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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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new video proves that first floor of AGR Building #6 was occupied by snipers who had direct line of sight to President Trump
Do you need any more proof that God saved Donald Trump if this is true
Nope trump is lucky God decided we need him
All their hoaxes get exposed, WHEN WILL THEY BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE??
Give all glory to Jesus Christ
>" Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life."
Isaiah 43:4

And take heed
>" Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee."
John 5:14
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How is that proof?
Shit just realized what I rolled
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these bodycam cops walk up to that building and go in the side and there's a bunch of paramilitary swat inside talking about the operation and all those windows are within access ... they were inside that building right under the patsy so they could shoot in his direct line of fire.

>god will kill kids with cancer but save the warmongering jew dick sucking pedophile
>Nope trump is lucky God decided we need him
Where did you see this?
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>still stuck in dualist samsara
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do you ever notice, that every post on every event on pol is a conspiracy? I mean everything, everyone, every aspect. every person in a crowd every article, every piece of paper?

it's almost like some country has been meddling in everything. the country is russia.

I can remember when it was just "hate niggers and jews". now it's conspiracy this and conspiracy that.

it's so bad I have conspiracy burn out. so many "conspiracies" are posted every day that it has become absurd.
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Witnessed and checked
Don't consider it a "conspiracy". Call it a preview of what it will be reaveled as.
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gief me jackpot pl0s

its time
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They keep sliding the digital dig threads off the board but someone really should look into finding out who Hailey is and why this is the only reference to her that is still accessible. For reference it was posted 10 months ago.
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Bumping to piss off the Deep State
Correction, it was uploaded on March 10 2023.
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Characters would seem to represent him and whoever Hailey is.
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das it mane
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Was there anymore hearing or anything today, I was busy all day and didn't have time to catch up on any new developments regarding this obvious deep state hit job.

Anything of note come out today from the coverup erers?
the new video was mostly boring, the zogbots arrived on the scene after it had been staged so not really much new, EXCEPT that before they got to the roof the stopped in building 6 for a moment, and that's where the OP images come from - - proves that that lower building was occupied and was easily the staging windows for the snipers. link see >>475681561
Can’t wait for the glowcucks involved in this shit to hang. America isn’t yours you alphabet agency faggots
Was that the same building that somebody that works at that glass company said he put up two hidden cameras that were not found that showed 3 or 4 guys in camo and helmets and a woman in a pant suit and that shot out the windows?
sounds like you heard disinfo
Since the people who would hold them accountable were also part of the assassination plot, probably never.
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7/13 story 1 - Snipers were beneath crooks
7/17 story 2 - oops, nope, there were no Snipers beneath crooks
7/25 video - oops, yes there were Snipers beneath crooks!!!

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I found it
satan punching air rn
>25 different Kamala shill NGO thinktank slide threads
>This thread empty
Theve already won
story sounds convincing but if we say "we are repeating what we heard from some anon on 4chan" it will discredit the real info we have that isn't pure rumour. Keep an eye out for that video, I doubt we'll ever see it, but it would be nice if it turns up eventually.
entering building 6
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Chill out lucifer
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Yes, and I would be terrified if someone sent me a copy of that video. It would probably be impossible to hide from glowies who he sent copies to, everything mailed is photographed and scanned, NSA and who knows who else record all devices, and even those 5g towers n xt to those buildings probably track all kinds of shit, including nano rectennas in some of the vaxxies near them, etc.

If that is real, best of luck to anyone recieving those videos and the sender himself not getting v& or die in untimely accidents
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>666 responding to 777

Fake and gay, why would you send it to your friends and family instead of just immediately upload on the internet and be done with it. Its been 2 weeks and still no video? Cool sorry though, would make for a good movie. Could name it "Shooter"
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Idk, I'm sure advanced military grade AI probably scans everything here and everywhere else for that matter, and maybe they immediately intervened and blacked him uploading it or shut off his Internet or who knows, maybe it's fake, idk.

What I do know, is that DARPA and all these agencies have far more advanced tech then we could imagine, and by the time the public finds out about AI or any type of technology, they've already had it for a decade or two.
TLDR: We won't find out about capabilities they have now in 2024 for another 20 years or so, and by then they will something else far more advanced that we can't even fathom its existence. Anything is possible
I just did a search on odysee and there's nothing.

Here's sniper they ran into in AGR building 6
inside -- see hallway offices and snipers inside
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Yea I can't find anything either. But I'm sure there is not many lengths they would go to stop something like that from getting out if it was real, with billions of dollars at stake and so much more, why wouldnt they immediately dispatched teams, hackers, drones, agents, etc to remedy the situation by any means necessary? If I was in charge I certainly would spare no resources to stop silkie that
So I guess any of these guys could be involved, or could be one of the plotters or assassins?
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this is about 15 minutes after the event, can't be sure which ones arrived later
Video sauce? I think I missed it in the thread
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Story crumbling: PA officials calling each other liars !!

full size originals:
>Cubic Corporation
Gonna have make a throw away
click from here first
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Excellent work, anons. Keep digging and don't give up. Nothing can hide from harnessed weaponized autism.

