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/lit/ - Literature

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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

Looking for books online? Check here:
Guide to #bookz
Recommended Literature
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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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>Past participle of 'to lead' is 'led'
>Past participle of 'to read' is 'read'
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Why isn't an adjective called an adnoun then
anglos had to piggyback off of latin
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what the fr*ck that pepe purple
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You can tell if he's going to turn purple
>"ruff" is spelled rough
>"tuff" is spelled tough
>"Stuff" isn't spelled stough

I’ve been writing a novel recently. (Wanted to add illustration but I am shit at drawing) It is in the genre of isekai, but with a twist. The story is from the perspective of a peasant farmer named Jack.

Plot: Jack lives a comfortable life in Rorin with his wife and daughter, Sheila and Helen, in his hometown. Aldaraians, also known as Summoned in slang by natives, are humans who come from another world, with no recollection of where they came from. (There is deeper lore, but don't get into it.) Basically, they kinda run the world.

Helen wants to be join a hero guild and be an adventurer, but Jack tries to discourage her. The problem is that he never told his daughter that non-summoned can't compete with the stronger and tougher Aldaraians. He does not want to tell her because it will break her heart.

During a guild event/convention. When the popular hero, Cadrick, is doing Q&A with the audience, Helen blurts out that she wants to join them when she gets older. Cadrick tells her that it would be too dangerous and it crushes her dreams, making Jack feel immense guilt that he led on Helen.

Jack gets into a fight/argument with some heroes, after they falsely accuse him of stealing from them. Jack gets beat up and is made fun of in the town square. His two friends, Marina, know that he is innocent. He comes home to find his family slaughtered, apparently by a monster attack. The area he lived in was undefended. After the funeral, He realizes how corrupt the guilds are and wants revenge for the aldaraians turning a blind eye to an invasion of his home.

Using his wits and plans, he begins a one-man quest to avenge his family.

He makes many friends along the way. Including a black witch who wants the same thing as him. To destroy the guilds.

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I've read a billion manhwa exactly like this.
There is nothing Isekai about this. The genre you are writing is "fantasy". Isekai is when a character from a world suddenly travels and gets stuck in another world.
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Part 1/2

Ok comments want me to get o
Into the DEEPER lore. (Didn't wanna spoil it but you haven't got a good story in a long time here is go)

The video attached shows some of the things I came up with.


You see I always wondered if magic really existed, could it be weaponized conventionally?

Yes it is mechanized in some areas also a lot of political tension between certain kingdoms

There are the proud and strong

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Spoilers probably: the summoned are all from modern day Tokyo!!

Story seems pretty generic because the isekai genre has been mined to death. I feel like you have to have some really crazy twist to make it interesting.
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Part 2/2

Then there are the Versurdi, supposedly a super intelligent race long ago. Since people were afraid of their intelligence and since they worked with the knights, they were driven to near extinction. (Some legends say they “left this world” whatever that means)

(Lore is that the Versurdi are the product of aliens who engineered them to live on the planet.)

There are a few Versurdi still alive, they are intelligent, but nowhere near as sophisticated as their race once was, with all their knowledge does with the bravery of them. There is a few pieces of Versurdi tech scattered across the world, but no one understands how it works or what it is so there's that.

The power system isn't really set. There's chakra, elements, psychics, potions, elixirs and other magics like spirit and “the language of the palm” (a type of magic using hand gestures)

Despite this might seem generic, I actually have lot of stuff I wanna write but I wanna take it slow for the first book, introduce characters, conflicts, stuff like that.

Main characters:

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>write fantasy trilogies under female pen name
>make seven figures per year
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We get it you fucking pen named faggot, you had to change your name to a Japanese one to get the attention you wanted. Stop fucking posting about it, fuck your stupid little epiphany. Man do I hate summer /fags/
My female pen name is a medishit one. It sounds exotic and people feel better when they know they read something from a brownoid.
I would love to live there.
Only based if you subtly throw in redpills throughout the novels
No you don't

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Nietzsche gets hit with a trad one-two

Roger Scruton:

>“There are philosophers who have repudiated the goal of truth -- Nietzsche, for example, who argued that there are no truths, only interpretations. But you need only ask yourself whether what Nietzsche says is true, to realize how paradoxical it is. (If it is true, then it is false! -- an instance of the so-called 'liar' paradox.) Likewise, the French philosopher Michel Foucault repeatedly argues as though the 'truth' of an epoch has no authority outside of the power-structure that endorses it. There is no trans-historical truth about the human condition. But again, we should ask ourselves whether that last statement is true: for if it is true, it is false. There has arisen among modernist philosophers a certain paradoxism which has served to put them out of communication with those of their contemporaries who are merely modern. A writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is "merely relative," is asking you not to believe him. So don't.”

