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old >>102161915
why do some (((anons))) hate foxes so much?
They piss and shit everywhere, tear things up, eat your live-stock, ect.
i have an i3 7350k i got for a dollar, shown working fine with a 5.2ghz OC
what board do i get for this?
i have no practical uses, i just want to see how fast i can get a kaby lake dual core to go on water
i didnt really do anything with z270 so im not sure what boards are any good for overclocking
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if you're nice to them they won't tear shit up or eat your live stock
>They piss and shit everywhere
you keep foxes inside your house? Let them run free in the woods
I've seen a fox shit once
My dogs and cats freak out at the fox next door, it keeps trying to eat them
but I do have a >>/sqt/ does anyone know the name for a device I can use that acts as a WiFi adapter with Ethernet for output? Sometime when playing around my devices WiFi chip is not recognized, I would like a simple solution to having to walk over to the router.
nothing to ask about. just wanna say im glad i did a career shift to tech
They also kill cats & (smaller) dogs
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Aren’t distros that use systemd essentially the same?
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outdoor cats are bastards.
I got a stupid question. Is it worth to go to school at 40 for a CS degree?
Nah, there's loads of differences regarding packaging.
And honestly, why I'd pick Gentoo OpenRC over Gentoo systemd for example? OpenRC just looks like sysV's ugly cousin.
Nooo bloody basterd don't take panjeet job
I want to host a database on my raspberry pi but I want an azure cloud web app I made to get data from it.
Do I need an cloud vpn?
Every where I look everyone suggests cloud vpn.
Isn't a regular db connection itself already secured?
I don't want to pay for a vpn and I don't get what extra protection it provides

I also saw some azure iot thing but I really don't understand it.
I am just using the pi as a server. This isn't an iot project

Very new to cloud so hoping for budget options too.
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No idea
They're probably talking about using something like OpenVPN to connect to your home network on-the-go
That fox probably has rabies :(
symthoms of rabies include unusually high levels of aggression, that fox doesn't look aggressive, just silly.
Compare their dead stares
Video games question

When a gamr is said to be 30fps, that isnt just the framerate of the video that occurs on screen but how the entire game and software actually runs, particularly involing input right?

For input, more specifically button mashing, at 30 FPS is it correct to say that you can get a max of 15 inputs per second, reasoning that you need a frame of button press between two frames of no input to count as a registered input, i.e. need alternating frames of press and no press (because 2 or more consecutive frames of input would register as one long press or hold)?

Or could you do mutiple input per frame if you were fast enough? If the game ran at 1 frame per 5 seconds and you pressed the button 10 times per real life second how many would be registered?

Whatever the answers to the above may be, is there ANY reason it would be different on a PC port or emulation vs the original on, say, PS1?
Is there a lightweight Linux geared music player that displays album art? Also where is the best place to start when learning basic programming?
What's your goal?
You're right Rajesh. What was I thinking.
>that isnt just the framerate of the video that occurs on screen but how the entire game and software actually runs
Ancient games, and some modern console games worked like this which is why they run way too fast on modern computers and need weird hacks to play.
In most modern games, the graphics, input etc are all running on different threads that can be out of sync if something lags. In general, tying anything to graphical framerate is considered a fuckup now, because it's variable and you don't know the target system's specs for PC games, it could be running on anything. When people to this is causes ludicrously bad bugs.
Audacious. Python. Just read the manual. You don't need a fucking book.
Its a long story, but basically in Final Fantasy 8 there is a short minigame where you have to turn a valve as part of story progression. You have to mash square for 10 seconds (actually 7 because the last 3 seconds dont count).
First the protagonist tries it himself, if you fail a party member joins and its a bit easier, and if you fail the other member joins and its even easier.

Apparently you need 100 presses to do it alone, then 40 or 50 the second time, then even fewer the 3rd time.

A few speedrunners claim to do it alone, but all of them are on original PS1. There is no evidence of anyone doing it on pc either steam or emulation, and is generally considered impossible on PC. I cant think of any reason technically why it would be possible on original ps1 but not pc.

To get 100 presses in 7 seconds requires like 15 presses per second, ie the theorhetical max at 30 fps (which is why I asked the first part of the question). Thats like 900BPM which is unreal.

Using turbo set to press every 2 frames on pc beats it (proving that it IS technically possible, and the idea of 15 per second), but even turbo fails when set to 1 press every frame or every 3+ frames. I dont see why this techincal aspect of input and framerate would differ on PS1.

