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general thread for all relating to the Butler, Pennsylvania fairground shooting
>exact location of shooter on building roof: west or east side
>how did he get up on the roof
>did LE confront him there
>snipers were stationed inside building, underneath him at exact same time
>anything relating to the shooting layout
>airphoto maps, diagrams of site
>ballistics, paths of the shots taken
>USSS, local/state LE fuckups and attempts to evade accountability
>cover up

Previous threads:
/ASLG/ #3 >>474500159
/ASLG/ #2 >>474485422
/ASLG/ #1 >>474457601
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Orange man staging an iconic photo for the judenpresse when there was an active shooter is all you need to know it was staged.
can i get a qrd on this crooks guy? is he blackrock or what? was the antifa long hair fagoot the real killer? who even is that guy and why is his picture everywhere?
remember anons
according to all the reports a 3 man swat team was inside here
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oops forgot picrel
crooks = possible patsy
He was in a blackrock commercial. The other guy was noticed early by /pol/ as a potential shooter but apparently its not him, although they look alike.

It doesn't really change much, the story here is what the Secret Service was doing.
Who shot Trump is far less important than the fact the Secret Service let him shoot Trump, and might have helped him.
Tim Kennedy explains the 'ineptness' of what happened Saturday 7/13
Police were unable to go to the roof becasue the roof was sloped and deemed to dangerous.
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Audacity audio file of the CNN microphone. You can count the shots and time between sonic crack and rifle report.
>Who shot Trump is far less important than the fact the Secret Service let him shoot Trump, and might have helped him.
precisely this
why was the swat sniper team inside and not securing the rooftop and why were they not coordinating with usss
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It's too late for me to catbox this (needs sound) but every anon should see this:

It appears to show multiple shots incoming at the same time, potentially indicating more than one sniper.

Here is link to references on 4plebs:
now compare with both of these and work out whats outgoing and incoming
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First three all obviously from same gun, line up with Crook's location. Shot 4 and 5 have a similar makeup of bullet to report as first three shots, but are much closer together. Fired more rapidly.
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Seriously who let a woman speak?
You're the memeflag I was berating in the last thread. You're not that bad, it's just people have a natural distrust of memeflags.

I like Gershon, he's funny but I haven't seen him for ages.
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Here are shots six and seven, both cracks, but way too close together...
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I don't think this photo shows the bullet that supposedly hit Trump. We can't really tell how close to him it was, it could be 10, 20 or 30 feet behind him.
Also that anon who thinks the bullet is travelling from right to left rather than left to right is smoking crack. Yes YOU anon. you're smoking crack.
They have cameras everywhere now days where is the camera footage of this guy driving to the location with a ladder strapped to his hood.

Where is the footage of him unloading the ladder and moving it into position.

What kind of car does this idiot drive, anybody know.
Interesting, but why the fuck did somebody overlay nigger music over it? Somebody find the original video of the shots.
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Zooming out on these two we can see there are two reports at different spaces in time, making for two possibilities.
yes i pointed this out in an previous thread, at least 4 rapid shots fired in less than a second but with the same echo and sound, theres an 8th shortly after the burst which is distinctly different (without echo) and a short pause before a 9th ping (presumable a longer distant sniper shot)
either way, good stuff anon
They are just trying to muddy the waters, but /pol/ is the best in the world at cutting through the bullshit and getting to the relevant facts.
see my initial post post here >>474463000
and please compare these two videos i posted >>474517610
it make sense if they're from different sources
for the first 3 shot it could make sense they were shot by someone different than 4 and 5
3 first shot from the sniper windows
4 - 5 from the patsy 6 - 7 by the counter sniper
Yeah, any time someone adds music to a video they are trying to manipulate your feelings
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Thomas knew the feds watching Trump were a bunch of jobbers that would let him get shots off before killing him
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Pair that with the times and you see that the first possibility is the more likely. Mostly because shot seven being 0.22 seconds change lines up with the initial shots. This means shot 6 has to have come from somewhere else, or in the case of scenario two, there are three different locations shots are coming from before the 8th kill shot. Question is, where is it coming from, can we find out based on this distance?
Honest open question:
How is it that everyone is assuming that a twink who "took his dad's gun" and "bought ammo just the night before" was able to get off 130m headshot trajectories with such accuracy?
That is the stinkiest part of this whole kerfuffle to me.

If the kid had been like some of the HS rifle team kids at my gun club, who spend many hours each week with a known firearm they constantly practice with, using known loads, I could maybe see it--kids with Jr. Olympic or national/regional/state tier ribbons.
But a CASUAL shooter?

