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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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general thread for all relating to the Butler, Pennsylvania fairground shooting
>exact location of shooter on building roof: west or east side
>how did he get up on the roof
>did LE confront him there
>snipers were stationed inside building, underneath him at exact same time
>rental van, vehicle
>fences access
>anything relating to the shooting layout
>Home Depot, ladders, gear
>airphoto maps, diagrams of site
>ballistics, paths of the shots taken
>USSS, local/state LE fuckups and attempts to evade accountability
>corporate media narrative shifts
>cover up

Previous threads:
/ASLG/ #4 >>474515688
/ASLG/ #3 >>474500159
/ASLG/ #2 >>474485422
/ASLG/ #1 >>474457601
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Great post that really clears up what happened with the assassination and the kids motive
Sloped too dangerous? lmao that shit was barely at an incline, far less than the barns they were on.
is this the new glassy knoll?
kek nicely done anon
It's a woman in a position way over her head (all high level government posts are). This is why you're getting the excuses you are.

It's like some whore caught cheating on her husband who treats her like gold, the excuses are just so blatantly pathetic and self serving
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these images don't match up. that roof is huge. In this image they are near the edge, while other images show him further toward the middle.
what was the motive?
Anyone else think Trump will sue the US government for this?

He could easily win in court. This is absolutely egregious and criminal negligence. It goes beyond negligence into conspiracy territory.
Especially if this pictures account is accurate. 28 minutes? That's about to become white peoples
>He kneeled on him for ova nine minutes
He probably tried to run away
I was just joking obviously the motive is not listed and it seems very very bizarre and more and more like a setup
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This is total speculation. But there is a lot of confirmed talk that he was bullied.

No social media. No photos. No trace left behind we see so far.

People say he was ostracized. What if he started planning this earlier. That the donation to ActBlue was an obfuscation. That registering republican was an obfuscation. That he is literally just an agent of chaos, who wanted to watch the world burn a la Joker.

He is a zoomer. Obviously highly influenced by media. I could see this being an actual reality. Not that he planned to kill Trump all that time, but that he planned to kill SOMEONE important to try to cause civil strife.

The idea of a killer or assassin trying to cause a civil war is nothing new. What would be new is the motive being revenge on society, or causing chaos. Usually those shooters go shoot up a mall. They don't try to kill a presidential candidate and former president.

Just an idea.
>seen carrying rifle and ladder in hand
Has there been any evidence of that?

>people told cops about gun on roof 28 mins before
Another big name twitter account spreading bullshit.

I hate republicans so much. They deserve to lose always.
>seen carrying rifle
yes I'd like to see/reports of that, him on ground w/rifle
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All "general" threads are psyops
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How is it possible he walked in from the MAIN road with metal detectors straight to this roof unseen with a gun and a ladder?

This google street view is off the main road leading in and is unzoomed
so you are telling me professional snipers with optics can't spot a mclovin faggot on a roof with a rifle, even after the CROWD points him out?

the fucking crowd spots him before secret service? and he gets shots off first?
OMG, did you hear about Trump almost getting assassinated by a gunman? It's like, totally crazy and reminds me so much of Harry Potter!

Okay, so like, imagine Trump as Harry, right? And the gunman is like Voldemort or one of his Death Eaters. Just like how Harry always seems to be in danger, Trump was in a super scary situation where someone tried to attack him.

Remember in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone when Quirrell (who was working for Voldemort) tried to kill Harry during the Quidditch match? It's kind of like that! Harry was just doing his thing, playing Quidditch, and then out of nowhere, BAM, someone tries to take him out. It's so intense!

Or like in the Goblet of Fire when Harry is in the maze and the Death Eaters attack after Voldemort returns. Harry's just trying to win the Triwizard Tournament and then all these bad guys are after him. It's like, he's constantly dodging danger, just like Trump had to dodge the gunman.

And you know how Harry always has people who protect him? Like Dumbledore, Hermione, and Ron? Well, Trump has his own version of the Order of the Phoenix—like the Secret Service and all his bodyguards who are always there to keep him safe.

So yeah, it's totally like Harry Potter! It's all about danger, heroism, and having a squad to back you up. Crazy, right?
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Same roof can be seen from a second MAIN ass road again how the fuck would someone just be allowed to walk into this place
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Didn't he come in from the other side, beyond the trees near entrance where he mounted the building?

He was seen acting suspicious near metal detectors. I think that was all that was said about that.
Didn't read lmao
In other news if you want a laugh, Mutahar's video "Gay furries hacked the government---and project 2025" is hysterical.
>are you aware that you won't be able to wear a furry tiger costume when you're being pounded in the ass in federal prison?

If you need a laugh, Mutahar doesn't disappoint.

Fuck that libtard pajeet
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yet ANOTHER main ass road unzoomed you can clearly see the roof
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The tree cover extended nearly to the building. From there its a short walk to the rubbermaid locker. That seems possible.
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picrel Secret Service Chief of Communications Anthony Guglielmi was previously the Legislative Communication Advisor for Pfizer
Maybe that kid local to that area had better knowledge of way to get there better than you from sperging on Google maps
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literally another road with a clear sight of the roof

and somehow no one saw him until he was on the roof?
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The trees are full this time of year.
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He's not a pajeet, he is one of the based clean muslim jeet brown ones
Wasnt the metal detector entrance at the very front?

