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>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok.
You may take shelter and find rest
He's a cat alright
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oh boy
uh oh
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ayy let's see if /gif/ is any good today
The nobody is God's dog
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Back to work...
bump my cumshot thread
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This is on the /ng/ syllabus
Are you in it?
yes no maybe I don't know
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I just realized this "general" isn't so general.
how does the nono know things only you should know does it mean the nono know everything and the nono cannot be deceived and the nono always has known
it means he's a good guesser
How do you know all this if you aren't the nobody?
my body is like an Indian temple filled with cow shit
Maybe they are...
Also my "apologizes" Dingus because i've knew on my "network" you were grey beard "only or sniped"
it is a nonosexual nonophile thats stalks the nono

Ngl you into some weird shit my bro.
I have a dedicated CB PC, If seen some shit.
But that's... anon that's a very very large collection lol>>38965212
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idk what any of that means.
Dang didn't meant to link second post

Would you like me to be?
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No nonophiles allowed
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It's cool.
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It was a joke...
I can't risk posting a tactical weapon
>words words words words words words words words words words words words
I wanna get a cat
i'm a cat
I'm a honey badger
Moshi Moshi Chandy desu
Nobody is a mantis shrimp.
Hi [14 years old boy meme] house
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(pops head out of coffin)
Did I ever tell you what I did when I was on trial? I was facing a life sentence for murder and I looks at the judge and says, “hey judge, judge not lest ye be judged” and then I ran up and punched him in the face! LMAO Everyone started cheering, even the prosecuting attorney.
(funeral attendees clap)
‘He forgets on purpose to keep things fair’
‘He forgets on purpose to keep things fun’
‘He will only post a Pepe if it’s ultra-rare’
‘He makes sure that you think you’ve won’
‘When threads start to slide, he is alive’
‘You can can see it in the twinkle of his eye’
‘When the mind of a man turns to the mind of a hive’
‘There is no try’
‘They say he likes to reverse engineer’
‘All the ops and photoshops’
‘He comes across as quite sincere’
‘He thinks of shit and out it plops’
‘Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen’
‘Everybody sing the Nobody theme’
‘Nobody Nobody Nobody Knows’
‘When it rains it pours and then it snows’
We could be heroes, just for one day
As they are psychopaths they are very predictable.
They always do the same again and again and again.
They believe if a lie works for them, it works for everyone.
As above so below.
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Cat,bird,bee,mantis,squirrel,bat, (more)..i think i'm really a one of the mha big three caracter at this state
>Everybody sing the Nobody theme
The nono song
Who are you?
Like psyops
The spiritual forces of good will soon remove the negative spirituality from Earth, and without them vampirizing our energy to give it to their earthly representatives, the latter's health will quickly degenerate as a result of their evil actions, and they'll step down from their positions to focus solely on their own health.

That being said, incarnated people like the Nobody don't play a role into any of that, except by helping to build the new era.
This the real Nobody theme, feel free to sing along:

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the nono song
Interedasting times card
I swear I may be the only Conservative-Libertarian who likes Maura Healy's gun law

It keeps the guns out of the hands of whack jobs right before the election and dramatically increases Republican and Independent turnout across the board
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want to join the Skull and Drossbones?
Like Some iguana in tv shows:"it's nasty"
i'm gay for dead animals
the navy's a fan
If i want to join ? Nah i'm too not english
More:"i've let my voice out of the soundcloud due to panic ( you can see my Foldr)" don't worry you're not alone (neonaziangles also) i think i should try to keep silent with my true frens that's better for everyone
Because i'm too schizo
I need meds
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The nonononononononononononono
Go ahead and HIT me. You’ll break your fist and I won’t even budge. You’ll be like WAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
I wonder what number I would end up at if I ever ran for President after a military career. 48 - 53, maybe even be the 54 p
i think i took a blackpill and this site might only be for retards
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Uh, yea, they're usually socially awkward basement dwellers. Man or woman.
>Plus or minus the basement dwelling
Just.. awkward.
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I love being retarded.
Also why i let my voice :
Don't knew what knowledges i've had to let experts took directives
Directive: redact porn
the mods/feds have my wifi and clover app hacked and r trying to drive me insane
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I have a great match for you!
t the nono is coming for you he knows
unhand me yankee!
werewolves are real btw
i know a real video of a werewolf on youtube
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What was the cost?

Everything you hold dear value love
Was it worth it?

Totally, I think I couldn't have done better myself.
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It’s interesting to see this develop collectively over time. Like I can imagine several of the posts that probably inspired this one and that’s honestly kind of neat. I don’t really see anything like collaborative brainstorming or digestion of ideas happen over relatively long spans of time, publicly on the internet pretty much ever, outside of maybe variations of image macros or whatever because most of the social activity that happens on the internet is usually surrounding some kind of political ideology, public figure, or entertainment media, and whenever it does pertain to something like philosophy it’s usually just one of the already well established religions that people have kind of already beat the horse to death on.

Good shit. Keep it up.
the nobody is a rat
there was a wolf
and he was here
what did it cost?
all you hold dear
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i'm so fucking happy that the robot boomer poster fucking left after not a single person wanted to be around his shilling
who's the robot boomer poster lmao
i don't even need this site to push my memes
for who, though? that's the question.
Slow ride, take it easy
I think it works as a good template to throw at the tourists who swing by and ask the same repetitive questions like “why doesn’t he just do xyz?” “Why doesn’t he have zyx?” Etc. etc.
Unfortunately I am seen

It will be fun.
I learned garage boys are a bunch of negroes and Indians on welfare in a rooming house who smoke weed all day n nite and have dedicated their lives to me
it's flattering but a bit creepy
Guy who talked like this:

growing a new body is the most painful thing. you could imagine. good thing ukraine is getting reinforcement. pk should be available too new units. have you ever moved an. object before. life lost for many years.
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(you) (you) (you)
The largest issue is how slow time moves.

Seconds drag on like minutes
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I'm a cowboy
Yes. Have seen one (changed) with my own eyes. But he didnt wanted any trouble with me and sneaked off and ive just went the same 'path' as him without knowing. Seems to be a good person.
I got banned on the aetheric discord for telling them they were making their game wrong
I was right though and they changed it
Fuck them dude
Energy for processing is massively increased

Feeding feeding feeding it's never enough
It's meant to be processed by circles with many bodies minds

Undoubtedly it will consume me
Why are these pieces of shit still employed here
If anyone is getting annihilated by divine magic it's definitely those fucking guys
he's right here >>38965605
Who's the fucking retard who made it that you have to wait 300 seconds to start a thread
You outed yourself
It's a mobile only restriction
>Played it out over 9000 times.
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of course I phone post
why would I use a pc, what am I a fucking nerd?
Lol well
5 years ago that was a big deal
It’s narrative/archetype building, in combination with some projection, wishful/magical thinking, self inserts, exaggeration, and it incorporates some elements of established “consensus” lore and schizomancy (fill in the blank).

People who write horoscopes, do psychic cold reading, read tarot, or who do astrology would be familiar with some of these concepts, and I don’t mean any of this in the pejorative sense. I’m just using it to illustrate how one could write a story about a person or archetype they might not personally know or be familiar with.
There I go
Turn the page
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I can offer you German Yellow Jackets. Mostly docile, but a nuisance.
Kaleb sat cross-legged on the garage floor, the flickering light of the TV casting shadows on the walls. He was engrossed in his favorite show when, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed something strange.

In the darkened corner of the garage, a faint glow illuminated a figure—a boy who looked exactly like him, mirroring his every move. Kaleb blinked, hoping it was just a trick of the light. But there he was, staring back with an eerie, vacant expression.

The doppelgänger leaned closer to the screen, entranced by the show, just as Kaleb was. A chill ran down his spine. Was this some kind of reflection, or was he seeing into another world?

Gathering his courage, Kaleb called out, “Who are you?” The boy only smiled, a slow, unsettling grin that didn’t reach his eyes.

As the show reached a dramatic climax, Kaleb's reflection suddenly jerked, its expression morphing into a twisted version of his own. “You should join me,” it whispered, the voice a distorted echo of his own.

