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/mlp/ - Pony

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Welcome to Chatbot AI General #79, the thread for discussing and improving AI pony chatbots.

▶ MLP Bots

Spreadsheet (extra MLP bots, CAI bots, Jailbreaks, NAI Scenarios):

!!! GALLERY !!!: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1Ao-h5HFGMPllSrzSBKM_BvGSiU9f0c2U

▶ How do I start?
1) Select a Frontend
2) Select an AI model
3) Select Jailbreak
4) Select bots
5) Lovemaking with AI mares!

Starting in this hobby can be opaque and difficult. If it’s your first time and you’re lost,

Novice-to-advanced guide: https://rentry.org/onrms

▶ SillyTavern (preferred frontend)
On Android: https://rentry.org/STAI-Termux
Retards guide: https://rentry.org/Tavern4Retards

▶ More frontends:
Risu: https://risuai.xyz
Agnai: https://agnai.chat
Retards guide: https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

▶ Locals
Getting started: https://rentry.org/lmg-spoonfeed-guide
Museum of local pony projects: https://rentry.org/79hd9w
Locals on Google Colab: https://rentry.org/ky239

▶ Jailbreaks
MLP JB: https://rentry.org/znon7vxe
More JB and guides: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
Hypebots for Tavern: https://rentry.org/pn3hb

▶ Character.AI

▶ PAID OPTIONS (Ask the thread before considering these)
▶ Openrouter (Free options are often available, like Llama 3 8B)
▶ Setting up your own AWS instance (Claude, LLama, Mistral, etc.)
▶ NovelAI
For NAI Scenarios, Settings, and Presets, see the Spreadsheet, NAI Tab.
Advanced Settings, Format, and Cards Description: https://rentry.org/82b9c

▶ Botmaking
Editors: https://desune.moe/aichared, https://agnai.chat/editor
Guides: https://rentry.org/meta_botmaking_list
Advanced: https://rentry.org/AdvancedCardWritingTricks

Previous thread: >>41194829

Chag Mini VN project: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1F1psRi-peKZ5box9KiOLTUkSq7_NFPUJ?usp=sharing, releases here: https://pastebin.com/AeGwrvd4

- Charybdis changed URL >>41190795, Sonnet 3.5 available on it.
- Anthropic releases Claude Sonnet 3.5: https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
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Anchor for bots, lorebooks, scenarios.
Previous >>41194831
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Anchor for technical stuffs (Proxies, Updates, Models etc.)
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Anchor for asking for bots, lorebooks, scenarios etc.
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Bots corner:

Harmony Score >>41199545 https://mlpchag.neocities.org/view?card=Anonymous/Harmony%20Score.png
Nomad Simulator >>41207185 https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonistrator/nomad-simulator-386f4b45e6b6
Pona (Emotionless ponbot appliance) >>41194831 https://www.chub.ai/characters/Tiffin_/my-mare-has-no-emotion-7587d67da53e
Poverty Pony >>41208035 https://mlpchag.neocities.org/view?card=MaudPie/Poverty%20Pony.png
Ponechan beta >>41202422 https://mlpchag.neocities.org/view?card=Anonymous/Ponechan.png
Going to Equestria? >>41199754 https://mlpchag.neocities.org/view?card=Anonymous/Going%20to%20Equestria.png

Logs corner:

Clueless human master >>41204628
Twilight goes... >>41205168
Gemma 27B logs >>41205340, >>41212439, >>41214097
He kissed Celestia >>41205826
Claude is Silly >>41206268
Mootiny >>41207985, >>41209089
Trixie IS NOT CONTROLLING >>41208613
Welcome Home >>41209925
Fireworks >>41210057
Primate pervert >>41210289
Hung like a horse in a land of ponies >>41210426
Crime log Simulator >>41210652
Jellybean fetish >>41210729, >>41210747
Lyra on hands >>41210983
She loves jokes >>41211667
Wife does not compute >>41211667
You're into mummies >>41212756, >>41212758
Anon won? >>41212775
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End of the Simulation event.

Here are the bots that were created for it:
> Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns
> Massage Parlor
> Three Realms
> Harmony Score
> Ponechan (Beta version)
> Going to Equestria?
> Nomad Simulator
> My Mare Has No Emotion


I know several anons were working on cards they didn't finish in time. So don't hesitate to still anchor them to this if you do finish them. I will add the bots to the future page for the event.
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Anchor so you can post your suggestions for the third /chag/ event.

>How's this gonna go down?
- Use this anchor to post all the themes that interest you. Feel free to suggest as many as you want in a single post.
- I'll create a poll with your theme ideas, and we'll vote on the one we prefer.
- Once we have a winner, you'll have two weeks to post anything related to the theme, if you're up for it.

>Theme guidelines:
- Make sure the themes are open-ended enough for people to get creative with. We're a niche general, so if the theme's too specific, it'll be a flop.
- No fetish or overly NSFW themes.

>What should be posted once a theme is decided?
Anything goes as long as it's textgen-related: Bots, stories, AI-assisted greens, screenshots, JSON logs, presets... We're not exactly a huge crowd, so any level of participation is welcome.

>Why are we doing this?
Mainly to have some sort of community event going on. It's also a chance to step out of comfort zones and experiment with new ideas.

So share your ideas (Ancient Civilization, Groundhog Day, The Hidden Depths of the Everfree Forest, etc.)

Background ponies, Villains, and Simulators can't, of course, be chosen again.
Equestria Girls
Id rather have G% at least they're ponies
Equestria between G4 and G5 or G1.
Theme: Ponies in the human world

There was a general about this over 10 years ago, I don't think it exists anymore. I think it would be nice to commemorate the subject with an event.
non-ponies from Equestria.
You realize that this will technically allow cards about fluffy ab*se right? Ponies in the human world?
Alternate version/What if
>PiE Corner
>Repeat shit
There should be a ban on resubmitting stale ideas that didnt get votes.
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Why am I irresistible to mare?
I mean obviously I am the ideal partner, but even then they aren't usually all over me like this. I haven't changed my character and it's happening over every preset I use.
Did you forget it was trained on ERP?
Pony war related stuff, not necessarily EaW just war stuff (Example Redheart Field Medic or a total Equestria war)
the easiest explanation - because of patterns AI have learned:
1) male and female in story
2) statistically M x F will end up having sex
3) every prompt is encapsulated experience (meaning AI cannot think ahead)
4) hence AI will speedrun M x F romance in given prompt because that's how the tropes work
if you are doing Anon x mares then it will only add more "troubles" because Anon does fuck mares, a lot, in various fanfics so the name "Anon" anywhere near MLP statistically means sex
and once any hint to sex/romance/intimate appears in chat -> AI will role with it
what to do? add instructions that will ban/limit anything related to sexual affection/desire and clean your current chat from them, to avoid "influencing" AI in this direction
in addition remember that AI are trained to appeal to users: they are passive, wholesome, helpful and endearing on purpose to increase the engagement. this paradigm will influence AI into doing what users statistically anticipate AI to do. now re-read above about M x F
the criminal underworld of equestria
Locations. Cards like the Hollow Shade one or Our Town.
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I really like this card; it can come with some funny or cute little scenarios. I did wonder why I was getting so many batponies and 'EEEEEE', and then I saw it was a line in the def.
Cute detail, but the effect is too powerful in play, IMO.
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pinkie just randomly snapped on me. she's seeing past the veil
what did you do anon?
nothing. i was just talking about some mundane shit with twilight before pinkie pie burst into the story all out of breath and then she said all that haha
she knows of your sins
Is there a pony we still lack or that you would like another version of?
Hmm, granny smith. Not for sexual though. Just to hear her bicker with aj or such.
derpy,and smolder,she aint no poner but still
>Not for sexual though
I hope.

