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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

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Previous thread: >>66879750
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4chan isn't real
the theory of faggots intentionally shitting up the thread to try and force a move is true
You are not real.
Can someone submit a feedback that says to make sure their google analytics data is exported?
July 1st they are deleting old data, and I know 4chan uses it.
I was hoping one day they'd post it again like moot did before.
/tv/ mods taking drastic measures it seems

see >>66951675
we are here for now. please participate.
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Do you guys remember when Trump hosted an AMA on /pol/ and it made kikes, shills, and trannies seethe so hard that they tried to take down the site with copyright claims, even going as far as to file a lawsuit on the posters? This all happened in like 2019, their attempts didn't even go through because one of Hiro's maintainers already installed an automated DDoS protection, as well as multiple security measures, to prevent it from being wrecked. Much to their dismay, they all flocked to /qa/ and started spamming threads begging mods to delete /pol/, they were getting BTFO every time and we were even posting holocaust redpills in their threads. Eventually, RapeApe had to come in and tell them to "fuck off", and started banning them afterwards. The mafioso from their spinoff and irc saw what was going on and decided to side with the kikes by falseflagging as one of them, they were, however, quickly dogpiled with an avalanche of frogs and Hitler speeches, so much that they started writing very long paragraphs seething about le ebil froagposters while dilating. All of the kike subverters have since given up and surrendered to /pol/chads haunting their every presence. Tucker Carlson interviewed one of them on live television and they were being humiliated from embarrassment.
They have never recovered since then, they realized that attacking us gives us more power. They were doing our bidding like slaves, we've been redpilling everyone left and right. It's a foolish act to disrupt us as we're not vulnerable to their misdeeds in any way. We will dominate internet culture and have the normgroids awoken by the redpills, it's going to be priceless.
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retards complaining about the thread being bad when they spread it across 3 boards

[spoiler]he can't hear us in france[/spoiler]
It became shit before the split
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trashenning is the best happening
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I remember Trump the stupid lump losing 2020 and him and his followers being buttblasted about it that to this day they have trouble sitting down.
81 million, goy
this form of birth control works, but not for the reason OP thinks
No one asked about how many dicks Trump eats.
How bad can a general get until the mods start deleting it on sight? They only seem to draw the line at blatant spambots.
Wrong board.
the fuck is that OP picture lmao

israel doesnt look so good

will the US government flip a switch and suddenly become trad and christian like maybe after the election (with trump winning as he is the most projected candidate to win)

No one wants to fight le brown people in the middle east for conventional american reasons, but would they reconsider for christian reasons?
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why are left cuckold brainrot trannys like this?
"the rebel south" has been dead for longer than you've been a sperm, anon-kun
wtf is that even supposed to be, satan with his cock out?
dunno, but why are you such a sad and pathetic man?
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/v/ happening
Fake news.
The weird statue was not erected recently. It has been present in New Orleans since at least January 2007.
guys what if some mexican latinx savage warchieftain unites all of the other cartels and then invades america?

You know like how barbarians invaded rome and destroyed it?

I'm concerned
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>guys what if some mexican latinx savage warchieftain unites all of the other cartels and then invades america
Don't worry. They prefer destroying themselves.
We have your mom kill them with a well timed fart.
Whatever happened to /ksp/ is so legendary that even a newfag like I, who did not witness what occured, know it is a byword for a general gone mad and destroyed by the mods.
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bots got nuked
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>most americans dislike both Biden and Trump
Why don't they just add a candidate who's popular?

how did i get on some tropes website you ask?

first there is the scare of america becoming christo-fascist. so i went to go researcherino kenshi because I remember it has a christian fascist inspired faction
Why are you so obsessed with christianity now?
It's up
Ah shit here go again
>the old man versus the angry man
Americucks are finished.
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tl;dr gay buttsex in text form.
/pol/ over 200 posts per minute because of the debate
who shat their pants first?
Now over 250 posts per minute.
gotta go fast
Peaked at about 259 posts per minute, declining now.
this is barely even a debate

This is one of the saddest debates I've ever seen, maybe it is even the saddest debate I've ever seen.
No Trump turning into a raging moron? No Biden falling asleep?
My thoughts exactly. I can't believe how bad Biden looks. A competent debater would be tearing Trump apart right now, but the man can barely put a sentence together. Jesus fucking christ.
>Trump insulted India
It's over.
mod post
Trump is in for some shit now.
Imagine how much better India would be if Britain had machine gunned civilians more than just once.
I think most colonial holdings would be more peaceful and have higher standards of living now if they had remained under their masters' thumbs. But hey, they wanted freedom, so they're getting what they deserve.
I was researching them for my imaginary world (AAFM) which I simulate on m2tw

but realized half way into it that christians call themselves a different thing every so often (catholics, orthodoxes, evangelicals, whatever) and it doesnt really matter because they're braindead so I'll just call them christians and leave it at that and wash my hands of it

but you see, heres the thing about christians, they're different than pagans, they have more resolve than them and are likely to throw themselves away with lack of regard for themselves in medieval battle

no wonder they basically steamrolled all those pagans out as the ancient world transitioned into the medieval world.

if those old european folk pagans were worth their salt then they wouldnt have all just vanished so suddenly
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I've read somewhere that buddhism is hinduism without the caste system

and buddhists have sometimes fought their version of a holy war.

