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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong on >>>/trash/nah

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Enhance your 4chan Archive Experience: https://rentry.org/FoolFuuka_Userscripts
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66822171
More vampires have come to 4chan
thanks anon, now let's see how well it turns out this time
this bodes well for 4chan happenings season
He's gonna shart you back to the past....
/r9hap/ will never happen
/hap9k/ will /hap/pen
This used to be on /qa/ correct?

then it got btfo'd during the lgbt raid?
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lol top thread on 4chins is mine
Habbening :DD
It used to be on /qa/ because it was the meta thread, then moved to /trash/ after mods froze /qa/. Now it's here because the /trash/ thread attracted way too many shitposters.
Could you give me a very condensed and informative qrd britanon?
why you would move it to /trash/ is beyond me ngl
We are SPLIT
the guy who posted it here is one guy who's been trying and failing to force a move
Considering the state of the last few /trash/ threads, he may succeed this time
well i hope he succeeds this time
/r9k/ could use more general threads.
They go to quickly
The threads weren't really very bad. Avatarfags were funny and positive. Then schizos started to post last year in november/december just so they could shit the threads

Ukraine hit Russian occupied Crimea with US-supplied missiles, resulting in four deaths, including two minors, and injured approximately 150 people.
Possible response include positioning of Zircon hypersonic missiles in Cuba, with an estimated flight time to the US of 4 mins.
I was the one who said "I was against /r9k/ before, but maybe it's not a bad idea"
But I didn't post this thread
A dam breach in Minnesota is threatening hundreds of thousands of people.
Alright gang, what's /r9k/ been up to? /r9k/ natives, what is happening here?

Last time I checked, two retards went to jail for some serious shit.
What has happened since? Any more weird psycho stalkers?
Any fun threads?
Any trends?

what's HAPpening???
/biz/ happening
the FED got ransomwared for 20tb of datas and they only offered 50k for the payment

Im guessing this is Russia's response. With how things are going they don't even need a war with us. They can just let our country implode.
>sticky this you dirty jannies
>jannies(mods) actually stick the thread
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arrested? nobody here leaves their home, sir
>Last time I checked, two retards went to jail for some serious shit.

ill throw some dice and guess.
was it gunjy?
you dint browse enough.
Im seeing a lot of familiar anons tonight.
it's genuinely good to know none if my buddies i made ever left /r9k/
No, actually.
I found two more /r9k/ anons who went to jail in the archives searching that though...

you guys good?

One I'm talking about got her underage nudes, sent it to the girl's mom, spammed it here, and threatened to fly out and rape the girl after buying a plane ticket.
>it wasnt gunjy

this is news to me.

>you guys good?
i likely wasnt around when it happened
i talk breaks from browsing sometimes
first momth back in about a good 2 or 3 years
happer on happer violence...
wild west shootout where the sheriff wins
What determines uniqueness?
>civilians sunbathing in an active warzone
right wingers have a bankrupt and weak understanding of the world especially the propagandized ones on pol.
After years of nothing going the way they predicted it they have resulted into happenings obsession,they are victims of the 24/7 news cycle and are genuinely convinced the world will end soon.
This existed before ofcourse but i do believe corona mindbroke them.
2286 4chan self-serve ads

Awesome, I had actually meant to ask if you would do something like this
Do you still have the older ads from your compilations/plan to put them on here
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is /homenws/ the front page?
that's what they call it in the api
To get as much data as they're claiming, I doubt this was a smash-and-grab. Whoever these guys are have been in the system for a while. That doesn't rule the Russian government out, but it is something to consider before declaring definitively that the Russian government is behind this.
funne oc quote
Should be everything I logged.
>Fumo Destruction Channel
what the fuck
these are the kind of sick fucks buying ads ?
oh ignore me, i was searching for 2023 but i forgot you didn't start tracking the dates until later
really nice effort, thanks
recently I'm seeing more varied ads. guess the data collection finally understood there's more to the world than crypto
Cool anon, OP material
Bump for great happenings
>[s4s] general
>"this is proof that moving to other board is a bad idea"
Ah-hoo, werewolves of /r9k/
How the fuck are bans public?
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4+4 chins, but i was there none the less
4chan publishes a small sample of bans every hour at https://4chan.org/bans. 4bans simply keeps track of them.
It's weird how /r9k/hap is always the best one whenever splits are made
I am not for splits but if hap were to move to a different board it should clearly be /r9k/
neat, does it update automatically? or do you do these by hand kek
anon invests
Why do they always blame the jews?
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it could, but i'm lazy
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new sloppa
>People investing instead of just buying things
Since none of us will have any dependents, there's very little to lose.
>incel board
>full of orbiters
why is this?
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Holy shit guys, is the 'Ape /ourjanny/?

>doesn't do it for free
>free speech absolutist
>stood toe to toe with Vice media
>Sent a ricardo video to vice jornalists when asked for a comment
>fires leftoid jannies trying to censor speech
>lives rent free in /hap/ersons minds despite most of the community having never even heard of him.
>Is a vidya nerd

Literally name a better staff member.
>>lives rent free in /hap/ersons minds despite most of the community having never even heard of him.
What about ABIB, he's a whole cultural phenomenon!
/b/ is the free speech board and RapeApe is a faggot for making every board worse than /b/.
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Is Channing Creager the most insane schizo that posts here?
She posts in every single thread about sam hyde, the mods barely remove her posts.

