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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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Robot edition edition

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong on >>>/trash/nah

Past happenings: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/History
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Public ban archives: (4bans) & https://hiddenservice.cc/bans (IPv6 only)
Enhance your 4chan Archive Experience: https://rentry.org/FoolFuuka_Userscripts
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Old thread: >>78077157
People are still seething about discord?
I think it will become 4chans new main boogeyman after the tranny phase personally
man /r9k/ sucks can we go back to /qa/ already
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/qa/ is frozen but you can try posting there if you want it will not go through unless something changed since the last time anyone tried.
that's a funny thought. let's say that they defrost /qa/ but they don't bring any attention to it. how long would it take for people to realize?
Why doesn't a board for femanons exist?
In what sense does it suck?
crystal cafe and lolcow farm
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>go on /a/ to rince my eyes from the few posts of the NSFW boards
>somehow meet even sicker anons
... hey at least there isn't gore webm randomly posted
it's literally just the same posts repeated over and over again in different variations and pointless moping from underage discord users
discord fucking sucks man.
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Because your genitals don't matter when you are anonymous. Regardless, you can try crystal cafe, they have the same bigoted losers from /r9k/ but they have vaginners instead of benners.
please no furry porn on /r9k/ thank you :)
I am the OP and I posted that in my own thread
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well la dee da Mr GUCCI loafers, new meta, new posters. Confirm to our culture. Ahamdullah
>/trash/ - Off Topic
>3. Lolikon and shota images are not permitted.
you just posted a furry that hippo is a furry
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Where's the penis/vagina/breasts/testicles? I'm not seeing it in that reaction image from beloved /a/ classic, Moomin.
>year two thousand and twenty four
>mp4 support isnt a thing
>audio support for non /gif/ (ironic) boards are not a thing
>webp support is nonexistent
and this wouldn't happen on /qa/ because....?
no webp support kicks ass, nobody likes it
The other chans I use support all of that + much bigger filesizes. Also no stupid catpchas or cooldowns. 4chan is ancient boomer ware.
>>mp4 support isnt a thing
>>audio support for non /gif/ (ironic) boards are not a thing
this is an IMAGEboard
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/g/ once upon a time had a lot of influence
webm is open source
this newfag jsut called moomin a furry hippo

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Moshi moshi! So this is where we are now. Okay. This will brie interesting, please be on gouda behavior. Thanks!
Does /pol/ seriously support Russia? How do they not feel like lowly traitors?
Is /vr/ the best board on 4chan?

I honestly can't think of any other board that has less shitposts and actual good quality posts with good disscussion.
if things were the opposite they wouldn't be
>giving Hiroshit and the mods money
Nothing worse than (You).
>seriously support X?
Nah. Some maybe, but keep in mind that many folks will feel a sense of spite against the GAE for taxing them into oblivion and then spending it on something they don't care about. This feeling is amplified if that person feels that there are more concerning, pressing matters directly impacting them. Further compounding this is the corruption regarding many uses of "aid" to wherever and whoever, not just Ukraine (or even Israel) in particular.
Good. We don't need even more reposts from twitter and tiktok.
webp should not be supported anywhere
it's an inherently bad format
Why? Try to use technical arguments.
A lot of people like to point fingers at Discord as if it's one specific community or entity and not a chatroom software.
Why the fuck do you think I'm not closing my accounts. Because they're fake and I didn't even know they existed. Same thing with all else. And I'm bi, not gay. I fucked men and women. And I don't have a fat girlfriend, not even one at alll
>Im bi.

Wanna dock penises bro?
Nursery Rhymes in Ohio

https://youtu.be/jjxD4goI6jg [Open]
>drake drake go away
https://youtu.be/FM2G9PQvTXg [Open]
>old skibidi had a gyatt
https://youtu.be/-n30gu3zA9E [Open]
>sigma sigma little gyatt
https://youtu.be/UFOR4SV2Fco [Open]
>mary had a little gyatt
webps and mp4s suck. There should be audio support and slightly higher file size limits on most boards, though.
Some janny has been deleting FFXIV threads shortly after they hit the bump limit. Very odd behavior
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Remember 2 years ago when we flooded the soicuck booru with holocaust redpills and they deleted all of them a few hours later after their site was hit with copyright claims?
looking through the archives, you can find plenty of them in the seas of tranime, commiepedotroon (((propaganda))), and other kikeshit. our effort has caused so much seethe that soicattle allied with shareblue to dmca the shit out of them and the maintainers had to remove them in response except for kikeshit.
they don't want the truth out. sad!
there's no /qa/ anymore so i'll ask here...
why has /sci/ become so stupidly schizo over the years? it feels a lot of the time reading /x/ mixed with /pol/. even just regular discussion reads like a bunch of schizos trying to prove their fringe theory on physics.
I would guess this is because the general public's interaction with science has become very odd and unstable, you have the constant conflicts about global warming and vaccines disrupting mainstream faith in science compounding with the fact that many social media algorithms magnify genuinely schizo shit like the electric universe plus the fact that some mainstream celebrities actually endorse stuff like the flat earth or graham hancock and terrence howard type personalities
When was the last good thread?
The current >>>/trash/nah is pretty good
me and somebody else have posted a couple times about a new schizo personality in madoka threads, I imagine nobody else finds this remotely interesting but somebody found his reddit account and various other accounts of the same username. this has been your happening for the day thank you
Seems like it's mainly for multiple threads existing and mods/janitors simply weren't around before that point, granted it is extremely stupid and counterintuitive to delete a thread that's past bump limit or about to archive on any board. I remember that one janitor that had an AMA on cripplechan said you get in trouble if you just delete threads and the mod likes them, so my first guess would be it's a mod doing it.
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Can we admit the invasion rule was a mistake? It made 4chan weak and impotent, and killed a lot of the fun.
> It made 4chan weak and impotent
Nigga this is a website to talk about hobbies and share images, not a activist website for your gay little cause or whatever.
What if my hobby is crying about the culture war, politics, transgender activism, or the free software movement?
hmm... maybe you're right? i've never seen those threads
even the shia leboof threads were getting deleted
yet they persisted
organized partially off site
if something is truly worthy of raiding it will happen
>if something is truly worthy of raiding it will happen