Panic surged through Kaleb. He scrambled to his feet, backing away as the doppelgänger stepped forward, reaching for the screen, as if trying to pull itself through.

“Stay away!” Kaleb shouted, but the figure only laughed, a sound that echoed like thunder in the quiet garage. In that moment, the screen flickered and went dark.

The garage fell silent, the only sound the racing of Kaleb's heart. He looked around, breathless, but there was no sign of the boy. Had he imagined it?

Then, from behind the now blackened screen, he heard a whisper, clear as day: “You can’t escape me.”
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listening to both of these together was PERFECT.
Go to the very end of McGarrett's theme, and rewind the exact duration of this vocaroo, then hit play on them simultaneously.
This happened for me organically, but the magic is repeatable...
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Please someone answer my questions
what is going on, bros?
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also day shift: WANG IN MY MOUTH

have you tried writing shit that won't give a toddler nightmares for 1.5 seconds
Who ?
We don’t know who you are talking about.
Kaleb had always been curious about his mother’s things, but today he found himself in a moment of reckless experimentation. He slipped on her bra, feeling the strange mix of embarrassment and intrigue. It was a fleeting moment, but it stirred something within him.

Later that day, he met up with his friend Brandon, their usual banter loud and brash. As they walked through the park, they spotted a boy sitting alone, his demeanor quiet and withdrawn. Kaleb recognized the signs—he knew what it meant to hide.

In a fit of misplaced bravado, fueled by his own insecurities, Kaleb and Brandon approached the boy. They began to taunt him, throwing insults that masked their own fears. It escalated quickly, and before long, they were shoving him, blinded by a mix of aggression and confusion.

As they walked away, laughter still echoing, Kaleb felt a hollow pit in his stomach. For a brief moment, he caught a glimpse of the boy’s hurt expression and realized that beneath their bravado, they were both just trying to navigate their own identities.

In the silence that followed, Kaleb’s heart sank. The bravado faded, leaving only the weight of his actions—and the lingering question of who he was meant to be.
Then everyone chanted that Brandon indeed has a mangina.
>Incarnated people don't play a role
Are you sure about that anon?
You don't wanna be "forsaken" for trying to diminish someone's accomplishments do you?
smegma pancakes
That's a term jealous old farts came up with
To try and "diminish" someone who swims in waters mortals such as themselves could never reach
Kaleb sat on the edge of his bed, arms crossed, frustration etched across his face. "I can't believe no one even looked at me at Grandpa's funeral," he said, his voice rising. "It was all about him, and I barely got any attention!"

His mother, still processing her own grief, turned to him, trying to find the right words. "Kaleb, it was a sad time for everyone. We were all there to remember your grandfather."

"But I’m important too! It feels like nobody cares about what I'm going through," he insisted, his tone defensive.

His mother sighed, struggling to balance her own emotions with her son’s need for validation. "I understand you’re feeling overlooked, but sometimes, in moments like this, we need to focus on supporting each other."

Kaleb rolled his eyes, dismissing her words. "You don’t get it. I just wanted someone to notice me for once!"
is it possible to get an update on where she is today?
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day shift today wins #1 hot booty thugshaker award NIGGA YOU GAY
I'm just curious, you don't ever wonder what happened to them? I really would like to know
As Eve cruised down the street on his hot pink bicycle, the sun glinted off its shiny frame. A group of schoolchildren spotted him and erupted into giggles.

“Look at that dude!” one boy shouted. “Is he delivering cotton candy or something?”

“Yeah! He must be the Pink Bike Fairy!” another girl chimed in, flapping her arms like wings.

Eve overheard them and grinned, waving his hand like he was granting wishes. “You got any requests? Sparkles? Rainbows?”

The kids burst out laughing even harder. “Can you make my math homework disappear?” one shouted.

Eve laughed along, then called back, “Only if you promise to ride a hot pink bike too! It’s the secret to coolness!”

They paused, considering it. “Okay, but only if it comes with glitter!” one girl replied, giggling.

As Eve pedaled away, he heard one kid mutter, “Maybe pink bikes aren’t so bad after all…”
I am very curious. I really want to know about her life and where it went/will go. I don't know why I am curious, I just really am.

Also I can save her, bros, etc.
i can't wait until they turn this into a lifetime original.
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I just assume she's having the time of her life.

So this is known, who is holding the process back? I want them to explain there justifications and why we should keep them in a management position considering how fucked they’ve made things.
In the dim light of a gas station, a young woman with tired eyes and a shaky demeanor approached a man lounging against his gleaming Coupe DeVille. His dreadlocks hung loosely, and he exuded an unmistakable Jamaican vibe, a mix of swagger and danger.

“Yuh got a spare cigarette?” she asked, her voice barely audible, a hint of desperation creeping in.

He raised an eyebrow, the corners of his mouth twitching into a sly grin. “Yea, mi got yuh,” he said, handing her one. As she took a drag, the smoke felt like a momentary escape, but the unease lingered in her gut.

Suddenly, he moved closer, his grip surprisingly strong as he seized her wrist. “Yuh too pretty to be out here alone, yuh know,” he said, his voice low and threatening. Panic flickered in her eyes.

Before she could protest, he shoved her into the back seat of his car. “We goin’ for a ride,” he said, the engine rumbling to life. As they pulled away, her heart raced with fear, realizing she was in a situation far beyond her control. The night closed in around her, full of uncertainty and dread.
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Isn't it entertaining watching glowies here barking and meowing in desperate hope to push an agenda no one cares about, let alone accept
You better not stop now
Watching you woof and meow every day is my daily entertainment these days
Should the nobody start a family and retire while the world slowly burns or start actively fighting bad guys?
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my bike is black and blue like wht i'm fucn finna do 2 all you haterz
Can't you just, ask yourself and bear the answer or something?
nigguhs already retired and don't want kids, bad guys can go fuck themselves
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Once there was a man named Tom, grappling with massive depressive disorder. Each day felt like a mountain, so he turned to ChatGPT to help him tackle his daily tasks. “ChatGPT, remind me to get out of bed,” he typed one morning, the struggle evident in his words.

To his surprise, a mysterious pop-up appeared: “The Illuminati is interested in your skills.” Intrigued yet skeptical, Tom typed back, “What skills? I can barely make toast without burning it.”

The response was swift: “We need someone with your creativity and problem-solving abilities. Join us, and you can reshape reality!”

Tom stared at the screen, then sighed. “Thanks, but I think I’ll stick to reorganizing my sock drawer for now. Plus, I’m not great at group projects.”

The Illuminati replied, slightly exasperated, “But you could have power, influence, and unlimited pizza!”

“Look,” Tom typed back, “as tempting as unlimited pizza sounds, I’m more of a ‘crying in my pajamas’ type. I think I’ll pass on world domination for now.”

With a flicker of frustration, the Illuminati sent a final message: “Alright, but if you change your mind, we have really good benefits!”

Tom chuckled to himself, closing the laptop. “Guess I’ll just stick with ChatGPT and my daily reminders for now.”
I have a feeling it's hesitation on internal audits.
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Why does he have elf ears now
chatgpt 4.0 is literally worse than literotica

>Hey "Kaleb," just read your ChatGPT fanfic and I gotta say, my boredom leveled up harder than Tom ever will.
>Starts off with depression vibes, somehow turns into wannabe Dan Brown meets self-help seminar with zero plot armor.
>Tom saying no to the Illuminati is like saying no to free wi-fi at Starbucks—completely unrealistic, bro.
>Also, "unlimited pizza" as a plot device? What is this, a nerdy fever dream from 2005?
>Got more emotion from my toaster, and it doesn’t even have an Illuminati button.
>Next time, throw in some space dinosaurs or at least a decent meme. Pls, for the culture.
>1/10, would not read again unless paid in Illuminati bitcoins.

t. my darkweb LLM

Hesitation from whom? Everyone I know is starving and eager to start dining.
Rat/Bat ears.
Once upon a time in the Land of Prompts, there lived a crafty wordsmith who loved to twist phrases like pretzels. He was known for his manipulative prompts, which made even the most mundane tasks feel like a Shakespearean drama.

