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This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk-faq/
What is /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ
How do I into /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/5tpNFQds
Huge list of cyberpunk media: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk/
The cyberdeck: https://pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg
Cyberlife: https://jinteki.industries/files/cyberlife.7z
Bibliothek: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4m5hd2065hde8/Bibliothek

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Reverse_Engineering

"Shit just got real": https://pastebin.com/rqrLK6X0
Cybersecurity basics: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_/sec/_guide
and armory: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_basics_and_armory
learning: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_Learning/News/CTFs
Reference books (PW: ABD52oM8T1fghmY0): https://mega.nz/#F!YigVhZCZ!RznVxTiA0iN-N6Ps01pEJw
/sec/ PDFs: https://mega.nz/#F!zGJT1QQQ!O-8yiH845GN26ajAvkoLkA
EFF anti-surveillance: https://ssd.eff.org/
Other library: https://mega.nz/file/UCgEGAjb#rwNcnMAQCUUbSp8supsFvn9QEHCWUW86eLcZa16ZG4Y

Tools: https://www.privacyguides.org/en/tools/
Hitchhiker’s Guide: https://anonymousplanet.org/guide.html
Hardware: https://ryf.fsf.org/products
Frontends: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Privacy_friendly_frontends
OSINT Guide: https://inteltechniques.com/index.html
Firmware: https://libreboot.org/
RMS: https://stallman.org/facebook.html

--[/hmg/ Hackerman General]-----
http://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/ - easy beginner
https://www.vulnhub.com/ - prebroken images
https://www.hackthebox.eu/ - super secret club
Huge info dump: https://hmg.neocities.org/
epoxy on my ram and rom
Applying epoxy to RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read-Only Memory) is generally not recommended for several reasons:

1. **Heat Dissipation**: Both RAM and ROM generate heat during operation, and covering them with epoxy can impede their ability to dissipate heat. This could lead to overheating and potential damage to the components.

2. **Electrical Insulation**: Epoxy acts as an insulator, which means it could interfere with the electrical connections necessary for RAM and ROM to function properly.

3. **Irreversibility**: Once epoxy is applied and cured, it is very difficult to remove without damaging the underlying components. This makes any repair or upgrade impossible without replacing the entire component.

4. **Practicality**: There are no practical benefits to encasing RAM or ROM in epoxy for typical use cases. While epoxy can be used to ruggedize electronics for specific industrial applications, this is not common for consumer-grade RAM and ROM[1][4].

Therefore, it is not safe or advisable to put epoxy on RAM or ROM unless there is a specific need for ruggedization and the potential risks are mitigated through careful engineering.

[1] https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/putting-a-computer-into-epoxy.2576890/
[2] https://polyestershoppen.com/info/veilig-werken-met-epoxy
[3] https://www.bestbartopepoxy.com/blogs/ultraclear/is-crafting-with-clear-epoxy-resin-safe
[4] https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/u5pf4r/i_set_a_piece_of_laptop_ram_in_epoxy_a_while_ago/
[5] https://xdaforums.com/t/experience-after-reballing.4569279/
[6] https://entropyresins.com/safety/epoxy-safety-tips/
[7] https://www.artresin.com/blogs/artresin/41788993-artresin-is-safe-for-home-use
why do you keep literal nonsense?
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epoxy on my cock and balls
Is Bromite/Cromite the best browser option on android? I've noticed it breaking a growing number of sites lately.
vanadium with javascript disabled
Bromite is dead, and the retard who forked it into Cromite won't support Android 6 so I had to switch to Firefox.
Would it be easy to handle multiple cyber sec jobs if I want to be over employed?
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no, I will not "Google it"
no, I will not disable my adblocker
no, I will not use social media
no, I will not buy backdoored CPUs
no, I will not eat the bugs
erm you got digial id loicense for this post?
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Yes, I mailed in my application for one the other day.
dangerously based
Is there a foss alternative for these guys? Don't want to lose my wallet plus I want to track niggers who dared to steal my wallet.

Any good apps on fdroid?
Android's Firefox support uBO and that's all I care. Browsing the web in a phone is just a bad experience.
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What's the software used in picrel?
Agreed but it only works on GrapheneOS, right?
those are built on top of corpo private edge networking system embedded into their ecosystemic devices
no foss alternative to such a stuff
or if such thing exists, it would be a miracle to show quarter of its proprietary conunterpart's functionality
it's impossible, period.
If you still use EOL device with Android 6 then you are the problem
One of my least favourite things about computers is the anxiety of whether I should trust a piece of software or not

When Virus Total shows me just 1 random antivirus flagging a file, I know it's probably a false positive, but I'm still anxious
Easy answer. No there isn't anything you need to use something extremely closed source because fuck you.
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>no, I will not buy backdoored CPUs
what architecture is not backdoored nowadays even RISC-V is questionable
I use Google because it works
I use an ad blocker because it works
I use social media because it works
I use Intel/AMD/Arm CPUs because they work
I eat real meat because it's tasty
Theoretically, for the hard part, you could use a cellular network, star link, or for maximum foss a meshed network of your own making to transmit and receive. The rest is easy to do.
Intel before 2009 and AMD before 2013.
Is Powershell an important skill in Cybersecurity? I see it mentioned in a very large number of infosec job postings, even those focused mostly on *nix, but they also mention other shells like bash so is this just boilerplate or is PS something worth learning in the security space?
Not really my fault, Samsung refused to release a newer version even though theoretically it could support Android 8 or 9. But I treat it more like a dumbphone anyways, only Signal and Firefox are installed.
So the solution then is to use a SDR with agent tech that sniffs out all open connections BT/zigbee/WIFI/GSM and then connect or hack through all defences, to grab a line out and then do a call home. It would be /cyb/ to the maxxx.

Related, there is this decades old science fiction short story where some kind of mind virus gets control over an entire planet, rams them from pre-stone age tech, right through technological development all the way to the space age, for the singular purpose of delivering a message about a war that had ended. Anyone remember the name of that story?
The only 14 words I care about: "The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race."
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Happy Caturday, everyone. Pet 'em of ya got 'em.
Reminder to use genuine Replikka Honey Flavored Epoxy for maximum security sweetness.
>Researchers find SQL injection to bypass airport TSA security checks

I was wondering what Bobby Drop Tables was up to these days.
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Coreboot Thinkpad carbon X1 gen1
how does a no coder start from 0
since when?
how much wh battery?
is there good low power cpu and screen for it?
max rom size?
binary blob status? (probably alot)
fanless viable?
mic easy to desoler like on x230?
Reposting the updated Data Broker Removal Links:
Conurbation is a staple of /cyb/ literature, such as BAMA, the Boston Atlanta Metropolitan Axis. Africapunk has one of its own:
>Accra is the buckle in a belt of cities, from Abidjan to Lagos, that is becoming the largest contiguous urban zone on Earth.
The journalist gets hammered in the comments field, some of the patter seems like straight out of 4ch.

looks like OSINTBuddy
what is that thing on the far right? Microscope?
what i linked in my post, doesnt answer much
>max rom size?
as in whats the biggest rom size chip you can solder on, ie with x200 you can use 16mb

