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►►Vote: https://forms.gle/NRECn83dDrmsxg5M6
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►Round 2 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfpb-Sahyp-d2t3VVvVXmKA_6wDsYVkH2OStqlRV6i66-f1Ig/viewanalytics
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►Bracket: https://challonge.com/msco2024

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441 replies and 118 images omitted. Click here to view.
Not lying, not a bot.

That's not an excuse for fetishizing a marginalized body type that you don't own. He's not just a feminine gay man, she's blatantly fetishizing transmasc and intersex bodies and I'm allowed to be uncomfortable with that.
Goosewors will never be a woman.
Amen brother
>Does great in /tnt/
>Doesn't even qualify for Queen
How the fuck does this work?
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zoot suit pomni

I've been noticing a trend in some animated shows, particularly ones where characters around the ages of 10 or 11 are portrayed with noticeable breast development. Specifically, I’m thinking about shows like Ben 10 Omniverse and this one, where the depiction seems a bit unusual.
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Don’t the older Loud House sisters only have mosquito bites?
Only the 2 oldest have boobs. Everyone else is flat.
has any show ever given characters breasts over so little a time period? Obviously they get them all the time in timeskips or future settings, but I can't think of any show where 1 season is a year that just suddenly gave one of the teenage girls breasts.
>it wasn't 50-70 years ago.
It was, they just were ashamed of it
Stupid pedo, girl should have breasts when they want

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>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

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Wip. Gonna color this one tomorrow
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Requesting this panel redrawn with dana terrace saying "kid, cartoons will break your heart"
can i just draw a completely different character
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Requesting a short comic with Leah bending over and leaning on her counter, pushing a pile of books towards Andrea saying "Here you go sweety", Andrea noticing that their is an extra book in the stack and saying that she didn't pay for it, Leah saying "Keep it, it's on the house" while giving her a wink, then Andrea looking at the book showing it's the Kama Sutra with little book markers sticking out of the side.
Yeah sure i guess. What character you had in mind?

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Season premiere is omni-man vs bardock
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>can't deny chief still loses
>Goku’s kind nature still comes from him hitting his head and being raised by Gohan.
I'm pretty sure they made his mother some type of autistic Saiyan able to feel kindness and empathy, or some shit. So technically Goku owes his kindness to her...
I don’t know about all that but Doomguy lost.
In the manga version of Super Bardock basically cast a "I hope my sons have good lives" wish which rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and made Bardock come off more as a great guy rather than just another killer like most of his race.
They also had a bit of this in the Broly movie but luckily it's not to much.
>the green gays have returned

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What makes V so perfect?
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She's only was a dommy mommy when there was someone telling her to do it.
But now that she's Truly alone, there's no need for that anymore.
I can get where J and Doll's actions come from, even if I don't agree with their goals.
What the fuck, also add V while we're at it, she's more of an anti villain than anything else.
V stands for Vegeta.
>Why do I have the feeling someone decided to DDOS the plus? I mean, it was going down and coming back yesterday at random intervals which is suspicious.

It was a hardware fault at the host. Some images got lost and need reuploading too.
Remember to reupload this to Plus

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When politics on /co/mics goes too far?
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100% pureblood here.
Is it political when you can’t put kids in public school without them having vaccinations? That you can’t enter certain countries without necessary vaccination?
When is red deer coming schizos?

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Which of these overexploited franchises had the worst decline?
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Ice Age had aliens.
Yes, and it got worse with every sequel, which is impressive after 2
>Shark Tale
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Star Wars, Marvel, Frozen, Pixar as a whole
>which of these

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Why did Batman kill Jason Todd? Why wouldn't he just let him kill Joker? Is Joker's life worth more than Robin's life to Batman?
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It's a bit decent compared to Morrison's GL, but yeah. Hal's story feel finished anyway.
I kind of like it. Now if only he was still an antagonistic figure instead of a washed up punching bag.
Yeah, because he wasn't a punching bag for the batfamily when he was an "antagonist". Enjoy another attempt in making Jason an ugly meta villain for Dick.
Well put. I only saw the animated movie and just found out about the comic ending in this thread
Nothing he said was true. The point wasn't proving Jason right, quite the opposite actually. If Winick actually cared about showing Jason in right, he would have him ask Batman why he endangered other kids after him.

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What's /co/ favorite redheads?
For me its personally the unofficial Ms. /co/ Jessica Rabbit.
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>dude we're just like you
>kills 100 people because they threw a bus in anger
Death to muties.
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Marvel civie seething uncontrollably again
>Has tight mutie pussu in abundance
Thats a good counterargument
What a terribly written comic. Then again, everything in Marvel is perpetually bitter and angsty, so I guess it’s alright.
Regular girls don't even like me
I highly doubt a girl that can turn herself into a living sun, explode my head with the flare of her eyes, etc, would go for me

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Who's your favorite?
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She is a cutie.
reminder only one of these matters at all
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let me guess, the bat.
Don’t you mean two? Elma and Rinny are basically the main characters besides that human guy

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The downfall of Neil Gaiman has been a tragedy

>adaptations getting cancelled, existing ones getting a hiatus
>never going to get an ending to Miracleman after DECADES of legal bullshit and it finally getting new issues
>disney sided against him, meaning he’s fucked
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How hard can it be not to sexually assault anyone? I went my entire life without doing so.
>if you do not allow people to shoot you while you cling to your knife, you are just as bad as them
You are free to "imagine if the roles were reversed, that'd be unfair!" into your grave.
Don't worry. Within ten years, something you've done will be moved into the retroactive assult category. Women are women, after all.
using the same shit tactics as the enemy makes you just as bad as them. You bastards created cancel culture and if i had it my way each and everyone of you would be pushed to the wall and exterminated for it

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Reminder Dipper is a little kid who is around bad and worse people, and girls flock to him for moral guidance and strength.
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Mabel’s the one who drugs people into rape.
Good point, Dipcuck finds out about Mabel use of that potion and decides he is not above his sis, tries to use something similar and more complicated because of his ego, only for things to go worse than he imagined.
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Stop giving attention to the cuckspammer
Now keep posting cute shit
A willingness to use mind control is unrelated to what a person finds sexually attractive. It's possible for a person to be bad in one way without that person also being bad in all ways it is possible to be bad.

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thats a matter of opinion
marcy is the best outta the 3 froggies
And they're underaged.
>off model
Are you retarded? that's pretty close to what they would have looked like

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>I made this comic as a creative outlet to help me process my feelings about my life.

>TW: SA, emotional, and verbal abuse
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