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Nude only, no fatties, bonus for thin w/big tis
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This an IRL Aryan?
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Elektra Rose
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Blast from the past - Nikki Dial

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Tiered of all these boomerlennials and their bloated up hag wives, let's get some high quality Gen Z women up in here fr fr.
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Hmm, might just be the lighting and angle
Bitch has a reptilian face, someone send this to Alex Jones for confirmation.
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>and their bloated up hag wives
>does nothing but post overweight 24+ year old zoomers
what did OP mean by this
>Heh funny, by far best pic here and maybe only ones who really are 10/10 and not a single comment about them
Because that photo is highly edited

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Preferably oblivious/unaware or without anything else underneath
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dud relax its jst pussy
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Fucking sexy cunt
Is this Taylor F?
cool gay ass story

jumping on the bandwagon here, but dont complain about sexy pussy on the pussy thread

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bumper stickers on a Ferrari
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Ok Virgin.... do us all a favor and go join the Russian front line.
Goddamn,...who is this?

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i like women who look like no other

also a big fan of the look of the bulk of the pictures im going to post
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Whom, she’s got that Venusian phenotype
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g-peaches on reddit
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this has given diahhrea
Got any more? Couldn't find anything else after scouring the web

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Post images of visibly naked chicks, but have the naughty parts hidden and not visible
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Who do these women actually fuck? Is it just oil shieks or some shit.

I don't even know where to begin with your assumptions.
I wasn't aggressive, merely stated that i "hate this type of bullshit". Maybe i should have said i "dislike this (type of) nonsense" instead? Also, where I'm from, people incorporate explicit language into their daily speech to emphasize certain points; it has nothing to do with "aggression".
>sexual focus
We're on an imageboard dedicated to porn, Sherlock. Everyone who is here has a focus that is sexually related to some degree, not least of all the WOMEN who have, y'know, gotten their physical features cosmetically enhanced in order to maximize sex appeal.
>aversion to stagnancy/attraction to risk
Not even sure where you got this. Though not necessarily proud to do so, i nevertheless don't mind admitting my lifestyle is pretty risk-free, nor do i have any secret desire to change this.

In your short post, you have displayed a very surface level perspective and reduced both genders to attributes shared by both and exclusive to neither, as well as ignoring the essence of my initial post and subsequent reply in favor of personal sanctimony.

If you find wonder in everyday tasks then good for you, but i am not merely "falling for the meme"; it goes back further than that and i refuse to deny my desire exists just because it is physically impossible.

Desiring something, or in this case the desire to BE something, if easily obtained is not an issue. You simply obtain or become the thing you desire and move on, there is no reason for it to be an issue of debate or source of anguish. Only when that same thing is out of reach does it become as such and, in instances where, over a long enough period of time the desire remains unfulfilled does the seeker settle for an approximation or where this, too, is impossible and convince themselves that they never wanted it in the first place.
>where this, too, is impossible a̶n̶d̶, convince themselves that they never wanted it in the first place.
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I'll write a short story and then I'll give you the respect to live your womanly dreams.

I have been surrounded by strong, independent, women my entire life... military, martial artists, athletes, and high ranking professionals. If ever there were role models for super heroines, these were them. And yet, I always felt a disconnect. After having a wife and two daughters whom I encouraged to be everything they could be, I had a son, and the instinctual differences between the sexes hit me like a sledge hammer.

I had a co-worker who transitioned from male to female. I did everything to respect this person's identity and treated them like a female. But I'll tell you this: at lunch time, when this person spoke, all the women in the company got up and left, and all the men came and listened. Something about how they spoke and thought was just not... feminine.

Go read both brain books by Louann Brizendine. They aren't perfect, but they might be able to better explain than I can. While you're at it, read: Tits Up, by Sarah Thornton. This whole "You Will Never Be A Woman" thing runs deeper than modern society is willing to acknowledge.

Having written all that; be well Anon. If you truly want to be a woman, I wish you luck and success. I'll be rootin' for your big, bouncing, bimbo, boobs when you get back after surgery. But more importantly, I wish you happiness. Fuck... we all need some of that in this crazy world
Unfortunately, I don't. It was a thread of literally just her tits

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Last one, hope you enjoyed

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Fit nude women with pale complexions, and soft translucent looking skin. Borderline anemic.
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>nooooooooo you have to jerk off to my ugly old hairy wife with her saggy tits and stretch marks
>you can't just enjoy an idealistic version of women fantasy is sin, your mind is ruined
Why are you like this? Are you ashamed that you married an ugly bitch or just a faggot who knows he can't get attractive women so he's trying to convince everyone else that ugly girls are actually hot?
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NIGGA HUH? Real the thread title dipshit
OP here.
what the fuck is this shit.

Post hot Japanese girls (as in, they look like they're sweating). Cooling off by swimming on a summer day may also be acceptable.

But anyway it should look like they might be sweating
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Dat sheen
These are just Calvin Klein ads but still I've jerked to them many times
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What does she smell like
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Continue Japanese in leotards and swimsuits

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What's her fucking name
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It's in the filename and the bottom right: Asianbunnyx

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Finnish pornstar slut

Apparently not visible outside Finland/Estonia, etc. Rats.
got more of this girl? She's fucking hot. Especially with the stockings

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Time for a thread for any and all appreciators
I'm leaning more on the older side of users on this site, but glad enough to have always been very forum savvy. Never went on boob cruise, but I was going to clubs and roadhouses when this was in its prime back in 97!
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