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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.
Need some shelf motivation. Moved and had to sell all my books. It would have been more costly to pack them. Now I’m shopping local books stores and enjoying myself. Starting over isn’t the worst.
>>24120680Meant for >>24120666
>>24120680Yes, place by me sells vintage SF for $4 a book. I’ll have to really dig through what they have eventually.
>>24120699better go back and snap em up before some YouTube faggot does it for you
>>24120666So far, Satan I got picrel but I'm supposed to twelve new ones soon
>>24120699 >vintage SF
As you can see, I'm quite intelligent. A well read genius you might say. Reading top to bottom. Warhol was a genius.
>>24121003>non-fictionHoly reddit
>>24121055Fiction is more reddit than nonfiction because women like the former
>>24121179Women like True Crime in staggering numbers. Your point?
>>24121009For me, it's the Starling.
>>24121186Some true crime is decent. I read it so I know what not to do if I plan on raping someone. You can't really get that from fiction as it's not backed by empirical evidence. One sole exception is theology as everyone needs to understand there is an ultimate price to pay for transgression and I'm willing to pay full interest
Have you read their works and are they really as transcendent as they claim to be deserving of the prize or are they just common garbage?
It's intresting that Japanese literature hasn't won for 30 years despite publishing a hell of a lot of books
>>24120659See >>24120548
>>24120651But it gives us masterpieces like 100 years of solitude!
>>24120499Never even heard about her
I've been going through the authors who've won and find that they're at least interesting and sometimes amazing. The only really stupid one is Bob Dylan who I like as a songwriter but that isn't what the fucking prize is for
uh oh, anon. Waldun is calling /lit/ out...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoHy3xp9jpY
holy fuck he's ugly
>>24121155Twinkdeath. He used to be cute.
The critiques levied against The Learned Disguise and L'Académie were not dishonest nor mean-spirited critiques. They were legitimate critiques of bad, uninspired writing. Both novels were atrociously written with unforgivable grammar and editorial mistakes on every page. Waldun can complain about this all he wants to satisfy his own ego, but he will never be able to discredit the criticism against his work.
Also, why is Eschaton such a popular chapter? I thought it was good and all, but if I hadn’t been told about Eschaton a half dozen times prior to reading the book I’m not sure I would have paid much attention to that chapter at all.Also, what’s the point of the Raquel Welch anecdote? Is DFW just showing how far AA (he?) will go in saying that addiction should not be blamed on external circumstances? I can’t imagine writing a story like that and having people that I know in real life read it.Also, how on earth is Orin unable to tell that Steeply is a man, especially given the comic descriptions of Steeply’s disguise from early on in the book. Orin isn’t as smart as Hal, but he’s obviously not retarded.
>>24120287>"I don't have time">Writes a 1,000 word paragraph anyways that ultimately makes the same bogus claim that disputes involving people and geography are necessarily "colonialist" by nature
>>24118964See, I loved IJ myself. It's been a couple years since I've read it and I still think about it sometimes. I think the people that don't like it are trying too hard to make it Serious Literature. I understand this view, considering how much of a self important autist DFW was. At the end of the day, IJ is a funny slide of life novel full of boyish charm and unforgettable characters. I am about half way through Gravity's Rainbow right, on my quest to get through the meme trilogy, and it isn't nearly as good. It's a cold dark and disgusting novel that thinks it is very clever and important. Like Slothrop literally wears a cape and is called Rocketman for a while. Do you get it? That is like a superhero. It's almost like he is making a commentary on how we fictionalize the "war heros" of WW2, when they are really just pawns for corporate interest in Late Stage Capitalism. Oh boy, I love me that anarcho-communist perspective.
>>24118964>why is Eschaton such a popular chapter?Because of the Decemberists>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJpfK7l404I
>>24120442This is produced in such a mediocre way, the song is horribly forgettable, and ending the vid with "BASED ON A BOOK BY DAVID FOSTER WALLACE" is such an obvious attempt to signal intelligence.
>>24120411That's a shame. I, too, loved IJ on its face. I was planning to start GR today or tomorrow.
Is it really the best Bible out there? Or should I stick with the KJV like a good goy?
>>24120856I am on the fence if Marry should be included here, because if she, like Jesus is the "personality" of God in human form. Then she and The Spirit are one in the same.
