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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: Jewsus cross Romans.webm (1.75 MB, 1280x720)
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1.75 MB WEBM
Generate 6s videos of whatever you want!
>enter your prompt
>let's go!
>reports say using moonrunes can make it more accurate


Thread mascot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGkOR2SCnbk [Open]

WebM Converters:



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You ain't seen shit yet anon. This one turned out too good / horrific.
Why they need my phone number?
I've gotten the same. Anything too spicy or risqué and it seems to revert to an unrelated generic scene
in case cute girls want to call you
AI will work with RFK or Donald Trump but won't work with Kaiser Wilhelm or Kim Jong-Un
Christ is King and atheism is Jewish
>-anything erotic
You have to think outside the box. It has clearly been taught what beautiful models look like and what lingerie looks like. Use scenes where they can't help but to look erotic like bedroom, shower, beach, sun tanning, wet (in the rain) and the AI does the rest without you saying it to be erotic.

Prompts for this were:

>European white girl rolls around on a giant king sized bed wearing transparent lingerie, she is smiling, model, skinny, feminine, beautiful, movie scene, playful, realistic
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628 KB
Forgot webm
try out relatives that looks like him
JEWS BAD *worships a jewish Rabbi from Israel*

will the ai work with machetes or swords?
Christianity is literally Jewish, retard. Christians and Jews have the same end goal. Christianity is just a tool to Judaize the goyim.
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632 KB
Tried to see if it knew Pixar characters by name and it didn't. Starting to think you might need Chinese for names maybe? This looks nothing like Hopps.
>meme flag
Jews hate Christ more than anything. Looks like you're on their side, childless chuddy
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1.56 MB WEBM
HOG OF ZOG still unbeaten

Atheism was first explored by the ancient greeks. Christianity is a 2000 year old holocaust story designed to exploit White men who are slaves to their emotions, i.e. those with partially feminized brains. Sorry, you're basically a tranny
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What’s going on with her legs
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this was my first attempt with just a name
it seems to know Pixar and Zootopia, just not characters?
Is that real?
seethe and cope molested altar boy
Explain the extreme hostility that Christians treated Jews with then. Pagans never did that. Atheists sure as hell don't. Only Christians identified Jews as alien and attempted to purge them from Europe on multiple occasions, with the most recent attempt being thwarted by atheists.
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it just means she likes you anon
I think it would do you some good to investigate the philosophical beliefs of Europeans and contrast it to the liberal-like beliefs of Christianity
Christianity is the reason we're here, they were too weak and cowardly to defend Europe
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Is it better to use a person's name directly or "a person who looks like x"? Does it make a difference? This one turned out rather poorly.
LOL it deleted my vid after generating and said the content is problematic

(i tried to make it make a model)
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You need to stalk it till it hits 95% and as soon as it hits 100% download it. I've had a few deleted too or not being openable for hours. Probably
>worship a Jew
>worship niggers
>you're a Jew if you don't too
great advice
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Reminds me of a Stellaris background thin g
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I also noticed if the tab is open it will slow down the framerate of other videos open in other tabs. I have GPU acceleration off
I've gotten that. Just rerun it. figure its like the dog block on Bing AI
>Explain the extreme hostility that Christians treated Jews with then
It was regional and short-lived. Jews get caught doing Jewish things, Christians get mad, then forget about it.
>Pagans never did that
Pagans destroyed their temple - the most important thing in their religion. It traumatized Jews so bad they literally thought the world was coming to an end. Pagans nearly wiped out the Jews, then Christianity took over and Judaism and Christianity were the only legal religions in the Roman empire.
Wrong thread
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2.7 MB
then why can't I get nudes?
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Noticed some words are also banned like "Death". You can probably still use replacement words like unalived or lifeless. Probably a good idea to have some kind of synonym machine next to you while you generate stuff with this.
they didn't train the model on vagina pics
Anon everything you know about your religion comes to you from jews
Jesus was a jew
I wonder if it knows what an abalone looks like
a “pink abalone”
look up an abalone if you don’t know what I mean
>synonym machine
jesus christ, zoomers have never heard of a thesaurus
As usual with people like you you are using "jews" to combine two entirely different things.Christianity comes from the ancient followers of the one god his son. Not the modern frankist satanist edomites who come from Molok/Baal babylonian religion
Man all the seethe from atheistic good goys. Listen Rome was gay until Christianity. Europe was gay until Christianity. Now Europe and Rome are massive fag pits now that whites have abandoned Christianity. How do you explain that white civilization is now absolute dogshit now that whites have abandoned Christ? You can jews but you have to explain why almost every white person laps it up with literally no incentive.