I think the speedrunners who claim to do it without turbo are possibly lying frauds to be honest. Youd need perfect 15 presses every other frame for 7 seconds straight which is so precise for a human.
Thank you !
Are samsung and sandisk the only 2 non chinese chink brands left for microsd cards?
what is THE way to use facebook on android? back then it was using frost, but it died I think
>at 30 FPS is it correct to say that you can get a max of 15 inputs per second
Press and release are separate events, so input is 30 events/s for any one button. Final Fantasy mini games always counted a full cycle as one press, so you have to press and release in cadence with the frame rate like you said or it's not going to register.
>is there ANY reason it would be different on a PC port or emulation vs the original on, say, PS1?
Yeah emulators can do whatever they want with input because the game has no way of knowing. They'll have wild over / under latency, and the controller being totally different hardware doesn't help either.
>I cant think of any reason technically why it would be possible on original ps1 but not pc.
It's really hard to time the first frame correctly on an emulator b/c unpredictable video chain. No doubt it's possible with the appropriate amount of rice, but I don't know if that's compliant with speedrunning community accepted emulation.
MicroSD is all chink all the time. It's grade D-E- flash. Maybe you get some 256GB pro photo cards for 10x the price from Taiwan or Japan.
No, ageism is real especially in that sector and you're at the same age high management. you could be the best but they won't even look at your CV.
I don't see why you wouldn't be able to accomplish that with a macro, but yeah, my fingers hurt just thinking about it
i know that google has been garbage for years but i was just searching for something with av1 and i got more results with avi than av1 like how? does google look at what i type instead of reading it?
>Hmm avi looks like av1 and it has more results so that must be what he actually means
like wtf and are there any alternatives?
Turbo, macros, etc yeah can be done. But the idea is doing for real, which ff8 speedrunners claim to be able to do. I think theyre lying
so what, i'll just lie about my age and if they say anything i'll call them a bigot. i'm already lying about my gender and ethnicity so what's the big fucking deal. instead of
>maria lopez-goldberg age 37
i am now
>maria lopez-goldberg age 19
Where can I see all of 4chins banners?
Could someone reply to this post as a test? I'm trying to get 4chanx working on a new computer and it's freaking the fuck out and not cooperating for some reason even though all the settings are exactly the same as my other computer. Like for example the extension refused to work when I installed it with tampermonkey, literally nothing happened, so I have to install the one on the chrome store. And while that version at least shows the 4chanx menu while I'm on this site it still does a done of weird shit.
no this distinctly said azure vpn to connect azure web app to on prem resources (and implied db by putting that logo in the picture)
Just lie about having the degree at that point. CS is a networking venue not trade school for programmers.
Way ahead of you. My cv is basically all made-up startups that I have dead pages for that I made over the past ten years of "work" in case anyone actually looks it up. My job? Extract money from venture capitalists and never, ever produce anything that works. Wash, rinse, repeat.
>almost one hour ago
>no replies
wow, mean
i'm here 24/7, let me know when you want more replies
>i'm already lying about my gender and ethnicity
Why the fuck would you do this?
You can literally sue companies for millions of dollars if they don't hire you because of your age and/or ethnicity
Ignoring debounce, inputs are triggered by rising-edge pulses, so you can read them accurately on every frame, different controllers do debounce differently though so that might be a factor and the fact that old hardware used interrupt based inputs unlike USB's polling.
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Will it straight up use my dedicated GPU for everything if I set it as the preferred graphics processor under nvidia control panel global settings or will it still switch depending on the program but just under different conditions?
because it's way easier for me to put on a dress and speak in a hispanic lisp once a week than it is to convince these people that section 7 of the civil rights act applies to me for being a white guy
that shit got me tens of thousands of dollars in grant money when i went for my master's degree that i wouldn't have made if i had clicked boxes the wrong way and didn't show up to a couple of interviews looking ilke a total faggot
>convince these people that section 7 of the civil rights act applies to me for being a white guy
Oh, so the answer to my first question is: "Because I am a retard". Got it.
You don't "convince" anyone, you dumbass. You contact a lawyer, present your case and see if they'll say whether it's worth it to go forward.
Lol says the guy without a job, whatever nigger
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Can you stop this embarrassing larp, /pol/tard?
Don't be angry at me, dumbfuck. Be angry at yourself for not taking the opportunity granted to you and strive to do better in the future.
I moved into a place that has spectrum internet and it comes with their propiertary bullshit of having to use a goddamn retarded app to have control of the router and I can't disable spectrum security shield without it, but since I don't have the owner's email and password I can't even access the app anyways.
If I were to get my own router, would it be as simple as plug and play or would I need to jump through more stupid hoops to get the thing working correctly? I'm tired of not being able to use sites like catbox or any russian related sites because "muh security risk" fuck off you goddamn shit nigger ISP
I cannot open command prompt in safe boot.
How fucked am I?
>open safe mode
>it just gives the option to shut down
Lmao it'a over isn't it?
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What's the best way to scan books? I want them PDFs looking crispy.
I hope you have access to a second computer, a second hard disk and a USB stick, because you're going to have to do the following:
>disconnect fucked hard disk from computer
>attach second hard disk to first computer
>start up second computer
>navigate to https://massgrave.dev/genuine-installation-media
>download windows 11
>download ventoy (https://www.ventoy.net/en/index.html)
>install ventoy + windows 11 on your usb stick
>attach usb stick to to first computer
>install windows 11 on second hard disk
>run command located at https://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts
>shut down first computer
>attach fucked hard disk to first computer
>start first computer
>access fucked hard disk and move all filed over to second hard disk
>format fucked hard disk
vFlat is the best app for this (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.voyagerx.scanner).
I recommend downloading and installing the 0.10 version, because that one has no premium features and allows you to make unlimited scans:
stop stealing your neighbors wifi, tyrone
Are there dats for indie games that aren't picked up by the pc scene? Like dlsite, smaller vns etc
Did you mean data or dates? Because if it's the latter you can pick me up for dinner around 6.
If it's the former, I found this a few months ago by chance:
Aside from that, no idea.
>trying to determine if I’m underpaid
>check wage averages
>glassdoor is like 50k higher average than every other website
??? What’s the deal
I was in the same situation, and I got a RT-AX68U Pro, and everything is great now.
What specifically are you looking for? An encoder? Something that's already been encoded?
facebook app, most likely
and 4chan isn't the place for your specific question
What tech does it use? Cable? Plain Ethernet? Fiber?
IMO they are all light. Can you give some numbers?
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How do you guys view saved websites on Android? Chrome forks (like Kiwi or Cromite) have a download button for offline viewing that downloads a web page as MHTML file on local storage, but there doesn't seem to be any way to actually open those files with native or third party tools, unless I'm retarded.
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Is Firefox that bad? Assuming I'm going for something Chromium-based, what should it be? Do I really NEED ungoogled-Chromium instead of the usual one? None of my Linux machines offer it out of the box.
So the problem is that it's a laptop. Do I actually have to diaconnect the hard disc from it?
I just use brave, but use whatever is cozy and does what you need it to do.
>Is Firefox that bad?
If nobody can actually bring up ANY issue other than le trannies, it's pretty safe to assume things aren't that bad
Yes. You need to attach it to a second computer so you can remove files from it and re-install Windows on it.
Allow me to create a new plan for you:
>start up second computer
>attach usb stick to second computer
>format usb stick
>navigate to https://massgrave.dev/genuine-installation-media
>download windows 11 iso
>navigate to https://www.ventoy.net/en/index.html
>download ventoy
>install ventoy using the windows 11 iso on your usb stick
>shut down second computer
>attach second hard disk to second computer
>start up second computer
>install windows 11 on second hard disk
>run command located at https://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts
>shut down second computer
>remove usb stick from second computer
>remove original hard disk from second computer
>disconnect fucked hard disk from laptop
>attach fucked hard disk to second computer
>start up second computer
>access fucked hard disk and move all filed over to second hard disk
>format fucked hard disk
>shut down second computer
>attach usb stick to second computer
>start up second computer
>install windows 11 on previously-fucked hard disk
>move files back from second hard disk to previously-fucked hard disk
>shut down second computer
>remove usb stick from second computer
>remove second hard disk from second computer
>remove previously-fucked hard disk from second computer
>attach original hard disk to second computer
>attach previously-fucked hard disk to laptop
>Is Firefox that bad?
Privacy-wise? Yes.
Use LibreWolf if you care about that, use Brave if you're a schizo.
>networking venue
NTA but does this apply to IT too? I'm too sperged out to hold verbal conversations for longer than 30 seconds
>Make linux mint installer
>Boot to usb
>Open gparted
>Shrink c drive
>Create exfat partition
>Copy files to exfat partition
>remove boot and c partitions
>install windows or mint in unallocated space

If you decide to install mint, make a boot 1GB boot partition (fat32) at the beginning, a ext4 partition with the rest of the unallocated space, then strink the ext4 by 2GB and use that 2GB of unallocated space as a swap partition.
NTA, but yes. Better learn how to mask sooner or later.
Anon, listen to yourself. You really think the people here know how to "create an exfat partition"?
Besides, Linux is a garbage user experience from installation to usage and I would wish it on nobody.
Been daily driving mint for three years and haven't had any issue.
No offense anon, but not everyone has been connected to a PC for 24/7 ever since they were 7.
Most people do not know what a "command line interface" is.
They press a button, they expect Microsoft Teams to work.
That's fair. From my experience windows has made what used to be "advanced" tasks even harder though. Except for adding boot priorities to task manager, good on them for doing that.
I'm not having any luck trying to integrate a visualizer into a music player with a playlist. They work separately, a player with multiple songs, and a single audio form with a visualizer, but I can't quite figure it out.