and it'll be shut down immediately because this isn't the sharty.
they can kill a thread but not an idea
>aye but when they kill a poster, suddenly movements go quiet.
Just got here. What happened?
>gender identity politics board
this site would never recover
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I think this is a better board for /hap/ because more people will see it and this general may actually have a chance of staying somewhat active. Fuck /trash/.

On other news, how do you all feel about 4chan's future and the 8th year of Hiro being an absent owner? Are you just gonna wait it out or do we move on from here?
Maybe we should make a fundraiser and buy 4chan so we could save it ourselves, we could even add ascii text and emotes too
But Hiro would have to be willing to sell and we don't know what his asking price would be if he was willing. Could easily be in the millions.
/pol/ should do a fundraiser so we can buy the site and finally clean it of the /lgbt/, /trash/ and /co/ cancer that's been slowly killing 4chan.
*"trying not to be a monkey" voice* I think the apes should be in charge of the zoo
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What goes on in /vt/? Is picrel accurate? What kind of man uses the /vt/ board?
No, all raids do is attract dumbass children to this place.
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/b/ has transformed to a stream granny and celebrity worship board
delete all of the boards that attract children while we're at it
Only /pol/ & /jp/ would be left if that was done.
>Only /po/ and /trv/ would be left
>Is picrel accurate?
Yes. It's even worse now because tourists come to shit up everything.
>threads.json is a separate request at a lower update interval
>every fucking thread has to retrieve it
>contains redundant info for each thread
Why is 4chan so retarded?
traitors to who exactly?
/pol/ is not a homogeneous entity, and people are more likely to lie for amusement rather than actually support (or be against) Russia. For a big part of the board their war is irrelevant.
Especially true when the majority of /pol/ doesn't live in russia or ukraine
I can't wrap my head around it. They'd get arrested instantly if they tried to move to Russia and make use of their freedoms like they do in America.
deleting all the boards that attract kids and the genuinely autistic would fix the shit out of this website
So /a/ and /v/?
This sounds like some very faggy nerd shit which I don't care about
most of them happened after the rule was added
the only way to get it out of his hands would be convincing the mods to coup him somehow
the retards just see it as "based trad country!!!!1111!!!!!11!!!" or similary stupid shit
lmao >>>/v/682358184
Why was this thread deleted?
>4. Backlinks, eg >>1 (Dead), are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 (Dead) lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
are you telling me no one on /r9k/ has posted lmao before
Finally a happening.
you realise which board you're on, right anon?
lmao >>>/v/682358185
lmao >>>/v/12345678901
lmao did i aciddently find a way to break the robot
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It hasn't even been a month and /hap/ already found an unpatched exploit
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also what the fuck is going on?>>78119068
The robot normally ignores numbers but backlinks seem to count as whole strings. I'd assume URLs would also behave similarly.
Nobody cares because filter evasion is bannable
There's a real anonette having a schizo episode and it's sad. Like she's incoherent.
National socialism is a racist ideology, racism outside /b/ is against the rules.
Well yeah, I'm just pointing it out. It's not that hard to make a post without having to resort to these weird tricks either.
Remember: if there are no happenings, then make them
rip Shelley Duvall
One of the best performances in a horror movie. In many ways, I remember her more than Jack Nicolson's performance in the movie.
>26 matches
Mental illness.
It's really weird, now every death will be associated to vaccines.
>they shot al yankovic right in the head
boomers are horrified by the thought of dying
I wish anon, at least they would have good media tastes
/pol/ and /tv/ are full of old people
at this point I find it kind of amusing in an absurd way
it's not like I'll ever have to directly interact with these kinds of people anyways
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top fucking jejkek
Sadly covid fucked with a lot of us heath wise, and blaming the vaxx seems to be the easiest way to rationalize the lingering effects of the pandemic. Even that one aging obsessed millionaire saw an important decline in his body's capabilities because of it.
And don't forget the horrible lifestyle she had
How old exactly? Whenever a /pol/ post is linked here, and from the few things I've read, they don't feel completely like old people. But /tv/ is the only board in which I've found people saying that they're over 36 years old
lurk /r9k/ long enough and 40 year olds will come out
sometimes 50 year olds

