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Basic brand info for beginners >https://pastebin.com/CxdBGA6W

Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:

Just skate and have fun. You're never too old or fat to skate. Skateboarding is 90% mind 10% body.

Skatepark etiquette: Remember everyone there shares a common interest with you.

Thread video:
Last Thread: >>211227
>Skatepark etiquette: Remember everyone there shares a common interest with you.
not even remotely close to being true.
>Skatepark etiquette: Remember everyone there shares a common interest with you.
my god, who gives a fuck
whats your problem faggot?
no ones doing heroin at my local lmao thats get beat up when you're high as fuck material idk if you and your junkie friends think I'm a piece of shit not here fuckface
you whinny motherfuckers need to perish
>i said something retarded in the OP and now Im embarrassed

>no ones doing heroin at my local
sounds lame, bet you gotta way too many kids smoking weed on the ramps and ledges
it's been in the op forever, op just gets copied and pasted. who gives a fuck. why bother shitting up the thread to respond to that one line whens theres a skateboarding video you could have commented on? and for the most part it's not stupid, it's true. majority of people at the skatepark are usually there to skate, quit nitpicking like a whinny faggot.
are you ok?
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guess not oh well.
>Thread video
Chris Millic has such sick style. I love these rough cut videos. The Gabriel Summers White Flag rough cut that just came out recently was cool too. So many gnarly slams and he just keeps going. Seeing that stuff motivates me to take more risks in my own skating
>So many gnarly slams and he just keeps going.
nick rios has the funniest bails lmao. dude is a bit heavy set, falls so slowly but somehow still slams
Gabs rough cut was insane
>slides down 8 stairs on his head
>background voice: "that was it bro!"
the dern brothers have completed their goals of going pro for the two most whined about companies on the internet.
new tiago part if anyone cares
Any of you figs in NRW? I'm a noob and need company to learn
Im in NRFB
Good point. There has been a severe lack of disdain and ridicule towards mega-corporate skateboarding.

Chris Milic is one of my most favourite skateboarders. That Welcome team was one for the ages.
>Chris Milic is one of my most favourite skateboarders
i bet you like fancy lad too faggot
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Skate shoe brands used to put out the best vids too.. So long as people keep supporting corporate brands they'll keep pumping out trash and destroying the industry.
the only lad i fancy is you
The Nike and Cons videos were great. They hired well respected filmers and made good shit. The Dickies video on the other hand felt much more corporate and squeaky clean
I fucking love them and wished I lived in their house. Fancy Lad is what skateboarding is all about. Seriously.
meh fancy lad was great 2012-2014 or so... back when it was the OG boston boomer crew... they are filled with too many new youngins who aren't very interesting now. new hell was peak
I stopped skating not long after Emericas Stay Gold video. I loved that video and the whole feel of that brand/era.
>*this is skateboarding*
Fancy Lads Is This Skateboarding got a chuckle from the title alone so I randomly gave it a watch one day, started skating again the next.

Those fancy lads reminded me go have fun so they get a free pass forever.
>>*this is skateboarding*
>Fancy Lads Is This Skateboarding got a chuckle from the title alone

Exactly. And the video itself is funny. I remember thinking I never laughed at a skate video before.
Im pretty much experiencing a mid life crisis and Im glad I came back to skateboarding because Im remembering my failings and also the things I want to do. And I smoked some weed which always makes me feel like some kind of buddhist monk and over 10 years away from skating, my board went from 7.6 inches to something bigger and its just an entirely different feel when trying to be flashy, but bigger is what is suited to what I used to do as a kid, but not used to using power to do a kickflip per say. Next year is probably going to be progress while this year all ive done is start again.
And reading my own self the best part of skateboarding was just having a board, even if i was seen as anything by anyone else, I didnt care because I was balanced and creative. I did my thing because it was fun. As an adult its a little bit of a chore to challenge myself.
don't think of it as a chore, i like to use skating as an alternative to doomscrolling. keeps you outside, keeps you grounded. way better use of time. dont put too much pressure on your self and progressing when you are getting back into it or it will not be fun.
>meh fancy lad was great 2012-2014 or so... back when it was the OG boston boomer crew

You are thinking of Welcome.
Just keep skating unc

The Bunt is back btw
I heard a bit of their Phelps episode and thought he was such a complexic tryhard.
he is so back
what a fucking retard
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this part gaslit me into thinking Tiago skates regular. insane switch game.