I want this basically >https://www.codehim.com/demo/javascript-audio-waveform-visualizer/

Because I want to add it into my player in a smaller space like the winamp players
Do not get me wrong, when I say that Linux is terrible, I do NOT mean to say that Windows is good.
Windows is great if you have no idea how technology works and just want to print out a funny picture with your printer.
It is not so great when you're a power user who wants to optimize your environment for specific ends.

Linux is better for wanting a customized experience, but the DEs you have available to you either don't let you modify anything of value or lets you modify so many things you'd have to learn how to edit three different config files before you can get started.
I have very high hopes for COSMIC being a sort of middle ground between Windows and Linux.
After that I hope they streamline the installation process because having to teach a normal person how to manually set up disk partitions is a lost cause.

Thank you for reading my blog
I just use Cinnamon, reminds me of Windows 7, and I like how the package manager keeps all the software on the computer up to date, so you don't have to go check the version of each application individually. The timeshift application is as good or better than a system restore. The generic drivers detect hardware automatically. I didn't have to go find a driver for the printer, it just automatically was detected, and it works fine. The only time I really had to use the command line was to add a repo to a source list, and after that, I got brave and yt-dlp installed and it keeps itself up to date.

The most complex task, if you can call it that, was extracting a static build of ffmpeg and assigning an alias to it, but anyone with internet access and look up a guide on how to do that.
Also, the installer doesn't require you to manually setup disk partitions, but in that anon's case, wanting to save files, creating an exfat partition would be ideal, because every operating system can read that partition.
>but anyone with internet access and look up a guide on how to do that.
>look up a guide
I strongly recommend teaching yourself to use ChatGPT (or better yet, a locally run model) instead of using Google. It will save you so much time, it's not even funny.
I use it from time to time. Helped me figure out a few ffmpeg commands that I would have otherwise overlooked.
I don't think there's an official list.
They're all listed here though: https://s.4cdn.org/image/title/0.jpg. The largest number listed by 4chanX in the advanced tab is 253.gif, however, I found 254.png works so I guess they haven't got all of them
I say listed but it's just a URL to where they're stored :P
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I've got a list of proxies, and want to use it to bypass simple censorship.
How to test what proxy work in an automated way?
I can ping each proxy, but how to know if the proxy can ping whatever I need to reach.
I'm sorry if I'm not making this clear.
Can your censorship be avoided by disabling IPv6 and changing your DNS?
there's tools available for testing proxies, i don't have a particular recommendation, but try searching for "proxy tester" and see if something suits you
i've used one a long time ago that could do what you're asking, check access to a particular address, along with latency and speed, but i don't remember what it was called
I was actually wrong the numbers do go past 253, 4chanX just lists them by their file extension :P
Still no idea if that's all of them, but they seem to have all known ones
Numbers listed at https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/blob/master/src/config/banners.json
It goes upwards to like 262 with .png (not listed)
>Can your censorship be avoided by disabling IPv6 and changing your DNS?
I can bypass it with VPN, DNS doesn't work on all sites, but that's not the point.
Thanks, I found this
Both have limit, and not sure if they do work as claimed.
I was wondering if there's a tool that do this on local hardware.
that's listed too, it's just ordered by file extension
Oh, right. I knew that.
is it no longer possible to stream live tv from channel 4 and their associated channels on the channel 4 app on an lg tv?
Where can I read Musk's Xitter feed without an account? I lost my password and don't feel like starting another
Can't you just reset the password, or did you use a throw-away email?
Yeah probably, still hoping there's a better way though
>Also where is the best place to start when learning basic programming?
I found this useful
Also, of course, textbooks for references and yt tutorials for other languages
Maybe chatgpt can give you a list of his tweets?
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I stole the template from /iemg/, deal with it
a whole 60$
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
keeping them in my head all day, probably watching memes and gaming
>Frequency response preference and music examples
I could not care less
>Past gear and your thoughts on them
a 30$ piece of shit reddragon

I want a headset that's LIGHT and COMFORTABLE that will cover my whole ears. Hopefully USB. That's it.
I'm thinking of migrating from telegram to signal, but thing that bother me is that it's synchronization is trash.
If I reinstall system, or lost and change phone I have 0 messages.
I often used message to self in telegram, to have something like bookmarks for all my devices. So even when I change OS i still have all few hundreds links with easy search tool.
Can signal be configured to have history in similar way?
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I literally just copy and pasted your entire post.
thanks family
Is the wiki down for everyone or is it just me
Purged since a few weeks ago. It's not coming back.
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>buy SD card for android phone
>format said sd card on phone
>inserd SD card in card reader on PC
>read only, can't copypaste my old contents
>if I try to pass those by inserting the sd card in my phone, the pc connection just fucks up after a while and the phone keeps getting counted as connected and disconnected in a loop
What the fuck do I do now? Is there a way to just force format the whole thing? Not even diskpart is working
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I can't log into catbox. My login works on mobile but not my PC.
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>sd card
You mean an actual sd card or a micro sd card?
Because if it's the former, see pic related.
It's a microsd with an SD adapter.
Already checked, but why does every single guide keeps mentioning that? It's literally in front of you, it's impossible to miss unless you're blind
I'd try reformatting one last time. If it doesn't work after that, it's most likely fucked on a hardware level.
>It's literally in front of you, it's impossible to miss unless you're blind
We're talking about normalfags here, anon. They're not very bright.
How come none of those cheap Chinese cloners make any capture cards like the old elgato HD that did a-video, component, and hdmi?
chmod sda2 755
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What can I use in Windows to compare video files between two folders and remove duplicates? The names are different in each folder
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Not even Rufus is working, the goddamn thing is write protected and I have literally no fucking way to revive it. I also have to correct myself on the previous post, since not even copypasting while inserted in my phone works anymore. Did I really brick this goddamn thing just by inserting it into my phone? Can't I unlock it on android? This has never happened to me before.
Sorry, Windows commoner here
Honestly? I think you've been sold a dud.
I know for a fact that these things will continue to work when damaged in some sort of emergency mode where you can only read, not write.
I'm guessing that's what's happening.
I hope it wasn't too expensive?
what's a good program to view photos and other media? delete them too etc. Default windows program keeps skipping, or reverting to previous images or failing to load etc. Does it suck that much or is it a drive problem? Alternatives?
>Does it suck that much
It's made by Microsoft. So yes, it really is just that garbage.
I'm using ImageGlass myself.
Oh, I missed the "other media" part. Honestly? I just default to VLC. It just works.
For eBooks I use Koodo Reader and for managing tags on audio files I use MusicBrainz Picard.
I'll try fixing it on android, otherwise I can't believe it's the second SD card that dies on me out of nowhere
>second SD card that dies on me out of nowhere
Okay, that makes me believe one of your devices might be screwing them up.
Perhaps your phone is bricking them? You could buy a few cheap ones and stress test them.
I was thinking the same thing, I might try with another old Verbatim card but that thing used to overheat badly within seconds
>that thing used to overheat
I have never, ever seen or even heard of an sd card overheating.
What the hell are you doing to those poor things?
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Why do we have oled monitors only recently while we have had oled tv's for much longer
Disregard. It works now.
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I bought that for my old PSP only for it to overheat like a bitch straight out of the box, all I did was inserting it into the console and format it like I've always done with those things. Either I'm unlucky as fuck or my hands are actual tesla coils.
The monitor market is tiny compared to the tv market, and manufacturing OLED panels was very expensive up until a few years back.
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What are some good glasses that'll last me a life time? Something durable yet affordable?
I was thinking of pic related although seems like a meme
...anon? This is /g/. Maybe try /fa/?
my index finger tingles when using a normal mouse.
are ergonomic mice a meme? does anyone like trackballs?
please recommend product to alleviate my problem
how do i rip shit off the likes of tubi, philo, etc
i tried the stream recorder addon in firefox but it looks like a no-go
You need to turn off hardware acceleration in your browser first. Then try screen recording.
How do the SATA 3 revisions work? There are revisions all the way from 2011 to 2021, how are the revisions implemented? Is it hardware, firmware or software side?

