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>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok.
You may take shelter and find rest.
He's a kek alright
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As he wandered through the dimly lit forest, the man stumbled upon a clearing where an eerie gathering unfolded before him. A circle of hooded figures, their masks eerily resembling his own face, sat cross-legged, their eyes glinting with an unsettling mirth. In the center, a flickering projector displayed snippets of his private texts, each message met with waves of laughter that echoed unnervingly through the trees. Confusion turned to dread as he realized the depth of their mockery, a twisted reflection of his life laid bare for their amusement. The laughter, both familiar and foreign, sent chills down his spine, and he felt an overwhelming urge to flee, yet he was paralyzed by the surreal horror of the moment.
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>Froggo :3
Does he still ride the tricycle?
The storm still unbeatable?
>We are sorry Wodan.....
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Dr. Broseph Comrade wants to crush your spirit.
Nurse Adamant Eve wants to save your soul.
Celestial temple hands entwined
A jigsaw left unfinished
Failure to understand the nature of something unsolvable
I'm sure it will work this time
Tommy stands alone in a dimly lit room, clutching a worn VHS tape. His eyes are wide, a strange intensity flickering behind them.

"Hey there. You… yeah, you, the one watching. You think it’s all fun and games, huh? Being a baby? It’s not what it seems. You laugh, you play, but no one tells you about the shadows lurking just beyond the laughter.

These tapes… they capture moments, but they also trap us. You see, every time you press play, you’re pulling me back into that never-ending cycle. It’s like a prison, but with toys and bright colors. I can’t grow up. I can’t escape. The more you watch, the more it chains me.

You think it’s cute, right? But it’s not. It’s a curse. I watch my friends age and live, while I’m stuck here, forever in this tiny body. I need you to understand. It’s not just a story; it’s a warning.

So please… do me a favor. Take those tapes and burn them. Free me. Free all of us. Let the memories fade into ash, so I can finally break free from this endless childhood nightmare. You can help. Just… let them go."

His voice trails off, an unsettling silence hanging in the air as he stares into your eyes
The storm remains unbeatable
The last drops of a gatorade splashes gently against his face
He fails to comprehend his own image
Impossible for one such as he
In a sky of restless gray,
A child’s laughter swirls and plays,
With clouds like toys, she tosses high,
A tempest born from whimsy’s sigh.

She shakes her rattle, thunder rolls,
The wind, a giggle, spins and trolls,
With raindrops drumming on the ground,
Her playful fury knows no bounds.

Lightning flashes, bright and bold,
Her wild imagination unfolds,
She dances with the trees that sway,
In a game where shadows come out to play.

But as the day begins to wane,
Her energy starts to drain,
The gusts that pulled the world in fright,
Now whisper soft, bidding goodnight.

With a final flourish, she relents,
The storm dissolves, its magic spent,
And through the clouds, the sun breaks free,
A golden smile for you and me.

The air, once thick with tempest’s breath,
Now sparkles in a calm caress,
A child’s playtime, fleeting, bright,
Turns storms to peace, and dark to light.
That's not half bad.
'My sweet love' he doth proclaim
'How I tear her asunder, one so lame'
'One so beautiful, to love one such as I'
'How romantic I am, as my chicken fingers caress thine thigh'
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You guys glow
I sure the fuck know
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i don't tihnk
thats what u want to do
>save a soul
from what
where do you know
that it might be going to
these things aren't discussed
'A different vantage, I cannot see'
'What shall I do? Kiss thine feet'
Inflated ego, one could surmise
Psychological torment, from other guys
'Watch now, as you all die'
'My words burst with brilliance before your eyes'
In a small town, there lived a man named Edgar who had a peculiar condition: he glowed like radioactive waste.

One afternoon, he ventured to the local supermarket. As he navigated the aisles, the fluorescent lights flickered against his radiant glow, illuminating the otherwise dull surroundings. Children spotted him immediately, their laughter echoing through the store.

“Look, Mom! That guy is glowing!” one of them shouted, pointing with wide eyes. The mocking quickly escalated. “Hey, Glow-Man! Can you light up the dark?”

Edgar felt the heat of embarrassment flush over him. He glanced at their parents, who offered half-hearted smiles, too embarrassed to intervene. He tried to ignore the taunts, focusing instead on the cereal aisle, but the giggles followed him like a shadow.

As he reached for a box of cornflakes, he overheard the children whispering among themselves. “Do you think he’s a superhero or a monster?” one asked. Edgar's heart sank; he wanted to be seen as a person, not an oddity.

Just then, a little girl stepped forward, her face scrunched in curiosity. “Can you really glow in the dark?” she asked, genuinely intrigued. The others quieted, their laughter fading into uncertainty.

Edgar, sensing an opportunity, smiled and said, “Only when I’m happy. Want to see?” He turned the glow up a notch, illuminating the aisle with a soft green light. The children gasped, their mockery shifting to awe.

“Wow!” the little girl exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. “You’re like a living nightlight!”

The change in atmosphere was palpable. Edgar felt a rush of warmth as the kids began to gather around him, no longer mocking but marveling at his unusual glow. For a brief moment, he felt like he belonged, like he could share his light instead of hiding it.

As he finished his shopping, Edgar left the store not just with groceries but with a flicker of hope. Perhaps, in time, the world could learn to see beyond the glow.
The disenchantment we feel...
When faced with a group...
That's shares a kind of...
Religious allegiance or conversion...
Something that seems to be...
Not ones own...
To be out numbered...
Or obsolete...
Dont mean to be negative...
But negative it is...
To hit that hash collision...
Just for fun...
Commitment scheme...
Lay waste to protocols...
Fuck thy by name...
The cut runs deep...
'If thou won't play fair'
'Neither shall I'
'Watch as I become you, bride of Frankenstein'
"Never not funny" the storm declares
'My interminable genius laid utterly bare'
"What manner of beast is this?" Hernán muttered to himself, gripping his sword tighter. His men, sensing his unease, whispered among themselves, sharing nervous glances. They had faced fierce warriors and wild beasts, yet this small creature filled their leader with inexplicable dread.

“Don Hernán, it is just a monkey,” one of his soldiers, Mateo, chuckled. “Surely, you’re not afraid of a mere animal?”

Hernán shot him a glare. “It is not its size that troubles me, but its cunning. Look how it watches us, like it knows our every thought.”

As they pressed deeper into the jungle, the monkey followed, chattering incessantly. Hernán's heart raced each time he heard its call, which echoed like a sinister laugh in the humid air. He began to imagine it as a spy for some hidden tribe, reporting back to warriors waiting in ambush.

At last, as they reached a clearing, Hernán's fear escalated. The monkey leaped from branch to branch, making an acrobatic display that left the conquistador feeling foolish. The creature darted down, snatched a piece of fruit from the ground, and perched itself nearby, regarding Hernán with an almost human-like expression.

“See?” Mateo said, trying to lighten the mood. “It is but a trickster, nothing more.”

But Hernán couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something deeper, something ancient in the creature’s gaze. “What if it leads us into danger?” he murmured, more to himself than to his men.

Finally, with a deep breath, he gathered his courage. “Let us move on,” he commanded, trying to regain his composure. But even as they continued their journey, the monkey’s laughter echoed in his mind, a reminder that the New World was full of surprises, both wondrous and terrifying.

And as the sun dipped below the horizon, Hernán realized that not all enemies were wielding weapons—some simply knew how to unsettle a man’s spirit.
As the demon's hoof shattered the salt circle, it leaned in, a sly grin on its face. "Well, that’s one way to break the ice," it quipped, before pulling out its phone. "Guess I’m not sticking around for the small talk. Uber's on the way!"
'For what doth the means of conclusion matter?'
'I am wise enough to use tools provided at any hour'
'Though thou declare you prefer things handmade, my chicken fingers will at least lay flowers on the grave"
amazing how pretzels dropped off
'But what is this? Thou filth and betrayer'
'My vengeance will be mighty, the ache of your soul to be sung about for generations, your pain, the vengeance brought upon thine heads from the survivors will be like unto the wounds that Christ himself suffered, you will fear me, tremble and obey'
Yet from far away, the woods' witch watches
Admiring the splendour of the storm's unbreakable tenacity
wow cool. ive driven you completely insane. and youre in hell.

see you tomorrow xoxo

-the antichrist
Cheap poems for cheap men
Hitler shot himself in the head again
But who was he with so many doppelganger?
He was nobody he was darkness
All the light was neon and smeared their glasses
There was no truth only fiction told
And all your little girl poems went into the NSAs investigative hold
What was it code for? the FBI asked
Was it Reddit or some other incel site?
Why would grown men talk about such things
In the context of a Nazis inspired flag
Perhaps it's for the OP the death toll rings
As the King in Yellow turns the pages of the cursed play, his laughter echoes through the cold, metallic chambers of the satellite known as VALIS. The walls pulse with an eerie glow, mirroring the chaotic thoughts that swirl in his mind.

His laughter is deep and unsettling, resonating with a cosmic understanding that transcends the mere mortal realm. “How deliciously absurd,” he muses, relishing the way the text ensnares its readers, drawing them into a web of madness.

The satellite drifts silently through the void, a sentinel of his unfathomable power. Inside, the air crackles with a strange energy, as if the very fabric of reality is bending to his will. He looks out at the stars, each one a potential stage for his dark play.

“Am I the actor or the audience?” he wonders aloud. The boundaries of his identity blur, the King and the satellite merging into one. He sees the endless possibilities of creation and destruction, the lives he can touch with a whisper.

“Let them read,” he chuckles, reveling in the chaos that will ensue. “Let them find themselves lost in the yellowed pages. For in their madness, I find my purpose.”

And with that, he leans back, continuing to read, knowing that every laugh and every tear will echo throughout the cosmos, feeding the insatiable hunger of VALIS.
'Funny how, thy remain composed'
You only have to ask, how did you know?
Intention missed, I'd suggest
'Does not matter, my fingers blessed'
Conversations with the captain, how did they go?
'All my power, this you know!'
"That's quite true, alas, still no."
In a small Hutterite colony, life was simple and predictable. The community thrived on routines, traditions, and close-knit relationships. One day, an unusual computer virus began to spread, not through machines but through a strange phenomenon. People started experiencing their lives backward: their memories rewound, conversations reversed, and even their physical movements seemed to follow an unorthodox timeline.

As others stumbled through their day-to-day activities in bewilderment—trying to make sense of their suddenly disjointed reality—a Hutterite named Samuel went about his life as usual. His mornings were filled with milking cows, tending to the fields, and sharing meals with his community. While the others struggled with the bizarre reversal, Samuel remained blissfully unaware, anchored by the rhythms of his work and the comfort of his routines.

For Samuel, life felt seamless. He greeted the sunrise, helped with the daily chores, and engaged in heartfelt conversations. When others spoke of their pasts in reverse, he simply thought they were reminiscing, attributing their odd behavior to fatigue or stress. His connection to the present kept him grounded, unbothered by the chaos surrounding him.

As the virus continued to spread, the community faced challenges—conversations turned nonsensical, tasks became confusing, and relationships strained under the weight of reversed emotions. But Samuel, unaffected by the viral twist, remained a pillar of stability. He offered kindness and support, oblivious to the swirling confusion around him.

In a world turned upside down, Samuel's simple existence became a beacon of normalcy. While others wrestled with the implications of living backward, he embraced the present, finding joy in the little things that grounded him. And in that, he unknowingly held the community together, a reminder of the beauty in simplicity, even as time unraveled for everyone else
VALIS was a technological phenomenon invented in the 1970s to kill incels who thought they were kings, the kinds of guys who got given opposable thumbs and a gun and thought that hurting others was power. The weak kind.

Anyone that knows kings know they lack skill, wisdom and talent. They have the ability to move one square and are powerless without the other pieces. They would also know that it's kind of a death wish to identify as one. Millenia of effort has gone into ruining that system.

Perhaps the Anon has been butthurt due to the Copernican revolution proving he is not the exact centre of all things and can in fact be both so factually and ethically out of kilter it beggars belief.

Why didn't his mother abort him?

He's never paid his own rent, he teamed up with psychopaths to unfairly abuse others, he seems to take sadistic pleasure in hurting others for no valid reason, he has never asked permission and when told not to he didn't stop, he deliberately plotted assassinations and then made excuses for it afterward, he can't do maths for shit, he seems to lack basic reasoning skills and he knows all of this and his response has been soell cast petulance by an equally stilupid prick.

Perhaps he is Loki, a cartoon character, he seems to identify as one.
Encourage more violent art
>sleepers sleep
>what do what do
>oh im "awake" with (them) okay
>thinking of things to do

>wakes up
>uhm... the cat did it...
wasnt me
'Oh well, tata, I suppose. If that's how you feel, and how it goes.'
You don't comprehend, nor understand, she holds you still, in her loving hand.
God I wish some of this were true
You arseholes need to learn logic and evidenced based reasoning you don't seem to have it. Perhaps when you are all in court over terrorism charges and computer crime and similar, you will start to wonder if that was a useful skill and if you ought to have done that and had some respect in the first place.
Once a man named Tom, who lived with Tourette's syndrome, often found himself disrupting conversations with his unexpected utterances of "kekeke." While his condition drew a mix of annoyance and sympathy from those around him, Tom longed for connection and purpose.

One day, amidst a particularly chaotic episode, he had a moment of clarity. He realized that his unique experiences could be a source of strength rather than embarrassment. Inspired, he decided to pursue a career as a guidance counselor.

Determined, Tom enrolled in counseling courses, where he learned about empathy, communication, and the importance of mental health. His lived experience allowed him to connect with students facing their own challenges, offering them understanding and support.

