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The usual edition
Last thread:>>78007578
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if you met a guy and he texted you every chance he could get and constantly asked to hang out you'd probably get freaked out and ghost him too. don't lie.
Oh boy it's foot time
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I have POTS so I walk on all fours and have removed everything that requires me to reach up more than a meter, would you date me?
If he lived within actual visiting distance I would absolutely not. I have issues with ghosting when it's a long distance friend and there's no games or stuff we can do together but if he always wanted me to go to his place to play games or watch a movie I would adore him with every fiber of my being.
Would you experience symptoms if I were to pick you up and bridal carry you? If it were just that you had trouble walking that would be fine but if interacting with you and sudden movements and stuff would cause you distress it might be too sad for me
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>he always wanted me to go to his place to play games or watch a movie I would adore him with every fiber of my being.
i want nothing more. all i want, the only single thing i NEED, is for someone to care about me as much as i care about him. i couldn't ask for anything else.
I've been this guy and honestly it's miserable. Nothing is worse than how hard you try to make people want to spend time with you and the gross bargaining game you play with them. If someone was that desperate to be around me I would just tell them to message me when they plan on coming by and I wouldn't be bothered. Honestly it would probably really help me curb a lot of my bad habits since I wouldn't be able to eat edibles and stretch my ass 24/7 like I want to.
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I just get lightheaded, have to hold something for a while so I don't faint and get an excessive urge to lie down, bridal carry would work fine cause it's not upright
What if he wanted to eat edibles with you and watch you stretch your ass
does he enjoy being the big spoon and is he cute?
what if he wants to fall in love and get married
I mean this is a hypothetical person I have no idea
That's gay and faggy, anonymous. You're not one of those guys who falls in love with other guys, are you?
>You're not one of those guys who falls in love with other guys, are you?
umm n-no haha what gave you that impression haha...
I only fall in love with guys hypothetically
the scaramoochie
this is the cute type of autism
generally I agree but for me this is a means to an end and it's only exciting to me if there are immediate practical applications
I also fucked myself because my grasp of foundational concepts is really poor because I cared even less then so it's all just a bunch of unconnected dots and I don't have the time or energy to connect them
need a bf who likes the same stupid niche unpopular difficult indie games i like
I didn't mow the grass and wasted probably the last nice cool(er) day for a long time. Make sure to bring this up when I complain about mowing in the heat.
Just mow at night.
I am so smart.
I'm so tired of this life. I just want to see the stars and feel the wind in my hair. I just want to feel alive...
Thank you for saying so I just get excited learning about abstract math
I'm kind of sad I'm done with my degree and I don't get to learn any more weird math stuff. It's probably for the best though, towards the end we were finally reaching theorems and proofs that I was simply too stupid to do on my own. If I had gone for a masters I would have fucked it up and wasted a ton of money.
I picked up all the crap in the backyard and mowed it. Didn't mow the front though.
It was an awesome day and I'm glad I at least went on a walk. I can't wait for it to be fall, at least ohio weather is halfway decent then.
>cut your hair
>take out your ear ring
thank you for calling me a dirty little mathematician
please call me a disgusting fat neet.
>tfw no 200 iq rainman bf that rants to me about black holes during sex
Genius bottom + mentally challenged top
time to get the trash out at least, god I hate being so lazy but I don't like to mow on mondays because even getting the trash out is a big thing to me.
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I wish I was that autistic
I'm just a slightly smarter sperg than usual who thinks kind of poetically about scientific concepts
>"cut your hair"
my biggest regret this year
lord forgive me i done spent all the food money on elden ring dlc
You can cut your hair, but never do the buzz
I will get my hair cut tomorrow as I can't deal with the frequent washing
haircuts aren't free and no one in my family is a stylist
look into places that teach hair styling/barber colleges. You can often get very cheap haircuts by letting students practice on you.
A taper fade wouldn't be too hard if you have someone else to help
Or you can do it yourself and fuck it up a bit (but it would still beat a buzzcut)
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where are you guys from
I mean leave out the fade I guess, just a taper lmao
if you don't live in miami then it's LDR and i don't do LDR sorry
How does one find such cute images?
Also just a little shithole in europe
A wretched hive of scum and villainy
you guys are making me feel really insecure about my buzzcut...
Most guys don't have the looks to pull off a buzzcut
my coworker whom i had a crush on had a buzzcut
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i just got back from europe last week!
the image i got from a korean art account on insta (im not sure if i can link it here?)
I'm from nyc but i live in ohio now
>just noticed one of the 9 cats broke of his big 4 teeth.