He also clearly jumped on the roof from the AC unit on the opposite side of the building as shown in a video

As far as I am aware there is only 1 image of him on the ground sitting on that cement wall taken from above by glowniggers--a good while before the shooting. They knew he was there.
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This is the ladder.
i congratulate your spirit and energy for these threads
going to keep it going for a few days at least?
i'm about to go sleep
jacub's ladder
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picrel Brian S. Lambert
So how this kid know that roof top would be a good spot to setup?
Like you can't just guess that maybe I'll have line of sight from there... how did he know, what first hand knowledge of this building did he have other than living in the area
why are there not agents stationed at every entrance?

how did no one see the fucking ladder, or him on it?
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He looks like somebody that tried to shoot up a mosque in canada after posting a thread on 8/pol/
he surely scouted the area beforehand or maybe just studied google maps
I think there was a second shooter, a professional that was accurate, except that Trump miraculously turned his head at the last second.
trump bitchslapped that violent bullet
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nigga I ain't readin all that
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picrel David M. Torres
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So no one saw him cross this parking lot full of cops and security and snipers looking that way while he carried a ladder and backpack to boost onto the roof?
How is it that this kid had no social media? That's virtually impossible. There's no way.
That's the picture that one of the local police snipers took at 5:45. The local police had 3 snipers posted on the second floor of the building where Crooks shot from. Where cops still up there at 6:11 when the shooting started? If so, why didn't they do anything? If not, why did they leave their post? That's the key ro figuring this whole thing out.
He did. The 20 yo is a clumsy patsy.
man this whole time when people said dhs I thought they were talking about the department of human services
like for years
That's exactly what they want people to believe. This is more than just an incompetent DEI hire.
is it confirmed he brought the ladder?
Has it been entered into evidence yet there are contradictory accounts of how police confronted him. Im phone posting so if anyone wants to combine these 1, or make a better version altogether, great.

has anyone found this exact location?

sun angle has the curb/concrete running east west and he is looking north? curb wider than normal curb and dont think its on a roof or anything
When did he put the ladder up?
Not all of you have watched this video and it shows. I believe him over snarky snickering chipotle zoomers.
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Hanlon's Razor is "Don't attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity." Traitors in Washington DC have been hiding behind Hanlon's Razor for over 20 years. There comes a time after repeated instances of injury the injured party must realize their abuser is acting with malice. The federal government in Washington DC is the most pressing current threat to our Constitutional Republic, The Constitution of the United States of America and the individual rights and liberties it codifies
Exactly. TIKTOK is rife with incompetent DEI SS jokes and memes, thats the official narrative. This was a professional hit and the kid's phone is being wiped down at Quantico. His parents should have never turned it over.
Yes, it's a concrete wall on the back side of the two story building. It's on the side facing the red barns (where the stage was). This is the pic taken by one of the local police sniper posted on the second floor
eyewitness interview talks about the motorcycle man
two teams did have spotters though. genuine question, do snipers need spotters? did those sniper teams need two guys each, they couldn't split up?

The motive is he was playing shoots and ladders.
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looking at this is one of these two walls which suggests he did not come in from this side
but rather came in from the main front by the metal detector entrances shown here
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combined contradicting accounts of how police encountered Crooks.
It is 99% certain that:
>They wanted Trump killed
>They put holes in the defense on purpose
>They did their best to keep Trump in a position where he could be killed.

And that is just assuming that the shooter was a random. If we add:
>Remove security from trump to boost Jill biden's event
>Threats of Iran to kill Trump that week
>Denial to boost his SS staff
>Putting women to protect him
>Shooter knowing exactly where to go
>Shooter having no personal data of his activities and with a ''impossible to hack' phone

It looks like Clinton was up to her shenaningans
The teams with spotters were feds. The article is talking about local police. There were 8 total, 3 were snipers and the other 5 were on the ground.
its a genuine possibility, he knew he was in a position to leave everyone scratching their heads.

zoom zooms live in fiction, he probably saw taxi driver and related to the incel protagonist who tries to kill a presidential candidate after he gets rejected by a girl

> No social media. No photos

People keep talking about this like its weird or notable but not how a person with no training for such a task could just lie on a scorching hot metal roof for almost 30 minutes and fire a rifle at someone 300ft away as accurately as he supposedly did.
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Ok red is the wall in the drone photo seen here
Blue is about where he was on the roof
Green boxes are sniper locations
his parents were likely willing participants in whatever mkultra program lead him to this considering their professions.
I live just south of Butler, in Wexford and I'm on vacation for two weeks. I might drive up there to nose around.

I dont have any, why would i when everybody ive ever known or needed to lived within 2 miles of where i grew up.
Just walk to their house to see if they home you lazy faggots.
Correct, but it wasn't a drone picture. That is the picture taken by one of the local police snipers that were stationed on the 2nd floor of that building. It was taken at 5:45, 26 minutes before the shooting starts. This is the most important question to figuring all of this out - were the cops still up there? If not, why did they leave their post?
Thats actually quite possible, but equally twisted
creepy van to drive around in. was it his?
Hanlon's razor is retarded. It's probably made by Gillette.
Out of all of the gore I've seen over the years this is the cleanest shooting ive ever seen.
Not a fucking drop of blood from one person that was shot in the head when probably 4/5 people normally have a fountain of blood, No meat hanging, no nothing. No clouds of skin colored mist from getting their forehead caved in.
>is it confirmed he brought the ladder?
I read some bullshit about him buying some 5 foot extending ladder at home depot and walking it over there, but none of the ladders i've seen in pics are extending ladders and the ladders are at least 10 feet tall, maybe taller. Those are not small buildings and you couldn't get up there with anything less than a fuck huge tradie ladder that is conspicuous as fuck.