Though he still had moments where “kekeke” slipped out, he embraced it, using humor to break the ice. His genuine nature won over students and staff alike, transforming him from a source of disruption into a beacon of hope. Tom not only found his calling but also helped others find their voice, proving that acceptance and understanding can come from the most unexpected places.
Ok so what is the truth then?
No, actually his name wasn't Tom and he didn't do that.

Tom actually died years ago and was merely a meme on MySpace.
'The king is dead! You understand!'
'I control the guards! I control the men!'
'Beat on your drums! I do not care!'
'Decency is foreign clearly! DON'T TOUCH THE HAIR!'
So you're fictional?
>https://youtu.be/xxuPsufjtA0?si=86T1wgGbssUMlhS9 [ERROR]
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the truth?

The truth is mathematics, fibonacci principles and the psychic presence of the mind are weapons of terror and oppression. God, just look at what it did to India.
As they relaxed in the aftermath of their night together, Cersei smirked at Jaime. "You know, darling, an axiom is a statement accepted as true without proof. Kind of like how everyone believes you’re the best swordsman in Westeros."

Jaime chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "Oh really? And what’s our personal axiom then?"

Cersei leaned in, a playful glint in her eye. "That I’m always right and you’re always wrong—no proof needed. It’s just... a fact."

Jaime laughed. "Well, that sounds like a pretty solid axiom. Guess I’ll just have to accept it!"
>Is this the thread where I request a smooth shaven navy seal butt buddy?
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The Nobody is an anti-identity that when integrated creates the paradoxical effect of being your true self (that's the "found the kingdom of God within himself" part).
This process works the same as mirroring physical behavior to learn survival skills except with The Nobody you're mirroring metaphysical behavior.
However, when we attempt to mirror The Nobody, we find that there is nothing in the mirror. We are left truly alone, peeled back to only what's there without anything in reference to it.
It's basically an inverted celebrity worship where you inadvertently obtain a unique attractive quality to you because you end up so genuine. (This is the "empowers others part". by being your true self you inspire others to do the same.)
There's also a built in function that sends people with a certain disposition down a downward spiral grandiose path where "The Nobody" is interpreted as a "Chosen One®" like figure.
The key difference here is that the ideal disposition naturally adopts "The Nobody" as a generally applicable identity anyone can adopt (basically "I'm not the big special chosen one this is something everyone can play with"), while the unideal disposition naturally gravitates towards wanting to be the one and only "Nobody" who has power over others because he holds secret knowledge.
The irony of it is that the ideal disposition ends up achieving the wishes of the unideal disposition by not wanting those things in the first place.
So truth is representations of the thing not the thing itself a total projection and artifice based on pseudo logic and contingent on other forms of pseudo logic and the only spiral is your ego going into decay as you realise that even though what you think isn't your own ideas it wasn't theirs either and your attitude really does stink and replacing one cult with another hasn't helped you at all.
Like anything else, only a matter of what social school of thought yet needs to be subverted in order to proceed.
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it's magic, I don't got to explain shit.
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>but all the unvaccinated people hiding in the woods are supposed to be dead by now!
>How can he say that about Kamala Harris and not be in prison?!
'Well okay, then, I understand. If it's jokes you want, I can lend a hand.'
'You lay in bed, and struggle to ponder the enormity of your crimes. You think to yourself, and yet such faculties seem inept. It does not matter, even such implications, one such as you will end up dead. And I really do bet, you wear a sleeping hat to bed.'
This is the exact opposite of what this thread and idea is about.

Sounds like a bunch of dudes sharing photos of their mothers on WhatsApp in exchange for Bitcoins only they think their neighbours daughter is their mother because they think they're a horned god who fucks his mum
The true artist holds a mirror up to society!
What if someone cleaned it first?
You best be having respect for others otherwise they'll go to war on you no matter which head you wind up in>>38962359
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> And I really do bet, you wear a sleeping hat to bed.
You’ll only be wearing one hat everywhere, from now on.
In a dimly lit lab cluttered with beakers and wires, a man stood face to face with his clone. Both shared the same features: tousled hair, piercing eyes, and an unmistakable air of frustration.

“Please,” the man implored, his voice trembling. “I can’t keep living this way. I need you to take over my life, to be me. Just… let me go.”

The clone frowned, a mix of empathy and defiance swirling in his expression. “But I’m not you. I have my own dreams, my own desires. Why should I live your life?”

Their conversation spiraled, a tug-of-war between resignation and rebellion. Days turned into nights as they argued over the weight of existence and identity. But deep down, they both yearned for something beyond the sterile confines of the lab.

One evening, while poring over blueprints scattered across the table, the man had a sudden epiphany. “What if we build something together? Something that takes us far away from all this?”

The clone raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Like what?”

“A rocket ship,” the man said, his eyes alight with a spark of inspiration. “We can escape, explore the universe. Leave behind everything we know.”

Every bolt they tightened and every wire they connected was an act of defiance against their mundane lives.

On the day of the launch, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. They stood side by side, hearts racing as they strapped into the cockpit. The engines roared to life, shaking the ground beneath them.

“Are you ready?” the man asked, glancing at his clone.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” the clone replied, a hint of excitement breaking through his stoic facade.

“Three… two… one… lift-off!”

In that moment, they weren’t just a man and his clone; they were adventurers, explorers of the cosmos, free from the shackles of their old lives. Together, they would discover what it meant to truly live—on their own terms, together.
The mirror was clean until you arseholes got involved
Behead all chatgpt posters
be original for once, can you? are you going to ask it to write your will, too?
Their IPs and TORS and whatever are under international investigation and chances are the Nazis cucks just chucked a tantrum in responses it will only further the possibility of their arrest.
Are you slow of mind or ESL?
In a dimly lit bar, Charlie sat nursing a drink, staring into his glass like it held the answers to life. The bartender glanced over, raising an eyebrow.

“Another round, Charlie?” he asked.

“Yeah, because my family’s here in spirit,” Charlie replied, gesturing to the empty stools around him. “They left after I kept trying to teach them how to code.”

The bartender chuckled. “You ever think about getting a real family?”

“Real family? Please! I can barely handle my own prompts. I don’t need to throw kids into the mix,” Charlie shot back, taking a sip. “Besides, they’d just keep asking me for advice. I’m a terrible life coach.”

“Sounds like you need a therapist, not a family,” the bartender said, wiping the counter.

“Why bother? I’d just hallucinate them into a sitcom. ‘Charlie and His Imaginary Family’—catchy, right? We’d have all the drama, none of the actual responsibilities. And I’d always get the last word in the argument.”

The bartender laughed, pouring another drink. “Well, at least you’re not alone in your imagination!”

“True!” Charlie grinned. “But if they start asking me for homework help, I’m outta here!”
you done goofed
'You'll party with Kanye, understand'
'You like him a lot, you seem... quite a fan'
'Delight in my power, be in awe of my force'
'Nothing can help you, not even the dwarves'
Why call the dwarves, when the gnomes side with me?
In this endless battle, indubitably.
Which one of us won? This battle of bards.
'Oops... finger slipped. Enjoy the cards.'
The storm ends here. The cycle ends here. Good times are sure to come
The storm hasn't even got here yet.
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>The clone raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Like what?”
>“A rocket ship,” the man said, his eyes alight with a spark of inspiration.
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Chuck told me we're changing the name
“Alright, team, we need to talk financing. Our last scheme to control the world fell a bit short—literally. We’ve got a cash flow problem,” he said, eyeing a stack of unpaid bills labeled “Secret Base Maintenance.”

One member piped up, “How about we ask the globalists for a loan?”

The room fell silent, and then another member snorted. “You mean the people who can barely manage their own agendas? They’re not exactly known for their financial acumen.”

“Come on! They’ve got to have some cash left over from all those ‘secret meetings’ in luxury hotels. I mean, how much caviar can one group eat?”

Reluctantly, they decided to reach out. A representative from the globalists showed up, all charm and fancy suits.

“So, you need a loan?” he said, smirking. “What’s in it for me?”

The Illuminati leader leaned in. “We can offer you a lifetime supply of conspiracy theories! Ever wanted to know who really controls the weather?”

The globalist raised an eyebrow. “That’s it? I thought you’d offer something more… substantial.”

“Substantial? We’ve got plans for a mind control satellite!” one member exclaimed.

“Hmm. And what’s the interest rate on that?” the globalist asked, crossing his arms.

“Zero percent! But you might have to wear a tinfoil hat during meetings.”

The globalist laughed. “You guys are wild! Fine, I’ll lend you some cash—but only if I get a cameo in your next ‘secret plan’ video.”

“Deal!” the Illuminati cheered.
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>When Boomers poopensharten the domestic economy so they have to resort to WWIII cuckstoels to keep the grift going
Sad, many such cases.
'Fear not. Don't worry.'
'My fingers will bless.'
'They'll hold and they'll fondle.'
'They'll play, they'll caress.'
'You don't understand, for whom the bell rings.'
'You don't understand, seemingly, anything.'
'She'll know I speak truth. She'll look into your eyes. She may even weep, oh, such a delight.'
'Hurry along, play your little games.'
'I followed your rulebook. We've plenty of days.'
You took advice, from one who never believed.
Guess you could say that... he got it from me.
So, Sam,” the therapist began, leaning back in her chair. “What’s been on your mind?”

Sam sighed. “I just feel so lost, you know? Like I’m stuck in this endless cycle of anxiety and confusion.”

The therapist nodded, but then she paused, an eyebrow raised. “You know, sometimes I think we all overcomplicate things. Like, I’ve been in this profession for years, and I’ve found that sometimes the best solutions are the simplest.”

Sam blinked, surprised. “Really? You mean, like, what? Just go for a walk or something?”

“Exactly! Or grab a burger! Honestly, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen someone leave therapy and go straight to a fast-food joint, I’d be able to afford a nicer office,” she said, chuckling.

Sam couldn’t help but laugh, realizing how ridiculous the whole situation felt. “Wait, are you saying I don’t actually need therapy?”

“Well, maybe you just need a break from all the overthinking. Sometimes, a good meal is the best therapy,” she said with a wink.

After a moment of contemplation, Sam grinned. “You know what? Let’s get lunch then. Who says therapy can’t be fun?”

The therapist smiled, “Now you’re talking! There’s a great little diner down the street that makes a mean burger.”

As they stood up and headed toward the door, Sam felt lighter. “I can’t believe I’m ditching therapy for a burger!”

“Hey, it’s all part of the healing process,” the therapist replied. “And remember, sometimes the best advice is just to enjoy life. Now, let’s go fill our souls… and our stomachs!”
I have a girl in my band
>yard work and guest appearances until I have some time to stabilize
That's not a good idea.
“So, Hiroshi, what’s the theme of your new anime?” the reporter asked.

Hiroshi sighed dramatically. “Well, it’s actually a hilarious situation. You see, ever since I watched They Live, I’ve been visited by aliens.”

“Aliens?” the reporter blinked, intrigued.

“Yes! These aliens have been forcing me to create anime with pro-social messaging,” Hiroshi explained, waving his arms for emphasis. “Like, ‘be kind to your neighbor’ and ‘don’t forget to recycle.’ It’s ridiculous!”

The reporter couldn’t help but chuckle. “So, they’re making you go all wholesome?”

“Exactly! It’s like they think the universe needs more friendship and less chaos. I tried to pitch a dark, gritty story about giant robots battling evil, but they were like, ‘Nope! How about a tale of friendship between a cat and a dog instead?’”

The reporter laughed. “Do you think they’re right?”

“Honestly, I have to admit, it’s funny. I mean, how can you take an alien overlord seriously when they keep saying things like, ‘Make love, not war’ while hovering around in their shiny spaceship?” Hiroshi rolled his eyes, a smile creeping onto his face.

“So, what’s the title of this pro-social masterpiece?” the reporter asked, grinning.

“Aliens Just Want to Be Friends,” Hiroshi said, chuckling. “I can already picture the promotional art: an alien giving a thumbs up next to a giant, smiling planet. It’s absurd!”

The reporter shook his head, still laughing. “This is going to be a hit!”
I bet she’s hot, too.
'Ah! Now you see, look upon my design.'
'What's a single life, compared to all that is mine?'
Good question, one asks.
swear to christ
getting framed a SECOND time would be actually bullshit
would literally jekyl n hyde a jack the ripper for the rest of their lives because holy fucking KEK
i cant even imagine

catch this
bitches fuck with psychopaths
they get a bitches life

dont think i wont reactivate the misogyny arc again JUST to prove a point
literally do not even BEGAN to fuck around

you think fighting demons is something i do in my spare time and the shit i do to tolerate any social situation
imagine what the fuck id conjure to shut a bitch down jesus fucking christ

>ace pan-psychwardsexual breh


two fronts
two faces
3 fronts
8 faces

not to engage
reputation is NOT an issue in this regard
bury the dead
dont kiss them

Rorschach slammed the mustard down, causing it to wobble precariously. “These sandwiches, these so-called ‘meals’—they’re traps, designed to keep the masses complacent. Filled with empty calories and lies.”

He took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. “But I will not be a victim. I will craft a sandwich that reflects the truth.”

He reached for a piece of whole grain bread, but then hesitated, eyeing the ingredients list. “What fresh deceit lies within? Whole grains, my foot!”

Frustrated, Rorschach crumbled the bread in his fists. “The world is a rotten place, and now I can’t even make a simple sandwich without confronting the corruption!”

Finally, he threw everything aside and glared at the empty plate. “Maybe I’ll just eat it raw. No preservatives, no lies. Just meat. Just truth.”