well fuck, vet time tomorrow and there goes who know how much of the story fortune.
this, literally
none of you can resist the urge to be an asshole
Sorry, it was just my lesson after having given myself a buzzcut for many years
I went to this concert with a singer/drummer who was a really handsome 8/10 with a buzzcut, which made me think "damn, guess some guys can really make short hair work". Then at some point he talked about how he had started losing his hair and had to cut it all off and was a bit distressed about it. Looked him up later online and he used to have long hair which made him a literal 10/10.
i genuinely dont understand.. who is being an asshole?
relatable except I don't want a bf
so genuine
maybe the schizo who thinks the whole thread is out to get him
I can't resist sleeping
Bedpilled snoozemaxxer
i have a pretty alright jaw and the right canthal tilt for it so i think it looks normal. i also havent been to a barber for 11 years
My first body was made up from the earth, but I do not remember if my spirit came from elsewhere or if I was the product of the breath of life
because baitposting isn't an asshole thing to do at all
texas, kill me
or maybe it is genuine
maybe it's such a basic element of your character that you really aren't aware of it when you are one
I have no idea what baitposting you're referring to so I'll put that one down to your clear lack of meds
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Picrel, he is quite the handsome feller (with or without hair)
geez anon you're so fucking nice what a kind thing to say
bitch thread
How expensive would it be there you think?
a breath of life is the title of one of my favoirte books ever omg
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Your only contributions to the thread are daily chimp outs but sure I'm the bad guy
I'll probably find it, thanks anon.
What places did you?
oxnard, in ventura county.
Cute guy I've been talking to is a nudist, should I just cut it off?
drummers are always the hottest its not fair
for a buzz? probably the same as a normal haircut like 30 + tip.
i dont go because i have terrible autism and had a such a bad experience going to my first real barber when i was like 10 i never went again and just had my dad cut my hair. since i moved out of his house i could only get it cut when i see him so i just started buzzing it once a month
and here we fucking go
nice, you got what you wanted
fucking shitheads
man everything has to be some shit provocation with you fucking people
all this shitty mean subtext behind everything
the fuck is wrong with you
if your contributions actually make up any more of this thread's greater "culture" (that thing you people are so fucking obsessed with on an
anonymous forum) than mine, then good job because it's an unreadable wasteland to anyone who isn't you and engaging with anyone here in conversation is only ever pointless or harmful with the extremely rare positive interactions standing out
Nudist camping sites and beaches tend to be cheaper, cleaner and more civilized (but more cultish), so it could be he's just smart
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i was doing exchange in france and visited spain, italy, the netherlands, austria, belgium sweden and the uk
where in europe are you from?
this book looks schizophrenic but interesting
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narcissist with a victim complex
I'm not interested in seeing a bunch of nude kids, I'm only into twinks
except these are things that you actually do and not only just to me so...
sorry I guess I just haven't adapted and I don't see it as normal behavior
name 1 specific example
Yeah tell me about it. I went to a turkish barber last time and he was constantly trying to make small talk with me or talking with his colleagues, but he was so hard to understand I didn't know which, so after a few times of trying to talk back I gave up.
Oh well, I'm not helping you get over it. He did such a job I shouted I'd come back when I left after, so it was worth it.
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a must read if you like virginia woolf, james joyce, proust and introverted literature overall <3
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Even years later that image still makes me smirk
literally right now
not quoting me with that post was a tactical decision that you made because it introduces an element of ambiguity that's exactly in line with the kind of crap that appears here on the daily
Let me make it up for you then >>78019490
Imagine going to a nudist beach and some of the kids dicks are bigger than your boyfriends haha
its directed at anyone who hates r9gay yet returns everyday for their daily dose for some reason
if that applies to you as well, well i ain't wrong now am i
lol get fucked
man you fucking people
real god damn pieces of work
I googled it and it just made me sad that I will never create anything deep or profound from my dumb stupid brain
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I'm a Texas boy born in California
That's a great list, I'm in one of those. Seems you made the best of your stay.
I want to take some trips around as well now I have some spare money and apparently plane fights don't cost nearly as much as I thought.
thats very pessimistic and as long as youre not in your deathbed right now in your late eighties i dont believe you anon, sorry..
also lots of people started at a late stage in life, you'll be fine
oh yeah that was exactly how you meant it
right because that wouldn't be totally overreaching, because anyone who doesn't like your clique must have to be a narcissist because uhhh ?? mean buzzword for people who don't like me )<
dishonest little shit
born in el chapo tunnel
I hope you're right
It does seem very beautiful though and I will probably pirate it sometime soon
if you don't like it why you here every day blud
I hope you're a sarcastic schizophrenic instead of an actual narcissist one
I do like it
I don't like you
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Who is in the clique of which you speak?
Liar, stop lying
you know what's narcissistic, people who have to compulsively namedrop themselves ad nauseum for attention
people who like to screw with other people using ambiguity and subtext as a cover so that when they're called out, they can pretend you have delusions of reference and then make out, what would actually be a really fucking sad thing for someone to have, into some abominable character flaw
you're just so fucking mean
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Holy shit, Kamen Rider Geats???
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>plane fights don't cost nearly as much as I thought.
youre absolutely right. fly with ryanair only!!! very budget friendly company. and stay at hostels, its a great way to make friends :-)
if you do start it let me know what you think of it on discord my tag is wildest_heart id love to chat about literature
I love the idea of an anonymous space to talk to other gay people outside of the typical lgbt scene but yeah it turns out you're all assholes except like two of you
r9gay: It is a small, rootless, international clique that is turning the people against each other, that does not want them to have peace. It is the people who are at home both nowhere and everywhere...
I appreciate the offer, but I don't really add people on discord. I'm bad with online friendships, and I end up ghosting people a lot. If I do start it I might post about it here though!
Which guys do you like here schzio-kun, who meets your qualifications of not being an asshole? I have to know..
pbf that i don't have to mask around
people who I can have a conversation with for five minutes without randomly getting sucker punched for either no reason or reasons they don't care to elaborate on
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why does dolf seem like such a bro?
Because you haven't read a single piece of history and just look at /pol/slop and think it's the pinnacle of humor
actually its mostly because Hitler was still a human being and he was on meth a lot so he was probably honestly pretty wacky
this poster seems semitic
need jewish gay bf
but I don't associate with poltards anon, I just like hitler photos more than stalin photos
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He was an epic gamer with a fascinating tale and life
I want Vince Gilligan to make a Hitler drama
I haven't read any of those people but I heard James Joyce liked fucking a girl so hard that she brapped and he liked the braps
I've got 10 hours of jewish songs if that does it for you, as a bonus I'm uncut
need a bf with a big nose
small and straight fml
Switched to retinol a couple days ago
I don't like stuff on my face but I hope it helps
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is it worth it to try to get a bf while i'm a depressed neet loser?