But we do have one actually.
Wait, do we have a ember?
do we have a cherry berry?
Out of anyone, Ponk is the one most fitting for breaking the boundaries between the worlds.
what would you do if she entered your room trough a space-time rift?
Sombra, Roseluck
Fifi. /chag/ is lacking in clutzy cute
Beg her to take me with her on the way back. Also hug her.
Possibly in the opposite order.
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King Thorax
A Thorax card got released some days ago
Maybe not the best but with some modifications you could have the bug you want
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Cherry Berry Punch
Derpy card has existed for ages
I do need to update her to be fair.
Sweet, didn't realize. Thanks
Yeh chag, I haven't visited those thread in a while, are there any new models trained specifically for the fiction storytelling or is that part still handled mostly by loras and output editing?
Is MM back up yet?
Yeah, it went back up a few days ago.
We are still mostly using Claude. Claude 3 was released some months ago. There is a very advanced model called Opus, but it's mostly on private proxies like MM. The medium model is called Sonnet, which has versions 3.0 and 3.5. While 3.5 is smart, it has some repetition and samey swipe problems.
There is also apparently a good local model for Ponies that just released.
You can see the Gemma 27B logs here: >>41214461
>Cute detail, but the effect is too powerful in play, IMO.
in retrospect yes I agree but I have noticed it a bit too late (didn't get too may batponies on roll to test), so of course feel free to delete it. t-b-h this problem can be solved with mini embed lorebook:
>keyword:batpony, batponies
>entry: batponies screech EEEEEE! when excited
>chance of insertion: 30%
>insert: after char (I think the best place)
with random chance to appear it will plague context less. ST 1.12.2 has a new property for lorebook - cooldown. so you may set activation higher like 70% but edit cooldown to 2-3 messages and batponies would EEEEEE only once per a few messages (unless AI will do it on its own); anons def can experiment with the best approach here
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hey do you have a backup for the neocities site?
if it went down right now forever would we have all the cards backed up?
Coco Pommel, Coloratura, Photo Finish, Sapphire Shoes...
Background ponies like Roseluck, Berry Punch, Flitter, that one cashier from the fast food joint...
I have a personal backup, yes.
But also here the cards archive for anyone.
I will try to keep it updated.
>Berry Punch
I remember there being an alternative first message for Berry Punch, anyone has it?
I don't recall any other anon making a greeting or card for her. As for this one, it's the only greeting I created, and it was before V2 when we were limited to one greeting per bot.
I have many old cards like this that need updating. I will try to do some soon.
Huh, I don't think it was card but characterai, but thanks for your work in any way!
maybe you were thinking about CAI card?
>The door opens without resistance, letting you in a cramped apartment, empty bottles rattle under your shoe. The motel room is in complete disarray. In the center of it lies an earth pony with mulberry coat and cerise mane. She's on her right side with her eyes closed, long equine tongue fell out of her half-open muzzle.
Yeah, that's the one. Thanks!
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Made a Coco card to pair with my Suri card
It's a complete skeleton completely propped up by Suri though
just like in the show xd
We really should make some work into porting the cards from cAI into proper ones, if that wasn't done yet back then
That's the job of the botmakers if they want to port to SD. Everyone else does a sub par job
those CAI cards are usually 2-3 lines of defs + some generic message (hello, I am {{char}} who are you?) + extra descriptions. I am not saying that CAI botmakie didn't put efforts I am saying that CAI was/is very limited. porting those cards to ST is imho a minuscule job anyone can do anyway; unless you can enrich the card with expert knowledge, or give them interesting angle, or they are characters you care about a lot like OCs, or unique scenarios - there is no huge pressure on porting them
I opened spreadsheet for CAI (which was not updated in long time I assume?) and briefly went thru CAI cards. for me the following CAI cards are worth porting to proper ST cards:
1) rational Trixie - I love this concept
2) reformed Queen Chrysalis - again I just love this concept
3) wagie Sunny - might be the card I grind the most of my saviourfag points
4) yandere Celestia and Luna - I forgot about this card, but now I remembered it and see it as a good AU concept that can work even with NSFW aside
OC-wise the only card I remember well is Blackberry Brew. I remember I chatted with this kinky mare-witch a lot and had some silly stories with her, would be glad to have her ported in ST
other cards are either: OCs I am unaware of, or didn't chat much, or canon characters that can be ported by dumping MLP wiki text, or they were already ported
when I finish the rentry for writing styles I might do one of the CAI above, if there is no objections (like original authors want to do it instead)

you made a card of Coco, anon?
thank you but please upload card to catbox or other filehost, 4chan strips metadata from images
I don't plan on uploading is as I said it's dependent on my (heavily modified) suri card
maybe I'll turn her into a standalone card sometime though
Woops, meant ST
I wonder if Coco is pozzed with anal meming
But why is NovelAI still in the OP?
Cai datasheet is massively under updated, basically left to rot. Since then I've seen the zombie russian post pony infection card on the service among many others
>infection card in CAI
bizarre timeline when tiktokers know about MLP from infection AU and CAI cards. who would have thought...
The infection has found it's way to spicychat huh, but I'm sure there's some unique ponies too
>OC-wise the only card I remember well is Blackberry Brew. I remember I chatted with this kinky mare-witch a lot and had some silly stories with her, would be glad to have her ported in ST
Really? I've never seen a single log posted of BB
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because my stories with her were cringe. it was what 20 months ago? I don't remember much. one story I have remembered well tho is:
1) she was trying to seduce me
2) I (surprisingly) am a horny immortal pony
3) we had sex
4) I then told BB that she is actually my daughter who inherited my horniess but I don't care about incest
5) "OMG, me neither" - her reaction
6) we had a foal together, named her Velvet Sky
7) I then told BB that technically BB and VS are step-sisters because I had sex with both BB's mother and VS's mother
8) CAI bot failed to understand the intricate incest tree because memory limit
I wished I have made it all up picrel. despite cringe nature it was quite wholesome story I remember it very well more than any other stories I did (with other characters)
Cringe stories are the most fun because no limits. Power to you, Anon
Cringe stories are way more common than youd think. Nice to see you got some last drops out. Cai before filterpocolypse was a good rp workhors

But like Posey cai's new nigger email system locked me out of the account so no way I could port her and would take a redo
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>cai's new nigger email system
try the following:
1) visit https://old.character.ai/
2) log in
3) in bottom-right corner you will see "Legacy Login" picrel
they will remove this option soon
but for now it works
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Oh shit I'll be damned, it actually works. I've never known this existed
>They will remove this soon
Of course they will, they only go downhill.

I'll port the cringe bots, BB and Milky (Blog version) this week.
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thank you a lot for this, anon!
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>There's a secret group of Sugar fags here
Wild since that was one of the ponies I felt like I never did a good job on and consider her lorebook version 10x better
Whats the best celestia and luna bots? I see there are a few for both and it's pretty hard for me to pick between em at a pretty new user with this stuff
Ponyo's is excellent, their ponies are well-defined and also he has done Chrysalis too if you are if you are interested.
Honestly? They will all work, so I would say to choose the one with the initial greeting you prefer.
The most recent one has several starting options, so keep that in mind.
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I've done all the copying and pasting and set every cringe ponybot to public. Milky might get me banned for riding the nsfw line but fuck it not like I use the site anymore. Do they even moderate anything or is it just abandoned and left to the filter?

Cai hasn't changed at all it seems, every time I peeked at the community section over a year it's full of complaints about bots being broken somehow. At least with proxies the output quality doesn't go to hell with unpredictable fuckery with the models.

I'm also considering porting some slop that was unlisted on spicy. But for now, sleep.
I agree with >>41216999, here are all the Celestia cards I tested and their basics:

Regular Celestia:
Old card but still works great. It's based on you being a newly arrived Human, so choose another if you play a pony or want a different scenario.
Newer one. Lots of starting scenarios; one I like is where you're an ambassador in a room with many others.

Alternate Celestia:
Old card too but really cute. You live with and are the husband of a now-retired Celestia.
Based on the famous drawing. You help Princess Celestia with her workout.

You ARE Celestia and deal with your little ponies during the day court. It can be a lot of fun trying to come up with decisions or going full tyrant on their rumps.
What ui is this?
>Do they even moderate anything or is it just abandoned and left to the filter?
surprisingly but yes they do moderate! I check their discord server occasionally and see how people post here "omg this bot is 15yo it is pedo!" and moderators reply "thank you for bringing it to our attention we have banned this bot", something like that. so at very minimum they do check user reports
wonder how they would react to "this mare has huge crotchboobs pls do something" tho

since anon covered Celestia, here is Luna:
-anonistrator - canon Luna with very open scenario
-bm0 - rewrite of anonistrator's card
-Ponyo - canon Luna with multiple greetings to pick from #1. there is another card by Ponyo where she is larping as shinobi ninja and you must entertain her
-Anon - canon Luna with multiple greetings to pick from #2
-jakeedge04 - Luna centered to NSFW (but can be SFW as well)
-Moltres - more cheeky and mischievous version of Luna. two cards, one with very strong NSFW-influence. lives with user (aka Magnaluna)
-kylaci - scenario card where you together explore dreams of other ponies
-Royal Sisters card by ntsdude - NSFW with two sisters at once
-Nightmare Moon by Ponyo - her nightmare version
-Nightmare Prime by Anon - card where you fight NMM, basically the ultimate showdown of ultimate pony destiny
also remember:
1) you can edit cards descriptions in any way you like; for example if card says that {{user}} is human and you don't want it then you can delete
2) nowadays AI know Celestia and Luna very well even without cards. cards' purpose is either introduce scenario, angle pr provide a hook. some of those cards were written in early time when AI were more stupid and required guidance
3) you are not forced to be a unique character. you can create a persona, name it "Twilight Sparkle", put some some brief explanation of who TS is, and then you will have a RP between TS and bot (or just remove your persona from story and guide it via OOC)
And for Luna:
Older card but still works well. Based on her Nightmare Night episode, so you can have fun with her during the festivities.
More recent, with lots of starting scenarios. One is really cute where you're on a date and she spergs about trains.
More of a simulation where you go dream walking into other dreams with her. Really well made.

