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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting belong on >>>/trash/happenings.

Previous thread: >>79119937
>/trash/ap gets bumped
>/r9hap/ dies
>/r9hap/ gets bumped
>/trash/ap dies

it's just one dude keeping both threads bumped isn't it
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Our Eurobros have moved on. /hap/ is fading away
I hate euroniggers so much.
tell me how do I set an alarm for when hap is in page 10?
on mobile
>woke up
>saw the thread
>read the posts
>ignored the page
>it died
set a timer for 5 minutes and it will be on page 10. repeat every 5 minutes!
>posted 4 days ago
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Captcha getting a little hard
/v/ requiring captchas on reports again
happening: just farted
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>report thread for being off topic
>time pases
>check catalog later
>thread is now gone
feels good man.
Who is Eric on /v/? Is he real?
He's anyone who thinks a nintendo game is 7/10 instead of 11/10.
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what has been your favorite thread in the past few days and why?
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I'd show it you, but it got deleted.
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>Despite numerous conversations about it, the 4chan happening thread posters have failed to determine how to boost 4chan and make it less dead
What is the cause of this? Do you not care or do you have no ideas?
4chan doesn't need to be boosted, it needs to have a significant portion of it's users replaced or outright culled. The only way this will ever happen is through a change in administration, something the lowly happenings thread poster has no power over.
The /mlp/ anni thread was just unstickied after 13 days, they held out to watch the final episode of generation 5 premiere.
boosting 4chan is possibly the worst thing you could do to it at this point
>boost 4chan
No, and in fact I welcome the declining userbase. Whatever happened to "fuck off, we're full?"
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don't worry everyone, i'm planning on making a youtube channel where i use ai voices to read funny 4chan threads 5 times a day. new users will come flooding in no time!
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please don't leave me /hap/ I have abandonment issues
ay yo what the fuck, 8 character captchas now?
is it just me or the ai generals are dying? has the ai fad finally died?
activity seems to have taken a substantial hit with it turning out all the easily accessible AIs are digital caltrops
Dall-e dying off happened because of the Taylor incident because /aco/ had to generate Taylor Swift getting pissed on for reasons. Local models are slowly stagnating. Don't know about chatbots
chatbots are stagnating pretty similarly and 4chanoids finally started getting bored of typing "luddite" and "take your jobs" on endless repeat
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They turned up the captcha difficulty again.
not a happening but
anyone have any idea what this is about? this guy's reposted this same video over a dozen times, usually in muscle girl threads on /gif/. he says he's reposting it to be linked to on blue boards, but i have no clue why he would do that and can't find it linked to anywhere else.
Looks like some kind of tiered difficulty thing, pic rel is what I get with and without VPN. My auto solver still works with the first one, but the second one absolutely fucks it up.
*works with the second, first fucks it up
wtf is that thing real
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working as intended, probably. But it's dumb to try to fight it, this is like piracy in video games with Denuvo and all that shit.
picrel is my captcha as of now.
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For me? It's related.
Something seems different.
I think your computer is missing the monospace font
/pol/ looks like fucking r/worldnews today
it's full of JIDF israeli shills celebrating the death of some hamas guy, posting under every VPN flag under the sun trying to astroturf /pol/ into loving israel
hiring shill farms to post on 4chan and specially /pol/ is a genuine waste of money
I'd actually imagine that hiring people to post threads to sway public opinion is an incredibly good use of money and I would be shocked if it hasn't been happening regularly for years.
/pol/ is so paranoid and delusional the FBI complains it's hard to get agents unnoticed there
Bugs Bunny
Are the Elite 8 of Mr. /co/ 2024
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muppets being considered /co/ is always a funny to me. also, every time i see kermit i immediately remember pic rel
>anon forget about his potatoes
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>/biz/ gets antispam
>fucking dies
>/vg/ gets antispam
>literally nothing happens
>/biz/ is plagued by jeets that get new IPs every minute to samefag like crazy and pretend anybody cares about their shitcoins
>/vg/ is plagued by terminally online autists that never abandon the generals they use chatrooms and personal blogs
Then what will happen when anti-spam is enabled on /pol/?
mass meltdown from schizo paranoid poltards
posting rates go 200% up for an hour, then things return to normal but schizos have one more argument in their "4chan is a jewish psyop" schizo tirade
honestly not sure, on its face it'll be harder to do the roasty toasty shitty posty but (unfortunately) the population spread appears to be natural on /pol/ and not a result of mass samefagging a la /biz/ since /v/ swells can be seen on /pol/ dips and vice versa
>I'd actually imagine that hiring people to post threads to sway public opinion
public opinion in 2024 is swayed by optics, discouraging / shaming no longer works and visibility boosting is useless in a time when both primary sources (documents, photos, etc) and refutations of fake media / psyops quickly go viral.