next he's gonna debunk chris chann's double ollie
>double ollie

excuse me what
>Skatepark etiquette: Remember everyone there shares a common interest with you.
i get sideeyed by oldheads for being a tranny at the park lmao
yes!! i bought the green pro model shoe he has and it is nice
his license plate is out near the end lmao

captcha: SK8GR
>i get sideeyed by oldheads for being a tranny at the park lmao
that happens every where you go most likely
no im talking about fancy lad. welcome does not have a video called new hell
Yeah, well, Fancy Lad rules all the time
texas lol
Have you met any of the Texas legends?
I really dig gifted hater. He calls out the bewwwlshit in the industry. He is counter-culture. He is a skateboarder. I bet Geoff Rowley is secretly donating to his channel. The only liiiittle gripe I had was when he called out Steezus Christ, because Steezus wasn't hurting anybody, he was put on by his homies or even by merit of his own infiltration skills. I mean they are still making docus and have truck and board models for Eric Dressen for fuck's sake. What did Steezus do?
i got a pic with neen williams
he was guilty of general cringe. He's a cool black dude so you can't just call out something he does for being corny people flip their shit
I remember that, it really solidify him as a world class hater in my eyes. Sometimes I think he goes after low hanging fruit but I think it just shows that no one gets the pass.
No, I meant the 80s.
i thought neen was from chiraq
mirin that front smith btw.
He's not really a hater though.

What smith?
>He's not really a hater though.
well his videos would be way less entertaining if he was being like black ninja who is a hater for real.
Gifted hated has gone from semi funny kid to intollerable to me. That steezus video was one of the few good things he has done. He is a meme character now.
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t. tom knox fan
I'll tom knox you the fuck out
okay big guy
new marbie video :D
surely this will interest you >>214366
but all the good skaters are twinks
Ogre ass bitch(male)
man im too young for that
moved to fw
>mirin that front smith btw.
are u refering to my passgen post lmao
butt slide
>are u refering to my passgen post lmao
not that anon but went looking for it after reading this. really is a good smith.
It's a reductive term, used affectionately.

Well,maybe you ran into them.
What video? Where is it?
that one guy on gx who sets himself on fire to do hdlllbombs did a flyout out a ramp over the fence at my local once
tldr i used to spam front smiths and now im a girl annd cant
>used to spam front smiths

Can't seem to remember sorry. Can't you post an older one?
>now im a girl annd cant
wtf happened? why?
not her but when people go on estrogen they lose a lot of strength and sometimes coordination
No bro, how'd he become a girl?!
yeah im stilll tryna relearn fs 5-0 -_-
>even /esg/ has trannies
incredible how every facet of this site has been infested
now I IDENTIFY as a girl*
do you go to gay bars and wonder why theres queers.
this isn't a gay bar tho
these are the designated fag and freak boards
they are truly the ultimate posers

but check this out

>this isn't a gay bar tho
you ride a wooden toy for kids you fucking faggot
the fucking hazmat kickflip was insane
this guy has a really solid point,
you know how no one else had thought it a point to bring up their gender identity and how it affects their skateboarding until the trans-sexual came in
I'm not trying to bully you transexual anon, but you notice how you're the only one tripfagging
(not even tripfagging, cause someone can false flag as you lmao, l2 tripfag noob) - also how we liking the 5 minute timer to post?j
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Here's that "legend" you ordered
the joker killed it again, dude goes so big each year.
it's over...
>also how we liking the 5 minute timer to post
4chan pass is worth the money, highly rec for maximum posting
jesus god damn christ the kickflip at 1:20. the ali g near sac at 2:49. slam at 4:50 looked and sounded brutal.

>designated fag and freak boards
you're forgetting >>>/fit/, >>>/g/, all of the anime boards, all of the porn boards except >>>/s/, all of the video game boards, the irc, and most interest boards except maybe >>>/o/ and >>>/po/

so anon is right. 4chan is pretty much a gay bar
Here is the official vid
Kanaan coming back as Joker is cool
how is /g/ gay? i regret ever coming to this website in 2014 to browse /fa/ and /mu/, been stuck here ever since and everyone is mean :(
I quit using it 10 years ago (lainchan superiority) so maybe the culture has changed but I was mostly thinking of programmer socks, programming while crossdressing, dragon dildos, and the satania obsession
apart from /pol/ and /biz/ every other board is a containment zone for skitzos, fags and skitzo fags
i miss peak bull run /biz/ of 2020. good times
>no trannies
what do you even like about /pol/?
that board fucking sucks
true jannies kinda ruined it now, it'll probably get busy again soon
true /pol/ is a shadow of itself..

