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It feels pointless going to cons alone. I just went to Otakuthon yesterday and I saw tons of people, I went to panels, I had tons of nice conversations, interactions and pictures, but it hurts knowing I'll probably never see any of these people again. The only real long interaction I had was with a guy playing Go with me and some other people, but beyond that, it never moved outside of small talk and compliments.

I'm still happy that I probably talked to over a 100 strangers in one day, something most people who are lonely fail to do, but being alone in a crowd truly hurts.
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>One IT'S OVER thread
>Two IT'S OVER thread
>Three four FIVE
And today, seven. >>10931985 Seven "IT'S OVER" threads. Are you from Montreal, or at least a sizable city? Dig deeper, you might be surprised to find small con-adjacent style events in your area
>it hurts knowing I'll probably never see any of these people again
Says who? Con going is a much more connected world than most people realize. You'll cross paths with others very quickly, and more times than you'd expect too. Being alone in a crowd and being together in a crowd hurt the same amount: whatever you want them to
Okay but what effort did YOU put in you faggot? Did YOU try and ask for people's socials and then try and arrange more time with them? Or are you expecting everybody to babysit your needs and do all the hard work?
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I went to otakuthon alone and talked to maybe 3 people at the touhou booths and panels. It was great. This is like the sixth year I do this and I will do it again the next.
I live in the Montreal area, yes, hence why I went to Otakuthon. Yet these kinds of events only happen once a year
I’m realizing my responsibility in this. I should have really tried having deeper conversations. I’ll very do so next year.
Travel if you want to go to conventions more frequently. Much like your approach with people, you can't just expect things to come to you
An event as big as Otakuthon is only once a year, but there are local communities for various otaku hobbies that lets you meet people all years long. Most of those communities have social media accounts and often organize meet ups or other activities. Just google "montreal [hobby] group" or "montreal [hobby] event" and see what show sup. Lolitas do meet ups to wear their dresses and eat cake or whatever. Fighting games players meet up every weeks to play together, they have a schedule for which games are played on what day and also have monthly tournaments. Same thing for card game players (Magic, Yu-gi-oh, Pokemon, etc.), there are multiple game shops in Montreal that have like a "yu-gi-oh night" every week and tournaments from time to time. The Pokemon video game also has its local group who organize events, same for various other game communities (especially multiplayer games). If you're into Gunpla (or other anime model kits) then we have a local Gunpla group that organizes on Facebook and frequently meets up, or the Masamune Studio store has a build area where you can talk with the staff or other customers if someone else is building and the store also organizes meet ups and events through the year.
I'm not going to list all the groups I know of but you get the point, it's not impossible to meet other weebs through the year. Of course at first you might not integrate super well in the groups because you're knew but if you keep going regularly, people will remember you and as long as you're friendly and show genuine interest in the hobby you'll eventually form a connection with the other regulars.
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all I do at otakuthon is watch hentai and buy lewd merch while chatting up with fellow degenerates. 10/10 I thoroughly enjoy myself every-time.

I don't think that's an experience I could get out of an anime con though. I wish I could scream at hentai with the boys every other weekend
Animecons.com shows three more coming up within a 200 km radius, which isn't much but still more than you've implied. Also seconding this guy here
I've met Canadians all over the place. Congoers who flew in from England, Ireland, Germany and Norway too. Try it out sometime.
>Go to Otakuthon
>still too autistic to engage with others.

Lmao k I typically do not say this kind of thing but damn do u need to get laid bro.
saying these things this is unironically what got me laid, and when I got banned I was banging under the AC.
Nice try well-poisoning jewcel
hey it happens, my first con I made only small talk and took pictures, there was even a dude from 4chan but I sperged out and just walked away because I thought the conversation ended

but then I got better next time

>Nice try well-poisoning jewcel
sorry to state the obvious again, but, it is in fact you are the one who's poisoned, sir. may love & light find its way to your broken soul.
I go to otakuthon every year but I never speak to anyone
Talk to me next time
much edge, little point
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And this is why I lurk all the Canadian threads. You all come as such a delightfully weird bunch. I'll give it a shot one day
How the fuck did you get banned?
How do you make the staff go after you? I've been going since 2014 and this never happened to me. You must have been doing something wrong.
Don't you play any borad games or video games? Try to take pictures of cosplayers. I'm socially awkward too but I managed to do small talk with up to 100 people. I'm OP, so it's not a great success in the end since I should have gone deeper.