and yes
they're virgins too
getting anti-porn ads and anti-porn ai filtering ads
i just want to wack off leave me alone faggots
I think that a lot of it is paranoid schizophrenia. It's been quite a big epidemic recently and I think the whole covid thing convinced a lot of them to stop taking their meds. Hence why you see twice the homeless deadbeats nowadays
yeah that would make sense, they say the governments of the world have been doing X or Y in an attempt to control the population and it suddenly happens then the majority end up saying that's what's going on.
I'd imagine some schizos breaking and thinking they were right this whole time so they stop taking their meds
I thought there was one that only gives the latest few posts in a thread
Did you even look at the replies? They clearly got tired of deleting the retarded arguments and just nuked the whole thing
Yep and then they go homeless and think their family members are stalking them. Ive got a similar condition which is why I'm lonely and can't find a bf. Except mines not paranoid so I'm not violent.
>I thought there was one that only gives the latest few posts in a thread
Yes, it's for normal thread updates. But for some reason, the normal updates don't have the page number, which is the only thing threads.json is needed for. The only justification for a separate threads.json is that the page number may update more often for inactive threads (so an inactive thread couldn't use the cache if the page number changes), but then again it can change only 9 times until it needs a real new update anyway.
I'd like to hope that most of them are just shitposters rather than actual schizos
are we really?
The headline is implying that the 4chan site staff is doing it, not its users. Also there's no proof 4chan users are doing that. I love journalists.
Probably less than 24 hours, someone's bound to take a look at the board and realize it's been thawed and then make a post on multiple other boards telling people they can post on /qa/ again.
not anymore, they turned off image generation
>>>/t/521528 was posted by moot
I wonder if any of the other ancient stickies were made by him with the mod capcode
I wonder which moralfag mod called loli "shit":
How can you even be into hentai and screech at loli this hard? Must have been m00t, the loser and traitor, and confirmed cuck.
>Must have been m00t
he openly hated loli after /l/ was spammed with cp multiple times, but that sticky was made after he left
Discord sissy fight over at /vp/
because it's illegal in the US? they're not going to jail just so they aren't known as "moralfags". besides, it's a barely enforced rule, most mods don't care that much it's just there to make sure people don't claim the site's endorsing illegal content.

openly? i've never seen that, do you have a link or pic or something?
Weird post, but does anybody know of a 4chan app that has the functionality of opening cross board links like
? I use clover at the moment hand have zero complaints with it other than this.
>Phonefagging GTFO
4chan is blocked at work and I need to post.
>because it's illegal in the US?
So why are they allowing it on /b/ in your opinion?
How can you be so dumb?
4chan x would be the application for you to use and I have to write out a whole fucking sentence explaining this because we are on /r9k/
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Most of moot's posts are saying he'll never bring back /l/, but that it's allowed on /b/. There's some funny hiroposts in there too
I used KurobaEx but I rarely phonefag anymore so I don't know if it's still updated/working
>that post
I responded to it in that thread.
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Holy shit it's Terry!
I think generally slower boards are better but /r9k/ had interesting threads more often years ago when the traffic was double what it was now. There's practically nothing to see nowadays similar to /b/.
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interesting thread https://old.sage.moe/a/thread/9653736
Wasn't /jp/ created around this time?
like 3 days later. Only reason I found that thread was thanks to https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/30212088/#30213631
I love reporting posts using "nigger" for racism and see them disappear.
Does 4chan employ CP filters? Most websites do it now. They check files against a black list. Testing or knowing this is impossible without trying to upload illegal material. You'd think a website as notorious as 4chan would have to do it, to avoid problems or if only to protect itself.
Ah, it's you. My nemesis.
Me too. It's basically the only report type that consistently works well.
I only report posts if it makes the faggot come back angrier than before
not sure about cp filters specifically but they definitely have autobans based on old MD5 shit or something like that, (i'm pretty sure they had that "gamer + child gf" meme as an automatic post removal?) so i wouldn't be surprised if the same is true of pizza as well.
please explain the niggers?
Why was moot such a baby about lolicon? 4chan formed from lolicon fans.
This sounds like something I'd want to try, but it's the stupidest shit ever to have to monitor a post to see if/when it's deleted. They have notifications for warnings and bans, why not do the same for thanking users for correct reports? It would do a lot to reassure people mods actually care about moderation.

>original post
Man find. is like a completely different website. It's 100% cloudflare'd (need to solve captcha to even view it if they don't like you).
>Please support 4chan by disabling your ad blocker on *.4chan.org/*, purchasing a self-serve ad, or buying a 4chan Pass.
No, I hope you starve to death you fags.
statistically speaking, it is very hard to come up with a post that would hit the robot
only tiny posts and catchphrases do
people stop being attracted to kids when they stop being kids, sorry buddy!
yeah that's actually cp though
my old cybersecurity professor would constantly tell us stories in class of when he did work with the fbi and would run a program list against the md5 hashes to see if it matched up to known md5

the sentiment slowly turning against anime though especially on this website of all place is somewhat concerning

you back like 12 years and people were making jokes about wanting to fucj x or y waifu flavor of the month
hell people on twitter literally call a grown ass adult anime character with fucking giant G cups a loli.
He was 23 thirsting over 13 year old Asuka though, so fuck moot.
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>14 years and 167 days ago
fucking retard newfag
it's not illegal in the US though. are you retarded?
People have always been like that though. It's not like Something Awful banning loli wasn't the reason this place started, you know.
Hell, even people on world2ch didn't like all the loli here and straight up called it CP.
no it wasn't faggot
although you're right about world2ch, and many other websites of the tame. The lines were very blurry, few people actively distinguished cp from loli in 2003.
>fucking retard newfriend
I know a gif/webm that gets hash banned all the time. If you try to upload it, you get "upload failed". They change it by encoding it again or whatever all the time but it gets banned again. It's not CP though. Not even illegal or particularly offensive, just simple NSFW.
>4bans has a custom cursor when you look for /mlp/ stuff
In retrospect I'm glad moot got ran off his site. I just wish we got someone who wasn't Hiro.
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>oh my god hecking basedjak reddit chungus
cant really do anything about that desu.
why is it hashed to begin with?
Name one person better and more qualified than hiro to run 4chan
do you need a lot of qualifications to run 4chan?
I'm just glad he gave up on making a trillion more boards.
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>oh my god hecking basedjak reddit chungus
Verification not required.
jewt was such a fag, glad he's gone!
Yes: uncaring greed.
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>You need a 4chan gold account to view this reply
Well, you need a good amount of programming knowlege and some kind of experience with running online communities, and a lot of money. And smart enough to not make dumb decisions or listen to this retarded community too much.
uncaring greed is what got the site into its current shithole state
i fucking love how no matter what dimension christopher poole goes to he cannot escape his creation
what is he up to these days anyways
haven't heard of him for a while
I think people overly romanticize moot. While he was overall better than Hiro and would at least engage in the site even in his last years, people had a legitimate reason to be annoyed with him towards the end catering towards his irl friends and mishandling the /pol/ fiasco. At the end of the day he had all the power to nip /pol/ or other cancerous culture war entities in the bud and he failed to do so yet people act like he's some sort of hero for bailing out on us.

