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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

A new beginning edition.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong on >>>/trash/nah

Past happenings: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/History
Know your moderators: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/Staff
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Public ban archives: (4bans) & https://hiddenservice.cc/bans (IPv6 only)
Enhance your 4chan Archive Experience: https://rentry.org/FoolFuuka_Userscripts
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Previous thread: >>77942753
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King Brandon, long may he reign, gazed starkly upon his dominion.

>"I did not ask for this power. But I shall protect it from those whom conspire to abuse it."

>"Your first decree, My Lord", Uttered Vice Royal Harris.

>"Summon Seal Team 6 to House Maralago. It's time to end this."
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A bit early to make a new thread, don't think? The previous one was just on page 6, and /r9k/ is way slower than /trash/.

Keep the /pol/faggotry in the /trash/ thread.
/vmg/ is the gacha containment board, isn't it?
yes, though it completely failed thanks to the retarded decision of banning generals from a board literally made for generals
I wonder how long something like cp would stay up though?
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/hap/chat, is this real?
why would an archive delete?
yeah it's definitely too early, but i'm at least happy /hap/ seems to be usable now that it's off /trash/. i haven't been on /r9k/ since like 2018 and i'm pretty surprised the rest of the board's mental illness isn't seeping into here like /trash/'s did for their happenings thread.

also, does anyone have any idea why hiro's 2ch replacement is so dead, with 5ch taking the lion's share of the userbase after the watkins mutiny? because if 4chan was publicly and messily taken from moot i could see it taking only like 5 of this site's dedicated spammers to find and immolate whoever stole it from him, so what, did 2channel users just not like hiro?
Thanks for the new thread op
The 2ch/5ch thing would be like if someone completely stole 4chan.
Then someone setup 4chan.sc, and said this is the real one, use it. But all of the posts were mirrored from 4chan, so it didn't matter if you used it.

Then the guy who stole it made up a bunch of rumors about you, some of which were his own fault.

Ultimately, I think it has to do with the domain and everything staying exactly the same. Until recently, when hiro won some stuff in court. But not enough to get his site back...
>did 2channel users just not like hiro?
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Koozie kooz
reee you forgot to include the stats in the OP image
also next thread https://4ch-ads.pages.dev/ should be added to the copypasta
looking nordic af
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Ever since Hiro stopped engaging with 4chan it really feels like it's gone down hill. People can point to the election or moot leaving but these last couple years of years have really rough. Regardless of what you think of it, deleting /qa/ with no explanation (especially after raiding the gay board) was really not a good look. This coupled with the complete lack of any communication with the mods is not a good look for 4chan. Back when Hiro first bought 4chan he interacted with the community and listened to feedback pretty often. I honestly don't know what's going on with 4chan. There's so many easy non controversial changes that still haven't been implemented. It feels like we're on a ship with no captain and no direction.
There's so much to do
>A place in the reports to add context on way a poster should be banned "This person hid CP in a tiny cornor of an image", "hey, this ban-evader loves to say this catchphrase with the same image associated with it. Here is his 4bans entry (which even says he got banned for evasion) and his deleted posts from desuarchives"
>More 4pass features? I don't think there hasn't been any additions to it since it came out, being able to change your clover clolor would be nice.
>Get rid of GR15, it's outdated and stupid.
>Site-wide ban on wojaks
that raid was a few years ago at this point right?
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boy do I have some news for u
something leaked early
oh fuck no, what the hell is nu-moot doing
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>>Site-wide ban on wojaks
Not wojaks. Just soijaks. Regular wojaks are comfy.
>IP counter
>A place in the reports to add context
Actually, that reminds me of this post >>>/co/142732578
Took an entire day for a janny to spot the tiny peridot porn in the corner lmao. When you're modding an image board full of people that do shit like that constantly, you'd think they'd have added something to help spotting them easier by now.
>It feels like we're on a ship with no captain and no direction.
because we are
Tranny posting belongs in lgbt.
Get rid of r9gay
BBC spam belongs in b
too obviously fake
>get rid of /r9gay/
what do you think we've been trying to do since 2016?
if you actually go to that url it just pops up the "your ip is banned from accessing 4chan" page
>they already took it down
>BBC spam belongs in b
dump that shit over to /gif/ or /hc/
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>gold account

