala, she
She uh-
it was for certain tattoos and related pics
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why did you go...
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Why do redditors hate Zenos so much?
My malera will bully your shotafell
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My future ex-wife right here
i luv you val...
i want him to full nelson my femra
>i think they should make way more yeah
>all the old ones were never updated for anything like YAB or lavabod
Well you have those torn ones. And I saw that femra in one that I can't find I think... I need them all.
How did you even notice that. I didn't even notice that.
She is ok, but thank you for your concern
lol, of course that exists. go figure, I guess
matoya hat is cute, but it's undyeable and also locked behind purchasing that encyclopedia set that I don't want and don't have space for. If it were dyeable though I'd probably crack, buy it despite my reservations about this game's cash shop model, and then just donate the books to a fan desu
He was the first, the first is never good. Same reason why people hate the random Majima encounters.
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>Apologies if my comments are taking a bit longer to write
it's okay, I don't mind, good night and hugs if you pass out, I got into a dungeon right as you posted
>Can you recommend me any?
for "modern" ones I'd go with Dishonored(industrial revolution fantasy), Prey(art deco scifi), Deus Ex Mankind Divided(cyberpunk) and EYE Divine Cybermancy(esoteric and metaphysical cyberpunk)

>Anthony Hopkins and Mads Mikkelsen were a joy to see on screen
they were, I only watched the first season but I love Mads and how the character is handled there, my favorite movie is "The Hitcher" and I think you'd also like it a lot, it's on Youtube if you're ever interested
>how they adapt to new enemies or hazards within the context of a mystery or drama is really fun
you said it, it feeds a specific stimulation deprived part of my lizardbrain and keeps stories engaging for me in a unique way, I think it's because it messes with my uncontrollable pattern recognition and makes every moment feel like a new puzzle of human thinking and consequences to be solved
>Never got a chance to see it.
it's very interesting and you can see its influences in a lot of media, it's not one of my favorites but I recommend watching it one day
mahjong... eto.... bleh
Hello abe
What are you on about he's like one of the most simped over characters
im gonna r word this middie
There's not enough of them and what we do get isn't actually good
Wait, what..
Why ex!??
do you need a queue popped
If you see my scales shimmer when you were already too late...
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I hate Zenos. I don't care if he has a completely different character by ShB and EW. I hate characters that are "le too powerful" and walk slowly at you each encounter you had with them early on in SB. I hate villains with limpdick reasons for keeping the main character alive. No, it does not matter if you fuck him over in the end. It's still a shit introduction to a character that spans nearly 3 expacs.
Frisking is asking to get frisky‐-which is to say yes, absolutely, she might just try to reverse the arrest on the officer
can you catbox the full of that image...
You just don't understand because you're a woman.
good king moogle mog he/him pawg
What's the venue?
It doesn't work out in the third season for us, there's rumors about some hints of us trying to work it out during the future starlight episode though
it’s literally just another persona story but in an smt setting and you retards are eating it up
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2:30 CC ET
O-oh, well...
I see.
prices are in the services tab
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>enjoying bad character writing is a male trait
stop posting this, it makes my face hurt
No he doesn't, let's not toot our own horns here
need me an eb that we can talk about kpop about
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we had this happen on dynamis for a tower at paradigm breach iirc
except it was synced so you already knew you were in for an hour of bullshit, which would've been fine except they kept dragging their feet and when we did fill we just waited around because one (1) guy was still unlocking the damned thing and thought it was cool to just have 23 other people waiting on him. I waited way longer than I should have (like 30 minutes) and finally just said i had to go and dipped. I dont usually mind waiting while someone unlocks something if I know it beforehand, but I joined the pf when we were like 22/24 so I thought we'd be able to just go relatively soon. pisses me off too, how the second you mention you're not cool with pissing away half an hour doing nothing, you're treated like the bad guy for being unwiring to wait. nobody eeeever calls out the guy who just wasted 23 people's time though
>play 2.45 GNB on main
>decided to try out 2.5 DRK on an alt
>ABCing is suddenly a lot comfier and it's easier to keep melee uptime
Almost want to swap to 2.5 GNB now but I use reverse drift as a crutch
God I need Seishun to correct me with her feet
i am spam queue
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those are from hanzo dojo i think its still on xma
alright but fair warning it has a penis https://files.catbox.moe/b5dqc7.png
Shooting lots of cum all over sleeping moonies.
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It is the peak of masculinity
i think anyone who does this kind of thing should kill themselves :3
Whenever I stretch or climb into bed sometimes I feel like my ribs start crushing my heart and it's painful to breath or move around for about 40 or 50 seconds before it goes back to normal. Does this happen to anyone else?
i am a femlala