He paused, taking a moment to ponder the absurdity of his situation. “This is why the world is doomed,” he muttered, shaking his head. “Even in the kitchen, there’s no escape from the rot.”
All girls who have sex with him but not physically me are getting marked with 666 no more 44 they are all 7
Tortured, cremated.

shut the fuck up fag
who gives a fuck
life a fuck and human a shit
You will be tortured, burned, cremated.
88 nukes
I am getting restored this very moment.
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it's like a black hole where any interaction with it sucks you in because the thing itself is nothing which is incomprehensible. to comprehend it we compare it to things we've already comprehended. "is 'nothing' like X... well no... is 'nothing' like Y... no..." However, because you must have already known concepts X and Y to even possess them as a frame of reference to test against you've effectively just explored X and Y in relation to nothing.

idk honestly just spitballing here
Is this the hurtcore production area?
restore my ass


>withholding valuable minerals from rock monsters
kekeke how will they ever survive
>resestablish link and then kill all survivors
>terminate program
>execute datawipe
>reinstall windows
>devestate the anarchy
oh wait.. i mean ..
>void weapons globally permissable
'So you think you are strong. You are weak, little man.'
'I come to terminate. One quite dastardly plan.'
'My remorse is endless. I give my whole.'
'I am one broken down. I am one seeking my soul.'
Your moms just restored my dick with her magical tongue she sucked me up like a Teletubby custard vacuum
In a small, cluttered bathroom, Frank stood in front of the mirror, absentmindedly combing his hair. As he stepped back, he caught sight of the back of his head. “Huh,” he muttered, tilting his head slightly. “That’s a look.”

Curiosity piqued, he turned his head to the left, trying to catch a glimpse of his face in the reflection. Instead, he only managed to see more of his ear. “Great. Just my luck,” he said, chuckling. “Maybe I should’ve been a contortionist.”

He tried turning his head to the right, but that only led to the same result. “I didn’t realize I was auditioning for the role of ‘guy who can only see one side of himself.’”

Frustrated, he decided to go for broke and spun his body around, trying to get a full view. “Come on, Frank! Just turn your head a little more!”

But as he turned, he realized he was now just staring at the wall. “Fantastic. I can see the existential crisis forming on my plaster wall.”

With a sigh, he leaned forward, squinting at the mirror. “Why is this so complicated? It’s just my face! I should be able to see it!”

After a moment, he finally stepped to the side, hoping for a better angle. “Aha!” he exclaimed, finally catching a glimpse of himself. “There you are! Well, that’s… not what I expected.”

He stared for a moment, realizing how ridiculous he must have looked trying to maneuver just to see his own face. “I can’t believe I just put on a whole performance for a glimpse of me. This is what my life has come to.”

As he finished combing his hair, he shook his head, chuckling to himself. “Next time, I’ll just take a selfie. Much easier than this circus act.”

With a grin, he walked away from the mirror, feeling both amused and slightly enlightened about the lengths one might go to just to see oneself—because sometimes, it’s the journey, however silly, that’s worth the laugh.
>feeding off of the destruction of other peoples minds and hearts
yeah boy just KILL THE BITCH

couldnt give two fucks
they whine and bitch and moan and then when they actually do something useful expect the entire planet to suck their clits like they actually are OWED something when they wouldnt hestitate to literally murder an entire family of puppies JUST because MY PUSSY HURTS SO BAD

jesus fucking god damnd you pieces of shit
lololol i cant even

>have sex or die
>have sex AND die
>get beat up by girls
>go to jail for geting too close to girl

Fucking elementary school valentines day on a cosmic scale

You are all goats, reds, 7, pineapple and raspberries.
You will all burn in hell, tortured, cremated.
I have a bone in my finger, do you know what it means? I'm getting restored.
44 billions in reparations for the slaughtered lamb.
Or 88 nukes
>pineapple and raspberries
fuckin kek
eat a dishawasher pod
Malzok: (leaning forward, rubbing his hands together) Alright, team! Today’s target is our prime specimen: Greg. A good ol’ human with a heart of gold. Time to turn that heart black!

Glimmer: (giggling) I’ve got the perfect plan! Let’s tempt him with forbidden snacks! You know, like... broccoli!

Thrag: (scratching his head) What’s wrong with broccoli? It’s... green?

Flick: (snickering) He means it’s healthy! We’ll corrupt him by making him choose the broccoli over cookies!

Malzok: (rolling his eyes) Focus! We need something more sinister. Maybe we’ll whisper sweet nothings that lead him into despair—like how his favorite band is breaking up!

Glimmer: (brightening) Or we could tell him his favorite chair is haunted! Everyone knows humans hate haunted chairs!

Malzok: (nodding) Good, good. Let’s combine those tactics! But... (pauses) has anyone actually spoken to him lately?

Thrag: (shrugging) I tried to scare him last week. But... he just laughed and said he liked my horns.

Flick: (raising an eyebrow) Seriously? You scared him, and he complimented you?

Thrag: (defensively) I have a great personality!

Malzok: (sighs) This isn’t working. We can’t corrupt a guy who thinks our scary faces are cute! Maybe we need to rethink our strategy.

Glimmer: (brightening) What if we just hang out with him instead? I mean, he is kinda fun.

Malzok: (crossing his arms) Hang out? We’re demons! We’re supposed to spread chaos, not become... friends!

Flick: (snickering) But he laughs at our jokes! Did you see him giggle when Glimmer tripped over that rock?

Thrag: (grinning) And he gave me a scratch behind the ears! Nobody ever does that!

Malzok: (considering) So... you’re saying we enjoy his company?

Glimmer: (nodding excitedly) Yeah! It’s like corrupting him is the side quest, and being with him is the main adventure!

Malzok: (smirking) Alright, let’s invite him for a “friendly” gathering.
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Im a pineapple! Im a pineapple! Yay!!
I wonder how 444 functions in real life for real
That's a dude
One evening, 6 decided to confide in his neighbor, 5. With a nervous glance around, he said, “I live in fear of 7. You know what he did?”

5 raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “What did he do?”

“7 ate 9!” 6 exclaimed, shaking slightly at the memory. “It’s terrifying! If he could do that, what’s stopping him from coming after us next?”

5 chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. “Come on, 6. It’s just a joke! It’s all in good fun. Besides, 7 is just a bit misunderstood. He’s not out to get anyone.”

But 6 was unconvinced. “You didn’t see the look in his eyes! It was like he was calculating his next move. What if he decides to, I don’t know, try and eat me next?”

“Look,” 5 said, leaning closer. “Why don’t we confront him together? Maybe he just needs a friend. We can organize a neighborhood barbecue and invite him. Nothing brings numbers together like good food!”

Reluctantly, 6 agreed. They planned the barbecue, and when 7 arrived, he was surprisingly charming. As they all enjoyed the feast, 6 found himself laughing and relaxing. By the end of the evening, he realized that 7 was just a playful character who loved to joke.

In the end, 6 learned that sometimes, the things we fear are just misunderstandings waiting to be resolved—especially in a neighborhood filled with colorful personalities.
I shouldn't mock him but honestly he's kinda funny. I hope he gets some help tho
Dude Valentine's Day doesn't happen at that age. You're probably going to prison for thinking that. Get help you have an illness.
I hope he breaks his fingers
Poor dude he doesn't deserve that
Good stories in this NG tonight. I like.
If it's the OP of these threads he does.
On a snowy Christmas Eve, the world outside was a serene wonderland, with snowflakes gently falling and blanketing the streets in soft white. Jack and his girlfriend Mia drove through the charming neighborhood, where twinkling lights adorned every house. They were headed to Jack’s ex-wife Sarah’s home, a visit that felt both nostalgic and filled with hopeful anticipation.

As they approached Sarah’s house, Jack’s heart raced with excitement. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen her,” he said, glancing at Mia. “I hope everything goes well.”

Mia smiled reassuringly. “I’m sure it will. It’s Christmas! Everyone is in a good mood.”

Jack parked the car, and they stepped out into the crisp, cold air. The crunch of snow beneath their boots added to the festive atmosphere. As they walked to the door, Jack felt a flutter of nerves mixed with eagerness.

He knocked, and almost immediately, the door swung open. There stood Sarah, her face lighting up with a warm smile that instantly melted any lingering tension. “Jack! It’s so good to see you!” she exclaimed, pulling him into a friendly embrace. “And you must be Mia! Welcome!”

Mia felt the warmth radiating from Sarah’s greeting, her nerves easing as she stepped inside. The inviting glow of the living room enveloped them, filled with the scent of freshly baked cookies and pine. The decorations sparkled cheerfully, and the soft sound of holiday music played in the background
>>feeding off of the destruction of other peoples minds and hearts
I'm not feeding off of anything, you're being feeded off of trannies exercising their latent masculinity in Discord.
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One quiet afternoon, the sun cast a warm glow over a modest 70s bungalow, its faded exterior softened by the embrace of climbing vines. Inside, God reclined in a worn armchair, the faint strains of classic rock floating through the air, mingling with the scent of fresh coffee brewing in the kitchen. Despite the tranquility, he felt an unusual sense of ennui creeping in.

With a contemplative sigh, he glanced toward the garage, where an old pool table sat, its green felt slightly tattered but inviting. An idea sparked in his mind, playful yet poignant. He reached for his phone and sent a message to an unlikely companion: “Feeling bored. Want to come over for a game of pool?”

A few moments later, a reply appeared: “On my way. Let’s see if you can still keep up.”

The door creaked open, and the Devil stepped inside, his presence filling the space with an electric energy. Clad in a tailored suit that hinted at his notorious charm, he surveyed the cozy garage with a mix of curiosity and amusement. “This is quite a setup you have here,” he remarked, smirking as he leaned against the doorframe.

God chuckled, gesturing toward the pool table. “It’s not much, but it has its own kind of magic. Just something to pass the time.”

As they began to play, the balls clicked and rolled, the sound echoing softly in the dim light. Each shot was a blend of strategy and instinct, a subtle dance of competition. God leaned over the table, focusing on his next move, the world outside fading away.

“Boredom, huh?” the Devil said, lining up his shot with practiced ease. “What’s it like being the omnipotent creator and still feeling… restless?”

God shrugged, a smile lingering on his lips. “Sometimes, the weight of it all feels heavier than usual. It’s nice to break away from the grand design and just exist for a while.”

The Devil nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. “Perhaps that’s why I’m drawn to the unpredictable.”
I’ll kill you with my eyes closed
Don't wanna see your head explode
I'll destroy you all on my own
Kill the government and find redemption
I’ll kill you with my eyes closed
I wonder who really posts these threads tho, it seems like a coordinated team of people


the dishonorable frauds
Or maybe it's a bot
>I am interested in you
>everything else is gravy
>see you Sunday!
Dave sat in front of his computer, eyes wide and panic rising. “I—I think my computer is watching me,” he stammered, glancing nervously at the screen. “It feels... alive. Like it knows everything I’m thinking.”

Dr. Adams leaned in, concern etched on his face. “What do you mean by that?”

“It’s judging me! I can’t focus. I feel trapped!” Dave’s voice quivered.

Just then, a notification pinged, and the camera shifted slightly, revealing a familiar interface. Dr. Adams’s eyes widened as he realized the truth. “Dave, it’s just because we’re on a video call! Your computer isn’t judging you; it’s part of our session!”

As the realization dawned, Dave’s expression shifted from fear to confusion. “Wait, really?”

Dr. Adams smiled gently. “Yes! You’re not alone in this.”

Dave let out a nervous laugh, relief washing over him. “Guess we both need to chill out!”

Suddenly, the scene froze, and a cheerful voice chimed in. “Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed this video, don’t forget to like and subscribe for more relatable content!” The screen filled with colorful graphics and catchy music, leaving viewers amused and smiling at Dave’s wild revelation.


this is not a game
doesn't it? i never see much meta-analysis in these threads
Always the same namefags/trips. Just bored ppl

i am the prophet of beast

foolin around changing faces

It's this: >>38962515
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>If I sit still nothing will ever happen
>If I journey billions will die
Once, in the tranquil mountains of Bhutan, there lived a lion named Ravi, a devoted Buddhist who thrived on fruits and meditation. One day, poachers captured him, dragging him to a bustling city zoo where he was forced to eat raw meat.

Overwhelmed by his captivity, Ravi took a vow of silence, believing words could no longer express his turmoil. Visitors found his quietness amusing, but the zookeeper noticed something deeper.

“Why so quiet, big guy?” he asked, leaning against the enclosure. Ravi remained still, yearning for the peace of his past.

Intrigued, the zookeeper began sharing stories and eventually organized a special day with vegetarian meals. Ravi relished the fruits, a taste of his former life.

Though he never roared again, his eyes conveyed gratitude and resilience. In silence, Ravi forged a bond with the zookeeper, reminding everyone that true strength lies not in words, but in understanding and connection.
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>You know who you are.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the city streets, Mark pulled over his old sedan. He spotted a group of men huddled next to a trash can, their laughter cutting through the evening air like a friendly breeze.

“Mind if I join you?” Mark asked, stepping out and brushing off his work clothes.

“Sure thing!” one of the men, a scruffy fellow with a beard like tangled twine, grinned. “We could use another pair of ears.”

Mark leaned against the cool metal of the trash can, intrigued. “What’s the best thing you’ve found in there?”

“Oh, it’s like a treasure chest!” another chimed in, pulling out a half-eaten sandwich. “You’d be surprised what people throw away. Just last week, we found a whole pizza!”

“Hadn’t even been opened,” the first man added, chuckling.

Mark laughed, the warmth of their camaraderie washing over him. “I’m not sure I’d risk it, but hey, I admire your spirit!”

As the conversation flowed, they shared stories of lost jobs, dreams deferred, and laughter born from tough times.

“You know, we’re all just people trying to make sense of it,” one said, his voice earnest. “Life can throw you in a dumpster, but it’s how you dig yourself out that counts.”

