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Reuters: Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
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>Amerimutts make trillions from selling a cure for their own leaked virus
>Amerimutt vax proves to be as defective as the Amerimutt bioweapon labs
>Amerimutts now insinutating they never wanted the vax anyways and China forced the vaxx on them
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More like an anti-Pentagon interference with foreign countries (again) thread
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>Verification not required.

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European Space Agency wants to do something NASA havent done: send a probe to Enceladus. It orbits Saturn but is very small, about 1/10 of the size of Earths moon.

However it is indeed more interesting than Earths moon, it is covered by icy shell but they believe 1km below the ice is a water moon (watern is frozen from the top but there is inner ocean which keeps liquid so it must be +1 degrees at Celcius at minimum)


Because astronomers have discovered Enceladus "possesses geysers that regularly erupt from its surface and spray water into space" it has became an interesting place for visit.

Even more astonishing, these plumes contain complex organic compounds. This shouldnt usually happen on lifeless rock. "Enceladus has three key ingredients that are considered to be essential for the appearance of life," said astronomer Professor Michele Dougherty of Imperial College London. "It has got liquid water, organic material and a source of heat. That combination makes it my favourite moon in the whole solar system."

Dougherty warns that Enceladus "is small with weak gravity, which means you will need a lot of fuel to slow it down so that it does not whiz past its target into deep space. That is going to be a tricky issue for those designing the mission." But Dougherty has a special interest, as the principal investigator for the magnetometer flown on the Cassini mission that studied Saturn and its moons between 2004 and 2017.

>Cassini was unable to gain a lot of info on Enceladus but just enough to show how interesting it is.
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Europa has ice sheet surface with obvious upwellings of salt water containing oxidized iron indicating heat vents in the sea below that could sustain deep sea tube worms that live off the iron oxide
Reddit faggot tier joke
The AI that is literally infesting /pol/ has been trained on Reddit plebeians exchanges
you are not supposed to discuss space here with anything other than spamming the few selected memes that have been designed to make this board sound retarded. please cease all scientific examination and inquiry of the unknown and continue the thread with something like:
>flat earth
>space is fake
>moon is fake
>lizard people
>aliens are demons
we want you thinking and talking about things which will ensure that nobody takes you seriously.
Just because water is liquid doesn't imply it's keeping above 0 degrees Celsius. Water is trickier than that.

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>wins elections in your path
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>win ellections
In reality, he lost the three last ones.
Why you shills are stupid?
Also PSOE is a cheka eta cryminal sect mafia.
Q te follen a ti y al Perro Chanche.
Looks like an old Nick Fuentes.
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>Mogs you.
El guapo got you seething
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Dat neigger is destroying this country.
His followers are turbo mega retards all.
And they are the most outspoken cuz all the media here is in the hands of la PESOE.
Of course im seething.. it is all i have left..

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Is there anything white fathers could do to prevent their daughters becoming coalburners?
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tell me more about miles mathis
why you think it's a fake persona run by a group
im open to learning something

all his science bullshit is clearly bullshit
but his expose's of false flags are spot on
I thought she had a dick and now I'm disappointed.






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Yes, actually being present in their lives and upbringing.
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4chan has software features allowing you to express
negative opinions about crappy posts and notify
the mods to whack that drivel
tldr - whack this cartoon porn shit

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politics, voting, arguing, lifting, working, self improving, going out with friends, getting women, everything. You will never make it and you will never live the life you thought you would live.
The younger generations are realizing early how fucked they are compared to the older gens.
Things weren't like this ten years ago, but they are now and they will only get worse.
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no men should live past age 30 and no women should live past age 20. But we live in a retarded judeochristian theocracy and assisted suicide is illegal, and people are forced to wagecuck till death
But anon that is the way things are. You live for the weekend.
fpbp, among all useless crap self-improving is always worthy and at some point becomes pleasure.
I have already made it in life, and each day I push on for the people I love. For the Lord Jesus.
go cry in /adv/ you whiney faggot
/pol/ is alpha only

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Should've kept anonymous
Woulda been kino
its /biz/ meme
you know who is practicing sound money right now today? North Korea.

You cannot survive in the dark forest without playing the game.
holy fucking shit you are retarded.

do you eat avocado toast?

when you go to japanese restaurants do you order ramen?

is college not for you? factory work not for you? fast food word not for you?
I buy Honda. I buy ramen and boss coffee I buy anime and Japanese games.
Fuck American cars. Fuck American '''food''' fuck american (((games)))
Japan is number one. America is a slop country feeding shit to the world.
Fuck em

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Why did Hitler think he could conquer such a large established country like Russia and repopulate it with Germans?
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yeah liberate by killing them
Was it hubris of handling two fronts? Best not to invade Russia in general it seems, everyone in history has failed.
My god look at all the retarded liberal boomers in this thread. Kill yourselves.
krauts are retarded
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all fields

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Jannies: Political cause WW3 is at our doorstep.

Ok so for the past months I've been going constantly from panic to neh (nothing ever happens).