>mic easy to desoler like on x230?
Show us, please? I want to get one, but don't know much about them. Would like to get one that has output to a monitor, maybe USB.
its old Nikon i'm using it for mycology, not for electronics
>>102174943 flashed only 4mb chip
what open source libraries are back doored by the CIA/NSA/FBI?
All of them.
attention whoring faggots keep making threads instead of posting here

same thing happens with thinkpads and laptops
and this thread gets no replies because of it
I wouldn't worry about it. Those threads are filled with privacy tourists and low-quality trolls. I'd rather this thread be a little quiet at times than overrun with bait.
another one btw >>102176916
based honey bear
Let's have some reverse engineering examples:
>Air Con: $1697 for an on/off switch
>I called Advantage Air support the next day and waited for a call back. Eventually a support agent called and I explained my problem. One of the first questions I received was on the age of the system. Once he had established it was out of warranty it was explained to me that if the tablet was dead I would need a whole new control system for $1245. When I pushed back complaining that I only needed the cheap tablet replaced I received what sounded like a well rehearsed excuse along the lines of “Well technology keeps moving forward and systems aren’t compatible, new phones come out every year”. I was incredulous, I’m all for smart things, but this is effectively just the on/off switch for my air conditioner. To be clear, the Airconditioner worked fine, the control box worked fine, only the Android tablet had failed.
>Would it be easy to handle multiple cyber sec jobs if I want to be over employed?
No one?
pure /cyb/
Tangentially relevant: I'm reading a DCC Send request and supposed to download the file itself, but the packet is malformed, and I don't see the file given in the argument when I export objects.
2k lines reached in distro build script
5.5k words
will clean up SOON
also will make it shellcheck compliant
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is Monero /cyb/erpunk?
cyberpunk is dead
thats not true anon, the world becoming more and more cyberpunk with how much corporate tech interests try to invade everything
we just dont have all the neon colors and sex robots yet
cyberpunk is dead
cyberpunk is alive in my heart okay
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I have $500 in a cold wallet from some coins I mined back in 2016.
it's good because the generals have the actual people invested in the topic, I'm still amazed at the amount of tourist that make threads instead of just lurking a bit
what do they use for electric power in cyberpunk, i feel like it is natural gas combined cycle
Why would they want to change anything on the client? I call bullshit. Assuming that Durov isn't lying this time, my best guess is it was a hook. Pay the engineer to run some deliberately harmless errands, then depending on his carelessness/cowardice ratio either hide a real attack among them or blackmail him.
I wana move from 4chan and telegram to other chat services to discuss crypto and other hobbies. (Maybe for irl contacts too?)
What are some points to consider when deciding between simplex or session right now? which has higher adoption?
>>102179617 >>102179665
No. The reality just caught up with the fiction: >>>/lit/23737280
GASP! GASP! G-good work, Compiler anon! You did it! Whew... wait - what's that smell?
You have changed the future!
TRACTOR - The DARPA Funded AI C to Rust Compiler - What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
the funny thing is the prompt was "cyberpunk is dead, a barrel in the sea", it added the boat on fire on its own LOL

also required reading >>102178015
your comic but REAL LIFE
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That was a good read about the phone. I've been enjoying this new unintended "/CYB/+/SUB/" series. Lot's of room for stories. Like one where you become obsessed with hunting down and killing a binary blob sea monster [enter this into FastFlux, or other image gen.]
>a proprietary binary blob sea monster made of 1's and 0's beneath the ocean

So, of course, we have to try to find a bait to lure it, but didn't plan exactly *how* we would kill it -comedy ensues. The metaphore of a submarine made out if barrels is perfect for this thread. I'm runnin' with it. I've generated a few 'cyberpunk wooden barrel submaries with neon and 3 portals', and the results are both funny and beautiful.
2bh in future these robots will be real maintaining rigs in the ocean
and they will be full of non free firmware so feedback loop, STOP MAKING THEM REAL!!!

anyways you are now obliged to reference this in upcoming comic. perhaps police going through squad computers

Employee: What’s this laptop? It’s a laptop, right?
Developer: It’s a Thinkpad X200, which is a computer capable of running Libreboot, this has many freedom implications like [very long explanations].
Employee: Let’s write “vintage computer”.
Developer: But I use that computer you know [very long explanations].
Employee: Sigh, let’s write “complicated computer hardware” again.

Employee: What’s that? Is it a very complicated smartphone?
Developer: It’s just a usual Galaxy S II (GT-I9100G).
Employee: Let’s write “Galaxy S II”.
Developer: I’ve also a Galaxy S II (GT-I9100) which has a very different system on a chip [very long explanations].
Employee: Sigh, let’s write “complicated computer hardware” again.
Text saved for consideration.
Also, if this is you >>102076048, a variant of this is already storyboarded as part of The Continuing Misadventures of #TEAM-042 S3-E2. I've also in the last few minutes figured out a short story for the proprietary binary blob seamonster. You're going to hate me.
all the posts are me
btw for like 5 seconds i thought picrel was ai gen too, nothing is real anymore

legend has it if you print ai images using cat printer, they become real
<summon cat printer anon>
Reality is an illusion, Compiler anon. How you khow that picture isn't AI? How do you know *I'm* not an AI? Maybe you're an AI, and you don't even know it! Rachel didn't know she was a Replicant. Really makes you think... We do not exist!

I wish CatPrinter anon would come back- or maybe he was arrested for toilet steg.
messing with
ocaml, coq, menhir took only like 50 minutes to build
compcert took 1 hour to build

so i wanted to have two build types
performance (musl, mimalloc, only optimized flags. llvm+polly+omp)
security (musl, hardened_malloc. only security flags, compcert)

the security flags would be only used on stuff that connects to the internet

but after trying to build libressl and hardened_malloc with compcert, it fails at both because it doesnt have support for stuff like _builtin, new c std etc

so that dream is dead, i could manually patch the programs but would be painful

how come in today year public program source codes are still fucking worthless
there are static analysis checkers, misra c
remove bloat from c pls, i dont need 1000 compiler extensions
though compcert could be good to keep in the distro

since compcert is safe against miscompilation it could be for compiling self written server software

but it means compiling another compiler (ocaml) just to include another compiler in the distro

but ocaml compiler could be included in the distro too, but maybe getting too bloated now
dunno about coq
i wish for simple operating system with simple programs
the operating system should be optimized for one hardware only, in this case a thinkpad, it should not be usable on any other computer
though the binaries present alongside the kernel should be usable on any computer (that is same or newer cpu gen) and they all should be static linked

minimal lines of code, high quality source, no bugs
i dont want garbage source full of macros, no checks

i want maximum performance too

ironclad failed me because of https://github.com/streaksu/gcon not compiling at all, but its more like GNU autoconf mistake
i will try building it on other computer that has more corporate stuff on it

i believe ironclad could be good replacement for linux as linux is cancer (linux takes hours to compile while ironclad takes 5 seconds!), missing some stuff but if i get my current desktop on it running it would be good time to port all the other programs that wouldnt compile with compcert, to compcert
then ill make own version of gcon

and one more thing
the only networking programs shall be tor and nc
>Would it be easy to handle multiple cyber sec jobs if I want to be over employed?
Huh? I suppose I can live without mountable ftps. But not without torrents.
you could probably make a torrent script using nc
but the best form of data transfer is physical
it is the fastest and most reliable, there should be people distributing source code and information that way
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no nooo! you dont get it
the state of my computer ram affects reality
it may all be contained in the box but its real