Honestly I think /pol/ knows more about the situation than anyone outside of those directly involved with the shooting.
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Ok so here is what happpened

He was sitting on the wall(boxed in red) looking in the direction of trump/snipers in lime green.
He walks around back side of that building and gets on roof via the AC unit then shed.
He walks on roof which changes elevation a bit until in position
There is a short ladder that you can see in pics of the front of the building. It's set on top of a metal storage closet and it's to the right of the tall ladder behind the big bushes.
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here is photo from teal google street view showing the shed and ac jumping access
I think that's right. Now ask yourself, if the local police have 3 snipers in the second story of that building, how do they miss all that? We know they were still up there at 5:45. Did they watch it all and just let it happen? Or did they leave their post, and of so, why?
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>There is a short ladder
This one?
Or pic related? Because neither are short and they're sure as shit not 5 foot ladders.
Does anyone have a link to the full live stream of the rally? It was hours long I assume. Who spoke before Trump? I went back in my search history to Saturday and the live stream I turned on is now only 9 minutes long.
He was groomed and used as a pawn
Who says that was his ladder?
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Ladder location does not allow him to be photographed on the concrete wall or he would have had to walk in FRONT of the building in plain ass vision. I think it was just there from beforehand
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picrel People standing directly next to the building he was on barely came up halfway to the windows. No way he's climbing to the top with a 5 ft ladder.
>Who says that was his ladder?
As I said earlier.
>I read some bullshit about him buying some 5 foot extending ladder at home depot and walking it over there, but none of the ladders i've seen in pics are extending ladders and the ladders are at least 10 feet tall, maybe taller.
I'm yet to see this supposed small ladder and all the ladders I have seen are huge.
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Eh. I saw blood at the entrance.
i read reports he bought the ladder at home depot. Unlikely he brought it there in the middle of the day. Only way i thought he could put it there is beforehand. But then that brings into question why no one noticed a new ladder propped up against the building.
It's the first one. There are better pictures that show it more clearly. It's set on top of a storage closet, so it's not that tall. I'm on my phone now, so I don't have the picture. But it doesn't really matter whether he used this ladder or the AC/ shed route in the back. The important question is what were the 3 snipers posted on the 2nd floor of that building doing when all of this was happening. If they were still at their post, they would have seen it all. If they left their post, why?
Hanlon's razor is the idea that you should not attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity. Traitors in Washington DC have been hiding behind Hanlon's Razor for over 20 years. There comes a time after repeated instances of injury the injured party must realize their abuser is acting with malice. The federal government in Washington DC is the most pressing current threat to our Constitutional Republic, The Constitution of the United States of America and the individual rights and liberties it codifies
Look at the JFK assassination for your answer. The only no one will go to prison for this. the loose ends will be dead. the CIA/FBI will never reveal all the information they have on this.
So question remains when he put the ladder up.
You are dumb. No offence intended mate.
>If they were still at their post, they would have seen it all.

Not only that, but heard it too if they were on the second floor of a building with a metal roof that a 20 yo was walking on.
He can walk the other way around
here we go
if anyone wants to drink a pot of coffee and autistically scan the background for 7 hours
1080p 60fps, better than most of the 480p footage
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Another angle of he path I suspect he took based on the concrete wall sitting photo
his car is in the car park and had a bomb in it. read the news.
Are you sure there are no other buildings with the concrete walls, perhaps on the side away from trump. He looks pretty unfit so him taking a break while walking the distance would explain the photo of him sitting down - also why SS was so slow to react as he took so fucking long.
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I have not see any on the "ladder side" of the building
The ladder is irrelevant. He had multiple ways to access the roof. What matters is this>>There were 3 local police snipers that were stationed on the 2nd floor of that building. We know they were up there before 5:45, because one of them took a picture of Crooks sitting on the concrete wall just below them. So, were they still there watching everything unfold and doing nothing? Or did they leave their post, and if so, why?
Ladder are most commonly six, eight or ten foot. The one in the picture is ten foot. No way that skinny kid is carrying that ladder for a mile, unless he's on painkillers and tranqs.
ladder is gone time between the 2?
>So, were they still there watching everything unfold and doing nothing?
Yes. Just following orders.
>zoomers watching taxi driver
You can use street view and maps to get a pretty good view of the entire building. There are only concrete barrier walls on the back side of the 2 story building. That's definitely where he was sitting.
The SS leader was a woman, while the snipers dont need permission from leader to shoot - perhaps the hesitancy of the woman leader rubbed off on them.(unsure what to do - perhaps cause of the drone and other officers checking it out - letting it play out)

Idk why dead shooter pic ear is cropped not my photo but we all know by now it has ear bumps
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Ladder is there its a long ladder actually with the shed door open covering lower half of it

Based on the wall location and the AC unit here its possible this was the path to the roof.
Either way he was sitting on that wall at around 5:50 pm or so and thus did not cross over the to the ladder side
SS wasn't in that building, local police were. This building is outside the fence of the Butler Farm Show grounds, so it was being covered by local police, not SS.
I don't believe the ladder is irrelevant. The MSM and FBI claim he bought a 5-foot ladder at Home Depot, which undermines their credibility. It seems absurd for someone to walk around with a ladder and prop it against the building, especially since the ladder they mentioned is only 5 feet tall.
But who has authority on these? Who calls the shots? I'd imagine its Feds, so SS right?
ok thats the wall in the upper i saw the pic of. has to be video out there of his movements besides the SS spotting scope
>But it doesn't really matter whether he used this ladder or the AC/ shed route in the back.
It kinda does because they're pushing a narrative that is clearly contrary to what we've seen.

They're not saying "there was a fuck huge ladder already there" which is very believable, I mean fuck I wouldn't have to go far in Aus to take a ladder off a tradies ute, or drop one off earlier, but it would require planning ahead because that is a BIG fucking ladder, and they're not saying he "bing bing wahoo'd his way up on AC units in front of cops and then banged his way over two buildings supposedly full of SS", they're saying he bought a 5 foot ladder and walked it there and no one saw him.....except the drone....put it up, and it was civilians who first spotted him?