wait wtf do I keep coming here, I could be skating rn
oh shit i didnt realize this was a new video lol
>l2 tripfag noob
i dont want to
>wait wtf do I keep coming here, I could be skating rn
>fuck up a smith grind 5 times
>do it switch first try
what the fuck is wrong with me
>wooden toy


>for kids

I don't understand
>how we liking the 5 minute timer to post?j

Is this an incognito mode thing? I am still at the one minute cooldown
Not everyone and not at all times! 4chan is cool
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>>for kids
>I don't understand
I do not
the tranny is most likely underageb& so posting kids is funny to it
I fucking love skateboarding bros... I wish all my old friends still skated...
>wahh wahhh why is everyone mean to me because im a troon!!
>goes out of way to mention being a tranny in 4chan thread
>namefags so everyone knows i am a tranny
KYS retard
"Skateboarding is the most important thing in the world"- Sidharta "Buddha" Gautama
i warned you about tranny bros
you should've learned to skate rails instead
it's honestly so fucking weird to go out of your way to make yourself identifiable on an anonymous anus rating forum
but for gods sake you need to trip on /esg/?
like why?
a lot of them are narcissist and not good people hence their obsession with visibility. attention seeking behavior knows no bounds.
i wish i had friends...
Post videos with cute skateboard chicks.
its just auto set from /lgbt...
where is /esg/ skating at
i'm in northern virginia, there's a decent amount of cool parks here
i swear i'm not datamining I'm just curious
I've got a Sony FX30, pic related gimbal, and a bunch of friends that skate. None of them are amazing, but it'd still be fun to get put together something way over-produced. Maybe turn it into some kind of documentary or something.

I'm competent enough on a board to not eat shit following them, but want to put together a cruiser board where I definitely don't have to worry about any bumps or cracks or rocks and can just focus on the camera.

Thinking those 72mm 78a Plow Kings for wheels, and maybe something like a Landyachtz Tugboat for a deck? Open to whatever suggestions you got.
Dinghy Fender or Dinghy Blunt Fender? Their oops section might have one a discount.
Southern SoCali
LA Angeles, to be precise
the capital of sk8ing
i went to the park last night but it was too spooky.
usually i just skate schoolyards.
va looks like it has some cool spots and you have dc & nyc within spitting distance
Any reason you suggest those over the Tugboat?
The decks are contoured to have wheel flares for less wheel bite with bigger wheels. Hence the name Fender. They're for their completes with their bear trucks and risers so I don't know how beneficial they would be with other trucks.
Tugboat has the same shit though and is 9.25" instead of 8" for the Fender.
Those are wheel wells.
>Wheel wells are cutouts on the deck where the wheels are expected to touch the board. They’re made by either sanding that part of the deck down, or by cutting out it with a CNC machine or a wood router.
>Wheel flairs are a bit different. The part where the wheelbite should occur is raised. This is made by pressing the board in a certain way, resulting in a bump/raised bit about where the wheels are. This increases clearance by a bit too.
LY really should make that clearer on their website. Fenders have both wheel wells and wheel flares. Also consider that wider decks are more prone to wheel bite all else equal. With bigger wheels you have to compromise between turning radius, ride height, and deck width. You can use a Tugboat with 72mm wheels but there's a reason why those completes have smaller wheels than the Dinghy completes. People even complain about the Fender's higher ride height like they're doing one-leg squats with every push.
Ah, got it. Thanks dude.
ohnonono chudbros...
such a well-designed cover
makes me bitter about how shit design is nowadays
i didnt know this existed ty
I'm from the greater Deseret territory
then take it off when you're not on /tttt/, dumb cunt, there is no excuse. For other anons who are too retarded, just use the filters and put this cunts name in and set to auto-hide, bam, no more attention whores.
ew no thats like turning auto caps off on a phone
What are the most Metal skateboard vids on jewtube?
Every Kevin Baekkel part
excuse my zoomerism
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>rolls up to your skatepark
>does a 5 minute manual into a fakey darkside blunt impossible noflip
>kisses your dad on his lips
>does a 360 and rolls away
How would you respond without sounding mad?
this took me way too fucking long to get
delete that tracking shit you sketchy tranny freak
That must be the douchiest photo I've ever seen. And I say that as a && fan.
kek would have been based if that priest in the beginning started throwing some knucks.
i think being around andy anderson would stress me out ugh last guy i need on the sesh
I wanna have sex with cute skateboard girls.
Blood Wizard, duh
I've thought about getting into skateboarding... but I'm in my thirties. What's the best approach? I'd be a complete ass turning up to a skatepark surrounded by teenagers as an absolute beginner.
>What's the best approach?
You're old enough to already know the answer, anon - you just get out there and do it. Choose boomer times (early morning) to go to the park if you want to be by yourself or in good company with other adults. Find spots locally that let you roll around alone and get the basics down, like pushing, rolling off curbs etc. Use your garage/garden/driveway whatever to get going if you really need to. Most importantly, there is ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING WAY to avoid looking like a beginner tard when you start out. You have to put your ego aside and humble yourself for a bit.
when you go to the park and where the park is will have a big impact on the crowd. i haven't seen another human at the skatepark in 10 years because i skate from 12 am to 7 am. you don't need to have schizo hours either because realistically there's barely anyone there before like 11 unless it's the peak of summer and you have a skate camp in your area.
you can also learn a lot of basic skateboarding without ever setting foot in a park so you don't need to go in as a complete fucking scrub.
also you're 30 nigger, go build a pool
>Mercyful Fate music
Holy fuckin' BUSSIN.
i like skateboardin
I havnt skated in like a month but I still load up this thread every day. I guess I burnt myself out a bit trying to perfect my kickflip for the better part of a year.
same dude same. except once it start hitting the low 70s i just started going on walks and riding my bike instead. im not wasting perfect weather on skating, i rather stare at the trees kek
You can find Mercyful Fate in Creature videos too, Blood Wizard has a whole heavy metal vibe. Creature too, since I mentioned it.
Lying online again, Timmy?
it keeps raining. i need to set up another rain board but im broke as shit
I like beginners who show up, be nice, say hello and acknowledge their level.. Often end up focusing half my sesh on helping them. I dont like beginners who show up, post up in some awkward spot and act like posers. Like homie go try your stationary shuvits in a cark park..
i think every beginner needs to take that bullshit to a car park unless they are trying to get comfortable on transition by practicing kick turns and pumping they are just taking up space and they are always skating in the most inconvenient spot for everyone else there and messing up the flow
>you just get out there and do it
Sure I guess I wanted to know bit more on how to approach skateboarding specifically
How long does it take to get past the beginner tard phase?