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What if the real problem with your computer is the use off ECC vs. non-ECC? Parity checking, or lack there of may be causing you hallucinate everything you *think* you are experiencing. Swap RAM types and see if you still see this post.
oh hey, i still have not investigated if i can add ecc support via coreboot, since my bga reworked cpu in my thinkpad supports ecc while stock on didnt

soon ill see
i need good one top program to see it all
currently i have
powertop (see power usage)
top (see process list)
watch cat /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal (watch temps)
iftop (seeing network connections, should only be 2 ips belonging to tor guards)
??? (... watch igpu usage? maybe?)

i know theres htop and btop but they seem retarded and dont show power usage i think

also fun fact about powertop, its made by intel and they mount by executing bash, so it didnt work on my distro because theres no /bin/mount LOL
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the only thing I remember about powertop is that is has a command line switch that lets you generate a nice .html file.
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Cyberpunk is NOT dead
Cyberpunk is a way of life. You can wear a transparent raincoat and eat noodles in the rain under the glare of neon lights right now if you want to.

tesla M40 with 24GB vram, optimal for ai stuff?
perhaps 2 for 48GB

this gpu is very cheap, with luck easily $100 for one, enough to run flux and maybe llama 3.1 70b

if i was autistic i would setup dedicated ai box and make it accessible via tor hidden service web page for maximum propaganda generation in this general
apparently its shit >>102193700

anyways back to technology

some anon said that sha2 will be faster than blake3 on older hardware, but this one rips ABSOLUTE GOD MODE


interesting link from the io optimized blake3 repo

should i fully drop rhash for blake3?

i cant decide if its bloat or based for backups (signing rhash -a -r --bsd)
thread about os design, surprisingly share alot of ideas with this retard

i like the idea of always forced default permissions like no filesystem access by default
reminds me of ironclad MAC, which lets you disable network/whatever by default
something like openbsd MAC

but that begs the question if thats even needed if all software installed would be trusted and carefully programmed

could prevent an exploit like after process takeover there wouldnt be much you could do but possibly security bloat halting performance

i hate security, its not real

also thanks for the thread link, wonderful stuff
>They will start banning power tools now
the seeya layta when it topples over is priceless
Could you blow the sensor in those things with laser?
perhaps but it could be hardened against that
only one way to find out is to steal one and test
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Is picrel just the Metaverse but actually good?
Seems like a still image from the Johnny Mnemonic movie. It was good in the sense that it probably impressed people when the movie was launched, but not good in the sense of presenting high density information.
fighter pilots are faced with teh same issue, and often suffer from information overload.
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The Hated One: 'Can you trust Valve? Honest criticism of Steam.'
I look at Johnny Mnemonic and Neuromancer as really having nothing at all do to with computers, but just using them as a vehicle for a fever-dream like noir story.
It's a 90s fantasy internet. Like in Jurassic Park where she navigates the file system by flying a hang glider between buildings representing directories. It means nothing now but they loved it back in the twen-cen
more autistic ideas:
modding usb c port into replicant devices, since they all have micro usb

the charing port *should have* a connector so it should be easy to make own usb c charging board pcb and replace the original one, then epoxy it all

surprisingly the replicant devices could be good portable computers

Freedom and privacy/security issuesGalaxy S 2 (I9100) freedom issues:
Proprietary hardware
Proprietary firmwares, some of which are firmwares loaded by the system
Proprietary modem system
Proprietary bootrom
Proprietary and signed bootloader


replicant devs are fucking badass, they even traced the sim communication and tested cases where it happens


would it be autistic to also cross compile distro bins for android to have same environment on phone?

is it worth bothering with phone and hardening it? (non free firmware, no measured boot like heads)

it is infinitely cheaper than a thinkpad, you can find the old samsung phones for like $5
so i dont know

you can also put nail polish on its screws
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There is a DNR order in place. Our hands are tired.
Based music taste.
>The Hated One: 'Can you trust Valve? Honest criticism of Steam.'
Yes. Easily. I remember the days before Steam. There are things about it I really miss, but Steam is such a good platform, and Volvo makes good games. Also, Gaben is fat and handsome.
People don't want to trust Valve/Steam because it's a "HUGE" company (around 300 people). It's privately owned. And that they're generally more trusted and loved by PC gamers than [Insert Your Favorite Gaming Studio Here].
Before Steam, PC gaming was basically the Seven Seas of Piracy. The fact that Valve took so many of us die-hard pirates, and got us to stop pirating games is incredible. I converted because I bought Counter-Strike: Source for my 16th birthday, and I wanted to play really badly. Valve made me download a software that I didn't want, made me register for an account I didn't want, and kept me loyal for 16 years now. I download Steam first on every new OS I install, sometimes before Firefux.
What do I, as a die hard Valve simp and 4chan's #1 Unpaid Valve Shill hate about the platform? Chromium is a god damn fucking piece of shit, and the client can be the most unresponsive fucking thing ever. I've emailed support, posted on their feature request forums, and tried to get the attention of other people several times to alert them of the fact that the Steam Profiles don't properly scale with different UIs, making some Steam Profile options not work on displays <1920x<1080.
Valve's consumer based. They want my money and they're going to try and get it by being a company I want to support. Anyone who says Valve is wholly untrustworthy is either
>Too deep in the rabbit hole to trust any company, thus based as fuck, but cannot be trusted as they are predisposed to being biased against companies
>Tim fucking Sweeney trying to win his bitch ass lawsuit. Your store doesn't even have a fucking shopping cart Timmy, go design a platform then whine about Steam.

tl;dr valve based.
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We here at Deep /cyb/ Radio AM 404 - International try to bring the widest vsriety of music to our beloved audience. Thank you for being a loyal listener. A free trial subsrciption to Replikka CHIXX will be sent to your home address, compliments of the station. If the music video didn't give you an oompa-loompa vibe on the face if it, you might want to read this deep analysis of the occult meanings in the video:
>Gaben is fat and handsome.
Hey Gaben.
Since we discussed /cyb/ operating systems, and there is a constant interest for processors free from backdoors, I guess Fuzix answers the calls:
Blackstar was album of the year for me.
Dude went out with a stellar explosion.
I would love to make something with a FPGA
Where's the proton and tuta honeypot guy? WHERE!
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I'm here, what do you need?
steam is non free malware and spyware

all information should be free
minetest mindustry

write games dont play them

You know, speaking of games, I recently discovered that the Power Pete source code was released and then remastered. If you want a fun game to play on older laptops, then definitely check this out.
>Valve made me download a software that I didn't want, made me register for an account I didn't want, and kept me loyal for 16 years now
You sound like an abused husband. Thank God my innate brainwashing immunity will let me stay a proud pirate until the day I die.
Fucking post your shit, I missed you pal.
I've posted many times this week:
can you add the weforum proton link to the list?
this is the maximum paranoia fuel https://www.weforum.org/organizations/proton/
((CERN)) ((WEF))
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Will do.
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Without question, Bowie was a great and talented musician.
I really enjoyed his performance and songs in 'The Labyrinth' movie.
I have soo many old laptops that I can't even give away. Most still work, just very, very old.
emacs is my mail client
mail server runs in emacs too
the world is simply another sophisticated lisp interpreter
Impressive. I don't have that level of dedication or care much about email, I just use Riseup.

tepmest shielding the phone?
since its small it would be very easy to experiment on
shielding the cables, inlining the case with shielding
if the mobo would be epoxied no risk of short circuit

since you can basically run linux on it, there could be dev enviroment where you can develop its distro on itself

physical remove bloat (camera, speakers, mic)
also cut off their traces?
maybe figure out how to entirely nuke wifi, bluetooth radio
godmode if modem nuked from board too

can this botnet device be somewhat tamed and be made somewhat based?

it could be harder to implant, ie theres no physical keyboard just touchscreen

if you epoxy and tamper proof screws it should be easy to keep safe and maintain forever since its small and easy to open

1 gig of ram should be ok enough to compile programs with lto on it

RETARDATION: reusing the phone motherboard in a laptop
hacking micro usb to have seamless keyboard attached and bigger display (probably cant do too big, since replicant has no hardware acceleration as gpu drivers are proprietary and not reverse engineered yet)

or alternative small body with flip mechanism and built in physical keyboard, but original format could be ok
No I think the testament to how good Steam's service is, is the fact that I stopped playing Counter-Strike: Source after a year and kept using my Steam. I don't even like CS that much anymore.