Chesterton on Nietzsche

>Nietzsche had some natural talent for sarcasm: he could sneer, though he could not laugh; but there is always something bodiless and without weight in his satire, simply because it has not any mass of common morality behind it. He is himself more preposterous than anything he denounces. But, indeed, Nietzsche will stand very well as the type of the whole of this failure of abstract violence. The softening of the brain which ultimately overtook him was not a physical accident. If Nietzsche had not ended in imbecility, Nietzscheism would end in imbecility. Thinking in isolation and with pride ends in being an idiot. Every man who will not have softening of the heart must at last have softening of the brain.

More Scruton on Nietzsche

>Nietzsche himself has become a kind of idol. Despite his antagonism towards democracy and mass culture, despite his unashamedly racist attack on the Germans and all things German, despite his advocacy of ‘health’ and strength against the ‘sickness’ of compassion, despite his contempt for socialists, vegetarians, feminists and women generally – despite committing every sin condemned by the morality of ‘political correctness’, Nietzsche is now a cult figure.

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>Promiscuous woman image
>Roger Scruton
>Betrand Russel
But Nietzsche's opinions are not the truth, are they?
I don't use /pol/, bro. I literally went five years without using cuckchan. I use other imageboards with the exception of /lit/ at the moment.
And regardless of whether you are adopted or not, it is being a cuck.
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kek, catholics are always the wildest sluts and weakest cucks. you wouldn't believe the shit i've seen growing up in strictly catholic small town in EU.

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People always day "start with the Greeks" but which greeks? And then what... is Kant worth reading in these decadent times, or should I skip straight to Schmitt? Your thoughts pls
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Feel free to go back.
Thanks for proving me right.
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In general yes. You should try to learn philosophy in chronological order.
>Oh, no wonder /lit/ is shit right now
/lit/ has always been shit.
Thank you. I will start reading through all these now

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im doing my Aberration In the Heartland of the Real Walkabout. such a cliche, i know.
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I am so fucking tired of the astroturfing.
what the fuck is this book? why do you have a tarot card in your hand?
Grow up you big baby. Get noided.
Lil' Timmy was the darling of the ladies. He also didn't shoot anyone.

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This is your daily reminder to finish the books on your shelf BEFORE going to the book store to CONSOOM new books.

Remember, you already own books that you were initially excited about purchasing, so try and recapture that feeling and give them another shot!

What books are you avoiding right now? Scared of that great big Ulysses tome that's collecting dust?
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I rarely read whole books. Only bits of them are relevant, or interesting, or certain parts are poorly written and don't deserve my full attention. I don't like narrative literature, maybe with novels that wouldn't work as well. I don't see the merit in propagating the inferiority complex of having to finish books, it takes the joy out of the activity. The more you try to systematize reading the more artificial it becomes. And the more utilitarian is the nature of your reading the more natural, and in effect fruitful, it becomes. What we hate about redditors collecting books on their "read" list, is the superficial nature of their reading, and its primary objective being to feel superior. But as each one has different ideas about superiority, trying to follow through will tear you to scraps. The alternative is to 'bee urself', which is really the only thing you are ever good for.
>Y-you are a midwit!
>t. midwit
Ouch, poor of you.

It doesn't matter desu, yeah you can have a " I bought i read" mentality or you can buy books and read them later. The point of a library is to have a place where you can put books that you're likely to read one day or another or never. The archetype of it is dictionary or encyclopedia, you'll never read them straight but rather will look into it when you need it. Same goes for books maybe one day you'll have a question that comes up in your mind and you'll remember you have a book that is related to it and you'll read it after hoarding it for years because back then you just bought it 1 dollar with ten other books somewhere.
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If I didn't go to bookstores I wouldn't leave the house all weekend long.
Why is it his 'fault' though? Why speak in terms of faults?

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>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23543175
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It's irrelevant what you think about it (or if you think about it at all).

Your story will get categorised by different groups of readers whether you like it or not. If it's a mixed bag of various political, cultural and ideological ideas then it's nobody is going to like it and nobody will read it, if you stick to one particular ideology then at least you will have one group reading your story.
Good job and good luck, anon, don't listen to the rotten brains in here. They're just like the rotten brains they claim to be against.
>Your story will get categorised by different groups of readers whether you like it or not. If it's a mixed bag of various political, cultural and ideological ideas then it's nobody is going to like it and nobody will read it, if you stick to one particular ideology then at least you will have one group reading your story.
I understand that's the way publishers like to play it but I reject that philosophy. I don't really care about money or sending a political message or embedding my ideology in the story. I COULD add those things but then my story won''t be the story I want any more.
Thanks anon. I appreciate it.
I read the one about his brother and enjoyed it, but the extent to which that will be true for you prob depends on whether you also thought Hadrian was being a dipshit to his brother in the first book, and how much Catholicism is too much for you (I have high Catholicism tolerance). Haven't read the novel-length novella about the crippled midget dude bc I don't really care much about that guy.

