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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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Thread tombstoned: >>2883138

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:
bake at page 10, post in old thread

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:

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well, cunt, like the other anon said its fuckin gutted, but after you revealed you had the deflection yoke i thought maybe YOU were the one that gutted it and you had access to all the guts.
also, upon reading the wikipedia page for deflection yokes, apparently they were dual-purposed in those sets in order to create the e-beam voltage. neat! but sucks for you because now you have to make 10,000 volts yourself. if you dont really have any experience in electronics this is probably out of your wheel house.
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Oh, I also have this (top right)
It’s fine, I’ll make an ornament and hang it on my wall/fridge
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Wrong polarity.
> I have the orange thing
So those are the magnetic deflection windings.
You need to get the specs on the tube and give it a filament/heater current, and like maybe 20 kV or more for the anode voltage, the cathode voltage (where your electron gun “on” and “off” come from) and possibly like 8 kV for the focus grid, etc.
Then apply some current through the magnet wire and the dot on the phosphor will move around.
Warning: start with lower voltages, and don’t let the dot be so bright as to burn the phosphor: keep it low intensity unless it’s moving around rapidly.

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post your brews. ask about brews. hops are for trannies.

previous thread: >>2867914
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It's not just yeast. Consuming carbs, sugar and alcohol in excess will do the trick. Everyone has yeast in them, it floats in the air. I had overgrowth because I had a really poor diet. Imagine your body is like a fermentation vessel, same thing happens when you consume too much sugar, candida forms. If you have a healthy diet and take care that the yeast settles in your brew, you're fine. Probiotics are super important in keeping your gut bacteria in check, this is all stuff I learned through my own research no doctor ever helped me
based knower
ended up using ec118, tasted great and without the weird flavor bread yeast gave
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redpill me on protein filtering
Doesn’t work like that. There’s no health risk to eating all your lees in one setting except that you may get drunk from it at some point.

Eating less sugars sure but probiotics to keep your ‘gut bacteria healthy’ are a scam. There’s not consensus about what’s “healthy” and there are no probiotics in consumer form proven to be effective

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps and is now on page nine: >>2883965
If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.
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I have tried Google for this and I'm not sure it understands my question so I hope I can find better answers here:

I have a fake stone bench top, pic related, it's man made polished something, and it has this stain on it from defrosting some food on it out of the freezer (my best guess, could be from a wooden chopping board but I don't really know)
Does anyone know what causes this fading and any idea how to fix it?

Google said lemon juice, which did nothing.
I don't even know what causes it, welcome any input as I know there are a couple of stone guys here.
saurkrauts YouTube, it's about cars
Bent spider arm in the rear of the drum, or the bearing is kaput
>it has this stain on it
>Google said lemon juice, which did nothing.
The 'stain' looks more like a bleached area than a stained area.
Lemon juice would just make it lighter.
You may have to clean/lighten the rest of the top to get near a match in color.
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Anyone got any tips on repairing broken screw posts in old electronics?

Bought a gameboy which looked like it only needed vertical striping fixed (which should be an easy enough bit of resoldering) but it turns out that two screws were missing and two screw posts were broken (one cracked, another completely gone). Another one seems on the verge of cracking as well.

is remodeling the posts with epoxy putty the way to go here?

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Are used compressors worth buying, or it'll probably be a ticking timebomb? I have an option to but an operable 50 liter/13 gallon 2 piston 3HP compressor for the equivalent of 80$ plus shipping. Alternatively I could buy a new 24L 1HP one on amazon for a bit cheaper, but the air supply capacity is only 55L per minute at 7bars, so I won't be able to use air tools. I don't want to spend more, because it's not gonna be used that often and I already have a 6L cordless 36V 8.5bar compressor for the airgun or the nailer
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if they dont tell you the scfm @90psi or higher pressure its a pos toy noise maker
why do you need to inflate tyres so often? personally I'd use something cordless with a small tank https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3K3JHD4F4_Y you can buy it for a similar price and also use a nail or air gun with it. if you've never used those you may think you don't need them, but you do. I have the one in the vid and it's great, but all cheap cordless compressor are pretty much the same, I even used a die grinder, which I bought on a whim, with it for some quick grind, even though the air capacity is theoretically less than half what is needed and it worked fine. it turned out I love air tools and bought a second big compressor since, but the small one is still extremely useful due to being mobile and oiless and complements the bigger one nicely
the one I bought was around 1/4 of the suggested retail price, but the half pallet delivery additionally cost over 1/3 of its price, making it about 1/3 overall. it arrived yesterday and other than being slightly dirty and having a broken off air filter (and I almost broke off the second one lugging it on the stairs lel), which cost pennies anyway, seems completely fine. one of the quick-connectors was supposed to be broken too, according to the description, but both seem to work fine
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>ETA is Feb 18
but... checked my DHL tracking says; Jan 28
>It's not an issue of cables, the cables signify that they're lying about performance.
[-] if your eyes and wire gauge intuition is accurate
[-] same model (but orange) is sold here in Australia at Dick-Smith & camping stores with same specs.
[-] most brands are made in China
That's my mobile compressor for vehicle usage..
I want to Work straight off 12V, not fart about maintaining 36VDC battery pack.
I'm way too impatient for using a thing with those specs.
>workshop tools
yes, I'll soon be purchasing both a mobile and workshop air compressor with tank.. BUT I've not yet researched my options.
Look into the tank with a probe-o-scope and check for a lot of rust.
Devbliss makes 90% of all compressors, and if something else goes wrong, it’s pretty easy to get parts for them.

