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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

What went horribly wrong?
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Bitch remake the thread already
>nobody does new event because first one is more "efficient"
Gee thanks Hotta for tying that shit to the story and not removing it when the new one is added.
he's coming back
Literally bricked because I can't continue the event at all until people queue.
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bwo, just ask your crew

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Happy birthday for Izanami, Buzenbo and Leviathan. S version any day now.
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What change did the daily/weekly quests undergo?
Better material reward (gold sigil skill items, warp materials) and a few more missions to gain points.
You can play the other tracks in the music mini-game but they don't garner any rewards. For me that is ok in fact I would say I'm happy that they did include them. Music in AG is one of the things I can say is one of the best.
Game has a nice amount of music with good variety, a shame that it's completely underappreciated.
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Should I use this on Buzenbwo or Shinri?

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Rondo at Rainbow's End reruns next week!
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Mog and Soyuz
Tons of reruns this year
This year has been pretty great for me
Nyakhimov will probably get on the list too
Huan Ch'ang, Hu Pen (cutest daughteru), Soyuz, Poltava, Devonshire, Liverpool, Noshiro/Boise/Kongou/Le Tem muse, Alsace, Mogador, Brennus, U-31, and so far all PR7s
lord knows just how much I love botes
All of them
Chi An
I like all of the PR7 girls too.

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Thread for discussion of Blue Archive's Japanese Server

Did you roll for your cat grill friend?
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you'd be surprised at how much the average anon here doesn't want to slog through torment past 3 teams
or maybe that's just how much lv90 and t9 equips have changed things recently?
I don't feel ready to blow my divine fragments on supports who would otherwise die if they didn't at least have their UE equipped.
Hate torment. I probably would have sneaked through but I sure am glad I don't have to hope.
But none of the units in that comp would require you to blow your fragments
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It took 1.5 years but I finally got her from UE40 to UE50 without spending eligma.

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Penacony is ______ than the Xianzhou Luofu
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>boss of this week's DU is Cirrus
absolute cancer
She got rocked super hard with Firefly + the 100% advance on break hunt blessing, was pretty fun
If I may, avoid this curio combination in DU

Memory Cycle + Self-Consciousness Relaxation

It was a fun run but I don't want to repeat it if possible.
Penacony is dumber than Luofu.

Luofu did basically nothing in the main plotline with its story-driving concept pf immortality. Side quest explored it a bit, but you were basically an inactive observer in nearly all of them.

Penacony tried to do something with its story-driving content of perfectly lifelike virtual reality. Unfortunately, what it did was cutting off every way and method to ever conclusively prove that the rest of the story from now on is happening in the real world, and not in Sunday's illusion. Particularly not when that illusion was supposed to be your perfect dream, and then the "real" ending was even more perfect and saccharine than the "dream" one, just more detailed.
>and then the "real" ending was even more perfect
>Robin and Sunday separated
>Nameless are still dead

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6 Years strong and going! Anniversary still going right now.

musume shooting action game in which you take on the role of commander and assemble a team of up to three "actresses" to take out artificial-looking alien enemies called Vice.

Available on mobile and on PC through DMMGamePlayer.

>PC Download

>Official Website

>Official Twitter

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I hope she gets her hair down this time.
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Punished Nodoka wen
Aw yeah, I finally got her. I remember that one time I wasted like 100 tickets and still couldn't get her.
>got Stellar Meika
>her light skin is tied to the Stellar and recent event outfits
>you can only switch from light to tanned with an accessory but not vice versa
fuck this shitass game, I wanna see her in her swimsuit in light skin

also hammer specialist with a terrible hammer weapon, it's so over
These devs are terrible at making the extra options available.
>Mari/Anna FA hairs are not only tied to the FA character, but also don't work with head accessories (no idea if others are like that as well, don't have 'em)
>All those girls with fully modeled alternate hairstyles that you only get when you put a hat on them

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flipper friends...
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No female kemono, no buy
Only furries I saw people cumming over were the generic pretty wolf butler that kicks alot and the literal bear.
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Exactly, ZZZ is exhibiting symptoms of pic related so, I'm not even gonna bother.
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I’ve finally hoarded 340,001 beads and if I did my math right I should reach 350,000 beads before the end of service with the EX stages and Haunt I have left.

