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general thread for all relating to the Butler, Pennsylvania fairground shooting
>exact location of shooter on building roof: west or east side
>how did he get up on the roof
>did LE confront him there
>snipers were stationed inside building, underneath him at exact same time
>rental van, vehicle
>FBI cracks his phone
>fences access
>anything relating to the shooting layout
>Home Depot, ladders, gear
>airphoto maps, diagrams of site
>ballistics, paths of the shots taken
>USSS, local/state LE fuckups and attempts to evade accountability
>corporate media narrative shifts
>cover up

Previous threads:
/ASLG/ #5 >>474536305
/ASLG/ #4 >>474515688
/ASLG/ #3 >>474500159
/ASLG/ #2 >>474485422
/ASLG/ #1 >>474457601
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There’s no way this guy acted alone
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The Jews tried to kill trump didn’t they…

Will trump subscribe and give in?
Nobody is gonna prove it was this Yearick guy. But can we disprove it? Where is he now? Can we see some proof of life?
What are crooks parents saying
>potential 2nd shooter at the gym across the road, about 400yds out
if true that would indicate a professional. missing a shot by mere millimeters is much more understandable at that range, even from a pro.
How crooks know the rally would start on time he's often like an hour late for these things
How was his time window so good to access the building
CNN reports it was POPPING NOISES that tried to kill Trump!
>it’s not sticking
CNN report out, it was the GLASS! Th- the TELEPROMPTER glass SHARDS tried to JFK him!
>it’s not sticking
New CNN report out it! It was a republican who tried to kill him!
>it’s not sticking
New CNN report, it was FAKE Blood! STAGED!
>it’s not sticking
New CNN report it was IRAN! guys it was an Iran Plot (tm)!
>you are here
It was an INCEL! Mentally ill incel! 4chan tried to MOSSAD Trump!!!
timing window/when exactly it started but also getting on to that roof, as well as a sense of how the rally stage/crowd layout would be configured.
He didn't just show up that afternoon with a backpack 'welp I'm here' and his demolition ranch t-shirt on.
What was he just going to climb a tree, or set up in the field at ground level with front of rifle propped up on his backpack?
Enterprising he could and may have been but there's just too many convenient perfectly-time-sequenced coincidences here for it to be 'gross incompentence' (on part of USSS/local LE) here
Where was his bike? Sun was in the west so shadow can be seen with building shadow in the background
nobody cares about 'muh motive' / 'second shooter' any more.
The total complicity of USSS and the security blanket at this event, along with the collapse of the Lawfare cases (Judge Merchan was _supposed_ to have thrown Trump's ass in jail on July 11th) tells us all we need to know about what went on here.
This was a botched assassination attempt and all of the sundry accoutrements of Crooks
>rental van
>demolition ranch t-shirt
were tokens, avatars to be used by the corporate media and D.C. administrative state to say "see? we told u so" about 'muh eeebil unhinged maga' upon Trump's demise
>just find the transient 30 something activist crust punk ezpz
>nobody cares about 'muh motive' / 'second shooter' any more.
this is precisely why theres so much misredirection
kek it went from van to car to bike
whats next
they're actually trying to 'force-feed' the second shooter, "what was his motive", "gee whillikers why would anyone in their right mind ever try something like this" etc.
fucking panicked
They can't even shit up these threads (which as OP here myself will admit are relatively low effort) because they're shidding bricks
so he had a bike?
how'd that get onto the fairgrounds
or placed there afterwards
The shooter was beamed up there by the ferengi me thinks
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just saw this picrel from previous thread
doesnt look like the same backpack
this is getting really pathetic
It was a botched assassination attempt on Trump organised or enabled by the state. High Treason.
yep they are doing what they do best which is poisoning the well
oh yeah and the other good one is
>'he was a registered Republican'
that went over like a lead balloon
everyone including the U.S. Congress itself is now onto priority #1 which is investigating top brass of USSS and DHS
Does anyone have a closeup of the guns optic yet? It clearly has one but looks like red dot or reflex sight
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that screencap from the heli feed is the best ive seen thus far
we need to get the raw vid
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>also getting on to that roof
That's the biggest question. The local PD had 3 snipers up on the second floor earlier in the day. They would have had a perfect view of him from there. Were they still up there? If not, why?

"The local sniper team, which hailed from the Butler County Emergency Services Unit, was located on the second floor providing overwatch of the crowd at the rally, the source said."


"One of the snipers inside saw Thomas Matthew Crooks outside and looking up at the roof, observing the building and disappearing, a local law enforcement officer tells CBS News.
Crooks came back, sat down and looked at his phone. At that point, one of the snipers took a picture of him."
not sure about that, there were a few still-fuzzy 'enhance' blowups of it lying on the eastern roof
rifle has been ID'd as a DPMS 5.56
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AGR was outside of thr perimeter fence for the fair grounds and was open to the public
>screencap from the heli feed
yeah and you know damn well that the downstream-from-USSS local and state LE/sheriffs involved with securing this event have all kinds of footage and data.
Covering their asses rn

Do we have a short Name list of the specific local+state agencies, and/or private contractors, which participated to secure the fairgrounds?
theres nothing to suggest thats his bike or backpack
ah I see
yet another excuse for USSS
>well that roof was a private bldg in an open-to-public area, so...
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They had snipers on the second floor of the building. The question nobody is asking is why they either weren't there (all 3 left their post?) or did nothing while Crooks was in plain view of them.

"The local sniper team, which hailed from the Butler County Emergency Services Unit, was located on the second floor providing overwatch of the crowd at the rally, the source said."


"One of the snipers inside saw Thomas Matthew Crooks outside and looking up at the roof, observing the building and disappearing, a local law enforcement officer tells CBS News.
Crooks came back, sat down and looked at his phone. At that point, one of the snipers took a picture of him."
Yes why were they sitting around in the building instead of doing their fucking jobs? Who gave that order?

I’m betting money this goes all the way to Mayorkas. Something about the way he gave his testimony last time he was in Congress. That guy is on a mission to destroy the United States of America.
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>Do we have a short Name list of the specific local+state agencies, and/or private contractors, which participated to secure the fairgrounds?
dont have it but would be a good list to make
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kek glowies and zoggies are now pointing fingers at each other
Exactly. This is the key to the whole thing. We have confirmed that three snipers were on the 2nd floor, in perfect position to see and stop Crooks. Figuring out what happened to them during the time of the shooting and who was dictating their actions is the answer to it all. It's how we figure out if there is a conspiracy, and if so, who is involved.
I was about to write a comment about this.
> everyone in LE (local, state, national), know they're not supposed talk about open investigations
> but yesterday (or day before) the secret service tried to shift blame to the local and county police
> the county police, hearing this, are now doing their own leaking, blaming the secret service.