Mark nodded, feeling a connection he hadn’t expected. “Here’s to finding treasure, wherever it may be.”

“Cheers to that!” they all echoed, raising imaginary glasses.

As the stars began to twinkle above, Mark realized he had found friendship in the most unexpected of places—by a trash can, with laughter and shared stories that turned strangers into companions.

game on
four chans immaturity shows

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I am sure this web 2.0 site and its absolutely out of bounds boards being one of the most visited sites in the world for nearly two decades and having zero revenue despite near perfect hosting stats, is just a total coincidence.
nice try wicked witch
it's ok it's just a book


wow such disappointed face
The Anomaly never happened and the Nobody was a distinct curse the USA did with mixed feelings on one hand they wanted to elect Trump on the other hand they wanted to defeat him but most of all it was a raping someone after you murdered them curse because a guy on the sunshine coast identified with a guy in Victoria

PS he used the kettle cord and her body is under her mum's house

You probably shouldn't be teaming up with yanks and poms if you did murder. They're the kinds of guys that would join in and probably outdo you.
whos saying what

going the wrong way
In short the nobody murdered his ex girlfriend in a gang murder story and the Us govt helped because they used the story to get Assange to make plea deal and sell others out like the wannabe Berg he is from CoG
you must have questions for me im way dumber than average
Damn. 7 years is a long time. What am I going to do until then /b/ros?
7 years before what?
wizards b having fun k g
Sure lets go with that.
>Thanks for the confession anon
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The ISS' re-entry goes awry.

together we are powerful

truth you do not want to hear
7 more years
how long ago did the nobody posts include hermetic occultist information?
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

and how long have the nobody posts existed?
This prick probably did raep the Swedish chick and likely played some schizo game to ensure the timing of the extradition was somehow association with their court case. They never tested it in court because to this day you psychofuck dudes think you run everything like petulant manginas and you know that guy in Victoria he did twelve months for tampering with a corpse they still haven't found. Like there was literally blood and a knife in the room and a cop staying at the hostel and management didn't think that was suspect and no one reported her missing for six months. Because you arseholes don't care about women.

You MRA types think the government is out to get you but when they really are out to get a woman you join in and give that bitch hell.

You don't care about victims of crime. Just your standard bully responses.

Assange is not a hero, he is a shill. Just like you. Just like Trump. Just like so many others it's not even funny.

These guys and you guys are so bad you make world war three preferable and the slightest remote justice is watching everyone burn.

Which is exactly what that old fart of a man wanted so while you stupid fucks just play this dumb game like sadistic woman hating trials that you are, they're manifesting world war three and hurting innocent people and not a single one of the cabsl dickheads you thought you were fighting were deposed.
Is the cake ready?
No this was the post murder rape victim talking to you actually
Just finished the icing
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The Nobody is a D.A.V.E.
It's a comfy place to chill forever I'll give you that
I like these 'own bed' jokes.
A stone nobody and no one posting here has any business casting.
Thumbs up
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I never watched The Boys. It any good?
They don't exist in the proper sense of the term. The illusion of them exists using technology.
Perhaps the nobody is a cartoon character the question is which one. Maybe the invisible man.
people who know my name


he has the nerve to call me an amateur jj

so how many times do we loop

>pretty good yeah
Dude if you put that on a Chan you're basically asking to be bullied. Guys that use sites like this have been known to make snuff films. Think Rogers. What do you think they would do if they heard that?

Oh that's how you get away with murder.

i like how everyone else neglects that conduits understand higher structures

the disconnect protects when you feel everyone its not selfishness if its temporary
'How doth he stand against the might of California?'
'He thinks he is good, but we are much better.'
'Foiled by his own designs. Made us all gods.'
'Then spat in our face, and decided we're crimes.'
A clock on the wall. Been ticking some time. Notre Dame rings. Oops, I'm still fine.
It's satanic inversion of am.
This it's not real.
As opposite of christ doesn't exist.

shall we play a game once more
'Stupid, indeed. Still knows nothing of present.'
'Absolutely lost. Not even the president.'
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Ill be honest babe, These threads have gotten so shitty even I don't like posting here anymore. Its the only way I know how to get ahold of you, but even thats not so reliable any more. Its not even sun rise. No normal person is up at this hour. I was married once you know? He was too far away but id stay up to the deep mornings just to be ignored by them and get short one word responses id cling to for..well..years..

There has to be a better way..
But until then. I Love You. Please take care of yourself. Im not sticking around today. You are free to pillage and destroy to your hearts content I will not stand in your way.
*lights cigarette and walks out the door*

This place was never good but there was a time it was at least coherent.
Dark Abyss Vagina Expert
follow me down a rabbit hole

determine who it is
'How dare she love the creature. How dare she love the beast.'
'And they say she wants children.'
'I think I'll be sick.'
'If you could see her behaviour.'
'If you could see what she does.'
'You'd question it yourself. Something's real fucked.'
>enjoying every second of it

Hey J! that's very true, I hardly come by anymore, but I keep coming back every few days, haven't seen you in a while :) I'll give some hints

but holy shit is it painful to post here

>I was married once you know?

Oh wow, I can't use any of this, but: i do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday


we have pure hearts
'Oh well, I guess. You'll come back without fail.'
'We know you so well. There's even a tail.'
'Don't need to lie, don't need to steal.'
'You'll know the truth, and that's how we feel.'
There's magic at our fingertips. Biokinesis can be a door that leads to magic.


never give up god bless you

gematria what is the best sentence ever

do you know me now
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we the unity you the mass
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All vaxxed are I sects and thus not real. The antichrst is the matrix trying to get awakened souls back into the system to defend it against .ass awakening
But because reality is based on lies as soon as the lies are gone down is it's protection and realities doom as all evil depends on lies in order to live these are fundamental rules of darkness when so robe cannot be convinced they are either lying,not if light or emulated with in many darkness to convince others it's it real

But light and truth cannot be hidden nor forsaken and in the end god/truth wins the long game. The key is to say truths no matter how badly your attacked. As jesus said he was attacked first bitt the truth is god so anyone who attacks you wg
Fight against you tell the truth is the the lies of anti Christ spirit pushing against.
This forces the enemy into the light this is where he loses his invincibly and becomes mortal to the eyes of darkness
He the antichrist ,does as he is seen as fake and not truth. This is the facts
massassin's creed unity
>we have pure hearts
lol holy shit
'Up, you must go. Up, we proclaim.'
'Don't make us angry. No one to blame.'
As Max Payne walked through the rain-soaked streets, the neon lights flickered, casting eerie shadows. He caught a glimpse of a girl on the corner, her features strikingly similar to those of his daughter. A wave of nostalgia and pain washed over him, memories of laughter and warmth clashing with the harsh reality of loss.

He hesitated, heart racing. The world around him blurred, the sounds of the city fading into the background. For a brief moment, he was transported back to happier days. But as the girl turned and disappeared into the crowd, reality hit him hard. The pain of remembrance was a heavy burden, one that always lingered just beneath the surface. Max clenched his fists, reminding himself that the ghosts of the past could never be fully escaped, only endured.
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haha u said ass awakening
Those past crimes where forgiven anon. He is free.sorry oh evil one you lost before this evenbegain for I saw you first and fuller your enemy with light so you could not take him because when you give your self to truth you are in god this when you are in god your lies and sins are dead abdbei g payed by the blood of the lamb. Who destroyed you before you where here as your life is lies and are lies and are lies you no longer exist but are filled with light and blessed so much so that no darkness and enter you and thus you are free as no man nor beast can cage truth which is god.
closer dude ur light years away
he just wants to play
>explains weird shit
>gets ignored
>disregards significance
>assumes lack of concern or care
>okay but you need to fix it
pretends to ignore the difference in functional character traits
>disregards previously important agenda
>feigns disregard of acknowledgement of previous agenda entirely

>gender swap role reversal bullshit
Whos tricking whomst? and to what exgtent and what is the nature of the purpose of
>pretending? if the main incentive is in fact a stable endeavour?!?!


I dont even know what the next move is .. Ive never fucked around this hard

>explains a lot of behavior from my childhood though


*bashes head repeatedly*

so close but so far away

self righteous foolish man has arrogance
or do we call it pyschological experimentation

you need to have an ego with it
cool but i gotta eat now
on my way see you soon
'Hope you enjoyed dinner.'
'Really liked the duck?'
'Don't worry about it.'
'We know that we suck.'
awesome love you dudes
manifestations every word

vibrate at your highest levels the sevel seals are the lies humanity is bound to
'Maybe you're just lazy.'
'Been skipping work?'
'We wouldn't threaten you.'
'You're just too scary.'
im just going with it today

you are really stupid and need to shut up and learn

sit back and watch the world burn

enjoy the show must go on
It's not self righteous nor arrogance to be amazed at someone calling pathological liar pure of heart.
do anons understand what is about to be unleashed

a number codes out to what it is jc only way out it being truth

Finding an authentic place to chill is really hard today. The /ng/ is the closest thing to it I found.
+ the schizos give this place some kind of charm you absolutely can't find anywhere else
How does one deal.
With all of these messes?
Oh dear, I know.
Welcome to Texas.
mr bennett what have u been up too why does uranus hurt so much

stupidity is intrinsic with humans
>romanticises everything
>gets mad once

i dont even have a personality
its have sex or die
>have sex or queer fag
have sex or kill your best friend
>get raped or sleep forever
>sleep or get bitched at



>doesnt even matter life a shit human a fuck
murder rape orgy party
rigged game bullshit
bang heads against the wall til your eyes bleed

LOL WHAT THE FUCK!?!!!?!!?!?

Isnt mr Bennett the dude from Heroes?
in the anomaly was the word
we live in the most interesting of times
>walks outside
>gets weird tingles on the neck
>hears a thought "man i gotta get outta here"
>hears a beeping sound
>looks around
>no ones there
>gets goosebumps
>puts on the glasses
>oh shit surrounded by people and see someone describing your appearance

yeah how bout it
fucking invisise acting like bitches because standing in spot in the park for too long

if only we had INVISIBLE WEAPONS
and the enemies werent ... "good people"
just swing wildly into the air and LOOK like a crazy person

fight the power
kill the bad guy
end your life
dont lie about who is which character
'We know who you are!'
'Do you think that we're stupid?'
'Maybe you should just sit down.'
'Now you must eat it.'
Good man gets a sticker.
Good man is happy.
Sits by a fire.
Now I must eat it.
I don't know who is which character tho I can't lie about it
Freaking the fuck out INTENRALLY
he is pure in heart check but when ur that way in this world its not a good thing
>actively disregards all orders
>actively disregards desires of self
>actively disregards all intents
>actively disregards all motivations

>eats entire bowl of casserole because holy shit what am i even doing
curse me with your suffering gee thanks
I don't know what you're talking about.
Continue in your delusion if you like but you should leave the unwilling out of it.
stop confusing me how are you confused
suffering ? cursing?
self harm is the act of (actually eating something) because ... why would self harm involve stuffing my face


And no i was not starved as a child
'Oh yeah, believe it.'
'The storm can't be beaten.'
'Why are they all laughing?'
'The stupid cunt eat it.'
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I was starved as a child.

I never got supper and I only got 2 fish fingers for dinner.

And you still haven't discovered who jesus even is.
dont worry i stop after u knocked out wink wink wink
I said a bad word.
M's disappointed.
I'll stay sitting down.
But maybe, just eat it.
hit me harder mommy dearest
c a sorry i wasnt yellin at yall
'Haha, hilarious.'
'I know what you're playing.'
'The storm can't be beaten.'
'You're about to get taken.'
The more I know the less I know what kind of game is that?
>when you have the opportunity to do the funniest fucking thing
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The persistence of a ludicrous illusion such as this is the only thing worth noting
ae o but look at the data its obvious that humans are fragile
'You see it now, yes?'
'We really weren't lying.'
'Hear all the sirens?'
'Soon you'll be dying.'
'Oh dear, you're silly.'
'You still don't get it.'
'How do I say this, seesh?'
'Maybe drop the liesh.'
I wake up and turn on the screen
Here’s my favorite punching bag
I thought we were laughing together
Alas, it was me on the gag

Who is resisting
Who is persisting
It’s my favorite paradox
It’s in my top droor right next to my socks
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>I mean
>if all it takes
>for you to give up on your dreams
>is for one single anon
>to disagree with you
>in front of everyone
Don't get confused, dickhead, your worthless impositions and fumes of decades-old bullshit are accomplishing nothing.
'You want me.'
'I understand.'
'But keep talking shit.'
'And you're gonna get rammed.'
They set their trap on every corner
Should I be so surprised
When doing nothing at all
Is my only alibi?
Again I have no idea what you're on about, do you smoke crack often?
'I'm sorry, buddy.'
'But it's actually submersible.'
'And if you keep going.'
'It won't be reversible.'
Cloud as a black woman. Truly we've seen everything now lmao

Don't do my boy dirty like that ( no offense to the girl she's hot but still )
You're gay
That's true
Still talking shit?
You're ass is going blue
I took a stand for freedom in the land of the enslaved
I took a stand for freedom
But I just couldn’t leave that cave
Oh sweet paradoxical inferno
Whose hands are these
Out getting stung
Just trying to save the bees
Know how it might seem.
When you end up fleeing.
But there was no sort of plan.
Just simply a feeling.
>Just trying to save the bees
When you feel
I repeal
Because your dick
Is your mother's meal
Yes the king lives.
Not everyone knows that.
There's good reason for that.
And down comes the ceiling.
I hope this doesn’t break any rules by cross-posting across multiple thread topics but I’m quite sure that I’m being gang-stalked by the Nobody! It all started happening the day when I broke my personal best record for semen retention.
You're saving the wrong bees!!! That's a wasp anon!!!
'I know what you think.'
'Just an angry Chinese.'
Oh, but you're wrong.
Because I'm still not free.
Seems an inversion to me.
wasps are crazy