This story relies on people believing that guns are these magic things that you just point in a direction and they hit whatever target is in the shooter's brain when the trigger is pulled.
This story aligns with what I would anticipate to be an operation where banning guns--because they are such dangerous magic tools--was on the docket.
To my nose, it smells.
I've skimmed the previous threads quickly--just in off field after a long hot day--so maybe missed discussion of this.
please do this with these two >>474517610, one which is close to the shooter and the other close trump
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Last is the final shot. Only the sonic crack is audible, this likely means it comes from the suppressed SS sniper's rifle killing Crooks.
SS didn shoot only once
You are so bad at this, please stop
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according to erik prince the killshot was from usss sniper 488yards away but havent seen any corroborating evidence
Why do you say that? Is it in a video somewhere?
someone tell this audacity audio analyst to unblock the jihadi memeflag lol
>crooks took out a range finder

yeah fucking right lol so this nigga took out a range finder but didn't even have an optic on his rifle, and then proceeded to miss 3-4 shots? Get real
the two shooter with the boondocks bucket hats that were on trump left were pictured shooting more than once
they're the peoples credited with the kill there's a video somewhere
Hi, was just copy pasting some things from someone's video. Ill look at these on my audacity and report.
Maybe he used an xbox controller with aim assist
thank you anon, thought u had me blocked lol
That definitely makes sense as far as the view wit the trees is concerned, but I'd definitely like to see a vid of them shooting more than once.
Did you get this from Chris Martenson?
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important to note that there were two sniper teams behind the stage and a third in an undisclosed location
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Ok, this is gonna take me a minute because I haven't used this thing in years.
Yeah the pictured bullet is #2 or 3. He was already putting his hand to his ear because he was shot by #1.
>Yeah the pictured bullet is #2 or 3. He was already putting his hand to his ear because he was shot by #1.
this is plausible
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dont forget to change the selection settings
I just finished most of it.

So it's apparent they used an outside contractor (like they did on the Idaho 4) who rolled up on a harley wearing a don't tread on me flag around his neck and skinny black jeans. He goes into the building takes his sot then leaves.

I swear I head other people mention a man with yellow on but i can't recall where.

>This guy was probably a wind up toy sent on a mission.
those are the guys but there was another video zoomed closer when it was happening
>those are the guys but there was another video zoomed closer when it was happening
no ur confusing it with the other sniper team two buildings over to the north see>>474519100
>2:46 - she says she saw a guy pull up on a harley into a parking lot with only cop cars in it wearing skinny jeans.
>The shooter looks like he has black pants pulled down when you can see his legs which I noticed before
Shooter was wearing khaki colored shorts with a brown belt, that flag T-shirt and ratty tennis shoes.

He came in a van or a hundai.

Motorcyle dude went into the building.
Posters here are limited to uploading images only 4mb in size. OP image was 20 MB when I copied it to paint to mark more things and tried to reupload it, it wouldn't load because it was too big. Checked size and it was close to 20 mb. I was unable to repost the image I marked with little arrows because it was much too larke and making it smaller would have blurred the things i was trying to mark.
cat1 was the team who moved when they ear the shots
cat2 are the team who took the shot with the boondock hats
hm have not seen the video ur refering to then
I might be wrong too but it's what I understood that night.
Snipers hide forum says gisel trigger can at max do 120 milliseconds. Wonder what pops had in his.
i'm a glow-E
you kids have no idea what you're getting into
my advice is to stop, turn 360 degrees and walk away now before it's too late
im really scared glowngger
This is brilliant whoever did this thanks

18 seconds you can see the cement wall he was sitting on and his location on the roof. BUT seconds earlier we see the three cops going what can only be called the long way around...


This gives a better persepctive than say the
close in cropped stills from the civilian vid.

Picrel is still showing the cops going the LONG way around.
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the zoggies had a swat team inside the two storey building with clear overwatch of the adjacent roof >>474516351
none of this makes sense
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optical illusion
God Emperor dodges the bullet Matrix style...he's the One
On a good day I could hit Trump from there with an Innova Wraith
The camera man was shooting at 4000 frames / second or rather 1/4000th exposure. The velocity at the point trump was standing was likely around 2800 FPS. If we know or can calculate the view angle - or focal length of the lens being used we should be able to calculate both the distance to trump and the distance of the bullet. There is an interview with the photographer.
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better version without that gay watermark
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hm saw this earlier
The place was swarming with glowniggers, I assume thats the reason for the bullshit Iran stuff being pushed. And glowniggers always opperate the same way it seems. Dupe some poor retard into doing something they want, show him where to go and what to do, then either arrest him before he does it for good goy points or kill him when hes finished.
So they edited out the artist's attribution to replace it with a praying hand emoji message? That's the opposite of better.
There were multiple shots dummie
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nah this is from the same creator, just without the tiktok faggotry
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meds. now!
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>muh slope
I've seen it mentioned only in passing a couple times in the press, but one audio analysis concluded three weapons were recorded - first three from weapon A, next 5 from weapon B, and a final shot from weapon C.

