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They know jewish men with their tiny dicks can't compete, so they don't even try
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jewish cutie getting creampied by BBC
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>shlomo loves it
But that's the thing; Jewish men actually do love this shit. White men getting demoralized by IR porn is just a nice side effect for them.
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Came up with this idea during a horny haze and proceeded to screenshot deepthroat vids to create these. Prefer Asian, Amateur, and truly impressive throating skills
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your mom, picrel
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mega. nz / folder / KJNlUZRA#fyQo8tg7bAjXqOPkUIsf8A

over 700 censored images saved from twitter. expiry is 3 days. email lustandlolz Gmail if you want more - I've got customs I'm willing to share too.

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I post what makes my dick hard. Do the same.
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Nice pic
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Love seeing panties as blindfold while displaying her usually hidden panties. All this emphasizing her face hole as pussy. Not an easy to find kink.
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Just So Nice
Same poster, but this also appeals.
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With 20+ BL*CKED threads it's time to restore some balance.
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She might look cute but she's an evil whore
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It's nice that the BLACKED craze has finally died out and we can go back to hot girls fucking without using muh BbC as a crutch. I wish the normies would have realised this sooner tho.
kek wtf do you mean it's still happening at record numbers and there is seemingly nothing to be done to stop it.
2020 summer of love was a mistake
Those of us who are ahead of the curve, as with most things on 4channel, know that it's already over, and the normie mass will find out later as it trickles down

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Thread for amateur pussies filled with cum. This pic is OC of my wifes pussy after i emptied my balls in her
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Does she ever do more than one at a time? If she's going to get one creampie, why not make it 3 or 4 or 5?
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She's taken back-to-back loads in her pussy and/or ass from two guys a few times. More often it's a an hour or two apart or same-day loads from two guys (usually me as one of them). As much as I would like to see 3-5 guys drain their balls into her in one session, we don't have the relationships to make that happen, much less the time or patience to arrange it.
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My hot wife 32y

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WMAF gangbangs (or at least threesomes)
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We really need a thread to discuss the state of the industry, promising newcomers, good scenes, etc.

What impact do you think Onlyfans had on the porn industry? Here it destroyed both the porn and escort markets...
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Yeah, because interracial pays more. Newbies take the job not knowing why and regret it
I really wish the IT gooners create IA who direct list of scenes with the preferences and tags we like, porn have thousands and thousands of scene now and this could come handy. For example I don't want to download 100gb site pack and open them one by one to find something specific.
There is nothing "perfectly natural" about porn.
Porn is just one form of sexual art and one of many sexual outlets to deal with a natural sex drive. Some people are brainwashed into thinking that's bad.
I need I heart emo boys and renee rose to have a threesome.

In terms of onlyfans there needs to be a balance of picture galleries, short yet nuttable videos, and ppv sets/videos.

We need to normalize showing off a lady's cervix.

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Short and unremarkable career in porn but for some reason I am obsessed with her.
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>BLACKED peaked 10 years ago
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This is what I miss the most about Blacked; Lansky understood that interracial was still "taboo" to a huge segment of the population and he leaned into the "innocent white girl/aggressive black thug" tropes. Even when the male talent was playing a "civilized" character like a tutor or something, they were clearly still portrayed as physically and symbolically dominant over the girls they were fucking. It was supposed to be a mindfuck to see the girls enjoying themselves in spite how little they looked like they belonged with those guys. Their new stuff can't elicit the same reaction because it doesn't try to acknowledge the "naughtiness" of IR; it's just Vixen scenes that happen to feature black guys.
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>Their new stuff can't elicit the same reaction because it doesn't try to acknowledge the "naughtiness" of IR
or maybe interracial porn has become so normal )(thanks to BLACKED) that it's no longer shocking. I mean how would you make BLACKED great again? you can't just do the same thing they did literally 10 years ago.
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Counterpoint: I've been jerking off almost daily to the same scenes since 2016.
The classic formula worked just fine, and I don't see what was stopping them from catering to the huge audience they already established with it. It's been said on this board before but if they just went back to casting 18-24 y.o. tattooless blondes, getting them to talk about big black cock and lick nigger ass, and stop giving them scripts that let them pretend to be girlbosses, they'd remedy 80% of their decline. If there's one lesson I thought the entertainment industry as a whole should have learned from the past decade it's that the amount of OG fans you lose from diluting your brand tends to offset whatever new consumers you gain from diluting your brand for the sake of "mass appeal" (see Star Wars).
They don't even necessarily have to be tattoo-less blondes, just young female talents that look natural and give off that cute cashier or girl-next-door vibe. Pretty much someone you could find in your day to day life. I'm sure there are plenty of women on OnlyFans or Fansly that look conventionally attractive but just haven't hit it big yet that would do a BLACKED scene without requiring an astronomical paycheck.

In my opinion BLACKED should have always been about young, innocent looking women getting fucked and overwhelmed by large imposing black men, while BLACKEDRAW would focus on displaying scenes where you get the vibe that the girl is accustomed to fucking BBC and the passion and intimacy between her and the guy is another step of from BLACKED. I personally would also mandate that every BLACKEDRAW scene had the women maintain eye contact with the camera occasionally like how it is sometimes done now. It would add to the idea that the girl knows what she's doing and is putting on a show of submission to the black man for the viewer.
Triple whammy;
1) Greg Lansky (the creator) left in 2020 and sold it off. This led way to women to being charge of Vixen media to make it more 'woman focused' which is retarded just ruining the site. Also it was during the year of saint Floyd so pretty much all racial aspects were ironically taboo so they stopped leaning into it despite it being the whole brand

2) Ever since 2020 OnlyFans/Independent premium platforms exploded which gave way for women to have control of their own adult content no longer relying on porn companies. The casting of women has gone downhill since then. Also it doesn't help the aforementioned women in charge are quite old so are envious and jealous of younger talent

3) The filming is fundamentally different, the whole visual appeal was with the contrast. The backgrounds were mostly plain simple white rooms and the color grading was superbly striking with the skin tones.
Ever since 2019-2022 the technology of the cameras changed and the color grading of the became absolute garbage with overexposed colors. On top of that wasting the budget on distracting expensive backgrounds in detailed hotel rooms,beaches, hiring fancy cars and other stupid shit

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