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Idk, things seem to be escalating exponentially. We are probably getting close to a complete unmasking of the deep state, where soon enough, like other so called 'conspiracy theories', they may eventually just come out and say, "Ok, yea, we did it, but it's a good thing, here's why: "Trump is a Russian Spy, and him and all his Nazi supporters are domestic terrorists, and a threat to muh democracy, so we deep state patriots took him out. Now we will round up all his supporters to kill or put in camps, and we commies are the good guys"

Only a robot could make a shot like that, to intentionally wing him.
They still all missed. Must be embarrassing.
You island niggers deserve what you are getting
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>they may eventually just come out and say, "Ok, yea, we did it, but it's a good thing, here's why: "Trump is a Russian Spy
That's what one of them said back in May. Apparently 40% of the FBI staunchly believe the Russia-collusion horseshit.

The thread everyone missed:
>Soon-to-be convict and wanna-be President Donald J. Trump will be assassinated
>on his last speech before jail time
which they thought would be right before the convention ...
That's an erie prediction" isn't it? Has more credence than the "prophet" who said his eardrum would break and it didn't and that people in Oklahoma would burning the state down.
An FBI whistleblower predicts on 4ch when the assignation attempt was going to be attempted - and the post doesn't sound "iranian" to me with reference to Parallax View Senator George Hammond rally. It implies that "Crooks" is alias for a guy who was working for the FBI and thought he was on a mission for them when he got into position and killed.
The didn't "have him on the eye", Jesus Christ, you can see them looking for him. That means, they were told there was somebody suspicious and they were trying to locate him, probably because the little shit had chosen the only place in the whole area where you could both fire Trump and stay away from unwanted eyes (but, being an inexperienced little shit, he redirected his course a little bit to have a better aim and thus was shot in the head). Now, the question as to HOW he could have known this was the perfect location to attempt an assassination— that's the question I'd like to have answered.
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Was there anything specific that was said that indicated that it was indeed a PSYOP or a hoax?
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>Parallax View Senator George Hammond rally
Yes, they said you'd show up later as a shill, and it happened.
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>exhibit A: https://files.catbox.moe/endcbd.mp4
Greg mentioned by name being the one inside the window with line of sight to Crooks

>exhibit B: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1814114895065141491
Audio forensics showing multiple firearms were used and that the first 3 shots came from the location that Gregory Nicol was present in

>exhibit C: https://files.catbox.moe/2qmase.mp4
The kids who first gave an interview talking about Crooks were set up by local Pittsburgh police to provide a cover story about identity of Crooks (incel bullied loner). This provides a false motive.
These kids were arrested approximately an hour away from the county where Crooks lived and went to school in Bethel Park. The police vehicle who pulled up on them as seen in the video belonged to the Pittsburgh city police.
These kids are known as local troublemakers and have gone viral on Tiktok for their shenanigans. Perfect useful idiots.

>exhibit D: https://files.catbox.moe/irt0xw.mp4
CBS Pittsburgh: Officers were on 2nd floor of building with windows facing roof used by Trump rally shooter

>exhibit E: https://beavercountian.com/content/daily/beaver-county-officer-warned-of-seeing-man-with-rangefinder-before-trump-was-shot
Among those municipal counter-snipers was Sergeant Gregory Nicol of the Monaca Borough Police Department. Nicol was providing security at the Trump rally in his role as a member of the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit (ESU), the county's equivalent of a SWAT team.
"Nicol saw (Crooks) take out a rangefinder to gauge distance from the building to where Trump was going to be speaking, he again notified command about what he was seeing."

>exhibit F: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregory-nicol-612b80257/
Gregory Nicol of the Monaca police department. The main suspect.

>exhibit G: >>475570407 - webm in next post
Video showcasing inside of AGR building demonstrating the police sniper team had a direct line of sight with both Crooks and Trump
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I am pretty sure I saw here an uncropped photo posted of Crooks sitting on the gras and it was taken from the Building that Croock later used to shoot.

Good threads full of red pills
Also one of the gray suits might be seen on video again. It may be U.S. Secret Service-Pittsburgh Special Agent in Charge Tim Burke. He may be on video here:
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so the snipers positioned under crooks shot at trump and missed?
on purpose?
that would imply that they were working for trump to stage an "assasination".
guess it's best to leave the job of shooting trump but not killing him to proffesionals.

odd they killed the shooter rather than disable him so they could interrogate him.
WTF good would "combat gauze" be 40 minutes after he's dead? Blood smears.
>You got redirected.
Well fuck--and the only one in PA is a nog?

>Here’s a possible suspect for the short hair grey suit, Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) Joseph T. Price
Looks like you nailed it.
>Slack sniper says the ladder is
>>"behind two pine trees"
The ladder? lol the one he piled on his bike and rode over? Or carried through the crowd?
>When people started to scream and they realized his position was blown that had to act quick. This was their one chance. The sniper who missed trump probably had someone screaming in his coms,
Yep, rushed shot which is why FAIl. The civilians on the ground spotting him fucked the timing up.
>inconsistent changing stories
Exactly. Muddy water so no one can figure out exactly what happened and who did it.
>goofy looking cop is Butler Township ... he doesn't have a rifle
KEK ok got it. He looks like a Jr. Scout :D
I think all of these are valid questions.
Right you are--and you can even see the ground/grass behind cop. He was very close to the edge.

now focal perspective glownigger can fuck right off.