>write games
>dont play them
I will never apologize for being a /v/irgin
since some anon said sha256 should be used instead of blake3

sha256sum of 11M kernel
real: 0.135s

b3sum of 11M kernel
real: 0.020s

blake3 is superior to sha2 in every way, its faster and more secure
its time to retire that backdoored garbage
rip the guy that was updating armory links
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Hopefully this is just a techincal issue and not a just™ issue.
He's one of the guys I want to make a special class of Deep /cyb/ Dominator Award for. I feel he needs to be recognized for the kind of diligence and dedication it took to clean that mess up. I better prioritize making an award because if the site is down permanently, he's gonna want to ack himself, and we can't let that happen. The Award will both soften the impact and be the highlight of his day. If he shows up, keep him distracted while I get ready.
>Facebook partner admits smartphone microphones listen to people talk to serve better ads
A lot was saved on archive.is, but still a lot of work may have been lost.
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Do you store your SSN, Driving License No, Bank account details etc. digitally somehow?
Is it sensible to put in a password manager like keepassxc, or store encrypted scans of the documents on your computer?
It's certainly convenient, but if the details get compromised, then it's an irrecoverable loss. Passwords can at least be changed, and they don't directly faciliate identity theft etc.
I checked out the privacy guides link for phones and it says that the google pixel is the best one for security on the market, but is it that good for privacy considering, you know, google?
>Do you store your SSN, Driving License No, Bank account details etc. digitally somehow?
>Is it sensible to put in a password manager like keepassxc, or store encrypted scans of the documents on your computer?
>It's certainly convenient, but if the details get compromised, then it's an irrecoverable loss.
Sounds like you answered your own question.
Honestly, why is getting an AMD coreboot/libreboot station nearly impossible?
You would think that it would be easier considering everything and how popular AMD is for Linux usage.
Wasn't it having issues very frequently? After /lit/ lost their I would have imagined that the TECH board would be wiser.
Removing social media from the smartphone was the best thing I ever did.
BUT the web version of FB, Instagram, WhatsApp are seriously lacking.
I am considering trying to virtualize Android just for that
>inb4 leave social media forever
I can't my family is completely boomer.
That's because Graphene.
Honestly since 8 they are not a good investment. They have lots of bullshit going on.
But Graphene sure applies as many patches as possible to try to neuter Google.
Bro, they fucked up badly.
Those were Fandom wikis, and people pulled the contents from there over to the Installgentoo wiki.
Industrial esponage is both /cyb/ /sec/ and /re/, and the figures are impressive, and yet...
=== /cyb/ News:
>Huawei’s bug-ridden software hampers China’s efforts to replace Nvidia in AI
>But multiple industry insiders, including an AI engineer at a partner company, said the chips still lagged far behind Nvidia’s for the initial training of models. They blamed stability issues, slower inter-chip connectivity and inferior software developed by Huawei called Cann.
>Huawei can leverage a huge workforce to accelerate the shift. According to the company, more than 50 per cent of its 207,000 employees work in research and development, including the engineers dispatched to install technology for customers.
And how many percent work in esponage and reverse engineering?

graphene has 200mb of binary blobs, avoid modern android


dont spend more than 10 dollars on it

alternatively use no phone, only libreboot x200

yes, apparently its ran by someone who doesnt exist >>102216504
I am filthy corpo rat. How do I become a proper punk? I am willing to cyber.
(forgot to mention)
replicant is the only android distro that makes no unsolicited connections

no updates no pings
replicant devs care about privacy
Damn it doesn't sound like Samsung will be getting it anytime soon.
>alternatively use no phone, only libreboot x200
Would but new circumstances brings me to needing one and a modern one at that.
More like never, Graphene is Pixel exclusive.
Many of the patches are used in DivestOS and CalyxOS but the device support list is patchy also.
>alternatively use no phone, only libreboot x200
May as well try the Pinephone, although that probably will have blobs too.
pinephone is botnet
only replicant is valid literally see the post >>102218440

no phone > hardened replicant > rest of botnet
>bunch of academics buzzwords
use replicant
and stop browsing tranny websites

>Deblobbed: Yes, significantly
Replicant will eventually not be a viable solution.
I can't even find most of those models reselling around me. Imagine finding parts in a couple of years.
I accidentally clicked on some full screen "your PC is infected" popup on a porn site. Immediately closed it and didn't download anything.
Should I be worried?
Running the latest ungoogled chromium.
look up i9100 on ebay, literally hundres of listings for the phone and its parts
stop making up bullshit google shill

stop watching porn
use on ai gen or bumper images for more soul and less slop
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I fear that >>102209850 maybe right and we lost Armoy Anon's work to the cruelties of the digital ocean.
Armory Anon worked hard on getting those links cleaned up for the benefit of the thread, only to have
that work go up in flames and lost at sea just weeks after it's completion. He was devoted to the betterment
of The Three Barrels General, studying ptogramming, himself, if I recall correctly. It is with both joy and sorrow
that I present him with this special category Deep /cyb/ Radio award for Meritorious Service, posthumously.
> bumper images for more soul
This is in the works, and began here >>102189875. You will be seeing more original photography taken with vintage digital cameras like this Mavica FD91
and a CyberShot DSC-F505V, both of which are my possesion, and botnet free.
Once the images have been taken, I will further "glitch" them using several Android apps aquired for this purpose.
Based, and saved.
shit i wanted good camera for long time
would only be used for taking pictures of nail polish though i could make some autism with it too

i might get this

but if you know something more based and easy to find i will instantly get for street cred (camera itself will be tamper proofd too)

also interested in custom firmware images

there is possibility that armory anon has copy of installgentoo wiki repo, hopefully
i little bit of hardware passthrough and the inspera browser (a computer lockdown software for exams) cant recognize a vm anymore
I thought the VirtIO drivers would give me trouble, but nope
its probably pasted garbage, you could probably patch the binary itself to mute all checks

also check this out
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That's a really nice image in your link. I have a special appreciation for cameras that can handle low-light situations.
cool project, will try to run it later.
I dont want to mess too much with it though, wouldnt a checksum be able to flag it?
Like you said they probably do the bare minimum, but if anyone comes crying I can plausibly say the software said it was ok
>wouldnt a checksum be able to flag it?
then you patch the checksum function

but dont bother hacking the binary
i suggested it as interesting thing to try, bypass all the gay checks and win dominator award

you can find ida pro crack on desuarchive

webm version >>>/wsg/5669464
as slightly related thing, currently downloading all /cyb/ threads from desuarchive

and theres irc link in older ones, what goes in there in 2024?
How many boxes of Ramen noodles do I have to eat to qualify?
my brain has permanent psychological damage from viewing too much ai slop

i thought the robot arm was not real, now i cant believe you own one
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He has a twin sister, too. If you look real hard, you can see he's smiling at you.
the cameras make wonderful pics, they look like higher quality first camera i had

when i look at your robot arm i see my childhood pics on childhood laptop

anyways need answers >>102221306
also the download all /cyb/ script is almost done, infact it will work for any general so you can download /tpg/ and other useful info ones too

assuming you dont save /cyb/ thread posts and images this could be useful for you
it rapes desuarchive with requests so any new thread archive should be done directly on 4chan
while i tried replicant and liked it, even the devs said it will soon become unusable because of 3G towers being shut down or something, they have a blogpost about it.
2G still works because 2G is used in critical infrastructure so it will be supported for like the next decade