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>live in america
>live in area thats known for hurricanes
>build cardboard house
>hurricane strikes
>cardboard house is gone to Oz
>now homeless and forever poor
Explain this shit
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Cheap, quick and easy is the american way for everything.
And yet the commieblock built on a budget of like $10k to house 100 people is still standing after 50 years, while the McMansion housing a family of 4 built for $500k is flattened every 15-20 years.
You mean like Florida? Most houses here are made out of block, and the building code requires specific hardware to securely attach the roof. A lot of properties also have mounts for storm shutters to attach ahead of the hurricane. Unless you happen to be directly in the path of a tornado or your roof is really old and beat you're not suffering much wind damage.

However, I agree the people on the coast are insane. The storm surge and flooding are no joke.
no one ever thinks they're going to lose russian roulette
I’ll believe they’ve done anything significant to solve any of the problems when they don’t issue evacuation orders for class 5 hurricanes anymore.

The reasons are probably to churn/cycle real-estate for money laundering, sink funds (steal) into clean-up and rebuilding.
I don’t consider these retarded building codes a form of direct population control, since since orders of magnitude more people die of things like fentanyl overdosing, which is more effective and predicable.

New Year Edition

Post woodworking related questions, projects, ideas etc.


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That poor man. Being held at gunpoint by a carpentry elf. He's a baker and has no idea how to build what the elf wants. Once the elf figures it out its all over
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If you're chiseling a through mortise by hand then you should mark it on both sides and chisel from both ends regardless of how deep it is. You'll never go perfectly straight through so it's about giving yourself every advantage. If it's so deep that you need to scoop you should use a mortise chisel (pic related) and make cuts across the grain so close together that it more or less turns into chips in the bottom of the mortise by itself. You should also leave enough meat at the edges of the mortise that you can lever against it without bruising the face. Once you're through you'll have a better idea of how close/far you are from plumb and you can tune it with a firmer chisel.
And if you don't have mortising chisels, it's better to use a drill to hog out most of the waste, then use your regular chisels to clean out and straighten the mortise.
Thanks alot, even a quick look at videos shown my clear lack of understanding on how to use a chisel properly. Next time should go smoother.
Looks cool, you know it’s a code violation right

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I've been working on a small project to create grow lights -- i have some small LED panels with different wavelengths (660nm, 630, green, blue, deep blue), and a full spectrum PAR sensor to measure irradiance.

I'm wondering about an economic way to mount these panels (they're small about 6 x 3 inches) but can produce a high amount of irradiance. I also have a big roll of reflective material.

Planters etc for the soil I can source easily but i'd like to have an enclosure of some kind around the plant. Not interested in a tent-like setup I want something sturdy like a box. currently hunting around for junk like glass and plastic panels etc, pvc pipe, but thought i'd ask here. I'd like it to be fully enclosed so i can manipulate temp and humidity
i only seed start indoors but my grow lights are mounted on eye hooks from the ceiling and i use 10x20” trays in 6cells with plastic humidity domes on top
they make big zip-up grow tents for dudeweeders
I made one a few years ago from a piece of 1/2” mdf and scrap pine boards. Just a big box, lid and front hinged to give full access. Self adhesive radiator foil on the walls to retain light and heat and keep moisture away from the mdf. Also put a clear acrylic window but it needs a curtain of sorts or you’ll have weird coloured light leaking into your house all the time

Anyway the lights I got have eyes on the top to run a cable through, it’s very useful to be able to lift them up with the cable as the plant grows. I guess you could put some self adhesive cable tie mounts on the top of your panels and then put cable ties through to get the same thing for very cheap. Then run some steel wire (or stranded electrical cable) through the cable ties and screw a few eyes into the ceiling

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In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?

> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)

>What about planes?

>What about aerial photography, is DIY viable?
Buy a DJI if what you actually want is to take good photos/videos, go DIY if what you actually want is a fun project.

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I fucking wish I could be fixing them for a living. Soldering is some of the most satisfying time I spend.
>breaking multiple rules flying it beyond line of sight
How does the state and federal government get away with doing it then, permit system?
Those rules are for us peasants, not them.
Iridium (satcom).
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This is an actual book being sold. Looks like they released a dozen other DIY books around the same time.

