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#1871 - Home for the Holidays edition

Halo Infinite's 19th Battle Pass, "Operation Snowbound", is live until December 3rd

Halo Info:
>Latest Infinite Update (12/3)
>Latest Community Update (11/27)

Halo News:
>Keith David interested in returning to voice The Arbiter
>Halo 2 Digsite E3 2003 Demo Released:
>Halo 5's Campaign was canceled for PC due to technical issues

Previous >>505611057
I'm playing Halo MCC right now.
Just quit the lobby after getting into a game with RubberDukky4702, I knew I was no match
I'm playing Call of Duty

sleep comfy halobros gn
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You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #1871

>Previous Thread
>>505611057 - Operation Snowbound
campaign is awful desu
have a good eepy night night :3
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w e b m
Black Ops 6 has a better campaigners than any nu-Halo game
>reach BTB heavies match
>were losing but its fun
>reach BTB DMR slayer match
>were winning but its not fun
funny that
I wish Reach and 3 BTB were not the only games in MCC that are not on life support.
Im so tired of waiting 5 minutes to get in a Halo 2 match only to have it be against the same clan group as the previous match
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I played a lot of MCC today and barely saw the same player twice.
MCC is still alive and kicking. Doomsayers BTFO and vetoed.
and then you woke up
Sleep is for fags
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The DMR is probably THE most OP starter gun in the series not even the Halo 1 pistol, 2’s BR, 4’s boltshot or 5’s magnum does as much damage to its game’s sandbox as the DMR does. It’s kinda crazy that armor lock got so much shit back in the day when its minuscule compared to the damage the DMR does.
we don't say that here
The Endless has arrived
but sleep early
>343 digits
Every person with a brain was calling aggressive bloom on precision weapons fucking retarded
I doubt it and I don't really like nu-Halos
5's magnum is worse.
It renders the entire Sandbox obsolete.
without the bloom it's even worse
it actually is
it even has a Halo warthog level
You do not play Halo.
That's true but also a consequence of the fact that the game was designed around a retarded mechanic in the first place
Reach would have been better if the DMR was just H3's BR.
Feels like it was Bungie's final "fuck you" to Microsoft.
>5's magnum is worse.
The weapon sandbox definitely, but the DMR is worse overall because it damages the vehicle sandbox too.
>Feels like it was Bungie's final "fuck you" to Microsoft.
Bungie has always been utterly fucking retarded reigned in by a few people who know what they are doing. Reach is the way it is because they thought it was the "solution" to the BR dominance of 2 and 3.
Even H3 is filled with "wtf, why?" elements.
Even full bloom, pre-TU, DMR is more dominant of its respective sandbox than the H3 BR. What the fuck were they thinking?
>"hmm the br was too dominant in 2 and 3, lets make a new weapon for reach"
>make it effectively hitscan
>give it range larger than the maps
>bloom mechanic was so poorly thought out that spamming it and letting jesus take the wheel was the correct way to use it
>it also has anti-vehicle capabilites too to make sure btb is just as unfun as 4v4
I so very badly want to know what they thought they were doing. Was it that fucker Luke Smith?
Bloom is an OK mechanic.
The DMR's biggest problem is its effective range.
>>bloom mechanic was so poorly thought out that spamming it and letting jesus take the wheel was the correct way to use it
This just isn't true.
Bloom is not an OK mechanic for single shot weapons, at least not to the degree that base Reach had it as. 85% bloom was better but either way the gun is fucked due to its hitscan range
It isn't on average but the problem is there are absolutely times when people get bullshit 5 shots even while spamming. You can realistically roll the dice and expect positive results in Reach especially because strafe inertia and top movement speed are marginally nerfed too so aiming is just easier to begin with
Infinite has issues but the Commando is a much better implementation of bloom because of how punishing the accuracy offset is due to the retarded strafe mechanics and how fast the bloom resets. Holding the trigger on someone and hoping a perfect 7 shot comes through is a much dumber decision here than pacing shots. The worst case scenario of a perfect RNG kill is still possible but way way less realistic than it was in Reach
>single shot weapons
You mean semi-auto?
Anyway, we've been over this in this general. Making the already overpowered starting precision weapon even more overpowered by reducing the bloom was a bad change.
It made Reach's multiplayer less fun for me and I can guarantee I've got a better sense of what makes Halo fun than you do.
Still, you're talking about close range encounters, and there are plenty of close range options with a faster ttk.
Reach's default bloom slowed the pace of distance combat, which was good, because the rest of the sandbox was balanced around that pace.
>You mean semi-auto?
>Making the already overpowered starting precision weapon even more overpowered by reducing the bloom was a bad change.
They were both bad, you just trade consistency for oppressiveness in that case. BTB gets fucked hard by 85% bloom while 4s and 2s get fucked by vanilla bloom
>and I can guarantee I've got a better sense of what makes Halo fun than you do.
Reeks of insecurity, please don't post anything like this again
>Reeks of insecurity, please don't post anything like this again
I have a better sense of what makes Halo fun than you do.
You're arguing to reduce the bloom on the DMR.
>Still, you're talking about close range encounters,
No, I'm talking about mid-range encounters as well. In short given Reach's movement mechanics bloom wasn't aggressive enough to make getting value out of spamming unrealistic. The Command is a good demonstration of how that could be implemented but the requisite movement mechanics introduce a whole host of their own problems
Perfect kill times don't tell the whole story either as Reach removed bleedthrough melees which sapped a lot of utility out of the auto rush mechanic
>which was good,
It was bad
>because the rest of the sandbox was balanced around that pace.
Yes, the rest of the sandbox was also bad
Reach is an inferior Halo game
>You're arguing to reduce the bloom on the DMR.
That is not what I was arguing you cringe-inducing namefag moron, my argument is that Reach is fucked because it was designed around bloom in the first place >>506445634
>I can guarantee I've got a better sense of what makes Halo fun than you do.
Considering I have nearly 19 years of map making experience for Halo, I seriously doubt that.
I know what they were trying to do with bloom, they just failed so utterly that I question how they didn't go "hold up we need to rethink this" in the pre-alpha stage.
I hope you die cringing reading my posts.
These are all my own arguments. I've said all these exact things, although I think the biggest problem with Reach is the introduction of Sprint, forcing the maps to be bigger to accommodate it, creating the need for a weapon like the DMR.
Still, Reach was better with its default bloom than it was with the Title Update.
Why does everyone forget about the Reach Magnum?
With launch settings it could go toe to toe with the DMR at close/mid-range.
See >>506451159
The DMR was created as a counter for Sprint and the larger maps.
Sprint was the problem - which was a symptom of CoD trend chasing.
Can't remember which CoD games were popular before Reach, but I know World at War with the Zombies mode, and at least one of the Black Ops games were out. They were making massive amounts of money.
Adding Sprint and going for the modern military "realism" were financial decisions, likely driven by expectations from Microsoft.

Also it was Sage Merrill responsible for the Reach sandbox, after Jamie Griesemer was fired.
Reach was a truck stop toilet for unused Destiny ideas
eh.... pretty much every problem with Reach ended up in Destiny.
Reach was a Thai prostitute for used Destiny ideas
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>UE5 Halo
>trash developers
Halo is dead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHBBzHSnpwA
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Good question. The DMR would have been way less oppressive(if it wasn't hitscan, of course) if they dropped it into Halo 3 as-is. But they had to also nerf the everloving dogshit out of the AR so that gun is completely useless and the nerfs to precision weapons are undone.
>Why does everyone forget about the Reach Magnum?
Frankly, it sucks. Bad base accuracy, extremely high bloom, and it takes more than half a mag to kill anything. Even in Anniversary settings it's frustrating to use because its range is so bad.
Unironic skill issue.
Swing and a miss.
I was actually grinding out challenges last night.
I disagree.
I like how the shots to kill is the same as the DMR.
Played some Halo 2 last night.
I was in awe of how SMG starts still feel better than Reach and imo even H3.
Halo 2 just feels so fucking clean and tight.
Only bummer was that I was mostly playing with the same people since H2 is pretty dead on MCC. But even then, it's just such a satisfying game to play.
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Halo 2 is the Melee of the series.
The high skill ceiling can be off-putting to casuals but if you're willing to git gud it's the best playing game.
It's still better than most guns in that game, but it feels like shit to use. Bungie didn't understand that games with bloom also had fast TTKs, so you didn't spend so long fighting the game itself over other players.
This but CE. Halo 2 isn't that hard to get into because it still mostly plays like modern Halo.
Shitfinite will never be this fun
Warzone was never good.
>they had to also nerf the everloving dogshit out of the AR so that gun is completely useless
why? I'm mostly a newfag to halo but in CE, it seemed like the AR was a high-mag+low-damage bullet hose and idk what its niche could possibly be besides hosing someone down as you run at them to break their shields so you can melee them when the shields pop. I don't see how that niche could possibly have been so bad that it warranted a nerf across all games since
It really wasn't yeah.
Yes I was there for the scout hog rushes early on. The bullet sponge Warden and the point award system were still retarded
>Warzone was never good.
this, and that includes CoD Warzone. People tricked themselves into thinking the OG release was good because everyone was stuck at home during covid and played it. It was still ass.
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it's a good thing that the games all play differently
If you like Halo X more than Halo Y that's fine, but demanding every Halo game to play like Halo X would be stale and unimaginative.
In Halo 2, they turned the AR into the SMG. It does pretty much the same thing, but has lower damage to compensate for being able to hold 2 of them. The AR was brought back for Halo 3, but was a totally different gun. It had only 32 bullets and a more modest fire rate to differentiate it from the SMG. It had similar damage to CE's AR, but with a longer TTK(about 16 bullets to kill).
For some reason, Bungie thought it would be a good idea to make the AR take 19 bullets to kill a player, but they also changed the shield system so that if you had even 1% shield, it would block all incoming damage. This made melee combos with the gun almost impossible.
based Rockwellposter
I wish Halo 3 had CE's AR.
I don't disagree with this from a macro perspective, but it doesn't mean every game after 2 doesn't still make really retarded balancing decisions.
It would have been a bit much without any other changes. Even CE's weakest weapons totally dominate in other games. Halo 5's SMG was basically equivalent to CE's AR and other guns couldn't fight it up close.
It's not Halo if there aren't questionable balance decisions.
Too many AR fights in 3 end in death trades via melee.
Plus having some weapons just be less applicable in most scenarios just makes it all the more enjoyable when you get a kill with them.
CE's AR with 3's melee system would be ridiculous. 3's melees in general are way too powerful for how much help you're given when performing them.
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I'm glad dual wielding only hurt 2 and 3
It hurt Reach too. They cut dual wielding, but didn't buff the Plasma Rifle or Spiker to compensate for only being able to hold 1.
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fucking kino
the fact that the kill takes the lead for the team is icing on the cake
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that was ten years ago...
This... is now.
litty chief best chief
CEA had such a bizarre advertising strategy.
"The Campaign of the Decade"
Halo CE is a a package deal. The campaign is great but calling it the best campaign in a vacuum from 2000-09 seems a bit ambitious.
CEA is just a weird game. It had support for 3D TVs because people thought those would remain a thing, and it had Kinect support for scanning enemies and even playing the game with several seconds of latency. None of that made it to MCC, of course.
I get the sense that most people who talk about game balance have no idea what they're talking about.
I'll give you some hints.
- If you think the Reach Title Update was a good change, you don't know shit about balance
- If you think 343i games are well balanced, you don't know shit about balance
- If you think CoD games are well balanced, you don't know shit about balance
- If you think balance is about making weaker weapons more powerful, you don't know shit about balance
- If you think balance is about making power weapons less powerful, you don't know shit about balance
- If you think balance is about making all weapons in the sandbox useful, you don't know shit about balance
- If you think any of the starting weapons in the Bungie Halo games should be buffed, you don't know shit about balance
- If you think balance is about making gameplay more comfortable for you, so you can pay less attention to it, you don't know shit about balance
- If you think balance is about whether or not you're having fun, you don't know shit about balance
- If you think balance is an equation to solve, and ESPECIALLY if you think any of the Bungie game's balance can be "solved" ... "if they just made a few small changes" ..., you don't know shit about balance
- If you think you know better than the devs of the first three Halo games, you probably don't know shit about balance
Yeah, I'm not reading all that.
Anyway, pretending to be the authority on what makes good balance while posting with a namefield is an easy way to get your opinions thrown out the door. The more you know.
You've been done

