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Here's your aryan waifu who you have to marry and die for bro

I thought she was going to cut her finger off with those scissors
nothing will ever beat this
how is this worse than someone feeding their kids lunchables or cheetos and sugar?

compared to other troll cooking videos, this one doesn't actually look that bad. I would try it.
ngl, that looks tasty af
will attempt this recipe
I'd sale her into slavery for wasting that beef
Disgusting as that is, I wouldn't call it an easy meal
But at least the kid's smart enough not to eat the charred sausage
why was it if your not gonna use soap. its still dirty!
>roastie rage bait
That's fucking weird. By the decor she's cooking in my friend's kitchen
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I don't have any issues with the recipe itself (more effort than invest in feeding myself), but she needs to learn to use a cutting board. I almost lost a fingertip using scissors like that.
It's the same thing as feeding her kids a lunchable but she wasted money and time bastardizing a casserole recipe her mother taught her
It's just pasta.
its much healthier and requires effort
any food that requires prep work is going to be better than ready-to-eat slop we feed our kids
Vapid cunt. She needs soap tto wash that grease out.
If she put a little effort into it, that meal wouldn't be that bad.
>draining the grease
>"well maybe she doesn't mind dry, tasteless meat if she wants to cut down on fat"
>rinsing the cooked meat under the tap
I had to cover my eyes in horror
I blame their husbands and fathers.

Women are like horses, you blame the breeder or the rider, the horse is never to blame.
you can blame whoever you want
you still have a worthless horse to deal with
I don't see anything wrong with that dish. People in the comments are nitpicking stupid shit like her choice of spices or her shredding the chicken "pointlessly." She literally showed the point, it's a meal for her children.
Thats so fucking sad.
>whyte men dont wash dey meat
If my children eat like that, the bitch will be raped in the kitchen
that actually looks pretty fucking good
the worst part of it is the pasta but it's really not that bad
if I wanted to be a /ck/ autist I could shit on her for using run of the mill dogshit grocery store polska kielbasa and burning it or using canned garlic but that whole meal is high fat, high protein, her kids will grow up to be gigachads and stacies

i ate worse shit as a kid coming from a poor white appalachian mom and military dad
we had something called "cream peas" which was just cream of mushroom soup and a can of peas. if it was a good week, dad would add some kielbasa to it.

the worst part of all of this is that all of the other races have become so accustomed to EBT and getting $400/week to buy "filay min-yon" that their idea of "poor cooking" is fucking lobsters and sausage cooked in beer with 25lb of Old Bay dumped on it

don't talk shit about poor white people food, I'll kill you. this shit has been around appalachia forever and will outlive the other ethnicities combined in the US
Movie was written by a woman btw
Why are women so incapable of understanding other humans? Why do we pretend they're the gender of empathy when they make stuff like this?
Yeah no fucking shit. Any average male knows fully well if another guy was actually in that situation they would either beat the shit out of the nigger and/or immediately dump the woman.
>Americans chomping at the bit to reveal how they are classless slobs
skill issue she's skipping one thing to wash.
Looks good. Slide thread.
>Busy stay-at-home mom
..does she do wfh or something?
Inshallah die I will for her. Feeding my sons with flesh and cheese, for she is a great woman
It's not the best thing ever but acting like it's some sort of horror slop that needs to be condemned is the same as being a histrionic faggot.
Okay now im angry
>I learned in (((Nutrition)))
some jewish fucking bitch scamming even dumber white bitches with all kinds of jewish science
Sadly men like this truly exist
That looks ok. Not everyday but for a meal once a fortnight it would be fine.

That is sacrilege.
I thought the cringe would end when she strained the oil down the drain. What is wrong with this bitch.
Nothing wrong with that for a work night meal. I would have used much less cream and thickened up more with cornflour but other than that looks fine. Do a side salad, and you're good to go.
I'm kind of divided about it
On one hand, the kids have an actual mom who is willing to at least try and make something for them - which is a big plus especially today
On the other hand, how she made that food is... not what I would do. Some of it actually made me wince a couple times.
Like the literal half gallon of seed oil - whatever it was
And the garlic to go with the garlic
I mean, I make gyros and tzatziki and I use a lot of crushed garlic but not THAT much..
White people unseason their food.
the cringe started with the first second of the video, literally every single thing she's doing is wrong
If she's a stay at home mother she has no excuse for making "quick" meals.

i went from meh, 'not my problem' to 'what the fuck is this bitch doing' & face palming
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can't actually make up my mind if sad, angry or amused
but just seeing that jew's fucking face, makes me angry

so I'm good
looks great to me, just replace the goy oils with butter or lard and that would be perfect
>any average male
A young male without a positive male influence might believe this shit. My dad was not a male role model, and I probably believed shit I saw in movies just like this one

>movie was written by a woman
And that's the kind of shit that young men will largely not even realize.
Does she know she doesn't have to precook the meat for a crockpot recipe?
And if she's a stay at home mom, wtf else is she so busy with?
that doesn't even look bad or grotesque desu
I genuinely do not see the problem with this. If I made it, I'd probably use a few veggies in it, like a cauliflower or something, but this is nowhere near the average ragebait food thing online. Not like that awful powered donut 1 year old breakfast video.
the characters are written as women, the scene would make sense if you swapped the characters for women actors
Haven't watched this movie but if I was in this situation I'd say something like
>Ok, but I'm her first. She's gonna be my used goods to you, cuck.
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What's exactly wrong with this?
It was chicken stock you stupid nigger
some women can pull this off if they are high enough value desu. Stop simping for your wives, marriage is a contract to raise a family. You don't have to be all lovely dovey over a women just because she sleeps with you...
At least she has some yummy microplastics from that plastic spatula in it.

