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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

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- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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Is it gay as a man to order sewing kits online so I can repair my socks DIY style? All the darning tutorials I see online are made by women.
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This guy seems to know what he's doing. Learn from him.
It's not gay but you better be repairing some really nice socks to justify the time.
It's not gay, just cheap. Buy some new fucking socks, spend a little bit more on better quality and hole wont be a problem.
I learned how to sew in high school. Stitching up an otherwise good pair of jeans or a jacket is one thing. Socks or underwear though? Cmon dude.
Might want to take an AIDS test there princess.
Can you use the iron-on patches you use to repair jeans to repair socks?

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What would be the cheapest way to accurately cut this shape out of a 3mm (11 gauge) piece of steel, without access to expensive machinist tools?
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Oh wait now that I think of it, wire EDM can do it.

If +-0.1 is enough then have it laser cut
You're gonna need a sharpie, and JIS number 2 screwdriver, and a 20oz claw hammer
Sorry, I should have specified. Just needs to be within +/1 0.1mm

Alright, so no way to do it in my garage?
sharpy to lay out the basic shape
lots of filing
Sure you could file it but it would take forever. Some help with a dremel maybe but it’s going to be damn hard to get that precision

247steel makes single pieces and ships from China pretty fast

1. Can I put up drywall on this box or does the bottom need more support than the 4 corners?

79in long (6.6ft), 24in wide (2 ft)

2. Do I need support for the drywall all the way to the edge to the wall where the railing is coming out of

(14.5in long gap)
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There is no door left

OP you are going to spend way more in materials to cover the rails and lose head space in the garage than just cutting them off and buying new rails if they were to ever be used again.

cut them off, man
why bother framing them in at all
just use them as a clothes hanger
converted garages are already white trash so you might as well embrace it
> And keeping the garage door intact to their request.
Reading comprehension is not for everyone.
Just when you thought you had seen it all.
I loved fixing houses for a living…homeowners ruined it

Seems like everyone and their dog is now importing and selling Chinese mini diggers.
>picrel sells for $12k
>small one for $4-5k
So standard retail margin of double what Cheng sells them for.
Any equipmentanons have QRD on this?
Should I buy temu digger for my kids?
Is it gooder or worse than my woods PTO backhoe?
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Cheng has been getting better
Go with a Rippa or Infront or similar
>that's a yanmar pump?
No, that's a replacement pump made by Cheng for Yamaoka's excavator.
why is no one making them state side if the margin is so high? labor??
mainly the engine cost. USA has trade protectionist policies ( aka EPA standards) to prevent Cheng from dumping his diesel engines here.
Cheng's diesel engine is no Kubota, but it does the job just as good at 1/10th the price
yes, US labor is insanely expensive
chang just buys EPA engines and puts them in the diggers (like briggs and Kubota engines)
it would probably be cheaper to import a kubota engine directly from japan then through chang

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And why do (((they))) insist on calling it hydrochloric acid ?
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Muratic acid
I don't know, why don't you be smart and ask 4chan since they're so full of all the right answers?
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What can I do with these?
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>having kids just to use them
Sorry to hear that your parents didn't love yo.
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they make good single use seed trays, and you can "plant" them and they will rot away.
if you want to go really diy, you can mix them with water untill you have made a mush, spread it out, dry it, and make your own card sheets. I have heard of people passing the mush through a sheet of fabric to make their own paper.
We used to use them as drying platforms for small wood staining projects. (It sucked tho.)
I like you. We ground up egg cartons, made them into dryish paper mache balls and put local wild flower seeds in them. Gave everyone at my wedding 5-10 and told them to chuck them around their neighborhood. They also got other things as a party favor but yeah, was fun.

how I stopped that nigger from stealing my wrench.
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fucking god damnit anon
please go outside and read a book written before 1950
Okay, I'll read this and look at horses while I'm outside.
Get back in your containment board /mlp/ fag
What do cartoon bloobs have to do with horses?
Thank God Craftsman has a lifetime warranty <\sarcasm>

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What's the weird crap above my curtains?
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The filth on top of those curtains is beyond disgusting
imagine the bathroom
I still don't understand what's on the wall. You have to zoom in
But like what is it?

I'll chuck away the curtain but what's on the wall? Rust? Why would a wall rust when its not metal...