You've done him
you like reach lmaop
Remove the Warrent Officer Grade 3 level cap.
Anonymous opinions are even less valuable, anon.
tier 3 Reach Derangement Syndrome detected.
lack of thumbs detected
>Anonymous opinions are even less valuable
No? It's fucking 4chan, retard.
i am NOT a hinge
>my opinion matters more because... IT JUST DOES OK!?
You're not gonna last long here at this rate
You literally have it backwards lel
This isn't reddit
They somehow nerfed the spiker by reducing its damage. I shit you not.
I don't know if it does less damage overall, but they made it deal plasma damage for some reason.
Tell us what good balance is, namefag. Since you believe you're an expert on the subject.
Hey guys

utility weapon
It takes 3 more shots to kill compared to H3' spiker, which sucks. So yeah, nerfed an already bad weapon.

It's pretty rare in matchmaking though. Usually only found on player made maps that made in into the official rotation.
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I never said that. In fact I largely dislike Reach. I've said this before.
4chan is, at its best, a great forum, and anonymity is an asset for a forum which seeks to generate ideas ... but I namefag in this general for a reason.
Ideally, in an anonymous forum, good ideas would rise to the top for their merit: but astroturfing, low intelligence users, disingenuous shitposting ... all facilitated by anonymity ... lower the quality of discourse, and the quality of ideas which are popularized.
"Reach Customs Anon" doesn't exist anywhere else.
"Reach Customs Anon" exists here, because this is a worthwhile place to discuss Halo gameplay at a level of depth the community at large is generally incapable of.
Namefagging creates a continuity of ideas and of conversation.
You might not like my ideas, but precisely because they are attached to my namefaggotry, you can test them yourself, yell at me about it anonymously, and I can tell you whether I think you are wrong.
It has the same base damage, but the damage type ends up making it slightly weaker. The gun was never intended to be used in PVP, but it's just so strange that they went through the trouble of changing it. At least the Plasma Rifle was pretty much left alone to show it was an afterthought.
Namefagging creates nothing because you're a dumbass.
If I could summarize "good balance" in so few words, I wouldn't tell you.
Jaime Griesemer, the sandbox designer for Halo 1, 2, and 3, once described his work balancing Halo as "creating longevity".
To him, it was about creating a game that stays fun for a long time.

An interesting angle: considering more people are playing the original Halo games than are playing Infinite.
I'm smarter than you, and I'm tired of pretending to be average so average people aren't offended.
CE, 2, and 3 each have greatly different design goals. You can't group them as one.
Halo 1, 2, and 3, were primarily balanced by Jaime Griesemer, and he describes balance as "creating longevity".
There is really no significant difference between the balancing of Halo 1, 2, and 3, to the point where you could say "they each have greatly different design goals".
You're going to have to back your bullshit up for it to hold any water.
>There is really no significant difference between the balancing of Halo 1, 2, and 3, to the point where you could say "they each have greatly different design goals".
CE had a completely different idea of balance compared to later games. It's the only game designed to make the player feel truly powerful, and as I said in >>506472463, even the shitty CE guns would be busted in later games.
>You're going to have to back your bullshit up for it to hold any water.
Why? All you've done is appeal to authority.
>bungie did it so that means it's good... even if bungie changed it every game!
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Dr.Sage Merrill, I'm NIGGER.

He wasn't alone.

Uh, you don't get to bring friends.

They are not my friends.

Don't worry, no charge for them.

And, why would I want them?

They were trying to grab ya prize. They work for the pouch spammer, the tacticool artist lead.

Marcus letho?


Get 'em on board, I'll call it in!

The Tittle update I just filed with the agency lists me, my men, Dr.Sage Merrill here, but only one of you. First one to talk gets to stay on my studio! Who paid you to implement sprint? BANG He didn't fly so good! Who wants to try next? Tell me about Marcus letho! Why did he hire the shadowrun director? A lotta loyalty for a hired developer!

Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a Title update.

At least you can talk, who are you?

It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan. No one cared who I was 'til I added the plasma repeater.

If I download the Tittle update, will you die?

It would be extremely painful.

You're a big guy.

For you.

Was getting caught part of your plan?

Of course! Dr.Sage Merrill refused our offer in favor of yours. We had to find out what he told you.

Nothing! I said nothing.

Well congratulations! You got yourselves caught!


Now what's the next step of your master plan?

Crashing this games balance... with no survivors!

Internal NIGGER monologue: No, this can't be happening! I'm in charge here!

Aaaaaahhhh! What are you doing?! Aaahhhhhhhh!

No! They expect one of us in the Wreckage Brother!

Have we started the downfall of halo?

Yes! The motion blur rises... calm down, doctor. Now's not the time for fear. That comes later.

Painfully not funny.
this but unironically.
this is just basic elite theory in a nutshell
>he's replying to himself out of desperation
>>506484412 I'll add: 343i wasn't smart enough, or perhaps didn't care, to design for longevity.
Halo 4 bled players, and 343i never matched the playerbases of 2, 3, and Reach.

343i design decisions were reactionary "Oh players are complaining about bloom! Players are complaining about Armor Lock! Now that we have the keys to the Halo series, we can be the good guys and give the players exactly what they want!"
They pushed the Title Update and completely broke Reach's balance like a bunch of retards.
They put sprint into Halo 4, loadouts, and a ton of other CoD features: but forgot to design a game people would want to play.
CoD games aren't balanced. They're not balanced for longevity: they're designed to be shit out on a yearly basis. Or they were, in their heyday.