People need to understand this. Females right now, today have no issue opening up uber eats or whichever app they're using, and ordering 30 worth of fast food shit that's $50 by the time you get it.

>literal half gallon of seed oil...

Bro, that's called beef tallow. It's beef fat that liquifies under heat. Let me pose a very interesting query to you...

This beef tallow is perfectly suitable for frying foods. You could fry anything in it. You could fry say.... french fries. Now.. .consider this. Burger joins do nothing but cook burgers. And they are thereby factories of beef tallow. They're making that shit all day.

So, why in the fuck would any of these places be frying their french fries in separate oil purchased separately? In fact, you could probably have a system where the tallow automatically drains, gets filtered and goes directly into a deep frier.
Who the fuck buys packaged ground beef?

Fucking disgusting. Choose a cut and have the butcher grind it on the spot. Geez.
if I were in that situation I'd just say something like "um, ok bro" then back away slowly, he's clearly deranged and is capable of anything
I think these videos are done as bait for engagement.
There are loads of these and similar ones.
"Realistic day of eating", and its some fatty eating 5000 calories in fast food.
"What I pack for my middle class husband's lunch", and it's just processed garbage.

And they make the same video every day despite getting thousands of rage comments telling them how disgusting they are.
They don't care, they are playing the algorithm game.
it's not necesary but browning the meat before will give a better taste


Like, who the fuck are you criticizing from your cardboard favela, bruv? Thats how people in the first world eat. I goto the store of my choosing, and buy whatever meat I'd like. Grinding it yourself seems like an awesome thing to do. I don't have a meat grinder though.

Nothing wrong with prepackaged ground beef, m8.
getting a sear and some fond for the pan sauce reduction she clearly made off camera
What is the issue?
Looks like food to me.
You're not one of those faggots that actually eats for pleasure are you?
My only problem is that she didn't add any veggies, throw some frozen peas in there.
kek, nice image.
don't forget the teflon coating on the pan! also letting it marinade inside that great value zip lock added some flavor too
Post the video with the nigger washing a chicken breast
I'm glad I don't watch goytainment, just imagine paying for seeing this
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New INCEL thread!
major cities here dont have many butcher shops. if you want meat you must buy a prepackeged brick of nondescript ground beef from god knows what parts. 95% of people eat like this or worse
She burnt the shit out of that kielbasa.
The villain there ends up sneaking off with the eccentric gay nurse into a closet at the end of the movie or credits, I don’t remember.
> Nothing wrong with prepackaged ground beef, m8.

There’s plenty wrong with it if it has had nitrates and whatever other poison shit jews put in our food added to it.
my wife did this exactly once in our first year of marriage. she never did it again for obvious reasons.
i do blame the parents. her mother (and father) never taught her a single solitary life lesson before letting her leave the nest. not cooking, cleaning, not how to apply for a job or file taxes. my parents were no different. it really sucks having to self-learn all this critical stuff into your 30s that previous generations would have mastered by age 12.
it would almost be worth watching the movie in a theater just to laugh as loud as possible at that part and piss off all the roasties in the theater
okay this has to be a joke. pouring grease down the drain is based if they're renting but if she owns the house shes retarded
My mom used to brown beef by putting the frozen beef into a plastic colander on a plate in the microwave and cooking it.
She'd then dump the grease on the plate down the sink and toss the half-browned beef into the pan to cook the rest of it before washing it in the colander again after.

I tried doing this as an adult (I didn't know better) and it was one of three times my wife yelled at me.
If you properly brown the beef on a wide enough surface, the water will cook off and the fat will go back into the meat. Unless you're buying really shit meat, there won't be any liquid.
>The average person is so used to goyslop, they don't recognize it as such
u proud that you are the "first" (lmao) of a lying cheating bitch, lol, the absolute state of chad-wannabes these days
>using jarlic AND garlic powder
That's the actual worst part of her cooking
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every year you look more like your mum
>not a single post pointing out that she's jewish and this is a paid thread
You and that Canadian bitch screech this in every thread, you dumb fat bitch
That meal is the opposite of kosher
I had the same reaction.
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I'd be lucky to get a hot dog wrapped in a piece of bread for dinner, about a 50% chance we had only ketchup or only mustard, maybe a slice of Velveeta cheese if my brothers didn't it all first
that's not grease, it's water that's going to evaporate in a couple of minutes
>that nose
It's not about being proud but making the other guy feel like a loser for trying to make you feel like a loser
You fry the beef until all fat is gone then you add flavors by deglazing
>high value
This is why jews see you as livestock and real humans see you as lower than dogs. Jews for greed use your labour but a real human would never want to meet or see you for any reason or occasion in all cases.
and who's it being promoted to retard
>he thinks the studio set is real
The worst part was charring the sausage, that stuff comes pre cooked. You just need to "cook it" again to kill the germs the illegals in the meat packing plant might have cross contaminated it with.
I'm going to conclude you are a kike based on your hatred of garlic and discard your vampiric opinion that doesn't even know what bouillon is.
that's fair, both of those guys would be losers irl in that situation, literally played by a roastie bitch
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Pic rel was my favorite part of this video.
I could watch that for hours
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have you ever noticed that burgers never eat food the requires a knif?
whats wrong with that? I dont get it. Mom makes a protein packed meal for her kids, what a whore?
That Polska tastes better if you sear it a bit
Slavs aren't white
"How do you want your chicken"
"Water flavored, please"
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Fresh garlic is amazing. Jarlic is trash slop
based and redpilled
A hor like that is fucking at least 2 other guys besides them plus anyone she meets. They're both chumps. They should team up to fuck her over
>doctor doesnt immediately leave
lol who wrote this slop. LMAO
Isn't it like cooking for beginners to not "wash" your meat? It's ground beef man just cook it through
Not what she put into the pan to fry the chicken, double nigger
To me, it looked like some kind of seed oil
Jesus wept... the fuck is WRONG with you people?
>Bro, that's called beef tallow.
It didn't look like beef tallow to me - we have some in the fridge next to the eggs
it's white, it comes in a box and is a solid when you put it in the pan to fry with it
It looked like a bottle of seed oil
>I'm going to conclude you are a kike based on
On absolutely fucking nothing
I'm Elbe German. Catholic
You absolute coal black at the bottom of a well at midnight retard gorilla nigger
This is PTSD inducing. I'd rather ask a fucking nigger to cook for me. WHAT THE FUCKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is like a very shitty Alfredo Chicken with Pasta. The noodles and chicken look undercooked and the sausage looks like bland american hot dogs rather than the fatty meats you should use, and I dont think it is very nutritious, especially given the costs and time spent, but it is hardly the worst thing a single woman could make, desu.