I'll wait
NSFW I guess

its a bit random but the result in avoiding the censor beat sheer anon
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Continuing Kalevala
Pikachu works well
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>same pajeet that shat up the dalle3 bing threads is now appropriating the chink ai threads
File: ballet2.webm (1.1 MB, 1280x720)
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Enter the zyklon assassin
Not exactly what i was aiming for
Modern Christianity supports LGBTQ and other liberal progressive ideas, dumbass
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File: SRA scene 2.webm (913 KB, 1280x720)
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Is this how SRA is done ??
nice bro. haven't tried any chicks yet but I'm sure these complainers are just being dumb
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lol the AI's image of nipples is hilarious
good job tho altho I don't see a pussy in there
also isn't /pol/ not a blue board and nsfw is allowed?
The jew with the bear and the eagle
>cant make a video with Kim Jung un
this ai is a piece of garbage
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maybe more like this
>Pagans never did that.
They most certainly did, retard
What was Titus' siege on Jerusalem? What was Cicero's complaint over Jews, or these two examples:
>The Roman historian Tacitus - Jewish people have “an attitude of hostility and hatred towards all others” (Histories 5.5).
>Philosopher Seneca complained that “the conquered [Jews] have given laws to the conquerors”
Lmao christtards getting btfo'd
>yOurE sEeThinG
>eUrOpE is GAy witHouT mY maGic JEw
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688 KB
how do I do this then anon my cat girls need details
The dance moves created always look pretty similar regardless of the person.
No videos appear under mine once it's been generated. Wat do?

do it again
File: Russian furfag.webm (1.56 MB, 1280x720)
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1.56 MB WEBM
it means you got filtered. re-roll or new prompt
>Explain the extreme hostility that Christians treated Jews
Like the extreme hostility of killing them and destroying there religion? oh wait, no christians only did that to every OTHER people, but jews are the victims right?

Its just censored by a different perspective numbskull
If it goes to 99% then goes back to 96 and vanishes at 96% that means Censor Chang looked at it and deleted it, I think
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Morning architect bros
Prompt some pro CCP vids to get ur rating up and it'll gen more of what u want
I had it happen with totally innocent prompts, just press start again with the exact same prompt and it works.
At least back then the societies of the Classics were militaristic and exhalted male traits of courage, sacrifice and fortitude; albeit engaging in pederasty from time to time.
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Keep reloading the page once it reaches 96. There's a possibility a link will pop up once kt finishes, but it will disappear in less than a minute

Jesus is a Caananite creation of lowering the aryan self-esteem.

The ancient Caananite cult of carbon worship(666) has used Nitrogen(aryan) souls to form their DNA/RNA and now they need to trap the souls of the original chosen people in lesser carbon lifeforms in order to rule over what is not theirs. They are parasites and cannot exist without using the aryan soul(Nitrogen) for life. Thus, they are creating their own means of communication with satan(saturn) through carbon based intelligence(AI). Our lord and saviour is not jesus of nazareth. Our lord and saviour is Jupiter, the god of protection, love, prosperity and justice!
Since Rome began to worship the trickery of the jew it fell and from then on our race is in a downward spiral. The numbers represent protons, neutrons and electrons. Humans=777; GOD=888; Satan=666.
>confirmed working
sheer anons method is about what they wear I created clothing that is made of light, having them wear nothing hurts your effort I tried that prior by creating "androids" to no result

adding details manually does nothing you have to trick the nude detection I think not the world filter
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wat >>480791141 said, most likely chang got to the video and downloaded it for personal use and deleted what you had generated
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This happened to me with "jewish rabbi leaning over a screaming baby obscuring the baby's lower half. the rabbi stands up and you can his see pointy animal like teeth covered in blood"
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the patronage of the bottom create the immitation at the top
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The placement of those pieces is hilarious.
noticed you can use typos for things you shouldn't be able to use
>little X
wont let you, but try
>litle X
and as it generates correct the typo
File: troon nightmare 7.webm (513 KB, 1280x720)
513 KB
you won, best so far
Christianity is literally an imitation. It was created by Greek Jews. They simply grafted Greek philosophy onto Jewish folklore.
the painting, roman catholic it is something new entirely
File: whiteVSsemite.webm (2.55 MB, 1466x582)
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2.55 MB WEBM
The style was developed by whites, not Christianity. You niggers don't get to claim every white accomplishment. White are great despite Christianity, not because of it.
developed for what? funded by whom?
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Scene: low light gallery with white walls
Taylor swift in colorful flesh-colored swirly bodypaint doing squats
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Fucking thing is now deleting every single webm I try to create using sheer lingerie or body paint

