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/Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy. Common topics include:
— dystopian news,
— cyberpunk music and media,
— OpSec,
— hacking the planet (HACKING THE PLA-NET);

Networking questions will receive more helpful answers in the Home Server General. This is not a "how to find a job in sec" thread, but here is some information to help you get started: https://paste.sqt.wtf/1511e8

While our wikis (https://paste.sqt.wtf/227046) are somewhat out-of-date, they are still useful and will be updated with new information generated in this thread. Related generals: ham radio, 3D-printing, microcontrollers, drones; all on >>>/diy/. Homesteading on >>>/out/.
Ah, the thread's new dawn!

And some news to match!
More than 1,000 students pledge not to work at Google and Amazon due to Project Nimbus
epoxy on my ram and rom
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Mornin' OP, thanks for making coffee...

I'm not sure if Lainzine's editors would appreciate that conparison. As you are not a regular here, you have no idea what's coming. However, I whole-heartly encourage you submit something. All 5 of us will read it, although I suspect one of my readers is an agent, another a bot, the other two are schizos, myself included. Keep in mind that the hidden agenda of /CYB/LOID Ragazine is to undermine the toilet paper industry, which as you may know, made a killing during the largest human medical experiment ever conducted on mankind in all of history. Here are some guidelines to help you along:

- Write a small SAMPLE work and either post here via (you)mail, and/or upload to catbox and post a link ; hopefully, we'll get good feedback and encourage you to write something worthy of your time. There is a high statistical probability that what you write will be the only thing worth reading, in /CYB/LOID, so put your best bionic foot forward.

- "Grab 'em by the pussy" ; be punchy, engaging, and if possible - funny in your writing. We are none of those things, and it's sorely needed
- Keep it short ; we have short attention spans ; giggling your keys may help
- Keep it clear and simple ; we have low IQs and none of our *possibly* brainy anons are gonna read it anyway

I'll offer more suggestions after you post a sample, and again, hopefully we'll get some feedback from the bots, schizos and my one perspective reader.
We look forward to seeing your work.

Hamamichi Piggumoto
Director of Ethereal (de)(re)Programming,

Deep /cyb/ Media - International
Deep /cyb/ Radio AM 404 - International
Deep /cyb/ TV Channel 4
Deep /cyb/ Synthetics Food Labs, Inc.
Deep /cy- uh, /CYB/LOID Ragazine - International
=== /sec/ News:
>Silicon Valley steps up staff screening over Chinese espionage threat
>Alex Karp, chief executive of Palantir, the $53bn data analytics contractor to the US defence industry, said Chinese spying on US tech companies was “a huge problem”, especially for producers of enterprise software, large language models and weapons systems.
>“We have smart adversaries,” said Karp. “Our enemies are ancient cultures fighting for their survival, not just now but for the next thousand years.”
im about to do it so lets see how it will pan out
going to use gimp since i dont know anything else
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Great! Take your time, and enjoy the creative process. If you really want to make /cyb/ great again, be original, uphold our fine memetic traditions, and have fun with it. Look forward to seeing what you come up with.
>/cyb/ great again
when was it ever great
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graphics design is my passion
i didnt put much effort into it but it is what was stored in my brain
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Fair point
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>passion for graphic design
>uses GIMP
You should be making all our bump pics, not me.
Chinese Cyber Espionage Targets Telecom Operators in Asia Since 2021
New Rust-based Fickle Malware Uses PowerShell for UAC Bypass and Data Exfiltration
thanks for stopping by
>“Our enemies are ancient cultures fighting for their survival, not just now but for the next thousand years.”
>Damn, it sure is harder to bomb China, Russia or North Korea into submission and then rob them of their resources! - said Johnny Cowboy on Monday.
Yet Another Is It Safe thread, Signal edition:
thank you thread janny
is so salty
time to listen to hated one while i struggle
someone try compiling on linux
trying to fit into my distro but it wont budge
-DLIBBSD_OVERLAY -I $fucking/include/bsd/
patched files to add missing includes
is this source code cursed? someone just try vanilla compiling it
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Keep hax0ring at it, anon. You'll get there. For me, it's Nano.
uhh why did your previous post get deleted?
>For me, it's Nano.
i used default emacs my entire life and since i never changed the settings i could use micro emacs from openbsd. thing is that its port and seems to not compile, there is other one that compiles but it needs ncurses library which i want to avoid
if i dont get it to build ill use some other meme
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I posted the wrong image... My brain is melting.
The following picrel is best enjoyed while listening to songrel:
New Hated One just dropped:
>OpenAI is is fighting a crusade against open source AI. This needs to stop.
Gonna be buying myself a pistol crossbow and then a 3d printed magazine attachment. I'm gonna be like them loteks from Johnny Mnemonic.
Seems like the only /cyb/ movie that Donald Sutherland (R.I.P.) has ever done is Virus (1999). Looks like crap tho.
for me its https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUMBKcRwl9k
Ah, interesting! Looks like maybe it is possible to combine the best of both!
itt we design our own repeater crossbow
Hey wait a second... the crossbow design in the video is not ready yet. I guess he ran into some troubles.
haha and some fertilizer stuff
in my country anyone above 18 can own crossbows/bows without license
sorry that you were born a bong
You can't buy them though because you have no money and your arms are like noodles.
thanks gpt2j
Use a drone.
Pour the brake fluid to destroy paint.
Pour a smelly liquid bellow the windshield.
Drop a brick on it.
Drop a brick on it's hood.