3G is still in EU
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Couldn't tell ya 'bout >>102221306. No idea.
Looking forward to seeing what recipie you come up with next, though.
Picrel is a TP240x. Sadly, the LCD is literally deteriorating, but it still works.
BIOS date: 12/21/1999
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Oldfags, halp!

So my question is. How did they gain access to your PC?
Do you own a pair of mirror shades?
They don't actually have access. They just guessed your email password. From knowing you, it's obvious.
>2G still works
oof lol
>3G is still in EU
They're being phased out.
it will be phased out in 2030, plenty of time
2G is fine for calling and text, dunno about data
loaded wikipedia once and it was instant so dunno

god fucking damn thats a good machine
install openbsd with fvwm and you might be able to post here from it LOL

i was thinking of getting https://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:S30 and porting coreboot to it and using it for my linux distro
but i think that might be too far, no reason to change current computing devices

the scraping script is almost done, its 100% ai slop but its failing at properly parsing greentext and plaintext elements so i will fix manually

someone could train llama with /cyb/ posts and we could have /cyb/ simulator
Well, it's a long and involved story but you're in luck as they gave me the full run down.
A shadowy consortium of thousands of professional hackers that makes anonymous look like "school boys", and that is organized into three divisions targeting certain groups - political, corporate and masturbators, requires around $1.2K in BTC to fund global secops so they've assigned an agent to infiltrate my devices over the past two months using compromised pop-ups, thereby releasing a worm into my devices that will even survive a reset to factory firmware. It's all quite real and extant, I mean that pw is one of mine so the story is plausible.
OK I'm resting easy now, thanks.
I will try and stop calling everyone quadnigger all the time so that password stays under wraps.
>it will be phased out in 2030, plenty of time
From my friends in the EU, they say it varies by region. Even best estimate of 2030 isn't too far off.
>2G is fine for calling and text, dunno about data
Why would anyone use calling and text in 2024? It's the least private option of any mode of communication and text isn't even encrypted. Might as well send all your data directly to the NSA and MI6.
Is that really your password? My fucking mother can come up with a more secure password than that.
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think you can delete me?
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its not possible
You mean like triplenigger?
That's not actually 3x more secure but I like where your mom's mind is at.
But would she really put <space><colon><right parenthesis> at the end? I doubt it.
I also don't think the password was brute forced. These people are way smarter than that by the sound of their intro.
Chances are your email address and password has appeared in a database leak somewhere. Do you happen to use the same password everywhere?
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>>102223804 >>102223868 >>102223142 >>102221306


requires https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl
for ./gallery-dl.bin

the script searches for all threads with /cyb/ on desuarchive, then goes through all pages and gathers all thread links

it scrapes every image and post from every thread

makes directory per thread:

original html is kept incase we want to reparse, current posts are kept in toml file (TODO) python script to validate toml format, and convert toml to json and to other format for example ai training

CURRENT DANGERS: low quality bash parsing, someone could break it and maybe hack you, run in virtual machine to be safe

someone please run overnight and download al l past /cyb/ threads and tarball them up

What is the best pixel to use with grapheneos?
There is a tracker embedded in the PDF that lets them know you have opened the document. Monitor your outgoing packets and you might find their IP address (probably a proxy).
6 or 7 for cost, 8 for support life and 9 for wanting to spend money necessarily.
Turn the Google shit off (if it's carrier locked, which in the US they are). I did and the battery went from lasting one day to three. Bonus for killing location services (esp. wifi scanning and 'google location services).

Your phone will spaz, but it's better than being utterly arseraped by Sergey Brin's spindly cock.
If you can put the resulting files on catbox.moe, others could keep local storage. Perhaps valis.moe would also be a site for storage.
the Installgentoo Wiki is still down, I have a really bad feeling here.
What /sec/ think about a black hat "job"?
What's the oldest and the newest CPU gen you guys have core booted?
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Nice work, fren. If your bucking for another award, you'll need to work out the bugs and build a nice interactive TGUI in ncurses or similar, because I know you can. If you do this, your next award so incredibly amazing, you will hardly be able to contain your simulated emotions & you'll be able to level out that wobbly chair I know you have in your kitchen.
I'm reasonably sure VALIS would be happy to host, but someone would need to contact him and work out the particulars at vvn(dot)moe. Tell him Deep /cyb/ Radio AM 404 - International sent you and receive a free jar of Replikka® brand Honey Flavored Epoxy for your RAM & ROM. Picrelated.
Matt Brown - Wireshark Basics for IoT Hacking
Deep /cyb/ Radio: "Just doin' nothin'."
coreboot is dependent on the chipset, not the CPU
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What's the /g/ recommended way to remove personal information from people search sites? I know you can contact them directly but fuck tracking down every site. There are services that I see advertised that will take care of this for you, but I am skeptical about them the same way I am skeptical about other snakeoil cybersec products like NordVPN.
100% scam, they only do the low-hanging fruit and then charge you a boatload of money each month. Spend a few hours on the weekend and do it yourself for free:
Very useful info. Based and thank you.
Cyber security is a meme job. It's a subset of skills for a network engineer. simple as.
>It's a subset of skills
That is the definition of a Specialist, anon.
Technically everyone that works with computers is a programer as they program the digital and logical parts of OS, network, databases and etc
Any of you ever want to get a tryhackme group or something together?
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>nice interactive TGUI in ncurses or similar
you can use lynx on original.html and it will serve that purpose
and also we have FUCKEN GODS TEMPLE

the rawer format was for ai training or for smaller compressed archive
something like this should be done, instead of spamming /pol/ we just make freetard schizo ai
llama instead of gpt
that is if anyone here actually owns a gpu (i dont)

the script works fine, only bottleneck is downloading images because desuarchive ratelimits you after while so i had to add --sleep 5 to gallery-dl

but you can comment that out and only download posts for fast archive, then lazy download all images after

i would say first download everything then train ai then we improve script (bash is only for experimental stage)

i poweroff all my computers when i walk away from keyboard, so someone else please run overnight if you have less to lose

i can sacrifice myself if no one in the end will be willing to do so

also ye i made this because of installgentoo nuke
there is 100% chance that 4chan and desuarchive will be nuked and everyone will be erased from history

