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Greetings, /c/itizens!

Just wanted to go over a couple of guidelines for posting on /c/ if you are new here and a friendly reminder for those who aren't.

Try to avoid making single-image requests. Making a single image thread deletes a previous thread from the last page. Please include 4 to 5 similar images in your thread to get it going. Use resources like danbooru, gelbooru or even Google Image Search.

Check the catalog to avoid making a duplicate thread. This way, we can share and contribute more images more effectively and efficiently.

If bumping a thread, please include a picture instead of just writing 'bump' and please do not necrobump threads that have reached their image limit. This restricts the diversity and natural flow of the board. Threads are meant to come and go and sometimes they are even better the next time around.

Finally, as much as /a/ is a discussion board, /c/ is a board for sharing images. Please respect the threads of other users and they will do the same to yours as well!

The path to our cottage they say has grown green
And the place is quite lonely around
I know that the smiles and the forms I once knew
Now lie ‘neath the cold mossy ground

For posterity and in case things like reverse image search do not work, give due credit to those who create Rei's images by indicating author and/or source if known.

Discussion always welcome, but offer an image, if available.

>Previous thread:

>General archive:
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It's been awhile since we've had a fun themed thread, so here it is! From her iconic bunny suit to fantastic crossover art, feel free to share your cherished images of our cosplay queen and favorite tea-drinking princess, Kotobuki Tsumugi!

Continued from: >>4308224

Spread the love!
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Happy birthday Moogs
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Happy birthday mugi!
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Happy birthday, Mugi!

All Shingeki girls are welcome.

Previous: >>4282959
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A classic official art
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Previous >>4229715
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Impeccable taste edition.

Previous thread: >>4331256

Previous chapter discussion on /a/: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/267642932/

Watamote Moonrune: https://www.ganganonline.com/title/29/

Watamote Translated: https://mangadex.org/title/1054/watashi-ga-motenai-no-wa-dou-kangaetemo-omaera-ga-warui

Animu Website: DEAD

Where to buy animu DVD/BD and mango: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/series_list.html?sid=3725

Older Threads:http://pastebin.com/znGvWmBA

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Between the perv who wants her tied up and the AI giant boobies I don't know what is worst.
you still gooned to it anyway
People are free to enjoy the Tumko however they want.
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Doublesuka Edition

Previous thread: >>4337036
Post more of Evangelion's best girl!
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So cheating.
I love my waifus equally
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Blue Archive, Arknights, Genshin Impact, etc
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Summertime Iori edition!

Previous thread:
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slightly early because its bedtime edition
all versions are good! regular sakura saber, summer jets, tanned alters and summer alters welcome
previous thread:>>4274545
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If Haruhi has a thread, then why wouldn't our supreme queen have one too?

Post Yuki, in all shapes and universes.
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this one is extra cute
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I just found out about this one and I'm in love
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Third times the charm! Post meidos or meido adjacent waifus of any stripe or color, be it classical, french, steampunk, military, nurses or waitresses!

Bonus points for the mythical skating maids, oh and don't textbump please!

Previous Thread: >>4294186
128 replies and 127 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Previous thread >>4258990
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