The kind of garbage most single moms and roasties that age eat is astounding.

But then again, this IS what she made for a video, so she is somewhat proud of it.
she's using a shitty teflon pan on a garbage electric stove using a fucking plastic spatula
she's got ALOT bigger issues
> draining away all the flavah
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do women think this happens or they know this isn't real so it is just a fantasy?
I don't know what the big deal is. There's still going to be a lot of fat left in the meat.
Lol. So he is smug that he is a beta orbiter?
Ashton should have stayed with Demi. She looks better than Kunis even today.
the filthy mods pretend they're not here again
> t. weak brownoids who cannot using dairy as ingredients
So it wasn't just blacks, white people also wash their meat.
you negroes dont even wash your beef?
jews convinced me that animal fat is le bad so I'll fluoridate and dry out the food
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>Easy dinner for kids as a busy stay at home mom
Worthless bitch, your entire purpose of staying at home is to cook, clean and do the laundry. If anyone does not need an "easy dinner recipe", it's her
The fucking chicken looks pink. She has the gaul to say "busy house wife"... she literally just puts a bunch of ingredients and food together and fucks it into a crock-pot. This piece of shit woman then goes onto spice it with a fuckton of whatever cancer inducing aromats are available to her - and simultaneously has the fucking nerve to somehow record it all and brag about it!? FUCKING HELL. I've never ever thought I could get angrier when I see women acting like whores but seeing this women feed her own offspring this fucking slop makes me angrier than I never thought I could get. Who is this fucking bitch? I wish this was a joke - somebody should give this fucking retard a slap in the head and a fucking wakeup call. I cannot cannot cannot believe it and yet I am seeing it. Please don't tell me these people are legitimate and voting citizens and it's all a joke. WHAT THE FUCK MAN!
I rewatched it, just for you.
>literal half gallon of seed oil - whatever it was
It was chicken stock.

For me, the most offensive part of that dinner is just how expensive it was for what the unimpressive final product turns out to be. If she's a "busy stay at home mom" she should be more savvy on budgeting and nutrition. Also, kinda weird that there wasn't a single vegetable in there.
And to expand a bit, it's normal to try to dominate the "other guy" verbally AND physically if you are both interested in some chick. When the situation is that she already fucks you both you are both cucks who are competing for a worthless "prize".
My grandma told me about her first time cooking after she got married
She absolutely fucked some fried catfish and said it was miserable, but at least she didn't do it on purpose like this goofy bitch lel
Why is she draining the water out and adding it again?
Not my problem