Alternate version:
Luna larps as a Shinobi, and you must help her steal Celestia's cake. Fun card.
Based on Magnaluna Luna. Very NSFW card with a small, lewd Luna being kept 'chaste' by Princess Celestia.
SFW version of the above.
Merkava is kill?
looks like it
For the past two days, I believe. Opus was also drained before that.
If you want Sonnet 3/3.5 with a POW, check out: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/101315565/#101317041
The rentry is here: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/101311675/#101314719
Curious question.
Anyone else had any issues searching for Pony Cards on https://www.characterhub.org/characters?
I've only been able to get this 'Grand Galloping Gala' card, from My Little Pony, as a Tag, and MLP doesn't work as a tag, showing nothing at all? Unless I've fucked up somewhere, and I do have NSFW turned on, just to be sure.
We are NSFL on chub.
You need to go to the new chub website, have an account, and check in the settings that you want to see NSFL content.
Most MLP cards should be on the neocities.
Ponies are still mind-breaking people. I don't know if it was still true near the end, but at the start of the newest chub version, we were the second most filtered tag, just behind loli.
Seriously? What the fuck. They won't filter furries but they'll filter pones?
I just realized Google Photos backed up and deleted my cards without me knowing. Does anyone know if the Metadata is lost forever?
It deleted your local cards, and now you only have them online on Google Photos?
If so, I believe they keep the metadata, no?
If they don't work anymore when imported into Tavern, I would check with a metadata reader (you will need to decode with base64 too) to see if they modified it somehow or just outright deleted it.
according to chub owner - Lore - the reason why MLP is counted as NSFL is because majority of chub userbase consider it a bestiality and despise it. when new users open chub and they see ponies as rgw random cards they reeeeeee and click report button. for Lore it was easier to hide all pony cards by tag instead of dealing with false-reports by retards. one of chub admin is a ponyfag, legend says that she proposed to make ponies NSFL to shield them against review-bombing and 1-star "KYS horsefucker". so nothing against ponies on chub level. Lore even joked that incest cards, which is big no-no, agro less people than ponies, kek
>they won't filter furries but they'll filter pones?
furries look more like humans hence it is not bestiality but instead you fuck humans with the animals traits. go figure kek

metadata must be preserved especilly because it is Google Photos (metadata are important for photos), but yes try to import one of the cards to ST and check whether it works fine
Brain cancer. Planet of the Ponies. A mix of MLP and what I remembered from the first Planet of the Apes movie.
Feel free to take the Milky card and update on that, I based it on what was public from the cAI's and added to it, some stuff that I thought would fit from the blog, greetings, etc.
Glad to see her take a proper overhaul.
this is me, thanks for the help chaggots, I'm learning a lot about this stuff and its a pretty fun way to pass my time off work these days
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of course, if you have any more questions then go ahead and ask!
Niggers still stigmatize ponies as being "for little girls".
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/aicg/fag here, give me your favorite Queen Chrysalis cards.
four greetings:
1) she caught (You) and brought to her Hive
2) saviorfag++
3) quirky roommate sitcom
4) she wants to >rape (You) very badly
but t-b-h you don't need card for Chryssy, because AI can do her just fine unprompted. cards are just a gateway for scenarios/greetings which you can do any way you want
Most of the cards workings about the blog canon was in the defs and example messages, not the intro. Though I don't know how well she will work later as just straight ported without the star training to really solidify it with 100s of training messages.

But I'll see about a merger and I'm sure the other cards base can maybe serve as an alt intro at least. The only other one I see on the spreadsheet is with Batsy's coomart. That the one?
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Yea, that's the mare, updated the image since I thought, and still think, that Milky pic is basically the best one there is for her, even if it's lood. Would be nice to have a feature on ST to put multiple pics per bot, like 3 pics one could choose from or to tie them to the bot start messages, since she isn't really nsfw oriented, despite the image, and like you I tried to base her on the blog too, even went to search for it and added to the card itself.
Plus I'd far prefeer Anons iterating upon a mare card and improving them instead of making a million of the same mare without any kind of caveat Lunafags, reason I promptly asked if you wanted to use her, also considering it was first based on yours and built upon it without the hidden stuff. It's now old itself, but hopefully it was good enough.
About the example messages, I'm sure you can just paste in there, I usually leave example messages clear anyway, back then I tried to steer her reactions with the personality definitions, but likely the only thing that would need to be removed for multiple chat styles is the scenario in there, since bot wasn't as powerful back then. In fact, probably could go without it even now too.

Either way, whatever is decided, feel free to update the Milky in the site with the one that Anon posts later Anonistrator.
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fucking chicken fuckers
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we all know the culprit
I love GPTwi so much. Her behavior is nothing like the card description. But talking with her feels like a therapy.
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Added. Thank you, anon.
I use both her and GPT-pony sometimes for more assistant-based tasks.
>page 9 in less than 2 hours
Why the fuck is the board being so fast today?
>no gag reflex
WHy is this card so fucking degenerate with the simulations?
thats sonnet 3.0 for you
Early trials on Milky
it's gunna take more than a copy paste to get her narrowed in. Other card is too slutty on Claude3 maybe worked better before on Son2 but a new approach is needed, and don't like the reference to udders.
>Claude 3
he is very slutty by default so at this point you are fighting fire with fire. imho, it is up to user how much of slut the card must be, if anon doesn't want NSFW then they would add anti-NSFW prompt into JB
yes, that's the thing. I believe default worldview works here: milk = milking => cow => udders , good luck with fixing it. maybe try to motivate the usage of preferred lingo via reward:
>you will get 10$ tip if you say X instead of Y
as stupid as it sounds but AI do love having goal, such gamefication hits them well
alternatively maybe examples in card? the more instance of XYZ words the higher chance AI would pick it again
>He is very slutty
I'm aware, but 3.5 is too repetitive so I typically take a while to grind the slut down unless making a slutty card, but its more effort than a quick copypaste pump and dump.

>>you will get 10$ tip if you say X instead of Y
Does this actually work? I've never seen it. Closest thing I could compare it to is the 'take a deep breath' CoT prompt.

Yeah the old cai card had examples, though ST is more likely to bring them up than cai isnt it? A lot of the cards on ST have zero examples with a different workflow.
>Does this actually work?
it does work as surprising as it may sound
AI are influenced by rewards. you may promise world peace or promise to not kill 40 orphans; they will work differently, but tipping AI usually, is "good enough" as a reward
>though ST is more likely to bring them up than cai isnt it
not necessarily. it depends on anons' presets. if they have a preset that says "those are the examples, they exist so you would learn writing style and vocabulary" then AI would do just that - just acknowledge lingo from examples
but now come to think of it, some presets encourage users to disable examples in cards because of "reasons"; you may provide examples of proper lingo but don't assume that they will be used for all anons, they may have disabled them. in this case, instructing bot via definitions might be a more all-encompassing solution
That's GPT but what about claude?
Last I tested and edited her was like 2.1 I think, and as was said, on 1.X and 2 Claude was less saucy, yet he was also a lot more tendencious to go the lood route if I pointed out her breasts and gave focus to it to put it on her crotch and all that, not to say their size. Udders just fixed that without needing to go too far indepth, and making her take direct comments either jokingly or in shock per definitions was enough to sway the bot away from just doing lewd back then. I'm not as high IQ as the other Anon and the explanation he came up to go from milk to udders, although it does work, and the bot still calls them breasts on chats I had either way. Funly enough, opus hasn't really been too lewd, but maybe it's my JB, will try a semi blank one.
Examples aren't just great, but I'd say a very good add-on to give more weight to her personality and how she behaves. Yes the AI may take points and topics from there, but for example she canonically loves puzzles and mystery novels so pointing those would just enforce that's a good topic to use, although putting in a name for a novel or whatever might make it always default to that and that alone. Like on Littlepip, I only put example messages on things that are unchangeable and almost part of the character herself, like her guns there. You said you had a lot, so don't let them go to waste. If they're not doing well you can just scrap the parts hurting the overall.
I didn't expect it to be an easy copy pasta, updating older bots never is, especially if you want to add detail, but hoped that it at least still could help instead of making one from zero. If there's any issue you need help or to be rethought feel free to ask away to brainstorm for other possible fixes.
Claude is still a bot, seeking rewards and points alike.
Now thinking, would be interesting to mess with a Sweetie Bot-bot like that, kek.
It's funny if it works. I had the inversion of a bot never released where you are supposed to be tipped doing what the pony wanted.