and my shirt doesnt fit anymore
Well...? Fix it?
>it has a penis
i know. just love that golem, it's my favorite of yours.
Talk to a doctor about it what the fuck are we supposed to do
sis... how many burgers did you eat...
>paid lalapedo ERP
We love this. This is FF XIV.
Why do you like him? Use your words and explain in detail what it is about his character writing that you enjoy, not just vague notions about what you think he's like or meme-influenced opinions.
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grrr......... I only queue if it pops queues for you guys. tell me if you need a queue popped or not
Is VPR good in CC?
world's first 50 BMI femlala
I want to cave this creature's skull in.
I can't afford a doctor and it's not like people are talking about the game anyways
dude this is so fucking gross and poorly posed
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what the fuck is reverse drift? anyways 2.5 gnb requires literally 100% uptime so just stay on your 2.47 or whatever if you don’t hate yourself
at least 10 this week and i had the krabby patty from wendys
Well there's a specific spot that she targets when frisking sunnies, maybe that would soothe the sunnie's ire. Officer Raen didn't do too well in hand to hand training so she'll just have to keep note of any offenses if the sunnie gets too aggressive..
Then why are people playing it..
Then you're on the wrong game, sport
Look, heart concerns aren't something to cheap out on. If you lose your heart you're just dead.

Boy, some of you sure are insistent on making sure how much you think Lalafells are children and anyone who interacts with them is a predator.

Say, is there, perhaps, a reason that you're overcompensating so much? You're not hiding anything, are you anon?

please do not steal my actual wife's gimmick of kikuri posting, thanks.
You're a woman you wouldn't understand
I don't have the money or insurance to pay for a visit for another 2 months
I accept your concession.
>2 straight people
Maybe I don't queue for CC after this match...
kek ur so mad
Starting to think showing to your ex's house in the middle of the night screaming was not the better play over watching spooky movies with anons
Reverse drift is when a weaponskill or spell with a cooldown has its recast time reduced by your GCD being faster. Gnashing Fang and Double Down can both benefit from this and makes using them slightly off CD not as punishing.
Proning this femra hard while headlocking her and kissing the top of her head
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>Sprout EB asks for help getting to a specific house out of nowhere
>Help them get there
>It suddenly turns into a cute museum date
Was I tricked??
I think I was tricked... I don't mind, though! It was very comfy and cute
when I felt sort of like this (except it felt uncomfortable to be on my sides), I found that doing some light exercise each day helped. half an hour of cardio was all it took. whenever my weight crosses a certain threshold, my body begins to feel like shit in very noticeable ways until I slim down again. are you the same? maybe get a little active and see if you feel better.
but also consider an urgent care facility if you cannot see a doc
?! A weakspot... clever raen. Well, if it doesn't pay off, officer raen's gonna have a sunnie problem on her hands. I wanna pose your raen arresting my suncat while my moonie stands in the background pointing & laughing
my moonie doesn't really feel like logging in..
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I've bread chocobos 6 or 7 times today I lost count
you buffoon
it’s really not but you can make it work if you understand the mode
arent women the ones who like zenos the most?
t. seething lalapedo (lol)
movies are fun...
my lalaboy was in nier reincarnation
shut up, man... just explode, brother... FUCK!!
>it's full of xivggers
it's not too late. let's watch a scary movie instead of doing things we'll cringe about for the rest of our lives. i even have some spooky stuff lined up.
Holy fuck number 3 and the one below it
being awoken by some screamin bitch at 2 AM wouldnt make me like the girl more
it is not currently 3/4 if that's what you are asking but it can always use more people
mostly though play if you enjoy it, it's fun, not just to +1 a queue and waste your time
ok im going to the choker now
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Best I can do is talk about jpop
holy moly
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Cute... which museum? There are some really good ones out there
God i wish this was me... I hope you explode and perish and then explode again
make a pale fiera with big boobs
I already have the title I just like helping with popping queues for people that wanna play
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Jesus fucking Christ Akemi
All drawn by gay men and fujos
my femra enjoys this..
lalas are all pedos
>Val has become full 100% gooner with shit edits
I knew it was only a matter of time.
Yeah it's a weak spot, like a tail but on the front.. That sounds like a good pose, you could also pose the sunnie turning the tables on officer Raen
Uchi stop shitposting and play.
what the fuck is wrong with you, what an awful idea and now I'm jealous
what a failure.
oh, that’s really funny now that i think about it, since the standard is whether or not you use your cds more than a 2.5 player who doesn’t drift assumingly
i know who both of these girls are and i'm still going to post it