She's genuinely insane and a drug addict.
Her latest stunt was showing up in real life to try to get sam hyde arrested and faking a police report. He was detained, and released again on stage after they found out she is an insane stalker.
She put on a comical disguise and brought in posters that said sam was a pedo, etc
She posted those posters on 4chan... and is still going crazy in sam hyde related threads

the fishtank threads really get to her, sam's popularity and making millions
but they are too big for her insanity to matter, she's the local lolcow insane person

Can someone who just posts retarded crap even compare to someone who comes and stalks/harasses someone IRL?
We're already on a path to hyper-inflation, but with the Saud's ending the petrodollar, tons of foreign investments in billion dollar US bonds will suddenly be live on the market. As dolllars flood back into the US market, the value of your wages will plummet, and the cost of literally everything will skyrocket as normal people learn they need to squeeze every penny to get what little they can out of our newly destroyed monetary system.
It will only end when the usurious system implodes on itself.
the worst thing about /bant/hap and s4s/hap is that due to these boards being so slow the threads stay alive no matter how shitty they are
This. Some boards deserve better.
/biz/ shilling on /pol/ is the biggest sign of the end of a bullrun. Those who shill memecoins/stocks/silver on /pol/ are just desperate fools trying to sell their bags to retarded boomers.
never buy a 4chan pass bros, you'll still get hit with retarded 3 day bans either way so it doesnt matter
long time robot here.
Most of the orbiters are minors
/v/celeb happening
PROTIP: Sign out of your pass and break as many rules as possible. Do shit to deliberately piss off the mods, then IP cycle your router and clear your cookies. Repeat.
>mods use your user-agent and ip range to link your pass to your bans
>your pass gets permabanned, no refunds
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>implying this happens
What happens when you have two different types of cancer? You get a /v/ thread!
Damn accurate.
post fun posts
post good threads

link link ilnk me

something happens, right?
it leaked, and it's 33tb
I hope one day a major entity somehow gets hit with one of those meme ransomware viruses that makes you beat a touhou level or some shit to decrypt your files
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>something happens, right?
Happened to unicodefag.
Here is the discussion thread:
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/tv/ habbening

Fishtank is live again.
The two activity bumps here are from the previous runs.
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holly /nah/
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>Happened to unicodefag.
literally who + pic related
>literally who
Gee you're new huh
Free speech is a meme and has caused most of the boards on this website to go to shit. I don't think they are censoring enough actually, I remember when words that were spammed too much were filtered or text banned.
Fed happening update: it appears the ransomware guys were bluffing, what they've actually got is the data from a bank the Fed hit with a C&D recently. Nothing there but a lot of doxxes.
>waited a solid minute like a retard before realizing I have adblocker

Also riddle me this >>77943207
how (you) and others recognize posters on the board? Apart from the few namefags/avatarfags I can't really recognize people in this thread

Maybe it comes down to me not understanding this whole part of the community, I was never able to grasp how some of you people meet, do you play games together or chat on discord? Idk
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I'm an oldfag who doesn't care about nobodies
public ban
>mods didn't archive/delete the thread
But they are right tho, people who complain about a thread they don't like instead of just ignoring it does nothing but derail disscussion for people who want to talk about it.
>try to upload 3.6MB file
>"Error: file too large"
Isn't the max file size 4MB?
It depends on the board. Yes, this one is 4MB.
I wanted to post one image on /cm/, which supposedly has the standard limit of 4MB.
I think the error is caused by either 4chan's metadata removal or cuckflare's "lossless compression" that unintentionally make some images heavier. An image just under the file size limit may weight over 4MB after going through these filters.

btw, do spoilers work here? 4chanX didn't warn about spoilers being "unsupported" on this board.
Oh, it does. That's nice.
what a retard I bet he wishes he could kill himself >.<
I'm already liking this thread more than the /trash/ desu
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You go outside and you see.. these people out in the wild.

What's your next move?
Rightfully call them pedos and retards
It's australian slang or someshit.
The guy was weird
i left his discord server when i found out a lot of the shit he was saying wasnt jokes.
My old friend was still in it for the longest time and said eventually gunjy stopped appearing online and that he probably went to jail

i googled gunjy because i forgot what it meant and i saw the definition on urban dictionary

gunjy killed himself?
Remember when there were like 8 tik-tok zoomer generals on /wsg/ because they fill faster than the rest of the board? This phenomenon still exists on other boards with the likes of Dall-e and Kpop generals to name a few. But it doesn't seem right for so many of the same thread to take up space on a board, what could be done?
moving them all to banter
If they hit the image limit and new threads got started, there's not much that can be done until people get bored and let the old threads archive. But if it's separate threads with similar topics, you can try reporting them for spamming.
on a lot of other boards like /m/ its courtesy for generals to wait till page 8~ or image limit to make a new thread
in an ideal world it'd be an actual rule to make full use of a thread before making a new one,though I understand it'd probably be a pain to enforce
maybe they could have it so that threads with "general" in the name field get bump'd down by more spots than normal threads, making them archive faster whilst not catching regular bump limit threads in the crossfire
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>ask simple question that will lead to flame war
>bump limit
works every time

why is /g/ so simple?
remember when moddies when scorched earth on tiktok pedos and /wsg/ traffic plummeted? LOL
4chan reconverts jpgs
i saw basedteens at a pony convention last year, i called them a10 aryan beasts
/g/ is unironically inhibited by low IQ retards. Sure, that's normal on 4chanm, but it's much worse than on other boards.
Python here and bottom left
most of /g/ is unemployed
or they've mastered some fucking ultra obscure tech thing that isnt used anywhere that would get them employment.
awesome, did you make it yourself?
wageslaves are stupid too, because if they actually had a brain they'd be making other people work for them instead
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You know ratatouille?
Like that, but with Keith.
kek i remember seeing that on uncyclopedia
Yeah, me too. Much less off-topic shit to wade through.
Not sure what happened in a thread about bears, but the meltdown started because of this >>>/an/4825345
Oops, this actually >>>/an/4824977
It's weird how people feel the need to ruin threads or anything an individual poster doesn't like on the video boards (/wsg/ and /gif/), and the mods just.. don't do anything about it.

Guy on gif post a thread explicity asking for no interracial porn, and for some reason someone is offended by that and posts interracial porn.