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We all won today, /lit/. Let's make this a celebration thread.
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The finger banging Gayman is our guy now and not giving him introductions is cancel culture and a breach of free speech.
Liberal jews and redditors will never be ourguys. His intros have always been shit anyway, Schlomo.
this exact bait but pretend I wrote it instead
y'all are just haters, maybe if you were a little more positive in life you could have become a writer almost as magical as him and also have sex.
Neil, they want willing participants. We can't all be sexual predators like you.

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Is she (and miyazaki by extension) a nihilist who doomed all of humanity to extinction or not? Discuss.

>inb4 this is /a/ not /lit/

Those cretins don't have the mental capacity to discuss something with such significant ecological and philosophical themes as this, on top of the fact that none of them have probably read it. Also there's lots of literary references, I remember Gotterdamerung being namedropped at one point.
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>It is in fact, not literature
so there's a chance the thread might be good
>catechistic /pol/ brainrot response to there being a female protagonist
poor OP thinking you could have a better anime/manga discussion on the hitler book club board than the waifu wars board
your quads? mine
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Guys, i need essential chudcore reading books
Help me out
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My copy is at home. I used to make pol threads on it for years so I have the screenshots. He says specifically that vaccines and viruses can be used to insert heritable traits that will present in following generations.

Now, I said "very clearly." If you can't read between the lines that in a book about overpopulation he talks about using vaccines and viruses to insert heritable traits and control fertility that this is a suggestion and a plan then nothing will help you.
But I'll follow up maybe with a pdf screenshot.
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I'll just post a few. Again, of course he doesn't say it directly, and being "clear" is based on intelligence. If you aren't WISE enough to catch his drift, then well...that's what the book is about.
Now stop coping about having taken the vax.
I'm a business owner and busy so I'll not go on all day. One more shot if I can find it.
I have a first edition but am using a pdf found online just real quickly looking for keywords I remember.
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I love when people (midwits) attempt to refute me because it gives me the opportunity to post this stuff.

Again, if you can't read between these lines, he thinks you are an idiot (not Wise) and you will not survive.
Now remember all the studies about this stuff going to the gonads preferentially?
No you don't because you are an ill informed midwit or a paid shill frantically consulting your database for a response.

Books on debating?
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and you're the biggest one.
god-tier comeback bro, you win the debate crown, all the zoomers think you're the smartest
>he's still responding
Holy cope
This is a good point. Is it fair to just drop links to the entire western canon and then just sit smugly because you won?
I think so.

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I don't know how to make generals edition
Sorry in advance
Post poetry and discuss. If you wish to post others work, you must cite the name of the author. Critique and discussion constantly in dire demand. If you're looking for critique, consider giving details on what exactly you're going for and wishing to improve in the work(s).
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A rock in the road
Makes a man so angry
Kicks it and throws
Can you blame thee?
What is truth?
Veiled and scared, aloof
Sailing down around the proof
Wailing hands demand it use
Shadows whisper of its clues
Abusive idols shout a few
There must be something I can do
It's not a formal recent view
It's as old as there is nothing new
There’s no point to words. What can I say to you? What point is there
in prayer to God, when He already knows
the truth? It’s a vain attempt to change the hand of fate, to beg for hope and
deny Truth! Is my silent acceptance not the greater love? So what plea or bargain can I
offer you, to twist and change your soul, so that,
at last, you can love me?

Yes! I would cling to you, and you to me! Oh, how many hours I’ve devoted to this fantasy!
To hold you, kiss you, breathe you, breed you!

Look! How I sink and rise in these waters of my own shame,
my dark sin clutching at my feet
to drag me down, down to the bottom!
I should let it choke me, but I’m a damned coward
I always swim back up to the surface and gaze at the heavens, imagining that

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It's kinda close actually. Here's how a limerick sounds:

The first one shall end in a [RHYME]
Again at the end of this [LINE]
You make a small (point)
So you can (anoint)
A final rhyme of the third [KIND]
don't force rhymes. a rhyme that calls attention to itself (in this case by making the poem incoherent) is a shit rhyme

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How can I understand Trumpism?
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offtopic. just because there's a book involved doesn't make it /lit/. fuck off to /pol/
>Book has politics I don't like...
>Must go back to /pol/.
Fuck off fag.
Yes, go back already
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>Yes, go back already
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