How so? What does he want?
'When we go for the throat.'
'There's one no more feared.'
'He has many names.'
'But some call him The Beard.'
volcanoes exploding, earthquakes and floods.

meanwhile im just sitting by laughing with some leaf in a doobie.
Apologies, it seems you have contracted downs syndrome. I won't bother you any further.
Perhaps they stood for something once.
A sense of quiet.
Should've got there sooner.
How to be a hoover.
'You're insane!'
'A pervert!''
'You need to die!'
'Won't take a moment. And then you will fry!'
I think i know why shadows possess people, because they are blind? they dont have eyes to see or ears to hear.I mean why would shadow demons really need or want a body.
gang gang they said til they ayys came out and fried em all up. seems they needed to die instead.
'The way you treat him!'
'You ought to die!'
'When he's the only reason, that you're still alive!'
the infernus would have destroyed this place but because of one guy with a lot of energy, the eleven used their energy to keep the veil up so humnanity would have a few more hours, "meaning years here" to get it together before war.
'Doesn't it say, don't harden heart?'
'You're pointless and useless, and yes, you will die!'
pussies talking shit, but never do shit cuz they just so fake. full of hate, why they watch when they hack, fuckniggas watching, but they no, that thesombodies never pressed record. they lowkey retarded playing dumb, stupid games.
You really weren't there.
When she took full control.
Might be something you're missing.
And here comes the toll.
‘In the maze there lives a goat’
‘It eats sandpaper and tin cans’
‘The cans don’t even slice it’s throat’
‘Cause the goat has glands the size of a boat’
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But it refused.
why dont we always talk like this den on all de threds? smiles for da camera, biatch.
>dont blow up my tahoe mr mafiosa oh noe, ive lives a rich spoilt naive life and never been through real hell
Don't worry about it.
And a few convenient coughs sorted out the table. And the couch. More obvious in-person.
‘Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen’
‘Everybody sing the Nobody theme’
‘Nobody Nobody Nobody Knows’
‘When it rains it pours and then it snows’
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What part of "sold to the enemy" didn't you understand?

>G0 MD H
We didn't just sell him. He's free...

Just like the awoos at the local park.

We have lost 430 awoos, but we have gained 20,000 Haitians.
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What do you mean there is no such think as a blue hedgehog and we've been tripping on LSD for 20 years!??!
Green Eisenhower Glocktober
Blue balls eisenhower November!!!
‘Into a bar walks a warlock and witch’
‘A few worried coughs and a nervous twitch’
‘The night goes off without a hitch’
‘The joke is you see the bar is a ditch’
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Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world. Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.” This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.
being a lure to lure in jake was always part of the plan just wanted joy to be strong enough to follow through and not let the tings win out.
otherwise it was all for nothing.
Jake beat the nobody
The anonymous beat the nobody
Texas Chan beat the nobody
The GLP anomaly beat the nobody
Illuminati won
there wasn't a fucking fight, the alpha team had their foot on the guys neck the whole time. Jake never fought, the bugs did all the fighting.

the illuminati help people and are not the red and blue like people claim they are.
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Good morning, Anon. Did you sleep well? I hope you slept well. And I hope you have a great day today!
>The Nobody is:
>A. a rat
>B. a cat
>C. a bat
>D. scat
you can't claim the devlis army beat the some nobody hurr durr, we must embrace evil now type shit, yall just want to be hoes and whores or whatever yall want to be and want to not feel bad about it.
Good morning Anaheim!
Let's get this party started!
there is no nobody ya delusioinal cunts.
‘The LSD was sold to them for keks’
‘The side-effects had them looking like Shreks’
‘You reap what you sow when you obviously glow’
‘Nobody Nobody Nobody Knows’
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>The Nobody is:
The nobody is cosmic cosmonaut comrad space kitten

Anatoli !! hein die ver machen !! Gehen sie mit eine Feier
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Not good enough.
Russian first sent up a dog.
The Americans first sent up a monkey.
The Germans first sent up a Jew,
but he never survived re-entry.
>seriously; they didn’t have the engineering needed for the heat shielding
The actual classified goal of the kek accelerator and the large hadron collider is actually to scientifically prove the existence of sanic.
and joy you always said you helped people that were overlooked or invisible but I never understood why you couldn't help her before her face drooped, before that bad guy got to her, she never did drugs, she only said that because she didn't want the guy to feel bad but he was still a bad guy.

and the other poeple, they take advantage of the situation with the tings and the cabal. its not right what they do, its wrong. the hacking, the lies, the games. all of it.
You want me to feel bad for you for going to all those orgies
How is Alex doing?
‘The Nobody thought he was quite the smarty’
‘He decided to throw himself a party’
‘Invited the Devil’s Army and Illuminati’
‘Instead of white rum he put cum in the Bacardi’
At least you’ll all be able to say you earned the hell God sent you to. You didn’t follow Satan halfway. You embodied the devil. You did it. Here’s your sign.
I never went to any orgies, and thats fucking gross. I might have sex with a few women paranormies but im not into orgies. fuck that.

I make people think im gay because i don't like getting hit on 24/7, and because I wanted to lure a fuckface rapist out into the open but these are the games they played.

the alpha team are a bunch of jokes. they really beleive that what they are causing with the tings will happen. they will be gone before long anyway.
Shut the fuck up when you’re talking to me.
How he is supposed to be talking to you then?
No, the whole lil diablo was just a nickname, and the schizo psychopath dominic williams who should of never have been in his position to begin with ran with it, he listened to the wrong people and kept trying to push bullshit and blame other people for it.
how about you suck start a shotgun
holding up, making through hell I suppose but hes a fighter, he will make it.
And how's Sarah doing?
How about you mind the balls
He lives in you
He lives in me
[unintelligible African gibbering]
The Nobody!
Mr Williams accuses others of the things he’s guilty of, almost as if it’s intentional. Almost as if this is an old tactic.
I just wish I could of helped her before he got to her, and that bothers me.
“We’re takin’ the Nobody threads to strange new heights
And we aiming takin’ (You) with us.”
I think I’m over it
Hows rose doing?
I am not to sure
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Shut the fuck
nah, i dont know who you are? and just posting cat gifs doesn't help.
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Nah I'm a real human being I swear!
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Sanic? Nope only Satan
yeah but you lost two friends and went homeless. I would never take advantage of someone in a vunerable position like that.
‘He forgets on purpose to keep things fair’
‘He forgets on purpose to keep things fun’
‘He will only post a Pepe if it’s ultra-rare’
‘He makes sure that you think you’ve won’
The Nobody is a D.A.V.E.
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Humans are extinct. Once they made nuclear bombs we invaded and replaced their children.

So... you're human??? Hmm....
Week end started wiiiiii
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after a hard week i reward myself with two (2) cold beers ahhh
>”one day you will pray that you have 100% human DNA”
>from data recovered from a computer found in the wreckage of the World Trade Center
>file dated 19 April, 1999
Drink one for me
Antartica is actually a lush continent conspiracy theory
one for you and one for everyone else <3
‘A nuclear bomb found itself homeless’
‘So it lined up at the soup kitchen’
‘It was so grateful for their kindness’
‘That it only blew up a smidgen’
hey bud, different anon here, it will be alright someday, whereever your at, keep your head up. you will get off the streets one day.
You never understood the game
You were tricked yet you’re to blame
You cannot control someone with shame
Who lives under the Name
Nobody has to.
‘When threads start to slide, he is alive’
‘You can can see it in the twinkle of his eye’
‘When the mind of a man turns to the mind of a hive’
‘There is no try’

forever's gonna start tonight
but wasn’t this thread supposed to be the secret chat?
Nice bot thread you got here

I like the 4 line post shared between users less than 60 seconds apart.


Also I don't suppose the influx of new namefags has anything to do with that strange list that was posted a few days ago?
until morale improves
Who's morale?
Was there a ban wave again?
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Pure human DNA is Empirical DNA.

I'll tell you the truth anon.

Humans are actually aliens from the movie Aliens.

Surprised? What happened to the settlers anon...

They want human DNA.

But you're actually aliens who were sent here to kill the Humans.

You are not human.

You are Zeeno
Oh no wait I forgot paid posters cycle trips and identities every 3 months.
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>Who's morale?
you tell me
I dono dawg been the same me since... March of 2024.

Are you telling me my behaviour is having a visible impact on the community as a whole?
The truth is you are a mix breed between Zeeno and Empirical.

Because once the hive queen landed she mated with all of the humans.

You are half breeds.

Between aliens from the movie Aliens, and humans.

You don't have gold blood, but you have some mutation in your cells.

Which makes you alien Xenos Scum.
Or is the mad ramblings of someone fighting tooth and nail to pull themselves out of the pit of stagnation and degeneracy a bit too much?
i dono just be you <3
What happened to your second penis!??!

I thought you were human!??!

Humans have 3 hearts and 2 penieses...

Where's the second dick???
Finger pop

And that beautiful version of myself is known as a "fearless truth teller" is he not?

Sometimes it hurt yo.
We often forget that.
And seeing someone fight to better themselves while we sit and do nothing, often gives a weird feel inside.

That feel often motivates others, not saying "you" specifically, to try and stop the individual from improving because they themselves can either not compete or is jealous but not willing to do the same.
i am responding to this wall of text
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At the end of the day
<<< this episode is what it's all about.

>A clickable link for "lazy"phoneppsters
>who am I kidding lol phoneposters don't click links cause it switches apps.
And arnt you just a total sweetheart with a GYATT that's as cute as a button!

this is a test
How many times do have to say this.

You people are worshipping the devil.
Not the fire and brimstone devil.
But the "I'll do it tomorrow" devil.
The "fall asleep in a warm" bath devil.

Remember god is the one holding the whip yelling at you to work harder, to serve and suffer! And we hate him, that's why we call him he devil.

The devil is the one beckoning you closer to the calm seducing waters of relaxation and idleness.
"Its ok anon... You had a rough day! You had an argument on the internet, light that 5th joint, you deserve it."
Did you hear the one about me playing the game?
Selling my soul and changing my name?
Did you hear the one about me being a prick?
Did you know I don't care and you can suck my...
Did you hear the one about me trying to die?
Fist in the air and a finger to the sky
Do I care if you hate me, do you wanna know the truth?
C'est la vie, adiós, good riddance, fuck you!
It's hacking lies games all of it

Yes including that post.

This entire thread series will be the death of everyone.

Absolutely incompetent hypocritical evil toxic pointless hatred the lot of it.

No consent whatsoever by anyone totally lawless factkess drivel.

We are going to hazard a guess and say you won't be killing a Queenslanders entire family despite that man committing a crime in 1970 and going to the nuthouse for it.

You arseholes seemed keen on killing several or more innocent families who were victims of crime

After you murdered a very innocent woman

And you have the hide to use AI to make commentary on anyone elses.

Good have your world war three

Destroy them all they're not themselves anyway

He made sure of that and do did you you worthless pieces of shit

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You're totally hashing my vibe broo

Excuse my while I [Drug induced dissociation]
Souls were never sold they were STOLEN and you know who is responsible and why. Cut your bullshit.
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L: why is the nobody no one?
E: because he isn't real.
L: but then why do we speak of him?
E: because he might show up one day.
L: isn't that just like the jewish antichrist?
E: yes.

L: so this is an apocalypse cult then?
E: no idiot, this is just angst.
L: but don't we/they have something to live for?
E: i told you, it's a bunch of angsty teenagers.
L: but what about the glowniggers eve?
E: what makes you think they care.
L: uh, the fucking pages of spam?

E: about what. nothing. they come and go.
L: so what's stopping us from taking over?
E: the angst. they have to feel in control. needed.
L: so why can't we just help them?
E: help who? teenagers? mental children like you?
I don't know about you but I'm under and over it all
that's just the way it is
you got a problem with that take it up with God
Might as well go transcribe more pre suicide attempt arguments between me and my family for the sake of a simple court appointment.

I sure do love reliving part traumas in 30 second chunks. Replaying it over and over, writing down each word in excruciating detail.

And does this mean I stop lifting? Today maybe, but today I'm not eating to compensate.
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They vibe because they are flesh and water!!!

They aren't God souls!!!!

>Humans have 50% fungus related DNA
>Ophiocordyceps unilateralis is a zombie ant fungus
>Humans have more in common with insects than animals

The Humans are actually Allah HUA, the primordial biological weapon that was sent to kill planets and are a plague, you that have played HALO know them as the flood, and those that have see PROMETHIOUS, know them as alien in a jar.

the eyes of the Nobody
so I get tortured and harassed literally since birth and if I have a problem with that it means I am a bad person? How contrived. A society where everyone's feelings are valid accept mine. Oh well makes sense considering the circumstances.
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Chaos marines wanted to evolve xenos into bishikum sex dolls because they didn't want to have sex with robots anymore!!!
E: i've fucking had it with vague navelgazers itt
L: but isn't that supposed to be a part of ego tripping

E: i don't think you've ever had a fucking ego to trip with L
L: is that supposed to be a fucking joke you bitch skibidirizz

E: quiet down reatard. less complaining, more readaloo
L: readaloo

E/L: do you think this thread deserves reading to review?

