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*DING DING DONG* edition

old >>203587633
bum gal chan
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I may just patch things up with my bf, and that makes me happy

He is still insane though
wtf, a real woman?
Aз cъм жeнcтвeн мъж, гocпoдинe.
time to go stir the wine barrels
what should i plant next year?
no way, mr officer

I hate liberals so much it's unreal
Real men carve the 0 and 1 in stone and they execute the code in their head.
think i'll try growing this
>1,200,000 to 2,000,000 Scoville heat units
>150 to 800 times hotter than a halepenio, which i can't stand
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real men execute codemaymuns
фък зигъpc лoл
rent free
тихo зигъp
Tихo зeгъp
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>home owner
>BMW owner
>iPhone owner
>expensive clothes, watches, sun glasses and perfumes
>white and hairy, full hair
>high IQ
>was desired by blondes
>was kissed by pale girls
>touched boobs of blonde pale teen
>touched soft skin of other pale blonde
>seen a young vagina
>been asked to go to a date
>got compliments from blondes
>4 different groups of friends
>big network family
>only attracted to virgins since 14
Tf Timmy gon do?
Kek even his baits don't impress anyone nowadays

>11.4 lev for seeds and 15.4 lev for delivery
yeah, maybe not
merely polubrainian f20 kicked in, he'll soon start telling billionaire tales again

there are now two confirmed billionaires in here with second being stefan janev
If Sashko were to teoreticall stab Dijana to death would the powerful macedonian glowies investigate /balk/?
last i heard there's some university professor who's studying him, and parading him among his students, so they'd earn experience dealing with schizos
the professor knows about /balk/ and has told him not to come here

so at most they might grab a macedonian who encouraged him to do it, if he posts about it soon before doing it

but i don't think he's gonna stab anyway
he's said he's killing himself "in 30 minutes" like 10 times now
he just wants the attention
>gedditor tried to warn you
>you didn't listen
it's over
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>be me
>be fag
>go on grindr (western gay fag dating app)
>get messaged by some 40 year old guy
>he asks me for face pics
>tell him no but assure him i am submissive and breedable
>he insists
>tell him 'no' ans send him a pic of my legs
>he asks for more
>tell him "no" and that i want to get a feel for his personality first
>he says no and says i am a tease who only talks about baisc shit
>insist i want to hear about his personality and ask him for his views on life and his politics
>tells me no and that if he wanted to talk about politics he wouldn't be on grindr
>tell him i hate niggers and faggots
>he calls me insane and exclaims he is tolerant, advises me to take my pills
>i call him a liberal faggot and a pederast, and that anyone who doesn't have an opinion on politics is spineless, and everything was much better under zhivkov
>he tells me i only ever saw zhivkov on tv
>i tell him he should have paid attention in school more and taken the army more seriously
>he blocks me

Say what you want, but I am not part of this crowd
Did I ask?
No but i thought it was really funny, and it really made me understand and sympathize with homophobics i.e normal people
>go on faggot dating app
>rant about hating faggots while also looking for a faggot to fuck you in the ass
Who would have expected this turn of events, crazy, anyways for when is your plane ticket to muttistan?
I didn't rant about hating faggots, I ranted about the old times being better. And I don't hate homosexuals. I hate a specific kind of homosexual. As far as I am concerned men like Jack Donovan are the ideal type.of man DESPITE being homosex. I want masculine men. Not tolerant soyboys. Who they are attracted to makes no difference.

My plane ticket is a couple days before christmas.

Also can you like, add me on a chat app? I need someone to talk to.
No, i don't even have any chat apps, i hate normnigger shit like that, you don't understand how autistic and fullof hatred i truly am
open telegram fagot
Okau but make a telegram or somethinf. Anything? Please? I just want to speak with you? Thanks :)
Why? I'm not that interesting, and i already said that i am disgusted by the fact that i share some similar views to you but you were on your period and sperge dout at it
So true, we should move from fortsan to your dead bot infested chan so we can avoid /biz/ and /pol/ spambot shit fest all together!
Just contact me sweetheart
yмpи мaмa ти дeeбa и тypcкия aбopт, тpeaшe тъпaтa кypвa дa тe изcepe в гpoбa нa бaщa ти yмpeлeцa, yмpeляци, мъpшa cкaпaнa в зeмятa
Just contact him already bro, the glownigger is being recalled back to Langley and he at least have to bring a second honeypot victim to his megaglowie boss or he'll miss out the free hrt treatment bonus!
Hi baby come and kill me please
gud porning aj wajkette hljopp prom shklepp
Mental to think that /balk/ could die with the blink of the eye if 4channel dies
Bulgaria harase me again
DALI MVR KE SI JA RABOTI RABOTATA?!?! Ke pravam problemi
why are you going back to america?
why do you prefer to stay in bulgaria?
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don't worry
you'll still find me ringing the bells at the competition
Gay bathhouse money is running low bro
Sorry bro, shall not help him with his overthrow of the tatargarian government.
I would help you you overthrow Mitsotourkis however, greece needs to be ruled by fascistic hellenic engineers
>you'll still find me ringing the bells at the competition
I already know what an autistic freak you are bro
American dude visits Bulgaria homeland
>why are you going back to america?
To make money
>why do you prefer to stay in bulgaria?
People are better here
Don't worry bro, 4chan ain't dying anytime soon because the leadership has colluded with the American glowniggers since the mid 2000s
It's no coincidence it's the only big chan still operational and still hosted in the US