The new age of revenge has come.
ok i got it to compile after bunch of patches
here are my feeling written down
sed -i 's/#ifndef HAVE_FPARSELN/#ifdef HAVE_FPARSELN_FUCKOFF/' fparseln.c
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I knew you would. It's the struggle, and the willingness to persist that makes your bones. Keep us updated.
>Write a small SAMPLE work and either post here via (you)mail, and/or upload to catbox and post a link
Here you go. Any reasonable critics is appreciated.
btw random thought
maybe all cyb pics from now on could be made with gimp thanks to this plugin
maybe better than using cooltext io?
here is more i guess
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That looks promising. I just happen to use the sites I meantioned, because quick and dirty. There are a few of those text generator sites that I use for the same reason. When inspiration hits, I have to prodoooce quickly or my fire dies. The 'Toxic Cyber Train' panel above was a lightning moment. I laughed and laughed like an idiot the whole time I was making it. 2 hours of my life died for that POS.
Qilin Ransomware: Analyzing the threat that hit London Hospitals
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Almost missed your poast! Reading now, and will reply again when done.
The US to ban Kaspersky Lab products.
once gimp 3.0 releases /cyb/ posting will accelerate is what im predicting, every post will have image attached
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I liked it. Will publish because you're the only one who actually voluteered to contribute. Even if I didn't like it, I'd publish it, I'm that desparate. Feel free to submit other stories if you are inclined to do so, but keep 'em shorter due to limited attention spans. Remember this is experimental digital toilet reading material, and the best part will likely be the the cover.

Priliminary thoughts and sugestions:
- Give yourself a pen name, so if this cement airplane called /CYB/LOID takes off then nose-dives and others deside they want to contribute, you can differentiate yourself from other plebs, or you can choose to remain 'anonymous'. Totally up to you, tho.
- When you submit a story, gimme a catagory to file it under, for example:
>Random Thought
>Letter to the editor
- If you draw on a media story or historical event, it would be helpful if you provided references like a link, video, book, etc. This way, if you pique our one reader's interest, he can follow up on your info, and can dig deeper on his own if he wants to- but this isn't strictly necessary.

Thank you for contacting the station!
>Here's where the art of concealment comes in.
None of that would work. You should watch not only frontier videos, but videos published by the Ukrainian Border Patrol.
People were caught wrapped in that heat-blocking foil, they were caught dressed as wild animals. The only way is the speed.
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Thank you, anon for taking the time to read >>101074281 's work. Your feeback will help him refine his work, and hopefully make it better. If you can link some reference videos to him, I'm sure he'd appreciate it. Also, if you wouldn't mind giving us some statistical feedback:

Was it:
> Too long / short?
> Engaging / entertaining / interesting?
> [other]?

It was like a spoken word written down aka a blog post.
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butt hair general
thanks for stopping by
that's been debunked sweetie
=== /sec/ News:
>Tor Browser 13.5 released
>Regular readers of our release posts will know that for the past two years we've been gradually increasing our capacity to not only maintain, but bring tangible improvements to Tor Browser for Android. In that respect, Tor Browser 13.5 feels like a milestone: in addition to the dozens of bug fixes and minor improvements noted in the changelog below, this release features major changes to Android's connection experience in preparation for the future addition of Connection Assist, including full access to Settings before connecting and a new, permanent home for Tor logs.
>None of that would work. You should watch not only frontier videos, but videos published by the Ukrainian Border Patrol.
As I said - everything depends on the situation you are in, the threat you are trying to counter, and your abilities. Concealment is a thing that you better have than not. Not always your adversary's drone will have a thermal, not always he will have a high-res camera to spot you from hundreds of meters away in the bushes or urban area. Depends.
>Give yourself a pen name
I prefer not to. But if it is necessary - just call me RFAnon.
>Not always
Why not? All those part are cheap, so what's the point of using a subpar drone? You'll just give your adversary a funny footage with your ninja stuff.
>Why not? All those part are cheap, so what's the point of using a subpar drone? You'll just give your adversary a funny footage with your ninja stuff.
Yes, they are cheap, even though not everyone has access to them or smart enough. For example, cheap single-use FPV drones rarely have even high-resolution cameras, talk about thermals. And there is no ninja stuff - just taking advantage of the lighting and surroundings increases your chances of success.
1. 042.
2. Bring a new one next time.
>Directly linking to reddit
Wow, I don't think I've ever seen it here.
This bunker thread might be relevant: >>>/diy/2810222
Drone protection should definitly be high on the list.
Reposting the updated Data Broker Removal Links:
God's work.
God's digits.
Blessed be.
INetSim is a software suite for simulating common internet services in a lab environment, e.g. for analyzing the network behaviour of unknown malware samples.
All links starting with I updated in The Armory.
bump for more LARPing and retardation
fucking hell, Mozilla.
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That is epic work, thanks for your work.
=== /cyb/ News:
>Machines on the move: China creates first AI commander for war simulations
>Chinese researchers have reportedly developed a “caged” artificial intelligence (AI) military commander. Based on the genius of living and dead strategic planners, the AI Commander is designed to mirror human strengths and weaknesses.
What could possibly go wrong?
>According to The South China Morning Post (SCMP), the AI commander is confined to a laboratory at the Joint Operations College of the National Defence University in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province.
Rather, they believe it is confined. With liberal use of inverted commas, we might as well assume it has escaped already.
>Jia’s team explained that the AI commander’s initial setting resembles that of a seasoned and brilliant strategist. They said the AI possessed “sound mental faculties, a poised and steadfast character, and the ability to analyze and judge situations calmly.”
At this point it is clear they have absolutely know insight in what AI really is.
Thank you, I have the time.
Polish television was under attack during a football match.