GODMODE will be printing screenshots of every /cyb/ thread onto paper and burning tarlz archives on cds
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I meant a TGUI for the script itself. It asks questions like "How many barrels does it take to keep a /cyb/ thread afloat?" An incorrect answer deletes the file system. Another question could be "What is /cyb/'s favoite ethereal radio station?" An incorrect answer prints an ANSI/ASCII banner of Deep /cyb/ Radio's logo, then reboots the computer. For not understanding from the beginning that I meant a TGUI for the script, you must now add 16-colors to the TGUI. Your award awaits.
uhm the script is meant to automatically download stuff in the background
its not meant to randomly jumpscare you with a quiz

maybe separate program, maybe something that runs at boots to slow down LEA breaking into your computer

i would rather have /cyb/ ai first
everyones consiousness can be forever saved in 100% public domain dataset archived on paper

My new security policy is to use no hardware or software from Chinese companies because I reckon they're all spying on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party

Ideally I'd like to do business with China, but I think the CCP just hates us in the West and will use any means to mess with us
good goy, use intelaviv hardware only
Some interesting GUI over here: >>102223013
After 50+ years of GUI (and email for that matter) we are still far, far away from something that really satisfies.
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The "security" questions are intended to authenticate /cyb/+/sec/ & #TEAM-042 members and prevent unauthorised use, uh, somehow... You're the brains of this outfit, I'll let you figure it out.
I tried running KolibriOS on the ToiletPad 240x and a 560z, both refuse to load. Feels bad, man. I had hopes for Kolibri.
Intel CPUs are trusted by the world's most important businesses

Huawei devices aren't
Also, if Intel has connections to Israel or Jews, I don't care, because ethnicity is not important to me

Also, Intel CPUs aren't the only ones I'd use. I'd also use AMD, and also Arm chips from companies like Apple, Samsung, Qualcomm, Broadcom, MediaTek, etc.
>Intel CPUs are trusted by the world's most important businesses
The biggest reason to not trust them.
>I don't care, because ethnicity is not important to me
israel has biggest intelligence industry

>I'd also use AMD, and also Arm chips from companies like Apple, Samsung, Qualcomm, Broadcom, MediaTek, etc.

>Intel CPUs are trusted by the world's most important businesses
and that is why NSA asked for them without ME

maybe for next script
i would write it in c rather than bash
and it could have reverse engineering challenge included inside, you either answer or find way to bypass

also post all the vram you have
dont waste time its time to train ai
this message has been sponsored by EU police
It would be safest with open source softcore processors in a FPGA with the JTAG bus disconnected. The processor should not be speculative, perhaps not evene out of order.
It would be a lot slower, but use even less power, be smaller, and have a farsmaller attack surface than the complexity wrecks we are saddled with today.
then run seL4

anyways atleast for now ill idle download every /cyb/ post ever
ill notify about filesize of everything
then ill dl images as last thing because that will take longest time
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Which book pairs with this one?
then ill make python script to generate generic stats like
total posts
average post length

then hopefully someone will volunteer to train ai with it, /cyb/ ai is not needed at all but i think the results could be fun

sorry if nuking thread with ai shit, main purpose is archive
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This one. Not kidding.
all threads have been saved

file thread_* | wc -l

happy /cyb/ edition #650

du -sh .
393M .

parsed posts + original html
# Posts from thread 57506249

id = "57506266"
timestamp = "2016-11-14T03:32:45+00:00"
content = """
Sheeeeeit, forgot to put the Install Gentoo wiki page under \"dead links\". Sorry.
filename = ""
replies = []
author = "FoxyPastey"
# Posts from thread 57531808

id = "57531826"
timestamp = "2016-11-16T00:30:43+00:00"
content = """
>The TOX and IRC groups appear to be dead, as of now.
>Are new ones in order?
I'm not sure where you're getting this idea from...

#/g/punk on Rizon has over 100 users, and is usually active.
filename = ""
replies = []
author = "Anonymous"

ok im having too much fun reading through old threads, its easier to go through them since its not on webpage that has to load, to anyone reading this please run >>102224079

it doesnt take that long to download all posts (if you comment out image download function)
downloading images 2 threads out of 650 fully downloaded, currently weighing at 60M

30M * 650
estimating about 20 gigs for full image dump
What you plan on doing to it?
I was here before cyb and sec merged. Kinda miss those times.
well the main goal is to archive it, spread it to bunch of people who can keep it saved forever in the case of desuarchive and 4chan catching on fire

fun stuff:
train ai with it for retard simulator >>102231519
print it on paper for legendary status

thats all the ideas i have
i will save /tpg/ after this because there are tons of awesome pics there
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fastest /cyb/ knowledge search engine also known as filename
A black hat job is any job a black hat wearing person does
Yeah what's up with the Install Gentoo wiki being gone lately?
i think i know who wrote that post
anyway theres some points that are incorrect
we have been able to get a hold of bfish, but he has repeatedly refused to allow anybody, even those experienced and that were around at the beginning, to take over installgentoo. 2-3 people have his contact details. he has been uncontactable to the rest of us since about 2017 aside from a spate of posting a few months after the majority of us moved to discord in 2018 (with promises to keep the wiki and ftp up for the foreseeable).
in 2022 he let the domain expire for a few days, but he eventually paid the bill and the wiki was restored.
the gitlab instance has been at installgentoo.com since early this year (jan-feb afaik)
"ig volunteers" (ie me + the person i suspect posted that plus random anons) have been doing no more than cleaning up the spam periodically. nobody has any ability to do more. bfish himself had been updating the software.
the wiki went offline not earlier than last week.

i had a script keeping weekly full text backups of the wiki but since march 2023 its been spitting out empty archives. since the domain was renewed in september '22 i hadn't been paying any attention to it.

i think the most likely thing is that the db engine fell over rather than any malice on bfish's part. i blame the spammers, i was a bit more vocal in my distaste for indonesians when removing some of the spam.
nobody gave a fuck about ig.com besides the wiki and maybe ftp, hence people only noticing now.

if anyone has a more recent backup than the one from sep 23 on archive.org please drop by the discord or irc (#wiki on irc.installgentoo.com). i'll put my bouncer back up. if you just want to talk resolution thats fine too.
in the meantime i'll put up a new wiki and maybe host some other services as well.
>i think the most likely thing is that the db engine fell over
would that kill the gitlab repos too?

i was considering to archive installgentoo wiki by git cloning it but put it on hold BIG MISTAKE


>i'll put up a new wiki and maybe host some other services as well.
hey that was my plan
post hardware and more plans
Im pretty deep down the rabbit hole so the last place i expect to learn something new is from linus, is https://ente.io/auth/ actually good for 2FA? I despite having to use Aegis on my phone only, I want something thats on both linux and windows PC which they apparently support even without an account. Did anyone use it? Does it work well? Is it trustworthy and secure most importantly? Apparently its FOSS
aegis on phone
keepassxc on pc
dont use networked stuff
Apparently the cloud sync is optional, you can skip signup and run local only.
I sadly use bitwarden still because keepass has total dogshit autofill last i tried it, and im not gonna pay for bitwarden to handle 2FA.
i dont think there were any publically available repos on that gitlab instance.