Oh yeah I'll just stop by the butcher after I chat with the shoemaker or the blacksmith I frequent in town. Brilliant.
I've actually done this my whole life and couldn't figure out what video was about until I read comments? you guys just let the grease mix into your sauce or whatever your cooking?!?
The mods are trannies with puss-filled axewounds, even if they destroy this website, we'll be whole and they'll be a shell of themselves with a gaping wound. It's a win-win really. They asked for the end of the world, they introduced their satanic agenda unto this world and they decided to clown around. Either way, it's going to go down one way and we're here to watch the place burn. Fuck the mods/jannies/trannies/moot/gookmoot and all the other glowniggers that bought this site from the sellouts. At least snacks was transparent, unlike luggage lad. RIP HW, fuck the pigs, moon and Jim (no fun allowed).
butchers, shoemakers, blacksmiths, tailors, all those exist in most towns even today, maybe you are just a poorfag if you don't got access to other than already plastic wrapped "meat"
Lol, nevermind. Forgot she said stay at home mom. Then yeah, there is no excuse for all the mistakes. Unless she works from home or something.
>I rewatched it, just for you.
>>literal half gallon of seed oil - whatever it was
>It was chicken stock.
See picrel
If you can find me a bottle of chicken stock in this bottle for sale in the US, I'll take it all back
not my problem
lmfao that's sad. was it her first time frying catfish? fish is so fragile, it's still something my wife struggles with to this day.
when we first got married she had zero cooking skills; was used to just eating Campbells soup every day. I was a fast food addict, or pizza or chinese delivery, basically extremely picky eater which created a lot of friction since she needed practice to get any good at cooking, but had no motivation since I wasn't willing to eat anything she made.
Thank god we somehow got over that hump. While she's no Gordan Ramsey, I can't remember the last time she made anything inedible, and I've been broken of my slop addiction.
>1 TBS is " a literal half gallon"
work on your communication skills, nigger.
also the lid is green, meaning it's olive oil.
(possibly """"olive oil"""" if the brand is cheap)
>butchers, shoemakers, blacksmiths, tailors, all those exist in most towns even today
I can promise you, in the USA, no they don't.
I haven't seen a butcher in like 30 years, and I've NEVER seen a shoemaker.
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>sharp shoots hyperbole
>Hedges his own fucking comment because he knows he's fucking wrong and it's NOT chicken stock
>"Well, I'm about 84% sure it's olive oil but I'm not 100% sure so I'll just be a fucking bitch and put a disclaimer/escape hatch at the end of my comment..."
Oh just fuck you
cram your chicken stock up your prolapsed asshole
Im 40 years old and live in the city, but i dont think I've ever actually laid eyes on a butcher. they have deer processing places in deer hunting villages from what I've heard. in america, the cows are butchered in a factory.
usually don't find seed oils in green containers. Looks way too thin for virgin olive oil, but maybe avacado oil.
>Thats how people in the first world eat.
not really, I mean the people who cant cook buy this shit because they dont know what they miss out but once you level up the game and try to grind it yourself or at least ask someone in the store to do it for you, its a game changer. Meat is totally different, has less water and it doesnt taste like a tire.
Yeah I know, right?
I don't fry with olive oil
Don't recognize the bottle
WUZ tried to tell you about white peeps and their food...she poured out all of the flavor and taste
high motivation stoner meal
i make pasta bakes like this all the time except i use butter and not sneed oils but its fine otherwise
She is frying up a sausage and cutting it with a pair of kitchen scissors.
OP is making fun of poor people.
90% or higher is the best beef to purchase
That's a Latina with bleached hair bro
Americans sure get mad when you call them out on their bullshit such as eating slop.

FFS, freshly ground meat is better and safer because (You) get to choose the cut so you know what you're eating. I live in a small town and there's more than 10 butcher shops here and every supermarket here has a dedicated butcher shop.

There's no industrial packaged ground beef here, that's a non existent concept.

But you sure are eager to defend the slop being pushed on you aren't you? Ask your grandpa, he probably went to the butcher shop on his day and you should be doing that too!
Wtf, bot post or schizo post?
It is if youre in ZOGland.
Fat retains a lot of steroid metabolytes i.e. cancer causing steroid leftovers.
Only super duoer organic fat is good.
it's champing at the bit, retard
fucking hell this is why modern women should not fucking cook
Our grandmothers and mothers were truly the last generation of women who knew how to cook actual food
Nobody pronounces it that way
I don’t see anything wrong with this. She could have used an instant pot and did the searing there and cut down the time and made it less complex. Not overcook the sausage. Grate the cheese. But this is nitpicking
still correct though faggot and you are nigger who tried to insult Americans while pronouncing something incorrect like a moron
YT peepo don't leave flavor in they food
Man, I dunno yeah it looks pretty gross, but let me tell ya... as a dad, if your kids are eating... you're happy. Period.
It's hard to escape the dreaded "beige diet"...
Not my problem.
Bunch of people in North Carolina right now who'd love to have a bowl of some of that.
I'm sick of hearing about the floodocaust
Just slop my steaks up
Butchers still exist, and tailors kind of, but usually out of multi faceted buildings like vaccum repair and tux rental. No one makes shoes.
My Mom could make maybe 2 or 3 dishes and they all involved throwing the ingredients in a rock pot and leaving for 8 hours. You should have seen it when I drove my onitis 3 hours to thanksgiving with her and she took the tofurkey out of the oven and said "look it jiggles". She now claims no memory of this event and seeing as how the anti-depressants have erased the persons he was and admits to 3 day work trips where she has 0 memory it's quite possibly true.
I don't think my Grandmother ever cooked either and we visited her for an entire week.
I was visiting my brother and he put Goyflix on. It was about a magic negro child with super powers in Atlanta and somehow the school was run by RACIST whites and the RACIST white child bullied the poor black super baby and only the other brown people were aware that RACISM exists and is everywhere in Atlanta that is supposedly only 48% black but when I flew through the airport I thought I got on board the wrong plane and was in Africa.
Other than cutting the sausage with scissors instead of a knife, I don't see anything wrong with this.
fucking god.
You dump out the grease from the pan sure but you don't fucking RINSE the meat like that. Thats just retarded and washing all the flavor out.
>There's no industrial packaged ground beef here, that's a non existent concept.
well tbf most packaged ground beef you buy in a grocery store in the US was ground in store by butchers. The only exception I can think of is the super cheap, ultra processed stuff that comes in tubes that I wouldn't feed a dog
maybe in europooran countries. wtf would a blacksmith do in an american city. sure, there are some hipster hobbyist blacksmiths somewhere but not open to public. we do have taylors, but only at the highest end places. most people get suits at men's warehouse from an ordinary homosexual masquerading as a taylor who knows how to take 3 measurements.
That's not grease it's mostly water released from the meat. People are fucking stupid, cook it a bit longer and that water will disappear
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>the guy who loves me, plans to marry and have kids with me, pays for everything and lets me neet away at his home while he works is actually an asshole
>therefore i must fuck that guy who just hit on me on the street and run away with him
>this is all HIS FAULT btw for being too possessive or something
>i'm telling you he's EVIL and he must SUFFER
I've just realized that this is the plot of every sappy Hollywood romantic movie aimed at dumb white women.
Fuckin' Jews, man.
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never met an animal product she didn't like
But she learned it in Nutrition, guys
>Muh "first" world
Don't know if still vslid, but at least a few years back it was illegal to sell pre-ground meat, here; it hsd to be ground in front of the customer (same as it's illegal to serve open bottles, you have to open them in front of the customer).
>buys meat with grease added to scam the weight and appeal to the goyim palate
>removes the goy grease