I've seen this several times. The information you get from the leaks will almost always be the truest. It's only later, when they agree to make a good show for the public, that they mutually agree not to mention all of the other stuff
there should be more leaking and less damage control from the local police which to me suggest they were in on it
everyone is trying to save their paycheck, its clear as day whats happening
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problem for them (USSS, and also the local Pennsylvania LE) is that this is an election year
which possibility of regime change in January
exactly what I've been waiting for.
at this rate there wont be a fucking election
the zoggies all sold their souls intead of doing whats right
So why don't we know where he target practiced yet?
Nobody shoots 400 ft that good/close with out some recent target practice even if it is only 400ft
It's still a pretty far shot for an amateur especially playing on expert mode with the stress and everything else
his scene is ruined when he calls him "bubba"
> just saying

No. Under our system, there is no legal way to prevent an election. We've had elections during national emergencies, civil war, riots, natural disasters, and pandemics.
CNN reports it was POPPING NOISES that tried to kill Trump!
>it’s not sticking
CNN report out, it was the GLASS! Th- the TELEPROMPTER glass SHARDS tried to JFK him!
>it’s not sticking
New CNN report out it! It was a republican who tried to kill him!
>it’s not sticking
New CNN report, it was FAKE Blood! STAGED!
>it’s not sticking
New CNN report it was IRAN! guys it was an Iran Plot (tm)!
>you are here
It was an INCEL! Mentally ill incel! 4chan tried to mossad Trump!!!!
>wont be a fucking election
I predicted this months ago.
it seems almost as though it might ? be more likely than it was a few months ago at the height of the Lawfare.
I really believe that they are on to Plan C after Plan B fell through on Saturday
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Just walk up to 100 meters of the president carrying a RIFLE and a LADDER wearing combat/foraging clothing with long snotty hair and a face like a Floyd overdose sewer mutant …

…no response. Fire away.
I already know it’s a glow op because of the planting of “project 2025” garbage on this board in such a weirdly uniform daily way in the week before the assassination attempt even after we’d said day after day
>this is garbage
>why are you doing this we told you it was garbage the other 500 times you posted it.
And after Donald Trump had taken to Truth Social to post that he knew nothing of any “project 2025”.
I knew something sinister was building up because I’ve wayched red capped troons used by glowies doing mass murders and used to find, recruit and direct shooters like the Buffalo fat boy since the troons radicalised and instructed Toronto van attacker (sergeant 4chan, 2018, remember?). Law enforcement wont touch them and media/corrupt leftist officials work hand in glove with the murder-troons as they are all directed by the glow.
>there is no legal way to prevent an election.
>legal way
anon i...
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Glow planted this here daily
>the alt right murdered donald trump
>the people who made him shot him
>I really believe that they are on to Plan C after Plan B fell through on Saturday
yep its coming
brace for impact
Why do these pics ignore the south building counter snipers? They’re the ones who had line of sight and shot at Crooks.
you're hiding your flag, so I don't know where you are. But in the US, that's the way it is. There are zero ways in which a national election could/would be canceled
We do.
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its a low effort general
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I was texted minutes after the shooting as it was late at night here. This was my reply before i came here and posted the same thing i posted ITT about project 2025 making me believe something sinister was in the offing. I’ve seen it all too many times. The glow are murdering all year round, they need to be stopped.
Should have also included...
> in the US, elections aren't run by the national government, but by the local/county government. The federal government has no authority to interfere, and the locals aren't going to commit a crime because someone with a federal title tells them to
Are there any Pittsburgh anons here who know people from the Clairton gun club? I'm from Glassport
im not a american or anywhere near muttland, just an outside observer
but i can almost guarantee u wont have elections this year
there's a massive water tower like right here in picrel and multiple witnesses claim to have heard a second shooter firing from it.
believing that there was nobody there requires the countersnipers to have left a SECOND high vantage point completely empty and unwatched

why is nobody mentioning the water tower any more
They're the ones who made the actual shots I doubt the patsy was given a functioning gun or ammo.
>3 shots from the guys in the building after they had picked their targets
>then rapid fire as the countersnipers watching killed the patsy.
>one final one to make sure.
The communists have indoctrinated a whole generation into some fucked up noncesense LGBT cult, they simply say the word and wait for one of ghr cult loons to pop off and let it happen.
And I'm telling you that you're wrong. There is well over 200 years of legal precedent which says you're wrong.

The only people in a position to be able to "cancel' an election would be on the national level. (For example, the governor of Alaska can't cancel an election in Florida)

From a practical standpoint, the only people in a position to mechanically cancel elections are the various local and county clerks, and local city councils. But canceling an election would be illegal for them, and against their sworn oath.

So, in order for the election to be canceled as you say; you would have to have tens of thousands of local/county clerks all agreeing to commit a crime at the same time. And I'm telling you that won't happen.
Thank you, holy shit.
i get all that, but do u think u would still have an election in november if trump was actually killed on saturday
lets hope im wrong and ur right, for both our sakes
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>26 minutes later
Is this really saying that the shooter was in position for TWENTY SIX MINUTES and during that time he cloaked to invisibility or something? Come on pull the other one.
Directly after the shooting the BBC was reporting
>the secret service has to review it’s protection methods as audience members are telling us that they were pointing out to security at the venue that a man was “bear crawling” on a slightly sloped roof very near to president trump with a rifle on his back in plain view of concerned audience members.
Wow. 26 minutes though.
I’ve still got my cash, there’s a chance that the BBC page still exists I’ll look for it now.
>Is this really saying that the shooter was in position for TWENTY SIX MINUTES
their story keeps changing every day, im not even keeping up anymore see>>474570983
Is it true that CNN does NOT cover Trump rallies, but they were live for that one?
Supposedly, water towers are shit for a sniper. You are very visible and exposed, they can move a lot if its windy, and the angles aren't great for hitting ground targets. It does seem like a good place for the SS/LEO to have a spotter, though.
>Is it true that CNN does NOT cover Trump rallies, but they were live for that one?
good question that deserves an answer
>>474123247 ty anon who edited down >>474066576

Possibly someone took a shot from the window.
if you look at the google streetview, the water tower is a bad location
> incomplete line of site to the stage
> the stairs don't start until 20 feet up
> there was a stair lock on the stairs
> it would be impossible to defend your position
> it would be impossible to escape your position
> it's a pain in the ass to climb up and down with equipment

