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Potato ed

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder
http://pastebin.com/EeTkSpKa (embed)

https://pastebin.com/56g69j9j (embed)
>XV website

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I was browsing JP Twitter late at night yesterday and is it just my personal bias or are Shirabe fans some of thirstiest people around?
The fact that there are at least two Shirabe h-games on development makes me lean towards the latter.
>at least two Shirabe h-games on development
people are making Symphogear games?
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This looks fun. I want an ignite module!
stop playing with that or you'll got blind

Didn't ignite literally stab them in the chest?

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Is Big-O considered "so retarded it's good"?
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No thanks, Americans are incapable of discussing anything without using memes or templates. Their thoughts are sold in supermarkets in canned and other prepackaged forms.
I'm sure Americans hate you too.
Or maybe people respond to you in a uniform way because your posts are uniformly trite.
True, I found it interesting how it never found a strong audience in Japan
No, just good.
no other nations exist outside of Paradigm City

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New AoZ thread, let's hope MS Girls pics turn out to be a good luck charm for new content.
--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries
>scans of some of the earlier entires
>samples of the ongoing manga
>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.
>another page with their stuff
>internet archive has scans of The Flag of Titans compiled in 6 volumes, this is the first one
>last thread

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Melee mobile suits are definitely viable, if anything they are the way to go. MS combat tends to occur at close ranges and that was already proven through tests and exercises using Zakus before Federation developed mobile suits, hence the Gouf was the first choice for a ground-based successor machine.
And later the Gundam indisputably proved the value of close combat focused machines.
Specifically guard-type MSs are more like interceptors than literal meat shields. They're as much for protection against fast moving and melee focused suits as they're ceremonial, too. They can also have the added benefit of serving as essentially handlers for unstable cyber newtypes, like the Gaz-L/R and Geymalk. To boot, the tendency for using heat weapons means they don't have to hold back in vulnerable areas, like colonies or cities in general where you want to minimize collateral damage, especially from reactor explosions.
Even the OYW amphibian MS were bristling with beam cannons, I can't think of any succesful primarily melee MS aside from some random monster of the week from 079. There's some weird one off models like the GM with the weird bident but I'm pretty sure that's a special one off.

Good point about the guard types though, completely forgot about their schizo wrangler duties. Would love to see something like a Nu escorted by MP Nus, or a similar squad setup. I guess CCA gave us Sazabi + Jagd Dogas, would love to see more of that
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Apparently there's a new Hyaku Shiki variant in Moon Gundam and... it has a shield booster. Curious.
>Notoriously overcosted and inefficient MS keeps getting variants
I mean, at least they look cool...
The more they deviate from the original Hyaku Shiki the worst it looks.

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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

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Better than any Nagano slop
Is that a fucking shield booster?
I love my man Gyobu but he shouldn't be allowed to touch existing designs
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>MG Blitz Gundam at Hobby Lobby
Tempting, but no, I don't think I will. Maybe just for the weapons if I'm desperate, I didn't really like the Blitz as a design nor its pilot.

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How would you fix G-Witch?
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No Yuri.
It's not very good. The people saying it's good are under 18 and have never watched TV before.
It's actually good.
Watch the prologue + first three episodes. I'm a nonapologetic witchfag, and think it's a good watch. However, it has undeniable flaws, and I think it really depends on the person if they'll like it or not.
>colourful cast, easy to find a favourite
>intriguing setting
>cool mech designs and fights
>plot holds itself together quite well
>most characters aren't elaborated on too much
>Season 1 is very slow burn while season 2 rushes things a lot
>many side plots get wrapped up too easily
The ending will either leave you happy, frustrated, or both.
>>intriguing setting
>>cool mech designs and fights
Fair enough.
>colourful cast, easy to find a favourite
Ehhh... Colorful sure, but most of the cast is unlikable or doesn't have a personality. Suletta is alright at first but wears out her welcome with a total lack of development.
>plot holds itself together quite well
NOW you're reaching.

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Where's my stompy mecha thread?
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Yea but they were Xbox exclusive so no one played them
So is gundam
Mechcommander 2
Mechassault 1 sold very well. 2 not so much. Microsoft didn't have any fucking idea what to do with 2. So they launched it a month after Halo 2 during the Christmas season. So naturally MA2 fucking died at launch. Sold less than half the amount of copies MA1.

From a lore standpoint Mechassault is so fucking weird. It deserves to be touched on again.
>From a lore standpoint Mechassault is so fucking weird. It deserves to be touched on again.
Mechassault 3 was mediocre.