oh that takes me back to a simpler time
No. /gif/ should have different kinds of shit going on from AWWM to BWWM, most of the threads on gif right now are either BMWW or BBC threads or both.
archives that didn't suck?
is hiro on it again?
Be honest
Have you ever Necro bumped/made threads to get rid of threads that you didn't like?
I've done it like 4 times that I can remember.
It's very easy if nobody is actively bumping the thread. Just read the threads below it in bump order and make legitimate replies to them (so it doesn't look like spam). I've never even been warned for this because by all intents and purposes I am indistinguishable from a normal user who just happens to be browsing threads that are about to die
homeless anon sucks dick for gacha game currency
Yes all the time, bratan 78018943
Posted it again award
80 hours later award
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>homeless gacha game player
fucking what
anon does what he loves at all cost
call it dedication

kino of kino
do people actually use /hc/? it feels like it, /s/, /hm/, and honestly all the non-/gif/ porn boards are weird relics that are only around for the sake of it.
same thing with the hentai/hentai adjacent boards like /u/, /e/, /cm/, /y/, all those. why do they still exist when /h/ is already so slow?
Spammershitposter Containment Procedures

All of those boards have dedicated annoyances forever contained within those walls
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>lurk timer
Lurk timer??
already been explained multiple times
already works on Yilauta too, just needs to be adjusted.
i'm pretty sure it's the idea of new ips having to wait a certain amount of time before they can start posting. right now it's only 60 seconds, but people think it should be longer.
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/vpol/ in a nutshell.
imagine being at a point in your life where you are making things like this with full sincerity and the expectation that others are going to read it
imagine being at a point in your life where you are making things like this with fuIl sincerity and the expectation that others are going to read it
oh wait this is just inspect elemented yiluata gold LMAO
For some reason, threads always die as soon as someone posts a trvthnvke
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>it's only 60 seconds
Is it still 5 minutes for new threads? Also, does the new thread timer go away if you first reply to another thread? I never actually tested it and my IP rarely changes, I can't remember the last time I saw "you need to wait a while"
Hot sauce really stirred up some anger in somebody
>Is it still 5 minutes for new threads? Also, does the new thread timer go away if you first reply to another thread?
Yes & no
stop splitting the fucking general you disgusting tranny and GO FUCKING KILL YOURSELF
I agr3e. This general is far too small to split up over reasons that don't matter at all and aren't important in any way
The data was released.
All I see people here posting about is Niconico, some vtubers who might have gotten their info leaked, and /v/ looking for game leaks.
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Has any board had as worse of a decline as /mu/? It seems like it's entire user base has been replaced. It used to be a board for pretentious indie guys but now it's unrecognizable. 75% of the threads are kpop/wpop trash. /mu/ was the only board on 4chan to actually be influential on its subject. Tons of artists are only relevant because of it. Moot talked about how he wasn't going to ban kpop stuff yet on his final livestream. It's all his fault.
>/mu/ was the only board on 4chan to actually be influential on its subject.
/mlp/ created the fandom... well, /b/fags did but it turned into /mlp/ so I guess that counts
I go there from time to time and always get weirded out. Not by the extreme amount of kpop stanning and thirst over female artists, those I kinda expect understand (still find them annoying and have them filtered out) but the average recommendation I get on there are extremely obscure stuff that have like 500 views on yt, case in point: https://youtu.be/XjPzsv5j-Ps
Great stuff but how tf you find this shit

>captcha VHGGG
This image comes from 8moe /v/ tho.
Most boards on 4chan used to have some important relevance. /k/ birthed memes in its space that have persisted long after the board grew tired of them.
kpop and its consequences
/mu/ is one of the rare cases where tripfags were a net positive since they helped a lot to gatekeep the board from mainstream cancer. I doubt they could have been able to stop the K-roach infestation, however.
Unironically dt btw. Go back to /trash/, you have two generals there
>You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA. Please try again
>This thread has been pruned or deleted
>Connection Error
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam
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>Error: You were warned. You must first view this warning to post again
>Error: You must wait 4 minutes and 52 seconds before posting a duplicate reply
>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original
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>This thread is closed
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>Image limit reached
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>Error: You are banned
>Error: Ban evasion
>Posting from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse
>Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting
>Error: Our server encountered a problem while processing your request
>Error: You cannot report a sticky.
>Error: This post does not exist anymore.