In this case, the water tower was a bad location for either the shooter or the police
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>CNN report out, it was the GLASS! Th- the TELEPROMPTER glass SHARDS tried to JFK him!
i have a handy meme for that
Water tower was the perfect observation point. Even a 5 year old knows that. The fact they did not use it shows malicious intent.
>Is this really saying that the shooter was in position for TWENTY SIX MINUTES and during that time he cloaked to invisibility or something?
he was spotted on the somewhere on the roof 26 minutes before the shooting, but he is only seen moving into position a few minutes before the shooting starts. I'm sure he was someplace farther back or even on the ground during most of that time.
Idk was CNN covering this one?
How about MSNBC
I'm pretty sure it was, but do they usually cover his rallies?
I thought they had a total blackout on those.
A smoking gun if true: They just happen to have live coverage of a small rally in Bumfucktown, PA?
>pretty sure it was,
I literally don't know
Someone needs proof if so or not
yea it was discussed on other /pol/ threads recently
But remember, everyone has been closely following Trump after the Lawfare cases collapsed, also this week (with Saturday preceding) was the RNC convention.
So it was known he was about to announce his VP, it's not a huge surprise that CNN, others wanted to be live on Saturday if he'd happened to announce.
the whole prior week was abuzz in the news about "who's he going to choose"
>spotted on the roof
LE drone footage will reveal this proof.
they're already all covering their asses, Rep. Cory Mills and others, Comer are calling USSS on the carpet about what happened.
we'll see if Congress moves forward or not in the next few weeks about any of this.
It's a major security breach potentially involving treason, and rn the head of USSS is complaining about "steep roofs"
yeah im not buying that
he announced jewd vance on truthsocial
why was cnn covering a rally
I can't find CNN coverage for the 3 rallies before that
But I also can't find any original live footage for the shooting
Which is strange because some anon mentioned this a few days ago
Not a lot of CNN watchers on /pol/ lol
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kek (((they))) were all there
> the locals aren't going to commit a crime because someone with a federal title tells them to
Not my experience. The local police facilitated a meeting between myself and the FBI at their department where their message from the FBI was that I needed to “be quiet from now on, or else they would come back.”
Put an ISR device or a PTZ camera, it's the highest elevation point and the beat one to observe the area
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The hydraulic lift behind the John Deere tractor got hit and spewed hydraulic fluid everywhere.
That is a godsend for determining bullet origin. Normally it would be impossible to locate a bullet impact location unless you're doing on site forensics. But we have a huge vehicle and an exact spot on it we can see bullet impact from videos/pics.
Thus we have the intended target, Trump, and the location of bullet impact.

Two points

Geographically map out a line intersecting these two points and trace it to the building and that's where the shooter was on the roof.
I'm too lazy to do it myself

*BUT maybe this is what they want us to think?
Like I said it's really a godsend. Almost too perfect
(to me) it's not a question of "buying" it.
Yes I agree, July 13th Butler was an op. Something was *intended* to go down.
it's not a question of whether or not CNN had live coverage of the event though. As I stated, all the networks after the first week of July 2024 were intensely interested in Trump, what his VP choice would be, the upcoming RNC convention, and the Lawfare which essentially had collapsed totally by the end of June 2024.
it was just a natural evolution of this year's election campaign event progression as I see it.
And now (even after 'muh live CNN coverage' of the attempted assassination which is being spun every whichway) they're having to move on to Plan C.

Adam Schiff just asked Biden to step down.
it's afraid
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they were live apparently
Let me add something for you
Has anyone seen ANY coverage of the above?
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>Secret Service Faces Questions After Trump Assassination Attempt
>we spotted him about five minutes after trump came on stage.
the shooter timed his own appearance well, unless somebody was directing him from inside the stadium?
The BBC re-write their articles a lot, they are the worlds premier glow tool, but this looks like the original title and at least some of the original text is pic related.
Meanwhile on US glow MSM, CNN says
>he asked for saturday off but said he would be back at work on sunday, he claimed he “had something to do”.
>we know he purchased a 5 foot ladder that morning (of the shooting) at 9am - that ladder has never been found.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=apkt3XuPJkg [Open]
This is like Vegas all over again. The FBI faked crime scene photo’s at vegas in the shooters suite, they released them to the press. The pictures made no sense they were impossible to be real - absolute garbage. Then the police sent us the original crime scene photographs, which were possible and did make sense. That was supposedly the thread Q came from but I never noticed any meme-turd being particular helpful that night. Just the Vegas police.
Anyway, a 32 lb 5 foot ladder has vanished into the twilight zone? After a shooter walked 1 mile carrying it with a riffle on his back and spent what could be up to 26 minutes watching Trump in plain view of the crowd from 100 meters away and during this time he was invisible to snipers and to police. The police eho had done nothing to hinder his approach.
…okay that’s a lot to take in.
If we time how long trump was speaking before being shot we will know how long the supposedly cloaked shooter was watching from his vantage point, at least.
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oy vey can u see
>timed his own appearance
>like Vegas all over again

it has that feel.
what Vegas felt like—in October 2017—was, an op that had been 'left over' from the previous campaign year.
That is, in 2016 Hillary was *supposed to win*.
the Las Vegas op was all planned.
It was going to be a push, after Hillary was the president of the United States in Oct 2017, for a national ban on semiauto rifles.

since Hillary *did not* win the election, they had to go ahead with the op anyway.
so it was changed into a 'ban bumpstocks' op, with the ludicrous premise that Paddock uploaded by hand several dozen bumpstock-equipped rifles up to his hotel room to commit the atrocity.
It's the most bizarre mass murder in the history of the world but, since they had a manchurian candidate and the deep state had its plan in place, even though Trump had won the Nov 2016 election it had have the lever thrown to go forward.

this Butler, Pennsylvania thing is another op that had to go forward, after the last of the lawfare cases fell through the bottom of the barrel (Merchan was supposed to have thrown Trump in jail on July 11th)
what are they going to do next?
But yet she required all of biden's dei ss
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america is a fucking kike joke
I correct myself since now they are saying
That required more attention by biden's dei ss
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lmfao thats even worse
peak clown country
A reason is that Trump was expected/rumoured to announce his VP pick. Days before the shooting he said he would make a decision by the following Monday. I remember watching his rallies for precisely this reason, though I missed the PA one.
>a lot to take in
Their failed assassination attempt is certainly getting harder and harder to explain, the more that is revealed about what was actually done.
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latest revision 8
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>after lawfare failed to stop trump’s nomination
This is a day after the assassination attempt, pic related, i cap’ed this report which was very, very quietly placed in the media here where few people were likely to pay attention to it.
it's this. Don't read too much into major media's "sudden interest" presence @ Butler 7/13
it's mid-July 2024, an election year. Lawfare totally collapsed as of June 30th It's expected and proper that the media would begin assiduous coverage of Trump's individual rallies, in anticipation of RNC and his VP announcement.
America has hit peek dei under democrat rule
It's all downhill from here, even if you vote in trump it will take more than his presidency to fix but if you don't then well you need to get life insurance that even covers trips to your doctors.
u need to add the 2nd sniper team at least see >>474573481
more than just ss
they required state police motorcycle patrol
several went to trump rally instead to help out
theyve been transfered for failure to follow orders
they wanted trump to have EVEN LESS security then he did have
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everyone's basically forgotten about Lawfare now.
now it's all about Trump the assassination victim and Plan C.