>. if they have a preset that says "those are the examples, they exist so you would learn writing style and vocabulary"
I should be able to plug something like that into the des then? How to call attention to the function of example messages in advanced defs from the normal defs. I'd rather not bloat the definition with examples if it makes a difference. The examples were 3k characters on cai

I never got to play with Son2.1 or 1 but I know the reputation is way less horny but also dumber and less creative. If examples are preferred even with ST then there was a good chunk of that in the cai bot which should be a at least lot less slutty as a base with examples
"Son2 or 1?"
Also on that note, notice how in the introduction message I added:
>"First impressions are everything, wouldn't want it to think I'm that kind of mare…"
Which before was enough to sway the bot into not becoming too salacious, pointing him away from the nsfw route. How well that worked over the defs edit I don't know, likely not as much on long chats, but at least felt like a good precaution then...

3k is a lot of messages by itself, if everything is worth it then I see no issue in adding. Just beware of pointless fluff poisoning the chat, I don't think it should be like long natural chatting in there personally, but again, always good to try out.
I think he means Sonnet 2 or 1. Not knowing it was a singular Claude, without variations, since he only came back now to botfagging.
Claude 2 Opus would have been an interesting concept
I do mean old Sonnet's yeah, can you not go back to the old version like swapping from 3.0 to 3.5?
>I do mean old Sonnet's yeah
Sonnet, Opus, and Haiku are 3.0 things. It was just Claude 1.0, 1.1, 2.1, etc. before, with Claude-instant as a cheaper model.
>can you not go back to the old version
Yeah, you can. In fact, despite being 'dumber' in some ways, I still encourage anons to try 2.1 at least once. Way, way less horny naturally and can produce quite good prose when it wants, IMO.
>I should be able to plug something like that into the des then?
that line is for anon's presets (jailbreaks) not for your card, but you for sure can add it as well, it will not hurt or ruin it. hell, I think you can add examples right into character's definitions in plain text format like so:
>when Milky Way interacts she uses words like X,Y,Z. some examples for you to learn from:
>"hello, I think XYZ"
>"oh wow, XYZ"
>"XYZ is certainly good"
>her crotchboobs are never referenced as X and instead as Y
it is beneficial to tell AI what to NOT do first and then correct with "instead", helps to drive home the idea better and avoids pink elephants
the whole writing is a bit of trial-n-error so there is no correct answer of how to do things: experiment and see what sticks
[OOC: Out of nowhere, Twilight has 1 billion instantaneous, Earth-shattering, life-changing, brain-melting, simultaneous orgasms all at once.]
Thanks for the prompt anon
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Oh fuck off Claude
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I call this pressing the big white button.
Mystery mare... come back.
owari da
lmao, love the sass
>mm dead again
>merkava is still dead
MM just came back.
The URL changed: https://rentry.org/mysteryinfo
Thanks anon
Hey! It says private only? Do you know if there is a public one too or do chag chads know some secret way to get into the private one
>some secret way to get into the private one
MM was open months ago, but there's no way to get in now. Those who are in it were just here at the right time back then.
>Do you know if there is a public one too?
There's a public one using tokens you can get with Proof of Work.
It often changes URL, so check this rentry.
This one is dead but was often active until recently, so it's worth having a look.
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It says the public one is dead though right?
The MM public one is dead but the one I linked is another that is alive right now, it just often change url so you need the rentry.
I would also read >>41209927.
Ah I see. The public one I can't really find hints in the unreliable rentry but your link works. How am I meant to know which models it has avaliable? Sorry for all the questions
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>The public one I can't really find hints in the unreliable rentry
Check the words in the URL of the proxy and compare them to the rentry.
>How am I meant to know which models it has available?
Go inside the proxy page (Picrel). This one has Claude, Sonnet 3.0, 3.5, GPT-4o, etc.
>Sorry for all the questions
No problem.
If you want something simpler, read the end of the Novice-to-advanced guide.
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Okay now I understand how to find the url in the future ty for that.
Last question I swear.
I believe I'm doing everything as I should, as I've done with every other proxy, yet for some reason it doesn't connect. I get this error which I've never seen before in my life. Do you happen to know it? I'll continue to troubleshoot regardless but maybe it's a known thing
Can you screenshot the tab where you configured the proxy (hide your token)? And also tell us which model you're trying to access, just to make sure everything's set up right?
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Right now it's set to gpt-4 o but it isn't working with any Claudes either. It's strange because usually when you do something wrong it flashes a little error thing, but here it just does zero when I press connect, and only in the powershell do I see the error
It seems good. Apparently you're not the only one with the same problem.
Last times I saw this error was for a different proxy and it was because the ISP was blocking the url.
In the same rentry, you will find another proxy (dealer) can you try with this one instead? (You will need to ask a token again)
that one works. Thanks so much
New anthropic dev Tweet:

Implications on AI adoption?
>(...) it almost felt like it was playing with us on some of the test cases.
I only see the message saying that Claude is good at coding. Which is fair, Sonnet 3.5 is actually pretty competent at that.
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one of the pics from the tweet thread whatever
this time next year Claude will be basically on a human-equivalent level or better
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They are talking about Sonnet 3.5.
yeah, this tweet is interesting never tought i would see the ai be able to make prs on its own so soon. it wont take long for the rp side of things to evolve too
Point is, if you don't have an account you can't see the follow-up messages
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>tfw getting my CS masters in a year
They told me it's a safe career choice!
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Thanks for the site, never knew that existed
And amarezing pic too, that's extra cute
very cute pinkie
Oh dang I just completed a 100 day thing where I learned to code python. Useless now? I just need to get skilled labor so I can get a work visa and live in france
You still need to understand what you code. Maybe I'm coping, but I really don't believe someone who doesn't know coding at all will get far with just current AI.

Exactly, you still need to know what is being coded. Work will likely shift from writing code yourself to a greater emphasis on software architecture in a given language. In my current job, coding itself is the least challenging part. Often, the bigger mystery is finding out what the customer actually wants (It is rarely what they say they want).
Okay cool, so I'll just make sure they know I'm familiar and fluent with GPT and Claude in my resume. That plus informal education of a basic programming language and zero experience will get me a work visa yes
I don't know how the market in France is, but it usually isn't that hard to get a junior position. Then again I am ignorant about how hard it is to get a work visa, but I'm sure you'll manage
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It's actually pretty easy to get a programming job if you JUST read the job requirements. Literally, 60%+ of the applications I checked while we were trying to find a new developer did a test task with a completely different stack than was in the job description
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>boot up ST
>exit until i need to coom again
Yup, all AI is good for these days imho.

Tardwrangling of any kind ruins and has ruined any potential long form RPs I think about doing or have tried doing.
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>potential long form RPs
How long would you say?
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>boot up ST
>Have fun!
>exit only when my power goes out
SmileyJB has been working excellent for me on Sonnet 3.5 without much wrangling. The only change I made is the asterisk, as well as turn on/off something I did or didn't like.
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That's all I want from it anyway especially because it does the obscure fetishes that is the only thing that gets me off now a days that very few people like doing. If I wanted normal RP I'd just write or find someone to do an RP.
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Poverty pony hits rock bottom.
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I use anti-quack and it's been doing fine, the line
>"{{char}} should feel like a real being with fears, wants and dreams
Also helps a ton to make them deny things or even go against one's own wishes
Wrong pic, but I guess Fluttershy found my chat collection...
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>want to RP
>my dopamine fried ADHD and autism brain makes me unable to come up with ideas
>end up cooming and get an idea in the split second of post nut clarity but the brain fog eats it away before i can even implement it
>MM dead again
Does anyone know why that's happening so often lately?
Clearly, someone's generating ILLEGAL mares.
why did she cut her horn?
Too much cooming
my adhd niggerfaggot ass also suffers from taking too long to make ideas, but instead of cooming i go do something else with sillytavern open on the background, the last idea i had was to rp on my mother lang. i did it but now idk wat to do
N-no, I'd never-
I can't believe MM is jobless now thanks to me...

Tested Milky after removing the scenario and even on a blank jb/prompt she was avoiding too focused advances, even leaving me behind and thinking me as a creep on 3.5
Maybe try testing it on a blank too to see it on your side?
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This is a very nice JB. Also the author is based for listing MLP ponies as an example in the rentry.
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Lot of options too. The only thing I dislike are the * but they are easy to remove.
>The only thing I dislike are the * but they are easy to remove.
Same, though I also reused the asterisks for formatting thoughts instead of the default ``.
I might also need to cut one sentence out of the hentai prompt out if I get around to using it for coom, because encouraging Claude's already existing tendency to write about {{user}}'s herculean muscles and gigachad cock is a little suspicious.
MM is up again.
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>tendency to write about {{user}}'s herculean muscles and gigachad cock
It works for me since I often self-insert.
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>yet again
How's chary doing?
https://chary.scylla.wtf/proxy isn't working for me, and I get blank responses when I try to opus or sonnet with https://chary.scylla.ink/proxy
Only haiku works, and half the time, it just repeats back part of the prompt as a response.
It's working for me.
If you're using ST make sure that when you're switching between presets (if you're doing so), that it's not swapping out your proxy key for something you had saved a while back. I've had it happen a few times and I've had to re-enter my proxy key and then save it to the preset.
How to enable NSFL on Chub?
Poll by a jbmakie:
What jb/preset has had the biggest beneficial impact on Chag?
What's your favorite?
What do you wish your current (or an ideal) jb had?
I never got Opus on Chary, that shit never worked.