Ok why not just buy meat without added grease and grind it yourself if you must have ground beef? Better yet just cut into cubes before frying it. The amount of people that don't know how to cook and use these cheap ass disgusting ingredients is astounding. It's always women too, when I see male casual chefs they're typically making something awesome. Single women though just toss together some nasty Walmart ingredients and feed it to their little retards.
Casserole is a problem now?
Jfc what the fuck is even the point of women except to be a wet hole that can shit out kids? They can't even cook anymore, in addition to being messy, lazy, annoying, ran through and needy. That food is fucking disgusting.

The sad thing is, the first bitch is using a ton of ingredients and spending a lot of time to create a meal that is both disgusting and unhealthy.

It would have been simpler to grill some lightly oiled vegetables on a cast iron griddle and sear a nice medium rare steak that you marinated in simple olive oil, garlic and lemon juice the night before. Takes way faster to make than make that disgusting instapot concoction and is 100x healthier and tastier.

>inb4 she has kids and they won't eat anything

I have 3 kids all under age 10, and they eat everything, even the little one and he's only 4. They eat meat and vegetables just fine. It depends on how you raise them. Make sure they have the opportunity to try different kinds of food when they're very young, so they don't develop autistic attachments to one or two things. I had my kids sucking on a piece of steak as early as 12 months old, even before they had the teeth to actually chew it.
blacksmiths can be found everywhere here, they make mostly fences, decorations, and knifes, but basically whatever you need and what they can sell, where would you even get a massive iron gate if not from a blacksmith? or a cool old style candle holder as a gift for someone special? blacksmiths here aren't even expensive, of course a bit more constly than dollar store items but they are actually nice items
It's still processed trash.

>sausage with nitrates and other additives
>goy pasta which is literally glued together with paste these days and clumps up in your gut
>other complete goy ingredients being dumped in there

I would divorce this woman if she insisted on feeding our kids like that. It definitely doesn't taste good either. I'd have to teach her about food and how to cook from the beginning, she's probably from a trash family that ate garbage like that and thinks it's normal. Granted our rich eat processed shit too just with a false health food label and higher price tag. You have to be learned as fuck to eat healthy in this shithole country.
Picture a gender swapped version of this scene and it'll make sense. That'd be the darkest, most cutting moment of a woman's life. Women are categorized as either marriage material or disposable and they know it, even as they complain about it and deny it. "I'm the one he marries" is a nuclear grade insult between females. The woman who wrote this can't put herself in a man's head because women are incapable of identifying with men, so thinks this makes sense as a conversation between males. The male version of this would've been:
>She lets you pay the bills, but when she wants an actual man I'm the one she fucks
all the “grease” is amino acids that leach out easily like taurine and then mostly saturated and monounsaturated fats . people literally pay money to buy taurine supplements
He doesn't know what he is talking about.
america has one of the fastest growing blacksmithing scene since the internet opened up the market for boutique knife makers.
>They can't even cook anymore,
What is this rose tinted bull shit? Pic related is what food looked like in 1950. In the 1990s it was common for most menu's to have sloppy joes and pork chops. Women are incapable of making a pork chop that's not bloody. Women are incapable of dumping a can of sugar sauce in a pan full of meat. The greatest female chef of all time was Julia Childs who would spend 3 hours getting drunk and stirring a sauce.
Food didn't become edible until male chefs like Emerill and Ramsey came along and made it you know competitive. A male thing. Now food is fucking amazing and getting better every single day. I can't think of a single female in my family that I can't out cook even at their "signature" dishes and oh do they hate it.
>Don't wash your chicken
>Wash your beef
Fuckin white people.
this is probably actually quite good, but like other chef anons I saw some noticeable issues
firstly, the pasta looks totally undercooked. rice or orzo pasta would have been way better at absorbing the stock and butter, and much tastier
secondly, the dish could have used some herbs like rosemary or thyme and not just all-purpose spice mixes + wad of mashed garlic. Heavy cream would have really helped, too. I’m also surprised there were no potatoes or carrots included… they would have worked well there. Cream of chicken along with the chicken stock is something that would have made it not so watery. Finally, I didn’t like the whole bag of shredded cheese dumped in, it felt like this is one of those moms who thinks shredded cheese is healthy for their kid or something, it probably should’ve been left out. Finally, there should be tough bread for the kids to dip into the soup and chew on, it helps their teeth and jaw grow
overall 4/10 but for the kids I’m sure they love it since it’s their mother’s cooking
alright that’s all I have to say, thanks for reading my cooking blog let me know what you thought
It's called a paper towel under a plate.
Why does american minced meat look like fucking dog food?
if your kids don't eat anything other than, say one particular mcgoyslop shit, you have failed as a parent.
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Also what the hell I thought this was going to be some kind of half assed gumbo lmao.
low camera resolution and she stored it in a zip block bag
JD Vance is so based
I've seen MUCH fucking worse.
The bitch is fat, she must be doing something right.
If your meat is leaking grease it's not real meat. They've added söy chunks and oils to it to game the weight and give it a taste/texture that appeals to goyim with fucked palates that are used to McDonald's fake meat.