I’ve also been reading unit stories and I want to know if some else feels the same way about a few things. Like when reading the 3 star launch character stories I felt more for the main cast rather than the character the story was for. Also that a fair amount of characters have loose ends at the end of their stories for example Remnith’s sister is still missing, Theriol’s curse was stopped but his village is still crystallized. The stone in Flana’s story started glowing at the end. It just cements the fact that there are too many characters and so much wasted potential.
Yeah, they really shat out too many new characters with seemingly interesting plotlines that went nowhere. That's probably why Ryunon is one of my favorite one-off characters, because he has his entire character arc in just his three episodes and he's better off for it.
I wish they could've introduced more story based alts for characters instead of more seasonal alts that didn't progress story and were just for fanservice, but I suppose they were strapped for cash so they didn't have much of a choice.

>I am forgotten
people just forget the good ass units for their new toys huh? GT is still hella good but everyone dropped them for hybrid toys.
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Oh goodie I can't wait for all the ultra ui ultra gohan ultra ss4 gogeta teams so I can't play the game!
Even if my 10k crystals pull this monke tomorrow (spoiler: they won't) I'm done with pvp at this point. Don't care if I miss out on 1200 cryatals a month nothing is worth the misery of this shit paired with the gohan.
You'd think the devs would learn their lesson about overtuning units but nope.
It's gogetas time baby
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>PUR meta
My Ultra UI Goku stock is going to the moon! shame I'll stop playing right after anni ends as I do every year
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Slowly starting to see the agenda turn on fusing Gogeta blue is so hilarious. There were people seriously comparing him to evoken but it turns out having the ability to ignore bullshit counter gauges is really valuable.
I'm so hyped, I can't wait to pull UL Godgeta with my 7k crystals

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my mommy melodie isn't generic, she can manhandle me
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DAMN imagine just...
Imagine kissing her and getting all her amphibious fluid all over your face.
I would smooch if she didn't have lipstick.
You dont have to worry, those are her wet fish lips

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Praise be to Keikenchi, the only consistently good writer in FGO
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Making a video on it means you can write it off as a business expense.
>Is this game that bad?
This is one of the most rapacious games in mainstream. It's still somehow extremely f2p friendly but it absolutely fucks anyone who has a gambler moment.
It sucks that the whole video game industry is going for the whales, I'd buy way more microtransactions if they were reasonably priced but obviously that doesn't make them enough profit.
Everyone shitting on Musashi, but the biggest crime of Olympus is not getting to see Tesla and Edison team up against Zeus.

Yes I know they'd be oneshot, but how the actual fuck do you not do this???
Gives you a ton of free rolling material, but the super low rates and awful pity system mean you burn through them faster. And once you're out, you need to buy a ton more to keep rolling. It's pretty insidious, honestly.

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Well this is it everyone, we have until Halloween for the game to close
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Can this be any more cringe?

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The second week of the Princess Tour begins.
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I feel like we're in actual EOS mode now, there isn't anyway they made this ridiculously huge update for a game most people dropped.
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Since Singapore Speedway leaves Tour tomorrow and I was in the area, here’s a pic of the area but at sunset, you can see the bridge where the starting line is and various landmarks that are near the start line in the track too
how did this require such a big update?
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the new update fixed some bugs, like the gyro controls not working properly, better performance and the mario tour acr badge correction. the reason why it was so big, it's because it updated unity so you had to redownload updated assets, but by doing so, it changed the api used for resources like the MKT toolbox sync feature, like this anon stated >>1508615, supposedly it's to improve the security, which is why others started speculating that even autoclickers wouldn't work anymore, but mine is still working normally, so does the video recorder widget, so it doesn't seem to affect floating apps
Also, I love how the update still doesn’t fix the Singapore Speedway 1 music glitch where driving into the infinity pool applies the underwater effect to all the track music permanently until you reset the game…

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Beach event ongoing!
Vincent release soon!
Join the battle ranking and earn luxurious rewards!
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Yuffie Sea Cave Crusher :^)
>only a dozen or so ranks above 100
oh well
When's Vincent?
On the 17th

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Come in, season 3 started, it's not very good
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So is Lena even good
>def party buff
Looks like the update today addressed that, no idea how it became an issue in the first place
Lack of QA testing
Tetis challenge meta

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