remember the "Project 2025" hype from last week?
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>u need to add the 2nd sniper
i want to
i really do
but i have not personally seen a pic showing them there
does anyone have a confirmation they were actually there?
there was supposed to be an LEO team on the bldg the shooter used, so, taking their word for doesnt work
Dn even the Taliban had a drone in the air
what about it, give qrd
this is the kind of local Pennsylvania coverage, stories we need to keep tracking wrt OP topic
dissension and anomalies in local law enforcement regimes after the failed assassination
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ur welcome
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feel free to compare the hats and/or the building itself
ur welcome

Really went off course to hit the tractor...
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lol this. I was about to make the same picture
Honestly the bullet that hit the hydraulic cylinder might be the one that hit Trump's ear. It aligns perfectly... suspiciously perfectly. Almost too good to be true.

*highest rest photo I could find pic related.
>hype from last week
and thats all it ever was
hype that the left lost their shit over, then proceeded to make a spoof site taking it to level 88 and blaming trump to put their followers into a tizzy
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also dont forget to look at the ladders
ur welcome
well /pol/ and elsewhere got shilled heavily with the "fear of Project 2025" when it was a well-known think tank proposal that's been around for 3 years under Heritage Foundation, which has existed since 1973.
it's not news.
but the normie woketard establishment media insisted that it be brought to fore as 'the new satan' or 30 Minutes' Hate topic.

anyway it's more a symptom—like Schiff's call today for Biden to step down—of "it's afraid"
Panic is setting in
The feds did it, and it's Vegas 2.0. it has all the same hallmarks: a guy with (according to the feds) literally zero motivation or motive manages to get himself and his gun in to position without ever being stopped or questioned by anyone of authority, and proceeds to carry out a shooting with huge repercussions targeted at trump and trump supporters. I've seen spotlights that glow less than this shit.
lots of parallels and glowing similarities
a rat in panic is a dangereous rat, try to keep that in mind
We saw it on Sat 7/13
Thanks for the info anon
Here is to hoping the go public.
Lol they were sitting inside to avoid the outside heat. Lazy pigs.
i posted the high res versions in earlier breads
if u want to search "full res"
meant for>>474579989
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They were building up their ham fisted plot, they wanted to blame
>the alt right
I saw it coming. I got it into the first thread on the shooting because that project 2025 stuff was so weird and unnatural and seemingly pointless, but nothing is pointless and like i said I’ve watched the glow using troon discord to groom shooters relentlessly since the Toronto “sergeant 4chan” van attack and they nearly always false flag it, like they got the Buffalo fat-boy to believe they were white-nationalist troons and told him to write catch phrases used on this board on his gun (some are mine, it’s me who does the smiley face :) when i’m flipping off wokist OP’s) before dropping iff a recording of the shooting here, planting it just like they planted the “project 2025” garbage, or they get the school shooter troon to wear a red cap.
These people have a lot of mental problems, they are not too smart either but the corrupt establishment is their handling system and it protects and uses them. The media and high up law enforcement directors. Evidently.
Pic: this little boy (who will be glow infiltrated to hell) was pushing project 2025 saying “it doesn’t matter if Trump says he’s never heard of it, he has heard of it… because he just has, alright”
will update
>the bullet that hit the hydraulic cylinder might be the one that hit Trump's ear
impossible to say without video evidence, what we know is the first bullet hit the guard rail
Podium would be futher to the right on your pic
Ooo that middle window there.
why is this thread pretending like the other sniper team didn't exist and the one on that roof was actually pointed at the crowd before it repositioned?
is it because this is a disinfo general perhaps?
>they wanted to blame
>>the alt right
entirely 100%
the problem is, this is a 2016-era moldy oldie paradigm.
Things have changed
Trump and the populist movement overall (not just in the U.S.) has morphed and evolved.
even the RNC convention in Milwaukee rn
the GOP itself, even after the assassination attempt 7/13 has a slightly different vibe.
Things are changing, paradigms are changing. They can't control the narrative the same that they had done back in the HIllary-Obama-Russiagate days
we're in a new timeline, 7/13 was a rubicon
>>474581360 memeflag
>Lemme tellya pal, how things work around these parts

Did (You) have some evidence, infographics or maps to back up any assertions?
>what we know is the first bullet hit the guard rail
How was that determined?
Ignore the second shooter part but the footage is here
Asian TV has a better angle
>the alt right murdered donald trump
And they planted evidence, i.e. the project 2025 garbage which was relentlessly posted here to that end. This is not a first, they did the exact same shit before like when the 20 troons who do the glows shooter recruiting on discord with their ‘incel absolute facts’ who had all groomed the fat boy Buffelo shooter watched the Buffalo shooting happening live and then dropped a recording of it off here with us so the glow could blame us.
Law enforcement will not touch them.
Details are here ITT
SS flagged him 3 hours earlier for trying to get into the secure area with a rangefinder.
They lost track of him after he left the secure area and became Someone Else's Problem.
It's not clear whether he left the secure area to buy a ladder at Home Depot, or whether he went directly to the Snipers' Playground (which was just outside the "secure" area) and then spent at least 26 minutes fucking around with his rangefinder, planting bombs, and pointing his rifle at faggot cops who whined about the almost-flat roof being too steep.