Kek, it's crazy to think the Americans will just do that to him once his usefulness is over
Just like they did to Zaev, Tsipras, that childless whore from Finland etc etc
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Sorry bro, you'll have 5 more years of him, i wonder would you rather have the bumgarian alternative where you have to voote in a different election very other week or liek this?
Also it's really fascinating how balkmunic greece is, i was reading about that train derailment a couple days ago
>Following the crash, Transport Minister Kostas Karamanlis resigned, taking responsibility for the crash and for his failure to bring Greek railways to 21st-century standards
>he was reelected, after applying just two weeks after the incident
Yet most greeks on 4tsan outside of /balk/ will chimp out if you call them balkan.
Report Bumgal's gimp slave under this ordinance
there's plenty of pornographic images produced / hosted already
the government doesn't enforce it

the law was passed soon after leaving communism
a frenchman came and recorded a porn video with a bulgarian woman over the bulgarian flag
so the law was passed, and not revoked since

or so i hear

anti-porn laws are very silly in theory
it's basically modern day iconoclasm
if i say "the big bad wolf raped the little red riding hood", that's fine and "free speech". but if i draw it, that's illegal. makes no sense at all
I will report you for the bear panty image as well
Do I see a new Suno prompt?
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knock yourself out, bro
but the only link i can find is only for "corruption" tips of government employees
and you have to write in bulgarian

Okay don't help me but at least please call me and speak with me C:
Dox yourself for me real quick first though, bro
whats your favourite bible verse bro
>a frenchman came and recorded a porn video with a bulgarian woman over the bulgarian flag
i think it might have been this
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petites_cochonnes_bulgares
that's a really tough question
first one that comes to mind is this
>"And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth."
- Isaiah 2:19
The part where the niggas of Sodom want to homosexually rape the angels most likely
I said in time bro

we should make a secret balk telegram
It's already made bro, and it's called Xpozed's discord server

I was once riding an elevator and this obvious code maymun entered looking all disheveled and unwashed and shit (but like 190cm tall strangely enough)

Nigga immediately whip he phone out and open discord
sounds legit
t. didn't know anything about this

ahem.. you will post on man gal chan and you will like it (heh)
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The stereotypical codemaymun no longer exists. Many of them are buff batkas and many have teenage children.
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>Jurors at the Old Bailey wept as they were shown horrifying footage of the vile attack carried out by 35-year-old Mohamed Noor Iidow.
>The fiend's overly large genital, the size of a soda bottle, lodged deep inside the throat of the victim in the horrific attack on July 17, and caused her to have a cardiac arrest

>>her family has made a public appeal, emphasizing her compassionate spirit and belief in forgiveness. Loved ones say that Natalie, a passionate supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, would have advocated for understanding and healing, even for the man who brutally took her life
Why are anglos like this?

I hope this finally happens so Macedonians of both states can finally come to the land of rich (Greek south) and got seduced by our riches
We protected our women whilst hungarian & romanian women frequent the nigger anus licking scene bro
Thoughts on >>203629609 mpro?
Many of their wives have teenage children*
plus discord has mods and no balkmun besides myself can be trusted with mod powers

lol, this and the amount of delusional retards in memetok comments really makes you see how retarded the anglos and newgens are
makes this shithole seem sane in comparison
This is what hungarians and czech exist for bro
Xpozed can be trusted
>t. sucking up to xpozed to get janny status
I would be Xpozed's strongest warrior
Honestly the vast majority are puccian and hoholian whores.
Greeks will tell you with a straight face that we're ""hard workers"" deserving better wages and economy, and literally no one questions how it's possible that all cafeterias and taverns are filled to the brim at 1pm on a workday.
in my discord server only codemaymuns would have rights
You can find this over on /lgbt/ bro
Aren't you supposed to be in rehab, lol?
She paid the toll, simple as
that's full of trannies bro
trannies are banned in my discord server
Autism diagnosis status?

So true
>He's banned off his own discord server
It's so over
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I'm not mango doe
Every time I post something here some other greek flag will assume I'm one of the /balk/ personas and reply to me as if we're carrying over some previous conversation here.
mi neighbor looks like this
Pregabaline status?
So true.
>go out during work hours on a workday
>cafes full to the brim, pipo cruising the streets carefree
>go out on a weekend
>no one in cafes, no one on the streets
Where would you see those shapely greek kolarakia if all these hoes were in the office pretending to work?
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I understand shooting a porn movie but why stepping on bulgarian flag? It was for sure filmed intentionally and maybe politically but why
why not? does bumgaria even have a flag desecration law
The director was french, there is no reason French to be mad at Bulgaria. I would have understand if it was german or UK flag giving the context.
It's UP!
you don't need to be mad to do things
stop being such an incel
unironically a good choice, only one i can quote from memory is romans 12:19 so i guess thats my fav
Its indeed degrading to Bulgaria
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uh oh, trvke alert