What I take from this is that the Dharmics/Hindus are a different kind of pagan. A more stubborn i.e. resilient breed. Which is why post colonialism has had no effect on them
>buddhism is hinduism without the caste system
Which of course made it less popular in India than anywhere else.
india is ideal as a resource vein for slaves however though

I've thought about slavery in my AAFM and these various veins are distributed evenly among major factions
Probably, but having different tiers of slaves doomed them to weird shit. Abolishing the system should've been tied to purging the 80 IQs, but Gandhi would've lost all credibility by doing that.
actually as it turns out, buddhism falls in line with communism

if only china just letted them be instead of trying to needlessly suppress them. They'd find they'd get along
nuh uh

slaves work as slaves no matter if their native american, sub saharan african, indian, or aboriginal

UK should have enslaved indians rather than trying to turn them into heckin UK citizens (cuckold tiny white pecker globalist moment)
another bump
Anons how do you deal with the region lock? Every time I try to post a file or a picture, 4chan deletes it and tells I'm in incognito mode for some reason
tf2 died years ago I don't see why anyone still bothers with it
never happened to me
which 3rd world shithole are you posting from? I think a lot of African countries are rangebanned
I'd make a snarky comment about the current state of America but honestly I just want to post pics again bro
Bumo 4 U
which browser do you use? I think people reported problems with some browsers in the past, back when they first banned posting pictures from incognito mode
Happening. Ban-evading idolfaggot has gone schizo mode and he's spamming the board with Idolshit-OP threads
>2 threads
ebin habbenings
Gandhi's turning point was the indignity of having to sit next to people 30% darker than him.
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anyone have any funny screens? i'm not reading through alladat
Dude, where's /nah/?
I'm using safari?
see if you can find anything about if kuz is actually a russian faggot with aids
/nah/ is dead
This will be the new /nah/.
New /nah/ soon. Someone will surely bake.
living fleshlight
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why is america failing so hard in the middle east right now?

this makes cowaduty modern transgender warfare reboot saga story look like a total tranny fairytale fever cuckold dream

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>still waiting for new /nah/
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New /nah/. >>66978892
Most shitposters on this site are Jerry Seinfelds that think they're Kramers

I will not elaborate on the analogy
/mlp/con started this morning btw
I look like this and act like this
>I will not elaborate on the analogy
Good it sounds like faggotry.
hard to genuinely be like Kramer
>all twitterfags
>yes, all frogposters are stupid 12 year old and they love to buttfuck each other.
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>what? which board only has 11722 posts?
>it's from desuarchive /meta/
>the replies are all tourist retards
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How old is this
Yeah we know Trump the Diaper Loader is also retarded.
unclear if it's even real
>bio terrorist?
>aids spreader?
why do pathetic twp goonhitlers love being cucked so much?
why did some retard make a hap on r9k again
It's better there, we don't have retards like
Also, hi
>r9k posters
>not retarded
pick one.
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Who said /r9k/ posters? Many are from this general. And having more rules really help
fag's trying to force a move again
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niggie want a sippie?
Is this Real?!
Based Biden
this tweet was funny but the absolute state of his actual performance right afterwards elevates it to godlike comedy
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one more bump
I'm getting a lot of 503 forbidden errors in ads. What's up with that?
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We're sleeping
Kizuna Ai making a redebut in less than 2 hours. Whether it's good or bad, /vt/ is on the verge of imploding.
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why does the government pander to minorities instead of the christian majority?

are they stupid?
Swing votes.
Illegal voters
they are utterly inept

what are they going to do? conscript ALL unwilling people to le fight in their le dumb secular wars?

this only worked in the past because dissent was in the minority, but with dissent in the majority this could turn out catastrophic
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This is huge.
Where do you see this? Anyway it's in 6 hours.
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is wolfenstein canon in the fallout universe?