(forgive the link to pajeet media but it was the most detailed I could find)
>detailed analysis
>provides no analysis but interpretation
is this a joke?
I put it on catbox

The puffs were related to the shooting. I bet these are the "bad shots" from Crooks, if indeed he shot at all.
this video is dumb, spent the last two threads asking for the original source
that nigger was not hit, hes not in the casualty list
but feel to prove me wrong
They claim it was a ratty van with arizona plates (can't see the fn plates) parked in a nearby neighborhood.

This means Crook went to Home Depot (claimed MSM) and bought the ladder, then went to the site, sat on cement wall, phoned someone (his dad? texted?) then took at a range finder (how useless is that where he was?) and then went back to the van, carried his ladder and backpack to the site, climbed up and shot Trump.

Alrighty then.
Cullen does shit like that. He legit thinks hes legend. But he stops the music during the shots, at least there's that.

The photog who took the famous flag photo was using a Sony GM 50mm f1.2, dunno if he took this photo
You are correct. There's zero way that groomed kid made that shot. Zero.
Crooks was shot from behind. Not front from the snipers near Trump, although they did fire (eventually) the shot that killed him came from behindish him.
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>carried his ladder
I don't think there's been any indication on when the ladder was placed there. He may have left it there beforehand next to that storage container. He may have had the rifle in there as well, as he could just grab it before he scaled the roof.

That seems most likely, but no info is out there to clarify yet.
Quite a coincidence, that!
find the fatty who recorded this vid to confirm the plates

That guy is an imbecile. lol. He's all aboard every qanon-grade crockery available. That video is not different.
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this fatty right here
>Cullen does shit like that. He legit thinks hes legend.
Glowie here again
I'll see what we can do about this Cullen
Niggerdom won't be tolerated on my watch
It does look like the ladder may have been small enough to fit in that Rubbermaid locker. It certainly wouldn't have seemed out of place sitting next to it. That is probably just what happened. He wouldn't want to carry a ladder about on that 95 degree F day anyway.

Likely all the tools were positioned there beforehand.
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webm version
FUCKERS always have to overlay words that only end up obscuring details.

Account "the typical liberal" and since it's so fucking bad it's 10/10 a glownigger.

FUCK this shit--when he moves and gets to his knees a bit it looks like he's wearing white pants?36 seconds.

Anyone have this without the retarded words?

never mind 48 seconds and you can see the shorts. he's moving around up/down.
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i cant believe they let him get 6 off tho
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Ok, I'm back. Firstly, the hambeast wailing in the near-shooter-video made it basically unusable, but I calculated differences of .147 .141 and .108 for the first three shots. In the image, you can see there's an echo for each sonic crack and each report. I'm ignoring all echoes in the calculation. This result suggest that this microphone is closer to the shooter of the first three shots.
>erik prince
Is a fucking glownigger. He probably did the job himself.
note, the above analysis is for the video you shared that was near trump.
I'm about to get down and dirty 'tism style on this.
this, I wouldn't trust that dude as far as I could throw him.
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>be a cop
>cant jump a fence
Just relaying someone else's findings, I haven't seen the original report. CNN mentioned it briefly but hasn't followed up. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-rally-shooting-07-14-24#h_e3b77ce122987eb5d2059a2dff21a270
This roughly alines with the video I saw and points towards shots from Crooks, or at least his building's distance.

see also: >>474523710
interesting, what do u think of the 4-5 shot burst and the subsequent shot without echo
is that not clear?
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Checked and bumped

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Are you sure?
Sharp eyed anon in other thread noted that the $1 bills in this photo are silver certificates, not FRNs. Making the total $45.
Does anyone have info on the supposed scope-detecting tech?
thanks anon
This video is of great interest


Witnesses see dude roll up on a harley (wearing skinny jeans with a don't tread on me flag around his neck. Cop only parking lot--he goes into building.

I'm betting this was the outside contractor.
ahaha unreal
qrf forgot to hit the teleport button
but what about the swat team already inside the building?? or is that also a lie?
He is 10/10 fucking evil. Way back when he had is sekrit blackwater terror group--he just oozed evil. Then comes Trump and he's miraculously a good guy and memory holed his murderous military contractor business?