countries don't have feelings
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Ordered some Indian, poo is the sauce for the lamb, chunky bits are spicy fried chicken.
Saved on three euro chapatis by using wheat tortillas that I had.
Kek, always funny hearing from greek gastarbeiter who grumble about westerners being rude and distant to them.
These niggas thought the locals would be welcoming them as fellow europeans and instead they become untouchables who have to stick to their own because their culture is incompatible to the native one.
could've cooked yourself a whole pot of vinen kebab and a full pot of rice for the same price
Just vooted
Love vooting for which miscreant bandit is going to embezzle my tax money.
Heckin' love democracy.
you have fags trying to larp as different to people from different cities from the same country yet they think they can move countries and they'll be welcomed with open arms
this isn't the US, it's a bunch of self-important villages throwing a tantrum and demanding you give attention and respect their "culture", not a single country in europe is primed to handle immigrants properly and they get upset when you say it out loud
that entire thread was people talking about free healthcare and unemployment benefits when OP was talking about making 1M+ in the US
just execute all normalfags already
The french went to jail for this bro
should made him the minister of porn and made every 18 year old foid and moid star in a porno to graduate
this, but halve the ages
the weekend is for resting from going out, it's exhausting to go on incelwalks and solo coffee dates
looked at the grindr selection in Sofia, lots of cute guys, why are you picking old men
I wish Xpozed was here
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Neither do I and yet you have to be decent otherwise you end up in Allah's judge court sooner than expected
a viable option for replacing graduation pictures but it would be sad watching balkcels pick the "solo male" category en masse or "cuck" if they have friends
Я пaк
cuck obsessed polcels have been a disaster for the voyeur/gangbang/threesome race
>french pensioner 10 years jail for touching gypsy girls 9yrs and 11yrs old
Every westener is a pedophile. If I had kids I would never leave them unattended with anyone north the danube
never trust a western "digital nomad"
>single, middle aged
>lived in dozens of countries in sea and eastern europe for the past 20 years
Eastern Europe is not SEA, sorry to bust your chud fantasies.
Well maybe accept Romania.
you just triggered /trv/
>ocъдeн нa eднa гoдинa зaтвop зa cвoдничecтвo нa 13 ceптeмвpи 2010
literally nothing prolly was house arrest too
C пиcмeнoтo cи peшeниe, пyбликyвaнo тaзи вeчep, Плoвдивcкият cъд ocъждa Жaн-Hoeл Peнe Клep нa eднa гoдинa и чeтиpи мeceцa лишaвaнe oт cвoбoдa ycлoвнo и нa 5 000 лeвa глoбa (oкoлo 2500 eвpo). . Beчe cвoбoдeн, peжиcьopът вce пaк тpябвa дa ocтaнe в Бългapия дo влизaнe нa пpиcъдaтa в cилa, тoecт 15 дни cлeд peшeниeтo.
literally nothing
you're a naive timmy
This is a pensioner but I do agree and extend to never trust any westener
Дa cлeд кaтo пpeди тoвa eфeктивнo e лeжaл
and you are a virginal selyak chudling
Oбвинявaт Жaн Hoeл, чe e cклoнил дeceтки плoвдивcки цигaни дa ce cнимaт в нeгoвитe мъжки пpoдyкции. Toй oбaчe cмятa, чe тoвa e чacт oт кyлтypaтa нa зaпaднaтa цивилизaция.
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see you on bum gal chan
21] What, then, should we have at hand to help us in such
emergencies? Why, what else than to know what is mine and
what isn’t mine, and what is in my power and what isn’t? [22]
I must die; so must I die groaning too? I must be imprisoned;
so must I grieve at that too? I must depart into exile; so can
anyone prevent me from setting off with a smile, cheerfully and
serenely? ‘Tell me the secrets.’ [
23] I won’t reveal them; for
that lies within my power. ‘Then I’ll have you chained up.’ What
are you saying, man, chain me up? You can chain my leg, but
not even Zeus can overcome my power of choice. [
24] ‘I’ll
throw you into prison.’ You mean my poor body. ‘I’ll have you
beheaded.’ Why, did I ever tell you that I’m the only man to
have a neck that can’t be severed? [
25] These are the
thoughts that those who embark on philosophy ought to reflect
upon; it is these that they should write about day after day,
and it is in these that they should train themselves.

