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>kill all hohols
>refuses to elaborate
>flies to israel
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>>flies to israel
I don't think they like him in Israel very much for some reason
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he flies to everywhere to get more support and more weapons, unlike your fag pedo president hiding in a bunker like a pussy he is
That child was bitten by a poisonous snake and Putin was sucking out the poison.
Man's a hero!
Did your house get bombed by a nato missile and this is why you cope?
Do Russians believe in TKD?

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Ready to serve zoom zooms?

"The House has approved a defense bill that mandates automatic registration of men aged 18-26 for the draft.

Starting at age 18, all male U.S. citizens must register for selective service, commonly referred to as the military draft. Failure to register is considered a felony."
this was already the case
>proving that you are underaged for not knowing about this
tranny jannies, ban him
It's the vatnigs with vpns

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But I’m nowhere near an airport
I’m watching one punch man
Not really liking season 2 desu
They went all in season 1 that was their strategy to get people hooked and it fell off a cliff after that
I managed to make it 3 minutes into the new The Boys season (most of it recap)
Then I came back here as interacting with anons seems to be a better waste of time
Season 2's great, but their animation is simply not on the same level as season 1's

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Did you know there are only 7 instances of the words "denounce the talmud" before 01-01-2016?
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That’s great. Maybe it had so be said less frequently back then. Anyway, denounce the Talmud.
>Did you know there are only 7 instances of the words "denounce the talmud" before 01-01-2016?
We didnt need to prove bona fides back then
>Searching for posts that contain ‘cuck’. Returning only first 1000 of 1709269 results found.
>Searching for posts that contain ‘cuck’ and posts after 01-01-2014 and posts before 01-01-2015. Returning only first 1000 of 19913 results found.
per year = 19913
>Searching for posts that contain ‘cuck’ and posts after 01-01-2014 and posts before 01-01-2024. Returning only first 1000 of 1664079 results found.
per year = 1664079 / 10 = 166407.9 (8.4 times higher)

the archive only goes back to 2013 so I can't get more data but I'd say this meme started around gamergate (2014)



Communist jews will denounce the Talmud because they're "atheists". Some will even say "Christ is king" and tell themselves they're of the hook because they didn't specify what he's king of.

What none of them will say is that Jesus was the messiah. Personally i prefer "Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and savior" as a shibboleth.

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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Neo thread
New thread

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Accidental kino, kek.
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You finally read it!

Well, I'll explain that. So basically the main sponsor of the referendum is an LGBT AIDS society that wants to expand California's special AIDS faggot housing program to have kids included in the orgy apartment complexes. The California YIMBY Foundation explicitly referred to it as a "deceptive AIDS Healthcare Foundation ballot measure" when denouncing the proposal.

Unfathomable evil can be hiding in these referenda. It's really best to look into these things in depth. On that note, I need to look into AZ more. I think they added more referenda.

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How exactly did he clean a country full of corruption and murder? Was he just lucky?
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That wasn't it, the Mexican cartels are just s hundred times more sophisticated and organized than central American gangs.
He's hard on crime and doesn't give a shit about the international laws. Every country on earth could achieve the exact same results if they truly wanted to
>technically the crime rate didnt drop in the country
>it just relocated to the prisons
This is the most Jewish thing I've ever read
>Technically I didn't get fired
>I got promoted to "customer"
No, a significant portion of single libshit women want to coddle criminals because they have no children of their own and they want to be dominated by violent high T prisoners.
Turns out, it's pretty easy. Criminals are fucking dumb and incompetent, if you are willing to fuck them up. We could it here, if all our politicians weren't faggots.

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What happens when a Jew is confronted with the truth by another Jew
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kek that title
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This is the purity spiraling that inevitably arises with any ethnonationalism. Particularly with jews, because they have a gimped view of biology and don't fully believe in evolution. Hence calling everybody "mutts"when they themselves look like teleporter accidents.
why do jews burst into flames when they die?
>that title
Dude throws the flag at them in the end
judaism itself was spawned by an argument between jews thousands of years ago. they've been jewing each other ever sense

