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simian respect edition

do you browse /cum/ shirtless?
don't reply to rat pedo
fatGOD owns ya
Does scotland have police blotters like in the US? I think we can find him through that.
return to monke
no i do not
>not Uranus edition
Bring back MapChad, if we're not going to have fun OPs.
Wicked mad and bad in the beddo
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>Faggots are still replying to the Brit flag
Niggas is stupid af
Me af
at least post real pictures of dead rats
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i will respect you by remaining silent
you know, if you just put in the work daily at your job, it gets easier. like yes, "wageslave for 40 years", but you can get used to it and then it's not really "chronic stress", it's just existence. the hedonic treadmill is working in your favor to make working bearable. the other options are immediately easier but lead to far more suffering.

you know what just watch rango and wait for the bit where rango talks to the spirit of the wild west
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just remember your death could be imminent.
ive got 2 black roommates and i keep forgetting to stop saying the n word aloud
cocacola closed its plants in several states because of the narco, americans don't want to invade us? we need you.
sweet release
hope i sleep properly tonight.
i wanna feel like i feel when i'm asleep
this but when im dead
kill yourself
Make one of those "[popular thing] huh? Well I DON'T LIKE IT! how about that normie boy?!" posts
Here come the drama, oh, that's that nigga with the fake, uh huh (BOW)
Why you punch me in my face? Stay in ya place
Play ya position (uh), here come my intuition Go in this nigga pocket
Rob him while his friends watchin'
That hoes clockin' (uh), here comes respect
His crew's your crew, or they might be next
what do americans think of exmuslims (if they even think about them at all)
you mean apostates
they don't
>(if they even think about them at all)
I don't
They have strayed from the path, but Allah willing they will find themselves again
fuck your pisslamic demon god and your satanic false prophet pedophile mo-hammed
they need to find the lord jesus christ amen
have you even asked yourself how weird a question that actually is?
watchin hasanabi
damn this nigga articulate
genuinely cant think of a time when youtube's recommendation algorithm has been this bad
Even f they stop, they're unlikely to drop the culture around it. There's not going to be much difference.
>he doesn't know
People who stop being a muslim, are supposed to be killed.
post more e celeb bait posts
I did not, this is a shithole website you can ask whatever you want, I was just curious
Delete trash from your watch history.
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>niggas be living in a place like this talm bout "American suburbs are dystopian"
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one week of work down, worked 4 12's and made about 1400. gonna look for rooms to rent maybe next weekend to escape the coming winter and build my credit (and also have more access to laundry machines). we're all gonna make it, just gotta take it one step at a time

blog over
1. We don't even think of Muslims let alone ex Muslims unless there's a terrorist attack

2. Why would you ask this at all?
they have a cool dystopia, we have a gay one
Prouda you, homie. Keep it up, one step at a time, like you said
gonna replay devil May Cry.
>Not having heat and AC is "cool"
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I've never played it, is it worth a go?
I saw the prophet eating chicken
It was a Haitian and it was a Canadian Goose.
if you don't think the image you posted looks cool then you're a fag, simple as
The English would call this "nuts and bolts" or some shit
he didnt like that post. made him look bad
didnt boost postcount