I hadn't noticed the grass before as I was focused on the blood. Ugh--missed observation is missed.
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hey glownigger

kys faggot bitch
did he die before uploading?
>officer slack
Could this have been rushed in fear of Biden's failing health and their inability to find someone that could realistically stand a chance against Trump? The whole ordeal of incompetence vs maliciousness is so hard to navigate on this, how could they leave so many loose ends? How far can they stumble before they fall head first into the wood chipper? The cell pings from devices that implicate their patsy to the FBI, washing off the scene, the laughable performance of the SS on stage, the list goes on.
>tim burke
good catch
So the pro sniper missed three times then? Seems kind of like a shitty sniper.
lol glowies on suicide watch
Putting red circles around things does not add substance to your claim.
they aren't sending their best
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>hey glownigger
i hit a nerve, isn't that right spook.

we aren't ignorant of your schemes, i'll do nothing but unravel your schemes and the shine light for all the world to see
you have been defeated
no refunds
Groomer provided girlfriend. Scientologists do the same thing.

There's nothing like a broken heart to spur on a suicidal mission.
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They just keep escalating and doubling down. They will probably attempt another escalation in August, maybe setting off the explosives this time, so just as people start putting together what all happened with this butler operation, there will be something even more egregious that Congress and anons have to investigate.
-->Smears against Trump as Russia agent
-->Impeachment 1
-->Impeachment 2
-->Civil lawsuits against Trump for hundreds of millions
-->FBI raids Maralago
-->Criminal indictments
--->Convicted of 34 Felonies
-->Tries to remove Trump SS protection
-->Deepstate assassination attempt on HD broadcast to world
(We are here)
-->Detonate explosives at Trump Tower/Trump rally/Maralago in August?
-->Activate antifa/BLM/glowies controlled cutouts to burn down the country summer of love 2020 style X 100 and violently overthrow Trump
-->Declare anyone supporting Trump or not completely brainwashed as domestic terrorists, insurrectionists, and DVE (Domestic Violent Extremists) to kill or put into internment/COVID/FEMA Camps

God help us
I was here
Fun fact. Despite all the pics from inside the building where crooks was crawling on top--I don't see ANYONE that resembles the man on the motorcycle--black skinny jeans, yellow don't tread on me flag tied around his neck.

The cop cars in this image look like they just rolled up fast, parked and jumped out...
Biden is exactly who they want, a puppet. But the act was falling apart after the debate. They used all their media shills to say him having brains melting out of his ears was fake news. Biden was the perfect figure head for them. Fake and gay, installed by fraud. But after the debate they realized they couldn’t win. The fraud can’t be totally 3rd world with 130% turnout. So they had to take Trump out. Even though he would probably be on board with 90% of their Zionist glownigger agenda, anything less than 100% enrages them. So they had an apolitical patsy who’s social media they cleared ahead of time who they groomed. Professional sniper(s) were there. They wanted to humiliate the whole movement by blowing up his head on live TV. Only they missed. After Trump died, they’d either stick with the lone gunman story or blame Iran. Biden would mumble some nice speech at the state funeral. Any civil unrest would be clamped down ten times worse than January 6. And President Nikki Haley would have troops in Tehran.
So after that failed, the same people who tried to assassinate Trump were forced to do an emergency coup on Biden, who by all accounts, didn’t want to resign, just like dementia patients refuse to give up the car keys.
the more evil they try the more they expose themselves. like a thrashing rat in the corner.

something tells me they won't even get that far.

military going to lock these faggot niggers up once and for all
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Who knows, they have advanced military grade AI scanning everything here, and they have a 5 min headstart (they make you wait 5 mins before posting a thread).

He could've gotten flagged by glowies AI and they cut his Internet and paid him a visit, no telling
its funnier if youve met him
has any cop suicided yet?
or maybe he just decided to send it to [redacted] instead :]
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poor greg boy, he better find himself a safe space
soon, they can't afford to have any loose lips
I guess he doesn't know the origin of the piss dossier? that got sent to //pol/-hated reporter Rick Wilson, who believed it and then gloated about how it was the end of Trump?

Pepe farms remembers. Our author was a bit chuffed that they added TO his story.
it was a shot across the bow to scare him into playing ball and not being bombastic and ultimately losing the election.

rather than make him a Jesus martyr figure that spurs unrest for years. dumbdumb. it was 140yards. an easy ear shot
cancer is caused by hate
LOL now Crooks has a drone. LOL
>and explosives
>and a bike
>and a van
>and a Hundai

And wandered around on the otherside of the fence for over an hour. without a bit of equipment in sight.

Just moseying--carrying his ladder, his backpack, range finder, etc--just looking for a nice place to set up shop.
the first three shots sound way different from the next five
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Yea, I will be very surprised if none of them have any unfortunate accidents very soon, like 5 of the j6s cops that suddenly and unexpectedly died within a week or so after the event.

Better spill the beans piggies while you still can
Erm, witnessed
>it was 140yards. an easy ear shot
This is the most schizo theory around. There’s nothing easy about that. He was one inch away from being killed. I wouldn’t trust someone to do that to my ear from 10 feet away.
Trump almost got a one way ticket to Hell that day. What a motherfucking luuuuuckyyyyyyyy motherfucker. His eternal torment is yet delayed.
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1/8th inch and 1/10th of a second

reminder, don't waste time arguing with glowniggers, they practice intellectual dishonesty like the kikes Hitler spoke of in times past.

>The more I came to know them, the more I came to hate them.