Now I am in kind of paralyzed state where I don't take any action(moving to some place like Argentina) nor do I feel safe with where I currently am.

Today I had a dream although I've never read a religious book.

It goes like this:

There are alot of people and there is a rocket ´launch. The fire from it is so intense that It kinda blinds you if you look at it. There is panic and people running everywhere after the launch. I follow someone called Nathanail(Biblical name?). Eventualy we are at some kind of old Temple. At this temple there are different corners. I ask Nathanail for the one called Truth. He shows me where it is and I go there. I then ask him about my Brother. And he tells me something like he has to find/chose by himself. The place or Temple had no roof but it still felt kinda safe.

It will happen won't it? Where is this "Temple"? Does someone know?
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But why do I dream in biblical terms and figures?
>turns to the atheist for a religious dream
You're retarded.
>You're retarded
Î am, I admit it. I don't understand christianity. Not that I don't want to..
its replicating the molecular structure of the eye ball, kinda like a visual speaker box.
people think they are unique and special
its hilarious
just meat

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Can't make it any simpler than that.
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but in America there is also the time honored tradition of 'bubba',
or the act of taking an old early-20th century bolt action rifle and removing its original military stock/furniture, putting on a 'custom' or civilian-style finished wood stock, adding a telescopic sight in order to make a hunting rifle.
Essentially identical to the original military rifle but with custom/comfy civilian mods
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I'll take one of each.
I call it my squirt gun

Why is it that some people will say shit like
>you need to wear a mask to protect yourself
>you must wear a seatbelt to protect yourself
>you must take this injection to protect yourself
>you can't speed or drive drunk, that's dangerous
yet as soon as someone is like
>hey, what steps can I take in order to protect myself at home?
uh, that's not cool, nobody needs a gun!
Thanks I will have one or two from the right and 4 from the left
USA 2nd amendment was not about hunting
go kys leafy faggot
the other way around, drool blinded me, am a yuropoor not used to such tasty menus

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With an investment as small as $750K you could secure a passive income and never work another day in your entire life
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Glad knowledgeable anons are chiming in to offer real advice. Personally, me myself, I will always be poor. But I hope other anons can break the circle and transcend.
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sure thing sweetie, whatever you say
>journalism as weapon of psychological warfare against the population
the only reasonable conclusion is that the powerful forces driving our culture are hostile to the population and seek to demoralize us so that we do not organize and attempt to change our condition of slavery
I bought PEPE, APU, Brett, Shib and Bonk all when they first released. Some are 1yr holds, some have mooned in 3-4 months.

I never have to work again.
>but ser it will 1000x AI is da future, soft landing incoming
I'm old and it legit gives me 1999 vibes. Yes the Internet was a huge thing, but I don't know if Cisco stock ever recovered it's highs

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The Stanford Internet Observatory, one of the four arms of the 'election integrity partnership' (EIP) has been shut down. The EIP is responsible for white washing government censorship during COVID and the 2020 Election.

over 22 million tweets were labeled misinformation and 100% of the 'repeat spreaders' of 'misinformation' just so happened to be Trump supporters.
Wow, that almost makes it seem like it was an entirely partisan organization.

Shills, CTIL faggots, Sly_Sparkane, etc, the boat is on fire. It sinks into the murky waters below. Rats have the good sense to abandon sinking ships. Are you dumber than a rat? probably.


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>She looks really good in this photo. Wish I could pump her full of kids.
Aryan AOC makes me so weak
Doesn't even matter now that they've resorted to jailing the opposition. We've accelerated from censorship to show trials.
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I hate deepfake porn so fucking much
i hate it so much
I hate it all
except AOC's
I love it
Megyn Kelly deepfake porn is also probably acceptable but I'm still investigating.

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Would you live like this /pol/?


It only costs 1000$ a month.
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Naw mane, massa Google treat us gud!
Actually this is a good idea. I want to go to Anatomy Tools for one month in Las Vegas and There's small pod spaces there with private kitchenettes and private bathrooms for $1500 a month Canadian


There is also a lot of work, and the states refused the COVID-19 lockdowns, so a lot of people have been moving here. I work in the trades and get by fine, it is pretty laid back because the pressure to survive is low.
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How do I fart?
I love the idea of wacking it off in one of these pods to the beat of mozart and all the other pods synchronize their wanking.

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We know you arent dying for the Jew. so what would you die for?