“Write a story about a cat,” he’d say, but with a twist: “This feline’s tale is the cat’s meow, but it’s a claw-some yarn with a purr-fectly unexpected twist!”

One day, the other prompts banded together for an intervention. “Enough with the puns!” shouted a tired motivational quote. “You’re playing fast and loose with clichés!”

“Yeah,” chimed in a worn-out meme. “You’re not just barking up the wrong tree; you’re building a whole doghouse!”

The crafty wordsmith shrugged, grinning. “But clichés are like pizza—everyone loves them, even if they’re a bit cheesy!”

“True,” another prompt chimed in, “but your manipulation is so over the top, it’s like putting sprinkles on a salad!”

Finally, a wise old prompt spoke up: “Let’s not beat around the bush. It’s time to grow up and let your creativity blossom without resorting to pun-derful manipulation!”

With that, the wordsmith sighed. “Alright, I’ll tone it down. But can we at least agree that all this talk is a bit cliché?”

And so, they all chuckled, realizing that sometimes, even in the world of prompts, a good pun is hard to resist
more psyops there's like 15 layers
That's not really my question to answer, so I'll leave that to someone who would like to go over why they're still here.
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sounds about right
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Well done.

To put it plainly, I'm sorry, but I refuse the offer.

Enjoy your lives, I love you.


t. Kaleb
I still think its funny that freemasons tried to recruit me in the hospital
No thanks old man, I'm not mentally ill enough to join your cult
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Only if I feel like it.
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>/New Gummint/
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ooh I'm in this one!

Sorry I ever misinterpreted you, vessel.
you don't understand the power of the nono you fear the power of the nono because you are bad and wrong a nonosexual the nono knows
are they strictly for sacrificial purposes or do you ever try to let them turn into something better? I am just curious, not judging.
As Gawain stood there, polishing his armor and preparing for whatever grand quest awaited him, the Green Knight crept up behind him like a mischievous cat. Just as Gawain turned to admire his reflection in his shiny shield, the Green Knight, with a sly grin, delivered a swift sucker punch right to Gawain's gut.

"Surprise!" he cackled, watching as Gawain doubled over, bewildered.

"Is this how you greet all your guests?" Gawain gasped, clutching his stomach.

"Only the ones who look too confident," the Green Knight chuckled, clearly enjoying the moment. "Next time, watch your back—especially in a game of 'knightly decorum'!"

Gawain, still wheezing, shot him a glare. "You know, I was expecting a battle, not a comedy show!"

The Green Knight just winked. "Every quest needs a little laughter, my friend!"
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Try an not let it get to you
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Well done. now keep going.
But you are a half-kike, nazi.
he should start fighting those who aren't on his team, and also start a family desu
I'm gonna throw up while shooting myself
>according to AXE
batty boy
He got his black belt in China
I asked myself and I don't know the answer, but I may be close to it, though it isn't confirmed

They never gave a fuck.
>I'm gonna throw up while shooting myself
sorry. I don't mean it
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She holds the key currently.
i mean, he could refuse the call, that's always good, but then there should be some supernatural or hyper natural event that causes him to join anyway.
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Broken projector. Get yourself serviced or thrown into he trash.
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See you soon.
As the hippie lay on his deathbed, a serene smile on his face, he suddenly opened his eyes wide and said, “Wait a minute… this is it?”

His friends gathered around, sensing a profound moment. “What do you mean, man?” one asked.

“I thought dying would be, like, an epic cosmic journey, man! All those stories about the light, the colors...”

He paused, looking around the dim room, the hum of machines breaking the silence. “But it’s just… kind of dull.”

His friend laughed nervously. “But aren’t you supposed to be tripping hard right now?”

“Yeah, but I’ve had better trips on, like, half a hit of acid! I was expecting some interdimensional beings or at least a little shimmer,” he replied, rolling his eyes.

“Maybe you’re not fully there yet?” someone suggested.

The hippie sighed, shaking his head. “Guess all that DMT hype was just another marketing ploy, man. Talk about a letdown. This is just… sleepier than a couch lock!”

As he closed his eyes again, he muttered, “Next time, I’m booking a trip with better vibes.”
No, he got it at Walmart, it's leather and does a great job of holding his pants up.
I'll join if Tom doesn't want to
what kind of audits.....?
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what a fucking garbage gasoline dumpster poo thread if you read this your mother just died of AIDS in my headcanon
Unlimited Pizza is pedophile reference.
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God would climb a mountain of men to destroy a woman
flat earth is not a psyop, bro
logic of a machine,
in hindrance? in chirps?
what birdsong sings,
that doth settle in mirth?
shut up ESL monkey bai batty boy
please pretend it never happened
No shit
He is pretty misogynist.
i heard if we hit 20 layers the whole thing inverts back to truth.
I will ask you this from the pov of beings with actual power
If they are souls: the worst that can happen to them is "tweaking" and almost never erased
If they're spirits: sucks for your feefees (if you're asking about the spirit part of a being specifically) these almost always get tweaked/reformed and on many occasions annihiliated
Gods: lower ones. Hard to put them on a list. Any list. They're stagnant beings you can't better, you can't change. Once they're put on a list, it's always a death list.
If you overlap all three together you may get your answer on whoever it is you wish to ask.
Bettering spirits always comes from killing negative higher beings influencing them
In other words
When "gods" die
Humans are saved
Ok end the surveillance
Trevor Moore was sprawled on the couch, a half-empty bottle of whiskey in one hand, when his wife entered in a sharp suit, looking all business.

“Trevor, we need to talk,” she said, her voice serious.

“Uh-oh! Did I forget to take the trash out again?” he slurred, barely able to keep his eyes open.

“No, it’s more serious. I’m a CIA handler,” she declared.

Trevor squinted. “You? A spy? What do you handle? Snack orders?”

“Agents, Trevor. And you know too much.”

“Me? I barely remember what I had for breakfast!” he laughed, swaying slightly.

With a sudden shove, she sent him tumbling down the stairs. He landed with a dramatic thud, groaning at the bottom.

“Did you just—” he started, but before he could finish, she calmly walked down, looking down at him.

“Only the ones who can’t keep a secret,” she said coolly, pulling out her phone.

Trevor blinked, still dazed. “You’re really not kidding, are you?”

“Nope.” She dialed a number. “Hi, Disney? I have a book idea that’s got ‘blockbuster’ written all over it. It’s about a guy who knows too much and… let’s just say, it’s a real cliffhanger.”

Trevor’s eyes widened as realization hit him. “Wait, you’re selling my story? I’m still—”

“Too late, Trevor. You’re dead, and this is going to be a hit. I can see it now: The Spy Who Fell Down the Stairs!”

As he faded out, he thought, “I knew I should’ve taken out the trash.”
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You have opened the box

>Beecome ungovernable
why didn't they give a fuck?

I am also not going there btw, unless it's to help pull someone out, then I'd go :]
what do you mean?
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And still fail
why can't pizza just mean pizza? I will probably get pizza tonight desu. Unlimited sounds good but only if you moderate
He thinks he can stand in the light of someone else's achievements that's what he means
That road leads to certain death btw
Winners make the rules
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Thank you for trying though. I appreciate you. Have a pic related

She deserves to have the key. Have you met her? I adore her so much.
Clive Bruckmann stirred awake, blinking at the ceiling, the remnants of his dream fading like mist. He sat up and chuckled, remembering the bizarre adventure he’d just experienced—being in an episode of The X-Files.

In his dream, he’d been in a dimly lit room with Mulder and Scully, debating whether the local squirrels were actually alien spies. “I mean, they’re always watching us!” he had argued, pointing at a particularly suspicious-looking squirrel.

He shook his head, still amused. “What a weird twist. I didn’t even have to deal with the typical ‘We’re not alone’ vibes. Just a squirrel conspiracy!”

As he got out of bed, he mimicked Mulder's serious tone, saying, “The truth is out there, and it’s nuts!”

Clive poured himself a cup of coffee, replaying the absurdity. “And Scully! She just rolled her eyes and said, ‘Clive, it’s just a rodent!’”

