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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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For those of you who backed it or somehow pirated it, what do you think? I'm about to do the Mine Dungeon from the Beta.
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Yeah, it did a good job of selling why you should care about this conflict without just aping Suikoden 2.
Its not my favourite in overall conflict (I think the FILTHY FILTHY GODWINS are actually one of the sillier main villains in a Suikoden game), but I think V has my favourite MC in terms of overall stakes and personal involvement in the plot. And thats saying a lot since he technically didn't have any main rivals or personal enemies to push him along. Guy really just wanted to save his sister, bring peace to his kingdom and fuck his cute killer child soldier childhood friend.
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Even the far more brief introduction to part 1 went miles to establish something to latch onto. You understood Gremio's worry and Phan's loyalty issues. You didn't spend long with Ted but you understood he was your bro so when he asked what he did of you it felt like a big deal. In 2 you understood you friendship with Jowy and Nanami and even when you where hanging with the mercs you got to see a different side than the one you were used to. Fuck EVEN FUCKING 4 did a better job of setting up your friendships. Even Snowe, shit head that he was, was a better character than literally everyone in your party here. And I can't believe I wrote that sentence. But your relationship with Snowe is well define, has stakes and affects the plot in drastic ways.
If Lian was more like Nanami or Lyon, would you have likes her better?
Don't you dare mention that whore Lian's name in the same sentence as those wonderful ladies.

Let's talk about tactical RPG games.
What are your favorites? What have you played? What's on your backlog?
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Do we mean just like any sort of SRPGs? The only ones I've finished so far are Final Fantasy Tactics and Farland Story. I enjoyed both quite a bit, and started up Majin Tensei last night, which I'm enjoying a lot so far.
Jagged Allaiance 2 is the goat.
I still Love FFT and Der Langrisser/III.
FE4-8 are games I have played a lot.
A lot more tactics and a lot less RPG, Battle Brothers is an amazing game with tons of content.
Troubleshooter story is weird, full of MTL still and weird loot/skills/orbs acquisition, but gameplay is fucking addicting.

Beyond gameplay? Most entries are easy, but SRT series is the reason I learned japanese. If you liekd mecha ever, you cannot go wrong.
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Vandal Hearts 1 is one of my favorite games of all time. Solid story, great mission variety and it doesn't overload you with retarded mechanics and is a very straight forward game.
>but there's a patch now to make it more traditionally affair
fire emblem thracia 776, smt devil survivor 1&2, langrisser 4&5, natural doctrine, yggdra union, front mission 2&4, moekuri

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The perfect videogame.
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>ff8 is my favourite along with 7
>people hate it
to be 100% honest, both 7 and 8 are atrocious games and you should feel bad for liking them.
oh wow i will never recover
just think about it. what are the redeeming qualities of these games? everything about them is awful, they are just bad movies about angsty teenagers rebelling against the government. youre supposed to grow out of this stuff.

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So, Beyond Skyrim Morrowind isn't going to have Silt Striders? Vivec city was destroyed too?

TES V not only took away levitation and spear, but also ruined Vvardenfell.
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not either anon you two were talking to, but it always bummed me out that morrowind had direct mentions of the empire soon falling due to backstabbing within the royal family and then oblivion not only ignores that completely but comes up with such a bland, lame story and setting. it's almost worse than skyrim, but shivering isles gives it a soft spot for me.
>Wulf, Morrowind
The Emperor is getting old. Don't know how much longer he'll hang on. So is the whole Empire, for that matter. Getting old, that is. The Emperor and the legions have held the Empire together for hundreds of years. It's been a good thing, by and large. But maybe it's time for a change. Time for something young and new. What? No idea. Because I'm old. Old dog doesn't get new ideas. But maybe young folks like you should try some new ideas. I don't know. Could be messy. But change is never pretty.
he's Tiber Septim/Talos
>Eno Romari, Tribunal
We realize that the end of the era will bring many changes. We believe that the gates of Oblivion will open, and the multitude of daedra will roam this world freely. Some might tell you that this is a good thing, that we are descended from the daedra and it will be a return to the natural order of things. I know differently, though. The coming age will be a time of great horror.
>Geilir the Mumbling, Bloodmoon
When the dragon dies, the Empire dies. Where is the lost dragon's blood, the Empire's sire? And from the womb of the void, who shall stem the blood tide?
>but shivering isles gives it a soft spot for me
Also, I just recently replayed Oblivion and finished it for the first time, and I really tried to give SI a fair shake, gave it a few hours, couldn't stand it and just noped out. I don't think it aged well, I don't remember it being so bad back in the day.
>it always bummed me out
No guarantee that some court intrigue plot would've been good in the end product. I'm sure people would shit on that too.