Butthurt commies flood natsoc theads with crap, and butthurt stormfags flood the lefty threads with crap and mods just allow it.

etc etc
People just like to hate and shit up threads of other stuff anons like, why won't the mods do anything about this problem?
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/tv/ bump

anon 'disproves' pythagorean theorem >>>/sci/16124893

boobs >>>/co/144191503

hivemind >>>/vg/483549230 >>>/vg/483549240

178 replies (shitpost) >>>/a/268142408
164 replies >>>/vg/483540321
>the mods dont do anything about it

go back in time like 12 years and moda would delete threads for just slightly deviating from the topic if the thread
do that now and people with screech about how "reddit" it is
they seem to only do it for obvious post like "u mad bro? i'll post it to piss you off"
or if they fill half the thread
>boobs >>>/co/144191503
They should have asked for vagina pics since nowadays trannies can have boobs without surgery.
this thread should be a mainstay on /r9k/
/gif/ has a lot of pass posters that have 4chanx set on autodump, the webm threads on /ck/ have one that posts the same 60 files too, custom filenames
Just noticed they didn't add the /lgbt/ flags to the API this year, this is a major happening
>>178 replies (shitpost) >>>/a/268142408
pythagoras BTFO
spite bumping
The /s4s/ happenings thread died.

Why aren't pride flags enabled on the rest of the year?
Why isn't the 4chan auto board getting rid of that person who keeps posting AI generated pics of a green dragon farting in a car.
>The /s4s/ happenings thread died.
Not a happening.
>Why aren't pride flags enabled on the rest of the year?
No clue, my best guess is that the mods want it to be like some kind of special event, something to look forward to. But I think they should add them, they can give context to peoples posts and they are just fun to have in general.

/pol/ and /mlp/ have their meme flags, why can't /lgbt/?
You forgot:

>Stood toe to toe with /q/ AND /a/ all trying to dox him
>Mindbroke /a/ so hard that he made them spam CP and Guro
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It's funny how people are still saying /r9hap/ is a bad idea, when this thread is already 1000x better than the past 100 /trash/ happening threads.
ifunny sponsored fishtank
4chan bros... we lost?
The video boards have sucked for a long time, on /gif/ most threads always devolve into off-topic political shitflinging because it's a tranny thread or a thread specfic on race, same on /wsg/.
Out of all of these boards, which one is the worst:

yeah this board sucks but somehow a way better place for /hap/
/pol/, /tv/, /r9k/ suck because of the userbase, I remember when /r9k/ used to be a humor board.
>it doesnt matter
take it from the pros
>muted for a few seconds
I forgot where I am.
The only real problem I have with these being here is we can't discuss colored cartoon horse or furry porn based happenings here without stepping on eggshells but we still have >>>/trash/nah for that so it should be fine.
I don't really see any problems with this thread and I'm even one of those l problem avatarfags myself.
>colored cartoon horse
We can still discuss happenings related to /mlp/ and even cross link posts from the board on here, it doesn't break the rules unless we post an image of it. The happenings thread was on /qa/ since 2015 and it did just fine, so I think we can be good.
This is a better place for many reasons, specifically because there are more rules. But anyways, people still will complain about moving, when you can compare this thread to the average happenings threads of the last 6 months and the difference is huge
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Any happenings?
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Today (or yesterday in other parts of the world) was Yume Nikki's 20th anniversary: >>>/v/680883893
Nothing is happening so far
I don't know the details, but the fingol equivalent of 4chan (Ylilauta) may die soon.
yeah haha for sure its definitely going down this time. not any of the other times the nukes were about to drop in the last ~65 years but for sure its on this time, zircon bro trust me its FOUR MINUTES
/tv/ is possibly one of the worst places to talk about movies on the internet, it's sad how shitty that board is.
>reporting some who requests that a litter CP link gets uploaded again
>get warned for it
Are the mods in it?
There's literally a furry general here though.
Fucking hell I keep forgetting that a comment has to be added.
who are you people and what is this thread
We're from reddit.
We're the furry general
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this has been my main board for years and even i know about this thread
Reminder that a debate between biden and trump is going to happen tonight, expect a sticky.
ok but what is it doe
it's a thread about the ongoings on 4chan.
It's pretty useful
it's basically a general thread about the website itself

it used to he on /qa/ before /qa/ raided /lgbt/ and then /qa/ got nuked

who do you thinn spammed all those troon wojaks in /lgbt/ back in the day? /b/? /r9k/?
dont be a fool
forgot to remove sage from my name
Hi 4chan happedings enjoy your new home on arcanine
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How come there is so much anti-trans content on 4chan despite trannies making up a good portion of the site? /lgbt/ is one of the most active boards on the site and there is a lot of trans people who use it, you would think there would be a balance but you don't really see that.
I wouldnt know how fast that board moves i dont use it.

But their containment works to some extent if it's one of the fastest moving boards
the fastest moving board is /v/
always has been
/pol/tards are just the loudest idiots that use this website, simple as. Most pro-trans people don't talk about it because of how triggered chuddies get about it. They will drown out any disscussion with just insults and make it very difficult to have any progressive conversation, and mods do nothing about it.

Take this thread for example, a stromweenie saw that a thread was becoming too pro-trans for his liking, and immedately starts spamming and killing the thread.


That's just what happens when you try to talk about trans stuff on 4chan.

/lgbt/ is not a containment board, do you unironically think 4chan has ever had a problem with excessive lgbt related disscussion?
I remember when posting pony /hap/s I included images and was fine, but I also posted pony threads on /qa/ and rarely got banned so I think the mods just didn't really care
Currently it's the 14th fastest, it beat /r9k/ in speed in early 2021. I went to check and rn they're simping over a tranny who killed an uglier tranny
/pol/ is no more wrong, brainwashed, obssessed with irrelevant bullshit, biased and lying to achieve their end goals than the left or center
My main complaint about /lgbt/ is just how.. trans dominated it is, issues about gay, lesbian and bi people are uncommon and most of the board culture is surrounded by being trans. And it's not like there aren't any lgb people who use the board, their generals are active, but they just don't make any threads for some reason. I wonder why that is.. I wish they would post more.
you're a dickless abomination, sir
I'm not trans, and you are just proving my point.
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usually when something interesting news happens I usually screenshot but I got thousands of pics so can't search

>examples I can remember
that solar flare that turned out to be nothing
the china balloon
start of ukie invasion
muzzie invasion of israel, everyone thought israel was doomed
almost forgot, that guy when set himself on fire
greta thumberg getting arrested in her tight top
same hyde in the news
hockey stick election line graph
those leak porn pic of celebrities
that burning church in france