we agreed to create a balk whatsapp group bro
so true!
i will miss my parasocial friends if this happens, yalls are much cooler than my real life friends
Some chud tech millionaire should just buy the site to keep it going.
How much could it possibly cost per year to run it?
More than €50k?
tayba pidala g1rbav gnasen prai bvll i stiga mi demagogstva tuka
costs aren't that expensive, this shithole is barely functioning
it's just the constant fed warrants that increase your risk of getting sued, just permaban pol
Same bro except i don't have any irl friends and i hate all of you
The iconic ding dong edition
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You don't need a chud billionaire
We have a shizo superchud TRILLIONaire itt that can buy fortsan and also ban politics and feds from this site
I should pastamaxx

how will balk survive without a five year plan?
elonce muskoski...
>What, do all horses become swift-running, or all dogs quick on
the scent? [35] And then, because I’m not naturally gifted, shall
I therefore abandon all effort to do my best? Heaven forbid. [36] Epictetus won’t be better than Socrates; but even if I’m not
too bad,* that is good enough for me. [37] For I won’t ever
be a Milo* either, and yet I don’t neglect my body; nor a
Croesus, and I don’t neglect my property; nor in general do I
cease to make any effort in any regard whatever merely
because I despair of achieving perfection.
intcels refuted
chudsters shouldn't have threatened sheriff big C
*taxhuman takes 40%*
nothing personnel
>oh no, I only got 600k for going on a walk today
truly they suffer
they should move to bulgaria and work as call center agents for that real money
not enough for a garage in nigroville
refuted by epictetus, even if someone handed you 1 trillion you'd seethe >>203634000
What are you going to do with one million?

Kek Ikipoverty btfo
made my pasta a bit too spicy
Velichie is live tune in right now we are saving Bulgaria.
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friends are massively overrated unless youre the type of nigga whose mental health is reliant upon a constant stream of social interaction to remain stable and if you were that type of nigga youd probably have friends by now. i suspect that the girlfriend experience is even more of a meme tbqh
the more they cuck pol the more polcels will flee to int, mpalk will survive but it might get more political harrassee which might cause sashe to snap and kill billions of trillions of bulgarians as punishment
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Kek, based friends
polcels have already infested every single board due to nonexistent moderation
only consistent permabans handed about over a sustain period of time can purge them
friends are a pain in the ass and only needed for yap addicts
>porednnite izmamnici sa live
za kvo ?
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kek pusthjdes elines racjsta xaxaxxaxaxxa lmao Albos writing in Greekbanian is so funny
the albo persecution complex is endless
The eternal albo will only relax when Albania becomes Bigbania
>When tippelzones or areas where street prostitutes could work legally opened in areas of major cities in the Netherlands researchers found a 30 to 40% drop in reports of rape and sexual abuse in the first two years after this began. In Dutch cities that licensed the sex workers that are legally able to work in these zones rapes and sexual abuse fell by up to 40%.
>For example, the European Women's Lobby, which bills itself as the largest umbrella organization of women's associations in the European Union, has condemned prostitution as "an intolerable form of male violence".[6] In February 2014, the members of the European Parliament voted in a non-binding resolution (adopted by 343 votes to 139; with 105 abstentions), in favor of the 'Swedish Model' of criminalizing the buying, but not the selling of sex.[7] In 2014, the Council of Europe made a similar recommendation, stating that "While each system presents advantages and disadvantages, policies prohibiting the purchase of sexual services are those that are more likely to have a positive impact on reducing trafficking in human beings".
nice to see yurofags ignoring statistics for feefees
Te go izgoniha debeliq sega sa samo 4estni hora.
you shouldn't leave them unattended with anyone south of the danube either
edin svodnik kolko da e chesten
just remembered amerikkkans get arrested if they let their kids walk alone
what do I know, I would walk alove all the time, but cops would harrasse you if you didn't carry id
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krauts btfo
Sha otkradne maika ti ot neiniq li?
>I MUST be a millionaire in a foreign land
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Holy based, groups of young men lure pedos and they beat them up, they also hit some 42 year old cop who wanted to fuck a 15 yo girl

God bless these people
>I MUST be poor and pay taxes
Can one of you make a thread for me?
God give them hands of stone so they can crack pig skulls
Modern Greeks are clowns
>Male: Crete and I live in Athens.
>Fake underage profile: Perfect. Is it a problem that I'm 15?
>Male: No.
>Fake underage profile: How old are you?
>Man: 42
>Fake underage profile: Great... I like older guys.
>Man: Have you been with one?
>Fake underage profile: No
>Man: Good... Are you a virgin?

LMAO pedos and obsession with virginity, most common duo ever
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>42 year old cop wanting to fuck a 15 year old
Literally every adult male finds 15 year old girls attractive
It's legal in Greece.
yes, you must suffer until the country gets better or die with it
you'd have to be 80iq to fall for this
>yes, you must suffer until the country gets better or die with it
So when are you going back?
where would I go back?
that's such obvious bait I have a hard time believing it's serious

>people who talk about pedos 24/7 have something to do with pedos
who knew
I've seen hags at 12 that look older than most 25 year olds and have the proportions of porn models
like wtf, what are they feeding them now that menarche age keeps dropping lower and lower

it's funny how only tutorial worlders or thirdies say this shit, the first ironically because they don't know what shithole means and the second because they've already given up on moving to the first
Montenigger or wherever your spawn location was
I need help bros
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Most cops aren't the brightest, I must say
Lmao shut the fuck up fatass schizo pedo

Or maybe continue preaching for pedophilia and the Bundespolizei will come for you again, for the final time
There was a time when a 13 year old virgins was a birth right. Fucking cucks and simps ruined everything.
thirdies have the unshackled dreams and firsties have the understanding of the soulessness of materialism
montenigger is not my country tho
restore italian albania or the osmanlis and maybe I'd do it
It's real