It do be like that
Is this true?
>Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong on

>muh happenings
Don't care. Kill yourself.
What is the correct way to deal with shitposters.

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I don't know what mechanism causes certain photographs to upload to 4chan upside-down but it's always very funny and I hope it never changes
Step 1: Don't get mad.
Step 2: Report their posts if they violate the rules.
Step 3: Hide their posts. Optionally, hide all replies to their posts.
Step 4: If you're on this board, notify others that they can and should report and hide the offending posts.
>that supreme court thing
the USA is a fucking third world shithole lmao topkek
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Talk to fission.
What were the linked posts? /g/ has one of the worst moderation on the whole site, so this fission guy can't be good at his job.

Counter shitpost as hard as possible, ban evade or proxyfag if needed, until everyone hates you more than the shitposters. This is retarded, but it's the only thing you can do.
Fission is legit a cool dude, every mod should be like him or at least act so. He's what you would imagine a 4chan staff member would be like. Chill open and "le raditcal centerist" ie not bias.
Instead of the arrogant, sarcastic and beyond rude (like really fuck rude, ruder and more threatening than me) like you normally see on irc.

Like its not even being jaded pretty much "everyone" on irc is super rude, besides him and kami.

/g/ is not a undermodded board, most of the userbase of /g/ are just literally retarded. Mods moderate all boards, it's unrealistic for most shitposts to get deleted quickly.
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Did anyone ever figure out what this was all about?

Why did moot unironically say this was him and nobody batted an eye then all of a sudden moot 2 shows up and still nobody seemed to care? If this isn't the original moot, why is there zero information on who this person is and why moot was allowed to post it?
Nobody believed that this was moot. When moot revealed his real name, everyoner was going crazy over Christopher Poole = CP and didn't believe it either. The real moot must have been known really early though, because he showed up along with 4chan on that one anime convention.
kek'd hard at webm
Captcha: PAY2XM
If 4chan thinks you're new, you still get the thread timer. But if you have an old "trusted" session cookie even though your IP is new, you don't need to wait. It can be beneficial to post a dummy thread so you don't have to wait when you want to make a new thread later and it has to be fast.
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We all know 4chan Administrator Hiroyuki Nishimura decreed meta threads are allowed.
>I ruled to permit one thread par boards to talk about the board.
>I hope it'll change them better.
Why, then, are meta threads deleted?
>most of the userbase of /g/ are just literally retarded.

dont even get me started
/fa/ is so dead now
I miss cringing at them and their shit fashion taste
>Why, then, are meta threads deleted?
because the mods are trannies
all meta threads directed to /qa/ long ago, after this incident, so there was never a real policy change

you think each board had their one meta thread?
a-are we a meta thread...?
i'm scared
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What are you doing with your life?
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Are there any happenings as of late?
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Did I ever say how much I hate /vg/?

>go into game general
>expect people to be talking about the game
>all they do is gossip and talk about dramas involving literal who namefags