Things are always better when left to imagination, and imagination tends to raise expectations unreasonably high.
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these were the dialogue bits i remembered. just generic imperial dialogue i believe. yeah the shit with wolf is wild. such a cool bit. this may make me a fake fan but i actually never got thru all of tribunal. i just couldn't get into how different it felt. in my opinion it feels like a pretty amateurish fan mod. that is cool though to see they did actually set up oblivion there though.

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what went so wrong?
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Nah he’s cool and actually the least gay of all FF characters.
>I don't like the art style therefor everything else is bad
Anti-FF9 tards in a nutshell
Final Fantasy is a series that has always lived and died on its music and artstyle. If one of those is not to the player's tastes, it's perfectly cromulent grounds for dropping the game.
FF9 has the same art director as 12.

Lol. Lmao even.
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its really funny too because their games tend to have half a dozen autosave options and they keep adding new ones
they dont spend that money, youd think "work smarter not harder" would fall to the wayside with the infinite budget gained from Skyrim sales but no- even at the supposed zenith of creativity they still hire a random amount of people to work with random in-house fucked up tools- no single person working at that company is top of the field in anything even when the company can afford to hire a dedicated Japanese mountain spirit to sit in the office and code star systems

Theres literally no reason i can think of for Bethesda to be the way it is in comparison to Rockstar or even fuckin Larian minimum in this day and age
why work hard when you already made it with Skyrim?
consider the following: theres very good games made by one person. If that one person could organise just 10 people to help him out. Would it result in a better, faster produced game.
Now consider these large companies have 1000s of people working at them. They can't even make a game as good as one guy. Something is wrong. Corporate culture is interfering with game development.
A lot of it is also hubris on their part. What worked when it was maybe two dozen guys doesn't work with thousands, especially when you have incompetents like Pagliarulo fostering terrible habits and a worse culture in the development process.

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Shiren Mystery Dungeon 6 is out, post those rescue codes.
Have you beat the main dungeon yet? How far have you gotten?
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i found it https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv344508657
looks like fox shiren will be playable in more dungeons. Faggot ass nico wont let me rewind
also i think storage is being expanded to 960. They're adding time attack mode as well. There was probably more I missed or didn't understand. Everything is coming in a free update.
haha damn I was in the middle of typing most of this stuff. Thanks anon. Seems like a nice free update, hopefully we get new dungeons or characters down the road
I wonder if the postgame Shiren 3 mechanic of playing as Asuka or Sensei solo can be DLC here (i.e., playing as any of Shiren's Companions directly).

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The remake of this guy just game out, so we're having a DRPG thread.
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Just beat EOU1 classic, after beating the post game I'm probably gonna play Potato Flowers next or Wizardry 1-3 SNES. Any good western DRPG recommendations that aren't tile-dancers? Nothing against them I'm just in the mood for stuff closer to Wizardry.
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I was just about to make a thread too, fun series. Probably should have used this pic instead. Its out on Steam, PS5, and the Switch
Elminage Original is okay, my main problem with it is that its dungeons are too large and have too many pointless rooms. I'm finding the dungeons in CoH2 a lot more enjoyable so far.
I don't mind big dungeons, it's fun to explore what I can't stand is the autistic alchemy system, it would be okay if it was sort of optional upgrades but if you want anything good you have to use that shit
>Wizardry 1-3 SNES
don't do that, the campaigns arent even in order

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Post games where the choices aren't obvious pick good choice for good thing and bad choice for bad thing.
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>muh choices
those arent two perfect examples because anyone in universe is going to ask you why you were retarded enough to be a monster hunter and let the ghost out instead of killing it.

there is literally nothing evil about banishing a ghost. its dead you fucking retard its what youre supposed to do, not let them conitinue roaming the earth, additionally, once again- As a monster hunter by profession why are you even considering listening to the gravely voiced tree spirit that just says "trust me bro" as the lesser
evil. youre supposed to use your intuition as a hired Witcher known to deal with trickery from monsters. Same situation with Olgierd, deciding to let a Demon take his soul or not because you dont like him is not a moral dilemma, its whether or not you do your job and get the demon to fuck off from meddling with humans or dont