Don't buy things that don't look like they were just chopped off the animal, or just picked off the plant. Nothing should be in any form other than fresh off the vine or animal. If you must have ground beef, grind it yourself. There's no pure ground beef being sold at stores even if they advertise it as such.

The most processed shit you should eat is yogurt, cheese, bread, and pasta. I even stopped eating bread and pasta because of the shit they're adding to it. Read the ingredients, there should only be shit you understand and light preservatives like citric and ascorbic acid. Nothing else if you want to eat completely clean.
Imagine with all the editing that this was meant seriously.
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>Yeah and you're gonna spend your marriage wondering if your kids look like you, or me.
That shit she got rid of was partly water.
Wtf. No, it is added water.
Substitute cream of mushroom soup for the milk, and bake instead of the crockpot and yeah
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This is why I avoid nearly anything written by a woman. There's a few very scarce exceptions, but the vast majority of the time you'll get some utterly retarded relationship plot line that just eviscerates the entire story. I'm still mad I read fitz and the fool on recommendation to this day.
>washing chicken
Goodbye, nigger
I have never understood the fixation on knives. Sure they are magnificent and sometimes even useful, but as far as blacksmithing goes they must be pretty dull to make most of the time. But that shit sells so I'm not blaming them one bit. Forged iron is like the best material there is even available for many household items and decorations, and it really doesn't break your bank compared to general house and living prices even if you do some highly specific custom orders (within a reason).
>women women women
Ok, retard. Men are probably way better.
>still no webm
Someone post it, I'm not logging into Twitter to get angry.
Underrated. Lmao
It's a lazy meal but it doesn't look that bad, and with all that fat, salt and carbohydrates I'll bet the kids love it.
Yeah, our society is such that women don't need to learn how to appeal to men or learn to be attractive past looks, although many fail even at that. They have never tried to get into a man's head and understand his motivations and instincts. They don't understand men at all.
I can't imagine a bong ever keeping a pound of 'mince' in a freezer bag and dousing it with water. That seems distinctly typical of a dumb cityfag American. Bongs can't afford a pound of beef or freezer bags.
I'm literally a bong myself btw so don't take offense. It's like the
>washing machine in the kitchen vs literally anywhere else
A lot of effort and dishes for a sloppy meal, desu. She would have been better off tossing meat, potatoes, and vegetables in the slow cooker.
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Women aren't meant for cooking so idk
Plus i she goes out of her way to make a chicken sausage penne shes salvageable
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You have treated me like shit the entire time.
Its the ROI.
A hand made knife that took someone 4-6 hours can sell for upwards of 500 bucks relatively easily.
>Women aren't meant for cooking
Neither are you
So are you saying that the interaction in this clip is essentially just a female exchange with the characters swapped out to be men? It makes total sense that way but the actual clip doesn't make any sense at all. Is it because women think that men think like them or something?
Yes i am
See im very good at making american pre dinner snacks
Yike as fuck
Incel meal
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Why is everyone so rude
Cooking is fun
home depot
Is this your cooking?
lol, I'd rather be without if there wasn't an alternative for that
Okay this makes a lot of sense now lmao, that's so funny
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I just googled local blacksmith. 1 guy popped up. Just his first and last name and a picture of his residential zoned house in a small town 40 minutes outside of the city.
Looking good, desu.
Yeah it completely fucking sucks we are so fucking disfuncional it's crazy
>Betabux acting cocky
If the pics were really yours then good job, you'll make some woman happy in the future.
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Are you just rawdogging your butter on the fridge rack?
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>Think she's just going to drain the beef of grease, you know, how you normally do to get excess grease/fat from the pan
>runs it under the fucking water
Goddamn I hate women
I injected it with mold cultures
It did not turn out how I hoped and no its my 2nd fridge for cheese i make
Ty anon
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I can't stop eating buttery chicken schnitzels
They dont tag their houses on google maps and call themselves blacksmiths but knife makers.
They are one stop shops most of the time and not like in days gone by a cog in a larger system of guilds of smiths, knife makers, handle makers and sheath makers but we refer to them as blacksmiths because they draw out their own steel.
I wanna complain about her too cuz I’m lonely and wish she was paying attention to me instead of her furbabies
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>modern holes can't cook
Oh say it ain't so...luckily I know how to cook for myself. Ahem..
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those aren’t minor adjustments but you got it correct
At least she is doing her best to care for her family. What do subhuman shitskins do?
>sausage, chicken, cream/stock sauce, cheese, pasta
>kids eat it without complaint
>even seasoned the chicken
I don't see any problem
All the blacksmiths I know make some knives on the side, but their main business is other general blacksmithing, we have a fuckton of all kinds of knifemakers here and most of them don't forge their own blades, if you are just making knifeblades people here really don't call you a blacksmit but just a knifemaker