>build a pool
With the money I don't have on the land I don't own, I'll get right on that.
Depends on how often you try. Ollies can take like a month to learn if thats all you try to do and if you ride around a few times a week youll be pretty comfortable eventually.
also in your 30s you should always stretch. I always do some squats and ankle rolling, stretch my back. Im not really sure how I warm up, but I know my ability to snap my foot down is pretty vital once you start popping. You dont want to fall and be stiff. It gets a little dicey in the colder winter because its hard to be nice and limber. I tore some leg muscle last year in february on a fall.
>Im not really sure how I warm up
i consciously try not to pop my tail for the first 15-20 mins these days
Ollies took me a day to learn when I was a kid. Just got a board again and it took me about 30 minutes to get them down again. I think the problem is people try to jump into ollies when they don't even have basic balance and confidence pushing/cruising.
Sometimes it's a mental barrier, i.e. getting air is unknown territory

But ollies aren't the founding block. Traditionally you want to learn how to roll into banks and drop in on vert and early grab your way into the air.
>Sure I guess I wanted to know bit more on how to approach skateboarding specifically
you're already going full reddit and overthinking it. Listen to yourself, man
>how do I approach skateboarding?
Well, you fucking stand on the skateboard and you try to stay on it while moving. Keep doing it and you will get better at it. There are some many gay ass youtube tutorials to hold your hand as well if you genuinely can't think for yourself at the start. Don't go full retard over your first board either. Get an 8.0 deck, any fucking deck from your local store, get some 99a spitfire classic wheels, get some thunder or independant trucks, whatever grip tape/hardware the store sells and you're done. That board will last you a long time as a beginner. Then you just keep riding it until it becomes easy. What order you do shit is is up to you, everyone has their own opinions and everyone is different so just do whatever you feel like (want to ollie? try it. Want to manual? try it. want to roll off a curb? try it - it's as simple as that).
turn skating into something you do every day, not just something you do 'at the skatepark' skate on your morning coffee run, skate with your dog, skate on your smoke breaks
>I think the problem is people try to jump into ollies when they don't even have basic balance and confidence pushing/cruising
i seen this so many times. its so frustrating when someone asks me for tips or how to get good its like nigga im not good or a youtube tutorial just ride the fucking thing.