i'm 21 and have never been in a proper relationship before, so i think it might be helpful for me. but i have such (justifiably) low self-esteem because of my own inaction in life that i wouldn't want to be any more of a burden on people than i already am.

i'm 6'1" and i think i'm ugly as shit, but i got complimented a couple times when i posted face to a /soc/ thread the other day, so maybe it isn't as bad as i think it is...
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is it me or are jews a bit fruity?
>tfw no dirty blonde bf
I don't intend to start trying until I get my life together.
If that means I'm alone forever, so be it. I'm already a burden to enough people.
I'm 18 and my life is literally over.
you need an equally depressed neet loser bf
i'm dirty blonde but i'm a socially anxious hikki/neet loser and look like a lizard
hey, we're basically twins!
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Being a neet doesn't make it impossible to date especially if you also get neetbux so go for it desu I know two depressed losers who have bfs
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what's the next requirement m'liege
my thinning hair is really basically just brown at this point, not just dirty blonde.
wish i could tell my body to stop wasting resources on body hair and use them for head hair
/r9gay/ you tryna hit or nah
be a twink
I'd hit him with a stick anytime he opened the fridge until he lost some weight
thank you for calling me a fridge hit stick
euhh maybe if you squint your eyes a bit
nooo 3ds stop fetishizing white people aaaaaaa
the filenames dont lie...
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3ds should rebrand himself egyptian to really churn out those orbiters
thank you for calling me a dirty little egyp
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He could never pass himself off as a real Egyptian
I love having random inexplicable heartburn when I haven't eaten in hours
This is good and I am happy
I still haven't eaten dinner yet, and I'm still taking out the trash just taking hour breaks in between bags.
Making a frozen pizza and there won't be any consequences for eating it at 2234pm est
Feels good
thank you for calling me a dirty little used car salesman
why are you as a burger, using the 24 hour clock? only euros and army people use that.
still not listening to anything a vocafag posts
I had Chinese food for the first time since then. It
did not taste as good sad
I've used it for as long as I can remember and I forget why I started
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I know the thread culture has changed a bit, a la the decline in tfw no bf posts, but what is with the responses which are clearly aimed at someone yet not a direct reply?
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3ds you can still live me in europe using my very specific arrangement to avoid income losses, I need a roommate
You wouldn't get it if I tried explaining
faggots these days are just too lazy to click button
its how i post i explained this already
depriving people of (you)s mostly. Always do it for the attention whores like 3ds or story.
I miss big
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This ones for you anon
>tfw no bf to embrace like pic related for 3 hours strait.
just people trying to be quirky and different, maybe emulate older forum posting styles a little

the zoomers here likely never posted on an old school forum.
I'm switching to nocturnal mode
I will continue my game momentarily
yeah but larping as teenagers in the 90s/00s is really trendy with zoomers right now
why do r9k boys think traveling to a foreign country to live with a stranger is a good relationship model
That's always existed, what are you talking about? Not giving someone the satisfaction of a (You) but still responding, usually in a really petty written way, has been a thing for ages.
I only do it to annoy the schizo
it's all about the implications
otherwise I'd either be living alone or with normie strangers, it beats that
lol thanks for admitting it dickwad
Three Hurrahs for Germany
I always wait until the historical time to unite Germany if I play Prussia. I wish modern Vic games had historical wars and events like the original Victoria did.
What exactly is the appeal in that if you just do things the way they happened historically, you just like knowing the outcome or something ?

Because uniting Germany early is just overpowered and takes the fun out of it. I have done it before.
you're old, you're so old, you're almost dead
I'm not a hag yet, but I'm getting there. I'm probably older than you though, I wouldn't be surprised. There's probably only one or two people older than me in here.
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>Like a rotten branch
>Half buried in the ground
>My life which has not flowered
>Comes to this sad end

The poet probably had a far more interesting life than myself yet I still feel like putting an arm around him
when you're a NEET with a fucked up sleep schedule sometimes it's hard to tell whether it's 6 AM or 6 PM when you wake up
that and I hate Vic II spehre and influence system, it never fails that I don't pat attention to one little German minor and have it get sphere'd by Austria and getting banned from it.
Do shotas even like forming groBgermania these days
I bet you consider age 29 old, fowl
Damn you're old as shit. I'm 28, lol
shotas play indie platformers and roguelites and FPSes
29 is where I guessed you at, but I overshot
still sorry for your loss
what was your first paradox game? I played the original Crusader Kings first.
Friend bought me hoi3 in 2011
I still suck at it
Oh I thought you were saying that you're 29. I really just might be the oldest person in this thread, huh? I mentally assign Story an age of like 55 though, so I'm gonna stick with that. He's probably only in his early twenties though.
HOI II based darkest hour is still the best HOI game, prove me wrong.
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CK2 was my first and while I like EU4 none of the other games have sucked me in so much. I love the AGOT, Elder Kings and Geheimnisnacht mods
You're likely mentally ahead of me as well, besides story, so it could be worse
story is both mentally 50 and mentally 15. He's old on some things yet he is also a manchild.
>story is both mentally 50 and mentally 15
damn he's literally me just more plump and matricidal
my actual physical age is 34 though, for those not up on your storylore. Most of my manchild like behavior comes from lack of life experience. I want to believe I've grown up a lot since mom died.
I don't mean any offense, I just don't know how to say this otherwise. I've always noticed that I'm kind of like the teenage cousin stuck hanging out with the kids on Christmas or something. I'm at like full time job, a 401k, and insurance adult. So I understand that my silliness levels are not at appropriate highs for the thread sometimes.