He was probably skinny jeans dude on the harley aka the outside contractor that took the shot on Trump.
the commonly understand total is of course actually 47.
>Making it $45
What? How??
Go search it right now. The values are $3.75 to $12.50.
You're not even reaching, it's making shit up
yeah now he hocking that new 'secure phone' telecom system or whatever the fuck it is of his on War Room
he's the definitional anthropomorphic snake
Not sure why they'd need to ram a fence. The glowniggers were already ON the other side. By this time they'd shot Crooks from the rear...all they needed to do next was the clean up then send in the clowns to run psyop misdirection ops on 4chan knowing the sauce would immediately migrate to other SM formats. And it did. They are still running the "it was Yearick" op...ignore.

No one ever said Alex Soros was a genius. He's fucking marrying Huma....
2ish minutes in. They get right to it.
LOL imagine trusting Erik Prince with anything. KEK he's worse (if possible) than AT&T.
House in the video

Looking into that now. Also I want to clarify that the echo and the rifle report are two different things. The eighth thing does have a slight echo, but what it appears to be missing is the report, or the sound of the explosion coming out of the barrel of the gun. That sound is what's heard second because it moves at the speed of sound. The bullet, which is moving faster than sound, is what you hear first and the difference should tell you something about the distance of the shooter from the microphone assuming you know the speed of the bullet.
>ram a fence

yeah but the question posed in tweet:
>So how did he get a rifle & ladder past all these fences?!
He walked into the parking lot? toddled right in there toting his rifle, ladder and range finder.
fug nice work anon
thats right around the corner from AGR
could u geolocate the image >>474523008
Possible location of parked van.

>2ish minutes in. They get right to it.
interesting, more glowie activity in the building
are u suggesting the 8th shot is further away from the microphone, would it be possible to sync both audio streams and determine which is closer to what??
thanks for analysis
Yeah, but wtf are you trying to show?
can u read? the reports say a sniper swat team was inside the building because they felt it was too hot t be up on the roof to provide overwatch
and we have that picture of crooks sitting on that concrete half wall which confirm zoggies were up there
try to keep up
Distance to carry ladder and gun unless pre-positioned.

Also assume above location 121 Lawrence is correct.

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Ok, so there is a lot of echo from this video, but I am confident the second burst is 4 shots and either comes from 2 or 3 different shooters. The upper drawn lines display an interpretation where the second green line matches with the length between shot and report for the first five shots, the orange is left with a very long shot to report time. Possibly several times further from the microphone. The second interpretation in the bottom half would be two shot to report times longer than the initial shot and easily distinct enough from each other that they would need to be from different shooters. If we accept the final 8th shot to be from SS, this would mean three other shooters.
Yes more info on where exactly the van was parked will be coming tomorrow? on BJ's channel.

In this video she goes to visit the people she had live in the previous video. The van was parked right outside Shane's aunt's house.


They get right into it.

Also she caught FBI faggots going door to door canvassing the neighborhood.

No exact place as yet but they live directly across from the ARG building area.

This gal is an excellent investigator, autistic af and a brilliant lawyer. She just has a way of looking not too serious--but that would be a major mistake. Some of the stuff she's uncovered re Aura is absolutely mind blowing that it's been ignored.
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nicely done anon, this does seem to be the spot
Also motorcycle the witness saw roll up as described...is still right where he parked it that day. Still shot from her second video.
No, pretty sure the van was parked in front of Shane's aunt's house and that is directly across the street from ARG.

you can see it yourself in this video

was the shot 15s after the first shot the one that killed the shooter?
Assuming the reports about the van being his are in fact correct?
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Based on the video I think the van was parked somewhere in the red circle.
what is the time stamp for the van, skimmed video did not see van.
Can you see the plate in the video or can anyone go there?
right, we dont have much to go by other than the reports
I think the 8th shot is likely SS and sounds the way it does because it is silenced, we know all the SS guns are silenced and a silenced gun doesn't report like unsilenced rifles. Would be fair to assume you only hear the sonic crack as a result. This means it's harder to figure out distance as a result. As for syncing and comparing video audio, this would be difficult without knowing the exact locations of the microphones. Then you'd need three sources to triangulate location and even after that I'd be dubious about the results.
why do you think this?
I think he got hit in the chest also. Not 100% but I saw the whole in his jacket.
That part of the road has painted lines as seen here:

Where the van was parked does not as seen here:

jAYSUS FUCKINH lazy ass.
Here let me hold your fucking hand



The van is gone, it was towed that night. BUT the aunt et al may have gotten the plates before calling it in.