>how do I get good
nigga you can hardly even stand on the thing
>Ollies took me a day to learn when I was a kid
this is cap
>How long does it take to get past the beginner tard phase?
nobody can predict that for you. we dont know anything about you. If you're a fat ass who's going to be winded after 1 minute of trying to ollie, it's going to take you a lot longer than someone who's in shape enough to do multi hour sessions. Not to mention a billion other variables.

Why do you even care about looking stupid? You're going to look stupid to most people. You could switch hardflip a 20 stair and 99% of people would think you're just a retard who's killing his knees just to flip a piece of wood around.

get your head out of your ass and just go skate.
>How long does it take to get past the beginner tard phase?
If you have even an ounce of athleticism it will take at least 2 years max of consistent skating to get good and comfortable but i've seen 12-14year olds get decently good in 6months to a year in those youtube progress vids
>nigger speak
Sounds like a skill issue zoom zoom.
those progress videos are always so fake and gay they really annoy me, not good for beginners to gage progress from.
>waited 15 minutes to post
wtf happened to this website lol
wym? >>215021 this is pretty normal progress for 1 year if you skate 3-4 times a week and don't get any injuries. takes about a year to get treflips for the average middle school skater
The hell kind of deck is that, no nose or tail
You see it a lot in other sport youtubes, its a pretty successful clickbait thing and pretty lame to gaslight beginners.
Idk about that guy for sure but from that one year progress (4yrs old) and his latest vid, youd think he'd be better than he is now..
which is a video from 2021. sorry man but most pros progressed WAYYYY faster than this kid when they were young
that's how boards were then. and it has a tail
I know what 80s boards are like. They're wider than that and have much more tail. His deck almost looks like a freestyle deck.
The one before it is 1.5 years old
*2.8 years old
terry kennedy went am for element after skating for only 2 years. idk why you think this progression is misleading it's pretty average
>i've seen 12-14year olds get decently good in 6months to a year in those youtube progress vids
12-14 year olds have puberty on their side so they build muscle faster, build muscle memory faster, heal faster, and they usually have more time they can skate, and usually better stamina so they get more skating done in the same time frame. The poster asking for a timeline is in his 30s. He's not going to progress at the same rate.

I know what you mean about progress videos in general but I don't think the kid in that video is exaggerating. That was pretty comparable to the progress my friends and I made when we were that age, and a lot of people I know didn't progress much passed that either. Seems like both a realistic timeline and a realistic plateau
>The poster asking for a timeline is in his 30s. He's not going to progress at the same rate.
For sure - I started about 3 years ago in my 30's and although I am pleased with my progress, I would be 10x better if I didn't take months to heal from slams and also not have a fucking job and adult responsibilities getting in the way of my time on the board.
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What are you currently working on, /esg/? Also what's the one trick you are desperate to land (that you have actively started trying, not just something you wish you could do). Leave advice/tips you have picked up during your learning that could be helpful.
>currently working on
getting comfy on the board again after coming back from an injury, started to learn 5050's on ledges/boxes and it's a lot easier than I thought it would be. Tip for anyone new to this is literally just be confident and comfortable with your ollies. If you can be next to the box/ledge stationary and ollie forward onto it you are in a good place to learn.
>the one trick you are desperate to land
Kickflip. It's so fucking close. Easily will make my first land before the year is out if I keep it up. No reaI tip I can share about the learning process so far, but just keep in mind it takes fuck all time to learn the flick and all the other motions, but a lot of time to stick the landing, so you gotta have patience.
i feel you on the injury anon. i'm dealing with some health shit rn and it's really fucking frustating not to be skating the way i'm used to.
finally started getting switch tres with a decent level of consistency. it's way easier to do them into mannys for some reason
>be me
>practicing bs flips
>fuck up bad on one attempt
>psychologically fucks me from being able to turn my body with my flip for the rest of the session
>come back next day
>it's normal again
alright bros, so i'm 33, and started skating during covid at 30 years old.

at this point i can do a decent amount of flatground, rails, and ledges but my switch is terribad (i can only push and ride switch) and i can barely do anything but axle stall and rock to fakie on transition (im scared). also idk why skating hips is so foreign to me

what do i focus on... switch skating or tranny or work the hip?