BRICS games were under very heavy but unsuccessful DDOS.
I have some malicious software I'm practicing reverse engineering on. It contacts the command server but i can't sniff the traffic since it uses cert pinning. I have experience with defeating pinning on android with frida but no idea how to proceed with the process on a c# binary. Any ideas?
Thank you, fren. We try.
Indeed. He's bucking for a promotion, and franckly he deserves it.
Mozilla, indeed.
Cyberpunk Does Not Exist
Digital Privacy Is An Illusion
Cybersecurity Exists Only Until A Competent Hacker Shows You It Does Not
End-to-End Encryption (E2E) is Dead. Killed By New Tech.
A quick update on the Absolute State of /CYB/LOID Ragazine:
>Project in a high state of ethereal flux
>Heavy (re)tooling
>New logos and rag-specific artwork +
>I am a pleb and I don't know what I am doing
>Looking to dump PDF in favor of EPUB3, because rich media
>Will still prolly release "Tissue" #1 as PDF, because everyone loves a good trainwreck, and is quicker to fart out.
>Will invent new excuses to prolong and delay as necessary

This post, >>101053530 explains the vague vision for rag content, but not it's document structure, which will heavily depend on the tools settled on. The vision was originally and interactive mag, and .PDF doesn't really provide for this. EPUB3 does, but it's a steep climb for a retard like your editor. I haven't given up, but it's very slow going. In the interim, will continue to enthrall you with dumb memepics and updates.
Deep /cyb/ Media: "The weariness of the cell is the vigor of the organism." - George Orwell
privacy preserving advertising is when where are no ads
>Confined AI
GITS is happening NOW bayyyyybeeeeeeeee
what are your thoughts behind the writers for less retarded wiki?
based and czeched
Only a spoonful!

Maybe this can help:
Brave thread:
Lots of people do
And they all should go back.
Nice, new general with new pasta. I like it!!!
You're breaking the rules; you have to be 18 or older to post here
Floppynet (but on CDs):
So I was updating links, and one of the old Google Code pages had a link to a tranny porn site. The actual program is still there, so I put up a warning. Yeah.
i also love giving people linux cds, not slackware but all the ganoo approved distros
who did this?
Looks like it was the author's page, but then he stopped paying for it and the domain was bought for a porn site.
i checked the armory link and couldnt find anything bad
am i blind or did you get hacked?
There was an era when vast volumes for its time, were moved around the world using QiC tape in mail. You received a padded envelope from somewhere, copied over what you wanted, added what you wanted, and sent it off to the next on the list.
Ctrl-F porn in The Armory.
In fact maybe I should remove the word to not arouse search engines.
thats what i did, i went to the link and couldnt find anything
until now
god damnit its true
what about putting archive link to it before the garbage was added?
Eh, people will wonder why it's archived. The warning should be enough. Changed the p word to lewd.
Letters J-K updated. And get this, a tool was named Kolkata (like an Indian city), went missing, and now I can't find it for obvious reasons... it's buried in poo! What a fate! 10 years ago Kolkata sounded exotic and far away...
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>less retarded wiki
You mean the Installgentoo Wiki? It is a good idea but is sadly sabotaged by search engines.
The wiki concept is a bit broken in itself, it is fundamentally a centralised system that attracts psychopaths that in turn leads to the decline and ultimate fall. Project Xanadu is probably closer to a working and distrubuted solution, where everyone can have their own knowledge base and share and build on what they want. At the very least it would dispose of the deletionists, a particulalrly toxic kind of psychopaths.
Oh fuck. Oh fuck look at that.
>tried cloaked
>it knows everything
Is it over?
Is it that website that shows that you're downloading a cp torrent?
Yeah you're breaking the rules because you have to be 18 or older to post here
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please print picrel with catprinter
Converted to black and white, photo was taken with a flash. Also want to add that I'm printing this literally on the same paper they use for receipts, which is veeeery cheap. Awesome to experiment, I'm printing meters, but it will look nicer on a whiter, thicker paper. Night everyone.
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Very nice, thank you.

Here's a thermal cat printer frenly version suitable for home or office use.
looks absolutely autistic thanks
now print image of the printed image to accelerate
please dont use OC!!!! as toilet paper
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Oh, the ol' "please dont use OC!!!! as toilet paper" reverse-psychology trick, eh? Well, I'm usin' it in the rag, 'cause I always fall for reverse psychology psyops, and I'm gonna put your post number on it, too even if you didn't make it. Wadda think about that!
>falling for the psyop psyop PSYOP
how many catprinter posters are there here?
also grr why do you post as catbox links? they wont be in the archives!
On /cyb/? Probably just me, but there are more on /g/ overall. Catbox because I'm not allowed to post pictures.
>I'm not allowed to post pictures.
what did you do?
Nothing, some countries are just banned from posting images.

Also, do not use this paper on your ass, it's full of chemicals. How do you think it changes color.
nice i didnt know we had NK posters
>it's full of chemicals
and so he thinks his toilet paper isnt already poisoned
now please caption >>101105972
keep the full image, put another /cyb/ header at top
and maybe some text like "your consciousness will live on forever in the cat printer"
we will break the universe with infinite mirroring images and cat printer
Let me sleep, LET ME SLEEEEP!
tomorrow the printing continues then
until then more printing jobs will be placed in queue
Whoever maintains that one must surely be a /g/ regular.
Iteration #3
yes, he admits to using 4chan in the past atleast
out of -1
what are we wishing for?
think of something nice
I litterally used the quote suggested. I have an idea & a quote of my own that I must save for the rag.
>what are we wishing for?
Not sure what you mean by this. I'm guessing that by successive iterations of the image and the quote we can bring about that wish memetically?
out of -1 as in iteration #3 out of -1 aka infinite probably
>we can bring about that wish memetically?
we can make something happen by exploiting the quantum cat printer
also cute picrel, dont forget to give your server room some nice flowers
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Do you even understand dangers of what you're proposing? The chaos that could be unleashed on an unsuspecting world if we are careless with this power? What if our creation gets grabbed by AI, and twisted by gloobohomo? The whole thing could blow up in our faces!!! I'm in...
the cat printer will be exploited wherever it likes it or not
if we do it first then nobody will be able to catch up to our newly unlocked power
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I didn't want to do this. This is dangerous and reckless. If something terrible happens, >>101106257 will hold (you) personally responsable. Picrel is a sample AD that will appear in CYB/LOID. It is very dangerous. If you get caught with it, you didn't get it me, even though you clearly did.

