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why so many voooters in this board. Don't they know that there is a deep state and voting doesn't matter at all?
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This board is lost. The new generation got psyopped back into the red v blue divide and conquer bullshit.
that is largely true but the political system allows for throwing spanners in the works here and there
>Don't they know that there is a deep state and voting doesn't matter at all?
50% of this board are glowniggers, cucked militaryfags, and right wing bootlickers
they don't give a shit about politics except as a hobby to burn their time as they stare at a screen. they dont have enough of a social life for tiktok and instagram, and they are too edgy and not gay enough for preddit.
dont take the posters here seriously. they are subhuman npcs.
on very very minor issues
you cannot vote on the heads of the redacted agencies
there are agencies we don't even know exist, how could we possibly vote for them? it's a farce
my entire dad has been telling me voting doesnt matter for my entire life it seems

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I'm ridin with biden DEMOCRACY must prevail

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>The world is 94% non White.
>We need to bring these people into the West and teach them our ways, teach them Christianity.
Will it work?
you all follow Paulinity. Christianity isn't a thing. Neither Jesus, nor God in the old testament mentioned the trinity.

you will come to the truth. Alhamdulilah
Oh lawd kikes just don't quit, do they? Most of the brown thirdies already obey the kike sand demon.
yes of course, everyone wants to live like a westerner, even if it means they have to tear it to shreds to get their piece.
>the steppe nomads descended upon the valley agrarians.

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Biden stuttered, Trump lied the whole time.
The desperate, inorganic Trump shilling on /pol/ now is a PSYOP from Israel’s Mossad and Russia’s FSB, working overtime because they need their puppet Trump back in the White House.
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Trumps false claims are incomplete PTO kettle kettle bot both kikes Jewish and shit tier
well said
I denounce the Talmud and advocate for TKD...
Still voting Trump 2024
So this is the reason there are no pro hohol threads in the catalogue.
Amazing how quickly they move the shills to protect biden.
>mommy my fee fees hurt
shut your trap nigger cunt faggot and go back to bunkerchan

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I mean, as a 'lease'?

Ridin with Biden was the best slogan.
>Delete this.
Gullible faggot.
Yes, that's why I screencapped when his head were between the words. Someone set him up to fail.
Also hilarious
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Picking her for VP would be the death nail for the Democrats at this point wouldn't it. Is there any other logical choice?
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I wish he would pick mommy. I wanna see her bend over harris again on stage. Smart and sexy. Don't agree with her nuclear energy stance, but can't win them all
I wonder if she does anal

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you have to go back
Seems like there is a lot more activity than we've had in a long time, so maybe it's glowies or tourists or oldfags checking back in.

I just got auto-banned for typing retarded in /politics.
Funny how many tourists here insist they don't use reddit but always come and report what's going on with it over here.
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it's for our freedom and democracy, go- i mean guys

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They are literally like trannies that get off on acting slutty but they are way better at it
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This is political.
You just don't like the science!
my cousin is named jake, please don't say such true things
The whites have nothing left worth saving so I'm okay with that
>a shoulder to cry on
>a dick to ride on
Hurr Durr
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Kike assuming race hahahaha. We will kill you soon.

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time to dig the gold mine
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redddit is going goddamn insane. redddit niggers are running cover for Biden like never before. No doubt tens of thousands of comments are being instantly deleted or downvoted instantly to ensure only the pro-Biden comments remain
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Ffs I can't believe I'm saving this image
kek I almost did and then decided not to
kek, it's great that this completely backfired on them. Bad optics, reddit
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Oh no! Xer eggs came out scrambled!

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THE IDEA that this decrepit, wheezing, death-rattling corpse was anything other than the winner.
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>Happy Birthday to this Future President
They just keep doing the meme.
Explain which part of my English you didn't think was accurate, Muhammad.
This is so funny to me. This idiot has been a braindead, demented zombie for years. It's been thoroughly documented but now, all of a sudden, he's le bad? LUL. This is pure jewish theater. Insane that people still believe in politics. It's been clearly hijacked by jews
the part where you spoke
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My chest and throat hurt just listening to him. Guy is practically death rattling.

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Trump WAS walking into a slaughter due to recent events but Biden wasn't lucid enough to capitalize on any of the incredibly easy talking points laid out for him.