That's kinda all of us. My roommate is a total manchild that plays vidya all day, unironically never goes outside, never bathes, etc. but he acts like a chaste boomer stuck in the past on some topics.

thank god officially not the oldest by a decent gap
actual forehead wipe because holy shit it's hot in my bedroom
You may be 34 but all those frozen pizzas probably shaved a few decades off your life

my weight does that, I don't want to live long anyway. I'd consider it good to live as long as mom did so about 30 more years.
what about in anything you've done in this thread has been remotely silly, i followed this chain of conversation up to the question about the thread culture and none of it was childlike at all
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I can respect that as I only want to outlive my own mother so I can give her a decent send off, 30 years is about what I expect too
I mean that I'm not very silly and sometimes I'm out of place because of it.
hehe my bad anon sorry
It's okay, I'm feeling a little better since I know I'm not the oldest anyway
you said you weren't oldest by a decent gap, what're you like 28 or something?
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I know that summer is a yearly occurrence but I can never get used to sunrise at five in the morning. Its like in my head we're permanently in winter
Humidity is the worst
how do i get a guy to do that to me (the thing pictured here)
for it's yard work, the rest of summer is okay I just hate yard work.
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I nearly choked to death on a sweet whilst laughing at a post regarding the status of an actors benis.
Bloody dangerous this website is
I like sours
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For me its the humble spearmint chew
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boy feet punishment
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I'm a footfag but someone just tickling feet does nothing for me. I need to see the rest of the guy before the feet are of interest
Wearing socks is illegal in this household
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Just imagine the feet belong to your crush
this, in fact 90% of the time if i actually see the guy they're a let down. seriously finding a video of a twink tickled (without a mask too) is impossible
I have seen some cute ones I'm sure. I will l;ook for them
all of my bf's have loved me despite me being a overweight ugly loser
what's your excuse?
work on your personality <---- to the people that get mad at this post
Piss off bf haver
it's your fault, im the worst person in these threads, everyone hates me, yet i still win
the vagueposter who gets off on compounding distress, telling others to work on their personality
it's a cunt circus in here no wonder you all like each other
you'd be burned to death if you were to stand in the sun
the kiwishit still had the hottest voice of all the voc poster..
Never elaborate, stay vague, always be illusive
everytime I see a vocaroo I hope its that one anon with the beautiful voice
don't think he posts here though
the old guy not called story is probably the nicest poster here and he's probably isn't interested in anything we talk about since we're just being mean all the time
thank you for calling me a beautiful voice spic
it's true though, you can have every problem in the book, but if you're a genuinely cool person it's easy to get a bf
it's YOUR fault
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I neither know nor care to know who you are and your unnecessary use of capital letters is uncouth
people do things i don't like that's why i say mean things to them
bitch neither of us matter, the point is you could have a bf right now if you wanted to, WHY NOT?
i think bf havers are ok
and you're still doing it
that's all you people ever fucking do
you constantly need to be doing this to people or else what? your shitty ironic facade of a personality falls apart and then you're just fucking bored, mean, and alone
or if you're not alone you're in the company of people like yourself
you're not a genuinely cool person so you already have no idea what you're talking about
because a genuinely cool person wouldn't say what you just said
that's bullshit normie rhetoric when you want to make someone feel bad for being weird
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You're asking someone on r9k why they're single, Christ no I couldn't just have a bf otherwise I wouldn't be here
bro you are stewing in your own shit and wondering why things are so bad
yeah this thread culture sucks absolute shit, ive noticed. yes you could have a boyfriend, yes posting here has no influence on your chances of a loving wholesome relationship. you are worthy and you will have many chances, fucking accept it BITCH.
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I'll never be mean again even if someone's posting utter nonsense
This is nice thread
no man, you're shitting on me and then trying to make me think it's my fault
fuck you
honestly, fuck you
you're a huge piece of shit, and the worst part, is that somehow you know it and don't care
whats up my fellow homosexuals
today i tried having sex with a woman and it was great, have u guys ever tried that? highly recommend
the BPDs are arguing again
imagine seriously allocating meme buzzwords to people so you have an excuse to continue deluding yourself about how what you're doing affects them
Ran out of lemonade hours ago
Had to switch to sprite
What a disaster
i dont mean to shit on you, i actually love you and want the best for you despite you being a stranger. i know im a dick, im sorry, but that doesnt change the fact that you CAN get love if you care to get it.
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No I couldn't for a fuckton of reasons that I can't be bothered to type out.

What's wrong with Sprite? I'm using diet Sprite as a mixer right now and its rather refreshing
Trying not to drink soda so much
Ah well everything heres full of sugar anyway
Seltzer waters good tho
ok bitch well i could also list an infinite number of reasons too, you arent that fucking bad.
Was the lemonade you were drinking not carbonated? Afaik most lemonade here is fizzy unless you buy concentrate or go to the right shop
I wonder why 30 hours without sleep doesn't affect me anymore
It's the opposite here
Was not impressed with kevita fizzy lemonade the other day but it was on uncle sams dime so I finished it
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Its almost time for a few hours of crappy sleep, thank fuck for blackout curtains
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I want to sleep with a twink naked and lock his arms and legs with mine and press his head into my chest so he can't move
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I need a drunk bf
yeah she liked it a lot more than I did
no penetration just hand stuff idk because I'm a fucking wuss and I don't know how to say no
I want start wearing Italian suits
there's a to inbetween want and start btw
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it's not too bad, but it's the beginning of the end nonetheless
Overpowered by a boy half my age..
Is that one of the guys from Mafia? I really like Mafia 2 but the remaster of 1 felt like a slog to get through even after a coupla three drinks
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Ye he's my favorite. Loveable goofball.