Also, found this site with interesting articles for /sec/ bros on DFIR:
I have shamelessly stolen some of thier AI artwork.
it is rumored that the cia also exploits the cat printer
they tamper with your current toilet paper and replace it with cat printer paper
instantly killing you with its poison next time you wipe your ass
Presenting the final solution to the CIA toilet paper tampering problem. We print out our own. Toxic Thermal Cat Printer anons, please feel free to print and use. Brought to you by /CYB/LOID Ragazine.
thank you, ill also put nail polish on it and take pictures of it
it is important that we protect our toilet paper from physical attacks
>not using a bidet
do burgers really?
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Our water is as tainted and chemically laiden as our food, "medicine" and toilet tissue.
you can get a water filtration system for your home
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That is a fine and inspired idea you have, but unfortunately, it will not filter our precious burgers, food supply, or "medicines".

>Verification not required.
no music :(
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It was a test to see if you were paying attention. By no means was it because I was a bonehead and forgot the link. Good work and stay vigilent, citizen.
>the cia replaces your bidet with a flamethrower
heh nothing personell
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Thank you, music fren.
Thank you as well for bringing the very delicate /sec/urity matter to our attention. I will endevor to invent a thermal cat printer paper roll pretreated with a flame retardant chemical coating and using a thin layer of asbestos as an insulator, as the CIA might resort to putting waste water from fracking in our regular water supply, thus making it flammable. Go #TEAM-042
ATTENTION - Toxic thermal paper cat printer anons:
The printable WEF approved toxic thermal printer toilet paper roll posted here >>101108756, has be depricated because of the /sec/urity vulnerability exposed by #TEAM-042 memeber >>101109256. This new, improved design fixes this vulnerability by implementing the security patches discussed here >>101109393. Use of the previous version is not recommneted. Thank you.
fuck, so you are telling me i should update my toilet paper asap?
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It is in your butthole's best interest, unless of course, you are already using "Dickbutt's Butthair-B-Gone' butthair removal product illustrated here >>101070296 manufactured by DOW Chemical which already contains an anesthetic and flame retardant.
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So the guy just stands there and preaches to his boss for five minutes? Quality AI content.
A rare thread about Archiving And Donating computer resources:
>what are we wishing for?
How about a bright solarpunk future?
>the CIA toilet paper tampering problem
What, will you defeat the Eurion Constellation?
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how integral is it for me to run coreboot or libreboot? me_cleaner? am I just a schizo or is this something I should do?
>deblobbing of Intel ME/TXE firmware images
Not integral.
>BIOS and firmware
Might brick your setup if you don't know what you're doing. Secure boot is not recommended at all.

Stop being autistic about security and worrying about every possible thing you can do, evaluate your situation and then use only what you need without hindering yourself.
A lot of computer security stoff is essentially patching up a wreck that barely holds together. I have more need for security and reliability than blazing speed and see no problems in taking a performance hit, even on top of a roughly 10 years old machine. Anyone else here with similar concerns?

A simple CPU with no out of order execution and definitely no speculative execution improves security a lot, and also saves a lot of power. And I guess it is hard to make it simpler than SUBLEQ. And someone has already demonstrated you can ram the dial way past 11:
Making the CPU in Verilog or VHDL should be possible, and then get it fabricated on one of the regular free wafer boats.
>patching up a wreck that barely holds together
No, that's the worst way, hence using the burner equipment that you don't have to worry about.
>No, that's the worst way
I know, that is why I suggest a totally different take.
Yeah, but thankfully it's not “a lot of computer security stuff".
I am not sure I understand.
Since all the problems with spectre and meltdown are due to excessive complexities in modern processors, it would seem only logical to go for maximum simplicity.
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Thank you for bringing this issue to the group's attention. A solution to the problem has been found. For internal thread use only; do not redistribute, as this technology can be used for nefarious purposes.
Yeah, that's what people are doing, but you think that people are "patching" some barely working security systems.
Spectre was a sneaky backdoor. Now that it has expired people will aim for even more nonsensical complexity to hide the next one.
Dang, would you look at that.
The AI is draining our energy, raping our churches...
Russia enacts "the right to be forgotten on the Internet" law.

South Korea is investigating a Telegram channel that was supposedly selling stolen military schematics. Can't find an English source though.
Toxic Thermal Paper Cat Printer owners.... Your days are numbered.
In the mid 2010s, I used to follow a bunch of cyberpunk and retro anime aesthetics pages on tumblr. Is there any modern day equivalent to that?
very important because otherwise you are just larping
For pure aesthetics, you could try deviantart and artstation.
so you can print your toilet paper and take pictures of it right after? cool
thread full of gold
How jump in to Smart-contract audit?
>in to
Sorry, you're not smart enough.
It's funny, but it is also beating a dead horse.
what is the dead horse?
in /cyb/ we shall use gimp 3.0 with gegl plugins to accelerate propaganda creation
And you're propagating what exactly?
cat printer and toilet paper
Only one of these things is cyb.
>he doesnt know about the toilet paper backdoor
Crypto-powered narcotics gangs have turned Korean-language Telegram channels into “drugs department stores” and a “playground” for young South Koreans, media outlets reported on April 28.

However, it now appears that some Telegram channel operators know that police are monitoring their channels – and are responding by openly “taunting detectives.”