Slimy worms.
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>"I hate black people", trump laughed, then urinated on a prostitute. "I just hate them so much."
>swallow my piss
satan rebuked, checked
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No, Trump just tilted his head at the last possible millisecond. If not, it would have been a perfect head shot blowing out his brains captured on 8000 frame per second by iconic New York Times photographer that captured George W Bushes reaction on 911.

Also, strangely enough, CNN was covering the rally for the first time in over a year, which they normally ignore. Just another coincidence, I'm sure. But, no, they tried to kill him for the whole world to see. But, mice and men, plans, etc, you know the saying
Dossier excerpt
Yea, these people that think Trump was in on some magic trick Johnny Appleseed skill shot from 400 feet away, while an energetic and animated Trump is bobbling his head all around while being shot at by a deadly bullet likely way faster then the speed of sound itself, that he wouldn't even hear til after it already wizzed well through him or past him, kek
check out the 2 different colors of movie blood, every 3 feet they add the lighter colored thick gel. If you look closely it's obvious. Flat dark brown line approximately width of paintbrush. Light color gel lines added every 3 feet. Body moved to proper location to have shot, fake blood added before Butler ESU and Secret Service Blue Suit Ask Questions guy arrives.
same 2 colors
>CNN was covering the rally for the first time in over a year,
Not just CNN, all of them. For the first time.
Smear top left
Hosed off real position blood. moved body, made some smears but there is NOT blood trail visible at the new spot. They have to add it. Dead bodies don't bleed so they were SOL getting more blood out of Crooks.
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Not the same Hogg but wild shit nonetheless.
"Legal use of Terror"
The gun was already up there since he climbed up without it.
Deepstate psyop.
they used pic related on the center of the roof. 2 colors of movie blood gel, one dark flat line painted on, one light colored squeeze out of tube every three feet.
yes, also notice that the first three over the patsy on the edge of the roof are all carrying long guns (part of the Get Trump team?)
>move the body or replace with different corpse
shows criminal intent and conspiracy
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What is this?
DHS will do anything to justify their existence.
>namefag is a newfag
well I'm shocked
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How does he keep getting away with it?
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>moving body
I think there's a script change, they need the buff shampoo dude to be army or bear crawling where the crowd can see him, then they've got their corpse set up on the opposite side of the roof where he is visible from the ground here for the "we just killed the bad guy" shot. Then they have to move him to a location where he could have conceivably shot from to make it match up with where the bullets actually came from. I don't think they actually killed anyone on the roof since he's "same team" and they probably just brought a corpse from the morgue (maybe Yearick) that could look enough like their "Thomas Crooks" actor character. Actor guy and these snipers posing are probably all trusted spooks. Dead guy is just some random homless junkie who OD'd, maybe Yearick, maybe just some dude, so they blur him out anyway and you can't see any details from the helicopter shot. There don't seem to be any bullet holes in the roof. I'm guess the only people who died were in the crowd. We'll never see the dead guy on the roof up close and the FBI will say his DNA matches Crooks.
Yea they said they matched him by DNA almost right away, and as Jovan H Pulitzer pointed out that DNA match that fast contradicts the FBI, SS, and official DNA protocols and their own official manuals
only phoneposters have to wait 5 minutes
checked and based
Oh, well I never start threads, I only post in others but I've seen anons here complain about it, good to know
Well poisoning thread.
and incognito mode users
and phoneposters in incognito mode
and maybe very new users
I notice when I clear my cookies it makes me wait 60 seconds to post anything
why would they have his DNA in their system anyone, supposedly they never heard of the guy
>lie after lie after lie
FBI can't be trusted at all, incompetent and untrustworthy
Yea, supposedly he has no criminal record, so how would his DNA be in the system? They claimed they ID'd him through DNA and biometrics almost right away
yup, Trump was in on it confirmed
guess anyone entering this thread thinks theyre some gigabrain researcher

occam's razor says pol was already over target weeks ago, it was yearick. he missed. end of story

most of the law enforcement are incompetent or may have malicious intent but that is yet to be proven

this style of shiilling is just meant to distract smoothbrains

that is all. redpill drop. have a good day
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
And now the sneed bot has marked this thread to slide or whatever it's for
the most compelling evidence yet which isn't ot say that i agree with the theories itt. these corporates knew something was going to happen.
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Like most psyops, this is mental illness tier.

Please, fed, tell us
wtf was the plan?

>shoot his ear
>kill him (but divine interventions stopped the bullet!)
>kill him with multiple snipers (all stopped thanks to rabbi jesus)
>make it look like an assassination (then why multiple snipers?)

and so on
wtf is even your theory?
literally nothing we didn't know
So crooks might be innocent?
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I'm sure it's just a coincidence that a low-level intelfag from Ramstein just happened to deboonkerpost right after this thread got tagged by the sneedbot...
>So crooks might be innocent?
Depends on how one defines "innocent," of course. We have no idea what the patsy's government handlers were telling him was going to happen.