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i knew this gay video would pop up
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you would have to be going out of your way to ignore evidence of both to not find those things easily.
just another groyper thread misleading people.
see >>474581640
ignore the second shooter bs though
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and here's your third sniper team too

but have fun chatting amongst yourselves, buttboys. peace.
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1 dead + these two casualties
whole thing is an inexplicable shitshow nobody is buying
>third sniper team
that pic is from Erik Prince
can someone id that rifle?
>>474581861 memeflag 3 pbtid negative waves
>evidence of

>'muh groyper'
I think it was discussed a bit on other threads
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>Ooo that middle window there.
very low
there were people and leo milling around the front of that building
i think a more likely candidate for a second shooter is the tall warehouse farther north that is also in line of the shots
bike was obviously in the van
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so according to the pic this is the location
curious to know the rifle
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c3pmeme on twitter uploaded angles I hadn't seen too
That alignment, question is the height odd how flat the bullet in that picture is though, just the slightest drop.
>the rifle
might be an M110 SASS or SR-25?
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>just the slightest drop.
calculate this slope over 400 feet
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I’m late for a thing i need to rush off.
You know the score i think it’s obvious. This was a ham fisted glow op. Same MO as normal and we were all lined up as partial patsies
>the alt right who made trump
>shot trump
And people would have believed them too.
Good job we laughed that shite they were planting out of town.
This is why you can never relax around shills, too many people have got into believing in sides in that set up that is ukraine, putin was always the biggest WEF jew piece of shit ever, zelensky was elected by campaigning that he was one of putins oligarchy guys and together they’d bring peace. They both steal eye watering scrouge mcducks full of money and now putin (worth a third if a trillion with a T) says his oligarch gang are going to seize everything in russia - “because ukraine bad”. Don’t trust a damn thing, there is a war being waged against humanity by the corrupting malignant rich. Pic related.
Either it's a giant glow op that goes all the way to the top (Mayorkas and Biden) or ZOG's finest are so addled by diversity, bureaucracy and general faggotry that only God can stop bullied nerds from living out their most insane power fantasies.
new twist:
Crooks' parents were "looking for their son" and called the cops day of the assassination attempt:

the leo sniper team was inside, somewhere
the pic shows uniformed leo walking in front of the building looking for the shooter the people were yelling about
Read this
We are the patsies, again
>just the slightest drop.
the pic is not perpendicular to the flight path from the side
its at ground level looking up... and on an angle at that
theres going to be fuck ton of parallax
he threw the ladder and gun over and climbed it? he was a skinny dude. doesnt look like any barb wire?
looks like a bigger caliber barrel
FWIW I'm sure Biden didn't arrange anything, but he did imply approval, with "Put Trump in the bullseye".
I blame the media too because of their nonstop gaslighting and their Nine Years' Hate

That's interesting. He must have said something that morning.
They were both Jewish shrinks BTW.
I don't think they turned their own son into a Manchurian Candidate, but I think it's likely that they drove him insane somehow.
I vaguely knew a guy who was the son of two Jewish shrinks and he was all kinds of fucked up.
They used to send him to school in a dress to "break down social constructs about gender".
>new twist:
>Crooks' parents were "looking for their son" and called the cops day of the assassination attempt:
hmm interesting
they didnt think to check the rifle that was missing?
why do you ask the question of where the shooter was, but your image marks one location?
Hmm. When was the actual last time he was seen at work? I don't trust the parents, shrinks are lunatics.
Obviously. Shills and feds are pushing the narrative today that it was merely "DEI incompetence"
Yeah right, like they don't call for Trump's death daily on MSM. Obviously this was a discord-groomed chud
>They were both Jewish shrinks BTW.
no cohencidences
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Range finder for a 150 yard shot and still misses. I bet it was a pos and didn't account for angle. Nevertheless it's overkill for most things except 500+ yard hunting, setting up your range targets and golf.
Video captured of Crooks walking around the building over an hour before the shooting.
How the fuck do you provide overwatch, visual scanning and CS cover set back and looking out a fucking window? Absolute bullshit. This was the actual shooting team and they want to cover the risk of someone finding out agents were in there and explain why "noone was covering the building".
>still misses
he didnt miss retard, he just couldnt predict trumps head movements
>si tracker link
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He already told them he was going to the range so they knew he took the rifle.
About 6 to 7 ft above your top line
Thanks I answered my window question, roof it is.
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This stuff reminds me of Jagged Alliance 2.
My mooks on the ground getting shot at by some cock sucker on a roof while the overwatch fails to spot him.
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I'm sure it's a not available to the public yet sig setup.
>let’s focus on the patsy instead of the fact that powerful people made this happen
controlling the narrative 101
we already know the jews did this
but all we have left is to continue to break their narratives
Side note
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this is important, find out who shorted
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are there any more mysteries with this photo?
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the mystery that a glowie photographer was placed there to take 6 million frames of trumps head being blown off?
>Enterprising he could and may have been but there's just too many convenient perfectly-time-sequenced coincidences here for it to be 'gross incompentence' (on part of USSS/local LE) here

The Secret Service broke Standard Operating Procedure with the sniper teams because they are in on it.

The head of the Secret Service was blowing Dick Cheney when 9/11 went down, she's deep state as fuck and yet still managed to fuck this up to the point where she is honestly a suspect in the minds of reasonable, independent thinkers. Deep State slut did all this just to get Peter Thiels old Appalachian fucktoy the VP spot
100's of billions for ukraine and SS can't afford a $500 drone?
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338 lupa would of turned trumps insides to milkshake even with plates. Greedy headshots. Low iq many such cases, sad!

I'm not on the shooters side just a note for the upcoming conflict.
the cameraman perfectly placed. was meant to be shocking and graphic to horrify and demoralize people. Praise God it did not work!
How did the dems say trump won in 2016
>An act of god
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Cool it with the antisemitism.
u sound upset, whats ur next move to spark civil war?
>Deep State slut did all this just to get Peter Thiels old Appalachian fucktoy the VP spot
are u suggesting the plan was never to kill him?
>>the bullet that hit the hydraulic cylinder might be the one that hit Trump's ear
>impossible to say without video evidence
The video evidence *should* exist though.
The thousands of PSI in the hydro cylinder will shoot out 50 feet in the blink of an eye. Faster than Crooks getting a 2nd round out on a semi auto AR.

So we need a vid that has the cylinder and Trump in the same frame to compare.
I'm thinking he'll try to grab his ear the exact moment we see a plume of mist shooting from the cyinder.

That would prove the first round hit both Trump and the cylinder.

I guess a clip with good audio maybe could also confirm it but with sound travel time it might not be definitive.
yeah don't think so.
larger-than-.30 is not typically used by LE or USSS marksmen nor would it be necessary even at the site shot distance shown
>barrel size in picrel
that's just the camera lens perspective pov
>perfectly placed
I'd say this.
when people talk about "CNN was there live unlike other times" what you need to pay attention to, rather, is this still photographer.
I'd bet he was there to capture the money shot
agreed we need more videos which im sure are out there somewhere in someones phone, but these are boomers we're talking about
i only look at whats on xitter but these boomers are mostly on other kike platforms like kikebook, truthsocial, gettr, none of which i browse
possibly, its a really bad pic to get positive id.. we'll never know for sure i guess
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I'm not upset, I'm just saying in war there's no time for headshots, pictures, pows, raping, ect and that you need something with more punch so anywhere you get hit your'e out of the fight. 556 is too weak past 300 yards with $99 plates. My range steel laughs at 100 yard greentips. Even at 25 yards it's useless.
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This is what makes me so mad.
It's this fake news lie that it was a "registered republican wearing a gray American flag shirt with Trump signs in his yard" that pisses me off the most because that's not at all the Modus Operandi of the actual shooter(s).