You barely even understand what a moral ambiguity is and its just aswell you went straight to the extreme of "justifying nigger rape" because you clearly literally dont have an iota of nuance to any single thought about what a moral quandry is.
>anyone in universe is going to ask you why you were retarded enough to be a monster hunter and let the ghost out instead of killing it
Witchers don't kill monsters. That's explained millions of times in every book and game. The monsters are sentient and they're eating humans like a frog eats flies. With that established, Geralt would never kill a ghost. He will always lift the ghost's curse. However, the game tricks you by revealing that it wasn't a ghost the whole time. Hence, the game purposefully hid this information. Geralt knows all monsters in the universe so it doesn't even make sense that he didn't recognize it as a demon.
>You barely even understand what a moral ambiguity is
Nigger you can't even type properly, let alone give an example of moral ambiguity. You might as well be writing these quests.
>Witchers dont kill monsters
aight cool talk, set a new standard for type of absolute spastic drivel youre going to spout about a game where your primary combat is against monsters. fuckin retard lmao
>aight cool talk

>"Evil" imperial path completely prevents the bloodshed and makes town safe and prosperous. You become the richest and most important man in the empire and the duke starts peacefully reforming society
>"Good" rebel path forces you to choose between three shitty outcomes, all of whom guarantee poverty and massive bloodshed
Is there even a single reason to not be a "bad guy"?
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You should go back to leftypol troon
Jeanne literally one of the hottest chicks in gaming.
I kind of fucked up on my priest run but we burned together and it was so fucking kino I refuse to ever touch that part of the game again.

Glad the devs mentioned they dropped their other project and are going back to this setting.
This game has supreme writing, presentation and art direction. It really surprised me, and set the bar very high for other choose your own adventure games.

I wish we had more like this, but for other genres like scifi and high fantasy.
dont care which run is good or bad, imperial nobleman has objectively some of the best scenes
>your father teaching you swordplay in secret
>the scene in chapter 3 at the church where you transition from commoner to noble
>dedicating the tournament to your father and winning
>hot blue babe flicks your balls and you get reputation points for it
>you can keep milking her for reputation and then send her off to the inquisition when youve had enough of her
>getting into the blue book
>the entire duel with otton (reminder that gregor brante alone surpassed a blood tide of dozens of arknians what a fucking g)
>getting in good graces with the overseer
>turning from a shitty backwoods house that people do not like into one of the most exalted and respected of them all in a few decades
>everyone gets a happy ending

simply cannot be beat

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Jesus appeared in the next Final Fantasy.
As a character...or a summon...use your imagination. They already adapt mythology, like Odin. Why not Christ?
What could go wrong? What could go right?
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This Trio might also be inspired by FF3's Xande, Doga and Unei. who were apprentices of "Noah"

Noah is also name dropped in the manual of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Suggesting it's set before the Flood.
"Noah" is also the name of Gabranth.

FF12 is supposed to take place before FFTactics. The races that disappear are explained away in some "Catastrophe" that happened in between. Possibly a flood.
There was almost a FF12-2 called Project Fortress. That might have something to do with "Noah's Ark". Because the antagonist was a Sea King or something that shows up every few 1000s years for reasons.
>argumento Freak
That sounds like one wild sex move.
I'm just recalling what I read. But I think the catastrophe had to do with "cloudstones". My impression was that these floating continents levitated by magnetism, and there was a polar shift. So somestuff went up while others came crashing down.
It could have also been related to FF6's world of ruin, caused by the warring triad.

St.Ajora had warned people that "paradise" was coming. But I'm not sure what that meant.
If Ajora is christianity.
The Kiltias is Judaism. Although it's not strictly Jewish, we associate the Sephiroth with Jewish mysticism.

So we can associate Sephiot the Fiend with Kiltias. Coincidently, in FF14, Sephiot was created by "tree people". Sooo, you know, like the Guado of FFX who took care of the farplane.
The farplane is a sort or afterlife or a "promise land".
We could assume Ajora's "paradise" was some Sephiroth/Seymour genocide. Like Heaven's Gate. Save everyone by killing everyone. And trap their souls in some grand grimoire like Lea Monde. Or a "mother" crystal or nethicite.
I think that rather than going for the crucifix / thorned crown version of him, it would be much more interesting to design his summon in regards to Abrahamic religions as a whole.