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Woman goes into a country full of Muslims, browns sand niggers and degenerates, gets in the middle of a crowd chanting death to the USA, gets raped, is surprised, is this the most stupid woman ever?
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And people don’t understand why I post pic related
It was ages ago when people were unaware. They Egyptians have a word for encircling a woman and raping her too can't remember what it is. One guys job is to reassure her and pretend he's pulling her out of the crowd but he's doing the opposite
>They Egyptians have a word for encircling a woman and raping her too can't
taharush (its muslim, not just egypt)
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kikes have been thrown so far off they don't know what to do it's hilarious lol!
I told you fucktards YEARS ago:
typical aussie abroad behavior
they act profoundly stupidly in public, like it's some big strayan inside joke with no punchline, except maybe that they are the joke

australians are globhomo's guinea pigs after all

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Musk says all voting machines are rigged.
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>I have it, understand it, and love it.
No, you don't under stand it. I bet you're not even white
It's a ledger that needs to confirm the validity of the previous entries to create a new valid entry. It honestly doesn't even work well for tracking payments. Cryptocurrency has soured the idea of blockchains for normies which was probably the plan from the start
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Why do you think the British don't use Jews as agents?
Voter ID is racist, black people cannot be expected to understand or afford an ID.
Yep. No good reason we don't get receipts that could be cross-checked with the tally. We need to start passing local laws requiring paper ballots and receipts.

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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They are conserving.
Also conserving the smell
I posted on this a day before the extension and said something like this extension would likely be coming
This is actually a blessing in disguise because now these people will never be caught without water reserves
this is the first time I've ever heard this accusation and when was that referendum? 30 years ago?
>poos in calgary no longer need to make excuses to poop in the street

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...he approached him because he's the only black man on the street :D

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You're a 9/10 you humble son of a gun
Nah, height is average, still I am pretty good looking visibly above average.
Niggers can't swim, what happened?
Why would you ever want to go to russia or eastern europe? Everywhere outside of moscow is fucked.

I don't think this guy can take it anymore. Listening to Alex talk over him all the time. Going to boring show trials...
Alex Jones is bill hicks
Bill hicks became him for CIA big money.
He will " die " or retire soon
Sandy hook was clearly fake
He was used to portray anyone who questions authority as a criminal liable for monetary loses.
The trial was FAKE
He just admitted today that the show has been more or less ran by the feds this entire time. I don't think he realized that he did... it was really subtle.

Youtuber Prof Dave is known as the algorithm gatekeeper to flat earth content on youtube. He was obliterated by Witsit Getsit. What are the political implications?

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It's so pathetic lmao, they sayed that they are superior and that blond are the purest.
But, they was not blond hair, it doesn't make sense
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Rare swedish hairy thumb
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>National Socialism is not defined by race. national socialism, like communism and democracy, is a politcal system AND an economic system. It is NOT a "racial system". Race has nothing to do with it. The Vietnamese could be National socialists. The Israelis ARE national socialists.
Hi, retard.
>Racism is NOT defined by race.
>It's a political and economic system.
>A nigger in Africa can be a racist
>American niggers ARE racist
Kek at this moron
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Hol' up he's not a retard
>How did one country fair against the world
Tripartite pact: 9 countries plus auxiliary troops and other allies such as Finland
The "le Germany fought the world alone" is a retarded meme
Read the thread. Especially these posts friend.

And please post a source for your image.
>several [this means what, like 3?] high ranking nazis of full jewish descent
Also the very first fake “jew” on that fake and gay list:
> Walter Hollaender
Half jew.
Which has been documented itt that half Jews were considered german citizens based on their actions
Also, the second “jew” listed:
> Roy Courlander

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Anyone who supports Russia should be executed for treason. It's really pretty simple: if you support Putin, you hate the West, you are a psychological threat to it, and therefore a potential physical threat, and therefore you must be liquidated.
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i know it's a bit too much for your diabetic "brain" to handle but all slavs are subhuman
my american digits confirm it, mutts are retarded
finally a leaf that makes sense!
around 170
Yep, same with other traitors.
Those who support Jews and mass immigration.
Everyone should go.

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>be white virgin incel
>Kidnap blonde college girl
>Keep her locked up in your house for years
>She gets Stockholm syndrome
>You fuck her and she's now in love with you

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Eros comix best comics
If you get caught and sent to federal prison you will suffer worse, especially because it's a sex crime.
Yeah I'd like three girls likes like that please.

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If you knew that you would survive, withouth being mutilated or something, in a 100% rate, would you be hyped for it? Why?
I mean, its like a fortnite event
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I bet those boys were experiments
i would start ww3 right now, i just want to kill jews.

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Pig disgusting.
weird sperg
over-thinking midwit

This is how Pajeets colude with the Jewish mafia elites in the Canadian government to exploit the Canadian Taxpayers

> Every Single Leaf should see it

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I'll get a sensible chuckle when Portugal gets Pajeet'd.
Any white person who does business with a jeet deserves what they get.
Lmao no
Indians are the only immigrants by the way they don’t make up the majority either.

Just the scapegoat

The guy you posted it is a poltard was given a platform

Trying to make people hate other people is awful behaviour and you’re not a good person.
I will roll your entire shitskinned family into a lime dusted pit.
You’ll do nothing but hurl insults at other people because you feel people would do the same to you in person.

Sorry bro, hope you feel better

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