We poltards have to find out the truth of the shooters' identities AND motives ourselves while the Fed-funded press machine lies to our faces about what really happened.
>I already know it’s a glow op because of the planting of “project 2025” garbage
I know it's a glowop because of the planting and dissemination of fake and gay sauce here the spread everywhere else.
>Fake Crooks
>Fake SS statement "I wanted to shoot but"
>manipulation of narrative by quashing questions

Yeah, fake and gay but the moment I knew Crooks was a pasty was the moment they took this image and published it immediately here--so it would spread.

Yanking his head back by the hair and taking a close up of his face. Not close enough though, in this image it's clear he was shot from the rear and that shattered his teeth. The position of his head prior to it being yanked up also shows shot from the rear.

Never in my entire life have I seen a display of glownigger violation of the law than this violation of a crime scene--second? Washing the blood off the roof and pretending to "investigate" by canvassing nearby residents.

The closest I've seen to this is the "leaked" fake and gay Paddock "suicide" image, and the leaked image of the dead (her name started with an Na...it's an weird one) woman/model who went on TV and exposed the pope...she was found nude and dead on the bed in her hotel room but it was clear she wasn't killed there. Italian cops leaked the nude images.

This is wrong, it is vile, and that poor kid.

Then glowniggers rotated the image and that's the one that got spread--rotating the image made the blood flow appear different.
Yep. Make it look like "blah blah Proj 2 5 was the SOLE IMPETUS behind the shooter's anger" etc.
Ah, the water tower. I posted this image yesterday, glowniggers made sure there was no discussion.

No no don't notice this.
no, we're going to find out about that one.
People are asking about the 'other sniper team' and I'm confident that'll be answered, maybe soon
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>at the bottom of the tower
i know i know
perspective is a bitch
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you guys have to stop spamming that 40 year old man.
the kid was never drumpf, people he went to school with said he was anti trump, he wanted to vote against drumpf in the closed primary, he donated to actbule.
yes he was given free reign to wander around the rally with a rangefinder, he was under constant surveillance while he was there and he was there, there was a a 'lapse' in communication between the usss and local leo that gave him the opportunity to shoot at cheeto hitler.
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You are correct. That will be due to a national natural or otherwise massive disaster. If I had to guess it would be a MASSIVE west coast EQ, Cascadia, Juan De Fuca to Gorlock--which then unzips to San Andreas and a massive tsunami. It's either there or New Madrid.

The next thing will be picrel--They'll have to get rid of Silicone Joe. This one always goes un-remarked. GlowsKnow.

Then it will be the fake alien invasion. (It's actually the next illuminati card...
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Is it true that Hillary Clinton always has some shit to say about Trump, but preferred to shut her witch cunt mouth this time around?
guess i need to find more of these high res aerial shots
When sleepy joe biden interrupted that cringe primetime ESPYs ESPN Sports Awards broadcast thing to give a "BIG BOY" press conference, I immediately felt weirded out by the use of the phrase "Big Boy".

It was subsequently repeatedly plastered all over Fake News headlines online the whole rest of the week leading up the President Trump Assassination Attempt.The fact that it was being so ardently referred to and directly quoted in their headlines stood out to me as maybe some sort of "Go" signal.
>Operation Big Boy
>Thomas Acted Alone
Well at least now I am reading about some sort of action being taken to act bravely, or at least try to get to the guy on the roof. Sounds like Cheeto Lady personnel was muddying up communications to keep people from acting on the threat
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Biden sharted. Oh shorted? No idea.
I noted this last night. MSM never covers his rallys. Ever, yet they were all there. The glownigger photographer was there hoping to get a head blown off image.

This X post--(cope was the media were expecting a VP announcement--sure sure).
Holy shit.
hm didn't think of it (last week's corporate media shill-op) quite that way, but plausible for a leadup to the assassination having been executed as planned.
it surely could have been cited as a 'prime reason' for this little manchurian's having done his evil deed on behalf of the deep adminstrative state.
Notice that this week, the talking points and overarching shill narratives have palpably changed. Adam Schiff is calling for Biden to resign. It's outright sheer panic, now
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this is a good one
Either suspicious or a blessing because it makes it harder for them to lie about it.
Will be harder to pull of a JFK with all of the independent sources of info being released.
full res here
yeah was discussed ^^^above.
I think more likely (than several media networks) is that the front-row photographer was there to capture the money shot but it missed
> 40.85617427625597, -79.97308528729839
Somebody said a few days ago that there was a 3rd sniper team in that bench stand.
I didn't think it made any sense.
Looking at this perspective, I really wonder what the point was.
Doesn't seem easy to shoot the assassin behind the precipice from there, though.
The more I think about it, the more I think the cleaner was on the water tower.
>a blessing because it makes it harder for them to lie about it
This, it got 'turned on its head'
so it was a getaway van parked elsewhere, a car in the parking lot, a bike nearby, and he walked 1 mile from home depot to the location while carrying the ladder
what the fuck
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top down view
full res here
So, that fake news was the excuse to have all the media present.
Yes. Same "leaked death image" which was so fake and gay it was laughable--Paddock was shot dead the moment the glowniggers breached the room. They positioned his body then fired the 38 for the "suicide" set up, only the casings landed on dried blood. (Same with Crooks, too dried blood on his face). Later claimed Paddock's car was full of explosives.

Vegas was a hit on MBS that failed. He had multiple body doubles, hence all the reports of shootings at other hotels that were quashed.
very good
not only were they on the 2nd floor, they were supposed to be on the roof but it was "too hot" on the roof
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Current most plausible theories
>DEI SS agents were completely negligent and allowed this to happen out of pure incompetence
>It was allowed to happen on purpose
So the shooter(s) were placed on that particular roof knowing that it would be difficult for (all) of Trump's Sniper teams to see them?
I heard they are complying with law enforcement. Reported from CBS or something, idk.
No they didnt. Miriam Adelson, Ike Perlmutter, Bill Ackman, Steve Schwarzman, Bernard Marcus and several other jews are giving Trump hundreds of millions for his campaign. Trump moved the embassy to Jersusalem, assassinated Solemani, missle attacked Syria, and pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal for Israel. Jews probably think Trump can get more White men to join the military than Biden. Why do you think jews dont like Trump?
If its the first one, we need to find instances of incompetence in previous rallies
It might be hard to prove, but there should be other obvious unguarded buildings at other rallies if the secret service is this incompetent
Its like a fatal drunk driving incident, most likely this wasn't the first time they drove drunk
And remember Biden has said he was in the race to save democracy and he was the only one who could beat Trump. He was planning on dropping out once Trump was killed.
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>not sure about that, there were a few still-fuzzy 'enhance' blowups of it lying on the eastern roof
>rifle has been ID'd as a DPMS 5.56

I guess all of the shooters having DanielDefense rifles was glowing too hard so they made sure it was something else this time?