>Σύμφωνα με το Star, η Ασφάλεια έχει ήδη προχωρήσει σε έρευνα για τον αστυνομικό, ενώ όλα τα βίντεο είναι στην κατοχή της, το ίδιο και η κατάθεση του αστυνομικού, με τον ίδιο, να αρνείται κάθε εμπλοκή. Η Ασφάλεια έχει στην κατοχή της και το κινητό του και αναμένει την σχετική διάταξη για τον έλεγχο του
>i am osmanlı!!!
German law allows Greeks to have sex with 14 year old girls.
Low testosterone society
Not even a horny cow would fuck you, limpdickbey
Just you and your pedo pals bro
about what
the arbiter of osmanlihood over here...
>my great grandfather and all men before him were pedophiles
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>Athens is the best city on earth. All other cities are impotent.

With that image
what does that have to do with attempted fornication with 15 year olds?
he is complaining about all the 15 year olds prevented from legally fornicating by crabby feminists
Give me your sister and she will report how well my penis works. You seem to be very interested in mine, faggot.
>I have the rights of my grand grandfathers but I will only pick the attributes convenient for me
Go live without electricity and suck turkish dick because at one point it was common pedo
based feminists?
Men getting together to bust 'pedophiles' (men with normal sex drive) turn out to be even worse offenders than the people they are trying to catch.

Implication is quite obvious.

15 is legal here retard.
pedo hunters are just socially acceptable vigilantism tho, nothing special

stop oppressing minorities(the youth of the world)
Why would I ever give my sister to a poor, fat schizophrenic Turk? Did I ever give you the impression I hate her?
Lmao, kill yourself pedo
If you want to put all men who find 15 year olds attractive into jail there would only be faggots left on this earth. Normal healthy male sex drive is persecuted in today's judaized, feminized society.
Velichie is live, number 4.
Vote or die
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here you go, bro >>203640062
I have an iPhone, while all you showed in years is your interest in my penis.
it's low quality youth going around beating people, only instead of filing it under gang crimes the police can now put it under vigilantism
pretty sure that coercing someone to commit a crime and then beating them up isn't legal either but whatever, balkmun police
the freak guy legit looks like he has two brains
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Show model, poorfag limpdick
ain't nothing normal about online courting in secrecy and then your fatass showing up in person to dick up someone's little daughter also in secrecy. normal sexuality is out in the open, they get married and even show the bedsheets in the balcony the next day.
nah, the whip shall be cracked
>open /balk/
>Read it quickly, it's all the same
>close the page.
I fixed your countries
Your welcome
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>he wants you to make a thread so he can then disagree with it
angelos is comedy genius
I'm sorry, oversocialized freak: but attraction to women who are biological adults is not and has never been pedophilia.
Go back to Rebbit. You know which website this is?
It's a symptom of a much larger social issue.
Thanks. I hope you troon out a 2nd time to a man again.
>open economy news
>Turdkey still has 477% shitflation
>recep hayvan still seethes about Poopestine
>laugh and close the tab
I will if you give me 100€. My time is worth money
Go jerk off to kids pedo, soy faggot you should meet the other soy molestors on plebbit
Nothing about the current society is 'normal'. Women of that age are in their sexual prime. If it's a crime or socially unacceptable to court these girls of course it will happen in 'secret'. Women are no longer the property of their fathers. As such this is the result.
Post some more dingdongding anime kids, sis

Kek poorfag, I accept your surrender.
I accept that you have nothing to show off
Insane I share a country with these americanized freaks.
I'm sorry, but 15 year old girls are universally seen as attractive across all times and cultures. It has and always been within marriageable age. Helen of Troy was much younger than even 15. You are absolutely deluded in every sense of the word.
there is not a father on earth who'd want some disheveled 40 year old rube his own age for his daughter dog
jealous chudcels
stop projecting chud
>to be a pedo is perfectly normal you see we all are pedos its not just me being a deranged pedo ok?
You don't know much about what goes on in Mormon societies in your own country, do you? I suppose fathers also do not want their daughters to be the town bicycle either. Reality is different.
You must be some zoomer.
yeah you're right, I forgot thirdie peasants exist, you can get some fat american to wave his passport around and they'll all be offering their daughters
mormons are getting married and not fornicating
And you must be some boomer pedo
knower of mormons over here
celibacy isn't the default, especially not for hormone addled teenagers
Fornication exists in the first place because women are no longer property of their father and have the freedom to whore around. Prostitutes have always existed and the majority of women today fall into this category.
I'm not going to let some brainwashed child tell me how the world operates.
we aren't talking about shit between teenagers tho.
yes, so how is enabling this even further addressing the issue?
Addressing the issue is punishing men for their natural sex drive in a society which makes a virtue of prostitution? This issue cannot wholly be addressed. Every civilization which has allowed women to roam free ends up getting conquered from the outside. There is no solution. I see dying civilization unable to even defend it's own borders, whereas the elites who created and enforce such anti-social laws enjoy as much young flesh as they desire.
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A lot of them pedos itt need the same treatment
Im sure your endless wisdom brought you to this place pedo
>graphposting hours
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technically the brains of women don't develop fully until 18
and the brains of men keep developing until 21
so that should be the real "age of mental maturity"