>an old one you noobs won't remember
when zyzz died

that guy that cut of his balls or was that wiz chan
/news/ is probably one of the weirdest boards on the site, it's like a mix between fox news and the young turks. An equal mix between /pol/ users and hardcore lefties, there's no other board like it.
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nothing to do with /pol/tardism. trannies are disgusting like irl necromorphs. idk why u think it's political. you'd probably not bat an eye if we made fun of retards injecting synthol into their muscles or abusing steroids. when we make fun of trannies it's in the same vein
I always forget that board exists. I'm more likely to remember the wallpaper boards than it. It is a very weird board.
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>/lgbt/ is not a containment board, do you unironically think 4chan has ever had a problem with excessive lgbt related disscussion?

and then there are like 5 proceeding posts about trans people.

really proved your point your point there about it not being excessive huh anon?
Itoddler detected, opinion discarded.
/news/ is /pol/ but not a hugbox for rightoids and none of the shitposting, it's an equal balance of opinions which is way I like it so much. More people should use it.
>make it very difficult to have any progressive conversation
>I am proud to be a sperg about people who disagree with me!!
Not something to be proud of lil bro.. :/
Shoving dildos up your ass and jerking off to men wearing dresses isn't anything to be proud of either
i think it's lack of any really active users is why it works so well and it becoming more popular would just turn it into slower /pol/.
threads over there barely even use images so it doesn't even feel like an imageboard with all the soijaks and smug anime girls and shit like that to piss off the other person and bait them into a flamewar.
>>>/k/61954225 >>>/k/61954251
Sevastopol bay mined
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Nip VA has died: >>>/a/268190154
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Kadokawa got ransomwared:
Most of the stuff are legal documents for internal use, tho.
Ouch. Has there ever been a case when a company successfully prevented ransomwared data from being released?
no one knows the age of the girl
DIY condom thread
back in my day we just used animal intestines
>hat guy that cut of his balls
Yeah I think that was on /sci/
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I thought 4chan was anonymous?
Who was in the wrong here?
>thinking the mods will risk your asses to protect you from getting arrested for posting CP
*pause to take breath*

If anything, they'd proactively send the IP address to the police to get rid of these fuckers.
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why isn't this on /trash/ ? What gives?
the faggot trying to force us to move here returned
99% chances the "CP" was loli porn.
Avoid this happening by not being a pedophile and uploading cp to 4chan dot org
Seriously? There's no indication for that.
the fact that they keep using the word "troubling" made me wonder if that was the case, really weird way of describing it
Yup, it's super obvious because one day an anon used BMXF and it was the first ever interracial thread that wasn't just the same garbage being spammed
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>corona mindbroke them
It really did. It was fascinating to see it go from IT'S HAPPENING with people dropping dead in china etc to sheer religious ecstasy when the lockdowns and everything started rolling out to IT'S NOT HAPPENING after 6 months of two more weeks and nobody in the US besides 98 year old morbidly obese chain smokers dying from it.
>corona mind broke them
corona mind broke a majority of the world
we were unaffected for obvious reasons
people got a taste of what it's like to be an hardcore introvert and they still have no sympathy for us
it's a very complex kind of feel seeing the insane way people reacted to having to live the way that I happily choose to
How many of you know about the dalle drama on /v/?
>years of nothing going the way they predicted it
Are you sure? Which segment do you consider "right wing"? If we are discussing the normalfag boomercons then I believe the dissident right (a la, /pol/, etc) would be much more in-line with the expected left-ward turns that have consistently taken place in the modern world. If by "right wing" you mean the moderate right, or "conservatives", then I think the likes of /pol/ will be first to tell you how inept they are. Additionally, as another anon replied, just about everyone these days (maybe save for you and I, if we can be pretentious) is as inundated with inane ideas and information of the 24/7 news cycle.
I believe the uproar at the start was anticipating something being awry, and the subsequent downturn being when people saw that it was not in fact serious (especially as people here were infected and survived it themselves). I think this was just a change in reaction once people realized the threat was not in fact that serious. Pretty much the inverse of the general left wing which assumed it was nothing at first and then felt it was very pressing later on.
Interestingly it does make the initial evidence of people dropping in the streets very questionable, because if covid itself was as meaningless as it turned out to be, then what in the world were those videos?
>if covid itself was as meaningless as it turned out to be, then what in the world were those videos?
I've heard some theories on this question
>staged outright, ccp psyops to make people think it's happening (very effective if so)
>people actually dying of something, but mega-cherrypicked so only like 20 guys in china die weirdly and all attributed inaccurately to covid and spammed on /pol/
>covid was real when it first rolled out but since highly "drop dead in the street" deadly viruses don't spread very well due to killing their hosts it either mutated or died out and was replaced by another less lethal "leaked" bioweapon
>Interestingly it does make the initial evidence of people dropping in the streets very questionable, because if covid itself was as meaningless as it turned out to be, then what in the world were those videos?

The death toll was also insanely exaggerated.
I remember hearing reports in the US of like 500k people dying.
In other countries in the millions.

It would he absolutely mind boggling if those videos were AI generated. Im not saying they are, im just spit balling because literally four years after covid AI generated videos were revealed to the world
is there any current drama?
Back when it first appeared and was spammed in multiple concurrent threads it was widely discussed
there's a very small scaled conflict in every thread since october, some posters developed OC's that they use for avatarfagging and have posted them every single day accompanied with roleplay
Mods are also very clearly moderating the thread and delete what they don't like, but they don't delete the off-topic images or the avatarfagging
A popular JavaScript library has been compromised:
debate sticky >>>/pol/472381997
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This kills the remaining 5 Palemoon users.