>>24119978>>24120004>>24120074It's also possible they simply wrote the gospels themselves, as individuals, like everyone believed for nigh 2000 years. Weird I know.
>>24110266>The phenomenon of high verbatim agreement of this kind is common among double tradition pericopae. If one were to express the agreements by means of percentages, there are passages with agreements between Matthew and Luke of 98% (Mt. 6.24 // Lk. 16.13), 93% (Mt. 12.43-45 // Lk. 11.24-26), 90% (Mt. 11.20-24 // Lk. 10.13-15), 88% (Mt. 3.12 // Lk. 3.17), 88% (Mt. 12.27-32 // Lk. 11.19-23) and 85% (Mt. 23.37-39 // Lk. 13.34-35)Its clear that Matthew and Luke were using some of the same sources for their gospel. The existence of Q is extremely reasonable and isn't even a skeptical position. The argument that Luke copied Matthew is far more troubling for apologists.
>>24120834>Holy Family makes more sense.This is what I believe. Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother (Holy Spirit), and Son.
>>24120876Sounds like the trinity Mohammed mistakenly thought Christians believed in (potentially there was a small heretical sect he encountered)5:116 - "When God says, ‘Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to people, “Take me and my mother as two gods alongside God”?’" (Abdel)
I find a quote that could destroy an autors good name forever, its hidden in the middle chapter of one of his oldest books, why do I feel the urge to make it public?The quote is lets say, a very unsavory oppinion about africans
>>24120929uh, magic? dumbass. look at the hat.
>>24120816yeah normally they roll it up
>>24120810Is there a bigger version of this?
You don't have secret knowledge. Most you could do is get a bunch of retards who would never read it anyways to virtue signal about not reading it and get a bunch of other retards who would never read it to virtue signal about having read it.
"Bridge Troll" editionPrevious: >>24101241/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQRESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvCPlease limit excerpts to one post.Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.(And maybe double-space your WIPs to allow edits if you want 'em.)Simple guides on writing:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>24120901Genuinely appreciate this, this is the best critique I've ever received, and even the things I don't necessarily "agree" with are useful for me. I've rewritten this passage maybe ten times over the last two years despite how short it is and have been slowly trying to get it just right. The dissonance is on purpose, it is a man who damned himself and his community to escape monotony, and and rather than own up to it and his responsibility he tried to simply go back to how things used to be. Real evil exists, he was forced to confront the reality of evil and it was too difficult for him. As he ages and he sees others fall into the same trap as him, he can't act because to do so is to condemn himself. I'm going to work on this passage more using your notes, I really owe you one here.
>>24120901>editor scribbles>not vapid babblerare
>>24120706it's demoralizing, but that is what improvement feels like
>>24120928I'm one of those IT guys.I could write a proper fantasy book but honestly I don't have neither the means nor the energy to becomes a sales and marketing expert on top of writing and, you know, doing my current job that pays the bills. That's why I decided to write LitRPG and try my luck in RR. If I do well, later on I will have a brand to write whatever I want. If not, it's good writing practice under my belt anyways.
>90 percent of books sell less than 1000 copies(at best estimates)Wtf? I've written low-quality smut in 2 hours that have been seen by 30 times as many people....>50 percent of books sell less than 12 copiesWtf???? So it's already over for my novel???? At that point, I might as well just post a chapter a week on YouTube. Even an absolute failure there would get 100 views..Why even bother?
>>24120301Stop writing for the masses and start writing for the tard wranglers who tell the masses what to think. A book isn't supposed to make you money, its a way to launder money and credibility. All my books have sold under a dozen copies but many of the people reading them are politicians, think tank spooks, professors and so on. Literally all I've ever done is self-publish anonymously and promote on 4chan, so far I've already made a movie deal and there's a netflix series coming out this year which is also taking some minor inspiration from my work. There are only a couple hundred people who are actually creating original works and ideas at any given moment and the rest of culture is downstream from that. Most "views" and "followers" on social media don't even exist. The difference between an account with 300 followers and one with 30k followers is that the later has 27 700 bot accounts subscribed to them. Just trust your gut and put stuff out there, the people who need to see it will.
