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Welcome to the Super Mario Bros. General, in this kingdom of ours here we discuss everything MARIO! Let's continue the Paisano journey!

/smbg/ #241 - Merry Christmas Edition!


>>Mario News and Releases<

「!」Super Mario Party Jamboree has officially released!
「!」Mario & Luigi: Brothership has officially released!

>Future Release Dates:
「!」Donkey Kong Country Returns HD releases on January 16th, 2025
「!」Super Nintendo World in Orlando Florida opens May 22nd, 2025
「!」Mario Movie 2 -potentially- releases on April 3rd, 2026

>Current News Links:
「!」Donkey Kong Country Returns HD - Overview Trailer
「!」Donkey Kong Country - Super Nintendo World Direct
「!」Super Mario Party Jamboree – Launch Trailer
「!」Mario & Luigi: Brothership Overview Trailer
「!」"Zapper & Score SP" is a Mario-centric light-gun game featured in the Nintendo Museum

>General Paisano Links
>Netplay Guide
> SMA4 level editor (SMA4 Mods - Smaghetti)
>SM64 Mod ROM hacks [ replace () with a dot ]
https://rentry()co/romhacks (Guide for newer players & for interest)

>/smbg/ Anon Interest
/smbg/ link compilation: https://rentry.org/g6233fq8
/smbg/ writeanon compilation: https://rentry.org/tv4fp8q5
https://cytube/r/smbg/ (put a dot between u and b)

> Etc. Interest
Post any SMM2 / SMW levels ya' got!
Share your Strikers club and builds!
SM64coopdx: https://sm64coopdx.com/

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOADdASJnak

New OP Template: https://rentry.org/84xasgm8
Old OP Template: https://rentry.org/kh7oy/raw

Previous World: >>506412334
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a merry chain chomp whistle.
Festive and jolly /smbg/.
I can't believe Peach stole Mario's shoes...
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This means Peach really is a whore.
How do you figure
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How's the Christmas weekend going, /smbg/?

Me? Im resting a painkiller before going back to the commissions grind. Ideally, I would like to spend the rest of the year drawing some Christmas themed Mareach to close the year with a bowtie, but realistically Im going to be grinding commissions for a while. At least Im getting paid, cant complain about that.
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The implication is that she's Fujiko Mine, which means Mario is going to get knocked out.
As always, generally keeping to myself.
Bing bing, humbug, I guess.
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This came out, seeing a movie about a blue pig tomorrow with a friend. Good luck with your commissions and rest easy.
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Got to meet up with someone I haven't seen in a while and have some sexy fun times earlier so I'm feeling real jolly for the holidays.
Yoshit is on the naughty list.
...With Luigi?
Goddamn, he actually did it. He manifested a Luigi tulpa into reality.
Anon... The Luigi at Super Nintendo World is just a guy in a costume... It's not actually the real Luigi...
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If I could manifest Luigi into the real world, that would be a dream come true... But this was someone who's a friend with benefits. He's a real cutie and I was really starting to need it, so I'm glad he decided to visit.
I would never be so crass! Resisting the urge to run up and hug a Luigi mascot costumer would definitely be a test of will for me though, lol.
Have you guys seen this https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=107&v=KnslfMOZ5dY&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fboards.4chan.org%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDIzODUx
saw it here before but forgot to reply
>galaxy without sluggish controls and you can use a controller
So what happens to every mario that dies (whenever they have more than one 1-up ofc)? Does every dead mario share the same afterlife?
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Daisy, my beloved.
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I love Luigi
The long jump is so fucking pathetic in 3D Land that it may as well not exist.
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>had to wait 15 years to be story relevant again after 2007
>ended up as a glorified damsel-in-distress with a last minute appearance
>somehow got even less screentime and dialogue than in galaxy 2 (yes the sequel)
>her retarded animal clone stole her spotlight and showed more personality than she did since 2007
>devs somehow found her "too tall" to be playable/more onscreen
>rosafags of course ate that shit up without complaining
>game sold like shit and was never mentioned again

Well anon? Did you enjoy her first and last role in an RPG?
Maybe someone can help me understand, but I never really got why people were so enamored with her. Everyone defaults to the whole storybook thing, but that's describing a past Rosalina, not the present one. The current one just sort of exists and has nothing interesting to do or say. Peach and Daisy have their own unique flares to them, and even Pauline has been getting more time in the spotlight in recent years. What does Rosalina offer? I'm not asking this to be mean, I genuinely want to understand.
>I never really got why people were so enamored with her.
Female character. That's all a lot of people need.
>but I never really got why people were so enamored with her. Everyone defaults to the whole storybook thing, but that's describing a past Rosalina, not the present one. The current one just sort of exists and has nothing interesting to do or say.
Why do some people keep spewing backwards logic like this. Your past is a part of your character, even the present one cares for her lumas and works with mario to reunite him to his loved ones by any means necessary.
Thank you for your services
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>everyone defaults to storybook despite it having no relevance in party games
I also lost count of how many times twittards accused me for wanting her to ""stay depressed and lonely"" just because I found her boring in spinoffs. The strawmanning is real.