Say for example you installed a new SATA SSD on a motherboard from 2012, is it unable to support the DevSleep that was introduced in revision 3.2 in 2013? What if it was the other way around, 2012 SATA SSD on a modern motherboard? Are the features in the device (SATA device or motherboard chipset?) hardware or firmware or is it the OS or drivers that determine the SATA revision?
No such thing. Fasteners and hinges will always wear out, and lenses need to be replaced every 5-10 years anyway. I don't care for nitinol frames because it's impossible to maintain a 100% perfect fit since they won't stay bent, but if you're really bad about sitting on glasses, they hold up to that well.
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One of my drives suddenly stopped appearing, it's listed as Unknown device on device manager and I can't do anything to it on disk manager

Is this something I can fix through the OS or do I actually have to open up my case? I absolutely fucking hate having to open my case, because it's old and takes a long time to assemble.
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trying to open the backplate of my 5yo switch but these fucking Y screws are making me paranoid (i've opened a few joycons and god knows how shitty those screws are).
screws dont strip themselves over time do they?
im hoping this is just a bunch of accumulated dust. dabbing some rubbing alcohol on the screws should't fuck anything up right?
Don't initialize it in Disk Manager, that might wipe the drive. The error says I/O. So, yeah, the first thing I'd do is open the case and reseat the drive. Sure it sucks, but if the issue is hardware related, no amount of software fuckery will fix it.
>screws dont strip themselves over time do they?
not on their own. But if you went ape shit on the screws several times you might have stripped them.

>dabbing some rubbing alcohol on the screws should't fuck anything up right?
No, rubbing alcohol should be fine.
Is a EVGA 3080 12GB to an Gigabyte 4070 ti a worthwhile upgrade? Benchmark.com says it's a 28% upgrade but I wanted to run it passed /g/ because i'm tech illiterate
Anyone with 4chanX having a problem where loading into a thread and scrolling over an image doesn't automatically make the image preview as a bigger image?
It only does this sometimes so I know it's not off.
Nah, it's working for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
s'not working desu
works on /g/ just fine for some reason.
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>if you went ape shit on the screws several times
Nah man. I literally never even touched those fucking things. I wouldn't even be doing this if the battery didn't look like it was about to explode.
Tho the one on the right does look kinda fucked up.

>rubbing alcohol should be fine.
Good to know. Thanks anon.
Link the thread, I'll try it there, too.
That's a much better pic, thanks. Yeah, that looks like wither dirt or a little corrosion. Rubbing alcohol should clean that right up. Otherwise it doesn't look stripped. Just looks like they used a screw that is intended not to be screwed and unscrewed that much.

it might be something retarded like another plugins but who knows.
Sometimes if I reload it like 5 times it'll start to work.
It works for me, but it takes a second. Are those images super high quality or something? It might be taking a bit to load or something.
Got it. Gonna try here and see how it works. Thnx again anon
it happens on every image desu.
Out of curiosity 4chanX auto updates, correct?
Post pics if your battery catches fire.
It should, like any extension. I'm on version
How long should I expect a 128gb samsung microsd card to last if I'm using it to write security camera footage and the write rate is 1.93 GiB/hr?
how come i am the only nigga that wants to compile a web application into a single html file that the user can double click? i just want a file i can share a mega link with and someone can download it and run in their browser that doesnt need a webserver. is there something i am missing? i dont care if images increase in size due to being base64
Is there the equivalent of google translate addon for a browser except it uses LLMs for better accuracy?
they are not a meme, yes I have been using trackballs for the last 5 years, get some entry level stuff from amazon like a kensington orbit and if you dont like it return it. they are just different and you have to get used to them or find a way for them to work for you, in my case I no longer left click with the index but with the ring and pinky, the simpler the better, i dont like the ones with 8 different buttons just additional noise, consider doing hand excercises also
Why are japanese fonts heavier? Example
> ああああ
12 bytes
4 bytes
Twine / sugarcube does that.
How does this make a difference?
I am learning networking but I am poor.
I want to host a webserver but I my router does not have vlans to create a safe dmz.
Could I just... use guest wifi network as the dmz for hosting my shitty webapp?
>chmod sda2 755
I actually put the wrong code, I think 777 is what they would want.
English has 26 letters plus about a hundred special characters(for ASCII.)
Japanese has 208 kana(plus hentaigana like katakana v* and hiragana wi) and tens of thousands of kanji.
The more of something you have, the larger address space you need. The larger address space, the more bits are needed to store each one. ASCII was 7 bits. Unicode is up to 32 bits
*96 idk what dark corner of my head 208 snuck out from
If you're too poor to buy a $5 VPS you don't need a DMZ.
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I think I semi-fried a case front USB port by slightly overloading (maybe?) a chink external hub. It can still power a usb fan (even through the hub) and still works with a dualshock controller and a BT adapter (directly), but it can no longer read USB sticks at all.
Already rebooted and even tried reconnecting the hub into the MB with no change. Other ports work. Is it fucked? And if it's fucked, how exactly is it fucked? Can't make sense of it.
thanks for sharing
It's unfortunate that so many models come just in a wireless variant. Doesn't seem to make much sense for a trackball.
I am a bit skeptical, since I have rather big hands. The only models that I have found that are explicitly for big hands are the Elecom Huge and the ProtoArc EM03
I guess I just have to try it out and see how it feels
Flipper Zero owners, are you going to purchase the M1? Do you think its better to wait for that instead of buying a F0 now?
Anyone else running into a strange youtube bug? Whenever I click on a playlist and go to any video that isn't the first, the page loads that video, but then goes through the playlist in backwards order immediately until it hits the first video. This only happens on my desktop computer and not my PC, so I don't know what's going on at this point. I turned off all extensions and still found the same weird behavior
i got some m40x headphones but ive seen countless stories of people having them break at the hinge. what movement causes that to happen? people say that it just happens for no reason due to dogshit deign but it's not like there's tiny explosives inside the plastic that detonates at random. there has to be a specific movement the headphones can't handle that well repeatedly and there has to be a way to avoid it.

maybe it's the tension when you grab them by he drivers and pull them outwards to take them off/on? i wonder if grabbing them more from the headband itself would be better
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is there a program or setting that can limit user inputs per interval?
my mouse double clicks and I hate it, but if I had something that limited the input of left click to only once per 0.05s or whatever it would save me $50
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I've had this issue for years but I really want to try fixing it now so I need some help since Google is offering nothing.
In MPC-HC if I load an .mts video file taken from my TV recordings it doesn't show that there's closed captioning available as a subtitle option. If I go into the info on the file itself it states that the text tracks are there (Eight of them in fact) but that they're muxed into the file. I have zero idea how to actually enable using the internal closed captioning for this specifically.
Subtitles work fine on any other file that has a muxed in .srt file even if they have multiple types of subs, it has no issues with those. It's strictly the CC from TV recorded files that I can't even see because the "Subtitle" option is greyed out.