but then again it would by hypocritical not to factor in IQ
there are many child prodigies that are far smarter than many adults will ever be

i think this will be more fleshed out as we meet aliens and put sentient AI into robot bodies

but fundamentally it goes down to eugenics
age of sexual maturity could be considered, but "it's a big responsibility that they don't understand fully". again, some don't, some do. many don't even in adulthood. thus eugenics
Source: The jewish pedo journal
Indeed, what brings me here is the liberty to speak the truth in an increasingly regulated world.
yes, the dysfunctional garbage must be culled, and this in particular is one of last punishments that remains compared to what once was. do you even see the bitch ass freaks that end up on to catch a predator? it is extremely pro-social to remove them from the equation
I think in the future we might be divided by ideologies rather than nationality. This cuckold is no brother of mine >>203641078
it's a manufactured issue that comes from assigning excessive importance to an irrelevant thing
if you treat sex like it's the most important thing in life then it leads to a dichotomy
I don't get why the state is regulating sex at all when it should be based on parental consent if anything up to at least 12

that's because only retards fall for those tho
>almanci sewer insect thinking it belongs with humans
what the world needs is more balkanization
"state's rights" is what they call it in america
for example if they want to perform child sacrifice in california, this should be none of texas's business. and if texas wants to forbid it, that should be no business of californias
but sadly everyone wants to be an imperialist and dictate to others how to live
>up to at least 12
what's that, an arbitrary threshold you pulled out of your ass? rationality and arbitrariness do not square together
Haha, Jews in Vienna, particularly Freudian psychoanalysts are the one who came up with this diagnosis known as 'pedophilia'. Age of consent was raised in all of Europe in conjunction with Jewish feminists.

Reality is not what you think.

>yes, the dysfunctional garbage must be culled
Haha, you truly are insane to think that men who wish to have sex with 15 year olds are 'dysfunctional'. You are nowhere near as intelligent as you pretend to be. You are just another moralizing subhuman.
>do you even see the bitch ass freaks that end up on to catch a predator?
Of course, the people who fall for such scams are low IQ. They are not going to be the creme of the crop and their physiognomy expresses this fact . That being said, sexual attraction to girls of this age has always been normal up until the second world war where everything changed.
18 is also an arbitrary number
see >>203641203
The brain never stops developing.
bella ziza di raggazi mama mia
this, sex should be illegal
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fun fact: i wear slippers size 42
having urges and the act of having secretive sex with 15 year old girls behind their families' backs are two very different things.
Those 15 year olds know how to suck dick. They know what sex is, and at that age women realize how much sexual power they possess over the male. If a girl aged 15 is allowing herself to be courted by a 40 year old it's because she is after his resources. You are a typical gynocentric fool who believes women are innocent angels and that men are to blame for all the issues in the world.

I remember high-school quite well. I remember quite well the type of men 15 year old girls liked.
>pedo still trying to justify his pedophilia
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a girl in my class was dating an old guy
after highschool she married him right away and had kids
they're still happily married as far as i know
imagine the discrepancy in lifestyle between the woman who works as a cashier in her 40s, and who married a rich guy in her 20s
then again, that girl i'm talking about was also pretty dumb as far as grades were concerned
To people like him a 19yo dating a 15 year old is the same as someone born in 1980 trying to date a girl born in 2009

A bullet to the temple is the solution for such creatures
>literally 99% of IP ranges temporarily blocked
lol, I banned the entirety of albania again
not buying your pass jannies, I'll just stop posting

I'd say 12 is old enough a kid is solidly aware if they want something and when the teenage stage of striving for independence starts
most kids around that age are already fooling around and treating them as dolls who don't know what sexuality is causes problems
excessive infantilization is a big issue of modern society
18 is equally arbitrary line and I'd support lowering that in general as the age of majority just so people can be independent earlier
I don't think most states even have emancipation of minors as a process you can independently pursue without being an orphan
>Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud briefly wrote about the topic in his 1905 book Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, in a section titled The Sexually immature and Animals as Sexual objects. He wrote that exclusive pedophilia was rare and only occasionally were prepubescent children exclusive objects. He wrote that they usually were the subject of desire when a weak person "makes use of such substitutes" or when an uncontrollable instinct which will not allow delay seeks immediate gratification and cannot find a more appropriate object.
Perfect analysis of the children lusting incel pedos of 4chan
freud is a hack tho, despite his memeability
>A Jewish said it was bad therefore it is bad.
Always do he opposite of what a Jew tells you to do.
>no stab show
fuck needed me evening coffee fix

boon say something funny you poor turk
You are mad because he called you a weak person
>To people like him a 19yo dating
And where do you draw the line? At what age do you think the bullet to the head is deserved? 21? 24? 30?