fucking EXPLODE
Cute girlfailure
Emp w17 p42 on Balmung, Crystal
Very cool!
i want to suck on his big penis
that's the mentally stable part of the staff
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Run them over strange white lizard. Deatroy them. Explode them into giblets. Feel their worthless, cheating flesh peel off as the impact of your body at mach speed disintegrates their spineless spine. Kill that whore homewrecker, as well.
that's the log sharing part of the staff*
Imagine gooning when you could be farming roulette wins for the TT achievement
If I blacklist someone, I shouldn't be able to see their marks, their quickchat or anything.
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Oh dear. She does, in fact, have that... troublesome. Would you wanna meet up real quick to toss around some mcdfs? Both sound fun, really
i like jpop (anime openings)
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6:20 CC ET
These are drawn by straight men that appreciate the beauty and complexity of Zenos
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god i need a wife like this
I open the thread for the first time all day and this is the first thing I see and now I'm turned on, sigh.
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Too bad, you got stuck with Mia/Big Three/Cricket and now you have to fight the urge to strangle them as well as the enemy team.
oh damn idk if i wanna play with a mahjong master but in general the queue can always use some love
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what is the highest crafter level I need to be to do submersible shit
I see 50 but is it higher than 50 later on
Stop being a little baby who has to use the blacklist
>you have to see me being retarded
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Sorry anon I only listen to chika idols or 2D ones none of the mainstream slop.
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it's okay the title means nothing
Nice A-Train outfit
A fight would have to go on for awhile to get an extra DD or even a GF using them on CD every time, and you'd start having GF not be under no mercy so it probably wouldn't be worth it. Like I said, it feels like a crutch since resource gen is also more lenient with the faster GCD.
I hate Zenos. I hate his stupid motivations. I hate how much screentime he chews when it could've went to better characters. I hated him in Stormblood. I hated him in Shadowbringers. He was alright because we saw him less in EW. BUT I hate that combatsexual retard.
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>perfectly good thread goes to shit when she shows up to beg for (You)s with whatever made up shit story she has tonight

>typed by a woman
Just buy the parts of the marketboard
Filter his worthless posts and their replies, problem solved
How can I be filled with all these random ass thoughts and they just amount to nothing. It's worse than brainfog man what the fuck
It's a dude
Also I can't help it, it's too fun
macchi is mad
>blacklist someone because them spam quickchat, trade me when I'm trying to teleport, and spam emotes at me
>they sic their EB and friends on me
Fragile children.
oh I can do that? fuck
I'm just mad that I lost a movie meetup
>good looking
>powerful and rich
>very tall
>very strong
>bad boy levels off the charts
>very intimate and obsessive with (you)

I wonder why women like him
I'm not Macchi and I wish he'd kill himself.
Sure we can, if you feel like visiting Marilith
im gonna pull ur thong back and let it go and its gonna strike ur ass like a big rubber band
heres a super old picture from when i swapped one of my alts' genders with glamourer
Those are reportable offenses.
He's the nigga we all love to hate
2000 rating is way beyond my level but go for it if you feel like playing
If you were to report it.. how would you phrase it in the ticket..