For all we know Crooks' handlers could have told their patsy **he was training to be a government counter-sniper protecting the President**.
put me in screencap son
>2 weeks pass
>I am forgotten
>Muh Deep State
>Muh Glowies
>Muh 3 letters
>They know it all
>They see it all
>They control it all
>They hoax anything they want
>They have absolute control
>They even have ayylmao tech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Can't kill/protect a fucking president
>Can't even defeat Russia
>Can't fucking defeat chinks
>Can't fucking defeat even sandniggers
American golems are one of the most retarded and gullible specimens... Even injecting fluoride directly into someone's brain couldn't make him so retarded
Joining "Stephen Paddock" in the pantheon of glownigger burner identities.
>that were not found.
He's shilling
and he's done this before.
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unfucking believable.
Nothing is over, everything matters!
Everyday anons find shit
Never discourage, keep digging.
Globohomo is unwilling to make sacrifices.
This place is a shithole and the kids go back to heaven
Also don’t forget WHERE the shell casings were found. According to the helmet can most were within 1-2’ of the body. Do you have any idea how ludicrous that is if the shots were fired from where is body lies? And the second confident group of 3 underneath the first officers on scene feet. What luck!
checked and holy witnessed
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Whole bodycam footage proves nothing, too many cuts. You can taste the performance. Already people up there, evidence is obscured, tainted and planted. But when acting quickly they made a lot of obvious small mistakes
The fbi sez Trump wasn't hit by a bullet.
So we niw kniw most definitely Trump was hit by a bullet!
(pic is banned by msm?

they wouldnt have the angle needed
there were people along the fences and pieces of machinery in the way
bring your evidence or its F&G

2nd fl window or the north building much more likely candidates
>Activate antifa/BLM/glowies controlled cutouts to burn down the country summer of love 2020 style X 100 and violently overthrow Trump

They did that in 2020 because Trump/Hitler was in power. Now they're in power so they don't want to get people upset. I think they're saving the nihilists for if and when Trump wins.
acoustic prove north building, there's no actual question anymore. they moved the body because of the tree. they had two conflicting goals:

before: must be covered by tree
after: must not be covered by tree
cmon man you got that glowie fired
this is a copy pasta shill
and possibly a bot
it has been posting this same response for days
do not respond to it
And then Niki Haley as their new nominee for President with little gay Marco Rubio as VP.
Like that other famous glownigger op, the Boston Marathon bombing. Blood-colored paint all over the sidewalk days later - still as bright red as when it supposedly sprayed out of all those severed arteries.
My favorite part is when they published her picture on the cover of People magazine and revealed what a hideous kibbuznik jewess from the Krakow ghetto she is.

"Pretty Woman" my ass. kek
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>the new video was mostly boring,
>demoralization. pls dont watch anons nothing here

first responders count 5 casings
then agent man shows up, talks, leaves
they recount and come up with 8 casings

Tourniquet Stacy struts her stuff

mystery of the second ladder solved

greg is found
Yes this was revealed day one. You see, that roof had little angle on it and it was deemed too dangerous for the sub 100 iq americops
You notice on bodycam that when they arrive there is no detonator.
Also the phone is not yet out of his pockets.
Then the footage cuts> suddenly detonator lying besides him and then fatty gets on his knees to do the first body search.
Think the detonator is planted.
casings def planted
>new video proves
>posts image
well poisoning
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I like the north bldg,
it provides great cover and the shot would align with the patsy perfectly
also farther from the crowd
but it is completely open above
IF there had been a drone, they would be wide open
plus all the sketchiness with the team in the bldg
>I think they're saving the nihilists for if and when Trump wins
Exactly. Probably will activate it before he even gets I to office while he's president elect
it doesn't matter what we like or don't like.
the acoustics prove it.
Good point, can't have a butler pd drone operator that's not in on the plot recording shit from above
Not as lucky as finding the lone "Magic Bullet" that Gerald Ford and the Warren Commission insisted killed Kennedy - pristine and completely undeformed on the stretcher at the hospital.

The muzzies umdamaged passports in the WTC wreckage on 9/11 is another good one.
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Not sure if you would say DS snipers, actually i think those were RedTeam snipers
If you follow the bullets you can see the hydraulic lift cylinder that got hit on the skytrack, and see how high it was in the air, you can tell someone was shooting from the first floor of that building, upward towards Trump, and hit the cylinder about 10' 8" - 11' off the ground. Me thinks the RedTeam found out about this plot to assassinate Trump and they hijacked it in order to bolster Trumps image and also mock and troll the DS / BlueTeam who planned it all. The name Crooks they went with for the kid is simply hilarious, basically calling the BlueTeam all crooks which they are.
I think the sniper shot the hydraulic cylinder on purpose to give an effect that the whole thing was real. I think the RedTeam sniped the shooter on the roof and then made the shots towards Trump and hit the cylinder to make it really have effect with oil spewing out everywhere. That visual cue really helped seal the deal and make it look real.
RED BOX is the one that matches up, that window would have had the best shot at grazing past trump and hitting the cylinder.
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triple czech't
That proves that the bodycam is little theater piece, at least half hour to an hour after the shooting and after air footage..
Which news outlet took this footage?
I know News5Cleveland has air footage with blood trail. Need to find out who and when they flew over!
>the acoustics prove it.
acoustics are part of the puzzle
alone that cant prove anything
3 other people have 3 other acoustic analysis
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>trump is lucky God decided we need him
we are 14 days away from >>477777777
yes its funny i know, but we are literally 14 days away from it.
But people saw blood coming out of trumps ear before he reached and went down.
You think you could simply graze an ear without any possibility of blowing his head off?
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can't argue with those digits
Checked and Capped
>proof isn't proof
also, your drone caveat fails to explain how crooks wasn't stopped.
reports are that SS refused a drone provided by local PD. 2nd shooter explains why they did that.
lets see your "3 other people's" analysis. post it.