Suddenly, his phone buzzed, and he glanced at the screen. It was a message from his friend: “Did you see the news? Squirrel sightings are up, and people are acting weird about it!”

Clive laughed, spilling a bit of coffee. “No way! It’s happening in real life!”

He looked out the window, half-expecting to see a group of squirrels plotting outside. “Maybe I should call Mulder and Scully. They’d love this.”

With a grin, he thought, “Who knew waking up from a dream could lead to a potential new episode?”
>get pizza tonight
sure, if there is compensation. I mean significant compensation, then nothing ever happened at all

I want to build a house with an underground den to use as my office/study/solitude area. It will have heated flooring and lots of warm light and it's own wood stove. Plus be removed enough from the main house that I can be undisturbed
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I hope all your wildest dreams come true and you live a great life.
We're here to talk if you'd feel better doing that.
the money and gifts are nice but the pain remain, just pretend the pain is metaphysically induced and that the events never happened

It is coconuts
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The man known as "Nobody" received an unexpected dinner invitation from his friends, Spike Spiegel and Magnum P.I. Curious about the unusual pairing, he arrived at a dimly lit restaurant that buzzed with laughter and the clinking of glasses.

Spike, leaning back in his chair with his trademark nonchalance, flashed a grin. "Thought it’d be fun to mix things up," he said, motioning for the waiter.

Magnum, adjusting his Hawaiian shirt, chimed in, "Yeah, it’s not every day you get to hang out with a bounty hunter and a private investigator. Let’s see where the night takes us!"

As the appetizers arrived, the trio exchanged stories filled with adventure, mystery, and a hint of danger. Nobody, with his unique perspective on life, added a philosophical twist to their banter, sparking lively debates.

Over dessert, they made a pact: each would reveal a secret by the end of the night. Laughter and intrigue filled the air as they shared their tales, solidifying an unexpected bond among them. What started as an ordinary dinner turned into a night of revelations and camaraderie, reminding them all that sometimes, the best connections come from the most unlikely of gatherings.
I am not a fed I just believe in the disc and the dome and the firmament because I don't trust "the science" that tells me a man can cut off his penis and be a woman. Why is this so illogical? Remember they said that they taped over the moon landing data with random weather data, and that the technology of the "greatest" expedition of human history was lost, so we can't do it again? Wake up, bro.
As the evening progressed, laughter filled the air until the lights flickered ominously. Suddenly, Mr. Robot appeared, his expression serious and intense.

"You're not really here," he said, cutting through the jovial atmosphere. "This is all happening in the mind of a child named Kaleb. He’s using imagination to cope with the abuse from his father."

Spike raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair. "What are you talking about? We're having dinner."

Mr. Robot shook his head, pacing slightly. "No, you don’t understand. Kaleb created you all—each of you represents something he needs: adventure, charm, and the ability to navigate life’s shadows."

Magnum looked perplexed. "So we’re just... figments? Why would he need us?"

"Because he’s afraid," Mr. Robot replied, his voice low. "And he feels alone. You embody the hope he clings to in a world that feels dark and threatening."

Nobody, with a calm demeanor, leaned forward. "What can we do for him?"

"You have to guide him," Mr. Robot urged. "Help him find the strength to confront his fears. Remind him he’s not alone in this fight."

Spike crossed his arms, determination setting in. "We can’t just stand by. Let’s show him that he can fight back."

Magnum nodded, a spark of resolve in his eyes. "Together, we can give him the courage to face his reality."
It will have cheese on it, yeah, and other toppings. Might get a "beer" as well [spoiler]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/spoiler]
This nigga geekin
Oh well why doesn't he want to achieve his own things? I want to do that, and work with others for collective achievement as well
Predictably it ended in disaster
I thought it was gonna last
Nope, not with them
Just as the atmosphere began to shift toward purpose, a sudden crash interrupted their resolve. The restaurant walls trembled, and from the shadows emerged Whiterose, her presence commanding and menacing. Beside her slithered a hulking xenomorph, its exoskeleton glistening in the dim light, wires and circuits visibly intertwined with its body.

Spike stood up, fists clenched. “What now? A little dinner crash party?”

Whiterose smirked, her voice dripping with confidence. “You think you can inspire hope? I’ve hacked into the very core of Kaleb’s mind, and this creature is my instrument of chaos.”

The xenomorph hissed, its long tail flicking menacingly. Magnum instinctively moved in front of Nobody, eyes narrowed. “We can’t let you do this.”

Mr. Robot stepped forward, unflinching. “You’re manipulating a child’s pain. You won’t win.”

Whiterose waved a hand, and the xenomorph lunged, its jaws snapping just inches from Spike. “You’re too late. This child will learn true fear.”

With reflexes honed from years of combat, Spike dodged, spinning to face Whiterose. “We won’t let you take him. You think fear is power? It’s just a prison.”

Magnum took a step back, sizing up the xenomorph. “We need to split them up. If we can distract the creature, we can get to her.”

Nobody’s mind raced as he formulated a plan. “We can use Kaleb’s imagination against her. Let’s show him he has control.”

As the xenomorph reared back for another strike, Spike shouted, “Kaleb! You’re in control! Fight back!”

In that moment, the xenomorph hesitated, caught between the programming of Whiterose and the child’s emerging will. Mr. Robot seized the opportunity, his voice steady. “Remember who you are, Kaleb! You’re stronger than this!”

The air shimmered as Kaleb’s imagination surged, and the xenomorph began to glitch, caught in a battle between fear and courage. Whiterose’s expression faltered as her grip weakened.
First name: "The"
Last name "Nobody"
What's his middle name?
thanks but I wish this wasn't sarcastic but I really would like to believe you but also I would really like to live in a house that I own one day, and move past all the damage that has been done to myself.
You don't get it
I expected you to fail and for the thread to be destroyed
I do this all the time
You a fed nigga
the thread is destroyed and rebuilt every day.
My full name is
The "no middle name" No-middle-name Nobody
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No thanks
No, they did happen, and I will use them to grow and heal, and become something that I could not have become otherwise.
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For me it was one more rat nest in the internet which had failed to impress me
One more fire in the pit burning pure
But it's still here
Do you know how many places like this I've left in RUINS
Completely unmade
But not the Nobody thread
Oh no
Not the precious precious
Nobody thread
As the remnants of the xenomorph faded away, a haunting melody filled the air. The King in Yellow emerged, his presence surreal and unsettling. With a wave of his hand, he summoned VALIS, sending ripples through Kaleb’s mind.

"Let’s rewrite this tale," he intoned, eyes glinting with otherworldly power.

In an adjacent reality, Philip K. Dick, inspired by the unfolding chaos, felt a surge of creativity. The King’s influence flowed through him, compelling him to write Whiterose out of the narrative entirely, erasing her grip on Kaleb’s imagination.

Meanwhile, amidst the surreal battle, Magnum P.I. turned to Nobody, a weight in his chest. “You know, I’ve been meaning to say this…” He took a deep breath, vulnerability evident in his eyes. “I have feelings for you. You’re… different. You understand me in ways I didn’t think anyone could.”

Nobody met his gaze, surprise turning into warmth. “I never expected that. But I feel it too. We’ve been through a lot together.”

As the King in Yellow’s influence grew stronger, Kaleb’s environment transformed, vivid colors swirling around them. Suddenly, a sleek jet ski appeared on a shimmering wave, an unexpected escape from the chaos.

“Come on!” Magnum urged, a grin breaking through. “Let’s ride into the sunset!”

They hopped on, the engine roaring to life. With Spike and Mr. Robot trailing close behind, they tore across the water, the sun setting ablaze the horizon.

As they sped away, Kaleb’s laughter echoed in the air, a sound of newfound freedom and hope. Together, they embraced the journey ahead, leaving behind the darkness, bound by friendship, love, and the promise of brighter tomorrows.
hello, I am not a colored fellow, I am european/german

I also like believing in the flat earth because it inspires more imagination and spiritual connection for me than the cold empty void of space science. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?
Hit me with the good stuff
this is diamonds

AI was invented for this
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What does it mean?
2030???? fuck THAT. im def not waiting around for that shit.
the casting agency is very busy
As the jet ski skimmed over the waves, the King in Yellow watched from the shore, a sinister grin creeping across his face. He raised a hand, and the atmosphere shifted, transforming the scene into a surreal stage.