If I go to Potplayer it will natively play me the CC text no issue as soon as it launches and lets me pick between them, but I really want to stick to MPC if possible. Anyone have a clue how to deal with this?
I switched to neovim but I'm curious how people actually build code with it? On something like vscode, say you're building a C++ application, you can compile and run the code within a popup window inside vscode itself. I keep looking for a plugin or method to do this kind of thing in neovim and I don't even see people discussing it. Is there something fundamentally different with how you're supposed to work on code with vim? Different than checking every two seconds to see if the program compiles like I used to do in vscode? My fingers are sore going to and fro a terminal to mash up arrow and compile then run a program. Is this just bad practice in general?
question about using an mpv script
basically it requires a lua module but idk the right way to get the right version of the module
Mint's Mouse Settings
I would look into autohotkey if you're on windows, I'm pretty sure I had a problem with my mouse doubleclicking a long time ago and kinda fixed using some script
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Not sure if this is the right thread to ask this but I hope that this is something simple I'm just not comprehending.

Two questions both pertaining to my company as a tech worker:

1.) We use a variety of laptops and projector models at my company and I've been trying to pinpoint why some of them just do not want to show up on projectors. I often run into that annoying issue where the display settings on Windows will show that 1|2 so you know somewhere along the lines it sees the projector but no matter how I adjust the resolutions, refresh rates, HDMI cables (HDMI from laptop to coupler to HDMI into projector) there seems to be no consistent answer. I think part of the issue is quite literally that there are too many varieties of machines at my company and I'm not sure if there is a real catch all kind of answer. What works for my laptop doesn't work for everyone else's, for example.

2.) Might be more obvious: using a webcam connected to a docking station via a USB-A extension cable (pretty sure that is part of the issue). Thing is, the camera needs that extension cable as it needs to sit on top of a monitor on the opposite side of the room. The actual problem with this is that, similar to the above problem, when some laptops connect to the docking station, the web cam seems to freak out and distorts the bottom half of the image, often flickering. Changing similar settings via resolutions, refresh rates, BIOS updates, BIOS setting changes, docking station firmware updates, plugging in the laptop alongside plugging it into the docking station (depending on power needs), etc., do not seem to fix the flickering issue.

Both issues are particularly frustrating because they seem to affect only a small number of people, but the people are important enough that I need to figure this out, if possible.
Good evening, friends. My PC suddenly turned off and it won't turn on again.
The first thing I tried to do was plugging a new PSU to my motherboard to see if worked, and it did turn on the LEDs and stuff (I didn't bother yet to turn on the PC fully because then I'd have to connect all cables to the new PSU) - so I started testing if my old PSU had died. I used that trick to put a paper clip on the pin 3 and 4 and seeing if the fan would turn on - and it did. So I plugged it back to my motherboard, and nothing happened again. Maybe the PSU->motherboard cable died? But then it wouldn't pass the paper clip test, would it?
To solve this I could plug everything to the old PSU and it would probably work, but I don't think my old PSU can handle my current setup.
What is a good next step? Just buying another cable/PSU and calling it a day?
1 is just laptop video bios are fucked. They have all kinds of stupid problems. I don't think there's a solution other than be disciplined about acquisition and testing.

2 is cable too long / marginal signal. Put ferrites on your cables, use powered USB hubs as active repeaters, use active optical cable into powered hub if you absolutely must have a run over 3m.
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My neighbours dog barks when ever it is on their veranda.

How feasible is it to build an ultra sonic device with a range of 50 meters and I could blast at them when every they are on the veranda? Could I use computer speakers?

I have suggested to them that restricting their dogs access to the veranda while they are not home would make a world of difference but they said it's not of my business where their dog can access.
I downloaded a video using torrent, there were also screenshots included. The seeds/peers seem to didn't bother about the screenshots and didn't download them. Now my video file is stuck at 99,9% and missing a few bytes because of the missing screenshots.
Anything I can do, or are the last few missing bytes lost forever until maybe someone has the screenshots? The downloaded file can be played of course but it's damaged because of the missing bytes.
I went to bed my computer froze during the night. after restarting both my monitors are displaying as one, where my DWM bar is not screen independent and uses both my screens as one large one.

how do i fix this?

I tried
xrandr --output DisplayPort-0 --primary --auto --mode "1920x1080" --refresh 240 && xrandr --output DisplayPort-1 --mode "1920x1200" --refresh 59.95 --left-of DisplayPort-0

but it still only draws it as "one" monitor
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Now that's a stupid one.
Seems like devs love to have strong battlestations with two or three screens, but also a laptop.
What would be the reason for the laptop if you can just improve the pc or get a 4th screen?
Civilized countries have laws for this.
cant you just uncheck or right click and skip the picture files in the torrent?
you could get a better answer on /k/
I live in Australia, cops don't serve civilians.
I can uncheck them and I can skip them. I don't bother about the screenshots.
But I think the missing bytes for the video are connected to either the screenshot the lays before or after the video. So that's why the video is missing the last few bytes and stuck at 99,9% instead of just finish.
Am I wrong?
Or will uncheck the other files fix this?
Uncheck everything and then just check the video. The byte for the video are not in the screenshot.
I'd love to shoot the cunt of a thing but you get 8 years just for killing the dog and then what ever you get for possession, unlawful discharge, etc.

Meanwhile pedophiles get promoted to politicians. Australia is like Canada just without the dog and son fucking.
Btw, I tried 2 clients, both gave the same result.
I unchecked/skipped the files and forced recheck on the torrent, but it's still 99,9%.
torrent client for jeetdroid?
How do I disable the Microsoft network spy ping shit on Windows 10? I'm getting sick of this network spikes on my PC after I just wiped it clean. An Anon here previously mention going to Group Policy and editing it but when I try looking online for details, nothing comes up, which I'm not surprise the big Pajeet Tech companies want to scrub that info from search results.
Ok Anons. I have to apologize in advance because I'm acting like such a proto-beg that I'm even pissing myself off. I just installed a new OS onto my system and I can't for the life of me remember how to install a FFProfile. I've already made a testprofile, gone into about:profile and opened up it's root directory and unzipped the files into it, but it just doesn't seem to be working.