also which faction in skyrim is the xenophobic? Would the stormcloaks genocide the entire world of elves, furries, and scalies?
This is kind of huge.
Kizuna Ai channel released a new cryptic video.
For those who don't know, she's the one who kickstarted vtubers in 2016.
Kizuna Ai had left almost 3 years ago.
it's quite clearly an altchan
which one I do not care
Why are you asking us why are you too retarded to allowed to vote? There are many kinds of Christians, they can have minorities such as POC and LGBT+ people and they don't agree on everything.
You are probably a Illegal voter
Or you are just stupid
it's desuarchive
>/bant/ thread pruned
What'd they do?
Should we be expecting a /vt/ meltdown?
nobody bumped it
Doubtful, everyone is sceptical, except for thread dedicated to people who were on /jp/
How many humped it?
r9hap is a failed experiment
we can rap it up now
nothing ever happens
Why are regulars posting new things there?
Why are you still posting new things here?
lol. everyone who is not retarded has moved there already
That thread is doing well. This one is just a more active nah general
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why are all LARPagans like this?
>t. /r9k/ shill
>t. someone retarded.
I fucking hate nu-4chan.
Quick /hap/ survey: what is the air and water quality in your area and how has it changed in the last decade?
unknown, had a large fire a while ago though
it bothers you that there's a thread where you can't post furry porn doesn't it
>18 replies
nice-ass "happening" you've got there buddy
What was the cause of the fire? Did dryness and wind play a part in starting/spreading this fire?
>why are you asking?
/nah/ing around :/
I thought that my reply was deleted. It just turns out that the two replies following my post were identical to the two replies made before my post.
In other words, it looks like /trash/hap is temporarily clean of the worst shitposters, no? Should be fine to come back here. Take the r9k thread to bump limit and then return to making the threads only here.
some guy started a fire in the woods and didn't want to tell anyone after everythign else caught fire is what i heard
Why are so many people fire illiterate?
Also, thank you for your response.
who was the first person to imagine a le zombie apocalypse
>it looks like /trash/hap is temporarily clean of the worst shitposters, no?
I've noticed that they don't show up on weekends for some reason. Probably because they're underaged, and their parents are keeping a closer eye on them.
>then return to making the threads only here
yeah I think I'll install red dead redemption 2 again
it turns out it didn't die, it has faggot bot hosters holding a pillow over its face
>archived at 663 posts
This one is definitely lewd.
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yeah, but still pretty cute
Delicious flat chest
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I was looking through allchans and found this confusing altchan that somehow has a bunch of fanart and everything. Confusing because they have so many types of posters all over the place. I'm not sure if it's a cesspool or more than that. Or why there's so much variety to begin with.
Picrel is their main board-tan (!)... for their board /qa/. Yeah.
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there is moar
What altchan?
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Here. As I said, it's kind of a hodgepodge, but I think they're going into an interesting direction.
It has quite a bit of wojak posting, though I think it's more thoughtful there than spammy. I checked their rules and they don't allow excessive spam, so, go figure.
They seem to suffer from inter-site drama. I don't think they're associated with SJP, however. Again I find it a bit confusing.
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Bah, forgot the link. basedgem dot party.
To elaborate on the drama, you may have heard about SJP's Discord leak. Well, there is really a lot to it, I can't even go fully over it. But perhaps the worst part is SJP DDoSing the site with bot posts.
The site is owned by the same guy who revived world2ch, Angeleno. If you wanna read more into it, here it is:
This thread happened just yesterday. There are so many awful things that came out of that leak. We haven't looked over this nearly as much as it deserves to be. So much to chew on.
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I guess I can send a few screenshots from the leak.
Froot is the owner of SJP. He's outed himself as a genuine psychopath.
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He doesn't allow animal abuse videos simply out of technical issues and not morality.
we love to throw out random words dont we? that guys just your average edgy dicksorder.
>""""""""""""""4chan"""""""""""""" """"""""""""""Happenings"""""""""""""" """"""""""""""Thread""""""""""""""

major happening
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Buy an ad Yario;
Or at least change the domain that isn't some faggot homo zoomer fortnite roblox nigger meme, that still plays to your own culture; like Jewelchan or Gemchan.

If you do that, you can still get away with the whole "I totally want to fuck children" vibes by having Jewelpets or Madoka as your site mascots; and with the latter, you can admin post as Kyubey
janny the east asian pedophiles are at it again
send curated staff to examine the thread 24/7
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holy shit is AI slop bannable?
fuckers are posting "ontopic" slop but it's still slop and brings nothing of value to the thread outside fuel for shitposting
Shitposting website.
I, for one, am going to continue blindly supporting the orange fool.
Good goy.
I made a 300$ bet on Biden winning in the election, I'll get a return of 1.1k$
stay losing
i dont think he would post here
i should reconsider my whole life up to this point if moe is pedophilia
i may install elden ring to pump torrent full of cum with my HUGE BLACK COCK and HUGE BLACK BALLS
>no GETs, no ponies, no complaining about 4chan

tell me why we should stay here again
are all the porno ads the girls themselves? is it someone promoting them?
i don't recognize any of them as posters, espite my deep knowledge of girls posting nudes here
OnlyFans girls hire consultants on how to spend their marketing budget. 4chan is one of the main options for people that can't compete with better options, don't have much to lose and don't have much money to spend.
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found it
not downloading a boring rage game to have sex with one horse yawn

thats why I'm playing rdr2 instead
holy shit
I like to partake in culture wars, being called a tranny chud from both sides, and not talk about videogames at all since it is a waste of my time.
More like R9BRAP
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