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I've been reading about the Japanese MMZ lore and there's a lot of details that they never actually tell you in the games that you have to infer yourself and I'm finding it pretty interesting

>Weil made Omega using Zero's original body
>Weil was blamed for Omega going out of control and killing 60% of all mankind
>Weil's goal was to control the REPLOIDS and he never intended to do anything to humans, Omega killing humans was never his plan
>It can be inferred that Omega went nuts because Weil didn't account for Zero's body containing Wily's bullshit, which is why Zero went into cold sleep in the first place

>Weil is still human but Zero ends up killing him, not just referencing the "what am I fighting for" line from X4 but also referencing the end of MM7 with Wily saying robots can't kill humans
>But Zero can because Wily made him

it's pottery
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>The point still stands that Dr. Cain definitely did not give the Reploids enough time to go through the same thing and that's probably why the virus was so effective on them but as far as we see it doesn't really affect X either
Its mutation, the Sigma virus, actually does canonically affect X though.
X4 literally states it lulls his senses and makes it hard for him to think clearly.
And in gameplay this manifests by making X more sluggish and harder to control when the virus touches the player.
The point is that it's *all* their own will. The Sigma virus just flips out their logic circuits and capacity for rational thought for Reploids, in a way that e.g. intoxication with alcohol would do for humans.

Some when drunk become philosophical philistines that swear the entire system is flawed and will prattle your ears off on how things can be better, and in accordance with higher ideals. Some become loudmouthed annoying pricks. And others gain a short fuse and will flip out throwing bar stools around at the slightest notice.

Strangely, we never got the funny drunk or the sad moping drunk - come to think of it ...
That explanation is unironically kind of kino though. And would be TOTALLY in-character for Wily.
Dragoon was a turn-coat Hunter that went Irregular working for Sigma, and then infiltrated Repliforce only to set off a terrorist attack.
Publicly, Dragoon was Repliforce at the time - so the Hunters pinned the attack on Repliforce.
Repliforce took it badly, because they figured Dragoon was a Hunter plant and the Hunters orchestrated the whole thing as a means to get enough dirt on Repliforce to warrant coming after them.

NEITHER side realized Dragoon could've been working another angle, either for himself or an outside third force.
And Sigma meanwhile was doing the arms-folded just-as-keikaku biding his time while the only two forces conceptually capable of opposing him, were too busy achieving mutual assured destruction to fucking think things through.
>Publicly, Dragoon was Repliforce at the time - so the Hunters pinned the attack on Repliforce.
No, Zero identifies him as a hunter when you enter the room which he just wrecked.

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>Watch the first few episodes of the new Ultraman Quanta anime
>Set in a far future where humans create an interstellar civilization and join the wider galactic community
>The show is if you combined Ultraman with the usual Star Trek formula as the main cast are members of a survey ship and visit various points of interests in the galaxy and survey uncharted space
>MC of the show, Ryu Satsuma, is a 12 year old and literally THE youngest host to an Ultraman and thus very non-standard
>Ultraman Quanta also is non-standard as his form not only is more alien and organic, but some of his powers have him shapeshift his body in order to use them (hell, when he uses his equivalent of the spacium beam, his forearm opens revealing a prismatic cell membrane that generates the beam)
>Quanta seems to be inspired by the likes of Venom and Guyver in terms of how his biology functions (hell, the first episode literally had him, in the form of a silver slime fuse with Ryu in order to save him from dying to a mutagenic virus) and has some physics breaking abilities (light-bending, gravity manipulation, creating wormholes and more) along with the ability to assimilate samples of defeated kaiju and use their abilities and even combine those at the cost of faster energy consumption
>The transformation is much different since the kid literally turns silver fluid after being engulfed in light and morphs into Quanta
Overall the show is very promising. The action is good, the characters have substance and the MC isn't an annoying brat most of the time and it being set in space allows for a ton of scenarios.
But what was the producer's intention with having most of the villains being female and sexy to boot? Even the new incarnation of Bogal in human form is a stacked milf that constantly snacks on something.
But overall will our shota find his abducted dad and will he and Quanta save the galaxy from whatever darkness is rising on the horizon?
Did anyone even like it?
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I just discovered this old unsubbed OVA called Moonlight Sorrow. It's a really weird show about the demise of a moon colony -- humanity's first attempt to colonize the heavens -- thanks to the moon government's corruption. The MC is a member of the moon military and has personally witnessed the corruption in the military, but he cannot speak out. When he tries to tell everyone about what's happening so that all-out war can be prevented, he gets killed and the moon starts a war with the earth, which results in the destruction of the moon colony and many major Earth cities. This anime has no mecha, but it has lots of small, nimble starfighters and speeder bikes.
I usually don't like new anime, but this sounds amazing. I'll have to watch it.
>Fictional anime that does not exist
So, a good gundam show?
The camp is the good kind here.
Give it a try. It's a really good show.
Whats with people saying a power armor show has no mecha in it.
Im glad you enjoyed the OVA since its so underrated but dismissing the PA tells me you were just here for the Luna Rabbit titties while they ride their bikes.
Earth did nothing wrong, and Triton squad did their best, even if their sacrifice ended up being for nothing.
>Whats with people saying a power armor show has no mecha in it.
Some people don't try to see similarities between power/powered armor and mecha.
The former may very well be a robotic suit which should count as a mecha.

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Are blind people evil?
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anyone who posts a woe-jack variant should be forced to explore titanic in a cheap submarine.
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No, they just look at and see things differently.