Maybe programming knowledge and money. I don't think much experience is required with running communities because did moot really have any before 4chan? What about all the other imageboard owners? A wealthy techbro who believes in free speech and doesn't want to undermine the original concept of 4chan is good enough.
Remember when he bullied /pol/ and the whole site joined and shitposted it to hell?
he did that after i reported that a post wasn't wrapping and was breaking the layout
m00t was underage when he started the site and it started out with a bunch of nerds from the same community he was from.
But he didn't pull the plug on /pol/. He had an opportunity to before anything really took off and he just gave up on the website and ran off in cowardice and became a Google employee, got relegated to Heroes, and then nothing but being spotted on NYC subways.
nobody knows, he fucking vanished
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i met him on a subway a while back
oh shit an actual moot sighting? nobody's known wtf happened to him for years
he's probably gone for good at this point, apparently he cut ties with all the mods and everything. the only person i know who i've seen say is still friends/in contact with him post-leaving 4chan is jason scott, but they seemed to have been very close (he even helped moot with his resume) and were friends outside of 4chan, so i guess he just doesn't want to be associated with the site much.
funny to think of when you compare that with hiro, who is a national celebrity over in nippon.
according to the epic 4chin documentary he got spooked by all the heckin nazis
Did you kick him in the balls?
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Post your favorite 4chan related image
It's 4chan.org, retard.
why nu-moot decided to split the website for a couple years is beyond me everyone thought it was retarded
he thought companies would somehopw be more willing to have their ads on the same shit but with a slightly different url
moot was a massive fucking faggot but people miss him because he actually used the website
that's not to say the mods dont use the website much like reddit they arent required to reveal their mod status
there could be mods in this thread.

you'll know if you posted in a mods thread if you get instantly fucking banned shortly after you reply to
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We should rename 4chan.org to 4caca.poop
I support this post.
Chance can do it. And I can't post the github link because it's an auto ban.
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The image also applies to /a/, /tv/, /pol/ and /g/.
>But he didn't pull the plug on /pol/.
which is weird considering his position on politics when he made the site. he said some shit about the community growing bigger than him and how he felt like it was unfair to close it down just because he didn't like it, but he obviously didn't employ that belief consistently so who knows why he let it back up.
a lot can change about someone's beliefs in over a decade
He was, what, 16 when he made this site? Obviously he changed his views and maybe thought /pol/ was a necessary evil at that point.
this is true, but he seemingly changed his mind only when he brought it back, is my point. he said he'd delete it if it just turned into /stormfront/, then deleted it when it did just that, but still went and undid that.
tbqh all sites should just be what the owners want them to be, otherwise they get increasingly agitated at a userbase full of people they hate and we get mods who feel the same. if people want something more they should just make their own site, everything being in only a couple places is cancer.
I think moot was a 2000s 'libertarian', maybe? Not a hardcore Ron Paul one but he espouted a lot of pro-freedom of expression stuff and obviously vouched for anonymity. It's something he changed his mind about quite often, if it's to be believed that he left the site because of /pol/. That's one of his flaws as owner in my opinion, he was too flimsy where it mattered most. He was all about "growing up" and moving on from 4chan yet he wanted to keep maintaining his baby for years afterward and still maintained a lot of his old interests. Eventually the pressure got too much for him and he screamed running away and bailed on everyone and cut off everyone he kept in contact with. Now we're on a ship with no captain.
a lot can change about someones beliefs in a month, a week even a day.

Time is long as fuck
go ask anyone who's been to prison how long their sentence felt like

one week is an intensely long time
a few months even longer
then you have spergs in discord and twitter holding stupidly long grudges over petty arguements
one month is so goddamn long a tornado or a big hurricane can come and destroy a cities infrastructure and ruin someones entire life
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another one who used 4chan as a springboard for their popularity and promptly ditched us
what a cute boy
Why do they not like us enough to stay with us? :(
holy shit, when did this happen? did you guys talk about anything?
acktually moot tried the 4channel split way back in 2004 for some reason
not4chan was a thing.
How often can a single user bump a thread until it stops working?
The user?
In theory? Until the bump limit.
In application? Until the thread derails.

I know from personal experience in sinking many many threads.
it pisses me off that everything is hosted labyrinthine discord instead of dedicated websites now. wikis, forums, even filehosts have been replaced by it, for some reason. it sucks
No, technically. At least self-bumps don't work after a few posts if OP is actually the only one posting in his thread.
what's bothering me is that people do not grasp that discord replaced forums. previously
>join our forum
>forum is public searchable, posts about technical stuff or gaymes strategy or whatever it is persist forever and can be found for years after by google search
>join our discord
>posts about technical stuff or gaymes strategy or whatever it is persist for about 1 hour before it's lost to the eternal backlog of a fast moving chat, it's searchable but it's not realistic to actually use discord search to locate messages about specific topics
But retards think that because it more or less looks like IRC, or AIM chatrooms or something that those what it has replaced. Explain what happened to all the forums, then. Inb4 "Reddit" that is even more retarded and useless at this point
>go to reddit for problem
>literally an entire thread of puns and big chungus jokes before someone provides and answer
>answer is downvoted because they didnt make a big chungus joke
>"This comment has been deleted via the slampigBot to protest the changes to the reddit guideline, you can read about my reasoning here at {insert hyperlink}
True, but only for the first 10 minutes.
It's over. /trash/'s Happenings Thread died with just 30 replies. The migration is complete.
>page 1