also how tf am i supposed to learn switch without losing any of my other tricks? i feel like if i dont practice all my tricks all the time i start to lose them cause im old
I'm sick as fuck(health wise), so I haven't skated in a week. Most recently I learned backside nosegrinds pretty consistently. My goal is to learn back side 180 out of them
you got too many problems bro, cancel your internet, break your phone and computer, get some beer and go skate

i always have a good day then an off day. its like this for any physical activity ive ever done
i literally just got back from skating
I am trying to learn to carve bowls and transition parks better. Get more comfy with coping on bigger transition. A new revelation I noticed is if I keep my knees bent slightly at all points in the transition I can aim my trucks my easier at the coping. I am thinking ill invest in some kneepads and a helmet.
I have kickflips pretty good and was determined to get heelflips on dial before moving to anything else. But recently if they dont click I've moved on to tres and hardflips. However I watched this Kerry Getz part recently and it made me think just get my kickflips down and screw the rest..
i'm newfag so ollies mostly, I can land them maybe 30% of the time although i've yet to ollie up a curb
Also been doing moving shuvs, and trying to learn bs 180s here and there

I wanna get back into vert but I was traumatized because I busted my ass-bone dropping in on a bowl, I think it's been long enough that I'm ready now though
Hell yeah brother
>But ollies aren't the founding block.
new HSS vid i really enjoyed the first one a couple years back hope this one is good too
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HSS is my favorite company. I love the halloween aesthetic, I love the art on all the decks, the videos are all good, they are a bit north of me and their decks are really nice.
I bought a mystery 2 pack of their first run of decks for $89.00 which was supposed to come with a free gift which I assumed was just going to be a gag gift. I never got a tracking notice after a week so I emailed them and they replied back super fast apologizing saying they were on a trip and will get it shipped out asap and I just replied back like sick no problem loved the vid get some good footy and the package came like 4 or 5 days later and included pic related
i really like them too and throughly enjoyed the last videos they put out, something about their team and how they skate is really entertaining. a couple dudes rip, throw down hammers and really impressive tricks. the rest are pretty chill not crazy but not boring. looks like everyone is having a good time and not taking themselves too seriously. the spots range from baby tier too obscure (well at least to me as i dont recognize to many blown out east coast spots in their vids). haven't skated any of their boards yet, the weird clay puppet graphic is funny though. it's nice to hear that they have good customer service, seems personable and like an actual team is being supported and not a corporate overload.
i try to support small companies when I can but get really bummed when I find out some company Ive supported is a buncha dickhead cool guys with shit attitudes.
same which is why i stopped going to my local skate shop kek. i buy straight from company websites now, feels good.
Give me some more Metal videos/skaters, brehs.
so skateboarding indeed got gay
how ironic
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When is Blokes 2 out
new atlantic drift scored to barry lyndon...amazing
alright im half way in and so much time is wasted on fucking title cards for the most popular skaters of current day and b roll footage BOOOOOO, this is what you annoying title card boomers whined for i hope youre happy u bastards
Your mom's pussy
Tyler Surrey man, I noticed him back in the Brain Gone video and his rough cut from that video I keep coming back to. I feel proud of myself for NOT sleeping on him BELIEVE THAT.
he is very underrated
The whole Skate Mafia vibe is great, with Lopes, Kremer and Surrey trying to have substance and not just prove to the world that "my guy kickflips higher than your guy".
Just started skating a couple months ago. Just now realized there is a difference between nose and tail. WTF, how did I not know this
it took me 20 years to realize that
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Nice to meet you Im a artist
hold my deck