it's just throwing money on the air. casuals who read these boards don't give a shit about the opinion of the posters, only about the news they bring. even complete saturation of a board will help little as they can't keep the "opposition" out in any meaningful way.
/cm/'s genshin impact threads have been total garbage for years due to a group self-admitted trannies that spam the exact same pics of female/r63/tranny versions of characters and low-quality tumblr/deviantart art while talking about mutilating the genitals of real little boys, and the braindead mods only encourage this behavior by doing absolutely nothing, because apparently checking one of the slowest boards in the entire site is too much work for their obesse asses.

Also page 7 bump I guess.
Positivity on the vidya.
Of course, luck is a factor of success in many domains, but with respect to indie game development, personally, I have literally -- and, yes, I mean literally -- never seen a good game fail. Bad games succeeding? Sure. Good games failing? Never. It's a common topic of conversation among game devs, and in so many years I have never seen a single example of a good game failing.
>Non-ASCII text is not allowed.
Really? I distinctly remember em dashes being permitted before.
Disagree. I think that since 4chan is largely a hive of counter culture, anti establishment, often alt right men ages 18-40, they would be an incredibly important demographic to sway. It's so incredibly easy to make a thread and maintain it, and the traffic of the site, /pol/ in particular is quite high. Paid shills could easily spin the truth, or tell the truth in a way that would sway public opinion. If they did it constantly, people would be influenced to some degree, making it worth it.
Anon, I know you think you're being smart by expressing a nuanced position, but trying to get /pol/ to admire da jooz is about as productive as trying to get crystal cafe to be pro-mens-rights or niggaz in space to take a hard stance against drugs.
A pointless endeavor is still an endeavor, but it doesn't make it any less pointless. The reason they're anti-establishment and countercultural is precisely because they cater to the opposition or the extremes on those topics. Reversing that sentiment would sooner kill the place and force an exodus into various more insular and preened comunities than change hearts and minds.
I never mentioned the Jews at all, or America specifically for that matter. If I had to guess, what's most likely happening is there's Russians posting anti Ukraine anti NATO anti Ukraine and American Idiocracy shit that makes people lose faith in their country/government (more than they should I mean). I guarantee you it happens on some level, not sure how often it what countries/viewpoints are being pushed but it's so fucking easy to do and can be done for next to no cost, there's zero chance this doesn't happen to some degree.
Anons, why are there people twitter/X user are moved to bluesky?
(that clone twitter alternative website)
>As per the company's updated Terms of Service (https://x.com/en/tos), users who post, submit, or display content on Twitter now automatically grant the platform a "worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display, upload, download, and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods now known or later developed, for any purpose."

>This license includes the right for Twitter to analyze the text and other information you provide and leverage it to enhance its services, including "for use with and training of our machine learning and artificial intelligence models, whether generative or another type."