>she's a female
So are the other girls. Difference is that I could tell what those girls' gimmick or "thing" is just by seeing them in party games. Yet and ISTG I could never figure out what Rosalina's thing is supposed to be. Her new voice doesn't help.

Almost like her present "character" doesn't compare to her storybook self at all. If she debuted without a backstory and without that "quiet mom" persona then maybe she wouldn't be that jarring to see in spinoffs.

>Storybook Rosalina is Koizumi's Rosalina
>Modern Rosalina is Miyamoto's Rosalina
>Guess which one was liked more
It's hilarious how much Daisyfags hate Rosalina.
Like most of these shitposters, it's all based on jealousy. Daisy will never get something like the storybook that'll make her loved and more than just orange Peach, so they take out their frustrations on Rosalina.
Please get out of here with that bait nonsense, or is this the part where you start arguing with yourself to try and spin a narrative?
It's always Daisyfags when it comes to the seething hatred of Rosalina that comes from some anons. Normal people don't think twice about Rosalina not having a story in the spin offs, but when they need to put Rosalina down it's suddenly a bad thing when it's not like any other character has one either.
It is weird how it's always focused on Rosalina.
I've never seen this phenomenon of Daisy fans hating on Rosalina, but I guess I just haven't been here long enough. I don't doubt such people exist, but I haven't seen enough of it to assume most of them feel that way.
Maybe if your character didn't become washed out and boring after Galaxy 1 and had it not be for Nintendo removing her interesting points, people would've liked her and not feel like she's forced down people's throats.
Miyamato is a faggot btw
>only daisyfags criticize rosalina
Are you the same autist who makes Rosalina threads everyday on /v/
>That said I genuinely like Rosie,
They're not like you who has a seething hatred of Rosalina, for at her worst being at the same level as Peach and Daisy. That's why you can tell that the hatred is always motivated by something outside of Rosalina herself, because if you hate Rosalina for not having a story in every game that she's in, you should hate every Mario character who's just there to fill up space on a roster.
So how would you keep Rosalina's "interesting points" in the context of a Mario sports or party game where it's pretty much just gameplay?
They're pretty desperate.
Everything about this image reads like a shitpost. The comments about bathing kind of give that away. It's basically the chad vs. virgin meme, but with Mario characters, too tongue in cheek to interpret it as anything but a joke.
It's just how underage Smashfags act.
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Smash fanbase is the ultimate crossover of all of the worst people from every other fanbase, so I'm not surprised stuff like that exists, but it's hardly proof of a grander problem like you're implying. Also there was an anon in this general who straight up admitted he wanted to make fans of Daisy look bad, so there's that to consider. It's very possible you saw posts from that anon making deliberately inflammatory posts about Rosalina just to stir shit. Or maybe it really was a genuine Daisy fan spewing vitriol for whatever fucking reasons. Who fucking knows? Everyone is anonymous and it's borderline impossible to pinpoint who's saying what.
Motivation is where I think it's likely to be (most likely) Daisyfags. There wasn't an insignificant amount of people back when Rosalina was getting things like being in 3D World or Smash that were annoyed that she was getting into games, and not their favorite characters like Daisy, Wario or Waluigi. It's that grudge from Rosalina being in the right place at the right time that makes certain types hate her.
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Well let's try to put the shoe on the other foot for a bit here. Daisy, Wario and Waluigi have been around far longer than Rosalina, so is it really a surprise that fans of those characters would develop a sort of bitterness towards someone much newer who's also getting all these more significant roles in mainline games? I mean just look at what DK fans have to put up with, since we're on the subject.
It's not surprising, but it's not warranted. Wario has had multiple spin off series along with not having a reason to feel Smash envy, and Daisy (in her modern incarnation) and Waluigi only debuted in 2000 compared to Rosalina in 2007, which isn't that long really. Combine that with Daisy getting her Smash fighter and appearing in Wonder and they have no reason to hold a grudge despite them still doing so even now.
I mean I agree that taking the anger out on fans of other characters is stupid. If anything, they should be going after Nintendo for that. I'm just saying it's not hard to see why a fan might develop a complex over having their favorite character essentially ignored or treated as lesser.
The problem is that they never really were aside from arguably Waluigi. In some ways, Rosalina got cucked more than they did. Rosalina got an early Smash appearance and appeared in mainline a couple of times, but when she first debuted she got near consistently cucked out of the spin offs with the exception being Mario Kart.
It took until Mario Party 10 for her to be playable, missing out on Mario Party 9 and Island Tour. She was cucked out of Mario Tennis on the 3DS, was only DLC in Golf 3DS, wasn't included in Strikers until the Switch, and has been cucked out of Mario and Sonic outside of single events in Rio and Tokyo.
It's not very justifiable grudge because it's a kneejerk looking at her bigger appearances and ignoring how she was left out of a lot of games.
I like Cloud and Mario being friends.
A friend's ex was really into Luigi. We still joke he got cucked by Luigi.
>has to be disingenuous
Her role in Sparks of Hope was fine. Being a final boss is more than what other characters get.
Imagine jumping and ground pounding the bros block right into Luigi's skull.
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That's because it really doesn't exist. Maybe for a short time there was a thing over a decade ago, but you're far more likely to find someone shipping the two together than anything else these days.
What are your thoughts on Luigi fans?
They have a terminal case of overrating Luigi while acting like he's underrated.
Can I like Luigi U and Mansion 3 without being considered a simp
Of course. Just don't act like Luigi is some underappreciated gem nobody cares about when he can quite easily win fan polls.
I like tall girls, mommy gf vibes, and her "Slightly Hotter Emo Peach" look. It's really basic. The storybook was cute and charming but it's not something I uphold as a revelatory masterpiece.
I don’t play as Luigi in Luigi U anyway
I just realized there are no new Nintendo games this holiday season. Not just Mario, but Nintendo in general.
Wtf do I buy?
Nintendo has FORGOTTEN about Nintendo...