ridiculous. would have simply been sufficient to snipe the shooter and then arrest everyone responsible. your theory lacks so many components.

it's (almost) this simple:
>see the tree?
>the tree covered crooks from overwatch as he crawled up
>there was a pro sniper behind him along that same line (acoustics intersect on top of the tallest building, inline with crooks and trump)
>the pro sniper shot first. missed. shot two more times.
>crooks then laid sloppy decoy fire (this was his primary purpose as patsy) 4 more shots
>meanwhile the pro sniper shimmied backwards and escaped as all eyes were on crooks.
>crooks' body had to be moved over because otherwise the overwatch snipers couldn't have shot him.
>crooks was really shot from behind.
>the rangefinder report was sheepdipping. he was meant to be spotted (no pun intended) and that report was fed into the narrative at that point
>the ladder had been pre-planted for crooks to get into position (it was not a collapsible ladder from home depot as they reported) pic rel.
Apparently they forged the bodycam footage timestamps.
18:35 That is 25 minutes after the shooting..
So in 25 minutes the whole crowd is cleared??
They couldn't move the body and fake a blood trail with the crowd there..
kinda feelin that a deep state sniper squad wouldn’t have missed tho
the guy had been seen the previous day inspecting the zone with a drone, which means that he already has a FPV drone. why didn't he attach an IED to the drone and use that instead? only an out of touch boomer would come with the idea of using a gun instead of a drone in this day and age. it was very obviously a setup by trump.
I think that sleeve tattoo man is very important Eyewitness Greg Smith described seeing a man with sleeve tattoo in the second story of the AGR building. Then the eyewitness said he saw that guy watching the shooter as he got into position and started shooting and yet did nothing. It is suspected that the Greg or the sleeve tattoo guy is fired the ninth shot from the second story of the AGR building that killed Crooks. The SS shot (10th shot) came12 seconds later. Right now the FBI and SS is hoping we forget about shot 9. They have only acknowledged the 8 shots from Crooks and the 1 shot from the SS.
yes if there was anyone in that second story window, they would have seen crooks crawling up.

again, the body was moved: >>475726278
They didn't miss. Trump fucking dodged it.
I dont care.
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sleeve tattoo guy was likely greg, he was mentioned by name in the bodycam as being inside the 2nd story AGR building

Greg Nicol, where art thou'?
Surprised nobody has pointed out that the body cam officer counts 5 shell casings in the video
>roof glowie: watch out for shell casings
>body cam officer: 2,3,4,5

There were 8 shots according to FBI. 5 matches the second volley, which audio autists pointed out sounds like a different gun
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greg infodump here: >>475700956
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sorry meant this post:
Deep State sniper had to take a rushed shot and missed because Trump moved his head. Command told to take the shot NOW because the crowd was screaming about Crooks on the roof and the cover was blown. So deepstate sniper fired their 3. Crooks fired his rushed 5 shots, and then Greg or tattoo sleeve man shot Crooks in the back of the head from second story window. 12 seconds later SS sniper on red barn fired his shot.

Legit question, why is the SS gonna let trump make his fist pumps and slowly make his way off stage? Presumably they have no idea how many assassins there could be on site. If this was authentic they would have rushed him to a secure location ASAP. Just the fact the let him make a spectacle moments after dodging a bullet is plain egg brain retarded security work.
He surly did! Hod is Great praise Jesus
That's solid, pretty much how I think it went down..
There is footage tho where you see crooks posturing up and turning towards the people on the side of the building wanting to aim before he gets shot.. I can't find it anymore.. Dan Bongino also said he had it and would post it after he cleaned it up
I'm pretty sure my neighbors wifi signals send me dreams based on my /pol/ posts.
This time it wasn’t Russia it was Israel who’s been meddling in all these award and it’s time they get taken down

also: the bike is a distraction; planted evidence, most definitely crooks' property. he had a backpack on the roof with him, and there was a backpack down with the bike. he wouldn't have had two backpacks on a bike.
>2 shooters
>1 patsy
>8+ shots
>Trump still alive
CIA has been hit hard by DEI
The ss director is funny to me, she's a perfect beuracracy and held up very well under congressional hearing.

A bit boring and should have torn those congress tards a new asshole because they are retards. But if she was going to resign at all it should have been day of the shooting.

Too bad she's a paper handed women.
There is nothing illegal about communication.

Consider that these fags keep all the comms the elites make and just ignore the blatantly obvious stuff.
I think you overestimate their ability, they just have lots of guys working on computers.
Maybe they needed to wait until Crooks was in his right position, but too many people shouting maybe freaked him out.
Trump wasn't going to stay on that podium much longer..
The second that woman starts screaming "He is on the roof" shots happen.. Crooks probably wasn't moving and scared so the sniper needed to rush his shot..
From there on they were fucked.
They couldn't kill the patsy because of cover.. so they needed to shoot from behind.
So now there were too many unaccounted shots that don't line up and needed to move the body and so on..
Conspiracy BLOWN
Imagine the fucking fear on everyones face in the casino if you, in the middle of your game, pulled out an uno reverse card.

