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pretty self explanatory.. some nice handlebars to hold onto. no pornstars or uggos.
81 replies and 61 images omitted. Click here to view.
So hot
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You got ripped off holmes
May you burn in hell. and may to god that you taste greater hardship in the future.
Should've cummed inside
She did not seem to mind.

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let's see your pics or sluts with Stupid of Dumb written on their foreheads!
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Poor you.
I got a girl that requests it. Does tend to get the sheets stained
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you might not know her but she's a very evil girl
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Why would you say that to someone? The man is in love.
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Evil Tiana princess <3

So young and already sticking her tongue up THERE?!
weed and big porn dick will do that to a cute girl like Tiana
Turning a zoomer girl like her into a mindless fuckdoll?!
she literally can't even spell out her own name in moments like that

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This thread is mainly about an Indian/sri lankan Tamil guy who does quite artistic porn with white women on twitter. His id is @kamasoootra. Its kinda like blacked but more artistic. Stick to images as it is mainly on eroticism than porn videos
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Lots of Tamils (from the South of India) are just plain black.
Im African and often tamils are way darker than me but I never considered them black
Gotta pump the algorithm for imwf
Goon and support
Shit that's hot
Pretty hot. Damn, I'd fuck him myself.

Shitty brown cum but not full on scat stuff
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Thanks for sharing!
that's just straight up poop. Great way to get Hep

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No fatties. Post your favorites. Starting with my top pick, Molly Little. Her big lips look so out of place on her tiny frame.
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Cali Logan

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der Kiki Faden
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Das Ende der Geschichte war jedenfalls, dass Boxxer drin war. Boxxer war locker eine 9/10.
Was wohl aus ihr geworden ist?
joo OP hier, würde mich freuen wenn du weiter pfostierst brudi
Die mal mit nem Brudi doppelpenetrieren, das wärs
Please dont post white women
Seeing them in porn removes their divinity

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I saw a post of her in the before and after thread a few weeks back and I am honestly wondering what happened to her? She honestly aged forty years in ten, she looks really straigned and unhealthy.

>inb4 fat
Sofia rose still looks great and is forty-nine. She hasn't aged at all since entering the industry.
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nah, it wasn't take a look from 2010, looked perfectly fine.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i28WBDxBNU looked pretty much the same till 2017 when she really started to fall off,
No one has any interest in her whatsoever?
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i adore her. came buckets for her
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Total bbc slut also
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Her onlyfans doesn’t update for a while (and desu the last video she seemed aged a bit)

I heard she met a Arab sugar daddy, does anyone here know more?

And: I don’t have OF, do you know how much for having sex with her? I guess it may be expensive

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It means a person who is (visibly) of sub-saharan African descent.
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According to IAFD; she fucked 3 black guys and 4 non-black guys on-camera in her "porn career" back when she was active.
That's a great quota haha.
I demand threesome videos of them
except gotta pay $32 a month :( dang those samples look great!

I know she brings out the worst people in here but i just can get her out of my head. Still much of her content hidden. iykyk
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do you have an invite to the Desiree P group? is this on telegram?
Yes @surfside9
sent message but no answer
That's where all her , well about 80 of her videos are stashed. amongst the 6400 slutty smut collections .And 3 Polaroids she let a dude take in 17'

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Who likes these naughty pix? Real tears and bruises are okay, but nothing with open bloody welts and stripes
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Dark skinned girls taking big white cocks. Ebony, dark skinned asians, indians/middle easterners. Breed white!
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except for when she got knocked up by an NBA nigger
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i want to see girls with their legs spread wide open and displaying their pink pussies for the world to see
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