So either they're lying, or they actually have no idea how he got up there, but it's not very confidence inspiring either way.

Dude was all skin and bone, no way he lugged a good sized ladder and AR a mile on foot.
Imagine how much footage of this event is out there.
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Here's the thing. They know exactly his motivation. Probably by the shit hanging on his bedroom wall alone.

The only way we are going to find out about it is if an insider spills it.

Here's all the info we have right now:
its a collapseable ladder bro
i'm surprised more videos haven't been posted already.
The pic of him on the wall was taken prior to 5:45.
yupe someone had to see him from since video was being filmed like right there by people yelling he was on roof
>Imagine how much footage of this event is out there.
There's at least one drone out there that saw and recorded everything perfectly, but the media doesn't seem to want to talk about that at all.
It's irrelevant b/c he didn't need it, there are other ways to get to the roof. He supposedly bought one, but it doesn't mean he used it.
People were saying they saw him on the roof, and there are images of it.. but how, if he is so far to the parking lot side of the building and the images are from the opposite side, shouldn't he be completely obscured by the corner of the building?
Eg. The TMZ footage, how the hell?

35 secs in you can see where they spotted him from.
Yes, probably. That's why finding out more about what the 3 local police snipers that were supposed to be on the 2nd floor of that building is so important to figuring out the whole thing. Snipers looking out those windows would have easily seen and stopped Crooks, but we know they didn't. So they either let it happened, or they left their post. Figuring that out tells us who is behind this.
The FBI and MSM claim he bought the ladder and used it. I'm highlighting this because it undermines the credibility of their account, that's all.
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>Assassin Shooter Location General
So what was his fucking location you fucktards?
Or they shot.

Thanks anon. Yeah makes sense that its so high hill.
Also notable that the concrete barrier is visible here too.
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Ok Hol up everyone

In this video at 55-57 seconds the very first shot is fired.

It sounds like glass breaks after the first shot

Did the kid not take the first shot? Did he only ring out 5 shots after a markmans shot 3 times at trump from the window first?

I did not believe any tinfoil shit around this until I heard this glass sound

Second shooter could have been hiding in one of those many big bushes shown in your pic
They mean 5m ladder. Standard telescopic ladders are 5m extended and ~1m folded.
But it doesn't matter. It doesn't tell you who was behind this. There were other ways to get on the roof. What matters is how the 3 local PD snipers that were stationed on the 2nd floor of the building did not see and stop him. We know they were up ther before 5:45 , because they took the picture of him sitting on the wall. The whole thing comes down to whether or not they were still up there when the shooting happened, and if bot, why not?
At first I thought it might be the fence making sound but you are right, there is a very low frequency glass sound with the first shot.
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I would say he planted them earlier, but then why the rangefinder at T-time?
Am I retarded cause it looks like a lot of the pics show the shooter on the other side of the roof and others show him on the other; not to mention he shows really clearly on the videos so he cant? be on the side he was found on?

eg. this speculation shows the gray splotch on where he is pictured to have been found.
>Second shooter could have been hiding in one of those many big bushes shown in your pic
Oh man if you wanted to start playing with the second shooter theory there's no end of good spots to setup shop. I'd personally go with any of the building windows, quick exit to the carpark etc and there's audio where you can hear a window break as soon as the shooting starts, so....

>patsy on roof starts letting rounds fly hitting fucking everything like a spastic, maybe he doesn't even know about the second shooter his handler setup
>as soon as patsy fires his first shot, a proficient shooter setup in a window below lets one fly at trump, whiffs it probably because of the glass or maybe a crosswind, quickly bails whilst everyone is focussed on the cunt on the roof, maybe even a cop given they supposedly had guys in there.

I mean that has got to be the least fucking secure place you could have held a rally, it's all open ground, shrubs, trees and rooftops for miles with flags flying for windage.
The people taking video and yelling about the shooter are on a hill, that's why they can see him so well. And they are zooming in on him, compressing everything and throwing off perspective.
Can we also get a list of the normal media presence at Trump rallies vs. this one? Seemed like a lot more than usual, but I'm not a super fan. I've caught the occasional rally on stream and it seems like only a couple of orgs show up. I could have sworn that CNN and a couple of others stopped going to the rallies because Trump would point at them and call them "the fake news".

Surely there is a list somewhere.
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>Am I retarded cause it looks like a lot of the pics show the shooter on the other side of the roof and others show him on the other; not to mention he shows really clearly on the videos so he cant? be on the side he was found on?
He was definitely shot and killed on the water tower end of the building, no idea why that image shows him on the other end.
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The Jews tried to blow trumps brains out on live tv for saying something positive about Jesus Christ. Remember the Jews killed Jesus Christ so you can’t be Christian & Jewish. After he said “Jesus Christ should be president” the Jews chipped out.


All the RNC attendees seemed more like Niki Hayley programmed rather than Trump. THEY NEVER EXPECTED HIM TO BE THERE
>Trump would point at them and call them "the fake news".
he did that at this one. fox didn't turn the cameras around
rsbn showed tons of people, someone who was there said 30,000, in its 10 hour stream of the event
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>2nd shooter you say?
i saw a claim he had a twitter account with an american flag and something about epstein,
it could explain why they are finding "no motive"
>TIKTOK is rife with incompetent DEI SS jokes and memes, thats the official narrative.
That's why they push racism and stupidity. Some people even believe 81 million of their neighbors voted for Joe Biden.
That is where the local PD snipers were stationed. That's why I keep saying that the most important thing to figure out is where they were at the time of the shooting. If they were still up there, they were in on it. If they weren't, whoever called them down is in on it. It's the key to everything.
The families of the victims should sue.
Oh wow probably this
Is Google maps really getting you all this
Anyone cross reference
Yep. I firmly believe there was a professional hit man second shooter going for Trump alone. Kid was a patsy. Pony show. They're going to try again and blame Iran.
>the cops saw him using a fucking range finder and did nothing
were the glowies always this incompetent and they're just getting exposed because the average person now carries a phone to film them with?
So the car is also in dispute. FBI said he drove a Hyundai. Then a random white van with Arizona plates gets picked up. Which one was rigged with explosives? Whose van was it? The discrepancies are way too obvious at this point. Why report so many things as facts only to dispute them a few hours later. it's almost too obvious at this point.
Hey Murricans, can you explain something to me. Its kinda related.