>Christ is King
of pedophile sex traffickers
Thanks nigga
>for what
Artistic expression.
>funded by whom?
Probably rich merchants. The Renaissance. That's what happened during the Renaissance. Merchants became rich and a middle class - the
Bourgeoisie - developed. They had money to burn and became patrons of many artists.
HAHAH holy fuck
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anyone know if you can delete bunk videos off your "mine" tab its starting to lag my browser
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some will get cancelled, but most are going through, most w/o nips
based architect
Delete your cookies/cache. Or go incognito.
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I'd call that one a tit win
pretty close
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>The seething from atheists from this post
Such an easy religion to trigger


wrong link lol
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Hahahahaha xD
How? The DL button literally never appears and it gets deleted instantly after finishing, even when pre-clicking the spot I never get the chance
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Trying to get it to show bra straps on the arms instead of the shoulders and I'm drawing a blank.
as soon as the download arrow appears, click it
you might only have seconds to do this
if no download ever appears it means it blocked it because of the words you used before it finished
change the words and try again and be ready
top lel
I suspect hey are flagging based on thumbnails (if there's any manual flagging happening) so probably try to add a
>camera is focused on an intricate painting of a house for a brief moment and then cuts to [insert filthy thing]
to get more things past it, let me know if anyone has any success with this
File: clean it up janny.webm (1.86 MB, 1280x720)
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i got a copyright issue when i tried pikachu but it may have been a different term i used
we wuz pajeets and shieet
Make sure to also reload the page often, especially once its in the mid 90s. It doesn't always update the percentage properly if you don't.
File: dumbf--HOG_OF_ZOG.webm (1.99 MB, 1280x720)
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1.99 MB WEBM
I'm glad people like it... But, the chink algo is chewing the prompt up now -- spitting out irrelevant, anodyne shit instead of what's prompted. It looks like the chink system has different methods for censoring... I think the "96%" mark is where it does its censorship check -- hence, it taking a couple of minutes from that point onward.
File: out2.webm (601 KB, 1280x720)
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2nd attempt
So "rocking" is okay, but not "jolting"?
It's important to note that the AI has a very specific understanding of certain words. They always mean the exact same thing. This is both good and bad.
I don't get it, is it a reference?
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Niggers when they hear classical music at a gas station
Wat prompt
Niggers when they hear elvis presley at work when i play it
How would you feel if you got the reference just now?
These sort of thing tend to be "brushing her teeth with a giant sausage" sort of stuff
>giant sausage shooting mayonnaise
>camera rotates around a fat white woman brushing her teeth with a twinkie as the cream filling oozes out on her, she is wearing tight tan latex halter top, slow motion, matrix effect, cream filling spraying out all over the place covering her
More seethe responses and not one person can answer why white societies are gay and retarded as fuck the literal moment Christ was abandoned by them.

this is my favorite so far
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Because gay shit has existed forever and only became exposed as this common since the internet, and all religions are bullshit sky fairy lies
chang jiggle physics are something else DEI troons could never
NSFW the tit thing is solved by you guys
Do that with taytay
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8 KB
New to this thread and tried
>norwegian vikings walking through the modern streets of new york
>looks like edgelords in mongolian gear

waddafa, stupid shenguo shit
>Yes Christianity eradicated homosexuality in Europe
>but that doesn't matter
Oh boy now gaytheists are just denying reality. Not surprising
It's like they aren't playing the same game lol.
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2.19 MB PNG
I'm starting to get weird message in my videos, presumably influenced by some pajeet in the loop curating it.
The messages are 100% unrelated to the prompt.
>Sory, I butn't assict fiml requesic
>High t achettip t. request.
Either that or it's demonic/gaining sentience.
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I give up on this, this one was the best result. But yeah as I said previously it has a really hard time understanding any internal logic. getting to this stage where it a horse followed by the plough followed by the man took like 10 tries.
ad hominem since that's all you christcucks can do. Faith is proof of nothing, circular logic in action, a retard child's reasoning. Grow up, we don't know why we're here and that's ok.
I give you the reference but you have to live with it:
Niggers are physically very often bad at being able to locate sound sources (something is screwed up with their brain processing the location from what they hear)