You have to watch the fucking video. They are literally right across the street from the ARG building. Literally. So that has to be the area I circled on the map. HERE

There are no other options.
>try to keep up
I am, faggot, that's why I asked. So what's the verdict? What does all of this mean?
I have to go to bed, but I'm hoping others and especially more obsessive people than me can take this on. A note I'll give to anyone who does, is that the audio file we've been using here has a really big echo caused by the PA system at the event, we should try to find recordings that don't have this issue.
So this was either:

-An inside job to assassinate Trump and failed
-The shooter was just a loner with insane luck (minus the shot)
I have now posted two (count them) videos from BJ investigates "That Surprise Witness' channel. TWO
That talk about the motorcycle that drove up, how they walked across the street to sit outside the fence and listen to Trump. How the van was parked right in front of his aunt's house and she's in the FIRST video.

Here no timestamp needed they get right into it after about 30-40 seconds:
Van segment from second video but you really should watch the whole thing if you're going to argue location. Because in the video you can literally see they are RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET from ARG. So they can't possibly be over on lawrence.
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I just don't see a 20 year old caring about Trump that much and also being a master of stealth.
Are you the faggot in the video?
But about the Harley?
these are interesting leads people should be looking more into
if she knows the plate she should spell it out
also in regards to location of the van maybe thats where it was parked at some point during that evening but im pretty sure the other anon geolocated it correctly according to the picture we have
its an odd one but we cant go exclusively by witness testimony, have to verify what they are saying
You want me to sit there for 15 fucking minutes listening to some bimbo ramble on about nothing.

All she said was across the street from shane's aunts house, I have no idea who the fuck shane is and I have no idea where shane's aunts house is at, all she did was give hillbilly directions to places I have never heard of and have no idea where they are.
thanks for your efforts anon
whoever that fag is, it should be dropped off a building but that just me
yeah it doesnt really make much sense tbf
u got the precisely location
there is no fucking way a building with cops in it, and secret service snipers scanning, missed a guy with a RIFLE AND A GIANT FUCKING LADDER.

they wanted him to die. they failed. heads must roll.
I still don't get what there ultimate point of all this shit is
the point is to confirm or deny the glowie narrative
lurk moar
So are there any familial ties between Thomas Crooks the alleged shooter and Rachel Crooks, who once alleged Trump sexually assaulted her in 2006?

Or is the simulation getting lazy
Oh yeah, well, no shit. The whole thing is staged, start to finish.
Should have just fucking said Thai and I would have told you, no shit, faggot. Only a moron would think any of this shit was organic
>muh staged
plz go back and stay there
Woah--that's incriminating. So who did the most shorting? I know you can tell by reading the things but I don't know how to do it, I recall this being a massive hint on who knew 9.11 was happening.

Also...Roger Stone is NOT a good guy.
they didnt spot some mclovin looking motherfucker hauling a big ladder, rifle, and backpack?
So, it wasn't staged? Crooks acted alone with no collusion or help. You fucking moron.
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LOL no.
LOL no, are you butthurt being wrong about where the van was parked?
I posted the videos. Where the lady sees the dude on the harley drive up, what he was wearing and where he went.

When BJ goes out there to see the area, the lady shows that the harley is parked in the exact same spot she saw it the day of the shooting.

Dude got there before the shooting, went into the building and is apparently still there?
You're a 10/10 butthurt retard.

There is literally no mystery. So either watch the videos or STFU and fill out your "i was wrong" butthurt report.

IF you watched the video you'd have a clue who Shane is. Utter fucking butthurt idiot.

You're wrong, the video proves it.
LOL Bimbo--well she has you fooled.
She's going to do another interview re the van.
that shows a slope
>assign midget females to be body shields
>more opportunities to hit him
total "failure" (read: deliberate)
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Crooks was groomed into the shooting. Glowniggers knew. They shot him in the back of the head, dead men tell no tales. Another shooter is the one that actually hit Trump.

This was all a set up. That stock short thing surely is interesting.

Silicone Joe is next--they won't miss that one. It's vital.
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im not really buying this story

if u mean staged as in fake shooting then no, inside job is more correct term
that van has no backseats
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what's that about a 6 foot chainlink with no barbed wire? this is a barrier to the PD?
Wtf? What?
anybody have any information on his parents house so maybe I can track down the location.
how'd they not hear the dude jump from rooftop. metal rooftops are loud as shit
Do we know if he was seen with the weapon prior to climbing the roof at all, or climbing up? Could the gun have been stashed up there somewhere, or nearby?
Inside jobs are also staged.
people were pointing out the guy on the roof well before any shots. how didnt secret service secure Trump/the stage?
Fuck watching a video. What's the tl;dw?
why is there a single shot after a long pause at the end, like 15 seconds after it starts
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has anyone seen this report yet?
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I’m not an avid shooter anymore and could hit a decent grouping with a shit 22lr and a basic bolt action .223 at a 100yds with the Walmart scope and only going out every other weekend.