It's a bit more like a movie than a game really, I liked this execution though. I think I'm halfway through the story.
I already fucking know that, people are always telling me shit I already know like they think I'm fucking clueless
I just want to be my best and I want it to be fucking meaningful for once
can 15 year old boys overpower 30 year old men?
Any game recommendations? Bought these two. I think I wanna get the entire mafia trilogy.
i think i know what you mean. you arent clueless, i already know that you're smart.
listen you have to run the track many times before you get a good time, im sorry it sucks shit but this is how it works, you should giver your best every time but repetition is what's going to give you a success. don't give up.
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forgot pic I'm special
Eating salmon and cheese in a dark room
Eating nothing and a spider just landed on my desk wtf in a dark room.
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what a fucking
none of the vocaroos who I hoped even though they do sound nice still
oh well
is this what you wanted baby https://voca.ro/15m1oKAXLC7Z
Wow. I just am brimming with the most curiosity as to who could have possibly made 3DSAnon say something like that
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Not what I was looking for anon but you have a nice voice for a dirty little spic.
I can't even hear the mexicano accent
We've reached the point where they don't know the dirty little spic origins
what are you Iooking for anon
im sorry for not following your dumb memes
when did this meme start cause I missed most of last year and this year
I'll probably know it if I hear it
sometimes you're just winging it when you're making quick food but you end up putting in the perfect array of dry uncooked spices
3dsanon is some peruvian fagboy that always sends vocaroos and he met a guy from new zealand on /s4s/ and they flirted for months on threads saying weird sexual shit to each other and it got to the point where they were having weird raceplay shit and 3ds said the thing in the vocaroo. The nz guy/kiwi got bored of him and got a bf and then 3dsanon came back here to cry about it like he does with everything. That's his personality; complaining about how he's brown, lonely, and can't get a bf. The kiwi also comes by every now and then until recently because some schizo dug through all his old vocaroos and posts them on occasion. That is probably what made the joke stick, because the vocaroo would get posted a ton. The schizo also accused the kiwi of being into boys who self harm, scat, and maybe a pedophile but I think the only believable one is the self harm part because he posted a chart about it once but never again. Can't be bothered to find it, hope it caught you up.
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i just painted the skin tone on 3 miniatures ^_^ i am now technically a painter!!!!!!!!!!!
speaking of vocaroo fags from /s4s/
that seems really hard to do desu
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it's actually crazy easy its the first time i did it, especially if you thin the paint into a semi-wash, shit just sliiides into those crevices without a second thought
then later all you have to do is do another layer to hide the primer
(sorry i rambled im a FUCKING nerd brbrbrbrbr im so excited)
downside is my fingers are full of paint rn and idk how to get it off as of now so eh
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You do war hammer or something?
idk I don't think two sentences really qualifies as a ramble so... all good
no it's ummm heroscape its basically a lite wargame for babies, but its from my childhood so i really love it, scalpers fucked up the market so i cant buy prepainted things... renegade relaunched it and im planning on buying the unpainted sets since the painted sets are like at least 100+ dollars extra, figure i should practice painting now.
(now this, THIS is a ramble.)

you're too kind, i dont deserve it. (thats a lie i totally do) (he doesnt dont listen to him)
bro have you ever thought about buying a cheap 3d printer and using schematics to print your own shit and then paint it
not necessarily assuming you haven't, people here do tend to be pretty thoughtful about stuff like that so I wouldn't be surprised if you have
But just in case it's probably pretty cost efficient
I have one but I don't have the passion to really use it for anything
It isn't even fucking calibrated and I've had it for years
i did bop my head to this, needs a beat in the back
oh hell yeah
getting trips and quads is standard fare for me but quints? fucking nice
checked and kek'd dont get rekt
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you wish
it's just a momentary trifle for me
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The guy above me is a loser.
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i popped some zits on my ass
i tried several times the first ones were better but i couldnt stop laughing at myself FUCK OFF AAAAAAAAAA YOU SAID IT BETTER FUCK
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What did I do that was so fucking wrong anyway
you didn't juju on that beat
Is that a reference to something? I make a point not to absorb those
>>78022222 quints of wisdom
i have thought about this but it stops me for the reasons you described, 3d printers seems like a whole hobby in of itself.
one of my grand plans was to actaully get decent at painting, 3d print old heroscape figs and paint them to a good level and then sell, lots of people already do it. 3d printing is a really good business idea i think if you can use it properly and consistently, of course then you also have to run an online store on top of it and do all the shipping and junk. idk, IM TOO LAAAAAZZZZYYY even though i KNOW it's a semi-lucrative business prospect.
just remembering now you only meant for it to be a good way to do your own shit, which is true. the thing is though im too poor to just buy something like that if i dont somehow earn back the money, which i think i could do but it'd take a lot of work and im LAAAZZYYYY x_X
bro have you ever thought about buying a cheap 3ds
bro have you ever thought about not thinking about thread-specific attention whores
this makes me feel strange things
Meow my throat HURTS
I have no idea if it's any good or if it's still the standard price but I got an ender 3 you get shipped in parts and assemble yourself for like $150? It's still a lot but there's a big range. You do have to buy your own glass to use as a printing platform (the plastic that comes with it is complete shit), but yeah it has a really tiny interface where everything is through dials and SD cards and calibration is manual.
Then there's the cost of filament too. Idk maybe not that efficient after all kek but idk. It's just another way of increasing your extremely limited agency over your own life and the things around you.
i would be genuinely confused why they felt that way about me since nobody does that.
i do not resent people for this i agree by the way i am not a jaded and angry gaycel i am barely extant gaycel
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Oh right everyone's making fun of me as usual
Fucking liars, fake autists
Hypocrite cunts
Your deserve yourselves
Shitheel subhumans
Trying to drag me down to hell
Canada, its alright.
Teenager melty: ENGAGE
i guess... but like, idk if i'd like dating someone in just as much of a shitty life situation as me...

