Post your best pictures of modified female genitalsModified/Mutilated male genitals are out of topic.Continued from >>2298554
>>2513722This. The world would be a better place if they were all cut. Especially, by the age of 13, so they learn how to behave for the rest off their lives
>>2501650Looks shopped to me
>>2506771Oy vey, circumcision should be for boys only
>>2506873This, start by being sewn up before having anything cut.You may even have your pussy stapled, so it looks like a zipper : might look pretty aesthetic on yours to be honest
This might be the last chance to jerk off to Emily while she is still alive. A few months ago she fell into a coma(non-drug related reason) while in rehab. Since then she has woken up and responds to light now.
>>2523916>>2523918>>2523919>>2523920Going to miss this tight whore, damn shame.
>>2523920great pic
Whatever babecock you have.
Continuing the previous thread here. Who do you guys want to see?
Tits that I want to lick clean or other unique titty pictures
Men peeing on womenWomen peeing on womenNo women peeing on men.
>>2508349easyyou wait till a girl is taking a piss and barge in the bathroom saying you really have to pee. Start pissing betweem her legs and then on her pussy. If she doesnt object work your way up.t. done this a dozen times
my wife wants me to piss in her mouth and though i really enjoy piss porn i don't want to. When I was younger a girl I was fucking asked me to do it and I did and I could never look at her the same way, like I couldn't kiss her or anything after. Which is weird because is it that much different from a girl swallowing your cum? Still, wife is really insisting on it. First world problems I guess.
Hydration and Love. Hydrate yourself for 12 to 24 hours before hand so piss tastes like warm water. Work up to it. There is a FB group pineapple watersports which is all about it.
bonus points for interesting lighting
The REAL reason they tell you to put your devices on airplane mode
NO professional porn. NO actresses faking it. Just real women enjoying each other.
>>2524217Take pics
>>2524217How'd you find her? And how long has it been since your wife ate pussy?
>>2524788Feeld. 100%, the absolute best app for finding freaks and unicorns.8 months.
Was think of stealing my step sisters socks and underwear, should I?
StoyaLast thread: >>2504770
I would still marry her desu
>>2520691>>2520692>>2520694>>2520695such a beautiful rose of a pussy
Self explanatory really. Like the typical On/Off Threads.... but BLACKED
literal horsecocks
>>2509814dick so good made her look straight
>>2512748Best one so far
>>2521715Dooesnt sound too shabby.She into black guys?
Any Romanian chicks
The End
Total enclosure, bondage, heavy leather, dollification also appreciated
Does anyone have something like latex plus oil or messy latex with some kinda sloppy cuddling