>CE had a completely different idea of balance compared to later games.
Well, No. It really doesn't.
>It's the only game designed to make the player feel truly powerful, and as I said in >>506472463, even the shitty CE guns would be busted in later games.
The BR is the Halo CE Magnum reskinned, and the SMGs are the AR reskinned. Mechanically they're virtually identical.
Halo CE weapons have the best sound design and muzzle flares, but don't confuse how the weapons feel with how they operate.
Halo 3 lets you carry a chaingun and fire a shoulder mounted vehicle busting laser: so you're an idiot if you're arguing the Halo sequels weren't meant to make you feel powerful.
>All you've done is appeal to authority.
I'm appealing to the authority of the guy who designed the sandboxes for three of the longest lasting online multiplayer games ever made. Call me crazy, but that seems like a solid move here.
>even if bungie changed it every game!
No, they didn't.
They iterated, they tried to improve, but the core gameplay of those first three Halo games has the same foundation. The same philosophy.
Reach was where it changed.
I should be more explicit about why I want people to post under their own names when reputably feasible: We aren't doing anything wrong. We have nothing to be ashamed of. Using anonymity is what people do when they are doing something wrong or shameful.
>The BR is the Halo CE Magnum reskinned
And half as powerful.
>and the SMGs are the AR reskinned
Same as above, but literally half the damage at the same fire rate. Halo 2's BR just takes twice as long to kill. Even with glitches it's slower than the pistol.
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>All these walls of text to explain why Reach isn’t unbalanced and it’s all the TU’s fault.
Y’all crackas forgot that Reach’s MP map design sucked ass. I remember a fuck ton of maps back in the day where forge maps because the base maps where so ass. If the MP map design wasn't so schizophrenic maybe the dmr wouldn’t be so oppressive but the points still stands.
I am not asking for, nor would I want, other people to use names.
The BR is as powerful as the Magnum, relative to the rest of the Halo 2 sandbox (with the exception of the Carbine).
The SMGs were actually patched. At launch they were each as powerful as the AR, and dual wielding them would double the damage.
Not sure what the patched damage values are, but dual wielding SMGs is roughly equal to the damage value (and roughly equal to the same ammo count) of the Halo CE AR - and this was the design intention.
You're getting caught up in minutia, missing the forest for the trees.
Despite all the apparent changes, Halo 1, 2, and 3 are essentially the same game. The same balance philosophy.
Reach is unbalanced. TU made it worse.
The TU made the DMR more powerful, but the DMR was already the best gun in the game. If anything, it helped the balance because you could use the AR like Halo 3's again.
>The BR is as powerful as the Magnum, relative to the rest of the Halo 2 sandbox
Not everything in a vacuum. That doubled TTK makes a massive difference in how the game is played.
>The SMGs were actually patched. At launch they were each as powerful as the AR, and dual wielding them would double the damage.
No they weren't.
>You're getting caught up in minutia, missing the forest for the trees.
You're the one reaching to find similarities in weapons due to how they fire, while ignoring the effect that higher damage has on how the game is played.
Nah, the TU made things worse.
The namefag is wrong about everything else though and is only hurting his standing here by trying so hard to be pretentious
Be quiet. 2babs are speaking and you must listen.
The TU punished bad positioning and exposed bad map design, that's it.
Thankfully, the namefag isn't wrong.
The biggest problem with the weapons in 2 and 3 is not the balance, the balance isn't what makes the weapons feel less powerful in those games than in CE: it's almost entirely an aesthetic problem.
The sandboxes of 2 and 3 are very well balanced.
But the sound design, muzzle flashes, projectile tracers, and crazy particle effects are all way more exaggerated in Halo 1 than in any of the other games.
As the weapons were reinvented they also became less imaginative and more "grounded military".
The balancing isn't really the problem for 2 and 3.

Balance becomes a problem with Reach.
Weapons feel weak in 2 & 3 because they literally are. It takes between 200 and 250% longer to kill anyone from full shield, and that's in a game where you have way less health.
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Halo was more fun when people knew less about balance and optimal plays
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>The namefag is [...] only hurting his standing here by trying so hard to be pretentious
I am creative.

Reach was less balanced than Halo 3, but TU made it even less balanced: placing all the emphasis on the DMR.

>>The SMGs were actually patched. At launch they were each as powerful as the AR, and dual wielding them would double the damage.
>No they weren't.
>Not everything [is] in a vacuum
That's not a sensical aphorism in this context.
>That doubled TTK makes a massive difference in how the game is played.
No the BR is still basically the second most useful weapon in the sandbox, under the Sniper.
Just like in Halo 1.
>You're the one reaching to find similarities in weapons due to how they fire
The Halo 1 Magnum and the BR are virtually identical, functionally.
Besides the nerf from the change in the vehicle damage system making the BR less useful than the Magnum against vehicles, they are the same weapon relatively speaking, per their respective sandbox.
This isn't my argument btw.
High TTK has almost nothing to do with how powerful a weapon feels to use.
It certainly does.
Easy comparison: BR versus the ODST silenced pistol. BR is a bigger weapon with louder sound effects. They both fire twelve shots and do basically the same amount and type of damage, but the silenced pistol feels like a pea shooter.
Or the AR and dual SMGs. Functionally identical in the sandbox.
That second vid is a great example, since it's comparing the original vs. the anniversary sound effects.
Anniversary sound effects make it sound more powerful.
A bit misguided, since the SMG doesn't look like a weapon that could make a sound that loud, but it's an example of how far the aesthetics go towards creating different impressions of the same weapon.
>They both fire twelve shots and do basically the same amount and type of damage
It's impossible to have a discussion with you when you're so proudly ignorant about the games you talk about.
Nah, he's right.
ODST's pistol did fuck all damage, it only existed for headshots.
You have a lot of trouble when I refer to the fact that things are similar.
I can say "The BR and ODST Magnum are virtually identical" and you'll come back at me with "Yea but they're not actually the same though..."
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That goes for most of the modern internet and game franchises.
>The TU made the DMR more powerful, but the DMR was already the best gun in the game. If anything, it helped the balance because you could use the AR like Halo 3's again.
The AR was nerfed indirectly by the the TU. H3's AR being fucking shit wasn't an example to follow.
Nah, you're wright.
TU NR > TU DMR > Vanilla DMR > Vanilla NR
Making the Needle Rifle THE close range weapon had nothing to do with positioning, you simpleton.
That joke died last thread you autist
Emphasis still placed on DMR since it was a spawning weapon in most playlists.
The AR got better because it could melee combo people. DMR bloom made no difference at any range where you'd want to use the AR.
What's the problem with the Needle Rifle being more useful?
Still funny to me meow.
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>Reacharounds be like
>NOOOO reach balance is actually good it’s just that wordswordswordswords
>5IGMAS be like
>Yes 5 balance is shit after the update. Should have been there for launch faggot.
Saying it does "basically the same amount of damage" is an outright falsehood. They share exactly one trait; they kill with headshots.
The TU made things worse because the game was bad to begin with. In a vacuum the change it made to bloom fixes the issue with overbearing RNG in gunfights. But with the rest of the sandbox in play it offsets the value of that change. Reach is trash compared to H1-3, pure and simple.
Namefagging outside of LFG posts is mental retardation by the way.
The TU improved the game because you were never using anything but the DMR anyway, removing the RNG factor from DMR fights made it feel less shitty.
You idiot have no idea of what you're talking about. Bloom was the only thing preventing the DMR and Needle Rifle from reliably beating an AR user at close range. Now it's 75-25 in favor of the DMR user and 99-1 in favor of the Needle Rifle user. The TU made the AR completely unusable against a precision weapon wielder.
The rest of the sandbox got hit too.
>Bloom was the only thing preventing the DMR and Needle Rifle from reliably beating an AR user at close range
lol, lmao
Learn how cones work before spewing your retardation on the Internet.
You nigger faggot have no experience actually playing Reach and it shows.
For competitive, yes. That's why I said it was a positive in a vacuum. Reach's already bad BTB basically received a retroactive abortion with the TU.
The armor lock change was also creative to be fair but not enough. That shit needed to be removed from the game outside of campaign and Firefight.
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I'll try to explain it in simple terms.
The closer you are to something, the less inaccuracy matters. That's why the AR is (meant to be) good up close. You don't have to worry about its spread.
This is the exact same for any other weapon. The DMR is more reliable at full bloom the closer you get to something. You don't need to pace your shots up close, and nothing will magically make you pace the DMR more than the AR at similar ranges.
MAYBE you'd have a point with the magnum, but the DMR never gets inaccurate enough for bloom to make any significant difference at AR ranges.
The AR is already completely unusable against a precision weapon wielder with have a brain. Its perfect TTK is higher than the DMR for one and moreover Reach has no bleedthrough melee system, meaning that to secure a kill an AR user necessarily has to down shields. No more AR rush (until the TU).
Even outside of competitive, when are you using your AR? I'd just hit Y off spawn if I didn't already have a DMR.
Midwit take.
Bloom mattered a lot in close range (less than 10 meters). You're thinking melee range. As I said, you have no ingame experience.
You failed geometry.
Rarely, but the big problem is that the DMR became far too oppressive at range. Hemmorhage for example went from bad to borderline unplayable. People memed CE's pistol to be a crossmap instakill machine but that's what the DMR actually was before the TU because of its lack of range drop-off and after the TU it cemented its role there.
Here, just to further prove how dumb you are.
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dmr is fine

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I’d rather just play 1,2 and 3 than Reach anytime. Hell I’d play 2A MP too if it had content.
Who are you quoting? Also people don't just stand still while playing the game.
I'd play H2A if I could see anything.
Let's see your clips of DMR bloom mattering at ranges under 10 meters.
>people don't just stand still
Non-retards can follow people as they move, but that might be a foreign concept to you.
Not Halo.
H2A looks and sounds like trash
Reach is fine
It did before TU, you fucking retard. Which is the whole point of this discussion.
Your analysis video is fucking worthless.
That video isn't using TU settings.
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Yeah but I like it and my opinion is final and objective.
As an FPS, sure. Stacked up against its predecessors though, it's inadequate.
Reachfag's silence is deafening. I guess you shouldn't have admitted to not playing your own game.
The DMR sucks, and I love you.
>Can't remember which CoD games were popular before Reach, but I know World at War with the Zombies mode, and at least one of the Black Ops games were out. They were making massive amounts of money.
CoD4, WaW, MW2, BO1
Says the one that rebalances it every goddamn gamemode you make.
Reach is fine.
>- If you think 343i games are well balanced, you don't know shit about balance
These are generally well balanced at launch (with some notable exceptions...) before the final update that destroys the entire sandbox fags to appeal to compfags that have already moved on.
Infinite is fine.
>These are generally well balanced at launch
The boltshot and H4's DMR would like a discussion with you.
Then they somehow fucked up the sandbox even more by buffing everything else.
You forgot to get rid of your name
I literally was about to complain how we're 17 days into december with no snowball fight but they released it just now