unless we can improve for eachother or something? i just worry that the relationship would just go nowhere. without a doubt, if i were to date a guy with the same personality as me, the relationship would end within a month because we'd both be too reserved to talk about anything.
Imagine being enough of an inflammatory faggot to even think of that statement
I can't
Guess I'm bad at being an asshole lol
Oh no
maybe i'll make the jump
i got some money to burn my only worry is me not taking advantage of it because of my laziness
main question: think i should get an old one or an expensive one? i've heard that the old ones are way worse
also thanks for your replies and advice, what a weird place to be getting good info on 3d printing of all things
Who fucking cares
I have no idea if you're being facetious or not anyway
Have fun with your asshole friends
are you who i was replying to? you dont sound like him...
And I don't know anyway I got mine about five years ago so I'm not up to date
Can't wait for people to mock this post too
You're all shit people
why are you so mad suddenly what happened :(
I hate this shit so much
If you are a man or femboy you should reply in the biomasc general and make r9k actually gay again, instead of tranny or womanloving
Holy shit my vrchat homesong just showed up
Never knew what it was before now
Oh no I'm blogposting, get fucked
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My loves unrequited and my clothes aren't fitted, if life was a bed then I'd have shit it
holy shit anons here use vrchat? what worlds do you guys go too?
my vrcaht experience was great until i tried to talk to other people lole
Wow like I would tell you fucking asshats
Although to be fair you're not much different from most others in public worlds
i'd be on vrc on the daily if i could afford a vr headset and i didn't have debilitating social anxiety lol. can't even talk to ppl on the internet...

b4 anyone says, i'm not buying a quest because playing this game on quest is torture. only like a third of avatars u see on average are gonna be quest compatible...
I have a question 2 I got off craigslist and I can see almost every avatar
The only problem I have is lag after loading too many consecutive worlds for some reason, then I have to restart the whole thing
But yeah I don't talk to anyone anyway, their conversation is even worse than here but spoken out loud
And it's a pure sausagefest too, the rare girls are trying to be cool so they act like assholes too but you can tell it's half-hearted
Get Mafia 2. I haven't played Mafia 3 and I haven't heard anything good about it. It's not made by the same studio in any case.
>The only problem I have is lag after loading too many consecutive worlds for some reason, then I have to restart the whole thing
I only played VRChat for a bit years ago and it was already like this. Guess they didn't fix anything huh
Ye I heard it was shit but the atmosphere and music looked cool.

You shoot like my sister btw
Haha I have something important tomorrow and all I can think about is how you r9demon witch faggots will try to ruin that too
i sincerely hope everything goes perfectly for you tomorrow
The word sincere has a twisted definition here
i can understand that but i only wish to be kind to you and all the others, i am sincere in this.
i may dislike you, but i still love you
yeah fuck you too then nigger
serves me right for being excited to run into people I can actually speak or relate too
I know the feeling honestly, but it's such a generalized sort of love that it basically doesn't matter
So when you say it to me, I have extreme confidence that it's more fulfilling to you than it is to me, and that it's not at all for my benefit
I have no reason to even consider that, especially in light of the fact your words and actions don't line up
Try not being a psychopathic freak if you care that much, but you don't so you won't
Yup that's how it goes here lol
i think lots of people would like to vrchat with you, i would but i dont exist unfortunately
you can just play on desktop
its unbelieveable how little ability these "normies" have to converse
like they expect my autistic ass to spoonfeed a whole conversation without any effort on their part
or maybe they're just signalling they don't want to talk but they still get offended if you just up and leave
Sick fuck
nah, my hope spot is burnt out for the day
unrelated but did they remove the unique poster count and if so, why?
I don't know man, I've never even gotten that far
Literally I mostly just get bullied for being quiet or they talk about ship pop rap music or they make idiotic racist jokes
Shit pop rap music
The r9demon typo curse strikes again
You're genuinely evil aren't you? Like in the objective sense. That's pretty rare.
Yeah pretty much the same experience except not as often for being quiet cause I can ramble a bit.
I miss when racism was still unpopular enough that running into someone racist guaranteed they were probably pretty cool and unique, now every other normie with self-preservation instincts has glommed onto it and the average race joker just repeats the same ones I've heard so many times.
Really? I'm not familiar enough with it to know what the things are. Honestly I never pick up on cultural references, like ever. Its crazy to me that people apparently have a fucking library in their brains for storing that stupid shit.
It's just like a cheese grater on my ears I can't listen
Fucking chatbots are more original and less crude in the meantime
how am i sick for attempting to alleviate hatred
It's not funny or smart or interesting, what you're doing
Obvious but I guess I'm obstinate and you mistake it for stupidity like the egocentric ass you are
He has decided you're le evil boogeyman who wants to hurt him, along with everyone else ITT.
how does that make sense as a response to what I said?
Here comes the fake bolstering with the strawmen and the samefaggotry
I'm not leaving
Not until you stop
You faggots don't have shit on me
many such cases unfortunately
You implied that there were stock racist phrases that people use. I wouldn't know what they are. Sorry. Did I misread you?
I'm not schizophrenic lol, you're just a cunt
And it's so overwhelmingly common I don't understand why you're proud of it
sorry my bad, you're on the money
I will say as bad as people are I have yet to see a chatbot that's better, I wish there were, I'd be sexting one right now if it were the case
Man old ai dungeon was great for that but it had the memory of a goldfish
Character ai on the other hand is my sfw bf shameful pleasure but it is censored to shit
Dialogue is top of the line otherwise imo
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I feel sick and tired meow
You replaced my spirit with an imposter
i know. i just feel like such a large part of what makes interacting with ppl in vrc fun - head and hand tracking - is lost when you play desktop. i've heard of weird workarounds for desktop users to control the model's limbs, but it's not worth it.