Guns and scopes are pretty accurate these days and easy to set up with any modicum of ability.
Yeah nigger, you're late. Now what's the QRD?
Is forgotten about this. I still can’t believe they really went for the kill.
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more mysteries
sure is weird how Biden can deny SS coverage to RFK and how Trump got all these "accidents" from the same SS.

Good one anon, 1/250 is more like an indoor shutter speed, I wasn't thinking.
Yes, that's my point retard
Not an argument
I know the photo you're talking about. I thought that was a fold in the fabric but perhaps you're right.
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The worst part of all this is every wannabe eceleb spamming their stupid shit.
Just tell us what's in the video instead? No one wants to watch your annoying airhead ass jabber for an hour.
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>Dude got there before the shooting, went into the building and is apparently still there?
You are as dumb as you look. You stupid vapid utterly braindead cunt.
they could not not have seen him. although i was under the impression overwatch occupied the same building as the shooter not the adjacent two story one. but setting up shop in the three windowed two story building would a lot more sense.
pretty sure that eceleb is a troon too
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What is that transmitter? I wonder if he could change the channels on his neighbors' TV with that?
irrefutable video evidence there were two shooters and first shot was from water tower at counter sniper (why he jumps back) and then hits to people and railing
>Channel 11′s Nicole Ford also obtained exclusive photos showing the cell phone and transmitter device found next to Crooks moments after a Secret Service sniper shot and killed him
Black door, there was a image on some guys trying to interview the parents, the thread was about what the parents were thinking
btc broke 200 ma and had rejected 60k. until deep state confirmed for all that we'd gone full banana republic and that treasuries would soon be worthless btc looked to be going lower.
Gtfohwtbs. Glow niggers knew the whole fucking time. It was all prepped and staged for the big show
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Looks like a garage door opener to be honest.
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Here it is.
>Alpha Fire Electronic Detinator wireless airsoft IED
Maybe his IED setup was something similarly inspired.
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apparently this
So he had coms with his groomers? Discord directions?
I wonder what his IED consisted of? Supposedly there were multiple. What were his plans with those? Blow his vehicle after? Did he think he'd make it out alive? Making the shot, he always did, but making it out free/alive was never going to be an option.
I've seen people claim that was a photoshop. And it did appear to be in the side by side the debunker posted.
>So he had coms with his groomers? Discord directions?
very possible
Nobody wants to watch your channel. Buy an ad.
I found it thanks for the reply.

It's about an hour away from the location.

Trump Attempted Assassin - Thomas Crooks House
>if she knows the plate she should spell it out
I don't know if the aunt has the plates and BJ doesn't have that information NOW but has an interview scheduled with the Auntie to Shane whose house the van was parked in front of. IF they have the plates I'm sure BJ will extract that information.

The motorcycle is still parked right where the gal said she saw it being parked. They're not lying about what they saw. She described his clothing and how surprised she was that the dude parked in the lot where only police cars were allowed, and that a door she knew was previously closed was then open.
who da fuk nose anymore
none of this shit makes sense


ss literally are untrained, aren't they?
That's an interesting angle.
I could probably fuck women all day or probably not (you catch my drift), but fucking listen to them talk. Holy fuck. I'd pay Crooks to come back from the dead and blow my head off if I ever had to endure that torture
oh i agree. it was just be more incriminating if the shooter was directly within their line of sight.
>snipers were stationed inside building, underneath him at exact same time
By "snipers" you mean the real shooters, right?
What are these used for? A way of communicating and getting around the glownigger cell sniffers?
The plot thickens....
first there was reports of a van with explosives, then it changed to hyundai trunk rigged explosives
i dunno anymore, seems like they are just throwing shit at the wall hoping that it will stick
its a remote trigger for fireworks basically
The photographer was standing at ground level which would put his head level several feet, probably 4 or 5 feet, lower than Trump's. If he's shooting at 30 to 45 degree angle upward and Trump's head is near level his right ear is going to be quite a bit lower than his left ear with respect to the flat image plane "projected" outward by the camera's lens/sensor. If that bullet streak appeared in line with his left near ear that would place the actual position of the bullet well above his hatline and maybe higher than the top of Trump's skull when measured from the ground. It seems reasonably plausible to me that the streak you see in that image is the bullet that did the damage.
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So this was the backpack.
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>proceeded to miss 3-4 shots
He nearly hit Trump in head 3 times. We know how close he was to flawless victory.
BJ is not an "e-celeb" she has done some outstanding investigative work and you'd be an idiot to discount her because she's legally blonde. I've kept an eye on her Aura investigation and the gal does some good work.