>only 200 replies in 10 minutes
>board ranks lower than /vg/
/pol/ is dying.
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/pol/ revitalized you mean
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drump? trumpf? blombf?
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The debate and American politics in a nutshell.
apparently biden looked awful in the debate
i didn't watch it or read anything about it besides the like 5 posts in this thread but i just assume this meme is essentially 100% correct
I've got a perm
Ban for posting something about Supreme Court on /his/

There's a Jennie out there that hates Mr
Have a bump, /r9hap/
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4chan isn't real
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>/pol/ during the presidential debate had less activity than /vt/ during the Hololive announcements
Holy based. I hate vtubers with passion since they feel like 99% of them are just exploiting the loneliness of retarded weebs (but I hated the fucking weebs that give money to so many of them even more) but honestly I'd rather see more talk about something that eventually transforms into porn rather than political debates. Only good thing about American politics is the fucking ai videos of the presidents playing games
Also are the Americans really forced already into voting either Trump or Biden? Didn't seem to me like they did a good job previously
>are the Americans really forced already into voting either Trump or Biden
Technically no, but in reality yes. You can vote for anyone you want, but if it's not the Dem or Republican frontrunner you're throwing your vote in the garbage because third party candidates are systemically barred from actually winning. The only thing that can be accomplished by voting 3rd party is getting your preferred shit choice to lose, which has actually happened several times throughout history. This is because the 3rd party guy steals primarily from one side or the other and causes that side to get less votes.
There is an exception in Woodrow Wilson, who, interestingly, won a race in which the two frontrunners were both former incumbent presidents.
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replace the /v/ mods.
Weird, I wonder why that is. Are less people intrested in politics on 4chan now?
It might be worth noting the type of (& quality of) posts made in that time. I was skimming the pinned debate thread and it was just spam really. There were a few actual discussion threads but they were pretty mild (not that the debate had much to be discussed anyway lol).
I'm not familiar with the kind of discussion had during the Hololive announcement, but I imagine it could have been of a different quality which would directly lead to people wanting to engage more.
I think it would also be useful to look at how these numbers have trended in the past years with other candidate debates too, if anyone was interested enough.
hiro live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f12DYk3tVRA
someone tell him in japanese that he's a faggot for leaving /r9k/ to rot
why r9k specifically? whats so special about this board?
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What other board has this many rules? And the only one that the mods seem to care about is "no ponies."
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/r9k/ has it easy desu
For a /b/-themed board, there either need to be fewer rules or they should actually be enforced.
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>Adds over 10 new boards
>Adds new banners
>Adds 4chan search engine

>People say he doesn't do anything


Don't tell the mods this, but they forgot to remove the christmas decor from the /vrpg/ sticky. lol.
lmao, retards.
...except he didn't do any of that himself
this really is better than /trash/
just scrolled through the entire thread and didn't find any tranny/furry porn so yes, this is better
why is the fastest /tv/ thread e-celebs?
Use your head for something other than a hat rack.
Imagine being a janitor on /soc/.
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Dammit, I forgot my pic.
unusual(?) pony commission/giveaway
i find it amusing
Dumb as rocks question but: does anyone know the name of those memes where you have to build something with points? Im talking the whole youre stuck in a bunker for 10 years and need to spend points to make it comfortable image. Is there a good board for that? I love autistically debating over the right choices in hypothetical situations.
Many of these are coomer-tier like build your ebin gf but idc my autistic fixation is on build memes rn
I have no idea how to describe those other than your term of "build memes" other than maybe "choose your build memes".
>is there a good board for that
I've seen plenty do well on /r9k/ and /fit/, mostly /r9k/ though. That may also be biased in the sense that I mainly browse those boards. I would recommend taking a particular build meme and posting it on a board based on its contents. If it has to do with a specific subject, then categorize it appropriately and post accordingly. Eg, a meme about a perfect home gym would go on /fit/.
it's a decently fast moving board where a lot of internet culture comes from and originates
been here for since i was 14 currently 26 years old
Thank you so much anon! Ive seen these posts the most on here which is why I asked. However ive been looking for so long now and havent found a single build meme
Im retarded
replying to myself
/r9k/ also cross boards with many other boards on the website as this is kind of a place where many anons come to vent or just self loathe into the void.
A culture does exist on this board and it takes a little bit to see passed the coomers and incels but even the incels on this board can be decently friendly.

the main boards /r9k/ crosses with are
/soc/, /s4s/, and /b/

even moot hated this board and at one point deleted it by accident
"accident", sure...
exactly, you get it

even the people that use this board dont like it here but we stay here because it's all we got
A nigger died
Ive been on this shit site for 12 yeaes now and still dont know what s4s is. It looks to be /b/ but with less porn
moot made it as a joke, he was going to delete it but just never actually did
/s4s/ originated mid 2000s around when "shit x says" was a normie meme.
Moot thought it was funny and made a board dedicated to it. the most comparable thing for it is super early /b/
I am surprised this was a unique post
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This board is also home to some actual mentally retarded people.