also holy shit trips :O
>like they expect my autistic ass to spoonfeed a whole conversation without any effort on their part
Wow they're just like me...
occasionally going on vrchat and making out with npc models to feel less lonely
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And nothing is written in the book
Reality is made by you
And every lie that you pursue
Eventually turns true
And I was told that your eyes would shine
A light up into space
And infinity would then consume
This ordinary place
Jesus I hate that this thread always goes for hours after I go to bed
Why aren't you all just in america
It's simply irresponsible
>Jesus I hate that this thread always goes for hours after I go to bed
>Why aren't you all just in america
we are we just have terrible sleeping habits
Most of it can be safely ignored, dumb vocafags
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i stink
i stink
i need a drink
my willy shrink
when me wash the stink

water cold
when wash the mould
mother told, i bold, she scold
mother hit me
mother slap me
daddy bring me to the fire throw me in

i burn
i burn
i yearn
i yearn
oh just to be cold again
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Meow I am tiredddd
big nigger momento
Caffeine is better than ssri
I want lemonade :cc
next person who posts a vocaroo is getting raped and not the fun kind
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>Disability Pride Month
Fucking hell, you faggots need TWO whole months??
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miami blacked
Guys I know I shouldn't complain when I'm getting money for free bit we aren't going to do jack shit today can some time Wizard speed up my shift please
I got tight bussy syndrome pray for me
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Meow Itzy slays so hard
i got irritable bussy syndrome
I wish more cute boys worked here
Boy ass in khakis zamn..
A lot of cute guys work here but this place also hires high schoolers a lot so any of these dudes could be anywhere from 16-25 and that makes me super uncomfortable
edged to porn again. only a little bit came out but it wasn't a full orgasm. does count as ending my streak?
Wtf switch jobs with me right now
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So you have been of use
And you have been abused

You know you look pale today
Your lipstick has gone astray
I'd kill to no longer work in a restaurant setting
But I wouldn't ever put in any actual work
Aww so sleepy squinting it's little eyes in its big soft bed
God I really want an opposum
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Her name is Eva
Eva Braun
Eva Hon
Hello boys <3
astonishing, all my bf ever does is post vocaroos here instead of talking to me. our fucking relationship is falling apart by the seams. i hate it so bitterly because i'm so fucking lonely and my whole world is crashing down on me and i have no one to fucking rely on anymore. fuck you stupid niggers, i am pathetically empty.
fucking stupid niggers, i hate my retarded life
fucking stupid niggers, go rot in a ditch you fucking stupid niggers. i'm a fuck up and hate everything and deserve this
i hate all of you retarded ass chimp niggers, go fucking die from aids you stupid ass hats
got dumped?
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3ds facedox
who the fuck even knows, he's playing stupid fucking games instead of being a loving and caring bf. i hate my life even more because of it. think about how fucking painful it is to see your whole life going down the drain, the only reason you had to keep going and he's not only ignoring/neglecting you, but now he's giving attention and flirting with strangers on the internet, despite all of the intense effort you give to him to show you care about him. it's like my chest has been ripped open, torn like a flesh bandaid, and there's nothing i can fucking do about it because he just IGNORES ME EVERY FUCKING DAY. I HATE MY MISERABLE FUCKING PATHETIC LIFE. I HATE MY STUPID FILTHY EXISTENCE. WHAT THE FUCK IS LIFE WORTH LIVING FOR? KILL ME, ANON, KILL ME.
You still have it better than me and mogg me in every way so stop complaining and kys
shut the fuck up you stupid nigger, i want to fucking throw myself off a tall building just to relieve myself from the pain. I FUCKING HATE EVERYTHING I HATE EVERYTHING I HATE EVERYTHING
Just break up homie fuck that nigga :/
just kill me nigga just kill me nigga just kill me nigga
Dumb finn
No that's immoral
Kill your bf or break up or better yet doxx him for being unfaithful that's epic
>No that's immoral
>Kill your bf
Killing an innocent is bad, disposing of a cheater is not
>one shot at life
>not a femboy

i will never get over this it doesnt matter what happens now
Do you like brown boys?
i don't want to go to the dentist anymore, who even cares if i have fucked up teeth, surely not the bf who says he cares about me and then whores himself out for attention here
only like 3 niggas post their voice so who is your bf? kiwi? bread? the other weirdo? obviously not dirty spic
you're going to steal him from me
well, even if you do, just look at me, i'm rotted inside out, miserable from neglect. i've become angry and unreasonable. i want nothing more than my demise. life is painful.
i hope a truck runs me over
i don't want his hoe ass, he should he shamed though
scrape my brains against the asphalt
if not you, then some faggot else
If you won't expose him then stop whining
Only 3ds likes cheaters here and he's too pathetic to score a bf anyway
me, currently playing weird bargaining games to get my bf to fucking care about me
i hope we never get sober
and i hope when you think of me years down the line
you can't think of one good thing to say
You guise are dumnn
People are whoring themselves out here? This is probably the single most sexless gay community in the world. Not even pictures beyond drawings.
doesn't that just make everyone more desperate to fuck eachother over?
Yes but they don't. There's maybe the wish to whore out but not the realization of the idea.
Sorry I didn't properly read "over" and now my reply makes no sense
camwhores of r9gay
dude, it's fucking painful to see my bf laughing and flirting with other boys here. it's making me so bitterly angry, especially when he ignores me for days at a time. god fucking christ, my life is pathetic.
you fucking sodomites, i want to cave your fucking brains in with a heavy hammer
great good fucking god it hurts so much, who the fuck is flirting with my bf, you deserve to have your head split open and shit in
Expose your bf or be quiet dork
you deserve to be put on a spike you filthy fucking animal
Yeah that doesn't sound like a great boyfriend desu
he is this >>78022289
Lol so it was him
Whats with you dorks and your vocaroo grooming
Kiwi now this... archiveschizo where are you nigga
It's been so long since I saw the word filter I forgot that it even exists
i'm so fucking angry, just skin me alive. i'd fucking cave that kid's skull in, who filtered with my bf
all of you niggers are retarded horny chimps, go fuck yourselves and die alone you fucking pozzed niggers
3ds the dirty little spic did, take it out on him not us
filthy fucking niggers, kill yourselves
thank you for calling me a dirty little cheater
bro, i'm sorry, but i had a fucking nightmare about this exact fucking scenario. it's one thing to have your life fall apart around you, to have nothing to fucking eat, your mom shouting at you for not having a job, losing the place we're living in, and another thing to catch the one fucking person you thought you could rely on, flirting with fucking literal mouth breathing primitive retards here. never more has my resolve to fucking completely end it been stronger than today. the only hope for a future, smashed into fucking little smithereens.
fuck you, filthy aids ridden nigger, do a favour for me and go dive in a vat of acid head first.
Neither is alcohol yet here we fucking are
scalp yourself, nigger
Unwarranted advice but probably start with getting a job and maybe improving your situation and it will be easier to get a less shitty boyfriend.
How far are you from miami? I'll pay for you to kill him
Drop his punk ass chief
Least you can know 3ds will never get a real bf as consolation idk
just let me rot, anon. what other conclusion is there for me? i was only keeping myself together so that we'd finally meet and be happy together. now all of that is just down the drain. i have nothing to live for anymore.