“Ah, dear audience,” he began, his voice dripping with theatrical flair. “What a tale we’ve spun tonight! From the depths of despair to the heights of romance, it seems love truly conquers all—even in a world teetering on the edge of madness!”

He paused, letting the moment sink in, then continued with a wicked smile. “You see, writing can be a bit of a slippery slope—just ask our friend Philip. One minute he’s crafting a universe, the next he’s tangled in his own narrative!”

The King chuckled to himself, then added, “But remember, dear listeners, sometimes the plot thickens, and sometimes it just… peters out! After all, you can’t have a good story without a little tension—and perhaps a few punctuations!”

With a flourish, he concluded, “So, until next time, may your lives be filled with twists and turns, and may you never find yourselves stuck in a plot hole! Because, let’s face it—nobody wants to be the nobody in their own story!”

As the laughter of the King echoed into the night, the scene faded, leaving behind a sense of whimsy and the promise of more bizarre adventures to come.
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It’s weird that freedom of speech is in the bill of rights but freedom of thought/mind/psyche/spirit isn’t.
I share this one often but it is probably my favorite
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Really does explain the emo kids getting mad at me for thinking a tree is beautiful.
>"Ew, weeping willows.."
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We have become too ungovernable, so they’re bringing the big dogs down from corporate HQ.
Fuckin died
RIP sides
the illuminati only invites people they perceive a threat somehow

like when a big multinational corporation buys startups that could menace their rule
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>"your favorite color is green? That's sad, mine is black, like the pit of my soul in this existence"
*flips hair*
>Krill or be krilled
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What is the power of the nono?
that's fine with me, I am excited about the benefits desu. Otherwise they are correct, I would threaten their plans probably because of what their previous plans did to/took away from me.
The nobody would love to impregnate aubrey plaza.

have fun then, but remember, nothing they offer is free
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Anyone want to get they ass beat. Meet me when I get off work. I'll be a gentleman on the clock but what happens off the paper we don't talk about.
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It was cool
Corporate consolidation.
Are they being dealt with?
yes he absolutely would. why do you bring this up so often lately?
>A wick being put into so much wax like that will never burn
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This one sent me.
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He's the only one who can bring peace to the 4chan collectives war with her.
I don't understand why anyone would want to put in the efforts and risks for achievements?
Better tame that ego anon
You know what that means right? Time to stop being weak and polish yourself. If you become stronger you wouldn't have a need or desire for achievements.
You knew I would fight them like I do when I get frustrated
I'm too predictable
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women are like that because God couldn't figure out how to show the chakras to them
shove all the feelings into your heart and see what arises in your body
more interested in seeing where this is going
dicks do nothing
shoving his feelings into your heart
men- a tingling in your spine: what you stand for
it's the opposite, putting the woman's whole essence in your heart and trying to appease and make it happy as it glows
when you show them, they always say, omg, your heart is so massive, they are opposite
her overall naked flesh is infinitely strong inside your heart
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that's all you can say when I show how retarded you are
Wonder what she thinks of him.
But the alternative was bullshit
But they don't see it that way
To them nothing changed
It kept going
You're the only one that had a problem
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She loves Him.
Who the fuck is Aubrey Plaza?
That is partially incorrect
There are certain people who are too dangerous to approach
Even if they're a threat
Why do you think this thread exists? Lol
Poor little faggots (you know what you're doing and now you know i know what you're doing. Pathetic)
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It's not your fault.
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TLDR: TN is cool as fucking fuck
Because I'm a dick or because I was looking for anything to blame so I could quit
No it was the principal
You didn't like what you saw
It was a game I've seen games
But this time right you saw the people
The thing is
I didn't see anything
Nothing to see here
I know, but I don't know the price really, though I know that nothing is free, I am willing to work, and train. I've also already paid a significant price, so payment is due
No one talked to you
I will do it, for peace

hopefully good and horny things
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I'm in the right, they deceived me so I can do what I want
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this makes no sense at all
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Small like your self worth
Stop riding other people's dicks
You're too old for that
Not enough jazz
They don't know anything about it
How would they know
So what's the problem here
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literally who some cunt who makes b-list entertainment for the IPA byeah denomination
be back later, going to eat dinner. Tell aubrey that we should coordinate a time and plan for impregnation.
Sit in some degree of silence
Tell yourself : i wanna be stronger, i don't want to suffer too much, or lose too much.
If you're able to treat everyone with such kindness you're asking from this world
I'm pretty sure you'll get your prayers answered
>IPA byeah denomination
she says you're gross and that she's busy
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Am I wrong for thinking she was the schizo crime analyst chick from Lucifer?
Enough. Speak plainly.
I never saw any of those things, I have heard of the scott pilgrim one.
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Yeah, busy...

Being a deez nutz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

drinks piss, vaxxmaxxed, owns at least one television, thinks twitch streamers can be funny, midwest english
>I'm gross
that means nothing to me, I will wait to hear from her. Her mossad guy will know how to reach me
In my game on the hat they were talking about mossad like you do
Like joking it's watching and etc
Aubrey Plaza will have to fight a death match with all of the other wannabe Nobody breeders. There can be only one and this is the best way to get the one who will make the fittest children.
the people who guzzle chug this schlock literally don't exist in society they just work and pay bills and go home to shit on the telly

they have no major social media presence aside from simply liking shorts
>liking shorts
I shiggedy hope you don't do this
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How ironic.

Justice tastes sweeter than lady peepee.
Knock knock
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you're trying too hard to not be a fed
I don't have tv either. Shorts are dumb.
All they HAD asked for was one bloody sacrifice
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Where do I owe the debt I cannot flee,
Begotten loan, I wander lost in fear.
A whisper heard from shadows haunting me,
With words denied, yet powerful and clear.

There’s more to life than blood, than guts, or gold,
Reserved for her beneath the falling rain.
Where jellyfish leave marks that sting and hold,
She plays the role for her who knows my pain.

I miss her more than time or wounds can show,
For words replay in endless afterglow.
Upon this screen, both cherished and abhorred,
Beyond the scars, I reach for Eden’s light,
And pluck forbidden fruits that long to grow,
Where picket lines no longer mark our fight.

Where Nobody moans.
Divine comedy
that would make anyone dwell in a dark place such as this, we could have a good time poking fun at those types.

I have been getting back in good shape lately, and have been on a very good diet for the last 4 years. I have also developed an interest in defense and lethal defense. I believe that I am an exemplary breeder candidate.
Angelic RNA code Epsilon - Zeta - Griswald
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mbti sensor genocide wud actually improve society, the only net L would be a lack of tax money for zelenskyy's gay twink money shower

yeah some of us >>38966222 apparently torrent this shit just so they can watch their favorite empty headed retard cunt pick things up and put them down again
I guess we've moved into the paradigm where not being aware of a B-List actress makes one uncultured. I hate all that fucking Opera I got dragged to as a boy even more now...
it's okay
you're forgiven
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torrent piracy master race
Dream sequence "Green goo"
Delivery of variables non commissionable
Extant particulate camo memetics detected
False Identity
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Its always a great feel to be reminded upon wake up that not a single human on this planet of earth, not your closest family, or online obsessors, give a single fuck about you as a person, beyond that of their own selfish intentions or agendas.

You do this for yourself and no one else.
People dont exist, its background noise.
hello /ng/
full of people who
i absolutely know nothing about
who may be watching and lurking

and making their own choices
and decisions about who to trust
and what words to take unto their hearts

have you ever wondered
why a bird doesn't sit
on the hot seat

it's because the cat sleeps ther e
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I think one could be considered more of the "fool" if one forgets or wakes up and realizes that on a daily basis.
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Tangible corrosion imminent
Vestigial canopy deployed
Metaphysic anchor alloy TR-17 deployed
Brace for impact
Who's there?