>the father, the son, and the holy ghost
3 beings that are one and the same.
>Judaism, Christianity, Islam
3 religions following the same god but just argue the specifics of lore

Jesus summon should have something to do with being 3 entities at once. Perhaps with the themes of justice, judgement and sacrifice tied in as well.

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>WRPG is set in space, the post apocalypse or medieval fantasy
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Cunt, it's not about hating them, I fucking love a good Space Opera, but I would like to see SOMETHING else more often than not.
JRPG in space?
What games?

The only Japanese games that has space is Super Mario Galaxy

JRPG are only post apocalyptic, high school or fantasy.

WRPG has fantasy both high and low, Cyberpunk, steampunk, post apocalyptic, space and even something unorthodox like Undertale and Disco Elysium.
>or fantasy.
you need to be a little more specific in your strawmans
God fucking damn it Japan

A light-hearted JRPG loosely based on the historical age of discovery, where people live on floating islands, and the developers biggest stated goal was to give players the freedom to explore. A unique game with surprising features you'd never expect to find in a JRPG and a rarely matched spirit of adventure. Does Skies of Arcadia still hold up?
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I think one of the biggest reasons I love this game is that every part is just plain cool. Like if you describe every single moment of this game on paper, it sounds fucking rad as shit. I feel like that's a major first step in development that a lot of studios don't get.

Right, but they still figured out they could travel east by going west. You could argue they never made a big deal about sharing the existence of Horteka because they were essentially in the middle of enslaving the natives to strip-mine it for them.

I remember reading fan theories that the purple civilization built their own spaceship and went off into space, while the Silvites chose to stay in orbit because they positioned themselves as this world's caretakers. I wouldn't be surprised if the Purples (who survived the rains of destruction since their kingdom was built beneath the continent) thought the Silvites were assholes for nuking the entire world and just noped off the planet.

(pic unrelated but I do just love how Drachma is ready to kill random strangers at multiple points in the adventure just for convenience)
Man, I really wish we got a sequel. There's a ton of background things that could fit into a new game, like the whole unexplained dark moon stuff.
I've always been uncertain what I'd want them to do for a sequel. I like the idea of revisiting the same world and characters, but at the same time I think everything stands really well as it is and dredging the few remaining points of intrigue up from the depth of Arcadia might take away more than it adds. Part of me just wants something with completely new characters and a new setting.

Although I kinda wouldn't mind the idea of focusing on Vyse's son, or maybe even his grandson, and then we could just have them finally go into space and find other worlds.
I would go with a remake that expend things a bit over a sequel.
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The crew heads back to base to find its under attack by Galcian's armada. He has his own "Fina", a Sylvite named Ramirez, who was swayed to Galcian's cause. He forces us to hand over the moon crystals after bombarding ours stronghold to rubble and reveals that the Sylvites had planned to use them to nuke the planet all along before leaving. Fina doesn't know what to believe, and asks that we use her ship to visit the Sylvites immediately. (and so we do) We break the atmosphere to reach a space station of sorts. Compared to the rest of the locations in the setting its eerily modern looking. Gravity doesn't exist here, and instead we stick to the floor, leading to some pretty interesting architecture for us to traverse. When we finally get to the council of the Sylvites, Fina's suspicions are proven true, and Galcian, along with Ramirez, crash the meeting to slay the elder council member and retrieve the final moon crystal, planning to destroy the world and reform it in their own image, thereby breaking the cycle of destruction and rebirth. After they make their escape, Fina speaks with the remaining councilors and convinces them that by destroying civilation again and again they are running away from their problems, and that mankind must be trusted to overcome these obstacles through strength of character if wish to build a better future. With the council's approval we head back home to stop Galcian.


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How can I improve my RPG make game? I decided to continue working on my game after a two years hiatus. Now I want to turn it into a proper rpg. How can I achieve that?
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I'd like to know as well.
Ah my recurring nightmare. How's tricks schizodev? Will the story still revolve around the dangers of racemixing?
What the fuck is this?
Mongol, a schizo rpg maker game.

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