This is all the more frustrating because I literally just helped a friend do this 2 days ago and it worked like a charm, but for some reason I'm completely losing my ass now that I have to do it on my own machine. Does anyone want to be a kind Anon and spoonfeed me the instructions?
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Is there any non-paying extension to translate manga like Ichigo Manga extensions on Chromium?
that means you can load some sausages with rat tablets in it.
get back to them: "it's not of my business where your dog would eat."
>can grep with OR but can't grep with AND via -e phrase1 -e phrase2 etc
Is there a better way to perform a search for files containing multiple phrases or do I really have to grep what I grep and don't throw a fit?

Can awk do whatever the heck this is? If it's not clear
>two slices of bread

>grep -R -e mayo -e turkey /path/to/recipes/
will display both sandwhich AND salad, when really I want a recipe that needs to contain both things so just SANDWHICH-RECIPE.txt should appear in the output
Rat bait is cucked in Australia, our possums love the stuff.
find /path/to/recipes -type f -exec grep -q mayo {} \; -exec grep -q turkey {} \; -print
Should I dual-boot Linux or just buy another external SSD?
I have a laptop
with SSD 150GB remainning
HDD 600GB remaining
diy it. I'm sure there's potent recipe somewhere
well if they're two separate drives you can install linux on one and windows on the other. I have 3 ssd drives on my pc and have windows for two and linux for one.
Is it better to uninstall stuff through the Control Panel or through an uninstall program?
No lie it would be easier for me to get fentanyl and lace meat with that than find any poison capable of doing the job.
I'm pretty sure the control panel uninstall just looks for the program's own uninstaller executable
what to do with people advertising pizza links? is there a body I can send relevant info ?
>is there a body I can send relevant info ?
the fbi?
I prefer storing my media digitally. Am I fine just getting any usb blu ray drive for ripping or are there other concerns?
What's wrong with using VBA macros? My company is down bad on VBA for some reason. If you played devil's advocate, why would you not allow users to run VBA macros? Is it because of the Microsoft push to using offline O365 crap? All the replacements for it are so trash.
what does this circuit do?


if I hook-up an antenna on one side and a usb wifi adapter on the other and provide 6v dc power, will it boost signals both ways?
Hi, I want to extract some animated wallpapers or "videos" and maybe 3d models from the game final fantasy ever crisis on steam. I watched some tutorials and all and since the game is made in unity I got assetbundle extractor which doesn't seem to find anything it can open. Anybody got any ideas? I really want those wallpapers to port to wallpaper engine since they are pretty cool. Anybody got any idea how to get to the files?
How is a super box different from a firestick or chromecast?
late but thanks, significantly better
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You're welcome, anon!
>Super Box
All those android boxes are Chinese garbage being sold for five times the amount it costs to import them.
Fire Sticks are Chromecast knockoffs. Don't even bother with those.
Do yourself a favour and just get a goddamned Chromecast (and set up Jellyseer/Jellyfin + Radarr/Sonarr on your home server; I have the docker files for anyone that wants them).
my dad is trying to convince me to get one because it has live tv on it
Is it possible to write and run a neovim macro from the command line itself? As in, I want to specifically enter insert mode, do something, exit insert mode, go to the next line, etc, not just run a generic :command
You should know better than to take anything a boomer suggests at face value.
...then again, you are asking for confirmation here, so I guess you're smarter than most.
I've been running Jellyfin for a while now.
What's the upside of Jellyseer?
If I ever need to grab my internal HDDs and get the fuck out within 5 minutes, what would be a good container to put them in? Is there an existing one I can buy, or should I just DIY something?
I got wake on lan working fine, but how doe wake on wireless lan actually work? According to my terminal output it's supported and enabled, but I'm hearing different opinions of wether or not it works when the computer is completely shut off.

Anyone got experience with this? Doesn't seem to be widely used and googling this shit is a hassle because you get results for regular WoL instead.
I already have a chromecast on my bedroom tv. my main tv has a decent smart tv UI so I just use that with no issues. What exactly can the super box do that a chromecast or firestick can't?
Oh, it's mostly just an interface for the lazy and/or technologically challenged.
If you have a gf, for example, all she has to do is open the app, select a movie, press "request" and it'll be ready to watch in Jellyfin within an hour without her having to do anything.
I had ads on firefox watching youtube shorts, they would quickly be cut, but I could hear the start.
It's over.
Yeah I never bothered with it and never had any problems.
>What exactly can the super box do that a chromecast or firestick can't?
It can provide a slower, laggier GUI experience.
The amount of energy it consumes is also more than a Chromecast would (larger numbers are better, right?).
Oh, and it'll take more time to start apps.

Fyi, Jellyfin is capable of streaming Live TV as well.
I want text-to-speech that will read pdfs to my disabled ass, locally, on Linux.
That question can only be answered by your usecase.
What are you going to do on your computer? Be specific.
Has anyone noticed that xhitter removes likes if they are for older posts, like if I like something from October of last year, bookmark it, close the site, and then open it again and go to my bookmarks I see that it's unliked. Has it always worked like this? I only use xhitter through the website with firefox.
Don't many people use tmux (or similar functionality) and just have a terminal for compiling/debugging next to it?
That said, looks like dap is good: https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-dap
and a decent UI for it: https://github.com/rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui
What's a good excuse to tell your job interviewer to explain why you were NEETING for X months? Is it true that if you neet for more than 3-6, you become unhireable? I haven't been fired yet, but I'm thinking about getting fired so I can neet.
There's also taskrunners for neovim
>Can you explain this gap in your work history?
ChatGPT says
>To set up wireless WoL, ensure your device and network support it. Check the BIOS/UEFI settings to enable WoL and make sure your network adapter supports it. Some routers and adapters might not fully support wireless WoL, so you might need to use third-party tools or software to achieve it.

So check for bios and router firmware updates, and check the manufacturer support pages for both to see what features are supported.
How do i download a 2019 version of visual studio code if it's not available on microsoft website?
On 4chan? There's a report option for illegal stuff
Yeah just dm them to me.
>but I'm hearing different opinions of wether or not it works when the computer is completely shut off.
Part of your computer stays on, even while unplugged thanks to that CMOS battery it has.
It uses that to stay awake enough to check for any packets coming in.
Why can't you explain it Sir?
Let's move on
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Any tips on getting some sort of shelf like picrel for my speakers? i really need space rn
Could do some wood working if you're up for it, or maybe consider getting some wall-mounts.
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Something like this?

it's amazon though, so the quality is guaranteed to be garbage.
▶ Report post > This post violates US law

They're probably the ones posting it in the first place.
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What happened to VSync?

I have spent the last 5 months (on and off) troubleshooting a strange framepacing issue with VSync.
>from top to bottom
>vsync only
>vsync and ingame/controlpanel framerate cap
>vsync and RivaTuner framerate cap

This happens to varying degrees for every game I have tested (over 100 now).

I thought it was specific to my computer only, as it has been in storage since 2020 (used a laptop during that time because of limited space.) So I spent a good month troubleshooting all the software and hardware of that specific computer. Whilst I was unable to determine the cause of the problem, I did find a temporary fix by using RivaTuner for limiting the framerate.

