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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

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>no Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D thread
What the fuck? Isn't this what this board was made for?
Anyway, how is it so far
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why do you need your hand held this fucking hard?
espically on a game that has been around since fucking 1988. the mechanics are industry standard, the terms and setting are standard.

let me guess you got the way points turned on because god forbid you wander to a bad spot for even one trip.....pussy
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>posts ai slop that even gets the signature red boobplate wrong
Is it worth switching to Draconian difficulty? I just got the thief key and the game feels too easy when my party's level 7-8 and able to wipe most battles with the boomerang and woosh. I know complaining about the difficulty at the start of a Dragon Quest game is kinda silly but hopefully the game starts pushing back.
I'm >>3661236.

I got to the bit after the Thief's Key, where you get the bomb and go to the mainland. The dungeon between the island and the mainland is quite a bit tougher than anything before it.

Not mega hard, but I was having to actually think about my actions, and my team were taking some big hits. I couldn't just mash X and rely on thorn whip and boomerang to end the fights instantly.
Is there anyway to change the voice of a created character other than creating another one?

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Summon Night is a good series.
Can we get a thread going?
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Nice! Someone who actually played that one.
So weird how it never escaped Japan. It was a nice change of pace going around a bunch of different towns instead of the usual mega dungeon. I liked Myuno and Rufiru.

Did you emulate the SS games or play them on hardware? Which was your favorite?
>now it's a containment board for rotten eggs.
Aside from that one schizo this thread is pretty nice.
Yeah I played on emulator, 3 I played untranslated cause that was the only option, and I beat it but I didn't really know what was going on. 2 is my favorite, and I recently replayed it just a few days ago actually. I haven't really played much outside of those so I am not the most knowledgeable on this series.
>one schizo
lol your ass got served
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>mfw you still can't play the entire series in English
if you learned moon 30 years ago you'd be able to play all the jrpgs you want by now

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>The Poles have The Witcher.
>The Czechs have Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
>The Slovaks have Felvidek.
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americans are like third worlders to us europeans
germans do it better
>(not necessarily the same people)
everym pb game is almost the exact same thing, it's probably mostly the same people
and Spiders, whether it's good, debatable, but it's definitely eurojank
Germans are castrated fags these days
slovaks made Spellcross,

It’s hard to think of an experience more frustrating than a game that’s ALMOST good. Pic related and Tyranny are key examples of this for me, where clearly the spark is there but it never really gets capitalized on.
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the revised prologue was the nail in the coffin
Did they redo the Encased prologue? That was the only good thing about the game.
yes, and I will forever seethe about it
>have a great prologue that's surprising long enough to allow the player immersive themselves into the world, show pre-collapse dome society, play with game mechanics that vary due to player's skill set, and set up immediate choice/potential future consequences for the post-collapse acts
>run out of money
>completely gut it and replace it with an absolute shit and streamlined 10 minute run-through
>place all the gutted content to post-collapse acts, utterly ruining the pre-collapse immersion and set ups
nothing in the past decade for RPGs has made me more mad
Had they literally scrapped the entire rest of the game it would have made for a better experience.
This was so much more interesting before the collapse.
I did. You have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.

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is the shitty broken junk jet in camp hathor worth the price?
Was I scammed?
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NVM so at around 190 effective you'll have it at 40%. My DEX is at 10 though with 120 put into throwing.
pic below I got a crit off but most things aren't surviving a 3000 damage hit especially if you got an EW off as well
Quick Pockets is one of the best feats and a level 1 grab because of the utility slot. You can bring the full team (Grenade, Flashbang, Net, Taser) while keeping the bonus effect of a non-utility belt, or equip the utility belt to add Poison Caltrop to your party.
I was going to give it to the Faceless, but they told me my memories could have been altered and it could be a trap. So I might as well just give it Ezra. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i usually give it to oculus.
gloria is such a cool option tho
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why stop there?

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Am I gonna regret not levelling my party members evenly?
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you don't have to have everyone completely even, just don't have your backup dudes sorely underleveled because it'll be a pain when your forced to use em
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Not exactly, but do keep in mind Death magic also covers petrification. Without any protection to it this will probably be where you get stonewalled.
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WHY none of you fags told me about this game. I enjoy it, maybe not as much as based Fallout Sonora or Fallout Nevada but its still damn good post apo RPG. Im playing Directors Cut with bugfix mod, having fun n shit
Well fuck me this supposed to be new thread. Now were talking Wastelands 2 here, no japshit allowed
Yeah I got wiped a couple times in the deserted ship from the phantoms. When I broke through the wall and cruised through the rest of the dungeon it was exhilarating.