That sounds like an amazing trick.
has anyone here skated chucks? i want to try them but I'm scared i won't like how the toecap feels. i skated last resorts and enjoyed them if that means anything, so i don't think the soles will bother me too much, im mainly worried about the toecap, and how they break in.
chucks have great flick but you may have to adjust your foot placement for certain tricks
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/asp/ plz
when someone yells hell ride at you but you dont actually know what it means or what youre doing even
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who are yall voting for tomorrow
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the choice is obvious
>t. non-American
i only skate sneeds
whatever this is, why the FUCK is google asking me for an ID Card to watch it?
Santa Cruz went really fucking Gay like 4, 5 years ago.
man this guy is actually sick... pretty gimmicky at times (that blackflip shit) but in such a raw aggressive crazy style its cool I enjoyed this a lot
>that first slam
holy shit lol
he evaporates into dust kek
Canvas shoes are great for people who need "board feel" and who would never attempt a single heelflip (which would tear a hole right through). You can pick them in matching colors with your deck rails and helmet. Backside kickturns have never looked so radical.
Kamala is that but 1000x worse with worse people
who would win in a game of skate
>milton martinez
>like all of gx1000 skates canvas shoes
>all of yardsale skate cons
this is clearly just not true and they make suede chucks anyways. im literally skating dcs right now which is the furthest possible from a canvas board feel shoe. i infact enjoy both kinds of shoes in different ways because im a chad and I'm not limited to skating one kind of shoe because my skating is that boring. maybe if jumping off shit is your entire life's purpose any boardfeel would sound retarded to you but fortunately I'm a bit more cerebral than that
fuck off faggot
>Canvas shoes
which nobody skates?
>Canvas shoes are great for people who need "board feel"
sorry but I have to further point out how retarded your post is. The material the shoe is made from has nothing to do with board feel thats all in the sole you fucking dumbass. stop trying to pretend like you know what you're talking about when you've obviously just been absorbing stupid ass posts from these threads and regurgitating them.
"board feel" is an absolute meme and in 15 years I haven't seen a single person whose skating I could respect wearing thin shoes, on the other hand the people I see wearing chucks or gayass janoskis are always boomers who go to the skatepark to work on their flatground pop shuvs right in front of an obstacle that other people are trying to use. I skate pretty tech and thin shoes feel worse than crocs. Inside crocs your feet won't slip on the sole every time you put a little force into your kicks. I don't fear for my ankles skating crocs, but I do with canvas shoes.
>"board feel" is an absolute meme
stopped reading here. not entertaining your kook nonsense. take it to r/newskaters
this has to be ragebait lol i mean have you ever worn a shoe in your life? it's not fucking rocket science. the thinner the sole of your shoe the more you can feel the ground, or in this case your board. this has to be one of the most retarded takes ive ever seen on here.
Your post implies that you have skated in crocs, in which case your opinion should be received with caution.

>boomers who go to the skatepark to work on their flatground pop shuvs right in front of an obstacle that other people are trying to use

lel, that's me but kickflips and emericas/etnies
Have you ever heard of a video called "Cherry"?
>canvas shoes
>canvas shoes
>canvas shoes
This fucking faggot is just trying to force a meme
why are you guys so pissed all the time ahahaha

You're gonna be sorry when this is the best this board can come up with for the chans cup
Dont worry, /sumo/ will designate the /xs/ rep as befits the greatest thread on the board
The chans cup? Do you mean the football?
i bet you wear vans
i think i want a cupsole next shoe
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Someone say Canvas Shoes?
what if i wear cupsole canvas shoes
i think the emerica winos are and they were the easiest shoe to kickflip in
i rock etnies/emerics Im just making fun of this faggot for saying "canvas shoes" as if that means anything at all.
the future of skateboarding
hi esg i chipped my tooth on a three stair boardslide today am i washed
small set rails are usually kind of fucked. like anything below a 7 just isnt worth it
what's the biggest wheels you guys would ride on forged indys without riser pads? is the wheelbite too much on 56s?
idk i ride 56s on venture lows with no risers and the wheelbite is manageable. on higher trucks it's probably just depend on how heavy footed you are
Shit, do you have a pic? I think that's the pair I am rocking now and I REGAINED MY KICKFLIPS ON THEM.
What do you mean washed? It's a battlescar. Try again. I have never ollied onto a rail. Faggot, lol. jk
I split my head landing terribly down a tiny three stair (only 1.5-2ft off the ground lol) when I was a teenager. Had to get stitches. Just get your shit together first. Stick to falling on your ass doing flatground tricks for a while. Come back to the stairs when you have way more confidence falling and have some more control over how you're gonna fall.
i got my worst injury skating flat lmao
I got my worst injury on a curb its always the dumb shit you get hurt on.
>worst injury skating flat
>worst injury on a curb

