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Stories? Conquests? I know you heathens are into this shit, and I like story time. Any favorites?
Sorry if this is the wrong board...
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>he starts listing some of the things, and demands details about his FWB we had a threesome with
>she stares at me while listening to him, and partway through reaches over and puts her hand on his thigh
>she's getting more and more worked up listening and rubbing his cock through his pants
>he isn't lying about what we've done together, but i'm having mixed feelings about doing my wife together
>he finishes that story and she just says 'show me'
>horniness wins
>i go over to her and we both start fondling her tits
>after a few minutes, she get up and leads us to our bedroom
>foreplay doesn't last long because she's really worked up from the stories
>she's blowing him and i put on a condom and go first doggy style
>only last a little while because even though i'm drunk, i'm super turned on, condom works as designed
>she says she was close and 'hurry up'
>she doesn't shift positions, just waits for me to trade places with my brother and she starts making out with me while he puts on his condom
>he goes at it for a while, she cums hard and then is too sensitive to keep going in that position

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>he says he's getting close, so she stops and waits for him to say to keep going
>she rides him hard again, grinding on him and i hear her panting
>he again says he's close, so she stope and waits
>she starts going again, and i can tell she's getting tired and frustrated
>after a bit she starts moaning softly and he again says he's close
>she stops for a second, groans in frustration, and then just start going wild
>she grinds out her third time, but he starts grunting and we all know he's coming in her
>she rolls off him, panting hard but looking satisfied
>she asks if he's done and he says that he only came about halfway because of how tight she is and the angle of the position
>she reaches over and pulls him on top of her
>without saying anything, he starts pounding her
>i can see she's done, but still wants him to feel good

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FKN same bro, I also would of wanted to know so I could have savored the feeling, but we went and bought plan b right after since then if I wear a condom right before I nut I pull all the way out and make sure it isn't ripped before I go balls deep and release
I’m not really into condom removal because I fucking hate condoms. However, I do share the thrill of ejaculating into a woman and possibly impregnating her without her knowing, so:

>date a cute latina girl for months
>she finally lets me fuck her, it’s absolutely great but I’m never able to cum in her and she forces me to use condoms
>one day she asks me for a small loan and jokingly says she’ll let me fuck her as much as I want if I do
>a few hours later and I’ve fucked her a good 8 or 9 times, of course my young dumbass self agreed
>it’s later in the night and we’re going to bed, she’s tired since it’s late and, yes, we’ve been fucking a lot
>I start rubbing her pussy and she’s somewhat nodding off, when I get the idea…
>quietly remove condom I’d just put on
>she’s laying on her side, as am I. Suddenly I am adamantium hard at the thought of cumming in her
>put my cock in her, slowly ease in
>she says nothing but makes a small murmur
>I quietly enjoy every single stroke like it’s my last, listening to her short intermittent moans
>finally I can’t take it anymore and it feels like I’m pissing inside this chick I’m cumming so much

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Lisa Ann had a scene like that

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Dark skinned girls taking big white cocks. Ebony, dark skinned asians, indians/middle easterners. Breed white!
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Ghetto black bitches love white dudes. If you can go to a ghetto ass club without every insecure black dude trying to start a fight with you (hint: most of the time it's just posturing), you'll have a lot of asses grinding on your dick before the end of the night from my experience.
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Post sluts in their dorm rooms. College is a place for exploration and really letting loose. Let’s see where it all began in the dorm room. Poor furniture, brick walls, frat flags, etc. Lots of fake or assumed out there. Bonus for OC or collections
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sucking dick in frat dorm
Initials are SA if op is still here
God, these are still hot.
Remember what we said about ending your stories one sentence earlier, Fry?
kek thanks anon :)

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Previous thread:




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Apologies if this duplicates a recent thread; want to see if others here share my interest in puppy girls :) looking forward to seeing replies, and let me know if you want any recommendations - I've seen most of the available free content, and I've purchased quite a bit on top of that. This screenshot is from "Dani Puppy Play Jerk Off Encouragement", available on Clips4Sale.
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You didn't publish 6 lazy bitch, you're welcome
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I too have an interest
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More and/or sauce pls?

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Post some brides having fun on their special day
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Who is she? Source?
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You have any nudes to add?
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So, why was everybody pointing and laughing?
They were pointing and laughing at him because he's a faggot. I think it'd be so hot to see nudes of my girlfriend or wife. A woman isn't anyone's fucking property. I like browsing 4chan because I've found like half a dozen girls I actually know irl, but there are lots of incel losers on the boards.

pornstars showing the middle finger thread
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this bitch from /b/ have some I will post
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Taped up pacific girls
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Passed around moms / Baby maker sluts
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I've got tons
Moreeeeeee! Aly?
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Hijab Porn Thread
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HJ soles
Are they Arabs?
Are they even muslims?
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She's not arab but muslim.
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go fuck your mother. my shit is fucking fire. have fun wanking to non-existent hijab porn, nigger

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Post Hapas (Half-Asians) showing off their sexy bodies. Can be bikini pics, soft-core, or them going crazy for some dick. Wasians (half-white/half asian) preferred, but Blasians, half-latino asians, etc... are all welcome!

Amateur, pornstars, OF, whoever is great!
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Wow, thanks anon. She is really gorgeous. Idk what it is but so many half white half asian women are just absolutely beautiful. I would love to have 1/4 asian 3/4 white children with them.

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This might be the last chance to jerk off to Emily while she is still alive. A few months ago she fell into a coma(non-drug related reason) while in rehab. Since then she has woken up and responds to light now.
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Excellent. My general theory is that Darwinism is still alive and well, and the least valuable genetic contributors to the species will weed themselves out of the gene pool by self-selection.

Thank you for volunteering to reduce the useless asshole count in the world by dying of completely preventable disease.
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surrounded by benises
she is practically butt naked

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