It could have been any card, but it was an uno reverse card. You must be making fun of them.
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After the shooter was killed.
Police paramilitary reaction squad called into location of shooter.
They traverse through grounds of event.
Enter area by passing through fencing which is chained off and taped off with yellow crime scene tape some distance from buildings, seems like that was done in advance of any shooting by anyone.
Proceed to building bang on door of building.
Security services team already in situ inside building. They indicate the ceiling
>he’s up there.
Those fucks were 12 feet away from “Crookes” directly beneath him with a thin ceiling of tin between them all along.
This shit stinks so bad I cannot believe it’s not butter, but it isn’t it’s actual poo with a pubic hair on top. And the media and the FBI (who’s vile goblin faced director was saying Trump may have been hit by “shrapnel” to the inquiry clearly not understanding what “shrapnel” means. Who the hell is he and why is he in any position of authority to give evidence when he’s babbling like that? He should be pilloried for it) are spreading it deliberately on the public’s toast.
I watched the body cam of the police paramilitary reaction squad.
*Which had no scope.
>have drone
>have range finder
>do NOT have a scope
>have explosives
>have detonator
>do not have explosives and detonator linked
He was made to look like a shooter but had no practical means of carrying out an attack,
This was a deep state job.
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You should self-immolate.
That word is a glowy made up word to stop people from looking into things.
You think you're being smart, but saying the verbage they use, makes you another patsy
Thank god those state police are leaking all this.
Unless it's SS doing it.
Sure as shit the CIA and FBI wanted Trump removed.
Agent Johnson, no one believes your bullshit anymore go hide behind your VPN faggot.
That bodycam is THEATRE, it shows a timestamp of 18:35.
But we already proved they moved the body, cleared blood and painted a new one with fake blood, you can't do al this in 25 minutes. They had to wait until the crowd was cleared.
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he's lying to excuse why it was never posted.

>pull out an uno reverse card in the casino
pic rel.
It's strange that the snipers were put inside the building instead of on top of it. I wonder who made that decision.
>That bodycam is THEATRE
Nice. they even got "footage" of them disturbing the crook scene.
so they could listen to the pitterpatter of crooks on the tin roof, obviously
Need more info on Greg. Anyone have normiebook to see if his wife or family has an account with more pics of Greg?
Seems pretty unlikely, but shadow analysis would prove that one way or another
I was in that thread. Obvious larp. OP never delivered and even made gay follow up threads to larp harder
Lol we know he's one of yours....also a tranny in training
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all is here
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>hurr durr it's too much
Why would glowniggers ever stop with their bullshit, you absolute retard?
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No professional sniper would have missed that shot.
Latest since 2018 it is no questions that the cleaning needs to be throughout - final - it requires a last act of barbary, genocide on all collectivist and opportunist, their gene pool needs to be erradicated
Hi glowie. The shot was rushed and target was moving. There is an extra shot recorded that FBI and SS hasn't acknowledged >>475727633
Very sus number of people triggered by this post. If you would've said it was any other country you wouldn't have had half the butt hurt replies. I wonder why
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I'm legit not a glowie but I shoot frequently. The theory here is that there were snipers in the building below the kid, who was shooting with an unmagnified red dot (as I understand it). A professional sniper would have had top notch glass on their rifle as well as some sort of barrel and trigger modification that would be much better than a stock rifle. 130 yards, this kind of equipment, the skill of a professional, aiming at a head of a body that is virtually stationary, is not a remotely difficult shot. It's just not.
>I was in that thread
No you weren't. You work first shift at Eglin so you were asleep when that thread happened.
>Obvious larp
You mean like your presence here posing as an "anon"?
>and even made gay follow up threads to larp harder
Post links, airman.
This is retarded. He effectually gave up his true identity by describing his association to AGR and job description.
This has been confirmed to be Maxwell Yearick.

Body of Crooks still unknown.
So, the official security plan was to station three (3) countersnipers with zero (0) spotters each inside of a building from which they could look out some windows and report on some shit that nobody in particular would then investigate while the spotterless countersnipers stayed in the building. Sounds legit.
This description we frozen by eye witnesses. A faggot and his family —sister and mother. Gone ignored.
We dont need a luciferian in the white house
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>he wouldn't have had two backpacks on a bike
One theory is he used the ladder earlier in the day to pre-position a backpack with the gun on the roof. So he wouldn't have 2 backpacks when riding the bike.

Or, the backpack belongs to a second person.
Police can footage cuts, then resumes to faggot ass ZOGbot homos discussing the "remote control device", which they could have planted themselves. Video cuts at timestamp 11:20.
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See pic related. About 4 minutes into the video you can see shell casings suddenly appear next to the guy in the camo. Need others to verify
Peak Prosperity is a gay boomer who true to sound like he's "professional" and "authoritative". Why boomers and whiteoids do this cringe LARP? They ALWAYS have to act like there splitting an atom with literally EVERYTHING they do, are involved in and say.
I went to elementary school with JD Vance, or JD Bowman as he was known then. He wet his bed until he was 13 and we all called him JP Soakman. That's the real reason he changed his name to JD Vance. But then we just called him JPP Pants and he left our school.
>who true to sound like he's "professional" and "authoritative".
I find him to be very professional. Authoritative? Nah, I just see him presenting facts (what little we actually have) and discussing the implications. Any speculation he provides that isn't supported by data he clearly identifies as such. Maybe it's just a little too intellectual for you to follow along.
You and everyone at your highschool sounds like a complete asshole.
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Puzzle stick together