Excellent relevant comment:
>There is also the issue of the attendance of all the MSM media.
>Why were all the MSM media outlets live broadcasting the Trump rally this week, when they have refused to broadcast all of Trump’s other rallies? CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and even the BBC and Australia TV were there.
>What were they expecting? Did the intel agencies direct the media to cover the rally hoping that Trump's assassination would be broadcast live for all to see?
> It seems unusual too, that the NYT's Doug Mills managed to capture this shot of a bullet flying behind Trump's head.
>Doug Mills is a former FBI agent and used a telephoto lens and a very fast 1/8000 of a second shutter speed. Was he expecting another shot?

These are the right questions.
>van being his
so how does this square with the story about him walking from Home Depot all the way to the fairgrounds?
explain to me like I'm a babby
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Nah she looks... Human [?]
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Don't even ask about his adopted brother Lesane.
looks like a troon
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>in the vehicle and family home
Not sure where they're going with this
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They should have mentioned that his father purchased the gun one more time. Twice in three sentences was not enough.
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>bombs in car and home
he planned to kill his parents? how would he trigger them..if in the smallest chance he could escape i dont think he would be going home to blow up a bomb lel
this shit is really pathetic and we're supposed to trust whatever the glowies say
peak clown world
The angle seems clear: AR15 & evil gun owner dad. It's digital goyfeed for liberals.
What I miss in the last 3 threads?
I'm just getting here
i need a fucking break from this insanity lol
good luck with all this clown shit
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you don't have to know the height and speed of the bullet to know if that's the one that hit him or not.
It isn't
You can tell this because when Trump was hit with the bullet, his hands were on the podium and he only lifted his hand up to touch his ear after his ear had been shot.


They sure were quick to release this photo! Like instant release.
Becuase you arent allowed to think that there was no bullet, this photo is photoshopped and all that happened was bloodpack + pop pop bangers + media campaign

i dont think they are related.

>Crooks ran and lost a 2018 bid for a seat in the Ohio state legislature, and during the campaign she continued to repeat her accusations against Trump.
it's wild that we were one inch from a literal civil war/martial law. imagine the chaos.

but, God said "no, you still have things to do."
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They've been spamming that in every thread. They are not sincere. Everyone calls them a retard and to fuck off, yet they keep spamming it even though they know its verifiably false. Just more well-poisoning by some halfwit loser.
cuckservatives wouldn't have done shit
They're losers that enjoy losing
>reddit spacing
Bunch of schizo garbage, glowniggers asking for sources so they can scrub any relevant information, some wannabe youtuber pushing her shitty links for views, and one amateur audio engineer. Par for the witching hour. See you tomorrow.
>no bullet
u need to go back and stay there
wtf how is that relevant to what I said at all
are you drunk?
>walking from Home Depot all the way to the fairgrounds?
That's a pretty good stretch as seen here:

Yeah now all of a sudden he has a bike too. And where tf is this picture even from they don't say.
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watch out for the narratives they are trying to create

LOL now we got the van, the hundai, and a bike.

And a hella lot of glownigger activity beneath the water tower.
he's on crack to be awake at these mutt hours, cut him some slack
LOL well, at least it wasn't Russia (for a change).
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Lamp on the front of the building looks completely different in photos taken from the front and back. Note the white rim and color of the blue top..
different cameras and different times of the day
if you ever spent more than 2 minutes tinkering with 2 (or more) very different cameras you'd learn how different they process light and details

I dont smoke crack, cant afford that shit.
But i clearly aint smoking whatever you people are because there isnt anything released or captured on video that confirms which direction that bullet is going.
I will say that someone posted a nice webm of the right side of the crowd being hit that looks kinda weird given how the puff off the rail happens before the guy with the white shirt gets hit.
memeflag opinions are irrelevant
He came directly from Home Depot on foot over a mile with the collapsible ladder, rifle and 50 rounds. He also magically knew which building would give him a vantage, where to climb up at, where he wouldn't be stopped. The entire fucking thing was a setup. SS did nothing, CS Police were not given the go ahead to neutralize until after he opened fire despite them being told ahead of time of the individual and watching him on the roof for several minutes.
There was no Hyundai, that was a meme referring to another killer that had retard conspiracy shit heavily flooded into /pol/ for several weeks sometime last year or so.

The news report did not mention anything related to the bike, only pointed out the backpack.
yes that's correct
I wonder if the SS was under orders to let him die then to take the shooter out. How would snipers with optics not see this retard climbing a ladder, or PERCHED on a WHITE ROOF that CIVILIANS saw (and notified cops of)

why was he not domed before firing a single shot?
Qtard fuck off from here you're nothing but a millstone tied around the necks of us, your superiors. You have never made a single worthwhile contribution to a thread in your entire history of posting here and don't even try to lie to me or yourself that you have.