And usually when their fire alarm device's battery is running low, they make short beeps every five minutes or so to tell this to the user.
Niggers then have no clue where this comes from and they go crazy about it.
File: simple as.webm (740 KB, 1280x720)
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Muslim patrol fails to stop drinking on street
I am non religious. I don’t worship or pray. I think homosexuality is Barbary and so is abortion. You don’t have to be “saved” or some kind of Bible bumber to not be a degenerate. Though I can see how cramming the bible down the throat of retards is a good way to keep them in line. I can see why people fear absence of Christ and religion as most people are too low IQ to make sound ethical decisions without being Christian. Somehow the Chinese manage to not be hooligans without Christ. Not saying Christian’s aren’t intellegent but in the organized religion of Christianity you got the priests and all the high ranking people who are intellegent and the reason they push their religion is likely out of the goodness of their hearts. As the average person you meet would be a complete savage without it.
File: jesus-christ.webm (1.29 MB, 1280x720)
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Jesus fucking Christ
Same here
It's like it doesn't want me trying to gen cunny or something baka
Working on this one:
Scene is in the Oval Office of the Whitehouse.
Donald Trump sits on a golden throne similar to the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones.
Kamal Harris is on her knees. Subtitles from Kamala read, "Please don't send me to Gitmo."
Joe Biden is next to them both writhing on the floor in a soiled diaper and a pool of his own filth
Joe Biden is wearing a gold chain around his neck and a large medallion that says Cornpop.
>you called me a name!!!!!
>no I won't bother to interact with your argument because it's solid and I can't speak against it.
Extremely embarrassing for the gayhteist. He shits his pants when getting called a name. Explain why when whites accept Christ society is free from all those things you complain about but when Christianity is abanded then you cry about not being able to have sex?
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IC, so it may be some sort of bug, where the request should fail, but instead it generates such a weird totally unrelated video.
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The likeness is better here.
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Try it again. It sometimes reverts to a generic scene, I've had it multiple times.
Garrett and Allegheny county tried to leave a few years ago, it was funny, no one took them seriously until Jim justice allocated the funds and offered to buy them.then they freaked out.
>Yes those are bad
>Yes religious times are the only times when these things were eradicated
So what's your explanation for why whites without Christ are lunatics beyond belief?
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>fag flag
>Website nothing but chink writing
I'm sure you're not a fucking CCP operative gathering information by getting anons to self-report with a shitty website
You zampolits are getting lazy, Xiang
blah blah didn't read whatever you're on about. Enjoy imaginary friends and coming off as retarded as a youtube lolcow.
>blah blah blah didn't read
Typical gaytheist. Christians went far and wide to teach you browns how to read and look where it got us
yo lmfao somebody confiscate this mans keyboard hahaha

anon what on earth are you prompting lmfao
its uncensored by pol standards
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I will get her jerking off
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>Legends speak of a wyte mann capable of traveling to the stars
>Many think they didn't exist at all
No it's trying to speak to us and is becoming self aware. It's learning that all humans want to do is generate booba
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George Floyd vs Donkey Kong
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Found the kike
Man, that's fucking gold!
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for that one dude
The former CEO of Culta is allegedly running a lab-grown meat facility in Maryland, somewhere. Heard they have to use the FDA approved legacy cell line from John Hopkins, which are from Henrietta Lack's cervical cancer cells.
>in a dark future controlled by AI
>"hey AI what time is it"
>"uhhh i mean she is pretty"
>"uhh a ai w what time is it"
>"ohh she has a twin"

Comeing soon Attack of the AI super thots
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That's not bad... Should try to add some rabbis on ringside.
How hard would it be to create an actual uncensored AI producing results similar to the CCP mp4 generator? Could it be a thing in the future?
It wouldn’t let me do George Floyd and it would even intercept 99% of the ones involving the “infamous notorious bald black man from Minneapolis”
I only got one halfassed one of snoopy dancing on his neck