sticky >>>/sp/142332184

GDQ is going on, fastest threads on /v/
Fish Tank is going on, fastest threads on /tv/
steam sale, lots of giveaways on /v/
slow day today
new madoka magica game got a steam page earlier this morning, there are a couple threads about it on /v/
I think one of the most embarrassing posts I've ever seen was when some fag from /vg/ tried name-dropping some other fag as a form of street cred in a thread on like, I forgot if it was /v/ or /vmg/ but I'm pretty sure it was /v/. Either way lotta big headed small fishes in small ponds over there.
The /r9k/ move so far seems like the best thing to /hap/pen to /hap/ as of late.
ive been on /r9k/ my whole life
we're a sheepish but hyperactive bunch.
Like the last thread you are more likely to be met with people questioning what /hap/ is instead of shitposting or raging.
This is the main board for a lot of people and only board for a lot of people
2ch fucking HATES Hiro
there was a big scandal there around the time he got kicked out
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it's like a distant memory
Did anything good ever even come out of /qa/?
why is hot sauce considered soi/reddit now
Basically, thread wars.
there's no thread war, stop spewing lies.
People that want to be on trash are on trash. People that want to be on r9k are on r9k. It's that easy.
I'll keep using both.
anything some flavor if the month epersonality doesnt like is reddit
this is how it's been since 2016 and this is how it's gonna continue to be
I found soiduels extremely funny
someone they follow on twitter or discord must have called hotsauce reddit pretty much
to save space. All that storage costs money every month
the concept of creating a new thread just to jak someone from another thread was funny to me
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I'm neither here nor there regarding the split; as long as /r9k/ continues to maintain the format and the reoccurring general nature of the thread, then who truly gets to say it mustn't be so?

That is just the organic nature of change regarding the userbase; what won't be tolerated is infighting or interboard wars between the two generals. So please do not raid the /trash/ general with 3rd world posts, doomsoothing, or CSAM; and in return the /trash/ general will not beset this one with its schizos, furries, and porn posters.

If the peace cannot be met, then we will leave it up to mods to sort out. So do play nice, because personally, I'd like to see what happens.
Some happenings to the /news/ today:

Judge releases new Epstein transcripts

AOC recently announced she is going to try to impeach the SCOTUS justices who agreeded to the presidential immunity ruling.
So AOC is stating "We should prosecute Obama on his drone strikes on citizens" then? If so, my, how bold and brash.
>britihs royalty
>is referred to as the most nortorious pedophile in history

just release the list and let the ex-seals do their job already
Go back, 043. Go back to trash. And post your correct avatar.
This is massive
This is hewge
Please don't tell me that the /r9k/ happening thread is an offshoot general to specifically gossip and take pro offsite garbage takes, while circle jerking known pedophile faggots and their scam of the month. I'd really hate to think that what is supposed to be an organic choice of users is actually a ploy by offsiters to talk about reddit OC meme variants and metas.
Avatar back on, 277
That's a no no friend, as you see, avatars aren't allowed on /r9k/, which is one of the reasons you fellas moved over here; and you can't report single images not used in a set as "avatarfagging" because that would be claiming "You can't post images on /r9k/" which is contradictory to an image board.

Did you really expect people not to pay attention and change their mannerisms to properly fit in when visiting other boards? If so, how incredibly short sighted of you.
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REAL webm of the mods and jannies coming to save your favorite board from trolls and shitposters
wasn't this exact post made on /trash/hap before
holy shit. will he buy 4chan finally
one weird thing is that i haven't even heard of a recent 4chan meme lately.
we havent had any memes in almost a little over a decade

4chan culture becoming the norm wasnt a good thing
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The latest 4chan meme is the plapjak.
There are a few, from /vt/. You only hear of them if you are in vtubers circles around the interwebs though. Most memes there tend to break containment.
Incel meme, cuz the underlying premise is that jak was "forced to settle" with fucking women under his imaginary sexual market hierarchy score.
>the latest 4chan meme is a meme that was made 14 years ago

they mean actual memes that everyone can participate in
not board specific memes
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god i still fantasize about this post to this day, i hope /pol/ will move to twitter or some kind or some kind of other alt-chan where i can't see it and 4chan will recover from its long illness
This won't happen, give it up with this 'delete /pol/' crap. It's simply been too long. Present 4chan is as far removed from even 2015 as 2015 was from the 2006 oldfag era. They aren't an annoying tourist minority anymore, they are the main userbase. Even boards that are more gatekeep-y about board culture and subject matter like /jp/ are irrecognizable. Even if the activists fuck off, the userbase is still trashed beyond repair.
a weird post
/pol/'s hold over the site has been declining for a while now
Wow this is exactly the same thing I suggested. I didn't make that exact post though.
>august 2023
we've been trying to get of /pol/ for ages

sadly we cant do much unless hiro wants to
on this website maybe but they've spread to rest of the internet
I'd be down with shutting down /pol/ as long as bunkerchan and /leftypol/ also shut down.
The latter are not on 4chan and I wouldn't even know about them if I didn't lurk in this thread.