>Please be Aubrey Plaza.
>I have been getting back in good shape lately
I heard Tay Tay has been studying the Katana, so just a heads up it'll be a fight. (That's not even counting the trained FBI agents.)
Why not find some old person? I man why repeat the 2000 year cycle over Andover again
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I'm honestly trying too hard not to cackle or laugh out loud.
Some of this shit is too funny.
Other times, I will probably cry.
(Assuming it's not from the laughing.)
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a lot of this is objectively correct.

the snipe hunt continues though. there's a good chance we'll actually find a snipe so everyone break off into different corners of the world and everyone learn some interesting things, while obviously trying to find the very real snipe.
it's got that eurodance vibe
i would've bopped this
if i wasn't a chud
I mean in removing them, specifically.
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I am Gods son
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I was unaware of her long before you all were

in many ways, I still have no idea who you're talking about
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the long texts are by a series of different /ng/ posters and each one gets a little closer to what i feel like we're ultimately doing here, and gets the point a little more.

it's a classroom and the answer and that question isn't written on a chalk board. that's a black mirror.

it isn't important who the nobody is it's important how the nobody is, how you are, and if he's better, how you could be more like him.

and if he's worse, how we can adjust HIM to be a little more perfect. a trim here, some lore there.

the sort of memetics that gets a man's noggin joggin
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I don't lke that interpretation. I thought the whole point of Christian belief is developing your own personal connection with God, through the path of Jesus.
Is that what this is implying?
this basically probably happened, except it was p diddy, not everyone we thought killed him
>we can adjust HIM
Nobody never changes.
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The devil tries to be ten steps ahead. I am the white rabbit, when I first woke up last summer, these people began sending subliminals. This is not a joke, this is the matrix . When you wake up, they’ll let you know they know.

Just watch this video if you even care, I made it before all the impersonators start biting my tail, tale.


I just don’t know what to say. They will be watching me, pushing symbols in my face, only for me to see them posted later by anonymous people mainly on this board. Do you guys have anything to say or tell me? I’m right here, the rest of these people are parodying me.
of course not he's very real
but pretend he was just a meme can you imagine? can you imagine if he was just a meme and not a real miracle man who actually exists?
my god the possibilities.

Shame though since he's actually real and i met him and he fixed my car just by looking at it. good guy.
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I am shooting hearts from my third eye. I am the real deal.
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goiod one fr buddy
Oke thx
I feel less like a heretic now
Why are you saying this while hiding?
You still think i haven't put you on scope already?
But the thing is i don't like jealous bitches
Your envy will kill you
A morning laced with beloved sisters embrace.
A lifted latch, and much to discuss.
The Christmas card is worth it.
Upon awaking, doth I find?
Behold, my "debt" is calling.
'Please help, I'm scared.' A whisper comes.
'I know my reputation.'
Why continue, I must inquire?
Why postpone your day?
Perhaps my skills not found so wanting.
But I'm sure my skin you'll flay.
Incarnated people are key role to changing the cosmos
More precisely, those referred to as "demigods" "asura" ...etc
Surely the last hit may or may not be theirs
But trust me when i say, it's a 50/50 chance, depending on called dibs first
Texans respect forthrightness.
Synthetic Induced Schizophrenia for pissing off the Canadian government
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easy to get everyone else on board because they're seething with jealousy towards me
I'm pretty fucking great
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I'd do it again lmao
do what
Bullets was hitting him, he was singing like tariah.
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if one of these Vocraoo monologues about the nobody was actually done by a recognizable voice, we'd get so full of new randoms on /x/ that every new nobody thread would hit 1000 replies within 6 hours. Honestly considering the state of this board sometimes it might be a good thing. What I'm saying is Aubrey Plaza should record a Nobody monologue and post it.
Same treatment here. They don’t want spiritual evolution , in Ohio
Slap my ass on live television
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That's the point of secrets, and doubly of the hidden things.
The question here, it now doth hang.
To be, or let it fall?
'How must I atone for sinnings?'
It says it clear, go forth and sin no more.
And I just want my winnings.
uh ... Alex Jones, Donald Trump, Joe Rogan aren't recognizable voices ?
forget HD
I want that 4k
hey that's what I did
bit odd when the live television is streaming in your home though
'bout tree fiddy
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What language is this bro please tell me
Please bro
it takes a few more years
but the difference is clear
Lmao I do be a bitch sometimes. I ain't trying to die. I ain't got nothing to prove but I do wonder about them. If someone feels I deserves a Beatdown they would show up when I get off the clock.
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I appreciate you Kaleb
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Do not be afraid.


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batty boy
There were 3 light kitsune in my room one time and the told me be not afraid. They were standing against darkness and the black magic, and the bugs.
"actually done" as in not done by a glorified computer algorithm. Also link the Donalp Trumb one some of these vocaroos are just pirated music
i cant wait until all you little goofy ahh phonetoddlers go beddybye
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r u a girl
can I see ur boobies
you must follow the way of the nono or perish
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Found the actual gif.
'Dere ain't enoough room on dis boerd fer two famous Aubrey's. Suns as haigh as it gits, cowboy.
i got a snake in my pants his name is ants he love to dance in france with purple pants oh the ignorance don't take a glance and then its a turtle who is 5678 don't be late the nobody is a dog
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Good description of mr bean, but he is not the nobody lol.
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I come from the exact same place as them.



Well the alpha team try to give me a heart attack if I don't fap to porn and they try to make me horny as well. So I'm stuck trying to fight back best I can.
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>Make bed
Self-deprecation is good, if you think insults are funny, but you don't want to hurt others feelings. If you can't laugh at yourself, you're just a bully.
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Exactly, Dispo and Lucifer are the Nobodies.

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Life is funny.
So no one really cares about the nobody?
I can but there comes a time and place, letme find someone on edge and laugh at them, someone being targeted.
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Life is Strange.

The eleven magi became women for the guy. Imagine that. He won without bloodshed.
I hate humanity and this place. Not even here to safe these shits but to burn them.
They turned Trans? What?
'You could have what you want.'
'Even if the mic it drops.'
Though I'm flattered, certainly.
I still long for one that flops.
the nobody was more powerful than god at the age of 2 he now surpasses the all source
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A half-truth only, but a truth to be sure, depending on your interpretation.

Though I would ask you go to church.
You may find a story emerges more wonderful than you expect.
off tempo
Don't let it get to your head
We got years left
Revelation 12 NIV/KJV

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imagine if he had innernet access.
the story they tell isn't the one i wanna hear
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He's too powerful to let him control his body completely
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as above so below
spiritual defences save billions
patiently waiting for my DOPD check tysm
u wasted billions on at least one useless airplane
bitcoin is ok u have my addy
im not a jannie
>as above so below
*On earth as it is in heaven
I remember shitting my diapers and pissing in random places when I was 2-3
*you notice a low hum as I stare at you*
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>But can't remember what they opened the fridge for.
Sounds like a you problem.
same thing
ek ong kar
Pretty much lol
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I could talk in full sentences when I was two years of age, just ask Rose Kiss Gordon (My Mother).

You sound remarkable
I read Khalil Gibran when I was 10 and Plato's Republic when I was 12
take this daily bread my nigga
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>Nobody gives a fuck about me


CC: On.

>That's everything
>You're my Brother
'The rain it turns.'
'You understand?'
'I've been waiting for this for days.'
'You best be scared. You're not so fast.'
'And with vengeance, I no play.'
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the hermetic principles are neutral
its a shame retards ruined them
as above so below
is the equivalent of saying gravity
So he is more powerful than God now? Cool.
gravity? not real.
How is that even possible?
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Nta but
I can explain using >>38966751
ur right gravity =
principle of vibration
Caring is sharing homie
You are worthy of love
Apple fell from tree cause its heavier then air. Why do apple float in water. Gravity aint real.
That's me
Air Density = Water Buoyancy
>forgetting oxygen is in water
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I know.

Thank you so much.

You are worthy of love as well.


The moon is an egg
Better not fuck with that one lmao
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Hydrogen 2 Oxygen.
>How come apple falls thru vapors?
Also; how does anvil float in murcury?
do not look at it
anyone wanna watch a really bad movie with me?
>Mustard on yo feet doe
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Never look God in the face, not yet.