Something nobody is really talking about. The field to the south west of the building with the three trees. This was the area the video was shot of the "shooter" on the roof, he was above the walkway awning on the south west side of the roof in plain sight of the people in the trees.
He would have had to belly crawl well over 100+ ft to get to the other end of the building where the pictures showed him down. This would have taken a fair bit of time especially on that hot roof with his hands and stomach burning.
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another angle
full res here
This came out as a cope after an eyewitness described a man riding a Harley that rode into the closed police lot wearing skinny black jeans and a "don't tread on me" flag around his neck. He went into the building. The next day the Harley is parked in the same spot.
Tried to timestamp but they get into it right away:

the next day, repeated here, timestamp

Then at the scene the next day

Who was that? My guess is the "outside contractor" like the one that did the Idaho 4 shooting, who rolled in to take the shot.
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Enough. I've already decided to vote for Trump, you don't have to keep trying to sell me on him.
Based on that pic that murdered firefighter Corey Comperatore was probably blocking the shot.
They wanted his head exploding with the "Make America Great Again" and TRUMP logo all in one clear high res frame
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I''ve seen this flag many times in the past, but its not often, very rare flag here guize
Aiming down
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Must have seethed when this became the image of the day
From the get-go, I found it so weird how the reporters all rushed there and all these perfect shots were made.
Today I wonder if perhaps maybe one of the citizens that yelled "He's got a gun" were actually indicating that the shit was going to hit the fan, signalling to the shooter he has green-light and to the photographer(s) that the moment was coming.
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This whole bullshit with second assassin from some completely unsuitable location with the dead shitbag on the roof being nothing but a patsy was a pain in the ass in the past days.. people just trying to desperately regurgitate the JFK / LHO narrative.
None of it made any sense in itself, and Occam's razor was pretty sharp and clear this time around.
All that time wasted on a stupid question just because we CAN'T have the answers to the real questions.
> Who was the inside man / who were the inside men
> Who did what to enable this.
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>Range finder for a 150 yard shot and still misses.

Elevation was dead-on. ShareBlue Shooter wiffed the windage. Gusty that day - pic related.
I'd go 6.5 Grendel and gone for the headshot.
possibly related to
Stop poisoning the well, kike faggot
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I am not satisfied with the "constant surveillance" bit. You question his ass and corral him somewhere to be sure. You don't give him an hour to just prance around interior fenced-off areas, scrambling around on rooftops with a bunch of backpacks.

There was more than one shooter wearing gray walking around, there were two sniper stations set up on that roof, Maxwell Yearick drove the van & the retarded kid was on the bike.
Locals were not like tasked by SS with perimeter detail or securing the AGR building. SS got caught lying
Cor blimey, that's the best shot ever. Completely proves the SSCS2 had a perfect angle. There was another reason that held them back and not the fucking tree.
Does the radio chatter from this kind of thing get recorded? It should
It always had to be ruled out with a window below
And allegedly a trained sniper in there
The security void was intentional
>the more I think the cleaner was on the water tower.

>agent i want you and him up on the water tower

>fuck you we aint climbing that shit pick a different spot

no agent was going to climb the fucking water tower
>/pol/ and elsewhere got shilled heavily with the "fear of Project 2025" when it was a well-known think tank proposal that's been around for 3 years under Heritage Foundation, which has existed since 1973.
That was Jews. Spreading that Trump was responsible for that. JewGlowniggers, JIDF--etc.
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>maxwell yearick
Give it up already you well poisoning kike faggot!
Glowie here demands we stick to the lone gunman narrative.
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I'm a Creedmoor guy since it's a laser beam to 800 yards and is immune to wind and can kill anything on God's green and blue earth.
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The guy is dead. whats the point of looking for 10 threads already how roof looks like??
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good image of the usss snipers
full res here
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Why is our flag backwards on that shirt? Ban ladders.
WE HAVE ANOTHER "WHITE HAT" SITUATION ala Boston Marathon Bombing.
Video footage of one of the shooters does not look like Crooks to me. More fit-looking. Yearick-like
They're going to need to explain how a range finder would work from the ground with no real view to the target. And why they took an image of him from above on the cement wall and immediately published it after the shots were fired.

More glownigger fuckery to muddy waters
>scope (he had no scope)
>x post fuckery
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mother fucker... i just figured something out
>Thus we have the intended target, Trump, and the location of bullet impact.
>Two points
>Geographically map out a line intersecting these two points and trace it to the building and that's where the shooter was on the roof.
>I'm too lazy to do it myself

I was actually thinking this same fucking thing, holy shit line the points up and the shooter was in the fucking building in the middle window!!!!! Ground level!!!!!!!!!!! NOT ON THE ROOF.

I am about to edit some pix be right back
>>scope (he had no scope)
thats still not certain see >>474569742
He didn't use a ladder, he used the AC vents to climb up. The rifle must've been stored the night before
this seems to be a pretty huge story development.
the general consensus had been that the locals had responsibility for security by that glass research business and completely botched it, right?
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>he used the AC vents to climb up
this is very likely the case
>nobody talking about the water tower
>useless thread
>muh water tower
what about it retard? we've been through that 6 gorillian times already
All i can tell is the armageddon suppressor cover.
> ruled out
The fact that the bleachers were blocking a number of hits including the crane was outruling enough for me.
Did you even read my comment, retard?
Focus on demanding answers to the real questions instead of poisoning the well!
My guess is the phone call or text he was observed making on his phone while on the cement wall was to his parents. Something ominous to cause concern.
paywall thanks for nothing. at least clip the relevant part or archive.
good pic. yeah, that makes the 'got on roof via a/c unit' story look plausible.
He hated his parents, he's not calling them.
The call was to his fucking glownigger handler.
Or Maxwell Yearick
> Butler sniper
That reminds me, anybody know what that anon was going on about this guy
> Matthew Wagner
He was supposedly a sniper cop on duty that day and that anon kept calling him a POI
His linkedin seems to have been recently scrubbed.
>maxwell yearick
that's what USSS want people to believe. Well the local cops are saying they had nothing to do with security & simply liaison with USSS. So those buildings were not even of "concern" to USSS or they would have been in the perimeter. The question is how would Crooks know that as he would have no chance if USSS had been there. Unless of course he knew & USSS also knew it would be ideal for him to shoot from.
Lurk moar
The SS killed Trump themselves yet? If i was him I would have and armed guard on every SS assigned to his detail.
if both the ladder purchase and got up via a/c story are correct, does that not suggest the lone wolf story is more likely and he was improvising at the scene?