all he does or can do is complain all day for 20 hours a day. he ban evades to complain... and nobody even pays attention to him
love this .webm :)
this .webm is Like with fat but replace "drinking" with talking to him, listening to him, or being like him
It wasn't a great game to begin with and it definitely didn't age well
If you mean the original DMC, then it's fun if you like the classic Resident Evil games and camera. If you don't then start with DMC 3.
If you mean the DMC Devil May Cry, then it's a mid game.
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Ordered a pizza and the drivers name was literally Shartdan
I must be a fag then
i love reggie
don't reply to rat pedo
xir is ban evading again
I'm glad you spend your entire life here because it keeps you away from children.
pajeetcels will bring their laptops and start zoom conference calls at the gym like if you don't get off that fucking squat rack I'm going to drop kick you in the eye
- fat is ban evading to have his mental breakdown -
what a stupid fucking post
- fat is having a mental breakdown moment and ban evading to do so -
You're a danger to children and society at large. There is a reason you aren't allowed a butter knife or metal spoon
Stay away from kids
Focus on 4chan and your cartoon rats
i just realized that donut is called that because it's a dough nut
Stop replying to the Brit flag you fucking faggot
why does this retard keep replying to him
american niggas be like "these ducks too spicy"
That's bad but american suburbs are distopyian hell hole, paying massive amounts of money to live outside of a comfortable range of convenience, surrounded by neighbors who all hate each other because they view their houses as investments not places to settle down and raise a family and everyone around them has a chance to lower that value, in most cases it's on houses they don't even own because of a HOA and they can be kicked out of their "own" house at any point if someone that dislikes them enough gets elected with little to no legal recourse, yeah living in a chinese slum is shitter but that does mean that suburbs aren't garbage and no one living in that level of tenements is terminally online enough to think about americans every 2 seconds anyway
Wait until you learn that you spell it wrong, and the rest of the English world spells it doughnut.
fuck off mousenonce you spazzy mongo
kinda wanna get blueberry boys 2 but Ive never played or read 40k and it's probably going to be a Fotm
>me posting my copy-paste every time he posts or has a reply isnt replying to him, doesnt make him post more
>you replying to him bad
>me doing it (isnt doing it) good

all he does 20 hours a day is complain

he is ban evading to complain and shit up your thread because he doesnt like someone and wants to make their posts a problem - to exist
I got rangebanned for telling a faggot to kys now I can't make threads. This is bullshit
Whatever just stay indoors and leave the little ones alone. Don't make their lives hell like yours
listenin to asmr girls
rubbin my pud
ill leave you all to look at how fat shit up the thread with his little mental breakdownw hes had - and is ban evading

this is all he does 20 hours a day. this is the highlight of his day
me too :)
>this god damned idiot is still replying to him
lots of discussion going on not about the poster he doesnt like rn
get fucked chud

is a high priced lawyer
Cuz it's foul ways nowadays,
Everybody saw ya
And they comin to court too
I thought you knew
Can't even steal on a nigga, mughfukkas will sue
Its like a wind up toy.
Make a few posts and watch him go for hours
Its so fucking funny to me. I actually don't mind him
he literally cant post beacuse all he does for 20 hours a day isi complain. he doesnt make otehr posts. thats all he does. thats hwy he wants it to keep going

nevermind he made a post
one gold chain
two gold rang
five gold watch
it nuthin' (godDAMN)!
It's fucking annoying, knock it off please
sick and tired of making a thread on /lit/ about a book and it never even gets a single reply
bunch of fucking low IQ mongoloids posting bookshelfs and pretending to be writers instead of actually reading anything
kill yourself fat
reminder ot everyone to report fat :)
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lowered my pizza driver's tip because I chose leave at the door and she knocked on it like 5 times, the tip was equal to the order amount initially so it's not like she should have expected an in person tip as well
/cum/ is a white-dudes-for-harris general
if you don't like it, make your own general
lol nobody likes fat j
he does want you to keep making posts like these right now though, because its all the posts he can make
/cum/ is a Yang gang stronghold
kill yourself
don't reply to rat pedo
You're such a predator. You just can't help yourself
Better taking it out on me than random kids. I'll be a shield
Id vote for yang
He was gonna pay people to vote for him
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I suck dick just about every single day and have never once hawk tuah'd on it
reminder that fat is ban evading and to spam/flooding his copypaste
And if I say something about it will you call me rent free?
/cum/ is a right wing Christian thread.
kill yourself fat
kill yourself
you just got banned earlier on in the thread toby
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happy friday
is there an interesting thread somewhere on this website
he is messed up
/s/ is a pretty consistent board.
because it wasnt shitting up the thread and boosting post count, or touched a nerve, and i wasnt taking the bait