I personally would have enjoyed the con more if I'd crossplayed and been a cosplayer rather than just a guy going around.
>Don't you play any borad games or video games?
Not at the con, these areas seem too busy to join.
>Try to take pictures of cosplayers.
I take pictures of cosplayers but I just say "Hi can I take a picture?" and "Thanks".

I'm aware I'm never going to meet anyone that way. It feels pointless to try because I'm unlikely to form any long-lasting relationships.
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>if I'd crossplayed and been a cosplayer rather than just a guy going around.
You talked to "100 strangers" without a costume? Cause that's literally your biggest problem. You do more than half the legwork of talking to people by going in a costume. If I may also recommend either of these threads for (You)
I came in early and the board game room was pretty empty, I played Go with a guy, it was nice.
I say these small things to cosplayers too, but I try to ask them about the character and the costume in itself, try to learn more. Ask them how they feel about the con. Try to pose with them maybe, they tend to like acting out.
I was too much of a pussy since my family would have known and I have a history of "gender issues". But I know that if I'd been with someone I would have had the guts to do it and would have enjoyed the con much more. Now though I'll have to wait for next year, hopefully by then I'll find my community. I don't really fit it with most weebs since it's been a while since I watched anime.

I want to get back into it, I have tons of stuff I want to watch, but watching content alone just isn't fun anymore.
Sometimes if not most of the time I I feel bad to talk to people to try to take picture because I'm worried about their own schedule for the panels they are going for because I'd have to stop them from their planning and then you look at your own phone to try to get to your own schedule for panels/workshop you can miss them too.
I'm wondering if I can keep up with the community the rest of the year. I haven't found an Otakuthon Discord. Is there one?
My life is over because I didn't talk to that cute Saya No Uta cosplayer on sunday
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nope. as always quebec is ages behind the world for technology. all otak stuff is only really active on facebook
there is this other thread (which I was the OP) and I created it the day just before the 3-day for the week-end
>I'm still happy that I probably talked to over a 100 strangers in one day
to get banned from any con is easy really
>get falsely accused of misbehaving especially with opposite sex
>naked cosplay
>make fun of staff
>alcohol related
>joke around with staff
>anything drug related really
>say you're recruiting for a terrorist organization
>advertise sex
>interrupting panels
>wear a "free hug" sign
>refuse to comply to staff
>cosplay cock
>urinate in a trash can
>call black security a nigger
pick one
Not surprising. There was a convention in canada that banned for far less like for calling people "weaboo". Conventions became a place for sensitive people.
Yeah it's easy if you're purposely trying to get banned, otherwise it would take someone completely braindead to get banned from an anime convention
Yeah I agree, advertising onlyfans/photography/prostitution service anything conductive to attention whoring and ego feeding should warrant a permaban from conventions. I'm sick of photoshoots taking up 80% of hall space and get territorially defensive like it's some sort of drug deal ground. Fake-ass normalfags need to get the fuck out or rent their own space.
That's not true, I know some chill people who got banned at the entrance of the danceroom because security emptied out their purse and found a baggie with white crystals in it
What is this schizo rant even saying