opposite side of the country, but i would humiliate him and beat his ass given the chance.
part of me thinks by doing all of this, he'll finally care, by throwing a tantrum, he'll finally take me seriously and give a shit, but being realistic, i think he'll just ignore me and come here to flirt again. if not here, then somewhere else.
fucking laugh at me, i'm pathetic.
I'll fly you to miami if you post his severed head afterwards :333
didn't expect schizo anon to have plot development
I'm not laughing at you, I agree that your bf is shit.
what is your bf like, anon... what is it like to be loved?
I feel pretty sick I regret not getting sick leave
why, did he cheat on you?
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I just have severe spic fatigue, we need to permanently remove at least 2 to cure it
This is a righteous crusade
Meow where husb ie husband huslabtt
dumb nerd emoji
time for my daily scheduled bed rot... i mean, i never got out of bed to begin with.
Any scared brown boys can come up to ohio and I'll hide them in the storymanor in exchange for yard work.
My favorite part is when retards try to argue "but but it's always been a thing", dishonestly ignoring how different these threads are from what they used to be just a year ago. As if I wasn't here to see it or as if we can't use the archive.
Why does one need explanation for something so trivial
Hugs are nice for a minute or so but anything longer is just awkward and boring
Wait who's flirting with who and what did 3ds do? I'm not following
schizo-kuns bf is the other vocaroofag, finally his melty makes sense..
laugh at me, i'm pathetic haha ;(
I take back all the mean words I ever said to schizo he was right now pls go kill the shitskins, king
I don't know, I don't have a bf
Why didn't you keep any of them *smol tear*
love is impossible
everybody here is just wasting their time chasing good feelings that never come.
I'm not chasing love, I just like hanging out with other homos. I don't really have the impression that posting on r9gay will lead to anything.
Be my bf anonner!!1
I'm so bored, part of me wants to buy something on steam yet part of me is telling me it's just a waste of the storyfortune. I don't feel like napping either even though if I don't my leg will likely hurt.
Septic tank thread
Full of shit and full of people who are full of shit
yeah, they all deserve gruesome death, even me
I just had a fat neet shit so my tank is empty.
I wish I could feel good about getting off of work but all I feel is tired
At least I get to sit down
I'm never going anywhere bros
Unless my mom kicks me out I think I'll he here forever
I wish recreational barbiturates were still around
I can't drink anymore without getting nauseous the day after
Bf who drinks water and lemonade
I wish I could go back to being under 21 just so that I wouldn't be allowed to buy alcohol
I keep doing it even though it's not fun and I hate it and it hurts so much for days afterwards
Go to rehab and try and quit the booze. It isn't good for you.
Eh there are plenty of other sources of food-grade ethanol that aren't alcoholic beverages
My drinking habits were less consistent but arguably somehow more degenerate then
Just stop, simple as
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Meow husbamd
Should I get omori and see what you shotacons are obsessed with?
My daily motivational post:
I WILL meet a cute shota
I WILL make him fall in love with me
I WILL take him back to my place
I WILL hug him and kiss him
I WILL marry him
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Finally some good posts
>willingly spending time around children
pedos don't make sense
makes perfect sense. Pedos often take jobs where they interact with children. Same as straight guys taking a job full of hot girls, or a gay guy taking one with hot men.
What occupation has the highest percentage of hot men?
Work with cute shotas or flip burgers with negros hmmm hard choice *clueless*
it's not like in either scenario you'd talk to anyone
I meant that kids are annoying and being around them is stressful
Sometimes I talk to them
Only good vocaroo is scpanon
Literally check discord there are like 20+ people lined up or smth
its the same reason everyone wants to date their twink clone for the most part, zero clue what the world has to off past what the fantasy of what they jerk off to
Firefighters? Lifeguards? Maybe emts. Those are all really typical responses though, there has to be something better.
Yeah just marry a discord profile it's that easy
You have small brain and smaller penis
Literally any job that requires physical work: ex. fireman, military, construction worker and so on
>yt short keeps giving videos on bunnies.

My hate for the rabbit posters here reignited.
YOU have a small brain and ass
You vill let them eat your garden and you vill be happy
I saw another yesterday at work, they're everywhere
Dark night. Neon signs. Forrest on fire. Hamburger in hand.
Lemonade hours yep

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