they didnt like it because all i did was sit here and post the same thing over and over again at it, so he couldnt keep it going
Show us your teeth
I don't like animals
i use >>>/sp/ to keep in touch with sports teams for my normie coworkers and >>>/ck/ for cook along threads
he didnt like it when i told everyone that fat is having his mental breakdown

also more people are leaving the thread because of him. people fat has cost the thread yesterday: 2
gonna try to play videogames today
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jsut realized I can watch college football tomorrow since I have the day off

lots of discussion going on not about the poster he doesnt like rn
my life hasn't been the same since spinny stopped posting
im not gay
theres no good video games
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team fortress 2
Can. 117 No aggregate of persons (universitas personarum) or of things (universitas rerum), intending to obtain juridic personality, is able to acquire it unless competent authority has approved its statutes.
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I'm pretty content with Total War Warhammer 3 RN and for the past 6 months. But I'm pirating all the DLC because fuuuuuck paying 300 bucks for the whole package.
Can you believe we pay money to feel what that bird is feeling
doesnt it have denivo
drinking wine
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I bought all but like the last 3-4 CK2 DLCs, but I bought them as they were coming out so I never knew how bad it would get, total it was probably $500ish which isn't actually that bad spread out over 10+ years considering a normal priced game is $60
yes, I bought the base game. But it's been cracked just this month, it's on fitgirl.
What kind
Is it good
what the fuck you have to come back (for the judgement) after you die?
im having a sprite
i have a tummy ache
kill yourself fat
oh nice. might try itt
I spent thousands of hours on CK2 (and 1). In hindsight, that was just building up the courage to play EU4. And being autistic and sad.
How do I pirate it?
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You gotta poop I reckon
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l try to avoid poisoning myself tbqh
Please stop, it's really detrimental to the quality of the general. His posts are much more harmless when no one is antagonizing him.
i gotta poop (have a buttache)
I'm a hardline atheist but this is one of my perennial favs
for me, its hard Mt Dew
1052 "We believe that the souls of all who die in Christ's grace . . . are the People of God beyond death. On the day of resurrection, death will be definitively conquered, when these souls will be reunited with their bodies" (Paul VI, CPG § 28).

1060 At the end of time, the Kingdom of God will come in its fullness. Then the just will reign with Christ for ever, glorified in body and soul, and the material universe itself will be transformed. God will then be "all in all" (1 Cor 15:28), in eternal life.
i don't wanna talk about my poops but yes probably
stop responding to ratpedo, you idiot
what the fuck is up with people always bringing up "fees" and "not being independent" when talking about unions?
you literally get paid much better and have better benefits
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If stomach cancer anon is here, I want to say that I am deeply sorry for my behavior last night. It was very rude of me to keep talking about my own minor issues after you revealed to me the pain you are going through. I hope things work out for you
Do you take small poops or large
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>I'm a hardline atheist
another dogshit fat post

kill yourself
If you truly had a single care about the quality of this general you would get on irc and harass a mod to get off their ass and babysit the thread or rangeban
I believe that's like a metaphor for humanity building an omniscient machine that will transmute our very minds into eternal spacefaring cybernetic beings, or whatever
my buddy's in a welding union and makes the same as me stacking boxes after union dues and taxes
I already submitted a feedback note. What is IRC?
i'm not going to lie his posts made me tear up a little and i wasn't really sure what to say
i can't even imagine being faced with something of that magnitude
yeah, rangeban fat
whos currently ban evading to make those posts
nah its real
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he's nice and he's a Withnail & I fan. What have YOU done for me lately?
>What is IRC?
I love Addison Rae
incel discord
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lots of discussion going on not about the poster he doesnt like rn

meanwhile all he is still talking about is me and feedback and IRC - when he is the problem and ban evading. his posts are a detriment to the thread
you cannot separate those copy-paste posts from a spambot (which acts 20 hours a day)

he is making inorganic posts about it now to shit up the thread further

mods, if you have any doubt, just look at how hard he tries to keep it going. this is all he does
this thread is cursed
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gd it here we go again
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people have been talking about leaving the thread again since fat started (they dont do this when its just me - not antagonized)