Most blacksmiths suck at advertising, and that seems normal. Guy probably has some small place to forge shit elsewhere, I don't really know, can also be a great guy that can do good shit for surprisingly little money since his overhead is minimal. But in every case blacksmiths are something to be aware of when you need some cool forged items for whatever reason.
your cooking actually looks great fr fr no cap, keep it up leaf, let them goysloppers stay mad
My tastebuds are pretty numb to garlic, so I have to put a metric shit-ton of it for me to really enjoy it. Whereas I'm extremely perceptive of cilantro.
Yeah but in places where traditional blacksmithing was replaced by the steel industry and dollar stores knife making became the gateway.
We have wrought iron fencing here too. Its just that its made in some factory.
Getting a blacksmith to do the equivalent is very expensive so things like knives are all they can realistically pursue. Most places dont have enough equestrians about to live off of horseshoes.
>don't call you a blacksmit but just a knifemaker
Its really the how. If you have a forge and pound your own steel its a different story from cutting sheets of steel and grinding them to shape. People who buy boutique knives want the artisan pipeline and that means forge to finish.
My ex wife was sold the idea of "meat scissors" from God knows where on the internet years ago, made every excuse in the world why they were better than using a knife and yadda yadda yadda. This chick was sold the same scam
>boohoo my life sucks because i never lifted a finger when I was young and now I'm retarded
My plating and knife skills have fallen off abit over the years plus im cooking at home so who am i trying to impress
Thanks though also its a shame no scandi or finn restaurants here exist ive always wanted to try your guys cuisine
Why do I suspect she has an OF account?
that is not a white woman
oh man i've read that
the first ones, at least

the hero's sweetheart cucks him with his master who relents because he thinks him to be dead
and when the hero finds out he fakes evidence that he's actually that so they won't feel bad about it
then his on / off fuckbuddy show up one day and dumps a kid on him that "might as well be his"

am i remembering it right?
yeah I understand, the terminology is here just what it is. If a guy makes knives by whatever method he is mainly a knifemaker. Being called a knifemaker is not derogatory or anything, pretty much the same prestige than blacksmith as a default and then there are the masters and both are appreciated.

Horse blacksmiths are yet another breed, and they can be found here too, but as a rule general blacksmiths don't do horsey stuff, it's a work for specialists (it's hard work and you gotta like them horses very much).
So this is how fatbergs form
Looks damn tasty and a woman after making several babies will look this hot
The same way that a hatter is technically a tailor a knifemaker who forges blades is technically a blacksmith or blade smith I guess.
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Literally what the fuck is wrong with this???
Looks like a hearty and protein rich crockpot casserole that this woman actually made for her kids.
It's not the fat from the meat, it's added oils/grease. They do it for flavor but use the cheapest sneed oils possible. Probably Chinese gutter oil these days.

You can pan fry actual meat and see very little fat comes out and it doesn't oil up like that. Ground beef ALWAYS has shit added.
Women see this and clap. Do they have no empathy for how fucking around humiliates and destroys us?
no need to downplay it, you can cook

our cuisine is, well, it varies quite a bit, usually a bit bland but still very edible, and then there is esoteric stuff like the infamous swedish "rotten fish" that I've never tasted even myself

Potatoes in some form and meatballs (made by yourself, "meatballs" straight from the store are actually made from chicken skin here lol) are really the essence of nordic cuisine that you can easily do.

I can also recommend our (swedish, finnish, both will do) breads, they are excellent stuff, especially the darkest ones, you can make them by yourself too quite easily, really worth trying if you haven't yet, and then it's on to the various fish recipes, but that's quite specialized already and some are good and some are not so, depends what you like, fish is expensive af at least here too so it's not common food anymore for common folks
Its slop
Hope she likes clogged drains
They don't look like the guy in the clip, thoughever.
Notice that she never recorded dumping the grease where you can see it actually going into the sink, and the rinsing the meat was a separate cut. That video is faked for internet fame.
I'd clog her drains if you catch my drift
>Most blacksmiths suck at advertising
Most so called blacksmiths are hobbyists who are old and make their own shit. They dont have time for people who want to do things for them.
That's the most American thing I've seen in a while
In NL, minced meat in the supermarket has like 5% water added.
Why is that garloid so thin?
it's literally not, goyslop is shit from mcdonalds and friends. Made to make you fat and brainfoggmaxxer. This is just some lazy soup, still homemade so not even bad (unless she put a whole sugar bag and fat bag into it, didn't watch ofc but the opening pic looks very decent to me and the scissors are the only wtf thing).
Based not my problem chick
Nailed it.
I was obviously talking about professional blacksmiths. If you are a hobbyist blacksmith you most likely won't advertise at all, because if you don't want business what would the point of advertising even be.