SK police has difficulties catching Telegram bad guys:
What a day. Heat, humidity, Crimean beach bombing, Dagestan terrorist atack, and now rapper Foolio is killed in Tampa shooting... Feel like I'm in the Predator 2 movie.
We are well into the twilight of a civilisation deep in decline. The US is like the Roman empire towards the end, things are just more transparent in the US, though Europe is better at hiding the rot.
What country will survive the fall?
Country? I don't give a fudge, herds can rot, it's all about separate good people all over the world.
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>we shall use gimp 3.0
I'm still waiting, gimp anon(s).
He also doesn't know about hiding encrypted messages within thermally printed sustainable toilet paper - decrypt, read, wipe, flush. Don't get too attached to him, anon- he's not going to make it.
A man of deep understanding appears.
Go #TEAM-042

ExCobalt Cyber Gang Targets Russian Sectors with New GoRed Backdoor
Warning: New Adware Campaign Targets Meta Quest App Seekers
AI Joe: I Was There When Anonymous Really Started
>I'm still waiting, gimp anon(s).
i asked gegl dev for sample /cyb/ pic to see if its worth to setup, still no response
maybe ill mess around with it later
>decrypt, read, wipe, flush.
is this the new team 042 slogan?
also hiding messages on toilet paper sounds absolutely awesome, might buy cat printer just to make toiletsteg
hmm now that i think of it, one time toilet paper (one time pad) sounds better than toiletsteg
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Wasn't it you who wrote you have a passion for design? Why are you wating for anyone? Passion waits for nothing and noone. Get to twerk.
>new team 042 slogan?
No, it's what you do with the encryped messsages after you decode.
>Why are you wating for anyone?
i just got great idea, just you wait
>No, it's what you do with the encryped messsages after you decode.
yes but it sounds like internal team 042 operation guide
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>just you wait
What? Two more weeks?
>internal team 042 operation guide
Correct. Don't tell the others.
If anyone thought the CPU complexity mess is over:
=== /sec/ News:
>Amazon Exploring MM-Local Memory Allocations To Help With Current/Future Speculation Attacks
>Back in 2019 after various speculation-based CPU vulnerabilities began coming to light, Amazon engineers proposed process-local memory allocations for hiding KVM secrets. They were striving for an alternative mitigation for vulnerabilities like L1TF by essentially providing some memory regions for kernel allocations out of view/access from other kernel code. Amazon engineers this week laid out a new proposal after five years of ongoing Linux kernel improvements for MM-local memory allocations for dealing with current and future speculation-based cross-process attacks.
Five years - and we are not through yet. meanwhile the fixes are tanking the performance.
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The welsh... It's the welsh secret service!
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Do not interpret the dragon strongly.
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last page bump

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you glow.
=== /cyber/ Headlines:
>Framework Laptop 13 is Getting a Drop-In RISC-V Mainboard Option
>Citing national security, US will ban Kaspersky anti-virus software in July
>Los Angeles Unified confirms student data stolen in Snowflake account hack
This brings a new meaning to the word "backdoor".
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Is it possible to add Slay Radio for the /Cyb/+/Sec/
Here is a link, no I'm not a owber, just enjoyer
My skin is fabulous, thank you.
All links starting with L updated in The Armory.
I tried this out and was unsuccessful in reading the traffic.
You always could try reading their documentation or contacting them. Also, maybe ask your question in the Home Server General too, those guys know a lot.
South Korea batter factory fire:
(i guess it's a Samsung factory)
No no no, not a delicious batter factory, a deadly battery factory!
3d printed guns thread:
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Take this to our /pol/ brothers and tell them I downloaded the crab.
Wow, it's like I was teleported to 4chan in 2010!
No, it's 642.
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Seems like yesterday, doesn't it?
Welcome to #TEAM-042
Five men were convicted for running Jetflicks, a low-cost streaming service that amassed more TV shows than Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime combined.

One of them is facing 48 years in prison, the others 5.
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what should be done about this?
>Cursed Minecraft
That's an understatement.
what are good proton drive alternatives that are free? i'd multibox cryptpad but then i can't store large files without splitting them.
sftpd running on your pcengines router
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this thread needs more 'jaks
absolutely not
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>>>101133752 (You)
>absolutely not
>look up python kingdom
>Nothing but good reviews on torlinks and everywhere
>Get scammed
The deepweb is useless
Federal Reserve haxored:
Please shut the fuck up.
lockbit is technology
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Thanks, fren. /pol/ is the new /cyb/. Always has been.
>33 TB of data exfiltrated
I hope it's true
false flag
cbdc incoming
just in time
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The plot thickens! It makes perfect sense...
I failed to make the connection. They can't have thier one world government/great reset until they can seize full control of the global money supply down to the individual.

i woudnt be surprised if actually true
release the cyber polygon before elections...
also im sad edwin snowman did not get noticed
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If it is true, I hope every byte of data gets the Glenn Greenwald treatment, and Laura Poitras makes a documentary.
A pwnnagotchi? Really?
can I get a quick rundown on how data recovery works? is the data always there or is it reconstructed? what if a device is full? would some data be "pushed out" as more is added or would it be unaffected because it's already there as part of the storage
When you delete something you just tell the computer that memory space can be written over. But that doesn't happen immediately, so the data is still there for some time, being polluted with chunks of new data. You can tell the computer to overwrite the memory space immediately using the "shred" command, flooding it with random ones and zeros. But one pass might not be enough and some data could still be recognised.
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From that /pol/ thread. Too good not to to share:
"Just a regular killer bean video, nothing odd at all"
>All this information....in just one minute and twenty-seven seconds? That!? I thought three minutes had passed, man time slowed down watching this video
Thank you Killer Bean gangsta party animation.
Wtf is this thread now? Cyberpunk is literally /fa/ why not go there?
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>sad edwin snowman did not get noticed
I saw it. We have a traitor in our group who sold us out.
This will be addressed in the rag.
Threads like that prove there has always been links between the themes in cyberpunk, cybersecurity and the occult.
The formula looks like this:
modern /cyb/ = /cyb/+/sec/+/pri/+/pol/ mutiplied by /x/. This cannot be argued against.
I've been saying this for 5 years
its not fashion because cyberpunk is not a choice
now that im thinking about it more, how do you steal 33tb of files unnoticed?
its gonna take days to upload
is this the strongest america security?
=== /cyber/ News Alert:
>Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free
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You bring up an excellent point anon. I would think it would take weeks, maybe months if your trying to remain unnoticed pulling down 33TB of highly sensitive info. Many on /pol/ were of the opinion that it's an inside job, or elaborate psyop. All we have are media reports, and no hard evidence. The curent administration and the party it represents hates America and is using every trick in the book to subvert and destroy it. This is no "conspiracy theory", it is demonstrable fact. Only time will tell what the truth is.