Buy Sonic X Shadow Generations
That's pretty funny. I used to have a boyfriend a while back, but things didn't quite work out between us so we split. I hope your friend is doing okay.
Brothership counts. I imagine Jamboree is probably the game in all of the Christmas ads though, so it's most likely the "holiday season" game that they're advertising people to play with their family.
Their holiday game is Brothership I think.
Save for Xenoblade Chronicles X and Switch 2 next year, obviously
Actually, I’ve been wondering; DKCR HD is clearly a release meant to tie in with the opening of the DK section of Super Nintendo World in Osaka (I’m going in June, btw), so why isn’t the game releasing this month alongside the park’s opening? The game is just a simple port and clearly done
Strategically stalled to keep attention and awareness maintained. Maybe they think awareness of the theme park will begin to slip in January.
Probably didn't get it done in time.
>Maybe they think awareness of the theme park will begin to slip in January
That does make sense, but have you seen the youtube videos of how crowded the park has been since the DK area opened? There’s a lot of people going in and buying overpriced hot dogs and banana milkshakes and DK plushies and I’ll probably do the same when I visit anyway, there’s a lot of awareness still
What's the merch look like? Kremlings?
Kremlings? Are those a kind of Tiki?
Shop at this timestamp, food at around the 8 minute mark
Geno's game
Oh shit that's a cool mug
so i beat dream team last night, man 3dsanon you are in for a treat when you decide to play that one. there's an area in it that wouldn't be unfitting in metroid prime 2 and its theme is so fucking good. enjoy despair with gyro controls too though, at least you don't have to do it with a mouse.

i wish they did more with the dreamworld though, like the luiginary mechanics are cool but the worlds themselves aren't that interesting except dream's deep. why didn't antasma try to awaken the darkness within luigi in his dreams? for two games now (three if you count brawl) they've hinted at this yet nothing? bowser was right, he really is an idiot who couldn't match up to him if his first idea was basically shadow queen mkii. speaking of bowser, why didn't broque monsieur invite him to the island?
Nah, I think their holiday game is Super Mario Party Jamboree because it's a new Mario Party.
I believe Nintendo has basically retconned Luigi having inner darkness within him as a recognition of that era of games being excessively dark and not that fitting for Nintendo.
Should have ended at 5 seconds
If only we got two brand new Mario games within the last two months..
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I can't believe Nintendo would do this...
>Just don't act like Luigi is some underappreciated gem nobody cares about when he can quite easily win fan polls.
I really don't think any Luigifag acts like this, it is well known how popular he is
>I really don't think any Luigifag acts like this
Not on here much, but there's still the "le underrated" luigi fags on social media.
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The mini mushroom is real
But does it shrink you
If you wanted to practice a sport in the Mario universe, which sport would that be?