Someone said that if Biden wants to be the presidential candidate, democratic party cant do anything about it.
It sounds a lot like bernie not getting to be candidate "since it was not his time yet" but instead it was Hillary.

Im just trying to piece together why Biden is the candidate even though its clear as day that he cannot win? It can explain the deep state motive for this - why go to this length only to try and make biden win.
Because their goal all along was to put Nikki Hayley instead of Trump because she’s much more friendly towards Jew wars in Ukraine and Israel. Trump is not the best choice for them, even tho he’s Jewish owned he’s not Jewish owned enough to accept their wars blindly
This would also explain while the whole RNC programming fits more to Punjabee Hayley than Trump. They never expected him to be there
yeh right
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>Im just trying to piece together why Biden is the candidate even though its clear as day that he cannot win? It can explain the deep state motive for this - why go to this length only to try and make biden win.
Because the biden family is balls deep in ukraine, with biden gone lots of a literal and figurative....and very lucrative pipelines get cut off for certain people.

This cunt could tell you all about it, he was that guy for a long time.

Well, maybe but the Depth Of Field of tele/zoom lenses distorts the distance between far away objects in images.
Old skool way to do practical effects with miniatures because of that as well.
Ah yes, I was thinking too much on partisan angle - while the cabal has been proven to be bi-partisan which makes sense really.
He won the primary, so the delegates are pledged to him. If he doesn't voluntarily step aside, then they would have to either use Amendment 25 to have him declared mentally incapacitated or change thwir party rules to release the delegates and have a contested convention. Both would be a disaster.
Now stop sliding with irrelevant topics.
Where were the local PD snipers when the shooting started? They were stationed on the 2nd floor. If they were still up there, they were in on it. If they were called off their post, that person was in on it.
They intend to put Haley back in when Trump gets killed. I wonder if Vivek can re enter as an independent.
Yeah, she made this whole song and dance about not going to the RNC but then quietly announced that she's going to be attending just before the assassination attempt
Both of these sound plausible. Thanks anon.

Thank you.
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>All "general" threads are psyops

Good. Nice to see how incompetent the opposition is and how pathetic the psyop genius is that runs the narrative.
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they found crooks phone and a "detonator" on the roof, that don't look like no "detonator" to me, does anyone know what it really is?
Yeah but the cameras all pointed in the same direction

That's some wild projecting there.
Glad I took a minute to read it.
yeah, but who knows; maybe someone was filming the crowd or the grounds and there's Lil' Chuddy in the background doing something suspicious that we didn't see before
it happened in 'day of the jackal' but yeah, i would expect a pro to hit between the eyes at that range, not off center by 2-3inches
Also look into $DJT stock being hardcore shorted the day before the attempt. It’s all over X. The Cabal knew and they even tried to profit from it. Just like those who shorted American Airlines and others the day before 9/11

Btw the shooter was Maxwell David Yearick, Jewish Bolshevik Antifa
Local PD had 3 snipers posted on the second floor of the AGR building. The key to figuring this whole thing out is knowing if they were still up there when the shooting started. If they were, they saw it all play out and let it happen. They were in on it. If they weren't, then find out who called them off their post. They were in on it. Find out who is behind this, then you can schiz out on second shooters, ladders, vans, whatever.
Because trump is going to support a new RWA to replace the USD

You heard it here first.
The PD snipers could be classified as less qualified than the SS snipers - in theory.

Why was one of the most important compass directions and the most important building left to the police - why wasn't there any SS personel or even feds there?
DESU it would maybe be interesting to have some insight on freemasonry in the area and if cops are involved, which they usually are. It’s definitely fishy
>DJT stock shorted the day before
>RNC programmation being a Nikki Punjabee show
(((They))) knew
The real shooters were inside the building. This was a coordinated, planned deep state assasination.
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>not off center by 2-3inches

Windage. In the videos watch the flags in the background. Gusting up to 15 that morning.
^ didn’t meant to write DESU I was writing captcha sorry I’m phone posting lol
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Yes, now we are talking about what's important.
They gave responsibility for that building to the local PD because it wasn't inside the Butler Farm Show grounds. Stupid, so worth asking who made that call.
But the thing is, they stationed their snipers on the 2nd floor. So they actually would have been perfectly positioned to see and stop him. But they didn't.
That's why the most important question is whether thwy were still up there, and if not, why. That tells you who was in on this.
>(((They))) knew

All true.
Watch the money.
I agree that the RNC lineup was expecting DJT to be a corpse and was planning on a open convention.
thanks, fireworks detonator confirmed
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But wouldn't it have been postponed for the funeral, mourning and all that shit?
The local PD had their snipers in the building. So maybe they were the shooters, or maybe someone called them away from their post so the shooter could get in. That's the whole key, where were the PD snipers, and who was directing them.
i agree, where can i short biden stock?
>why go to this length only to try and make biden win.

Billions of dollars flowing back and forth throughout the US sphere of influence, access to unlimited power through the federal bureaucracy, ability to do anything and go anywhere with the correct hard-pin, and that unbelievably wonderful feeling of having a black-jacket passport in your pocket.