It's Monday once again. Time to talk about monster collecting and raising games. What mon games have you been playing? What upcoming mon games are you looking forward to?
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Never played those games so I'll have to trust your word.
I never played Genshin or Ark myself either, but just judging by gameplay footage from what I've seen of those and what's been shown of Outlanders, they look like the most fitting comparison.
Heck the only reason to say Genshin instead of Breath of the Wild for Outlanders is that Outlanders is gonna be a Free-to-play mobile game with some kind of monetization, and it's already been confirmed you can play as 'other characters.'
Monster Sanctuary.
Tried it but didn't like it, the mom designs did very little for me
>the mom designs
/mon/ game about collecting and battling milfs when?

>Divinity Original Sin 3 but in Forgotten Realms and with D&D ruleset (meaning zero vibe or orginal games)
>countless of pointless mechanics that the game doesn't need and no one uses anyway
>releases in sorry ass state despite god know how many years in development and 3 years in early access and needs more than a year of patches to be playable (still have bugs)
>cut content they lied about and they couldn't finish because they bit 3 times as much as they could chew
>counting dialogues and in-game cutscenes as "cinematics" to brag how they have thousands of hours of them (in reality game has around 8 minutes of actual cinematics
>1700 endings my ass
>shitty mechanics (present in other Divinity games, that are clunky, chore-ish and reinvent the wheel in worse way possible (chaining character, entire stealing system etc.)
>playable original characters that add very little for replayability and just increase bugs and development time
>desperate attempt to tie this game to Bhaalspawn saga by bringing back old characters The Dead Three and destroying arcs of some of them (Viconia, Sarevok, entire existance of Dark Cuck)
>woke elements (body types, black elves and dwarves, horny companions, the entire persona of Karlach)

Somehow despite all of this game is praised as RPG of the decade and new standard for RPGs.
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I feel ya, the emperor is standing here naked and everyone else is gushing over his clothes.
>criticism of the game I like is disinfo
Holy shit you people are a cult.
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>I feel ya, the emperor is standing here naked and everyone else is gushing
>lawful stupid paladin with 10 int approaches a bloody crossroads strewn with many corpses of tieflings and absolute cultists
>Roll for investigation, DC 14. Success
Not reading all that, but I will say I liked the game
I have to agree. BG3 is extremely overrated trash.

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Does her getting mad help you get sex? If not, how is that winning?
As a vampire you don't get pleasure from sex, unlike owning dumb whores.
He's still updating that patch? Tf, it's done, I remember even years back people were already saying this, that it wasn't really a patch anymore but basically a mod. I too would like more mods for Bloodlines, new stories and whatnot, there's not much of that.
I'd supressed this garbage from my mind. Thank you.
"Only ever played vanilla Bloodlines" chads, we can't stop winning

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Look, I really like Wrath so far (not as much as Kingmaker but it's still good) but one thing I've noticed so far... fucking hell, is every single person of authority or strength a girl-boss? It's kind of absurd at this point. I can accept a couple but it's fucking constant so far, and I'm only up to the start of Chapter 3.
Kingmaker felt a lot more authentic and believable and less cringe, the more I play of Wrath the more I wish I was just replaying Kingmaker (hot take, maybe) because it was just more chill and had less weirdly forced shit in it.
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Golarion powerscaling is wild. It's one thing that one in every ten act 5 demons is on par with a demon lord, but I'm in Inevitable Excess and every kekedon or dream demon could easily eat baphomet for breakfast and deskari for dinner. The universe is supposed to be in balance, right? So does the Hand have an older brother with forty hit dice who could've closed the Wound in an afternoon or is there just a possibility that one succubus sharpshooter could get plopped into the material plane one day and wipe out humanity
Think of everything there as a fever dream and the Perfect Darkness as the manifestation of bad game design
>fucking hell, is every single person of authority or strength a girl-boss?
And all of them except Nocticula and may be Areelu are retards
Don't want to run another Eldritch Scionk, will Charisma-focused Witch subclass will allow me to put some endless lighting show with Azata mythic?
You could just be stigmatized like Ember and wait till you get stormlord gauntlets (heck, any spontaneous charisma caster with the guantless technically works).
One that can wear medium armor by default like oracle may be better so you can use the Hide Armor of Elemental Carnage.