I would practice golf.
Kart Racing.
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>put in pic related
>receive a cyclops with three asses
this shit's hilarious
luigi def has some darkness within him, you can throw yoshis off the cliff as him, throw the baby penguin in sm64ds, and he also goes to the underwhere alongside mario in spm
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Mario if he real
Pretty slick driving once he got into the grocery store.
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This is Remi Gaillard, IIRC.
looks poisonous
Why didn't the banana peels and green shells cause the other cars to halt in place and spit around?
That a really fuzzy mushroom
never forget the guy who runs the walmart canada gaming twitter is a massive genofag
I'm not sure if it was this same video but I remember seeing something like this on the early days of YouTube.
Went to San Francisco with my sis
Wanted to just go outside and go sight-seeing to try and get in the holiday mood
Saw the Pikmin bus but couldn't take a picture
Honestly I expected a lot more Nintendo fans desperate for news to theorize over it but surprisingly less people acknowledge it even existing to begin with
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Reminder to all the yumes here, canonically Luigi won't be listening to all yo problems. Just bend over or you'll lose him.
b-bb-but muh headcanon.
Why the FUCK was the wario track in mario kart GP plastered with e gadd.
Either chill or insufferable
Luigi, you big dummy, you're supposed to take your shoes OFF when you come into bed! You're tracking dirt!
Professor E gadd knows how to spread his magnificent work.
i dont like mario kart tour anymore
How come, anon? Are you burned out? Frustrated?
I still enjoy the game even without new content, the frequent changes in what content’s available keeps engagement quite well despite that
Mario kart isnt the kind of game that needs new content 24/7 or else it falls off, its a game youre supposed to play with your friends if you guys want to
He's doing better. We did help him cope I suppose.
>that dk barrel mug

Goddammit, now I'm mad I already visited Osaka this year.
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>Mario kart is the most stressful game in existence
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Luigi cute!
i got into a burnout loop
>ranked on 1st place
>next week completely get raped
>buy the gold pass to get tickets and rubies to buy more parts that are meta and used in ranked
>next tour happens, the cycle happens again
most mobile games have that dumbass cycle and i'm tired of them, i'm slowly getting angry at games
Take a break, play Mario Kart 8 or one of the new Mario games from this year like Jamboree or Brothership or just enjoy your christmas
cant, im a third worlder call center employee so i got no holidays lmao
I'd probably be more inclined to watch him if his voice didn't grate on me so much.
I prefer to play games like this with friends. It's far less stressful, and no one is taking it super seriously.
>>I'd probably be more inclined to watch him if his voice didn't grate on me so much
I have this problem with André. Dude's voice does something to my brain.