Jackpot countered
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>7 is the most powerfully magic number
thats some jew nonsense

we have here a perfect square, 3 cubed
3 sequentially repeating 3 times... 3 times.
It's not about legal or not. It's not necessarily illegal for anything president Kennedy did, or anything any of the people that mysteriously died connected to the Clinton's, but they all still got taken out so plans wouldn't be exposed
I lost my father, mother, and recently my wife all before I had turned 37, and I still believe in God, and I never once ran around like some purulent faggot blaming God, or even doubting His existence. Westerners have been bathed in kike hostility, and their mission to atomize, dehumanize, and separate them from anything beyond themselves, and this moment where they hate us, and are working to destroy us. I hate how lazy they are with the messaging, but also that it still works.
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When they get on the roof there's no detonator!!
The feed then cuts from 18:38 to 18:49 and suddenly there is a detonator, this is before he is officially searched
laws are just rules for goyim
jews dont follow laws, why should you
the amount of people who break the law on a daily basis is much higher than you think mate
I'm not lying about anything. I'm speculating possibilities of what could've happened
>I find him to be very professional
I honestly don't care what you find, but the truth is this professionalism is exactly what he's going for. It's a put-on. It's a fucking show and it's pathetic. He does not present facts. He's just a typical retarded fucking boomer who was wrong about Covid and acting all panicky like a faggot back then, going along with everything the mainstream media tells him. It's a pathetic persona Boomers and whiteoid faggots put on just appear to be in the know and to appear important. He's cringe!
no doubt Ray is a piece of shit. The fucker still got off 8 shots at Trump. What a stupid deep state talking point.
(((crooks))) tried to kill trump
god is telling a story that needs being paid attention to
F****** meme magic.

The LOGOS is with us.

Jesus Christ is God and all the glories to Him.

Thank you Lord for creating this reality.
>OMG why do the his guards have access to the president?
I feel like it's all, or mostly true what they say about black projects, it's just that they're just waiting to depopulate the world of 7.5 billion niggers before it's ever utilized (niggers happens to include us too)
>who was wrong about Covid and acting all panicky like a faggot back then, going along with everything the mainstream media tells him.
lmao.fuck off glowie.
Yea, they have those too.
anon the detonator is there. it just barely is there. 90% is obscured by the gay blur
Cut the shit out buddy. "You ah glowie". Typical childish nonsense. Mad because I don't like your flavor of ice cream. It's just a fact, okay? The guy is just pathetic and his whole shtick is to appear to be fucking intellectual and only low IQ retarded whiteoid faggots actually fall for this shit. Again, it is all to give off the appearance of being intellectual, professional and authoritarian. It is typical boomer nonsense. Again, whiteoids love to pretend like everything they do or are into is equivalent to splitting a fucking atom. And it's not that serious. It's all about sensationalism for them.
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NO IT IS NOT, look at the picture
You literally think that the pic you were provided is refuting my point? You're that fucking stupid, dude? Can't you see that it is making my point? I started listening to him at the height of COVID. We're talking about from March 15th up to the end of April and the fucking faggot was going on like the sky was falling and like he was giving some deep insight and knowledge because, "I'm Dr. Chris Martinson." No, you're a fucking dumbass. I was one of the few people who was telling him in his comment section that the whole thing was fake but he couldn't let go because he's a sensationalist like the typical whiteoid boomer. Just fucking stupid
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>trump is lucky
>777 digits
He's my President.
Nightvision goggles
no dawg
wrong bullet angle
at the angle the bullet came it would be 14-18 ft above ground
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What a survivor, angels stopped killa bullet indeed, oh my,

Yours, the Chosen one
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Trump is the son of perdition. So yes, I suppose you’re right
I believe this pic was faked.

Trump got shot for sure, but another anon who's a pro photographer broke it down and it makes sense.

The shutter speed was so high to allegedly catch the bullet, everything else would be blurry.

I think the bullet was edited in.
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Jewish Distraction

It was maxwell yearick antifa ukrops attempt and the deep state would never send their own men. Crooks is a patsy.
>Everything else would be blurry
I'm no expert but that just doesn't make any sense to me though, unless Trump or the bullet were at far off different depths, but they are both pretty close to the each other
Everyone ITT thinks crooks was a patsy, one way or another, whether Yearwick is involved or not
>I think the bullet was edited in.
like most things with this event
on the fence
if its a pic of the bullet, the trace is too long
if its a vapor trail, its too short
camera fags argued post after post
idk which were fake or gay
but if it is a real pic
math says it came from above ground level
I'd be curious to see the meta data on this pic compared to the epic one. The guy had a gopro on during the whole event. I'd like to see if he changed his shutter speed. There's no reason for him to have had it a what it was set to for the bullet pic.
I'm calling you glowie because your not providing any data to refute Martenson and his interpretation of the data. Your just attacking him on irrelevant topics, something a glowie would do in an effort to foment a negative opinion and dissuade people from consuming his content. If you have any actual issue with his interpretations then please present them. something like:
>Martenson is wrong on the 2 shooter theory becasue of "x".
>Martenson didn't look at this article which answeres all his questions on the timeline.

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