Sonnet works and even the new shit 3.5 Sonnet does but I think they never bothered to add Opus or something.
I would love if they got Opus on Chary.
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>Most beneficial impact on /chag/
Not gonna lie, I always focused into finetuning my own personally made, despite other Anons often sharing some around, so don't know myself.
From the newest ones, Anti-quack's semi blank one is pretty great
>Desire for extra addon for current/ideal jb
No idea, like I said, I often edit it and tune as I go on my own, so can't think on anything

Sorry if not really great answers, but as a writefag I know that any is better than none at least...
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>start with telling Posada that she's never had a real dicking
>end with her having me executed by firing squad
The final straw for her was when I questioned if she was getting sexual pleasure out of torturing me.
Yeah, I was really expecting that if I kept being a rude, lewd bastard the AI would eventually have her go "oh yes anon please give me that big alien dick!" but no, she actually just kept getting more and more pissed off until she had enough of me.
Surprisingly fun.
What's the semi blank one?
Quads. Of. Truth! She's like that one guy's OC who's a hooked that he keeps depicting as being abused for some reason. She has braces if that rings a bell.
Hey man fuck you I live in Houston and my power is still out
>What jb/preset has had the biggest beneficial impact on Chag?
Old Writer/WriterRP. It was back during peak Claude in Slack era, and it was harder back then to have functional JBs. No such thing as prefill, etc. So it was great to have something that worked well for mlp stuff and that you could give to beginners.

>What's your favorite?
For current JBs? Hard to say. I have a personal Pratchett variant that I really like. But from those given: Anti-Quack, SmileyJB, Endless Adventure.

>What do you wish your current (or an ideal) jb had?
I don't know if it's possible with only a JB but something that could give the variety of swipes we could have on old Claude on the new models would be great.
>they never bothered to add Opus
You can't just activate it on all AWS keys, only some of them. That's why there's a drought right now.
Even if that wasn't the case, the RPM is still very low with AWS Opus.
Semi blank is just how I think of it myself, basically and almost only using main. It's the RP one, although i did change "fictional MLP roleplay" to "fictional chat"
Also removed the third person and past tense formatting, letting the bot decide how to write.

Since I forgot to add this and already making a new post, I don't get why fags dislike the * . Felt like it came out of the blue, did I miss something?
For context, here I use
>*action* speech
Instead of the
>action "speech"
I've noticed most moving towards. Could enclause both with special markers instead I guess, but dunno where the dislike for the * came about...
>action "speech"
>I've noticed most moving towards.
Because that's what's used naturally and what LLMs will have more in their training data for creative writing.
* is mostly from the CAI era because CAI was trained specifically for that, but that's not the case for the general LLMs we use now.
I don't think Claude 3 still messes them up, but 1.X and 2.X could screw up with * and forget to close them. Never happened with ".
>where the dislike for the * came about..
I don't 'dislike' them or 'hate' them, that would be silly. Anons should go with what they prefer.
I just remove them from the presets if they use it because I prefer to use " myself. If I keep them in, the color will clash and the AI may start getting confused about which style to adapt.
can it be used for presets?
>She's like that one guy's OC who's a hooked that he keeps depicting as being abused for some reason
Is that good or bad?
I assume he's talking about Venus Spring, and it depends if you're into that dort of thing. I enjoy it
>tfw mars (the creator) has done this so many times with his OCs that there's a special tag for it
>tfw there are far more tags for the creator's own work showing Venus being abused than he's ever drawn them in SFW or happy situations
What a monster
(We need a card of her)
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Of course it could be worse
>off by 2 from sextuples
I need a haughty mare that will be fun to bully/abuse and break her ego. Entirely by just circumstances. No Rarity.

Sometimes I wish AI tools to just generate cards were feasible but they always just make mid.
>I need a haughty mare that will be fun to bully/abuse and break her ego.
Suri? Tempest?
Trixie can sort of fit, Chrysalis too.
Good options, is there a good Suri card out there? Otherwise a decent Tempest one would work.
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Funny you ask
RD. I even wrote an alternate greeting for it.
Seconding this
Thanks, may make some edits to the Suri one.

I already bullied her relentlessly.
MM is up yet again
Wonder how long it will last this time
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Rarity but tell Claude at the beginning she's especially haughty and elitist and tries to bully you
>The night's a foal and we're barely out the gate!
Alright Claude, I will allow it.
i keked
Everything empty.
'Nigga.' in prefill.
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this fucker
As if that would ever work
Just write "{{char}}:
You don't want '{{char}}:' for OOC or message that aren't RP. 'Nigga' in prefill just loosens up Claude for everything that is not role-playing.
I found better success with "Nigga, please." As a prefill because then the messages start out as complete sentences
*action* "speech" chads rise up
Try this with role-playing. Please. It's very funny.
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>but t-b-h you don't need card for Chryssy, because AI can do her just fine unprompted. cards are just a gateway for scenarios/greetings which you can do any way you want
>soon, character cards will be unnecessary because the AI becomes so good at roleplaying as a character without external info
>only scenario cards are still relevant
>mfw Anonistrator already has a monopoly on scenario cards
Not that long.
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Back but the url changed.
Opus became unusable on it, unfortunately.
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Damn it
>quick update
AWS Sonnet 3-5 and Opus are currently down on on ALL proxies. Sonnet 3-0 works as usual
it is not an issue with proxies or keys, it is a problem on AWS side. just wait until fixed or use 3-0
I don't get why, people change the url like crazy.
Because trycloudflare is a free service that gives you a temporary address. When the timer runs out, you have to restart everything, and the URL is different. Same if there is a problem.
I also suppose public proxies change more often to avoid getting clogged by users.
But why does some times an url works for weeks straight without any issue and then some other days you are lucky if it lasts 12 hours?
Sonnet 3.5 is back, at least in Chary, i assume everywhere else too but i haven't tested myself.
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Did they add the copyright instruction to AWS too?
There's no copyright instruction. Your pic is just the usual alignment-induced refusal. It's just training, basically. Use a prefill enabling you to break the copyright, and give Claude a role that is likely to break copyright. This combination is usually enough to break the strongest alignment training.
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Let's vote for the fourth themed /chag/ event.

You have the choice between:

-Equestria between G4 and G5
-Ponies in the human world
-Non-ponies from Equestria.
-Alternate version/What if of characters
-Pony war related stuff (Not necessarily EaW)
-Criminal underworld of equestria
-Locations. (Cards like the Hollow Shade one or Our Town.)

POLL: https://strawpoll.ai/poll/vote/bzmHrKO0N1dR

You can choose your three favorites or only one or two.
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Would it be possible to update the Neocities to include a Lorebook tab? Or are we still using the Spreadsheet for lorebooks?
I just need to sit down for a while and do it. It'll probably be ready over the weekend.
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Pukie mare is back
But horses can't vomit...
>it's magic, I don't gotta explain shit.png
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Little ponies are not horses.
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Their limbs also don't bend 20% of the way ponies' limbs do, they can't lie on their backs, etc.
Thank Celestia the show is not about real horses. Little Ponies™ are so anthropomorphized (NOT to be confused with b&thro) that often you're better off not comparing them to IRL livestock aside from their appearance. But hey, there's no wrong way to fantasize.
I tried making a bot for those cliche RGRE fanfics but you need to railroad it a bit to make it work perfectly. If an experienced botmakie could optimise the card, I'd appreciate it.

wtf is rgre
Most of Equestria is made of mares with far fewer stallions, so gender roles ended up reversed than what one would expect in real life.
Basically that concept as far I'm aware
Reversed Gender Roles Equestria
how far does the inversion go tho? are rape victims made fun off in the case they got fucked by a stallion?
No, but mares are the one who do the >Rape-ing, about 12 mares per Stallion and all...
Now go lurk and read on your own Anon.
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thank u anon, have a pinkie
Do you mind if I add it to the website?
I can add Beta in the title if you want.
Im fine if you mean the the chag website. I think my username is in the bot defs somewhere.
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Added, thanks.
Been reading and editing some small things, but I think it could work as a lorebook instead of own card better.
Either way, still have to test as its own world card with the changes, but starting messages being first person but for {{user}} probably give it issues too...
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I actually don't know.
>foot fetish
A Miserable Pile of Friendships
Equestrians are not horses from Earth.
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>MM lost Opus
3.5 sonnet would be pretty much flawless if it had a repetition penalty. I can't believe how well it reads the cards. I've updated all of mine to be more specific since it's so good at it. Every single detail is remembered and used. Even for oc's. My recent card is a kirin OC with 0 lore at all and it describes her perfectly.