This is where boys became men
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Any Mario headcanons that you guys have?
I headcanon that most of the mechs/giant robots in Bowser's army were either built by Bowser Jr. or were built at his behest.
geno and twink joined the star spirits a few years after their adventures
Luigi's cowardice stems from repressed trauma he experienced when he was kidnapped as a baby. Daisy is fluent in a number of different languages and is able to quickly pick up on different customs and cultures. Mario is actually the one who broke things off with Pauline, even though she still harbored feelings for him at the time/spoiler].
Probably isn't in terms of consistent stress. People probably spike high when they get Mario karted.
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Several, let me go by characters.
>Mario: Selfless to a fault. Loves being dependable even if it means he is overworking himself. His biggest fear is letting people down. Has a love-hate relationship with his life prior to living in the Mushroom Kingdom.
>Luigi: Jack of All Trades when it comes to hobbies, always doing something creative. His favorite hobbies are tabletop games, papercrafts and gardening. Doesn't mind being Mario's shadow, but loathes not being acknowledged.
>Peach: Chronic daydreamer. Constantly loses herself in her thoughts at random intervals. Very utopic and optimistic in mindset, almost to a fault. Adamantly believes Bowser will have a change of heart eventually.
>Daisy: Thrill seeker by nature. Can't stand staying still for too long and boredom is the bane of her existence. Often keeps herself busy with gardening and exercise/sports. Kind of terrified of Rosalina.
>Rosalina: Adores children with a might and will do anything to make them happy, even dressing herself as a clown and make puppet shows. Master of lots of different musical instruments, but lost motivation to play them a long time ago.
>Pauline: Constantly gets tormented by her past and uses Mario as a mean to make up to her phantoms. Has a degree in laws. Still has feelings for Mario. Current in-universe Donkey Kong World Record holder.
>Bowser: Knows how to deliver harsh love to his minions and they like it. Believes himself to be smarter than he is. A bit of Tsundere. Likes to spoil Junior even at the expenses of his army.
>Wario: Loves treasure hunting for the sole purpose of acquiring things he likes, regardless of value. Empirical mechanic, learned through trial and error, really good at it. Genuinely doesn't care about women.
>Waluigi: Ladies man wannabee. Huge narcissist that often projects his flaws onto others. Wants to learn arts solely for the purpose of getting money, fame and women. Refers to himself in third person almost exclusively.
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So Peach was just about to abandon Mario on the moon? Yes, I'm from 2017.
>Boo reaction pic
Stealing this.
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you know he owns the moon, right? and considering the rest of his land is on an island, he's had seven years to colonize more of space with starship mario.
for the record grodus's head and crump were later taken to court for illegally building on his private property.
He owns that moon, not the moon he was almost stranded on. They're pretty different looking.
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Peaceful protesting your reply.
it's been 20 years, he can do some remodeling. it doesn't smile anymore though after mario crashed a star into it.
>Peaceful protesting
p u f f y
I feel like some of these are already canon.
so i'm replaying bis but since my circle pad and a button are inconsistent i'm emulating it on melonds but the screen transitions are taking forever. how do i fix this? there's someone else who also had this issue and he fixed it with a line of code but what do i do with it? i put it at the end of the toml file but nothing happened except my settings got reset. tried desmume and the screen transitions are normal but the filter looks like ass compared to melonds's even though they have more of them.
okay tried it again on my old version's ini file (0.9.5), it still didn't work but thankfully it didn't reset anything.
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Nice thread, Mariobabs.
Thanks, it really is nice!
How are you and your thread?
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The usual.
Based, mario party too.
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Does Miyamoto's son suck at vidya?
With the Moon's low gravity he probably could just jump back to Earth.
A lot of people accostumed to 2D Mario games found SM64 "intimidating" back in the day which is why 2D games were brought back years later.
The Power Stars and Shines like Power Moons originated from rocks that came from space akin Moon Rocks, this is supported by Cappy thinking that the Power Stars in Mushroom Kingdom are just Power Moons with a different shape.
And nowadays it's almost a hard rule that 3D sells better than 2D. I wonder what changed.
It's literally just 2D being perceived as primitive and inferior by the dull-witted masses.
okay so i did some research and apparently you can just download pull request code off github which might fix it but how do you do that? do you need an account?
Merry Christmas all! :)
It really isn't considering 2D games sell consistently well, 3D games sell better only when there's no alternative.
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I don't know about that.
>The first 3D-plane Kirby is the best-selling in the series
>Odyssey easily sold better than Wonder and Mario Maker 2, which never would've happened during the Wii days
>3D Zelda sells way, way better than 2D Zelda now
>3D Sonic sells better, Superstars flopped and Mania only sold a million
>Metroid Prime 4 will (probably) outsell Dread and Prime 1 was the best-selling game in the series before it
Not that I prefer 3D over 2D every time.
New 3d dk game when?
Sonic 3D's games are shat on a lot, through.
Not a good example
Huh, Mario general?
>>The first 3D-plane Kirby is the best-selling in the series
That's because Kirby's games sales are rising overall. The best selling Kirby game was the very first one(now on second place), the third best selling one is the one that came right before the 3D one.
>>Odyssey easily sold better than Wonder and Mario Maker 2, which never would've happened during the Wii days
Mario Maker isn't a normal 2D Mario by any means and Wonder came out 6 years later.
>>3D Zelda sells way, way better than 2D Zelda now
Which has always been the case and "2D Zelda" hasn't existed for decades now.
>>3D Sonic sells better, Superstars flopped and Mania only sold a million
Sonic's sales are all over the place and quality-wise they are nowhere near as consistent as Mario let alone Kirby.
>>Metroid Prime 4 will (probably) outsell Dread and Prime 1 was the best-selling game in the series before it
That's said about every other Metroid.
You're really bending yourself into a pretzel to try and deny it. Can you not shitpost on Christmas Eve?
The new 3d Mario game is going to be open world isn't it...
Nope, it's going to be 3d world 2
trust me bro.
Cup tracks used for the retro cups in Mario Kart:
>Shell Cup: Mushroom Cup, Flower Cup
>Banana Cup: Mushroom Cup, Flower Cup, Star Cup, Special Cup
>Leaf Cup: Mushroom Cup, Flower Cup, Lightning Cup (SC), Star Cup, Special Cup
>Lightning Cup: Lightning Cup (SC), Star Cup, Special Cup
Super Mario Bros. 3 had budget of $800,000 and a development time of two year with 10 staff. Let that sink in
What's your favorite Mario Kart game and what do you like about it?
frontiers got some mixed reception that leaned positive and shadow gens was universally praised
Dont have one favorite. My favorites are:
>Mario Kart 64
Good tracks and, even though only 8 characters, they were good choices.. It also had the best battle mode.
>Mario Kart Double Dash
Really liked the idea of having two drivers so i dont need to just pick one
>Mario Kart Wii
Good character roster, generally just good gameplay
How cringe is it I kind of hope for people to start Luigiposting at healthcare officials and CEOs until he becomes "problematic" like Pepe or Winnie the Pooh?
that'd be hilarious
Silly anon, it's only problematic when people on "the right" do it.
I saw people got legit mad when Luigi turned out to be right wing or some stupid shit like that.
He isn't even right-wing, and that lasted like ten seconds before people found out more about him.
The consensus right now is that grifters on the right and corpo defenders hate Luigi whilst everyone else likes him.
pretty sure the powers that be would mald anyway, didn't they already put a Pfizer plant as the judge?
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God knows I'm not gonna shed a tear for him but supporting this kind of vigilantism is a terrible idea. When Google or Disney's CEO gets shot I imagine the people who support Luigi's actions will sing a different tune.