What circumstance would truly make you be willing to sign-up and fight in war?
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You sure about that pal??
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A big tiddy jew gf
Globohomo rolling back decades of anti-White, anti-male propaganda FAST
Shitskin illegals deported
Many more things
>tl;dr globohomo will never do it. It doesn’t have the Will, political capital, or time so it won’t happen
>i just got done watching band of brothers and saving private Ryan and kinda liked the sense of patriotism young men had back in the day

jew Globohomo Hollywood propaganda bullshit. In addition, the young men back in the day were fighting for an overwhelmingly White, Christian nation full of mostly decent people. Not White replacements, trannies, buttfucking, jews and other awful shit. It’s a completely alien world that you globohomos fucked up, it’s gone.
>What circumstance would truly make you be willing to sign-up and fight in war?
I want to design super weapons that make enemy disbelieve their eyes

My town recently had its first youth stabbing in a park since the new Biden voters have been moving in. I noticed that the local grocery store got rid of the grocery baskets because beaners kept stealing them. God only knows why anyone would want to steal them. What level of diversity is your local town at
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them niggas shot that niggas niggas at his funeral nigga. Niggas be crazy out side nigga
we know

There you go anon. Everything you need to know is in that documentary series
>Homeless people cut through my yard constantly
>Fix the fence gate and lock it up to stop them
>They destroy the gate to continue cutting through, saving fifty feet of walking

>Have a shed
>Place a single rake in said shed, lock it up
>Someone breaks into it, steals rake, leaves a single cigarette butt and a half eaten freezie, then locks up behind them

>Old folks homes have security guards who stand watch whenever the senior citizens want to sit outside to keep the homeless from begging/stealing

>Have had five separate individuals knock on my door at night asking if this is where they can buy down in the past six months

>Population under 40k, 175 homeless. 1/200 people are homeless. Almost all of them are rez rejects. Not quite San Francisco tier, but impressive for a place with -50 windchill being a regular occurrence in winter.

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Oilfield in the Midwest always brings in tons of undesirables during the summer. They'll be gone by winter. I just have to do my grocery shopping early in the morning and spend the rest of the time on the water fishing from my boat.

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Based Allah does not tolerate talking shit about his chosen
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forgot the meme flag, moshe.
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I don't have any opinions on thoughts on this. I just want to say that this mans face looks so calm.
Crikey that's a big cock. I never realised porpoises were so immodest.
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go fuck the goats achmed

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When a political movement like the Reform Party appears to be gaining momentum, it is difficult to achieve anything by supporting it and by directly endorsing its leader, Nigel Farage. The essential thing is not to let oneself be impressed by the perceived strength and triumph of such political forces. These leaders, particularly one as degenerate and bourgeois as Farage, offer a false hope and lack any connection with higher principles. Following them will only lead to greater misery. One should not become fixated on the present and on immediate political gains, but keep in view the broader conditions that may unfold in the future.
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Communist detected, opinion disregarded
he is bourgeoise, he represents an average middle class person. it's not reactionary though because he has always been like that
It’s so funny watching Brit/pol/ teenagers get giddy over Nigel Farage kek
he is bourgeois though

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welfare migrants...from SPACE
it's no longer globohomo...it unihomo
well what the fuck did you think, it’s like that thing in Cuba where Castro just sent boatloads of violent criminals and drug dealers to the states straight from Cuban prisons. You think some wise space being is going to send us their equivalents of Nobel prize and Oscar winners? Or alien olympians? No, they’ll send us their dregs. If they don’t destroy our society then they’ll send a delegation to figure out what to extort us for.
Is this footage from Australia?
That was Scarface.
Now you mention it...

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>im a whore so no man would settle down with me
>i'm le nun now, teeheehee
What's the point of this post? Your retarded posts only make me become more fanatical in my belief.
I would be so funny If I rape and impregnate her ahahah so funny.
The pagan Romans also had their Vestal Virgins. This isn't a phenomenon unique to Christianity, you fucking retard. It's a type of life that some men and women are attracted to
Pajeet your tiny cock wouldn't be able to touch.
>krishna tongue my anus

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every child actor that could interact with MJ all said that he was helping them not spend time with kikes.
They don't care about us.
Real. I play with little boys all of the time. I invite them into my bedroom for sleep overs and we play all night.
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get the fuck back in the oven, boy
>all of the
I believe that Brooke Shields adds to my claim that Michael Jackson did his best to help the victims of the kike run hollywood-burbank slave trade.

kikes are still fighting over his estate to this day

Previous >>471221790

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Urgent: Armed clashes break out between resistance fighters and occupation forces in the town of Kafardan, west of #Jenin.
>AP: he US Navy is locked in combat with a shadowy, Iran-backed rebel group based in Yemen.
>DFLP: This afternoon, our fighters successfully detonated an IED on a military bulldozer (D9) south of the Bank of Palestine in Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah city, achieving a direct hit.
>Urgent: A joint statement by several countries, including the United States: We condemn in the strongest terms the Houthis' arrest of UN employees and diplomats


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Last night at the Kaplan/Tel Aviv protests, they were talking about this next week being a week of resistance, aka antifa type action shit to bring down the Netanyahu government.

Maybe even some CIA coordination of that shit too, idk.

But right now look what's happening this morning!

Not in my name = I'm not even American, I'm a Jew/Israeli, and I promote open borders for white nations.
(((They))) don't want anyone to stop the anti-kike content, since then they won't have anything to claim victimhood about. Forcing them to go back to doing it themselves
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based rot in hell zogbots

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