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Is It Joever? have we reached the limits of the unstoppable power of our imagination and CoG having zero quality control?
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>straight twink fuckboys
this is even worse. if youre not gonna let me live out my faggot romance fantasies then at least dont dangle them in front of me :(
>the general is dying
quick, recommend me a horror/schitzo game where I can witness horrors beyond my comprehension
it's joeover, the underages have flooded dashingdon with shitty aislop
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Highlands, Deep Waters
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zaper get back to making that dlc instead of shilling your game you Typewriter monkey. wuv you kisses

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have any of you ever burst out into tears over this scene? as someone who has attempted suicide 6 times, i get it, i lost all hope and thought there was nothing left for me
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nice copypasta, I raise you mine. Three tickets for me, my wife and my wife’s son for the newest A24-produced, genre-redefining, trope-subverting, atmospheric, dark and eerie, emotionally draining, gut wrenching, aesthetically heavy craft by post-horror auteur with an arthouse edge, dread-inducing, suspenseful build up with strong character development and gradual feeling of escalation, bone-chilling slow burn with “say more with less” approach and soul-shaking, blood-curdling, skin-crawling and nerve-wracking exercise in persistently looming dread where tension and anxiety permeates every frame as movie reaches its nail-biting, jaw-clenching and paranoia-inducing final climax, free of any cheap gore, cartoonish CGI or infantile jumpscares horror film, please.
I couldnt save cid my first playthrough, either, so this scene was pretty unexpected. Im not a bitch that cried about it, though.
Do Americans really burst into tears over a video game? How much onions do they drink in a month?
No. Because I'm not gay.
>as someone who has attempted suicide 6 times
Maybe if you get electroshock therapy instead of being a tranny you'll be better off.
You cannot possibly be fucking serious

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Bros! I'm Fucking stoked! 2 of the greatest RPGs of all time being released as a remaster! Shut up and take my money!

I'm literally running around hi-fiving other RPG fans that we are going to expose a new generation to these great games on March 6th of 2025!

Please let us also get a Suikoden III remaster next, and then Suikoden V right after that! We would absolutely Fucking love this!
Dear Konami employee,

This is maybe the half dozen thread I've seen about this.
I don't know why you think advertising on 4chin is a good idea.
All the people who mindlessly beg for 'remakes' and reports only hinders creativity and I haven't seen a new game - an actual new game that isn't just a port all year. The pigs will eat their feed and go to the slaughter without question.

Please forward this to your handlers.
I'm a Fucking RPG fan you Cocksucker! How dare this asshole call me a shill. Bullshit!

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Now that the dust has settled, which one is a better RPG?
Which one was sold better?
Which one has better combat?
Which one has better graphics?
Which one was bigger disappointment?
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You're reading way too much into this. I made this thread, and never made any other. If anything, one of the goals was to contain both game discussions into one thread. The other, I'm really interested into discussion merits of both games, and why they apparently failed. They're both very mediocre, and I can't figure e exactly why. Third. They're both new games, from popular devs, so you can expect people talkling about them. That's also the reason why there are so many threads about them up. Yes, there's many of them, but each has valid discussion in them, along with usual shitposting that you do need to accept if you wish to remain sane around here, and neither of them is disturbing the board too much. If you're pissed that your game isn't getting enough traction, learn to 4chan. Pin your thread. Bump it periodically, at times with meme replies, other times with serious discussion, and you'll see it thrive, as long as it's not some obscure indie game that nobody ever played.
Ill certainly never know.
>Now that the dust has settled, which one is a better RPG?
Metaphor is unfortunately actually a really good JRPG if you play on Hurt Me Plenty
>Which one was sold better?
Probably Dragon Age
>Which one has better combat?
Definitely Metaphor.
>Which one has better graphics?
They're both painfully ugly to look at.
>Which one was bigger disappointment?
I don't find either game particularly disappointing if we're being completely honest. Being disappointed at Dragon Age for being woke or having shitty combat makes no sense to me because it's a Bioware game. It's merely what I expect. Being disappointed in Metaphor for not fully realizing it's calendar or world travel mechanics doesn't make sense because it's an Atlus Persona game. It's merely what I expect.
You don't play RPGs
DAV sold better on PC but Its hard to say which game sold better overall since most Atlus fans are on console, also most people who played metaphor liked it while DAV seems to have gotten quite a few refunds and got quite a bit of hate from longtime fans of the series.

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