The memes are great though.
I don't really care about the lives of billionaires. I like seeing them humbled and reminded of their mortality by someone named Luigi.
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Regardless of what he is, because of how he was sensationalized by the media and weirdos glorifying the murder, there will now be copycats.
Basically how I feel about it, lol.
The normalization of the incalculable number of murders committed by that company is no less troubling than the glorification of this one. Tetris & Dr. Mario (1994).
I don't disagree, I just think he could have done much more good if he hadn't let his anger get in the way of his judgment.
Mario Kart 7: Best overall tracks, most balanced when it comes to weight classes, you can make your own Cup with your four favorite tracks in the order you want, your driving style will affect your Streetpassed Mii's CPU, beating all Expert Staff Ghosts with Luigi (who is a middle weight compared to the lighter and heavier characters exceling at water and ground driving respectively) is the most fun I've ever had with Time Trials in a Mario Kart. Also has my favorite Bowser's Castle.

Here's my Streetpass Cup & Mii stats:
1. Wario Shipyard/Wario's Galleon (Star Cup)
2. Neo Bowser City/Koopa City (Star Cup)
3. Bowser's Castle (Special Cup)
4. SNES Rainbow Road (Lightning Cup)

Mii Title: Star Racer
Chassis: Pipe Frame
Wheels: Wooden, Slim, or Slick
Glider: Beast Glider

You can post yours if you want to.
I wonder if both Shy Guy Bazaar and Toad’s Factory will be in the next iteration of the Shell Cup
Shut up faggot
Maybe as the third and fourth tracks? I could see a Banana or even Leaf Cup Toad's Factory if I'm to be honest.
Mario has logged in.
Mario Kart Wii has the best memories for me.
8, I think it has the best balance of everything.
Thoughts on snow/ice levels throughout the Mario games on this cozy Christmas Eve? Are they a level theme you look forward to in the platformers? How about snow areas in the RPGs?
Also in Japan they had to deal with chip shortages making it difficult for them to have more carts at launch.
But those are a dime a dozen overall even if they're on a good streak, Forces was panned while Mania was being praised everywhere and even games like Colors which were generally well received were still divisive.
Depends, slippery platforms can be annoying but Mario games are generally lenient with her. The recent Mario games had some nice snow/ice areas.
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I’ve always loved the 3D Land snow theme and it’s remix as Snowball Park but nobody seems to really talk about this song
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merry christmas ya buncha n words
>Replying 12 hours after the fact
Please don't shitpost here this Christmas unclefag.
Why do koopa troopas walk everywhere instead of spinning everywhere just like how Mario does with the blue shell power-up?
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It probably makes them dizzy. Remember how Koopa Troopa occasionally had messed up eyes in Super Mario Kart?
>Luigi and Daisy
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Merry christmas, bros
It's Halloween.
Standing under the mistletoe with Luigi...
There'll be something green over your head alright.
King Boo...
Pappa doesn't look too impressed
I am working on a fan game concept for a 3D Wario Land.
Ya guys think pitching the game to Nintendo would be a good idea?
Wario World exists, and I don't think it did too well.
You could just blame the gamecube for its failure.
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Is Super Mario Galaxy actually the first mainline Mario game to have a space level? I can't think of any past Mario games that weren't spinoffs that had them, and I find that to be weird
Mario Land 2 had the moon.
Well Nintendo does tend to go back to previous concepts from time to time even if they failed the first time.
In think Super Mario World for SNES had a secret world in space.
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I'm not sure if the Mario Land games are considered mainline

Not sure if you could count this as space or not since the levels aren't
>I'm not sure if the Mario Land games are considered mainline
They are.
why is this a thing
Rosalina needs a boyfriend.
Considering they introduced Daisy and Wario who both appeared in undoubtedly mainline games, then they probably are.
Isn't there a world on a giant star in space?
Okay then