I remember like ages ago someone was talking about how they're 40 and never had a license because the concept of driving a car ws just incomprehenisble to then
but of course this is the internet
Thanks anons. I gave it more of a chance and it does reminds me of old /b/. The meaninglessness and typing like a retard were always somewhat enjoyable to me. Not enough to actually engage or whatever.
4chan's reporting system doesn't report people to their government if they post loli, even if they live in a country where it's illegal. They only do that if they post actual CSAM, it reports it their government automatically if they are banned for posting CP.
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Newfriend here, was 4chan always like the unironic /pol/ack stuff it is today?
was told there was always ironic racism but was it always like full on /pol/?
wondered that /new/ really made the unironic stuff take over the site but i saw some denialism about it. is there a bit of truth to the denialism?
>Newfriend here, was 4chan always like the unironic /pol/ack stuff it is today?
>was told there was always ironic racism but was it always like full on /pol/?
cobson is a slut for BBC
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See image/ picture related
gajillions of white/asian zoomoids are gooning to BNWO every single day
Kill crakkers. Behead crakkers. Roundhouse kick a crakker into the concrete. Slam dunk a crakkers baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy whites. Defecate in a honkys food. Launch crakkers into the sun. Stir fry crakkers in a wok. Toss crakkers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a honkys gas tank. Judo throw crakkers into a wood chipper. Twist crakkers heads off. Report crakkers to the IRS. Karate chop crakkers in half. Curb stomp pregnant white crakkers. Trap honkys in quicksand. Crush crakkers in the trash compactor. Liquefy crakkers in a vat of acid. Eat crakkers. Dissect crakkers. Exterminate crakkers in the gas chamber. Stomp crakker skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate crakkers in the oven. Lobotomize crakkers. Mandatory abortions for crakkers. Grind honky fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown crakkers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize crakkers with a ray gun. Kick old crakkers down the stairs. Feed crakkers to alligators. Slice crakkers with a katana.
I pray every day for total kike death. Every fucking day. I am tired of seeing these huge nose humans and instantly noticing they are Jewish. how they snivel and kvetch over whites existing and being human and not acting like animals. I would gladly behead a Jew in front of another Jew just to see them piss themselves. TKD FROM THE RICER TO THE SEA
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>was 4chan always like the unironic /pol/ack stuff it is today?
No, it got progressively more like this as internet neo-nazism got more popular and groups like stormfront actively engaged in campaigns to turn the site in that direction. There were always some nazis there, but in the same way that there used to be a wide range of other political ideologies.
>was told there was always ironic racism but was it always like full on /pol/?
No, and the "ironic racism" was often directly making fun of those kinds of people, see picrel.
>wondered that /new/ really made the unironic stuff take over the site but i saw some denialism about it. is there a bit of truth to the denialism?
It goes back further than that but basically yes through a combination of failure to moderate against active consensus cracking and moot stupidly deleting the board that contained these people (multiple times), their brainrot spread to the whole website and over time became dominant. Thanks to the insular culture and strong self-policing (contrary to the site's supposed ideals of free speech), once the neonazis became dominant their position became self-reinforcing.
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he always gets away with it
be glad he didn't want more
>noooooooo 4chan was never le ebil nazi, disregard all redpills goyi-I mean fellow anon
You kikes really are desperate huh?
Most of 4chan unironically supported Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012. I'm of the opinion that while it wasn't /pol/tarded, it was inevitable that it'd become so.
The reason why you see some posts get deleted faster than others is because 4chan has a piority based reporting system, that means depending on what you report a post for, it would go higher and lower on their report queue. So it's safe to assume that they think people posting ponies and is a higher piority than say, racism for some reason.
Only real ones remember google ron paul, ron paul /b/, and doom paul
so you're saying that 2008 never happened?
and that we've always been unironic racists?

you're as autistic as chris-chan
2008? You mean project chanology? The earliest stormfront raids were in 2010. And if a lot of oldfags saw where the internet and globohomo was going, they probably would have gone over to the right
It used to be what I'd call "south park" racism of the sort where they'll use racial slurs and joke based on stereotypes but none of it was genuinely hateful because these were suburban white boys who had never encountered any ethnic minorities in their life. However, the freedom to post actual racism on 4chan attracted actual racists and as it happens, the actual racists make a lot of good and accurate points.
The difference is that we called Obama a nigger AND voted for him.
Unfortunate no one caught this public ban last night

Lmao 4chan is really controlled by the Zionists
Are bronies still a thing? Rule seems outdated these days, considering how the fandom is basically dead now, and the rule was added because of a retarded event that happened.. 14 years ago.
They keep us contained because lots of people still seethe about cartoon horses for some reason
4chan and the internet as a whole used to be a lot more lawless. racism, homophobia and ableism were everywhere. a lot of people like >>77987364
claim they were just joking and ironic but thats not true. it was simply normal

the people who blame /pol/ for bigotry are displaying the very bigotry they claim to oppose, by attributing all wrong to it and defining /pol/ by its worst users instead of a mostly free marketplace of ideas that welcomes diverse ideologies. no, people arent spewing racism because of /pol/. they are spewing racism because they are racist
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What are the implications of the main 4chan mod's name literally being Rape + Ape?

What kind of ideas does the send to the mainstream media about this website?
theyre all oldfag larpers
Does anyone else feel like /soc/ doesn't belong on 4chan?

Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not trying to start shit but it's nothing like the rest of the site and feels like I'm on facebook. Does it give anyone else a weird feeling?
ive definitely read this post before word for word like 18 other times over the years
it's the meetup containment board
that niche probably would've been filled by /trash/ if it had come out earlier
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I wonder how the thread is going to be kept alive here.
>underage users are not allowed to browse 4chan
>when they post even the slightest hint that they're underage can lead to underage ban
>but they can continue browsing the website even though they're banned
Isn't this ineffective? Could you sue 4chan in the US for supplying porn to children?
Yeah, I don't why it isn't perminant either, I guess since they are technically restricting their access to the website, it's allowed?
They aren't restricting shit. Any underage banned user can continue browsing.
>Isn't this ineffective? Could you sue 4chan in the US for supplying porn to children?
there's nothing they can do beyond having a rule against and banning underages, neither can any place that doesn't have in-person sign-ins (online ID verification can very easily be subverted). permabans are a bad idea generally because of rolling IPs, especially since the majority of underage users post on phones, and the 20 mods and 100 jannies that are on a site with 300-600k users daily don't want to deal with even more unban requests than they already do.

and no, they can't be sued because they aren't "supplying" porn to anyone and make it clear that this is an 18+ site regardless. underage b&s can just come back sure, but so can anyone for anything uploaded online. only sites in the 100+ worldwide site ranking range need to care about shit like that because at the end of the day for a smaller hobbyist site why the fuck don't their parents have basic age blocks set on their devices?
Until recently (maybe 10-15 years ago) bans blocked you from browsing the website.
Why in the fucking fuck can't you delete posts that are older than around an hour?
No need to fret, 4chan is so dead that only 5-10 people will see it.
i'm aware, but i would assume subverting a ban is too easy to even bother keeping something like that.
I remember I got banned on /v/ because I posted about five nights at cobson
Jannies there are ok with loli spam but if you post a game about basedjaks youll get banned
So why not get rid of bans completely?
I'm convinced this change was made to make caching easier. The way it's currently implemented you can trivially cache all of 4chan except posting/reporting. If viewing the board was still disallowed while banned, the cache would need to know about the ban.
>So why not get rid of bans completely?
because ultimately it's still something, which is better than nothing. spammers and trolls and shit like that eventually get bored of getting banned and then needing to connect to a new vpn from a different browser agent to not get caught for ban evasion, and even more so in the case of someone who wants to return to posting since most known vpns and proxies are already blocked by the site.