Modding Halo game is fine.
Where's the MCC update, Halo Studios (formerly 343 Industries)?
>he's still seething at his epic victory royale getting cucked by a +37 BEAST
RubberDukky WARPED you
Anon, I'm to one who fought RubberDukky and I find the jokes funny.
He still lost, btw.
I'm reeling in the fact 3babs lost to Reach Custom Anon.
>I'm to one who
Still won, btw.
3babs are fine.
3chads are keeping the spirit of Halo alive by actually playing the game while CEfags and 2plebs bitch and moan about the glory day being long gone.
Unfortunately CE's campaign is just too good. If I'm ever feeling in the mood to play it I just default to campaign instead of multiplayer.
Every Halo released after ODST is trash
Every trash released after ODST is Halo
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cortana or the weapon?
what da scallop
Footfags are not fine.
poop n scoop
Agent Locke? Had sex
Master Chief? Virgin
Sorry incels, Brian Reed wins again
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debunked bigly
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Backsmack sisters...
It always was "assassinated"...
I forgot about the fuarking hydrogen
You win this round Wolfkill
fake news
Not Halo.
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>shitlo 5
If you exclude the campaign, Halo 5 is the best Halo game. Best Firefight, best multiplayer, best customs, best Forge. 343 cooked.
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>Best Firefight
ODST was and still is the best.
>best multiplayer
It's worse than Reach (pejorative).
>best customs
Not Halo.
>best Forge
Still worse than Reach (pejorative).
Who schizo here?
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Me meow :3
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Cats are Halo.
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cuh ahh post
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>best multiplayer
>a game that trying to be everything else, but Halo
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Can Halo be saved?
Yes, but not by Microsoft or Halo Studios (formerly 343 Industries) meow
>Has skibidi toilet
>Does not have skibidi toilet
any questions?
>Microsoft’s CEO: Being an Xbox fan means playing Xbox games on “all your devices”
you VILL play halo on your phone and refrigerator
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Halo on Playstation will save the series
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it’s over.
Go back to /metal/
yeeze drew, so cute >///<
honestly i wanna fuck his sister so bad
>you VILL play halo on your phone and refrigerator
When was the last time that Halo even helped move Xbox console units?
The mother and the girlfriend are better.
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>video about UE5
>next Halo mentioned in video
>comment of a ex shitfinite dev
Oh no no no! Halo 7...It's finished!!!
I'm going to play through CE's campaign with Iron on.
PC ix Xbox confirxmed
windows? on PC only, i mean
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Halo 4's campaign? A masterpiece.
lol no
not a regular
Thanks God.
At least I play Halo unlike them.
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POV: I beat you in a 1v1 and now you're my kitten
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Where do they currently stand?
this guy fell off hard
>Yes 5 balance is shit after the update
I don't know what this one has to do with Reach but regardless it's 100% correct
TU 5 is abysmal
That's fair
below /ourhero/ rubberdukky
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the collapse of halo and xbox has been astounding to witness
While I did see this thread, I didn't originally intend on actually making a special celebration for it. #1871 felt long overdue to me, probably because of the barrage of Halo news and aych gee happenings that went on after HF and 1600. But alas, I want to give something back to y'all.
I joined this place a bit more than a year ago. It was during then that all the shitposting about BTB being broken and Bloons having more players than Shitfinite was happening, and I got heavily invested in learning about everyone here and partaking in the discussion. Not too long after I started my autistic crusade to host lobbies and the rest is history.
From the no mic euros to the shitposting browns, from the humble and modest oldfags to the cancerous femboys, I have accepted all you frequenters as my equals, and maybe even my friends if I'm feeling lucky. I love the incoherent trashtalk and I cherish the few select moments of passion I see in your personalities. Even if Halo never gets played again, I'll still remember all the ridiculous, totally not normal for imageboard standards shit I did with you all.
Take care, Halo General. Maybe one wishful Friday night we'll get to queue up for MCC again.
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>Halo on PS5
oh no no no
Not playing Halo, that's for sure.
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>TU 5 is abysmal
Aww, is baby still mad they gave his crutch a slap on the wrist?
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Halo isn't not being played.
Breakout was great.
They killed it.
The Sandbox had viability.
Now you never need to even pick up power weapons.
The game is straight up inferior to its launch version. Even the temporary beta test playlist that had some halo 3-esq spread for the BR was better.
this is how every company should do it.
Once the game has been out a year or two it's not pushing consoles anymore.
>Now you never need to even pick up power weapons.
? No?
Not him but he's only wrong if
1. "Halo 2 Battle Rifle" is on the map
2. It's Big Team, which admittedly isn't nothing
He sounds like a guy that really hasn't played 5 since Infinite came out. It is true that the TU moved the viability of the magnum further into the one-size-fits-all category, but his argument sounds a bit too hyperbolic still.
Yes. You press Y at the start of the match and that's it.

post your H5 stats now
I'll wait
They didn't even change the pistol, you're literally just mad because they made the SMG slightly less braindead.
I don't have to post shit, assclown.
I'm not even the one debating you. Think of me as a referree.
>he thinks the SMG was the only gun to get nerfed
we get it, you didn't play it
kek this guy doesn't even know what weapons are in Gaylo 5
>you didn't name every weapon so it doesn't count
We get it, you're mad that your crutch guns got very slightly nerfed.
I'll just leave this here
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Talked a big game about game balance earlier today.
Now I'll walk the walk.

Running "Halo 1 Slayer Mod" in the MCC Browser
Join up!
Then you can laugh and tell me why you think you know better than me about balance
change it from 1 to CE and we'll join
lol the no is still pissed that he wasn't crowned king of /hg/ huh?
Dude needs to get laid
>streamer named destiny
>destiny is a bungie game
>bungie made halo
>halo general
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I actually recently finished a 3D printing of one
Nice bloated wrist, Turkey Tom
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Cmon Guys
It's Christmas
Christmas is actually the first night of Channukah this year
These settings are hideous lmao
I'm the king of /hg/ though.
>Dude needs to get laid
lol no
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oh hey a hobbit in /hg/.
You're mad because you lost 2 games to
Out of how many where you couldn't even break 10 kills?
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>Team Slayer
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Leave RubberDukky to me.
are you the troon?
Nah, it's JJAB.
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I'm into adult women actually.
forcing my way in JJAB's butthole
forcing my way into JJAB's male uterus
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You lost 2 of the 3 games we played to the random that joined, and quit after finally winning a game by only 1 point.

Sucking at Halo, something I freely cop to, has nothing to do with whether or not the game is balanced. Whether or not I'm having fun has nothing to do with whether my mods are balanced.
I broke 10 kills (out of the 15 needed to win) in 1 out of 3 of the games we played. Which isn't a terrible average at all when we're going up against a player who was making (You) struggle.
And not only did I break 10 kills, I was 2 kills away from winning a match.

You quit because you were struggling against a guy who was stomping you. I played 8 games today. Most were 3 man FFA. Lost every game.
But I had fun, and never quit.
>reddit spacing
little brother is really undoing all the good grace he's tried for weeks to work up in a single thread
>reddit spacing
Begone, queer.
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What do you mean by 1? I only lost the Prisoner match I joined partway through and the Dammy match.
>Sucking at Halo, something I freely cop to, has nothing to do with whether or not the game is balanced.
Perhaps not, but the your ideas do. And your gametypes have very poor balancing. I don't know what your intentions are, but if they're to make non-pistol weapons worth using you've failed. If it's not the pistol or a power weapon(guns I would pick up in regular Reach anyway), I ignored it.
I get that Reach is very limited in what you're able to pull off, but there's a point where you should just cut your losses.
It's evidence that namefagging is awful in any general. Always some dude who has a melty as soon as his special ID is threatened
Cry about it.
>but the your ideas do
I tried to say both "but your ideas do" and "but the ideas you have do"
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Is there a character that could even possibly TOUCH Yhwach? Let alone defeat him? And I’m not talking about the Yhwach that fought Yamamoto and his over 27,000,000 fahrenheit Zanka No Tachi Bankai a 1,000 years ago during the first Shinigami/Quincy War when he was weaker and didn't have his almighty. Hell, I’m not even talking about Yhwach after performing Auswahlen after 990 years of being sealed away and just receiving his intellect. I’m talking about Yhwach and his Schrift, the "Almighty" with the 2nd iris (which gives him omnipotence and clairvoyance into the distant future allowing him to see everything in the world as well as the events that will unfold), his 3rd iris (which grants him the ability to make all the powers of his SternRitter army, Shinigami and Xcutioners his own power such as Gremmy's Schrift, the "Visionary" which can make imagination a reality, Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu which can cause illusions and Tsukishima's BotE which inserts one's presence into the memories of someone allowing the person to manipulate you) and the power boost of Auswahlen which could change the balance of power to him making him even more powerful, equipped with his Reishi sword (capable of cutting down Yamamoto, the strongest Shinigami of the Seireitei, in half effortlessly) and a giant Reishi bow, Sankt Bogen because he is a master in the Quincy art of using bows and arrows without even using his bows physically, his Blut Arterie (that can make his already powerful sword strikes stronger), his Blut Vene (which grants him protection from Bankai-level attacks), his Blut Vene Anhaben (which can effortlessly block any powerful Hado, even from the RG and its strongest Shinigami, Hyosube Ichibei) and his four Elite royal Guard SternRitter powered up by Auswahlen guarding him and Haschwalth and Uryu at his side (Haschwalth who can literally tip the balance of the battle towards his favor and Uryu, who has a power that SURPASSES Yhwach's power).
Didn't post re: changes to the gametype as I was in the middle of a match, but this is what's changed....