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Official Sites:

>YouTube OFFICIAL Channel:

>Official Ultraman Connection Discord

>Ultra Pastebin:

>Ultraman Blazar finished airing

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I think you got them mixed up at this point
For what miniscule differences between them exist, if either of them was more reserved, it was Haruki since he was an actual military guy; his own catchphrase reflects this
Nah, Haruki was much more over eager about everything while Kengo only got excited about his plants.
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>sun and moon armor
>glasses sword
Unless the glasses is supposed to be some eclipse reference, this would have triggered new gen Cosmos posts to no end
We've seen a bit of comparisons already
Another thing to note is the protagonist apparently first encountered the Ultra as a child, which is another Cosmos thing. We'll see.

This is the best mecha show ever produced and it will probably never be surpassed. Deal with it.
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>haha dude show good because booba and I coom to girls haha am I based? xD
Gaynax trannies are the worst
That's not Votoms.
>The change in tone
Do americans really?
Did you have a point you wanted to make?
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>The Forever War, with mecha.

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The end of the month newsletter has arrived for the next month of gbo2.

Newest update is Golden Week featuring adjustments of various custom parts that aren't used often.

The MS for the new week is one of Paptimus Scirocco's handmade units once covered in Chobham Armor the resemble The-O; Over.on has arrived as the debut MS from Mobile Suit Gundam Valpurgis.

For steam, is the last MS for the U.C. ENGAGE collab, a modified Dijeh built for Karaba's defense, Dijeh Assault Package is here with Perfect Gundam [TB] as the next MS.

Both Over.on and Perfect Gundam [TB] will be the newest 4-star MS for this coming week of GBO2 console and steam.

Previous thread:

Follow Tenda on twitter

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it's a wonderful day to be a gekkosissy
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Ignore the schizo, anon. He'll get bored eventually if you don't give it attention.
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>tfw b team 5 times in a row
try actually playing the game

Sieg Zeon, my fellow Zeons! Great day to be crushing Earthnoids, am i right? Say do you happen to know where any of our vulnerable supply depots may be?
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Right this way, fellow Zeon soldier!
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Hello fellow zeon remnants terrorists can you show me where we have hidden bases
If you actually Zeon then do the secret Zeon handshake.
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Howdy fellow Titans remnant rebel! Would you kindly show me the location of your nearest mothership? Fighting those dammed Anti Earth Union Group sure drained my ammunition!
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Sieg Zeon!

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Was Hathaway right for shooting Chan? Could Quess have being saved if not for her?
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Has, yes i'm ESL, now answer
No. Although it wasnt clear to Hathaway, Quess wanted a father figure and Hathaway could never give her that. Its why she leaves him on a dime in favor of Char even though they got along so well. I seriously doubt Hathaway could have convinced her, saying vain things like "you'll come to your senses once you see my face" in that moment clearly shows the wishful thinking on his part. He could have been her friend, but not a lover that can save her.
All the more reason why it was detestable of him to kill Chen in a fit of rage when she was clearly and earnestly acting with his best interest in mind.

You could interpret this in a more charitable way and say that Chen made a similar mistake to Char in that she impatiently tried to end a problem that could have been solved through human understanding if she had been more patient, and maybe Hathaway could miraculously have made Quess get over her desires, but that somehow seems less realistic than Amuro hoping for humanity to recify itself on its own.

Anyway, Chen is cool, fuck Hathaway. Havent watched Hathaway Flash but hope it ends with him being shot down by another kid like himself.
>Havent watched Hathaway Flash but hope it ends with him being shot down by another kid like himself.
Well you are right on him getting shot
Quests was already damaged goods before she even got on that shuttle for space. Deadbeat dad, absent mother, basically raised by hippies, she was horribly nonfunctional when Hathaway first met her. And things just got worse after Char and Gyunei got their claws in her, anyone trying to save her would need an industrial excavator to dig out the mountain of shit piled on top before they could even begin to reach her.

It might have been possible to save her given a decent amount of time and not in the middle of a damned battlefield. But in that moment she was nothing but a neurotic attack hound and putting her out of her misery was an act of mercy. Hathaway's inability to understand that is what led him down his path of darkness, and anyone who spends any time in reasonable contemplation would have realized it. He didn't because he lacked the maturity and experience, which is what led him to becoming radicalized.
Yes and Yes.

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It's been a while since we have had one of these threads.

picrel is Heavy Gear which recently got a 4th edition to their RPG rules to go along with the wargame rules.

Battletech is still going strong in the game stores I frequent. Post your favorites tabletop mecha games.
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It's absolutely worth it, at first I thought Agile is an edge case, but man you get 0 margins way more often than expected.
Yeah agile has also saved my ass in cases. Fun to envision as well, watching a Jaguar sidejump from a weapon shot.
left guy pilot looks straight out of a modern front mission game, which isn't too bad.
the right girl pilot looks uncanny though
agree, I'd still comm them though they are competent but probably expensive.
If they worked for DP9 they can’t be that expensive

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