What's the story behind D.P.?
death to emote spammers
I decided to be kind and simply blacklist him because he already has a mark on his account with an extended vacation.
Yeah, I could swoop by. Have anywhere that works best for you over there?
why do you keep making up these retarded larps, is /xivg/ all you have? you're a grown man and probably brown, stop this.
You're too kind, but good for you.
I jerked off to that futa femra pic without knowing val made it and now I'm sad because I hate val
I crafted for my fc and i wouldn't recommend doing it unless you're broke and have to. The grind is real.
rape this bunboy
molly has been a val clone this whole time
rating also means nothing don't worry
especially since most xiv jongers don't really know what they're doing
What did you scream?
What happned? give us the tea
I fully love my best fren, no hate at all.
The Aleport docks
stop calling him "she", that's why he spams the thread like this, it gives him gender euphoria
I FYCJING FORGOT TO MUTE MY PHONE AND GOT A TEXT WHILE OUTSIDE HIS WINDOW. Okay I'm retarded but this might be the end of this all tonight. I'm so fuckkng dumb
Really what you got? I'm still here though. I even connected to his wifi to make this post. Heh. I guess this is what you call cooked
Or crasgilhing out
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>can afford 180 hours of nsfw rp
>no one is willing to slowly snuff out my life in a long, gory, continuous torture scene
I was ready to kill myself because I needed to level my crafters to 50 and then turn in like 50 of each material
Did you forget when he asked val for what bra mod he used and then wore it with the exact same colors and sweater for a month.
i guess so, in any case it should be closer to popping now
popped it
If you kill yourself can I have the body? Also the turn ins are bullshit, you do 3-4 per round its tedious work.
>Really what you got? I'm still here though. I even connected to his wifi to make this post. Heh. I guess this is what you call cooked
I've got late night with the devil, the conjuring 1 and 2, and the eye.
You're a 30+ man, stop making up this stupid larp and begging for attention multiple times every single day.
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>I lost my chance to hook up w/ Akemi at her house and bun her over THIS
just fucking kill me
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what the fuck.
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>paying for ERP
I just hate him. What a waste of time. Instead of more screentime for the Twelve, Zodiark, Hydaelyn, Meteos, Emet, etc. We had this asshole keep coming back. He doesn't even have any real ambitions besides a typical Saturday morning cartoon villain that really wants to fight steonger things. Compare that with how much nuance and moral complexity we got with Emet wanting to resurrect his people or Ilberd's madness as everyone in Eorzea consigned Ala Mhigo to its doom.

Worst villain in FFXIV due to the amount of times he was on screen and added nothing to the plot.
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10:45 CC ET
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Why not?

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post full
also was that a pre or post Molly veena
also it's 6 fucking things and I need to do it 5 times for each turn in and there are 2 more phases after phase 1
nice game
Doing praetorium and Gaius seemed to have some truth to his words. Our 12 were truly draining the aether of the world just by existing.
hmmmmm, still would
women be like:
my neighbor has his fucking ex outside screaming and I can't fucking sleep. I'm calling the cops on their ass. Fucking brown people I hate this neighborhood
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good girl, the other one abandoned me.. do you want the sushi too? I can take you to a real nice place and make sure you have a great time
wanna see who gets higher scores in project diva?
You have to do like 4-5 times, 3 rounds, for 4 parts, 8 if you want to have the upgraded submarines, then 4 times for the 4 submarines. Its tedious.
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you need to take my bbc
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have sex
I wanna talk and be friends with you but you seem too much of a stacy and hard to approach.
w-wait, no... you're the one with the dangerous words arent you...
Say you blacklisted someone for doing x,y,z
Say they circumvented the blacklist (if you look up the ToS, you can find the specific #.#.# rule for this) by having their friends do those things.
You need actual time and dates of the occurrences for their logs.
Okay, I will. With you.
as much as i like akemi yeah i called the cops on my ex for doing this once
Thank you
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>runs through you
what do you mean the dangerous words? you don't like being called a good girl while I shower you in praise and affection?
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how could you...
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women just don't get it
either way thank you ser for telling me that I can just buy them off the mb
I now have my first sub running woohoo
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>My goat is in queue
maybe its time i start queueing
I have to go, you're not good for me. It's too dangerous...
He's the best villain in this game, he makes redditors like you seethe, he doesnt give a fuck about whats going on in this shitty story he just wants to fight you. it's based. he was a critical reminder that the endflopper slop we were getting was meaningless and cringe and he was the real last boss.
>full revival discord match
You lied to me
gm to chaos c:
>balmung open on a friday night
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This moment made /xivg/ and Redditors mald so fucking hard.
post pic?
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erm actually zenos is the reddit villain
yotsuyu is the only competently written antagonist in the game
I want to see the conjuring!!!
Are you able to cytube it for us?
I should probably go home first vefore I really get in trouble. Its a lot to explain and im sure no onw really cares you all think im full of shit anuway
Remove Zenos from the plot and you wouldn't notice a difference. Even thw rushed, harchetjob of a villain Spheen had better characterization than Zenos.
Cringe woman opinion
>zenos is actually a good villain because i'm an epic contrarian!
Who was Yotsuyu?
catboxed because nips
i actually smiled when he said this
Stormblood was a good expansion
Zenos is a good villain
>http links
>malware in catboxes
>doxxing PII anchors
this thread is insane
I'll only have sex with someone I'm in a committed relationship with. It's... been a while.
you can go back to wow
I prefer literature
sphene literally wasn't a real character and they existed for 2 zones
yeah. do you want to watch it in game? if not, i can just throw it in a cytube right now.
he is literally me
>no onw really cares you all think im full of shit anuway
I believe you and I care, so if you feel like venting feel free to do it once you come home, and yeah you should just go back home before they call the cops
Who? I'm just a loving and caring anon with too much to share so I need one femlala to make my wife, that can't be such a bad thing! Now come back here and get in my lap
I like how women think their opinion on character writing matters
my husband
I almost posted myself alone after my ex logged out but thankfully the thread is almost over already.
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Last one, I sleep soon.
2:30 CC ET
i've always believed your posts they just worry me a bit
>doesn't give a fuck about the story
>in a game people primarily buy for the story
I hope ax-wounds can neck themselves for thinking so highly of their digital husbandu just because he soulplapped you that one time.
His stare denotes his room temperature IQ.
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Ff14 will never have good villians anymore cause they're not willing to get morally grey cause it'd make their fan feel sad
Womens opinion on writing does matter.