- Damage is set back to 100% damage resistance/100% weapon damage (75% melee damage). This is due to playtesting in Halo CE and noticing differences between explosion behaviors at the lower settings (50% damage resistance/75F% weapon damage) I had been using previously. At those lower settings, explosions were too strong compared to CE: and the tradeoff you get for vehicles behaving more like they do in CE just wasn't worth it.
- Magnum is back to 3 shots-to-kill
- to compensate Magnum bloom is 120% (I can already predict the seethe, but while playing, the slower pace needed to fire the Magnum accurately definitely gave the AR and other weapons a fighting chance)
- Did playtests in Halo CE, and the movement feels so floaty in that game. The default speed settings in Reach are actually 1-1 with the geometry of the anniversary maps. As in it takes the same amount of time to walk from one side of a map to the other in both the CE and Reach versions of any given Anniversary map, using the default CE and Reach movement settings. But CE feels faster, and I'm not sure why. Decided "screw it" and bumped movement speed up to 110%. Also reduced jump height to 60%, and reduced gravity to 50%, which feels more like CE than the 80% jump height, 75% gravity I was already running.
- Per the CE kill penalty to speed, the leader gets 90% speed, 100% gravity, and 105% jump height. Before you seethe, I did extensive playtests in Forge and the 110% to 90% speed reduction, and changes to the jump settings, isn't really noticeable, even though you'd think a 20% reduction in speed would be. You can barely feel it.
- On respawn players get 120% movement speed for 5 seconds, per the Halo CE respawn bonus

Don't act like reddit spacing and namefagging have anything to do with the quality of what I post.
The quality of my posts speak for themselves.
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Dafuq u talkin'bout
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I'm talking about you confusing me for the other guy in the lobby.
>the slower pace needed to fire the Magnum accurately definitely gave the AR and other weapons a fighting chance
When did this ever happen?
The magnum was still too good compared to the weak AR. Magnums on spawn is basically mandatory.
Am I reading this correctly? This guy who supposedly knows better than everyone else is losing by double digits?
He made Reach with a janky magnum, no DMR, and really low jumps.
Oh you're an anon too.

AR works on my machine. Got several kills with the AR against Magnum users at close range.
Next time I could bump Magnum bloom up to 130 or 140% bloom for you, but 120% is already pretty damn high.

3 man slayer really isn't a good test for game balance. Especially when one of the players is awful (seriously idk if it's my internet or completely awful reaction times, or what. ... I was never good at catch).
But you and other anon (who I must apologize to for insulting: he's been a pal), were more closely matched in skill and were very close score-wise.

I had fun and will host more of this gametype.
And no my intention is not to make all weapons useful. I'm doing 3-shot magnum kills for a reason.
If you chill the fuck out I'd be more willing to explain why, but I'm also fine with you seething about ... winning too many matches?
You know you could have just avoided the "I know more than you" bullshit and just argued your position
You basically changed into a clown costume while people were telling you to stop undressing
I appreciate that the maps aren't set up for 1v1, you could fix this with gametype scripting if you really wanted to but it still just felt like Reach with a slightly different fire rate for the pistol.
You made such a big deal about the gametypes and your ideas for balancing, but never explained your positions and your example fell flat.
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My philosophy is funnier.
No opinion
Yea I know about the neutral host scripts, but I like to play Halo despite being bad at it.
Plus, several players joined and quit because they were outskilled: we could have gotten a much larger game going if the random joiners weren't scared off. Maybe the leader needs to be hit with harder nerfs ...

And no I'm not going to explain my position on game balance.
In fact it's one of those things I don't think really can be explained, completely, only using words.
My gametypes explain my balance philosophy.
Not about hosts, but removing stuff like rockets if there aren't enough players.
It was an open lobby. These map choices, forge edits, and the mod itself were designed with 8 man FFA in mind.
>8 man
>came to a general comprised entirely of women
Bros, you're all embarrassing yourselves. Think of the enemy. Our nemesis.
Think of RubberDukky4702.
Will we fight amonst each other, he grows stronger everyday.
+37? Next time it's going to be +43. Then +47 and by God he will be unstoppable.
Embrace your sad fate and retain your nobility. RubberDukky is already beyond you.
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I'm not done. I'm running "Halo 1 Slayer Mod". Join up. I had fun
Only difference in this playlist is I removed Magnum starts.

Some thoughts
- there's a GDC talk I like on Halo: Reach networking, with a pretty good quote. Applies to networked games in general. Something like "Networking is about convincing players of the lie that they're playing a fun game together". Raise this because the Magnum was almost completely useless on my end, both spamming and pacing shots. Not blaming my internet, I know I'm just bad, but I don't take it too seriously because networked games are literally just smoke and mirrors to convince people they're playing the same game in realtime together.
- As it says in the name of the gametype, one of the main goals of this particular gametype is to get Reach to play closer to Halo CE. So no it's not meant to be perfectly balanced, it's meant to play like CE. If I wanted to show you something I thought was "better" balanced I'd be hosting Bangheilios.
- Scripting to remove power weapons with less people is dumb. It just forces stuff to be utility weapon fights. This is a party game. Not a competitive gametype.

>Bloober Team released a genuinely good game before 343
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What are your hopes for Cour 4?
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>/htg/ got a new game before us
The part where final form Atriox travels through the teleporter only to be met with Mendicant Bias strapped to a chair saying "I'd like to welcome you... to my installation" is gonna go hard
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Atriox follows the Spartan Code.
erm, its called being a hecking good spartan
I still have no idea why 343 sharted all over their own gun sounds in Halo 4
Compare the DMR
Me every Monday.
Halo 4’s SFX mixing was just strange in general.
For example Halo 4’s third person sound effects are lot better than the first person sounds.
I miss jjab's twitter
Dual wielding is Halo and all games without it aren't Halo.

Yes, Halo 2 Anniversary is more Halo than Halo CE. Deal with it.
All disagreements to this statement are preemptively vetoed.
you're not even trying cuh
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>That BR
>That Shotgun
>That fucking Rail Gun
I'm not your cuh, buddy.
corny ahh halo bluds
Sorry, I don't speak brown.
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I have just played your game for a few hours and this is my verdict

>Halo CE
probably the best one overall. fun game modes. every match I've had on this has been fun.

>Halo 2
no one plays this

>Halo 3
looks very pretty despite its age, gameplay is okay. very standard. cool maps except the snow one

>Halo 4
extremely ugly

>Halo Reach
the worst one by a lot. every match I've had on this has been extremely bad. half the time I'm dead without ever seeing the other person shoot me. not as ugly as 4 but its trying very hard to be.
Halo 2 sisters...
Not like this...
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Reach is and always will be ass. The only people that like it are zoomers that played it when they were 10. Go to YouTube and 99% of the reach glassing videos are people doing fucking Wikipedia plot summary’s.
opinion disc4rded
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do you think 343 looks at halo infinite with pride?
>played game for a few hours and immediately lands on the correct long term opinion
i don't believe you
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343? Infinite is made by halo studios.
halo is just getting started
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In this house, we believe Halo 1 is the GOAT.
yes 343 love infinite
chief, go with the arbiter, head toward redmond, washington
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>Infinite is free to play
>Naturally many people that have never played halo tries it out for the first time
>obviously they click on the tutorial to get familiar with the game before jumping on MP.
>”mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum ti tum.”
thankfully, Halo is an African blood sport video game
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Halobros... we're going home.
I don't think anyone who worked on the development versions of Infinite still works at Halo Studios, formerly 343 Industries.
This is 4chan, you can type fag
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lol what a f@g
Racistposter, once agai with the longest streak of not being funny.
lvl your racism first, scrub
the Quintessential Halo experience
The post above was vetoed.
>fast = funny
You must be at least 18 years of age or older to use 4chan
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>Page 10
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shut the FUCK UP
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>Hating on our beautiful qweens.
Only when they’re carrying white babies in their womb.
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>mrw this thread
$2300 later, it's finally done
Yes, I'm probably a bigger Halo fan than you
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>Hating on cosplayer off all things.
How do I become a regular if the regulars don't play Halo anymore?
post your cock
No. It's a little over 4 inches when soft and I'm a bit ashamed about it.
I wanna see it
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All of these posts are the same person.
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daerht siht wrm>
outdated terminology
*weezing and grunting*
Fuck..... meeeeeeee.......
Why is halo discussion so dead on Youtube? Halo Infinite was an open world game and the multiplayer gets new maps like every month, plus forge is the best it's ever been but everything is from 2+ years ago at this point
Reminder that Tartarus was going to rape Miranda if /oursocialjusticewarrior/ Arbiter didn't stop him
What is there to actually discuss about Halo now?
Speaking of >>506648125, how many people here are Onyx? You couldn't possibly be talking shit about Infinite while being bad at the game... right?
I've never played a single multiplayer game of Infinite.
The most halo webm I've ever seen
New maps

Secrets from the campaigns

Balance changes

People are still jerking off over Halo 2 which came out 20 fucking years ago
I'll say it. It's becoming really clear people who are good at Halo have difficulty forming any worthwhile or objective opinion about it. What makes it balanced or what makes it fun.
Their opinions always boil down "the gameplay needs to be faster" (usually recommending changes to buff utility weapons) or "this is a change I think would make the game more fair for bad players" (which usually boils down to removing any unpredictable or overtly unfair elements - which coincidentally would force everyone to play the game a single way: boring "pro" gameplay in which everyone only ever uses utility weapons, rockets, or snipers).
If you're good at the game you probably don't know what's fun about it anymore.

This feels like it could be some universal law with a name, like "Godwin's Law"
Because Halo 2 is fun to play.
>boring "pro" gameplay in which everyone only ever uses utility weapons, rockets, or snipers
That's how people play the game already. You wouldn't hear complaints about precision weapons being "OP" if other guns had a purpose.
>I know more because... I'm shit at the game
Your slow morph into a legitimate retard over the last few threads has been fascinating to watch.
Are any of the new maps actually interesting?
Are there any secrets in the campaign that are actually interesting?
Are any of the balance changes not just shuffling around pointless minutia? Or are there any interesting changes being made? Changes to the balance that are controversial and get people discussing it?
Infinite is a boring game made by boring people.