>try to become fit
>die in a freak accident

Where do you draw the line between building an item and buying it?
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It's joever for me bros, keep going on without me.
>Do you mean safety bars for squatting
Yes, don't mind me kek.
>you're unlikely to drop it even if both your hands somehow slip off
Safeties aren't for dropping, they're for failing the squat so you don't go to snap city when it comes back down on you if you're not getting spotted. They're a very good thing to have not fail. You sound like a dyel.
It's okay homie, get to the gym more and you won't mix up the lift names kek.
Yeah that's my point. During a squat they're for gently setting the bar down on. Unless you're making them out of styrofoam and papier mache they're not gonna catastrophically fail from a failed squat. I'd be much more worried about them failing from dropping even a lmao2pl8 bench.
I would have made it tight to the 2x10s
Considering people literally give these away for free in working condition, I'm sure I could get a good one for less than the cost of materials of building.

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Most of the tools we buy today are all manufactured in China, and just imported, assembled, local logo slapped, and marked up for 3 x's the price. What are some tools or gadgets you've bought from Chinese websites that turned out better than expected for your DIY projects and hobbies?

Post pics or screenshots of the item you bought and the price and whether it was good or a ripoff.

Optional: What else were you able to afford for your DIY because of the money you saved by buying from China? Can be more Chinese tools or something western made.

Previous: >>2860719
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/diy/ it yourself, couple pieces of angle iron and threated rod and nut and two plates for top and bottom.
look for book press in ali
picrel is literally the first result https://aliexpress.com/item/1005006925632136.html
There was a press like those at an auction I recently went to that brought basically nothing. I probably should have bought it, but didn't want to drag it home and find a place to keep it.
precise enough for 40 bucks.
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Bought this last week.
Digital pre-set controls


Was given a US$20 discount on shipping

itt we discuss killing moles
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QA won
Sharty won
ground frozen hard to kill them rn
I live there, 90% of people do not mow their lawns or water them and they are not "overgrown pest filled jungles". Not only that there are water limitation advisories every damn summer. You're the larping redditor here mate
I love moles; great to have around. Wishing you many moles

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Im going to be renting an old (1900s) house that the owner will let me buy cheap. Assuming that I'd do a better job than an inspector due to actually living in the house, what should I look for? Things that already need replacing/looked at are gutters, floors, potentially foundation. Utilities have been disconnected for a couple years. According to the owner it got a new breaker and wiring about 10 years ago, and uses septic but has city water. No other real updates besides those and HVAC have been done since the early 00s. Pic rel is a similar looking house
I don't know what to tell you anon. Just look up building codes and go through them 1 by 1. There's nothing more to it.
I think his problem is he doesn't know what to look for to see if the house is up to code or not. It really does take a professional to do a home inspection because sellers/landlords have gotten extremely good at hiding damage and substandard construction, wiring, plumbing and HVAC.
This house will not be close to up to current code, nor does it have to be. It only needs to meet the code that was current when it was built. He needs to look for a leaking roof, or a cracked foundation, or copper pipe that's 60 years old and about to start failing.
Thats a great place to start, thanks. The roof is actually a pretty new metal one so hopefully that's not a problem. Electric and plumbing is what im really worried about purely because i have no idea what im looking for/at. As far as foundation, it looks like parts of it are original and then parts have very obviously been added on or fixed, but because of that I dont know what's the good vs the bad.

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Redpill me on pneumatic vaccum cleaners? How do they compare to electric in terms of power, convenience, efficiency with a 50L 4HP compressor etc? I have 2 corded vaccum cleaners - Henry and Karcher WD2 and a small cordless Makita, but lugging, positioning and maneuvering even something as small as Henry is a chore sometimes (and an 18V Makita is way too weak for any kind of bigger cleaning), wheras a rubber air hose is super convenient and I already have a self-retracting box with a long one installed for dusting stuff around the house

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are /diy/ people really this mean?
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Are you retarded? He obviously unplugs it, cuts it, then plugs it back in. I love it when retards like you make comments like this. You're so desperate to say something that makes you sound smart that you end up doing the exact opposite.
They won't ignore it, but they won't prioritize it either so the person might be gone by the time the cops get around to finally responding. Better to just take matters into your own hands. Only weak, effeminate faggots call the cops to handle their business for them.
imagine being such a karen you put your life at risk just to be a karen
Who doesn't? There isn't a cutter-coating that would survive many cuts.
Why plug it back in if you already bothered to unplug it once? It could theoretically become a fire hazard, and practically becomes shock hazard, if it hurts someone, you're the one going to jail. At least if you cut it while it's live, you might trigger the safety systems and cause it to turn off.

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