>Moreover, Twitter reserves the right to make your content "available to other companies, organizations or individuals, including, for example, for improving the Services and the syndication, broadcast, distribution, repost, promotion or publication of such Content on other media and services," presumably suggesting that not only can Twitter itself use your artwork to train its AI models, but it can also share it with other developers who'd be willing to help the platform "improve the Services".
I see thanks reply
lol what a huge faggot
can't believe they think they're special for posting here
is this literally just a twitter microcelebrity? i've seen them being posted about on /g/ before and got them recommended to me on twitter but i have no clue why anyone gives a shit about them or why they felt the need to say they use this place.
huge downturn of Israeli posters, which is why it will never be implemented
>twitterfag reading 4cucks reading twitter screencap OP's
>read by happeningsfags reading all of it
One of the pokefucker threads on /vp/ literally has dudes discussing animal orgasms irl, how you can "probably" find bestiality videos on tor, and how they've fingered and fisted cats and horses irl. The mods have abandoned the board, moreso than usual.
>how you can "probably" find bestiality videos on tor
why do that when there's boorus and half a dozen legit clearnet sites?
>Disagree. I think that since 4chan is largely a hive of counter culture, anti establishment, often alt right men ages 18-40, they would be an incredibly important demographic to sway.
I'm not a psyops pro so I can't really find the words to properly explain the basics, but I know you can't "sway" opinions. People generally have their opinions pre-formed by life experience / impact of first impression. Most people who touch /pol/ already have their first impression long ago

>alt right age
dead since 2017, tops. drumpf destroyed that movement.
If you didn't report it you're the problem not the jannies
this >>79164578
link the thread so we can report it/the jannies lurking can delete it
/hap/ really is basically just reddit, huh?
Seems to be this one >>>/vp/56688197 ; there are about 4 or 5 similar threads catering to different niches that popped up over the last few days. I doubt they'll last long.

The conversation starts at around >>>/vp/56691099 and continues for a few hours. This kind of stuff seems inevitable for those types of threads, with how often HMoFAgs post about how "tons of animals see humans as more valuable mates and try to mate with zookeepers," or however they usually put it.
reported, thanks for the link.
uh oh
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based, unfathomably so
If any board is going to have a meltdown over this, it's /pol/.
I got a 5 minutes captcha timer on int

this is likely gonna be implemented site wide.
didn't this used to be a qa thread
what happened to that board anyways

one day it just disappeared

isn't the best way to get over them is by getting abandoned
>mods would rather do this than increase the awfully low thread/reply timers on /pol/
One of the main reasons /pol/ is stupidly fast is because it has the same timers /b/ and /trash/ do (5 minutes between theeads and 30 seconds between replies). Putting the timers at /v/'s level (60s per reply and I think 15m per thread) would slow things down a lot.
People are going to fucking FREAK. Passbros stay winning.
/pol/ has yet to notice or care. Mods are deleting threads that pop up about it pretty quickly, but I'm not seeing people talk about it in other threads either.
based based based now raise the wait timer
timers have never stopped anything other than yhe lowest gorilla retard spam. u r delulu
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>didn't this used to be a qa thread
it was spammed for several years by /jp/ spin off HF autists. They used spambots with markov posts and a lot of crazy shit, they thought they board was their "right". crazy dudes

Then basedjak posting imploded and the sharty decided /qa/ was "theirs", and unlike the spin off fags these guys numbered in the hundreds. instead of moderating the sperg battleground they just froze the board, leaving only /hap/ because it was unironically the only thing close to an honest thread on /qa/.
At least 43 threads were made in the time between this mod post was made and the first thread acknowledging it
And of course amerinigger soitrannies are among the first to complain about itv >>>/pol/485226936
It's not even that bad.
I was absolutely against the email verification. But, there is only a timer now.
I mean, obviously everyone wasn't ok with the email verification. It almost killed /biz/.

But people are going to freak because MUH data collection MUH glowwies, even though 4channel dot net still has the same amount of information as before.
So Kamala and her Marxists are censoring 4chan more.
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>filters out the shills
>leaves the terminally online schizos
implement this on /k/ if they want real results.
Who's next to get the anti-spam? /mu/? /v/? /g/? /int/?
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/nah/, just a bumo, but

>enter a dbz thread on /v/
>expect it to be screaming beaners
>it's actually mostly sensible and tlking about gameplay, machups and findings, with some light shitposting and references

>enter an anime OP thread on /v/
>expect it to be mostly discussion
>it's actually just an ecchi softcore porndump

Remember kids, judge not by the content of an image, but by the quality of an on's post.
- quote, Martin Luther King Emperor Jr. Jr. (probably)