>That's how people play the game already.
Thinking that is ironically a pro player bias, and not worth considering.
Toss that idea out of your head.
Look at it this way, you're saying "everyone already only plays the game in the most standard boring way possible" which is your own choice to ignore everyone who plays the game in any non-standard way.
It's not. it's just nostalgia talking.
H3 on the other hand...
You're not beating the allegation
I saw a niche to fill.
And no, it's not "being a retard" ... I'm doing a thing here.
Eventually you'll get it and thank me.
If I can't kill a guy with a pistol at close range, the AR needs a buff. Same for the Plasma Rifle. Simple as.
There are no such things as utility weapons, besides the Plasma Pistol and Reach's Grenade Launcher. All weapons are "kill bad guy", except some are better at specific ranges and can sometimes do other things.
I ... I read your post, and I find it actually incoherent. One of us might be having a stroke.
Sesnificient, please, don't be a retard.
>Thinking that is ironically a pro player bias, and not worth considering.
No, it's critical thinking. Shit guns are removed because there's no need for decorative guns. But you think of this as an inherent hatred of anything lacking a scope and not wanting more interesting weapons.
I'm assuming you meant to write "If I -can- kill a guy with a pistol at close range..."
But even then, boiling all weapons down to "they kill the bad guy" is some obnoxious reductionism. Plus pretending not to know what utility weapons are.
Someone else is being the retard here.

>Shit guns are removed because there's no need for decorative guns.
Well shit man, why don't we remove videogames entirely?
There's no need for decorative war games, when we could fight actual wars.

Hopefully you bitch slap some sense into yourself.
A well balanced game has shit guns.
Halo is my favorite video game franchise, my favorite halo youtuber is hiddenxperia! I masturbate to his face.
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Is this the halo thread?
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Fuck it, go full retard. Ain't no steering this shit.
Holy based. I was just too good at the game to come up with this argument but I'm glad we have proud shitters to guide us.
This, JJAB proved everyone with H1automag balancing,
>parade around the thread about how you know more than everyone else
>promptly get rectally devastated in your own "fixed' Customs lobbies
>come back saying that actually you know more specifically because you are bad at the game
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Anon, why the fuck any one of us would want to associate with someone who spew these absolutely terrible takes?
There's somewhat of a point there. I don't think it takes being the best player to think about game design. As demonstrated in Infinite, the best players don't necessarily want a game with variety either. They've GA'd pretty much everything but the headshot guns and got rocket spawns nerfed to the point where they barely affect the total number of kills.
Pro players are infamously bad at balance and don't actually want to play Halo.
They want BR teamshotting on Midship, removing item control almost entirely. It's been that way since Halo 4, because at least Reach still had jetpacks.
The GAs were in response to guns not having outplay potential, which makes sense for the highest level of competition in the game. MLG settings have always been different to Ranked settings because Halo isn't designed to maximize competitiveness in every single encounter (except maybe H1 but everything about that game's multiplayer is a happy accident).
That's a very different scenario from "being good at the game generally blinds people from good design". Being bad at the game doesn't preclude you from having good opinions on design. But it is much more helpful to factor in the viewpoint of someone that is good at the game because otherwise a bad player will only be able to hypothesize about how to satisfy the yearnings in higher levels of ranked play. Basically it's easier for a good player to design social settings than it is for a bad player to design ranked settings.
You must not have played in any of my previous gametypes. I've lost in almost every custom game I've hosted.

Creates a dynamic sandbox instead of a static one.
>"I have a shit weapon" -> "I must find a better one"
>"I'm a new player, and I lost the game. Now I am mad." -> "I must find out how to play the game better"

You're so welcome.

I provide custom games, and a perspective you may find enlightening.
Plus I'm funnier than you
>The GAs were in response to guns not having outplay potential
I get that for most of them, and Infinite does have a lot of stupid guns, but to GA shotguns after 3 years of competition? It seems like a slippery slope, what outplay potential does a sniper have? The guns were already limited to having 1 mag and only having 1 in play at a time. They do all this, then beg for a DMR nerf on top of it all.
>That's a very different scenario from "being good at the game generally blinds people from good design"
It's just one example of how competitive settings have been shaped over the past 10 or so years, just trying to make everything into Halo 3. Halo 5 being the only game to really try to break away from that because it's so different at its core.
>>"I have a shit weapon" -> "I must find a better one"
Why can't you just have a good gun and find something that serves a different purpose? Why do you need a shit gun?
Your opinions are contradictory. You want Halo to be a casual party game where nobody cares, but you also want it to follow the footsteps of one of the most hardcore FPS titles(but even the MG in Quake has a lot of purpose despite being your spawn gun).
>But it is much more helpful to factor in the viewpoint of someone that is good at the game because otherwise a bad player will only be able to hypothesize about how to satisfy the yearnings in higher levels of ranked play. Basically it's easier for a good player to design social settings than it is for a bad player to design ranked settings.
Anon, 343i has spent the last 3 flops trying to satisfy "good players" (who are incidentally only mechanically good at the game, not necessarily, polite, fun, or interesting players - traits which could also be described as good).
They have bled the playerbase down to nothing.

Clearly, bending to the demands and whims of "good" players isn't working at all.
>343i has spent the last 3 flops trying to satisfy "good players"
In what way?
>Creates a dynamic sandbox instead of a static one
You do not understand this. Vanilla AR/Pistol starts provide a dynamic sandbox. Your AR barely provides some combat capabilities. Bungie understood this in H3 when they realised that AR only starts were a bad idea and finally added the Magnums.
>"I'm a new player, and I lost the game. Now I am mad." -> "I must find out how to play the game better"
Your AR can't compete with Pistol at close range. Spawning in your gametypes means being completely defenceless. At least the vanilla AR/Pistol spawning combo provide some defence until a player finds a "better" gun.
It's not popular nor relevant
reminder this general is full of spics and niggers
Not him, but H4 map design is clearly much more arena-like than Bungie's. There is barely any breathing room.
The Turbo update was literally done with recommendations from the MLG community.
Halo 4 is the complete antithesis to competitive Halo.
Yet somehow it was made to appeal to MLGfags.
By being not at all what compfags wanted?
Well, it wasn't not 343i fault that MLGfags are unappeasable mongrels. Man, I hate them more than I hate 343i.
But I thought 343 was designing the game for them.
They tried and they failed.
They didn't try at all. They couldn't even provide a no-sprint gametype.
>It seems like a slippery slope, what outplay potential does a sniper have?
It's goes hand in hand with ease of use. There's considerable effort in getting a sniper kill, but barely any in getting a shotgun kill.
>They do all this, then beg for a DMR nerf on top of it all.
The DMR nerf is because of how Infinite's movement works. Because of the instant strafe accel and the DMR being a single shot weapon the game is focused on jiggle peeking and gunfights barely resemble previous Halos.
>just trying to make everything into Halo 3
The pro community threw a shitfit when movement tech got nerfed and the current crop of pros love Halo 5 so I don't think this is it.
>Why can't you just have a good gun and find something that serves a different purpose?
This is like asking "Why can't we remove Auto Rifle starts?" "Why can't every game have Magnum/BR/DMR/[insert utility weapon] starts?"
Answer should be obvious: that shit isn't fun man.

A weapon being objectively superior to another doesn't mean the worse weapon is useless. Maybe you find yourself trapped in a situation where you have the worst guns possible, and you're up against people with power weapons, but with skillful play you beat them all: then the shit gun you have facilitated a cool story "I beat everyone who had better guns than me on luck and skill alone. The stats were against me but I prevailed." That's fun.
When all guns are equal, you don't get that, it's just "I saw and shot you first".

>Your opinions are contradictory. You want Halo to be a casual party game where nobody cares, but you also want it to follow the footsteps of one of the most hardcore FPS titles
1. Yes I want Halo to be a party game. I don't think I've ever said anything about wanting it to be casual. Counterexample from another game: Destiny was very blatantly, obviously, tailored to make sure everyone had a consistent win loss ratio, regardless of skill level.
Even as someone who personally considers himself bad at FPS games, this SUCKED ASS. I hated feeling like whether I won or lost a match of Destiny PvP was determined by skill based matchmaking and Bungie pulling levers behind the scenes to make things "fair".
That's what I would call a casual game. Destiny is full of auto-aim and tons ov variables to make you think you're good at it. It's a turn-off-your-brain zone-out nothing game with no friction. It's casual, and it's also not a party game.
2. If you're referring to Combat Evolve, I consider that to be an ideal party game. Smash Melee is an ideal party game. The fact that these games are played competitively doesn't mean they're not designed to be competitive games.
>When all guns are equal,
No one said this
>Answer should be obvious: that shit isn't fun man.
What's fun about having an additional 5 seconds added to each respawn as you're forced to find a gun to actually play the game?
>A weapon being objectively superior to another doesn't mean the worse weapon is useless.
No, but a weapon having no use makes it useless.
>Maybe you find yourself trapped in a situation where you have the worst guns possible, and you're up against people with power weapons, but with skillful play you beat them all
Maybe, but how often does that happen outside of hypothetical scenarios? More often than not, power weapons are just free kills against those players. Which isn't fun.
Alright, Anon.
I was playing your gametype yesterday on Battle Creek.
The red Anon was on top of one of the bases with his pistol and I was on the ground level. He pinned me down right after I spawned and there was nothing I could do. No amount of burst firing, peak-a-booing or sneaking around would have saved me since his pistol was just so goddamn effective. Your AR is currently worse than useless. At least CE's AR was capable of overwhelming pistol user at close range. Yours can't.
Well that's because it's just Reach's AR, which is one of the most useless guns in the whole series.
Honestly, Reach anon should just start making stuff for Halo 4 if he really wants to change up balance, because that game at least allows for per-weapon tuning.
Is there proof of this? Halopedia doesn't have anything regarding Jason Jones.
The "last second" pistol change was making it spread out if you held the trigger. It doesn't affect the campaign pistol, and even earlier builds that have leaked had the same pistol damage as final.
hiddenxperia is carrying the youtube discussion on his back
that's reach actually
No I don't like 4 better than Reach overall
Are you dumb? Like actually dumb?
Spawning with an AR (AR only) forces you to go into the arena to get a better weapon. This is dynamism.
It also creates a situation where when two players meet with their ARs over a power weapon, one of them will lose. Then you have one player with an AR and another player with the rockets. This is dynamism. This creates a flow of power.
The player with the rockets will probably beat the player with the AR, and the player with the AR has an uphill battle to beat the player with the rocket launcher.
This is dynamic (adjective: (of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress).