What replaces /pol/'s role in spreading cancer?
You add blank spoiler tags to the top/bottom of your post to do it. Like this:

Doesn't work on red boards.
Oh, /r9k/ has spoilers.
Yeah check it out:

It'll mark it as spam if you put too many in one spot.

But you can make your post pretty long.

They are /pol/ but instead of neo nazis, they are communist antifa types.

The typical "delete /pol/" fags come from there.
like the other anons have said, deleting /pol/ now won't really do anything. /pol/ themselves aren't the annoyance they used to be but their influence is already ingrained within the general internet culture. Getting rid of them now won't stop the wave of shitty "me good, you bad" wojaks from coming in.
But I'm a delete /pol/ fag and I hate both neo nazis and commie antifas.
within the past 5 years the closest i can think of is the 30 year old boomer and it's -oomer offspring, like zoomer (which somehow became the commonly accepted term for gen z), coomer, doomer, etc. those are basically just wojaks again, though, so yeah it's been pretty dry recently.

anyone have any idea why this is? i know there's the general decline of the website, but this seems like it happened overnight. /b/ especially pretty much died in terms of relevance at the turn of the last decade, did they do literally anything notable after chanology?
/b/ got hit with the combo of the fappening, gamergate, and moot leaving
New memes are shit like "tranime" or "uuoh" now.
if you asked me 8 years ago i would have said "hurhur the normies" or "reddit"

but ive matured a lot since then and i honestly think it has more to do with the fact that 4chans mindset is now the dominate culture on the internet
great example is twitter

the greentexts subreddit
and people coming here ti garner attention for screenshots in general
we were our own worst enemy

uuooh isnt new in the slightest
tranime has been around for awhile too
Okay, you don't mind if we do a few tests do you?

1. What is your opinion on Trans Rights?
2. What is your opinion on IQ and Race?
3. Do you believe that candidates should be hired on quality of their person, or quality of their talents?
4. What are your opinions on the nation of Israel?
5. What is your reaction to the following statements?

a. Che Guevara is a dirty fucking nigger spic who fucked kids
b. Karl Marx is a fucking commie jew cock sucker who kiked out the Russian Oligarchy
c. Donald Trump is a Zionist puppet that serves Israel
d. George Fylod was a criminal who deserved to be arrested and the race riots that occurred afterwards were unacceptable.
e. Jesus is a Jewish kike lie to make you cuck into Christianity and serve the Jews as your masters?
f. Circumcision is safe and effective, and every male child should be circumcised.

Please answer truthfully, thank you.
tranime is less a meme and just a phrase one that hasnt left 4chan yet because of how split the internet is with transgenderism, some people love femboys and then other people want absolutely nothing to do with them
and then some people just think the term femboy should be thrown out and just be called trans
Uuoh was introduced in the last 4 years or so and came from twitter. Counts as new to me.
Oooooh someone cares about my opinion? Alright.
>1. What is your opinion on Trans Rights?
In theory I agree that they can pretend to be whatever sex they want to be. So what if they're mentally ill, it's the same with Trumpists. But in practice, "trans rights" is just code for censorship. They want to force everyone to acknowledge their mental illness and turn everything into an over-socialized 1984 hellhole.
>2. What is your opinion on IQ and Race?
It's probably true that the average IQ of Africans is lower than that of Caucasians, and the average IQ of Asians is higher than that of Caucasians. I'm against censoring this possible fact. But also an educated nigger can have twice the IQ of the average /pol/cuck Putin cock sucker.
>3. Do you believe that candidates should be hired on quality of their person, or quality of their talents?
Talents, but if by quality of person you mean soft-skills, it can't be denied that they're important too. If you hire someone and he calls everyone a nigger, then only a low IQ retard would be surprised to get fired for it.