What were the injuries?
It was cold and I tried to backside 50-50 slappy a curb and went over just landed funny on my leg and assume I tore my ITband a little bit.
Heard from someone at the park today that Lakai recently got rid of their skate team?
Anyone heard anything about that? Website looks the same.
that is absolutely crazy. sounds like i should be fine then
Saw the post on their Instagram, so nevermind I guess. Seems like a fucking mess.
Really sucks to see, we're just about done with old school shoe brands at this point.
can i wear ipaths without being a kook yet?
They're making ipaths again?
apparently lol
Wow, what a blast from the past... I used to have a pair of the Grasshoppers that I got from a DD's. I'm guessing a skate shop had to close out and get rid of their shoes. Lucked out getting those for cheap.
I used to skate with chunky shoes and took like a 10 year break, but ive gone for slip ons and sneaker like skate shoes.
Consolidated tried to warn you
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Wasn't it World Industries who shafted that pro skater because he was gay?
Or how about Forrest Edwards, when Threat was done, did he end up in Mystery or Zero or somewhere else?
How many pros were let go because they weren't accumulating material? (By the way I hate the word "content", it's footage or material, there is nothing of substance "contained" in tik tok and instagram, unless you reduce yourself to a consumer of sterile canned slop).
You now cry and mourn about the death of skate shoes now that it is safe and there is no return, how many nike products have you had? Pairs, t-shirts, videos? How many skaters do you know for whom ekin SB is a normalised relationship inside skateboarding?
Remember when we were telling you that monopolisation of the shoe industry will turn, in this state of affairs of western financial strategy, to ekin ending up becoming the pillar of the skate industry, just like Powell-Peralta was in the 80s (only in this instance, the industry will be centralising under ekin instead of centrifuging away from Powell-Peralta) or just like how the Bill Gates Foundation is the strongest pillar for printed Print around the western world today? That ekin would end up supporting/financing DECK BRANDS? Remember Numbers? How do you think Primitive started? When did Nyjah start his own deck company?
They even got Hjalte Halberg and Daan van Der Linden!
I've literally never owned a pair of corpo skate shoes. I've never had Nike, NB, Adidas, etc.
My last dozen pair of shoes have been Fallen, they've been great and I love them but as soon as I mention that brand the immediate response always seems to be
>lol Fallen in 2024
YES motherfucker, Fallen in 2024. They're still making a good product, have a killer team, and I like their image and they put out good material. These same people that mock (X) company in (Current year) are the ones who turn around a few months later and pretend to be bummed that all the old core brands are dead.

People who are newer probably don't recognize, but all of this is really a culture death for skateboarding. Younger people don't realize just how neutered this sport has become in the last dozen years.
i'd wear fallens if they had a midtop cupsole.
why are midtops so fucking rare these days
wait did they remove chris cole over the wifebeater shit lmao
Literally every sponsor dropped him. Yes its stupid, the whole thing from all sides is fucking cringe.
its what zoomers wanted and deserve. just another cringe olympic sport
oh and the average sl*p faggot type
>Yes its stupid
not really, fuck james cole
So true sister
nah, fuck you. chris cole is a legend.
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i think a zoomie got triggered and decided to troll
Sup Guys just started skating got this element board and also im gay and my dick is small
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Pumped that track to my heart limit today, surrounded by shotas and lolis, very funny brats.
I need to do this more and get in shape once more.
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When fully flared came out they held a comp where you had to submit a forum post about your fav part. I won and got a big box of lakai shit, shoes, clothing, fully flared deck etc. I rocked that shit til it was falling off my body, would joke with frens saying I was sponsored and they would seethe. Good times.
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ive boardslid and front boarded it before, also the dental bills are horrific and stressing me out i just wanna pull the hurt teeth out and be done w it
Check't. That sounds like shit allright. Well I hope you recuperate your money losses because surely the mouth is fixable.
Enough tranny posting
post sovl skate vids instead
did you hit your face on the rail or something? how does that happen
guys don't encourage it
this is gay asf. would rather watch a glue or they vid
Has the white mans reign over skateboarding come to an end?
What we value as good skateboarding is always 10 years ahead of good competition skateboarding
are they pouring alcohol on a minor?! to the electric chair
I found this perfect spot for a jersey barrier. It's on an abandoned dead end road next to the freeway. There is like a mile of jersey barriers. Does anyone have any tips on how to build one properly? I have done a bit of concrete work in the past so I know how to finish concrete but what is the best way to make sure the edges don't crack? I've seen cementall used in a lot of videos but it seems the best way would be cutting out a little strip of the pavement where the new concrete meets the old, right?
tried to bail, couldnt, tried to get arms up, couldnt, hit ground w my face
still crave skating tho

Why build one? You have plenty right there
do you think security will care if i bring a concrete grinder and bird spikes to make their parking garage less shit for me to skate in during the winter?
make it look like you belong there
are you guys seeing the black wheel trend on sls
i did this in May except I was just skating down a sidewalk and ran over a seed or something
at least get an examination first to see if anything urgent needs to be done
also if you cut anything in your lips/mouth you will probably need antibiotics
I wear a mouth guard now, waiting for next year to get the crown bc of shitty american insurance
Bump limit isn't yet reached though

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