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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

Looking for books online? Check here:
Guide to #bookz
Recommended Literature
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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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cheetah cube edition

previous >>23341113
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>what is it with men wanting a practical normal life? Why don't men want to be crazy space pirates ass raping Martians? Fatherhood? Family? Community? YUCK!
>Fatherhood? Family? Community? YUCK!
This quite unironically
One of the advantages of being physically more sensitive is that makes you a better lover, foreplay feels as good as sex itself, the kissing, the touching and the smell don’t compare to anything else. The downside is that some girls are just into submissive sex where they don’t really care about participating in the act and that quite a let down and boring and makes me think a lot girls don’t really care about sex itself
Dumb. You'll never understand the true value of life
You will never be a great man.

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I can’t make myself read anything other than sci fi, fantasy, and thrillers.

I have no interest in grown up blah blah philosophy, divorce, drugs, poverty, racism, reddit tier books. I wanted to read War and Peace but I just can’t make myself do it.

I accept the fact that I’m too immature and I’ll just stick with what I enjoy

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So if Nietzsche thought that Victorian society was too "Apollonian" and needed to be balanced out with Dionysianism what would he make of modern society? It seems to be both too Appollonian and Dionysian. How does one make sense of this?
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>the mighty super-egoist who spends his time shitting on morality doesn't understand morality on any level and can't read
I'm sure videogames will solve this.
>[Society is] incredibly apollonian
>Art has been replaced with slop [...] The mainstream position is to view actually artful art as pretentious
>Everyone is incredibly cowardly and conformist
>it's all the same gray bullshit;
These three things, especially the last, are textbook Dionysian. Apollonianism = more definition. Dionysianism = more murkiness.
It is hard to comment on the first because you say art is slop and then say people think art is pretentious, but I assume you mean that modern art is shit. Modern art literally eschews definition as it has completely embroiled itself in Dionysian ichor.
Conformist behavior is a smoothing out of individuals.
Gray is literally the loss of color, or definition.
this is a good point, but the structure itself is opaque and bureaucracy is a total relinquishment of responsibility or the ability to attribute fault
That passage is only supporting democracy insofar as its demise leads to something better. He would also be in support of modern degeneracy in this way. Also, restricting many people from voting based on financial status, while obviously a good idea, is anti-democratic.

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>who spends his time shitting on morality
I only shit on the morality of solipsists.
>they rage at any genuine male sexuality towards young women
You misunderstand what their rage is directed towards. It's not towards male sexuality, but towards the use of male sexuality in specific contexts in order to further the oppression that keeps the institutional powers at be in charge.

Younger generations of men and women are very accepting of nearly all kinds of sexuality. What they're not accepting of is any attempt to enforce some kind of norm on the public, be it sexual, political, or whatever, because this is tyrannical and oppressive at its core.

You can fuck who you want, how you want, so long as the other person consents, but you can't dictate to the public that this is the best way to fuck, the right way to fuck, or the ideal way to fuck, because, quite simply, you're not God, motherfucker.
Postmodern society is not Dionysian in the slightest, Dionysian means complete surrendering of one life to the senses something postmodern society think it is but is afraid to actually practice. In liberals societies the ideal man is the rational man, the man who only knows to live through his intellect but will never let him feel real joy

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Books such as pic related that are set centuries or even millenia before the writer wrote them?
if only there was a name for such a phenomenon
Great Illustrated Classsics were a staple of my middle school experience

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Made any progress lately on that novel you've been working on?
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Yes, I work on it everyday. I try to get 1k words minimum. I've recently discovered that I'm severely addicted to caffeine when, after two days without espresso, I could not physically write because my brain was so foggy. The second I had some I wrote like 2k words.

The hoes call me Balzac because my balls sag
yeah I finished it
I should have gotten the copyright anonymously and just self-published it anonymously if that's possible. Nobody is going to want to touch it and there's a slight possibility that I want a reputation.
I have another idea though, I can get that done this Summer
I always thought it no one likes my novels I'll just wait until I'm old and kill myself in times square with my paper backs in my hand. Maybe someone will read them then.
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That's rough.