He didn't walk 3 miles from Home Depot. He had his van right there.
No, he didn't have a 12 foot ladder. It was 5 feet. It was just barely enough to reach the roof from the top of that plastic storage locker.

Amuse is an idiot republican grifter. Look at him measuring that mile, as the crow flies.
yeah so is this walked from Home Depot thing a meme, made up?
what's the deal
And where did he get that Xtend climb ladder from? There is nothing like that anywhere. That is total fabrication.
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I made this sandwich just for you. Enjoy!
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>>474535723 27 pbtid
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picrel. Also msm's script in response was suspect. Told don't call it an assassination attempt, don't say a shooting targeting Trump or the rally, no need for a "serious" face, no need to say "scary moments at a Trump rally"
So what do you think happened?
He moved is head at just the right moment? LMAO





Ah ok, was working and finishing up something so didn't catch the whole context.

I liked the questions re why the media has always refused to cover Trump's rally but the covered that one. see questions

It's all about the muddy waters. Either the van is his or it's not. It was towed. That's all we know for sure right now.

I'm guessing the media is pushing the "he bought a ladder" story to possibly cover for the glowniggers leaving him a ladder to use.

Lots of activity under the water tower. That post came from the other glownigger central Qresearch. here--->


I saw some real belly busters--
>Trump falls exiting the stage after his rally
>"apparent shooting"
>"alleged shooting"

>Trump asks for his shoes before exiting the stage.

It's crickets on the incoming Biden assassination--they won't miss on that one.'

Those weren't explosives...unless glowniggers rigged his van to blow in case he escaped.

I think the shot at Trump was rushed because too many people were running on about the shooter on the roof. SS couldn't take HIM out before the shots were made at Trump which is why they waited. But IMHO the kid was shot from behind.
Biden administration are obviously using the same tactic as the Jewish Mafioso who rigged the world series (not surprisingly as they're the same people).
Just remain silent and wait for the public to lose interest in the accusations.
America is done as the world hegemon, their credibility is in the toilet and the rest of the West is basically held hostage because of their vast control of Western stockmarkets which they can manipulate and tank pretty much any economy they want to.
Even if Trump gets into office, he's gonna be too afraid to make any waves, we already saw him change his speech at the RNC in favour of more unity bullshit.
smells like bullshit

What I think is, a bunch of these Crooks 'accoutrements' are lying around in case he actually did blow Trump's head off.
They would have presented him as this insane loner figure who was also building bombs, driving a van etc. and successfully offed a former president in the middle of election campaign season, wearing a guntuber t-shirt all of it together tied up with a bow and presented as the perfect example of what's 'wrong' with American right wing culture.
how is that for a theory
>muddy waters
yes this.

>"he bought a ladder" story to possibly cover for the glowniggers
It's definitely to cover or ruse for something.
but see also my speculation >>474536741
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the fact he had no scope should be collosal red flags the guys first shot "apparently" was millimeters away NO way on earth you could like up that with iron sights especially having a crowd yelling and pointing you out after a cop supposedly almost caught you.

his adrenaline would have been pumping hard seems like the truth is he was set up hard and the corrupt government was at it again trying to murder innocent people for their stupid games of power influence & control.

the world is truly a terrible terrible place because the worst kinds of people are at the top.

so much evil malevolent horrid actions done against peoples lives just so some worthless fucking assholes can have their fantasy version of life exist fucking over everything and stealing life
>instant release
because on Saturday afternoon 7/13 a U.S. presidential candidate was almost assassinated by gunfire
pretty major breaking event, global news
>I think the shot at Trump was rushed because too many people were running on about the shooter on the roof. SS couldn't take HIM out before the shots were made at Trump which is why they waited. But IMHO the kid was shot from behind.
Yeah this is more bullshit than the official bullshit

LMAO it was the first photo issued. They HAD TO get the "there was definitely a bullet, goy" narrative out there before anyone could question it. Its called "anchoring" in psychology and it guarantees that people will stick to their original thoughts on a new matter
>>474537287 bong flag 4 pbtid
yeah (You) are a retard.
keep bumping the threads tho
this is all so poorly staged...
Whats more likely:
A bullet narrowly grazed the president shot by a guy out in the open that a thousand people saw setting up


it was photoshopped
>toting his rifle
I want to see more discussion of his rifle prior to it ending up, with him, on the roof.
any pics of him on ground w/rifle?
it was broken down in a backpack correct
migrate >>474536305

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