Mods. Send this user to the pillory
it was a fake thread
Well, fuck me sideways. Something in that thread triggered my blacklist filters and made it disappear from the catalog.
wonder if that guy who was collecting moot images has this one
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There goes Phillip Banks...the biggest ass that ever lived. What a douche!
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Ah, lick me, mod, you know completely well that's not gibberish.
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Frankly, I found it to be shallow and pedantic
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And what's the deal with moderators? I post a racist accent with a picture of a Japanese guy, sure! No problem! I post a racist accent with a Chinese-Canadian guy's forum avatar, and suddenly it's a problem??? Come on!
and things got very quiet on this site in the last couple years
Still waiting for part 3.2
Why is /pol/ declining so much? It's at 2015 levels of activity now.
Why only a warning?
>I hate Biden
>I want to suck Putins cock
>person cult is bad btw did you try the new Trump themed onahole
Repeat this for years, even /pol/cucks get bored.
What's the haps????
probably a joke warning
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something is happening right now anon
this brypink is nicely chasing you
Which boards aren't dying? Video games and lgbt?
So does anyone know why 4chan disallows archive.org snapshots but is fine with third-party archiving like Desu or 4plebs?
>but is fine with third-party archiving like Desu or 4plebs?
My guess is they can't stop them.
archive.org blocks 4chan, not the other way around
I thought there was an anti-web archive scraper for the site? Considering moot had everything to do with himself (e.g. personal blog and tumblr) excluded from archive.org too.
Local buyfag posts the wrong image
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very good, the more /pol/ declines the less influenece we'll see from it
you need to specifically request to be excluded from archive.org
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number go down number go down number go down fucking please number go down
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don't hold your collective breaths, 4chan's activity turns like 50% /pol/ every election season as you can see in the picture when it jumps to 500k posts per day at 2016 and 2020.
the only reason 2020-22 was much bigger was because it was near nonstop happenings, from the protests to the election to jan 6 to russia invading ukraine, but things are relatively quiet in the western world nowadays.
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oldie but goodie
>defaced HMOFA post
Here are some recent public bans that did NOT get reported in this thread:



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most logical post of the day
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FFXIV thread force archived with a canned mod message
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Video games? On MY /v/? Are you really so determined to get banned?
Generals are banned on /v/ and no amount of whining will change this, sorry charlie.
he's right and you're wrong
there are already three more threads up. jannies lost
I was just linking the post for reference since he didn't, i don't use /v/ or care about final fantasy
>>>/v/682523952 also got autosaged, but I'm not sure if it was a janny or because they used the word janny in the OP (does that still autosages your thread?)
/v/annies and mods have been quite active lately, it's surprising
/vt/, unfortunately.
they're very busy talking about how hard mori calliope can fart
I wish, at least it would be funny.
Instead, it's non-stop drama from small vtubers, or Nijisanji shooting itself in the foot again.
thread was autosaged but not automatically

mod nerk-outs aside, fino fanto threads have been treated pretty fairly (in general, not always) the past while and i like that something is happening with them at all, it was really rough before and immediately after expansion launch
kino: up
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>4k subs
not watching your self promo faggot
When are they going to take down the AI, Blue Archive, and Touhou generals, then?
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nobody cares about these
>blue archive
blue archive is protected by the jannymods
I've rarely see these around
Also because of covid tourists.
Why the fuck is Loona there? She's from some garbage web cartoon, not a video game.

gay furry hacker group tripfags and leaks disney files
is /co/ leaking more then /v/ now?
anything good in there?
My gym uses this smiley face on its signage.
>ETA: 24d 13h
What ever happened to the email field? It kind of just disappeared
did it even actually do anything
I thought it just got renamed into the Options field
Yes, it's still called email field in the HTML.
What really disappeared is the subject field in replies.
i still don't get why they removed that and the email field
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I wanna be a janny so bad bros, I can't be the only one waiting for the next janny drive..
I rarely look at /pol/ but every time I do 90% of posts read like AI wrote them and everyone talks past each other. Impossible place to discuss anything.
>Sayonara E-mail field, and delayed thread pruning
>Today we're making two noteworthy changes:
>1. The E-mail field has been replaced with Options. This field had mainly been used for posting options such as sage and dice-rolling. If a user wishes to provide contact information, they can do so in the Comment field.
><list of cucks> liked this
i do but i don't think they would let me in because I got falesly banned for making a pedo post on s4s a few months ago.
didn't you post this https://archive.4plebs.org/s4s/thread/11552440
I still think they only did that because retarded kids would let their browser autocomplete the email field.
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anyone else seen this ad? it leads to the most barebones textboard i've ever seen. no names, no timestamps, no images, no replying or post ids
Probably a schizo with money.
The mods definitely respond to reports on archived posts.
Not the first time I've pretended to be Notch on this shitsite.
New (old) way to mock someone being dramatic.


