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I would agree, at this time, for sure. Neither of them are ready. Caitlyn is a poon hound your mother warned you about, and Vi never experienced adolescent growing pains and experimenting. She never got to experience friendships and just having fun. Which is part of the emo phase she is currently going threw. She unfortunately will never get the whole experience because she essentially ruined her life by throwing it in with Caitlyn and has to always hide her identity. If this was established in game of them being together in the end, i would have rather watched her hop a boat to bilgwater or the serpent isles. But that ain't happening. At the very least i would like to have it end with Caitlyn asking Vi out, and go from there. Because Caitlyn needs to repent and become a far better person to deserve Vi.
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Excuse me?? She is very popular (in my head)
Jinx and Caitlyn are the most popular champions that are currently present in Arcane.
Jinx also need a ASU
she lost her middle finger.

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In retrospect, was he doomed to be a villain?
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Technically no, but most probably yes. He was always a selfish douche but had he never gotten powers he'd waste his life in pathetic impotence and if he'd gotten the reaction he wanted he might play the Hero for the rest of his life, hell had Megamind not revealed he was Space Dad he might at the very least be a petty crook instead of a villain.
He was an unpleasant person and powers or no powers wasn't going to change that.

At the very least he was probably gonna date-rape some girl at some point.
not to go to bat for the psycho but Roxxane should have told him what they were long before he got super powers. The way it's presented it seems like she was willing to pussy foot around it until he was no longer a pathetic loser
Had he not tryed to force it and played hero she might have actually fallen for Titan after Megamind's plan fell apart.
Maybe I'm remembering it wrong but he wasn't committing crimes before he got powers and mentoring from Megamind. I mean the movie even frames Titan as Megamind's mistake that he must personally resolve, and what really pushes Titan over the edge is when Megamind pointlessly antagonises him because he's having a bad day. I would argue that a big flaw in the movie is that Titan is kinda too psycho to the point where his pre and post power characterisation is basically two different people which is not how that works. If the writers wanted it to be believable Hal would've acted like peak tard rage Titan from the beginning, otherwise the implication is that he's not actually a bad guy at heart and the powers and Megamind's influence somehow broke his brain.

Scattered Pieces #1
>Sonic and his friends are forced to deal with the aftermath of Clutch's grand scheme!
>While some set out to seek justice, some stay behind to pick up the pieces.
>What unlikely pairs will join forces?
>Which bonds will be broken?
>Who can be trusted?
>A new chapter in the IDW Sonic the Hedgehog series begins here!
Lanolin's totally gonna turn out evil, or at the very least have a bitchfit and leave the Restoration. Good fucking riddance.
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More background characters ahoy! Issue #18 time!

(Sorry if it's too bitcrushed)
Whoever drew 73 is good at reaction image faces.
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It is a very pretty issue
>Tell me whisper doesn’t look sooo cute in her big ol jacket
Just not a lot to talk about, whole lotta set up for 74 and 75 which I’m exited about…but I mean what’s they’re to talk about this month other than anything from before just kinda developing more

Whisper is always cute. Her big poofy jacket just makes her extra cute.
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I hope they keep it I don’t like that cape she wears, her whole soldier/phantom of the opera thing makes no sense with an open shoulder no sleeves half her titties out shirt either. The Jacket and baggy pants works so much better with her haircut and the colors make her makeup look not so out of place with everything else (Who tf matches their eyeshadow with their combat cargos?!?) Least this way it matches with the rest of her blue tones
>not to mention now her mask matches her outfit instead of just her weapon. Which imo always made it look like she just took the mask and gun from someone else instead it being made for her

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Look how James Gunn massacred our Guy.
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So Gunn is a Superman fan on /co/
>Verification not required.
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Well hopefully his character will be intact.
I really have mixed feelings about Fillion as Guy Gardner like I think he’ll have fun playing guy and it’ll be fun to watch him be guy but he’s incredibly miscast and should have just been cast as Hal as he’s a perfect Hal

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Starfire anons, you guys ok? One of them used you for an OP, meanwhile my fanart with Shego gets offered up to some wingnut. You good? We all good guys? I don't want this to turn into a shit fest. You're a classic, we're a classic, let's just have fun.
Chel wasn't even facing Pomney at the time, sped.
No one cares loser.
Not with that stupid image
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Yo I was gonna post my own Marcy pic but yours is pretty good too.

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what shows got less interesting as more lore was added?
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French revolution beheadings were pretty metal
The horse show
Being utterly fair, the origin of all that is pseudohistory where it's kind of a thing of "Well the only thing we think we know about that place is this one city/kingdom" kind of like Atlantis, which originally just referred to one city-state, not a continent.
Hopefully soon. It joined the rest of its generation of anime giants in having a retarded asspull escalation ending already but like with Naruto we're going to be stuck with the totally not a retcon final glowy super form for at least a couple more arcs because Oda has just now introduced us to the definitely always intended shadowy big bad who opposes the child of prophecy that is Luffy and we need to build that guy up a bit and then probably do one big giant war arc to finish him off ala Yhwach or the #TheRealMadaraUchiha/Black_Zetsus_Matter/Bunnymilf@OF.com clusterfuck.

The brightside is that Oda has completely removed any need to worry about writing himself into any further corners because aside from one more Ancient Weapon in his backpocket as a total mystery, he just gave Luffy the power of literally Toon Force so he's basically impossible to beat now.
>if you just check the all boxes then product will be good
You must have unironic autism to believe this.