Which is why when Ishikawa was in charge of writing the games story, the game was the best it ever was. And when a moid got ahold of the story, he wrote in a shitty tranny furry mary sue with as much layers as one sheet of paper
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this scene made every single thing he did retroactively awesome
perfect, need one more to cap tomes
Wasn't Zenos written by a woman?
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I queued up, got skipped, had battle bred I pop up, it was clowntown, and it was over in under 3 minutes. I'm out.
Yeah and the gooners eat it up, they even give RCE privileges on their computers via Mare
does sophie ever do anything with his life man he's afk at the 'eds 24/7
Yes, exactly. As I said the rushed, almost nonexistent Spheeeeen had more understandable, compelling motivations to fight the WoL than combatfag.
my husbando
It's not a bad thing but I could never be a good wife... as much as I love it, the constant affection would explode me. I'm sure you will find someone more deserving...
killing u
u are now on my shitpost list
he invites pedophiles to his mtg discord
I dunno man, but it's pretty cute.
mahjong practicers in q?
I know people would call me "durr hurr fujo lover retard" but Ishikawa is an incredible writer for making a character like Zenos work, not by changing him but by doubling and even tripling down on his characters traits.
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Hi Korbo!
Zenos haters = cringe, fat, balding, tranny, women
Zenos enjoyers = cool, fit, head full of hair, cis gendered, men
Anyone who says Ishikawa is a bad writer is just being a contrarian and/or an incel
>doesn't want the free dolphin porn
I don't give constant affection, I need peace and quiet too. But I will give you bursts of affection and love and maybe other things..
I want you.
as my wife
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What DC?
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How many terror bites are we talking because I'm not opening a link for anything less than three.
give me a kiss slut
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I'm a 27 year old virgin. All my friend have had sex besides me.
My male middie is gonna try to sleep early today
Good night..
smooch (I just drank poison)
Do I need to be on the needed role to get the clusters from alliance raid roulette or is it only the gil reward?
if you're not the needed role you don't get the needed role bonus
wuh oh my fem middie is suddenly seeing double
crystal mahjong
no no no no ACK
weird thing to say when people keep saying you posted illegal stuff on chen
My heart... a cruel fate. ;_;
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6:00 ET CC
yeah i'm not ending on thaaat
Uhm it's been 31days since I have subbed. How come I can't login during the free game time?
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Oh this top is cute! And not on something people use for everything else in game.
How is it so cruel? come get in my lap right now, princess, you're clearly overdue for petting and being told how pretty you are.
When a woman writes the story, we get characters like Emet Selch

When a man writes the story, we get Zero and Wuk Lamat
She fantad though so this is old.
they will never comprehend this, theyre too gay
The writer for DT is a tranny, doesn't count.
i kneel before our fujo overlords
Japan has trannies?
>peaking areola
No he's not, hes a fat jap theatre kid
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It's been 30days, why can't I log in?
Yeah but Zero was cool.
Acording to my twitter feed: Yes, and they usually get neutered to look more femenine.
insane gaslight attempt
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Gaius: patriot, clear motivations, empire-builder and RTS enthusiast
Thordan: caught in a forever war. Despite the wrongs of Thordan's lineage, he creates a compelling case for not relenting to alien monsters.
Nidhogg: unique perception of time always has him seeing the death of his sister at the hands of mortals. Clear, understandable motivations. Embodies the messages and themes of HW.
Emet-selch: patriotic, race supremacist who only values his own kind's existence. He is the model protagonist in his own story and will do anything to see his people restored.