it's also good to show to others who might be concerned about 4chan's obviously lax rules and enforcement, since they can show them the bans page and say "no, see? we really do care!". it's somewhat like why racism is said to be a bannable offense outside of /b/, or that copyrighted content isn't allowed on /t/, when those are both clearly not true. if you don't have a rule that says not to do illegal things, then when there are mass shootings or huge data leaks that can be tied directly back to this website it looks like you don't even care enough to pay lip service to preventing that.
Not that I doubt it, but is there any evidence it was really Stormfront or another similar group pushing discussion one way, and not just lots of Nazis hearing this site wouldn't ban you for racism? Because if so I'm surprised that wasn't treated as a raid or off-topic by the moderation team considering Gamergate was banned for somewhat similar reasons (afaik).
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Reminder that if you ever get made fun of for being a newfag, just remember this is what ancient /b/oomers used to shit and piss themselves with laughter to.
Dumb newfag. You will never fit in.
Around the time of the aftermath of the 2016 election and the subsequent media attention to 4chan some academics uncovered an old Stormfront forum post (or similar) that contained a guide on how to radicalize users of 4chan and recruit them. Afterwards, most academics accepted that narrative and went with it, but as far as I'm aware this is a bit of an exaggeration. While Stormfront users did probably use 4chan at some point I don't think they ever had to do raids or a concerted campaign to influence minds here, nor did I ever see any evidence of this happening. This idea is even more ridiculous when you consider that just some years prior Stormfront and 4chan users didn't really have much of a friendly relationship.
What's the point of keeping /qa/ closed for this long? They might as well just delete the board already.
The /bant/ happenings thread is dead too...
Also I didn't know /r9k/'s reply limit was 500 posts.
This is kind of huge.
Kizuna Ai channel released a new cryptic video.
For those who don't know, she's the one who kickstarted vtubers in 2016.
Kizuna Ai had left almost 3 years ago.
Reading through the start of the thread, some of the people talked something about her original VA or whatever having already left the company
Isn't this basically irrelevant then? Hasn't even hit a thousand replies too
Desuarchive: Planned maintenance will occur Saturday 9PM UTC.
It's not over yet, people are waiting for something to happen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEmgm61cQjE
What's the result?
schizo stream still ongoing..

probably something boring like a reboot with another person no? or some sellout merch garbage
>>>/vg/483947832 recording

>>>/vt/79473795 ticket
Good, you deserve at least 3 more bans
That would be very dumb. They already tried something similar in the past, it didn't end well.
But the company was shilling NFTs at some point, so, who knows.
Stormfront was definitely aware of 4chan as early as around 2006-2007 from /b/ raids, and there were some threads on their equivalent of /i/ that suggested trying to indoctrinate Anon; those threads didn't get many replies though. That said, it's hard to tell because Stormfront did most of its gayops through a private IRC. If nothing else you can say with some confidence that there was an increasing overlap between the sites' userbases going into the early 2010's.
Somebody needs to get the Rinposter to move here
Midfags and some oldfag altchanners are the only good current users rn
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pull from the wrong year faggot
if we did that now actual newfags would call it reddit
it would still be called reddit
you cant change my mind
all the modern newfags seem to be all about being edgy retards that shit up threads by replying to themselves
>you cant change my mind
such is many cases with retards
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Thank you Ifunny
No wonder they're all faggots
I have browsed all of these and I can tell you now, /r9k/ is the worst. Unfunny. Lack of creativity. Full to the brim with simps and trannies. Nothing but whinging and negativity. Fedora tier intellectuals who think they are smarter than they really are, which they are actually just dumb and ignorant. Literally the most active general is a general for being GAY, then the next active one is for being BRITISH, and the next for being a WOMAN. Quality threads get 0 replies while the most garbage shitty crap gets over 500 posts. It's /soc/, except no one ever meets

/r9k/ is the most garbage board on 4chan after /b/, /gif/ and /lgbt/
remember this with the upcoming
i agree that when you look at how 4chan (and the rest of the internet, but much of it started on 4chan or SA) used to talk, it's all the same kind of shit that nowadays would be seen as reddit like calling people good sir or saying you won the internet, but what i don't understand is when this happened? i used to even be seeing people on popular youtube videos speaking in that way, but sometime around 2016 or 17 it all just started being called "reddit" and i don't know why or how.
seriously, how the fuck is "reddit spacing" something people deluded themselves into thinking is a real thing?
Does anyone have the /j/ leak with the screenshot of the /pol/ janny being shitting himself because this AI was being used there?
Empathcunt is desperate for attention again. I told you guys she was pretending she was dead and she would do this. Nasty whore

Did you watch the new Anonymous documentary with Gregg Housh?
The issue is that we posted like that when we were 15 and the internet just rolled out to our hick town and now have moved past it, meanwhile redditors showed up to it 10 years late and have made it their personality long term even though they're pushing 40. It was fun because it was new and interesting, if someone does it now it's just endless regurgitation of the same slop jokes from 20 years ago.
What's wrong with that pic anon?
Eww, real people.
he's a miserable little pile of secrets
Just watched it now and it was nice, thank you. It glosses over the unsavory things (like blasting seizure strobe lights over epilepsy support websites or flooding places with gore and shock videos for lols) to make them look more heroic than they really were, but even still it's fun seeing people raiding or hacking for actually worthwhile things and not just to have your own ED article sucking your dick for being an epic troll.

Unfortunately, now everyone everyone trying to remake the magic just tries forcing a repeat of old imageboard culture without realizing why everywhere else died out and/or banned raids.
I can't watch one of these anymore, not after that netflix fiasco.
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surprisingly, it's just straightforward interviews

the NF doc was actually fine, until they had to take their mandated politics conspiracy detour... the second half had nothing to do with 4chan and it's probably the only reason it got picked up
desuarchive is taking a nap
bibanon is down
feels like I haven't checked it since april fools
there's been no big happenings since
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2005 : Kuznetsov
2024 : Kuznetsov
3024 : Kuznetsov
5000 : Kuznetsov
10000 : Kuznetsov
Forever : Kuznetsov
No matter what year it is Kuznetsov will always be a legend!