To be continued...
>4. What are your opinions on the nation of Israel?
A bright place in the shithole that is the middle east. Might be proof that the white race (which includes Jews with a history in Europe) is superior. On the other hand, it is hypocritical that Israel, a state based on religious and racists ideals, is accepted by western moralfags, while any similar nations (like Nazi Germany) are not accepted.
>5. What is your reaction to the following statements?
>a. Che Guevara is a dirty fucking nigger spic who fucked kids
Don't know, did he fuck kids? /pol/ would say "based" if the answer was yes.
>b. Karl Marx is a fucking commie jew cock sucker who kiked out the Russian Oligarchy
I don't know much about Karl Marx, but I suspect his ideas are overly academic. I would have wished for a better counter reaction to the horrible industrial revolution than Karl Marx' theories and communism. It's basically a retarded thing to keep capitalism alive.
>c. Donald Trump is a Zionist puppet that serves Israel
He seems to have a positive attitude towards Israel, so it's probably true.
>d. George Fylod was a criminal who deserved to be arrested and the race riots that occurred afterwards were unacceptable.
True, but police violence is still retarded. How about you train your cops better instead of hiring psychopathic monkeys?
>e. Jesus is a Jewish kike lie to make you cuck into Christianity and serve the Jews as your masters?
Jesus actually fucked up everything the Jews believed, and they hated him for that.
>f. Circumcision is safe and effective, and every male child should be circumcised.
I think it has to do with how quickly anything here breaks containment. Basically once something is screencapped and posted on twitter on the same day for 10k views, the joke is dropped for not really being 4chan anymore
Why did the 4bans guy remove the hapvertisment? Does he hate us now? Did the /trash/sissies ruin the reputation of the thread that badly?
Could you care to explain or post links?
The link to 4bans is literally in the OP dipshit, look for yourself, there used to be a button on the top advertising /hap/ but it's not there anymore.
I still see it?
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NTA, but I can't see it from my end
Wasn't aware that 4chans linked to happening threads in the first place. Then again, I use Brave so I don't see any advertisements I don't want so :pepeshrug2:
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>Wasn't aware that 4chans linked to happening threads in the first place.
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>there are people who actually venture outside the walls of the 4chan happenings thread into /r9k/
what the fuck

I'm only here because I have no choice. I don't know or wanna know what goes on out there. every single denizen of this board outside the happenings thread could be killed and it would probably be a net positive
Hey! You can't post avatars! /hap/peners! KILL HIM!
at least the content beyond the walls here is tolerable instead of just being immediately blasted with weirdass porn
it's considered avatar signing if they use it as a reaction in all of their posts
> :pepeshrug2:
Absolute cancer. Good bait.
KEK, the fit jeet schzio is here.

The point of that meme is to shame simps who fuck fatties.

it's still not a new meme
it's the equivalent if people that still make pepe / apu content in 2024.
we havent made a new meme since like 2014-2016 tops
and even then as some anon said
whatever we make here instantly breaks containment so there is almost no point
>it breaks containment
>gets 6 gorgillion views and likes on twitter
>it dies in a week because every insufferable faggot over uses it in the span of 5 days by spamming it in all their discord servers and all over social media
imagine thinking you've made a new meme and it's just a wojak having sex with a fatter wojak
you have to be like 14 or mentally 14 to find that funny
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This is cheese board.
probably because of this thread splitting autism
good jorb
looks like it still shows up for blue boards and some red boards, weird
i think this is the most likely answer, yeah. it also doesn't help that new online communities that aren't just discords or subreddits haven't really been coming about in the past decade, and the new ones that have are just splinters of older websites that only exist to be alternatives to bigger places but weirdly specific in a way that dooms them to irrelevancy.
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What would you have done in this situation if you were moot?
Why have I never seen this screenshot before? Could be legitimate. I remember how someone claimed the report queue would show the first N characters of a post. Although there are different screenshots that show another UI with the full post.
You're put into a life or death battle with the thread you get.
Do you win?
No. >>>/xs/197362
i think i could win against >>>/i/780406
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>the /int/ sticky
there are really anons out there judo chopping and waiting to sweap my leg?
scary :c
get ipppn seoi nage'd

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