Zenos: Retard too retarded to die. Only lives because fujoshi writer sloshes to him.
Mona clone
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What the fuck bro
Trannies are still men, you must accept this. Actions do not change that reality, fags r men, trannies are mostly men and most of all pedos are mostly men.
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i genuinely hate most of you but i'm trapped here because i prefer the imageboard format for discussing video games
i genuinely love most of you but i'm trapped here and forced to see "discussion" about video games
i know shit is dire whenever i'm bored enough to entertain going to lb14
Only reason I liked endwalker. Come to think of it, she might be the only npc I genuinely like.
PLEASE stop playing fucking brd you're so shit at it
;_; b-but...
Zenos was written by a man.
god I miss Zero so much
Well... I'm not home and I'm phone posting... so thats a big issue... I'm really sorry anon.
Nuthing happening here, I don't recommend it tonight
zero was fine when she was introduced but her entire arc was a slog that didnt really go anywhere
i will now pick up BRD
his level of sex could never be created by a skinnyfat balding japanese man
i feel like i'm too social for it anyways. any time i go i willingly chat in /say to people who are in cliques i'm not and i think they get uncomfortable having to talk to a "stranger"
This Goblez just went from bad guy to good guy after all his minions died lol
just bred another femra
right, I should go SCH next match to make it 4v5 for my team
Oda isn't skinny fat or bald I'm pretty sure.
Yeah, another shit character to add to this list. Luckily for him though, Ishikawa was able to elevate him when she got her hands on him and gave him a good farewell
I wonder just how much of youtube is real now
this nier alliance raid is filled with redditors....dear god why
Did you ever get your soder pup? cool bun word btw
uh-oh cc melty
I'm phoneposting too..
I didn't expect you to meet me in game right now, since obviously I couldn't, but maybe we could sometime? I think you're sweet and deserving of affection, so I would like to whisper dangerous words to you another time too.
it's one thing to main a job but when you're a traffic cone out there you'd be more useful queuing down
based you'll get some free wins
sch is not much more useful but at least its buffs have some value and it's easier to play
better yet pick up a real job
I can fix this
CC D-d-d-d-d-oko da?
She didn't write anything for him that wasn't already set in stone during SB, though. He was already perfect, she merely borrowed him.
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Notice how when Zenos is mentioned, the tranny, in their self imposed impotence, kicks and screams in rage. "He's a bad villain!" they cry out. "He just wants to fight!" they lament. Indeed, the tranny cannot handle the concept of war or battle in a game which centers around it. A counterpart to our character in the story. Nay, they reject this in pitiful shit-filled diaper rage, cursing it because it doesn't conform to the trannies desire to play a shitty visual novel.
>he meant pvp
oh thankg od ;_:
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7.1 in one month
how about you go back to quitting the game tiktoksi?
I hated Zenos as a character, but seeing the even worse shit that came afterwards makes me miss him.
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EHEHE MY TURN (for a bit until I eep)

big chunks of shit are coming out of my asshole right now
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if you turn your history off and build your feed by subscriptions it's a much better experience, would be worth making a burner channel to act as a reset.
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Gaius is for men who appreciate war stories and combat done with multiple combatants
Zenos appeals to edgy incels as a self insert and to fujos.
>She doesn't like glowie algo recommendations
tsk tsk tsk
Good Game!
Get trapped in a feedback loop way too easy and it doesn't give you much room to get out
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If I have to fight against lalafells I'm going to go back to playing Morrowind they make the game so frustrating.
all my rapemeat
Sorry anon but I'm fairly strict with myself on not taking my yearn posting in game so I'm afraid not...
A constant feedback loop of fun :3
That is understandable. Well in spirit I will pet you, and whisper nice things to you. I hope you'll have a good rest of your night in the embrace of my arms, my pretty princess. Good girl.
You too anon, thank you... >~<

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