Just sing song at them "I'm a lonely little petunia in an onion patch"
they will exclude sites for wrongspeak, like what happened to the sharty
It's kind of a pyrrhic response, since you cannot get banned from an archived post anyways.
What makes you think so? Anyway, the interesting part is that they do get the reports.
>not 4reddit.org
Because 99.9% of the time /pol/ is just retards bot spamming. The board has only been interesting when something actually happens
Trust me, you can always get banned one way or another.
that's a lot of (You)s
Not a happening.
more like soijak.party
That's a lot of responses to such a mediocre post.
/trash/ happening: e621 decided to do a mass purge of all pornographic art featuring "human-like minors" AKA loli/shota because of "changes in the political and legal environment, both offline and online":
About 45k images were deleted with a lot of false positives, making this one of e621 biggest purges in history.
If you want to be a janny, you're not the right guy person for the job
the owner of that site is a drama queen who doesn't really understand the law
they keep doing stupid kneejerk reaction shit over and over
i don't even like furry shit but somehow this retard is known to me for being retarded so often
It's very hypocritical. If you look at it from a normal point of view, they deleted offensive content. But they still have a lot more there that's just as offensive, and they won't accept it because it's their kind of content. Retarded bitches
This is what they deserve for banning AIGODS from their website
Deduarchive: Planned maintenance will occur 7/13-7/14.
How regrettable. It was used to train the pony AI model.
/trash/hap died again
huge leak
>let's trust corpos with our data anyway
Why are people stupid?
I always found it weird that 4chan being a place with a lot of hatred against trans people has so much tranny porn on /gif/.
This is the 4CHAN happenings thread bud, not the world happenings thread. If you wanna post news articles not related to 4chan, go to >>>/news/
You know what I always found weird? Mentally ill faggots who castrate themselves and think it makes them a woman
The call is coming from inside the house, bud.

It's not a coincidence that a place in which you can freely and openly post fascist propaganda without being ridiculed is also filled to the fucking brim with shit that fetishizes trans people, black people, cocks, and everything else the idiots on here deem "degenerate"

It's pretty easy to look at the porn search trends. The most conservative backwater places in the country are overrepresented when it comes to consumption of degenerate filth. The nazis here fetishize all the things that they claim to hate and want to eliminate.

It's not trannies posting the trans porn, it's the transphobes. It's not the niggers posting the BBC shit, it's the racists. No one ruined the Nazi porn board except for the Nazis who frequent it.

>inb4 "fuck off tranny"
I'm a cis straight white guy, I just have a functioning brain capable of empathizing with other human beings.
Didn't get surgery
>T. FTM pre-op
I think it's mostly the Twitter/Discord troons that are annoying and have disgusting fetishes and are pedophiles that people rightfully hate.
>I always found it weird that 4chan being a place with a lot of hatred against <content> has so much <content> on <board>.
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You have to make peace with the fact that the personality crossover between a "FREE SPEECH BOARD, LEFTOID" frogposter and a teenaged "#sassy #nofilter" Tiktok and Instagram camwhore have quite a lot of personality overlap. They say lots of shit without actually saying anything and when there's any kind of real, serious scrutiny on them that isn't from a social media moderator, they're gonna distance themselves from their posts or even just pretend they never posted those things. It's just mouthbreathing.

Does this mean it's not really fucking annoying to see it day in day out on all boards and know in the back of your head that mods could have filtered it ten fucking years ago, no. Does it mean most of these posts and people are effectively chat-bots, yes.

Also like >>78140039 says the call is coming from inside the house, when you spend all fucking day making the same milquetoast I HATE TRANNIES I HATE TRANNIES I HATE TRANNIES posts you're already a chaser by at least one definition. It's just a small hop over to adding another definition and wanting to throat a Monster can sized girlcock. It's pretty damn regular for feverishly anti-gay legislators to be caught fleeing a gay orgy when the cops show up.
On /gif/ and /b/. It makes me wonder how active a /ts/ - Transgender Porn board would be.
hahah any examples of this actually happening though?
idgaf about Email field but why remove visible sage?
Visible sages were removed because people were using the feature as a downvote.
Yeah, after it was used like that for a decade. Fuck m00t.

Literally nobody cares.
Enshittification of 4chan was already well under way at that point and thronging hordes of new retards were beginning to use sages in that way. Was time for it to go.
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For me my weird thing is missing how forced anon looked
Heaven was cooler.
Ya but IDs on /b/ was a mistake
>hahah any examples of this actually happening though?
not necessarily the same thing, but wasn't there a journalist that went to /pol/ trying to false flag but they didn't realize the name field was optional and put their full name?
i remember thinking that was funny at first but now looking back knowing /pol/ it was probably someone trolling, i'd definitely do that for a journo i didn't like.
I've seen someone on /mlp/ mention that they did that, he wants to share his old posts but can't because he used his email with his full name in it. I also remember an old screencap of a kid doing this, his email was also his full name and people quickly found his facebook or youtube that showed he was like 13. i haven't seen it in ages and don't remember what he was trying to do, maybe troll or start a raid?
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So why did she fade out of relevance so quickly?
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people were more focused on anita sarkeesian who got signal boosted to talking to the UN about how gamers are terrorists because of gamergate, which other than doing that basically accomplished nothing.
hell even "gamergate 2" died without interest. gamers will never rise up. they will continue to accept the degradation of their hobby from all angles and even indie games are chock full of tranny and Ukraine flags and unskippable 20 second BLM warnings.
hell all the discussion of gacha games on /v/ and /vg/ should tell you all you know. gamers have no spine and will continue eating shit forever.
coordinated janny effort mostly but also she got coopted by reddit and twitter and there's a lot of general distaste for this weird effort to give /v/ a friendly/wholesome image
there's been some big wins for "gamergate 2"
Name 10. A steam group doesn't count.
Which ones?
I forgot that lol
You can now buy 4chan passus with credit cards now btw
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Her relevance was supposed to be, very literally, a cameo in a low budget indie game, which she got