I then did a bit of a sanity check (was kinda losing my mind at this point), and tested for this issue on another known good pc.
I got the same result. I then started testing every computer I had easy access too. I quickly ruled out almost all software and hardware as causes for the issue, with the only common factor now being Nvidia gpus (and their drivers on the software side).

Without access to an AMD gpu, I am unable to fully rule out Nvidia gpus themselves only exhibiting this problem.

I should also mention, this is after 15 years of observing the exact opposite behaviour. I have always monitored my framerate and frametimes (once I was able to) and have always been very sensitive to framerate changes. An example would be the middle portion of the related pic. See those little spikes in the frametime graph? I notice those spikes.

Those spikes, which are going above the framerate cap set in the nvidia control panel.
Meaning, games lag faster rather than slower with vsync and a in-game or driver enforced framelimit.

Please help, this is driving me insane.
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What tool would you recommend using to convert this spreadsheet into an excel sheet? I tried the one built into Excel and it just interpreted it as random noise
Anyone know if this laptop can take a 2nd ssd or hdd? Or ram upgrade?
Honestly? You should contact someone like GamersNexus for this, because this might be an actual NVIDIA GPU driver bug.
Why them instead of NVIDIA? Because there is no way in hell your email to their help desk is ever arriving at their dev team, and people like GamersNexus have connections.
Try to gather and compile as much evidence as you can and share it with them.
>Hey ChatGPT, I have the following HTML excerpt of a website:
>```<HTML excerpt>```
>I want you to create a Javascript function that runs in my browser that converts all the entries in this website into a list of values separated by commas so I can import it into Microsoft Excel.
>Also tell me how to execute this command in <browser you're using> and tell me that you love me."
I'm sorry Sir, I'm afraid we're looking with someone with a bit more experience.
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RAM is soldered, so no.
It has a M.2 SSD slot, so you can fit one of these inside.
Excel has insert from website option.
yeah, and I think it's simple enough for the ethernet port but I don't know if the wifi module is still powered on. such a hassle to troubleshoot as well but I'll fiddle around with some more terminal options and see if anything kicks off
Perfect! Can't believe I missed it, thanks Anon
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Trying to remove the crest from this helmet model. The smoothing tool kinda removes it but leaves some visible shapes and the triangles are all messed up. Is there an easy way to even it out?
I'd recommend asking /3/, but I'll admit that board is so slow that you're probably about as well off here
You know what, try /agdg/ on /vg/ too
dm, I was stuck for hours copy/pasting tables from wikipedia, until I found this.
And /g/ want me to believe libre calc can compete with excel.
Damn, honestly forgot /3/ existed lmao. Thanks.
Not sure if /vg/ would be the right place since it's not for vidya.
I have already considered this.
However I wanted to practice due diligence first and test everything I can, this includes AMD gpus. I am waiting on a local e-waste recycler for access to a AMD gpu in the 4 to 8 GB range (same as most of the Nvidia gpus I have tested).

Unreal engine games are some of the worst affected by this, and Cyberpunk 2077 is just as bad.
OpenGL and Vulkan are less affected compared with DirectX but still show the same issue, just to lesser degree.
>but I don't know if the wifi module is still powered on
...anon? Do you know what the "LAN" part of "Wake on LAN" means?
What you're looking for is "Wake on WiFi" and that only works when the computer is on standby, not shut down.
>Not sure if /vg/ would be the right place since it's not for vidya.
I don't think /agdg/ would mind, those fags are always hungry for attention.
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Developing a system so my lazy ass doesn't have to reach over to my phone to type SMS. Running a server on the phone using an archaic molestation of HTTP I call PSMS (yes it sounds like piss in the beginning, it gets worse).
Everything works fine (for now, Android and its retarded Services engine will fuck me over eventually).. the one question still remaining: Do I use the path part for recipient and other stuff or use the argument system?
QUEUE /recipient[/msgId] PSMS/0.1
inb4 u were

Yes, I have implemented automatic recipient lookup via contacts. I know I'm fucking lazy kek

>picrel: I fucking hate this niggeresque language so fucking much, you wouldn't believe it
Damn. Stuck with 8gb is a pass then
I can find some alternatives for you if you tell me your budget and/or required specs.
I have a RX6600 on Linux Mint. If there's something not too complicated that I can do, I'm all ears.
Proton or Tuta?
Hard to say what's going on. In any case I believe that if you want to get into the nitty gritty of frame pacing analysis you need to capture the actual output and then analyze the footage. There are some tools for that but I don't remember any names since I never used them myself.

Data from RTSS isn't going to be perfect, whatever it shows isn't necessarily exactly what is going out of the display output as far as I know. Small variations like these I would mostly attribute to imperfection in the tools. The perfectly straight line you get with the RTSS frame rate limiter is basically an illusion by the way. RTSS is getting high off its own supply, so to speak. RTSS is doing both the frame rate capping and the frame time measurement, so of course from its own point of view the cap is perfect, but that doesn't mean that's actually the truth of what is coming out of the video cable. There may still be variance that you aren't catching, which is why I believe that when you want to do these sorts of measurements for real, you do them externally and not from the system being measured itself.

>Those spikes, which are going above the framerate cap set in the nvidia control panel.
This is incorrect, that is a frame TIME graph, not a frame RATE graph. When the frame time spikes up, the frame rate goes down. That's a bog-standard stutter in the middle image.
>pay shekels to update hardware to use SSD
>oh shit this is gonna be fast, I'm randomly accessing files all the time and that window loadup time is dogshit on an HDD

>still dogshit slow
It's because of fucking onedrive. Fuck you microshit. How do I disable it and get it to download all the shit I never asked it to backup for me?
>Do you know what the "LAN" part of "Wake on LAN" means?
yeah, that's what I wrote in my original post
>I got wake on lan working fine, but how doe wake on wireless lan actually work?
Haha! Turns out I may be retarded!
Okay so to answer your question: it depends. In almost all cases, WoW will only work when the device is on standby.
Unless your motherboard manual states otherwise, you should assume the same.
Tuta. Are we talking about email, right?
yeah I think intel is saying the same thing, I'll see if I can figure out some boot-on-power solution or something.
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Another option could be to set up a low-powered Pico W that sends a WoL signal to your computer when it receives a WoW signal.
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Should I patch for Spectre and/or Meltdown? Running Haswell and InSpectre confirms my PC is not patched. There is a beta BIOS available from May 2018, no other updates after that.
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Is there an ai that can do decent narrations for me? A little robotic doesn't matter, the few I have tried have been extremely robotic though
Depends, do you want to use a service or set up your own local model?
I'd depends how good of a PC I need, a service might be better. I can barley run stable diffusion, I just want a handful of narrations and I don't mind paying a little or a one month subscription
How do I stop being stupid
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I have a LG, whenever I play a video, the contrast changes for some reason
Is there a way to disable this setting?
I put a .ahk script on the Windows Startup folder so it automatically opens when my PC restarts, but now the script doesn't work on programs that I run with admin privileges, how do I fix this?
You don't. That's why you make use of tools to elevate your intelligence.
Let me know if you want a more extensive answer.
Family member has a smart phone that won't shut the fuck up with audio alerts which are mostly spam to her gmail and she still wants to read them for some reason (reward points and sales). I don't want to hear them, it's causing alert fatigue and she just ignores important emails. I hear you can set up filters to automatically apply a label to certain senders using desktop gmail and set that label to no notification which just keeps it silently in the inbox, but you don't seem to be able to manage filters in the app. You can apply a label to one off emails in the app but I don't think it updates them in a filter (haven't tested, could be wrong?). I don't want to have to login to her account on my desktop to manage her fucking mobile filters.