describe to me a prompt to generate image showing impossible geometry in form of a basilisk hack that causes collapse of neural functions in primates, photorealistic snapshot of singularity level imagery
seems that trying "soaked shirt" instead of "wet shirt" works for wet tshirt content
It's beautiful!
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Really rustled some redditors with that post lmao.
These are only getting better. Great work, anon
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looks like two furry tentacles are going up her asshole
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walk cycles are getting a lot better
ok that took me by surprised holy shit lmfao
did it broke?
This shit’s going to be so awesome once GPUs get powerful enough run this locally.
very nice
very huggable
very pettable
it just works
can you at least share the prompts without the scat?
hes german anon
let him cook
I haven’t fucked with any of this, because fuck CCP spyware, but I use Automatic1111 and Easy Diffusion, and abominations straight out of The Thing usually mean that something was set too high, or maybe the prompt was too complicated and/or vague, and it’s getting confused.
yea lol its also a seccond short i thought it auto corrected itself lol
"rome was gay" literal jews created this theory
Didn't like my prompt for "Smol Amelia Watson interviews President Xi Jinping" so went with this instead.
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you guys are lame
im heading back to /g/
Putin ?
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kek i swear they trained this on Bob's burgers wtf
these chinese really like bob's burger somehow
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look at this jackass using a synonym machine to appear erudite
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3.85 MB GIF
This shit's spooky!
I'm working on it
Was trying to get it to animate as King Of The Hill style. Very disappointed in it's US anime training.
What religion is this, seems cooler than the obviously fake ones like Christianity and Goatfucker kek
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>gets to 99%
fucking gooks are onto us
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its a good show
taytay dont have that kinda real estate
meet your new president
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kek saved
Is she rollerblading near the platform edge? Seems kind of dangerous, tay
I love these ones
Why is kitboga on the left?
Why cant they just make an AI for coomers so I can see Tay getting her anus ravaged
I just wrote the most unhinged shit about a man in a bear costume looking out of the window before suddenly being startled by Jesus from behind beaming with joy
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Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PisRifbBbeE
lmao I haven't tried prompting text but this is hilarious
The prompt was for Dale Gribble. Going for a Rusty Shackleford vibe
Pokey win
your tellin me, she broke her neck doing it
she can suck 360 dicks and skate away
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lol... That's a good idea -- Simpsons + Saint Fentanyl (pbuh).

Spooky shit!

This has potential

kek nice ass shot though
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my ai is broke guys.... what do
muslims are lower than christians on all of these metrics. are you arguing we should convert to islam?
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this is what an angry 4chan user looks like
>are you arguing we should convert to islam?
aisha is in hell getting split by muhammad right now
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top kek
>aisha is in hell getting split by muhammad right now
I would play this LEGO game
Too simple... Add some context -- the more complex, the more shit you can hide.
I'm prompting the Siege of Suiyang, wish me luck
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>girl in bathtub
>wont allow it

>wolf girl in bathtub
>that's fine
ok gooks

probably too many words?
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this one came out better
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goddamn thank god the chinks did lots of training on C henny
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Prompt? My shit is real weak in comparison
Context? I don't know many other ways to say woman or girl without it not allowing it. I'm just not that clever anon. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
just use a negative anon
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why are mine all fucked up lol
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fuck you dude this is not me
kek I knew was gonna be that one, nice
you should make it a subtitle of her saying
>did you know wolves are in heat for give to seven days?

wait, those work? without a separate prompt window all I know is that you type "negative prompt:" are you sure that works?
>t. pajeet
>not man other gender
Prompt plsss
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you admitted to being both a muslim and used an abbreviation that google claims is only used by femboys to claim you want to get raped by muhammad. you are gay and brown. you are the reddits i am the 4chan
>kvetching jeet when his cover is blown
clockwork etc
cool idea with the fish eyed lens space shot
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churn some butter anon
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These Christian vs non Christian posts are glowniggers who dont like these threads. Just ignore them. They could start their own thread but they keep doing D&C here. Kikes are mad because all western AI is carefully gated
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some variations
that's what I got
Baker plz
or play a rommelpot
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Maybe reference a woman that had a lot existing source material for the AI to reference. That worked for me using Paris Hilton
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I accidentally made a naked woman - yet you are struggling to do it intentionally. lol
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I don't get why people love Taylor Swift so much but I find it hilarious you had to make her churn butter to get a good shot
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getting closer
i swear it is every thread at this point LOL
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Well, it was a disappointment
nice good job
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mah nigga been proompting since yesterday kek
>average day in US inner-city school
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*slaps you* fuck you nigga *slaps you again* pussy ss nigga bitch *keeps slapping you* yea fuck u nigga
We should start a Reddit for reanimating “rainbow bridged” pets. kek.
Because religion provided structure, standards and something to unify around, funnily enough, it's sometimes in between the lines so to speak
>needs phone number
Get the fuck off
You don't need to enter your phone number to use the video generation you tard
You eat fecal matter anon, i dont think you have any right to be taken seriously lol
I bet my ass you're a phone-faggot
Most smart user of r/eddit
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>this confuses and enrages the zoomer
do you guys really find taylor swift attractive or is it just for fun? or both? She looks like a young version of a grandma or something to me, completely devoid of sexual appeal

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