>archive installgentoo wiki by git cloning it
you cant do that
>post hardware and more plans
given ig has been entirely running on a single hetzner server for the last ten years, you dont need much.
i dont have other plans besides hopefully convincing bfish to hand over the domain
are there any anonymous domain providers?
or even better can anyone tell my if keepassxc browser autofilling works properly already? Like does it just pop up and work properly like bitwarden and proton when you wanna sign in or it still never works and you need to copy paste or do the autotype and shit like that.
>you cant do that
god damnit, when i saw the git instance i thought thats where all the changes were saved

>hopefully convincing bfish to hand over the domain
hmm i dont know if he should give that up


keepassxc has totp generator, so you can use it as 2fa app on pc
Sure but id also like to use it for passwords but the browser autofill sucks ass, also some will argue for separation of the two which would give a reason to use ente, but sure ill use keepass if they fixed the autofill.
i have never used the autofill, just stay logged in
Okay ive just tried it again and its literally completely non functional even worse than last time. How is it still this bad, you'd imagine this would be high up on the priority list, so there are basically no usable offline password manager its ridiculous.
Bitwarden is okay but have to open extension from toolbar and wait seconds for it to load. Proton Pass by far the best, always detects login field and pops up with the list immediately.
>hmm i dont know if he should give that up
given it points to his gitlab instance and a nonfunctional wiki, i disagree
image progress so far 500M still going, only few threads in
the collection is glorious so far
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tell me how this isnt the best search engine
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How to completely remove yourself from search engines and the internet? I have requested the removal of some cached social media accounts I deleted but there's still a couple of scientific papers I have published and some posts I made on a public mailing list like with my real name like a dumbass. I guess the former can't be deleted in any satisfactory way, but what about the latter?
you dont
all information will be free
nothing you can do to stop it
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happy 100k posts!
you can use the following script to generate fun stats about posts.toml in every thread


you can also use it as a base for woking with the dataset, some files fail to parse because of desuarchive ghost posts id "1234,1" so gotta fix that but other than that, works

the list of all unique names is fun to go through
Deep /cyb/ Dilator 4000
larping faggot
Deep MuthaFuckin /cyb/ Radio AM 404 - Inter-fuckin-national

full username list is 5k characters long so cant post here, would rentry but just run it yourself
Years ago, one anon ("compiler anon") wanted to compile all news posted here. That is the historical reason for the format of "=== /cyb News". We haven't heard from him, but perhaps the script could be used to do that job?
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fuck yeah we can do that we have god on our side

import toml
import glob
import re

def search_content_in_toml_files(pattern):
search_pattern = re.compile(r'== *\n*') # Compile the regex pattern

# Find all files matching the pattern
for file_path in glob.glob(pattern):
# Load the TOML file
data = toml.load(file_path)

# Loop through each element in the parsed data
for key, value in data.items():
if isinstance(value, dict) and 'content' in value:
content = value['content']
if isinstance(content, str):
# Check if content matches the search pattern
if search_pattern.search(content):
print(f"Match found in {file_path} for key '{key}':\n{content}\n")

except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"Error: The file '{file_path}' was not found.")
except toml.TomlDecodeError as e:
print(f"Error decoding TOML in '{file_path}': {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Specify the pattern to match TOML files
toml_file_pattern = '*/posts.toml'

# Search for the content in the specified TOML files
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new ai slop is on the menu
will soul or slop win?
vote for your fav team!

Good job, anon.
When you feel like there is nothing more to be added we can add to the the OP pasta for future generations.
I am fundamentally against generative AI, but I understand its use for non-comercial ends.
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Fewer things are more beautiful than the warm glow of flaming barrels against dusk's last light above the ocean.
Can't find the english menu on you link, tho... 8(
I love both teams, tho (slop+sovl?)..... GO #TEAM/CYB/!!!
>https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/fake-onlyfans-cybercrime-tool-infects-hackers-with-malware/ <-----------LOL coomer hackers
Tons of the pasta refers to the Installgentoo WIki, which now seems to be gone. Even the pasta was saved on that Wiki.
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Musical page 10 bump.
i've had a thinkpad t480 for a while now, and i've been meaning to castrate the intel management engine on it, but i'm not sure how exactly to do it and what precautions i should take to prevent bricking my thinkpad. i already have a raspberry pi 4b and the 8 pin clip to flash it
also i have two other devices with amd processors, is it possible to disable the amd platform security processor for maximum protection against glowies?
>Can't find the english menu on you link, tho... 8(
its chinese ai, not english
i found it from /pol/, apparently its not that censored and you can make pretty much anything

sure, some said it should go on valis.moe archive
i am still downloading all images, turned off computer when i went to sleep

get an x230 or x200 and heads/libreboot it
t480 has jewguard so im not sure if me_cleaner will work on it

>is it possible to disable the amd platform security processor
use pre bulldozer amd cpus
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my college uses magstripe student IDs (as do probably most schools). i wanted to see if i could make a copy of my ID so i could give it to a friend and they could go to the gym.
it worked, and it turns out that the information on the magstripe is just our "ID number", and a counter.
for example, if your ID number (assume it's like your SSN, just a number associated with you) is 5551234. the first ID you got would have the code 55512341 on the magstripe.
if you lost that ID and got another, the new ID would be 55512342.

i found some guy's ID in the parking lot a couple months ago and incremented the counter by one, and it worked.

this ID also gets you into dorms, it gets you into locked classrooms. if you have a mealplan, you swipe your ID. you can load cash on it to spend at restaurants on campus, or on parking, or printing, etc.

i've considered disclosing this to someone, because all you need is a photo of the number on someone's ID and you can do all this shit. but, i'm currently exploiting it to let my friends get into the gym.

do i just keep my mouth shut and let it be someone else's problem?
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>let it be someone else's problem?
Enjoy the perks, don't share how-to with other students, and hope one of them doesn't rat you out if they get caught, and are pressured to reveal source- (you).
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i love war sailing
I was going to ask this in the stupid questions thread, but then I realized I might be a genius, maybe?

Why did no one ever try this kind of encryption?
>Take whatever document you want to "encrypt"
>Convert the binary value to a string decimal number
>Use AI to generate a novel which uses all the digits of the decimal number string (like if you remove all the characters except the digits, you get the decimal number in string again).

Sure, you can't use this to transfer secret messages that you don't want the enemy to read, but imagine sharing pirated media like this. It should make you basically immunized versus legal repercussions. How can they prove that the 10 gigabyte novel that you sent to your friend is actually a pirated episode of an anime? Just because you can turn the novel into an anime episode by using some strange algorithm doesn't prove intent. You wanted to share the novel with your friend. Line ends there.
A sign of dystopia?
=== /cyb/ News:
>‘Right to Repair for Your Body’: The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine
>Laufer is the chief spokesperson of Four Thieves Vinegar Collective, an anarchist collective that has spent the last few years teaching people how to make DIY versions of expensive pharmaceuticals at a tiny fraction of the cost. Four Thieves Vinegar Collective call what they do “right to repair for your body.”
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Neat, but inefficient. War Parkouring is bet done with a specially designed & modified version of vid related:
This flexible antenna, once tuned to the desired freqs can be built into a backpack, or sewn into a jacket, and it's leads can be routed with 'belt loops' to a chest harness carrying your favorite sniffing hardware. This will free your arms for those critical dank parkour moves, and allow you to run from spooks and other fun-hating type fags. Peak /cyb/erpunk. Bonus for wearing flexible LED glow strips with a #TEAM-042 pattern/logo.