When everyone spawns with a useful weapon (like the Magnum), provided everyone has the same level of skill, you get a 50/50 (static) scenario (boring/dull/unfun/pointless/etc).
Static gametypes are also less fun for bad players: if everyone has an equally useful weapon, the less skilled player is going to lose every time. In a dynamic system a bad player might gain an unfair advantage (and have a bit of fun) for a while, before the score evens back to equilibrium state (where the bad player always loses).

>Your AR can't compete with Pistol at close range.
Objectively untrue. I'll pull clips if you keep being a faggot about this.
It's difficult to use at mid-range, useless at long range, but I'd guess the AR in my gametype is more useful at close range than the AR in default Reach.
>Spawning in your gametypes means being completely defenceless
Spawning with an AR-only puts a player at a disadvantage against players in the map with more powerful weapons. This is true.
It's also good design.
I'll remind you we only had 3 players in those matches, and I'm objectively pretty bad at the game, so only 2 players who were good at it.

But also the extreme irony here is that we had Magnum starts in addition to AR-only starts, and everyone complained about the Magnum starts.
>if everyone has an equally useful weapon, the less skilled player is going to lose every time.
Is this not also true when the bad player dies first and loses control of weapons that can actually hurt people?
>Red Anon gets the Rocket Launcher AND sniper rifle on Penance
>stays top and can't be dislodged because all the guns on the lower levels are shit
>pistol spawn is also up there
>people below can't do shit except crawl on the ground and hope for the best
Nice dynamism you got there.
To be fair, I lost that game because I could never find a pistol and kept getting btfo by everyone else with power weapons.
Anon, yea ....
If red anon was on top of the base, and you were on ground level, then you'd be using the AR at mid-to-long range depending on what you're talking about.
Of course the AR is useless at that range.
Why the fuck would you think an AR would outclass a pistol at that range?
Why the fuck would you think an AR would outclass a pistol at that range in a gametype called "Halo 1 Slayer Mod" - which aims to play like Combat Evolved?
Have you played Combat evolved recently?
I will host a custom game in Halo 1 on Beaver Creek with ARs and Magnums specifically so we can play out the exact scenario you are talking about, and you can see which weapon wins in that scenario.

Working as intended.

If you're talking about the AR outclassing the Magnum at close range (as in, within Shotgun/Sword range), yes it does.
No, I would never recommend my AR at mid-range over the magnum.
Maybe your sense of range has been skewed by newer Halo games.
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This IS close range.
Vertically, yes, but still not mid range.
If it was regular slayer (TU or otherwise), even if he had a DMR, my Reach pistol would have given me a chance to fight back. Hell, even the Reach AR could have scared him away.
>Why the fuck would you think an AR would outclass a pistol at that range in a gametype called "Halo 1 Slayer Mod" - which aims to play like Combat Evolved?
It does a poor job of that.
Of course it's true. But it's the difference between a bad player getting a few kills and having fun, vs. getting no kills and having no fun.
Red anon lost on Penance.
I also got 13 kills on Penance (15-to-win in the gametype) - the lowest score of the three players in the match. Penance was one of the most fun matches I had last night.
Green anon also won by only one point: which, if I put myself in green anon's shoes, I imagine it was a struggle. Personally I find close matches where I barely eek out a win to be some of the most fun, but that's just me.
>But it's the difference between a bad player getting a few kills and having fun, vs. getting no kills and having no fun.
You're more likely to have fewer kills when you're unable to adequately defend yourself in any given fight.
That's not shotgun or sword range.
He's also above you, meaning he's far more likely to hit you in the head.
I'm not sure why you think you should win with an AR in that position.
The trick, next time, is don't put yourself in that position.
Ignoring all the things that can't be changed about Reach, how?
I'd say it's better than the Anniversary gametype.
>That's not shotgun or sword range
Melee range isn't close range, Anon.
Don't make it in Reach, because it's too inflexible to make any meaningful changes with gametypes alone.
The thing is, the AR will never win because it has the TTK disadvantage. As long as the pistol guy isn't windmilling, he'll get the kill 100% of the time. The slowed fire rate doesn't make up for the AR's low damage output.
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>Want to watch a lore video about the flood
>Every video is by Hidden Xperia
Anon, a bad player (and I'm speaking generally) is always going to lose no matter what.
Like imagine you're playing Halo with your 5 year kid brother: give him the DMR and he's not going to hit anything because he's 5. It doesn't matter that the DMR is objectively better than the AR, he just can't aim.

Now imagine this scenario. Your kid brother has the rocket launcher.
He kills you.
You spawn in, and it's DMR starts: you're able to kill him quickly and take the rockets.

Now the same scenario with AR starts. Your kid brother has the rocket launcher.
He kills you.
You spawn in with AR-only - your kid brother has a better chance of killing you again, than if you spawned in with the DMR.

Which does your kid brother (who inevitably loses every match if you're playing seriously at all) find more fun?
I'm making it in Reach because as far as I know that's the only option for hosting anything in the custom games browser.
Is there a script editor like Modelo for Halo 4? Can you turn off Sprint in Halo 4? is there a way to make Halo 4 less fucking ugly?
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Our hero.
Now that you mention it, I could actually slow the Magnum's actual rate of fire.
The default Magnum rate of fire is higher than in my gametype: it's set to the Anniversary setting which slows the rate of fire to the rate of the H1 magnum.
But I could adjust that value.
no one else is autistic enough not even installation 00 and Halo Trannon was too autistic and trooned out
>Is there a script editor like Modelo for Halo 4?
Yes. It uses the same scripting language as Reach, with added functionality such as per-weapon tweaking. You can change autoaim, damage, spread, and bloom for each gun.
>Can you turn off Sprint in Halo 4?
Yes, easily. It was always a hidden player trait.
Unfortunately, no. But you can't do that for Reach either.
Reach looks pretty good imo. Better than 4, and better than a lot of Halo 2.
>is there a way to make Halo 4 less fucking ugly?
People are working on that right now I think skaboodlydoodle is doing that for his halo wars mod
You could try, but the Reach AR takes nearly 2 seconds to kill, so you're going to have a really slow magnum. At that point, you'd likely be better off ditching your attempts at remaking CE.
If it's not clear: I'm not interested in using mods.
Running these games in the MCC browser.
Is the Warthog on Turf/Icebox the biggest ruse of all time? That thing is a death trap.
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Pictured, the Icebox warthog in its natural habitat.
Why was Bungie so quick to abandon vehicles on smaller maps?
I blame MLGfags.
But the best MLG games had 4v4 maps with vehicles, while the worst ones did not.
Enough time has passed.
It's time to admit Halo 4 was the best campaign and Halo 5 was the best multiplayer.
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mentally ill reach tranny

halo 5 mp and customs were sovl and fun, simple as
The post above was vetoed.
im a bong too i should be s++ bro
bleach is literally, by its very name, the white mans halo thoever
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Any canonically BLEACHED Halo characters?
Halo bros... The Endless poster is a filthy Canadian...
Yeah his name is Wizards0nly.
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my name is Wizards0nly, the one who will rob you of everything...
Aizen (temporarily) outplaying Yhwach is a better written moment than anything in Halo
awful dont post that here
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The UNSC lost this war months ago. Your people are broken, scattered, hunted, defeated, by me. I wish I could tell you it was difficult, but it wasn't. We are one step ahead, always. The ring is already under our control, soon the Auditorium as well. The Harbinger and the Banished share the same goal. We fight together to honor the will of Atriox. But... without challenge I grow weary. Lost. Alone. But... here you now stand. This is my last fight. A true test of legend. Our story will outlive us both. Set a fire in your heart, Spartan. Bare your fangs. Fight hard. Die well.
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The missile pod is pure garbage
The Hydra is better.
Skill issue.
You can't kill a player while using the missile pod. That's pretty cringe, senpai.
Did more playtests. Paid closer attention to the timings of the Halo CE magnum, and found something interesting.

What I found:
Holding down the trigger, full auto, the Halo CE magnum fires a round once every .26 seconds.
Default Reach magnum fires a round once every .16 seconds.
Reach CE Anniversary settings put a 1.516x multiplier on the rate of fire, bringing the Reach Anniversary Magnum rate of fire to .24 rounds per second: roughly the same rate of fire as firing full auto with the Magnum.

Assuming I've gotten the timings right (I'm doing this by hand with a stopwatch), the Anniversary Magnum, with its 3-shot-to-kill damage multiplier, can kill in .72 seconds (provided every shot lands).
However, you have to factor in Bloom.
Anniversary bloom is 85% default.
Default Reach bloom has a timing of .25 seconds to reset. Meaning, with 3 shots-to-kill damage, even with the player accounting for bloom, the player can hypothetically kill another player in less than a second with default bloom settings: accounting for bloom, 3 accurate shots still takes less than a second.
Anniversary settings almost completely negate bloom as a factor, given that the bloom resets faster than the TTK.

This is not how the Halo CE Magnum behaves at all.

Firing the CE Magnum full auto maximizes its bloom. The time between when you pull the trigger on the Magnum, and when you can fire it again with full accuracy is .53 seconds.
This means the bloom fully resets on the Halo CE Magnum at over twice the time it takes for bloom on the Magnum to reset in default Reach (.25 to .53 seconds).