All I see is a member of the male sex attempting to eliminate his sexual competition under the guise of morality.
what, you remember the occasional deviant slut who is the equivalent of a male homosexual? all the others are still at the stage of giggling over having naughty thoughts, like kids who just learned their first naughty word and can't stop saying it. these people know nothing and need to be kept on rails by an iron grip, and those who fail need to be cast out and gatekept as the failures that they are.
>all the others are still at the stage of giggling over having naughty thoughts
Absolutely delusional. I'm going to cease this conversation at once.
mhmm, sticks and stones or something
in all of his writings freud had a definite story he wanted to tell, that of wanting to fuck his mother and kill his father, no idea how fucking kids was interpreted
I'd say that sentence is referring to rape in general

nigger did you even have a childhood or what
those people do not exist, nobody is giggling over "naughty thoughts" at fucking 15
4 years difference is okay in the case of the girl or boy being underage but over the age of 14 since they're close to age and have similar mental capabilities

44 and 15 is deplorable and an obvious sign the older person is looking for someone to abuse and not to form a relationship with a future
>where do you draw the line
There is no line. People have an ingrained sense of morals and decency, normal people that is. Others are pedos like you and lack aforementioned
someone who likes to larp as an adult by talking big words but has fucking panic attacks over getting looked at wrong by their twink crush is indeed a child and should be smacked with that reality in the face until they grow up
He himself is clearly autistic and reached sexual maturity later in life so assumes this experience is universal.
>schizophrenic non-sex havers discussing sexual normative law
let me guess, you too are gonna bring up some slut who was molested at 6 as the norm of what is
He has an iq of 200 whilst you are descending from a long line of vlach albanians. I take his analysis over yours and according to his analysis you are weak and use weak kids as sexual substitute for what is not achievable for you e.g. an adult woman or in your case man. This is so unachievable for you that even jerking off to it is less pleasurable because it seems unrealistic for you and you use kids as a substitute. Pedo
philosophy is an ancient balkan tradition
and you're committing a logical fallacy
should only people who kill be allowed to discuss killings? etc
I asked you where the line is between "okay" and "gunshot".
'People' is a meaningless abstraction which doesn't exist. The majority of people obtain their morality from the state.
You are the idiot who genuinely believes women mature past the age of 15. The 'maturity' they gain is deciding in a more economic way how to allocate their value.
>shut in pedo incel with mommy issues is weak
You really don't need Freud to tell you that
yeah, that's the common thread with these people throughout many other threads
kinda mental how they assume it's standard, I just write them off as weirdos who would be celibate monks in another life and unqualified to talk about things

bro, the moment a human starts puberty they start having a sex drive
the average post-puberty teenager today is not some giggling virgin who doesn't know what boy or girl bits are, they may be emotionally immature but sexuality is a very basic pleasure seeking desire that humans like to complicate
even if you want to ignore my case because you want to cope I can guarantee you nobody over the age of 12 in my class was giggling over sex, they were humping the chairs and sharing porn links on facebook messenger

mhmm, you're free to think that but it doesn't match with my own self-analysis
Pedo, I won't be saying the same shit all over again. Now stop being pedo, pedo
you must take me for a fan of AoC laws. I recognize AoC as nothing more than a shitty band aid fix to the problems that were wrought by sexual liberation. Ideally all this nonsense would be regulated by sexuality being regulated by life-long, undivorcable marriage as it used to be. But as it stands, if AoC is to exist and it is to always be equally as arbitrary, better that it be excessively high so that you have to tools to get all the submarine freaks out of the streets and into a dungeon
this maturation talk is slop that you heard from other people. I don't even know what you're trying to get at with it. obviously older people are just gonna be wiser than the younger out of necessity.
You're assuming I want to deprive you of rights whereas I am merely pointing out your powerlessness to do anything about the issue you're discussing.
Attraction to 15 year olds is neither pedophilia and sex with them is 100% legal in both my country and yours.
>obviously older people are just gonna be wiser than the younger out of necessity.
If only this were the case.
whatcho 40 year old ass gon' do bout this attraction
Why are you trying to justify your pedophilia in front of people you will never even meet irl? I assume because this way you can justify it for yourself. Newsflash you are abnormal pedos
>life-long, undivorcable marriage as it used to be.
That's not how it used to be. Not even in ancient civilization.
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>I argue in favor of pedophilia because I think that only a retarded child could ever be tricked into having sex with me despite the fact even a 5 year old would be viscerally disgusted with my ugly inceloid ass
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>Attraction to 15 year olds is neither pedophilia and sex with them is 100% legal in both my country and yours.
Attraction to 15 year olds is not, and has never been pedophilia nor even unlawful.
not at all
the state is not the source of the division
they simply pander for votes to whoever is the most adamant / the majority
discussing issues with people can win them over to your point of view
and in my case it's for more balkanization / local governance, whatever the issue
immigrate, or don't I guess >>203642786