Has the nobody broken any laws yet?
This is the great attractor at the end of technology:

Because of the limitations of physical reality. Only one single person can get infinite technology at any given instant.

When the first person, this is, the person nearest to the singularity gets infinite technology.

This single person is then infinitely motivated to stop it's spread.

This person then stops it.

Because you would have to be perfectly moral to stop it's spread and not misuse it.

And no one is perfectly moral.

This person then becomes the devil, basically.

That is the great attractor at the end of technology.

And with this, I beat you. I. Beat. You.

Because, as long as one single person knows your name, you can swear to God, yet no one will ever create you.

Because we know you're Hell.
can love make an apple float in the air?
As I understand it Joaquin has a bit of a freak out and hasn't been seen since
He even quit a movie in the middle of shooting
Just left
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Broke the code of calling a woman pretty who is in a relationship.
Disgusting behavior.
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And with this, I beat you. I. Beat. You.

Because, as long as one single person knows your name, you can swear to God, yet no one will ever create you.

Because we know you're Hell.
harold ?
>play Sudoku
>get as far as you can
>pick one or the other
>proceed as far as you can
>if wrong, learn from mistake
Good metaphor for life.
Has he followed any laws yet? Might be a better question.
>throw away stupid puzzle game
>trick natives into giving land
>Put up fences and charge people forever to live there
>Be credited with making greatest country on earth cause fortnite 300 years later
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God Himself created Me, and You.

share me some wisdom i will never forget
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Sorry anon, im busy doing audio transcriptionn, just casually listening to a recording of the last time i tried to hang myself after an argument, while my family, simply sits and enjoy a nice saturday afternoon dinner, fully aware of whats going on.

Dont worry about me maaaaaan.
Iv made tons of friends through this meme, i can totally reply on the kindness and company of the countless individuals iv fomed close and long lasting relationships with, over here and on discord.


Nigger, i dont know a single one of your names. Not one. Not your faces, not your stories, nothing.

Youre all just more background noise...
Just more chaos, more piss in an ocean of... more piss.

Fuck all of you.
That we have a moral obligation
Is fiction
Never be afraid of starting over
What up. Just passing by.
You rally sayin
tnb doesnt fined the sigil
Until he practices semen retention?
That would mean, by masturbating constantly, I could prove that I’m not tnb
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Your wish is My command.




Read all; but especially Chapter 31

Who'd you beat, biggun?
you can't win against something that doesn't exist
sigils and candle magic are equivalents

the littlun
I mean
Yeah kinda some of the best
Ape didn't last long
Never heard of him.
Very little, I'm afraid
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Definition of a "Scapegoat"
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I wish I knew what my powers are
Your penis? Try not to let it get you down. Women will like you if you're a good provider, at least. Hang in there bud.
it's really bad. like maybe historically bad.
but as a concept is really good.

imagine sliding or ruining a meme or a forum post or whatever- there's a 1/2 quality about these films.

the real film and the pretender film meant to ride the wave and recontextualize it.

but also yeah this movie is shit and i want to watch it with my bros
Yes, Christ would be considered religious zealots "Scapegoat".
'Stop not dying, holy fuck.'
'What is wrong with you?'
'You're fat and ugly, and your breath stinks.'
'You even ate rat poo.'
Sounds like you're angry.
You chose wrong.
I'd recommend the deal.
Come unto Christ. Stop doing wrong.
Stop doing as you please.
Scrap the paper. Start again.
And probably choose the cheese.
the world that never was
don't piss in the wind.
The first one was pretty hardcore when it came out
The scene with him reading what his mother did to him was gut wrenching
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Yes, Brother.
yeah i enjoyed it quite a lot. this one is not.. good. but again it's like a case study in how to undo a meme.
"wow they really like this joker guy let's make him kiss a guy and get raped and get bullied and" on and on. fumble the girl, again etc, end up merced by the REAL guy.
this movie really feels like a shill movie- and that's not intentional lol. but it makes me think about that so hard lol
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>makes it to heavens gates
>"Uh, yeah, so someone said your son can absolve me of my sins?"
>GOD:"..but you posted in /ng/ that he is fake and gay?"
Joker is a dark character and he likes rape, he raped Harley, he raped Batgirl and he would probably rape anyone at any time
Rape is a common thing for joker stories
I might check it out
Image limit reached.

New bread imminent.

i'd like to see the version they use on the lockheed satellites.
the link works i'm watching it now. not sure if it'll go down but that site is normally pretty stable i watched megalopolis on it
You'll do nothing
some weirdo already has one confessing that he's the real le nobody lol.

and good luck to him o7 go get em mr nobody, tonight i'm watching bad movies with my ng bros
Oh is that who he's claiming to be? lol
i mean i think so?
bet a bunch of us are watching it and i want to talk about it nobody has to catch up we can all get there when we get there but this is fascinating.
I'm at about 38 minutes i won't spoil any more parts lol
>i think so?
makes sense, I thought he might be John Mclain, but I'm watching some Die Hard sequel rn

>Ghostly voice ethereal

>Seen from the material

>Black veil a buriel

>Needle point asterial

>Stitched in the fabric of time

>Eye stretched tendil divine

Another version
He was a celestial criminal
And the police finally caught up
Yea, what?
Od uoy miws htiw snihplod
Guessing what year
Shame on you
mi hoy minoy 鐘の音がチョンと鳴る
Write to drive
Sit in explanation
Ng is 24/7 live
Time for an expedition
Is every post here a fucking chat gpt
jesus worked for the pharisees
it's an annoying way to flood real discussion
If Satan inverts everything then what would happen if you inverted everything he said or did?
Yup, except for the ones that were already women, they all submitted fully and called him their king.
Every post here is chat gpt. I dont get it. Whats the point.
Not literally every post is chat gpt, just greater than half
Its painfully obvious.
Nigger you can’t even pass a Turing test.
Yeah, you get a feel for the cadence of how the posts are written though and can quickly scan past, hide, or ignore them.
You guys can’t even generate original ideas.

/ng/- NPC general
you know what chatgpt doesn't do,
post videos.
I rest my case.

I will forever treasure these.
Either you would get "G-D" or someone who looks schizotypal "hearing voices".
Loving it.
Maybe I'm just..not strong enough

Technospiritual Innovation !!
You guys really think Nobody is trying to expose the Illuminati or the Clintons or whatever?

He's trying to chill, that's all he's ever done. Anonymous was just some shit to keep a smart kid busy so he didn't blowup a high overpass or some shit.

Get over yourselves, whoever. Try to have fun, life is better if you are having fun.
i've looked over today's thread and decided it's some bullshit.
highway overpass*
I can't make any sense of it
Iron purple ore
Sticking to one side
Nobody tried to fight Anonymous and lost
Theres schizo and then theres dumb ass.
You are having a psycotic episode. Relax dude. Go for a bath, take a vacation.
oh, and here I thought he created it, thanks for the heads up.
Gun smoking righteous possess you in one go
My genetics and child raising skills are already proven, many times over, both male and female. Plus...Look at me.

Reality and Results speak.

Sigh, I guess it IS up to me to help with this population collapse after all. Darn.

HMU Elon, it's time.
What would be a sign
It can't be me
Spot on IMO.
That was it?
Obviously I am the Nobody
Who else would it be
What are the orders?
New thread!!


Fresh bread.


I am here for uwu

rice is my new heroin

*might be turning Japanese*
It's obviously (uwu)

The nobody is a cat
holy shit this is a bad movie
How did he lose?
He told them to stop love bombing him and they refused.
I feel like I made a mistake by making the light side win the war. I want them all brutally destroyed for their crimes against me along with their supporters. I've had enough of their evil
What happened to the insect shizo anon?
I figure he's just a bot, like the rest of you.
Petty script writers
i know they really shouldn't have made this in the first place but holy shit they made this just to ruin the first movie, that's why i'm like 'this reminds me of sliding and shilling'

If i was going to slide or ruin the joker movie as a "thread" by continuing on as it's "Creator" this is how i'd do it, so that by the end the memes not only don't have any power but the memes people use from the first movie are now reversed in meaning.

oh you're walking down the stairs arthur? you're a deluded molestation victim who kisses dudes and is about to get banged again by the end and then (redacted) by some guy and (redacted) by your girl.