I don't give so much a fuck because my "novel" was just a memoir with the names switched out and I wrote that bitch from memory in two months. Revising the fucker took a whole year but the skillset that granted is valuable.
I think the general misconception is that life becomes a-sort-of romanticized literary experience. I.e. latency.

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It's kinda hard to take him seriously when you realise how unoriginal he is. Literally every thought he has is just stolen from Jung or Dostoevsky. You could just read their works instead and you'd miss nothing.
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In his interviews: >>23343804
That's not fair. He also steal a lot from stoicism and other sources.

But I like JP anyways. Originality is overrated, and he provides good advice. Being able to digest all those sources into something useful today is great.
The only time I actively dislike JP was when he was into that weird pseudo-pop-biological psychosociology.
>You see, there's a subspecie of primates in India where the female is only sexually dominant to those males who lost a fight. And that explained why in today society...
That was unscientific, full of counterexamples, and quite retarded. But he abandoned that crap before the lobster man meme grew bigger.
didn't respond to content of post
Oh look it's the peterson fanboy
Apparently you aren't allowed to criticise someone if they had a successful psychiatric practice
He's my personal grifter whenever I want to make efforts to understand the holy Bible.

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Fess up, who are some Booktubers that you watch as a guilty pleasure?
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It's called vertical facial growth. Nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with his parents not taking him to an orthodontist when he was little.
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>and for my next trick I shall turn myself from a cute okikomori tomboy gf into...
>Anita Sarkeesian!
>queen of /lit/
That's not Katie, anon.
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I like to watch Matt, he has the energy.
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this guy is such a fucking fag it's actually crazy. Never seen anything like it. Absolutely everything he does infuriates me and I've only seen like 3 of his videos. "Just finished reading fantasy slop 206" he says while slowly removing the oversized headphones he used to listen to the audiobook version. Gives absolutely dog shit tier takes and probably reads clifford before bed. Man I hate this guy

Was this the peak of Western Culture? It sure seems like it.
>no McDonald's
>no Coca-Cola
>no TV
>no big titty bimbos with fat arses
Yeh, anon, I'm gonna have to say no to this one
A bunch of faggots wearing gay clothes and wigs? fuck off
It's clear how productive getting well read individuals to convene and discuss philosophy can be

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Worth reading or i need to be austrian to get it?
Volume 1 is a fantastic look into the nihilism and cultural despair that fed into the rise of fascism in Europe. Volume 2 is some weird quasi-incestuous shit with a sister character who was never mentioned in Volume 1.
2 elevates the book to another level
Very funny and insightful. You don't even have to care about what's happens since you spend your time well getting amused at Musil's musings.

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What books would our American friends recommend to a confused European who is embarrassingly ignorant of the history of your country? I'm not interested in any particular time period, I'm just looking for a good introductory account of American history from the first colonists down to the present day
The Talmud
Battle Cry of Freedom
A Savage War: A Military History of the Civil War
As a non-American I do not care about American history and so the ACW is the only interesting thing to read about
There's no way you're an actual Euro, you're cordial and have enough self-awareness to realize that you don't know everything
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Francis Parkman, 'France and England in North America.'
So true cister, china will utterly annihilate the west.

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For the discussion of Japanese, Chinese, English, and Korean webnovels/lightnovels.

All forms of litrpg, xianxia and other genres such as Isekai, and media such as visual novels are welcome. Formerly web and now published works are also allowed.

You are free to post your own works(as long as it is WN format) and ask for feedback.

For published novels and tradSci-fi/Fantasy please head on over to >>/sffg/

Due to the constant complaints from /sffg/ I have decided to create a general that will primarily focus on the Eastern web/light novel and English litrpg scene.

>A glossary for those of you who don't know what Xianxia is:
>Website for Litrpg:
>A website that hosts the metadata of many Eastern web/light novels and translation links:

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medieval fantasies are basically the same thing, try to think of the last time a medieval protagonist ever lost to a "supposed" threat
>Litrpg, sci-fi, and stubbed too
Damn it really was stubbed, why do these authors do this? You would think their new readership ratings plummet after stubbing the first volume. I could kind of understand if they do it for the subsequent volumes since there's at least something for people to read and hook them into the story
Why isn't the Storm King by warden more popular? It hits a lot of the tropes that are popular and it has a lot of chapters, but the readership seems to have shrunk. Why?
They will solve senescence so I will be biologically immortal and advance brain-machine interfaces so it doesn't what I spend time on, I'll read it all eventually.
Go on back to /b/ you shitty little troll.
Containment board, begone!
Now fuckin git

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This is a place for all things fiction, poetry, history, and philosophy regarding the New Aristocracy movement.