2 people left the thread yesterday and he went and did it again

do not acknowledge fat
if love is nothing but neurological impulses sent to the brain, how come its always associated with the heart?
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this is such an attractive accent

now you want to have 100 posts back and forth for the attention while also dragging down the thread? nah. kys faggot.

do your job because people have spoken out about the quality of the thread when - fat is having his mental breakdowns - which, because he cant go off onn them (this is all he does for 20 hours a day) - he reports and gets banned

this is all he does (is complain) - about whatever - cant do anything else, and wants the thread to be bad

thank you
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Your dose is too strong for blue boards, but here's a microdose for yinz
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here's your whygena bro
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i will now leave it so you can all take a step back and look at the effect fat has on the general and what he really does

he tried so hard to keep this going because its all he does

if an American reposts this so others can see, it would be greatly appreciated
This tincture slaps but not necessarily in a good way
>inb4 he continues to post for an hour
>i will now leave it
no you won't
why are u being mean to tobes
look how bad he wants it to continue - beacuse its all he does. 20 hours a day
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>we all like cringe music from time-to-time
Everyone go away, me and my wife spinster need alone time
because hes retarded and its funny
Dance my little wind up toy
Dance for your master
Bruh fuck off, I don't come to your general and shit things up
lots of discussion going on not about the poster he doesnt like rn
i got moderate
don't reply to rat pedo
I'm more pissed at these other two Brits than MN himself. Get the fuck out of our general
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>Bruh fuck off, I don't come to your general and shit things up

post the bradley
post 1000 bradleys
I'm not replying to you faggot
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just remember, the last time the foid posted she was going out with the gals. she found a bf, and you're still alone
>at these other two Brits
they're both me
boy it sure would be nice if dipshits stopped replying to him and giving him reason to stay
She's still here and she's cute qt
kill yourself
me too
hope she reads this bro
Into the dumpster
>expecting order in a world ruled by chaos
So true *rapes you*
lots of discussion going on not about the poster he doesnt like rn
I find this bickering so disheartening...let the power of music & drugs heal you, brothers
maybe its your own fault that no one likes you
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You can only have one for the rest of your life
Your choice?
The kotor comics suck
thread abysmal even for /cum/ standards
i'll come back later
curly easily
waggle is the only logical choice. wedge and steak or too thick and crinkle is mid
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I wish I was powerful
This looks like a missing person or lost media scare image