The guy who lived there is blind and in a wheelchair
Its called poverty thats what it is

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how do i make my room better?

also male living space thread
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6' table
gamer chair
kitchen: microwave, hot plate, rice cooker, fridge, sink
>>a bed frame on legs
only if there are insects/rodents in the house, otherwise unnecessary
I rent alone in the UK. Decorating at all just feels pointless. This is not my home, it's my landlord's property.
I love these Linux weirdos so much. Is that graffiti art he's pinned up? Wasn't somewhere he squatted?

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Trade Jobs Are DYING OUT...


Why is this so ????
>yea low pay is going to be one of the main factors.

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Im not boomer old but I'm millennial old who has had a business for now 15-20 years, have trained many workers and also been that bottom of the rung worker. Don't take it personally as I may be misinterpreting but.
>Taken advantage of
Usually this means doing the shit nobody else wants to do. This isn't "taking advantage" it's just parts of the job that have to get done and somehow the guy who just joined with no experience thinks it's mean to make them haul material for half the day and watch us work for the other half. This is normal. It sucks, but it's not some cruel act.
>Expect to know everything as a beginner
It's true that once you are in any trade some things are so obvious you forget what someone who is fresh doesn't know, things as simple as hunting for water on a job, how to push a wheelbarrow up a ramp, how much water should be in a sponge when grouting etc. simple tasks we do expect you to know and it's a shame when a boss is a dick about it, but...they are gonna be a dick fine, tell them to get fucked.
>Being condescending
It took me a while to fully grasp that my boss wasn't just there to do a job and run the process, there was a lot of risk, reputation, finding work so you can feed your workers and yourself etc. Once I was on my own, it dawned on me that every boss I told to fuck off because they were mean we're just stressed plus some lack of social skills and education, all they knew was construction from a time where they were allowed to just rant sexist, racist horrible shit at each other all day.
>Things changing
If you don't want to deal with the above, join a union and play by the rules, youll have managers and supervisors to complain to and that'll be that. The dinosaurs are being replaced. Personally the best quality work I've seen are from the mean, ogre of men who are difficult to work for/with. But you learn the most and you are given opportunities that can accelerate your skills faster than a union setup.
This. It's the opposite, there has never been a better chance to replace a hoard of dying masters. I'm in my 30s, look literally like a homeless person and have so much work via word of mouth I don't know what to do with myself. All my clients complain they can't find workers. What I do see happening is that big builders are being dicks, the old men knew that when you had a good crew, you kept them rain or shine. Their kids took over, hired lawyers and accountants and now fire everyone to save a dollar here and there. Project ends, mass lay off, replace with the lowest paid worker, repeat. So if you want to do well in any of the "basic" trades like carpentry or painting etc. you have to serve only the super rich, who actually pay for quality. That or you specialize, specialized electrician, HVAC, technician work for elevators or other mechanics etc. Besides those two spheres being a tradie just sucks.my 2 cents anyways
Okay so i have experience living in Australia and southern California and here are my opinions on the trades situation in both of these places

Trades definitely not dying, like 1 in 4 guys from my high school went into the trades despite life as an apprentice being absolutely shit for most people.Certain trades definitely have shortages, like bricklaying, hardly anyone young going into that trade and that's probably because of the reputation it has for being rough. Well it's a shame but its a dying trade anyway so I guess it doesn't matter, everything that was once built out of brick can now be formed up by a carpenter and poured with concrete. It'll be ugly but so is everything else modern so whatever. The reason they say there is a trade shortage is because they are importing a million brown cunts a year and they need white people to build houses for them because these brown cunts are useless and can't do anything except consume.

>Southern California
Not really a worker shortage, just a shortage of good workers. Retarded brown people who can do a bit of everything are a dime a dozen but not many truly skilled craftsmen around. Parents from middle class families dissuade their kids from going into the trades because the trades are seen as a thing that mexicans do and not white people. Also the young white people here are fucking retarded and not reliable, none of them really understand that while the pay may be average at first if you put your time in and learn the trade you can easily be charging $50-60 an hour for yourself in like 4-5 years. And most trades are going to be paying like $25 an hour starting so way above minimum wage.
i thought about becoming an electrician. i live in philly. the union pays really well at the journeyman level. last i checked, apprentices, however, were still getting paid like $20/hour. good luck surviving on that.
god you people are retarded

>that guy who has a 5 figure wera/knipex/pb swiss/etc. tool collection in pristine collection, who has obviously never used them and is mechanically de-inclined as if raised by a single mother