You mean Star World? I would think that's just a high up mountain in the Mushroom Kingdom or something
*Star Road
We keep sliding down the catalog like it's the penguin slide, what's going on out there?
Probably one of the many gachashit schizos having a melty.
They really need to make a separate board for these guys.
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weird outfit
hot, but weird
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Can Bowser 1CC any Touhou game?
Luigi's in for quite a surprise when she comes down his chimney.
Isn't she cold?
Her nips are showing through her top, so I'd say yes.
Ah. Well that's one mystery solved.
Go team!
He'd have the potential to so for several of them on some of the easier difficulties. But, because of his ego, he'd always play on lunatic, get his ass kicked, and punch his computer screen out of rage, so he would never actually do so.
Peach has LNN'd every game in the series with every character.
>Peach has LNN'd every game in the series with every character.
Through dumb luck I bet.
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She's just that good at vidya.
lewd holiday daisy.
Merry christmas, /smbg/.
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It's-a your turn.
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oh fug it's crimbo
let's go
>shroob kinda rhymes with scrooge
Uh Mario, what are you planning with that shotgun?
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I'd beg to differ kek, but that screenshot is interesting. I always thought Peach would be, out of the main cast, one of the weakest vidya players followed by Bowser. I dont see her making it out of Easy Modo without exhausting all Continues.
Similarly, I think both Mario and Pauline would be on a league of their own in skill, being only rivaled by each other.
Mario is cheating, he sucks at playing games.
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Favorite Mario Golf: Super Rush character?
Peach has been semi-regularly shown to be the best at vidya out of the main cast whenever it's brought up. There are a couple other images of her being obscenely good floating around but I can't find them for the life of me.
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and Luigi is the BEST player out of the entire kingdom.
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Why is white yoshit talking like this?
he's the annoying prehistoric preacher type i think
why did he lie about having fur
Is Nintendo’s refusal to even utter the word “christmas” bothering anybody? It’s not like people will explode if any of Nintendo’s accounts wish people a merry christmas…
Happy Holidays /smbg/, and remember:
Corporations aren't allowed to do that even though everything they do is actually about Christmas and everyone knows it. The marketable concept of "equality" has created this false idea that one of the lesser Jewish holidays and an extremely niche Pan-African Diaspora touchstone that didn't really take off with anyone despite its inventor's noble intentions are ethnic counterparts to Christmas and you dishonor all minorities everywhere if you just say Merry Christmas, but you also can't address the other holidays by name because then it just draws attention to how performative and hollow all this is because nothing your company does actually has anything to do with them, since it's all just Christmas shit. Yoshi's Cookie.
He's allowed to voice his own thoughts on his personal account. He's not a Brand Ambassador like poor Charles.
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Merry Christmas, bros.
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Have a Merry Cave Christmas, bone brain! Remember: Oogtar spelled backwards is Ratgoo!
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Merry Christmas, anons~. Did you get anything special this year?
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Marry Christmas!
In terms of Mario related stuff, I was given a set of those SNES coasters with Mario World and Super Mario Kart being part of the set. I also got the book Retro Gaming by Mike Diver, but I have no idea how good it actually is.
I got Brothership.
Monolith Soft, which is owned by Nintendo, was still able to wish everybody a merry christmas just fine though…
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I bought Boo and Poochy plushies while I was in Tokyo plus the physical Odyssey soundtrack!
But on another note, I’m sad that Nintendo Music means that proper CD soundtrack releases from Nintendo with credits are dead, I’ve collected a lot of Nintendo CDs and I’ve been waiting all this time for MK8 Deluxe to get a CD release, possibly with the original Tour songs on it too, but MK8 Deluxe just being thrown on Nintendo Music means that we’ll probably never see a CD release for it or see the credits for the new songs…
>the producer of dragon quest 3 hd-2d put brothership as his goty
Wouldn't it be funny if the February Direct was another awful dead-end Switch 1 exclusive presentation and they didn't reveal the successor until March or something
I doubt they would wait until the every last second.
based Hayasaka
They have done absolutely everything in their power to delay having to acknowledge the next generation for every extra second they could scrape out for the past 2 years.
I wouldn’t care as long as they give Xenoblade X DE the marketing and attention, heck I’d be happy if they did a direct just for it
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they have zero reason to delay it further after the holiday season.
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What do you fucking know.
They revealed... the time frame in which they are going to reveal the console.
If the leaks end up being real, would that have retroactively counted as a 2024 reveal?
If the rumors are true, it's that Nintendo delayed the reveal of the next switch to push one last full year for the switch and supply concerns.
There're rumors claiming that those rumors were never real.
