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How many Americans do you think commit suicide during or after being gangstalked every year?
not enough
Gangstalking is a mental health issue not an actual thing.
See a doctor.
It's very real.

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Yet there's been no mention of it on /pol/ all day long. Isn't that odd? Pic unrelated.
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I've been waiting to watch this all fucking day. Best I've found was a Tim Pool episode where he and three others are discussing an article that said it was going to happen. WHAT ARE THEY HIDING?

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I guess the event is not for plebs.
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Even the video talking about the event had to deflect to Bump Stocks. Roberts looks happy. Weird they included him in this snippet.
/pol/ is not what it was
fuck you robot, you're part of the problem

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It's over for Drumpf
A working replacement sphincter probably won't sway the voters.
So the cyborg walks 10 feet, looks confused and then shits itself?
thats master chiefs mjolnir armour
If his commie handlers set him ten feet away from the Rubicon, he'd cross it, unlike that orange Israel first and only Jew York pussy Trump

4chan would be fastly better without the following flags
> Canadians
> South-americans
> Kikerael/Israel
> India

The website would go from the shithole that it is now to a masterpiece if all these subhumans were IP banned across the board. You can cope seethe throw your little adhominems but you know it to be true. These flags are incapable of providing anything but pilpul, D&C threads reddit/twitter screenshots or slidethreads. Its incredibly rare to see anything remotely intelligent from these flags. they are also all very arrogant yet clueless and retarded (mostly US and India)
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Literally becomes suburban planet.
Fully agree!
Al parecer onions el único acá que se da cuenta que el gimnasio es una estafa. Acá esta lleno de giles "gymbros".
Y no lo digo en el sentido "blackpill" de que no te va a dar mujeres, lo digo en el sentido de que es literalmente perjudicial para la salud. La gente está pagando para envejecer mas rápido. lol
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Is only possible in a nationalistic homogeneous population. Good luck with your rainbow mutt army. Faggots
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While I’m here
>dat pic
They do legitimate survey and then do a false flag when the result does not favor the boogermint's wants.

Nowadays, the shits just fake the survey results and go ham on the propaganda.
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How come the us military is the most terrifying and effective force in modern history then?

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Is LooksMaxxing the way to career & romantic success?
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Why's it called looksmaxxing if he became less attractive?
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It’s called look smaxxing where they look like the frog from sugar smacks
yeah bonesmashing does that
zoomers are literally hitting themselves in the face with hammers so women will date them

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you don't say.
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Shouldn't have been a white supremacist nazi if he didn't want to get fucked up by a nigger.

I sometimes see gypsies sleeping in the street. I see gypsies begging or collecting cans. But are gypsies really homeless or are they faking? Or are just some of them homeless? I thought about it today that gypsies normally look clean. As a matter of fact most homeless people look clean. Is it shelters or what gives?
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Don't know. A bunch of them sit in 24/7 fast food places, bus stations, ride buses and trains around and around etc from how it seems.
You didn't even fucking read before typing
Dumb post
The question is whether they are faking being homeless, not faking being gypsies. There, I spelled it out for you fuckface. Get tested for down syndrome.
gypsies fake being homeless
they lie
they play the victim
sometimes they prostitute and mutilate their own kids (or kids that they've kidnapped) and force them to beg
the mutilation can get very brutal
they cut off their fingers
they blind them
and then they're forced to beg until they die

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How do you call her in your language? Did you have a crush on her as a kid? In Spanish we called her Gadget or Gady.
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Gadget Hackwrench.

>Did you have a crush on her as a kid?

Obviously. Everyone did.
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How can you not have a crush on her?
TV is so crap now.
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>She's a lesbian.

Not to shit on you, Anon, but:

"She hasn't found a man she's into yet." You mean.

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What happens when a Jew is confronted with the truth by another Jew
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Just notice the way the jew facing away from the cop taps the cop's gun with his hand, and then you will understand.
>then you will understand.
No now I have even more questions. But 50% of those questions still boil down to
>whos jewing who here?
I didn't notice that. Do you know what led up to this moment? cause that cop was in "I don't give a fuck" mode at that moment.
the Millennials in the stock market thread has 100+ replies

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Are Japs even human?
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Japs are nice to land animals but are fucking merciless to anything in the sea.
Since a dolphin would probably enjoy that actually would that be considered rape?
Oh god is this from “the cove” that documentary was brutal
Heh its like feeding pigs bacon
Very cool Japan.

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I love my parents but I hate Trump. I feel bad that they're supporting and putting in their hope into a guy that doesn't give a shit about them and is lying to them. If Trump actually becomes president all he's going to do is let Israel annex West Bank. And do another gun restriction like he did with bump stocks, and give illegals amnesty and call it a win, because he convinces he supporter that 500 feet of border wall is a good deal in exchange for amnesty. I have to come home every day and see a Trump sign in the yard, and an American flag. I hate America even more than I hate Trump.
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I explained to you why, international travel was shut down during his term. And you did not even listen to any of it.
tell them you'll get surgery to look as much as a female as you can (minus the penis cutting) if they dont stop.

i personally dont care who my parents support because in the end none of this matters, they already have the script of who is going to win and who they're going to keep away and what is going to happen.
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The net migration level declined before covid.
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I love this bratty little semen demon like you wouldn't imagine
There is no reason to leave your family home if you don't have a wife/kids.
>oh but muh individuality
Nobody cares.

