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I decided to make a second thread because it actually gives me motivation to draw more and that it's good for my mind
You can also post your stuff if you want, I might or might not draw your OC depending on how easy is for me to do it.
Don't expect anything but cheesy anime girls stuff in here
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Eh.. I don't know, I don't use AI
he looks awesome thank you
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the clones

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anyone wanna give drawing the eyes a shot?
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Damn that's reay good imma try replicate it tomoy
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what is your trick magic man?

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She needs a little light in her life. :(
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She's definitely a dork
she's off her meds ;3
If there is no reply she hates (You)
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She may feel bad about ignoring posts now
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>Still ignored
Why is she like this?

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maybe, but its supposed to b me so like
probably not cuz I myself survive off junk and comfort food only
nothing wrong with junk and comfort food, both very good for the soul desu
trew brother
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Oekaki Post (Time: 8m, Replay: View)

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Probably going to be a personal "art" dump, but you may post your art if you want to
I'll post some recent doodles of mine
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Gonna do the back side shortly
Oh my.
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I tried the back side for the first time and didn't like how it came out
The second attempt is much better, I think
I'm looking for an art trade, post your OC and you can choose any of mine
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"This here spider saved me, Dina"

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So would you like to draw some frogs?
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No smoking crack on Anuran premises
OP... Will you ever draw a couple of your frogs doing this? --->
Would be great in your style, decoration and all. Asking for... me
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What wonderful day to raid and conquer
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Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!

Take a bow edition

Previous thread:
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But of course, those fuckers got me by the balls around the time Captain Ice Cookie was released...
there's chaplain and Ernest
episode where it discovered that Jerry can't tie his shoes and les agrees to teach him before someone finds out
the b plot is Lydia's leading a velcro hunt for the here that doesn't know how to Tie their shoes because the class heard the distinct sound of Velcro
episode where Dr cates, ck and Bobby Norman goes on vacation which quickly Becomes a vacation from hell after they pick up a deranged hitchhiker

b-plot since Dr cates lied to the cat ninjas that Danny and wendy was going to the same place and told them to follow them there so they may ambush them they follow Danny and wendy to their vacation in their family's old stomping grounds a small town in upstate New York that may be more strange than North Park

c plot since Bobby Norman is gone the town spirals into chaos since 90% of the workforce is gone.

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Captain Oekaki is putting together 4chans mightiest heroes..... The ivengers! Suit up and draw your OC superhero to join the ivengers.

Oekaki Post (Time: 26m, Replay: View)
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The Astonishing Womoon
Astronaut Rebecca Kelson flies a spaceship built by Elon Musk to the moon to be the first woman on the moon ever. While she is exploring the moon, she finds some odd moonrocks that look very different from any other moonrocks she has seen before. She takes samples of them to take back to earth. She accidentally eats the moonrocks when she mistakes them for the food aboard her spaceship, and by the time she returns to earth, her head has enlarged into a small version of the moon. She has become part woman, part moon, she is....Womoon!

Oekaki Post (Time: 48m, Replay: View)
She 100% ate those rocks on purpose.
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Cyclops quit the X-men and joins the ivengers because he got sick of listening to Deadpool's quips.

Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)

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Look out, he's coming! What do we do!?

Oekaki Post (Time: 16m, Replay: View)
use a gun
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Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
Use a stick and pretend it's a gun.

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draw redditors in situations

Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 7m, Replay: View)
nice self portrait
found the redditor
touchy bitch lol
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A redditor.

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Source: >>793982)

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draw a funny face
also just a general art dumping thread if you want
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Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
kissable lips

ITT I'll be posting my still below average(but slightly improved) artwork
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Random character whose palette I am very indecisive on. I like dark colors
So cute! Thank you so much ^^ I adore your artwork of my daughter. It's going okay, same to you
Your characters are so cute! They are always fun to draw.
I like all of the palettes honestly. It’s a bit hard to pick one. I love the pink hair, but I’m always biased on darker skin tones with lighter hair colors.
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Very glad you think so!! It's fun to experiment with palettes, that's probably my favorite part of designing characters. I really like the blonde with dark skin but I already have a character with a similar palette..the pink is nice
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Darn, you are right. Veronica already has that covered, hmm. The pink is great! I see you’re trying to go for like an ashy pink? That be unique I haven’t seen that around much.
Ageeg (and a Grey) <3 the cutie pies. I’ll draw you something when I respond next time so I’m not just clogging your thread with text lol.

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Draw boys.

Oekaki Post (Time: 37m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 42m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 6m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 53m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 7m, Replay: View)

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Sharing my doodles and other stuff in this thread, requests are ok as long as it is 100% SFW but honestly I barely do them.

Friendly disclaimer that I´m not an actual artist so don´t expect any quality from me.
124 replies and 118 images omitted. Click here to view.
What the heck, its true!

Maybe the thread is so old the site cant deal with it but yeah sucks.
wierdly enough only seems to be affecting the black n white sketches the colored pngs are still viewable despite being poster waaaaay earlier
consider shooting a feedback post to the mods might genuinely be a bug with the site itself
I decided to check other threads with old stuff and they seem to have the same problem so i doubt its actually the sketches only.

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Post your best and latest hand-drawn, slowburn, bone-chilling, atmosphere-oozing, trope-subverting, genre-redefining, gut-wrenching, spine-tingling, emotionally-taxing, paranoia-inducing, jaw-clenching, nerve-wracking, character development-driven, soul-shaking, nail-biting, anxiety-driven, kafkaesque, post-lynchian, question-asking, socially-aware, ethnically-diverse, politically-cognisant, culturally relevant, socially-prescient, thought-provoking, artisanally-crafted and cheap jumpscares-free A24 horror 'jaks.

Previous coal: https://archiveofsins.com/i/thread/790589/#790606
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