Repost this in 15 threads to show your support for kolyma
r9hap is a successful experiment
we can call it now
It is r9happening
Varg Vikernes about the Early Terraria Scene playthrough in his own world(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "Miners", they were Melee, they were Rangers, we beat the Wall of Flesh
Been here for 12 years
the board gets better when all the teenagers go to bed
around like 10 central
the brit feel thread i haven't seen all week
wonder what happened to it
it was a good thread
i don't even live in britian i'm from texas
It's a bump!
>'duplicate thread' report option
>completely ignored
How did we get a fucking wrestling board before a /kr/ board?
sports was moving way too fast so they split it

in order to get a board you need to either be so UNBEARBLY insufferable like /vt/ or /mlp/ and require containment
or move so fast and have so many topics to discuss on x or y thread that you just get your own board
We really need a board to discuss online celebrities.
The news log has moot ebegging and complaining about shite quality since like 2004 lol
No we don't. It will turn into the woah jack website and will be a doxing hub.
hiro live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGq3hS4UBlA
what causes someone to want to become a tripfag? mental illness? intense desperation for attention? i genuinely don't understand what would drive someone to want to become someone recognisable on such an infamous website

Correct, anonymous post 78001011
Does he just ignore superchats in English or can I send him one dollar to call him a faggot?
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Don't give hiro money just to ask a 4chan related question in english, you are just going to look like an absoulte retard like this guy.
So what did Hiro say?
mods are too afraid of doxxing and raiding
According to 4stats, /pol/ seems to be regularly losing it's spot as Most Active Board.
ask in both english and japanese so he can't act like it's unreadable
I hate the new lingo so much
like a broken record
like clock work
like pottery
Rare good thread >>>/ck/20591893
Meanwhile the hot sauce general has turned into a shitfest
who got >>78000000 guys i missed it
That's just upvote/downvote. Redditchan can't function without them.
looks like it was a generic soi get, unfortunately
I have a question for the happenings thread, do people think the culture war that has been affecting basically every social media site and entertainment source has an expiry date or is it perpetual? There were seeds of it in the late 00s in with LiveJournal and even particular parts on SomethingAwful but it was insignificant and very easy to ignore given how decentralized the internet used to be. That changed around 2012-2014 with Tumblr really picking up and everything blowing over during Gamergate. And of course there was no going back after 2016 and it's only getting worse.
>>>/k/61972872 >>>/k/61972901 >>>/k/61972933
bird bill
Anyone know who bradon Robert Kelly is?
I see him being spammed on a bunch of altchans
He just said he didn't see that, which is true.

That stream was just him promoting the show he's on, and reading superchats...
it's not like people of happenings are experts on culture and sociology you know
If you'd ask me, I'd say that polarization has reached such a degree that most people either don't care about the culture war or they actively choose to not interact with the other side. I really haven't seen that much culture war stuff recently, even here. But that's perhaps a bias of my bubble; the people that I follow, most of whom were very involved in the culture war around 2016, are mostly tired of it by now.
It's telling that the Sweet Baby (I think) controversy died down relatively fast, and left no mark on the website as a whole. Dunno about /v/ though.
How come this thread was sent here, did you guys manage to get kicked out of trash?
Also when did the robot become yet another thinly veiled porn board?
>How come this thread was sent here, did you guys manage to get kicked out of trash?
We didn't, some /hap/ersons are just moving out of /trash/ just because of how bad the /trash/ thread has been. And this board has more rules meaning there is less shitposts people can get away with.

Just compare the posts from the /r9k/ thread to the /trash/ one, the diffirence is night and day.

>Also when did the robot become yet another thinly veiled porn board?
I don't pay attention to this board enough to know that.
been that way for awhile now. it'll pick up to 500k by the election month as it has the past two elections though.

the degrees of people's engagement in it will change with time but there are too many parties with vested interests in turning certain places of discussion one way or another politically for it to go away or even become unnoticeable. the other anon is right that lots of people are just tired with it and there probably won't be another gamergate again, especially since a lot of those people got bored and moved on, but there are still a lot of people trying to keep it going for easy money and attention.

i don't know what the next thing will be, but for a lot of people GG and associated events was their first intro to politics, and now that it's a decade later the tricks people tried using before aren't going to work and politicians using memes isn't interesting at all, so all i can assume is some younger zoomers and/or older gen alphas who spent most of their internet time on youtube kids are going to be the ones brought into the foray and fighting the next unintelligible culture war.

why 4plebs gone absolutely quackers?
afaik people post so much cp on /tv/ that searching for any deleted post gets you auto blocked
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Why would people post child porn on a television board what pedos are there
>meaning there is less shitposts people can get away with
Then why am I detecting no difference in quality between these two threads?
i don't go there so you'll just have to take my second-hand knowledge of this, but it's a lot of child actresses and shit like that. i've also heard of actual cp being posted, but again i didn't see it myself so i'm not sure the context of that.
/trash/hap got so dead that the shitposter attentionwhores left
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>tiktok gif
Not cool dude
/ai/ when?
shit's been flooding boards for over a fucking year now
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nusoipoopapissbabycorders lost
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you probably never even used qa
Jannies wont add another board unless it gives site revenue and considering that ai threads are almost always used as a way to loophole bans it wont happen
>ex using ai to generate loli
its just a couple bots forcing it and jannies probably goon to it
funny screenshot
anon puts note on destroyed russian equipment >>>/k/61975370

It will end once every steers to the right. Then, the cycle will begin again a few decades later.
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Seven sevens. Godly get incoming.
Either social media dies or society collapses in the wake of WW3, that's when we'll be free of culture war.
i hope ww3 happens sometime soon
we need a reality check
Let's see what it was:
>>>/sci/16260874 >>>/sci/16261075
chinese rocket test, it wasn't supposed to leave the ground...
kek, that was a letdown.
Made a soicaca mad award

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