>>24120301>it's a money laundering racket>especially for politicians
>>24121132Hey I wrote a book specifically for you actually honestly it is called subliminality and you can find it on amazon and its really good probably the best thing you'have never reed in you'are entire life
>>24121154If its not a free pdf i wont bother
>>24121170If you're willing to read the whole thing, I'll send it to you.My discord is kuzylim
Is being a writer in the information age pointless?
>>24120652Yes. At this point your audience is the future AI God which will at best look upon your writing with pity.
>>24120866Nah, I already made the decision to oppose the formation of such an AI, so the basilisk has reserved a spot in virtual hell for me.
>>24120657There's too much information, most of it low-quality, all competing for your attention through greedy self-replication strategies, with no better alternative because even socialization has to be filtered through these standards.
>>24120734Remember the good old days when people were making tens of thousands in Google ad money for having a mildly successful blog or running a decently sized forum?
discussing philosophy here or anywhere becomes unbearable after reading Kant. I'm not a Kantian and disagree with most of what he said but he was pretty much objectively correct about the antinomies and the transcendental illusion. Yet you see anons here write thousands of words on some gay neoneoplatonic or Aristotelian metaphysics that they think is super profound completely unaware that it's all based on a very obvious logical flaw that Kant pointed out hundreds of years ago. Muslims and Christians are even worse, you literally can't have a religious discussion of any kind after reading Kant because it's just so embarrassing to have to endure the arguments people come up with.
>>24119502Wtf are you talking about, Avicenna, Al-Farabi, Averroes, Al-Ghazali, etc are not obscure philosophers with no bearing on the west lmao.
>>24119141you didn't even address any of the key details. just put your head in the sand and denied everything. what a monster cope lol
>>24119924Averroes is only relevant for bringing Aristotle to the attention of Aquinas, the rest are even more obscure. Why do you even want to pretend to be part of our philosophical culture? Go back to your own culture brownoid.
How much do I have to read and understand before I can join in these debates with you guys? I've been trying to follow these wide-ranging philosophy threads for years but since I don't have an encyclopediac knowledge of Kant, Plato, Aristotle, or Heidegger I end up filtered every time. Like I understand Kant's big point but I can't make connections between his work and Aristotle on the fly like anons ITT do, not without copies of their works open in front of me. It looks very enjoyable from the outside looking in.Are you people all graduate students? Professors? Deeply obsessed autists? How long have you been studying philosophy and what do you recommend for someone like me who finds people like Hegel and Peirce and Plato very fascinating but isn't in the position to study philosophy full time?
Sadly, Kafka did not live to see the rise of big banking and mobile apps. He would've loved the clusterfuck integration of mobile apps and banking bureaucracy
>government badIs this really how midwits read this book?
I've posted this on here before (and I know it's not an actual ending, it's just the last thing Kafka wrote on it), but I really like the last page of this. Absolutely amazing.Shostakovich lived his entire adult life in fear that he would be dragged out of bed in the middle of the night and executed on the street.
>>24121125You're a midwit. I recently went to the bank, in person, in order to verify my ID on my account. I couldn't verify my ID in person. By being there. I had to do it virtually. My virtual identity is more real than my actual meat and bone self.
>be me >need to deal with government functionary who has real power over my life>point out they made an error>they literally say "we don't make mistakes" >mfw
mortality editionASOIAF wiki: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_PageBlog: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/Old blog: https://grrm.livejournal.com/So Spake Martin (interviews): https://westeros.org/citadel/ssm/Book search: https://asearchoficeandfire.com/SSM search: https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006888510641072775866:vm4n1jrzsdyGeneral search: http://searcherr.work/TWOW samples: https://archive.org/details/411440566-the-winds-of-winter-released-chaptersold: >>24107943
My Giant of Lannister...
>>24120867It's funny watching her spiral into paranoia because of her hubris and just being a complete retard. Oh and also myrish swamp
>>24120938Darkstar will return in The Winds of Winter
C. S. Lewis on various other writers.
>>24121133I only scan things of value
>ahhhhhhh I have to stretch my neck nooooolmao for some of you this thread is the first exercise in years
>>24121133Okay. >>>24121158
>>24121112>>He's writing a personal letter. This isn't a treatise on poetics.>It's ok to provide disingenuous arguments when doing literary criticism, as long as it is to a friendBravo!