It looks like Jon Kent is ending his relationship with Jay Nakamura and finally starting a new one with a woman: Nia Nal aka Dreamer.
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>Superman family picnic, Fun is had by by all
>Suddenly a boom tube opens up in the middle of a game of the three legged race and out walks Darkseid looking grim.
>"I believe, this is your" he says as he pulls the young Jon by the air to his parent. "Your wretched spawn shattered the windows of fortress with his earth sphere" he adds throwing a flaming baseball at Superman who catches it though it drives him back some. "There will be retribution Kal El. " and he walks off leaving everyone confused.

And then I dunno gay jon is a clone or alternate reality version or whatever.
I miss kid Jon.
How big is his cock? Is it explicitly stated? How big is the retarded actor/creator's cock?
Still gay. Isn’t that a tranny?
This sounds like Dreamer is dead and this is a dream or something.

>The Spirit of the 20th century returns for the 21st! Thinking her time on this world has finally ended, Jenny lays down to rest only to be woken by the horrific events of September 11th, 2001. Humanity still needs her, especially four seemingly random strangers in a bar. Will Captain Atom spare them from his murderous wrath? Or is Jenny in over her head?

Issue #1 - >>145056939
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It's Tom King, man. Any contempt I could have for the fact is blunted by the fact that it's tiresome and predictable. Any amusement I could get out of the fact is skewed by pity at how desperate Clark was if he settled for THIS trash fire after going on a rebound from the mermaid.
She's been gone a long time and us British so she wouldn't call it a cig. Also she swears more than Butcher.
Too soon King
At least Butcher actually swears instead of just shouting £@$% $@*£ £*$( all the time.
You're late. You should've figured this out the moment DC made Batkek canon.

Did Peg cuck Pete with Goofy? After watching some clips of old Goofy show, It seems like Peg was all over Goofy like absolutely crazy. It was crossing marriage bounderies all the time.
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Wasn't there a scene where Pistol called Goofy daddy, and both Goofy and Pete awkwardly looked at each other?
Sorry, ukinojoe hasn't been funny since The Family Simp
>10 years ago
You're just salty that a conventionally attractive female chose a fatty instead of Goofy... SO AM I! I GET THAT SHE WAS ESTABLISHED TO BE PETES WIFE FROM THE BEGINING, BUT GOOFY AND PEG MAKE SUCH A CUTE COUPLE!
>even taking the divorce theory as canon in A Goofy Movie it means she doesn't get with Goofy anyways

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Why was Amy so mean in this episode?
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She comes from affluence. The fact that she came around and understood what she did was evil and was accountable for it is what makes Amy a good fledgling mother. Personally I wanna see more of her, Kif and Kif's babies. I dropped Solar Opposites when they dropped Roiland and the alien kids on this show scratch that itch for me now.
>i found it odd fry n\knew who cara delvigne
Dropped that episode as soon as I saw her name and jumped straight to the next one.
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>I dropped Solar Opposites when they dropped Roiland
Shame. That show just keeps getting better. I'd choose it over Rick and Morty at this point.
Yeah, you spotted it too. There's entirely too much female meddling in adult cartoons.
I'd totally watch episodes if someone went through and digitally re-added RIck's voice. But since they're not I'm not gonna bother. At least Rick and Morty got someone who sounds like Rick so I'm still tentatively on board even if I don't like there aren't any stutters anymore.

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Results of the rematch poll will be on October 3rd
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A extremely weak and almost dead Sukuna, he doesn't scale to full power Sukuna.
If he lands that, also Jogo still has better feats than him. Even if he can't survive 5 BF from Yuji he would still be more powerful
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This was from volume 6 so it's not even Shibuya Yuji
A weaker earlier version of Yuji had the AP to kill a disaster curse
>Using Todo as a crutch

>Yuji needs his big bro to actually accomplish anything
Why is he so pathetic?

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You know, it really wasn't that bad all things considered
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I forgot about that nonsense
Yes it was. Are you Geoff?
Why was he allowed to abuse Nathaniel Dusk? Wtf was that supposed to bring to the story?
Because it's edgy

>"Embrace your divinity."
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Bumping. I haven't been keeping up with the latest issues.
Oh yeah I forgot
The good ending
Good point
Viper is cute! Cute!
>kanon is now canon
small Japanese girls

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I went for “final bosses”
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>literally none if them.
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it was either this guy or Batman who Laughs (who doesnt count)

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Why did Batman kill Jason Todd? Why wouldn't he just let him kill Joker? Is Joker's life worth more than Robin's life to Batman?
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But what if it's a freak of nature like Jason who somehow manages to come back anyway?
The animated movie is an example of Batman taking “the third option”, which just makes the story weak and noncommittal because nothing changes for any of them and nothing is said, batman just cheated the discussion.
Batman killing Jason is more poignant because it shows Jason actually got through to him and made him kill a future murderer, just not in a happy way. Jason broke Batman the way he wanted and was proven right. Batman was forced to do what he refused to before and suffers for hesitating all these years. Joker witnessed his killing of robin finally paying off in corrupting the two heroes.

Sure the animated movie makes Batman seem nicer and less insane, but it doesn’t pay off the themes of the story. A lot of books have the protagonist suffer a bad fate because of his pathos.
Truth be told, the story was never going to be good because we're expected to take Batman's side against a victim of child murder. Even Judd Winnick said that Batman was in the right.
And then whatever open yet conclusive "it won't be resolved" ending Winick wanted with Jason's death and the explosion was just undone and left unexplained anyway, besides Prime punch implications and autist theories based off Morrison's fuckery that Jason is stuck as some undead cryptid and annoyance.
I think he knew that saying Jason was right and that the whole story was just a “fuck you” to Batman would be a bad idea.

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