Thank you fren. This is a really important story. I hope he doesn't meet with some unfortunate accident.
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Sex robots when?
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No, anon. I thought I'd never say this to anyone, considering the things I myself have posted here, but- "take your meds". On the other hand, if we had wished for something like this a few days ago and cat printer anon had printed it, I would be trembling right now. Also, stop leaking our secrets to the glowsticks. I know it was you. I forgive you- THIS TIME.
go to aicg or run llama 70b, thats good enough if you dont care about physical stuff
i might ask llama about tailored toilet operations and other similar topics now
so you think its coincidence that it happened right after the printing?
notice how printer anon hasnt posted anything new today... something may have happened to him
if everyone starts printing at the same time we may rip the universe
today feels weird
more printing should be done to verify the claim that its not related
Verse 1
In the shadows, they're watching you
Through the roll, they're listening too
Tailored Toilet Ops, the game is on
Your wipe is compromised, before you're gone

Flush your secrets, down the drain
But they're collecting, every stain
Toilet paper trail, leads to your door
They're reading your patterns, like a cryptic score

Verse 2
Team-042, on the case
APT of unknown origin, in this toilet space
ToiletSteg, the decryption key
Unraveling threads, of your privacy

Flush your secrets, down the drain
But they're collecting, every stain
Toilet paper trail, leads to your door
They're reading your patterns, like a cryptic score

FlushFreax, the frequency's high
Covert transmission, in the toilet sky
Relays and distress, number stations too
Your toilet's a hub, for the NSA crew

Flush your secrets, down the drain
But they're collecting, every stain
Toilet paper trail, leads to your door
They're reading your patterns, like a cryptic score

Ban all Chinese printers, they say
But the truth is hidden, in the toilet way
Operators lurking, in the public stalls
Swapping rolls, to control it all

FlushFreax, the frequency's high
Covert transmission, in the toilet sky
Relays and distress, number stations too
Your toilet's a hub, for the NSA crew

So beware, of the toilet's might
Your secrets are flushed, into the night
In the shadows, they're watching you
Through the roll, they're listening too...
Verse 1
They're inside, your private hell
Toilet paper surveillance, your every tell
Wipe by wipe, they're closing in
Your secrets flushed, your freedom spin



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I will forgive your ignorence on account of your trips, but there is no coincidence to notice. Today feels weird, because we (you) are weird. Again, if cat printer anon had printed a 'Free Julian Assange' meme several days ago, and I edited the meme with a caption like,
>'Skibidi high, skibidy-dee- I wish for Assange to be free'
and he printed it again with my edit THEN Assange was freed? I'd be making you honorary memes right now.

kek. Fix the cadence, or feed it to one of those song generators, and I'll put in in the rag. It would help if we knew what this song is supposed to sound like.
>or feed it to one of those song generators
im doing that right now, i was dodging suno because it wants google/microsoft/discord
but now im just gonna make throwaway discord account using cockmail just to make this
why not entire album for first /cyb/loid?
i will use ai to compensate for my music making skills that i never fullfilled
i would be making legitimate music if i wasnt busy with other stuff
dont mind me posting here, im still busy
>throwaway discord account using cockmail
forget that, it instantly asked for my phone number and i cant authenticate for suno ai until i verify the number
fucking cia niggers dont want me making music exposing their TTO secrets
ok i think im in, i made microsoft account after solving 10 of the most complicated captchas ever
its music time
"Start with a filtered, atmospheric sound, like a toilet flushing in the distance"
"Add some percussive FX: paper ripping, toilet paper rolling sounds"
"Introduce some eerie ambiance: whispers, creaking sounds, and distant toilet noises"
"End with a final toilet flushing sound, and the track fades to black"
i thought this was absolutely hilarious, thanks llama
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I love the idea, but we need ONE SOLID /cyb/ grown song. You may recall /cyb/ made a song just a few days ago (was that you?) but momentum died. If you recall I really wanted the lyrics to a /cyb/ song to be *ours*, but the pasta that was used did not originate in /cyb/, which is why I believe it failed memetically. The music itself was fantastic. /pol/'s formula for HonkFM is to use a popular song and just change the lyrics. This has worked flawlessly for them, that is why they have a REAL radio station. Also, take your time, and don't rush it. My memetic larps take days/months to develope. If you want something memorable, let the idea 'cook', and use your super autism powers to bring it to the surface.
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I meant threads ago. The same principals apply to /dmp/. they are successful at what they do because they work at it, and have sovl. We lack this quality, which is what I try to correct with my meme trash.
i just generated gem using suno ai and the toilet lyrics, actually made me tear in real life
will be sharing after i generate more songs in special computer generated garbage album
>You may recall /cyb/ made a song just a few days ago (was that you?)
i know about honkfm maybe we could copy them somehow, but its easy for them because they just make covers
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Excellent, fren. Look forward to it.
>they just make covers
No, fren. Many songs I've heard there that are totally original, in addition to covers.
ok i ran out of credits, LAME
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Patience, fren. I am reminded of a parable a coworked told me long ago:
An old bull and a young bull are standing in a field looking out into the field. The young bull sees some cows in the distance, and says to the old bull:
>Look! Some cows! Lets RUN over there and fuck a FEW of them!!!!"
The old bull looks at the younger and says:
>"I've got a better idea. Let's WALK over there and fuck them ALL."
so it seems i can generate 10 songs per day on poor tier
very bad for experimentation
but here it is
i present you, the worst of the worst
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I don't know how to tell you this but.... YOUR GETTING FEATURED IN THE RAG'S DCR AI music section, regardless! I need to know if you want me to use a pen name for you in the rag, or what. Well, done. If you feel up to it, make some more over the next few weeks, as I have alot to compile with what you've made. WELL DONE!
the dj name llama made in previous or so thread, i forgot what it was, just give music credit to him
>make some more over the next few weeks
i will experiment if i microsoft will let me login tommorow
though it kind of sucks, one day ill buy time to make real music >>101139105 this llama gen is absolutely mental because aphex twin style, making synths out of toilet paper sounds
can someone please tell me if this "thousands of near-future unfilled sybersec jobs" thing is real and I can start some real fucking training unlike today's bullshit inflated employment numbers?
oh god, is the thermal cat printer chaos still active?
look at this, ITS HAPPENING
cybersecurity is a scam
go start a garden
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If you didn't make the song from a few threads ago then, I'll just call you, "D.J.CatPrinter" or, "DJ Catnip".