I'd kill just about anyone to have that.
They surely have other patsies too, or can create them.
>postponed for the funeral, mourning and all that shit?

"We will proceed with the convention as planned, otherwise the terrorists have won..."
>zoomers watching taxi driver
It's on all the "how to be a sigma male" lists on /tv/.
Most probability of happening, yes.

Evidence suggests Crooks was framed. Maybe even a good kid who the left hated, but Maxwell Yearick, a Ukrainian Soldier was definitely the shooter dead on the roof.

The era of lies and corruption are coming to an end. The truth will see you corrupt mother fuckers hanging from your necks for all to see, sooner than you think.
Your captcha was DESU?
>The truth will see you corrupt mother fuckers hanging from your necks for all to see, sooner than you think.

Make the Blood Eagle Great Again
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>Supposed to forget him like he's Seth Rich
KEK, I bet the sushi was comped too! Every fucking time brother.

I gtg sleep I can’t even write
Good deal but needs a minor tweak. That first paragraph needs to have its source cited. I got it from here: https://archive.is/APqsW
a single conceal/carry civilian can instantly end this guy.
Ok. One last time for the MOSSAD shills.

How much does it matter honestly if its this literal who or another. This is. Atar baby that needlessly compmicates what we can actually fucking prove. What we can prove, without spinning off into conspiracy land, is pretty damning. So drop this shit maybe?
boden didn't just win one primary, he won 50+ primaries - every state and voting territory. every single state dem party pledged their votes to him
This picture was uploaded very early after the events before anything else on the shooter was available. Anyone know why/how it got posted? Why would a glowie post it online when wrapped up in the chaotic aftermath of what went down?
>They never expected him to be there

That's an interesting point. However, if Trump had been killed surely the RNC Convention would have been cancelled?
> video literally starts with a faceplanting woman becoming a lifeless sack of meat
> th-this is the cleanest shooting ive ever seen
>pulls out gun
>gets domed by SS
This. Can't have a civilian get in the way of our assassination plans!
It's so clean that many of the bullet cases simply disappeared in thin air!
lol. They probably already had their
> we need to stay stronk
> Trump would have wanted this
> fight for Trump's America
speeches ready.
If SS wanted Trump dead he would have been killed. Secret Service say they had nothing to do with those buildings outside the perimeter & they were the responsibility of the local cops. The local cops said they were supposed to have a sniper on the roof & failed to do it. The secret service see a guy on the roof - won't shoot in case it was some cop who didn't bother changing his clothes. This will just be a blame game now.
I manage live events, and have hosted many elite level political conferences with the SS. I am not at liberty to discuss their methods, but I can discuss their character. In every instance, they were aloof, indifferent, and procedural. I liken them to drones. If there was no spreadsheet telling these overconfident, day-to-day, rarely-tested "experts" what exactly to do, or no plan they practiced several dozen times, they would simply stand around and flail their arms.

I think people have forgotten that everyone is phoning it in at their jobs. It isn't just the waiters and fry cooks. It's Doctors. Police. Military. Lawyers. Judges. Even the secret service. There are few hard workers left, and the few that remain are burned out beyond belief, watching the hours tick away until they can go home.

It's not hard for me to imagine how this happened. Not hard at all. It's only hard to imagine if you assume competence is in heavy supply, despite many of these security details never having had to face a threat in their lives.
It looks to me like an old garage door opener. Do you think he opened the garage door at the business somehow to help with the ladder?
well yes the SS agents just do their jobs. The other buildings were the responsibility of the local cops so the SS didn't care. Straightaway they were saying they react to a situation & not before hand. They may have thought a person shooting may have spotted a person & was targeting them, it was not until Trump was hit did they react. I mean it's BS but that is how they will spin it. They must have had eyes on Crooks & knew he wasn't a cop & they could have radioed the cops to see if any were on the roof.
> ejection port not visible in video
> can only see the upper handguard all the way through
> why can't I see muh bullet cases [sic]
What a fucking idiot you are.
It was, first in foremost, cynical jest. However, I think it's pretty clear the SS brass are in on this.
I don't think the boots on the ground were, though.
Why did Crooks have a transmitter next to his phone? What's the purpose of the transmitter? Sorry if that's a dumb question.
>lol. They probably already had their
>> we need to stay stronk
>> Trump would have wanted this
>> fight for Trump's America
>speeches ready.

I will bet that the RNC wanted to postpone the convention after it became clear that The God Emperor was still alive. They had that freakshow lined up and ready to go but DJT was still sucking air.

It was Trump who said "We will continue as planned".
Wasn't Laura Trump in charge of organising the RNC? Would they really trust her to do that?
remote to detonate the homemade explosives in his van to use as a distraction possibly to escape
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>What's the purpose of the transmitter? Sorry if that's a dumb question.

Blow up his own minivan, maybe set off a few other pyrotechnics, use the confusion to fade away into the general chaos.

The kind of plan a DEI hire would come up with.
According to WPXI news, there's a dispute by local law enforcement and the SS. Local law enforcement state they were not in or around that building shooter shot from. SS make false statements already.
Oh, okay. Thanks.
Thanks fren
Why didn't he use a drone to drop an IED on Blumpf?
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>Slupe leads the Butler County Sheriff’s Office, while the cops who confronted Crooks work for the Butler Township police force.

>In the shooting’s aftermath, the Secret Service pointed the finger at local police for failing to secure the rooftop from which Crooks fired and insisted it was outside the perimeter the feds were handling.

>Local authorities were tasked with securing the area immediately outside the rally, a Secret Service spokesperson said.

>But local law enforcement has beaten back criticism.