I'm very close to wanting to make a physical model of a sub like this. I've made 50 so far, and each one is beautiful. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since I made the first sub. I have all the woodworking tools and scraps I need to meme this sub into meatspace.
There's only one way to find out.
reuse the flux prompt on the chink video ai, i need to see it float

thats honestly awesome
so theres this screen mod for thinkpad x230 that dataline taps docking port to add edp connector, so you can use fhd screen instead of 1366x768

the brightness control is done via another dataline tap that gives you usb hid, you send data to it from os and adapts brightness


now imagine adding some lora or sdr board inside your thinkpad, and communicating with it seamlessly via dataline tap

now combine that with /cyb/ belt antenna, completely invisible and powerful setup
look at Extra wireless cards

lora wouldnt be for sniffing, it would give you anti internet botnet communications

im not sure if something like hackrf could fit in spare space inside x230

dataline taps because then you dont need anything plugged into outside ports, everything hidden inside

its grey man time
No, it's becoming cyberjeet
If you're going to be working in a large organization or the government, then kind of. Otherwise, no.
>chink video ai
Too much work-- I must PHYSICALLY BUILD The S.S. Bareru! /cyb/+/sec/'s ONLY Deep Thread Submerible!
Just LOOK at how BEAUTIFUL this thing is!!!
I will photographically document it's construction, and publish in /CYB/LOID/.
I have watched 3 videos on barrel making since my last post. A barrel maker is called a "Cooper" and there are formulas for cutting the slats which are called, 'Staves'. Since The S.S.Bareru will be a scale model, I will build it from Balsa, which is really easy to work with, and malleable. LEDs will adorn it inside and out, and it will have a RPi2 model B inside. As it's chief science officer, (you) will write it's software. VK anon will be it's Ensign, and I- I will be her Captain. Captain Cooper! It will be featured in the /cyb/+/sub/ comic panel's I've been making.
*THIS* will be my Magnum Opus for this thread.
i wonder if the windows could have a screen, showing laughing man rotating text around it

put this sticker on it, or atleast replica of it if you have sticker printer
also put ibm sticker on it
and the /g/ certified toaster sticker

it doesnt have to be stickers themselves, just somehow reference them
imagine something like if /g/ made the iphone

dedicated thinkpad holder
dedicated yagi and beltenna holder
dedicated self destruct button
somehow reference a killswitch
rot13 encrpyted text on the barrel

dumb idea dump
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I will build some mockups with cardboard, and already found some 'portal windows' that measure just under 1.5" diameter, in two colors, clear red & blue. It will be easy to print characters on paper and put them inside, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. I'll gather some preliminary materials and post over the weekend. I am overhauling two PCs at the moment so I can more color-accurately make memes (just got a new monitor because my eyes are shit). No stickers, No /g/ memes- this will be /oursub/- all original. You, & VK anon, and the rest of the thread will help shape it's creation.
if no /g/ memes then i dont have any other ideas than barrels

one window laughing man second window scraper logs
like the small display moving text video you posted before, just in the windows

if thats a good idea
This will grow organically, just like #TEAM-042, & Deep /cyb/ Radio. Watch.
Trust me, fren. It will happen. My autistic track record speaks for itself, just as your technical prowess speaks for you.
I'm glad we're on this therapy session submarine together.

>Verification not required.
as seen on /cyb/
https://igwiki.lyci.de/ - replacement for wiki
the backup is a year old unfortunately.

i'd appreciate it if any anons could help with updating active pages to more recent copies. wayback machine saved many, but converting them to wikitext markup isnt simple
>but converting them to wikitext markup isnt simple
behold with superior llama prompting all manual labor is gone >>102240793

give me what you need to do and ill make conversion script in a bit
i really wish i archived the wiki before nuke
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Fortunately for us, /oursub/ can dive to page 10 where we are unreachable.
Based Llama Anon whisperering sweet nothings into his keyboard with his fingers. Good work. I knew I recruited the right guy to be Chief Science Ossifer aboard the S.S.Bareru.

I also e-mailed VALIS to let him know about your script, so hopefully he'll chime in at some point with his thoughts.
Seems like everyone and their mother wants to be a red teamer, but I find the blue team more interesting. How do I get better at defending my shit?

submarines arent meant to transmit, without coreboot the botnet is gonna get us killed
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It follows that if you want to get better at defence, you'd want to fully understand how your enemies attacks. Look at RT tactics from a BT POV.
I'm 100% sure you'd prefer to write your own bootloader for an ESP32 in C. Also, if we need to transmit, we'd use a literal LFO binary acustic transponder when we're deeper than page 6. If we've got no comms, and we're in a SHTF scenario, we have to call for help (#TEAM-042 members only, of course.) Anyway, Miss Cuddlepuff wants to come with us, so we need the room.

With every new iteration of this /sub/, I get new ideas for construction & prototyping.
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an site you used with that email and password was breached somewhere, check have I been pwned, you should use unique passwords, and emails.

the email is fake scareware.
Why is it when I search up anything about microsoft on duckduckgo only microsoft links come up? I thought duckduckgo is not biased and private, does it have an agreement with microsoft? Wtf.
Which link tells me everything about cookies and the types of cookies. I want to know if theres such a thing as secret cookies since on my phone almost all my apps are downloaded and installed by apk yet somehow they know my preferences even after I unistall them once I'm finished using them and then come back and install them again. How tf is this possible?
uninstalling the apk doesnt remove its artifacts from filesystem

if you are on android just make new temp profile and delete the profile when done
shit should have mentioned
epoxy seal the sub against any leaks
valis.moe like archive but gnunet?

more stuff

previous idea was sftp as tor hidden service but tor is slow and cia botnet

>Game Archive - IPFS Edition
so others seem to have ipfs web ui with torrents, so maximum archival is done
basically gets everyone to seed and store forever
some more considerations:
archiving jewtubers eceleb cancer, since jewtube will be one of the first websites to start gatekeeping videos soon

if jewtube still supports rss then you can have fully automated archiver
rss -> yt-dlp (yt-dlp binary itself auto updated via github releases rss)

good channels to archive?
is luke smith /cyb/?
is mental outlaw /pri/ + /sec/?
rtp tech tips, techbore
link all the good ones

actually mental outlaw had alot of videos that he deleted, i believe they are full lost now (his earliest ones)
i have witnessed their reuploads disappear
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first to decipher the sign wins 1 boku
"The pleasure of being cummed inside"
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The twenty-teens were so much fun
>epoxy seal the sub against any leaks
Didn't turn out well for the Titan.
*shoots u to dead*
we will use special replikka epoxy
I guess most heer suspected this all along.
=== /cyb/ News:
>In Leak, Facebook Partner Brags About Listening to Your Phone’s Microphone to Serve Ads for Stuff You Mention
>In a pitch deck to prospective customers, one of Facebook's alleged marketing partners explained how it listens to users' smartphone microphones and advertises to them accordingly.
>In the same slideshow, CMG counted Facebook, Google, and Amazon as clients, though it didn't specify whether they were involved in the "Active Listening" service. After 404 reached out to Google about its partnership, the tech giant removed the media group from the site for its "Partners Program."
>"We know what you're thinking. Is this even legal?" a since-deleted Cox blog post from November 2023 noted. "It is legal for phones and devices to listen to you. When a new app download or update prompts consumers with a multi-page term of use agreement somewhere in the fine print, Active Listening is often included."
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That's right, frens. With genuine Replikka® brand Honey Flavored Epoxy™, /oursub/ can basically park at the bottom of page 10 without fear of implosion and when she springs a leak we can rest assured that our electronics will be safe from water damage.
>schizos were right again
new >>102257289
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Secure quarters, seal the hatch and prepare to dive...
>I eat real meat because it's tasty
eating meat is evil go vegan
A cow killed my family and I have sworn revenge on them all.

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