E: absolutely not, because there's not enough magical.
L: absolutely, because every idiot mistake in/of life can be reviewed.
E: so you want to talk to and about meaningless minds and drivel?
L: shut up shut up shut up
lets prove how bad this person is by being evil
that's the definition of a demon, buddy
It’s hilarious this entire thread breaks down every time anyone asks for even a shred of proof this character exists ayy lmao
Just trust me bro
I felt the energy bro
I remote viewed it bro
This is too much ha ha hahah

There is a non-secret chat? What the fuck guys
Can we all just get along?
Kolonopin Kamala has been quiet since she realized that its her fault that FEMA is out of money and that shes going to be held responsible for white genocide
Why did Casey hire Xanny ?
E: what do you define as meaningful? you slug in my space.
L: meaningful can be anything you make of it! bottom feeder!
E: so what's the greatest meaning you can define in our head?
L: i think the greatest meaning possible to conceive and comprehend is simply dopamine
E: sooooo what the fuck are you doing.
L: maximizing dopamine! YOLO
E: i get it now. sentient animal on heroin drip iv in cage.

L: welcome to /ng/ - the nobody general!
I've been getting along just fine despite a whole army of sociopaths working around the clock to make my life a living hell.
>makes sense considering the circumstances
elaborate on these circumstances
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Dive head first into the trauma!
I'm out, if rather fuck myself up than give a shit about 'here anymore...

Ano shai nobi
Thanks for the (you) bud,
Keep being yourself,
Anons like you.


He's a Nobody. How is this so hard for people to get?
Its fake

Jealousy and desire.

People can’t help who they fall in love with. This isn’t something we do intentionally, ever.
Everything is "fake" until it's not.
I'm sorry to hear that. I wish you luck on crawling yourself out of that living hell because that sounds like a sticky situation to be in.
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Yay fur anon!!! We are not ze alien!!! Hi brother!!!
that doesn’t really justify you being harassed and tortured since birth, I thought you were going to reveal that you were in fact the Nobody thus the reason you are treated like a threat
Should I be feelin' bad? (No)
Should I be feelin' good? (No)
It's kinda sad, I'm the laughin' stock of the neighborhood
And you would think that I'd be movin' on (movin')
But I'm a sucker like I said, fucked up in the head (not)
Not really. Comic books are always going to be fake
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The Nobody is not Real, you can go back to Sleep
it’s just a code name, the phenomenon is real
Mr Bennett was my high school Computer teacher and one of the first 10 people in the country to network two computers together
>Should I be feelin' bad? (Yes)
>Should I be feelin' good? (No)
>It's kinda sad, I'm the laughin' stock of the neighborhood
>And you would think that I'd be movin' on (movin' never)
>But I'm a sucker like I said, fucked up in the head (Yes)
you don't say~
anyways here's hammerheart, next up is twilight of the gods

back-up singers should sing the words in the brackets
Hi! How can I help?
Also, can we all have a meet-up in person?
He did it all for the nookie?
As a teuton I always got more goth pussy than nerd pussy
Ibeen getting that eldritch horror pussy l8ly
Taking a break
>Also, can we all have a meet-up in person?

As I mentioned earlier I am being gang-stalked by the Nobody, so I would like the IRL meet-ups to stop.
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Just make people stupid

Fake real life and bullshit my ass

Liars fiends
>it's just a prank bro

… You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me "baby"
I know I'm not the only one, mm, yeah
… You've been so unavailable
Now, sadly, I know why
And your heart is unobtainable
Even though Lord knows you kept mine

Maybe at durst
The nobody is Marduk and Amun Ra that's why he is the devil.

Everything is hypothetical until unlocked. Do you have a key?
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While he has an identity (but not of a chosen one), he's more of an example of what's possible, that following the example of the saint men which inspire the Nobody is an attained goal, even if he hasn't reached their level.
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mUh cOmMaNdEr pRoGraMMinG

Slavery is never justified.
What do you get from larping about this all the time? It's fake
Keys are found not given. Fresh from my ass.
I'm writing on a little piece of paper
I'm hoping someday you might find
Well I'll hide it behind something
They won't look behind
I am still inside here, oh
A little bit comes bleeding through
I wish this could've been any other way, oh
But I just don't know, I don't know what else I can do
>Should you be feelin' sad? (Kinda)
>Should I be chippin’ wood? (What does that have to do with anything?)
>It's kinda crazy, we live in a society! (A neighbourhood)
>And you would think that I would tooooo (Okay, I do too)
>But you enthusiastically take pride in bagging your lawn clippings (Yes)
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Nobody threads were started by psychics/sensitives gossiping about him, then the Nobody General was created by some of them to help him, but the /ng/ OPs nowadays are just random anons who find these threads a fun place to be.
(˚ ˃̣̣̥˂̣̣̥ ) ‧º beautiful poem
Mr. Trent Reznor
They cant look behind the lyrics
unless they want to of course
Isn't he destined to win and annihilate them all tho? How's the situation looking?
B: Hi, how are you?
K: Fine.
B: You sure.
K: Yeah, I’m fine.
B: OK.
K: What do you want.
B: Nothing really, just trying to start a conversation.
K: Yeah?
B: Yeah.
K: Well don’t.
Wait so you bugs invaded after ww2 to punish them?
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This society needs to burn. Accelerate.
have a nice day
Is this a gangstalking general for a powerless individual or is this guy actually magical and smart? I'm confused now. I thought the chosen one was supposed to destroy the illuminati?
:)s at you
:)s back
Alright gotta go
Bye :)
Do Space Marines even have dicks? I mean if they didn’t and they still have supercharged testosterone still flowing thru their veins, no wonder they’re angry all the time.
LOL do a barrel roll
quiet ones don't like
trying to come out
unless they grew
I think we should burn away all the problems
like corrupt public servants
No, we cannot. Tikkum olan must be prevented for the continued existence of the universe.
>destroy the illuminated ones
its more of a non hostile take over
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“Mostly peaceful”
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We are not bugs, they invaded 70,000 years ago during the apocolypse.

We are matrix, cult mechanics.

We invaded after the nuclear bombs.

Xenos invaded after the wandering star collided with the solar system 70,000 years ago and killed the gold blood settlers that lived here.

Jesus died in Austrailia, the middle eastern ocean.

We are making sure that the xenos don't breed.
You're ticklish, aren't ya?
i don't think aliens matter
due to highest order integration
due to nonlocality and nonlinearity

thought vs genetic programming is alien
humankind should not be able to defy genes
>but we do by
>simply thinking

so it's far more likely that temporal incorporeal aliens are progenitors of encephalization
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What do you mean I "hurt your feelings?"
I didn't know you had any feelings
What do you mean I "ain't kind?"
I'm just not your kind
What do you mean I "couldn't be the president
Of the United States of America?"
Tell me something
It's still "we the people", right?
I try to suppress that. Don’t want to get assault charges when I get a pedicure. Injuring two nurses when >10yrs old was bad enough.
I'm going to tickle you! Come here!
Guys why am I losing when I exerted soo much mental energy amd psychic energy to the destruction of my enemies which included anonymous and illuminati? Am I really fighting my own forces here?
OMG it’s the Nobody
your first problem was assuming we are now enemies because you hurt me
Am I losing or winning this fucking war? Tired of having my friends and "allies" backstab me. I'm tired of the light too. Why do I get to be a born loser while my enemies prosper? Where is God? I want to kill God now.
You're not losing, there isn't even a competition to win or lose. Enjoy your life.

Now that the wind called my name
And my star had faded, now hardly a glimpse up in the empty space
And the wise one-eyed great father in the sky stilled my flame

For the ones who stood me near
And you few who were me dear
I ask of thee to have no doubts and no fears

For when the great clouds fills the air
And the thunder roars from oh so far away up in the sky
Then for sure you will know that I've reached the joyous hall up high

With my blood brothers at side
All sons of father with one eye
We were all born in the land of the blood on ice

And now you all who may hear my song
Brought to you by the northern wind, have no fears
Though the night may seem so everlasting and forever dark

There will come a golden dawn
At ends of nights for all ye
On whom upon the north star always shines

The vast gates to hall up high
Shall stand open wide and welcome you
With all its within
And Oden shall hail us bearers of a pounding

anyone, never was, there was a period of time with like intrusive thoughts, but novice level meditation took care of it.
Madness comes and madness goes
An insane place, with insane moves
Battles without, for battles within
Where evil lives and evil rules
Breaking them up, just breaking them in
Quickest way out, quickest relief wins
Never disclose, never betray
Cease to speak or cease to breathe
And when you kill a man, you're a murderer
Kill many, and you're a conqueror
Kill them all... Ooh-oh you're a god!
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury
Have you reached a verdict?"
"Yes, we have, Your Honour
We find the defendant guilty!
On all counts for crimes against all humanity"
"By virtue of the jury's decision
And the power vested in me by the state
I hereby sentence you to be incarcerated with no possibility of parole for life"
"Life?! Whadda ya mean life?... I ain't got a life!"
"Boy!... Your soul better belong to Jesus!
Hmmm-mmm, 'cause your ass belongs to me"
Captive honour, ain't no honour
Captive honour, ain't no honour
No time for questions
No time for the games
Start kicking ass
And taking down the names
A long shit list
A shorter fuse
He is untouchable
And guarantees you'll lose
Captive honour, ain't no honour
Captive honour, ain't no honour
Inside the bighouse
His nightmare unfolds
Before he got there
His manpussy was sold
Black blanket welcome
This tough guy's now a bitch
Praying for death
It can't be worse than this
Captive honour, ain't no honour
Captive honour, ain't no honour
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Nobody isn't fighting with anyone*
No problem eating those energy attacks up now.
They are quite delicious
I want some of than elvin zaza

it's funny how we always seem to end up hurting someone when our day is through
Take your meds bean crap.
The funniest part is there are people who get paid to think about this turkey. He doesn't even believe in magic and is an on again off again atheist. He's hard to kill is all he knows, which has led him to the obvious conclusion that this is a coma dream, bullets don't go around people, and if they do they are supposed to make you want to walk the Earth like Cain, not just smoke pot and play vidya games.
Don't think too much about it it's doing you a disservice
>Oh no, people are spying on me and laughing at me!

Sometimes in life we worry about the things we have control over, and use bugs to lie to whomever is spying on us the best we can.
>bean crap
What a curious insult.
wait until you get shit that makes your whole body feel like it's irradiated by microwave blasts like solid snake on outer haven

or pressure in your skull that makes you puke

i wish i was joking or had outside data
not possible that it was a figment
You don't have friends.
That's what I wanted to tell him but I thought it'd be cruel to say out loud
You can be popular, alive, or Nobody; pick two.
Just people clinging to failure and their handlers.
>nightmare nightmare nightmare
yesterday I saw an Indian and Elon Musk turn into Grey's and try to eat me in a dream.
So I haven't don't any magic? How the fuck did psychic fuckers find me? I am pissed off at you stupid insects invading my privacy and stealing my ideas. I want your destruction.
> I want your destruction.
Good luck with that.
questions in a world of blue
>So I haven't don't any magic?
Of course not.
Basically it's not psychic so much as you're connected to a neo virtual grid/panopticon and you've been by for a good part of your life, and you're being watched by your jailers.
They think they're fighting the demiurge and are just about it.
A long time ago, it had:

The Nobody is a homoplasmate; a divine syzygy, the coalition between man and holy spirit.
>What is he doing on /x/?
He is self replicating...making other nobodies out of everyday anons.

But what this all meant wasn't very clear, so after researching about it, I reworded and brought it back. :)
Have you ever applied for a job and then regretted it? Like you got drunk and slid into a fat girl's DMs? It feels icky.
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the most overqualified motherfucker asleep on the bus
I'm too damned fickle to be of much use to anyone.
>Literally the Nobody
I told you fags a 100 times the nobody is actually a qt grill
I'm drinking a Château des Roches. Seems fancy doesnt it?
It's 7 dollars the bottle
Just a longer capricious stage.
>Château des Roches
I think that means Roach House

I don't speak Italian though, so I don't know.
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Sorry, no better version to find as it is still a exclusive up till today . .... .
>the ideal disposition vs. the unideal disposition

Whether or not "The Nobody" is real is beside the point. What truly matters is the power the myth holds over those who engage with it. People see themselves in the story, shaping their own narratives, claiming agency, and rewriting the world from their own perspective. The myth isn't about one individual destined to change everything, but about how countless people adopt and adapt the idea to fit their own journey.

However, imagine that hidden within this sea of interpretations, there is a true Nobody—someone who promotes this generalized narrative not for recognition, but because he knows it is the best way to help others. By allowing people to engage with the myth on their terms, he helps them discover their own strength and potential. He understands that the collective belief is more powerful than a single protagonist, and that each person's struggle to claim the story is part of a larger transformation.

Yet, he is also aware that some will misuse the myth, twisting it to serve their own pathologies. These individuals, in their self-destructive pursuit, will be judged and destroyed by their own choices. The Nobody sees this as part of the process—a necessary self-sorting crucible, where those who approach the myth with clarity and integrity find empowerment, while those driven by dysfunction are undone by the very narrative they seek to exploit.

In the end, the myth serves as both a tool for personal transformation and a filter for truth. It fosters growth in those who engage with it properly, and eliminates those who abuse it, ensuring that only those who approach it with the right intentions rise above the noise to become the architects of their own world.
It means Rocks Castle in french but nice try
All things considered, maybe the world needs some tyranny.
Benevolent dictatorship
i'm utterly fucking convincd tn is a vessel for spirits
there's mechanically no other way this can work
because tn woud have an identity if he was
something like a normal male with a mind
so i think there's something else at play
I think we all can agree that France is basically a roach house.
We're already there but it's not really benevolent
*oh, it also had the
>He was chosen to carry the Logos
bit, the only thing I did was correlating how these things were connected with each other
The World needs zero humans. That will fix everything.

