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Post hot girls with big tits.

Don't come in here complaining about what's posted without an image that you think is better.

Don't come begging for sauce empty handed either
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Visibly wet pussy. Either soaked panties, dripping, obviously wet pussy.

Preferably moms or mature, but any will do.
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Such a cutie
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Her hair is bleached. It's black originally
LOL exposed
I just hate fake blonde women
my 10 year old nephew (male) paints his hair blonde...

I don't know what to do with this information

A thread to celebrate women of exceptional height. A timeless, aristocratic elegance not afforded to short, petite, little, stubby females.

Preferably over 6'0, alone or in group, height comparison permitted, clothed or naked, full body or could be face in case the woman is famous, candid or not, references in media (TV, film, historical), videos too! Please no edits or morphs, only real pictures. No men. Mention height if possible.

Feel free to tell real stories.

To search for pics/videos you can use tumbex.com (tumblr mirror), old.reddit.com (old reddit interface), picuki.com (instagram mirror), urlebird.com (tiktok mirror), deviantart, pinterest.
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Inked titties
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I hope she rejects her prolapse anus
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Who ordered the burgers well done?
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Too hot for her own good.
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Pt1 >>22129780
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the only redeeming feature of tattooed whores is that they most likely take it in the ass and enjoy a good throat fucking.
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u/brooklynxxxrey on reddit
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Much obliged.

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tanlines / sun tan thread
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it is indeed very considerate of him to make room for the almighty bbc in the year of our lord, 2025
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When I look at these photos all I can feel is a sense of loss at all the leathery skin and premature aging these women are causing themselves.
What an ugly jew

Police check point, we're gonna need to see your two most recently saved board appropriate pictures before you can move on
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Sexy girls, letting loose, and showing it pure. Nude, partying, what you like. Bonus points for 8k res. and satisfied faces
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Enjoying the beats and Letting it all hand out...
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Shit...Daddy WALKED IN....
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That smile...she knows what shes doing...
Awful thread, don't post again retarded Indian
Actually mexican...meh...close enough, yeah its not the best thread, and a difficult theme,

the vids from that mexican show on Amazon

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Feels like it's been a while since we had one of these.
Scarves, blankets and whatever other soft stuff also welcome - let's celebrate girls that look as cute and comfy as possible.
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Hottest feet position ever
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Based af anon. Do you know where to find videos with that style?
same, the width and wrinkles here are 10/10, natural nails too which is always best
wish i could have name

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>hand holding
Maria Ryubushkina did escorting back in her days. How much I regret at not having pursued her when she was traveling in Europe.
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This is a continuation of my personal favs thread here >>22113735

I have a lot of Zishy favs, so I'm dedicating this thread to them.

Feel free to post your own Zishy or similar pics
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Gabbie's maternal grandfather or great-grandfather was literally black, apparently he was an esteemed pilot in WW2 or some shit like that. She's a quadroon or octaroon herself, she just passes as white.
Don't look up Skye Blue today, she has literally resorted to fucking trannies to pay her bills.

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Post photos of sexy women you regularly fap to
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Do you guys normally fap to only one picture? I tend to cycle through a bunch. Not sure what's more normal.
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Liz Ashley has been draining me since my teenage years. She's 42 now and still has me fapping to her. Fucking goddess owns my cock.

I tend to cycle, but I have the favorite ones to nut to. Also Melisa Mendini is one of my all time favorites.
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She was a little flattered, but she kinda figured it. We used to work together, she knew I wanted her back then but she bounced from one guy to another constantly and I just never got my chance
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Yua Mikami
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Been cumming to this webslut a few years now

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