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a non autistic answer

>do not make coffee, which relies on freshness, with preground coffee that's been sitting in a warehouse for a few years
>do not pour boiling water over coffee- I dont remember the retarded chemistry behind it but if the water is actually past 100˚C it does bad chemistry shit to the chemicals in the coffee bean material
>do not use a modern or otherwise automated coffee maker
I 100% guarantee that it is not clean inside, I don't care how much vinegar or your bull's cum you run through it- it is not clean in terms of bacteria and also the build up of gay frog minerals in the machine. Don't be a faggot and use a $5 pour over funnel
>only use filtered water
a cup of coffee is 99% water, if you use dog shit water you're going to wind up with dog shit coffee

pic related is genuinely all you need, and you get the lead glaze for free. Anybody who thinks you need more is either deeply offended by anonymous words on an anime forum or are wannabe internet influencers who have something to gain personally or financially by convincing retards that you need complex machinery to make coffee

We've been making tea for thousands of years now which thousands of years of technological development and technique refinement now amounts to "just fucking put the tea in hot water whats the problem"

Coffee is the same but, again, preground coffee goes bad MUCH faster than tea so coffee teabags aren't feasible but do exist
Coffee brewing involves three things.
Water temp, grind fineness, and extraction time.
What you need of each factor depends on your brew method.
hot water, ground coffee, filter(optional)
yall are making it to complex
Since nobody gave the correct answer, it's this: don't over heat it. Simple as.
every one know ignores the one first most important factor. START WITH GOOD CLEAN PURE WATER.

so many people just use straight unfiltered tap water from the sink. first mistake. biggest mistake.

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Hurr durr shipping container homes are a bad ide-

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Would you watch kino here?
^This but the point of a container is mostly not poorfaggotry. The crap containers you describe are of course the most common but it's easy to buy from a seller who lets you choose your specific container so I do.

When helping my bro (who now has three to support his classic car habit) we went to the lot, chose containers then photographed the data tags to be sure he'd get what he chose. When ordering my two WWT boxes I was very specific with the seller that I would refuse to pay for a box with any major damage. Reputable sellers go payment on delivery so it's in their interest not to piss off customers.

After those I switched to one-trip grade since a few grand difference is not a big deal for my very specific use case. My motorcycles now life in dust and insect-free environments which because container vents are small lets a small dehumidifier keep them bone dry. With doors on both ends I can ride in, through and out.

The best way to buy WWT/condemned for maritime use is scoring those which failed due to bad end door gaskets but are not much otherwise damaged. Then because gravity causes water to flow past the failed end door gaskets I welded a piece of angle (flat bar is fine too, I use what I have where appropriate) between the corner fittings leaving sufficient room to open the doors. That deflects all the water which would run inside the top outboard away from the end doors.

>Show me a container house made with actual cheap containers.

There are some on spewtube but they took more work than I care to do.
Were I poor then I would since for a house I could just completely seal the end doors after installing a man door in one of them. I would not weld them shut so I could open them one day easily if needed.

Inspiration lives on sites like https://www.seabox.com/products/category/containerized-shelters

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Whatever works for your specific use case. Roof-mounted solar is an easy option since you can weld support frames to elevate the panels and aim as desired.

I don't pay enough for electricity to bother with solar as other than backup but if I get bored enough I'll do it that way for easiest erection, mods and maintenance.

My subpanel runs off the aforementioned power pole outdoor panel and was installed at leisure. Shit's easy since containers are basically a single-wide MH format with the option to weld on more. I love the things as they're ideal for metalworkers.
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I fucking hate shipping containers. I studied architecture and every student does some shipping container house. It's like a rite of passage to make something fucking awful because you have no talent. It's peak leftism. The idea that humanity can be consolidated down to modular systemised units. Yeah that's how i want to live, as a piece of storage "a house is a machine for living" indeed, fuck you.

The real joke is the dimensions are terrible and everyone who deals with them on Grand Designs or whatever ultimately makes compromises where they join containers or do some other kind of subversion to make it livable but whats the point, at that point. You could just make a house with a steel exterior. It's the novelty, no one else does it but no one else does it because its fucking retarded. I'm sure someone sells big corrugated steel, just use that and cut the bullshit

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Abominations Thread XLIV

Efficient use of space edition
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Why? What possible reason could someone have to run conduit and a light j box all the way to an existing outlet?
is funny how he disputes TDS while displaying TDS
>durr TDS hurr
Doesn't exist, you're just mad we don't worship the him like you do.
I might have an answer to all this.
You're both stupid.
How many Canadians did you have to kill to make this?

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