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Reminder if you don’t love Israel as much as you love America, you aren’t American and you don’t love God.
I love Israel just as much as I love the US: I hate both.
One can't serve two masters. He will grow to love one and hate the other.

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I legit think people are dying from the vaxx left and right and they just aren't telling us.

My mod size city is slowly becoming a ghost town. This afternoon my gf wanted to go to Costco and I usually dread going there on a weekend, but there was NO ONE there and even 6-7 months ago going on. Saturday was a guaranteed zoo.

I didn't think much of it until we went to get drinks with friends and the 4 of us and a boomer couple were the only people in what is usually a packed Irish bar.

I drive through my neighborhood lately and it feels like the Truman show, no lights are on in the houses, zero human activity, unnatural silence for how many people should be occupying the area...

Am I going schizo or is the population really thinning out?
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A pureblood friend died of a drug overdose this year. Turns out it wasn't the MRNA he had to worry about after all.
That's due to the silent recession. Prices too high, people don't have enough money = less people go outside. If we officially admit we have a recession, that would hurt stocks and currencies around the world and basically it's just not a good idea because it would cause a global panic. So, many nations are indeed in a recession, but no one can admit it until the infinite printing runs out and huge companies are at real risk of disappearing.
I knew I gut in phx, rich guy, million dollar house filled with cars and he was an actual doctor but made a bunch of money in the auto salvage business. He lived in a shitty trailer he pulled behind the house. He was in a fight with the city and other people in the neighboorhood last time I talked to him because he pulled two containers into his backyard next to his trailer and they were full of car parts, car parts everywhere in his huge back yard. People are awesome like this sometimes.
More likely they're fleeing your crime and nig infested area. Or if it was mostly nigger anyway the niggers are fleeing the other niggers.
Im not sure what it is..but something is going on. Going out in public doesn’t feel like what it used to..

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David Duke, former Grandwizard of the KKK arrives at TPUSA to counter protest and support Nick Fuentes
>Q: Are you friends with him?(Reporter)
>A: I consider him a comrade in the fight for our people (David Duke)
Kek at all the kikes who’ve been calling Nick Fuentes a gay spic for years…what do you have to say now? Prominent leader in the white nationalist movement endorses him. You can’t say anything now, chud.
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How does this somehow clear him of being caught with tranny porn in his tabs?
Fucking faggot loser cope OP
Daddy likes what Daddy likes. Its as simple as that. The white race is at stake. Sometimes you gotta suck a few dicks to get ahead.
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Seethe JIDF kike, your quotas for the 8 dead kikes in Israel are low for tonight.
lmfao pathetic
i wouldnt say hes white i would say he needs to denounce his 1/4th mexican part and maybe he should have less kids and allow someone else to have additional kids who is more purely white

or just not have kids knowing he is part mexican

he doesnt pass the one drop rule so he just needs to renounce that part of his genes he could still be the leader of a white nationalist movement it wouldnt make a difference

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Currently in standoff with cops
10+ injured so far
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You forgot
>detroit area
Cops don't even go into nigger housing projects anymore how the fuck would you know?
>yid rat posts another ugly yid rat
High neuroticism on display
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This fact actually increases the odds of it being a nigger you dumb fuck.

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6-1. It’s the worst embarrassment since we burned the White House in the War of 1812
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Sports in general.
A crowd of middle class-poor people pay for the privilege of watching millionaires play a schoolyard game to pacify their suppressed tribalism in the guise of municipal patriarchy when players are bought, sold, and traded amongst teams and very few if any of them are actually from the city they represent, or even from the country for that matter. It is utter retardation at best and blatant nigger worship at worst.
The only appeal that makes any sense to me is the gambling aspect as you can at least make educated bets based on stats. But even that is likely rigged.
Anyways, let these cavemen beat their chest in triumph, some fags from Edmonton beat some fags from Florida in hockey. Real achievement considering Florida has no ice. Maybe this victory will put them in a good enough mood that they won't beat their significant other this week.
>two goalies 6'6"
wtf? jesus christ
Ye were mine first

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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Her maiden name is a poojeet name, though. She is a poojeet.
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This. They mad gibs is over. You should have listened.
Gibs over?
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lol canada is a joke
and alberta is supposed to be the rugged cowboy tradesman province
there has been one near me since november 2022 lol
Lake Montebello sinkhole still unstable, work ongoing
the hole keeps getting bigger!!!

This white man is trying to keep black women from straightening their hair under the guise of "chemicals".

We all know what this is.

Just like abortion, it's another attempt to control women's bodies, but with added racism against black women.

I'm tired of AmeriKKKa's bullshit.
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Assuming you are not just a troll.. what's the point in you coming here when you're just going to get mad? You can't change/pol/ but /pol/ will change you
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Groids are good for one thing, and that's breeding with kikes. I support this marriage, since I hate them both so much. Let them make each other miserable together
Kill yourself faggot
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Nogs and jews = a match made in heaven
Spread the word on social media, and if any kikes refuse, call them racist and xenophobic

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Powerful, elegant, true.
I’ll take my chances in the trenches before cutting my cock off. Not even a hard decision.
they will just do what the IDF do with trannys and make them post on pol 24/7 to show off their mentally illness
it's literally on the selective service website lol
population control

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