Cripplechan and Reddit adopting her into an epic chungus Truth #ThirdEyeOpened mascot completely killed any native desire to keep using her as an alternative /v/-tan

Ko Takeuchi drew her tho so there's that
Big wins for Gamergate 2 like the attempt at a movement predicated entirely on one consultancy firm fizzling out because said consultancy firm shut the fuck up and didn't feed the fire. Now /v/ just tailspins and talks about the same Sweetbaby Inc. drama over and over again if it comes up and prays anybody thinks they aren't a fedora tipper for using "SBI"
Oh right and the /pol/ moves seemingly proving that a lot of "SBI" interest comes from the eastern bloc for some reason, lots of Polish and other Slav-adjacent flags. Those were the main ones bitching that it's a /v/ subject and not a /pol/ subject and they were litcherally being censored by being moved to another 4chan board
Thanks for the reminder bro, I wanted one for a while but I never wanted to contribute to buying shitcoins.
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everyone on 4chan likes passing trannies. this includes every single person using tranny as an insult here and constantly talking about how much they hate trannies. this applies to literally everyone on this website aside from me
Guy spends actual money advertising on 4chan for ethot. Unless it's her.
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Check out this cute cat
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I still get sad thinking about this broken promise
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parasocial ad spend...
its sad that he lost so much care in 4chan he couldn't even just make a short video saying "happy birthday" to his 20 year old website.
it's time to let go
By now moot has already transitioned and is probably an advocate for trans rights in Japan
>he believed into it
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>this is how nips see 4chan and its users
he moved on
some ugly stupid stormfronter trannies and foids hella triggered, seems something hit a nerve lately
maybe can't blame someone who isn't at all related to their own retardation and the resulting problems
>>78142529 its funny that you never can
Are there any happenings that happened recently?
i'm sorry, but literally who?
Also dr Ruth
All due to the vax.
>tons of midna banned
>tons of undertale shit banned
>tons of pokemon banned
Hilarious. I like how they try to specify 'Cub is okay guys!' then ban MIDNA if she looks 'too childlike'
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Yeah, that site is literally worthless now. You can also blame dumbass taggers who are functionally blind.
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You never watched your mom workout to his VHS tapes?

Or saw his cameo in cartoons?
How come the janny never gives me the cool red text but always gives it to the most annoying people possible?
Ironic grooming or unironic?
The suggestions are pretty good though.
The absoulte state of nu-4chan when someone making an obvious joke has to have some autist accuse it of being possible """grooming"""
Don't take it too seriously. Though that was the angle. Taking it too seriously.
Good idea, but the current owner would need to be willing to sell
>/pol/ buying the site
the only worse board to buy it would be fucking currentyear /b/
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Trump just got shot at a rally
If only. Fuck Trump.
shit edit, but i'm surprised some nut hasn't tried actually doing it yet other than one failure in 2016
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Happening in Progress.
It's not edited, I saw it happen on the news. It's really breaking. You can choose not to believe me but it'll be all over the place in an hour or so
will be suprised if it's real, that shit looks fake as fuck
oh shit it actually is real but that screenshot looks so fucking fake lmao
he was still alive?
holy shit
Apparently trump is alive. His ear is bleeding though so I imagine it grazed him
Why are straight pedos like this?
fucking god damn it shinzo abe can die at point blank with a misfired electric shotgun but trump just gets grazed
i wonder how many /pol/ anons who were just claiming trump is a zionist puppet are now singing his praises
OK you were right. He's fine though. Sadly.
News are saying somewhere between 8 to 11 shots were fired. How the FUCK do you miss that many shots on a stationary target???
This is literally like the Hitler assassination attempt.
10 politics threads just flew over my board!
dude must have fucking stormtrooper aim to fire 8 to 11 times and fail to do anything other than graze his ear without hitting anyone else
Trump has a dragon's AC, he didn't roll high enough.
Trump is a total looser, but I have to admit he's good with creating images and memes.
probably for the best, imagine how unbelievably violently deranged politics would get it he was actually assassinated
Did this actually elevate the post rate on /pol/?
/pol/'s currently at 201% activity
our timeline just diverged, did anybody else feel that?
not sure how, but i'm sure you had something to do with this

by a lot, yeah.
god only knows what power vacuum we just dodged.
221% reached
The curse of "nothing ever happens" saved him.
>all sub-5 minutes
>it's happening and nothing ever happens perfectly balanced
fuck this boring timeline
>182 threads per hour
What's /pol/'s max threads at the same time?
>HOLY SHIT IS HAPPENIN- never mind, happening cancelled
Every time.
whether he lives or dies it's a happening

How are they related?
Samir-eh-Hydeh strikes
Gender studies extremists, not even once...
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quick work
Quick cringe.
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Shut it, motherfucker.
>- a weab
>- a pedophile
Unironically based.
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trump getting shot saved /ptg/
>- a shill working for the JIDF
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Something finally happened
God, /pol/ is going to be more insufferable.
This year trump got arrested AND shot at. He is officially black
Is the happening OVER?
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The happenings have only just begun.
when's he dropping the Biden disstrack?
In other news, the Kids Choice Awards is happening right now
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Meanwhile, on /pol/
/Pol is a gaggle of paranoid homeless schizophrenics. That have rampant Truman Show delusions
I will say, I was worried for a minute about what would happen to Biden if he ordered this, but then I remembered, thank God, conservatives all agree the president has absolute criminal immunity when acting as his role as commander in chief.
go home fag
this is a thread for happenings not politics shitposting
that post was bait. copy pasted from a liberal twitter account.
Not a happening. Kill yourself