Am I retarded or is there an easier way this works managing filters their interactions with labels on mobile?
Dunno, maybe there's a nightly version supporting it. Akin to FF's about:config?
Else another mail app with filter function? You can set up POP3/SMTP/IMAP I suppose
any good macos only software like iina?
Wrong board, maybe try /lgbt/?

Joking aside, I saw this a few weeks ago: https://github.com/Lukentui/smotrite-app
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My new macbook (That I was gifted) is acting kinda strange, randomly resetting, trackpad not working and when I tried making a thread it sperged out or something.
The fuck should I do? I don't want to trash it since it was a gift.
I didn't need it per se, just saw deal of the day and thought I'd grab. I have an ideapad that's 4 years old and still runs well, but would've upgraded if this had space for expansions
What year/model?
If it turns out to be a serious issue try contacting Rossman repair group and ask how much they'd charge
does anyone know a way I can automatically copy a specific file (like a txt/batch file) onto a device when that device connects to my computer?
hmm, there might already be a solution out there; anyway:
- set a hook for connect events
- check if it's the right device you want (use VID:PID for example)
- check if FS available, and copy
>Let me know if you want a more extensive answer.
Desire to know more intensifies.
might help, here for example: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4078909/detecting-usb-insertion-removal-events-in-windows-using-c
The rest is simple WinAPI stuff
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Is picrel a normal response to thisd retardation?
Didn't even have to look at the code itself: the answer is yes.
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I have evolved to feel pain within my brain... I want compensation and don't even know what's going on anymore...

I just want to REE but don't have the enrgy left for it
I hope you're already looking for another job.
>I hope you're already looking for another job.
I don't have one kek, hobby-project. I start to think that I have masochistic tendencies (but fuck learning Kotlin, Kot is German for shit btw).
But I can't imagine C(+++) bindings being better than rawdogging it in Java.
I don't think you understand how this works.
Work is being paid to eat shit. Whatever shit your employer wants you to eat, you shall eat.
The trick is to find a job where you can eat the most delicious of shits.
They expect uni degrees here to get into the field. Maybe I'm too retarded, but at least I can learn.
Trying to make sending SMS from PC via phone easier by using a server on the phone. Polling by unlocking the phone and pressing a button is too much effort for me.
I once ported Space Cadet Pinball to Android too with SDL and NDK.

tldr;destined to fail
>Polling by unlocking the phone and pressing a button is too much effort for me.
clarifying, it's implemented but more inconvenient compared to pressing Send on the browser and off it goes. Android has a tendency to kill your services at random btw, beware of that.
You sound all over the place. Do you have ADHD? I recommend getting a diagnosis from your local doctor.
new thread when, I don't want my question to be ignored
next time bake it yourself
What question?
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Probably, amp and derivatives help a lot in small doses though you only get crap nowadays. Healthcare here is a mess to put it simply.
dunno if picrel gets me bnnd
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Can I plug in a M2 NVMe SSD to this HP Star Wars Special Edition 15-an000nd notebook? the manual says you can but I saw people saying you can't.
Fucking christ, anon
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I'm not insufflating (snorting). It's a means to get the right dosage: They come in 150mg strength with plastic coating, crush them thouroughly and seperate in thirds, 50mg/dump. Then use them as regular.

look up wellbutrin, its amphetamine but you need a higher dosage (and the mechanism is slightly different), you gotta love the pharma industry eh? ;)
Open it up and see if there's a slot
what this >>102218577 anon said: look for slots to put it in
I might as well, but AFAIK the slot for both NVMe SSDs and SATA SSDs (the long card one) look exactly the same but SATA won't read NVMe, just by looking at the slot I don't think I can diferentiate between the two, I'm afraid
Anon, do even you realize that you're an addicted loser?
You have no job, are hooked to literal hard-drugs and are achieving nothing with your garbage code.
Play videogames, duh. I'd figured my questions would be simple.
RTFM I'm afraid, wouldn't try it personally
>Anon, do even you realize that you're an addicted loser?
>You have no job, are hooked to literal hard-drugs and are achieving nothing with your garbage code.
You are absolutely right, and yes I do know. Take Wellbu seldomly though it'd help me maintain a normal life (by society's standards, combined with Valium), getting "clean" (considering alc, weed) doesn't get rid of some problems though, which aren't addressed. Years long experimenting which works and which doesn't via black-market. At least coding keeps me from drinking myself into stupor in the morning. Alcohol is a fucking bitch, blame it on personality, genetics, environment or whatever; it hijacks your reward system. Look up David Nutt's study on psychological, physical and social damage by drug( class), I think 2011 or 2010. Alc fucks you more than H apparently.
Probably schizoid PD as well, they're not sure.
Thanks for reading by logpost anyway.
>You are absolutely right, and yes I do know.
Thank fuck, there might be hope for you yet.
You should get yourself diagnosed asap, especially if you think you a schizoaffective disorder, because that shit can only be treated if it gets diagnosed early on.
Also yeah, alcohol is terrible. There's usually only one way to fix that, and that is going cold turkey for three months.
>you think you a schizoaffective disorder
It's a "maybe" or "unsure" diagnosis, ie. could be autism or sth else too. Like I said they really fuck you over here. Can't get diagnosed at my home physician(?) for alcoholism (while drunk, homeless, carrying a half empty bottle), yet the hospital requires that diagnosis. I think that's what ypu call a Catch-22.. got in for emergency rehab january, kicked out ten days after and I can't (or while sober/dry) couldn't get psychological help, thus relapse into the old patterns.
Do you have a close friend or family member?
Because you should ask them to lock you up somewhere remote with food and offline entertainment while checking in on you every so often to make sure you aren't dead.
Don't do hospitals, they suck dick.
Unfortunately not. A solution would be to get exhausted/sleepy at the end of the day w/o drgs.
Could theorhetically try with Valium, should suffice for this level of addiction to GABA/alc currently. But as mentionend: would require supervision and some kind of daily schedule.
What happens to 4chan's threads which had been archived for more than 3 days?
Boogeyman comes and eats them
What is the difference between just hitting enter to create a new line in a markdown file vs trailing white space, adding a \ or html <b></b> tags? They make it out to be this huge deal but it literally looks the same (at least in my text editor) and they don't explain why you even need it or what difference it makes.
MacBook Air, Apple M3, 15-inch, M3, 2024, 14.6.1 (23G93)
>apple silicon
Yeah if it's not a software bug then your only option is a repair shop.
But is it possible for me to 'fix' it? It's too new to be having problems

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