>“For them to blame local law enforcement is them passing the blame when they hold the blame, in my opinion,” Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger told the Washington Post of the feds.

>A police counter-sniper team was situated inside the building from the roof of which the shooter fired.

>A Secret Service official told the Washington Post the team was from neighboring Beaver County while sources told WTAE the building had members of the Beaver and Butler counties emergency services units and SWAT teams inside.

>Crooks was spotted at least twice by cops — 26 minutes before he started firing, according to WPXI sources.

>Slupe admits Crooks should have never been able to fire off gunshots.
One would think researching how to build a bomb with a remote transmitter would put him under surveillance. Maybe that's how they recruited him.
Checked trips.
And: likely true.
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>One would think researching how to build a bomb with a remote transmitter would put him under surveillance.

Maybe. Not much research required. remote solenoid or SPST switch. I make all of my fun stuff with model rocket parts and engines.

When they shut down Hobby Lobby and Estes Rocketry you will know the curtain is about to go up.
Jannies are such faggots.
Still I don't get your post.
>So did the shooter carry a heavy ladder over a mile? Or did he have a car?
>did the shooter really carry a long gun and ammo to a building staffed by police
>how was there a photo of him on the roof
>why did the US SS director lie about why the roof was empty and unguarded?
>who shorted Trump stocks on the eve of the assignation attempt
This shit doesn't make any sense unless there's a conspiracy
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watch the youtube links and look at the picture.
this is how the nobody operates.
Bizarre calling cars spread out through space and time.
He's a 5th dimensional terrorist.
>there are limits to DEI incompetence
If only you knew how bad things really are.
Okay, so you're shizzo
Now I understand.
Jannies are faggots, but shizzo's are faggots, too.
He 100% took pictures of himself and there is 100% a bunch of footage of him driving at lights or getting gas or going to school or countless other things.

Media are just retards who think social media is sacred.
Well, according to...
The Security Snipers were inside behind windows. So maybe.
you can use garage door openers to detonate IEDs.

No it doesn't. He probably never researched "how to do xyz" that's something niggers do.

He probably searched

How to get firework remote to work, or even better, searched nothing and read the user manual.
I can kill you. Did you know that?
I am the only thing keeping China from attacking America in world war 3.
Your entire survival depends on me.
I have China Communist Party by the balls because it's people worship me.
I own the world.
Don't make me want to cut you up into little fucking pieces like you deserve.
our betters are waiting for all possible footage to come out as they shape the narrative. Shit is morphing day to day. Some local can blow the "official story" out the water with a new camera angle 3 months from now. ALL this shit is muddy water bullshit. The only thing for sure is that
>the deepstate globohomo needs trump gone
>media is pure propaganda for the above
>Trump was 10mm from getting domed on live TV
gubmint is opaque. They're in way too deep to back up.
it is a widely known fact that /x/ jannies are feds, much like every other board.
This glows so much you can see it from space
> I can kill you. Did you know that?
No, no I did not in fact know that. Because you can not. You hold no power over the quadrestrion thunderphase, benevolently and magnificently asterprojected from the infinity of interethereal enigmagma.

I know the Butler police chief is pissed that this happened in his town. Butler is right wing gun owners who are good people, kinda redneck, but good people. Shooter was from the South Hills of Pittsburgh.
Anon, when I threaten you, and shout at you, and scare you, it's because I am trying to help you.
If I actually wanted you dead you would never know until it happened, there would be no trace, and you couldn't stop me.
If I'm threatening you it means I'm your friend.
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If his motive was unironically to be a sigma Joker IRL, my opinion of him has raised significantly and I now think he was based.
You see? Your feeble attempt at even inciting fear is failing miserably, since the convalescent realignment of the praetereternal aeon flux diverts your energorgasmic encelophatherisms tangentially past the aeoric aegis of my plethoral runemind as my powerful Quad Quark drives rev TO LIFE! Time and space BEND under the tribulations of my time-rip transfluxers, causing your adrenaline (and stomach) to REEEEE with the hyperbolic hyperbole! And then, finally... FINALLY... nothing much happens. Try again.

if you try to blame /ng/ or 4chan for the terror attack in a major way, I will kill 75% of the intelligence community in the USA.
> joker
> aka shizzo retard
If it's true that this is the guy who was posting threats on 4chan a few days prior, even naming the date, I wouldn't be surprised.
And yet, that could also mean he is some kind of mind-kontrol zombie.
or, just shizzo.
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If you report me in the news or doxx me online on any social media, I will kill 100% of the intelligence community in the USA.
You are welcome to call my bluff.
I make contingencies for every outcome.
I knew you were planning to kill me in my latest visit to the mental hospital, which is why that big guy died while I was there.
Speak and die.
Okay, I hereby blame /ng/ or 4chan for the terror attack in a major way.
Do your thing!
And now shut the fuck up you shizzo retard and go back to /x/
You bore me.
No social media his entire life. No facebook no photos of himself ever taken.
The one person in the world that lived his life like that eventually decided to shoot the president.
How odd.
Nothing for anyone to sort through.
>I will kill 100% of the intelligence community in the USA.
Joke's on you, I want that shit.
why this guy? you could be right- but why have you focused on yearicks? is it just because of the physical similarities? you mentioned he was a ukr soldier - now that could be something
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Don't ever fucking forget what I'm fucking capable of.
You rotted fucking whores trying to FRAME ME YOU FUCK CUNTS?