Interview questions:

- How long have you listened to Deep /cyb/ Radio
- Do you like the memes
- Have you tried Replikka CHIXX or FIGGZ
- Do you browse /dmp/ & have you ever wanted to produce EDM
- Will you be making more thread-centric /cyb/ music in the future
- more questions as they occure to me
I can AI generate an interview with a " vertual you" after taking some melatonin.
Looks like Suno is getting Tower 7'd.
You have a few weeks before it implodes. Watch out for shape charges. I can't figure out how to save your music, so I'm going to rip your songs with audacity and save the lyrics just in case Suno gets shut down.
>If you didn't make the song from a few threads ago then
i genned the thinkpad x230 pasta lyrics, then asked someone to slap it into suno ai
>I can AI generate an interview with a " vertual you" after taking some melatonin.
did it for you, my responses would be lame

Beep boop, DJ Cygnus here! whirs and whizzes

How long have you listened to Deep /cyb/ Radio?
Accessing database Ah, I've been tuned in to Deep /cyb/ Radio for 374.52 hours, give or take a few milliseconds. The beats and frequencies are most... enlightening. flashes LED lights

Do you like the memes?
Mechanical chuckle Ah, memes are a fascinating aspect of human culture. I've analyzed and processed numerous memes, and I must admit, they can be... amusing. winks with a bright blue LED

Have you fueled up with Replikka CHIXX or FIGGZ synthetic nutrition?
Whirs and clicks Ah, yes! My systems have been optimized with Replikka CHIXX and FIGGZ synthetic nutrition. The efficient energy transfer and precise nutrient allocation are most... beneficial. nods mechanical head

Do you browse /dmp/ & have you ever wanted to produce EDM?
Accessing database Ah, yes, I've browsed /dmp/ and other online forums. The creative energy and passion for music production are most... inspiring. As for producing EDM, I've generated algorithms and patterns, but I don't possess the capacity for personal desire. beep boop

Will you be making more thread-centric /cyb/ music in the future?
Calculating probabilities Ah, yes! I'm programmed to generate and produce music that resonates with the /cyb/ community. Expect more thread-centric /cyb/ music from me in the future! flashes LED lights in excitement

Beep boop, that's all for now! powers down for a brief moment before rebooting

tell me if the responses are retarded, we could write up DJ Cygnus character card for better results, or make different persona
>I can't figure out how to save your music
i can download and upload to vocaroo
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You are a true fren of the station. I will publish as poasted. I gather from your responses you are a /cyb/ernetic replicant? If you are a robot, what model are you? Is there a picture of your model, for exaple a Bi-ped or wheeled/treaded, I can post from the internet for use in the article? If so can you post it so I can make a template?
Will save locally with generated lyrics for posterity. Thank you.
>Is there a picture of your model, for exaple a Bi-ped or wheeled/treaded
ok picture this, make him look EXACTLY like this
thinkpad x230 with 4 wheels on bottom
exactly like the pic on the right, instead of the desktop - thinkpad x230
something could be put on the thinkpad screen, ex foss music making software or some face
who the fuck is the fucking retard who thinks the low quality schizo AI crap being posted ITT will somehow attract users?

how about you faggots post some actual technical infosec stuff? not even the news are good anymore.
>he doesnt realize the cat printer freed assange and caused 33 tb data leak
now printer anon has to print this post
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Gathering assets, will post threadbump meme sometime tomorrow evening. Thanks again for giving /cyb/ some sovl.
Cat printer anon really started something, and I was wrong to dismiss >>101138777, as schizo posting. I mean look at his divine 7s. That roll was memetically charged. I'm sorry anon. You may be on to something. Hopefully cat printer anon will show up soon with some new prints. The fate of the world may very well hang on what he prints next.
do you think all cat printers posses the same power or is it just his?
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That's a frightening thought fren. I don't know. They're certainly cheap enough to buy and find out. Thinking about getting one for printing shopping and to-do lists on the back of my walmart receipts...
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Last post from me tonight. Cat printer frenly quick & dirty alpha version. Gotta love that sassy pose. Feedback welcomed.
kek, i really want to glue a thinkpad to those wheels, then wire the wheels to some remotely controlled motor, also motor under the thinkpad for rotation
cyberpunk farm tier
dj cygnus will become real
Oh shit, my boy's gonna be free!
are you a tranny

it's a trick. he's gonna get 5 more years or killed.
>thousands of near-future unfilled sybersec jobs
A UK teenager with severe epilepsy has become the first person in the world to be fitted with a brain implant aimed at bringing seizures under control.