I'd attribute it more to the surrounding board; similar to how the /trash/ years had tourist furfags and degenerates, /r9k/ is an extremely normalfag board in recent times and a shadow of it's wizhchan heritage.
The only place we truly belong is the promised land of /qa/. Even if it's for one day a year.
/b/ or /v/
/mu/ but the kpop general slowed down since the janitor heavily restricted underage idol posting
>enter an anime OP thread on /v/
>expect it to be mostly discussion
>it's actually just an ecchi softcore porndump
You can't honestly expect weebshit to be good.
>and a shadow of it's wizhchan heritage.
reminder incels were foreign invaders
damn i didn't realize /biz/ still hasn't recovered
anime website founded to discuss japanese culture which is anime
this is the detail nobody talks about
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ron baul ride agen :DDDDD
>/r9k/ wizchan heritage
Fuck off holy shit. /r9k/ used to be a more refined and dignified /b/. When the board started turning into green texts and tfw no gf, moot axed it.
It's nothing, it's the same as /vg/. Not like /biz/
i think people overstate the filter on biz, the real thing that killed the board was the crypto hype dying with the second crash.
The irony being the thing that killed /r9k/ 2.0 was the turbo normalfagging that spawned /soc/
True but lacking the 15m buffer allowance is pretty huge.
/v/ & /tv/ 100%
refute this (you won't because you can't)
I'm getting muted because of "unoriginal comments" lol

4chan dood, wat nou?
KF isn't sending their best, folks...
so, mods censoring the discussion of the change pretty much killed the meltdown that most people of happenings predicted woulf happen, right?
Also, the verification not required text has shrank, somehow.
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got this funky captcha
hmm... sounds like there is an even more general category of thing you don't like. i will not use my language/lifeworld to engage with it to the point i lose control of it thoughever
Thank God for /qa2/.
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So true, keyed, sneeded, based, schwayed.

We're making the leagues, and it's going to be epic. The last hope for freedom will rise again.
why implement it now instead of on election day?
why the fuck would they implement it on election day? how could that ever possibly be a good idea?
Kek, it's kino!

>Verification not required.
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So are there any real downsides to this? i don't like it on principal, it feels weird and like a step in a bad direction when you have to have this kind of verification before posting normally, but it at least appears to not be too intrusive, it seems like the best way I'm aware of to solve the picrel problem. Could be a step in the right direction.
japanese culture is /jp/ and moot himself said /jp/ is the best board, and your poorly drawn coomshit is not /jp/. take it easy.
filter on /k/ would end war threads within the hour.
I think jannies should lay off on banning just for now, and see how this plays out, then if things are still shit go scorched Earth breifly on garbage posts, than see how things play out. I think the approach should be experimental.
>basedjak posting imploded and the sharty decided /qa/ was "theirs" ... instead of moderating the sperg battleground
People forget that mods gave the wojak teens stickies and other special treatment. It wasn't a "battleground", it was a nurtured wojak board that was only frozen after they stopped attacking other imageboards and instead tried to wipe out other 4chan boards. 4chan would still have the wojak ragecomic board today if they stuck to wiping out other imageboards instead of 4chan. It's all fun and games to the mods when they wipe out the "competition" (calling the 1 post per day boards competition is a stretch) like a special retard army, but less so when it adds to their own workload.
the death of /pol/, just a week away
Total phonefaggot death.
i thought it would give people/groups less time to find workarounds but i forgot implementing early also means selling more 4chan pass
imo it's just codifying LURK MOAR into actual enforceable law
>wojak ragecomic board
Calling bullshit here. it was a spin off board first marred with random /deletepol/ threads and complains about threads people didn't like for it's entire existence, with the occasional metadiscussion thread trying to eke out a meager existence betweena all the retards.

Basedfags only arrived a couple months before the board got frozen and spammed it to death. If there were stickies, it was because the mods had no idea they were off-site invaders.

>ly frozen after they stopped attacking other imageboards and instead tried to wipe out other 4chan boards
yeah this is what i'm saying. Mods straight up had no idea sharty existed.
i forgot the link to niggaz in space
wasn't it nigger?
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