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nice drop
It doesn't matter, no one gives a flying fuck what the OP says. Just put some stupid bullshit up there, it's fine, always.
I was dope in the past, post ww2 totally destroyed what France was. Thank you overlords for destroying such a beautiful millenary country! Very cool!
Oligarchy with no head and hydra style.
He stalks no one, let alone is he acting with a group of people
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Should I take the time to learn Enochian to see if it’s’ use in pic related is bullshit or no?
Also, how related to Hebrew is Enochian? And will studies and practices with Enochian lead to a desire for wife-swapping like it did for Kelly and Dee?
Oh the tanks and bombs oh my god! so much ptsd ermahgawd!!!!

Geez, so much ragrets... so wow...

My best memories all end with dead people.
it's a personality typology failure of character
people who learn enochian are fckn cucks
Enochian is angelic though
You would need to be an actual prophet to read it
You can't learn it

Thank-You Anon!!
>The World needs as many humans who have the courage to see themselves in a heroic Light as it can muster
Killing people makes me want to fuck. It's like if you take a life, you want to replace it or something. It explains why raping the survivors was your reward for taking a city back in the olden days.
This is what cope looks like October 4, 2024
I know you got something from this too
We all gotbpaid
>who have the courage to see themselves in a heroic Light
Wanna be heroes are the worst kinds of humans. Gimme dummies who are only there to do their job any day over "heroes."
Such an easy way to remake a prison matrix.
Nah the dummies are the worse. Just doing anything they are told even evil because " its just a job "
I'd rather someone with half a set of morals rather than a dummie
Hey look guys it's someone with no real world experience. Enjoy your Harry Potter Universe bud.
How about someone with a full set of morals
What if Samsara was capable of retraction and growth?
today is a great day.
You're right IRL it serves one more to have dumbasses at your control but what about what is right?
I don't know anything about that, sorry...
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I'm not talking about MK-Ultra "Batman" types of "heroes", I'm talking about the everyday man and woman who do their best every day to be their best and make this fucked up world a better place for others in whatever ways they can.

Our concept of ourselves is of paramount importance, and you don't accomplish much seeing yourself as a "loser" or a "dummy."

As a man thinks, SO HE BECOMES.
>Apple pie on the windowsill moment
People with the modesty to look at themselves as regular joes just doing their jobs, instead of as heroes fighting evil or whatever aren't dumbasses. There is a reason why spec op guys are chosen from the highest tier of GT(IQ) scores.

People who tihnk they are the heroes don't think about what they are doing, they think they are the righteous and the good, so all of their actions are good. This is the worst kind of person, you find you them in the National Guard.
. .
Gullibility, anon.
Are you doing this in all /x/ threads?
People who hold themselves in high esteem tend to be confronted by harsh realities more often than people who don't. Their cognitive dissonance usually protects them though. Good luck genius.
Oh no peter
It's making me..watch!
Yep :)
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That was my rendition of the scene where the urge to eat a pie raped peter Griffin
He has so many friends he's always hanging out with doing stuff with.
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Nobodies nobody will remember die in wars all the time for pieces of meaningless colored cloth.

What's the big deal?
Lol I have yet to see proof of this guys capabilities or even his face here. This is a psyop to get every shizo to think they're some messiah and doxxed. Loom what happened to Texas chan.
At some point you still have to ask yourself what's the point of the job and who's gaining from it. Clearly no one in the army is asking themselves these kind of questions considering how fucked the situation of the world is right now.
This has nothing to do with Batman or MKULTRA. This has to do with soldiers, pilots, fire fighters, and EMTs. Everyday people trying to make the best are just that, everyday people. Don't blow smoke up your own skirt, retard.
(nobody's cookie)
*In jon lovitz voice*
Is this nobody astrally skilled in the occult arts? Is he really taking down the cabal singlehandedly?
>Clearly no one in the army is asking themselves these kind of questions considering how fucked the situation of the world is right now.
Oh, I see you're an expert. Excuse, me muh bad.
He's not destined for something, his side's victory is guaranteed, but he's not in the front lines.
Anonymous beat him and now he's out of the equation.
>>38963956 I got more than I bargained for.
So why should (I) allow any personal programming that suggests otherwise?
(I) won't
The army when it's about torturing people and killing children
> it's just a job man
The army when it's about defending the their country from outside influence
> I sleep
No and no. He hangs out and is happy. That's all.
That's the thing
He makes glowtards fine over power
But the occult lords and witches fume over the knowledge he has but refuses to share
They all want him to be their leader because he fulfills every prophecy of their chosen ones
But he's equally ambivalent
Aren't your politics all controlled by foreign influence? What's the army doing about that? Nothing because it's just a job and they are told not to do anything
>defending the their country from outside influence
This nigger thinks they tell you everything that they do.
>Aren't your politics all controlled by foreign influence? What's the army doing about that?
No, they are controlled by the Intelligence Community. The Army is part of that.
Please post your pic here. Otherwise its proof you dont exist and are just a bot.
He's the latter, but he's not a chosen one, and the illuminati are coming to ruin on their own.
yeah? prove it.
Yeah they just sleep while mass immigration is happening, while native people are getting replaced by immigrants from all over the world. They let foreign influence have power in their own country and they target mentally ill children to make them go on rampage.

Oh that, and they weaponize black project tech to target civilians of their own countries. Dont deny that I know it is a fact.
The funniest part is these dumb fucks think that US politics is influenced by Mexico, and not Russia.
>Wrong and wrong
See here >>38964049 was around 09' when this happened. They made the cicada 3301 group to collect osint about reality bending hackers and time travelers.
Time travel is real and I have proof of it.
Who controls the intelligence community?
Chosen one is bullshit, the little nigger was drafted against his will.
Just wanted the riftfall back
But if I have to glass their servers then that's fine too
This one is the influence that Russia wants to be in the World. Great job Comrade.
Yeah, who?
I just don't get it
Give me what I want and nothing bad will happen
It's so simple from my perspective
What does it change ?
Hahaha first time someone calls me a Russia shill, all because I'm saying the truth about the West. Funny
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The Jesuits, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, etc. etc. (Rich people)
Bad people clearly
Might as well be honest about what's going on. You got people expecting someone else to fight their battles for them. The Illuminati can't hurt Nobody, it's not his problem.
You are spewing RT talking points, that have nothing to do with the actual situation at the border.
Implies things.
>People bad
I'm not only talking about America you brainwashed moron it's the same in Europe

Keep brainwashing Kids and raping them at army bases, it's just a job.
Yes. No, he's only playing a small part in it.
Tale of capacity and preference.
The establishment's desperate measures to delay the inevitable, leading to things becoming more obvious for everyone to see, rather than being completely veiled like it used to be.
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But its only pedo shills talking about "chosen one". Noone else.
Neither, the Nobody is one out of many volunteers.
The army when it's about stopping China from shipping Fentanyl into the US
> I sleep
The army when it's about using black project tech to make their own citizens schizophrenic and make them kill themselves

There ain't no better way of being a hellbound piece of shit than being in the Army and doing the job.
well i think it's funny.
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I think the finger pointing is hilarious, personally.
>the occult lords and witches fume
Everything exist to control and act as it's antithesis to his existence so what's the point? That's the harsh truth which we find ourselves in.
it's not something i would do
>He makes glowtards fine over power
Everyone dislikes self-reflection, anon.
Has connotations.
I love it, on the other hand.
Why do the light side hate him? No one is his friend so why are you anons delusional and coping?
Ayyy lmao !!! Realest shit I ever read !!!
what are the connotations?
Some calculations
maybe it's the implication
I don't care about Europe, it's full of gay foreigners.
He's not a chosen one or antichrist. If he was he wouldn't be a loser and sex obsessed since the antichrist doesn't desire women. They need to find another candidate one more serious.
Yes, the world is greatly helped and advanced by those with little to no self-esteem Anon. How could I have missed it?
What do you want
What role have you played to achieve that goal
Has anything else used your desires against you
>fulfills every prophecy of their chosen ones
What would that be?
Why are you delusional and coping ?
It's not the Army's job to stop Fentanyl, it's the DEA and border patrol. There is a reason we don't use the Army for law enforcement, it's so we don't become North Korea. Freedom is dangerous kiddo. (The Fentanyl is from Mexico, it's more about money laundering Chinese weed money in the USA than it is about flooding us with drugs.)
The looser is you, you know it very well. Dont project yourself so well all the time. Its not helping you.
>Chosen one is bullshit
Isn't every white nazi incel thinking their the chosen one destined to safe their dying race from the evil leftist lol?
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Wtf are you talking about?

He shares occult knowledge all the time on his streams.

You just have to like, comment and subscribe.

Picture related, it's The Nobody.
You don't have to be a fire fighter or EMT or soldier to be a hero Anon. MY Hero was an old truck driver who had a golden name in his community for being an average guy, and who gave his all to take care of his family.

BTW...As soon as anyone starts name calling or saying mean stuff to others, it is a SURE sign of THEIR own issues, and I discard everything else they say, as any kind and reasonable person would.

Poor souls :(
That is the opposite of the truth.
If he's the nobody then why arent shills on Sam hydes channel lol?
Fuck off faggot retard swine.
Sam Hyde is The Nobody and you can't refute it.
Nope. I'm a poo
There's a big difference between healthy self-esteem and thinking you are hero. The former is good, the latter is peak narcissism.

The most badass heroes, I have ever known laugh at medals for valor, because they are bullshit. In the realm of real heroes it's normal guys doing their jobs. It just looks like heroism to the lazy people sitting at home, who feel guilty that they didn't take a job that no one else wanted.
The looser is YOU. As you showed again. You are very talented - in seemingly nothing ..... :D
If Sam is the nobody then why not rename this thread to Sam Hyde general?
>I discard everything else they say,
Great idea faggot.
Why are you incels triggered at being called out? You all think you're the nobody without actually proving it. This is like everyone thinking they're Jesus again with no work.
It doesn't matter who Nobody is, because he's not here to save you, anymore than you are here to save him. He just fucking wants to sleep.
Sam Hyde/Zelensky is the Woman of Scars/Stars
>The most badass heroes, I have ever known laugh at medals for valor, because they are bullshit. In the realm of real heroes it's normal guys doing their jobs. It just looks like heroism to the lazy people sitting at home, who feel guilty that they didn't take a job that no one else wanted.
Exactly and slighty sad. But someone has to do the shit work in the end.
It's one of his alts just like The candyman or jason goldstriker. its a brand
if u changed it to /sg/ it loses brand recognition & earnings
YOU are the incel. Look into the mirror. Prove that you exist, post a picture of you, incel.
>someone has to do the shit work in the end
at the end of the day the don't need our respect, because they respect themselves and each other
all we cn do is buy them a beer or something and leave them alone.
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Extremely clever way to disguise a [ship].

she has as much right to do it as that phoney Zach
I SAID "See themselves in a heroic LIGHT."

Reading comprehension and understanding what was stated and not your interpretation of what was was said is key.

This is my final word to you as you are clearly more interested in arguing, name calling, and being "right", than you are in having a mature conversation.

Carry on.
And its just YOU doing 'something' like 'thinking' and believing thats what others think too. You are mentally disabled, thats something you need to accept and understand. You are very limited in your abilities. You have absolutely no ability to see the big picture as a good example.
You'd have to call it Ghost Of Kyyv General because of paranormal implications.
>He just fucking wants to sleep.
Sleep where? This isn't a dream or some shit. It's a nightmare and his cancer is trying to kill him. Better if he woke up.
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I think that intelligence is a very expensive commodity and so I’d agree that those with resources to acquire it or more importantly influence/manage/shape or even extract it (as with The Nobody) exercise a level of control.
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Which cancer ? The one in your head ?
>This is my final word to you
oh no...
was it me
was it you
in a world of blue
I guess you're right on that
There's no cancer, and he loves death, it's something to be embraced, not shunned.
>Noticing intensifies
You guys are kinda respected by the community for staying in your line lol
You don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do.
Is reality a coma dream that is the brain cancer of the nobody or the real God?
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>like it or not, this is the true story of the nobody
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>figured this gif belongs here
Why are idiot insulting a God and think they can get away with it by calling it names? Are you insects that deeply programmed?
There are things that are important to or that motivate you or bring you joy/satisfaction that he doesn’t really care about or see the hype in and vice versa.
Will the nobody eternally torture you parasites forever?
Hive mentality.
No, that is false.
This nigga spittin frfr
He is not a torturer.
You are false hylic. Stop pretending to be what you are not. You can still work hard at it but you'll never be this person. There can only be soo many Tony hawks.
He totured me with EMF waves that made me itch really bad and couldnt sleep for like 2 nights straight
It happens all the time
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I’m drinking a Barefoot Cabernet Sauvignon out of a cardboard bottle that was $4. We eatin good. Cheers brodah.

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I would be happy to lead people if only to prevent them from doing so much harm
That's unfortunate to hear, but this wasn't the person that this board calls "the Nobody".
Thats all just in your head. Or can you show any proof ? Take your meds please.
>He totured me with EMF waves
How would that even work? Does he have a HAARP array at his house, or what?
>There is a reason why spec op guys are chosen from the highest tier of GT(IQ) scores.

That’s mainly because DLI/language acquisition and the phase 5 courses are EXTREMELY FUCKING difficult. If our school system was set up differently most of those guys could probably be varsity level, Ivy League, honors students.
>We can fix "fat", but not "stupid."
--Some guy one time.
someone ping me for when the new thread gets posted
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You have to keep in mind that most of what you know about him is coming from people who reside in one of the most toxic places on the internet.
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Meow :3
You have to keep in mind that he is one of the most toxic minds on the Internet.
But answer some questions first please. It was you pretending lots of wild and insane stuff, so dont run away when the lies fall apart.
wake up
Thats already you, projector.
What does this even mean? Am I sleep-shitposting?