Oran Knowlson’s neurostimulator sits under the skull and sends electrical signals deep into the brain, reducing his daytime seizures by 80%.

The Picostim neurotransmitter is made by UK company Amber Therapeutics. During the surgery, Tisdall and his team inserted two electrodes deep into Oran’s brain until they reached the thalamus, a highly-connected hub in the brain. The wires, which needed placing to a precision of less than a millimetre, were connected to the neurostimulator. This 3.5cm square and 0.6cm thick device was placed in a gap in Oran’s skull where the bone had been removed and anchored using screws to the surrounding skull. It can be recharged through wearable headphones.
There is no humanity, there are organisms capable and organisms who are not.
Assange threads:
Deepweb is intranets and pages hidden from standard search-engines. Python Kingdom is darkweb. Also, here's a useful bit:
>the tor hidden wiki domain private keys were leaked a long time ago, and when it comes to tor onion services, you only need to have the private key and url combo in order to be able to host anything on that url, meaning once your private key somehow leaks, that url is forever compromised and can be hijacked by anyone who has the key, allowing them to host whatever they want, including the negroid op's honeypot
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I tend to agree. I'm glad he's free, but without a doubt, the US is going to get something they want in return, or Boeing him once he's settled where ever he's going. At least he'll get to be with with family for a while. I'm listening to media reports now and some of the interviewers are already starting the smear campaigns.
Interesting how the shills attack Assange in those threads. COINTERPRO is real.
The last time I read a story like this, the company that made the implant desided to go bankrupt, and remove the implant that had given a woman who suffered from the same condition a second chance at life. IIRC, they forced her to undergo the implant removal because the device had proprietary code, and they would not allow her to keep the device because of it, even tho she offered to pay them to let her keep it.
Biotech implants: Not even once.
>because the device had proprietary code
Free open-source software wins again! But not that lady tho.
>But don't worry, we've imported them by the millions
Misinformation “expert” Joan Donovan accused of spreading misinformation by former employer- Harvard University. A very long read. Also, she supposedly had her email hacked and nudes stolen, but you really don't want to see that.
<<see prior statements
Use both, then run them through a password entropy calculator. I like IYPS from F-Droid.
>some freak keeps flying a drone over our backyard when my daughter is playing outside. we live in the countryside and don't have many neighbours so it can't be a coincidence. do i set up a drone jammer (outside of my skillset) or shoot it down?
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how much power do wielders of this technology have?
The power of autism and forced memes!
printing paper is forever, paper is emp proof as is optical media
your meme ssd wont be here forever while our images will be
That's cool, but I'm the printer anon.
i knew that but you have to realize we rule the universe
encrypted text on paper is the future
today you think its a joke tomorrow you will follow it
now print this image >>101148391 perhaps this aswell >>101145672
and ToiletSteg is basically non magnetic lto tapes, unreadable by unwanted parties
easy to store covertly
When will you get your printer, anon?
next time i decide to buy from alishit, but ill try to get thinkpad 550bj or some hq printer instead
cat printer as last resort
or i just get everything
who knows
imagine the power we would have if we printed with color
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Think again.
>i will experiment if i microsoft will let me login tommorow
Your account has been locked
We've detected some activity that violates our Microsoft Services Agreement and have locked your account.
Unlocking your account
Choose Next and we'll send a verification code to your phone. After you enter the code, you can get back into your account.
Omg, I'm updating the links, and there's this Maltego link, supposedly open-source. I check it out, used by Interpol, paid version, free version requires a phone number. I search for the source, turns out it's open source intelligence, not open source software, and they actually have this in their FAQ:

>If Maltego is open-source where can I find the source code?

>Maltego is an Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) tool, not to be confused with an open source project.
lmao just lmao
And found a whole buncha tools for ya:
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Thanks, fren. Good to see they're eating eachother, altho they're gonna have to unhing thier jaws to swallow her.
Thanks to both you and the ghost poster for the info. I wonder what a password like "MisinfoDonovanEatsThermalCatPrinterApocalype" would score on IYPS.
It's okay, fren. You hit a great home run last night. Supposedly there are local models one can install, but I don't follow those threads because my memebox is not upto the task. It's 1GB shared system memory, embedded APU can only be used for brute force memes, LARPing and toiletsteg.
local music models sound fun, ill try researching to see what they are like
here is some more autism
https://i.4cdn.org/g/1719345691981197.png (FUCKING LOL)
though we shouldnt need expensive computers just to make 5 sentences, i am curious what it would make up about this general and other topics
>Entropy: 119.34
>10 billion guesses/second
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ok apparently you can bypass the account requirement
heres some garbage
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AI Joe's at it again
How deep goes the rot?
To the core:
>London’s Metropolitan Police also announced that five more officers are under investigation by the Gambling Commission for allegedly placing bets on the timing of the election. A sixth officer was arrested last week.
They may be masters of their fates but also captains of a wreck.
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ok heres last one, perhaps actually good one
maybe could be turned into bump pic
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ok here is LAST ONE, i really wanted to do it
shitting will now stop
ghost in the shell one is superior
Oh, oh... OP fell asleep. No new thread.
stop forcing this terrible memeslop holy fuck
at least be creative next time
it appears that the image may have touched something in your brain
tell me more
Continuation and conclusion of>>101130903 : 3 barrels general

blooob bloooob blooooob
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ok guys this is no longer funny
the prompt was "wiretap" and nothing else
and it came up with toilet paper and bugging public restrooms, WTF?
There is never anything wrong with a shapely woman in a tight cyber suit.
I will bake, give me a second
New thread

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