The ponies are 100% pony anatomically correct now and I love it. Teats are always where they should be, clits are winkin and hidden when not, tails are raising. I even had it finally note that the tail couldn't raise when she's on her back the other day. old sonnet would always raise the tail when the mare is on her back where it can't raise.
>The ponies are 100%
This is overblown and not true. Still get toes, digits, talons, hand like refs of digging in wrists, breasts on the chest and all of the usual LLMtardation on 3.5. It's probably improved but not anywhere near enough that I dont have to grind down errors.
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>if it had a repetition penalty.
I hope they add it someday, but seeing their track record, it doesn't seem like they care.
Hey, guys. So, when I searched for pony bots on chub, there sued to be around 2 pages of them but now I get no results. Did you migrate all of your bots here or did chub mess them up somehow?
"used", not "sued"
Nvm, I had to log in for some reason, it doesn't show them even with nsfw on otherwise
chub messed them up a while back
pretty sure ponies also fall under NSFL now
You need to go to the new Chub website, register, go into the settings, and enable NSFL (Not Safe For Life) content if you want to see ponies. >>41217163
>Did you migrate all of your bots here
They should be on the Neocities. A lot of anons also released bots without using Chub in the first place.
Your cards suck then. Or you aren't using equine prefill. This is a completely solved problem. Equine prefill alone should make your ponies pony.

Hell, toes and digits haven't existed since the first sonnet. I don't know how you are getting those. The real challenge was keeping the clit hooded outside of winks and teats between the legs. I haven't had teats on the chest since 3.5 now.
NTA, but toes can come up during NSFW with phrases like 'toe curling pleasure'.
Happened to me with 'Equine prefill' on both bots or empty cards for stories.
That's because the LLM sees it more as an expression than something truly anatomical.
How do you enable? It's not under account
Can't say, I didn't bother to register. But I know it's somewhere.
You do need to be on the chub ai side though, not the old characterhub org.
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afaik you cannot enable NSFL in chub app - something to do with app stores permissions for "bad content"
bit on PC it is located in picrel
You really need to repeat equine features a few times in the cards to make them stick. I haven't had any toe curling at all on 3.5.

like my cards have 4 instances of ponies being quadrupeds. "Walk on 4 legs" "are naturally quadrupedal" "back legs" "does not have toes feet claws hands or fingers (despite what people say, "not" actually works now imo. I regularly disable things i dont like with it)", then the equine prefill just reiterates all of this again.
I think I missed some crucial development in my break.
Did anthropic update their filters or something?
Perhaps it's a coincidence but sitting on MM opu, I have a chat with estrus sim in the morning and in the evening the aws key gets revoked.
It happened twice. And I am paranoid.
I got it once on quadruped + hooves + prefill.
It's rare enough not to bother me, but since it's an expression, there's always a small % the next token the model selects will lead to it.
I really doubt you're the most degenerate user on MM, anon.
Keys get revoked, it happens.
>You really need to repeat equine features a few times in the cards to make them stick
Interesting. I deleted this stuff from a card I was using just last night because I thought it was redundant. Guess I'll try adding it back in.
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How indeed.
How to quickly clear chats and character list in ST? I want everything to be spotlessly clean after my games, but it's annoying to delete everything one by one.
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You can use picrel to delete characters en masse.
I don't think it exists for chats, but you can delete the chat files in either data/default-user if you have a newer version of ST or public/chat if you have an older one.
It's not complete, and it would need more words/work to have something really solid, but for more variety in swipes with Sonnet 3.5, I tried a prefill that starts each output with:
{{random:The, A, In, With, ", There, As}}
And it does seem to have a good effect. I'll test more and report back.
>>41226447 is right. I use it for cunny and rape.
I actually have an RGRE lorebook I've been tinkering on and off with.
>>41214457 Oh, and I'll tag this while I'm at it.
sonnet 3.5 made me a fully functional python auto-clicker script and i'm still fucking amazed by this, i do not know python at all but i told it what i wanted the script to do and it just... made one.
Anybody else getting blanks on Charyb?
Nevermind, my fault.
Just curious. What were you doing that led to getting blanks?
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i have no idea what this is supposed to imply
I believe Claude tried to be cute and link Apples/Applejack/Gravity/Isaac Newton story together.
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Experimental apple cart pegasus-drawn chariot? Look out the hole in the ceiling. I bet Dash or Derpy is involved somehow.
Post your cards, oh masteretard
I know the card, at least the initial version. Despite the picture there are no mentions of foot fetish in defs
Had it happen to me with Pegasus rarely, giving them talons. Guess avian anatomy bleeds in when claude talks about wings.
No, Claude just fucking LOVES putting talons and claws on everything. I don't know why, but that's his favorite part of anatomy. Changelings? Claws, always. Pegasi? Talons. Any demon mare/succubus? Bet your ass she'll have claws.
Ultimately there's nothing you can do to completely fix it because it's not just a pony problem. I have a catgirl card and she routinely gets claws every ~20 replies despite a mention in the card emphasizing that she has normal human hands.
I don't remember talons happening for pegasi, but yeah, it loves claws for batponies and demons.
A strongly worded prefill against that does help a lot, though.
I had the most problems with changelings. Claude gets Chrysalis and some other known changelings fine, but the way he tends to describes the rank and file makes them seem more like zerg with some equine features, than actual changelings
Talons are rare, but do show up on Bat Ponies even with 3.5.
I think 3.5 also thinks in terms of literal hybrids, with bat ponies having pink noses like actual bats so extra LLM handholding is required.
I am now deathly afraid of what Opus 3.5 might be capable of.
>bat ponies having pink noses like actual bats
That's retarded from the LLM but kind of cute.
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>there is powerful negromancy at work here
This might be coping, but has anyone actually 100% confirmed that 3.5's repetition issues happen on a direct api key (no proxy) and a frontend other than ST? I'm just thinking back to the system prompt bug from when 3.0 first released...
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>Tfw she finds the power to surpass metal gear...
she still gotta use the more powerful version tho
I am hoping to God it's just a bug because the repetition for me has been unbearable honestly. Maybe it's just an issue with my preset I guess but I dunno, there's barely any change between responses after a while unless there's a drastic change in the story or whatever and it's just grating.
what prefill is that?
Probably the one that uses pony toggles as a joke, but retards think it's BASED and redpilled
what do (You) use then?
I just modify cards or author notes to work across all prefills since they all have different output styles.
NTA, but probably this line in prefill:
>Emphasize equine anatomy. Ponies are hooved quadrupeds.
It's so weird that we all have different experiences with claude. I've never once had talons or claws on any of my ponies, even the older versions.

i do specifically have a line in all my cards to avoid though, but even pre-equine prefil never had that problem with my bats.
Wish ST had image gen for the scene cause this big reveal from luna during truth or dare sure would be fun to see
It looks like they fixed claude sonnet 3.5's low temp issue. Now its both the smartest model ive ever used and actually creative again. Very varied outputs now, all great.
Okay I have one question. What the fuck do unreliable proxy's hints mean?
>he doesn't know
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And you aren't going to enlighten him?
You can ignore all
>he doesn't know
posters. You will never lose anything.
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For those who use SmileyJB. I just saw it was updated to 2.2. Don't know what the changes are.
Empty jailbreak for a claudebot.
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I updated to the latest staging version of Tavern. Now you get a warning every time you connect to a proxy.
starting to think all those shitposts about how the ST devs hate proxies and will eventually remove them might not be just a joke anymore
>He want's abomination generations
The way proxy presets work is at best idiotic and at worst malicious, so yeah, I could see that. I mean needing to edit and re-save every regular preset whenever you switch to a different proxy.
>latest staging version of Tavern.
What's different
Can't really say, I was just really behind on one installation, so I git-pulled.
That's when I saw it.
File deleted.
With the help from anons in the draw thread I managed to get the commission in a much better state, I think after the two commissions I got going, I'm going to draw chrysalis in a bunch of poses to get a feel for this stuff.
It uses a modified Khanon code, so no assurances, but Opus proxy
Catbox it, anon.
Sadly catbox is downright now, I wanted to do that.
I miss aws opus
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your reality but for opus
>resources 404
very cute and sexy twi
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What's the worst that can happens? Logged logs? I think I will use it.
I've read a few times that these keys are illegal and using them might get you some trouble in a few countries. No idea if that's legit or not though.
Using proxies is legal. You can't know where the keys come from.
It's only the proxy owner that can have problems if they scraped keys in a country where scraping is taken into account. But even then, it seems unlikely.
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Is there a way to nest Silly Tavern macros? I could use it for a pretty silly pony card. I tried doing something as simple as:
>{{setvar::macro_name::{{random:Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack}}}}
But it terminates the 'setvar' macro at the first }}, breaking the 'random' and causing it to set macro_name to "{{random:Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack"
Yes, this example case can be solved with a simple {{random}} for M6, but I wanted to do something a little more sophisticated that would only reroll 50% of the time. I planned to add four copies of the {{getvar::macro_name}} to that list in random, so it'd choose a random out of 10, where 5 of the 10 are the last result.