Now with the way all of this is calculated in-game, and with the limitations of Modelo (it rounds multiplier values to strange numbers), I can't replicate the CE Magnum exactly.
On top of this, the CE Magnum - as many people point out, including myself - is overpowered.

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Default Reach Magnum has a TTK of 1.6 seconds.
So I've set the Magnum in my gametype to have a maximum full-auto RoF of 1 round per .334 seconds (.074 seconds longer than the Halo CE default full auto RoF). This means, if RNG is in your favor, it will take 1.002 seconds to kill with this magnum.
It's not exactly clear to me how bloom is scaled, but inputting 160% bloom in Modelo gives the Magnum a bloom-reset-to-full-accuracy timing of roughly .56 seconds.
This brings the Magnum TTK, if the player is accounting for bloom and not spam-firing, to 1.68 seconds. That's roughly .8 seconds longer than the default Magnum TTK.

So, with this tweak, the Magnum is slower to fire than the Halo CE magnum.
It still kills in 3 shots.
If you're lucky, RNG is in your favor, and the other player isn't moving, you can hypothetically kill a player in 1.002 seconds.
If you're accounting for bloom as you fire, every shot you fire hits, and your last shot is a headshot, you'll kill a player in 1.68 seconds.

The AR kills in 1.8 seconds.
This should be a dramatic change in the way the gametype feels.
>The time between when you pull the trigger on the Magnum, and when you can fire it again with full accuracy is .53 seconds.
Full accuracy is a misnomer. Firing it at max ROF with individual trigger pulls does not incur enough spread to go beyond the interior of the pistol's reticle.
MCC's pistol is also different from OG Xbox's. The spread patterns are different and the fire rate is marginally slower, and yes this is after all of the latest patches. I lost the Twitter video proving it but you can tell instantly from playing on that the pistol is faster and more reliable in the original game than it is in MCC.
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>the CE magnum is overpowered
Sorry, that's been debunked.
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Literally fucking who?
Vengeful Vadam had the best video on it, covering it from both campaign and MP perspectives.
Once again I ask: literally who?
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Anons are complaining about the AR not being able to stand up to the Magnum in my gametype (untrue, but whatever).
And I do agree that with the 32 round Magazine, the Reach AR is less interesting than it should be.
Relative to the Reach AR, the Halo CE Magnum might be considered "overpowered".
I'm giving it a nerf to Rate of Fire and rate-of-bloom reset by a matter of a few point-seconds for my gametype.
I read somewhere that the Halo CE Magnum was actually 4 shots to kill because of a framerate factor.
Or maybe it was 4 shots to kill in the other universe.
At any rate, it isn't relevant to balancing my gametype.
I'm trying to get Reach to feel more like Halo CE without being able to edit any weapon parameters except for the Magnum.
The pistol is only a 4-shot if you don't know about bleedthrough.
According to JJAB, Halo 1 Automag is broken, so it's 4 shots after H1.
I trust JJAB over e-celebs.
>yeeezid, fully naked and sweaty gets off his chair to take a piss
>his sweat still reeking and drooling all over the chair he left
>I take a big sniff
>some of the sweat sucks into my nose, enhancing the boy smell
"Ughhhh nmmmmm"
>I get an instant erection from the ass sweat boysmell and instantly ejaculate
"GujjhOOOOOOHHH OHHHHH...OH...oh...uhhhhohhhh"
>Yeezeid catches me red handed in the act and pins me to the floor with his hands
>he then sits on my cock and starts running his sweaty boy feet in my face
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>That was ten years ago.
>This is now.
Reach Evolved when?
Honestly, H2A is my MP of choice as of late.

Looks good (if a bit flashy), no sprint, no bullshit hit detection, no bad maps, and just easy to pick up and play. Just wish there was more content.

Shame MS didn't bin 343/Halo Studios and just give it to Certain Affinity.
There is potential with player made maps, but the MCC won't ever get updated again so what we got is it.
Is it confirmed it'll never get updated again or will they grovel to us again nearer to the time of Halo 7?

Could at least patch in a Beaver creek remake ffs
Fucking tards
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Halo Studios is in shambles. It can barely meets its money quota with Infinite's microtransactions. You really think they have the time or the interest in updating a game that provides them with zero money, beyond the price of the games themselves?
It's fucking over. We might get an update next year, but I'm not holding my breath.
i prefer more feminine desu
I can wear a dress
Mods are slow as fuck.
The faggot can take his time. He'll delete it before they catch him, but I still hope and get permabanned.
i think that's all he need (dont believe it's you)
he doesnt do anything evil really
I just don't want to see his off-topic faggottery.
evil is anti fun and anti fun is against the spirit of /hg/
He laments Trump's victory for sure
Anyone with a brain should.
He really is that one; he's posted himself many times before.
Don't start with that
Not the one who brought up the former gameshow host.
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I'm gonna play Halo.
more like
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Halo Infinite Elites in Halo 4:
>no one understands it and think it is something else
That's bad game design then.
They didn't have many vehicles that made sense for small scale arenas. Some 8v8 maps in Halo 3 are bad enough with vehicles as it is, I could only imagine how annoying Snowbound or Foundary would be if Bungie or 343 kept the vehicles in the matchmaking version of those maps (in the custom games version of those maps, they both have vehicles that spawn).
Plenty of people understand it, but idiots don't get it.
It's fucking unbalanced. Pretty easy to understand.
You're only proving my point.
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esports and sweat culture ruined modern gaming because now every game has to be centered around
>muh tournament viability
rather than just being fun
>most misunderstood gun in gaming
If you get that title for the gun you designed did something wrong.
Once More With Feeling...

Had meant to run this way earlier, but was hit with a power outage.
"Halo 1 Slayer Mod" is up.

As described in earlier posts, the Magnum has had some drastic changes.
It's still 3 shots to kill, but its max Rate of Fire is slightly slower than the max RoF of the CE Magnum, and its bloom resets at a pace which, if you account for it, slows your rate of fire to a TTK equal to the default Reach Magnum.
If that doesn't make sense: it shoots slower.

Come join up. See how it plays.
Other changes to the gametype, but I might post them later.
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Why yes, I recently came back to Halo.
How could you tell?
As a cheevofag, MCC was incredibly satisfying to get into.
I mean sure loadouts were and are awful for match making. However is there any real reason that they shouldn't exist for customs or special games?
They do allow for a lot more custom games and special modes. Just a shame that there's people who think because something is bad for main MM that it means it shouldn't exist.
How would you implement loadouts in a non-cringe way?
Some Halo fans are retarded sometimes. It took nearly a decade for them to admit that COD actually did have some fun modes. I remember bungie.net halo3 forums hated the idea of gun game because "it wouldn't work for halo"
Honestly the Halo vs Cod pissing contest was always bad
Simple just don't make it a huge focus. Don't put in match making and if you do make it a rare mode. Maybe bring back Invasion...
>Maybe bring back Invasion
god. this is something they absolutely should do. I can't understand why it's only a ranked playlist.
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Snowball Fight is fun, but is there really no way they could have removed/disabled the
>All weapons out of ammo
Flashing on the screen at all times?
Invasion shouldn't just add loadout weapons but loadout classes. Playable marines, grunts, jackals, etc. Each team would even have special classes based off points or objectives. I.E Humans could unlock Master Chief and Banished could have one of the boss characters.
I mean, that'd be cool?
But you're not getting that without mods, and enough people willing to install said mods.
A Battlefront style mode would suck imo, I would rather have classic Invasion.
An Halo Battlefront game could work, but you would need to build the entire game around it.
>page 10
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Does this guy ever make any actual playable mods? Every time he is mentioned here he seems to just port things from one halo to another. Like cool that you made the halo 2 scarab in infinite but why? exactly?
Not really. He's a faggy ass clout modder, so all he does is "HALO X IN HALO Y DAY 464 STREAM!". It impresses the normies but anyone who knows anything about modding Halo sees through his shit.
>h4 pbr shader was made by other people all you need to do it copy it into tags directory
>infinite materials are set up by other people all he does is click to bake textures
>infinite uses the same rigs as h4/h2amp/h5 so zero effort there too
>porting reach animations is literally just copy and paste
And he's using leaked fireteam raven assets too so he can use it as a "oh I can't release anything it's against the EULA, but be sure to donate so I can keep doing this!" shield.
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>And he's using leaked fireteam raven assets too so he can use it as a "oh I can't release anything it's against the EULA.
God that reeks of “P-Please hire me 343!” Shit that I’ve seen from the modders at the official halo discord.
>but be sure to donate so I can keep doing this!"
Patreon has been a disaster for pretty much every modding community.
They're technically playable, if you manage to get 15 other people to install the mod and join your discord/custom lobby.
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Lol. Just like the bunch of idiotic modders on Halo Mods lead by faggot Zedd.
>idiotic modders on Halo Mods lead by faggot Zedd.
**Alexis actually. They banned me for comparing Halo Reborn to all the other countless game dev larping projects that never happen.
He's released a several maps with all the modded assets he's worked on in the past. Some of them haven't been updated in a while and no longer work but I know at least Hugegrass still works, along with the AI desert battle map with the big Covenant turrets and the Scarabs. For a long time his Reach Forge World had a bunch of custom vehicles and working AI, and that was way before steam workshop support got added. He will probably add all the Halo 4 stuff to the workshop once he's done with it, and it will come with a big map to play them on, like all his previous mods.
The Endless
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Micheal bay halo.
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reach was a complete disaster for the halo franchise
Reach is such an enigma of a game in that it has a fuckton of content and most of it is dumb fun. But the fundamental sandbox is just broken to its core. Rendering the entire game with this inescapable massive balancing issue. I have never really experienced a game quite like reach for better and worse.
Reach was designed for Invasion, and the rest of the game is an afterthought.

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