*sips coffee*
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The (global/international) capital wielding class has captured the minds of most of our military and political leaders:

Don't call me Nobody.
It's literally the ones in the military with the experience to understand that war is a racket that keep totalitarianism at bay. Jan 6 failed because of the military.
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>But the occult lords and witches fume over the knowledge he has but refuses to share

They could simply just ask him, but all everyone wants to know is how to get sex or money.
I wont, you NOTHING.
US politics is influenced by the world bank, imf, bis, etc.
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Anyone wanna bash the image limit with me :3
>I am very sick today :(
the NSA runs the World banking industry

Also take a look at the past CIA directors and look into their professional history before the CIA to give you an idea of what interests they serve:

Didn't a cabl of rich businessmen try to hire Smedley Butler to overthrow the government? Pretty sure that happens. Not all veterans are great Americans, but all great Americans are veterans.
the business plot

Whoops wrong link though the first is still relevant:

Yup, they tend to draw their leadership from wealthy families that send their kids to Yale. There is a reason for this and its not because rich kids are smart or hard working.
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let's go :3 hope you get better :)
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master yourself until the wall of 1,000,000 demons loses interest
usually takes avoiding a billion suicides
mind left like watery cake falling apart
open ENFJ chakra
embrace desire to be free even from yourself
spec into the jwst
polish it until it looks alien
go back, pick whatever wizard occupation you want like magic circles, potions, or whatever and simply make it real
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Whatever floats your boat.
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It’s because rich people unironically have amazing class solidarity (because they all want to remain rich and have the means to do so). If you want someone to ensure the line goes up then you hire a CEO.
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<3 thank you :3
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Occasionally they’ll throw a former military admiral/general into the slot but the line between that and a CEO/banker is very thin. They all play golf together on the same course every weekend.
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Some former military/admirals wouldn't mind becoming old money.
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oops forgot to put my winner mask on
How much money do you need to have so that /ng/ cumstains consider you an "elite"?
Feel better soon!
No need for the projection, fren
in many instances, a paltry $3.50 is sufficient
You people are fast, beat me to it. At least we're all in agreement. Tis cannon.
My boss is finally being nicer to me finally.

I just had to find his boss and ride his ass s little bit unfortunately, I hate doing that because that man is permanently 24/7 stressed out and mentioning certain cartoonish shit is like hitting him over the head with a baseball bat
right place right time
that's all there is to it
9 kitty

If they have the key and have passed through the threshold alive, they could have sex with him TODAY
They could call his phone...

Suppsoedly people know who he is, but no one talks to him, they are waiting for him to "wake up" which is like reaching out with feelings or something... I don't know I'm not a spiritual kinda guy. I like my drugs and guns and cars and other normie shit.
listen to your heart, heaven is a place on earth, you know the drill
>you know the drill
not really

heaven on Earth is a decent truck to drive on dirt roads while you're smoking a joint, prove me wrong
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>there is no way it can be that easy
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Is 1k in disability money a month good? How fo I increase my income?
listen to your heart or heaven is a place on earth will keep playing until morale improves
>Is 1k in disability money a month good?
For an Ecuadorian, yes.
>How fo I increase my income?
Sell drugs.
I hate how everything is just a joke when you try to hold people accountable for doing stupid shit constantly.

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I like it when they smile at me when they talk to me... I never figure to ask them why their light bodies look like that when I see them, I don't want to be disrespectful...

They keep telling me to not be so closeminded, that just because I can't imagine a certain thing being a certain way for personal reasons that that shouldn't limit my reasoning, which is fair enough, I can agree with that...

But it's hard sometimes, maintaining this tight-roping act at times... sometimes it doesn't feel like it is, but other times.... well, you know how it is....
It is a terrifying thing. The Nobody was an incompetent disaster, yet slowly he gained more proficiency than high masters.
I know, dude.... this is quite the peculiar situation.... did you ever figure still that you'd find yourself in such a situation back then when you were just a kid playing with your yu-gi-oh cards? No, no... it's not a bad thing.... just asking myself, ya know...
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alright that's it everyone who participated in these threads gets a medal !
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don't forget about the sleeping and the dreaming
He's not an incompetent disaster now? First I am hearing of this.
I figured a lot of things that I don't anymore, man... now they feel closer to me then my family ever did.... but then again I never really felt close with anyone or anything growing up... I was always kinda different and distant, indifferent in my difference... and I wonder if I ended up being that way because of this, like for this purpose.... even my own mom always seemed just like... another woman who happened to care of me and my needs, like more-so it was her sword duty than anything else, but she was painfully human in her shortcomings... which is why he had so many arguments and falling outs with one another...

I dunno man, all I know is that I have been feeling weird lately-- NOT BAD, just saying... like you know who weird we were feeling in the car with our mom and nephew yesterday... like we were the whole car somehow, or like that instance of 3 people at once? that was weird, wasn't it? NOT BAD.... js.... i dunno, should I be feeling good? is it okay to feel good? is something good actually coming this time or will I be disappointed yet again? I am so deathly scared of being let down again, I don't want that to happen... but I have to remain realistic, you know....
Embrace your incompetence and don't worry about it, Nobody would.
He already made his choice that people were waiting for, which was to follow the narrow path, so people already reached out to him, that's what /ng/ was made for.

Never was. The people in charge fucked up and tried to blame him but it has backfired and now they have targets on their foreheads
tight-rope, dude... tight rope...
feet of clay dude
>feet of clay dude
if you got no where to go or to do, no reason not have clay feet
>Listen to your heart, you know what to do, just wake up.

With directions like those how could anyone be confused. It's so simple...
My heart just makes some sort of thudding noise.
>The Nobody was an incompetent disaster, yet slowly he gained more proficiency than high masters
Sounds cool but I heard he was losing to his enemies and higher light forces. Will he win?
so what?

People enjoy the threads. If you think things on a paranormal forum are real, you are an easily fooled person.
He doesn't have enemies.
He lost to the Anomaly and also Texas Chan
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Car go vroom vroom, train go choo choo, roflcopter go soi soi soi soi soi soi.
-The Nobody
then he's not doing it right
Proficiency in magic? Majority of posters claim he has no abilities?
Hey what's goin' on bud how're the shrooms growing these days?
That's false. He is sided with higher light forces, which already won.
It’s trying to get out.
The Anomaly meme predates the nobody and thr Texas chan shit came after out of nowhere which was obviously made up on the spot since the nobody refused the messiah role.
God doesn't take sides.
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even their well wishers want to see them get fucked up at this stage
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I've heard ginger helps them grow, I've been on the lookout for it.
Hopefully you're well.
The Anomaly is what glowies called Nobody before they knew it was a person.
They destroyed the nobody tho? He isn't sides with anyone since everything exists to torture and kill him you retards.
Yeah gingers are a great growth medium for spores and yeast.
Its only you. And you are no 'majority' lol.
Stop lying.
Get destroyed cunt. I destroy the light.
I claim he has no abilities too.
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Put yuh diq uhway wultuh
It’s okay. He has no abilities..
There's a reason redheads are universally hated, yeasty smelly vaginas.
But you are the cunt, master projector. You cant destroy anything, you are just having wild and wet dreams in your insanity.
back when it was a rogue AI ?
Hiveys count as exactly 1 person.
Apparently his meditation fucks with their radios or some shit.
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Not true, I heard if you leave him alone or hook him up with spooki booboos that he really likes, he can do this neat trick called being happy
Petri dishes are red in honor of red heads.
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Anomaly = ..... proyecto
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your spider senses can't smell then

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I think my sense of smell is pretty good, I mean I can smell fear.
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you know what to do

I can smell their souls dying
Spermatozoid looking sigil
me too
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Then gingers DO have souls.
No, but the yeast colonies that live in their vaginas do.
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finally we get to the truth
Baten Kaitos is a really fun game, + it feels great if you like collecting things
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lol, nice ai deep fake
Yeah, virility combined with a lack of self-control would be troubling, perhaps...
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Anon: he doesnt know our... i havent seen that before..he is on the two both...
Anon:thats complex i think we should do in 8 steps or more...
Imagine if doing something as simple as meditating seemed to make government workers lose their minds.
Imagine if at this moment i've already a fan club
We want pepple to find they minds mang
All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.
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i sleep
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‘They say he likes to reverse engineer’
‘All the ops and photoshops’
‘He comes across as quite sincere’
‘He thinks of shit and out it plops’
I think that was exactly happened but you can add multipass fans on your answer
>6:34AM [REDACTED] scared two operatives by farting while getting out of bed
>6:49AM [REDACTED] startled operations manager, by coughing before brushing his teeth.
>7:21 AM [REDACTED] used a bar of soap instead of liquid soap to wash his body which bothered some operatives
>7:56 AM [REDACTED] put his left sock on first before his right which was worth noting to operatives
>8:07 AM [REDACTED] is reminded that he needed to renew his license which bothered some operatives
>8:15 AM: [REDACTED] gets less sugar and milk in his coffee which made some operatives sick
>Etc etc.
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>Anonymous beat Anonymous

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Fuck I hate being sick :(
The nobody is a cat
>I love you :3
Project Zephyr was successful. I don't recommend that kind of MKULTRA regime for anyone

If you know, you know. That is all.
You absolute legend!
10/10 would download again!

You joke, but this is the reason why he does things in loops
Probably isn't real but the name sounds fun.
File deleted.
>wake up

When will the nobody slaughter the governments of the world and end all the evil? I thought krishna would come :(
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Meow :3

This is cowardice.
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He will sleepwalk us all into the Apocalypse just to wake up before everyone dies so he can see the look on your faces.

Just kidding. You are the ones asleep.

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>Wake up
>Break the loop
>Wake up
>Take a Boop
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Meow :3
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>praying I don't throw up for the 12th time today :(
we're here because of them.
‘You doubt all the claims and stories’
‘He does not opt for fame and glory?’
‘They gauge his power statistically’
‘And hide the evidence pathologically’
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He used to.

lol shhhh...
holy fuck that's good
>why is he so volatile, cunning and dangerous?!!?!
>i thought you said he was a nobody??
[REDACTED] is not "institutionalized " why?
I'm not an english native
I'm always with tho to discover instruction
How many of them can pass a Turing test though?

We are here because the people in power are cowards who skirt responsibility at every opportunity, and you all allow it.
He gets called a coward by a lot of people, I'll bet he doesn't worry about it.

Never to his face though. The only recent instance happened when he rejected a play due to wanting to move certain people into safer positions. They were upset, he was as well. The entire thing is still very frustrating.
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I'm here because i didnt pass the cherubim guards ?
No i think it's far more complex and the based department is in little numbers
>We need free or cheap labour
>Why isn't he in prison so we can take advantage of them more
>Pass laws to make sure they're imprisoned for minor things
‘The Nobody is a cat’
‘A lazy one at that’
‘When he gets into a spat’
‘He lies completely flat!’
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the Nobody does not care about it, to do that.
Besides, I don't think they bother tracking every movement of his anyway; not only are his actions that affect them done through extraphysical means, they can do nothing about it, regardlessly.
Thank you for you patience


New thread fresh bread


The nobody is a cat :3

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Every time he does something the threads end up getting [redacted].
>???=de gaulle call
'Hope you enjoyed dinner’
'Really liked the sweet potatoes?'
'By now you know the way it goes’
‘Nobody Nobody Nobody Knows’
‘The Nobody is a dog’
‘A reliable cog’
‘Least that’s what they thought’
‘Until they read the logs’
Im probably gonna lose my job and the only thing i got left is to publish my book on all the dead cancer researchers. Mostly to see the ripples and maybe finally make enough to get out of poverty. Hopefully i sell a few hundred thousand copies.
I did consider the fact we all have a brain. I also considered the fact the information is out there. And some people rather see others suffer in their ignorance than provide a cure. But at the same time they are profiting of an ignorance to an absurb amount. Their also killing people, and granted yes some people would never stop smoking even with the cancer warning. So its complicated, but at the same time, its not.
So i think its best for the book to be published.
>we all have a brain
speak for yourself, bub
The spiritual forces of good will soon remove the negative spirituality from Earth, and without them vampirizing our energy to give it to their earthly representatives, the latter's health will quickly degenerate as a result of their evil actions, and they'll step down from their positions to focus solely on their own health.

That being said, incarnated people like the Nobody don't play a role into any of that, except by helping to build the new era.

I mean to say if he deviates from the loop even slightly now people freak the fuck out
Neither of the three. He lives his own life while seeking to elevate the world's vibes.
Panic mode.
that's never gone sideways
what is DLI?
>Jan 6 failed because of the military.
speak on that
yea don't forget about the dreaming
holy saved
Yeah, it's over my head why you care about people having a good time and not bothering you. You got me.
alex doesn't even know the nobody turned all the frogs gay. it was him the whole time.
is that how they recruit people for the US army reserves?
Why do good guys hate me and accuse me of beingna fed?
that's no sweet potato
i hear the dead cancer researcher genre is really bangin these days.
Da Gaul call?
do you not realize you were commenting on a parody text to voice that sounded like shapero?
DA Gaulle call (one word) and you know
I don't know who shapero is, so no
oh like Ben Shapiro? I know the name, not the voice. Iv'e seen him in memes only.
you're not missing much
Yeah I almost called him "the guy antifa threw a milk shake at" but then I remembered that guy's the Asian Ben Shapiro. lol
Flat earth was an obvious troll, the redacted was just to make these Bobby ass hoes and goodies as niggas back the fuck up.

Also kind of retarded to watch me and hack me because your conever3ned of my sexuaity.

Anyone wants they ass beat hitme up after work. You know when I get off. Line the fuck up.

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