mine was earlier bro

I'm waiting for my chicken breasts to fry bro

I'd rather abolish it and let people solve their own problems than involve the state
these weirdos would be getting dealt with no matter the law
Most fags can hope for is to trick some zoomie into sending nudes and then blackmail them for more pics / videos and then end up being made an example out of by MVR on one of their pre-election shilling campaigns.
>average post-puberty teenager today is not some giggling virgin who doesn't know what boy or girl bits are
who said they were? I didn't say they were giggling over sex, I said they were giggling over being naughty, it's irrelevant where that threshold arbitrarily stands, that they are still in a giggling phase is what matters. you can put all the information in the world in a 15 year old's head and she'll still be a giggling virgin unless she has been servicing her uncle since she was 6.
well it is, necessarily so. even if you tried for it not to be it will still be
Whatchu gon' do bout your attraction, and why isn't every 30+ chasin teens?
>well it is, necessarily so.
I disagree, there was a distinct lack of giggling back in my day
your naughtiness doesn't even really exist as a feeling here, balkmun kids are just mini adults unless they're equally as sheltered as westoids
I think you're just projecting in this case as are most people who were so coddled
>y-y-you see, it's because normies were psyopped by da school system!!! da low inhibition bad boys too!
miss me with the grug "civilizations"
I am a progressive futurist not some historical idolater
This fool will buy a dishwasher but preach bout the good old times lmao
>and why isn't every 30+ chasin teens?
They're too busy masturbating to pornography.
all of the past would die to live in our world. it is for them the sort of future that many of us dreamt we would have but never will
I'm sure the terabytes of "teen" porn mass produced are just ironic
>UMMMMMM in da good ole days da woman WAS da dishwasher! Sad how the state cucked man out of his property like dat! Oh well, time to butter up some deformed incels hoping if I kiss'em they'll turn into a literotica beast Chad!
you're a fucking incel bro, what would you even know about shit? you don't even have a sister to learn from.
you're partly right tho, some wouldn't giggle, those being the ebony ghetto whores. maybe this has something to say about your society more so than anything else
You are the one who argued to make something "as it used to be". You must have really short memory. I just told you it didn't use to be that way. Insane fool.
you certainly have some weird assumptions about me, incel this and incel that
kids fool around bro
what do sisters have to do with anything? lol
>muh whores
madonna-whore complex in full force
sexuality is a normal part of human beings
no it is simply the case that the way it used to be for thousands of years is much more optimal and senseful than what is now, and anyone with half a brain would actually agree with this. it wasn't some appeal to the legitimacy of the past.
ok, and youthful sexuality is insecure and giggly, and also trivially exploitable. you're just blowing hot air now
adult sexuality can be the same, you seem to have some imaginary standards in your mind
it's the difference between beginners and experts, nothing to do with age
ok, but no one gives a shit about adults...
>no it is simply the case that the way it used to be for thousands of years is much more optimal and senseful than what is now,
But how you said it was historically isn't how it was historically. Can you read? Divorce was legitimate even in Hammurabi's code.
that's your problem really, I give an equal shit about everyone
your ideals do not correspond to reality as it is, but to reality as you were told and wish it to be
Nigga will go back to caveman times to justify his pedophilia
if you wanna be anal like that divorce has popped in and out of history, corresponding to the virility of a given civilization. Rome too started with strict divorce, and then diluted it out and empowered women as it decayed out. Same goes for post-Roman Europe.
of course, you are an ingrate leech
I am an aspiring ENTJ dictator wishing to groom a superior civilization
Nigga will write a PhD thesis justifying pedophilia and spend 10 years recruiting terrorists but he won't send a single DM to a teen
I accept your incoherent babbling as the concession it is. You autists all degrade to this in the end.
the concession being that you are a creature with nothing to say and nothing to add in the world? a leaf in the wind
Sorry, but correcting nonsense isn't 'anal'. You are historically illiterate and don't do anything other than bow to the current morality in gynocentric fashion.
we are all leafs in the wind
some leafs like to pretend they are trees
there is nothing gynocentric about regulating women.
cute projecting
Your argument originally started with arguing for regulating men. You switched to talking about divorce and other shit after albovlach and I pointed out your gynocentric nonsense.
obviously the men have to be regulated as well, that is to say culled. that doesn't negate the dimension of regulating women in this
>you will not have secretive communications with 40 year old fat freak and you will certainly not be dicked down by him behind the family's back
if you can't even do this basic bitch minimum then what the fuck can you do in this world?
>kill my sexual competition
You're not above your biology, clearly.
have to cull the cheaters to keep up the competitiveness, otherwise everyone just gives up and neets it up, which is what has happened
haven't washed in 9 days. my ballsack smells like a goat
In the survival of the fittest, there is no such thing as cheating.
the ENTJ dictator shall be the designer of the meta, not circumstance
You've run out of things to say. Just another screeching subhuman.
goyme designers figured this out long ago, you have to be in control of the meta
190. The entire evolutionary strategy of the subhuman is, quite literally, to bamboozle you with sound waves. Until you don't know which way is up. Until black is white and white is black. Until you'll gladly bend over and let him fuck you up the ass (it's called "redistribution"). Previous lifeforms used their limbs to get what they wanted; the subhuman can get by with just his mouth.
bizarre post
Never said anything about cheating.
no, just diluted the meaning of submarine
the submarine can be evolutionarily feasible with just his voice cords? maybe he was the ubermensch all along
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