>1. What is the New Aristocracy?
It is a movement which seeks to establish a new aristocratic tradition from the ground up, a synthesis the old and the contemporary. One goal of this general is to work out the criteria for initiation into this new social class.
>2. Why?
To provide structure where there is none; to offer a chance at building real-life communities capable of preserving that which must be preserved; to unite disparate fields in ourselves and advance the cause of humanity; to change the face of the world by changing ourselves. We seek knowledge and betterment so that we may love more, that we may experience life more deeply, that we may look at everything from the organization of a room to the complex systems of State and know how to prize them apart, examine the pieces and change them.
>3. How?
First we must discuss what the bones of this class will be composed of, the elements which we must share in order to build a common future. What are the absolutely necessary novels one must read, what history books, what poems and plays, what philosophical works? The initiation envisioned here will, even in its lightest form, take years. That is part of the filter.
>4. What about the rest of the arts and the sciences?
This is the beginning of the beginning. One day we will venture into those fields as well.

The intention here is not to list thousands of books and essays nor is it to expect the deepest understanding of each and every work. Some people will be drawn toward history, others to philosophy or poetry, and that is not only expected but encouraged – explore beyond the structures that will be born here, let your intuition for meaning lead you to the lightless places where it might lurk. Then emerge and share what you have found, offer insight and inspire others.
The intention here is not to become lifeless repositories for knowledge. We know so that we may do: “I learn about the history of the 19th century so that I may understand the political systems I find myself living in so that I may orient myself better than my peers so that I may take action that will guide the world in a direction only I can perceive through the knowledge I have gained.” Such are the lines of reasoning I wish to see.


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I don't need to be as the people this movement is intended for are those whose heritage is the European tradition
I do not seek to 'find out' which tradition is more important because I am declaring it by virtue of my blood
I realize "blood" is an extremely loaded term but I am working on something that seeks to introduce a new meaning for "blood" in the context of the NA movement but it is taking a long time due to how much philosophy and history I have to go through
there already are some essays which partially address this like Eliot's Tradition and the Individual talent
Why is "blood" so important exactly?
if there was a simple answer to this I wouldn't have been writing what I'm writing for the past 3 years
I can try to boil it down to this: blood as in your genetic heritage, blood as in the people of your community, blood as in the people of your nation, blood as in the people you choose, blood as in the culture responsible for the modality of your thoughts, blood as in the memories you carry, blood as in the memory of those who culminate in you, blood as in the consequences of the ripples you make by doing, blood as in that which multiplies you into blood and beyond blood
you are acting like the Enemy thoughbeit
no, what I'm doing is disagreeing with you, while insulting you.
the difference is lost on you because you're retarded.

any books that deals with the halo effect or pretty privilege
No book but can comment. Is too hard being beautiful, anon.
Why is people liking attractive people a bad thing? Sounds like ugly cope. Just accept that no one wants to fuck you.
Great Expectations
>Great Expectations
You dirty little boy covered with mud.
No one wants to, but you imply they have a choice.

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confederacy of dunces
tom jones
songs of a dead dreamer/grimscribe
the dwarf
king Solomon's mines
the Conan chronicles
Gargantua and Pantagruel
The Manuscript Found in Saragossa
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I made it a chart
>Jacques Barzun
Stoped reading right there
Based choices.
pseud list desu

1. Ecce Homo, Nietzsche
2. Kreutzer Sonata, Tolstoy
3. Finnegans Wake, Joyce
4. On Last Things, Weininger
5. Paradise Lost, Milton
6. The Cantos, Ezra Pound
7. Civilization and its discontents, Freud
8. The Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith
9. Doctor Faustus, Thomas Mann
10. Sorrows of Young Werther, Goethe

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