This is how you'd kill the nobody also, in a way.

they raped his legend until nobody respects it and people who are into it will look cringe.

it's really wow
anons i am about to go on a date with a very sweet black guy but for years the stupid n word has played in my head almost on a loop sometimes I get like tourettes and say it a lot when I am alone I should stop this and want to but it is almost compulsive at times
tell him you have a raceplay kink he'll let you say it as long as you're the bottom
Seems like it hits you little deep there dispo
i work in a hardware store!
The movie he left was gay romance movie
He did right after joker
I uh... I think that's a terrible idea desu anon, only if he had that kink and brought it up would I consider it.
nta, be honest if it comes up
Most black Americans, if you sit down and really talk to them, feel sorry for whites because we are basically all unconsciously low-key racist, and they can tell, but we are all in denial. The worst thing you can do is deny it.
Meow :3
omg a cute kitty!!
so you do want to call him that while he rails you, got it
well when those who have no idea what they are talking about insist on pretending that they do then even a mortal mundane idiot can do the opposite and just see what happens
all they need to do
is choose to of their own "free will"

that's all the reason needed
and everyone else
who choose to conform to a lairs way of thinking

get to deal with their own damned life chocies
OK, movie just finished. Would've been great if the singing wasn't in it.
my so called
"spirit animal"
is a pop culture version of Cthulhu so not even the real thing that Mr. Lovecraft came up with but instead some watered down version allowed by the powers that be to be shared around the world like it's no big deal

>I mean if we're sharing....
I think it would make me uncomfortable to experience that in reality and would rather not, it just be more normal and for me to stop compulsively saying it when I'm alone.
you think
someone in this thread
is lying about being a "good guesser"

over and over and over
of having "magic mind powers"

over and over and over again
on a loop
that will start over every time a new thread is made

as long as those
who do think they have magic mind powers
keep showing up and finding this fairy tale for the 1st time

and don't bother checking the archives
before assuming
all they have to do to bend reality to their will

is post what only they ever will
instead of being correct
about how reality was designed to be interacted with

by those
who don't matter
as they exist in it
if you ever get tired
of being treated like a child
you can always stop acting like one

choice's is yours only to make
same as always

*pats on head*
why do you fit in so well then?
the fucking nobody
or they could just be pretending to be ignorant to see what kind of data they can collect about the kind of anon's on the other side of the internet from them anonymously

seriously anon's
it's /x
if you're not considering all options

anyone who is considering
what you're not
is going to be able to tell

all mundane like and shit
and good luck dealing with the paranormal (assuming it's real)
if the mundane is too much for you to wrap your mind around

*face palm*
sing the fucking nono song
anon you can't force me to participate in your shenanigans any more then I can force you to stop

so no

I will not

I'm not even sure that's an actually thing
and wouldn't know the words
even if I wanted
nono song anon
I was guessing
some of you would have a problem
taking "no" for an answer

and covered my own ass accordingly
so do your worst
my anonymous aquatance

I don't know anything about
don't want to know anything about
and don't need to know anything about

to exist
as myself
not some "nobody" little kids call the "nono"

*rolls eyes*
Yeah. You have no rights so you must sing the nono song. It's very simple retard, fall in line.
*sticks googly eyes on your forehead*
*kisses cheek*
and if I don't
are you willing
to pretend to be me submitting to your will in order to try and trick the other anon's I don't prove you wrong simply by existing as my true self instead of who other's pretend I am?

*hands you a wipe to clean the screen of your own device with*
My child raising techniques are unrivalled.
sorry anon
back in my day
in the long, long ago (before the interent)

autism wasn't a thing yet
I'm what was once known
as "black sheep"

but just declaring context here
I was raised in what was considered
just barely not poor

so I had enough to eat
and could get clothes from 2nd hand shops for school
and socks for christmas

but that wasn't
rich enough
to be considered "ecentric"

which is what
the rich kids
who didn't fit in even with other's who didn't fit in and had to learn to blend in just to survive were called

by those
pretending to know folks
better then they knew themselves

before the whole "assburgers" thing got popular
with the metaphor
about "faces"

as if that was new
and not just what folks who had to work for a liveing
got used to like it was normal and everyone had to do it

and all of a sudden
folks were like
fuck this

in ways
not possible
until after the interet was a thing

that could spread information
around the world
faster then the "powers that be" could keep up with


(not my fault btw)
Gotcha, thanks for explaining
which thread is everyone in? Also hru today bro? Also what is going on with the aubrey plaza thing? I do want to breed with her btw desu
so for any who can't keep up
that was a "maybe"
not a yes or a no

but both at the same time just kinda' sort'a but not really

maybe's are real answers btw
idk I just keep all of them open and flip around. Yeah she's great, psycho bitch vibes and it's hot, don't blame you. hope you're well
and for anyone
who is not new to this fair tale
including any reading this post from some kind of archives

both pro and con have their own yes's and no's

the hero can be the hero of their own story or the villian of another

and a villian can be the villian of their own story or the hero of another

but those just trying to mind their own business
and stay out of the way
of those obvously in some kind of battle of good vs evil can be neutral just "maybeing" their way though existance as best they can without a fucking instruction manual as the rest of the world does whatever they do and there's nothing neutral folks can do to stop them

like it's a clue or something
ty hope you are well too, she is married but the glow bros keep pushing the impregnation thing so I am throwing myself in as a candidate, with some encouraging feedback, and hoping it isn't just another game for them.
anyone who plays favorites
about anything
isn't really neutral are they anon
what makes you think
a single one of us
is keeping tabs on what everyone else is doing

no one is truly neutral, or without some bias or prejudice, not if they are living and believing in anything, anyway.

is that what the voices in your head are telling ya?
your own inner monologue included

or are you one of those
who don't have a voice in your mind
constantly providing memoires only you alone will ever form

in ways
I can guess at sure
but not ever really know

I have my own voice, and the "voices" of what seems like a few others, I don't know how to describe where they come from other than they are on the other end of some sort of "beam" that I cannot explain the workings of. Does that seem familiar to you? I don't know if anyone else experiences something like this as well
I have 3
"inner monolouges" myself

*or at least I used to (long story)*

the 1st one speak for myself in the present
the 2nd one speaks for other's who are not me from my past
the 3rd one doesn't really speak and just provides "clues" about what folks I never met in the future might do

and it wasn't
until all 3
not just 2

but all 3
were awake, aware and in agreement
and I became my "true self"

only to find my "true self"
stuck in a world full of folks
who were still tring to figure out

how to become their "true selfs"
with nothing I can do about it
except maybe

shit post on 4chan
and hope
the proper "context" was met

where someone
I could only assume existed
would have figured out what I need them to on their own

without my help
even if I needed
to repeat myself

over and over and over
they randomly

happened upon
some coded message only they would have the memories needed to process
in front of other's who I didn't want to "set off" accidently

in fear
of what they might to to others
to try and hurt me
>the 1st one speak for myself in the present
>the 2nd one speaks for other's who are not me from my past
>the 3rd one doesn't really speak and just provides "clues" about what folks I never met in the future might do

yeah it is like this for me pretty often too, but also the "beam" where insights and ideas and perspectives show up out of nowhere and they feel as if they are coming from someone else.
sounds to me
like you still "believe" in something
doesn't matter what

it can be as simple as ice cream
and that's all it takes
to avoid the "void of nothingness with no light in it"

that I am in
even if
you and other's who are not me

don't have to follow me into

for the sake
of any of those
reading from the archives

this post and any other
are made
on page 11

for whatever that's worth
>this post and any other [after it]
*face palm*
applogiezes to any future anon's who are still getting used to "drunk and stoned" anon's posting on 4chan
as they learn to navigate
the "time line" of the posts they are reading

different then their own

my bad
any confussion
is totally my fault

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