And I saw that one of his heads was, as it were, wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the beast.
archived.moe is down right now. does it mean anything?
mr. archive get down!
>they got desuarchive too
A storyboard artist posted a screencap of my post on her twitter, I feel violated
It means too many people are trying to look at the pol posts that are getting instantly deleted.
desuarchive had planned maintenance today
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Who is this sexy orb?
I need more context of this picture, no fucking way.
I want to believe. But where's the evidence this is an actual picture of the shooter?
several chromosomes short of a picnic
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Well keked my good sir

It's not him
if that's the shooter then who the fuck is the sunglasses guy wearing a black hat and jacket
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I'm glad I was here for a nothing burger, Will be glad when nothing happens in the next 5 years and when nothing is still happening in 10-20 years. 4chan will still be standing, the economy will be just as shitty and the culture war still going and just as annoying. And when I'm dead there will just as much nothing happening as today's nothing.
As the saying goes. Nothing. ever. happens.
A CN storyboarder and writer who worked on shows such as Adventure Time, Wander over Yonder, and Mighty Magisword has been arrested for ordering too many slices of pizza.
not him
If the perpetrator was unironically from /pol/, would that be the last straw?
Any proof of autojannybot9000 existing?
>/g/ meta thread was moved to /trash/ because mods refuse to unlock the actual meta board
Because of unpatched exploits.
4plebs is half broken for me
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Kikes and mossad puppets have just tried to raid /qa2/ from their hugbox, thankfully they were all filtered by Trumpflare in less than a minute. Goes to show that we're really unbeatable no matter how hard the kikes try to take us down, almost as if they're getting more desperate overtime and want everyone to sympathize with their cause so they try to take down the right wing because of our Aryan genes.
total trumpflare triumph
another kike down
how come there wasn't any agents on that roof?
goatse is filtered lol
Thumbnail swap? In 2024?
Must have divided by zero.
Now this is a true happening.
not really a happening but does anyone know what link moot was talking about here?
m00t lost.
..his penis after he transitioned.
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The Sharty has done extensive digging on Tamers12345 at the suggestion of an underage Mexican named Carlos, revealing to the world that Tamers is, in fact, gay and a furry. We expect big things out of their next investigation; rumors say they may be looking into the color of the sky.
fukuyamaist doomerism laundered as leftism via "nothing ever happens" posting.
>fukuyamaist doomerism
you never read fukuyama did you
>Gaia online
Original home of 90% of oldfags btw
>>>/pol/473939489 >>>/pol/473953480 >>>/pol/473957130

Shoutout to RapeApe
thank you! how the fuck did you get this though?
what the fuck
how many stickies are we getting bros, we're going to run out of actors
The two weeks have passed. The era of nothing ever happens is over.
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So this is what the weirdo's telling me YWNBAW look like?

My sides.
Is this what they call "pure cope"?
only in ohio bruhhh
Are there any news articles written about this yet?
>both have the same timestamp but different extensions
Both images were uploaded at the same millionth of a second. Neat.
I wonder if they'll even notice when Tamers just completely ignores this and keeps making kinos like nothing happened
>shitty facial hair, mongoloid genetics
>can't grow a real beard or groom himself
>faggot upside down pentagram necklace
>filthy room in both videos
>didn't follow the "it's ok to be white" playbook, wrote racist shit everywhere
>shitted up his city with horrible looking graffiti
>on probation for menacing and stalking a child, threatening to rape and kill them
>gets beaten up in his group home
>hospitalized for getting raped too hard
>lives with his grandma
>literally off his meds, family thinks he should be on meds
>posts about his crimes online and gets caught

the savior of the white race, everyone
Yes. There are two linked in the description, and more if you search his name. Or search grafiti/flyers and his location.

I don't think what he did was that serious, but he was out on bond for other crimes.
So they can fuck him over for it. They already got him to plea for other shit he did while holding it over his head.

It's kind of interesting, FOIAs take a long time. So they must have been planning this youtube video for a long time. Then the update at the end, they checked on him and he violated his probation.
Total idiot.
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Soon, nothing will happen again.
holly shit, it's the guy from this cringe video
Is that really him? It looks pretty close, impressive find if so
Browsing 4chan minutes after trump got shot, it's apparent how many shills that are here that are constantly trying to control the narrative. I watched live in real time as they constantly switched tactics. It was staged, he didn't actually get shot he used a piece of glass to cut himself like he was in the wwe, etc. I'm sure there was more but this is what I saw. They also constantly posted a bunch of different people, and still are accusing a different person for shooting at trump. Even though the shooters identity has already been released as a 20 year old named Thomas Crooks.
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Seems so. Compared to the body cam footage...
i remember my first happening
a random dude in the audience had his head pop'd
i recognize this guy from his ads
I recognize that name too, but for some reason I recall it being one of Sam Hyde's paypigs who "broke up" with him for some reason. I absorbed a lot of weird lore from the fishtank threads last year.
more leaks, this time /trash/
some unreleased DTVA projects

Darkwing leak >>>/co/144500612

pay more attention
Where can I see the case file? I want to see what he posted online.
This is like a real life nazijak.
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The absolute state of nazissies.
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How many screenshots do we have of the first posts on some boards?
how does this keep happening pol sisters? do you think he'll get buttraped?
bro that's just sad he looks fucking disabled
generally people who shoot other people are not mentally well
>inb4 staged, psyop, slide thread
>Disney League of Cute
Is this the secret hideout for the lolifaggots on /co/?
cringe kino
> Videos Watched: 1,813
>They / Them
spain vs england sticky >>>/sp/142736388

new happening thread time
loli is allowed on /trash/?

No, but they even have people dumping MAP edits and the mods not giving a shit.

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