Real blacksmithing is not a common hobby at least here. It requires a fuckton of learning and serious cash for investments and experiments. Just owning an anvil and a shitty gas oven in your garage does not you a blacksmith make.
Mcdonalds meat is lean.
They often do workshops.
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I know i just am aware of my weaknesses with cooking these days or im just nitpicking.
Ive always wanted to try surstromming i mean ive eaten balut, shark and cazu martzu so im open to anything. I do enjoy rye heavy and malted breads ive never really done my due dillence when it comes to baking but the caremely/mollases like flavors i get from a german rye or russian black bread are quite nice and as for fish its pricey here too but i fucking love it
Rinsing the meat with water isnt bad.
Its pouring the damn grease down the sink that's bad.
You need a glass grease jar for that. When you fill it up, throw it out.
Unless its bacon grease.
LOLOLOL it's the single goysloppiest thing there is in this planet
Why didn't she just put the raw chicken, sausage in the crockpot and cook it in the broth and cream? She is dirtying dishes for no reason. That's the major issue I have with this.
Chick movies. Only those are THAT retarded.
>some women can pull this off if they are high enough value desu.

no, they can't. stop trying to sound like you have a clue you fucking idiot.
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my mom was born to irish immigrants, her cooking was absolute shit, boiled vegetables and chicken. after eating that for the start of my life, i decided i would marry a woman who could cook well and I did - dont compromise on this one bros. you need to eat dinner every night.
No its not. People like you buy into all kinds of crap discrediting companies like that but it has been proven they use beef.
>throwing away or rising off pure beef fat rendered from ground chuck
>cooking with rendered pork fat full of nitrosamiens from nitrates added during the curing process breaking down from heat and added sugar
???? I don't understand the logic
it does happen, unfortunately, but to answer something ancillary to your question women think that them slutting around is the same as a man being a "player," the high agency transgressive whore being evil on purpose keeping several plates spinning as she hops from cock to cock is a bad bitch boss and no they can't understand why men would be repulsed by the idea or why gender dynamics aren't interchangeable between the sexes
>no. You know, I get it, right?
>that you're driving my Firebird?
>I what?
>that you sneak into my car and take it for a spin sometimes. I get it.
>the car is there, easy for the taking, you like to go fast
>you take it for a spin around the freeway and try to floor it for, I'm guessing, ten minutes, because that's all the gas you can afford
>think that's gonna last?
>it wasn't me bro, I can't even drive stick
>I've seen you do it and I'm letting it slide for now
>but you should know that my name is on the pink slip
>I wax it, clean it, change the oil
>then once you run out of gas money, you have to bring it back
>because I'm a grownup, and I have a real job
>I can actually take care of it, you know?
>I'm the guy that pays for everything, Adam
>you're just the guy who did a few burnouts in the Walmart carpark
Feeding your kids steak? In THIS economy? Ok Mr Richie Mcgee.
easy there big guy. a woman cheating shouldn't "destroy" a man if he's not a bitch. stop being emotional and move beyond your idealistic vision of romance, women are not that. i understand it's hard to accept that something that looks so innocent and beautiful could be so malevolent inside but they are and you need to treat them as such and with this in mind.
Not only do think it happens but it happens to tons of them all the time.

See, /pol/ is completely delusional about men for some reason. They want to believe all men are as red pilled as they are when in reality the majority of men are complete simps and their women have them wrapped around their fingers. You guys seem to not even be aware that’s the norm.
>plastic bag
>probably some nonstick teflon coated pan
>plastic spoon
>plastic strainer
There is zero point in the video where the food isn't getting blasted with micro plastics
No, retard. They just think it’s the man’s fault. Everything is men’s fault. If she cheats, it’s his fault. He drove her to cheat. You can tell from the clip that the doctor is some kind of bad guy. Get it now? She’s able to cheat because he’s the bad guy.
>cazu martzu
shit just got real
Classic suburban momslop
Just like how mom used to make
these videos are intentional rage bait for engagement farming its an art form at this point and they make money off it
using one proper ingredient in your goyslop does not you a non-goyslop business make
A bitch pouring grease down your sink IS your problem!
This woman needs a corrective rape, stat!
Women really are the niggers of genders
I've read if you can't afford organic grassfed meat you should go for the lowest fat option because of this.
Bread? We used to dream of a piece of bread. We were lucky to get a cold dog still alive on a soggy cracker.
jews have to ruin literally everything
>Movie was written by a woman btw
or a really funny man
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this is patently incorrect.

My mother was born in 1955, in jersey to a poor polish family. she learned from her mother. her grandmother, her aunt and her sisters how to cook. She was great at oven bakes of chicken and beef, but even better at cooking in a pot. One of her best dishes was a simple pork or chicken stew with long grain white rice (jasmine if we could afford it). All you really have to do is take any kind of meat, cut it into portions that are at least 1 inch long and thick, brown it in the pot, take it out, brown a chopped onion or two, a few carrots cut the same as the meat, and a few cloves of garlic chopped and smashed. Depending on money you add some green onions or celery chopped. Cook that stuff until the onions are transparent then season with the holy trinity: Garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper. Add meat back in and add water to deglaze the pot. Once you're up to boil you can start adding salt, 1/8th tsp at a time to taste and cook for a couple hours until the meat just falls apart with a fork. BOOM stew done and you can feed a family for two days easily. (making rice on the side obviously)

What op's lady did is a goyslopapalzooza with processed meats, sneed oils, and wtf milk? just a lazy dish that's barely edible and covered with Parmesan cheese to hide how horrible the flavors are. The dish itself could be saved with some small changes but its not even worth it honestly. At that point just make a bolognese sauce with about as much effort and fewer ingredients and then the pasta would make sense.

modern women are such worthless shit Robowaifus cannot come soon enough.

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