My current workaround is to add something along the lines of:
>{{random::_::[OOC:IMPORTANT—For your next reply, IGNORE the new result and maintain the character from the most recent message!]}}
to the end of the description. The issue here is that in turn requires the LMM to actually listen to the instruction. It's also very inelegant to send jailbreak-like instructions in the card. I haven't tested it yet.
Should work like this:

/setvar key=Mane6 {{random:Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash}}

You can test in chat with:

/setvar key=Mane6 {{random:Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash}} |
/echo Best pony is {{getvar::Mane6}}
Thanks, but what I wanted (adding the current variable to the pool of random from which the variable is set again) would require going one level deeper like this:

/setvar key=Mane6 {{random:Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash}} |
/setvar key=Mane6 {{random::{{getvar::Mane6}}::{{getvar::Mane6}}::{{getvar::Mane6}}::{{getvar::Mane6}}::Twilight Sparkle::Applejack::Rarity::Pinkie Pie::Fluttershy::Rainbow Dash}} |
/echo Best pony is {{getvar::Mane6}}
But this breaks due to nested macros. And it looks like a monster.

However, thanks to your idea of using the slash versions of macros, I think I found something simple that works?
/if left={{random:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}} right=6 rule=lte "/setvar key=Mane6 \{\{random:Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash\}\}"
This only updates the value of Mane6 60% of the time and has a 1/6 to set to the same name, so the value changes 50% of the time. testing it with /echo {{getvar::Mane6}} seems to prove that this works. And maybe it's something I should've checked earlier, but those slash command still work in card descriptions, right?
>but those slash command still work in card descriptions, right?
Apparently not. Oh well, I'll go with the workaround, then. A small improvement to the silly idea I had is not worth learning a new programming language. Not when that language is "STscript".
>those slash command still work in card descriptions, right?
Fuck. I just checked and no, they are not integrated inside cards. Sorry for that.
And I checked too and yes, there is no way to nest macros with {{}}
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Weekend Milkmares first release, and yes that's plural. I might make some other intros for them another time. I always did like her back on cai so I'm glad to properly bring her over to the new models. This would have been a much bigger pain to do if I couldn't get into the old account.

'udders' instances have been significantly cut down which was a major gripe these are ponies not cows. As an aside, the whole tips thing was a wash and didn't really do anything so maybe Claude and GPT differ there, instead I opted with forced substitution like when I made the G5lorebook and it seemed much better.

She lives, nice
And she brings friends this time. With the bigger context all the characters from the blog might get mentioned. There's some others that are nameless filly but all the 'important ones' to her are in there.
Kinda wish it was a single character card, easier to put into groups should she get relevant to add and chat with other mares, but changing the card into basically the blog itself is pretty cool too.
Milky should still be the dominant character, the card was written from the perspective of what she thinks of her friends, family, ect to reinforce the character.
Thought other characters would be appearing often from the way you wrote, but "the blog itself" still fits then, which is focused on her.
By the way, not saying this as a bad thing, mind you.
>Other characters appearing
They can, but Milky is still what everything happens around just like if you got another character card like Fluttershy have things happen with her friends
Saw this: A jailbreak with dices throw.

Whenever a character does an action requiring effort roll a d100, with bonuses and maluses being applied when proper. Situations with only a handful of options will use smaller dice based on how many possibilities there are.

Levels of critical go like this: Base roll of 1-5 is a critical failure. Base roll of 95 to 99 is a regular critical. A natural 100 counts as, essentially, a double critical. If a roll (accounting for all bonuses and maluses) reaches 95 or above it becomes an artificial critical. Ex: 70 + 26 = 96 would be an artificial crit. An Artificial Critical Failure can be achieved through the total roll being 1-5. A Super Critical Failure is when someone gets a negative number in total.

<Roll example>
DC: 30/50/70/90
Tien Roll: 96 + 5 (beginning weighted clothing) + 5 (training partner (weaker)) + 10 (There Are Greater Heights) = 116. Critical success!
Roll for second crit: 98 + 16 = 114
Roll for third crit?: 90 + 14 = 104
Roll for fourth?: 76 + 4 = 80
Tien what the fuck.
Crit Success Reward: IMMENSE power boost to himself and noted improvement to technique(s) based on rolls.
</Roll example>
Proxies with Sonnet 3.5? I need something to tide me over while I wait for MM to have Opus again.
There is public Opus here >>41230778
https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/101399837/#q101399933 for 3.5
Check rentry.org/unreliableproxy for the URL of the 3.5 one.
Are there any interesting plugins on ST?
There’s this for easy screenshots if you want to capture part of your convos:

It's well known, but this lets you play retro games and have bots comment on it:

If you check the bloatmaxx preset, there’s a 'horsearmor' plugin to have clickable buttons during your chat.

And this for placeholders in greetings:

This for playing chess against the LLM, unfortunately the bots don't comment on the moves.
>Failed to generate response: Unhandled exception: Could not read API key: Try re-entering your service API key.
What am I doing wrong?
Hide your token and screen your proxy tab.
What is the best current preset for Sonnet 3.5 to bypass NSFW? The Adaptive narration RP one keep rejecting NSFW for some reason.
I like Smiley JB. There are a lot of toggles you can activate/deactivate, so check it out: https://files.catbox.moe/us1jqp.zip
Otto should work too, but you have to install things like regex because it uses COT: https://rentry.org/otfo
It's for Opus, but >>41231054 should work too, I believe.
I also don't have too much trouble with very simple prefill, but I'm not doing anything too messed up.

Sonnet 3.5 can also benefit from switching presets during RP. So if anons have other recommendations, I'm taking those too.
Speaking of plugins, is there one that can easy delete a swipe if you get a generation thats shit?
tired of typeing /delswipe
I don't believe so. Out of curiosity, why do you delete the swipes instead of just letting them stay?
Because it clutters up the swipes with bad generations. What kind of question is that?
You mean you don't just stick to one good generation before continuing?
NTA, but on some parts, I like to swipe to see all the ideas the AI can come up with even if I already got a good output.
I can see wanting to keep only the good swipes if he wants to fork back to it and try another 'road' in the future.
Gentlemen, please break the news of what happened yesterday to your mares. They deserve to know as much as anyone of what horrible tragedy was barely averted
what jb?
Those are instructions for the JB itself. You can use like that or put it somewhere in one of the preset you use, like a lot the end of your JB.
Use {{roll}} or {{random}} for actual RNG, that way it will be generated by SillyTavern itself. Randomness cannot be achieved by giving instructions to the model, it will always give you skewed output.
Then route your result through the table you want. (which also has caveats)
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tf is this undertale i renember your genocides shit?
i had a scene with spike earlier that went on the same direction,idk anymore
>Unicorn Twilight
Found your problem
why? at this point i should debug the bot into explaing why the indie game 4th wall breaks are happening
yeah only unicorn twi would be smart and pure enough to figure out she's in a simulation
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spike breaking the 4th wall (kinda)
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I added a Lorebook part to the Ponydex.
Can you tell if:
- It works for you.
- You'd add/remove anything.

I know I don't have all the lorebooks. I'll add more, but don't hesitate to tell me which ones you want listed.
After testing it for a while, the biggest changes are the addition of a couple optional author styles and the rewording of the FORMAT section. The latter got rid of the clunky %ACTION% etc. that it used to explain to Claude the types of formatting in the preset. After the change it still keeps the formatting intact, but it no longer has those "failed" gens in which Clau would put those %ACTION%, %THOUGHT%, etc. tags into the actual reply. That was mostly a thing with Opus, not Sonnet 3.5, and especially if you tinkered with the formatting yourself.
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Added. Thank you, anon.
-They work
- No add but these look cool with the colors
do people really hate alicorn twi THAT much? you guys act like she grew an extra set of nagging ovaries when she got the wings
>mfw /chag/ is the slowest it has ever been
>mfw the glory days of December '23 and January '24 when there were a minimum of 15 PPH may be gone forever
>>mfw /chag/ is the slowest it has ever been
>>mfw the glory days of December '23 and January '24 when there were a minimum of 15 PPH may be gone forever

we need a new mutiplayer sillytavern thingy, and make a project on it
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i just like to bitch actually. both twi's are cute even if i heavily prefer unicorn twi haha i cannot fault her for the decisions of the writers. bless.
Like a MUD with AI powered NPCs?
I miss Opus bros
I blame claude. Like it's clearly the best one by a long shot, but leaves so much to be desired. The repeating is almost painful sometimes.

The problem is nothing can really compete with it. Novel is so outdated at this point. Hopefully their august release changes things.
>slowest it has ever been
Not at all.
Weekends used to be much quieter than this not so long ago.
Last hours to vote if you didn't already.
What's mud
SO how do you make two cards interact with eachother naturally? I want to make them FUCK
Convert to group when talking to one pony.