With literally any other dem this debate would have been a guillotine for Trump, but Trump walked out victorious just because he was to stand there and talk
I think they've known for a while that Biden is totally inviable as even a methed-up puppet. The plan now is to let Trump get elected and then start WW3.
Thanks. I thought there was an issue getting in paperwork in some states and that the DNC already missed the deadline to file Biden in one state (Iowa?). I'm sure it can be litigated...
>Newsom is a legit lunatic who everyone on both side of the aisle still left in California blames for most everything

Am in California, and yes, most people hate him except for the faggots in SF.
They've already been pledged to Biden, so he has technically already won the nomination just not formally. If he says he's not backing out, then they will move to remove him from the ballot if they so choose. That would be via shenanigans, like party expulsion on some grounds such as the connection to his son and/or some sort of corruption they just throw him under the bus for. There are state laws in place which dictate how delegates at the convention must behave, so it would take some doing in order for the party to justify changing an elected delegate's nomination and an official statement would have to be made which would justify why elected delegates are changing their presumptive nomination.
>Biden is obviously a frail old man, dude is cooked and he isn't backing down so we are just going to alter course
Would probably go over just fine, though. I wouldn't be surprised if they just cut him down like an old dead tree, however, in order to give whoever the new guy will be the best chance of winning with some fiery rhetoric the kids like.

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This demented walking corpse is gonna beat Trump 2 times in a row and it's gonna be hilarious.
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who's the necromancer controlling him?
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Why do we not see generals as presidential candidates anymore? I know we make a big deal out of separation of military and civilian power. Which is understandable we’re not a banana republic. But we do have a long history of veteran presidents, and it just makes sense for the leader of the country’s foreign policy to have a military background, especially if that 2028 Taiwan invasion stuff comes true. Why can’t the Dems just pick a moderate mild-mannered general that supports guns and abortion?
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have you ever met a flip
When is the last time an American general won anything?

That probably answers your question.
Because we don’t win wars anymore so there’s no point in them running
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What if I told you we actually do see
Presidents who are generals. You just don’t notice them.

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>Biden BTFO
>Redditfags seething and roping
>Rattled Jannies cope by shuting down comments.

Massive kek. It's joever for them
>stop it with the frogs
But, how else will we identify the retarded boomers who fled reddit after their sub was shut down?
Okay now that's what I call marxism
>conservative and right leaning
pick one, faggot

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BTW he nonironically shits his pants at 5:17:30 https://www.youtube.com/live/XxAU0K94fpw?si=aOT4p-tRHUkKQtxE&t=19050
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>Where the fuck can I upload it anon?
The fag likes shit, obvi.
nice try anon but i know youre a white supremacist nazi
Get it bros, it's so fucking good.
Lol its so louad trump even loses his train of though kek

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elections will be canceled
USA needs to start a war first.
>elections will be canceled
I don't think we all make it to November 2024.
global economic-financial total collapse prior to September
b u m p
Oh dear

Wow, he really channeled the force tonight. Big win for the democrats. How will drumpf recover?
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my parents are so fucking dumb, and they just slam Biden over everything and support trump blindly
that's enough for me to know I should vote for Joe
Post a photo of yourself holding 1 pro-biden piece of merchandise.
biden supporters don't exist. There are zero. You try to find the biden supporter, you find another Drumpf orange cheeto basher.
>t. votes in state that was guaranteed blue anyways
You are a sheep
>Dark Brandon HYPERBOREAN (ID: j8F7Ec+b) 06/28/24(Fri)01:19:27 No.472426771▶>>472427346
>Wow, he really channeled the force tonight. Big win for the democrats. How will drumpf recover?

Why does it feel like you don't even take this meme seriously?

Big if true
Total dem meltdown vid:
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Michelle Obama 2024?
He said woman.
trans women? i mean it's their thing now
fuck yeah jan 6 times ten
There's a current recall attempt. I think we're also 48th in literacy. Most of the people that left here were Trump voters.

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Beware for we have entered the timeline of the champion of man. Screenshot this. He will continue to become more and more popular. Until it becomes cult like.
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All I know is that it's THE CROWN OF JERUSALEM
yes it is, look it up
Surrender Jerusalem

If only you knew...
Metzitzah B’peh is their disgusting circumcision ritual, not the religious item I am talking about. I'm not stupid, anon.

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