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the rumor come out: does luigi is gay?
Prince Peasley proves that.
Unless there is another giga leak, both opinions are equally true.
Hey wait, wasn't that one leaker supposed to drop everything he knew on Christmas?
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He posted two pictures. A lot of people think they're AI generated.
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Look at the bottom finger of that hand, it gives away the AI
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>play Brothership for the first time
>keep fucking up and trying to use B to menu Luigi in battle
I feel like I've never had this problem before.
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Would (You) buy these?
Thanks, Santario.
>Ho ho ho
Where are my presents, you fat fuck.
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they all look so good, the cost may be worth it to get all of them
What's with retards and suddenly comparing Sonic 3 movie with fucking Mario 1 movie?
They're both movies using video game IPs and the usual Mario vs Sonic shitflinging.
The thing that pisses me off is that the comparison are disingenuous as all hell, as if a single movie that is mostly setting up the world can be compared to the third movie in a damn trilogy
Like yeah no fucking shit Sonic 3 is better than Mario 1
Typically the first movie in a trilogy is the best one. So if Sonic 3 is better than Mario 1, then Mario is never going to be better than Sonic in the movies.
Absolutely based.
Christmas sales for Jamboree and Brothership are looking great, I see.
Xenoblade X DE should’ve released in December, since the wind blows hard in December….
Why? Between Brothership, Jamboree, and Echoes of Wisdom, we already have a good holiday lineup.
I didn’t buy any of those games, and Nintendo’s lack of a December release is quite noteworthy, almost like they deemed DKCR HD not worthy of the holiday release slot
Jamboree is right there.
Mario Wonder standees already exist though.
They're just a pain in the ass to find.
Saving for Switch 2 launch and Xenoblade X DE, didn’t feel like I needed or was going to play Jamboree or Brothership or Wisdom
>Super Rush
I tend to use Maple, Bowser Jr. with Super POW Woods and Irons, and Paratroopa in 64, TT, and WT respectively. Straight shots make for easy chip-ins. If I'm tryharding then Bowser.
>Typically the first movie in a trilogy is the best one. So if Sonic 3 is better than Mario 1, then Mario is never going to be better than Sonic in the movies.
You are delusional and don't know movie history. Even Sonic 1 mostly said to be the worst out of the 3, and Sonic 3 still has a lot of pacing issues people are noticing, especially at the end.
I'm with you on the comparison being lopsided but the Mario movie is regarded as the patron saint of pacing issues. You don't want to bring that up here.
generally the 1st or 2nd movie (taking all introduced in the first and improving on it) in a trilogy are the best ones. Also I saw a recent post liking both Mario and Sonic movies get around 53K likes vs the disingenuous measuring posts, so it's not all bad out there,
Which is fine, but Jamboree is a certified holiday title.
Yes, Super Rush. I usually use Luigi in all the Mario Golf games, Donkey Kong in 64 and TT, Boo in TT, WT, and Super Rush, and Bowser in WT and Super Rush.
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I finally figured the reason why Peach in a bikini pisses me off so much
And it's not like Odyssey has no big titty nice hips bitches, Pauline literally is a sex goddess in Odyssey
Fellowship of the Ring? Best.
A New Hope? Best.
Raiders of the Lost Ark? Best.
Back to the Future 1? Best.
Jurassic Park 1? Best.
Die Hard 1? Best.
Most trilogies peak in the first movie, with some peaking in the second. None peak in the third.
>the 1st or 2nd movie is usually the best
Yeah I mean sure, but Mario and Sonic are blatantly playing it safe in their first outing by using the most generic plot imaginable (especially Sonic's alien buddy cop story)
It's ridiculous to see people doomposting about the upcoming Mario 2 movie just because Sonic 3 is more exciting than Mario 1, that it will not have the same hype or aura or shit like that
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>BTTF and Raiders being the best
>implying Last Crusade and BTTF3 don't surpass it
Die Hard 3 is arguably better than 1 but I see them as equals.
The problem is that Nintendo is bound to be more restrictive. And while I'm sure there'd be some buzz if the movies somehow got approved to have Waluigi or something, there'd be nothing that could replicate the Sonic movie having Shadow. Shadow awakens something in people that no Mario character can.
Geno could've filled that spot if he had more roles in the games, but he went back to the Square jail after the remake.
I genuinely believe he's the only character that could be deemed "cool" like Shadow.
Of course don't get me wrong, Sonic will always be more exciting movies adaptation than Mario thanks to the former "action shonen" roots compared to latter's "comedic cartoon". But that's the thing, both franchise are clearly different in tone.
If Sonic 3 is able to wowed people with its action scene and its adaptation of SA2 story, then Mario 2's only job is for its writing to be as witty and charming as the RPG games
Would you knock off (golden age) SpongeBob just because Samurai Jack exist?
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Okay, what the actual fuck.
I made the checks, even I got someone else's notes and we both concluded that Peach's model in Odyssey's made sense for all it was worth... and then I see this pic and it suddenly doesn't make sense anymore?
What the fucking fuck is wrong with this stupid model? I'm going back to the drawing board.
Her lips aren't plump, either. The way her lipstick is applied just creates the illusion of fullness. Classic cosmetic trick, lol.
Mario is also action shonen when it wants to be.

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