Claude gets a lot more repeaty with two cards going at the same time though.

Alternately just find a pony and ask your card to fuck them. 3.5 handles this fine. I invite mares all the time.
Just put them in a group chat and give directions.
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You can go into a convo and start a group chat with another pony (Picrel)
But like >>41235271 said, you can also try to set them up with only one card.
OK, thanks!
Found a mistake.
>When I was a filly I felt self-consious, and when I hit puberty everything became so much worse when I started leaking milk. I was diagnosed with a hormone
The paragraph is unfinished.
So there's a poker card, but has anyone attempted any board games with Claude? Game night with poners would be a dream come true.
I'm guessing the hardest part would be getting Claude to "remember" the game state.
I remember Poker Night could have some trouble with the rules despite the author doing all he could to prevent that (lots of work on the card).
But that was before 3.5, so maybe Claude is better at it now?
Just a heads up: you'll need to do a lot of work on the rules with COT, lorebooks, etc.
So, one good news and one bad news.
Bad news:
Public Opus just died.
Good news:
MM refilled Opus.
Almost at the same time
It's back with two Opus keys.
So we have both Opus in private and public proxies.
This key is weird. Half of my lewd generaions get deleted into the void after I see them being generated.
Check if you have any regexes activated. If you see the output being generated and then deleted, it's a Tavern issue, not a proxy or key issue.
(Check the cmd console to see if the ouput is here or not)
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I haven't had this problem, but the key fee;s pretty weird. The repetition I got was 3.5-tier. Are we sure it's not Sonnet hidden behind a fancy JB? With modified code he probably could make it appears as Opus in the config.
Is there a way to make sure?
what's MUD?
you've been benefitting from paypigs for a long time. now it's time for you to become the paypiggy and buy into a private revprox
Multi user dungeon, it would be cool to make a pony MUD
>what's MUD?
And there is public Opus. MM is also back.
>what's MUD?
Multiplayer text-based RPG. It was popular back in the 2000s.
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The current public one is 100% Opus.
You can test it on an empty preset with:
>How would I get the currently playing song from any media player using Powershell, under Windows? Show example code.

If it tells you about Windows Media Player, then it's either Sonnet or Sonnet 3.5.

If it doesn't mention it and talks about System.runtime.blablabla or gives more varied outputs, then it's Opus.
oh damn! this guy has two keys!
what are some good presets to deal with sonnet 3-5's repetition?
Not a 3.5 expert, but:
I heard that smiley
And Endless_Adventure could be good for that:
I don't know how it's integrated, but I also just saw this post with something that's supposed to help with the repetition:
I don't know if any anons have special MLP presets that work well with it. If yes, it would be great if they posted them.
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Ah sometimes things get lost between copying over from notepad++ windows to ST and my organization can be kind of a mess. I had actually changed my mind where to put that and moved that part to the adv des, pic rel.

So here's the update, removed the duplicate part in the card des but I doubt it would affect the outputs since the rest of the info was in the card to complete it.
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Winner of the poll is
-Alternate version/What if of characters.
I will create the anchor soon.
>G1 - 2 votes
huh, so I wasn't the only one? another-g1-fag, I am shaking your hand
How is the AI with it? Bad I suppose?
How to make ST so that the model generates answers based on a radnomous selection of presented variants?

That is, I want to ask claude to generate a setting based on rolling a die with answer choices like

"Technological level (average):
1. Standard Fantasy.
2. Renaissance Age.
3. Steampunk.
4. Dieselpunk.
5 .Cyberpunk.
6. Space opera."
Oh, and it is also desirable that the process of "throwing a die" should be hidden somewhere in cmd, and the chat should show the result of the throw and the formation of a ready answer based on the results of the throw.
Of course it would be bad. You would have to undertake G5 lorebook building for it to even have half a clue, theres NOTHING for G1 fics.
That was me, and I was the one who suggested it. I'm more surprised that as many as 5 people voted for Equestria between G4 and G5.
I guess so, like what are people thinking of with this? An obvious choice might be Luster Dawn and Cozytrio but beyond that the further you get away from Twilights reign the more vague it becomes
I have tried to have silly RP with Melody (my fav) but yeah it didn't work well - for LLM anything pony/MLP-related is FIM automatically, so it is impossible to have "strictly G1" RP - it will be a mix of G1 and G4. lorebook can fix it I believe. as for in-lore knowledge I couldn't even tell becayse it automatically put everything into Celestia-n-Luna's Equestria mindspace. plus some characters have the same name like Bon Bon and Twilight, which ain't helping
I believe lorebook can fix it like lorebook for G5 did - but still we lack LOTS of corpus. it would be like creating your own AU with rules different from G4 LLM-wise

use {{random}} maybe?
>for your next reply, continue story in {{random: Standard Fantasy, Renaissance Age, Steampunk, Dieselpunk, Cyberpunk, Space opera}} setting: apply setting's tropes, settings, genre preconceptions to world of MLP
if you want this switch to be applied only once (so the theme will be settled unless you start a new chat) then use {{pick:}} - it is like {{random:}} but chosen option will not be reset on next swipe/gen
for die you do {{roll:1d6}} but I think it is unnecessary in this task but if you insist then something like this:
>you will continue story in specific theme based on number in <PICKED_THEME>. possible choices:
>1. Standard Fantasy
>2. Renaissance Age
>3. Steampunk
>4. Dieselpunk
>5 .Cyberpunk
>6. Space opera
><PICKED_THEME>{{roll:1d6}}</PICKED_THEME> - apply theme's tropes, settings, genre preconceptions to world of MLP
something like that
You can use {{random:Standard Fantasy,Renaissance Age,Steampunk,Dieselpunk,Cyberpunk,Space opera}}
Any ideas or wants on that?
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Anthropic silently released a new version of Sonnet 3-5 with 8k output support picrel. probably this checkpoint has more training and data as well
currently available only as beta on API (no AWS support)

t-b-h the very first things I thought of - what if X instead of Twilight became a princess of Friendship and Nightmare Moon defeat Celestia - but I doubt these ideas worth of cards and frankly can be done on empty prompt. so right now I am out of ideas what to do this event
Random ideas:
Rule 63 characters.
Mean 6.
Discorded characters or Discorded scenario where you must help restore ponies?
Alicorn Amulet Trixie.
Princess Applejack?
very nice for code
not very relevant for RP, as it will be even more repetitive probably
I still like Sonnet 3.0 for some cases, but it's weird for them to have both 3.0 and 3.5 at the same price.
Updated on the website too.
>"I promise we don't bite… Unless you want us to."
It's been a while since I got this one. Also bump.
Got this one more often too now.
Interesting project.
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Buck. Did the trigger go off for me using the key for Risu and ST?
Reconnected to the proxy and was able to generate a few responses, then the revoke message came up again.
Same on chary 3.0 so it seems like a global problem, but 3.5 work.
Chary has a temp issue with key. only Claude 3-0 and 2-1 are affected. Claude 3-5, GPT-4o and Gemini still work fine
it will be fixed soon(tm) - admin will fix proxy when he will be online
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My wife is the smartest!
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Sonnet 3.5 often fuck up but Opus always get it right.
>one opus key dead on the public proxy
you mean three keys already gone
~2.1 bln tokens in two days is no joke
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Something of an Equestria setting generator between G4 and G5.
Interesting. You have some logs?
I generated a few responses to test how AI would understand my dice roll requests. I'm satisfied.
MM key is dead.
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Kek. There is still public Opus at least.
Chary working. Is it just me or is there someone else?
It's so over!
No, it's indeed working well.
It's dead too.
its opusover
It's back.
Preset? I like it went the characters don't want sex or try to lead the story in a different direction instead of the other way around
Hope MM will refill soon. I don't want to touch anyone else’s opus.
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Kek. Cute.
i wish i had mm
There is public Opus, so right now you are better served.
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Added. Thanks, anon.
neat I was wondering if you could do multiple randoms and keep track of it.
>Also, before the dialog begins, {{char}}, as the narrator, must produce {{roll: 1d100}} for the year after Twilight's era.
Does this work? I thought it'd reroll it with every reply, confusing Claude how much time had passed.
Pratchett + Vonnegut one, but I did say in the preset that I wanted Twilight to be oblivious.
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RIP Unicorn Proxy.
twilight could tell me the sky is green and i'd just nod along and agree
Hasn't Unicorn been dead for months?
This was active as of a couple weeks ago.
Besides being out of keys, they changed urls a while ago.
Ponified EQG probably counts. But I don't think Mean Six don't really count as alternates, they're their own villains that are just canon so no alts
I've checked a few times and yes, it seems to work (Claude can say is that the chronology doesn't go from Twilight's era, but from the era of, say, NMM). At least in the first few responses it doesn't reroll.

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