(i tended to lean toward conspiracy but honest investigators should admit when stuff suggest a different theory.)
if they have a drone shot of him before, why not a drone shot during?
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I am also about to edit this picture, the only way the bullet hit the hydraulic cylinder where it did, is if the shooter was on the ground level. It would have had to have been in that middle window, ground level shooting at Trump on the stage.
If the shooter was on the roof, the bullet would have a downward trajectory, the hydraulic cylinder was hit at an elevation higher than Trumps head. As seen here
So he's walking around behind the fence looking for? he has no ladder, no backpack, no anything with him an hour before the shooting.

Then he's seen on the cement wall with no equipment 28 minutes before...
>Well the local cops are saying they had nothing to do with security & simply liaison with USSS.
whats strange about this whole thing is they leaked that pic from the 2nd floor building almost like they knew they were being set up
Nobody’s has ever heard of him. Sounds like fake news from Jewish well poisoners to shift the narrative away from who the REAL shooter was. Thomas Matthew Crooks. SAY HIS NAME.
The issue is the 26 mins, if he completed the whole lot in 8 mins there would be less questions
This is sounding more and more like a Brian Cohee situation (17 year old that decapitated a homeless guy in Colorado).
Shitty, idiot stupid parents that spoil rotten their arrogant, SSRI-doped up loser faggot kid.
to be fair, Crooks was doing a lot of scouting that day prior to getting on the roof. Still, it doesn't add up. To me, it feels like he was paranoid because he was expecting the whole thing to be a setup and for him to be a fall guy, but when he realized that the guard was, in fact, down as planned, he decided to go through with the plan, got his weapon and went up on the roof.
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Don't forget that both of his parents are therapists, that and the lack of any online presence leads me to believe it could be a MkUltra type thing.
They could have taken him in as orphan and raised and vetted him through a doctrined incel-terrorist type or manipulation, gaslighting, orchestrated abuse through peers.
He was literally in a BlackRock ad and all the footage we have of him is him having a mental breakdown on campus screaming that he's republican.
lurk moar
>(((they))) knew. $DJT and Truth Social stocks shorted before the assasination attempt. Very high short volume. Unatural. They fkn knew !!!
bike was obviously in the car in the van
Yeah, same reason biden is tacitly responsible for Laken Riley's murder too, because biden's executive orders allowed for the flood of millions of illegal aliens over the border in addition to tacitly encourage other wackos to hurt Trump supporters.
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Someone always has more money/power. Every blade of grass is a snake.
@ 1:45
able to access the roof by climbing over an airconditioning unit...

What the fuck level of fuckery is this shit? How could anyone scale a building with all that equipment by climbing this?

Stupid af. More muddy waters.
butler superintendent stated no police officers were working any sort of job like that there
someone posted some image of a text image that was posted on shitter that was explaining he was the guy in the pic, etc.
more than likely a lie
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>that and the lack of any online presence leads me to believe it could be a MkUltra type thing.
yes but also the fact that (((they))) are covering for him
he was seen on the phone prior to the shooting
guess who own (((discord)))
and it was the staging point for everyone
the whole thing stinks
Just like 9.11. I wonder if it's possible to figure out WHO was shorting the stock. Could be very interesting HOT sauce.
Doesn't look like Crooks to me.
So suspicious how we have no current body pics of him to compare body types.
not that two storey building see >>474595048
for sure would reveal who knew
Same shirt, same shorts, same hair… how is it not?
Because his stuff is already up there ready for him.
Thanks. I said this the day after it happened, follow the money, find out who shorted. I was more focused on riots, threat of civil war, run-of-the-mill black swan preparedness... never thought about $DJT. This is exactly where investigations would go in a sane world.
The assassination of "Silicone Joe". Will be framed as retaliatory. Let's face it, him withdrawing or dying of a stroke won't provide the drama/upset they need to continue the chaos.

They've got to "get rid" of that masked man somehow, and a retaliatory assassination would be it. Wait for it--the best bloodiest death scene ever acted. Silicone Joe gets to retire to Fiji and sip mai tai's with his millions of earned the hard way bucks while the US implodes.

Here's the thing. if we talk and talk about this and spread it--they won't be able to DO it and will be stuck with a "stroke" or something.

Think about it--how else are they going to get rid of the Masked Actor?
my point was if he bought a ladder, that suggests (obviously) he thought he'd need that to get on roof.

but after purchase, he either discovered he couldn't get ladder on site, or there was an easier, less attention-drawing way to get on roof - via the a/c unit.

that would obviously suggest he was to a good degree ad-libbing the shooting throughout day, which would tend to suggest he was lone wolfing (i.e., if a conspiracy, it would tend to have all details more set and not require too much ad-libbing by the patsy/gunman)
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Bingo on the adoption mk ultra glownigger "parents". I'd bet stormy daniels and an army of others have the same story. 20 years of programming and he failed. Mk ultra programming is easier when young and a lot of lsd.
I just think there was an adult that was helping crooks and that he didn't act alone.
I denounce the talmud.
What are the three puffs on the side in this video?


the puffs are timed with the shots, but at the same time the dude in the stands was shot from? These shots can't all come from the same place, can they?

What are the three puffs that are timed with the shots fired?

Cullen is an asshole but there's something in this video that bears thinking on.
Great take anon
someone bake?






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That's some big balls, like planet sized. Must have a lot of power with the confidence nothing will ever ever ever happen.
It was crooks. Ears, eyes, nose, moles all match crooks. No sleeve tattoo either. Nice try Jew faggot!
sounds about right
Your image does not show the vehicles in my shot. Try again.They're not even parked in the same direction.
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erm nope
It looks like he also hit the hydraulics on the lift behind Trump, so that might put him further behind the treeline.
Yup. Move on shill.
>Move on shill
cute projection
Ok Bernstein whatever you say
This is some major fuckery.
If they got fragged where were they standing?
Another data point for the shot trajectory.
Think these two will die in tragic vehicle accidents in the next few weeks?
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Explain this to me, I don't get it.
The Short volume interest peaked massively on Monday, 15th, not prior
If I want to show that it peaked in the two weeks prior, why don't they show more data, like from June?
I don't think so? skinny jeans and a don't tread on my flag on a Harley that is not a police bike..also Butler police say NONE of their officers was involved in security.

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