The standard size for a short stepladder is five feet, or nine feet, because ceiling heights range from 7 feet to ten feet, and most doors are 6'8".
Also, the average aluminum stepladder only weighs about 8-10 pounds. Easily carried over any distance.
And in a small town in America, no one thinks it's weird to be carrying a ladder down the street.
Hey Feds, your bot is broken. You might want to put a little less schizo in his code.
I am everywhere and everyone.
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>Why report so many things as facts only to dispute them a few hours later
as I surmised last thread, they had all this in place for a trifecta of blame (on evil toxic white male demolition ranch culture overall) in case their manchirian candidate had actually hit his mark last Saturday.
He wasn't supposed to have missed
remember that Judge Merchan was supposed to have thrown Trump's ass in the slammer on July 11th according to Plan A.
the deep administrative state is now on Plan C
Godammit. You made me snort & wake up my wife. Way to go, Carlos!
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Carlos, damn!
>the most advanced security team in the world
"Oh shit a chest high chain link fence"
And how did he know there wouldn't be 5 guns pointed at him as soon as he got to the top of the ladder?
Any reasonable person would assume that the building swarming with LEO has people on the roof
Because the person who made the image is retarded.
You can.
Fault lines.
Bullet trajectories.
This is a fight we can WIN.
Maybe if you stopped being such a faggot you could get some sleep like a normal person.
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>clear as day that he cannot win
It was just as clear back in 2020 but they had the never-before-in-human-history global lockdown, with 'muh emergenceeeeeee" *illegal* mass mail ballots for '81 million votes' most popular president evAR.
Where are those 81 million today, we were assured of most popular ever+all-time, correct?
this all of course after 8 straght years of Russiagate, OMB, inurrekkkkkshun, Lawfare, muh neo-hitler etc.
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This. The ground slopes up away from the building on the side opposite the parking lot. Standing there, you're nearly eye level with the edge of the AGR building roof, so looking across through a zoomed-in lens will fore-shorten the scene, and without reference points such as ridging in the roof panels, it's difficult to get accurate placement. Reference the photo of shooter on the roof with 'white wall' & light behind him; those are at the parking lot end of the building. They appear to be within arm's reach of him, but are close to 20 feet away.
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>>474537780 bong flag 1 pbtid
OP here.
this is an organic topic and after having fucked up royally on Saturday you glowies can't stop us
This, he even looks like the kind of retard they like ot target.
>contradictory accounts

Another sign that the deep administrative state has now moved on after Plan B failed last Saturday
>more than just an incompetent DEI hire
notice (after some struggle in the first posted attempt) the relatively weak glownigger presence in these threads for example.
They're fucking panicked now
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>Shooter knowing exactly where to go
even had the optimal vantage point painted black
Bottom line, a professional would have pulled Trump off the stage. That's how you know they let it happen. They should have a ballistic shield staged behind the podium. They should have just walked him off the stage and announced a delay.
The ridge vent painted black? Not sure about that but looks odd in this picture
>how this kid know
was groomed and a series of coincidences allowed him access to the 'correct areas' of the facility in addition to knowing precisely in advance where to be positioned due to how the event would be set up, where the podium-stage was located etc.
He knew at least as much in advance all these tactical layout specifics as any SS agent/ local LE-sheriff did
what, we're supposed to believe that he just 'wandered in' to the fairgrounds with his backpack (and whatever else) hoping he'd 'score a kewl spot' to hang and watch the rally?
A series of coincidences i see, i wonder if one of the coincidences is a former FBI agent in his DMs.
CNN report out, it was the GLASS! Th- the TELEPROMPTER glass tried to JFK him!
>it’s not sticking
New CNN report out it! It was a republican who tried to JFK him!
>it’s not sticking
New CNN report, it was fake blood! Staged!
>it’s not sticking
New CNN report it was IRAN! guys it was an Iran Plot (tm)!
>you are here
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nice pic





>people have forgotten that everyone is phoning it in at their jobs.
This is absolutely true. I’ve been an entrepreneur for 17+ years, and the way workers came out from CoShit will prolly never cease to amaze me.
Even though the business is slow for pretty much all of us, suppliers, contractors, customer service whatevers, and everybody seem to be in some weird sloth mode.
This is Trump, he doesn't care about guns at his rallies. A nutjob with a gun on a roof is more likely a pretend secret service than an assassin to him.

If you grew up around somewhere, and an event is at a fairground, you likely spent years wandering around there. If an event is a couple blocks away from you, in a place you go sometimes, you likely know it pretty well.

Don't blame malice when you can blame incompetence first.

My personal suspicion is he got pissed off that he was kicked off the gun team for being a bad shot.

He's like screw this, I'll show them! They wont call me a bad shot when I kill the president with a headshot!

He misses.

He gets shot.

The cuck gets mocked for his shit aim for all eternity.
How was that building roof not secured?
(even if it wasn't up to the SS command) At the bare minimum, some of the SS counter-sniper personnel themselves, on the ground at the site, must have immediately seen that not securing the roof of that building ~100 yards to the north of the podium was an egregious mistake
and no, mere knowledge that a local LE sniper team was 'inside the bldg' is not enough.
This is the kind of slop that proves a LIHOP at bare minimum
His motive is obviously that he was either groomed by the feds or groomed by the leftwing media.

The reason we know it isn't a right wing influence is because if it was we would immediately have known about it.
They just decided not to do anything about it.
Mutahar is a nigger jeet, fuck off with your leftist garbage.
>how did he get a rifle & ladder past all these fences?!
Is this sardonic? He carried them.
why are the USSS and local sheriff-PD having such a hard time breaking down those fences to "pursue" him when he just waltzed in?
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>He's like screw this, I'll show them! They wont call me a bad shot when I kill the president with a headshot!

Haha yeah that sounds so true I totally agree. Occam's Razor right??
Their point about not taking a picture of themself since they were 15 isn't really a valid point. I haven't actually taken a picture of myself in 5 years now that I think about it, because I have no desire to take selfies or group photos with my friends.
It's entirely normal that he wouldn't have pictures of himself.

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