Just having drugs in your purse without trying to conceal anything is braindead behaviour, so thanks for confirming
>What is this schizo rant even saying
Another child who thinks everyone who personally offends them needs to be banned, not worth taking seriously
For what it's worth I was at Otakuthon this weekend and on Friday me and a guy cosplaying madoka were drinking outside our hotel as all our roomates went to sleep. A random guy walked by asked if we were from the con and joined in on drinking with us. Apparently he came to the con alone so we spent a good chunk of the weekend partying with him. Sorry to hear you had a bad time, going to cons alone takes a level of courage I don't have so I applaud you for that. Try some discord/small board meetups or something next time, /cgl/ used to have meetups in Canada but that went to shit. Try asking to exchange contact info with the people you have conversations with, expect some to ghost though.
can you point out where in the room ma'am having actual sponsors for the con is preventing you from having fun? cope, least they can afford air conditioning unlike Anime Nigeria
Otakuthon literally has a 4chan cup panel every year, its pretty sperg. [spoiler]normalfags holding hands at that panel should explode[/spoiler]
OP could also go to AN, which is much more loosely organized with much worse panels and guests but it's a large con only 500km away.
>can't sneak in a micky of fireball into the rave
Yeah I think this is a skill issue. Lots of other drug stuff was happening and security seemed fine with it as long as you weren't being annoying, everything else is just meh.
It's true that we're pretty backwards. All the meetup groups I saw were Anglo, and anglo communities always have more members. Quebec is dispersed between the french european internet and the anglo internet.
It's better than nothing and shows I can recuperate my social skills which atrophied especially with the pandemic, I see all these socially awkward people on here act like it's a superhuman act to talk to strangers or ask a girl you know out for a date. It's not.
>thinks everyone who personally offends them needs to be banned
this is WHY people get banned, retard
Ok, retard.
There are dozens of groups you can find throughout Canada to hang out with if you really need to. Are you located in Quebec or Ontario?
>get falsely accused of misbehaving
any stories?
You need to be more specific. Cosplay? Conventions? What exactly?
Unless you're fresh off the boat, no one gives a shit what race you are so long as you can speak the language and aren't retarded
conventions mainly, I'd be into anime if it wasn't all fanservice at this point
English is the only thing I speak. and tbf I'm hyper aware of people seeing guys as creepy so I tend to stick to myself or would probably mostly talk to guys
nah, one of the places currently being overrun by fobs (the GTA)
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Otakuthon has a staff discord that's poorly managed where people barely talk. A handful of socially deprived staff crash voice chat. The convention pays for a large office in the NDG area that never gets used for social stuff, because two board members are paranoid, and one of the guys who crash VC use it as his personal figurine storage space.
Have you tried not being brown?
skill issue OP, I go by myself to cons and by the end of the night I have gotten myself into room parties with people I don't know
What? No, that's impossible. Anonymous testimonies can only be true when they support my narratives of pessimism and self-hatred
Years ago, there was an attendee who kept coming back to change her allegations about a guy, so head of public safety started doubting her, and we were made aware and we basically stopped caring. The issue was that staff that got the next day shift acted on the first report and eventually we never heard about either alleged or girl. That's to say if you get accused, it's messy and unlucky, but almost a guaranteed ban since it's a private event.
>It feels pointless going to cons alone.
Yes, because normalfags ruined them.
i live in fucking uruguay
i go alone every year and its fine i guess. im sad since i want to do cosplays that would be for 2 people (james and maria, panty and stocking, kangel and ame-chan) that would just be lame to do alone. thats like the only downside
>I'd be into anime if it wasn't all fanservice at this point
Go watch Skip and Loafer.
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Think back on even just one incident with your friends and / or multiple others in a group being braindead fucking retards the next time you feel bad about going alone. I'll do one for ya
>Long drive up to Kalahari Resorts for ColossalCon
>Already miffed my guy's asleep and left about 75% of driving duties to me
>When he's awake he stresses over finding a laundromat
>Keeps insisting I pull over as a detour to wash our clothes cuz "THE HOTEL MIGHT NOT LET US"
>The endless reminder that "A water park has washing machines" does exactly 0 good
>Deny his request, pull up, find them immediately
Going in a group is a 100% guarantee you'll dick around on inane garbage. I don't think I've done ONE con as a group without it. There's the constant sentiment that 'I can't interact with a new group because it's inconsiderate and they're doing their own thing'. Maybe. But that applies way more to within the group itself. They'll never care what someone wants to do or wait up for them (leaving folks to go alone anyway!) and ensure you miss something you're dying to do, if you dare indulge them on their "brilliant" (they're actually awful) ideas. This is assuming their "ideas" are anything beyond aimless wandering / standing in place. So yeah. Group = overrated. /blog
>This is assuming their "ideas" are anything beyond aimless wandering / standing in place
The trick here is to be the one that comes up with ideas in the first place. I had a few cons where I went with people and it just turned into going into the dealer room over and over because no one read the schedule, so after that I started studying the schedule before the con starts so that there's something to do at all times. What ends up happening is that your buddies will just follow whatever you're doing because you have a plan and they don't.
That means taking the mantle of babysitter on a good day and tard wrangler on a bad one. The larger the group, the more likely they are to get distracted by dumb shit. And if they, in turn, find their other group of friends, who are all total strangers to me, that's when I slip away
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Find a niche and begin peddling said niche product to everyone you meet.

Pic related (this is my current campagin)

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This article would help OP greatly
its not if you arent cursed with tism
Said the ritual autist necrobumper
Self-awareness levels: 0
Irony levels: Over 9000
That you haven't ended your own life yet? Yes, I agree.
I always feel awkward when I interact work people. I see strangers mingle all the time but I can't do it
Guess it really is over
going to ichibancon alone this weekend, i hope i can make at least one friend...
so am I dude, let's be friends
That article made me more depressed and suicidal than anything else has.

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