goddamn phone
he posted the images hes not allowed to post! wow so funny!
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for me it's smiley fries, the true patrician's choice
do you care what happens to your body after you die
if so what do you want to happen to it
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I am gay and have a bf though, he's raiding right now
now you want to have 100 posts back and forth for the attention while also dragging down the thread? nah. kys faggot.
I want to be buried in a plain wooden coffin, I don't want to be embalmed or cremated. I want to re-enter the natural cycle via decomposition.
No but if I can choose, I'd like to be buried without a coffin directly in the dirt so my body can become nutrients to nature
all comics suck ever since I discovered Jeff Smith's Bone. I've never found its equal since. Got a 3 gig rip of Cerebus by Dave Sim on the 'puter right now but it seems kinda boring overall.
set your family up for success so by the time you reincarnate you'll be born into it
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Eusexua is a good album
whoa these are very similar answers
kinda light on the melodies, is Twigs. Stylish tho.
Collective unconscious strikes again
test c:
what do you want to happen to your body, mr. protagonist?
l want to be blown up, stuff me with tannerite like a Thanksgiving bird and let er rip for my funeral. If you aren't drenched in my matter, you don't matter
oh fuck i think i accidentally reported as illegal content instead of extremely low quality
no one cares
Foid, please stop reporting
I know it's you
evading post filters works too, usually better from my experience
Do you stan Addison Rae?
fat does it again
eating soybean oil free peanut butter
do you enjoy overwhelming gayness in music? I'm straight, but I can't resist a snappy synthpop tune
eating pure soy butter rn
i got 72
this nigga really taking buzzfeed tests
so far worked 6 hours overtime. gonna work 4 more next week. should bring in an extra $500 or so after taxes.
nah it tastes like shit. i stole it from walmart
jerk off right now
this nigga drinking boxed wine for the flavor
>do you enjoy overwhelming gayness in music?
this >>202207165 is what im drinking
I got 26.2%
boxed wine
red wine makes me shit water
i like my wine
i drink only the finest 'cept i haven't made a dime in sevral months
or were it years
alcohol in my system
now it's time to cry
because you're not white
i want you to cum
Well why aren't we sending your wine shits to Africa or places in draught
failed the npc test
Son of a bitch
Eh, too mainstream. I'm a kind of a hippie, I've got big billowing brown curls down to my nipples and wear stuff like fuzzy dark sweaters, fur-tinged leather jackets and short boots.
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Why are Mexicans always angry? It makes me so scared, I just want to cry.
>wake up
>research american politics
>post it here for attention
this is why your country's owned by chinese and populated by jeets btw
what's that to do with the bowel?
some guy called me sexy and said i should start an onlyfans
I would bang Ice Spice if she dropped that zoomer fashion shit
cry chud
I've always thought gay people are generally smarter than straight people.
Cry about it
i feel awful.
no one drinks like gaston
Are you gonna take his advice, spinster?
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I only drink wine thats under $10 with an ABV of at least 13.5%
do you need your ego stroked this badly? you mustve been a lonely child
Intelligence test time. Describe what you would be doing if you didn't eat breakfast this morning.
of course we are, being able to creampie bussy without worrying about pregnancy IS smart
who is spinster
no but i need my cock stroked badly
I didn't eat breakfast this morning
but i did eat breakfast
umm all of the atoms have a predetermined path and would always of arrived here
but I did eat breakfast this morning
not breaking my fast
buy whiskey or rum
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heard the Vines for the first today, they were awful, like fast Nirvana. When I think of modern garage rock, this is it. But I was very sympathetic to the singer's struggle with asperger's, cause I am just the same. He went to live with his parents at 45 and assaulted his mom sometime after, though not seriously.
Dude weed
lol the mods keep removing the truth bombs about fat but allow him to spam the same messaeg over and over again 20 hours a day whenever someone replies, like a spambot
taco bell or mcdonalds gents
wine doesnt give me painful hangovers, AND its cheaper
i love showing off naked to strangers on the internet. i don't even hide my face either. who gives a fuck if people find out who i am
make new
Shall be having some in 2-3 hours
Taco bell
have you tried drinking a fuck ton of water?
i am narcissistic.
Dude tobacco
(i am not being paid to post this)
well leave me out of it then you annoying people
thanks homie, will do. would you like to recommend something? if not i'll get the usual
gayson tier post
Just get the usual but ask for diablo sauce
if Im drunk Im not remembering to drink water, STUPID
The honorable dude weed
where new???
dude COFFEE lmao

unironically me. chugged a whole glass of espresso today
says here that south asians (as one example) have a higher risk of developing heart disease
dude weed esq.
weed is for losers
south asians have a higher risk of taking my cock up the ass (because i travel to developing countries to sexually take advantage of financially struggling people)
screaming lord dudeweed
there is more discussion happening - and less complaints - now that fat has stopped
remember that going forwards
hello /mu/ anon
Ok Quentin
why would I be in my bathroom when Im drunk
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>he cant hold his liqour and bladder
not if im drinking wine + beer + rum
You failed

Damn /cum/ is retarded

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